
Social Security Very cold GllRO Possible snow. Lows near 10. 10A The Register Complete forecast pfi 2*.

Vol. 108 No. 108 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SINCE 1878 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1985 25 CENT?; THURSDAY Nation opens heart for Christmas LOCAL the West planned to search toe night sky for be allowed to make telephone calls to loved boys' club. HMMntMM the celestial light known as Halley's comet. ones anywhere in the world. "It isn't so bad, and Lord knows, this is Christmas gifts The Associated Press A white Christmas was forecast for New In addition, the Committee for a New certainly going to help out," saiii Mrs. Shopping baga full of groceries, not Jones, a mother of three. "It's going to Shoppers at the Eatontown mall England, the Ohio Valley and Great Lakes, Tradition, an organization of New York sugarplums, were on the minds of hundreds Stock Exchange brokers, traders and back- make Christmas feel like Christmas, at made one last pitch to Santa for and the western Dakotas, but warm, of needy who lined up in Chicago's bitter office personnel, raised 1115,000 to provide least for tonight." Christmas wishes yesterday, while easterly winds will keep sunny, Southern cold for a Christmas Eve food giveaway, California in unseasonable 80-degree more than 1,700 dinners for needy and Inside, the non-denominational minister one Little Silver husband found a gift while thousands of travelers at Western temperatures. homeless families. directed volunteers loading shopping bags his wife Is sure to open every day for airports waited out a thick fog that even a Although stock markets on Wall Street In Chicago, Mary Jones was the first to with loaves of bread, chickens or turkeys, quite some time. red-nosed reindeer couldn't penetrate. will be closed for Christmas, there was work line up yesterday in H-degree temperatures canned goods and celery, baking mixes for 3A Fanners were keeping a vigil at the state to be done by the financial community. and a biting wind off Lake Michigan that cornbread, a box of cookies and a six-ciack Capitol In Wisconsin to protest farm Merrill Lynch & Co. invited 1,200 elderly made it feel like 22 below zero for a bag of of soda. NATION foreclosures, and some wise astronomers in people to its headquarters, where they will groceries given out by the Rev. Paul Hall's See CHRISTMAS, Page 2/t Mall crash A private plane trying to land in heavy fog slammed into the roof of a mall in Foster mo mi Concord, Calif., spewing flames and debris into an area crowded with youngsters waiting to see Santa Claus. found guilty 7A STATE Hospital shoot-out in tot's death A hospital technician shoots and seriously injures his former girlfriend •t LISA n mutt before shooting himself to death The Register during an argument at St. Barnabas FREEHOLD - A Superior Court jury Medical Center in Livingston. yesterday found Susie Hollow ay guilty of manslaughter in the death of her 2-year-old foster daughter Rosa Swain, t>ut found her BUSINESS ^ husband Herbert guilty only of ei idtingering the welfare of the child. Tax advice The jury of eight men andi four women The Newsletter, a publication of deliberated nearly 28 hours ovev three days Fenner-Willingham Financial Inc. in before reaching a verdict, reje< ;ting claims by Orlando, Fla., advises taxpayers to the state that the Neptune coupl e were guilty of take as many deductions as possible murder or aggravated manslav ighter. this year because congressional tax In addition to manslaughter, the Jury found reform proposals would eliminate Mrs. Holloway, 3S, guilty of d tild abuse, child many next year. cruelty and endangering the »relfare of Rota. She wm-found not guilty of • =hild cruelty and tnduueriaf MM —III—1 of MOM • mtm. TfFESTYLE DREAMING Of A WHITE CHHI8TMA8? - Friday temperature. Even ttm ducks on this Rumson Road pond AttOer Bartpir. night's light snow may just have been nature's way of in Rumson may have to take shelter as today's expected The jury found Holloway, 12, Innocent of all In search of... teasing us with hopes for a white Christmas. The forecast low will be near 10 degrees. charges, except for endangeri ng the welfare of THE REGISTER/IRA MARK OOSTIN Rosa. If the Three Wise Men were to appear calls for possible flurries with a severe drop in See H0LL0WAYS, P age 9A in 1985, who would they be? To find the answer to the unanswerable, The Register polled various Monmouth County movers and shakers and got some unexpected answers. Red Bank church to welcome 'street people,' elderly 15A SPORTS VanderHey, pastor of the First Baptist Church. sponsor the holiday feast. Last year, approximately 80 HWIM VanderHey said the church will welcome "street people attended the dinner, and VandeirHey said he hopes people," residents of rooming houses, shut-ins who the turnout will be higher this year. The Register The idea to hold the holiday feast ar ose out of a void in RED BANK - After making it through the frantic last- otherwise would spend the holidays without any compa- nionship, and elderly people who are unable to venture from the community's charitable efforts d in a far comer of the room I WAS GOOD ALL YEAR, SANTAI — Christopher DeAlmeiva, 5, of Colts There weren't too many patients in the number has been selected in the Neck, paid a Christmas Eve vist to Santa Claus at Monmouth Mall yesterday. where, last October, the same children had pediatric ward yesterday, but Mariner left put up Htilloween decorations. Register's Social Security contest. Hundreds ot kids (and some adults) gave the man in red last-minute gift ideas a Cabbage Patch Doll for a seven-year-old "If you look over there, you can still see undergoing surgery and paid a visit to before he took off on his holiday journey some time last night. For more a little piece of orange crepe paper," she Christmas stories and photos, see page 3A. Andrea Lombardo, 2'a. Middletown. LOTTERY "Have you been a good girl?" he asked See HOSPITAL, Page 2A The winning numbers in the New Jersey state lotteries appear on Action Front Page Reader Your business will do more busi- RNs. GN's. LPNs. Aides Ex- Bahrs Salutes W. Long Branch get fast results. Attract 68,000 ness in our Business Directory in plore the opportunities. See the 25% off dinner to town residents 2A readers with your adds. today's classified section Nursing Medical Directory in this week, Mon.-Fri. 872-1245 today's Classified section 2A The Register WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 25, 1985 Christmas Hospital PEOPLE Moonlight will prevent good views Continued from Page 1A >f Halley's comet, although people in Continued from Page 1A husband, Thomas, were coming for "The economy may be up, but we cry dark Northern Hemisphere said, smiling. a dinner of homemade lasagne and don't see that down here," said Hall, reas might see it through Later, some friends were to stop soap today, bat "when we're having which Is stocked with 8,000 toys. who has enough food to distribute to linoculars about an hour after it we don't know rat," Thomas said, He filled two full shopping carts by. Until then, there wasn't much up to 10,000 people. unset, before the moon rises, by else to do except watch television. smiling good-naturedly. with five Transformer toys, four G.I. Fog shrouded airports in Seattle, coking high in the southern sky to Pam Rossano, R.N., said Davis Joes, a skateboard and a a Huffy Reno, Nev , and Missoula, Mont., he right of the constellation Over in the maternity ward, there might get to go home today if she BMX bicycle. Chad then gave one of yesterday, forcing thousands of 'egasus. was one very Impatient mother and delivered soon enough. his new Transformer toys to his 8- travelers to take buses, rent can or another very happy one. A few doors down, Jo Ann DiMat- year-old brother, Brian. Carol Harsh, her daughter Janet, just sit and wait. 11, and about a dozen other (arm . Leona Davis, Rumson, was hoping tao, tS, a lab technician from Chad spent the weekend compiling Fog cleared momentarily at Seat- protesters were settling down in she still wouldn't be here today. The Middletown, was aU smiles aa she a list of the kind of toys he wanted tle-Tacoma International Airport their sleeping bags to a long winter's 33-year-old homemaker said she'd spoke of her newborn, Lauren, who and then visited the store to find out late yesterday morning, but instru- nap on the floor of the Capitol in had everything well-organized for was in the nursery. Her husband, where everything was. His jaw ments showed it rolling in right away Madison, Wis. They were staging a Christmas dinner, right down to the John, was on his way back with dropped momentarily when a disc again from the north, and the peaceful demonstration through dress-up clothes for her children, daughter Natalie. IVi, and her jockey joked that store officials had number of flights in and out re- Christmas to try to get a mora- Christina, m, and Brian, 4Vi, when parent! who'd come down from switched all the toys since his mained far below the normal of (SO. torium on farm foreclosures. the contractions started. Now they'd Brooklyn — as it turned out, for two Saturday visit. Instead of wise men watching the While many will be eating turkey stopped and there was no telling how kinds of celebration. He was cheered on by his father, Star of Bethlehem in the east, for Christmas, "we are going to be long the baby's arrival would take. Gene, brother and other family scientists atop Mount Hopkins near having bologna sandwiches," said DIMatteo had given birth that members as time was called out in rucson, Ariz., on Christmas night Mrs. Harsh, a farmwife from Mon- "Everything has been ready," morning, and said Natalie wouldn't 30-second intervals. will be looking to the west for dovi. Davis said, frowning. "My cookies mind not having her mother home "I had guessed he would get 1100 ^alley's comet, said Susan Wyckoff. President Reagan ordered the have been baked, my shopping has for Christmas. or $200 worth of toys, but not more in astronomer at the University of lights on the National Christmas been done. I'm just here waiting, "She'll probably love it, because than 1300, not that much," the elder \rizona. Tree dimmed in honor of Americans now." she always wanted a slater. She'll Pierce said. Wyckoff and UA astronomer John held hostage in Lebanon. The parents of Davis and her have a nice Christmas." Hack plan to observe the comet He said in a letter to families of Santa can't condemn hrough the powerful Multiple Mir the hostages: "You have my solemn -or Telescope to study light emitted vow that we will not rest until all the ADVERTISEMENT ADVEKTIMMtNl Steven Spielberg COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) — The man in the white beard ram vapors boiling off the comet's members of our American families told El Paso County District Judge ce-and-dust core, or nucleus, to now being held hostage are returned c Matt Railey that he couldn't be on letermine its carbon content. home to their loved ones." filming holiday spirit jury duty because he had a few Dental Hcaltti commitments in the days ahead. WASHINGTON (AP) - Film- Among his duties, Eugene Ball IMPROVING YOUR APPEARANCE maker Steven Spielberg, best known told the judge, were parties for Red Bank for his special effects wizardry in handicapped children, where he If you would like to improve the such movies as "Young Sherlock portrays Santa Claus without the aid Continued from Page 1A his followers hope and expect — appearance of your teeth and imile, Hoi tries'' and "E.T., The Extrater- of a false beard. The cooperative relationship be- changes and improvements will ask your dentist if be would rec- may have to be redone after several 1 tween the church and Lunch Break ommend the laminate veneer lech- years' wear. However, It is also less restrial,' wants to make a film Railey. not wanting to take the probably continue to be made. lasts throughout the year, Van- nique to mask any chipi, gaps, dis- expensive than more permanent res- base d on a 13-year-old boy's effort to role of Scrooge, consulted with For example, last year's dinner coloration!, and other Imperfections torations. help Philadelphia's homeless, the attorneys selecting the panel. derHey noted, as the First Baptist was served at 4 p.m. But the church in your teeth. Your smile can be in Church is one of the many houses of youth s hither said. "I can't bear the thought of found that many of the people that asset when your teeth and gums are If you are bothered by imperfections Tht I filn) would focus on "one little worship in the Red Bank area that it was trying to help were either healthy and shaped to show you off at In your teeth and would like to have depriving 200 handicapped children your best Imperfections In the shape them treated, discuss the problem boy's experience with street of Santa Claus," Railey said last help staff the soup kitchen. unable, or too frightened, to venture out into the dark. So the feast was and condition of teeth, however, can with your dentist. people" Frank Ferrell, of suburban week. "And if we keep you here, who As the Christmas meal goes on to make you self-conscious as well as Gladwyne, Pa. said Monday. Fer- knows what we'll get for become an annual tradition in the moved up a few hours to accommo- detract from your general appear- rell's s on, Trevor, began taking food Christmas." years to come — as VanderHey and date everyone. ance. A public service, with the sun ol promot and bl. inke ts to the homeless after Many of the guests will assemble IM • better total health environment The laminate veneer technique in- from the offices of NORMAN I. seeing a TV news report on their Home for holidays? at Lunch Break's temporary home at volve* repairing and reshaping dam- MARGOUES. D.M.D.,W Maple Avow. plight in December 1983. He at- the Celestial Lodge of the Free and aged tooth surfaces and applying a Red Bank Phone MH» I wtt Is so- tracted enough attention and funds How will celebrities spend AIDS inmates Associated Masons on Bergen Place. thin shell of tooth-colored veneers counie my readers to write or pass* DM to open a 33-room home for the Christmas this year? Bob Hope, who VanderHey said they should be there through a chemical bonding process to dbcMS tm denial problems jra nay bi needy spent 42 Christmases abroad enter- by 1 p.m. They will be picked up at This procedure is not as long-lasting havteif I will be ilad to im* sod adVt* you w!ujo.t oNlfsUon "Mr. Spielberg has talked to taining members of the armed the lodge, and then dropped off at as crowning a damaged tooth and Trevor alxmt it. They said they hope forces, will play a round of golf after released to their homes, VanderHey said. to film in Philadelphia this winter dinner at his Palm Springs, Calif., while tht • snow is still on the home. Joan Collins will be skiing ground.'' Ferrell said. with her husband of two months, Mother Teresa Spielberg <*as not available for Peter Holm, in Mammoth, Calif. comment, said an employee at his Peter Fonda, fresh from finishing a •» NMC HUMECT California production company, movie in Paris, will try to dig his The Associated Press Amblin Entertainment, way through to his snowbound Mon- tana home. Rich Little will be ALBANY, NY. (AP) - Gov. lih surfing off his Hawaiian digs. Robert Mario Cuomo, acting on a Christmas Stack will water-ski in the Bahamas. Eve plea from Mother Teresa, THE JOY OF GIVING DES MOIN'ES, Iowa (AP) - David Carradine will be moving into released yesterday three prison in- Those who ever wondered what it's the former Los Angeles home of mates with AIDS into the care of the like to let a 10- year-old boy loose in Marlon Brando. And Glenn Ford will Nobel Peace Prize winner. They can be comical, a toy store found out Monday attend a festival of his films in Bad The inmates, all serving time at sentimental, thoughtful or unique. Chad Pierce "went for the high- Gastein, Austria. Sing Sing state prison on robbery ticket stuff" ar id grabbed $367 77 in convictions, were transferred to St. 1 minute and 3! "> seconds as part of Entertaining gift idea Clare's Hospital in New York City, Staff reporter Jan Marie Werblin a radio station contest, said Dick said state Corrections Commissioner speaks to area residents to find Pitts, manager of the toy store. Danny Kaye, who's had a lifelong Thomas Coughlin "I got everyth ling I wanted,'' said love affair with the world's children, The three were granted medical out what their most memorable Chad, huffing ar id puffing after his talked Paramount Home Video into furloughs after Cuomo spoke twice Christinas gifts have been. spree sending copies of its "White by telephone yesterday with Mother The Des Moiru 'S boy was selected Christmas" video to the nation's Teresa, said gubernatorial spokes- from hundreds of other contestants children's hospitals. Kaye made the man Gary Fryer. Turn to Thursday's Lifestyle by KRNT to shop for free during the film with Bing Crosby and Rosemary Mother Teresa, a Roman Catholic 95 seconds at the Toys Plus store, Clooney in 1954. nun who has earned worldwide Section for the story. praise for her work with the poor in India, visited Sing Sing on Monday and met the three inmates. "Based upon humanitarian and compassionate considerations, I Oil spill drifts toward agreed with Mother Teresa's re- quest," said Cuomo. "She visited the inmates. She wanted to care for them. These three inmates want to The Register sensitive wildlife area be in her care." DAILY C SUNDAV Aides to Cuomo and Coughlin said The removal of oil floating in the they expected the three inmates PORT ANGELES Wash. (AP) - Strait of Juan de Fuca, which likely would die while under the care Splotches of oil from a 21-mile slick connects the Pacific with Puget of Mother Teresa. in waters near the Pacific drifted Sound, was nearly finished yester- The three inmates, all living in into a sensitive wildlife area yester- day, but it will be at least a week New York City at the time of their day and threatened to invade oyster arrests, were identified as: beds and crab-feeding areas. before beaches on the Olympic Peninsula are cleaned up, said —Antonio Rivera, 36, serving a 2Vi Swirling waters carried some of officials of Atlantic Richfield Co. to 5 year sentence. He was described the 109.200 gallons spilled Saturday as "incontinent and slightly in- by the tanker ARCO A nchorage onto Because of strong currents in the After-Christmas Sale coherent." He was listed in critical the beaches of Dungeiness National area near Dungeness Spit. 15 miles east of the spill site, workers were condition. Wildlife Refuge, but the environmen- —Jimmy Matos, 27, serving a 4'i LOWEST tal impact on the sanct uary was not not going to deploy a boom to protect TAKE AN the oyster and crab areas unless the to 9 year sentence. He requires TICKET yet clear intermittent intravenous therapy threat became imminent, said Scott "The process of sampling and and can get around only with the aid PRICES analyzing will probably take three to Loll, spokesman for Atlantic Rich- EXTRA 20% OFF of a walker, said prison officials four months." said Levr Kittle, an field. —Darryl Monsett, 31, serving a 2 aquatic biologist with the state "It's useless to put out a boom in to 6 year sentence. Prison officials ENTIRE STOCK FALL, WINTER & HOLIDAY Department of Ecology's oil spill that area, because it would just be said his legs and right arm were management division. ripped out," he said. swollen to three times normal size SPORTSWEAR & DRESSES Now save at least 40% and up to 70% OFF on dresses! Many Items have already been Lottery all fall winter and hoi- marked down. Remember this extra 20% is THE WEATHER Jday sportswear and off the lowest ticket pricel TRENTON - The winning Plut EXTRA saving* on.... number drawn last night in New The For Jersey's Pick-It Lottery was 988. A straight bet pays $304, box pays $101 and pairs pay $30. The Pick 4 number was 3532. A ENTIRE STOCK FALL SUITS many famous quality makers such as Savllle. Karen Ellis, straight bet pays $3,390.90 and box Norgall. Suits Galore and many moral pays $282.50. PRICE The Register MISMS and Petit* Sizes 4-18 (ISSN 0684-4704) PuDUnM by Tha DM SaM Aag«a> EWMhrt In l»7« by Jcyin H Coo* ana Harwy City Mim OHM On. Ragmaf piaia. Snmw&ucy. N J 07701 1201) 542.4000 Brine* Offlcaa Monmoutn Counly CounhouM. FraahoW. N J. 07721 Mamban o> ma AaaociaM Praia Tha AaaoclaM Praia • mtma ••ciu«v«y u> ma ua> of an » local "•»• p"nM in ma ™mt» M Ml M W AP nm Uamoar o( in. Amman Namcacar PuBaahan Aaaooalwioalwi.. ma Audit BuraaBu u ol OculaWn. ma m. Jartav Praia AaaooaKfll Sacond C M pong; w • u Bank. N j ££?»r™aP'Si'"- Man.ubaerlpKna Showers Rain Flurries Snow Occluded -+~w Stationary' Nalonal WaaVtar Swvtc* NOAA U S Oot of Commaxce

TIDES deduct ten minutes. Long Branch, deduct 15 minutes. Highlands bridge, Sandy Hook add 40 minutes. «Hom- dt**V •>» CaVrttr — DtWy tnd 8 1 d FLEMIHGTOrii TODAY: High 6:21 a.m. and 6:15 oVTSi " " " "" *•"»*« We Will Not Be p.m. Lows 12:50 a.m. SUN C DMy n am?* °" " °"""' ~ Undarsoldll TOMORROW: Highs 6:58 a.m. TODAY Sunrise 7:18 a.m. Sunset ffiSHlON OUTLET and 7 25 p.m. Lows 12:42 a.m. and 4:33 p.m. Bo» 520. Rao Bank. N J 07701 1:34 p.m. TOMORROW: Sunrise 7:18 a.m. Shrewsbury, N.J. The Marketplace Route 35 THE REQIBTER and THE SUNDAY REOI8- For Red Bank and Rumson Sunset 4:34 p.m. bridges, add two hours. Sea Bright. JS

On°/o O R% ALL PARKAS 20^35 20&35 Cntir* Stock of ZUTOZDOFF & PANTS SKI & RUGGED VESTS SKI SWEATERS ft HATS GERRY, PROFILE, WHITE STAG, ALPINE DESIGN and other Parkas Choose from 20TJ30 20°°OFF! styles for men and women. Down blend or BnUr. Stock of En*. Stock «f poly fill insulation. 59^129" Assorted colors to KIDS' SKIWEAR SKI GLOVES a MITTENS e*ls> 79.99 to 169.99 match bibs and sweaters! Jack P. McHugh of Rumson won GERRY, WHITE STAG, SLALOM, PROFILE Men's and Women's $50 in The Register's PROFILE and HERMAN'S 2-pieoe Ski Suits Social Security Fantastic value on a Bib and Stretch Pants super assortment of warm, Contest! Men's and women's styles, colors. insulated parkas with Warm fiberfill insulation. matching bib pants. "•"•TO WW-* art*= to ns.ts 99?? You can be a winner too Sale now through January 4. - check the Social Se- irkdowni may have bt*n taken. WETTCHESTER ROCKLAHO curity ad that appears in NEW TOWK CITY i: Crasa Cow»r Showing Cans*. VISIT our) New STORE M THE The Register each day w MTmO MEW YOWK STORES CALOOfl teMKMI PLAZA for details. IM HEMPSTEAO TURNPIKE LEVITTOWN, LI. The RegUlrr . DECEMBER 25, 1985 Tuxedo industry prepares to mark centennial in style owns 95 tuxedo rental shops in the that begins on New Year's Eve. Fitapelli does. most, three years. House Ways and Means Committee's southeastern states and is the presi- Grizzy began what Antoinette Nevertheless, because Beaty man- "We were paying taxes on an Talk Force on Capital Formation. u dent of the American Formal Wear Fitapelli, public relations director aged to get a break in tax de- artificial profit," said Beaty. "So it Philadelphia, incidentally, is home, Krtght-Ridder Newspapers Association — meant tod o it in time for Beaty's group, believes is a piece preciation schedules for tuxedos into was hurting us and hurting us very to After Sis, the world's largest - WASHINGTON - Robert Beaty, for 1986. of Americana second only as a the tax-reform bill — a feat matched badly." tuxedo manufacturer, accounting for rather casually dressed, came to That was because 100 years ago "symbol of democracy" to,maybe , by hardly anyone else in the corpor- In November, Beaty told his 80 percent ol all tuxedo production. town from Atlanta a (en months ago this coming year, Griswold "Griz- the Statue of Liberty or Congress. ate world >- Beaty may be national secretary to make appointments after having been here only once zy" Lorillard, heir to a tobacco She also believes that every Ameri- tux vice hero. President Reagan is with Georgia congressmen and Schulze saw the problem Beaty's before to look at tyrannosaurus rex fortune, strode into a snooty party can possesses the inalienable right to right up front for having helped to others and he flew to Washington, way, and so did the committee. The bone shows at the Smithsonian outside New York City wearing, for rent a tuxedo and that that is what repopularize the tux. where there were thousands of well- five-year depreciation schedule was Institution the first time, what is now called a makes the United States a great Beaty's group discovered in 1961 paid lobbyists accustomed to Its reduced to three in the tax reform Although he had no lobbying tuxedo, only to be gawked at with place in which to live. that new tax legislation forced the ways. bill that passed the House and U awaiting Senate action next year. experience, his mission was to save nonverbal equivalents of boos There is no evidence to suggest tuxedo rental industry to depreciate He talked to his congressmen and the tuxedo industry from death or, at So it is that Grizzy Lorillard is the that the House of Representatives its garments over a five-year period. they referred him to others, notably least, a fraying at the hem of its hero of the tuxedo world and will be did what it did regarding tuxedos The problem is, the average life Rep. Richard Schulze, a Philadel- Beaty was surprised and delighted profit margins. honored in the tuxedo's birth year last month because it believes as expectancy of a rental tuxedo is, at phia-area Republican who sat on the at his success. And Beaty — a classy man who Grocer manages Steinbach to adapt I, FBAWC «0SSI Knlght-Rldder Newspapers PHILADELPHIA - At the southern tip of Philadelphia's Italian Market is Sam Agresta s grocery warehouse. At least it used tob e groceries. Inside is Sam Agresta, 51, who, when he gets excited, which is often, looks like Zero Moslel There are a few ways to be — excited or bored, and bored is like being dead, so Sam ON NOW! HURRY Agresta likes excited Things Sam Agresta has done all his life have been changing lately, and in his middle age he has rolled Beautiful savings for bed and bath! easily with the change, while he hangs on tosom e of the old. "Follow me," Sam says, and we make our way to steps that have Every sheet, towel, bath rug, been narrowed topracticall y nothing 8PRINOM AID - Pinafore solid sheets because Sam had to install a pillow, bedspread, comforter, conveyer belt to get his holiday tWill •old •(••where-9 decorations down. A holiday bouquet White, porcelain blue, buttercup, magnolia, peach, Second floor looks like Christinas mattress pad •& table cloth In English rose No-iron poly/cotton percale. run amuck. Pieces of Christinas Full, sold elsewhere *1 S •.•• trees, glittery things, plastic stock at White Sale prices! Queen, sold elsewhere "20 13.09 flowers, crosses. Santa Clauses and Std caaes. pr. sold elsewhere '12 7.00 dime-store toys — water guns, little paint sets, you name it. There are BURLINGTON Candletlght sheets boxes of candy — imported from Italy, no less, because Sam doesn't twin sold elsewhere »11 like to put out junk — and all of it is part of the new business. Pink rosebuds on Jade ground No-Iron Caress II* Fortrel* poly/cotton. Full, sold elsewhere *16 •••• Remnants of the old business lie in Queen, sold elsewhere'21 11.99 the back on a few half-empty Std. cases, pr sold elsewhere '12 7.00 shelves. Downy fabric softener, Matching comforter Kotex, All and Heinz something or Twin, sold elsewhere '75 30.00 other. Full/queen, sold elsewhere *90 "Let me tell you something. When you say groceries — that's in my ENTIRE STOCK 10O% cotton flannel heart, yes. But now, I'm into this thing here 100 percent," be says. looking around the room. "It's not twin sold elsewhere '18*20 easy to say bye-bye to the grocery MARTEX & E VERWARM Keep the chill out ol winter with these cozy business. no-Iron sheets Prints, solids. "What? I made money at it. I sent Full, sold elsewhere *21 ->23 11.90-1 M.i Queen, sold elsewhere '24'26 14.99-1B.I my wife toRutgers . We didn't get no Std cases, pr sold elsewhere '18 scholarships. I sent two boys to Valley Forge Military Academy. They don't get no scholarships. The CROWN CRAFTS Antoinette Heirloom food business paid for that." bedspread But "if you don't try something new you're going tosta y the same." twin sold elsewhere *60 The grocery was opened in 1935 by 100% cotton heavy-weight matelasse with center medallion & Gregorio Agresta, Sam's father, and coordinating fringe Antique white or white. Sam didn't know anything else until Full, sold elsewhere *90 maybe 1981 when this new change, Queen, sold elsewhere '110... 89.00 this Christmas wreath and novelty and flower-arranging business, came Bed mate •• mattress pad by ACME on by accident. Sam stops at a work table and pats twin sold elsewhere «21 it with a thick hand "A guy owed me money. That's how I got on tothis . Fully quitted. Poly/cotton top cloth. 100% poly bottom cloth Trevira poly llberflll. I sold him groceries wholesale, and Full, sold elsewhere '25 1 a.00 two weeks later he said, 'I can't pay Queen, sold elsewhere *30 24.00 your grocery bill. I put your name in King, sold elsewhere '35 : 19.99 the bankruptcy pool.' "So I said to him well guess what Quilted bedspreads by WHITING — he owed me $800 — 'You put my name in the bankruptcy and I'm I 37ai«9S9 tWin sold elsewhere MO going to Sears and get a baseball bat and split your head open.'" Assorted designs in poly/cotton Poly (iberfiil Thus persuaded, the man returned Full, sold elsewhere *SS \ 29.99 about $800 worth of groceries. For the other 1200 Sam Agresta got a Queen, sold elsewhere '70 39.99 truckload of artificial flowers. First he didn't know what tod o ENTIRE STOCK off bed pillows with them. Then he gave some to a friend and the friend made holiday sold elsewhere '1O-'13O baskets. Then Sam's son, Stephen, Choose from all sizes, styles and firmnesses. Including DuPont Quallofll 4 • started making baskets and selling Debut (Dacron Hollolil II): crushed or whole goose feathers and more. them in the grocery, and before you MARTEX "New Splendor" towel * rug knew it Sam and everybody in his family were learning how toarrang e match flowers, make decorations and all kinds of holiday novelties. btlth tOWel sold elsewhere »9 Not just for Christmas, but for all holidays. He sells wholesale to 21X34" rUg sold elsewhere >14 places like Sears and says he does a Luxuriously thick, thirsty 100% cotton terry towels, beautifully priced. bigger Easter business than anybody Pamper yourself, stock up! around. Hand, sold elsewhere 6.50 4.99 Wash, sold elsewhere '3 And the grocery business is all but Matching ruga finished. In the fashion colors of our "New Spendor" towels. 100% polyester, So Sam gives us a tour of the machine washable. place. Up another flight of steps. 24x40", elsewhere "20 1 S.9 "What was it you said people Lid cover, elsewhere "10 B .9i needed, Sam?" "Space, money and brains," he ENTIRE STOCK famous Maker blankets says. "I don't want to say it, some of these guys lack the whole three." 1 JL QQ.7Q QO We get toth e third floor, where • •••^y^y™ W ^7*3^7^7 ong. M7-M15 there are oak wine barrels. And we FARIBO' FIELDCREST' MARTEX' CHATHAMI A fabulous array Of quality are now face to face with who Sam blankets to warm your heart Save on electric blankets, acrylic and wool Agresta really is. These were the blankets while our White Sale Is Hot) barrels Sam's father made wine in. These days, Sam's brother makes Famous makers' Potpourri off towels the wine, but the ritual is unchanged. "You open the barrel the old way I • 59^J"""Ws}^J^J orlg '3-'7 t — with a brace and a bit. No electric. A wonderland of beautiful towels at beautiful savlngal Choose from a Just a brace and bit," he explains. colorful selection of bath, hand and wash to complement every bath In "Then we get a bagnolone, which your home. la a big bathtub, and when we're drilling the wine comes rushing out 12-pc. place mat sets into the bagnolone. Then we put a spigot into the barrel. Naturally, in the wine that's in the tub there are 1/3 off grindings. Entertaining new year's gift! 4 mats. 4 napkins, 4 napkin rings. Prints or "We get the bagnolone, me and solids No-iron Assorted colors. my brother, and we drink from it. Orlg. «18 1 1.9 With the grindings. Not the whole 121 Broad Street. Red Bank thing Just a sip.

