District Industries Center, Pali Year 20162016----17171717 INDEX S.No. Chapter Summary

1. Chapter – I District at a Glance 1-2 District Profile 1.1 General 3 1.2 Location and Area 3 1.3 Physiography 3 1.4 Climate & Rainfall 3 1.5 Geology 3-4 1.6 Forest Flora & Fauna 4 1.7 Administrative Set Up 4 2. Chapter – II 2.1 Human Resources 5 Resources 2.1.1 Population 5 2.1.2 Literacy 5 2.1.3 Rural & Urban Population 5 Tehsil wise 2.1.4 Work Force & 6 Occupational Pattern 2.2 Land Use Pettern 6 2.3 Water & Irrigetion 6-8 2.4 Major Crops 9-10 2.5 Live Stock 11-12 2.6 Mineral Resources 13-16 2.7 Forest Resources 17 2.8 Tourist at Glans of Pali 17-20 District 3. Chapter – III 3.1 Power Resources 21 Existing Infrastructural 3.2 Rural Electrification/ Grid 21 Facilities Station 3.2.2 Electricity Consumption 21 Pattern 3.2.3 Existing Power Supply 22 Position as on 31 st march


3.3 Surface Water 23 3.4 Transport 23 3.4.1 Road Network 23 3.4.2 Vehicles on Road 24 3.4.3 Rail Transport 24 3.5 Communication Facilities 24 3.6 Banking Facilities 25-27 3.6.2 Total Bank Finance 27 3.6.4 Other Institutional Network 27 3.7 Education Facilities 27-29 Institutions 3.8 Medical Facilities 30 3.9 Dic's and Other Concerned 30-32 Institution 4. Chapter – IV 4.1 Existing Industrial Status 33 4.1.1 Large & Medium Scale 34 Industries 4.1.2 Pollution Control Measures 35 4.1.3 Total Resisterd Unit of 36-37 District & Brief About Exist Unit 4.2 Artisan Unit Status 37 4.2.5 Exported Item 38 4.2.6 Artisan Cluster 38 5. Chapter – V 5.1 Facilities Provided by State 39-48 & Central Govt. 6. Chapter – VI Potential Industries & 49-54 Other Contributory Factors Employment By Employment Office 54 Export Units In Pali 55 District

7. Chapter – VII -Suggestion Strategies for 56 Artisan Upgradation -Summary on the findings 57 -Recommondations


8. Annexure - I -Whom to Contact for What 58-59

9. Annexure - II -Name and Address of the 60-61 institution assiting in promotion of MSME in the Country


PALI DISTRICT AT A GLANCE 1. Area : 12387 Sq. Km. 2. Population: (I) Total Population : 2037573 (ii) Density : 164 Persons per Sq. Km. (iii) Literacy - Male : 667381 - Female : 418312 - Total : 1085693 3. (i) No. of Towns : 09 (ii) No. of Municipal council : 01 (iii) No. of Municipalities : 8

4. (i) No. of Villages inhabited : 1012 (ii) Gram Panchayats : 320 (iii) Panchayat Samities (Nos.) : 10 (iv) No. of Tehsil : 10 (v) No. of Sub-Divisions : 10 5. Total Working Force : 842327 6. Agriculture (i) Total Agriculture cultivated Area : 117054 Hectares (ii) Main Crops : Maize, Cotton, Wheat, Bajra Jawar, Oilseed, Pulses, Cumin Mehandi. 7. Irrigation (i) Total irrigated area : 117054 Hectares 8. Total Livestock : 23.85 Lac. Population (No.) 9. Area under forest : 962.94 Sq. Km. 10. Minerals Resources : Lime Stone, Quartz & Felspar, Mica, China Clay, Lime Stone (Burning Purpose), Reiolite, Marble Block, Granite Block, Massonary Stone, Khanda, Patti, Katle, Brick Soil, Stone Pieces (Zikra), Massonary Stone (Grit) Sand, Ordinary Sand

11. Average Rain fall : 536.8 M.M.


12. Total No. of Industrial Areas RIICO : 16 Private/Co-operative Sector : 3 (i) No. of Plots Planned : 2610 (ii) No. of Plots allotted : 2049 (iii) No. of Plots Vacant : 561 13. No. of Villages Electrified : 940 14. Transport & Communications : (i) Total Road Length : 5512.7 Kms. (ii) Total Railway line : 1232 Kms. (iii) No. of Telephone Exchange : 143 (iv) No. of Post Office : 372 (v) No. of Vehicle registered : 42773 (vi) No. of Bank Branches : 248 15. Education facilities Number of • Colleges : 29 • Technical Collage : 25 • Sr. Secondary : 417 • Secondary Schools : 265 • Primary : 794 • Middle School : 1350 • I.T.I.S : 14 16. Existing Industrial (I) No. of large scale units. : 9 (ii) No. of MSE units : 16601 (iii) Investment in Plant & : 53186.40 Lacs Machinery (Rs. In lacks) in SSI, MSME & Udhyog Adhar sector (iv) No. of employment generated : 63736 By SSI, MSME & Udhyog Adhar sector


CHAPTER – I AN OVERVIEW 1.1 GENERAL Pali is one of 33 districts of . Before the formation of Rajasthan this district was a part of State. The district takes its name from the town of pali which is also the headquarter of the district administration. 1.2 LOCATION AND AREA The district is located between 24.45 to 26.29 North latitudes and 72.47 and 74.18 East longitudes. It shares a common border with 8 districts of Rajasthan. In North it is bordered by Nagaur and Jodhpur districts, on the south-east by and Rajasmand district,-on the north east by Ajmer district, in west , Sirohi and Jalore are on south and west respectively. The district has a total geographical area of 12387 Sq. Km. 1.3 PHYSIOGRAPHY The district resembles an irregular triangle and has generally undulated plains with scattered hills here and there and the area may be called mountainous. The Aravali range runs along the eastern side of the district from south-west to north-east. Its highest peak in the district is 1099 meters height. The area in the west is plain with isolated hills. Pali is situated at a height of 212 meters above the M.S.L. 1.4 CLIMATE AND RAINFALL The climate of the district is extreme in nature i.e. Hot and dry in summer and cold in winter. The average maximum temperature recorded was 34.7° C and average minimum temperature was 18.11° C. The maximum temperature of 46° C was recorded on 02.06.2015 and the minimum of 2.1° C was recorded on 24.12.2015and 24.01.2016 in the year 2015-16. Total of 536.8 mm rainfall was received during April 2015 to March 2016. 1.5 GEOLOGY The geological set up of the district is presented by different sedimentary metamorphic and igneous rocks. The rock out crops and exposed mostly in the eastern parts of the district and occupy nearly 16 % the area. The rocks in the north eastern parts are of Pre-Aravali group with highly banded granite gneisses of pink and grayish white in color but coarse in texture, the central and southern parts of the district are of Aravali group with variegated states, phyllited schists, argillaceous, sandstones, sandquartszites near the eastern border of the district are Delhi group of rocks with quartz, mica, phyllite and marble ( impure). The south eastern parts of the district have Erinpura ricks with granite, which is generally medium to coarse grained in texture, and good deposited of Felspar south of Pali has a few outcrops of Jalore granite generally pink in coluor, Malani Rhuolites (volcanic) cover a small area south-west of Pali and at places contain quarts and feldspar, Limestone, 6

Dolomites and Sandstone are also available from the Trans-Aravali Vindhya rocks. The rocks of the Marwar Super Group occur near Sojat and certain Limestone. The deposits recent to sub recent age consist of dune and sand alluvium. The thickness of alluvium cover increases from east ot west. 1.6 FOREST, FLORA AND FAUNA :- The forest are scattered over a large area, mostly in hills and ridges. Those in the plains are grassland or trees. The forests are generally open and poorly stocked except in forest blocks of range and range. The requirements of the Local people in respect of timber, firewood and other forest produce have been increasing at a faster then the forest can withstand. The damage done by illicit felling and clearing is uncontrollable. The lopping damage done is rampant in all the blocks of Sadri and Desuri ranges. Famine has also been responsible for the destruction of the forests. The wild life is poor except in the forest of Desuri range. Big animals like Panther, Sloth Beer, Sambhar, Deer etc. are mostly confined to the forest of the remote hills. Small animals such as fox, jungle cat, jackal, porcupine, langur, squirrel and reptiles like lizard and snakes are common throughout the forest area. The common birds are blue rock pigeon, partridge, sandgrouse quails, jungle fowls, pea fowls, sparrows etc. Fish is plentiful in the Jawai Bandh, Bankli Bandh, Raipur Bandh and Nadi Sojat. 1.7 ADMINSTRATIVE SET-UP There are Ten Sub-division in the district namely Pali, Bali, Sojat, Jaitaran, Sumerpur, Rohat, Marwar Junction, Raipur & Desuri Rani as given in the table 1.1 below.



CHAPTER – II RESOURCES is not included in the list of backward districts of Rajasthan. It has important mineral and agriculture resources, the district has a potential to become prosperous if these resources are properly harnessed and exploited. Various resources are described in the following paragraphs.


2.1.1 POPULATION According to the Provisional Census figures of 2011 the total population of the district was 20.38 lacs. The population density of the district is 164 persons per Sq. Km.

2.1.2 LITERACY As per census figure of 2011 District Total Literacy Rate 62.4 percent of the total population.

2.1.3 RURAL AND URBAN POPULATION TEHSIL WISE As per census of 2011 the population of urban & rural area of Pali district is as under :-


1. Pali 368386 2. Bali 263900 3. Sumerpur 198125 4. Desuri 234337 5. Marwar Junction 198978 6. Rohat 120963 7. Sojat 220854 8. Raipur 205254 9. Jaitaran 226776 TOTAL 2037573

As Per Census 2011.



The total work force in the district is estimated at 842327 numbers representing 41.34% of the total population. The occupation distribution of the work force is given in Table 2.1 below : TABLE 2.1

WORK FORCE AND OCCUPATIONAL LEVEL 2011 S.NO. OCCUPATION POPULATION % AGE Male Female Total 1. Cultivators 151269 92222 243491 28.9 2. Agriculture Labours 93142 144138 237280 28.2 3. Household Industry 17223 8896 26119 3.1 4. Others 261443 73994 335437 39.8

Total 523077 319250 842327 100 As Per Census 2011. It would be clear from para 2.1.4 above that agriculture is the main activity in the district providing employment to 57.19% of the working population.


LAND USE PATTERN 2014-2015 S.NO. PARTICULAR AREA IN HECT. HECT. (2014-2015) 1. Forest 86534 2. Land not fit for Agriculture 169753 3. Cultivable Barren 43814 4. Land for other non Agriculture use 91156 5. Fallow Land 21155.6 6. Cultivated Area irrigated 117054 7. Un Irrigated 509212 Total 1233079 Source : Land Record Collectorate, Pali


(a) Major Rivers and lakes :

There is no perennial river in the district four tributaries viz, lilri, Sukri, Bandi and Jawai discharge their water in river Luni which passes through the district. There is no lake in the district. However, there are number of tanks and seven small dams in the district for irrigation purpose.


(b) Ground Water Conditions, Resources and Availability : Note on industrial development possibilities during the year 2015-2016 in Pali district. DISTRICT : PALI

It covers an area of 12387 sq. kms. and falls in semi arid region with normal annual rainfall of 480.88 mm physiographically the area is characterized by undulating topography with scattered hills but its south eastern boundary forms the . The main river flows in the district area Sukri, Lilri, Bandi, jawai & their tributaries which are ephemeral in nature forming water shed of Luni River System.