1 : The Register IV. DECEMBER 25, 1985 NATION/WORLD 7A NEWS DIGEST 3 killed when plane slams into mall Greenpeace negotiations set Water from tbe mall's sprinklers CONCORD, Calif. (AP) - A quickly doused the flames triggered MARIS (AP) - A lawyer who Monday that Paris had agreed to private plane trying to land in heavy by the crash, and a foot or more of MrcprewnU th« French gov- 90 days of negotiations. If no f of slammed Into the roof of a mall water turned part of the mall into an I anunsot In litigation over the agreement is reached, the affair jammed with Christmas shoppers, indoor lake bambini of • Greenpeace ship will go to arbitration. spewing flames and debris Into an Dr. Michael Buchele. disaster uid negotiations to compensate French Premier Laurent are* crowded with youngsters wait- relief coordinator at Mount Diablo the environmental group will be Fabius acknowledged Sept. 24. ing to see Santa Clans. Hospital, said 40 doctors and 40 to SO conducted In a "reasonable and that tbe July 10 sinking of the At least three people died, includ- wise method." nurses were handling the steady Greenpeace flagship Rainbow ing one who had been at the mall. stream of injured. Victims were Warrior in Auckland, New Zea- and 70 were injured, police reported Tbe attorney, Daniel Soulei- taken to several hospitals, and police Lariviere, said Monday night the land, was carried out by French yesterday secret agents. said every ambulance in Contra decision of tbe government and The twin-engine Beechciaft Baron Costa County was pressed into Greenpeace to negotiate com- was approaching Buchanan Field, The vessel was preparing to service to handle the injured. pensation was "very satisfac- lead a protest flotilla to France's making an instrument approach with tory." He added it was in the nuclear test site in tbe South visibility of about three-quarters of "There was a panic, people were interests of the two French Pacific. a mile, when it crashed into the roof running everywhere," said Dave agents jailed in New Zealand for Portuguese-born Dutch pho- of Sun Valley Mall about 845 p.m. Belli, a copy editor for the Contra their part in the bombing. tographer Fernando Pereira was Monday, authorities reported. Costa Times, who was shopping at Lloyd Cutler, an American killed In tbe sinking. Soulez- "Tbe whole sky lit up and stayed tbe mall about 35 miles east of Sari lawyer who is acting for the Lariviere negotiated payment of lit," said Dtno Vigil, who witnessed Francisco. international environmental an undisclosed sum by the gov- the crash from across the street. "I "The place filled up with smoke, group, and Greenpeace president ernment to Pereira's wife and thought it was a bomb, then I and tbe power went out. People were David McTaggart announced children. realized It had to be the plane Tbe crying and bugging each other," he - engine wasn't sputtering. He went said. "Friends and relatives were down fast." tending to the injured." Spokesmen deny polygraph report Police Lt. Richard Gordy said Harry Sundstrom of Concord, who was also at tbe mall, said be "saw ASHINGTON (AP) - thousands of officials with access there were three fatalities, Including a ball of fire 30 to 40 feet in the air." White House spokesmen to highly classified information at least two from the plane, and 70 Injuries "ranging from smoke in- yesterday rejected as false to take so-called "lie detector " W halation to burns ' Six people re- "My Jacket caught fire. My hand a published report that President tests. mained in critical condition today, caught fire," said Bret Jacobus, », Reagan approved an order sub- Officials have uid the tests he Hid. of Concord. "My jacket was burned jecting high government officials would only be administered as off. I didn't take it off.. We're real to random polygraph tests part of a new intensified program Police Lt. Al Jordan said one of lucky. There was stuff flying. I without realizing the scope of his to catch spies, not for other uses, the dead people had been at the mall. thought It was all over." directive such as searching for the sources Thousands of people streamed into Some of tbe bystanders helped "The president was fully tbe parking lot after tbe crash, many of news leaks. with the rescue, shoving burn vic- aware, fully briefed and knew crying or desperately seeking Bat Secretary of State George friends or relatives Tbe tail of tbe tims into water fountains at the exactly" what the still-secret P. Shultz objected to the pro- plane could be seen dangling off the suburban shopping center. anti-espionage order contained, gram and said be would resign roof, and one of the plane's "I saw two girls burned on their presidential spokesman Larry rather than take a polygraph propellers was lying on the floor hair, face and hands," said Kim Speakes told reporters. examination, which he labeled inside the maU near where the plane Acosta, 17, who was standing by tbe The spokesman was re- inaccurate and said he would hit. Santa Claus display. "There was a sponding to a report published in interpret as a signal he no longer The pilot had radioed a "missed big rumble. The whole roof came in. yesterday's Washington Post had the president's trust. approach" and told tbe tower be was For a good 1 1/2 minutes, the area which quoted unidentified admin- Speakes' deputy, Edward ASSOCIATED PKC88 going around for another try before was filled with flames. I just hope aU istration officials as saying Re- Djerejian, said Reagan signed PLANE CRASH — Debris litters the inside of a Concord, Calif., tbe impact, said airport manager tbe kids are OK." agan had said privately he was the directive after consultations shopping center beneath a gaping hole in the rool where a light plane Harold Wight. Tbe number and "He was nuking a normal instru- not fully aware of the sweeping with all his national security crashed Monday night. Three people were killed and about 70 injured identities of those aboard was not ment approach to the airport," said nature of the order he signed advisers and was fully aware of in the crash. \ immediately known. Wight, who estimated visibility at Nov. 1 that could require its implications. Commercial jets are scheduled to three-quarters of a mile at tbe time begin service to the airport In of tbe crash. Tbe mall is just under Bert Lance up for directorship Envoy unable to free January. a mile from the airport. ALHOUN. Ga. (AP) - For- lates all national banks, is seek- mer federal budget director ing civil penalties of (140,000 CBert Lance, charged with from Lance and penalties rang- Illegal banking practices as head ing from 19,000 to $40,000 from of a northwest Georgia bank, and hostages for holiday the other directors standing for 10 other bank directors will stand re-election. for re-election when the share- news conference at the Commodore OTPTB holders meet next week. In the proxy statement, BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Hotel in Moslem west Beirut. "I Calhoun First's management The slate of officers for the Anglican Church envoy Terry Waite firmly believe that a solution to this said the bank would "vigorously Dec. 31 meeting was announced said today he had met again with problem is possible and I continue to after in • proxy statement which contest" all legal actions taken Moslem fundamentalists holding work for it." reached shareholders of Calhoun by the OCC Americans hostage in Lebanon, but Waite had returned to Beirut on First National Bank on Monday. "Management believes that that "further steps are required" in Friday for the third time on his five- Federal bank regulators, in a both the bank and its directors his mission to free the captives. wetk-old mercy mission, said he will civil suit, have charged Lance, have meritorious defenses to Waite said he planned to fly to "report once again directly" to the bank's chairman, with illegal each of the charges brought by London yesterday to consult with his ArcbUabop of Canterbury Robert banking practices and charged the comptroller," the proxy said. superior, the archbishop of Runcle In London. the board with failure to act "Management of the bank Canterbury, dashing hopes the "During the next few days I independently of Lance. further believes that if any such hostages would be freed for expect to have further contacts with Christmas. The U.S. Office of the other parties who are involved in this violations indeed occurred, such He stressed, however, that he is CMflliTMAS CARDS, WRAP, ORNAMENTS Comptroller of the Currency has matter," he said. violations were inadvertent, edging forward in his secret nego- MUSIC BOXES, ASSORTED QIFTWME scheduled hearings next month in Asked if he was carrying new technical in nature and in no way tiations with the kidnappers, who say connection with its efforts to proposals from the kidnappers to tbe STATIONERY, OTHER CHRISTMAS ITEMS indicative of a continuing pattern they are members of a Shiite have Lance removed as a bank U.S. government, Waite said, QuantKM Limned • No yttt wrapping of disregard for the law as Moslem group called Islamic Jihad, officer. The agency, which regu- "There are steps to be taken ... alleged by the comptroller." or Islamic Holy War. which I hope to take in tbe next few "We're not deadlocked," he told a days." Op*n Monday thru Saturday »:3O «m Ml 6 pm Tremor shakes Bavarian villages Thursday Nights Ml • ELB, West Germany (AP) - crack in its roof, police said. Jury orders plant to pay A moderate earthquake A tremor on Saturday Sshook part of northeastern measured 5.1 on the Richter Bavaria near the East German scale and caused light building border yesterday, damaging a damage in Hof, the largest town $50 million in damages house but causing no casualties, in the region, authorities said. Bavarian state police said. The Richter scale is the gauge they said was caused by the plant. The quake, the second in the of energy released by an earth- KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - A The plant's operator, Alcolac Inc., border region in four days, quake, as measured by the jury has awarded some $50 million in produces chemicals used in sham- measured 4.5 on the Richter ground motion recorded on a damages to 31 current and former poos, cleansers, plastics and paints. scale. The tremor affected an seismograph. Quakes measuring Sedalia residents who claimed they The Sedalia plant opened in May area in and around the towns of less than 4 on the Richter scale were injured by emissions from a 1978. Selb and Rehau, about 62 miles can cause slight damage, those of chemical plant. The plaintiffs sued the Maryland- 531 Prospect Ave., Little Silver northeast of Nuremberg. One magnitude between 4 and 5 can The circuit court jury deliberated based chemical company in 1981. house in Selb sustained a 10-foot cause moderate damage. more than 25 hours over four days seeking $310 million before reaching a verdict Monday. They alleged toxic emissions from Each of the 31 plaintiffs was the plant permanently damaged Soviet party official ousted awarded $1.587.000, and several also their immune systems. got $110,000 for property damage 0W - A prominent Gorbachev last July as a sec- r of the Kremlin old retary to the party central com- Iguard was dumped yester- mittee, Tass said. day from his post as head of Gorbachev has made the hall- Moscow's city Communist party mark of his nine-month tenure organization, a move analysts the removal of those thought to say foreshadows his removal defy his twin goals of industrial from the ruling Politburo as well. efficiency and corruption-free OFF The discharge of Viktor management. In addition, he has HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Grishin, 71, bore the stamp of promoted a number of younger, Kremlin leader Mikhail educated technocrats to key COME TO Gorbachev, who attended the posts. Moscow party meeting, accord- In a four-sentence statement ing to the official news agency published by Tass, Grishin's Tass. downfall was reported as the RED BANK ARMY NAVY Western analysts said it was decision of a plenary session of unusual for Gorbachev, as na- the Moscow Communist party 12 MONMOUTH ST. • RED BANK • 842-8333 tional Communist party general committee, which he has chaired secretary, to take part in a since 1967. working session of the Moscow The Moscow party plenum organization. OFT EVEBYTHING removed Grishin of his duties Grishin was replaced by Boris "due to his retirement." Tass FINAL CLEARANCE Yeltsin, 54, promoted by said. * FEATURING * Reagan calls servicemen ENTIRE CHRISTMAS STOCK OVER 1000 DIFFERENT ASHINGTON (AP) - Kargabarun. Turkey; Sgt. 1/2 OFF REGULAR PRICES GIFT ITEMS President Reagan placed Thomas C. Bushman, 20, of Wtelephone calls yesterday Dixon, serving with the Army at All Tree Novelties, Trees, Light Sets, Greeting • CAMOUFLAGE CLOTHING FOR KIDS & ADULTS to five U.S. servicemen stationed Camp Hof, Germany; Lance Cpl. Cards, Gift Wrapping, Ribbon, Holiday Crafts, abroad, including one from his Christopher O. Pearson, 20, of Plush Decorations, Garlands and Wreaths. • FIELD JACKETS • FLIGHT JACKETS * SWEATERS boyhood home town of Dixon, 111 , Trappe. Md., serving with a saying that their role in keeping Marine Corps amphibious force • SWEATSHIRTS * SWEATPANTS • PEACOATS the peace "is what the spirit of in Okinawa, Japan. • WORK CLOTHING * INSULATED BOOTS Christmas Is all about." The White House released The White House said Reagan excerpts from Reagan's remarks • 40 TYPES OF WINTER HATS • G.I. WOOL SCARVES telephoned Senior Airman Bruce during the various telephone A. Brown of New Hampshire, conversations, in which he said, • G.I. WOOL SKI SOCKS * WOOL CLOTHING * OVERCOATS who is stationed in Malayta. among other things, "Your role • THERMAL UNDERWEAR & UNION SUITS Turkey; Seaman Recruit Jeffrey as a peacekeeper is what the Kent Nelson, II, of Little Rock, spirit of Christmas is all about." • INSULATED COVERALLS * GLOVES • T-SHIRTS Ark., aboard the USS Scott in the The president was also quoted Indian Ocean; Electronic Tech- as saying, "All of us who are • LEATHER BOMBER & MOTORCYCLE JACKFTS nician 2nd Class James Kermiti. home for Christmas owe a great 22, of Jacksonville, Fla., serving debt to you for the sacrifices you at a Coast Guard station in are making." AND MUCH MOm- OPEN 7 DAYS A-WEEK ~ TheReRtater OPINION DECEMBER 25. 1985 OURS The Nativity A nd it came to pass in thoee days all people. For onto yon is born this A that there went oat a decree from day in the city of David a Saviour, Caesar Augustus that all the world which is Christ the Lord. should be taxed. And this shall be a sign unto yoa; (And this taxing was first made Ye shall find the babe wrapped in When Cyrenius was Governor of swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. ferta). And suddenly there was with the And all went to be taxed, every one angel a multitude of the heavenly Into his own city. host, praising God, and saying: : And Joseph also went up from Glory to God in the highest, and on Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, earth peace, good will toward men. into Juoea, unto the city of David, And it came to pass, as the angels which is called Bethlehem; (because were gone away from them into be was of the boose and lineage of heaven, the shepherds said one to David). another, let us now go to even unto ! To be taxed with Mary his espoused Bethlehem, and see the thing which is wife, being great with child. come to pass, which the Lord hath And so it was that, while they were made known unto us. there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And they came with haste, and • And she brought forth her first-born found Mary and Joseph, and the babe •on, and wrapped him in swaddling lying in a manger. clothes and laid him in a manger; And when they had seen it, they because there was no room for them made known abroad the saying which in the inn. was told them concerning the child. ; And there were in the same country And all that had heard it wondered shepherds abiding in the field, keeping at those things which were told them Watch over their flocks by night. Uy the shepherds. ; And, lo, the angel of the Lord came But Mary kept all these things, and Little T. Bone's Christmas list tspon them, and the glory of the Lord pondered them in her heart. peppermint stick?" shone round about them; and they And the shepherds returned, glori- Little T. Bone Snicker walked op to Santa want the Ford Company, including the fere sore afraid. Clan, who was standing on Wall Street, aerospace division ' Uttle T Bone shook his head. "No. bat I fying and praising God for all the ringing a bell "Ho, bo. bo," said Santa. "And Santa went, "Ho, ho, ho. No one can buy might be interested in Christmas." J And the angel said unto them, Fear things that they had heard and seen, what do you want for Christmas?" Ford." Now Santa had to take notice. "What do apt; for, behold I bring you good u it was told unto them. T. Bone gave him a list. T. Bone got red in the face. "That's what you mean Christinas?" they said about TWA and Revion. I can buy "I understand it's a very good money- tidings of great joy, which shall be to St. Lake, M4» Santa seamed it. "Yummy Chocolate Chip Cookies? That shouldn't be a problem How anything if you get me a loan from the bank maker I read in The Wall Street Journal that many cookies do you want?" you're standing in front of." in i good year Christmas grosses more than "I don't want cookies. I want the com- McDonald's." pany." Santa held bis stomach. "Ho, bo, bo. "What on earth for?" Santa asked Christinas is not for sale." OTHERS "So I can merge it with Alpha Chemicals, "Everything is for sale. It's just bow yoa Beta Ballbearings and Picasso's Pttaa." Art Buchwald shape up the deal to sweeten the pt. I'd be "Ho, bo, bo. How do you expect to pay for happy to spin off the religious of it, it?" which is a money-loser, and just hold onto the Settle this college dispute "In a leveraged bayout I'll sell off Rambo Santa seemed terribly confused. "Good gift divisions." Steel, Rocky Asphalt and the Joan of Arc little boys don't borrow money without jeans division " collateral They can get their fingers burned Santa said, "How do you intend to pay for at we understand least about the long-running controversy. Santa said, "But Yummy Cookies has a How about a train set?" it?" the dispute between Cook Col- Whatever else might be said, and no poison pill in it to prevent cute little fellows Uttle T. Bone thought about it. "I might "Ill issue Christmas junk bonds with your r picture on them. This will assure the lege and Rutgers University is doubt that will be a great deal, we like you from taking over the company." be interested in Southern Pacific if I could jell off the real estate and get the air rights investors the bonds are guaranteed by the why it has been allowed to drag on for Uttle T. Bone started to pull on Santa's believe the agricultural college should to the Los Angeles Railroad station." United States government." so long. be part of the university system. This beard. "I know that, stupid. That's why I'm willing to take ISO million in greenmail to go Santa was getting weary. So tell me Have CHRISTMAS IS NOT FOR SALE! Santa Cook wants better treatment than it arrangement has worked effectively away." you been a good little boy?" screamed. has so far been offered for being part in most states. Creation of special Santa tried to change the subject. "If you "Very, very good," T. Bone said. "Don't Five brokers walking by beard him and in believe what you read about my joining an hour the rumor was aU over the street that of New Jersey's attempt to build a machinery through which Cook could can't have chocolate chip cookies, what else prestigious state university. do you want for'Christmas?" Senator Jesse Helms in bis fight to take over someone was making a takeover bid for avoid reporting to the president would T. Bone wiped Us ante. "Ford." CBS It bad nothing to do with firing Dan Christinas. This drove the market to new Rotgers President Edward J. weaken the foundation of the univer- Santa said, "Ho, ho. bo. Yau're toe young Rather. I figured Jesse knew how to run a heights and caused the exchange to suspend Bloustein contends that more con- all trading in the stock. As usual, everyone sity system and makes no adminis- to drive." network better than the people who are there cessions to Cook would endanger made a bundle except good gays like Santa trative sense that we can see. T Bone replied, "I don't want to drive. I Santa said, "Would you like a Christmas Claus, who was left holding the bag. relationships with the other colleges within the state university system. If the latest study finds that And there the matter stands, or Bloustein has been reasonable in site, or hangs in mid-air, to the dealing with Cook College, bearing in frustration of all parties and, we mind his obligations to other elements Two victims find holiday peace in U.S. believe, to the detriment of aU of the state university, he should have concerned. the strongest possible support. Other- WASHINGTON - Today In Birmingham. time: "Mr. Hlapane's story was told and be breaker, while Charmaine said. "Anything is Ala., the Theodore Ruff in family Is doing has paid the supreme price for his courage wise it becomes a personal and OK, u long as it's warm." The problem is not lack of atten- what it can to ease the pain inflicted on its and truthfulness." tion. The dispute has been conunit- professional affront for the president, two holiday guests by the scourge of The senator felt a personal obligation to the The contrast to their earlier Caristmaaas teed and subcommitteed, and which, on evidence revealed thus far, terrorism. Hlapane daughters, and wrote them to offer — when it was summertime in balmy Soath Africa — doesn't faze the young women. In thrashed around in the Legislature as we do not believe is justified. The five Ruffin children and their parents any help he could. Audrey, now 14, and hope that some old-fashioned Christmas Charmaine, 22, said they would like to go to fact. Audrey said: "I hope it's a white wen as in New Brunswick. Now the For the sake of everyone involved, cheer and love can erase, at least for a time, college in the United States Christinas. I've only seen snow once in my Educational Planning and Policy this controversy should be brought to the memory of the tragedy that claimed the life." As for the rest of the traditional Committee of the Rutgers Board of lives of Audrey and Charmaine Hlapane's American Yuletide, the Rufflns have prom- a speedy and decisive end. ised a home-cooked meal of turkey, ham and Governors is beginning a new study of father and mother three years ago last week. New Bmswlck Home News Bartholomew Hlapane and his wife were "lots of cake," the Hlapanes said. machine-gunned by terrorists in their home Jack Anderson in Soweto, the black township outside A CHILDREN'S CRUSADE: There are Johannesburg, South Africa. The white many charitable groups competing for atten- minority government of South Africa blamed Denton contacted the University of tion at this holiday season, but we know of Goetz game is for losers the murders on the outlawed, anti-apartheid Montevallo, near Birmingham, Ala., and none with a worthier claim on your consider- African National Congress, but the assassins arranged for the sisters to enroll last ation — or a greater need — than a modest were never arrested. September as freshmen. The 2,500-student organization founded 1$ years ago to provide If Santa Claus is still making his list pieces — miniature handguns. Play- Whoever pulled the trigger that made school has agreed to provide room and board, gifts for children whose fathers had died in ers roll dice and draw cards to move •of who's naughty and nice, here's a orphans of the two Hlapane children, there is and Denton has established a scholarship Vietnam. "No Greater Love, " named after prime candidate: The fellow who's them through subway "stations" Uttle question that the killings were politi- fund to handle the rest of the Hlapanes' the biblical description of their fathers' expenses. producing a board game based on where there are various encounters. cally inspired. They occurred 10 months after supreme sacrifice, is the creation of So far. the Bartholomew Hlapane Scholar- Carmella LaSpada, a determined woman Bernie Goetz' shooting of four teens Like "You Get Mugged." Or "Put Bartholomew Hlapane, a former member of the African National Congress, had testified ship Fund has raised nearly ts.OOO Among whose love for children has expanded, on the IRT. Stunts like this give Gun to Punk's Head." Some fun and before Sen. Jeremiah Denton, R-Ala., in the contributors are several of the South literally, to the far reaches of outer space. cheap, cynical ripoffs a bad name! games! It's strictly for losers. Washington, charging Soviet involvement in African government's better-known sup- On Jan. 22, when teacherastronaut Sharon porters and lobbyists, including John Sears, The pieces in the game are literally The Dally News the violence that has wracked South Africa. McAuliffe takes off in the Challenger space in recent years. ex-Sen. GeorgeSmatbers, D-Fla., Michael D. shuttle, she will carry with her a User disc Hathaway, Howard Phillips and John In fact, the Hlapanes were murdered on bearing a "Pledge of Peace" signed (it is Carbaugh. Dec. 18, 1982, only a month after the hoped) by a million or more children from testimony of Denton's hearings was printed. Employees of the South African Embassy around the world. The Pledge of Peace grew A radio commentary in January 1963 on the here chipped in 1700. "If we could lighten the out of Ms. LaSpada's concern for the children Senate takes wrong turn Washington-based Habari News Service burden, as fellow South Africans and not as of U.S. Marines killed by the terrorist quoted an African National Congress state- embassy employees, we wanted to con- bombing in Beirut in October 198J Supported ere we go again. The state Senate jury exemptions and that recently ment noting that the killings were linked, tribute," a spokesman explained. by members of Congress from both parties, "interestingly enough, to the publication of a the Pledge of Peace, in Ms. LaSpada's words, has gone of f In the wrong direction implemented jury reforms have made The Hlapane sisters were looking forward Hi U.S. congressional document on East Bloc eagerly to their first Christinas away from "gives children, who often feel powerless in I by passing an amendment to a bill service much less onerous than it once aid to South African liberation movements by the face of war and violence, a chance to do their homeland. Audrey told our associate that would exempt from jury duty was. The Senate has opened the door Sen. Jeremiah Denton." Tony Capaccio she hopes "Father something meaningful to promote the cause Stunned by the murders, Denton said at the of peace." members of paid and voluntary police to a new round of special pleas for Christmas" will bring her a brown wind- and fire departments and rescue special exempt status for every squads — which would add clergymen profession and occupation with a to the exempt list. Never mind that a lobbyist in Trenton. It's up to the special state Supreme Court task Assembly to slam the door shut. Straight from the pages of Dickens force has recommended an end to all New Brunswick Home News With the "Bleak House" series on public and gone have seemed to vanish into the character at its most exaggerated moment. television, we are getting an appropriate damp walls in mere lowness of spirits, as the wallow in Dickens. This is known as one of housekeeper had passed along the old rooms, Krook, the "chancellor" of the rooming Dickens' bitter novels, so it is a wallow in shutting up the shutters." bouse that is itself a caricature of the courts, mud and dust, the squalor of the streets and has such a moment, not included in the the dust of the courts, leagued together filming so far. Krook must learn to read, in against the poor. order to weigh the value of legal papers be The Register And we must add a third ally to this evil has purloined. He tells Mr. Jamdyce that it' camp - the stately homes of England. It is Garry Wills is very hard to teach oneself, late in life, from wonderful to have Dickens' picture of life at scratch and without help. Why not, comes the Chesney Wold presented at the same time as obvious question, be taught by someone? It Established In 1678 - Published by The Red Bank Register the "treasure houses" of Britain make their would be easier. "Aye, but they might teach A Price Communications Corporation Newspaper Reviewers of the TV series regret the appearance in our National Gallery and on disappearance of many extravagant minor me wrong," the sly one answers. another TV series. characters who are jammed inside Dickens' GEORGE J. LISTER The law courts bore their rodent way MMM PuDHWr pages. But even the ones who are retained There, in a blinding glimpse, is the whole through men's lives in order to uphold the lose much of their subtlety when robbed of interior desert of the distrustful man, uncertain comforts of that dark mansion the chance to display their quirkiness isolated in a "self-reliance" that is really CLIFF SCHECHTMAN JANE FODERARO where Lord and Lady Dedlock think they Dickens could be most delicate when drawing contempt for others, who would only use one, have the servants fooled. What look like toe wildest caricature. His own Skimpole as one uses them. The unteachability of palaces in the new exhibit's catalogs are complains of Mr. Boythorn that "Nature more like tombs in the moral vision of selfishness was never put better. Dickens PAMELA ABOUZEID RICHARD NICOLETTI forgot to shade him off. I think." But Dickens CARL D FORINO Dickens. "The pictures of the Dedlocks past does It in the blink of an eye - a morally LMytt Edaur Boom E*» could give the nicest shade of meaning to a Wind eye. . . DECEMBER 25. 1985 Thf RrgMrr

HoUoway, laid he r "'' bruiaei and laceratiom on his body. and bum herself when she was»"on appeal lie verdict also sought to have Ashley had testified during the punishment," which he described as HoUoways— *g HflJarwsva nmvtot^l of chlki trial, aod laid the jury via elosed- Mag lorced to ran bat* irt — Co-nuad^P*.,* cnieKyari endangering the welfare circuit television that he taw Mn. Ashley ii now living with another of Aalfe*,b4taajary rejected both HoUoway hit Rosa, and said both foster family, which is seeking to Mrs ..«ul- I the hrjarias to but that charfes. When Roaa died on Dec 15, Hoilowayt hit him with bXU «d adopt the bay. Jason has also been efHlraarakipriiai;Mla>«y . rdJda'tact AaWnww^anU^byapbyacUn. swttchea Aahley sbo sMd he saw with a foster family since the a nurtmari of five yean. The atiawjaaI to ss«e the cattd UKlLeacfaotaUd the child «h» had Roaa run into the ken»ene heater charfes were filed. cowpte wui remain tree a (•>,•§ Jary has a bail until the sentencing date, which OvInE. Schneider Sr. Superior Court Judge Jama A. Kennedy set for March 7. this charge." agrt»d K. MMMV ST., «. of The couple did Ml react M the i realised this chad's death was HCIUH.1 came in. However, sitvw C. as mack a tragedy to Um, a* to in New York City, Mr. Robin. Harkcrts dafaoadaienee attorney.Horary., •"£••• •ys stood behind their ttwd la Bmfcant, N.Y., looked over at thhae Jurteny anmnd u.aiU d The H "VthiwawaV ami " *»-- • • - - »• » •ttorneys as they tatted, but refused to Aberdeen JJ year, IU-U_K yw, JC•/.»., fnry Bloomm Thing adoption with the HoUoways by the birth "in order to get used to them." The WalttKnoeral Home, Morgan- state Division of Youth and Family Tille. is to charf* of i 1 The HoUoways had previously Speak From the Heart adapted an infant, Jason, before World-Wide Wire Service Vincenza Leo Assistant Prosecutor Elaine Rosa and Ashley came to live with KOCH Florist & Gifts 54 W. Front St.. Keyport RIVBMEW FIOMST Leschot had rntiaihiil that Rosa them Mrs HoUoway had told police 1870 Hwy 35 Middletown. N J 07748 rrull Baskets • Gifts • Balloons Vincenxa Leo, 70, of Union Beach died after ketag beaten by Ike that Ron's injuries were caused by 671-0744 •Flowers My it Best 741-2685 113 w Front St. dted yesterday in Bayahore Com- HoUoways "day after day after bumping Into poles, a kerosene Middletown s Finest C. Du BUM Rad Bank. N J 07701 Malar Craw Cra AcsipM * mm mnity HoapiUl, Hoimdel day ' Ross s body was covered with heater, falling down stain, and Ben in Toranto. Italy, Mrs. Leo bens, bruises sad lacerations The falling off a toilet. ' lived hi Hobokeo before moving to county medical examiner. Dr. Kffport GrMwkMttt ft Florists Your lull tvrvic* flornti - vvr < arc Union Beedt 17 yean ago Stanley Becker, said the child died HoUoway was at work when most Apple BBlo.aom of the child's injuries occurred. ISBHUM IN P pan a teaaol She was a commmlnnt of Holy from a suMural hematoma - bleed- Colonial Flowers Fh However, be did tell an emergency 206 Main St. Family Roman Catholic Church. ing - and swelling of the brain. 5 f from Street. Red Bint ga^ room physician at Jvsey Shore Uatan Beach Keyport 264-0497 780-79*0 Bet the HoUoways prodeeed doc- Medical Center oo the day Rosa died 741-4666 brwia >TrkoU HoloWH rfl | III. Surviving are her husband, Loreto tors who said the child died from that the child had suffered two U magy Cfrtll can* tccwMd A Leo; a son. Michael Leo of Union All Mi|O' Credit C*rdi Accepted By fhone natural csasas. a eombtaatka of seizures within the prior week and a Beach; a daughter. Domenica half, and had been foaming at the Stewart of Middletown; two anemia, malnutrition and probable diabetes The HoUoways maintained mouth the night before she died. brothers. Vineemo Visaggio of However, HoUoway toM the doctor When ordering Flowers. Fruit Baskets. rtoboken,andNicoUtonoVisag»iooi the chad's injuries were caused either by accidents, by doctors that neither he nor bis wife ever Plants, etc.. please tell your Florist Uaion Beach, three listen, sought medical treatment for Roaa. 125 Markham Plaza. Little Silver TMtamiM DePalma of Italy, Rosa attempting to revive Rosa, or by about The Directory of Florists appear- Pwehettnta of Jersey City, and Ashley Rubin said he assumed the Jury 310-0303 convicted HoUoway on the endanger- •aerr auun • atuaeaa • IUWW ing everyday in The Register. Jiovanna Paris of Richfield. and Defense attorney Charles M. Cradn Card Ordwi Accaplad By Phon* seven grandchildren ing charge because he "should have Moriarity, who represented Mrs. been more observant" and taken The Day Funeral Home, Keyport, hi in charge of arrangements Mary E. Corcoran

Mary E. Corcoran of Middletown Her husband, Thomas Corcoran, HURRY IN FOR BEST SELECTION (bed Monday in the Ivy House died in 1870 Nursing Home, Middletown. Surviving are two sons, John Born in County Mayo, Ireland. Corcoran of Middletown and William Mrs. Corcoran Uved In Middletown Corcoran of Tinton Falls; a daugh- for the pest « yean. ter, Margaret Tulldackl of Tinton She was a communicant of St. Falls; two sisters, Anne Hussey of James Roman Catholic Church, Red Ireland and Margaret McLaoghUn of Bank, where she was a member of New York City; and seven grand- the Rosary Altar Society and the children Thursday Sacred Heart Medical Missions. She The John E. Day Funeral Home, was also a member of the Third Red Bank, is to charge of arrange- Order of St. Frances. ments Alternative clergy keeps parish from closing up ...and Friday 9 to 8, Saturday 9 to 6 Sun. 9:30 to 5...if anything is "I think we're very fortunate in FLINT, lOch. (AP) - Christmas getting Pat and Ken," be said, noting left...come early! arrive* with special Joy for the 300 the congregation was growing members of Sacred Heart Roman Povish said nans, ikarra and lay "•. Catholic Church, a parish that nearly Catholics are leading other US. had to ckwc its door* because the churches, so he was willing to try it diocese couldn't staff it with a full- at Sacred Heart. "There's a real priest shortage, A creative alternative has kept and I think it's all over." said Sacred Heart open and made en Robertson, 9. "The most important Barter and Pat Robertson, his wife, thing to the people was to have the the financial, practical and spiritual church community stay — and stay leaden of the parish since summer. together." Eight weeks ago, they added new- born son Danny to the church The family Um in Ike 57-year-old administration church's small rectory, which nor- ^ "Closing it was my first choice." mally would be occupied by a priest. said the Rev Kenneth Povisb. bishop A 31-year-old Baltimore native, of the Lansing Diocese, which In- Berger left a New York Catholic cludes the Flint area. "But this seminary in 19H shortly before be particular parish was doing some was to be ordained because he did very One outreach things, and they not want to remain celibate. He didn't want to quit. 1 didn't want to \ moved to Lansing to perform church discourage them ... I think it's working." work and met Robertson, and they married in IMS. Final Sale! So does Douglas Gauthler, a 11- \ Berger would ask to be ordained if Store stock only. year member of Sacred Heart whose No Ralnchecks. wife and five children also worship the Catholic Church allowed priests to marry. "I would be on the bishop's No Returns. "We're probably having more doorstep first thing ... saying, 'Here First come, activities now than we normally do," I am,'" be said. first served. said Gauthier The couple spend 10. percent of The prospect of closing the church their time overseeing the church's 50% off •really kind of made me sad." he 1100,000 budget, church projects said. "We were wondering where such as a soup kitchen, upkeep of the • ALL CHRISTMAS TREES, BOXED we'd go to church ... Sacred Heart parish and planning Sunday services • ALL LIGHT SETS was the parish we wanted." with neighboring priests. 75% off • ALL HOLIDAY NOVELTIES Gauthier said he and other par- Ninety percent of their work is • ALL SAMPLE CHRISTMAS • ALL POLY GARLANDS ishioners hope the bishop will make pastoral, Berger said. "There's not TREES with the decorations. Berger and Robertson's appointment • ALL CHRISTMAS STITCHERY KITS s whole lot a full-time priest here Lrmlwd supply, on* of • kind st the inner-city church permanent could do that we don't do," be said. • ALL NUTCRACKERS • ALL MUSIC BOXES • ALL HOLIDAY DOLLS 66% off • ALL GIFT WRAP • ALL GREETING CARDS • ALL NATURAL PINE CONES • ALL TINSEL GARLANDS LUXURY STRETCH LINCOLNS • BRAZILIAN GLASS ORNAMENTS • ALL CANDLES (dmiiiM not HKIIKMOI • ALL CHRISTMAS PICKS & STEMS • ALL NATIVITY SETS • ALL GLASS ORNAMENTS • ALL SATIN ORNAMENTS • ALL TREE STANDS Our experienced drivers will 50% off • ALL CANDY MAKING MOLDS • ALL BOUTIQUE ITEMS chauffeur you in luxury. . . • ALL CHRISTMAS ARRANGEMENTS • ALL CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS 24 fflow Service • Gafffor ^tafe Gan/: • ALL WREATHS • ALL CHRISTMAS MAKE-IT • ALL WIRE FRAMES FOR CRAFTS AND BAKE-IT KITS (201) 542-8801 • ALL DECORATED BROOMS BRING YOUR SELECTION , TO THE CASHIERS FOR • ALL CHRISTMAS RIBBON PRICE REDUCTION

Ml llama Mtyacl to pnot tua Not m ilami i avary •tsra Man» law oil Hind, hurry'

HAZLET EKUSHTOWN Opan Thurt. 7 am to 7 pm Fri 9 to 8. Sat- 9 to 6. Sun US BrtcX Siva Cornar 283! Highway 35 Ona Monmouth Rd Ht 71 Rt 9 lour mil** north 9 30 to 5. Mon 9 to 6. Tu«t 9 to 5. No rllnchackt of Bamaraon Blvd. Mock louth ot K-Mart (201) 22S-2SS7 01 FrMlold Circle W* raMrva tha right to limit quantltwi. (201) 920-3830 {201) 739-3032 (201)538-7748 WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 25,1965 10* YOUR TOWN SERVICE SALUTES

MIDDLE-TOWN - Second Lt. Brian J. BarUife, son of Miry C and William J. BarUagt of 33 Stavola Road has graduated from the officer rotary wing aviator course and received the silver wings of an Army aviator at the U.S. Army Aviation School, Port Rucker, Ala. EATONTOWN - Army Spec. 4 Fraklyi N. Sterling, nephew of Gail Price of 321 Pinebrook, has arrived for duty with the 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Texas Sterling, an Infantryman, was previously assigned in West Ger- many. KEYPORT - Army Spec. 4 Edward J. Coeroy, son of John and Francis E. Conroy of 140 Main St., has arrived for duty with the 502nd Infantry, West Berllng. All of us at Dearborn Conroy, an Infantryman, was previously assigned at Fort Campbell, Ky. Wish you & yours He is a I960 graduate of Keyport High School. a Healthy and Happy MIDDLETOWN - Pvt. 1st Class David C. Causey, son of Merle E. Holiday THE nEOISTER/CAROUNE E. COUIQ Causey Sr. of IMS W. 42nd St., Amareillo, Texas, and Elizabeth decorating the firehouse meeting room to MESSING AROUND - Members of Rumson Eulo of 228 Main St., Port Mon- Boy Scout Troop 201 had a bit of fun as they making homemade apple and pumpkin pies. mouth, has completed basic training prepared apple pies for the troop's annual Having a good time in this photo are, from the at Fort Jackson, S.C. Closed Christmas dinner at the Rumson Fire House on left, Steve La Due, 15; Kirk Davis, 12; Anthony MATAWAN - Airman Jacqueline Dec. 25th and Dec. 21. The boys prepared, cooked and served Ciambrone, 11; Josh Barett, 15, assistant patrol M. Cassldy, daughter of Ann M. Dec. 26th a complete turkey dinner to honor and thank leader; Jim Gibson, 11; Scott Matched. 13, and Cassidy of 132 Idolstone Lane, has their families and friends who had given them his brother. Tom, 15, senior patrol leader. been assigned to Sheppard Air Force support and help during the year. The Scouts Members not pictured here are Mark Janecxo, Base, Texas, after completing Air did all the preparation for the dinner from 12, and Michael Cleveland, 12. Force basic training. The airman will now receive Open 7 Days Mon.-Sat.84 2170 Highway 35 Holmdtf. NJ specialized instruction in the trans- 264-0256 portation field. Sun. 8-5 She is a 1965 graduate of Matawan CAMPUS SALUTES Regional High School. TINTON FALLS - Sherry James E. Higgins, a practicing The Regist Bergmann, an undergraduate stu- chiropractor in Bricktown. dent in electrical engineering, has MARLBORO - One area resident been accepted as a member of Tau- was among students who recently beta-phi, the engineering honor so- received bachelor's degrees after ciety, and Eta-kappa-nu, the elec- completing their work at the Univer- trical engineering honor society. sity of Wisconsin-Madison. The stu- Sherry is in her junior year and is dent is Leslie Fang Lu, a computer attending Rutgers University on a science major from Marlboro. scholarship program awarded by LITTLE SILVER - The following Bell Communications Research. She area students who attend Millbrook CONTEST is a graduate of Monmouth Regional School, Millbrook, NY were com- High School in Tinton Falls mended for their accomplishments MIDDLETOWN - Louis F. at a recent awards ceremony. Diodato III, son of Mr Louis F Senior, Todd Kingsbury, son of Diodato Jr., of Leonardo, was named Lesley DeVoe of Little Silver, re- Yuletide to the dean's list for the last ceived a varsity letter in boys' cross academic quarter at Sherman Col- country. In addition, he was re- lege of Straight Chiropractic In cognized for his volunteer work as a $500 Spartanburg, S.C. math tutor in the school's communi- One day a week (the day Before enrolling at Sherman Col- ty service program. will NOT be announced) lege, Diodato attended Brookdale Sophomore. Sam Marpky, son of Community College in Lincroft. He Mr. and Mrs. R Bradford Murphy of an ADDITIONAL Social is completing an intership at the Little Silver and grandson of Mrs. Security number will ap- college's health center. R.D. Murphy of Shrewsbury, has pear — worth $500. FREEHOLD - Craig D. Smith, 5 been named to the honor roll for the Berkeley Place, here, has been first trimester elected station manager of DePauw SHREWSBURY - Michael University's campus radio station CzarnecU, student council parlia- WGRE-FM He will also serve on the mentarian from the class of 1987 at station's board of directors. Red Bank Regional High School, was Announcement of the election was one of only four students selected to made by Dr. Jeff McCall, assistant If your Social Security number appear* below, cell run for the office of vice president 542-4000 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. TODAY or professor of communication arts and of the New Jersey Association of by 10:00 em. tomorrow to claim your prlzet Winning sciences and general manager of the Student Councils. The election will station be Jan. 7 at Trenton State College. number* that appear In Friday's, Saturday'*, or Sun- Smith is the son of Mr. and Mrs. day* paper MUST call on Monday between 8:30 a.m. Czarnecki, who lives in and 10:00 a.m. John T. Smith and is a 1961 graduate Shrewsbury, is a member of the of Freehold High School. He is a National Honor Society, the varsity junior at DePauw, majoring in soccer team, a peer advisor, and a communication participant in the Youth in Govern- WINS '500 EATONTOWN - Tracee M. ment program. 073-18-8780 Jones, daughter of Thomas 0. Jones Douglas Baynton, here, a senior at and Veronika M. Jones, here, re- Western Oregon State College, is one ceived a doctor of chiropractic of four students awarded a $500 WINS WINS $250 WINS degree from Sherman College of Emeritus Society Scholarship for the 135-40-2157 Straight Chiropractic during com- 1985-66 academic year. He is a '25 mencement exercises on the college history major and plans to receive a TWIRLING CHAMPION — Fifteen-year-old Deborah Lym. campus Dec. 14. Hinds of Leonardo recently won the New Jersey State Baton 140-22-9999 135-24-2199 doctorate in history and teach at the 148-38-9220 While a student, Jones was named college level. Baynton is a graduate Championships at a competition in Fairlawn. She captured titles in 157-34-6359 WINS «50 to the dean's list. She is a member 143-50-7844 of Red Bank High School: At both the one baton and two baton categories. 162-10-5214 of the Federation of Straight Western Oregon, he serves as a She has been a dedicated twirler since the age of six. She is 152-09-8937 Chiropractic Organizations. Jones classroom interpreter for the deaf a member of the United States Twirler's Association 1985 149-44-1072 completed her chiropractic studies 139-34-6106 and tutor in history and political championship corps, "The Galaxies," from Bloomfield. "The 136-24-4229 while externing at the office of Dr science. His written essays have 147-26-3379 been published in the Portland Galaxies" have been invited to perform during the half-time show 150-18-3418 Orgonian. Calapooya Collage and the at the Dec. 26 New Jersey Nets vs. Detroit basketball game at the Anwna may aand In Ma or h«r SooW Socurlrr nianMr on in my form Monmouth Sun-Enterprise Meadowlands. wtMM In Tha HnMv or m may M out an appHciron In tfwlobb y o) TIN tat*. Ont Riglilii nut, Shraaabiiry during ragular Mmt noun winning numbara «• ba Minim « random and Irom IM« Campership •ubmraad dkactfy to Tha RaglaMr To Bomm your oaart award you win bo inMructad by phono wnan to praaamyouraaamyourr cord m PERSON All. PAYOPAYOFFF S OF HO OK MOM MUST K CLAIMED IIN PERSON »Y THE WINNERWINNER. tvoryona la atglbU Kx mrta HI If* 8oO«l Security Conlaat aicapl ampleiaaa of Tho mgiwr and manbare ol trwr Imrmdlab) mmaii. gives aid mplb*iy at aannants. Marniamun el waaa ruraa by Trio Wiylilii and dadaton of Bw (udgao ahar) ba Anal. In making a dalrn, MMeHMiont agraaa » abldo try m— IUM Puranaaa ol TM RagMar la not raquKd. Copraa an numtli for A paid directory of coming events (or non-profit organizations. Rates *3 75 for three lines for 1 day (11.00 each aumMMon • Tha fWglilir orlko, varloua raadlng room, and DubKe to needy additional line). £.00 for three lines for two days HI 50 each additional line), So 50 for three lines for three days 113 00 each additional line) 17 50 for three lines for four or five days 112 25 each additional line), $9.00 for three lines you do not lm toenta r to «*. Entnaa owy gho you a balk» for six to eight days (12 50 each additional line). $10.50 for three lines for nine to ten days 113.00 each additional line) opponuMr to»m . EMar aa Man aa you Ma out only ona an*y Hank par amralopa, ptaaaa. Coupona haM tor ono month only. MIDDLETOWN - The 113 50 for three lines for eleven days Each additional day SI 00. each additional line 1300 Deadline 11 A.M. two days before publication. Call The Daily Register. 542-4000. ask for The Date Secretary Wmnara agroa to arkm tha uaa ol marr namaa and photographa by Tha Campership of Monmouth County Ragjator torpubaorl y purpoaaa. recently had its annual holiday A* Fadaral, SMaand tooal ragutavono and kuaa apply tom a Sootal luncheon at Cervino's Restaurant in DECEMBER M - THURSDAY New Year Eve Dance Bring the suming normal dace schedule on Jan. Saourtly Contact Tna Social Socwtty Conmt » void »rwr» ponlDnad b, Middletown with more than 100 SINGLES AGAIN NJ's single or- new year in with the Scot's American 7.1986 We would also like to thank all ganisation hosts the shore largest our members. Chapter phone guests in attendance. at B'nai Israel Hall, Hance 4 Ridge Mall all entries to: The event included a luncheon, dance at Colls Neck Inn. Rt 34 & 537. Rd Rumson Dance to the Martin 722-W10. Colts Neck Free Buffet Dance » pm. Flynn Bank. Hot & cold buffet Social Security Conteat One Register Plaza Chinese auction with gifts donated JANUARY 10 - FRIDAY New members orientation 8 pm. For BYOB 125 per person For tickets The Reglater Shrewsbury, NJ 07701 by members and a program of Jersey Shore Public Relations and more info, call S2M343 All singles call (704(25. Christmas carols performed by stu- Advertising' Assoc. presents "Com- welcome To increase your chances of winning, send in this coupon: dents from Rumson-Fair Haven NEW YEARS EVE GALA - 9pm municating Electrical Safety A Regional High School . QUEST a weekly forum for single, till ... Music by Streetlights. Open Powerfull Message" with Al Saharlc. fnminma-iBaaiBUi Campership sends more than 100 divorced and widowed adults. Hol- Bar. Food. Music Noisemakers of Jersey Central Power 4 Light Co. needy children from Monmouth iday Season Dance Party 1st United River Plaza Firehouse. Colonial at noon at the Berkley-Cartaret — Here is my Social Security Number — County to camps each summer. The Unitarian Church. 1475 W Front St.. Room, Foster St., River Plaza 155 Hotel. Asbury Park. Luncheon 112 children include those suffering Lincroft 7 45pm Admission limited per couple Reservations 747-SO2J or Call Margaret Agel at S4S-T391. DDD-DD-DDDD from financial hardship as well as to 1st 200 Donations M In our 9th 747-2141. JANUARY U - SUNDAY the emotionally and physically year Please check one: I get The Register Battleground Arts Center presents. handicapped. Only the most highly Bayshore Democratic Org.'s An- DECEMBER » - FRIDAY nual Seasonal Holiday Buffet Party The Tamburitzans" World famous O Home Delivered D At a News Dealer recommended camps are selected Monmouth County Park System folk ensemble. 2pm. Freehold Twp. for the children to attend. 7 30pm at Buck Smith's, East Hockey Trip. New Jersey Devils vs Keansburg Tickets 110. Bring a gift HS. Holiday Gift carts available The organization also chooses one Montreal Canadians Leaves Thomp- for children in area hospitals. For until Dec. 16. Bought in advance (11. Name. or two families a year to be its son Park. 6 pm. tM.00. Call 842-4000 info, call Dot or Barbara at 780-1637 18 4 15 for children. VISA/Master Christmas families. This year, as a Card honored for orders over 120 For 8 FOCUS Live Band. Dance tonight precedent, three families in severe New Years Eve Gala Bayshore info. 4 charge orders, call 462-Wli need were chosen to be the recipi- for all Singles. Separated. Divorced Senior Day Center. 100 Main St. and Widowed Prespeterian Church Keansburg. Buffet, beer Set ups MARCH S THRU II ents of gifts and complete Christmas Hall. 352 Sycomore Ave Shrewsvury dinners. BYOB »15 Music by Father Dim WEDNESDAY - WEDNESDAY I 'i block east off Rt. 35) Hot butfett, Call 495-2454. Hawaii. 2 weeks Air (are. Hotel, Donations to Campership may be discussion 8pm Dance 8:30pm. Dona- Waikiki Village. United Airlines from mailed to: Campership of Monmouth tion tft.00. Parents Without Partners Newark. H69 per person. Dbl. Capri County, P.O. Box 341, Rumson, Bayshore Chapter M44. Is wishing all Travel lnc . 29 Monmouth St.. Red DECEMBER 31 - TUESDAY 07760. Contributions are tax-deduc- a Happy New Year. We will be re- Bank. 2O1-842-4MO tible. I he Register

IV. DECEMBER 25,1985 LIFESTYLE 11A In search of three wise men for 1985

One* upon a time, Three Wise men, bearing gifts of incense, myrrh and gold, traveled from afar to welcome the son of God on the day ol his birth, tha data we've coma to calabrata as the day of all miracles, Christmas. Who were these men? Nobody knows. What made them wise? A stranger queatlon still. But it Is curious enough to make us wonder about their attributes and what It would take In 1985 for a manor woman to be considered in their league. Hera's a sampling of opinion. Enjoy. We wish you a merry Christmas and the wisdom of the ages.

Arlene Herson, producer and host of a syndicated cable t.v. show • Bridle Financier Robert Brennan: "He started a company all by himself Milton Herson, Rumson, president of Music Makers 12 years ago with no employees. Now he is a major force in business, has Inc. theatres 1,200 employees, over half a million customers and is a multimillionaire. He Just turned 40. He has to be a wise man." • William Saphire, New York • The American Soldier for his individual service and dedication of his life Times columnist: "He's not afraid to say what he feels. He can see directly for peace. • The American Businessman who pays taxes, takes care of his Into a problem." • Gloria Stelnhem, feminist writer "She coined the term family and creates jobs. • Mother Teresa for her service to humanity. Ms. but still maintained her femininity." Cindy Zipf, Sea Bright, coordinator of Clean Ocean Alfonse Alfone, head of the St. Gerard Guild, Long Action Branch • Ralph Nader: "Because of his concern for the environment and his ability • Pope John Paul II: "He follows the maglsterium and has not deviated." to raise consciousness." • Mother Teresa: "Because of her sharing and~ • Mother Teresa: "She does not look for self gains in the political arena spreading of love throughout the world - her ability to represent to hundreds. ,. or elsewhere. She gives 100 percent for the poor and needy." • God of people that they have an ability to aspire to become a better person. » Almighty: "My feeling is God Is aUve and always will be. People have • Bruce Springsteen: "Through his music and ability has given hundreds,' deviated so far from his teachings. If they think he's dead, that's their hard of young people the ability to aspire to become a better person." luck."

Barry Kamm, newspaper columnist and employee of the Long Branch Sewage Authority • President Reagan; "Because he's done a good Job as president." • Councilman Philip Hayes: "Because he's given the people of Long Branch a dollar's value for their dollar." • Congressman James J. Howard: "Because he is responsive to the needs of this growing area and to all its

people- Margaret W. Hughes, president of the Junior League of Monmouth County • Dr. William Vaun, naad'of geriatric care at Monmouth Medical Center: "(His) efforts on behalf of the elderly have brought dignity and improved the quality of life for thousands of citizens in Monmouth County." • Susan Brenner, executive director of the Monmouth Day Care Center:"(Her) care Al Reid, co-owner of the Keansburg Amusement and love goes beyond those children at the center to include their families Shrewsbury Mayor Dorothy Blair Manson and the community in which they live." • Kathie Wheaton, ex-president • Mother Teresa: "Because of her long time efforts and good work with Park of the Junior League of Monmouth County and a member of Clean Ocean those that can't help themselves." • Bishop Desmond Tutu: "Because of • Lee Ucocca: "He embodies the great ideals of this country. A winner Action: "(Her) advocacy efforts on behalf of the environment have alerted his many years in the Church, his common sense, and attitude toward and a capitalist. All the world loves a winner." • New York Mayor Edward people to the consequences of not caring for our natural resources and to apartheid and his efforts on that behalf " • The Pope: "He has done a great Koch: "Irrepresible. He tella it like it is. A natural. He brought New York the power of advocacy efforts." amount of good appearing in many different countries. back. He handles money well." • Alan M. Dershowitz: "A great civil libertarian. A lawyer who handles unpopular cases. A great man. His cause Michael Marrone, disc jockey, WHTG, Eatontown is great." • Bono from the rock band U2: "Because of the feeling he gives his audience. His strong Christian beliefs get across in the words he writes." Dr. Joan Abrams, superintendent of schools, Red B.A. Barrlnger, president of Brookdale Community • Julian Cope, an English singer formerly with Tear Drop Explosion: "My favorite musician. He's unique." • : "Even though he died, Bank College his spirit lives on." • Mother Teresa: "Her compassion, dedication, and universality of spirit • Howard Barringer, his father: "For his inspiration and common sense. exemplifies spiritual values in the finest sense. She recognizes the worth He only finished eighth grade. His Insights are not in the world of education, of people we would otherwise scorn." B Dr. A Bartlett Giamatti, out-going but in the world of people and feelings." • Mother Teresa: "For her ability president of Yale University: "He is an academician with a strong sense to translate her own self-sacrifice into meaning for people." • Robert Theodore Sourlis, Rumson, developer of social responsibility." • Benjamin Bloom, professor at the University Wiegman, a professor at the University of Florida: "He is masterfully • Health • Wealth • And three more wishes. of Chicago, developer of the Mastery Learning system for teaching children: educated. He never lost his sense of intregity I respect his polish, his ability "If they have to be three people that are alive today, that's what I would "(He) accorded slower children equal treatment and dignity ... a civil rights to cope and to respond to the realities of the world." wish their names to be." leader as well as a professor and a pedagogue." _ Around here, the 12 days of Christmas cost a mere $6,674 You may be eating turtle dove that has a call, she says. cost of $12 dollars each, he says. Holmdel help. sandwiches for the next few weeks, There is such a creature as a call Total outlay, $72 for half a dozen Though there is only one cow at There, office manager Eileen u but, bey, you will have saved a few duck, and It is relatively common at geese. this recreation of a tum-of-the- Jette said she could provide ten men • The Register ' bucks. game bird farms in Monmouth Seven swans a'swimming man- century farm, the park does employ who would be willing to fill the Those traditionalists who want to What is a French hen and where County, according to Goldstein, go- dates the furthest trip on the list and eight women and three men who position of basically standing around - give their true loves the gifts can you find three? ing for about $5 a crack (or is it the only venture outside Monmouth take turns milking the cow. doing nothing for $7.38 per hour or immortalizedin the song "The 12 Bill Robinson, a Jackson Township quack?). But who wants to give their County. There is one gentleman in If you hang around long enough, a $73.80 for the whole group for each Days of Christmas," needn't venture game farmer, believes that a French true love four living ducks on the Colts Neck who has two swans on his few weeks maybe, you would eventu- hour. far. hen may be a grouse — a difficult fourth day of Christmas? pond, but he isn't selling. Besides, ally see eight maids, each in their If they are going to be lords, you'll In fact, with the exception of the bird to find in these parts, he says. So why not go to a pet shop, and seven are needed so it's off to the own time, a'milking. need the services of Costumes seven swans a swimming, all of the "There are only a very few people find a bird that has an interesting Salem County community of Alloway "And that," as Mohr says, "is Unlimited again which says they can items in the song can, with a little that raise them," he says. "And call. where Elkington Pond Water Fowl is about as close as you're going to outfit them for about $150. located. imagination, be found in Monmouth most of them are out West. They are About the cheapest you're going to come in Monmouth County." Though they may look like lords in County. You'll have fork out some kind of like a partridge, only they are find a bird with a real call, as Elkington is said to be the only You can't beat the price either. their costumes, these people defi- capital, though, to the tune of real spooky. They keep to them- opposed to a mere chirp or a squawk, place in New Jersey where swans Admission to the park is free. nitely won't be lords. And getting 16,674.90. selves." is about $400 — the price of a minor are raised. Nine ladies dancing can be found them to leap, may be another But look at it this way, it can be But the fact of the matter is that bird, according to a salesman at a There, two one-year-old Aus- through the Barbizon Modeling proposition entirely. paid for in 12 easy installments. there doesn't seem to be any such Red Bank pet shop. trailian black swans will run you $175 Agency in Red Bank. The first day Is easy involving only thing as a French hen, or so we were Total outlay for four minor birds: a piece, says owner John Hanby. The fee, for nine female models That comes to a total of $740.40 for a trip to a Marlboro game bird farm told by a reliable ornithologist In $1,600. If money is no object, the prices for a promotional event such as this, an eight-hour day including cos- and a Navesink Nursery. New York. Five golden rings is easy and not go as high as $2,000 for a more is $75 a head. That doesn't include tumes. Sounds like a lot. but think With a few days' notice, Jack Regular hens are cheap (or is It as expensive as you might think. mature and exotic swan, he says. costumes which can be found at about all the people out-of-a-steady Godlck, who raises various types of cheep?) — about $3 each, says The rings can be found at Re- Total outlay: $1,225. Costumes Unlimited in Red Bank for job you'll be supplying with income. fowl primarily for meat purposes in Goldstein. But they also aren't all ussille's In Red Bank for $35 each. Of Now we come to eight maids about $125 for the whole troupe. Red Bank Regional High School is his western Monmouth farm, says he that glamourous, elegant or, how do course, you can pay a lot more for a'milking. Total cost for one day: $675. as good a place as any to find eleven can get you a live partridge for about you say, French. a gold ring, if you want a designer Sad to say, but there aren't many Note: This is Red Bank and not pipers piping and 12 drummers 18. So here Is the solution: finish, ones with gems in them or a dairy farms left in Monmouth Coun- Manhattan. These girls won't be drumming Butler Landscaping and Nursery La Fromagerie in Rumson has an heavier band, a salesman for Re- ty- professional dancers but rather in Navesink sells a small pear tree excellent dish that uses young ussllle's says. But since so much was Most all the dairy cows in the state models, so don't expect "A Chorus Dr. John Cone, who heads the for about (SO, according to a sales- chickens called Pousslns that sells spent on the calling birds, let's stick (which now produces only one quar- Line." music and language departments man there. for $15.90 a serving. You could order with the cheap rings. ter of Its total liquid milk consump- Ten lords a'leaping is a more there, says that if the RBR band Getting the patridge In toe pear three servings of this to go. Though Total outlay: $189. tion) are milked by machines now, difficult than the nine ladles. teams up with some backup from Its tree may be another matter some of the servings might have Though geese are pretty common, according to Donald Mohr, senior Why? feeder school bands — Union Beach, altogether. But the total outlay is been made with young roosters especially the dead variety which county county agricultural agent. It involves men and there aren't Shrewsbury. Little Silver or the Red only $35 dollars. instead of hens, it probably would be appear on numerous dinner tables at You could buy eight cows, put an that many male models or dancers Bank Middle School - it could fit the Two turtle doves can be purchased more appreciated than a moody this time of year, finding living advertisement in the paper: "maids in Monmouth County. In fact, all the bilk. from the Canary Bird Farm In grouse or three ordinary hens. Total females who are laying eggs is a'milking sought, wage negotiable," troupes and agencies we called said Farmingdale for a paltry (or Is it outlay: $4«.5O. another proposition altogether. and set up shop behind your true they couldn't supply us with ten men The whole deal would have to be poultry) $3.90 each wholesale or, Four calling birds is next on the "It's too cold now," farmer God- love's home. — three, four maybe but not ten. approved by the band leader, he from a pet shop for about $17, agenda. What these critters are lck says of the female water fowl's More than likely, this would run "Go to New York," they all said. says, and an honorarium of $50 to according to the Betty Goldstein, exacty is also up to intrepretation. reproductive habits. "Geese usually you several thousand dollars and ' "The agencies there can get you $100, would be appropriate. proprietor of the farm. To buy the There is no specific animal called start around January. But if they are create administrative as well as ten." Total outlay, $75. birdi wholesale, one generally must a calling bird, according to Christine well fed and you have the proper some other kinds of mess. Ha! The purpose of this story is to That comes to $6,674.90 purchase at least six. Still, six times Sheppard, associate currator for lights, Who knows?" Mohr has a more innocent, and find this stuff in Jersey. You probably thought your $3.50 is cheaper than two times $17. ornithology at the Bronx Zoo In New Geese sell for $1 a pound, he says, much cheaper solution: Take your In a pinch, Manpower Temporary Christmas shopping was difficult, Total outlay: $21 dollars for the York. A calling bird can be any bird and average about 12 pounds — a true love to Longstreet Farm In Services in Eatontown was willing to didn't you! second day of Christmas. VHEDNE8DAV, DECEMBER 25, 19B5 I2A The RrsUle A special Christmas message from Ann to you world What an opportunity to amount of alcohol is consumed on mistakes, not picking ourselves up, Dear Readers: In 1955, Ike year the uncommitted and the undressed. educate, to shine a spotlight on Ann Landers began writing this The blurring of the sexes. most college campuses and mari- dusting ourselves off and trying ignorance and fear, to comfort the column, the wrote an enay (or juana is commonplace in junior and again. Some fear we are heading toward afflicted and afflict the comfortable. Christmas Day. Reader response social decay, going the way of the senior high schools. It Is apparent Ann Landers Because this is an advice column, I am well aware that mine is an was extremely rewarding and the Romans and Babylonians. Others that many youth, our leaden of I spend the greater part of every day hai reprinted the column annually — applaud the "new morality" and tomorrow, have opted to anesthetize with grief and trouble. Does it enormous responsibility and I shall with topical modification!. This Is stare down the squares with eyes themselves against the pain of still fighting sex education in public depress me? No, it does not. try never to let you down. Ann's Christmas message lor IMS. growing up and accepting responsi- schools because they "don't want like hypodermic needles. After 30 years I still find writing bility. kids to get ideas." You, my readers, are my friends. Today is Christmas. All about us They said the sexual revolution this column challenging and im- we hear talk of peace on Earth, good was symptomatic of a maturing More bad news is that VD is Every day we all must make You were there for me in my time mensely rewarding. I realize that of trouble 10 years ago and I want to will toward men. Yet we know in society, that it would produce emo- epidemic in many areas, and we now decisions that determine the direc- many people who write to me don't many parts of the world there is no tionally healthier adults if we "let it have AIDS — for which there is no tion in which our lives will move. No be there for you, always. If you feel want advice. They juit want some- the need to unload, blow your top, peace, and in the hearts of many all hang out." But did we overload known cure. Gonorrhea is the second one, no matter how wise, can make one to listen. men there is not enough good will. the circuits and promote guilt and most prevalent infectious disease in the right decision every time. register a gripe, or tell me off, I'm Our youth insist that civilization is anxiety in those who could not handle the United States. (The common To err is no disgrace. The disgrace I have been entrusted with the as close as your mailbox. out of joint. They resent living in a so much freedom and so many cold is first.) Yet some parents are lies in not learning from past largest reading audience in the — Ann Landers world they never made. But what choices? There is evidence that generation ever made the world it suggests this may have been the had to live in? case. We claim to be the most human- One of the most encouraging signs —— itarian, most progressive nation in of the times is that our campuses are the world. But is it progress or once again places of higher learning. VISA humanitarianism to spend more than The hostility and anger of the late a trillion dollars on bombs and '60s are gone. Students have settled missiles that can kill everyone in the down to serious business. That is the CHARGE IT (MOST STORES) world 14 times? good news. Hurry in for These and Other Bargains! This is the age of the Big Ripoff, The bad news is that an awesome Hold onto holidays By JACK H. SMITH Some years may surprise you. You AFTER CHRISTMAS Christmas is over quicker than may have forgotten where you went UNBELIEVABLE SAVINGS! FROM 20% TO SO* OFF! anything. Hasn't that been your for Christmas dinner, what relatives experience through the years? were with you, or what your big gift Almost before the wrappings have was. Touch-Tone/Pulse' Dial JumboButton AM/FM Stereo Cassette System Christmas afternoon is also a been stuffed into trash sacks, a Phone Clarinette'-H6 by Realistic feeling of loss begins to set in. What great time to go through the is there to look forward to now? Why Christmas cards you received this is the goodwill that was so strong a season, reading the notes and the few hours ago draining out of me? enclosed letters more thoroughly Special S e 95 than you may have had time to do when everybody was getting ready Purchase for the holiday. Critics have 4o 99 deplored the Christmas letter tra- Time Of Your Life dition, indicating that it is a ho-hum It's almost impossible to make dial- Reg. 149.95 occupation. These critics do not ing errors! White w/blue accents, beige w/brown or beige w/orange. All-in-onLow Aes syste $20 Pem nor Montw evehn o morn CitiLine afforde «- know seniors very well, particularly #43-902/903/904. FCC registered. Those of us who have practiced for older people who have moved about able! Record high-quality cassettes from 50 or more years have become quite Warranty service available through Webcor. 6OH Below Mir s Suggested AM/FM radio, 2-speed turntable, or "live" and have many fond friends who only Not all colors in all stores. efficient at putting Christmas away touch base with them once a year. I Retail Price of $49.95 with optional mikes. #13-1220 17"-Hlgh Speakers almost instantaneously But do we will admit, however, that the best deprive ourselves, and perhaps our letters are those that "call back" Stereo Headphones 3-Way Speaker loved ones, of part of the lingering 3-Ch. Walkie-Talkie Portable Cassette some pleasant experiences you had NovaMO by Realistic Optimus' -400 by Realistic TRC-214 by Realistic* SCR-15 by Realistic joys that Chistmas can bring? together as well as bringing you up One feature that is fun for to date on the more recent activities Christmas day, after the gifts have of the writing family. (Remember 40% Save Cut HALF been opened, is drawing upon the that when you write your own letters PRICE Christmas memory bank. Just be- next year.) 330/0 cause past Christmases are gone Off 'I**\ does not mean that they have to be Christmas gifts can provide their 95 95 95 forgotten. own holding power if we will let 3 'Each Every one of us has a favorite them Remember how it was when 14 39 69 Christmas back there somewhere It you were young and on school Reg. 24.95 Reg. 199.95 Reg. 59.95 Reg. 139.95 vacation and had time for enjoying may have been childhood or the Discover the magic of head- Low As S20 Par Keep in touch! 3 young married years It may have your new toys, books, and games in Month on CiliLlne. Record from AM, FM stereo, or the between-holiday week. You spent phone stereo! Cushioned ear- watts output. With "live" with built-in mikes. Stereo-1 been simple or elaborate It could cups seal out noise, seal in Leaf tweeter, 12" woofer, 5" mid- channel 14 crystals. 1 even have been during the de- ' a little of each day with each gift or Wide adds depth. AC/battery devoted each day to a separate gift, music. Adjustable headband. range. Walnut veneer. 2&W high. #21-1637 operation. #14-785 emrm extra pression when many were poor and #33-993 #40-2048 Batteries, additional crystals extra gifts were really things you needed. whichever struck your fancy. Well, But, it was a Christmas when the you have the same free week as a soul was magnified and the moments retire* — so seLyourself a week's were precious. Spend 10 minutes or enjoyment schedule And if you have so reliving that Christmas when the to share some of the children's or 6-DAY ONLY SALE! HURRY & SAVE ON THE BARGAINS BELOW! soul was magnified and the moments young people's games to stretch it were precious. Spend 10 minutes or out, they won't mind. Disk-Based 64K Color Computer 2 System Finally, try an experiment. Figure so reliving that Christmas in By Radio Shack • 64K Extended Color Computer 2 thought out what thoughts and actions put ALL COLOR • Colir Disk Drive #0 Possibly you share our habit of you in such a good mood from about keeping calendars of each year with December 20 through Christmas. Save • DMP-105 Dot-Matrix Printer COMPUTER notations on what you did each day, Duplicate these when you get up Computer • Color Deskmate • Software including holidays. If so. Christmas each morning. And possibly, $40475 • Color Mouse • Printer Cable afternoon is a good time to get out although you never believed it SOFTWARE IN the stack of calendars and take a trip before, you may be able to make the Start computing tor less! Ideal condition close to permanent. for fun, home and educational STOCK NOW back through Christmases past. uses. Write programs in ex- 49995 tended BASIC, use 7-in-1 Deskmate or other ready-to-run Reg. Separate Items 904.70 software. #26-3127/3129/3259/ HALF PRICE A gift that will last Low As $23 Per Month on CrULine « 3020/1276/3025 Leroy J. Lenahan, member of the Stereo Car Cassette Auto-Reverse Cassette AM/FM Stereo Cassette/Receiver With Dolby By Realistic SCT-80 by Realistic MONMOUTH COUNTY - This Board of Directors of the Arthritis SCR-3010 by Realistic . i . holiday season you can give a gift Foundation, New Jersey Chapter. that will keep giving into 1986 and "A gift of $125 buys a month's supply beyond by giving to the Arthritis HAA/ of Materials for arthritis research, Foundation. Each contribution sup- Save MOO ports research for future programs or a 10-week warm-water exercise that make life better for people with program for four people with 95 arthritis now arthritis." "A gift of $25 will pay for a person Contact the New Jersey Chapter Save 7Q95 Save I3995 with arthritis to attend the Arthritis of the Arthritis Foundation today 279 lUU Reg. 239.95 pan 379 95 Self-Help Course, or for two labora- Call (201) 3884744 or write to 15 Reg. 129.95 =JJ. J ».».» Tw0 o( )he most.wantecj components in tory mice needed in research," said Prospect Lane, Colonia. N.J. 07067. Low As $20 Per Month on CitiLine • Low At $20 Par one space-saving enclosure! Digital- Solenoid operation! Dolby" B-C Month on citiLine. synthesized receiver has six AM, six FM side automatically. DIN-C size fits NR cuts tape hiss, extends dy- 22 WATTS PER CHANNEL, MINIMUM RMS memory presets, digital fluorescent tuning in-dash of most cars. AM/FM. 24 namic range. #14-631 INTO e OHMS FROM 20-20.000 HZ display. Cassette has Dolby B-C noise re- YOUR HOROSCOPE wans #12-1917 'TM Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corp. WITH NO MORE THAN 0 1% THO duction and soft-touch controls. #31-1998 Stereo Equalizer Stereo Cassette Portable AM/FM Cassette Recorders By Stella WUder PISCES (Feb. It-March 20) - Though morning may bring fatigue, By Realistic Portable Minisette°»-12 by Realistic CTR-65 by Realistic WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25 depression, afternoon should offer re- SCR-9 by Realistic Your Born today, you are an intelligent, juvenation and renewed spirits. highly creative individual, one who ARIES (March 21-April II) - The Choice has been endowed with a great many responsibility of averting approaching HALF talents that, if used wisely, should crisis may lie with you today. Diplo- speed you to success with relative macy is key. PRICE ease. You are a self-reliant person - TAURUS (April 20-May 20) - A some may even consider you aloof - good day to look over accomplish- and you often do your best work alone, ments, tally score. Do not be discour- Reg. 79.95,.»trs extraa Reg. 49.95 away from the distractions compan- aged by what at first may seem like Reg. 59.95 Reg. 79.95 ionship offers. You are goal oriented; very little. Both With Variable Monitor Bypass & EQ Pushbuttons Record From AM/FM or "Live" when you set your sights on an objec- GEMINI (May 21-June 20) - Today Auto-level for perfect-volume re- Records directly off-the-air or tive, there is little anyone can do to begins new phase of accomplishment, Slide-action controls let you Auto-level recording, "sleep" cordings everytime. Audible cue/ "live" with built-in electret mike. prevent you from achieving it. though it may take time for momen- boost or cut response up to 12 switch, dual speakers. AC/battery review. Built-in mike. "Sleep" Tone control. AC/battery opera- dB in seven bands. #31-1989 You can be quite moody, and you tum to build. operation. #14-779 Batteries extra switch. #14-1012 tion. #14-1003 have been known to swing from tre- mendous joy to desperate gloom in no CANCER (Jane 21-Jaly 22) - You score a major triumph today - though Cordless Telephone Telephone Answerer 4-Ch. Scanner Radio 2-Way Speaker time at all. For this and other reasons 1 you are a mystery to a great many it may not come to your attention for ET-400 by Radio Shack TAD-111C by DU6FONE" PRO-24 by Realistic MC-1201 by Realistic people. In fact, few can claim to really several days. know you very well at all. Those who LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - You may Save '40 30% Off HALF do, however, can boast of having a have to exercise considerable disci- close, loyal friend and confidant. pline today to keep yourself and youn- PRICE ger family members under control. 9995 69« AIM born on this data an Sir VIRGO (Aug. 2 3-Sep t. 22) -Politics Isaac Nawton, physicist, dlscovsr- plays major role today - both at home Reg. 139.95 Reg. 99.95 of gravity; Humphrey Bogart, Low As $20 Per Hear police, fire, and at the workplace, as major adjust- Month on CitiLine. ments begin to be made on both fronts. weather, trains and Reg. 59.95 UBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) - Kind- Make and take calls Records callers for up to three more! Scan-delay, Save $60 on a pair! To see what is in -store for you to- ness should get you far today - and anywhere! Memory minutes or gives announcements squelch control. 8" woofer, 2V2" morrow, find you* birthday and read stores 16 numbers. only. Voice activation saves tape. VHP Ml/I n #20-105 cone tweeter. Wal- rudeness nowhere. Be conscious of : toe corresponding paragraph. Let how you treat people - especially Selectable Touch- Dual-cassette operation. #43-246 vm-m/LO Crystals, batteries extra nut veneer, ^7 'l*"• Tone/pulse'. #43-550 UHF-HI/Lo Mobile use may be unlawful your birthday star be your daily guide. rivals. FCC registered Check with authorities high. #40-1990 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28 SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) - Ro- CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. II) - mantic scene requires expert handling As excitement of the past few days - especially as loved one may be over- wanes, be careful you do not succumb ly sensitive and quick to become Check Your Phone Book for the Radio /hack Store or Dealer Nearest You defensive. to unnecessary depression. 'TOUCH TONE/PULSE phones wort on both lone and pulse lines Therefore, in area* having onty pulse (rotary dial) bnes. you can still use services requinng tones, like the new long-distance systems AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) - SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- and computenTed services A long day, during which very little of Your day is best spent quietly at home •ARTiClPATiNQ STOHES AND DEALERS p revolving credit trom Citibank Payment may vary depending upon balance with family, friends - though work import is slated to occur - though eve- A DIVISION Of T ANDY CORPORATION beckons. Self-awareness is essential. ning may bring unexpected'intrigue! £^ The Register

COMICS 7 CLASSIFIED 9 Sports WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 25, 1965 B Yachting Playoff fever is his grips NY

By BRUCE LOWITT Associated Press 'passion' Never mind that they play in New Jersey, that the "NY" has long since vanished from their helmets. Eggers of Monmouth Hills, This weekend is New York's Super saUmaker, and a member of Atlantic Highland! Yacht Bowl. Club Is a heavyweight any way you look at U. He For only the second time in the 26 stands «-l and weigh. In at 170 pounds, and this year, seasons they have coexisted, the most have collected a ton of silver In trophies won la New York Jets and New York New York Bay sailing competition. Giants are in the National Football Egger's Pearson 37, Grey Ghost, won him third League playoffs in the same year, place la division In the Round Long Island Regatta creating the same kind of Big Apple sponsored by News Day as weUss first In the Atlantic frenzy that accompanied baseball's HlgM*nds Yacht Club High Point Trophy He also look New York Mete and Yankees the New York Bay Champlonehlp wtth Gray Ghost this through last September's pennant year thoagh It won't be official until January. Sattkaj races. Us JH, Das Boot, he won the lUritan Yacht CruB Normally, the two wild-card Spring Series and FaU Race Weekend. games would be played on the same ^IHs mainstays of the yachtsman's wtaalng crew are day, Sunday. For the first time, Us wife, Ines, the "straw boss" of the crew who trains however, the NFL had to reschedule new crew, trims saU and generally takes up the slack, one because both teams occupy the aad hla Mand and foretoekmanTM Maaey who bat same field, Giants Stadium. The Jets drew Saturday, with a 4 p.m. sailed with him for the past seren years. "It's almost starting time against New England, psychic," be explains about his reUtionabip with and the Giants will play the San Delaney, "Wan like 'Mutt and Jeff— The third Francisco 4ters Sunday at 1 p.m. regolar on the vend I* Mike Donahue, a college rugby and football player, "A surrogate winch," says It's not the first time the starting lagan, "If you tell hhn to poll anything In It gets times or dates of playoff games have been shuffled around. Last Winning Is something Bggers has been doing tor a year both wild-card games were on long tone. He started sailing at 10, racing at U, and the West Coast. To avoid a television conflict, Seattle's game against the picking up trophies b) a Junior sailing program at 11 visiting Los Angeles Raiders was His Interest In organized racing began in college at the moved to Saturday, a shift which Al United States Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Davis, owner of the Raiders, N.Y. where he graduated cam laude. protested in vain. LA lost the game, Alter King's Point. Eggers sailed Finns, IMoot too. On Sunday, the Giants defeated Class dinghys He qualified and the Los Angeles Rams in Anaheim. trials in 1«7J and qualified but ihim. The Empire State Building, the the concentration it takes to win, Eggers World Trade Center and a few of New York City's other landmarks race really starts before you go to bedthe can be seen on a clear day from the night before the race. He likes to get to the boat a Giants and Jets home in East couple ot hours before the race to 'achieve Karma" Rutherford, N.J. and "become one" with the boat. He Is quick to peiat The Giants have played there 10 oat the emotional hazards of the sport thoagh- The years, the Jets two. Intensity of sailboat racing at a national anc an The Giants have been urged by internationalleel ha aaaa as leading to serious "barn Vincent Tese, chairman of New oat" problems. York State'a Urban Development Eggers says he has never lost sighasJsWgMft »i e Mfcftst Corporation, to change their name. I to be a has: "It's inappropriate for them to call themselves a New York teem be- *•»• •""••• rwwWB w^Meagf, anaawa/ asa* as HSSHUH. W cause they're not in New York he decided he lotld rather make sails than go anymore," be said. With Ines, an active partner, he now lies a sail i He didn't include the Jets, per- basinets la South Amboy where be produces "seper haps because the UDC has approved custom" sails (or both racing aad cruising vessels. a proposal which could result in the Eggers often puts his professional rektlonaMM construction of a domed stadium in before nls personal interest In the sport He won the New York and, with it, the possible N.Y. Bay Championship in 19B, for example, but did THE REGISTER/CAROLINE E. COOK) return of the Jets. not qualify In 1984 because he sailed many of the races SAILING, SAItlMO - Bounding along the waves is "The .lifetime work in the yachting trade has brought him many Edward Yandich, a National Grey Ghost." Taking the craft out (or a relaxing ride In awards in New York Bay competition. Weather Service meteorologist, said See Eggers, Pigs SB October waa owner John Eggers of Monmouth Hills, whoa* Tuesday the weekend forecast calls for "no major storm. Anything that comes through is going to be like we've been getting for the past week or so — short bursts of snow or rain, not much more than an inch or two Merry Christmas wishes for the sporting world if it is snow." "But it's going to be colder than normal, in the 30s during the day and hat can a sportswriter want from the large multitude of readers his idealistic notion to getting rid of Whitson. below freezing from the late after- for Christmas? What with that glance at my column faithfully drugs in baseball. C'mon, Pete! Pete Rose: a sip from the noon on. Anybody going to the Jets Wunlimited access to pro- every Wednesday. All two of you, That's a titanic task. Cocaine is as fountain of youth so that he may game had better be prepared." fessional, collegiate and high school wherever you are. much a part of baseball as Billy lead the Reds to the National DAVE Several hundred tickets to the athletic events, an unlimited stipend At the top of the list is the game Martin's bar room brawls. Good League playoffs and the World Jets game at 122 apiece, and about for traveling expenses, etc. What that Is as American as apple pie and Luck Pete. Series. What would be more fitting SALTER 2,500 for the Giants game at $22 and more could a person want? Chevrolet ... baseball. Yes, even Billy Martin: he could use a new than having a former member of the S25, could be bought at the box Well, I've been making my list America's game could use a few set of Spaldlng boxing gloves, but famed Big Red Machine lead the office, Jets' tickets immdediately, and checking it twice for some other new wrinkles. only give him the 10-ouncers He Reds back to prominence 20 years Giants' seats on Friday. people who could use an item or two First off Is a wish of good luck to was pretty lethal with the 12-ounce later' and I thought I could get some help commissioner Peter Uebberoth and mits In his altercation with Ed SssSalter, Page 4B See New York, Page 3B Kyte overcomes deafness, achieves success in hockey NEW YORK (AP) - In the modern-day world of the players, and perhaps its toughest. He has progressed, National Hockey League, It costs nearly $700 to outfit and Winnipeg responded by signing him to a new three- a player. When Jim Kyte of the Winnipeg Jets hits the year contract prior to the 1985-86 season. ice, his equipment represents an investment of nearly "I think Jim Kyte is developing into a good twice that. defenseman. and not only a rough-and-tough guy," And the extra expense is not just for the hair dryer Winnipeg Coach Barry Long said. "His skill level is he uses several times each game. Sure, Jim Kyte takes improving. We work with him constantly. You have to pride in his personal appearance, but he uses the blow have a guy like that on your hockey club. He's easy to dryer for a very unusual reason — to whisk away the coach and a very likable individual, and very moisture that accumulates in his $500 hearing aid. intelligent." "That's the biggest problem," he says. "When you The Jets finished fourth overall last season but have sweat so much, I don't know what happens, but it seems struggled this year. And although Kyte has played in all to short out and I have difficulty hearing sometimes. but two games, his strictly defensive style — he's There's always a spare on hand in case one averaging about one shot every three games and has yet malfunctions, and every year or two they have to be to register a point — has curtailed his ice time and replaced because of the corrosive nature of the sweat." inhibited his development somewhat. Jim Kyte is an anomaly in the NHL. where Long is not concerned. communication with teammates is a vital part of the "He will continue to get more ice time," the coach game. He has lost 80 percent of his hearing. said. "Besides, I don't count on him to score. I think Although the condition has stabilized in the last five any goals we get from him are bonus goals. We need years, the 20-year-old defenseman knows it will get people to complement those people that rush up the ice, progressively worse. Yet despite the grim outlook, it is and Jimmy does that very well." as difficult to detect a note of despair in his demeanor Kyte uses some neat tricks to make his job on the as it is the handicap he plays with. ice easier, especially in the arenas where the noise "One thing my parents never let us do is regard it levels are exceptionally high as a handicap," Kyte said. "We're a very, very "In most major-league rinks the glass is kept fairly competitive family. My father was very athletic — he clean and • oil can get a reflection and see where the was athlete of the half-century at St. Francis Xavier player is behind you," he says. "When you're In the University in Nova Scotia. He went to the Olympics, and comer you can use the glass again and see where the I think It just rubbed off on us." person is on the far side. "And when we go into a loud building such as Chicago There is more to the story. or Philadelphia. I compensate by doing most of the "I come from a family of five boys and one girl, and talking (between the other defenseman and the goalie) all the boys, Including my father, have a hearing — they listen to me, Instead of vice versa. You can't impairment," he said. "But he never pushed us. If we really hear anyone behind you when you're skating back wanted to do other things, it was fine. I guess we're just for the puck. ASSOCIATED PRESS naturally Inclined to do sports." Kyte is in his third season with the Jets, who may "I play a very positional game, and everyone knows OVERCOMES HANDICAP - Winnipeg Jets' looks into the glass and watches player movements have considered it a gamble when they made him the where I'm going to be. That helps out a lot, and when delenseman Jim Kyte, rear, in action last season to make up for his Inability to hear teammates' 12th choice in the first round of the 1962 draft we're off we talk on the bench. So there's a lot of against Bryan Trottier of the New York Islanders, instructions. The Jets have not regretted their decision. At 6-foot-5 communication. It's a little difficult at times, but It's has found ways to overcome his deafness. Kyte and 220 pounds, Kyte is one of the league's biggest just something you have to overcome." The Rrgittrr WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 25. 1985

- r-s.., • ,•' HOLIDAY ETINGS

Best Wishes ^fc Wishing You QP Season's Qreetlnga \X tor a CT Best Wishes tor a Qf SEASONS Tf Holiday Greetings ^X a Sate and Happy to all our Safe and Happy GREETINGS ** Happy A Hea/f/iy from Holiday Season... friends A customers Holiday Season Holiday from Tin City of SCHWARTZ Long Branch KITSON'S Anderson Bros., lac. HYER FORD MATTY'S AUTO PARTS Chrysler-Plymouth-Mazda Miyor CHEVYLAND Foreign-Domestic MOVING « STORAGE Rta. 36 Eatontown 700 Shrewsbury Ave. since 1919 Lower Main SL Matawan PWIIp D. Hehe 51-53 Mechanic St. Red Bank Red Bank Hlno 4 Ivaco Trucks jrf 542-1000 A 741-6000 fc* Corner Hwy 35 a W. Front St. A 566-1088 A 741-0030 •BJ Red Bank 747-0787 nMMp J. niyts

Jims H. Coter Happy Holidays *2L Vice Prat. Best Wishes... QP HOLIDAY T$ from C% Holiday Greetings . TjF Season Greetings fjf SM. Fnflk PIIIOM, Jr. w The Hungry Bankers and drive carefully ^^ From all your ^^ to all our patrons. ^^ PhlHp J. Hiyts GREETINGS to/- a sa/e and happy at Mends at Wllllmi D. Willing fcoWcfay Have a safe and DAMIANO niiUHntiv Shrewsbury Happy Holiday Anflioiiy J. Pilvghl Mayo Clinik FUNERAL HOME National Bank/ Service Coaler BUSIMU MmlRistntor **uiu Mvpen Anthnnv J Mviclllo Merchants Matawan Mall Liquors Vlda M. Damlno. Manager and Radiator Service Mobil Station Member F.D.I.C. ^ Little Silver Corner Shrewsbury Ave ^ Rt. 34 a Broad St. CltyCtork , Long Branch A Call 775-3434 , a Newman Springs rd. A JtMrieC. DeFade & lor the office nearest you B 842-9737 JBf 566-1222 B 222-2312

Best Wishes and QC Happy A Hea/my W Merry Christmas ^X * Holiday Greetings QT drive carefully for ^* WISHING YOU ** Holiday Season and from all ot us at ^^ a Sato A Happy Two Rivers Realty A SAFE A HAPPY . to all our patrons Happy New Year Holiday Season HOLIDAY SEASON from: from all ot us at Wishes one and all a MOM'S Happy Holiday MacKanzia-Morris KITCHEN Haagan-Daz BUHLER A BITTER Circus Liquors 114 Avenue ol lea CrtM SIIJIII Realtors 1129 5th Avenue 839 Hwv 35 Two Rivers CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ^ Mlddletown, N.J 90 Broad St. /at. Mlddletown Holmdel Rumson 530-6550 3290 Hwy. 35. Hazlet » Red Bank 747-9813 Bt 671-1780 946-0600 / 8 071-3721 if 775-4823 k A 264-5000

Holiday Greetings tromT^m Sesf W/s/ies for a Of Warmest GreetingsTjF WISHING YOU ^ Season Greetings. *^ SEASONS CT <5A/A and Haoov from *** A WONDERFUL Would would like to wish GREETINGS Hnlirimv SEABOARD Fred D. Wikoff Co. HOLIDAY SEASOJ1 all our patrons a very From all of ua at Healthy, Happy SERVICE FUEL OIL A Prosperous 'Monmouth and LENTZ OH Burner* a MICKEY'S DONUTLAND LAWES COAL CO. Air Conditioning Holiday Season Ocean Counties" AUTO BODY COAL 9 Broad St., Rod Bank Sycamore Ave. Shrewsbury Largeet Fuel OH Dealers Walt St. Pub ^ 234-Maple Ave., Red Bank 842-4557 Asbury Park 775-2620 »Thank you lor your patronage /Sj( 180 Monmouth St. 9jf Long Branch 222-5151 )l£ 747-0552 Red Bank 741-5936 k BK Red Bank 741-0248

Season's Greetings 4qL SEASON'S Of Holiday Greetings TjP Happy Holiday SeasonQf Holiday Greetings Qf Seasons Greetings HP from all ot ua at... OV GREETINGS from all ot ua at *** from all of ua at from ^** * from all ot ua at ^^ from everyone at MATCHMAKER NORWOOD T.V. SANFORO OCEANIC MARINA Danny s Pizza & Seas featurlnj Sport Craft Little Silver EPI CURIOUS A APPLIANCE COMPANY REAL ESTATE AUTO BODY SERVICE 17-30' powered by Merc 24 Ayers La. 4 complete Qourmef Shop 295 Broadway Corner of West Street Cruise 842-5505 REALTOR Long Branch Thm Rea/tors arWi a nearl" 811 River Rd.. Fair Haven & Wsll Street Mlddletown Red Bank 8 Washington Street, Rumson _ 416 Hwy. 35 So. 481 Hwy. 79 flf 747-1980 » 842-1194 A 222-6270 jj» 747-3259 842-2277 fp> 591-0080

Sesf Wishes Qt "7% BEST WISHES 7^ Warmest A HOLIDAY' •J^fc tor a Happy ^™ Holiday Greetings *X tor a *-* Greetings from \Jl GREETINGS *^ Holiday Season from All of Us HAPPY and HEALTHY Jan ft Bob Baynton from all ot us at DEAN'S HOLIDAY SEASON Mann's Brothers DEARBORN FARMS FLOWERS BAYNTONS AVIS Carpet-Vlnyl-Floors Bicyles DORNS 143 B. Broad St. Area Ruga RENTACAR 2170 Hwy. 35 Red Bank 286 Hwy. 35 Holmdel PHOTO SHOP. INC. 68 White St SERVING Eatontown 264-0256 15 Wallace St.. Red Bank Red Bank THE JERSEY SHORE . 747-1832 A 542-0030 k 747-2273 A 747-3876

A, Season's Hf Happy Holidays"3 ^*b* HOLIDAY ^* Season's Greetings \X TO ALL OUR Cf Holiday Greetings \JV Greetings *** GREETINGS from CUSTOMERS... ** from THE FLOCK ALL OF US AT... HAPPY HOLIDAYS ROBERT A. BRAUN BENEDETTO all ot us at... FUNERAL HOME FROM OUVERA'S and John W. Rock FUNERAL HOME REALTY GROUP SHREWSBURY Ann w. Jueka ATLANTIC OFFICE Eatontown 1298 Hwy. 35, J.F. KIELY Dlrectora Mlddletown Robert A. Braun PHARMACY Construction Company SUPPLIES Long Branch Dlr. a Owner 570 Broad St Long Branch &f 222-0202 Shrewsbury fif 671-0404 A SHREWSBURY 542-0363 747-1010 A 741-4874

Sesf Wishes lor *^fc Season s Greetings CTT . HAPPY nf Jfc To all our friends 99i to all our friends Season's Greetings A Customers ^\ HOLIDAYS Season's Greetings >^ and customers to all our friends From all ol ua at from Season's Greetings and customers from SHREWSBURY SURRAY LU6GAGE FOOD CIRCUS KATHI'S HAIR STATE BANK Red Bank SUPERMARKETS DESIGNERS CASOLA FARMS 747-2557 STAR AUTO STORES Member F.D.I.C. Route 520. Marlboro Monmouth Mall Joseph Auollna 60 Msple Ave. Red Bank President 968 Shrewsbury Ave. 465 Broad Street, Route 34 a Laird Rd. 542-3600 Tlnton Falls ^^- Shrewsbury Colts Neck *g Ocean County Mall Operating 13 Foodtowns X 741-1772 X In New Jersey J6 842-7700 k M 341-7702 544-1991