(1) Hydrogeology: The main hydro geological formations encountered in the district are Alluvium, Phyllis, Schist, Granite, Gneiss, Limestone & Sandstone, Alluvium and Limestone forms productive aquifer whereas other formations form poor aquifer.

(2) Depth of Water Table: Depth to water level along Aravalli hills generally found shallow is, i.e. less than 25 mts whereas in coeternal part of district it varies from 25 to 40 mts. Deep water levels are observed in NW part of Jaitaran block and also in part of Sojat & Raipur block which ranges from 40 to 80 mts below ground level.

(3) Water Level Trend: Blockwise change in ground water between period 2004-2015 (pre-monsoon period) is given below : S. NO. Block Depletion in Water levels ( in mts.) 1. Bali 3.52 2. Desuri 8.34 3. Jaitaran 3.59 4. Marwar Junction 8.76 5. Pali 3.33 6. Raipur 0.56 7. Rani 6.68 8. Rohat 2.39 9. Sojat 2.03 10. Sumerpur (-) 0.81 Source : Under Ground Water Department. 10

(4) Ground Water Resources: Water resources of the district has been computed for year 2013, it is observed that 7 blocks are in “Over-exploited” category whereas 1 blocks fall in “Critical” category. and two blocks fall in " semi crtical" cetegory Block wise Ground Water Resources are as under: S.No. Block Net G.W. Gross Stage of Category of availability G.W. G.W. Block ( Recharge) Draft Dev. In 1. Bali mcm42.3581 (mcm)42.8090 101.06(%) Over Expl. 2. Desuri 27.3605 31.3180 114.46 Over Expl. 3. Jaitaran 54.4889 70.1702 128.78 Over Expl. 4. Marwar Junction 33.9909 52.9547 155.79 Over Expl. 5. Pali 9.6535 6.7763 70.19 Semi-Critical 6. Raipur 18.5030 26.0976 141.43 Over Expl. 7. Rani 27.4003 32.7000 119.34 Over Expl. 8. Rohat 4.3288 3.4432 79.54 Semi Critical 9. Sojat 31.9301 38.8619 121.71 Over Expl. 10. Sumerpur 44.6543 43.7154 97.90 Critical TOTAL 294.6185 348.8462 118.41 Over Expl.

(5) Availability of Ground Water for Future Development of Industries : Looking to the availability of ground water resources it is not advisable to develop more industries in Pali district mainly those which depends on water Pali district is facing severe scarcity of water for drinking purpose. Source :-Ground Water Resources Department

(c) MEDIUM IRRIGATION PROJECTS Irrigation plays a major part in the agriculture production Most of the agricultural production is dependent on monsoon. The river Luni which enters Pali district is main river flowing through the district. The chief tributaries of Luni are Lilri, Sukri, Bandi and Jawai. But none of these river are perennial and due to uncertain rains are mostly dry. The dam at Sardar Sammand, Hemawas, Jawai, Raipur, Kurki, Nimaj, Baniawas and Kharada irrigates considerable areas. Jawai is the biggtest irrigation project. It provides water to Jalore and Pali Distts. TABLE 2.3 SOURCES WISE IRRIGATION COVERAGE S.No. SOURSE LAND irrigated 2014 -15 1. Canals 110 2. Tanks 3666 3. Wells and Tubewells 124938 4. Others Sources 417 5. TOTAL 129131

Source : Land Record, Collectorate, Pali


2.4. MAJOR OF CROPS The main Rabi Crops are wheat, Barley and oilseed, while Jawar, Maize, Bazra and cotton are the main Kharif crops. Farmers are progressive and a large number of them are adopting mechanized method of farming. Though most of the small and marginal farmers use bullocks for farming. There is a good demand for tractors as well as for bullocks, pesticides, fertilizers and improved quality of seeds. The production of various crops for 2015-16 is given below.

TABLE 2.4 jktLo foHkkx jch 2015&16 esa cqokbZ {ks= ¼gSDVj½] mRiknu ¼eS-Vu½] ,oa mRiknudrkZ ¼fdyks@gSDV;sj½

ftyk %& jch & 2015&16 ikyh {kS=Qy (Ha) mRiknu (Mt) mRiknu Kg/ha Ø- vflafp vflafp la- flafpr r ;ksx flafpr r ;ksx flafpr vflafpr ;ksx 1 xsgWw 59657 1532 61189 98469 1285 99754 1651 839 1630 2 tkS 3606 5 3611 5747 5 5752 1594 1000 1593 3 puk 9947 14423 24370 15595 13373 28968 1568 927 1189 4 xkstjk 6 1 7 13 1 14 2167 1000 2000 5 xkspuh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 cstM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 elwj 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 vj.Mh 83 70 153 155 148 303 1867 2114 1980 9 vylh 0 59 59 0 19 19 0 322 322 10 ljlksa 4 0 4 4 0 4 1000 0 1000 11 jkbZ 53274 5983 59257 61728 5322 67050 1159 890 1132 12 rkjkehjk 286 1663 1949 242 1485 1727 846 893 886 13 /kfu;k 48 4 52 45 3 48 938 750 923 14 vtokbZu 1 0 1 1 0 1 1000 0 1000 15 thjk 20399 27 20426 31912 17 31929 1564 630 1563 16 bZlcxksy 2264 0 2264 2284 0 2284 1009 0 1009 17 lksukeq[kh 15 0 15 7 0 7 467 0 467 18 esFkh 3293 3 3296 4336 5 4341 1317 1667 1317 19 lkSaQ 2187 1 2188 2811 1 2812 1285 1000 1285 20 vlkfy;k 5 95 100 10 95 105 2000 1000 1050 21 yglwu 3 0 3 3 0 3 1000 0 1000 22 Qwy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 lCth 876 1 877 0 0 0 0 0 24 jtdk 1454 0 1454 0 0 0 0 0 25 Qy 10 10 20 24 24 0 2400 1200 26 xktj 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 pjh 90 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 28 vU; 65 0 65 0 0 0 0 0 dqy ;ksx 157573 23877 181450 223362 21783 245145

Source :- Dy. Director Agriculture Pali 12

TABLE 2.4 [kjhQ 2014 esa cqokbZ {ks= ¼gSDVj½] mRiknu ¼eS-Vu½] ,oa mRiknudrkZ ¼fdyks@gSDV;sj½ ftyk %& ikyh jch & 2015&16 Ø- {kS=Qy (Ha) mRiknu (Mt) mRiknu Kg/ha la- IR VIR Total IR VIR Total IR VIR Total 1 eDdk 796 12741 13537 950 11677 12627 1193 916 933 2 Tokj 19 97137 97156 19 44159 44178 1000 455 455 3 cktjk 3 46925 46928 3 26722 26725 1000 569 569 4 Xokj cht 10 52212 52222 10 36343 36353 1000 696 696 5 dwjk]Xokj ewax] 0 159 159 0 94 94 0 591 591 fefJr 6 eksB 0 524 524 0 199 199 0 380 380 7 mMn 0 148 148 0 74 74 0 500 500 8 ewax 14 174895 174909 14 110159 110173 1000 630 630 9 poyk 0 413 413 0 27 27 0 65 65 10 vjgj 0 76 76 0 38 38 0 500 500 11 fry 6 92353 92359 6 39011 39017 1000 422 422 12 ewaxQyh 3 1017 1020 3 701 704 1000 689 690 13 vj.Mh 1643 3436 5079 1243 1643 2886 757 478 568 14 lks;kchu 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1000 1000 15 fepZ 223 0 223 207 0 207 928 0 928 16 lkSaQ 50 0 50 24 0 24 480 0 480 17 esgUnh 2 39084 39086 2 24025 24027 1000 615 615 18 dikl 11929 93 12022 16827 93 16920 1411 1000 1407 19 l.k 1 7 8 1 6 7 1000 857 875 20 lkxoku@XokjikBk 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 lksukeq[kh 0 712 712 0 176 176 0 247 247 22 jtdk 487 0 487 209 0 209 429 0 429 23 pjh Xokj 14 260 274 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 pjh eDdk 16 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 pjh cktjk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 pjh Tokj 23 3825 3848 0 197 197 0 0 51 27 I;kt 139 0 139 273 0 273 1964 0 1964 28 lCth 394 75 469 440 21 461 1117 280 983 29 Qynkj 345 127 472 353 114 467 1023 898 989 30 Qwy cxhpk 50 0 50 42 0 42 840 0 840 dqy cqokbZ ;ksx 16167 526223 542390 20626 295480 316106 dqy [kjkck 89 99811 99900 Qly idh 15529 422306 437835 Source :- Dy. Director Agriculture Pali There has been a substantial increase in production of mustard, chillies, barley, wheat and gram. It was informed that only about 60% of the production of these crops is being used in the industries in the district and the balance is being sent outside the district. There is scope for establishment of more industrial units based on th above items. 13

2.5 LIVE STOCK RESOURCES 2.5.1 MAIN LIVE STOCK ANALYSIS From the live stock point of view, Pali can be considered one of the well developed dictrict of Rajasthan. The district has a large population of livestock. The total population is about 23.85 lacs. The climate is specially suitable for sheep. Hence sheep population was about 8.50 lacs. The details of total population of the livestock as per 2012 survey are as follows. TABLE 2.5 LIVE STOCK POPULATION IN THE DISTRICT S. No. Live Stock Type Population 1. Cattle 355537 2. Buffaloes 311691 3. Sheep 850596 4. Goat 767468 5. Camels 8319 6. Donkey 2066 7. Horses/Mules 1203 8. Pigs 5290 9. Dogs 11366 10. Hare/Rabbits 114 11. Poulty Birds 71444 Total 2385094 As per 2012 Census Source : Dy. Director Animal Husbandry Pali As per the information supplied by the dairy department the milk collection during the year 2015-16 was 135000 Kg. per day and the annual collection of the milk was 49275000 Kg. 2.5.2 AVAILABILITY OF WOOL Sheep are mainly reared for wool and meat. Wool clipping is done twice or thrice a year. On an average an yield of 500 gms. Of wool per clipping is obtained which works out and average of 1.00 Kg. wool per sheep per year. The 8.50 lacs sheep in the district would given yield of 8.50 lacs kg. wool in the year 2012. The wool is generally of medium grade suitable for carpet yarn. Presently, there is no woolen industry and market in the district. 2.5.3 MEAT AVAILABILITY According to the integrated sample survey report estimated of live stock products, 2012 by the animal husbandry department, Government of Rajashtan, the average slaughter rate is 15% at present with an average yield of 15 Kg. per sheep and 16 Kg. per goat. According the annual availability of meat can be placed at round 9401 Kg/a day. As most is surplus and is exported outside the district to Gujrat and Bombay. A modern slaughter house-cum-meat processing plant can be established in the district. 14

The cattle and buffalo are not slaughter for meat. The hides are available from dead animals. Assuming a mortality rate of 10% is small animal 3-4% in lafge animal it is estimated that anout Nos. 3,28,002 hides anre likely be available per annum. A chrome tannery can be established in the district.