Season's Greetings Season's Greetings Holiday Greetings from the gang at To all the Sea Food a from A JOYFUL lovers In Monmouth County HOLIDAY SEASON a MIDDLETOWN Happy Holidays from a very Happy A Safe LOVEJOY'S FROM KEITH all your friends at GARDEN CENTER Holiday Season from all College and Prep School Florin a Landscape Co. SMYKAL ASSOC. of us at Counseling Services ALL SEASONS Hwy. 35 For every sales lid Charles T. Straugn Victory Market Moby's Lobster Pound Mlddletown 197 Wall St. Educational Consultant TAX SERVICE West Long Branch 90 Monmouth St.. Red Bank 31 West Front St. (Including Moby himself) Courts of Red Bsnk Red Bank 747-1331) 671-1050 Red Bank 222-5295 291-4502 k 741-5640 I. 530-4224

Warmest HOLIDAY Season's SEASONS* WARMEST Greetings from GREETINGS { Greetings GREETINGS HOLIDAY WISHES Warmest Greetings FROM from TO ALL FROM from SAL'S TAVERN OUR FRIENDS BROSSINGER & HELLER MUSTANG OIL CO. & RESTAURANT from the Staff ot Red Bank Volvo. Inc. OLDE UNION HOUSE AGENCY Serving Northern RED BANK Monmouth County 119 Newman Springs Rd PERKINS 11 Wharf Ave. Shrewsbury Open Christmas Eve til 10 Red Bank A DENNIS K. BYRNE. 201-928-4532 Closed Christmas Day PANCAKE HOUSE ASSOCIATE Vlaa or Mastercard accepted 741-5886 Open New Year's Day Shrewsbury Plaza 842-7575 11:30 a.m.-i a.m. Shrewsbury 15 Wikoff PI., Red Bank k k 741-2100 IY. DECEMBER 25, 1985 The Rriialrr Holmdel top seed Freehold at Bayshore Classic pairings canter Kevin Broderick (16.3 ppg) MIDDLETOWN - Holmdel High School nu been given toe top wed and M Dan McGloughlin (10.3 ppg). ID the annual Baysbore Holiday •McGloughlin haVmade !£ne are set up Classic which gets underway tomor- good contributions," Carrigan said. row at Mlddletown High School "And Kyi. Kane has played a steady South floor game. FREEHOLD - The two Freehold The leading, however, mi done "We've been playing well." he basketball teams will be after one three weeks ago and baaed only on said. another again as toe Freehold the order of last year's finish which Mlddletown South got an Regional High School Holiday Tour- taw Homdel rout the Lancers, (4-37, outstanding effort from 84 Mike nament launches its games in both to win the title. King in Monday's overtime win over boys' and girls' divisions. Based on the results of the first Long Branch. He had 19 points and Freehold Boro and Freehold week's games, though, It appears 14 rebounds. Jeff Dalker, one of the Township have been put in separate that St. John Vlaoney and Middle- area's top shatters, has scored IT brackets aa the tourney opens town South will be the teams to beat. points In the Eagles' first two tomorrow night at two sites.- The Lancers stayed close to games. At Freehold Township, fourth unbeaten Christian Brothers Keyport has dropped two in a row, seed Manalapan's girls team will Academy until toe last quarter but the Red Raiders have been face Middlesex County Invader Friday night before losing, JJ-S3, handicapped because most of Its Madison Central, seeded fifth, at 1 and then came back to defeat squad played on Keyport's football p.m. while fourth seed Howell meets Manalapan (57-151 and Red Bank team and didn't report for practice fifth seed Matawan at 3 in the boys Regional (»«). until the second week of December. division Mlddletown South opened with Laehy Is questionable for the While all this is going on, Free- Impressive wins against MaUwan tournament, and Ken Trevor and hold Boro will be the site of a 1 p.m. (74-47) and Long Branch (75-74). Steve DIBUii will try and pick up game featuring girls teams from Holmdel, meanwhile, dropped Its the slack. second seed Howell and seventh opener to Marlboro, M-55, although Football star WaUy Friberg and seed Freehold Boro while the 3 p.m. it was without one of its veteran Dan Strydlo lead Keansburg while game pits fourth seed Howell players, Kevin Laehy, who was Bob Jones and Steve Ownes are the against fifth seed Matawan in the sidelined with a knee injury. Rarltan (1-1) scoring leaden boys bracket. The tournament will have a pair Henry Hudson (0-2) has started There are also two night of double headers tomorrow In the slowly but should get better. doublenesders. At Freehold Town- afternoon twin bill, fifth-seeded Sophomore Carl Roth and Rob ship in a 6 p.m. game top seed Keyport plays fourth-seeded Lukachyk have been the scoring Freehold girls team plays eighth Rarltan at 1 p.m. while Holmdel leaders in the first two games. seed Matawan and second seed meets eighth seeded Wall at 2:30. Veterans Tom Gifford, Mark Bur- Freehold Township, in the boys division, plays seventh seed Cedar The night double-header has roughs and Mike DeSarno lead WaU. Ridge In the 8 p.m. encounter. seventh-seeded Keansburg playing Bayshon Girts Tomnameat second-seeded St. John Vianney at MIDDLETOWN - At the same Across town at Freehold Boro, 6:30 and host Mlddletown South, time the boys tournament Is being third seed Marlboro's girls team seeded third, playing sixth-seeded held, the annual Bayshore Girls faces sixth seed Cedar Ridge at 6 Henry Hudson at 8. Tournament will be going on across p.m. with top seed Freehold Boro the hall at the Mlddletown South playing eighth seed Marlboro at 8. The losers of the first-round The losers of these games will evening games play Friday after- girls gymnasium. The starting times for the first round and play in consolation games at both noon at 1 p.m. with toe first round sites on Friday. afternoon losers playing at 2:30. The semifinals will be the same as the first-round evening winners meet In In the boys division, Freehold the semifinals at 6:30 and the Middletown South Is the top seed Boro has jumped away to two opening-round afternoon winners despite graduating its entire start- resounding victories, beating Free- play at 8. The final will be Monday ing team from last year's cham- hold Township, 54-40. and then at 8 p.m. with the consolation game pions. The Eagles, however, opened lambasting Shore Regional, 63-27 set for 6:30. All games wUI be strong agalnt MaUwan and is the Freehold Boro Is the defending played at Mlddletown South. probably team to beat. Holmdel, the champion, beating Freehold Town- second seed, is the likely top St. John Vianney coach Jim ship in three overtimes in last year's challenger. Carrigan expects a close tour- championship game. Tomorrow's double-header has Marlboro will have the unenviable ' Mlddletown South will be right fifth-seeded Keansburg playing task of trying to stop the high flying op there," Carrigan said. "They fourth-seeded Rarltan at 1 p.m. and Colonials Marlboro opened with a THE REGISTER/ED BRETT played well In their first two games Middletown South taking on eighth win over Howell, but then dropped and will have the home court seeded Perth Amboy at 2:30. The JUST IN TIME — New York Jets quarterback Ken passing champion for 1985, will have to be in top a 10-point verdict to Red Bank Catholic. advantage." night double-header has third seeded O'Brien releases the ball just before getting hit by form when the Jets begin playoff action Saturday Henry Hudson facing sixth-seeded Carrigan would like to see a Cleveland's Tom Cousineau. O'Brien, the NFL's against New England. Howell and .Matawan should change in the seeding procedure. St. John at 6:30 and Holmdel provide a good matchup. Howell, meeting seventh seeded Keyport at "It was based on the previous although 0-2, battled Monmonti 8. screens and we'll show the second card round, the Jets still called New year's winner," Carrigan said. "It Regional to the wire before losing by round of the playoffs here the York their home, playing in Shea three points and then dropped a 80-72 has been a tradition with the Semlflnala will be held Friday at New York— following weekr Stadium. decision to Brick Memorial. The Baytbore Tournament and that's the 6:30 and 8 p.m. with the losers At The Sporting Club in New The Giants, who at am Urn* or Rebels can acore *nd will face j 'way It goes, but I would like to see consolations at 1 and 2:30. The Continued from Page 18) York, where large screen test- another had occupied tto Polo tight Matawan defense. them come up with a change In the championship game will be played Restaurants and bars catering to visions abound, owner Bill Rose said Grounds. Yankee Stadium, Vale Marulapan meet* Madison Town- manner of seeding next year." Monday at 2:30 with the consolation sports fans, some of the establish- he expected to have T-shirts, hats, Bowl and Shea, had already fled ship, a 73-54 loser to Coknia, one of St. John will be led by veteran 8-5 game set for 1. ments with 10-foot TV screens and rooting sections, banners, an elec- across the Hudson River to their the bettor teams in Middlesex a profusion of other televisions, new home, built on a swamp County. were making plans for the "Super tronic message and Scoreboard and a special menu, along with "special diplomatically called the Manalapan lost Its only game to Weekend," unconcerned about Meadowlands St. John Vianney by 11, but has some weather forecasts. concoctions (drinks) in honor of the Eggers Giants and Jets." scoring power in Anthony Mormile Manny Cimiluca, owner of Man- Because of the two games, the On that Dec 27. the Jets lost and and Brian Tunnies. Continued from Page 1B calls "establishing one's own frame ny's Restaurant in Moonachle, N.J., the Giants won The Jets fell to with customers he had made sails Meadowlands canceled its thorough- of reference" to which he attributes said his place would have Saturday bred racing card on Saturday night Buffalo 31 27. rallying from a 244 The semi finals will be played for. "I enjoy Involving customers In his ability to continue to race with and Sunday brunches at 315 plus a and pushed back the start of the deficit only to lose when Richard Saturday at two sites. Freehold the sport, he explains, "and I like It enthusiasm year after year. Sailing, bus ride to the stadium for another Nets-Washington Bullets National Todd was intercepted by BUI Boro will host the afternoon semi when they beat me, although I do he characterizes as a sport one can 16. "We're going to have the Basketball Association game at Simpson on the Bills' 2-yard line while Township will be the site of have mixed feelings about it. I don't participate In from the cradle to the brunches before the games and a adjacent Byrne Arena two hours to with 10 seconds to play. The Giants the night semi. subscribe to the Vince Lombard! grave. "More importantly," he victory party after they're over," 930 p.m. Saturday night. defeated fumble prone Philadelphia The finals will be played Dec. 30 school where 'winning isn't every- points out, It is one of the few sports said Cimiluca. 27-21, then were beaten 38-24 the at Freehold Township with the thing, it's the only thing.' " you can take up at any age u it has In 1981, the only other time New following week by San Francisco, He called it "the New Jersey York's two NFL teams made it consolation slated for 6 and the final It Is this perspective, what he no age and few sex barriers." the eventual Super Bowl champion. Super Bowl. Well have the big beyond the season and into the wild- at 8.


Happy Holidays to QP Have a Happy and Happy Holidays to a a Peace and Joy In all our Mends that **• Healthy Holiday all our friends and Best Wishes and Drive Seasons Greetings to every house and have kept us In business customers from Safely tor a all our customers and from the Qenovese's garden under the Sun. since 1017 a Happy New Year at Happy Holiday The Draw Bridge Gloria Nikon Bhars Famous SeaFood Crates Beverages Steak House Can Mil's Pizza Copper Kettle 14 North Bridge Ave. Restaurant 361 Bridle Rd. Realtors 183 Riverside Ave. Red Bank. N.J. Hwy 36 & Ave. D. Manaaquan Leonardo. NJ 600 Rr 35 2 Bay Ave. tad tank Hlghtinds, NJ 747-1485 Shrewsbury, NJ 223-8434 291-1180/291-0668 842-5M0 k 642-6009 k 872-1245

a Seasons Greetings Best Wishes for a Best Wishes For A Seasons Qreetlnga From Ml Of Us At Happy & Healthy Happy Holidays Seasons Greetings From from all of ua at Sate 4 Happy Holiday LOONEY TUNES Holiday Season From THE 12TH OF NEVER Long Johns Ltd. CONTRASTS Main Street Village Ski Asylun SPIWAK FLORIST The Irish Shop Main St a Rt. 34 18 Beach Blvd. 49 Broad St. Red Bank Highlands. NJ Matawan 46 Center Ave 99 Ave of Two Rivers 139 Broad Street Atlantic Highlands 741-9177 Rumson NJ Red Bank, NJ 586-1213 872-1771 k k 291-0001 842-0674 k

Greetings from our Seasons Greetings a Best Wishes lor Seasons Greetings to house to yours The Holiday Season Holiday Greetings from from Seasons Greetings from all of ua at all our friends from House of Paints the all new Rt. 34 8. 1 Mm City Savings The Penlnsiia Colts Neck TIM Fox a Hounds niveroon rusunmrt 760-0400 39 Broad St 29 Rt. 34 South 353 W Front Street 3 Offices In Red Bank 747-5292 on the Ocean, Sea Bright Colts neck, NJ Monmouth County New Prices. New Images 1103 Rt. 35 Keyport 842-2100 Ocean Township 431-4900 I k 531-5365 k 264-3016 The Register . DECEMBER 25. 1M6 Sanctions possible for Connecticut cage star •i U Kelley in threatening and harassing two other student* Kelley and the other defendants testified that they "I'd been repeatedly threatened throughout the STORRS, Conn. (AP) - University of Connecticut and briefly abducting one of them. were searching for another student who had stolen evening," Wylie said. "Earl was mad, more than nmf. basketball star Earl Kelley will spend Christmas Day Kelley and Darryl S. Haywood were found guilty, several items from Kelley's dormitory room when they and 1 know when people are that mad they do things wondering whether he will be allowed to complete his while three others — including former Connecticut allegedly bullied Kevin Brockway and Thomas Wylie. that are unpredictable." final season uninterrupted. quarterback Larry Corn - were found guilty of being Kelley told Ardaiolo that be was loud, unruly and was Ardaiolo dismissed charges that Kelley kept a gun Although a serious weapons charge against him was accessories to the violations of the school's student swearing on the night of the Incident, but did not break and several knives on campus after the prosecution was "dismissed by a school tribunal early Tuesday, Kelley conduct code. Corn, who has graduated, was not present any school regulations. unable to produce any direct link between a prcrWprld was found guilty of three other student conduct code at the hearing. "I was upset, angry and violated because my room War II, Spanish-made pistol and Kelley One knife was violations during a 9>-i-hour session at a university More than 100 people attended the hearing, the climax had been broken into,'' he said. introduced as evidence - a pen knife not more than auditorium. to nearly nine months of maneuvering since the April Wylie, the student'who was allegedly abducted, three inches long. Dean of Students Frank P. Ardaiolo, who presided at 4 incident appeared to testify against them even though he has Three witnesses for the prosecution - Jim DeCarli, the hearing, said no decision as to sanctions against All three network affiliate television stations in since left the school. George Pudimat and UConn police Sgt. Donn Heriadeen Kelley would be announced until Thursday. Possible Connecticut and nearly every newspaper from Connecti- Wylie said he tried to make believe he was - testlfed that Greg Johnson, whom Kelley was -penalties range from a warning to expulsion. cut appeared for the hearing that was opened to the cooperating with the group because he was scared for reportedly searching for the night of the Incident, had Disciplinary hearings also were held for four other public at the request of Kelley's attorney, Lubbie bis safety. He said Kelley was extremely angry because bragged to them that he had stolen a gun and several students, including two in absentia, who allegedly joined Harper Jr. someone had apparently stolen items from his room. knives from Kelley. Jets game cancels race card

EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. (AP) — The Meadowlands racetrack has canceled its racing program Satur- day night and the New Jersey Nets have pushed back the start of their basketball game against Washington because of the New York Jets football playoff game. .The Jets will play host to the New England Patriots in the American Football Conference wild-card game at Giants Stadium Saturday at 4 p.m. Less than 24 hours later, the New York Giants will host the San Francisco 49ers in the National Football Conference wild-card game. Robert Mulcahy, the executive director of the New Jersey Sports Authority, said that cancellation at the racetrack and the rescheduling of the start of Nets' National Basketball Game game from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. were made to avoid conflict and traffic problems at the sports complex In northern New Jersey. Mulcahy said that Saturday night's featured race at the Meadowlands, the fSO.OOO-added Thomas Edison Stakes will not be •tan this year, but that next week's cards will carry one or two ad- ditional races to make up for the cancellation. Racing will resume at the track Monday. Salter Continued from Pag* 1B Mike Schmidt: two more pro- ductive years so that he may reach the coveted 500 home run level to insure the Hall of Fame recognition he deserves. San Francisco Giants: A new home. They are no more welcome in the Bay Area than a tidal wave. The same remedy would also cure a similar situation in Fig Jankowski's stomping grounds of Cleveland, Ohio where Indian tickets are as easy to get as a cheap steak. In the wonderful world of football follies: Tom Landry: how about a spoon- ful of emotion for old stone-face. I mean what If the sound went out on the television set and all you had was the picture? Could you tell if the Cokeboys (I mean Cowboys) were winning or losing? And while we're on the subject, how about a measure of fair play for South America's • juniors Team? Any other player or team with drug problems gets slapped with fines, suspensions or three weeks on the Russian front. BUT NOOOOO! Not the Cowboys. Mitoses • *« And how about a new job for Bum Phillips? A car with a built-in breath-a-lizer wen • Young for Chicago Bears' coach Mike Ditka. Heaven forbid he get thrown in Jail and is unable to coach the Monsters of the Midway In the playoffs. •'" How about some respect for the Giants who have wrapped up their second straight lwinning season and trip to the playoffs? So they didn't win the NFC East. They'll probably win it next year ... provided they continue to play that awesome schedule which will include Tampa Bay, Houston and New Orleans. I tear they're going to play the Bucs and Saints in home and home games pat year. J Maybe a return to the top of the ap, including an AFC title and ' Bowl, (let's not get greedy) : Chuck Noll and the Pittsburgh Rattan. A high school coaching Job for 1 Faust since that is the only he seems capable of guiding rasfully. In basketball, it's too early to see it everyone really needs. But one that would make me happy be to see Al McGuire work the e of the NCAA tourney this r. And maybe a smile or two for irgetown's John Thompson, who Iways seems to be conducting boot L !!. P But who really cares about all this !f anyway? Is this really as as athletic directors, hes and owners pretend it to If you could have one thing. JUST are thing, anything. What would it

Merry Christmas and Happy New 121 Broad Street, Red Bank Year! The Register . 1965 SCOREBOARD IN THE BLEACHERS