2.5.4 AVAILABILITY OF HIDES The cattle and buffalo are not slaughter for meat. The hides are available from dead animals. Assuming a mortality rate of 10% is small animal 3-4% in lafge animal it is estimated that anout Nos. 3,28,002 hides anre likely be available per annum. A chorme tannery can be established in the district.

2.5.5 AVAILABILITY OF BONES In small Animal an average of 12 kg. bones are available per animal and in large animal 40-60 kg. bones. The availability of bones is estimated to be around 46,09,906 per annum. Bone curshing units can be set up addition to the curshing units in the district.


S.No. Live Stock Type Population 1. nq/kk# Ik'kq 11,01,081 2. ehV o peZ mRikn 2,42,709 3. Okwyu mRiknu i'kq 8,50,596 4. vU; i'kq - dqy ;ksx 2194386 Leather Based manufacturing Artisans are functioning in various area’s of palidistrict. Jaitaran is big cluster of Leather Artisans. Leather is available from the local animal hides as well as from the adjoining districts. 2.5.7 VETERINARY FACILITIES The veterinary facilities available in the district are given in table 2.6 below as on 2015-16. TABLE 2.6 S.No. CATEGORY NUMBERS 1. Poly Clinic Hospital, Pali 01 2. First Grade Hospital 26 3. Hospitals 65 4. Dispensary 05 5. Distt. Digenatic 01 6. Goshalas 156 7. Sub Centers 68 8. Tehsil Mobile Unit 10 9. District Mobile Unit 01

Source : Dy Director Animal Husbandry Pali 15



The mineral wealth of the district is largely non-metallic. The Cement/chemical grade Limestone, China clay, Ball clay, Quartz, Felspar and Calcite produced in the district are well known for their quality. Other minerals are Asbestos, Soap stone. Magnesite, Gypsum, Granite, Marble, and Barytes. The district has substantial reSources of Quartz Felspar, Limestone, China clay, Marble and Granite. MARBLE

A fairly good deposit of multicoloured marble occurs near sunaya at Mnlan-Ki-Bari and Bheru-Ka-Bada, Kalyanpura in Raipur tehsil, Dujana, Sindur in Bali tehsil near . Marble found near Falna is pink, brown, green, white in colour. While Sendra marble is pink and white. CALCITE

Calcite is naturally occurring crystalline form of calcium carbonate (56% Cao) which can easily be recognized by its rhomboidal crystals. Calcite of highly pure quality has been found in the district near village Guria, Piplas, Bhuan near Bijapur in Desuri tehsil and Sinla in Raipur Samoki in Jaitaran tehsil. It is largely sent to Bombay and Ahmedabad markets after sorting. 2.61.3 VOLCANIC ASH

The western Rajasthan comprising Pali, Jodhpur, Barmer and Jaisalmer districts have extension volcanic ash deposits belonging to Malani suites of lgneous rock. The revolites near village Manihari Bhavri, Manihari, Rupawas and Dayalpura are estimated at an 200 million tones. Different types of colour glasses can be manufactured from volcanic ash. LIMESTONE

The limestone deposits near Mandla Rundia and Atbada located near Sojat are extensively worked by the mining lease for chemical grade limestone for the last two to three dacades. Presently, most of the production is dispatched for lime burning and a very little quantity is used for preparing hydrate lime. The mineral can be best used for manufacture of Calcium carbide and bleaching powder which has a good marketing the state itself. A reserve of 45.37 million tons of Cement grade. Limestone containing 45% Cao and Mgo less than 2% has been estimated up to depth of 15 meters in Ras, Sinla, Digarna In tehsil Jaitaran. However the total reserve in this area have been placed at over 200 million tones. The limestone dearing hills near village Lilamba in Raipur tehsil and near village Mohrai, Asarlai tehsil Jaitaran is also suitable for cement purpose. The production was 2,00,46,721 MT. tones in 2015-16. 16 GRANITE Granite occurs in a large area in southern part (Bali-Desuri-Nana area) of Pali district and also between Bar and Sandra in NE part of district. This granite is mainly Erinpura granite. It is of white to pink, coarse and porphyritic in nature. It is also used as massonary stone. Exposures are also located on Jodhpur-Pali road and on the border of Pali-Jalore district that is near village sakarda, Dari etc. Through no systematic evaluation has been undertaken so far to decide the suitability of granite of Pali area as a decorative stone but it is felt that this granite could be potential Source of decorative stone. Presently 50 leases are sanctioned. The production was 267381 MT in 2015-16. GYPSUM Gypsum, in non-crystalline form occurs near village Khutani in western Part of Pali district. The mineral is presently not being worked. ASBESTOS Amphibole variety of asbestos occurs in Manpura and Kantalia in Raipur tehsil Guria, Danvarli, Kanotiya Ramgarh around Nana and near Ranakpur in Bali tehsil. Among these occuttences, the deposit of Manpura and Kanotia are not important. It is reported that the deposit of manpura and ksnotia are not important. It is reported that the reserves are about 20.00 tones up to a depth of 10 to 20 meters. The mineral is not being worked presently. MAGNESITE Magnesite free from silica and iron is for its refractory properties and also as an important Source of magnesium metal. It is found mainly in the eastern part of Sojat Sub division. Two leases are sanctioned but no production is being done due to some legal problems. QUARTZ AND FELSPAR Occurrence of Felspar-Quartz have been reported from Chanwandiya, Haripur-patan, Pratapgarh, Digarna, around Birthiya Khurd, Bhanwira Patan, Kalyanpura, Kha-kalkot, Raira in Raipura tehsil and near village Nana in Bali tehsil. The mineral is being sent to Gujarat after grinding. The production was 30,933 Mt. in 2015-16. BUILDING STONE Stone conglomerate at Giri and Lawacha in Raipur tehsil are being the only deposits in Pali district which yield roofing and flooring slabs up to 6 meters long 5 meter wide and 6 to 12cm thick. Small deposites of sandstone in the vicinity of sojat area also being worked as massonary stone. Building stone is available Throughout the district.


Faorly extensive deposits of clay suitable for the manufacture of pottery and China are found in Pali district. Most important occurrence is at Lithariya & Kharadi in jaitaran tehsil where the reSources are estimated to be over 2,50,000 tones. The colour of the clay is grayish white has a fair degree of plasticity. The production of China, Bal and other clat was 4,35,960 Mt. Tn 2015-16. WOLLASTONITE

Latest in the discoveries of economic mineral, wollanstonite has been located in the district near Khera uparia 30 Km from Nana railway station on Ahmedabas, Marwar section of the western railways. Wollastonite is used in ceramic industries as a loxistitute of ceramic bodies required for the manufacture of floor and wall tiles. It is used as an adhesive in ceramic bodies and glazes and has an advantage over other conventional bodies as it has a capacity of maturing at a lower firing temperature and at a faster rate. The mineral is also used as filler in paint and paper products and in metallurgy as welding road coating. It has a good prospect of being used in chemical industries IRON ORE

Besides non-metallic minerals, small deposits of basic metal are also found occurring in Punagiri hill near Pali Kunja (Naya Khera) and Chang-Chitar near Sendra. In the Deposit at Phungri hill 0.30 million tones of iron ore reserve with an average of 0.499% copper, 1.727% Zinc and 27.5% Sulphur have been estimated. NICKEL

The state department of mines and geology located at Sojat. Nickel Ferous ultra basics rocks are located near Ranakpur. The nickel percentage in the ultra basic rock were found ranging between 0.2% to 6.0% The work closed since percentage of nickel content is low in these rocks.



The production of major minerals in the district during 2015-16 was a given in the table below. TABLE PRODUCTION OF MAJOR MINERALS IN MT.

S. Name of Minerals Production Place No MT. 2015- 16 1. Lime Stone (Cement 20046721 Jaitaran, Raipur 2. Quartz & Felspar, 30933 Raipur, Sojat, Jaitaran, M.J., Desuri Mayka Etc. 3. Asbestos (Amphibole - Raipur 4. Soap Stone - Raipur 5. China Clay 435960 Jaitaran 6. Wollastonite - Desuri, Raipur 7. Megnesite - Bali 8. Gypsum - Rohat 9. Lime Stone (Burning 1551211 Sojat, Jaitaran


10. Reiolite 43478 Rohat, Pali 11. Marble Block 0 Raipur, Marwar Junction, Desuri Etc. 12. Granite Block 267381 Pali, Raipur, Rohat, Sumerpur, Bali, Desuri 13. Massonary Stone 2136750 Pali District 14. Sand Stone 0 Pali District 15. Khanda, Patti, Katla 0 Raipur, Sojat 16. Brick Soil 88568 Raipur, Rohat 17. Stone Pieces (Zikra) 13649 Sumerpur, Sojat, Bar, Giri, Babara 18. Massonary Stone 7836 Raipur, Pali, Desuri, Sojat, Sumerpur, (Grit) M.J. 19. Sand 64805 Raipur, Pali, Desuri, Sojat, Sumerpur 20. Ordinary Sand 6411800 Raipur, Pali, Desuri, Sojat, Sumerpur 21. Ordinary Earth 1643400 Pali District

Source : ME Sojat City

It would be hopeful if a detailed prospecting including the geological mapping, sample drilling, core logging etc. is undertaken to have adequate information about the quality and quantity of reserves of various minerals.



The total Forest area under the district is 962.94 Sq. Km. out of which 618.81 Sq. km. comes under supervision of Conservator of Forest (Wild life), Rajsamand. Forest area of the district is 7.77% of the total area of the district. The forest resources are very meager. The industrial potential based on forest resources can be for small artisan unit for manufacturing of wooden articles, toys etc. The Total forest area of this district :- Office Classification of Forest Land (Sq. Km)

Reserve Protected Unclassed Total

D.C.F. Pali 200.00 141.92 2.21 344.13

Dy. C.F.(Wild Life) Rajsamand

Tadgragh Ravali 274.18 - - 274.18

Kumbhalgarh 342.55 2.08 - 344.63

Total 816.73 143.70 2.21 962.94

Source : Deputy conservator of Forest Pali.


Pali town can be considered as a big chain of towns in Indian History. In treeta yug this town was called “PARA-NAGAR” and in Dwaper yug this town was known “PEPAWATI” People here were mainly the Paliwal Brahman’s and were all businessman. This town was very rich in culture. But again and again the town was destroyed and even the old fort. Once there was also a great wall around the city. Today we neither see the fort nor the wall. But we still have the name of the gates like suraj pole, mela ka darwaja, pani ka darwaja, jalori darwaja, kariya darwaja are important with the time the fort was destroyed. But still one can see the main entrance of the fort near juni dhan mandi. At the time also pali had a democratic system. They had a panchayat and the head of panchayat used to solve the problems of the town. Thus pali finally came under the jurisdiction of British, From then on the area covered by the present pali district be came part of jodhpur state until Indian independence. SIGHT SEEING TOURIST There are many tourist places in Pali district which attract local peoples as well as foreigners. People from different cities of come to Pali to visit Ranakpur, Jawai Dam, Parshuram Mahadev Temple, Jain Aashram etc. Some of the famous tourist places are as follows : 20

Tehsil Pali

Navalakha Temple : - Built in 10 th century, this Parshwanath temple is located in Pali city. This temple is famous for its architecture.

Lakhotia Garden : - It is situated in the heart of Pali city and surrounded by a pond, lakhotia (Also known as city tank). One beautiful temple of Lord Shiva is also situated in the middle of garden.

Somnath Mandir : - It is famous for its historical background and Shilp Art. It is situated in the middle of pali city. It was constructed by then King of Gujrat Kumarpal Solanki in the Vikram Samvat 1209. It is the temple of Lord Shiva. In the premises of temple there are many small temple of other Devi Devta.

Bangur Museum : - It is situated in the Pali city at old bus stand. Many old historical and artistic items like dresses, coins, arms etc. are kept here.

Shanidham Aashram : - It is situated in Pali tehsil of Pali district and hardly 10 km from Pali. (Click on hyperlink for more information)

Parshwanath Temple (Manpura Bhakri, Pali) : - As per local reSources this temple is about 300 years old. Here fairs are being held on Pausha Shukla Dasami and Kartik Purnima every year.

Tehsil Rohat

Peer Dulheshah : - An old renowned place of Muslim pilgrims situated near village Chotila.

Jaanrai Temple and Kubaji Samadhi, Jhitra : - An old and beautiful temple of Radha- Krishna on the banks of village pond.

Rao Shiho Samadhi : - situated near village Bithu, visited by almost everyone. Rao Shiho was the founder of the clan Rathore.

Khutani Khetalaji Bheru Temple : - Situated in village Khutani, this temple is widely worshiped by people of Marwar and Godwar.

Tehsil Desuri

Godwar Festival : - It is organized jointly by the District Administration, Pali and Rajasthan Tourism.

Main attractions:

Jeep Safari: From Shilpi (Ranakpur) to Khumbhalgarh Sarangwas

Boating: In Natural Lake

Classical Dance Performance 21

Fir Dance & Siddhi Dhamal

Horse & Camel Safari

Vargowda ceremonial procession (By Sonana Khetliyaji Trust)

Horse race, Tug of war, different acrobatics by Marwari Houses

‘Best of Rajasthan’ folk performances by renowned folk artists of Rajasthan

Fireworks display

Bhajen, Keertan (By Sonana Khetliya Trust)

Rock Climbing

Ghair Dance Performances by different groups of Ghair (from different parts of Rajasthan)

Godwar Shree, Turban tying competitions.

Marwari Horses Dance Show

Ranakpur Jain Temples: It is famous for its magnificent built during the reign of Rana Kumbha of Mewar is 15 th Century. Ranakpur temple complex is known for its Architectural and natural beauty. It has 24 halls containing 1440 pillers, each one is different from other and each covered with intricate, yet delicate, carvings. The Central temple dedicated to the Jain Thirthankara Adinath ji, is called Chaumukha (four-faced.) Since last two years Department of Tourism organized Festival there to promote rural tourism.

How to reach: One can easily reach at Sadari by bus from all over Rajasthan. At Sadari, local taxi and jeeps are available to reach at Ranakpur.

Nimbo ka Nath: It is situated between Falna-Sanderav route. Myth goes that pandavas stayed here with mother kunti during the exit. Kunti used to worship shiva at this place Pandvas also established Navdraga at this place.

How to reach: One can easily reach at Sadari by bus from all over Rajasthan. At Sadari, local taxi and jeeps are available to reach at pond. Now from Pond there is 2 km walking distance through hilly narrow path to reach at top, and then from top there is around 400 narrow steps to reach at natural cavern.


Tehsil Sumerpur

Jawai Dam : - One of the biggest dam of western Rajasthan. It is situated in sumerpur tehsil of pali district. It has a capacity of 6000 million cubic feet. It is the main water supply Source of jodhpur and pali districts. Besides this, many villages of Jalore and Pali are irrigated through this Dam.

Charbhuja GTemple, Khangri: Every year a fair organized by Department of Tourism & Trust of Temple i.e. Ghanchi Samaj on Ram Navmi. More then 05 thousand people of Ghanchi Samaj and others coming here to worship & participate in fair.

Food Craft Institute, Sumerpur: For establishment of F.C. I. near village Sindroo on highway 15 Kms. From Sumerpur for the same land already allotted. Construction of the building funds will be rehire by Ministry of Toursim, Govt. of India.

Tehsil Marwar Junction

Jadan Aashram : - It is situated in Marwar Junction tehsil of Pali district and hardly 20 km from pali.

Tehsil Jaitaran

Ma Durga Temple, Nimaj : -Nimaj boasts of a temple built in 9 th century AD. It was dedicated to goddess. Ma Durga. It also covers a unique art gallery showcasing some master pieces of sculptural art, adorned within natural surroundings. Source :- Toursim Office Jodhpur.



3.1 POWER RESOURSES Infrastructure facilities like power, banking, transport, education, health, communication etc. Play vital role in the promotion and development of industries in an area. A brief account of such infrastructure facilities availability in Pali district is given in the following paragraphs.


The district does not have any power generating station. It gets power from Bhilwara, Bilara and Beawar through 132 KV transmission lines. There two of 220 KV GSS and 9 Nos. Numbers of Grid Sub-Station of 132 KV and 127 Nos. of 33 KV sub-station and 24099 Nos. of 11 KV sub- station in the district. TABLE 3.2.1 LINGTH OF DIFFERENC TYPES OF LINES 2015-16 S.No. Type Length (a) Transmission Lines 33 KV Single Circuit 1736.69 Double Circuit 54.16 (b) Transmission Lines 11 KV Single Circuit 11244.873 (c) L. T. Lines 10053.98


The consumption of electricity in 2015-16 was as given in table 3.2 below. S. Type of Consumers for sale of Total No. of Consumers 2015-2016 No. Electricity 31-03-15 During 2015-16 Total 1 Domestic 409342 21834 431176 2 Non-Domestic 44122 2408 46530 3 Industrial 0 a) Small 8341 197 8538 b) Medium 1318 71 1389 c) Large 179 39 218 4 Public Street Lighting Poultruy-2 farm 724 50 774 5 Agriculture 0 a) Meter Rate 32978 1380 34358 b) Flat Rate 2623 -36 2587 c) Nursery 58 0 58 d) Polutry 22 4 26 6 Public Water Works 0 a) Small 1441 38 1479 b) Medium 89 1 90 c) Large 10 1 11 7 Mixed Load 1448 187 1635 TOTAL 502695 26174 528869



• LFkkfir fo|qr ra= %

ds-oh ¼th-,l-,l-½ 220 KV 132 KV 33@11 KV

th-,l-,l-a la[;k 2 11 142

• ftysa es dqy 26653 forj.k VªkUlQkeZj LFkkfir gS] ftuesa 5103 flaxy Qsl ,oa 21550 Fkzh

Qsl gSA

• ftys es fo|kqr miHkksDrkvksa dh fLFkfr dk Js.khokj oxhZdj.k %

—f"k ?kjsyq v?kjsyq vkS/kksfxd ih-,p-bZ- vU; dqy miHkksDrk

mPp e/;e y?kq Mh

37029 431176 46530 218 1389 8538 1580 2409 528869

• fo|qr vkiwfrZ dh fLFkfr % orZeku es ftys esa fo|qr dVkSrh ugh dh tk jgh gSA —f"k {ks=

gsrq Fkzh Qst fo|qr vkiwfrZ ikf{kd :Ik ls nks ikjh es] ftues jkf= ikjh es 7-00?k.Vs ,oa fnu

dh ikjh es 6-30 ?k.Vs] fu;fer nh tk jgh gSA




The Luni river is the only major river in the district. This is not perennial river and dries up during summer. According to survey the ground water storage is good in the district. But due to draught in the last phase of this decade, the water level has gone down. According to the 2014-15 the number of wells and tube wells have been 124938 Availability of surface water in Pali District in 2015-16 given below in the table. 3.3 TABLE S.No. Name of Tank Gross Capacity Water Recd. During Mcft. the year 2015-16 1. Jawai Dam 7337.50 5575.55 M.C.F.T 2. Hemawas 2209.00 2209.00 M.C.F.T 3. Sardar Samand 3115.64 162.30 M.C.F.T 4. Kharda 664.00 277.78 M.C.F.T 5. Giri Nanda 200.00 9.25 6. Raipur Luni 325.56 145.14 M.C.F.T Source : XEN. Water Resources Department, Pali.



The district has direct road connection with other district of the state. All the tehsil headquarters and important towns are important towns are connected with each other by B.T. roads The national highway No. 8 linking Delhi and Ahmedabad passes near the boundary of Pali district also N.H. 14 Passed through Pali district, Beawar to Kandla Port. NH 65 Passes through Pali Distt. From Fethapur to Pali. However there is a large requirement for roads in the rural areas. The total length of roads in 2015-16 as detailed below: TABLE 3.4 Sr .No. Particulars Length in K.m 1 National Highway 399.70 Km. BT 2 State Highway 596.00 Km. BT 3 Major District Road 288.00 Km. BT 4 Other District Road & Village Road 3875.75 Km. 5 Metal Roads 2.5 Metal 6 Gravel Roads 377.75 Km. 7 Fair Whether Road NIL Source : Superintending Engineer P.W.D.


District are connected with bus service. Many bus services connecting Jodhpur, Jaipur and other places in Rajasthan also cater the traffic in this district 3.4.2 VEHICLES ON ROAD

TABLE 3.4.1 REGISTERED MOTOR VEHICLES IN THE DISTRICT Ø-la- okgu dk izdkj o"kZ o"kZ 12&13 o"kZ o"kZ 14&15 o"kZ 1 Vªd@osu 347 354 849 876 825 2 izkbZosV dkj 893 902 996 1217 1668 3 VªsDVj@Vªksyh 564 610 1245 1385 1429 4 nqifg;k okgu 14226 15322 22598 24546 21095 5 frifg;k okgu 304 326 306 400 376 6 cl 76 82 92 39 47 7 izkbZosV thi 104 110 174 190 185 8 VSdlh dkj@ thi 343 356 540 218 163 9 ,EcwysUl 6 8 13 14 9 10 ts-lh -ch -] Øsu] vU; 36 38 90 95 116 11 jftLVMZ+ Mhyj }kjk 10246 12344 10664 13355 16860 iath—r nqifg;k okgu ;ksx 27145 30452 37567 42335 42773 Source: D. T. O. Pali There has been a substantial increase in the number of trucks, buses, cars and jeeps sharing the district traffic.


Pali district is directly connected with Jodhpur and Udaipur, Marwar Junction, Rani and Falna towns fall on the broad gauge Delhi- Ahmedabad Line. The total length of railway lines in the district is 1232 Km. As detailed below : S.No. Railway Line Km. 1. Dehil-Ahemdabad 933 Km. B.G. 2. Udaipur-Mavli 43 B.G. 3. Mavli-Marwar jn. 152 M.G. Jodhpur- Marwar Jn. 104 Km. B.G. Total B.G. 1080 & M.G. 152 Source : Station Superident Pali-Marwar

3.5 COMMUNICATION FACILITIES TABLE 3.5 NETWORK OF COMMUNICATION FACILITIES IN THE DISTRICT AS ON 31 ST MARCH 2016 S.No. TYPE OF FACILITY Nos. 1. Post Office a. Head Post Office 2 b. Sub. Post Office 52 c. Branch Office 318 2. Telephone Exchange 143 3. No. of Telephone Connection 26065 a. Local Village PCO 831 b. Local PCO Urban STD Pvt. 601 c. Fax Govt. NIL Source : DETO and P & T Deptt. Pali 27

More TELEX and FAX facilities need to be provided in all industrial area/states.