PAT pa it Pk KV40 »-42 U ia I T pa MB) t o MI a; in 114 172 MM It 17 7 I 0 43* 2H 110 464 266 34*0 17 a a I ii i in m 414 IM 377 3622 19 a Home Lot Angeaa Patten, taake. Ben Dago. DM. NO ta 146 1143 II II Karaaa Cay, lite tiigjeari. C -— --.. tuna) 11 1 0° M 4M IK ai 117 1774 I II I t 0 800 117 at Antar. At 111 111 1*32 7 1? Away: Loe Anpke Rtkure. seeke. ten Dago. T 0.0 43* M4 W Femgemo. Ba-OB a? 149 1677 5 17 Karwae C6y. New Yott Jen. natutin. Neer von. 7 t o 4M ar at LA I M o ia at ui OeUenieee •Ml ATT YDt AVO LO TO II I 0 MT 140 m 317 171* 41 M 10 U 0 0 626 411 X 124 1561 4640 I I 11 0 jit 2t4 « M4 45 Mil Ne» YoA loo. iMKWMeai 4 It 0 JHW « 0tma.M. 1307 43 H 7 111. MM 109 WlrW.T.B m 1300 36 a 10 , ten DMoo. Keneet cay. 1234 42 4) 11 m. cume. »« YOI> o—. n***ym. «oga».vi 231 10M 4.7 a 7 mn Omm, teeW. ten DUgo. *mm Cly. 0n»j.M. 214 ioa 49 MUM, Houeu. Oeaei. WeeWngion. f Hlfiri.HH. na it ltU_ Motne Loe AngeM Relden, One. teeae. *mm Cly. Mm. Hnalm Otm. WMll>lg»»l. toaon a Ne» York. 3:10 p.m LA Orpmn • PottrmO. 9 pm Aaer Let AnejHe KMert. Dttitet. Heat, (tone NO VO» AVO LO TD Cly, itKHtieujtt. Cieneiena. Nta YOA aana. cm*, MM) M Wit 11.0 71 Monk. We* n tat us Hk.Dal 74 1111 IM M Home: Lot Tgiln IWdin. Dtnvet. toi Dtr«o. CMCt.Pha 71 1147 17.1 Cly- • . NtN » YYo k M paatir He» YO* Clark. Wean i M» a i PMedttrjhJe Loten.vata . a na tt.7 56 Loe AnarMe Hi WOMEN'S Kenee• C% »:•« Dago »4 a Tie ii.? 51 Kemeeeay.Nt•y. NK>in(1endo . CtnOnnel. Oela. WetNno- IM HCMM It •4 7*1 124 32 M 42 James A. Nalsmlth, 1891: The untold story. oil. Meeia mm The naaotia lop 20 women a rnligim t •2 DO 13 4 36 taam aa compkea by MH areenbatg el »III.UIW>l 62 t oi M voeja * a worn, oW NM Yofk Oeirti. WeilMtiOjQn, PflaMwBtplMB, NO YAflOt LONG) AVO a Louie. AIM. CNcege. Loe AngtMe RtkNn. Oomaty.Ai. Dm • at 17 VII 17 43 3 »«ey Neo Yum Olenai. Wientio» eM ooalkore. oonplad by IU Anaa a He» KJaamg Wage 1 New 6 Km tea. M 6 km na. 71 M1 IA 71 1 Lapknd Lake 3 New k 26 tan taa aal a km Mk Naahete Veley pp il 42 baa) 7 Mk 3 ate okaaai TO tee i4 a 1* I I 0 90 tmf eweatjp. »«aeele. Oaeot, Tempe Bey. we. Yon rne. end bated on ropofk auppnad by tie aU Yorti Oiama. Ne» OMene. Oewewd. PejanmH. MaCeukw 4 mm 1* Km ew eat II toe) aw*. IT nte 171 it n o o 71 B4L Van llenanborp 2 Near k 3 am aea aa 3 tm lw> uei —1 pp e na. n-a taaa eaar 17 566 11 i«j tl 110 Lagan): 0 rvaHnohae « enoar In tie pea M 1 da/ el noon .1 11 0rO haaa rkp»i al mom. ikatiB 0 11 0 Paehkre TreBe 3 New kamtOtonmiaetlOlen d ap 1 rate 1 Mk 1*44 beet aejaM 44 1 10 7 10 gnomingi : ppoMaM r ppsc p p 1 Day ' n I Bay" Oteen ~Tempa Bay! powder, wdp-wM blown powder, Ig-froxan grenukr. Mkne 10 0 10 0 r Beaton Htk ctoald Chrklmea day NO YAW* LONO AVO WMJOingBuO O*)n * pfiCM)CO. U*nQnnM) HOUMqfl Peek 'n Peek 3 New k" IS km mi a* 19 km Mk 10 7 10 60 ig-ucae granule/: wg-wei granular, co-oom now-, v- WM HI pp 6-14 baee 4 Mk 2 Mk ooeed 71 3644 M 41.1 ib JHHV Qi ffThfi Qfoomtid surtsoti Snow RUga 4 New 0 Km n> eel 10 km Mk M 217* M 41.7 tu. 10 7 10 60 iMMtn twain 2 New 7 Km tnu eel 7 km Mk cnnttneiDey 92 3*63 75 410 10 10 0 0 60 Homa: Chtcego. Green Bey. Uinnaaota. Detorl. San Key to Croat Country Ski Code, k - tadt eaUng m Blu. Hat wet pp 6-14 baaa 2 Mk 2 Mk ppan M atl 17 42.4 •Met. M Francraco, Ataraa. Si Ltxiri. Buttalo. Hat 24 hour., am -anowmaklng km tra. eat dktonca ChrMmee Day el 1 p.m. IT 2410 64 424 0 M Aarey: Cmcago. Oreeti Bey. MMieua. Datum. Lot Batteyre 0 New mga 10-36 baee 21 Mk «c ol groomed Ml Ktmrn km Me • total tan JUkjiiui wnkm ll.mrnmaai ssxv Big Bitch 5 Nea am gm op 1-1* baaa 8 Mk Aigalaa Pleme. Near Orleene. Si. Loula. Kenaaa City LJOhneon, Hou 63 3444 66 417 open In eyekfn ne • area oner, night croaa country Brodk pdr pp 13 Mk 5 lllk vn up to 46" beta open M Mil 17 41.1 " PAT F0 Lg P» F*g vamaa 4 New am gm pp 6-90 beae 4 Mk »c ChnamaeDay nod. But. tueet.CN. 51-51 31-17 46 144 Cakmount 2 New am gm mga 6-30 baaa 10 Mk JArnold. KC H ar? a 414 BerkahM Eael pdr pp 11-38 baae I Mk 1 Mk. 92 3764 61 409 Andenen. NO 27 29 31 36 55 120 Coram vaaey 0 Nea am gm pp 6-32 baae I Mk Jimmy Peak 1 new pp 15 Mk 3 Mk an 19-4* bait NMMADen. M M27 a 401 Murrey. Del 31 33 24-31 11 IM Orieane. PNladelpNo. Chicago. St. Louk. New Yotk Dear Run 0 Nea mga 7-17 beta 11 Mk N.I IM open Chnttika Day 36-39 32 39 12 104 Ma. irxMnapot. Htohmount 1 New am gm mga 15-36 beta 7 Mk BOSTON (API - Nea Engknd Ski Area. Council Bouaqual 1 mm pp 1642 beta II Mk 2 Mk am 3*39 35 30 53 104 Aarey: Loe AngMee Rema. San Franckoo. New Holdey Mm3 New am gm mga 12-34) baae 7 Mk omokl aummery ol akimg condtaone a Haw England doaad Chrkrnee day. OAeera, Dalai, Dm*. Tampa Bay. Mam. Nee NO YOt AVO LO 0 a-M 24-11 62 101 Hunw 1 New am gm p 16-60 beta 40 Mk Ski Area. a. ol noon December 24, 1965 Btrkahlro Sno Baam t new pp 12-41 baaa 7 Mk Ffylr. N.E 17 120 14.1a 2 42-41 16-21 Ml Paw 2 New am gm pp 26-30 beae 2 Mk SkHng oondWork ate eublad to change due to 1 Mt tm dooad CMaamae day 31 33 2214 n a Pkaakai 2 Nea am gm pp 1-24 bate I Mk weather, akkr MV end other tocton Be aware 01 a 417 11.1 II ,w«m Home Sen Francaoo.'Near Oneant. Atama. Dauaa. Mi Tom WM pp a Mk 5 «k 12-24 baaa. HMtuke. T.B. 3042 21-32 41 97 SU WVMham 1 New am gm pp 15-94 but 14 Mk changing condkona. n MI 112 Dttntt. Tampa Bey. Mleml. Ne> EngranO. Bueemui Baain pp kgr 12-36 beae 10 Mk 4 Mk tm 40 441 111 NOteoeiaB 36-40 It-a SMrtng Fore* 0 New gm pp 6-21 beta 4 Mk Ltgand: new mchee ol new mow In kat 24 hour. open Chnefcnee dey. u a Aarey: ten Frenctco. Near Onaena. AMna. PMa- pdr-powder enow pp pecked powder, kgr-tooet Catamount kgr 6-30 baee 10 Mk 5 ma am. 11 312 10.1 OttpNe. CNctgo. n Louta. Ne» York Jan. ln- Otteeey.Heu. 14 211 9.0 Bk T upper 3 New am gm pp 0-21 beat 11 Mk granukr trgr-troten granuw wet gr-wat granular DM RUga pp 6 Mk 3 Mk 0-38 baaa doaad Vlgortaj.Mki 22 in 90 21 Tne lame end eaay meWmpi lot tie 19M NaKnaa ai Oore Mm 0 Nea am gm p 11-30 ban 36 MM Where tao tuch arm. appear, the totmar ehewa CKktnea Day lene.K.C 41 ai U IT Foot* Laagua ttteon tooottig B M Mouel McCeuky 4 New pp t-11 baae 7 Mk tt condkona on 70 percent or more terrain, and the later Nea Hampehiro Home: Lot Angeke Rama. San Frandeoo. Atank. Oak Mm 1 New gm pp It-II bete 13 Mk me neat moat praidanl condieon vc-verkbk con- VJoMeoti. Oen 30 260 6 7 36 •onadult totmule MaHutid lot tie Itn aeeeon. The Nea York Qiank. Oraan Bay. Tampa. Bey. Mann. New Waoamaaa pp pdr 5 Mk 2 We an 104) Jtmei.1.0. torn to na gamaa ate innounoad rr. ma Spring Ski wen 1 New gm pp 11-21 baae 1 Mk dlttona. tc-twi cover am-anoa mede Hi MM 24 hour. beea open Chrktnae day AUtmCAN POOTBAU. COHPIMMCI Snow Ridge 4 New gm pp 14-20 baaa 21 Mk «c worn-windblown .now no-not operating opr-operenng f waacaa 2 new pp pdr 12 tali 3 Mk 12-40 btae an BAtT : Lot AngaMa Rernt. San Frenoaco, Aaaraa. Taut Mm 3 New «n gm pp 20-28 beta 13 treaa na-rajht akllng avaalbk. doaad Chnaenae Day. New York Diana. Mlnnaaaa. SI Lout). Ne» Yolk Mt. NO rot AVO LO WhaMeoe 2 New em gm pp 11-22 baaa 17 Mk «c Cormectcul Bk«*Mtnpp10lralk2lilki2-36bee.«T-edda«r»i Young. Ck». 36 6te 287 M Home: Miami. Neer YoA Mm, Nl» EngHM. Wand Mm 0 New gm pp 4-41 beet 14 Mk Mcheafc Mm pdr pp 14 Mk 3 Wk am 6-30 baee Mk and 4 mi Thura. open cnnatna Day. 37 174 260 4t r~*—T**T CttvUend. PaWutgh. lunee CDy. It Wood* vekry 2 New am gm p 10-24 bate I Mk doaad ChrMmaa day. Braaon Wood, pp 15 Mk 4 Mk 12-26 beat am top Home: Loa Angeke Rama. New Orkena. Atank. C1KTRAL ANO «UTIRN Ski Sundown pp 14 Mk 3 Mk am 24-40 baee 96 10 boaom open Chrtobnet Day M noon. Orewtoy.Hou. 26 642 34.7 New Yon Qknk. Mmneaota. St. Louk. Nea York Jek. V Johneon. Den » 740 24.7 Away: Mleml. Ntw Yort Jan. Ntar EngtanO. Brantlng 2 Nea gm pp 5-20 beae 4 Mk open ne only Chnalmaa Dey Cannon Mountain pp 6-26 baee 17 Mk 4 Ma am Mertn.Cm ItidlenipoH. Clnclnnal. Houaw,. Kanaaa C»y. Tempt BnatH Mm 0 New am gm mga 15-26 beaa 13 Mk woodbury SIR pp 4-20 baaa B Mk 2 Wk. doted CMktmee Day 41 1104 230 A«ay" Loa Angeke Rama. Ne» Otuana. Atana. Ipencer.P-. 27 II? 326 Cockaigne 2 New am gm mga 9-33 baae 11 Mk «c Ml Soumingion pp 16-20 baaa 11 Mk5Wk13-1t Aaaaah pp gt 6-30 baae 10 Mk 3 Mk am top to WaeWnukjn. Qrean Bey. Tampa Bay. Hen, Na» Greek Peek 2 New am gm pp 12-26 beta 12 Mk beet boaom open el 1230pm Chrtaarhee Day. HenwenMe. 46 1020 22.7 England. m ""' ' l.DeMtn 21 417 224 Home: Miami, Ne» Yotk Jen. NM Engknd. tullelo. Powder Ridge 4 new pp 7 Mk 3 MB 11-44 Dee. Ml Cranmore pp 6 Mk 4 utk am 6-2* baaa open I. ID a '79 214 ae«emid. len OUas. Loe Angnte Rim. Nee Hoedey valley 0 New gm pp 4-20 baae 42 train open Chtktmaa dey Chrktmet day w* 6 Mk. 22 4a 211 Orteene. NPL Ptoyett Infuty Repwn Kkakig Bridge I New gm pc 2-30 bete 33 Mk nc Rhode wand HIIIIBQII pdr pp 2 Mk 2 Wk am 24" baaa doaad Aeey: Miami, Nw Yon jeai. Na» England. Bufltu. HEW YORK {API - The Naeonal FoctMa League Labrador 2 New gm pp 6-11 beta 20 Mk no areaa operating Cnrktnae dey. Peak n Pa* 3 Nea am gm mga 3-30 baae II talk i. Loe Anteke WeMan. tin Ftanakoo. Atema Irauryripotlotmka " - '- Maine. Loon, Mounk*i 1 new pp last 26 relk 7 Mk am 10-26 Squew 1-2 new pp pdr 6-5 beaa I Mk 2 Mi a) baaa open Chrktnee Day. t "TD'rVat. Bac M P» Hour NM Yen Me. Ne» m abiataa open ChrleDnea day. Waarvke valley pp 12-3S beet 22 Mk I Mk open 15 M fci^HOaeaAToaTntlMe RtaJteTtenTreSia ENQLANO AT NEW YORKJETt- Paetak Song Mm. 3 New am gm pp 6-28 bate 14 Mk Suganoal pdr pp 11 Mk 7 Ma am 24-40 btae open Chrwmaa day. NEW miimtklii Ski 1 New pp 4-* bate 6 Mk 14 11 t LB Btkn Ingram (htmtemg) kJi*tl»-«* J«*LB Chrktnee day. King Pma pdr pp B-24 beat I Mk ta Wk doaad 13 11 2 Aaray: Near Yon Jala. Near EngMnd. indknwola. Ski Tamarack 2 Nea gm pp 2-6 bee. 11 Mk u Saodtoback 2naapp4Mk2Mkem 24-3* beae Chrktmet day. Oe.eneon.MM. Lance MeN [toon. C Jot FleWa (cheal). CB Johnny Swam 2 New am gm pp 15-30 beaa 16 Mk Tuttiet.Bae 13 0 IS BuHtB.Ck.aknd. Sen D»go. Lot Angaka Wemi. Nea L^lkneel.RB freeman MoHaa (knee). NT Barry open ChrMmat day Tatmey Mountain pp pdr 10 Mk 2 Mt 6-36 bete 12 7 I tCMuSieTia Kyto CM.MhJVOB Kg OTJrkn Toggenburg 2 New tm gm mga 24-72 beta 6 Mk Ml Herman pp 6-16 baae 8 Mk 2 Wk top to boaom open Chrktnae dey. ltoote.Cln. The Mountain 0 New pp 10-33 bate 16 Mk na •yMt.Ow. 10 1 2 MMM) CB Bobby JaMJatiin ihtvntvWngl, HB Jonnny, doaed Chrwmae day Dartmouti Skiway kgr pp 4 Mk I Ml 12-M beat ChmtHT.t.0. 10 0 10 Mom. Miami, Nee York Jo». irKMrapot., Butielo. !££ Ihandl. DE Mark Oettnaeu (Up) are probebk. CROt* COUNTRY Sunday River pdr pp 2? Mk 9 Mk am 24-34 am cioeed Chrktmetday 10 1 7 Cmonnaa. Seeka. Sen Franckco. Atank. NATIONAL ajteFJIklNC* Baleeyte 0 New 0 Km mn eM 8 km talk beet 6 8 natural baae open Chrktmt day. WhaaAack pp 5 Mk 2 Mk 2-12 beea am doaad Ftyei.Nf. Big Vanlea 4 New 0 Km tnu eel 10 km traaa K>»itUe». On 10 9 1 Away Miami. New Yen Jen, Indkntpelk. Button. 8ANFRAI4a*COATrl£WYORK(>«NTt-4l»ra: Mt Abram pp it Mk 4 Mk am 6-34 beae open Chrkenae oay. Cockaigne 2 New 6 Km Iran eel 0 km Mk Ouneuct pp 15 Mk 7 Wk 6-30 baae from me top Mec*.CH». 10 ? 1 Nkauigh. Otnvo. Loa Angela) Rank. New Oneena. m vttnoaa Tyw (knee) k outCBE* WrlgW 10 I 2 CunrHngtamNormCr. ONewk3Okmtaieal3O TOM valley pdr 10 Bella 3 Mk ooen 1 p m Chrklmee doted CNkenaa dey. Na* Ywrk Ma rataitomwnl k douttkjl. Lt Jim Kovaoh knee). RB Be kmtata 10 0 10 Hon.: Mkml, IM tn^^n** BuJ*. g^S.? *» •** """i™" """* Highland, pp gr 3 Ma 2 Mkem 3-12 beae aa kvak 10 0 Paatargh. Denver. Lok Angeke Rame. New Oraam. Z, , jinn M« (carl) ere quMaonebk Cunnaighama tmoge * New k 26 km Mr eat 25 Camdan Snow Boarl pp Irgr 14-11 baee 5 Mk 1 an cuaad Chrktmaa day. {m ) c kmMk Peace and Love 4> During This special Time as we enjoy life with Those we love — we wish that: Where There U haired, let There be love Where There l» injury, pardon We ivfai. you happineme and health Where There Im doubt, faith We wish you Joy and long Hfe Where There fa despair, hope We tcimh you peace and we wimh you love Where There Im darknemm, tight Where There Im madnemm, Joy The Straub Dealerships Straub Motors Inc. Remsen Dodge Straub Iincoln-Mei M Htghwav S5 ft Hofa»d«l Rd. 400 way S5 Iteyport The BUSINESS lY. DECEMBER 25.1965 LOCAL SECURITIES Take tax deductions while you can through your investments Isn't near- again, he advises. However, prices tend to rise as Bank! t Industrial quotations ly as Important at bow much of It Investors can expect inflation to business expansions mature, and we oourtowy FaNMMIock 1 Co. Inc., E.F. Orlando Ssntjns, yon are able to keep, once the tax increase slightly to 38 percent in could see 8 percent Inflation some Mutton a. Company Inc., and American 1888, predicts Standard ft Poors time in 1967-89. before the next Securtnet. Use tax deductions while they still collector has been satisfied," the recession sets In." are available, advises The News- 1985 Tax Guide states. Corp. in New York. letter, a publication of Fenner- The guide reminds investor! that That rate compares with 3.25 Food, soft drinks, beer, new can, Willingham Fifianclal Inc. in (Man- a security obtained after June a. percent for 1988 and 4.1 percent for gas, electricity and air travel will be do, Fla 1M4, must have been held for more 1984. "The peculiar circumstances among the best bargains next year, according to Standard * Poor's. The Because congressional tax reform than six months to be eligible for that gave us double-digit inflation in prices of clothing, health care and proposals would eliminate many long-term capital gains treatment. the 1970s - dramatic increases In oil, food and commodity prices — cigarettes will increase at slightly deductions next year, taxpayers Securities obtained on or before June 22. 1964, must have been held for are not In the cards," economist more than the inflation rate, the should take as many deductions as report states. more than 12 months to be elibigle David Blltzer states In a recent possible this year, The Newsletter Standard ft Poor's report. advises. for long-term capital gains treat- "Imports could be a problem," Such deductions Include: Paying ment. "Indeed, these areas will ex- BliUer predicts. "Prices will climb to reflect shifting exchange rates." 1M6 property taxes this year, buying Short-term capital losses are perience flat to falling prices In 1188. new cars and recreational vehicles, more helpful to Investors than long- making political contributions, bay- term capital losses, according to the ing and using business vehicles and guide. As much as 13,000 in capital other depreciable assets, making losses may be deducted, the guide 19H charitable contributions this states. year, contributing to 401K retire- Under the "wash sale" rule, a ment plans, declaring losses on capital loss may not be deducted if investments this year and paying the same or a similar security Is IM'i business rent this year. bought within 30 days before or after NY STOCK EXCHANGE Tax reforms could eliminate sales the loss. The guide explains taxes as deductions and political strategies to avoid the "wash tale" contributions as credits next year, rule. Mil tM(A | nmm 14 1114 1i - It Nantv la 911*0 44U- H llMVrtM HffftOM ftott' 2 54 io at »«- ta Nam 1 14 00 n said The Newsletter. Tax reforms Prudential-Baches IMS Tax PIMM — CM 3371 •H+ It «ra IM f 1707 30* also could restrict depreciation of Guide contains details about a A — A - InSie. 11 141 in- H no 4U- » UU 7 40.1 1*H 17 3910 914 Mvwjmo fi4M *SH— Vt business assets and contributions to number of topics, including capital to IS 1171 1*4- | ttf»S, 1*0 • M IH- It gains planning, tax rules for options, IM I* m UH It lOiiBk* It — 0 — 0 - «1K plans. 7 4*7 MH firth* 1 33 II Ttt Itw-t vt 0U4V3SO 4101* 32**— V*. The Newsletter expects that in- tax-advantaged investments, corpor- 140 1111*7 HMD»J 250 o at 3* OMaM 1 tt 7 117* l*Vt— Vfe 17 »I4 SIH- H MM no 1 . H OUallta 11 1*04 25U- H come averaging will be eliminated, ate investment strategies and tax Ota IM 320 37V*- Vt 1 41 11 JO* 41H-IU BH- '• 0WOB214 11 *4 11 tt— Vt Clifford trusts will be taxed at the rate schedules. li 1 '•»***• 44 It 3791 31H- It •0 S4 S70» • ' j ftfMVi 1* II to 34H- H OaaaC 140 * 243 37 - Vt donors' rates, gifts to minors will be David Kamm, publisher of Florida 114 1* IOS 37 M fl**Vf 120 t]7T3 30H+ U CMn« IM 10 354 SIH- H taxed at parents' rates, Investment Stock Index Newsletter In Fort E'1 40 130 l» a m 11 107I4U— H 2 70 Any. 10 543 11 - Huf 40 an 4H4 . tax credits will be eliminated and Myers, Fla., reports that his favorite 1 K 10 17*4 41* H F*** 10* 4B4D UH- H - 0 - AMStr 120 4*Vt-lH pension withdrawals will be reduced. 12 stocks increased more than 27 tail **H-H frpMMt *0a 10 103 m lit 11 901 AIMfh 711 JH- (n*rM 70 7 107 4W+ It •atl 104 7 2141 I9H So far, business entertainment, percent during IMS. I 70 J7104* J*H • rattia 340 11 IM 44M- Vt AwaW 10, im 13 \ * \ 6AI 20 - a - •aitkS 71 9i3O21O2M- '» state and local taxes and mortgage Since 1980. Kamm has spent each 303147 MH + 3 Ami**. 1 10 331*30 * . > CII 31* • IB7 41 - It N.*» 140 * 301 3QH- H Interest on vacation homes will New Year's E\i picking 11 or 12 i •f 343 C**wi*ti1*0 30 721 lit- Vt NNIa 1447 7H— Vt >a>4 3TO IH 44 . 1* tnC*»l SO. 17 114 MH + IH FatKia II101* 3SH remain as deductions, The News- stocks that he predicts will perform J 1 60 » OOS 21 7 Ml 4JH- M rtafT 1005 •'» (a 2*0 17 130V S*H- l GafU 3 32 14 4141 VH+ It Naaa 330 11 01455 letter noted. "Contact your tax well during the next year. He 1 fO 1712*4 57H+ << •4 1 - H ran tio 1012*0 30*+ vt advisor for year-end strategy to recommends the stocks to Investors »» 2 24 11*31 n . Miw 25 417 T - 14 <•"** 3M 203 4m+ vt 17 3711 M SIH- » Ofeblhll* HIS tin 1*2432 maximize your after-tax benefits In and tracks the price changes during 40 17 300 27'*- ( OkM V 14343 7114— 14 t»vi a 21 2*1 27H- H •"a IMS and beyond," the newsletter the year. 5,2*0 131714 *3U- \ fitHtl 111 1771 IH—IH •nalalTI 12 4*2 70Vt+ vt 10 a IMC 1034 CPU • nr OH 17 7M 2*M- H advises. Such activity It meant to highlight M44l raw « Jm>P 7J 00005 - ' Criiyil 1 00 13 744 fl •Ha» 140 157*24 SOVt 2H To help investors, Prudential- stocks of Florida companies, Kamm np Ml lit 22M- vt IM 72543 I7H— V« II1014 Waal 110 Bache Securities Inc. has printed a said. Florida stocks inevitably M 11 210 MM— v 109 r» »«- H 107304 Swtft 132 it vt am H MaV 4 00M-2 I7.7TO424 \- * outperform the Dow Jones industrial Caprfn 4 SSI tH+ It PMPli 1 104721 IIH list of deadlines within its lire Tax i 17 141 13 SOT MH- It 14 402 5*K- H *14- ' Guide. average, the world's best-known 30b • 1*33 Ct*Ttj| 3S IB 1114— u Haaa 114 12 7B DVt+ Vt '2 10 731 O*sth IS* 41 12H "mil 130 1* Z3S 47M- H Taxpayers have until Dec. 31 to measure of stock prices, be said. 3V1- <> GM»V 1 40 • 4111 ]•H+ H rtntM no IIH 4t 13 24H- V establish a new Keogh plan and until By owning 10 or more different OMU 40 OH MM I *2 MM 43 - H Mn •0 11*033 41H+ ' m i (Van 200 I4IH1 ' Hi M •vai tn 23 stocks, investors can establish di- •Jail 4* * 14 I4H- <• * 000 April IS to contribute to an existing GiAlft 10B t m iOH- H •ralC 310 ** - H | '4. U 1 32 versity and reduce their risk. If ASSOCIATED PRESS) 6WNk 152 10 371 IH4 - H naW 3 * SIS 20* Vt plan if they want to use those 1 iila* 4t 141313 25H- » • tit IH3 - H rial i 7 770 FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE - Penny Felipe, a technician for | 'MO 1275 •U+ V contributions as 1985 tax deductions. some stocks decrease in value, IH n*tt 314 0I17S IIH- V* I 10 II 311 43H •Wvrfi 113 14 IM 3 IH- Vt 10 They also have until April 1$ to others will compensate by increas- Tasco, an optics distributor Irom Miami, displays several models * V4O'l 344 I0H+ * 13 441 3 UfWrt *o 7H- It 15 211UU- vt | INO' 40 * 407 17H- V 14 144 4 •ua* 171 ing in value — provided the investor ol telescopes. Sales have increased astronomically since IK* H 7 100 4H— H establish and contribute to an Indi- * 40 11 3*1 13171 1 IS 470 S7H- U owns enough different stocks, Halley's comet hove into view, but experts caution that a good I 4333 vidual retirement account and use Mi 41 vt- v 17 10021H- H j 31 - H - N - wep 12H- * OMOl 140 12 322 32 + H those contributions as IKS taxKamm said. He also suggested pair of binoculars is better than a cheap telescope for comet A 40 30 *• 25W- v 131370 "**" l>0 •0 IS U 71 337 deductions Investing the same amount of money viewing — and can be used next year for bird watching and £ 35H- * m II - m 14 7* 3SH-IV IS 10 1 — H •U 104 23aM44 Dec. 30 is the last day to sell in each stock. 37 24*4 Nvn. 00 It »7 football games. A«W* » 341 — 1 !7H- H me so 2* 4*4 OH- 2 Stocks, especially those of AMP I 14 I2S7 27*- H MciaM 20 401 l'i It tBVwr 1 IS ON options for a gain. Dec. 31 Is the last 17 71 2O*o H II 174 7H day to sell stock and options for a smaller, little-known companies, Nwui *0 IS W IU- H laaa 04 10 12 Marty*. 1« I4I4K »H» VI •kriml n ii no I*H+ ' •atjrO 2345 IH loss. need time to grow, Kamm writes. If IS 114 IH— H ••buu iii I Oalty 140 12 24*1 S2H-1Vt a stock proves to be a loser, replace *14 UVt- It 1703 »»- H 31* "How much money you make Binoculars are better than 4H 13 147 • H 1* 10 14H- tttat M 10 M JJV»— Vt It rather than wait for it to Increase 70 f 114) 74' a 41 311 1 MM 1 •aw • M30 1OM- Vt M1171 9H- H 12 314 U -1 ;*•*• • BMW 1 04 It Hit SO + H ouar. • • sm WH io mn n -iH bf-4.1140 00*07 10H- « MCA 40 telescope for Halley's comet • 1M1 I0S3R HH- H ssV/OM 1 500 07 >• IS 47 31H Ns*«ii 3 IT B an 14.003 MH+ Vt ISM+ <• a *Wl« 1 01 II «I3I Tltaan l| •all' IH- H If -""•^•™-aaaaa»aaaaa-laaj»», -Good teleSCOpCS ttt WOUdtT- wuM 2*4 •alCa i * 12322 44 H lisa I7H- . l«>«l 1 12 *15M 34Vt- H 44 IB •tt* iis n I4H Nwf*jN 40 3H+ H •WwM 220 13 115 74H- Vt Stock prices retreat ful for astronomy but aren't much HWW 74 14 1777 .«444. 1120 1 + V IH- H 0*rta 10 7*4) SO -IH Knight-Rldder Newspapers use for anything else. After OatW 13 10 IS* 2*H- ^ OPVWI 1 2*H- H MUtl tn - 1 - 1 - 10O070 101 * • Omr 1 12 io no you've used your binoculars for 101*2* 47 KM 144 It 441 •H- H Here's a word of advice from wife in to*** 12 40 4*0 '' • 47(4- H M1*ri1 10 7 71 the comet, you still can get good OaKa 2 11 311 0-iC 32*. * *23 41H- vt experts on buying a telescope to 1*0 !•*+ H met i ItatS Tltf 14 M» 40 11 452 33H use of them for such things as 24 103 7» I4H— Vt ftlM 40 • IH- H in apparent tax sales view Halley's comet: Don't. •attiSri liafi ISVt •iWaftt 73 10 III I3H- H — 0 • • sports events or bird-watching. 12 I7tr*.1 IV. Maa« Til tH— . KM 1 14 44 72H+ H Unless you are already an OtaftO *4 17 414 30H HViMf 2*4 1MB OH- H IKIa M 14 04 33H- vt amateur astronomer or plan to ll.ttl. H • 3D3 37 -1 t •nylhs- 2.30* 1 DO nit* « 17 *3 1*H- Vt NEW YORK (AP) - Stock prices stocks on Monday. —Good telescopes are ex- m 14 340* 40 V.— N l<3 >x H C ITO * 107 3SH- H take up the hobby, getting a pensive. Inexpensive "comet IH+ It fell in slow preholiday trading Aside from these special factors, vc 45Vi + IIM Httat 1 14 1003 UH Vt telescope for observing the comet •adai i JI 14 SU 52 - * asMM* 07») 3" !»» H lamalto 11 SO* 40H— Vt yesterday, weighed down by tellers brokers said there was nothing in the catcher" telescopes typically w tnftr* 140 H 13 4*4 24 - 11 3tf IIH— H tUaaV 3 11 1012*4 27 + V* apparently acting on tax motives. is overkill. You'll find that the have awful optics that badly 144 * 14 43H W4W 30| 100 OH— H Sdafkno 14124* SOH- H news to dampen hopes for a strong Mffii 40 OH- H 101*07 right pair of binoculars gives you wOriiM IH 10 1ST* 4*Vt— ii on SAM IM 34H— H Under the rules, today's session economy in 1988. distort what you see. For the 01* 0 tt 31 Vt- Mi* 2*0 10 It IIH- It latnf 1 34 12 475 SOH- H a better view. price of a bad, inexpensive tele- •mat 1 13 10 402 47'* 1 •W 440 ISIOIUISIH-IU >taa» to IS 1407 47 - H was the first in which investors could The Dow Jones average of 30 IwIM 1 44 73 M* 32 - •"HI*. | }* 30 IW HH+ H Stai 171 11 7110 J7H- V* sell stocks at a profit and choose to There are at least four argu- scope, you can get a suitable pair 1*0 *1*30 40H- IntHtn 11 «• IH- It Ml 1514 7 400 37H- Vt industrials dropped 9.63 to 1,519.15, 240 •Mate* 2*0 HH- H tfcnaM .13 have the gain go into their tax ments against buying a telescope: of binoculars. «."<• 121*11 4IH- io or 14 390 44H-1H bringing its loss for the past two c - c - 710 • H+ U 10 744 42H accounts for 1988 rather than 1985. —A telescope's field of view is cos 3 2*0 114V* MNrtt 240 10 171 t>H+ H »l*«t a 10 121I4H- H sessions to 23.85 points So what do you look for when (MjMA 2 40 77 344 42 — By contrast, losses realized through so narrow that you won't be able - J - J - twN 2 10 253 »H+ V* CM) 302 21 - Dec. 31 are considered to have been Declines outpaced advances by to see the entire comet once its shopping for binoculars? The CKIm 7 20 17 us sm— jM4tt" It V •H— H 111711 20M+ H about 9 to 5 on the New York Stock cots M 12 12 I4M— WMtn 110 113311 IIH- H KXT 114 014*4 nu- v« taken in 198S. tail begins to spread out across most Important factor is the 1 14 112530 »•» Mwi 10 It 21 7H+ H 7173* 22 - H Exchange. amount of light the lenses can pull 9Cau, 13 401 11 — M|4*l| 1 40 kwlM 1 After the market's sharp rally in the sky. Binoculars, on the other n m I3H+ u il 101* 44H- H CHlg 40 I4S4 2IH- - K S«4Mt * 0 3112 October and November, analysts Big Board volume totaled 78 30 hand, provide a wider field of In, so choose a pair with large 132 17 730 51 - Km*rt 140 n.itti i » it s«tn 202 10 077 25H front lenses. Astronomers rec- 70 30 ill! in . 44 iMrAI IS, 145 4H+ H if*". i*2 0*1551 SIH- H said, it was only logical that a large million shares, against 107.89 million view. (a*.l 40 10 IH Una 40 30 SIO 7 11 14041H— H number of Investors would have in the previous session. —A telescope is more difficult ommend 7x50 or 7x35 binoculars; Carfw 0»17 2IH MfCf 1 10 lilt? 4 — It 1«V-M 17* 20 744 7VU— H 10 isrflt 2*4 ideally, the lenses should be Cttral 12 133 7H+ t 371 It't« It itdDC* 210 *3030 4*U-f H gains they were waiting to cash in. The NYSE's composite index lost to aim and focus properly than UMm in 17 «7 IH— H SWlDf 1 20 IS 1214 )f n coated to enhance brightness lit | •t*u*l' SO fa In fact, money managers at tax- .76 to 119.25. binoculars. ittfCl 11'* + t « IH- H ItMRi 1 20 301 30H+ ¥ Cam! SO 1117 ItH— Vt Mtifi 1 0* It 407 ITH SNfatel 10 11 334 Jf'.. M exempt institutions seemed to antici- At the American Stock Exchange, Calant 4K> 12 IS* 14*'.- H •ttwrftkl 10 34 3tt O»» H III-O 130 23 737 4*H—IM CanSa«107 7 403 4 pate this kind of downward pressure 24Vt- •«Wi 112 II 313 44 t|4m 100 10 **5 »H- H the market value index was down .49 cntn 1 44 11 40* itH • •tatoftd • It 3tt BH- H SfPMill 30 171224 44H— H on the market, and accordingly told at 242.49. CatfOI 1703 ' » Vt ««f*n 00 tt7»4 » *mt 44 1* 31* — '0 * S* 13 » a — H — T — T CaaAir W| 30 S 30Vt— » - L - I - TKO 234 10 4*7 33H- H Chat* S! mi U% + 4 IIV lilt 1H+ H TOW 3 43 414 OfH- H 40 14 111 *H-f i» U*r*l 20 its tH— VI r|T«Ot 210 H Ml 3H t 113 47H4 H T*N-f Mi 14 m I9H+ H The Register 112 14 II 7 UH- H TM*> 1*2514 4OH+ H XT. 1*0 •* CUM ft M•OH—l - sa..ualm 10'4 It 34 41 - H Trkfyctl 17 11 17H+ M Justice opposes Fed's DIPARTMBNT MADS CHa»» 11 740 43H— Man 1 14a 2 lOt 11 Taktrw 1 IS 107 SSH-IH Chaynt 240 9 2S32 17 v. 10* 133 1 1044tH laW»" * 40S t307k + SH i J. Ltotar, President & Publisher Ch.anl 40. II SS 21 llllf 130 II HO 00lt-l TttM 11 302 SOH- H ChrrtC' SOS 745 »".•) UK 3 "II tO «H- H TtJWW 304 141007 30H CHff SetiBohliiian• Editor Clwyll' 1 11400 ** . . H H HO, II 443 7IH+ H T«M 40 243 *tt C>*irv 10 14 014 15 V4- LattM TSa • 3SSI 47H+ H Twm 3 21095S plan to curb junk bonds Prank O. BaHana, Advertising Director Ciiicrp 2 24 41710 *»'•. i H lam t It 101171 S4H-I Tt-M 120 0 701 32H— M CHrtl 1 10 133 2S + H l«a Ito S 310BH- . irntm 2 CharlM I. Dalutter. Circulation Director (Ml 244 7 443 34**- •\ Mb IIM M s**+ vi from financing more than 50 percent Clam 1 J6 14 54* H UUnJ 1 tlifl BH+ 14 TswOQ. 10 114*90 14H— ¥ WASHINGTON (AP) - The Re- of a stock purchase with loans Phillip W. Nlo*l, Controller com •0 11 1*5 14 H Ufa n> II 1ST 33H- H T«fK 40 22 2 2*tt- Vt agan administration is opposing a CtuCI 2»4 17 1270 •V". W iwhfS 1 It 11 la>UH- H THUHI 1S1 7 1502 2*H- Vt secured by that stock. The Fed Marvin Poo), Production Director Cilaa 100* lufcan a IS IM 14 - H * 500 47H- H Federal Reserve Bank plan to curb 134 SI 57313 + vt - a ThnA- 40 IS 307 24H— H proposal would extend margin rules Laura A. Laa, Promotion Director 140 - a - II SS* an 173 BH-H Tif»f>i 1*0 7H+ H the use of so-called "junk bonds" - 10 IS to the use of junk bonds by shell ssCtKMr 2W * 10* 43H-I HUtCt 44 34 It ItH- H 1mm 1 19 777*1H+, H a favorite takeover tool of corporate C4K44 3 11 4S3 3* — vt Maori. » I7US4 34Vt-IH TtMM 1 10 IS *11 3* -J H corporations. Ca*i" 1 77* 10M— H •an lit 17 ISM 43't H Tlastw 1 00 55 1*1 42H-f H raiders such as T. Boone Pickens Jr. CtlMVl 1 04* NaaCM 13a 10 113 The rule would not apply to 11 + SIH- H ls*r-.i 40 II 40 I0H and Carl Icahn. WANT TO SUMCRIMT MAViANiWtTIPT Carf 3 4.1*2*1 Z0H--H tiMtiwI tti SH- H T«M I3S 4 + H established companies with substan- Camta) 120 11 IISisvt- | MAKO 1 1 174 MH- H Tr«-J. 141 i*.m 13H+ Vi The Justice Department, in a Call 542-8880 For Local, Business and Caa» 240 f 441 MH- MarlM 110 7 IK 35 • H TWM**** si so* sm- vi comment filed with the Reserve tial assets other than the takeover or 563-5210, Obituaries call our C^HC 244 10 US MarrM M It IB 07 -1 TrmrU 40 112541 3* + H target's stock, Volcker said. Caa»« • 547 7H- Daltli 1 • 1411 BH- H Trtvbjr IM Monday, argued that the board's 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., City Desk at 542-4000 CniKo 740 30 45* u . •» Urn- U II 3W JtH- H TftCM]44« 112 30H- u "The board Is proposing to rewrite CatTal > n 1 73* »H •an4 m IH- H 1* 240 54k- U plan could dampen economic activi- Monday through Friday ext. 200,210,220 vt com m 1401 2OW + 1 74 IIH Trm » 12 44 4*t+ V* regulations to cover unsecured 'k ty by putting up unnecessary bureau- Subscription Rates: Car I SJ 1114*3 n •> MafOS*' 1 M 13 Bl MH- tt Tuof* 1 to in 43H— M Lifestyle and Your Town, (MS t «0 17 7*0 41H Matf 3t 14 14070H- H — U — u cratic barriers to mergers and hurt financing agreements that have Home Delivery: $i.55/week, CfwnCI 14 SO I4H- » wtei in 1173 I0H4 H IW 1 370* 4*H+ H shareholders' ability to receive the never been subject to margin regu- call 542-4000 exl 265 CTwM 1 410 41V* McOnW tD III 111 TOM— vt Mt 204 12 420 31H Dally & Sunday Cunin 220 • 77 nrn- MtOr* 1 14 I tfl TlH- H UNCOM J4 *H— vt maximum return on their invest- lations," said Assistant Attorney Mail delivery slightly higher. Ci/rfK I 70 11 *3 45 Mm 140 It 301 4TH- H UOK 120 10*1 20 — H General Douglas H. Ginsburg of the Sports 542-4000 •ta D-D MtKaw 140 It 304 SIH-IH (Ml 140 0 204 4*H ment. owCp 1 7* 1 0** 27 H- Mad 130 13 447 43H- VI W**t 140 71 - Vt The Justice Department said the antitrust division, who signed the ext. 295,215,225 •>»' 1 M 14 1704 43 - '-V MaMai 310 TIM SIU-1H IM-x 104 7 3117 21 - H comment. "That kind of policy DIDNT aiT YOUR PAPtBT 4* *33 45 - Matria 1 44 14 33V MH— H \k*m in 111407 S3U+ vt board had overstepped its authority Photography 542-4000 24 * 137 10V* • 4 Manh 3*0 III3I4 IBH 14 40 34H when, in a 3-2 vote Dec. 8, it reversal should not be Implemented If your paper hasn't been •2 II MM 4SV.- H Matw 00 171134 BH- H IMMI 1.20 14 3*4* 24H- Vt ext. 246 2 • 305 4S9B I4H+ H mum s 72 9 1041 00H proposed restricting the use of the in such inexplicable haste." delivered by 5:00 p.m., call Da" 1 w«oo 74 *» M4U* w> M 3H+ It IMItrt 140 4JV*+ H 542-8880 before 6:00 p.m. for OatM 1 7 1331 34 . NMSUII 33| rintt IOM+ it Wtal 1*3 10 05* high-yielding, but risky, junk bonds The Justice Department com- •ROBLIM WITH A •TORYT Daw IM 7 1005 IS'A- Vt HM 371 II IT 33H- It Uwull20k 71740 HH- H In certain takeover efforts. ment, filed on behalf of the depart- same day delivery. The office iJt 4331 14'. M •VkW 3S0 IS309S 22 S** 132 It is the policy of The Register 313774 17*'% , aa#l 3.71 1 304 ItH The plan would take effect Jan. 1 Is open from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 10 131 17H— H ments of Treasury, Commerce and to correct all errors of fact and 120 40 003 11 OH N MatMl 770 141310 BH+ H UMfl 132 11 742 15V*- H unless the board changed Its mind in p.m. Monday through Friday. sOaak 2*4 101104 J4H + H 3H — tf - V Labor, and the Council of Economic 410 to clarify any DarCH IM 17 if 03 M Mama 3 SO 13 mi 47 Vtrtw 2* 24 23S a + io the next week. Advisers and the Office of Manage- Saturday and Sunday 7-11:00. 71 12 417 45*- Vt Ma»N> 340 33U misunderstanding created by da* I3IIM — W Junk bonds, which are considered If you do not have delivery by onv •0 4*31 17 Kaga 141 • 1300 UH— H «Mrt- 40 47 ISH— vt ment and Budgtt, cxp^ssed concern articles. Corrections and tw 3 17 34*0 ISt*,— M Haw 70 19 147 3tU+ H «kVt, 1* 2*4710 ltvt+ U below Investment grade, are used to about the proposal's impact on 8:30 on a Saturday pr Sunday taifclf 740 11049 1* Maaria 14 BISTS ITH KWIJMII 40 01145 42H- v, clarifications will appear on kali 204 • 405 !*'•> — a - a - NmO* 41l1u37Vt+m raise takeover war chests and are financial markets. call us by 10:00 a.m. a. Page 2A. Information should 1 — • *• at 11 1114 IIH W*nvtlS4 14 1*70 47H- U secured by the assets of the takeover The Fed plan would drive up MM turn J'» + KM » 147 IIH- vi WiM» 140 * 407 34H be directed to the City Desk, 30 24 H + 314770 target, in effect, the stock of the laitf in * Ma* to 47H-IVI «WHf 272 0.104 *2H— H merger costs by causing confusion WANTTOADVIRTISIT Maal3 30a 11434 4* + »* 3 30 1! all 1SH-IH WitAlrt 53400 4H— Vt target company. 542-4000 ext. 200,210,220. UW 1 40 WIMoon about the types of transactions f MSI •"«• 100 • <2t BH- H 4132 I3H+ Vt Classified Advertising ttMmi 44 14 403 14 • i Mfifti 1 S3 • 410 41H WWH 120 124*45 44Vt— H Federal Reserve Board Chairman covered by the rules, triggering I4>nlll>t IS 1330 •0'* — •> m is IH 37 H- H W»p*rt> 130 1*1411 30H- Vt Paul A. Volcker. in a letter explain- Department 542-1700 IS YOUR AD INCORRICTT (nit'ih 1 *0b . MSam sum I3H- H •fcrtp* 2 It 10* 40H- Vt more litigation, Ginsburg wrote. 114 103 21H+1 Ha>» 304 10 41 014+ H HMfM 40 * 547 I0H ing the board's proposal, said it The Justice Department argued Display Advertising Classified Advertising: 40 14 330I7H- Kntll 104 i no I0H- H 21 5592* -f vt would be narrowly focused on so- Department 542-4000 542-1700 hCato i n , 11 *440H + laaal t It 713 MH WMDU 174 IS 273 30 -r Vt that the rules could restrict bit* 1*0 *4033 S3 - MtatV 101 7 Jalt tH- H *«*| 30 II 241 tOH-f H called "shell" corporations - com- ext. 286 Display Advertising: — F — P - •KWtltO 10 373 '•Wwrh J 11 47150H—1 domestic takeover action while leav- MK 2 n It 004 43 Vt •kntt a S 117 4H+ H W-m 40 13 13 17Vt+ Vt panies set up for the sole purpose of ing foreign firms free to launch such Monday through Friday, 542-4000 ext. 286 met H f 10*7 rt'» . IttfW 1 ii a I7H- H T — Z fanM 70 1 acquiring another company. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 1*2 II'-. t NaaMI il lisa Inn" 1 1*2454 S4H— H efforts, and unfairly favor large Itirfo II 11 30*IIH WaaVS 1 St| >B03 tHt> H X-W* 132 12 423 2* - H Investors are currently prohibited companies over small ones. I 0*t 1 104 5 + Vt Wtfai;: > 1 tS4 S3 - H 9*1400 1*U- Vt by margin, or credit, regulations. The Register COMICS














"This is our but Chrotmoi »v«rl Not a drop Of clofntl 10 for. m*XtoKT MOM... ITS OWHN' A HOLE IN THE 8OX!' The Register ENTERTAINMENT WENESMY. DECEMBER 25.1985

WEOI Sesame Street tackles question: 7:00 7:30 8:30 9KX) 9:30 10:00 I 10:30 Equator s C8SN8M Fortm Mary FokvSe, Ckarfs aBurm Where do babies come from? o rMTowi St Bswatiars o Company M'A'S'H MetafHoUsylMr HM first diaper change on "Sesame script, but he took a bath and a nap, EnLTmlgM Wdam BMMsf HOW it MWHUUCUW Street," it's his real father, not his had his diapers changed, attended a o Knlght-Riddw fake mother, who performs the party and nabbed a lot of close-ups ITiaialaiilii BamyHai N8M honors. When Miles attends the Not bad for a first day's work o Today. Christmas Day, a baby will M.N8M H0*ta be delivered unto PBS s' Sesame surprise party welcoming him to Besides, how many other actors get ID 1MB Mo^-HghSodsty- Street." Its arrival is not meant to "Sesame Street," he's in the arms of rave reviews for their debut appear- MacNatV lateit ThaTr^xxh In niaiiiiiiiiaiil a* have any religious significance, but his father, not his "mother." O-1S) » 4». 7:4». . tibly When ll-month-old baby Miles of actual babies at various stages. A choosing the cheerleaders them- shows up Wednesday (9a.m. ESTi, clip in which older brothers and selves." •insli* kiAiA COMMA V - the passage of time on "Sesame sisters provide unrehearsed narra- 101 CWmaiona (OPjWj3 '» »0S. '00. • 30 Street" will become much more Most of all the members have a •if* "^lo m out m» Movt. IPOI 100. a io. •». tion is absolutely wonderful I f you LVMC IIWAIM - apparent and important. wanna know the truth," confides one years of dance lessons under their .IIIMl AduH FlkM (XXX) COMMuoua Irom belt as well as cbeerleading ex- noon MgH! 11:S0 p.m. By waiting nearly a yearto mak e child about a baby sister, "she just cries and cries, except when Mom- perience. tnac IITMATM - his TV debut. Miles Orman has /Ut-OM «M mm (XXXI ooMnuoua Irom IO) S.OO. 7.00. kSS helped "Sesame Street" dodge the my holds her and stuff." noon Hwouah 11:30 p.m. stickiest question it could have MMCINMIA- ANK MOVIU I - There's also a bit of "Zen Accord- •The Nets' Jersey Girls will add Two Hoi mm Sirugnt Films (XXXI oonnnuow ioi nmimum IQI t oo, 7 oo. • is faced ingto 'Sesam e Street, ' in which Big to the excitement of the Nets Irom noon through 11 30 p.m. MO BANK MOV** H - ATuOmc i»ei«j>iioe CIO. (Pai » 00 7J0. JM Where do babies come from? Bird and his furry friend Telly games," states Gilbert. "The ATLAMTIC CIMIMA I - r>Kk io mo Futura (POi r oo. i is Easy question, replies "Sesame grapple with the existential postu- choreographer, Bob Trembley, prac- ATLAMTIC CIMIMA N - Street." Miles is adopted. late that "love is like birdseed." To tices with the girls three nights a * •* m. Nlla (PO) 1:00, 1:10. » 20. 7 40. Actually, Miles is the real-life, the relief of Telly. Big Bird and at week. He has designed great rou- Santa Clans. Ths Movio |Q) 7 u. • x JEWEL OF THE NllaU, year-old son of Roscoe Orman, who least one viewer, it is decided that tines aimed at getting more au- COtMWWTV II - • — •iCHUioouii>i>»Tniiaiaiiafim Out ot Africa (I plays Gordon on "Sesame Street." love is not like birdseed after all. dience participation. The squad will I. 7 X. 1000 SPIES LIKE US On the TV series, Gordon is married QUVT CHAW « •*• WKWTI After previewing "Sesame proveto b e a wonderful assetto th e JSMl Of ma N«o IPOI 2 00. 4 00, • 00 • 00. to Susan, who is played by Loretta Street" episodes for Tuesday (in team," 1000 OUT OF AFBICA Long. Therefore, Miles will be •axmewtcK *ouA«a entnu • - which Miles' arrival is discussed) Spl~ Uka U« IPOIV30, J .30, 6:»0. 7 JO • JO performing on TV with his actual and Wednesday (in which Miles The Nets' Jersey Girls will be ENEMY NINE father and a pretend mother — rflHrtOlD CIN1MA • - MaMMAW«iaMMMTt * actually arrives), I can safely pre- performing at every Nets' home Clu. IPO) 5 00. 7.4t. 0.30 which, for parents in the know, will dict that the newest, youngest mem- game as well as making personal PMiHOlO ClttltAA « - WHITE NIGHTS Out ot Africa (PQ) B 00, t:00 •UrltUl UHVINMKtV make it funto watc h the child's on- ber of this 15-year-old TV family will appearances at corporate special nWHOCD CINiatA • - , air reactionsto eac h "parent." be a valued, valuable, warmly events M^ocUtf 44 10:00 Some of the differences already received addition Miles may not 101 OaimMlona IO.) 1:00. '00, • X uUrr °°'°°' "" * °°' are apparent When Miles gets his have gotten any lines in today's FMtrKM.0 CIMIMA • - •OMM•OSMMCCT SANTA CLAUS MM ot ma Mas IRQ) » oo, 730. • « •uioen* PLAZA CIMSMA i - TM aavif FMXHOUI CltaSaU S - Out 04 Africa IPO.) 11S. 4:10. 'IS. 10 00 Rocky IV (PQ) 1 00, 3:00. 7:30. » 30 *T • CIMIMA I- Erwny MMO (PO-I3I 7.M. » X NT • Clxa.HA H -

CROSSWORD (Mnw Ctaus. Tlx (PQ) 7:11. MO For Warm, Personal _)MMILIW Ua (PO) 7:M. a 40 Christmas and ACROSS Cho (PO| 7 JO. • It 1 AtwiMolth* appropriat* New Year Parties 5 Tla S Latvian city Young SMnock Hoknaa IPO-131 7 40. »4S 11 "For want UA aHoourrowN i — Jaml at tha Mia (PO) S JO. 74S. 10« of -..." UAMoourrowNa- 15 Asian daaart i UkaUalPO-13) 1:30. 7:30. t:30 DANNY'S 16 Jap. box 17 Bdlinl op«ra I 4:10. 7:30, 10.10 18 Kind of town " En^ny Mlria*(PO-11) 4 00. 0 OO. I 00. 10:00 ilNoraagod 20 Italian 22 Maintain

M Singing syllables Restaurant 26 Sound o) fright 11 Bridge Ave. 27 Progress 31 Atmosphara: 54 » Red Bank praf. CHEVY DAN 32 Originate 842-4417 33 Ripening CHASE AYKRCYD lactore 35 Mai* swan 38 MagnMtef 38 FatlgiMd © 1886 Tribune MMil S*rvK*t. Inc 1/1/86 All RigMi Watarvad 40 Bird ol paaca Yatteidiy i Puzzle Solved: 41 Children1! gam* 5 SOVW nnnnn nnnn nnnn DANNY MURPHY 42 UMW member ••curtly of Danny's Italian Restaurant 43 Four-bagger 8 Conwr nnnrin nnnn rji.inrj 44 "— Woman" J Wlndlntlru nnnnri nnnn rarinn 45 Trite manti nnnnnrn nmi nnnn Invites you to experience 47 Chaplains 8 Employa* nan rjr.innc.inn our new 50-Seat or take-out 50 Oesen* racotd i.niHc«iriiMi'i nnnH 51 Security g Pavalaf nnnnn nnnnn nun davlca 10 Oangat' land nnnn nnnnn nnnn 53 Record again 11 Fairy la la nun nnnnn nnnmi 57 Inter - name IH'IMCI nDnnnnran 58 Caspian Sea 12 Top notch nnnran tetdtr 14 Woolly en,inn rjr.ii.'i nrannnn .9 60 Kind ol wave 21 Arab caliph FinniH nnnn nnnnn NIBBLES 61 Goonabbr 23 ChWaxac. 62 Fib 25 GraMly to HMHii nnnn nnnnn HIUHOU>462 06O0 WOOit TOWN 6711020 AStUTT fMIK ffHHO A Jewish & Italian 83 Auguries a bard Mnnn nnnn ninnnn 64 Amerind 27 Kind ol liquor 65 Eject 28 Expanaa 66 Noted It. 28 Kind of crab 42 Clay mixture 51 Filled DIET DELI RESTAURANT family 30 Whtta haton 43 Regarding tortilla 34 Bbarra thla point 52 Cabbage DOWN 35 Parry oltong 44 Imagta* 54 Cool drinks At The 1 Sharp taste 38 Beyond 46 Damage 55 Breath* 2 C«l*bt«ox 37 Swiss city 47 Aviator heavily 3 A Reiner 38 Breaks 48 AnteM 58 Other 4 Eternal 40 Idlapariod 48 Morsel 58 Mr. Ayres 1/2 OFF Sale! ORCHARD PLAZA