The people in Marwar area, in general are entrepreneurs. The money ieading in this area has been a traditional trade of few families until the commercial banks came into operation. Commercial banks came into operation. Commercial banking facilities are now available and number of bank branches in the district as on 31 st March 2016 the state bank of Bikaner and Jaipur is the Lead Bank of the district. Bolck distribution of the bank branches is given in table 3.6 below: TABLE 3.6.1 Branch Network as on 31.03.2016 S. Bank Rural Semi- Urban Total On Off- Total No. Bran Urban Branches Branc site site Atm's ches Branches hess ATM's ATM's 1 State Bank of India 2 4 2 8 7 7 14 2 State Bank of Hyderabad 3 State Bank of Mysore 4 State Bank ofPatiyala 5 State Bank of Travancore 6 State Bank of B & J 22 9 6 37 31 15 46 Total SBI & Associate Banks 24 13 8 45 38 22 60 7 Allahabad Bank 1 1 1 1 8 Bank of Baroda 6 2 8 7 9 16 9 Andra Bank 1 1 1 1 10 Bank of India 1 1 1 2 3 11 Bank of Maharashtra 1 1 1 1 12 Canara Bank 1 1 1 1 13 Central Bank of India 1 1 2 2 0 2 14 Corporation Bank 1 1 1 1 15 Dena Bank 1 1 1 1 16 IDBI Bank Ltd 1 1 2 2 0 3 17 Indian Bank 1 1 1 1 18 Indian Overseas Bank 1 1 1 1 19 Oriental Bank of Commerce 1 1 1 0 1 20 Punjab & Sindh Bank 21 Punjab National Bank 2 3 1 6 7 1 8 22 Syndicate Bank 1 1 1 1 23 Uco Bank 1 2 1 4 4 2 6 24 Union Bank of India 3 1 4 4 0 4 25 United Bank 26 Vijaya Bank 1 1 2 1 1


Total Nationalized Banks 6 15 18 39 38 14 53 27 The Catholic Syrian Bank 28 The Fedral Bank Ltd. 29 The ING. Vysya Bank Ltd 30 The J.& K. Bank Ltd. 31 The South Indian Banl Ltd 32 City Union 1 1 1 1 33 Dhan Laxmi Bank 34 Karnataka Bank Ltd 35 Karur Vysya Bank 36 Laxmi Vilas Bank 37 Tamilnadu Mercantile Bank Ltd. 38 Ratanakar Bank 39 The Nainital Bank Ltd. Total Old Private & Sector Banks 0 0 1 1 1 1 40 ICICI Bank Ltd 5 6 3 14 7 4 11 41 HDFC Bank Ltd 3 1 4 4 2 6 42 Indsind Bank Ltd 1 1 1 1 43 Kotak Mahendra Bank Ltd 2 2 1 1 44 Axis Bank Ltd 0 0 1 1 1 4 5 45 YES Bank 1 1 2 0 1 46 Development Credit Bank Total New Private & Sector Banks 5 12 7 24 14 10 25 47 HSBC Banking Corp. 48 City Bank 49 Standard Charted Bank 50 The Bank of Tokyo- Mitsubishi ufj Ltd. Total Overseas Bank 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Commercial Bank 35 40 34 109 91 46 139 51 Baroda Rajasthan Kshetriya Gramin Bank 52 Rajasthan Gramin Bank 87 8 3 98 1 0 1 Total Regional Rural Banks 87 8 3 98 1 0 1 53 Rajasthan State Coop. Bank/DCCBs 12 11 5 28 0 0 0 54 Rajasthan State Land Dev. Bank 3 1 4 0 55 The Urban Cooperative Bank/now 0 5 4 9 0 Finerowth Co -Operative Bank Ltd Total Co-operative Banks Sector 12 19 10 41 0 0 0 56 Rajasthan Financial Corporation 57 Other Bank 58 Other Bank 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grand Total 134 67 47 248 92 46 140


Source : Lead Bank, Pali



TARGET (2014-15) ACHIEVEMENT 15000 18320.1 3900 10898 18900 29218 3081 598 0 18 200 193 22181 30027

3.6.3 PROGRESS DURING 2014-15 UNDER PMEGP AS ON 31-03-2015 TABLE 3.6.3

S.No. Target Appl. Loan Loan Utilization Reject MM Received Sanctioned Disbursed of Marzin Money / in lacs (No.) Return

1. 220 106 78 622 78 655 62 187 28

Source : Lead Bank, Pali 3.6.4 OTHER INSTITUTIONAL NETWORK

jktLFkku foÙk fuxe ikyh }kjk Hkh m|ksx] lsok {ks= esa foÙkh; lqfo/kk,a miyC/k djk;h tk jgh gSA 3.7 EDUCATION FACILITIES / INSTITUTIONS In 2015-16 the number of educational institution in the district was comprising of 2144 primary and middle school, 682 secondary and Sr. secondary school, 14 ITI and 47 professional educational institution, Polytechnic College, degree colleges. (Government & Private). TABLE 3.7 EDUCATIONAL NETWORK IN THE DISTRICT (AS ON 2015-16)

S.No. PARTICULARS GOVT. PRIVATE TOTAL 1. Primary Schools 649 145 794 2. Middle Schools 736 614 1350 3. Secondary Schools 116 149 265 4. Sr. Sec. Schools 342 75 417 5. CBSC - 12 12 6. Colleges (prof. edu. Inst., Polytech. Coll. & 7 22 29 degree colleges.) 7. Technical Collage 25 Source : D.E.O. and Principal Bangur Collage Pali 30

There has been an increase in the number of all types of educational insititutions in the last five years. 3.7.1 SCHOOL, COLLEGE, & I.T.I

(A) TECHNICAL TRAINING (A) POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE: - Following Course are Conducting :- Sr. No. Name & Type of Course Admission Capacity Durations

1 Diploma in Electric Engineering 40 3 Year 2 Diploma in Electronics Engineering 60 3 Year 3 Diploma in Electric Engineering 60 3 Year 4 Diploma in Textile Design Non Eng. 60 3 Year Source : Principal Polytechnic College, Pali (B) INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE (ITI) The ITI in Pali district is imparting in the trades such as electrician, wireman, turner, fitter, diesel mechanic, welding, radio, TV, electronics, Fitter etc. There are 14 ITI training centres in the district. 5 in Govt. Sector & 9 in Pvt. Sector. No. of ITI IN 2015-16 jktdh; vkS/kkfxd izf'k{k.k laLFkku

Ø-la- vkS/kksfxd izf'k{k.k O;olk; dk uke dqy dqy izf'k{k.k ys laLFkku dk uke ;wfuV izf'k{kfFkZ;ksa jgs dh la[;k izf'k{kfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k 1 vkS/kksfxd izf'k{k.k fQVj 2 42 42 laLFkku] ikyh VuZj 2 32 32 bySDVªhf'k;u 2 42 42 eSdsfud Mhty 2 42 42 oSYMj 2 42 42 ok;jeSu 1 21 21 ok;jeSu ,l-,Q-,l 1 21 21 vkj-,-lh 1 26 26 vkj-,-lh ,l-,Q-,l 1 26 26 esdsfud bySDVªksfuDl 1 26 26 esdsfud bySDVªksfuDl 1 26 26 ,l-,Q-,l dksik 1 26 26 dksik ,l -,Q -,l 1 26 26 2 vkS/kksfxd izf'k{k.k oSYMj 1 21 19 laLFkku] lkstr flVh 31

eSdsfud eksVj Oghdy 2 42 38 ok;jeSu 2 42 34 esdsfud bySDVªksfuDl 2 42 34 3 vkS/kksfxd izf'k{k.k eSdsfud eksVj Oghdy 2 42 38 laLFkku]nslqjh] ftyk ikyh ok;jeSu 2 42 34 esdsfud bySDVªksfuDl 2 42 6 4 vkS/kksfxd izf'k{k.k fQVj 1 26 22 laLFkku]Qkyuk ftyk]ikyh fQVj ,l -,Q -,l 1 26 22 dksik 1 26 17 oSYMj 1 26 18 dkjisUVj 1 26 0 5 vkS/kksfxd izf'k{k.k fQVj 2 42 21 laLFkku] tSrkj.k] ftyk eSdsfud Mhty 2 42 42 ikyh ok;jeSu 2 42 38 dksik 2 52 52 vkbZ-,.M lh -Vh -,l -- ,e 2 52 52 vkj-,-lh 2 52 52 bySDVªhf'k;u 2 42 42 dqy ;ksx%& 999 823 futh vkS/kkfxd izf'k{k.k laLFkku Ø- vkS/kksfxd izf'k{k.k laLFkku O;olk; dk uke dqy izf'k{k.k ys la- dk uke izf'k{kfFkZ;ksa jgs dh la[;k izf'k{kfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k 1 ,p-ds-gkbZ Vsd izk- vkbZVh-vkbZ bySDVªhf'k;u 252 168 flUn:]lqesjiqj 2 vkfnR;k izk- vkbZ-Vh-vkbZ ikyh bySDVªhf'k;u 126 115

3 vkbZlkSu izk- vkbZ-Vh-vkbZ-]ikyh bySDVªhf'k;u 126 49

4 —".kk izk- vkbZVh-vkbZ] ikyh bySDVªhf'k;u 126 69 5 laLdkj izk- vkbZVh-vkbZ] jk;iqj] bySDVªhf'k;u 84 83 ftyk ikyh fQVj 42 0 6 vkpk;kZ egkJo.k izk vkbZVh-vkbZ bySDVªhf'k;u 63 30 jk.kkokl] ftyk ikyh fQVj 63 30 7 Kku xaaxk izk- vkbZ-Vh-vkbZ- bySDVªhf'k;u 21 21 vEcwtk lhezsUV] ckywiqjk] ftyk eSdsfud Mhty 63 63 ikyh gsYFk ,.M lSusVjh 52 52 8 ckykth izk - vkbZ-Vh -vkbZ-] lkstr bySDVªhf'k;u 21 21 flVh] ftyk ikyh 9 lkbZ ukFk izk - vkbZ-Vh -vkbZ] bySDVªhf'k;u 252 187 tSrkj.k] ftyk ikyh dqy ;ksx%& 1396 1028


egk ;ksx%& 23395 1851

Source : Superitendent I.T.I. Pali


Table 3.8 Network of Medical And Public health Centres In The District (As on 31 March 2016)

S.No. Particulars Nos.