PREPARE FOR SPRING 86 FREE HEADPIECE 1610 Hwy. 35, Ocean Twp. for the bride now thru the end of January, with the purchase of a gown and two bridal S.A.T. party dresses 531-8866 7:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. 566-0678 ' rHJ"" tar " HHf^Zmum*HT Mon. Tues. -Wed. Sat. 11-5 Breakfast — Lunch Thur. & Fri. 11-9 M Dinner Educational Center '!i?ni!il '"**"'"' Sun. 1-5 TEST PREPARATION SPECIALISTS SINCE 1939 AMERICAN OFFICE MALL,«..,r..^u*v Main Street Bridal Ltd. Coffee & Dessert Monmouth County Classes Begin Jan. 16th 267B Main St., Matawan (Comer of Main St & Rt 34) Call 201-238-2230 for details Free with this Ad T. DECEMBER 25 IMS •oy Scouts undertake Fog-bound airports t're-elming' of America hinder holiday travel I to 10 feet high, they are replanted I TK» fcaiamnl.i. it —-- In a public place. diverted takeoffs and landings at r i no nssociam rtui The institute donates a (-foot elm By The Associated Press Boeing Field, the FAA said. ready for planting for every 10 trees Another day of heavy fog curtailed CONCORD, N H - The Boy The National Weather Service tent to a nursery flights at Seattle-Tacoma and other predicted little improvement In the Scoots of America and a New western airports, delaying holiday m|idilrrtMed group hope next "The Scouts show remarkable situation, caused by a stagnant air resourcefulness in their ideas of travelers, while in New York, hun- mass. •ummer'ire-dedicaUon of the Statue dreds of people heading to the community service," Hansel said "We're not really looking for of Liberty will be • ciuiyit to help They think nothing of going into the Caribbean had their vacations a national "retiming" program shortened by overbooking. much change across the western mayor's office and asking for a plot part of the country for the next few take root. of land." Thousands of passengers hoping to The Elm Bstaarch Institute is days." said BUI Hirt of the National He said plots the size of parking fly in or out of Seattle have been growing lent of thousands of trees Severe Storms Center in Kansas •paces yield toli^ieir affected since Wednesday, with no City, Mo. "We're not getting much resistant to Dutch aim disease and quick relief In sight. Neither the "By next spring, we hope to have wind to blow the cold air out of the distributing them nationwide with Federal Aviation Administration, 100 nurseries, and if we can get 100 valleys." the Scouts to replace millions of properly located, such as Central Port of Seattle nor individual air- elms the disease hat mowed down. Park or fairly close to the White lines had exact figures on the Travelers jammed Seattle- Institute and Scouting officials are House, they will be an inspiration to number of passengers affected. Tacoma's terminals, waiting for .a coordinating the planting of tiny everyone who sees them," Hansel Only three or four flights were break in the fog and a seat on a American Liberty Elms with the said. able to land at Seattle by midday plane, said Margo Spellman of the Statue of Liberty ceremony July 4. Monday because fog cut visibility to port, which runs the airport. Many The link with the Boy Scouts was New York state hat named the tree a sixteenth of a mile, said tower ended up boarding buses or renting established after a 12-year-old Scout supervisor Charles Abnet. Planes on can to get out of town. a symbol of liberty, to be Included in In Sebago Lake, Maine, read of the the ground were allowed to depart, many Statue of liberty centennial elm restoration project and asked Holly and BenJIe Gualco of he said. events. the institute for help in an Eagle Anchorage, Alaska, said they had to John Hansel, the institute's ex- Scout service project. Airports in Missoula. Mont., Sac- wait two days to leave for Washing- ecutive director, said plantings are Sean McNutt planted 70 new elms ramento, Calif., and Reno, Nev , ton and then landed at Boeing Field. : to begin st the statue's base - or as 2H years ago. The institute publi- also have been socked in much of the At Reno, about 2,000 people were ! close to it as possible -and continue cized his effort in a newsletter and time in recent days. Airports in affected when the airport was closed —for 450 miles la communities along was inundated with requests from Spokane. Portland, Ore., and Van- by fog Monday, officials said. Sacra- .the Hudson River to the river's Scouts around the nation. The in- couver and Victoria, British Col- mento Metropolitan Airport, which source at Lake Ttar-of-Uke-Ooudt in stitute got in touch with national Boy umbia, had fog problems too, but far handles about 120 nights a day, hat the Adirondack Mountains north »f Scouting officials, who endorsed the fewer cancellations or passenger been closed for much of the past two backups than in Seattle. Albany. program for their 411 councils weeks because of fog. Under the plan, while Scouts plant Dozens of flights were diverted to The fog has meant problems for 8-foot trees along the Hudson, In Tewkabury, Matt., Scout leader the smaller King County Inter- incoming flights as well as outgoing thousands of tiny elms will be Richard Hill and Troop 47 plan to national Airport, better known as ones. Some 5,000 United Airlines planted in Scout nurseries around the approach conservationists, business Boeing Field, 10 miles to the north passengers at Los Angeles Inter- and community leaden, service of Sea-Tac, after fog there cleared country. 1 national Airport had to change plans The New York planting will be organizations and senior citizens about midday. when nights to the Northwest were groups to donate plots or buy trees. "the torch being carried through the Sea-Tac also was reopened for a canceled, said Laura Dukes, a "So much of the town It getting time but was closed again late (statue's) home state," Hansel said ASSOCIATED PRESS United reservations operator. developed," HID said. "This U a 1 Monday night to all planes except "... It't up to the Scouts to take the SAILIN SANTA — Walter Hole, 66, also known as Santa, wind A continent away at New York's torch to communities around the good way to restore some trees " those with the most sophisticated Kennedy International Airport, 100 surfs on the Toms River at Toms River Sunday afternoon. Kole, equipment, said FAA watch super- country and have simultaneous He hopes to have 60 trees donated to 200 holiday travelers a day have this spring. who teaches wind surfing, water skiing and snow skiing for a visor Al De Rosa. -planting*. We hope many troops will local ski shop, says he's out on the water 12 months out of the been stranded over the last five days start nurseries on that date." Sea-Tac normally records up to In rural eastern Illinois, Don year — costume or no. because of extensive overbooking* ; Under' the institute's "Johnny 650 takeoffs and landings daily. On on Air Dominicans flights, officials Parker, executive of the Two Riven Sunday, there were 307. with 55 Elmseed" program, Scouts who Scouting district, plant to use na- said. choose I the tree planting project Uonal Scouting Environment Day, survey communities to find mature April 26, as the focal point of an elm- elms, which can be treated with a planting project in conjunction with pew fungicide that wards off Dutch local service organizations Mother's ceiling paintings uplift hospital tots elm disease They ask private elm He said the environment day and owners and communities where the another scouting program, "Save home, Mrs. Hashim said the idea for trees are on public property to boy helped his mother more. "I was just of clowns above Lisa MotUey's bed, Our American Resources," are the celling paintings came to her going nuts, being here so long," she a new tree or the chemicals to treat the 4-year-old "just looked up at geared to conservation projects and The Associated Press while Robert Jr. was struggling for said. them and smiled," her mother, an existing one for 125 "increasing the boys' awareness of BOSTON — At her newborn son his life in the intensive care unit. She Soon Mrs. Hashim. who had never Elma Mottley, said. Lisa was born ' For each purchase, the institute conservation and fact that every- noticed a small picture above a mute from cerebral palsy. donates a tree tagged with the lay fighting a virus in his hospital drawn anything besides doodles, was thing on Earth Is interrelated to vacant bed that another mother had doing special orders for the rest of donor's name to the troop, which will crib, Helen Hashim noticed that all "For kids just lying around on everything else: if you damage one painted so long ago no one re- the ward. their backs with nothing to look at, establish a nursery. After two or be had to stare at were blank thing, you tend to damage the entire ceilings. members her name. One father even climbed a hospital it's been a great diversion from their three yean, when the trees become Earth." So her husband, Robert, began When the Hashim baby got out of table to move a tile painting from illness," said Martha Leland. a child taking ceiling tiles down for her to ICU and began his recovery from the ceiling over a vacated bed to the therapist "Just to have something paint In the many spare hours the intestinal damage done by the virus, spot above his daughter's bed, she bright and vibrant to look at - It's couple spent at Massachusetts Gen- his parents faced weeks at his said. pulled the toughest children out of eral Hospital during the baby's two- bedside with little to do. Robert Jr.'t When the Hashims hung paintings their shells." Creation case will go month stay. father, an insurance agent in Pit- Now most of the ill children In the ttfleld, had taken time off from hit ward's 10 rooms can look up at large Job and rented an apartment near Man wins car after living in it 30 days;} to U.S. Supreme Court colorful drawings of clowns, balloons the hospital. and popcorn. Hospital workers sty Soon after, Mrs. Hashim began CHILUCOTHE, Ohio (AP) — An wife, Marcit, 21. the artwork has cheered even the her project. unemployed construction worker Angus, 24, broke Into lean mo- BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) - passed in 1181 but never enforced most depressed cases on the floor. With the hospital's encouragement who lived inside a 1986 Ford Escort ments before noon, when he was presented the keys by Bill Stewart, Louisiana's attorney general says during a series of court battles, "It's even good for me," said and Udders and poster paints bor- for a month was presented with the requires that any time the theory Sandra Cormier of Fitchburg as she rowed from the crafts stockroom, title and keys to the car yesterday as owner of the Chilllcothe Auto Mall in he'll ask the U.S. Supreme Court this southern Ohio city of 24,000. to uphold a never-implemented of evolution It taught in a public tat at the bedside of her 4-year-old Hashim lifted the Moot tiles down more than 100 people looked on. state law requiring schools that school, creation-tcienw must be son, Joshua, who is recovering from from the ceiling and his wife set up "I don't know if I could do this A representative of Gov Richard teach evolution to also teach given equal time and treatment. a hip operation. "It perks me up a her studio in the corridors. again, or not," Staeey Angus said Celeste's office presented Angus and bit." creation science. Evolution it the concept that The first paintings hung above after he emerged from the car into his wife with a child safety seat: Robert Jr.'s bed immediately caught Earlier this month the 5th U.S. every living thing has been As she bundled up her 4-month-old a mob of cameramen, reporters and Mrs Angus said she is due to deliver baby for the Christmas Eve trip the baby's attention, but probably other onlookers that included his Circuit Court of Appeal refused, shaped by the forces of natural the couple's second child Jan. 2. in an 8-7 vote, to rehear the issue selection and hat developed over The majority opinion stated that millions of yean. the creation tcience law Creationism holds that man "promotes religious belief and and the world were created in an Father of 7 takes violates the academic freedom of instant by a supreme being. It is Instructors to teach whatever a view that resembles the story of Classified they like." "With the court divided 8-7, I creation in the Bible, although $10 million prize feel an obligation to bring this proponents contend that crea- tionism Is science, not religion. 230 AtUnttc Highland* aw Monmouth County 241 Mo matter before the Supreme Court NEW YORK (AP) - It will be a greener-lhan- Louisiana's law Is the only one Tha niooaatful biddar thaii t» diractad. i shall axpoaa lor aata NO aa on said map. North twen- of the United States for its usual Christmas tor the family ot Lloyd Christie, raqutratf to comply wtth th« fot- al public vandua. it tha Court ty-sli degrees end thirty mMutaa decision," William Guste, the of its kind in the nation A similar towkiot Houaa in tha Borough of Fraa- Waal (NM-30'W) a dlaunna of a father of seven who was named sole winner 2M Atlantic HtaMancs A- Dinar tha provfaiona of tha hotd, County of Monmouth, Naw one hundred KM (1O0.H| to the attorney general, said Monday law In Arkansas was thrown out Dlll lal » Jaraay. on Monday, tha an. day Southerly line of Lot No 21. yesterday of a f 10 million lottery jackpot. Nonca TO BWOSMS a •aa g of January. 19BB. It 2 o'clock, mock No gg on saw map. as unconstitutional in 1982 Chaotar ISO of tna Uwa au. Louisiana's creatlonism law, Christie, SO, a bank mail sorter, said his wife H b i P M pravaillng tlma. Thence 13) along the southerly afhjettva January 1.1SS4. or Da- ALL that tract or parcal ot land Una of said Lot No. 21; Stock No. Nilva was more than a little angry after learning by the Borough ot Atlantic High- parvnant of Labor, Cmptoymant and pramtaas. situs*, tying and M psrslW 10 Maple Piece Norm he spent t& Saturday on a card full ot 10 losing lands. Monmouth County. New Standard! Admlnlattaaon. Mini- batng In tha Borough of Kayport alxty three degrees and thirty Jersey, tor The 1SW Cutb and mum Wagaa for ftodaraj and in tha County of Monmouth and minutes East |NS3*WEI a dls- lottery numbers — two games for fl. lldsaaft Program, and opened FadaraHy aaaMad construction Stata ot Naw Jaraay. mora par- lance of fifty reel (50 00, |o a and read In public al the ocularly daaortbad as toHowa; point in tha lluilliiiaatoilr comer Soroush Han. 100 First Avenue. Davla-Bacon Act. whlcltavar Mrs. Christie "ran upstairs and got mad," said ragulatton BEOINNINO at a potnl In tha of Lot No 21E in Stock No SB Northarly itna ot Mapta Plaoa, a Thence (4) along Iha westerly on Tuaaday. January 7. 18S8. at Antf-raet.baok Raguianoni Christie, t native of the Island of Jamaica who undtr Barton 2 of tna Act of dlitanca of on* hundrad ninaly line ot said Lot No. 21E. Stock M BRIDGE ADVICE 10 00 am Prevailing Local Time atght and forty flva hundradtha South twenty au digrm and Juna 13, 1834. known aa tha now Uves in Queens. taat (1M.46) on a court* of thirty mlnutee East ISM-30EI a ' Contract Documents and Copafnd Act "She said, i told you don't spend that amount C parti B and ft*. SubWa A. South Sixty thraa dsgras* and distance of one hundred feat * Dfoaanga lor tha prooootd work thirty mlnutaa Waal (8 «3'30'W) (100.00) lo the northerly Una ot of money. You only (need) $1 to win,'" Christie prepared by Mowwd U Schoor. Titta 29. Coda of FadaraJ ftagu- lattona. with raapact to hiring of from tha intanadion of tha aald Maple Place and the BEGIN- P.E.. PIS.. Borough Engineer, Nortnarry iina of Mapta Ptaoa and NING said, mimicking his wife's pique. of tha Arm of Schoor. OaPalma. appranttoaa and trainaaa. Don't Betray Partner 6. Tha raqutramanta of PL tha waatarhi Hna of Qraan Orova COMMONLY KNOWN AS 1B Then be remembered another ticket be bought S Oman, Inc.. Consulting and Avanua, aald potnt of baglnnlng Maple Place, Keyport, N j Municipal Snainairi. have D«an lira. c. 127. Purthar. tha bid Thursday. moat ba aooompansad by a Hat of alao bairn tha Bouthwaatafty TERMS OF SALE: DEPOSIT Wad in tha oKoe of aald EngJ- comar of Lot NO 21 E. Block 20*. of bw amount Balenoa due 1> ALFRED SHElN WOLD naara. 366 Main Straal. namaa and addraaaaa of att •toetthotdara owning 10 paroant Numbar BB aa shown on Stcatch in 30 deye. Cash or uaiuwad Meat defenders are full of the you'd pass partner's double for He knew he had matched three of the numbers N ly, and rTlAy or all of tha aloek. all in ac- Plat showing propoaad homaa check only. oordanca with Chaptar 33 of tha on Low No 21D. 21E. 21F 21Q, Tha approximate amount of Christmas spirit throughout the penalties. Your bid in the oppo- drawn Saturday night but couldn't recall the last dart during normal business Lawa of Naw Jaraay. 1877. 21J. Block M map of lota tor me lurJgment to ba aatMned by hour. Qaorga Moora. attuata Qraan three. He' compared the numbers to hit ticket BY ORDER OF TNI sale IS the sum of S».0BS year: their discards often present nent's suit mutt therefore have BWdart tMI ba fumMMd «mi • Orova Avanua and Mapia Piaos, together with tha coats of thkt "and I said, 'that's it, that's it, and then that's oopy of tha Contract Documents BOROUGH COUNCIL of tha Borough of Kayport declarer with hit contract another meaning. Moat experts and Drawings by ••qua* upon Borough ot Atlantic HtgManda. It!"' proper noaea and oaymant jjjiI Monmouth County. Naw Jaraay. Thanca (1) along tha northerly The Sheriff hereby reserves Declarer took the ace of dubs, treat it at a force to game. nonrafundaMa charge of Fifty Rum Caruaoa. Una of said Mapta Placa. South the right to adjourn this sale He sat down and checked it three more times auty-three ilsujaas and thirty without further notice by publi- and East dropped the seven to South dealer Ooaara (tM.OO) payable u How- Borough Ctark before going up to tell hit wife Mrs. Christie said ard M. etfwbr. to defray the ooet Dae. 36. *45 72 minuteis Waal ((SO3-3OW) a dis- cation. signal his club strength. South then Both sidet vulnerable thereof Propoaala mult ba ot fifty feet ISO 00) to a WILLIAM M LANZAFX). Sheriff she immediately blurted out: "Don't tell me you point In tha southeast comer of Dated: November a 1BS6 ran all of his spades and diamonds, Lai No. 210; Block No. M on Atkmgeon. Oa Barvno 4 Menns, bought another ticket." forma In mar said map. Attorneys coming down to three hearts in NORTH m* must NOTICa OP HSAMNOJ "No this Is different," Christie explained "You ki the Con ptaaet take notice that tha Thence (2) along the Easterly (201) 530-5300 each hand. • A984 undersigned haa applied to tna line of said Lot No. 21O Stock Dec 11. 16. M.Jan 1 $14112 know what happened? We won the lottery. She Bearing me _ Board ot Adjuetmem of tha ! Since none of West's hearts «tk Wist Ninth East 01 Jan itM, at 1:00 r> M al for Income taxes. Tha Borough or iha EnQtnaar Townehip Hall. MMdtWown. New of operation in newspaper would ruff them in the dummy; 1* Past 3«> Pass raaarvaa tw right to raqutra a jereey al which time you may and, besides. Bast's club signal' ooffipaf nnaocrtai ano ••- appear either In person or by composing room. Send re- 4 NT Pats 5* Pats They said their first priority would be a new agent or attorney and present promised the king. If West discard- All Pass any objection which you may home, and then maybe a car. neve 10 orsntlno this appttoaBon. sume to: ed dubs in order to save at least Mrs. Christie said she wasn't planning anything pMad work of M natura re- Clifford Kandalhardt fcwo hearts. South might well mis- qulrad baloro lurnlahlng Applicant Opening lead --*Q special tor Christmas despite their windfall propoaal forms or Specifi- guess the hearts, losing the grand cation*, or betors awarding Iha A Fecks! Gala* Is Bride* writ- because most of the family lives away from home. Tht Register jslam. "Maybe later we'U get together for a party, but Prapuaala lor th» Contract see 24S Monimxith County I.. »j AHrW SkeLw.l. b availa- ba actbuMd omy Mm bMOara DAILY QUESTION right now it really hasn't sunk in yet," she said. Ont Register Plaza "I still cant believe it." BHEMPF-a BALI ! Youholdi*AB84VA54O976 laclaaiag a stam**«, self-ad- of tha contract BUPtRtOP. COUAT Shrewsbury, NJ 07701 2* AS. Dealer, at your left, bids •rMBM N#< 10 9BV9l#9#i •• SSMIBI" Mrs. Christie said she plans to continue working TM right la ako reserved 10 reject any or an Mda or » waive MONMOUTM COUNTY one club, your partner doubles, and w.M » BrMt*. I. can *f (Ms as a nurse's aide af a hospital. any intoivnatWaa wrtava aoch in- Ibe next player passes. What do "I do whatever she fells me to," her husband formality la not duaiiinantal is FIOCLITY UNION BANK, Plsmoff Attn: ToniNatarcola •ewssaBOT, P.O. Be* MM, Las tna baat kftaraal of tha Borough. va MICHAEL C OLSZEWSKI orousay? taid. "She's the boss. If she ssys I got to get up, Tha right • alao raaarvarj totn- a/k/a MICHAEL OLSZEWSKI. el Aat«l*s,C£MtU. oraaaa or daoraaaa rtw quan- UK. et sis Defendants i. . EOIM' Opportunity- f mptoyttr ; ANSWUt: Bid two clubs. If you I Maa apioHUd tn tha mamar By virtue of a writ of aaecutlon thought you could make two dubs. amgrnd m tna SpacHtcartona in tha above stated action to me «««IW. DECEMBER 29,1985 101 The Register Classified .ACTION LINE 542-1700 =MNDEX= Camping Equipment 153 Situations Warned Mala. 55 Pen and Uvettock Buildings/Oarages Public Noticei Recreational Vehicle*— 154 Situation! Wanted Aircraft Wanted lo Rent— Swap or EKChange (Legalt) Male/Female 56 Blcyclet/Mlnl Bik. Raal Eatata lor Sala Automotive Child Care/Nursery .mee Special NOMCM Sports Equl 130 Wanted Automotive 220 Schools— 57 Open Houses and set m the 6 Swimming 1 131 Construction Equipment- 230 loet and Found— MmiuHousesi totor Sale- style oll typt e MgM la wes Special NOIICM _ t Financial CBa, Electronics Condominiums/Town Auto Financing-— 240 ,dR©rre|ecienyeopyorad. Travel-Traneporlellon_ — 12 Merchandlae Wanted .132 Auto Insurance 250 Builneat Opportunity- 81 Inalructlon _ 15 Price Busier- 133 Airto Rent/Lease 2*0 Mortgages 82 Income Property Farm Property Auto 8erv!cee/Parts '270 TO PLACE Money To Loan 63 134 Builnea* Directory Real Eatata Rentals Commercial Property— Motorcycles. 2M YOUR Money Wanted 84 .135 101 Truck's and Trailers 290 Business Servlc Apsrtmenti Industrial Property 130 CLASSIFIED Houses lor Rant 102 Lots and Acreage 137 Auloa For Sale 300 AtM 4 Cratta- Marchandlaa AD Rentals to Share 103 Mobile Homes 131 Employment Merchandlae lor Sale Winter RenUra i 104 Cemetery Lota 139 READ YOUR AD CALL THE Summer Rentals 105 Real Estate Wanted 140 ACTION-LINE Help Wanted Mala or Female Garage/Yard Sale. THEFIB8TDAY Machinery For Sale Furnished Rooms 106 542-1700 Nurslno/Retlrement IT APPEARS! Bebysittlnp/Chlld Care 52 Rental Service- Recreational Homes 107 The Dally Register will not be re- MONDAY-FRIDAY Oomeatlc Help 53 Farm Equipmen Commercial Rentals 10i Boats and Accessories. 152 sponsible lor more than one Incor- Situations Wanted Femele_ 54 Auction Sales •:30-4:50

235 Matawan Borough 235 aiatewon Borough 241 Honmoutn County 235 Matawan Borouoh the righi 10 aduum that ade d pubUc vendue. at the Court he comer d Mem tired end In 30 days Caah or certmed OUIREMENTS NOTICE IS ZB S4-M4OB HOOERS • Ap- me rnjni to M|oum true cue without further notice by put*- PUBLIC NOTICi wtmoul runner notice by pubH- Houee m the Boreueti M Frea- check only PURSUANT TO THE HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON DE- pllcant was denied approval for •n emended tlta plan on Route B leSdi hotd. County ol MonmouOt. Hew "FULL DESCRIPTION: Deed The approximate amount d MARLBORO TOWNSHIP CEMBER la, ie« THE FOi- Jereey. en Monday, ma IMl day I Page 70S Reoorded me kidgrnorn lo be seuanad by WILLIAM M. LANZARO. II LOWING ACTION WAS TAKEN IBkKli S3. Lol ill WILLIAM M LANZARO. Sherffl Deled Novombd I, 1BM BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 8 RE Deled: November 7. IBM d January, tees? at 1 o'Ooc? nth County Clerk'a C4- THE NEXT MEETING OF THE hoe 1/22(70 aHManhom I Regan, Attorneys BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT WILL Zucker. OcMberg. Backer a P.M. provonns erne. together with me coeta d'mte "ON JANUARY S. ISM AT Ackerman, Attomeya TERMS OF BALE: DEPOSIT (101) 7B9-77BS oertam lot. tract or 2O» d bM amount Balance due The sneritt hereby reeervee 9 00 PM FEDERAL MORTOAOt AS- parod 01 lend and premliaa. Dec 39 Saw Dec 11. IS 2» Jen 1 17a aa SOCIATION. PtamtM va: PRANK aduela. lymo and being In tie SI Help Wanted SI Help Wanted 231 Oceanport 2M0caanport COOK. Odatidanbi City d Long Branch In the Coun- SI Help Wanted 24a Weat Lena Branch By virtue d a writ d execution lty dl MonmoutMh h andS Slat OCEANPORT PLANNIHO eOAUD mm in me ebove ateled eaton to me Jeraey and being mom In accordance wllf. the SuneMne Law the Ooaanport Planning ORDINANCE • 435 suPSRtoVcoueiT directed. I era» 1X1111 tor aale lerly deecrlbed as lonow Bod Mil Odd meeting, during ISM on (he «•»•»««« AN ORDINANCE AMENDING d puwtc vandue. at ma Court BEOINNINO at a point on the Borough Hall. Monmouth Boulevard |M Myrtle Avenue. Soeenport PORTIONS OF ORDINANCE NO Houee In me Borough d Free- aouth aWe d tea View Avenue 334 REGARDING DOS LICEN8- MOMtJOVTM COUNTY nOfOa County Of MonrnoMHV NtW •dent two hundred and IWeen al 1-00p.m. Al the dlaonwon ol the Manning aoard pubBc meeenge INO FEES IN THE BOROUGH OF oan be now on mliiiip avenlngge wm»ut tunxer nonce Datm Me. P «el ss WEST LONG BRANCH In- INVESTORS AND LENDERS, Workahop MMIW Pub»c Uosenee troduced Deoember s. 1SSS d January, IMS. 'at 2 o'clock. ma of me right d way d tie New Janueryi. S1SSS S Jenuery is. ifcs LTD. PMMHf va: JOSEPHINE P.M. prevailing Mrex r BouSiern Rsaroaft ease Paeeod December It. 1BM HERTLINO. Delendenta February 12. 1SSSSS Februery It.JIM being alas the nortHaad Career Opportunity Approved Deoember is, 1SM By vlrtua d a writ d execution March U. 1SSB MerehiS.ISJS Ffc Si0 Road, Oakhuret. NJ. corner of tie eeoond rest de- April 9 1S0S Aprs IS, 1SM In eie above eteled aceon to me Ta» Lot and Block: Ld SI, aorlbaa ma dead made be John Mayor directed. I ahell expoee lor eale Mayj.. ites Stock 2S.11 on the Tax Map W. MlllJISi end w»e to Jacob 16? iV Ste June IS. 1SBS at public vendue, al the court Approximate Dlmanalona. SO Layton. J>, dated January 30. June 11. less Jury la. less Houaa in the Borougn ol Free- teetx 125 teat 1M1 and i soar did in Boo* 10M Jury S lose AuguellO. 1MB hold, County ol Monmouth. New Neered Crcea tired: Un- In Advertising August Unas ts«o Jersey, on Mendey. the iWh day known September ideas r IS. 1U_ M January, teat, al 2 o'clock. TERMS OF SALE OfPOSIT 1) Along me memii tne d November It. IMS ORDINANCE I 43B P.M. prevailing lime. xm ol Md amounl Balance due •Me d add Jacob Layion, Jr.. November 13. isat The property to be add la December 10. 1SBS Oeoember IT. IBM ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING In 30 deya Caah cr oertHled aoum lourteen dagiaes end rlfly Judy Ehrftert Secreter, THE MAYOR AND MUNICIPAL located In the Townahlp ol check only CLERK TO EXECUTE AN Ocean In me County d Mon- our miitutea weetona hundred Oeeanport punning Board The eppfo*rfriele emovnt Of aflO fowty fOVIa tnetTce e S1S.B4 AGREEMENT WITH MON- mourh end Stale ol New Jersey. if^e rvdo"*#^i Bt> oe aetteneo fry MOUTH COUNTY TO MODIFY Pf#j)fnl9eM tva) ocHnmoniy known 21 North aevenry eighiht degreea •ale la the aum d 144.544 thirty mlnutea wad aMy live end I SI Help Wanted THE INTERLOCAL SERVICES aa: 21 Btonehenge Drtve. Ocean. with me cede d ma SALES 51 HelpWanted AGREEMENT DATED SEPTEM- NJ Tax Lot No. S In Block No lorty a4ght nundradthdad tha feet to the IER 17. 1H4 1BO-1-K eeM aide ol WWllmer PlacePl : introduced Deoember s. IBM ne n o Olmenolone ol Lol: (approx- the right to adlourn thla eale OeQPOOv OHO Paaeed Daoember 1>. less 3) North Ntwfcrve OeQP imately) 1M'»14V without further nonce by puba- ) ~— — Imiuiietii Approved Deoember IS. teas Neareet Croea Sued: un- a^VJkdyaun aaoJamAaexekoi ^h^^keu ) ~—o —j Are you interested In csreer end not lull 1 |ob? Do you have Mallroom Help Wanted Frank Borrentlno •newi rmetj•rMi tnlrtn fTTiyn rwotj u BV>9 *ufeeit onaandj Nwify the hunoredthe ol a tool to the experience In advertising aales? The Register hat tn excellent Meyer WILLIAM M. LANZARO, Snerlfl opportunity for an advertising space account executive. We art able at the SherhYe Offlce. Mon- aouth ewe d tea View Avenue; Inserters Dated November 11. IMS looking for in aggressive parson tor this lucrative territory. Ann R. Clark* mouth County AMn D. Milter. Attorney 4) Along me eoum eUe d See Borough Clerk TERMS OF SALE DEPOSIT (SOS) 7SO-S7S1 view Avenue aouth aeventy eight Day or Night Shift SS.4S 20H d bid amount Belenoe due bee IS 26, Jan l. • tM.M Q ttwiy iiwnutM OHt The right person could move up quickly while earning 1 salary and in 30 days. Cash or eerWIed _ e toooot tl o the potnt Of Incenttvee. 241 Monmoirth County check only. ptaoa ol BEGINNINGIN O The Register The approximate amount d BEING alao known ae Lot s the ludgment to be Battened by Bloc* 307 on the Tax Map 01 the II you are Interested In a career in sales, like meeting people, heve Equal Opportunity Employs* ado la me aum d M4.12I City d long Branch. Monmouth tn aggreasrve tales-minded attitude, write In strict confidence to aupawoVcou together with the coeta d thla County, New Jereey. o» NSW MReev Mr. Frank Bottona, The Register. 1 Register Plata. Shrewsbury. TERMS OF SALE: DEPOSIT Call LAW WViejON The Snerin hereby reeervee LAW orvntoN NJ 07701. Equtl Opportunity Employer M/F MONMOUTH COUNTY 20H d amount bid. Balance due the right to adlourn mia eale BtOHMOUTH COUNTY In M days. Caah or certified Dockat No P*11S0-SS without lurtMr nonce by pubu- check only 542-4000 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ROBERT SICKLER, Plalnttfl vs. PlalnWI va ANTHONY HUNT The approximate amount d Ext. 277 WILLIAM M. LANZARO. therill LEO P. LA FORQIA. etc.. d ala me ludgment to be bandied by LEY. d ala. Delendenta Dated: Novdnbar 20. ISM aale la the eum of tW.t14 Jerri Morrla By virtue ol • writ 01 execution Satvatora AMerl. AtHmey By virtue o( a writ ol execution In the ebove aleled action to me lOQOVvor me) ooere ot mvtj 1201) 2S7-77S? ki tn#) aibove ate ted ectiofi to HH ealele.. directed, I than aipeae rw IS. 25 Jan 1. S 174 directed. I than 1x0000 lor aele at public vendue. at the Court Tn# Bo y Houao In the Borough ol Free- 51 Help Wanted St Help Wanted me right to aoioum twt mf hold, County d Monmouth, Now witnoirt turttvet" ftoooe by pwtHt- Jeraey. on Monday, the sth day ol January. IBM, el 2 o'clock. W1LLJAM M. LANZARO. IhorhT Boys & Girls P M. prevailing time MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES ALL that parcel ol land end LABRICQUI. PARSONS t Earn Your Own Money! premleee. heromenor particu- CAPPIELLO, Altomeys larly deecribed, eltuate m the City The Register hat an opening (or s District Salst ot Aabury Park In the County ol .1 Monmouth. New Jeraey Manager In Its circulation department beam sales and earn money selling newspaper BEGINNING at a point in the This entry level position involves supervising subscriptions after school and Saturdays (or The weaterly aide ol Proapecl Av- youth carriers In the areas ol sties, service and Register. We will train you In newspaper selling enue which aaw beginning point collections. We provide training and an excellent la IH OS led Northerly from the OF NEW JtRSBV techniques, pick you up and take you home Excel- Northweat corner ol Sum- compensation package. We ere Interasted In lent chance to gain sales experience. II you are self- LAW orvtaWN DAYS • fVENINfiS • NIGHTS • FULL TIME • PART TIMF merlleM Avenue and Proepect egreealve Individuals who have prior tales/or atONBIOUTII OOUStTV motivated, honest and dependable, we want you on Avenue; thence (1) North SO supervisory experience. Jignn 00 mlnulea Wed 1SS.10 MM K • edM bdne me LeMe To Apply contact S OTe tlimci BTATION. INC.. ; 'S • GM'» • LPtf'S • QPN'S • AIDES or tZmmtf X Heneon: PtaMMI va: MARY JOE CROSBY , (I Nrth IS Jigrm 44 II you are 11 yre or oWer Mr. DeZutter and CLAIRE CROtav. d Me. Oe- Explort the opportunities. Contact the) participating recruiter! tn thla can S42uao / (M-1210 lad to a point; thence (3) South or Mr. Robbina By vlr*» d a writ d execution BO degreea 00 mlnutca Eaai In the above Mated action to me DIRECTORY and pleate mention the Raglatar. 153 40 leet to e point In the Weal- 542-4000 directed, I ahell expoce lor aele erly aide d Proepect Avenue. at public vendue. at the Court The Rcfliater thence 14) Along me Westerly Houae In the Borough d Free- iaal OaaanM) Imearar •• aide d Proepect Avenue South hold. Counrvd Monmoutn, New IS degreea OS mlnuM* teat •f#ey. on Montfey. ttto wth dey St.10 led to the point or piece ol d January, lies, al 2 o'clock. NURSES AIDES HOME HEALTH AIDES beginning. M prevailing time MOLUDtL CONVALESCENT ma. cmerHno BEINO elao known aa 41S FAMILY 1 CHILDREN'S SERVICE ALL the detendanra right, see CENTER 1ST Be* Avenue Proapecl Avenue nd imereet. It any, In and lo the IIS Nary »4 . IIKmeeHwy BEINO designated lor lax lewlna: Hdmdol. NJ 077J3 Long Branch. N J 07T40 >IHailg«ll.MJBTT4t purpoeea ae Lol M Block S3 on NAMCOF SALE: 6 Q a service (2011 H4-4200 (2011 2O-S10D (Ml) S7i-ee»0 the Tax Map d the City ol Aabury Station, Inc. v. MAKE IT YOURSELF Park. Mary Jee Craeby and Claire TERMS OF SALE DEPOSIT: Croeby. d ale. 20% d bid amount. Balance due Doped No. L-3M74-I1 In 30 daya Caen or ocrtHted J-1S72S-S4 check only Take charge ol newspaper i STREET ADDRESS: 2S7 Main HEALTH FORCE LPNa S HEALTH AIMS The approximate amount ol Sired. Port Monmouth. New Jar- PEOPLE CARE 1S7 Sr oed Street drivers. Contact Mike Poel I - • —..___>»• _ _ j B at ilrtl • t f i i II-I the ludgment to be aetlatled by OF SOUTH JERSEY. INC jweet- Suites eale la the eum d I1S.14S ey. i vvvnenip or MIOOleiown, 244 0.O.0 St 'PO So. 6S2S DeLeSAUIHAU, Red tar*. HI 07701 n Spnnoa Roeo with the code d thle County d Monmoulh Red Benk. NJ 07701 The Register TAX LOT a BLOCK NUMBER IKII MO-IBM I NJ OTTSS ot SO. Block 767 (2S1)et»t4n Smock, apron, jacket — Th« Sheriff rt«K«bv HetMl Cant ServWI wear this top all ways! ttt*> tight to adlourn tfiit One Register Plus NUMBER OF FIET TO without further naWcm by publi- Shrewsbury. NJ 07701 NEAREST CROSS STREET Al Easy sew in denim, cot- cation. 1 Help Wanted ton, linen or wool. WILLIAM M LANZARO. Shejrifi Pattern 9342: Misses Dittxl NovwnMr a. 1MA Thomu W. OrMllth. United Sizes 8 to 20. SUM* Attornay MetQerd E. LaParre Peraennel Dept (301) 645-6440 SECURITY Mr FoflmuMer/Mra Barrowt DiiiSMJ Peraonnel Recrmlara HOGFAIA O wen Maw BMd sffixa&i RIVERVIEW FraenoM. NJ OT72S isi teoman Place SHERIFF'S SALE PINKERTONS MEDICAL CENTER I2S1I 7S0-t0tS SUPERIOR COURT 35 unioi Stteal LAURA WHEELER Of NtW JtRMV Red Bank. NJ .07701 LAW DIVISION Uniform Supervisor To 1201 ISM- 2200/2222 MONMOUTH COUNTY supervise and Inspect Work 4 and MMdlacnlt Dtp!. 61 Docket No. MttMS TELEPHONE SALES several accounts In trie, | get paid lo> 5 CENTRAL MORTOAOE CO va on tne 11 lo 7 anifl PHILLIP LEE SCHNEIDER, el al central NJ area. Com- Tlw Daily Register Day Care Center it ALAN HEALTHY CAM ty virtue d a writ ot execution Sales Persons Needed pany ctr provided. Ex- Rife. LPtra, NA'a t HHA'e FuS S Pen Tkna in the above elated action lo me available tor empioyeea perience helpful. Call I 4 home cere HILLTOP PRIVATE directed. I ahall expoee lor sale children Wort houn convenient lor you NURSING HOME at public vendue. at the Court 25 hours eOt-SK-OSM for appli- Free Parking MKddletown. NJ 0774S Houoc In the Borough ol Free- cation and Interview. Can (2011 7eS (201) 171-0177 hold. County ol Monmouth. New Jereey. on Monday, the Sth day Mon-Fri 5-9 ol January. 1SSS. at 2 o'clock P M. prevailing time Equal Oppry EmpMyar «S NMCkciin Cauiog - ISO Sat 11-4 olui wiigns J! . 50t p 1 n Municipality Borough Keanaburg. County ol Mon BowiSJSO . SOiwcnpln mouth Hourly rate plus incentives in-Fataaa Haas Oaeaea. Street Addreaa: 27 Cdlln 1M-TMS* CnBi Fkaera Sired. Keanaburg. NJ. IN <> T 9342 SIZES » 20 ' •*• * *"> Tax Lot t Block Lot 25. Bloc Apply at 60. on the Tex Map Approximate Dimensions tedx lie leal The Register Neereet Croea Streat: Mai One Register Plaza Street t TERMS OF SALE: DEPOSIT Shrewsbury, NJ 07701 20H ol amount bid. Balence due In 30 deya. Caah or counted An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F check only The approximate amount d WANTED! the ludgment to be eattctted by aele la the Bum d tM.MM together with the code d thla Have Car or Van The Sheriff hereby reeervea the right to adjourn thle aale without tunher notice by puMI- and nered Money

482—Crochet vest with ~WiUlAM M. LANZARO. Snerlfl Here's an opportunity for you. Load your contrast edging ol baby Dated: October 28 1BSS auto with newspapers and take them to AMn D Miller. Attorney yarn Sizes 8-14 incl. (SOI) our carriers. Excellent job for semi-re- 987—Knit sporty cabled Dec 11. IS. 26. Jan 1 187 SS tired or person out of work. Call Mike lackei ol synthetic wor- sted Men's 38-44 incl. Poel at 542-4000 LAW DIVISION The Register OP NSW jerteBT One Register Plaza Shrewsbury, N.J. 07701 M OS'« ucn Hnirn MO Me S5KPSKS; ? An Equal Oppty. Employer ajtr, wne'n to- mugs '« LEE BLAKE, ag/ayou News Correspondents! awe. Jr.. d ai. DeNndanla Untune leal IS By virtue ol a writ ol execution in me above elated action to ma MARIAN MARTIN « public vendue. at the Court EXCITING The Register is expanding its staff of night correspon- Pittern Dipt. 420 OPPORTUNITY dents to cover municipal meetings. ol January. 1M6, at 2 o'cJoch. | The Daily Rtgistar P.M. praMMng am*. IN Advertising Sales Experience preferred, but not necessary. We'll-train. •Ml Fella in me County d Payment per article. Join our aggressive, growing news «r 11311 Pnetmeii *•' and Hate d New Jereey com- TRAINEE, 1* Ml Pener" "•*»" M7 monly known ea: ts Peacti team. i r rt sz si Help keep Monmouth County informed. NEA Spring Sumrnaf PjMorn long Neered Croea Sied S Contact: lane Foderaro or Clifl Schechtman CjiaWy FJSI turnout lor busy ate on me northerly aide d woman f'at ojrten coupon Peach S*ed. 1 SI lad tram me The Register Seng J? 00 plus Ml polligt .aewrty oMe d SprlnodeM Av- One Regitter Plua, Shrewsbury, N.|. 07701 Bows II 50 • VH u pl» W JfHWI TtRMa OP BAlfc OIPOtlT' (201) 542-4000 20*dbM amount aalancedue in n l*e»e#i in 30 days. Cadi or ecrtMed MARIAN MARTIN The approximate amount d the ludgment lo be -netted i, PATTERNS aele la the aum d SSO.SO) .Mnor wtm me oode d BUe

Tlie Bherlfl nereHy raadvaa • DECEMBER 25. 1985 *»«»"• c-Ttt t*» MonmcHiih Count. $1 HtlpWinWd si SI HaipW 51 HalpWantad SI HalpWantad 51 H.I»WsMt

1 UnuiaP. imndal 542-88*0 aJ WANTED - For LUNCMS to hendtai heavy phone work 4 2 CoaaMaok rary SMMnaa HUM *np 4 do kght typing H 142-OM PART TIME - Sorvloo aojndam Maraatod, aand raauma about awSMMSoaaodn |eurae» 4 your MMry requW- «IO The Register MANAGER/TRAINEES III in. Wuat Do'VaM 1 AnSouolOpooyi.0.01 MCDONALD'S ntama to UrMnoiniii Oiaphloa - S prep peraon oauitoiua. Apply n poraon ba- he.. 21 We* Lincoln Ava ABan- pp p g»««_oipn»») QMary (up » Nroanl-Jpm. 121 Hwy M Koy- K ia»aai«la NJ 07711 Ann: tor earn ba on*/ dooo AUTO SALES port or a* SBSS*21 packaga. No JSZSSm naoaaT CM BH-lsTi PART TMt - Liquor and OM TAXI — kiwuientfaiwu n drivort •gctM CAll FOR APPOINTMENT ary. but Htlaovoa muat Hopryio — Luxury 1 own 30% oof ftak taee OaOaa oudoo -Lot No. 9-*-7-« In MM NO O-47. Iho RagMar. a lerpaeno, dtoh- Sa»v-Sem aNP. C M 7717-1300 S-S-27 ee ahewn end MM down >. N J 07701 S424-47I 0 liWIIn CM FINN BUICK PART TIME KoOHTS - Sub 4 TRUCK DRIVER - tor aamaoo 0 lHl Th. amiNi raao.iltoTa CLASSIFIED ujlo: Hptmooh ft Wataaman. prop "JT™ " *J y** endtng 9/30/64 w*. .«• Apr! 18. 1BBS. for •*>•»»»•»»• a Mat. Caa N J 070M Attonltton B J R PART TH*E — Phona poraon 7BT-S774 art tar Corl CLASSIFIED Apply In poraon Ooa Ptna. WAiTllwVWAITRCSS — Ber- EASY ASSEMBLY WORKI lendara. cook. «•» 4 bua SBC0.00 par 100 ary. but Haaava a muat Papry a BOYS ft GIRLS Bo. u-471. Tho PJaaMMr. IIUPIl. CM 172-12S1 Altar 1 CLASSIFIED Snuaaliuly. NJ 07701 ATTENTION! o Eaponoroo^o BaHa Dwa 11 OR OLDER CLASSIFIED aand S-A-S-E ELAN VITAL -SIS Ill MI menaon THE rjEOIBTEP. WAITER/WAITRESS — Exp tor MIS Mamoi Rd. Ft Purea MODELS wfien replying lo a RegoNar Apply mparaon rWo Com up to 120 por aaak. CLASSIFIED MOVIE EXTRAS vajfi^ iWry a H 6 Lost and Found Now oaaang major rnooon ATTENTION! OaOor THE RCHSTER ol SSOO immli. wxo you loom pkaura Laot Hour o> Honor Akto a caroor n »»ay»laa and m- m*n«on THC RFO48TEB FREE FOUND ADS ELBERON aMpartonca naoaoairy. tambkj Th» •wroMmaw amount ot Aa a aardoa lo our community. ouronoa. OK 747-24*1 EOE rap»ysng to • H*o»**r>r Tna Dolly WiallMi la offering . LONO BRANCH arApaoyvnaot d »>» ludgtam lo oeeetKed by t*tt J-Dna FOUND ad to? 4 MONMOUTH BEACH OAS STATION ATTENDANTS — We Have The •» kMamol (M.07? undor our Loot 4 Found CHANNEL CLUB PuS s nan tnw Aattfy In paraon PHYSICAL THERAPIST/ _ «iQ»»ioi «wi me onto of mie 10 E- Front MOTOR ROUTE DRIVER PHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSIS- Thtnae Mgiaw anpiaclem your CM BAIL AOu« o. Coaoga Sludani wan r»- TANT tor aapandMg Ortho- The Shertll Mro»y reeerveo "oneaty 4 ata do na part m find- OAS ATTENOANT — Uuot ba IS koHo vaMda wamad to an n Ranao-Sporto pnvna pracaca MERCHANDISE •w right M odloytn mo lele ing the original owner Pteeee yaara old Fua or part ama In- e*hout further none* by put* oak ua at 642-1700 An Eojiol Oppiytniployai M/F hold/Rod Bank arooa 700-4300 tt mora Mormaaon oak M2-SN0 to buy or eeli P0UN0 - Young, lo BOYS/OWLS or M2-aat4 Equal Opportunity PIZZZZA 4 KKITCHE N PERSOE N MEN/WOMEN Eapananoad AApply m panon. Oojortnon. In Coxa Nook Wai loach you ••arytnmg you l1i.04O-SM.23O/yr Now Hmng 2J*NbvombSriS Due to e repld growth, we hove Co» 10S-S17-SOOO E«t R-MS4 unungrr a FamouF o Ptna. 477 MMtdto *Mew7d Caeel. Attorney naad to know lor nua dMoraMad. MONT WATCH PERSON - For tor currant tadaral PM. "MOW 971-0200 POUND - SMr oraaaMh paart - IN YOUR'AREA. Col nona torm wamad Can pnqpar boada aoroao trom Union 1-S00->41-OBBO today It you HAVE PUN — Maka Wanda whoa 542.SH3artar •• m PRESSER - Expanancod ki .bert* 60 •ran laundry Call 442-9292 T oawnt bonam. Caa tor an ap- Botfy Brtt» Claanan FOUND-PomalaDolmaMn.on STAR LEDQER •< IN JERSEY rung. Rt M 4 Wykolt PI PROORAMMERS/ANAL 1ST S Dooombor 21 In tho WayaMa CAFETERIA HELP — Woman 542-4000 Ext. 252 • NEEDED 542-1700 src lam 1 yr. akp Start tha now roar W JCftoCT noooad tor aohool lunch pro- 542-4000 Ext. 252 Steep ki To with a morocraaiwa hignar pay- « LAW OtVMaOM gram. No oksanonoa Apply m cere of 2 elurjren S general ATTENTION! ing paakjon Programmora. an- • I00NM0UTH COUMTV poraon, Rad Bank Primary 542-4000 Ext. 252 Houeekeec*ng 3 monfno exp nakata. prokKt laadna. many FOUND - Cat aa Moan 70« EOE Salary *2907wk 44 hr weak p many - Oookol HO. F-r*4-M I* an Bortngion A THE REGISTER PomonPomo a ara awatang your can -THE CENTRAL JERSEY BANK 1 Laonorao. Call 2»l 4374 Apply; UrauM Loglia. 8 vrnat* raptyinQ to a R Phon^SkKtmo™ Aa •TRUST COMPANY. PloMWt vc The Register McCampoek Rd . Holmdel. N.J •LOUIS TELYMONOE 1 LOST - FomoM. Tan. Conor CARRIERS NEEDED An Equal Ooply Employor M/F 0773* 4*2-42*4 Spanial. Oyra. OM. In Shroaobury BARBARA TELYMONOE. ET COUNTER PERSON — Honda on INSURANCE OFFICE — P.4 C NURSES -AL8 Oitendanla To doMvor tha REGISTER oMoa. All banoIHa Salary 4 com- Rottng mandttory Fun Omo Can ' By virtue of o writ of execution rfueeiOY Ceil Hector of Hanaan 741-AtS. RN'S & LPN'S M/F *V tho iXm otomi ocMn lo mo LOST - Cat. Black and WMta MIDDLETOWN AREA: C£RT»F1ED 'iweeled. I OMS aapoaa far iu noutarad mala. Anonora to •McOulra a Orovo Apta. NURSES AIDES "M put** trandue. ct •» Court Rocky Loot Dae 11 on NatiWua •Barrwar Lana DATA ENTRY PERSON — Mon- HOMEMAKERS Dr Loonordo Nooda modi, Frt. 1-4 pm. No computer! ekl*a HOUSEKEEPERS 4 11 VEIN s PM to Jana Fodoraro. Cay Edl- cation: REWARD Call Ml-0757 needed )uet bone typing aaMta M/F tor. So. 0-40S. Tha Daav Raoja- 'how. f ot Monmoutti. Now Boyntor. 1 Boynkjn, 747-0*00 tar. Shrawabury. NJ 07701 Guaranteed Results! londey. tho l» day or 391-10M. Z needed. Red Benk Service Co Fun or port-Brno, noodod tor Send raeume to: P.O. Box 201 NorBiorn Monmoutri Aroa. Htgh Wara Equal Opportunity El ot January. 1SSS. at I o'clock, •Klnga Hwy Eaot JANITORIAL SUPERVISOR — ptoyaralJ/F If the Hem advertised is not told within J" M praMOMng (me. 9 Spsxlrt Nottc«« Red Benk. N J. 07701 Contract owning pay. no toa CM tor Mtontow at . Property lo DO OOM • located ki Call NICK ktg torto m POOMa Caro. 244 Broad St. Rad the flrsl 10 days of your paid classified ad ATTENTION Bank. 130- 1BH S00 Uruon Avo •mo Toarnohlp ot Freehold in me MRS. SYLVIA 542-8880 Chrlatmaa la almoat horo. nood auparvtaora. Muat hava mfnlmun REAL ESTATE ol 2 yaara aap 1 tro Fit 71. Srloao S24-M32 Fraa- Tha I i Raal Earn Company in well run your ad 10 ADDITIONAL fc County of Monmouth and BMO noM. 411-14SS ma world Ona of Ina top 4 ol- o nvw vfWwy rfvniovoM Known PSYCHIC READER RUMSON/FAIR HAVEN Raglalai in Rumaon. 4 Fair Con I-OOO-102 4044 DAYS ABSOUITELY FREE! -ae RO #4. Bo. 40 Jockaon Mma Advloor on all proMoma M Ma Havon. Con Mitch HIIMO NURSE RN-Fuknmo. VI 1pm fioaa in ma Rad Bonk araa Tha Tarot Carda. Aatrowgy 4 Palm JANITORIAL - Local eontrocl boot iwnmg program in Raol Ea- • «OOd, FrOOMM. NOW Joraoy. To> CALL MITCH claanlng company looking tor full or Pan nmo/on can. M aMfto. Lot 24 In Slock *4 on the Tax Opon 10 a.m-0. p.m. SENIOR CITIZEN CwciMaiit bartafita or now nofma Me. A frtondty ataft Nowty If yoitf K.a. la not •old within 1* 2104 Klrtga Mwy . Oakhurat 542-8880 ttma ctoanara. Block »»ai IWOIM Hoanaad. or on old pro. wa ara 'Map ot no Townenip ot Fraa- a muat Hoimdot aroa Can packaga. Naw managamont oM • now Obnonatono of Lot approx- IbOMnd Dwinyl) SEMI-RETIRED Mra Mahonoy at 2B4-M00 tor expanding. Join our winning 4ay*. call ua to itani you ad. • m.i.iy 171' oy 174.10 by ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS toem Cof today, oak tor Roger r HOMEMAKER CENTURY 21 COZENS. Roaltora J1S47.**' oy SW by 1490- by 493-0866 AREA: LOCAL CONTRACT - Cleaning ILMVMI one ilam per ad Kx rwicnmrnrc* w!e pntfj • 1M.M'by Propanyolao •Thouoand Oaka VHlogo company looking for fun ama day OFFICE WOPK — deed typiet independently Owned/Operated »fcnown aa Oonoord Walilia 15 Instruction MUST HAVE CAR deener in Red Bank area. Call vV» tram tor travel agency Box SilRrvarRd. Fair Haven , TERMS OF SALE DEPOSIT WE1CHERT REAL ESTATE i mmetui 339. OakhurM. NJ 07758 741-7SSS «20S ot bid amount Balanoa duo SCHOOL OFFERS SALES PER- Call FRANK You want to work, but • Job now •aama Impoaalpli to find KID CARE - HOB |ob op- PART-TIME — Naod POOPU wnti REAL ESTATE SALES - Wl . n 30 daya Caan or oorWIod SON LICENSE COURSE IN 542-8880 apare tirrve. rie* hra. meal for have 2 poaMone avaHauo tor RUMSON. SEOINNINO JAN 2 SSUPRISEIWU a havo tna ponunwaa tor moot quoanad in The Register • shock oMy. |ob for you Dolrvor Tha baby 4 vacation armng. ho Wnamiktr. retiree Earn up to noanead lalaapaopn Incraaae *• Tho appTOilmala amount ot CALL 201 -M7.774O FOR INFOR- •MONMOUTH BEACH portact S7VS100 V*. 2fl4 3244 or your potanoal-cak Darrah Aa- MATION Raolatoi at your own paoo In ona doamng 4 Hva In work. Wo n - tie judgment lo ba oatlatlad by arooa: child orlontod 4 raaponatbkj aouatol. Shrawabury. 741-1334 •tale la the own of S3M.3M •EATONTOWN otmaaa •LONQ BRANCH 747-22(7 ^tf with ttto coala of thM 21 Business • Ocoanport Ssirvlc* •OCEAN TOWNSHIP • Won Long Branch KID CARE - Hal |ob 00- Tha Stiarttl hereby rmniai • Long Branch. ponunrllee tor thoaa quaHftad In ne llylfl 1O owfOUtfi trtie HIV CALL USI - W. can anorton baby 4 vacation Mttlng. houta your panta. maka your homa and Call GAYLE Mthout further nottoa by put* Can Gall. M2-OM0. doamng 4 Irva In work. We noed maka your cuaniona Me. Call 542-8880 child orlontod 4 reeoonelbte WILLIAM M. LANZARO, Shortfl UO-9741 The Register ' 747-22S7. 3aied September 12. i960 DATES FOR SINCERE SINGLES Equal Opportunity EmpWyor KID CARE - Haa too op- UcOmber » McOmbor vary Low Rataa. Wrtla Evor Laat- PORT MONMOUTH M/F portunmee tor thoea qualified In mg Ootaa SuiM 7 40 Cindy •Noar York Ava. DELI PERSON - P/T. for Sat 1 baby 4 vacation aming. houaa 101) 94MJ2 WO< O Lana. Ooaan, N j 07712 cleaning 4 ttva In work We need Doc If. 2S. Jan 1. • (741 Sun Exporloncod Can Mark CALL RICH 741-71«g child onentod 4 roaponelblo POOPM 747-2217 542-8880 DENTAL ASSISTANT — P/T tor W-33T KITCHEN HELP - For bar SHERIFF t SALE Cooking, food prep., general SUMMOA COURT front dook. X-ray lie. nariaaaaij TINTON FALLS: Maura, raiujbta. outgolno and pretorred. Of NEW JERSEY 51 HalpWantad •OM Form Hood willing to ktom naw akWa. Salary 2M.3730 CHANCERY DIVISION Mala or Famal* •OM Mat ROOD baaad on oapononco and ab«y MONMOVTH COUNTY Cok 171-aoM LEOAL SECRETARY Docftel Me 'Unit AIDE/HOUSKEEPtNO — U ADO* nO eM9» open Starting aarary 94 50 DENTAL ASSISTANT — IM ara penenoa wnn a law Mrm. CM DA I OOGUE2 per hour. Muat have own trane- CALL KATHIE lOOklngtor apocMW poraon to >0*n 8C3-O701 Plaintiff, vS JEAN M portanon Benefit! Cell our atari X-ray kc. UtaO StMr. LEGAL SECRETARY — Wamad Single. 413-3001 542-8880 bonoftla avaltabto. Caa S42-7SM tor HUdUkjnn QWloa w mt pro- By virtu* of a writ of axecuiiori The Reglstar caMIng and/or Law Oltloa ax- CiftGuide ine abov* iut«d action to me DENTAL ASSISTANT An Equal Oppfy Employor M/F Orowlng OnhodontJC-Pedodon- perlonoa a plua Plaaaanl. mod- S reeled I ahalt *ipoM ,Or sale Salary baead c •t puDhc vendu*. ai lh« Court CARPENTER/CARPENTERS oc practice in Red Bank weki in iT HELPER - Ekpartonoa In ra- energetic • pereonaole Individ- Cell 442-0400 HouH in irt* BoiouQh of Free hold. County ol Manmoutn. N«w modollna A pralllllanal IndMd- ual who would enjoy working LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER — In Jtrsty. on Monday. th« 8lh day ual who la cloan. noat. poina and wtth e yyoung patient population Cona Neck Muet bo good with UNIQUE GIFTS • GIFTS FOR THE HOME • FLOWERS/GIFT BASKETS • ANTIQUES Ol January, 1966. at 2 oclock. ATTENTION! aMo to follow ordora. Muat havo In a vervary uniquoe 4• axcrHnexciting otneofficoe children, cook, dean 4 ftupervite PM pravatling lima. Pteaae mantJon THE REOtSTEN own t/anaponarJon and aoma anvlronrnant. EKP praforrod. Colt houaMMM. " All In* following lot. tract Or hen r epry 1 ng to a R* hand toola Call 2>l UM 741-1365 for Intonriaw. ary CM m-TTSS %* Mon-ffl. • HOUDAY SPIRITS • TREES a TRIM • HOUDAY DINING • FOOD CATERERS parcti of land and pr*m>s*t. enrpvoymant ad n*r*inaft*r particularly d« PARTIES • OITERTMNMENT • VIDEO • GIFT CERTIFICATES • HOBBY HOUDAYS •cribsM. tiluala. lying and b*mg in in* Township of N«piurv* ,n the County of Monmouth and • GIFTS FOR EVERYONE • GIFTS FOR HIM • GIFTS FOR HER Slat* of N*w JarMy BEING known at Lot No 14 m Block S-2-1. aa laid down on a • AHP. 1 RIITAUMNT c*rlam map *ntitl*d Map of Business Directory Chrlatma! party taclimee — no group Spnngdal* Haightt. S*CHOn I. UNIQUE IDEAS to email om certificate! available Townanip of Naptun*. Mon Serving lunch t dinner 972-1249 moulh County. Naw JarMy. GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES jack • Meek 4 Video August 5. 1957. Th* Birdsa" PIREHOUSE SPECIALTY SHOP 2000 video rental! Other club member- Corp , P E and L S which map Qlfla-novartlea tor the fireman open !hip! honored Over 2500 compact was fn»d m tn* Cl*fk'a Otfic* ol 379 Accessories 455 Carpal Installation Tuea.Thura. 12-530 Fn 12-1, sat. dleca Muaical Inetrumenta. recorda. Hwy. 35 Mlddletown. near UA Middle- Monmoulh County on S*pt*m- 010 Koroaono 050 Painting a 10-5:30. XMAS hr! tuning 12/15 Mon - tapaa. audio town Theater Sun -Thura 1 am.-3 am Mr 9. 1957. in Cat* 63. Map 12. CALL USI — We can manurac- JUTS CARPET INSTALLATION Haatars Paparhanglng Fn 12-1. Sal 10-5 30. Sun 12-5 Cue- 33 Broad Street Red Ben. 142-0731 Open 24 hra Frl 1 Sat Hot 4 Cold s«d pt*mi»*i Ming mora par- tura an rvpaa ol pocketbooka. — Bella. Weaning. re-lay*, re- torn ombrodiered Fireman'! logo! Buffeta Mon . Tuee.. J-l p.m. 171-1319. ticularly d*acrib*d aa follows ' • rapalra. 2S4-S177. All Makaa or Keroeene Healer i ALLOCCA BROS - Cuetom Canal 81. Red Bank 530-104* BEGINNING at a point m th* clutch 4 traval bega. coomouc Setvtoad. Moat Wtou 1 Pana m painting Service Intertor-cx- WfHtarly ima of Dai* Piac*. said •aw. etc Can SSH741. stock MaaeL Servtoa Co.. terlor Free aatlrrmei Ineured. OOWWttTAMM I 455 Catering •rtsr.n On a off pramiaaa catering point M.fig disUnl 45.54 tt*t 73* OS** or HX0S1 UNCROPT INNOVATION* aoutn«rly from tn* inl*vs«clion of 380 Accounting NEW YORK STYLE CATERINOI 747. •np ft Cwn Shea Holiday pomee'ditt Certmceiea Xmaa throughout the mopi ama for Newman aprlnga Rd. 741-1170 tn« said im« of Dai* Piac* •*• GMRY MAYBURY — Public Ac- Net New York prtoael Menu pun- 824 Lawn SprtnMars young 4 o4dl Newman Spnnga Rd (next corr,prer>enaive Mock ol u S and Work) t*nd*d northarly with int countant Accounting, book- MORHINQ DEW — Lawn to Llncron Inn) 747-72*0 coma 4 atamp* for th* beginn*r and southerly im* ol w*ai Bangs Av- tor a memorabto meal. CM etfvarKed coHecttK Futi ttock ot all keeping 4 MX aarvwo M2-OO41 Sprinkler! SpaolelUIIKl ki ear- ANDREWS PAINTING — All !.- liparliata a. THa OMe Ueiea Meaee •nua *xl*nd«d ••at*riy and run- 531 MM vloa*. cuetom Inetaiaflon of ma|or brand* of *, folders, ning th*nca (1) Along th* w*nt- tenor work. 44 yra. experience PLUM FUOOtN COUNTP.Y SIIOPPE cataioga mount*, magnifier*, nc Lunch 11:K>4 442 aartandlng unoarQf ound lawii a*prin*ir***a •riy Im* o) Dal* Piac* along th* Very rraaeonihla. Free eadmala 9*3 Holmdel Rd. Holmdel Unique oaaortaa and local Ksiory boo* a Expert Dinner 4-10 455 Chlmnay Swaapa vYInterliatlon 17O-2M1 arc of a Curv* b*anng to th* i*M BARTENDER - AvMabW tor CM 22*1-4412 aeiection of fine giftware tor ell agee In a guidance in aetecOng a gift for your having a radius of 85 f**l an arc weddmga-Privaia pamee-Ben- AUTHENTIC CHIMNEY SWEEP pleaaant country atmoahpere 941-4352 favorite cd lector auall ah. Fuky axp 73S-O4O* Por ma. pffldant burning. CM 625 distanc* of 66 fact lo a poinl BA. CRAWFORD Si i^ed Bank 741-OSM iywa th*ram. th«nc* (2) Continuing after 5 p.m. Serving M Counlaa 741-SBM. 24 houri 4 Lawn Caro PAPERHANOER nywana along said lin* ot Dal* Piac*. 222-MM THE CHRI1TMA1 TREE Sunday oomplna dinner 3:10-10 South 47 d«gr**s 39 minutaS 444 Bathroom 450 Construction LANDSCAPING — Spring Oiva unuaual Crirlatmaa ornamenta from Entertainment Fn « Sat. nlghto around tha world They're terrific gift! 1 <>rrsFow Trie HOWE Wast 15 >**l to a point. th*nc* (3) Hamodallng A WALLINQ CONSTRUCTION valet Santoaa. *n eeai eeTiini Soulh 41 d«gr**a 54 mmuMi 20 work, naimrntill ralea Can 72 Bridge Ava.. Rad Benk 942-45*3 942-797S The OWe UrMn Houaa •aconda Wast too f*«t to a point, Caramic Til* 741-1341, aak tor Bruce CREATE YOUR FRAME We do It M. Mg 4 amaii EDDIE'a PAINTING 11 Wharf Avenue. Red Benk inane* (4) North 47 d*gr**s 39 CM S72-S1SI or 2*1-1734 Olfta ot lovely framed en. Holiday pic- minutM W*at 75 taet to a pomt. ALL Till 9PACKLINQ. PATCHING JSWSLP.Y OOLD 4 elLVIft ture framing MOP -Sat. 10-5. 140 E Pizzeria * Reataurant PLANTS-TREES Priced wall below retail Nautical Olfta- th*nc* (5| North 41 d*gr**S 54 Export Available itiolnell or ralall S Neat, Clean. 4 Reeaonasw Newman Spnnga Rd . Red Bank 903 Holmdel Road. Holmdel minutee 20 aaconda Eaat 125 70 Ufi ramodekng elnce 1» 500 Docks For Free Till new CM Eddie The Tiller. 241 Nevaolnk River Rd. 741-7714 We Deliver •41-4111 eeree Nureery etook. WIN daNvar. Mlddletown. 747-0243 f**l to th* pomt or piac* of Be- Bob Akma, 2SIM>M7. D4D CARPENTRY - Pro- HOLMDEL FARMS At (71-4403 CERAMIC TILE CONTRACTING 2O4-M23 2*44*13 LEHEN — Pointing 1 doora. krlchona. berha. ekyUgma. BUM. ehoeara, wana 4 Soon. '••"••"••«•ppg • ••••^••llalSooma 4 - FOP. YOU* CHP.I1TMA1 PAfTfY Everything for your fireplace 141 Shrewabury Avo.. Rad Bank Prompt Mrvtoa. Free eatlmataa oacita. Compvaa* nofiia) ramooat* TOP SON. 747-19** Serving 11:30-1 em Mor> • COMMONLY known as 19 Rich loamy Farm aoH. Aleo ma- morciai Prompt, prolaaalnnal Belly dancing by Karlna 2074 Hwy 35. MMdkMown 171 -0*19 Dal* Piac*. N*plun* Township. CM anytime tor appl 2SS-11BS. Hg. Fret iMtnatoi. FuHy m- ' . Fully Ineured. Free em- Sat. Sun: Noon-fO pm aurad. CM 571-1174 nure. Wlrl deliver Birthday! - Surprleee - Qnmi Haw J.rwy NEW CERAMIC TILE 4 REPAIRS HOLMDEL FARMS 774-7343 In compliant* with Chapter " "111 •eon's KITCHEN 157. Laws Ol 1977. pr*m Chrlatmaa • New Yeara aftor rjpm. 747-141S. A A DEMOLITION — Clean up WE PAINTINQ CO. — Cell W*M March 27. 1979. in tn« Office Of CARPENTRY — Rettred SERVICE. 741-2341 partiee Hot 1 cold pianeri NO party lo tha Clark of tn* County of Mon- yard!, oasara, garegee, guttora. 22S-S01S. The Happy Painter. MONOOrUHHIO OLAUWARl email or large. Free delivery 290 Willow mouth in Deed Book 4160. pag* carpenter Smart, medium mo Cut traaa. CM 544.010? Free Free eat FuHy Ineured. 20 yra Monogrammad glaaawara for homo or ot- Living Chrlatmaa Traa* Ortve. Little Silver 741-9224 961. lobe. Decka. Free eMmatee. CM 540 Entertalnmont axp. Raa or oomm. tic« Wine eeta, glaim 124 Myles). carifaa. Hundrada to cftooee from 74I-B7.7 or 774-0400 TRU-2-LIFE A MAN 4 TRUCK FOR HIRE tuiner! paperwekjhta Colonial JaeeHn. Conrad Smith Nur*ery TERMS OF SALE DEPOSIT A4P Canter. Tlnlon Fall! 842-3422 Tlnton Av* . Eatontown 542-1420 20% of bid amount Balanc* du* FULL LINE MuMoal production epeaaiatng 605 Plumbing ft HOME IMPROVEMENTS Ptok up 4 deliver Light neuttrH, Hot * odd party Outlet 2 roonona. Mlddw- In 30 days. Caah or certified In dlaOQt dub eosertainrnent, Moating town 971-ieoo Ham 9*9 000* Free oe- check only. NO JOB TOO SMALL - lobe. Atace. CROWN QIFTS, INC. A North Wood* Bonoa from Tha approximate amount of FREE EST. CALL 73O-M07 ia4$i OTS»M!42-»74*. "^ ooaan. guttora Maenad. Free aa- PLUMBING - NtgMa. Xllkindl xioioui artJclea and book! tna judgment to ba satisfied Dy •metoa. CM 4t*-ig*7 OMy Work done at YOUR CON- M Brood 31. Red Bank BVlrWMIN PLANTATIOM HOME CRAFTSMAN — Carpen- VENIENCE. Rapalra. drain dean- sal* la th* aum ot S27.136 J 747-3204 For our Smart WMtidty Chopper* Avoid m J I I • all ' ^-*- — ~- — ^ ... Ing 4 repleoemonta.LIc #7212 together with the coats of this 505 Flraplacas* CLEAN YARDS tf>* M**end ruah ft set a taoond traa traa Catering evaluate lor weekend pemea. dm- try, VPOOUWOCK, |Ov* oona *fTtn CeHari. anc! 1 g Anewar machine 4*3-3125 pracwon Job too Mg tor you? Woodatowas THE wtCKtP. BASKET a Cotorado Slue Spruce aeediing, your nara, brunchea. WD 212-7*4-1210. WE Tha Sheriff hereby reserves Too email tor otnaraf CM Kan Freee WICKER • RATTAN 4 COUNTRY PINE Chrlatmaa tree for tM7. wtth every tree 201-442-4325 tha right to adjourn this sale Sodertund. OVS-2S71 after ( p.m. FIREPLACES-WOOD STOVES 741-21« 713 Roottiw * Siding FURNITURE • OIFTS • BASKETS pwrchaaad Mon -FH without further notice by publi- Chlmneya. brick heerthe 4 weai CHRISTMAS TREES 4 WREATHS PM in Holmdel. Acroeatrom Bt cation. JO-JO WOODWORK'S ROOFING-SI •O- St. Hwy 34. Coll! Mack 412M59 Church Add-on'!. Addition!. Paneling. 035 Llmouslna LLeakk rapalra elnoa 1SS2 WILLIAM M. LANZARO. Sheriff Painting. Decka. Pattoa. Lara Repalra. J. Stock. 2*1-0037. Sarvlca I HOMYl October 30. 1965 •Ik. CM Joe union (ts yra. Fed eamoa. CM S3O-OM2. CUm-OOOtTY.ANIIOUf.9 Donald J Pappa. Attorney OMpar.l 717-2231 550 Outtar EAST COAST LIMOUSINE — 0've a Ireeaure from the peel 500 Proa- Treaa. Hv* and fraah cut. Alao. wreathe, KNITTER* KNOOK (201) 755-3000 Sbeton umoa 4 aoomony 734 Tapir. pact Ava . Little Silver 10-B Mon -Sat. wenkete graena. roptng ft powtMMae Be- 29 Monmouth St.. Red Bank. 142-7087 Dae 11 IB 25 Jtn 1 $145 44 JOE QLUCK RENOVATORS - Claanlng wagona. AH oooaetona. Low 10-9:30. Sun. 12-5.til Chrlatma! an i who***** Caaola Farma, At* 520. Orva your beat knit a eweeter or Home Improvement. Coramle •42-7757 OUTTERS CLEANED - And re- rein. Rum i now tor Xmaa 4 Marlboro or At* 34. Laird Rd.CoM Neck. van yern. Needlepoint. Crewel we. dacki. add a level. No |ob New Yaera 9O7-M11 paired (Screening avaltobto) .' > Ctuiewi wear •Hflms S too amell 11 yeara akpertenua. Window wearrfrvfl and roof re* FINEST — FrntoNng work avaH- MfMRMM COUHT pelra. Jeff 4KHS30 050 Masonry aMa Taping, painting, paper- Utaa SPrer. Sktde PJta Stwaa. Peraonetted OF NIW Jirwiv Sarvica hanging, trlmmlmg. 2*1-3S*7. -My Flm Chnatmae- BHa t oNMreni Treaa. wreath*, grave blankets1, potneet- LAW WVISION PANELJNO — Doora. window!. Oothlng t miaamlll FREE mi tiaa. daooraUona. fruit baakata. floral ar- 595 Horn* •very 1 gift wrapping, 741-007* MOMMOUTM COUNTY laiiMNJailiiy. r*paira. minor MASON WORK — All typaa. 740 Treo torvlcoa rangement* Tha beat looking aalacBon Orve the gttl of great too. "STO. a*oa>wajH aavp*» paicn of ttva ft cut traaa around. Deofcal Ha. HfMI BO MumMng 4 atoc Reeon Roto. Improvamanta WOODY S TREE SERVICE OMUaaMMetaM Free eat 214-1108 work CaU Lou 4H-9OM or Chrla 3"t Cermoew. JOHN V. 8PADORA. A8 DUST BUSTERS - Commercial. •71-O4W Tree 4 ahrub aimmlng 1 Starto'a Oarden Canter BKJNOR. NORTH SHORE FUND- RT BUILDERS — Raroollng reaMenbeL Floor waxing, carpet removej. FuSy kteured. Free GIFTS FOR HER Rt. 3s Mlddlotowm •42-7979.11 When Am. PM Bank ING CORP . Plaintiff ve: ipoclal US par eg. Art—" 655 Moving ft aMmatae. CM 530-1112 (nest to Towna Chevrolet) NICHOLAS PERNA. JOYCE Free eea. Local Rera. •71-1518 PBRNA. CHARLOTTE FlSHKINO eervtoa 717-oaTI enyKna. 8tor«ga 750 Typing Sorvlco DAINTY APPAREL 6 EUGENE L. FI8HKIND Defen- COATS • SUITS • SPORTSWEAR JOHN ROESINO TEACHERS MOVINO INC. — Big Kathanna Office graduato offer DRESSES • LINGERIE • ACCESSORIES dant* 460 Carpal ClaanltiB C ot O SpadeUM or amen LUenaad 4 Ineurej their eklka at 1 aaaonebla ratoa. J Free eeumetaa. Fair Haven. Beeutlfulry gin-wrapped MONMOUTM ANTIOUS HI0FF19 By virtu* ot a writ of execution A-l EXPERT Carpel Cleaning Intartor-Eidartor Home Repair 4 K Typing Service CM Aebury Park 776-8400 | HOLIDAY TIPS in tha abova stated action » m* Uphuleteii unaiilng. Riainnatli HO Job To Small 40 dealer! ottering e wide enaction of dkacted. I ehafl *xpoee tor aate ratoa. Marrta Hoffman. 747-0200 holiday ami 217 w Front Red Bank fnilpaHiiiiil word iniiiipaalim O42-7J77 11 to 9 dally 7 day! at puottc vandua, at the Court or 142-7409 075 Odd Jobs THE IRISH SHOP Houee in the Borough ot Free- Total Renovanon Conet inc Reaumaa. Laoeri. Reporta hold. County of Monmouth. New 4S2 Conslgnmant kddmon!, wtndo A-l ODD JOB SERVICE — Ex- "Opoeai*. Maae Mawnoa PRODUCTS OF IRELAND la |uat around Jereev. on Monday, the i»h day pen home repair! FuDy Ineured. PAH EXCELLENCE the corner tor your Chrlatma* need*. *«$"• • Art OHacte for XMAI Shop Call 530-1815 rt, 741-6700 anyttma 139 Broad Si . Rad Bank 747-61S1 THE LJM O.ALLERV PTE. LTD ot January. '••*• •' 2 o'otocn. 'R'tvs*** BraOeev**'' ^s*rSjT*jB* vnOe P.M. pravaWng Ima. 119 E River Road. Rumaon SECOND TIME AROUND — VANCO F4S CONTRACTING — Rooting, TYP1NQ SERVICE - WIU type Ocurmei fruit beiklw. Hokday arranga- 747-0348 ALL SU defendant* right, we Clothing, hand-mode name. HOME IMPROVEMENTS purring, aiding. Dethrooma. fiinimaala reaumee. College ' m. wraith! and miaraat. if any. in and to th* done, wreatnea. 14 Thompaon roofing 1 haaamenle. No lob to aiul. CM peperi * Ninoet enylhlng alee. Ava 4 Hwy 36. Leonardo. M 717-53 FTO nonet. Major cradlt oarda icoeptM OIFTS FOR HIM The property to be aold II , Od earlyl.. 1* North Mam |Hwy. 7*) HOLIDAY DINING located In the TownaNp ol wan 0 7*0-79*0 Townanip In tha County ol Mort- ARJAV tl-OtntMEN tH0» mouti and Stile ol Now Jereey PERKINS PANCAKE HOU9I9 Ouna, Spoiling Ooode Opttca. Sport A Commonly known ee: 1017 | Llttt. Ikvar mrkel Carhart Work Clothe*. Snoa* CALL 469 Proapect Aye. Little Silver Hwy. 36. Neptune. N J k Shrewsbury. T< 747-24l4The wondi fine cheaaea and N.J. Timbartand ' S?Lot'i«"Stock H3 4 LINES - 30 DAYS ONLY $49°° 542-1700 Juat nice placea lor particular people Boota First Ave . AtlanHc Htghianda Dtmonelona ol Lot: Unknown Oourmat food! Heareat Croae Street: Chalet, || i •*"•""