1 District Hospital (Pali) 1

2 Subg District Hospital (Sojat) 1

3 Community Health Centers 21

4 Aid Post -

5 Upgraded Sub Centres -

6 Sub Centers 488

7 Primary Health Centers 83

8 Urban Family Planning Centers -

9 Referral Hospital -

Sourch : C.M.H.O. Pali


An office of district industrial Centres is also located in the district in the Mandia

Road Industrial Area. Pali and a Sub Centre is located on Jadri Road at Falna. Above office

communication numbers are follows 0932230213 (pali) 02932-233406 ( Falna)


3.9.1 There are 16 industrial area under RIICO and Three are in Private Sectors in at Pali, Sojat, Marwar Jn., Pipalia kalan and Sumerpu. Rani, Falna, Bar Saradhana as per details in table 3.9.1 below : TABLE 3.9.1 DETAILED STATEMENT SHOWING THE PROGRESS OF INDUSTRIAL AREA / ESTATE OF RIICO LTD. (AS ON 31 ST MARCH 2016) Sr Name of Ind. Land Land Saleble Rate Planned Developed Allotted Can/Surr. Vacant Constructi Production Under . Area Acquir Devlop Sqm. (During the on Dispute Remarks ed ed Month) Plots Area Plots Area Plots Grou Area Plots Area Plots Area Plots Unit Plots Units Plot Area s s p 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 Pali Phase I 19.90 19.90 15.53 2000 71 15.53 71 15.53 71 52 15.53 - - 0 0.00 0 - 70 51 4* 1.52 This land of 1.52 Area is under Encroachment by colony of Nagaar Parishad 2 Pali Phase II 78.80 78.80 68.60 2000 124 68.6 124 68.6 124 93 68.60 - - 0 0.00 0 - 124 93 0 - 3 Mandia Road 347.49 347.49 268.25 3000 522 268.25 522 268.25 521 464 268.12 - - 1 0.13 0 - 521 462 0 - 132.00 132.00 73.73 2000 210 73.73 210 73.73 197 130 64.47 - - 13 9.26 12.65 Acre Land transffered to 4 Pali Phase IV 13 10 160 105 4* 1.04 Nagar Parisad, Pali so the net land available is 144.65 -12.65 =132.00 Acre 5 Sojat City 11.70 11.70 10.56 1200 40 10.56 40 10.56 40 26 10.56 - - 0 0.00 - - 40 26 0 - Phase I/II 58.60 58.60 40.34 1200 135 40.34 135. 40.34 127 109 37.72 - - 8 2.62 This land of 4.12 acre is under 6 Sojat Phase 0 - 124 104 8 4.12 encroachment which is inclusive of III Road area plot & open area by outsider encroachee and some relogious

7 Marwar 10.41 10.41 7.30 500 40 7.30 40 7.30 40 33 7.30 - - 0 0.00 4 4 34 27 0 - Junction 64.40 64.40 43.69 750 150 44.32 150 44.32 137 101 41.33 - - 13 2.36 There are 13 vacant plots but this no 8 Sumerpur 4 3 114 79 10 1.34 may change upon replaning after getting the areas boundary demarcated by Revenue Authories 5.25 - 4.23 - 10 4.23 - - 9 9 3.81 - - 1 0.42 This 1 No. vacant Industrial Shed 9 Pipliya Kalan 0 - 9 9 0 - can be allotted only after mutation of land in favour of RIICO. 10 Ind. Estate 4.67 4.67 2.21 2000 38 2.21 38 2.21 38 24 2.21 - - 0 0.00 0 - 38 24 0 - Pali 11 Ind. Estate 26.04 26.04 21.78 1000 70 21.78 70 21.78 70 51 21.78 - - 0 0.00 - - 70 51 0 - Sumerpur 12 Ind. Area Bar 44.02 - 16.44 200 46 16.44 - - 43 43 15.63 - - 03 0.81 2 2 8 8 Undev 13 Falna – Zadri 127.45 127.45 60.01 400 308 60.01 308 60.01 195 180 47.62 - - 113 12.39 8 8 5 5 0 - Under Dev.

Land alloted to RIICO was 181.20 Acre but 14 Punayata, Pali 228.04 228.04 139.03 3000 334 139.40 334 139.40 271 245 118.94 - - 63 20.46 31 25 239 211 0 - land under scheme is 228.04 are which is completely under physical possession of RIICO and figure of total saleable Ind. Land i.e. 139.03 acre is inclusive of industrial plots & allotement to JVVNL only 15 Naya Goan, 274.41 274.41 162.10 1200 511 162.84 511 162.84 165 165 37.31 1 0.062 346 124.79 - - - - 0 - Pali

Total 2308.41 1383.91 1809.40 2610 1810.77 2553 914.87 2049 1726 1636.16 1 0.06 561 173.24 62 52 1557 1256 26 8.02 Source:- R. M. RICCO LTD. PALI 34

Table 3.9.2 Co-Operative Sector Industrial Area

Sr Name of Ind. Area Land Planned Allotted Vacant Rate . Acquired Plots Area Plots Area Plots Area Sqm. 1 Harish Chandra Mathur, Industrial - 169 - 134 - 35 - - Estate, Falna 2 Co-operative Society, Rani - 50 - 50 - - - - 3 Laxmi Industrial Estate Co- - 72 - 72 - - - - operative Society Ltd., Jawadia Total - 291 - 256 - 35 - - It would also be seen that plots at Pali in phase I and III, Sojat I and at Marwar Jn. Are almost fully allotted phase IV of Pali is developed. Maximum concentration of units is at Pali and Sojat. Besides RIICO industrial areas, there are industrial estate at Falna and Rani. In Falna one joint stock company had build sheds. The estate was assisted by the Life Insurance Corporation of India and the state government. At Rani and Jawaria the industrial estate has been organized on cooperative basis. 3.9.3 NEXTZEN TEXTILE PARK (P) LIMITED We have set up integrated Textile Park at sardar samand Road, Pali (Raj.) under the scheme of integrated Park of Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of india. The total land area is 235 bighas and there will be 52 planned textile & processing units. As pali is a hub of printing & Proceessing industries, so as to cater to such industries in eco friendly way, we have devlop & constructed a state of zero liquid discharge (ZLD) common Effluent Treatment palnt, CTEP, with Reverse Osmosis & Multi effect evaporating system (MEE), with 95% recycling of water & effluent. To save every drop of precious water, we are developing & constructing a huge Rain Water Harvesting System to collect,save & store the rain water of the entire park. To tap the unlimited & abundant solar Energy, the park has installed a 500 KWA solar power system Progress of Units at a Glance Total No. Units at Textile park 52 Total No. allotted Units at Textile park 52 Civil & Construction Work almost Completed 16 Trial Production Underway 16 Civil & Construction Work in Progress 13 Vacant Plaots 23




The area constituting present Pali district has been known for a number of industries, Though the chief occupation of the people has been agriculture and pasture, various industries flourished as traditional crafts. These not only met the small requirement of the average cultivator, but also provided means of livelihood to the artisans. Pali was best known for weaving of coarse cottonj and woolen cloth, made mostly from locally produced fiber and dyeing and printing cotton fibers also developed in Pali, Pali prints found their market extending well beyond the boundaries of the them Marwar State the dying and printing of cotton fabrics constituted a highly specialized industry and the dyers and printers thrived in consequence of their ability to gratify the love of colour or rather the well designed combination of colour which were very popular among either sex in Rajputana. Turbans for men and scarves for women were dyed and prepared with much labour by Chandwas and Khattris and an embroidered silk knitted thread for wearing on the turban by patwas (for pat meaning silk) Bagri in Sojat Pargana had lacqueware as its special product while ivory turming was pusued in Pali.

Other important industries were the addle and bride industries of Sojat and marble articles manufacturing in all the parts. Through these industries were purchased mainly as cotton crafts severa industrial units has been established during the first quarter of the present century which employed steam power and small machine also. The state helped in the development of the small and cottage industries, textile, lacquenware, leather goods, wood work, pulp and paper work, metalware, cutlery, oils and scent were the industries which developed with the state patronage. A state run tannery was started in 1897 at Pali, but was closed down in 1904. Two private wool and cotton presses were established at pali. Beside these the traditional arts of the weaver, the potter and blacksmith and the shoemaker etc. satisfied need throughout area.

Pali has a good mineral reSource also & slowly mineral based industries are being developed here. Ambuja cement (Previously D.L.F.) and Ras Cement unit of Shri Cement has come up in Jaitaran Tehsil due to abundance of Limestone in the region. Lime, Hydrated line, granite, stone cutting & polishing stone crusher and mineral grinding industries graph rising here The world fame Mehandi Udhyog in Sojat, Umbrella & Electronics in Falna, Textile, Bangles, Guargm in Pali, Agriculture implements in Rani, Aluminium Foils in Pipaliya, are the products which have made their mark in the world of industry.


4.1.1 LARGE AND MEDIUM SCALE INDUSTRIES There are Nine industrial units in the district which falls in the large and medium sector. M/s Maharaja Shree Umaid mills is in the large sector units are M/s P.G. Foils Ltd., M/s Shivagrico implements Ltd. Maharaja Shree Umaid Mill is located at Pali. It entered its production in the year 1941. The production of the mills is synthetic blanded yarn cotton fabrics. The other units M/s P.G. Foils Ltd. Is manufacturing Aluminium foils. There are only four such units in the country. M/s Shivagrico Implements Ltd. Is producting agriculture implements. M/s Shree Cement (Unit Ras Cement Project) Ras Teh. Jaitaran, M/s. Ambuja Cement Ltd. Rabariwas, tehsil jaitaran And Shidhi Vinayak Pvt.Ltd. Nibol Teh. Jaitaran is producing cement. M/s HOTEL MANA ( A UNITE OF SHEEVAM COMFORT HOTEL PVT.LTD.) RANAKPUR ROAD SADARI DISTT. PALI it is the large unit in the district. M/s Sarda Bio Polymers Pvt. Ldt. Pali is Production Gwar Gum Powder And M/s Total Oil India Pvt.Ltd. At Singari Tehsil Rohat is Production PMB CRMB And Bitumen Emulsion it is the medium sector unit in the district. LIST OF LARGE AND MEDIUM SCALE INDUSTRIES AS ON 31-03-2016 S. Name & Address of The Unit Contract Person & Phone Name of Product Installed Date of Pro. Gross Capital Investment Emp Production During GOI GOR MNC Present Position No. No. Capacity (with (IN CRORE RS. In (Nos.) P2014-15 (Govt. (Govt. of (Multi inoperation / Unit) carore) of Rajasthan) National Closed (if ,closed, Per Annum Quantity Value India) Company) since with) Fixed Worki (Rs. In ng Crore) District Pali 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 M/S AMBUJA CEMENT LTD. V&P RAJESH KOTHARI CEMENT 2.60 mil. MT 01-04-1996 1173.77 46.11q 697 2220428 610.95 - - - Running RABRIYAWAS THE. JETARAN DISTT. 02939-288011-17 PALI 306709 2 M/s Sidhi Vinayak Pvt. Ltd.Village Nimbol, Sh. Bharat Mehta Cement 2280000 12/11/2014 1474.51 66.66 594 1284743 352.92 - - - Running Tehsil Jaitaran 9188750304 M.TON 3 M/S TOTAL OIL INDIA PVT.LTD. VILL. SH. BHART SINGH PMB/CRMB 60000MT 18-10-2008 8.92 90.56 15 3035 16.69 - - YES Running SINGARI THE. ROHAT DISTT.PALI SR.MANEGER PLANT BITUMEN 1860.06 6.62 - - YES 02936-268284, 268287 EMULSION 4 M/s PG Foils ltd. Post-Pipaliyakala Teh.- Sh. Pankah P Shah MD Aluminums Foils 10500 MT 28.09-80 78.00 24.05 443 6860.93 169.26 NA NA NA Running Raipur 02937-287151 Distt. – Pali 5 MaharajaShree Ummed Mills ltd, Dr. RAJENDRA 1. Fabric 40040000 MTR 1941 500.02 7.26 3299 30655000 568.82 - - - Running JodhpurRoad, Pali (Raj.) KAUSHI VP (HR & IR) 25480 MT MTRS & Sh. K.B. Dhoot 2. Yarn 21452 Tonn 02932 -220286 6 Sarda Bio Polymers Pvt. Ltd., H1-105 to Sh. Pankaj Sarda Gwargum Powder 6000MT 22-05-2014 9.86 5.50 18 27.17 - - - - Running 112, Industrial Area, IVth Phase Pali 982902001 7 Shiv Agrico Implements Ltd. Shri Vimal Chand M. Rolling Products 24600 MT 1971 1880.60 69.75 225 230045 255.43 - - - Running A-38 H.N. Nagar Falna – 306116 Jain(Director) Forging Products NO. Distt.-Pali (Raj.) Shri Hemant Ranawat Fabrication 13900 MT (Executive Director) Products 1965 2338.260 022-23893022 MT 02938-233126 6000MT 4818.225