I IH The Rcgltler WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 25, 1985 300 Autos far Mia 52 Babys.ttlng- 71 Merchandise 71 Merchandise 101 Apwtuwnte 104 Furnlihtd rooms 2*0 Truck** 300 Autos for sal* 380 AirtatTOftil* ASBURY - Daal LOW araa LOV1LV - Trailers CIRCLE CHEVROLET MUVCURV ZEPHYR - 137*. ONTIAC — La Mane 1979 ChWCart tor Salt Huga 6 room 2 badrooma UWa Snr.imtury Working ganVar lean. 1 owner 4 door, 4-apead. lor Salt BL«ER S10 ISM - 4 X 4. ino 6750/mo prat 1 mo • aac 737-9441 741-3130 a/pb a/c 83400 or beat otter AIR CONDITIONER - Oeneral HAVE — An unwantad Ham or 774-136* 8.000 mm. tap modal, futry 8820T? 741-3112 ialf741-13(S housekeeping. Daome N00 ITU 2 year, old two you'd Ilka to aall? An ad Inn MATAWAN — (lining room tor Immaculala — COmrTTTl — 1*7*. »/s. P/B, »-2pm CaJI 878 or ban cXNr Call 2*4-380* alia tor 10 daya. lull HH Call CLIFFWOOO — Furruanad 1 eneeman Private Moan* muat aall. Aaklng '—oad mum eMrao t MUSTANG OLX 19*3 - Con- ONTIACASTP*- uio. need, head geekal. TM Raglatar Claaainad. bdrm. Complaa* with aawythlntt- 714 H.8S0. Call 848-4874 let reeaonome otter Cell vertible, auto Irene. 6 cyl.. white, SSMSi •ABVWTTEH - FuH time tor • BBOWN ITOMI WINDOWS 842-1700 8440/mo Can r3*-0iat attar I CHEVY — 18*1 C-10. *-eyl. lie tad Interior, mini mint condition. beat offar. Call 328-3310 (4) SOW. 11) MX24. 333 AvallabM now RED BANK — FunMahad room. 87.(1)0. Cat 346-4177 10 month otd boy in me Long MAN'S OOLO MASONIC KINO Ill Hal* homa, OukH. Sata araa cond Low mUaaga PS/PB. Una ONTIAC LI MANS - 1999 a. Call tT0-M12. Can 4*5-24*1 bad. 4 cap. SUtrar gray 891O0 DATSUM MSSAN 1994 — 200SL - Sit. •. Naw (400. aaklng HI0HLAND8 Can 690-4317 turbo. While. 8 and., aun root MUSTANG MACH I - 1*72. 68.000 mllea. V8. auto, p/a. p/b. CEMENT MIXER - 8 hp gal 2 badroom oondo. 8780 • montti Call 442-4271 Oood ehepe (1300 or b/o. Call a/0. anted wWjeja. body * Mv CHILD CAM - ftaaponatMe 8JO0 Alao woman, wadding aat. ROOM FOR MINT — tn prrvata S.2S0 or aaal otter. Can Dave paraon to car* tor 3 mo old in my engine. OuteWe vacumn ma- both with diamond., naw 1350. Call 642-42*0 4*6-3126. lertor exc Aeklng (340 Can chine Kick punch. Pipe bender. houaa MlddM aga. atdarry JATSUN — 19*0. King Ceb. 47-1000 Hatfat horn*. $ days Must have aaklng IMP Call 330-3338 •Oman only. 660/wk Waatiar. Auto.. 86.000 ml. Eiceltent MUSTANG — 1979 2*-3*10 r«f• Cad 404-4078 Qrlnder. Id 8 emeu Ueed oop- HIGHLANDS — 3 bdrm. living DATSUN per. 2't I 3- Aeel oopper 8 METAL DETECTOR dryar 4 lalilgataloi. 4*9-9360 rnachenlcel condition, need. B210 WAGON 1979 Exc oond Mual eell PONTIAC FIERO 1*84 - Whit* KID CARE - HN |ob DO- gervenued Immee Oil nonaie t RELCO Brand naw 1150 room, kitchen * batfv 8375/mo aftiar 6. body work 31800. Can Aeklng 32400 Call altar 5 p.m. Heel * hot water euppaed. Avail- 29-3721 CaH 630-9647 .Bar 6 Aluminum wneeta 19X0001 IB*. portunWM tor Ihoee qualified in Men. Send Delia. 3*«2t- Crow able immediately, t monthe ee- SEA BRIGHT - 3 larga room.. Can avemnce 747 baby a vacation titling, house bar. lalouatealaee.4-X2T Small 2224427 aa- NISSAN SENTRA DELUX • 1*83. Exc cond. Aeklng (MOO. curlty required. Adulta preferred Working fkaplaoa Larga dock. DODGE - 1*90 B-300. 12-paaa DATSUN - 1*7* B210 wagon 1-5457 e*—nmg liimin work. W* nMd pgne even Call 222-4388. MINI BIKE - Suiuki. 4 MX) Cell 498-4333 IK 747-8*00 Haal Inc. 8676 « aac 741-0742 window van. 8-oyl, auto, pa/pb. air. 8 apeed. rediaie. 94.000 ohlM oriented 1 responsible auto., propana laad maltar 4 am/tm caaa. heater, NO AC New mllea. aaoaaanl oond CaH eve- RED BANK MOTORS INC paopte 747-2297 Speak to Jack only or leave rJWon. Super value. Call eve- tank. Hlltl combination hemmer 108 Commercial Oeh.rO ban. 70,000-f ml. Body Inge, 747-6672 31 Newman Spring*. Had Bank MATURE - Exp'd reeponelbte drill 4 rotary drill In caaa. modal A-1 cond 84000. 442-4172. Rental* DATSUN 240ZX 18S0 - 48.000 NOVA — 18*8. 3800 or beat i 10 babyafl 7 mo otd girl QE12S Copier. Monllta. floor ffcdys sfler 6pm. eJI day wknds. offer 18(8 Fort) Pick-up 3(00 or I A Thtirs My HuW horn* CHECK THIS OUT... modal, modal numbar ED201. EATONTOWN — Broad BL 1100 mnaa. 64.6*6 Greel ahepe Ilk* 2 bdrm apt No p*ta DODGE PICK-UP - 1*73. Many brand naw. Cornea wtth every- SAAB — 1(78 Auto. 4 door New . ReTs 73ft. 1429. Qat rnore reedere to chaek out Ilka naw. Rafrlgaralor. froat free, i n •*'otaaaioAai Ofnoa Space Mechanical and radiator covar. 4 much mora. Call altar i. 7*7*3*0 naw pane. Rune great 61000 hlng. Can 842-1190 atter S pm engine. Urea. Oood oond. Dark your ad with a CHECK at tha top S/W carpatlng Prrvata parking Call 291-0017. 1737J-4848 altar 8 p.m. 4ue (2780 or beet Oder. Can and/or bottom of your copy Call Call 222-1(37 anytlma KEVPORT — 1 bdrm apt In larga tot 11100 montti • Avail 1/1/06 dally. All deyaunday aak for Blty RELIABLE WOMAN - To give Nenc, waekdaya 212-82*44*2 Ttta Raglalar ciaaaHUd Depen- houaa ovanooMng bay. Walking Can 942 0090 »-S Mon-Frl DODGE VAN DATSUN BSSOZX 19(1 - Sliver OLDS CUTLASS — Convertible tovtng care IO r. year otd in my mant today for datalla. 542-1700 MOTOR CYCLE — 1904 Harley dlatanca to .hopping 4 tranapor- 1977 Tradeaman 300 1370. BOH reelored Bucket.. 8ANS0NE OLDS-CAOILLAC Locuat homa. Mon thru Fri Muat Devldeon. Black XLH aportater. EATONTOWN - Broad SI. 600 t.tion 8600/mo. Indudaa had 6 Mual aaH. on. Aakmgl66.200 Call after 7 oonooto Corvette relieve on 80 -'.Had Bank have own trana ft raft CaH 1000 oca many extrae Low ulllitlaa Sac 4 rat raqulrad. Im- aq a Pfolaaalonal Offloa Spaoa. Can eve. 388-13*3 (2(00. Call John »72-B295 mllee. 34000. Firm Call madlata occupancy. Call Prrvata parking lot 8600 montti. CITATION 11 Equallnr. Praamp. 5(3-0354 707-0040 Avail 1/t/s*. Call 942-0660. 9-5 FORD — 1*74. 4X4. 4eu.. good DATSUN 210 — Hatchbeck STATION WAQON — 1S74 Mon thru Frl unnlng condition. Very lltoe ruat OLDS CUSTOM CRUISER Country Squire Broughem W0 Oynaco See-50 mi amp, MOVING — Sacnfica tor quick 53 Dom«»tlcH»lp 23/chemiel. 170 Tacit Sut-7800 New battery. (2000. CaH 76.000 mile. (1700. Call 1879. Loaded. Oood Heavy-duty air altooka. bo urea aala Sida-by-slda 19 Hoipoini RED BANK — t, S * 4. room 291-3883 altar 8pm. condition 81(00 or b/o. AaklngaMO. Can 741-1343. HOUSEKEEPER - Child cara Int amp4t/channal. 170 Revo. rafrlgaralor/fraaiar, Plna Cap- olltc* aunaa MWabta up to 1 too 670-4012 Warm, loving. adaptable. Good ATT. to1* reel 4 channel Call 842-1163 tains dining room tabla, 4 chairs. LUXURY QARDEN APT8 — 1 aq. n waaaonabla rataa mduda FORD F1S0 DATSUN - 2402 1(71. Com- STRAUS BUICK-OPEL English Room ft bath WOO tot*. Rac/ptay rebuilt by Revo* 1438 2 IM'I custom pad Pina Cap- haat. A/c. prtvaia parkins and 979, 4K4. 86,000 ml. pletely reetored. all new part, OLD( CUTLASS — 1(77,2 door. 8 ACRES ol New ( Uaad Cara aixtaanth Call 787-0206. Computar ponaWa. Commador tains daak. S place Llnad Oak badroom Baauiltul landacaplng lannorial aatvtoa. Cad 747-1100. VS. auto, over 31000 of naw Hwy 68. 264-4000 Keypon SX-S4. tnllt In 5 ' Color Mlnotor Pool. 1 ml. from OSP. CaH ow mile. 84200 or beat offer. HOME HEALTH AIDE - Com- badroom tat. ate Soma flna an- 84.898 Call 7S7-3SM Caa 747-0288. pane. 1.1 81260 or beat otter 4 due 1100 emraa. modem, ttqua piecee 747-1962 anytime 264-1048. 9-5, Mon-Frl. M0 BANK - ffiolaailcinal Of- r4e» car In. 477-0343. SUBUflU WAOON - 1632 4 ptata cara Senior lady. fice Suite. evUlanle In varlou. wheel drive, fully loeded Body 3 booka. 4 aymbol aoftwara. MOO Mlddlatown DATSUN WAGON 1373 - A/C. •am-tpm ts/hr. Rafaianoaa ra- uaad IS hour. 747-7M2 altar « MOVING — Sacrifice for quick Zlmmerer BuUdmoe. Unite range OLDS CUTLAS SUPREME — motor A-1 High mileage Only qulrad Call afMr S 30. 871-0964 •H put. Of lam maaaaqa. aala Slde-by-side 19 Hoipoini Knollwood Qardana from I room to 900 tqu.r. reel to • Good rubber. Can 741-1*84. 1979. PB/PB. P/W, aun root. 1 12600 496-9609 or 887-1200 art HOUSEKEEPER ratrlgarator/fraaiar. Plna Cap- 1 6 2 badroom luxury gardan entire building ol 3400 aquara FORD F260 — 1*78. V*. Atrlo. owner. Oood condition. 32600 234. CLARINET - B flat, wood Una tains dining room table. 4 chain, apta with cantral air 4 dlah- —it); ail lo- p/a. p/b, utility body. In good DATSUN 310 SEDAN 1979 - 4 Call 747-8078. Full or Part tlma. rnuit drtva. rat- waahar Oaa haal. Walking dla- dr. A/C. DATSUN 1979. 4 dr. ar«moaa Excellent aaiary. Call t12S. Good condition Call 2 leafs, custom pad Plna Cap- st 8 ere oond. High milage Runa wall. OLD* — Toronado 1*81. Oleeel. 493-4323 HMMK tains daak. 5 piece Llnad Oak lanca to auparmarttat, bank, M, ar ccnooad 4 hava 11880. 747-6266 after 6pm reQon, A/C Exoerrent condition. Poal Offloa. NO PETS. Call Aaklng (2.100 for both Mual eell 84.000 ml. Fully loeded 83000 or Call alter 6 p.m. 741-0373. COMPUTER - TR8-8O Modal badroom sat. etc Soma fine an- aaabla parking. Plata* ranga FORD PICK-UP 1973 beat offer Attar 6pm, call HOUSEKEEPER - Child ca/e ttqua pieces 747-1962 anytime. 471-0021 waakdaya batwaan 2-4 from 110412 par aquara loot, Good work truck. Low mileage. 3 leaving country 747-8(00. TOM'S FORD Llva-ln TUM thru Sun 3 cwi- 4P (2000 » of aoftwaia With pm 4 Saturday 11am-3pm. 291-8734. manuala Muat aall Aaklng ptua utwttaa Call Manager apd., aenng 3300 Call 642-3413 DODGE SWINGER — 1973 New 200 Hwy 36 Keyport dran Ratarancaa Lima Siiver OIL HOT WATER BOILER - Waltar Zlmmarar 442 *6*9 284-1800 $42-4381 11000 Call 842-1*88 With burner, conlrola 3 oil lank. MODERN APT — Naar trana. FORD BRONCO — 1(78. Com- brakee 6 front end pane. Motor S 98 REOEI 3175 Cell 747-5371 Baat tima lo call: bafora noon. pletely reetored 37600 or win doe. not run. (176. Can ...J — 1 owner. ._ TOYOTA COROLLA SR8 1*62 MOTHERS HELPER — Needed COMPUTER 110 Wanted to Rant rede tor 76-76 corvette. CeH 747-0761 after 6 p.m. 31.600 or beat offer. Call Commador W. In box. 375 Call 496-0416 8 epd . aun root, new Urea, many for cara tor nawborn child 4 mo ORGAN - Lowrey Featlval Alao NED BANK AREA 872-9167 872-8082 larga comloriabta raclinar. $30 Lealle Speaker. Anxloue lo eell MONMOUTH COUNTY — Many DODGE VAN — 1973. fuUy oxlree 88.200. Can 871-0121. old Baglnning laia Jan. aarty 8400 OR LESS OPEL - Mania 1971 Second Fab Character '•• required Call Call 741-12*8 Call 542-3978 1-7 room. Soma kid*, pata O K ORD F-190 — 1978. Flberglaee c.rpeted. Soyl. auto.. AM/FM TOYOTA — 1974. »»CialUnl con- Fraa utllltlaa From 8250 up. PLEASE CALL cap Naw palm 4 Urea. 302 en- .tereo (7(0. I4Q MIDGET 1(74. owner Very reliable, no repelra 405-3314 batwaan 2-8pm dally COMPUTER — Commador Vic OROAN — Lowary 2 kayboarda. 747 7*07 needed 70.000 orlg ml. (873 dition Low mileage. Orlglnel 809-043 9000 No brokar taa gine 4 apd No ruM. Good family oonvertebto, rune good, 8660 owner. Cell altar 8 p.m 20. tape drive, graphic printer rylh.m and baa. .action., full truck Call 38* 38*3 anytime. Call 542-1060 wtthpapar. modem gamaa. Par- (rant iHwl RED BANK AREA - Room 8 741-6541 54 Situations [>adal.. banch and naad phonaa board lor ratJrad ganOaman Call fact for baglnnar with books and Ejicallant condition 4 yaara old PORT MONMOUTH — 1 larga FORD F100 DODGE — Artee 19*1 4-dr, 4- PARK CHEVROLET TOYOTA COROLLA — 19(2 Wanted Female all wires *300 Call 642-4544 Naw 12300. aall 1700 Carl badrooma. Irving room kltchan H*-*704, aak for BW. 1970, Pick up with cap. Runa cyl. auto, pe, am/fm radio Only Salee-Leeelng-Servloe.Pert. Rl (8. Neptune 778-1212 auto. PS/PB. A/C. AM/FM aftar 6pm. waekdayt. 739-IMI aftar 6pm dining araa, bath. **80>utll 4 good, very clean 3 cyl Call 23,000 ml. Exc cond. 33200. Call • lereo. 2 dr 43,000 ml Exc cond aacurlty No pata. 767-2388. REAL ESTATE 222-9009 altar 5pm CRIB AND DRESSER - Red ft 222-4482 PEUOEOT-SAAB OP WALL (8000. CaH John 291-9738 OMAN - Hammond. 126 XL. FOR SAL E white, crtiktcrsft. exc cond Ask- llata tor S2.710 will aall for 11.600 PORT MONMOUTH — 1 bdrm. GMC UTILITY TRUCK DODGE DART - 19*7. 6 cyl. 3 Hwy 38, Manaequan NJ STATE CERTIFIED (201) 449-60*0^ TOYOTA COROLLA WAGON — NURSES AIDE ing I25O. Alao changing table or baat oftar. mint cond . many kltchan living room combo. Runa Good. Mual aee apd. Runa great, no ruat many 1871. 4 cyl. 4 epd. Runa good and car aaal Call 642-6629 outatandlng faaturaa. CaA 8426* aMc. 4 aac 787-2388 131 31.200 new parte. AM/FM caaa. Muat PEUOEOT 804 1074 — 4 .pd Neada work 8100. Can Will cara tor Houaa* for eell. 8340 or b/o. Call 671-0487. Oariatrlc ft infanta DESKS. FILES - Tables, chain, 490-3026. aftar 6 RED BANK — Brlla 1 bdrm Call 630-8869 aun root. 4 cyl. neada clutch. 229-3*10 OOOd lran.port.tlon 8600 Call Call avaa 3S9-O512 storaga cabinet*, computar PLAYEB PIANO Oraal loc 1 yr ktaaa. 1 mo aac. Sala JEEP CHEROKEE FORD 1377 — DODGE POLARA — 19*9 TRIUMPH tables, offloa equip. ate at With 64 roll, of mualc Elactrlc 8000 + utJI. 783-2469 or BELFORD - 2-3 badroom. 1 WD. auto. PS/PB. 87.000 mile. (9,000 mile.. 4 door. 318 auto 291-3060 CLEANING BY KAREN bath. Colonial Larga yard, cioaa TR7 1677 Oood condition Inetde Homa or OfTtca. ReesonsWe. Ra bargain prtoas. Naw or uaad. and manual. $1,380. Call 642*433 Mu.i aae. 32,800. Can 494-4236 runa good. 8300 or beat offer PEUOEOT 604 - 1976 P/S. 8 oul. 49.000 ml. Call 767-9053 A AC DESK OUTLET. 1709 R1 767-36*6 to tranaportauon. Oraal atanar Call 229-3810. P/W. 4 apd.. White wtlh brown nabia With Ratarancaa 36. Oakhurat 531-39M RED BANK — Immadlata oc- 876.000 Call 671-51*2 attar JEEP CJ 7 RENEGADE 1980 — 8 altar 4pm. Cail 972-1927 cupancy 2 badroom. 2 bath cyl , PS. dlec brakee. 4X4. hard * nt 3260 or b/o Cell 494-3514 POOL TABLE - 9 X B ragu- 6pm. DODGE Coronet 400 1(70. 3 eek for Sam. VOLVO FOR QUALITY CLEANING WOMAN - From DIAMOND RING WITH WED- ation protaaalonal. subway. '* lownhouaa. 61200-81900 • utll- eort lop. hard doore Excellent apaad Hurat tranamlaakm. 8480. DING BAND EXCEPTIONAL alai* top Excatlant condition ltlaa Call 530-7300. FAIR HAVENf condition. Runa great. Only Large .election ol i.te model. 1 Franca, for houaa claanlng. pro- cell (20-7270 PINTO WAQON — 1(74. Rebuilt owner Volvo trade-in.. Red Bank fessions* experience Requiring DIAMOND IS KARAT GOLD 1795 Fair Havan 747-51*6. CALL VAN HORN AGENCY 43.000 mile. Many enrea. Aak- engine Need, pelnt k>b (380 SACRIFICE AT 1600 CALL RED BANK — Oardan apta. i 604 RIVER DO 747-4100 ms 86.000 Can 2*4-33*9. eve. FLEETWOOO BROUGHAM 1992 Volvo. 119 Eaet Newman Springe sponsor Call 264-8098 046-1479 RAILROAD TIES - 0<6«0. 69 40. bdrm. LIV rm. naw kltchan. 8600 — Excellent condition. Under Cel 767-3806 Rd.. Shrewabury. 741-8888. GOVERNMENT HOMES FROM 244-3046 COMPANION/AIDE — To aanlor 7i7>6 67*0 Praaaura-lraatad. Includaa haat. hot watar 4 cook- 60.000 mllee. Beet offer. Call DIAMOND - % carat vary 6x6x8 $0 75. 7x7x8 110 45 Ing gaa. ivt mo aao. No pata. 81 — IU repair). Alao delinquent JEEP - Wagonear. 1974, with 2 V0LKSWAOON VAN 1(74 — Ex- cltlian or convalescent Cooking, 670-4367 alter 3 pnv cellent body Need, engine 6600 driving, paraonai cara Available beautiful Suggested retail W10 400-923-6707 Can dalrvar 741-6118. t*» property Call yr. old enow plow Fully Hydrollc Must sail t9M Call 544-6261 1-605-487 6000 Ext OH-8247 lor :ell 291-2416 after 8pm. FORD GRANADA — 1(7(. Oood or beet offer. CeH 830-7032. aftarnoont dally Some evenings REDWOOD TABLE RED BANK — 3 larga room. 4 ehape. (1300 or b/o. Call PLYMOUTH - 1966 Savoy 4-dr. ft waahand* Naarby Rumeon Information. V-8. automatic Drive train In VOLVO 142S 1070 — 4 cyl. DIAMON KARAT - '-. karat SO' round with 4 banchaa. 2 bath 8600 * utllltlaa Apply 21 496-3126 Can 530-8646 diamond. Vary beautiful Sug- chaira. lounga 4 anack tabla. w. Front St. Wayna'a MarMt. KEAN8BUIW — Shall 20x64 300 Autoa for Sala good condition, but body badly 4«pd 4 new radial., new clutch, gested retail price S810 Sell for Call 767 36*6 Muat be rennlehed. Ideal for a FORD LTD - 1973 (800 Good rueted 8326 or beet otter Leal hit In rear queter. drrvable con $500 Cell 966-5574 RED BANK — 4-room apt. Off- large family Buelncee amuee- ubber very good ehape Call chance to own a daaetcl Cell dltlon Beet offer Can 544-0292 SKIS — Haadmaatar. ttocm . atraat parking, private antranca mant tana. Can attar 6. A STAR IS BORN.. 147-03*4. 946-8264 FAIR HAVEN MOM — Witt) 3 VOLVO 740 Q L E - Turbo. DINING ROOM SET — Contem- Salom.n 626 blndlnfla and Scon houaa 8*00 par mo In- 767.0826 yaara s«perlence babysitting win porary high gtoea formica tabla a pdaa Ladia. Raicrila boot. Ma cludaa all utlla 630-4197 aftar FORD — Muetang II 1977 60.000 1998 Silver w/leefher Interior, glva your child tandar. loving low boy server. 8 person style. 0 1125 Call 671-4104 aftar 7pm 6:30. KEANSBURO — AdoraMa 6 al- ml 4-apd. v-e 1 owner 31700 or aun root, crulae. other extra. cara while you work Full or part Btoomlngdate chairs, hilly up lordable. 2 bedroom., detached beet offer Call 291-8734. after 322.(60 844-8281 tlma. Excallant rafarancaal Call SNOW TIRES — 2 lea 6 Snow RED BANK — i bdrm. haat 6 hot twhHaraa. entire eel. betge tn garage, quiet near PLYMOUTH FURY SALON — VOLKSWAOON RABBIT 1974 S42-8507 cotor_ .. $3,2513.3900 . Call aftar 8 pm adiais. P215-75R15. axe cond.. watar paid by landlord Adult, commuter bua. 867.000. Attract more reederahip by 1979. Auto.. PS/PB, A/C, 40K •100. Washing mac nine, pratarrad 1550/mo 741-6616. LESHER ASSOCIATES. RE- piecing a STAR at the top FORD TORINO WAGON — 1978 4 dr auto. PS. AM/FM etereo HEAVENS HELPERS 946-3492. A/C. with p/a, p/b, 83.000 mllee. original, 81380 or b/o. Can cam. naw Denary * brekea wringer-type Maytag. $25 Dark ALTORS 2*1-0*1* and/or bottom of your ed. 6*M3*0< Christian woman, reilaota. wttti DINETTE SET - Solid Oak Rec- BED BANK - Baat Broad Straat For detail., call the Dally Aaklng 31480 Call 741-83*8 Snowe Included 62.000 mllea. green club chair. $25 787-1047. location Convantant to avary- good ratarancaa Call Janat tangular 30x60 tabla + 6 chairs i am -4:30 p.m Regi.ter Claaalfled atter I PLYMOUTH VOLARE 1*77 — Juet tuned. 82,380 like new 787-4506 Ihlng Call 741 1435 LEONARDO — 2 bdrm home CaH 767-2228 Reasonable Call 967-0664 Newty renovated. Only 849 900 ftepertment. 542-1700 FORD GRAND TORINO SPORT Premium 2 dr.. .port coupe, new SOFA — Clayton Marcus. 3 SAN JUAN CONDO — On baach — 1*72. 381 4U10.. PS/PB. paint, no ruat Loaded, 316-v-e HEAVEN'S HELPER DINING ROOM TABLE uslon, Colonial, beautiful con- CaH Peggy tor an appointment. auto. PS/PB. PW. PS, A/C VW KARMANN OHIA - 19*8 Christian woman, rallabla. with with 8 chaira Alao Sar and cof- vr/pool Naar hotata 4 caalnoa 787-SSOa AM/FM. bucket aaete. conade. Muet eaa and drive to ap- dition $200 Console TV. B6W- 870/day Hava photo. 741-1142 mage Fart and Sporty 81000 AM/FM caaa Juet tuned up good ratarancaa Call Karan ee tsbte Muat aall CaH beat offer 946-9665 MIDDLETOWN — PreeUloua 66,768 mllea 81.400. Call preciate, tola of TLC in thla good 495*1397 391-0769 aftar 6 pm SEA BRIGHT — Ld 2 bdrm apt. CaH 747-7043 looker. Excellent running con- SOFA 6 CHAIR — Tan . rust A araa. nearly 1 acre corner Tot 3 4*6-0892 dition Needa eoma minor work HEAVENS HELPER Exc cond Baach. No pat. 8S10. bedroom.. 2'/> bath. Irving room, AUDI — 197* Silver Fox. Auto FORD LTD 1972 — H-top, 80 k DINING ROOM SET — Medlier- brown. Cofte table, end table * PLYMOUTH HORIZON — 1978 31000. Can 281-3814. Christian woman, rallabla, with enean styte includes drop leaf lamp Color Tv for every- Avail Fab 1 Call 741-3*62 dining room. dan. kitchen, baae- trana Sun root. Stereo included lie*. A/C. AM/FM. almoel new good ratarancaa. call Tyra Good condition 33700 Call meeter cyl . 4 water pump Excel- 4 dr.. eport package, euto table, buffet, braahlront. 4 side hlngCall 739-9.91 SEA BRIGHT — 3 larga room. ment, garage, gaa haat. For Sale PS/PB. A/C. AM/FM. reclining VW RABBIT 1*7* - 130K. ha* a 730-0679 and 2 arm chaira. S675 Excellent Working flraplaca Larga dack by iowner 8169.900 Call 672-2604 lent radial. Rune good. 8400 reliable car. now need. work. Call 642-5738. bucket ee«e SOmpg. Perfec IRONING - Sams day eervtce condition Mutt Sail. Haat me M7S « aac 7414742 930-44041 0 condtton. 32000. Call 747-7043 Now buying a new car 3*00 or CeH67i-7566eftar 6pm beat offer Call 642 8961 or Drop otf in morning and pica up MONMOUTH COUNTY — Call or FORD MAVERICK — 1977 Auto, 670-7031 in afisrnoon Call 530-9693. write tor our complimentary am/fm .tereo. good trana 8750 PLYMOUTH — 1(72. ( „_ DOUQLE OVEN BLUE SPRUCE - Baautltul 30 gar wagon. Low mileage. Oood Gas ranga brochure of exclusive lletlnge BMW 3201 - 1*83. Fully or beat otter Cail 2*41319 VW SUPER BEETLE 1974 — KID KARE AGENCY - Special- ootar 4 growing Will aall cut or equipped. 60.000 mllee 312.000 condition Call 444 0944 mng in baby, pat a vacation an- Call 741-4212 aftar Apr r.n.plantad by you Baat ofiar TWINBROOK FOUR SEASONS. Realtor. FORD TEMPO - 1984 Greet condition Rebuilt engine, 12 King. Hwy. Mlddletown Call 3*4-4400. aun root, new muffler, radiate. ting House cleaning * party ser- DOUBLE BEDS — (2) 1 single Call 747-0810 VILLAGE 12.000 mile. PLYMOUTH HORIZON — 19(1 ving. Day or evening Llcansad. 671-8200 4 cyl., 2.2 auto. 38,700 ml, Good AM/FM cm Mu.i earl buying a bad. Wardrobe 25' Zanitn ewtvei STEREO — RCA Top-ot-lha- Brand new. 84760. nouee 31.876 Cell 630-00W bonded a insorad 7»7.2?97 TV, eoma antique*, trunks, Vic- GARDEN APTS. 97 E River Rd Call f condition. (2100 or b/o. Can Ina. larga wood cabinat Baauti 1 4 2 bedroom, from 44*0. Mod - Rumeon 630-9600 John 94*17488 trola. tota of records, anllqua lul aoundlng Baat ottar Cal VW RABBIT 18*0 - 3.000 tn, .pactoua apta. Heat, hoi 4 69 E. Main St BMW 3201 - 1880. 8 apd Fully FORD FIESTA — 1(79 AM/FM NEED •awing machine, very large rug, 741-2343. cold water Cooking gaa in- Holmdal 948-3700 oaaaetta. Clean (8*0. Can after 6 PLYMOUTH VALIANT — 19*3 mllee. PS/PS, auto Irene. dishes A much mora. CaH loaded. 57k ml.. 1 owner, full (3.000 original maeo. Very ckx AM/FM aaaa. Excellent MPO STOVES — Small Saa/a pot baity cluded. On-pramlaaa tannla eerv. rec. Qe/ege kept. New nree p m 672-9440 A 543-0136 court., pool, recreation area OAK RIDGE REALTY 4 dependable. Slam 8 anatne. Can 73*-1(46. •tova coal or wood. 660 Frank- Adult Communme. * brake. 9*2*5 Can 973-1MS FORD — Maverick 1*72 Auto. epd. CeH 873-10*1 anytime JOB DRUMS — 5 piece Rodoera lin air tight wood atova. tlka n** Hear Eatontown .hopping Erne. or 281— VW RABBIT — 1(77. 4 door achoota. Ocean Twp. 841-4040 200CM. 4-cyi Many new 1 White and Chrome wttti HJghrvel. 1200 Woman, ahaap akin coat Beat offer Runa 671-1323 PLYMOUTH FURY — 1(74. 4-dr Clean 100.000 mHee. 8780 Can Vow want to oe bach to work, but Cymbala. atool MM or b/o Can amaN. Itjo woman. IMahway 44. Oakhurat 132 Condos aV BUHLER * BITTER INC altar 3 p.m. only 6T1-T«'3. you have not found the lob (here M2-4MS artar 3«m - - war. Madltarraan witn 2 mlrr. 531-4*33 542-O412 Ptymouth-Chrn y wer MO-Jaguar GRAND PRIX 18*0 — PS/PB. Oon in Aug. (288240 or beet offer right for you. Put a "flrtuatlons 32*0 Hwy 38 2*4-8000 A/C. new tr.n. 4 brake. Look. W( BUY —Uaad car i export at - wfilta rora, 876 Call *4«-a«74 WEST END — 4 room apt. 1 Townhouaaa 671-»146 after 3 pm (omeartj Chryeler->"> mouth- Wanted' ad In the Register now. montha aecurtly. No pet. Couple •UICK LA SABRE good Runa wall. High mileage and an employer may find you. Elactrlc dryar RID BANK — Riverfront. Naw 1 Aeklng (2.100 Call 644-8492 PLYMOUTH Fury 73 new muffler Made. 141 Wee! From it Red Prload rtght TOOL BOX — Navar u preferred Call attar 9 741-8713 badroom. 1 bath, balcony on the 1*78. Good condition evatem 8 radiator radial tire. Bank. 747-0737. A four line ad costs MOO and it Craftaman tool box. 6 draw 8800 or b/o. runa for 10 daya Call 542-1700 Call JS1-3JM Navealnk 8788 includaa utll. No good cond (800 Call 477 48*4 chaal. 3 draw rollaway 6170 102 Houeee for pat*. Rant with option. 741-0616 CaH 488-0762 and gal your Situations Want- SEASONED FIREWOOD - Cord Call672-2383 PONTIAC SONNEVILLE 100 Autos lor Sal* ed ad working for you $126 Pick-up or daltvary Small Rant BUICK SKYLARK OS — 1338 BROUGHAM — 1*83. 4 dr TRAMPOLINE - Nlllin. 1100 13S Commarclal P'a. p/b. Hit wheel, va. 4 bW REMEDIAL READING amounta 60a a log Ptch-up only. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — 2-3 loaded. Excellent condition or b/o. Call 542-106*. Proparty dual ekhauet. 2 apd auto, new Priced to eell Cell 747-9470 Csrtifiad Taachar bdrm. 2* bath., baeemont. 2 Iran., tire*, muffler., stereo GUARANTEED For Information SEASONED FIREWOOD — Cord car garage. Near trana. 8800 mo. FOR SALE OR RENT 3860 or b/o Call 229-3410 PONTIAC ORANO PRIX — 1(77 Call 946-3494 3128. Pick-up or delivery Small King braaa and. Irombona Mln SPItlDRIFT REALTORS International Gallerlea Property condition $150 Call aftar 6pm RESULTS Good cond.. runa wall. Auto. TUTORING — Specialize in basic amounta 504 a log. Pick-up only 747*600 6000 aq. ft » 2000 eq ft. bldg CADILLAC — 1887 Sedan DeVll- Or we'll run your ad 10 A/C. AM/FM. PS/PB. P/W Cell 830-8*3* after 3 442-6001 SHREWSBURY 747-6200 le 42.780 mllea. Loaded (1200. Call 741-6309 •kills Raadlng. math ft Engllari. COLTS NECK- 2 bdrm on coun- owner. 31000 Call 571-9699 G'va your child battar gradaa for TV — 25'. oolor. try eetate Immaculate. Air, on days for FREE) FIREWOOD — Charry Oak. 140 RaalEatata PONTIAC TRANS AM — 1*43 Xmas 870-6012 neat, all acpllancea SVOOO/mo CADILLAC - 1979 Coupe Auto wtth overdrive. 50 liter fuel MaWa. naunaO 1 yaar. «plHd»- 7 yaara old 6190 • uUIIUaa 1 yaar leaaa Oc- DeVllle Loeded. Moon root. Exc You can sail your automobile Wanlad wtth a cieeerhed ad Kara you'l Infected croaa fire engine P/S. 55 Situations nvarad 1136. Oaurantaad full Call 530-93*3 cupancy Jan 1. Call 780-4036. oond. 1 owner. 80.000 ml. 84995 P/B. P/W. P/Door lock.. cord Call S71-M44 or 671-7676 BARRY THE BUILDER — Will 672-0926 reech vary anxious oar buyers VACUUM-Kirby. 3 month. Old HAZLET RANCH - 2 bdrm. Irv- buy your houaa. aa la. tor caah. shopping our cfaeetfled for good p/antenna. 6 way alec driver Young Wanted Male .nachmant.. shampooar 6 buf ing, dining 4 laundry room, fka- Houaaa In poor condition only CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE buys. aeel. tilt wneel. T-tope. leuvera. ARTIST — Commercial desires far, 6690 or baat offar, 299-4440 poeltractlon rear. 36.000 ml Aak- part-time work Printed portfolio FIREWOOD plaoa. garage. % acre. Occupan- Call 668-2829. 1379 — 2 dr Excellent running Cars Wall aaaaonad ISO par cord cy Jan 16. S7*6/mo. 264-6267 condition. Chocolate brown. Ca| lng 39000. Call 644-4429 after Samples Salary open Call VENDING — M.chlna 4 hot HOLMDEL OR RUMSON ONLV 4 LINES. - Enough apace lo de- 4?i0pm M2-1658 after 6 p.m. Call 222-4366 bavar.gaa S999 Llka naw And rod. leather Interior. 69.000 scribe your car thoroughly and For Sale HIGHLANDS HILL — 2 BUILDING) LOT RESIDENTIAL mile. 33.000 Call 830-4474 create buyer In rarest FIREWOOD loudapaakar Call 544-0200 badrooma. Country kiichan, CALL 747-20*3 after 6 pm weeHdaya. PONTIAC PHOENIX 1978 47 100H oak, split a delivered, full washar/dryar. air. Suitable for 1 81000 NEED WATERBED NEEO QUICK CASH? 10 DAYS.. Enough tlma to reach CeH741-»093 cord gaurantaad Cail 747-0146. Waaiarn King 12 drawar. in to 2 adulta. Lease and security CAMARO - 1976. Excellent run- M kit $570+ utilities. Call evenings Loemg your novae? Your credit? ning cond.. Inaide and out over 82,000 different adult read- A baa. and mlrrorad haad board We can help before Ite to let" ers each wmk. because people's PONTIAC SUN BIRD — 1930 4 FIREWOOD $700. Call 291-6139 542 5735 or 291-6646 PS/PB. 3.0 manual. 32.600 ml cyl. 4 ep.. AM/FM caee.. tilt JOB Seasoned Qaurantaed full cord will take over peymonte * put Aaklng 86800 of b/O. Cal needs for cara changa day to HOLMDEL - 2 bdrms. V* C-A-S-H In your pocket! day. wheel, eun root, reer window $110 a coed Call 642-4046 AUTO RIMS — 121 15XOJJ |K1*| 741-8429 atter 6pm detog 49.000 ml. 83200 CaH You warn to go beck to work, but 826 Charcoal cookara amokar baths Homa complataty rabuHt Cell 739-1*84 Of 284-8922 SPINDRIFT REALTORS CAMARO Z26 13*2 — 40.000 MM..Enough value to mane it 844-0292 you nave not found tnejob mat. 810. Qraan rug and pad 10X14 WE BUY HOMES right tor you Put a "Situation. 439. Chaat 610 Cnaat 629 Esay 747-9600 mllea fully loaded EW. fO worth your while to realistically For caah. 30 day doelng crulae control. 6 liter engine price your car to aall, Wanted" ad in the Reolater now. chair 810 Day bad 415 Sm.ll TV Maimed Realty. 739-4900 end an employer may find you. FIREWOOD 810. Call 630-62*0 "HOMES FOR RENT" 86.800 or beat offer Ci A four line ed coata 8*90 and II Call our properly management 767-4939 THE FREE DEAL IS... runa lor 10 daya Call 642-1700 WURLITZER — Elactronlc organ. department for an update on STOVEWOOD Modal a4059. doubla kayboard availability on homes condos CAMARO 1*68 - Sport coupe . .If you don'l aall your car In 10 and get your Situation. Want- 690-3612 or 642-0549 9.600 mllee ExceDeni condition daya and you paid 38*0. wa wll ed' ad working for you EM cond. Asking 8200 Call and appartments managad by 671-176«or 671-0*69 our company. Auto. A/C. T-Up. PS/PB. Muat run your 4 line automobile ed for FIREWOOD eell new car coming. 811,000 o another 10 deye-tor FREEl Thia GUARANTEED SLATINO Stove wood. $40 '4 cord 1B2 Boats and beat offer. Call 737-8449. Inaulata plpaa for wlntar. Anca 77 Pel* and ERA - Jamie Pavlls apeclal offer la good for Individ- Call 496-0292 Aecaaaorlas ual, eetllng meir own cara, and la too Quick, rallabla 6 raaaon- Livestock Real EMata-Raenor-642-2223 CARS UNDER 83,000 not for commercial uaa. abla Call Mark 73S-2064 KEANSBURO — 2 badrooma. BAYLINER — 1*73. Cabin KINQSLEY AUTO SALES RESULTS FIREWOOD ADORABLE FREE — 6 waak old Convenient. nice location. crulaer. flying bridge, bath. .Ink pupplaa Uj Qoldan Ratrlvar. '% 737-78(7 Cell ua Monday thru Friday 6:30 56 Situation* Split and oallvarad Day. Fenced yard 8575 mo. * utlla. atovo. trig. Sleep. 4 Many en- am to 4:80 p.m.. to get your Black Lab mix Call 291-4266 1 W mo. eecurlty. Ret. 741-3237 Ira. Only 400 hra on boat Mual CHEVY BLAZER — 187*. 2 Wantad Male/Female 741-7072. avaa.. 642-6221. wheat drive, auto. a/c. radio. Exc automobile for aale ad Into FIREWOOD Advanced And efter 8 pa. eell. Cail 872-1349 tomorrow', newspaper Baglnnar. •nape 68,000 mllea Call NEED SSmal l quantttaaq . 20-16' ppea '610 LONG) BRANCH — 2 bedroom 767-8026 HONDA CIVIC 1981 — Hatch REGISTER RRnaal l qualitylit , aaaaonad hardhd- DOG TRAINING houaa In nice family eecuon. Bayanora Dog Club. 741-6046 CHEVY back. 4 apd Excellent condition A wood. Full ccoro d guarai Begin jan 16. 8600 month + 40.000 mllea. Cail < ' you kaaaap tht a loadI fraafree.. IDon't gag l utlla. 1 mo aac. 291-8226 attar 6. Impale 18*8 JOB BABY FINCHES - 121 beautiful 8100 or bail otter 967-9319 rlppad off agaigain tma yaaaarr KailKily bablee plu. cage 4 acceeeonea MIDDLETOWN — Charming, CLASSIFIED Cail 73».355» You want to go bach to work, but Plunkatt. 672-0011 Slnca 1973 Reedy for Chrl.tmaa 836. Call 250 Auto Insurance) HONDA CIVIC - 1(76 New tire •peclou. 3'4 bdrm. 2 bath, din- am/tm ceeeetto. Need, work you have not found the Job that's FIRCWOO0 agad oak. apm 4 da- 2*4-4452 ing room, garage. Large tree CHEVROLET — 1974 Malibu right for you. Put a "Situations elaaaic. Tilt wheel, p/a. a/c 8300 or beet offer. Call 767-6760 Hvarad 9126 parr cord., 2 cortf- OOBERMAN .— Female. l'» lined lot. No peta. 8«M'mo. Call Wanted' ad In the Register now, of plna 6110 . 240-7043 yaara old wth paper. Good with 499-2675 944-2402 Joanne •tereo New Drake. 4 exhauet HONDA CIVIC — 1977. 4 fid (426 or beet otter 739-04*8 73.000 mllea. Body 4 engine In HAS FURNANCES - Naw gaa klda. Cell aftar 4 40 767-1444 MIDDLETOWN — 4 bdrm .pill CHECK OUR RATES Phoenla Brokerage, famoua for CHEVY MONZA good .nape 9700 or beat offer —4 Lines runs tor 10 days. Call 542-1700 furnanoa In boi, 76.000 BTU'a FREE PUPPY Fir.piace. w/w carpatlng. ivt Call 201-3640 aak for Henry bathe Aeklng 310M » utn. low-coal auto Inaurenoe and 1978 Good running condition and get your 'Situations Want- I860 Inatallad wttti fraa day TO A QOOD HOME friendly Mrvlce. now giving free ad" ad working for you night tharmoatat. duck work CALL 854-504B or 671-1144. 671-8170 attar 3 new dutch 3*76. Call 94S-2T76 HONDA ACCORD — 1981. 4 dr a>tra 2*1.4244 quote, by phone. Take the op 5 epd. beige PS/PB. A/C FREE KITTENS - Beautiful RED BANK - Nice location 3 ttona. You may eave hundred. AM/FM caee flood cond. New 62 Mortgage GAS SPACE HEATERS 121 bdrm. 1 bath, liv rm, din rm. eat- Rt 36 Keypon 284-3047 CHEVY NOVA markings 1 has 3 round spots on 1978. Auto.. 2 dr. Good running ciulch 8 trana. 88078. Cal 880 4 875 back. Call 530-8461 In kitchen, porch, oarage 8776 Broad St. Shrew. 644-1401 291-1797 10 Days LOW RATES Call 747-6371 • utll 747-2116. condition Beet offer. Ca 1st Mtg refinancing, 72 hour ap- FREE — 2 adorable young 270 Auto Sarvlcaa/ 284-83*8 aak for Judy, HONDA GRANDFATHER CLOCK - tamala cat. Altered. All .note. RUMSON - 2 bedroom Accord hetchback 1977 provals, 2nd Mtga ft Corp Loans Cherry. Woat German move- turnl.hed. 8725 per montti Kramer Fin i 364-5096 Licensed Moving lo Fie No cate Parts Aaklng 31195. ment. 3 chime. 8450 Call allowed 284-0408 or 737-7279 ERA LINCROFT REALTORS ***************** Call 671-1068. evening. 944-8261 747-3939 eve. 747-8M7 ENGINE — 1987 Dodge 273 KITTENS - (2) Cute. 1 orange CHEVY NOVA - 1975. 48.000 KITSON CHEVROLET CO and whits male. 1 gray and while SEA BRIGHT — On the river CID. v-e. with rebuilt heade 6 original mllea. Good condition automatic trana w /oonade ahlft Hwy 3* Eatontown female Liner trained 9 Furnlahed 2 bdrm. 1 bath, tire- 8660 Call 672-2769. 642-1000 If the car advertised Is not sold old. Call 870-2862 place. Great view. Cory 6 wan 8226 CaH 948-*3S4. GREAT OIFTS Call Nancy weekday. CHEVY MALIBU CLASSIC 1982 LABRIOLA MOTORS within the first 10 days, The Regis- LHASA APSO PUPPIES — -- elation wagon. 6 paaaengar 71 Merchandise Pec-Man Jr 8490 Mappy. 8400 212-426-4462 MERCURY COUGAR 1971 - S video game, lull alia Will de- Champion bred For aala. p/a. p/b. a/c. am/tm. roof rack ter will run your ad. for Sale Reasonable Call aftar 5 p.m. TWO-BEDROOM CAPE COD - Hiadl motor work raer del. 34.000 ml. 83880. Cel liver Alao old alot machine 4 old LINCOLN MARK IV — 1876. Bun ACCORD! AN-12OBASS penny arcade machine. Call 922-3045 In Hailet Twp on NY buellne. 290-0*31 PROFESSIONAL Oown.talr. ha. living room. 1 Can 496-2747 root. Many new pert. Runa 071-4264 GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES badroom. kitchen, bath 6 .mall CHEVY CHEVETTE — 1*79 4 good. Beet otter Call 291-1463 Custom tone effects, $3500 value — AKC, shots, ready IO go tor door. auto, radio mum. Sacraflca $500 or b/o 747-1179 den wim fireplace upetalr. rta. 1 280 Motorcyclaa ADDITIONAL DAYS Christmas Call 370-0360 large badroom 4 atorege area. battery. Luggage rack. 1 owner LOCALLY DRIVEN USED CARS 1984 HONDA — 700 Shadow Oarage kept. Run. perfect. Exc PRICED RIQHT. RASSAS PON TOY POODLE PUPPY — 6 Deteched overabad garage. 2- ABSOLUTELY ANTIQUE ORNATE BRASS HOLLY lone ga. hot watar heet. Avail- with engine guard. 8100 ml oond. Aeklng 81480 Cel TIAC 396 Broad St. Red Bank BEDROOM SET. $2700. LARGE FRESH CUT-BERRIED montha old Housebrofcen. shots 31900 Call 741-8180 813 NAVE8INK RIVER RD White Moving must sail $140. able Dec IS. i.t 6 laet montha MARBLE SCULPTURED rant plua 1 montti aacurlty re- Call 229-7480 after 4 p.m. STATUE. 11.000 CALL LOCUST Call 747-7313 CHEVROLET - 1976 Monte MAZDA 828 19*4 quired No peta. 8460 per month ATC 1976 Honda Auto., fully equipped 946-3971 HOME BAR Carlo. Excellent condition FREE! 84 Merchandise plua utillllaa Call 671-0838. 1979 XR7S Honda. 81380. A/C. P/S. equipment 28.000 ml. 37900 ANTIQUE — Pump organ, over in lime for Holidays, custom 6 h/p go cart CM 888-9379. Call 222-2(23 120 yaara old Beautiful walnut built, nautical. Llka naw H000 Wantad UNION BEACH — ] Or, couple Call 291-12*0 caaa, but pump needs repair Call 229-70S0. pref 8760.1v» aac 4 1al rant No CHEVY CHEVELLE — 1872. Ex MAZDA 828 13*4 — 2-dr De- $350 (includea stool). CaH t-A USED FURNITURE - An- pata Call 244-3730. uam-4pm oaltent running 6 cyl engine luxe. 6-epd., AC, premium 967-9410. 10 am to 11 pm, HONDA OEN — Modal EX660. tiQueellQuea., collecollectiblec . HONDA w/auto Iran. Running car or for .tereo 36.000 ml. Mint cond 1326 Snow thrower, model salt a pepper cotlecttoni, part- Call 872-1061 anytime 37600 671-0209 H855T. $ai8 Other model avall- tents of homes attics 103 Rantalato All ATC'S on sale APPLIANCES — Retrioer store, aee MERCURY COUOAR — 1(77 washers 6 dryer* Reconditioned aMa Holmdal Honda. 94*5-4068 menta, etc Will haul i item Share NEW JERSEY'S 81 VOLUME CHEVY MONTE CARLO — 1976 Call 264-6456 r all HONDA DEALER 34.362 mllea. Aaklng. 31200 XR7. a/c. p/w. radlala. al & guaranteed $100 a. up. Can CLIFFWOOD - Furnlahed 1 shocks, frn Nswty pelrtted I bdrm. Complete wtlh everything. Rt. 9. Freehold Vary good condition Cal deliver You've seen tha rest. IBM TYPEWRITERS Call 482-4881 872-276