8. Shree Cement Ltd. Unit Ras Bangur Nagar Shri S.S. Khandewal Cement 7000000MT U-III-Feb 06 2931.19 - 1742 5800334MT - - - - Running P.B.No. – 33 Beawar- 306107 (Company Sectory) Clinker 10600000 U-IV-Mar 07 MT 01462-228101-06 U-V-Sept 07 MT U-VI-Mar 08 U-VII-Mar 09 9. HOTEL MANA ( A UNITE OF SHEEVAM _ HOTEL AND N.A. 06.11.2011 25.91 0.25 36 N.A. N.A. - Running COMFORT HOTEL PVT.LTD.) RESURENT RANAKPUR ROAD SADARI DISTT. PALI Source : DIC. Pali 37

4.1.2 Pollution Control Measures Para 4.1.1 of the above survey forwarded by this office may kindly be replaced by the following: With the constant efforts of the State Pollution Control Board, As according to survey during Sept. 2015, there are a 550 small scale textile processing water polluting operational units in pali in clusters. The trade effluent arising from these units contains high value of pH, TSS, COD& Oil GReas, Colour, The trade effluent, thus needs proper treatment before discharge so that it is brought in conformity to the prescribed standars. These units being small and in cluster do not have their individual Effluent Treatment plant (ETP). Nonethless, the trade effluent plants (CETPs) set up at pali. The textile processing units at pali have provided Six CETPs, collectively, for the treatment of 5.2 MLD of trade effluent. Another CETP at Mandia Road Industrial Area, Pali was also set up in the year 1997 with the treatment capacity of 8.4 MLD. The textile processing units capacity of 9.08 MLD. In addition to this CETP Plant no IV has been commissioned by the CETP Trust located at Punayata Industrial Area, Pali in the year 2009 having treatment capcity 12MLD. Beside the above CETPs, one no of CETP named CETP plant no.-6 has been commissioned at punayata Road, pali having treatment capacity of 12MLD and one no. of CETP named CETP plant no- 5 is under construction at Mandia Road Industrial Area, Pali having treatment capacity of 12MLD

At present out of these 06 nos. of CETP, 01 no. of CETP plant no-V is under construction and CETP no. 1 & CETP no. 03 are under shut down mode presently. Presently 03 nos. of CETP plants(s) II,IV& VI are operational having total capacity of 32.40 MLD. The Board had taken various steps to control the problem like, rotational closure of the unit, operation of the plant with 50% capacity to ensure to proper treatment of waste water up to the conforming limit of the prescribed standards. Details of CETPs are as under:-

Sr CETP situated at location Year of Capacity Project Consent Consent Source of Treatment . Commissioning Cost Issued on Status Air Type N Year Pollution 1.o Pali Water Pollution 1983 upgraded 5.2 MLD 2.79 29-04-2014 31-03-2017 D.G. Set Physico Control & Research in April 2007 Crore (320 KVA) Chemical Foundation Trust, Mandia followed Road (CETP -I), Pali by ASP 2. Pali Water Pollution 1997 upgraded 8.4 7.46 29-04-2014 31-03-2017 D.G. Set Control & Research in April 2007 MLD Crore (600 KVA) Foundation Trust, Mandia Road (CETP -II) Pali 3. Pali Water Pollution 1999 upgraded 9.08 8.05 07-04-2014 31-03-2017 D.G. Set Control & Research in April 2007 MLD Crore (600 KVA) Foundation Trust, Mandia Road (CETP -III) Pali 4. Pali Water Pollution Dec. 2009 12 MLD 11.75 07-04-2014 31-03-2017 D.G. Set Control & Research Crore (600 KVA) Foundation Trust, Mandia Road (CETP -IV) Pali 5 Pali Water Pollution Under 12 MLD 15.1 19-10-2011 31-03-2013 D.G. Set Control & Research Constrcution Carore Foundation Trust, Mandia Road (CETP -V) Pali 6 Pali Water Pollution 2015 (Under 12 MLD 26.0 23-03-2015 31-01-2018 D.G. Set SBR Control & Research Commosioning) Carore (600 Foundation Trust, KVAx02/C Punayata Road (CETP- TE VI) Pali Granted)


Source :- R.P.C.B. Pali After construction of these plants the total recurring charges for operation of CETP are being born by the industries itself. The management of these plant are under the direct control & supervision of the chairman of the trust.


There was total 16601 SSI, MSME, Artisan and Udhyog Adhar are registered in the DIC employing about 63,736 persons with total investment of Rs. 53,186.40 lacs as on 31 st March 2016. These includes units for textile printing and dyeing and manufacturing of transistors, umbrellas, steel furniture, Disc Agg. Imp, Heena, Food products, Chemical grinding units artisan etc. The details of the units are given at Table no. 4.1. 4.1.4 TEXTILE DYEING AND PRINTING

Textile dyeing, printing, bleaching and processing is the most prominent industry of the district. This is a traditional industry and has come up at Pali due to availability of Cheap and skilled dyers in large number. It is said that one of the reasons for concentration of these units in Pali is that the water in this place has some ingredient to help in good color matching. And good quality maintan, Dyed & Printed Cloths marketed in all states of India From Pali. 4.1.5 MEHANDI

Sojat tehsil in the district is famous for production for mehandi. The main reason for its concentration in this area is the soil and cultivation. There are 125 units with an investment of about Rs. 2900.70 lacs and 875 Employment. Aprox. Manufacture of mehandi which is sold throughout the country.


A number of units have come up in Rani, Sumerpur and Falna for furniture. Steel cots, chair manufacturing and agricultural implements i.e. Pickaxe, Showels and spade are supplied throughout India and are exported to Dubai, Jordan, USA. 4.1.7


In the district Limestone is found in Sojat, Raipur and Jaitaran Tehsills. So maximum lime stone units are concentrated here. They are producing lime and hydrated lime. The lime stone is mostly consumed in the district. It is also sent to Gujrat and Madhya Pradesh.

4.1.8 The break-up of exiting SSI and MSME and Udhyog Adhar registered with the district industries given in Table Below: TABLE GROUPWISE DETAILS OF SSI AND MSME REGISTERED UNITS UPTO 31-03-2016 Sr. Industrial Category NIC Number Fixed Employment Code of Units Investmen in No. 2004 (Rs. In lacs) 1. Agro based Industries 15 1472 5421.93 4757 2. Beverages & Tobacco based 16 2 9 15 Industry 3. Textile Industries 17-18 2248 18184.01 15930 4. Handloom 17 236 70.62 473 5. Leather Based 19 3532 268.77 8030 6. Wooden based 20 995 546.02 2854 7. Paper based 21 27 615.6 162 8. Rubber Plastic Petroleum & 24 370 3071.02 1830 Chemical Based 25 9. Mineral Based 26 1654 6750.74 8511 10. Basic Metal and Non-ferrous 27 1061 3708.61 4653 Metal based & Fabricated Metal 28 Products 11. Machinery and Machine Tools 29 21 187.84 146 Based 12. Electrical Industry/Machinery 31 37 1131.32 505 Appliances 13. Transport & Equipment and Part 35 0 0 0 14. Misc. Mfg. Industries - 2648 11117.5 8918 15 Service & Repairing & Alls. Type 50 ls 99 2298 2103.42 6952 rd Total 16601 53186.40 63736

Source : - DIC – Pali

4.2 Artisan Unit status Local cottage craft traditionally practiced by artisans in the district are described below.



Wood work is also practiced by the carpenters (Khati) community mostly as a family craft, through small furniture workshops have also copped up in towns and bigger villages manufacturing common articles like tables, chairs, teapots cup-boards, sine boards etc. At Bagri, handicraft of a very high order are manufactured which have been found suitable for export to foreign countries.


The items manufactured are ordinary and / western type of shoes and Jodhpuri juties which have reputations for workmanship. Embroidered Juties with rich ornamentations with gold and silver thread are also sometime manufactured. Skilled artisans manufacturing articles for export outside the district are concentrated at Sojat, Sojat Road, Pali, Bagri, Gadwara, Gundoj, Jaitaran, Raipur, Giri Jojawar, Auwa etc.

4.2.3 SMITHY

Gold and silver is essential a hereditary craft of the Sunar community. Blacksmith again is a hereditary trade of the Lohars. Gadolia Lohars keep moving from place to place to place in search of work and shelter. They commonly prepare buckets and utensils like Chalinies, Tavas, Kadais etc.


Other artisans units in the district produce ivory goods, pottery, tanned leather, handloom fabrics, soap, basket, plough and mudhas Aari-Taari work.


Sojat tehsills is famous for the preparation of Mehndi which is even exported to other countries. A few of the units in Falna export established in Rani, Sumerpur and Falna export agriculture equipments like Pickaxe Spade etc. Similarly guar gum, Aluminium foils, cables and conductors, food products are also exported to France, Turky, Japan, Oman Naiziria, Dubai U.S.A.



1. Embroidereds and Crocheted Dhakri, Kherwa, Banta, goods Jojawar (AARI TAARI WORK)


2. Leather Crafts Jojawar, Banta, Gadwara, (Leather Juti, Lether Auwa, Raipur, Sojat Road, Embroidery) Sojat City, Jaitaran, Gundoj, Takhatgarh. 3. Carpet and other floor coverings Diwandi

4. Wooden Handicrafts Koliwara, Bagri Nagar

5. Handloom weaving crafts, Sojat, Bilawas, Bagri Nagar (Khes, Twal, Pattu, Gamchha)


Chapter –V

5.1 FACILITIES OF STATE GOVT. & CENTRAL GOVT.TO THE INDUSTRIES Presently the state Govt. / Central Govt. is providing the following facilities to the industrial units. fuos'kdksa ds fy;s flaxy fo.Mks

& ljy ikjn’khZ Rofjr &

jktLFkku flaxy fo.Mks ,uscfyax ,.M Dyh;jsal ,DV & 20112011 ftys esa 1 fnlEcj 2011 ls ` 1 djksM+ ls 10 djksM+ ds fuos’k ds fy;s Hkh ykxw

 1 djksM+ ls vf/kd ds fuos’k izLrko gsrq vf/kfu;e ds izko/kku vc ftys esa ykxwA  izLrkoksa ij Lohd`fr;kW fu/kkZfjr le; vof/k esa iznku djus dh lqfo/kkA

 lacf/kr vf/kdkjh ds fu/kkZfjr le; vof/k esa fu.kZ; ugh ysus ij ` 1 djksM+ ls 10 djksM+ ds fuos’k izLRkko ij ftyk l{ke lfefr }kjk fu.kZ;A  bPNqd fuos’kd vius vkosnu i=@izLrko dgh ls Hkh bySDVªkfud QkWjesV esa vkWu ykbu izLrqr dj ldrs gSaA  fuos’kd dks vkonsu i= ds lkFk okafNr nLrkostksa dks Lo&izek.khdj.k djus dh lqfo/kkA  vf/klwfpr foHkkxksa ds vkonsu i= vkWuykbu miyC/kA  layXu fd;s tkus okys nLrkostksa dh pSd fyLV vkWuykbu miyC/kA  vkosnu dh vkWuykbu Vªsfdax lqfo/kkA


 fuos’kd vkosnu i= ij fy;s x;s fu.kZ; ls larq"V ugh gksus ij 30 fnu ds vUnj vihy izLrqr dj ldrk gSA leLr fuos’k IkzLrkoksa gsrq fuos’kd vkWuykbu www.swcs.rajasthan.gov.in ij vkosnu dj ldrs gSA

5-1-2 lw{e&y?kq&e/;e fodkl vf/kfu;e&2006 m|eksa dk oxhZdj.k bl izdkj fd;k x;k gS & Ø-la- Js.kh Iyk.V ,oa e’khujh esa fofu;kstu 1 lw{e lsok m|e 10 yk[k rd 2 lw{e fuekZ.k m|e 25 yk[k rd 3 y?kq lsok m|e 10 yk[k ls 2 djksM+ rd 4 y?kq fuekZ.k m|e 25 yk[k ls 5 djksM+ rd 5 e/;e lsok m|e 2 djksM+ ls 5 djksM+ rd 6 e/;e fuekZ.k m|e 5 djksM+ ls 10 djksM+ rd

lq{e% y?kq vkSj e/;e m|e

Hkkjr ljdkj dh vf/klwpuk fnukad 18-09-2015 ls m|ksxks ds

iathdj.k esa ljyhdj.k djrs gq, vkWuykbZu ßm|ksx vk/kkj ß tkjh fd;s


m|eh }kjk osclkbZV http://udhyogaadhar.gov.in



vk/kkj vkWu ykbZu QkbZy djus ij m|ksx vkk/kj Kkiu ikorh l`thr

dh tk ldsxhA lkFk gh mDr m|ksx vk/kkj Kkiu orZeku esa LFkkfir

m|ksx dks gh izkIr fd;k tkuk vko';d gSA

555-5---1111----33 jktLFkku fuos'k lao/kZu ;kstuk 2014 ] (2014 RIPS) jkT; esa u;s fuos'k izksRlkgu ,oa vfrfjDr jkstxkj l`tu gsrq jktLFkku fuos'k izksRlkgu ;kstuk 2014 [Rajasthan Investment Promotion Scheme - 2014 (RIPS - 2014)], bl ;kstuk ds eq[; fcUnq fuEukuqlkj gS%&

(i) ;kstuk vkns'k tkjh gksus dh fnukad 08@10@2014 ls 31@03@2019 rd izHkkoh gS (ii) ;kstuk ds vUrxZr u;s m|e dh LFkkiuk ;k fo|eku m|e ds foLRkkj ds fy, fd;s tkus okys uohu fuos'k ij izksRlkgu fn;k x;k gSA (iii) ;kstuk ds vUrxZr fofuek.kZ djus okyh bdkbZ;ksa dks lkekU;r% fuEu ykHk miyC/k gksaxs& • 30 izfr'kr fuos'k vuqnku ¼tek djk;s x;s oSV ,oa lh,lVh dk ½ • 20 izfr'kr rd jkstxkj l`tu vuqnku ¼tek djk;s x;s oSV ,oa lh,lVh dk ½ • 50 izfr'kr fo|qr 'kqYd esa NwV • 50 izfr'kr eaMh 'kqYd esa NwV • 50 izfr'kr Hkwfe dj 'kqYd esa NwV • 50 izfr'kr LVkEi M~;wVh esa NwV • 50 izfr'kr Hkw &:ikUrj.k 'kqYd esa NwV (iv) fofufnZ"V lsokvksa] ftuesa izkjEHk esa LokLF;] f'k{kk] dkS'ky fodkl] vkS|kssfxd ikdksZ ds fodkl] gksVy o euksjatu lacaf/k lsokvksa ds m|e lfEefyr gS] dks ;kstuk ds vUrxZr lkekU;r% fuEu ykHk miyC/k gksaxs%& • 50 izfr'kr rd iwathxr eky ds Ø; ij pqdk;s x;s oSV dk iquZHkj.k ¼gksVy ,oa ykWftax ds fy, 25 izfr'kr NwV½


• 50 izfr'kr rd fo|qr 'kqYd esa NwV ¼gksVy ,oa ykWftax ds fy, 25 izfr'kr NwV½ • 50 izfr'kr euksjatu dj esa NwV • 100 izfr'kr foyklrk dj esa NwV • 50 izfr'kr Hkwfe dj esa NwV • 50 izfr'kr LVkEi M~;wVh esa NwV • 50 izfr'kr Hkw &:ikUrj.k 'kqYd esa NwV (v) jkstxkj l`tu vuqnku dh jkf'k efgyk@,llh@,lVh@'kkjhfjd :Ik ls v{ke O;fDr;ksa ds fy, 30 gtkj rFkk vU; ds fy, 25 gtkj izfr o"kZ gksxhA bl jkf'k esa izfr o"kZ 5 izfr'kr o`f) gksxhA (vi) efgyk@,llh@,lVh@'kkjhfjd :Ik ls v{ke m|fe;ksa ds fy, nl izfr'kr vfrfjDr fuos'k vuqnku iznku fd;k x;k gSA rFkk lsok {ks= ds m|fe;ksa ds fy, iwathxr eky ds Ø; ij pqdk;s x;s oSV dk 10izfr'kr vfrfjDr iquHkZj.k dk ykHk fn;k x;k gSA (vii) fiNM+s {ks= esa LFkkfir gksus okys lsok {ks= ds m|e dks iwathxr eky ds Ø; ij pqdk;s x;s oSV dk 10 izfr'kr vfrfjDr iquHkZj.k dk ykHk fn;k x;k gSA (viii) vfr fiNM+s {ks= eas LFkkfir gksus okys fofuekZrk m|eksa ¼lhesUV dks NksM+dj½ dks 20 izfr'kr vfrfjDr fuos'k vuqnku fn;k x;k gS rFkk ,sls {ks=ksa esa LFkkfir gksus okys lsok {ks= ds m|e dks iwath xr eky ds Ø; ij pqdk;s x;s oSV dk 20 izfr'kr vfrfjDr iquHkZj.k dk ykHk fn;k x;k gSA fuEu fof'k"V {ks=ksa ¼ Thrust Sectors ½ ds fy,s Hkh vf/kd vuqnku ds izko/kku fd;s x;s gSa%& • lsjsfed vkSj Xykl {ks= • Ms;jh {ks= • bysDVªksfud flLVe fMtkbu ,.M eSU;qQsDpfjax ¼ ESDM ½ {ks= • b.MfLVª;y xSl {ks= • QkekZfLVdy {ks= • ikojywe {ks= • IykfLVd ls iSVªksy fofuekZ.k {ks=


• VSDlVkbZy • Ik;ZVu {ks= • fMQsUl lsDVj • dksVk LVksu ekcZy ,.M xzsukbZV lsDVj • vkbZ-Vh- lsDVj (ix) lhesUV bdkbZ;ksa dks NksM+dj :- 500 djksM+ ls vf/kd ls vf/kd fuos'k ;k 500 O;fDr;ksa ls vf/kd jkstxkj nsus okys m |ksxkssa vFkok 100 djksM+ ls vf/kd fof'k"V [kfut vk/kkfjr m |ksxkssa ds fy, dLVekbTM iSdst jkT; ljdkj }kjk jkT; l'kDr lfefr dh vfHk'ak"kk ds vk/kkj ij fn;s tkus dh O;oLFkk dh x;h gSA (x) lkekU;r;k ;kstuk ds vUrxZr ykHk 7 o"kZ ds fy, ns; gS ijUrq jkT; ljdkj }kjk vf/klwfpr fd;s tkus okys fiNM+s ,oa vfr fiNM+s {ks=ksa ds fy, ykHk 10 o"kZ ds fy;s ns; gksxkA (xi) ;kstuk esa bZa& xousZal ds izko/kku Hkh fd;s x;s gSaA fnukad 01-04-2016 ls m|fe dks www.rips.grnarsoft.com ij online vkosnu izLrqr djuk gksxkA (xii) ;g Hkh izko/kku fd;s x;s gSa fd ;kstuk ds vUrxZr ykHk izkIRk djus okys m|eh dks jkT; esa fd;s x;s lHkh fuos'kksa ls tfur ykHk ds vuqikr esa dkiksZjsV lks'ky jsliksfUlfcfyVh ¼ CSR ½ ds fy, fpfUgr dks"k esa ls jkT; esa ykHk izkIr djus dh vof/k esa O;; djuk gksxkA (xiii) ;kstuk ds vUrxZr] m|e dks dsUnzh;@jktLFkku jkT; iznw"k.k fu;U=.k e.My dh consent to operate ¼ftu m |ksxkssa ds fy, vko';d gks½ ds izHkkoh jgus dh vof/k esa gh ykHkkfUor fd;k tk;sxkA (xiv) ;kstuk ds vUrxZr vuqnku dh vf/kdre lhek " ik= LFkk;h iwath fuos'k " ¼EFCI ½ ds cjkcj gksxhA (xv) fuEu m |ksxks dks ;kstuk dh ik=rk ls ckgj j[kk x;k gS%& 1) rEckdw mRikn] tnkZ;qDr iku elkyk vkSj xqV[kk fofuek.kZ djus okys m |eA 2) vkW;y fjQkbujh okys lkWYosaV ,DVªsD'ku IykaV dks NksM+dj [kk| 47

rsy fofuekZ.k djus okys m |eA 3) efnjk vkSj ch;j fofuekZ.k ,oa cksVfyax djus okys m|eA 4) efnjk vkSj ch;j dh cksVfyax djus okys m|e ;k ikuh ;k ,fj;sVsM fMªad dh cksVfyax@iSdsftax djus okys m|eA 5) 5 izfr'kr rd oSV nj okyh oLrqvksa dk fofuekZ.k djus okys m|e] ftUgs jkT; ljdkj }kjk fofufnZ"V fd;k tk;sA ijUrq vfr fiNM+k {ks= esa 250 djksM+ ls vf/kd fuos'k djus ,oa mDr oLrqvksa ¼Ø-la- ¼1½ ,oa ¼4½ dks NksM+dj½ dk fofuekZ.k djus okys izFke m|e dks ik= ekuk tk;sxkA (xvi) ;g ;kstuk vkns'k tkjh gksus dh frfFk 31-03-2019 rd izorZu esa jgsxhA

5-1-4 (A) iz/kkuea=h jkstxkj l`tu dk;ZØe %& lw{e m|e Js.kh esa jkstxkj l`tu dh n`f"V ls foRr iznku djus gsrq mDr ;kstuk dk lapkyu 2008&09 ls fd;k tk jgk gSA ;kstuk ds rgr fuekZ.k gsrq vf/kdre 25 yk[k :i;s rFkk lsok dk;kZs gsrq vf/kdre 10 yk[k :i;s dk _.k dk izko/kku gSA mDr _.k ij xzkeh.k ,oa 'kgjh {ks=ksa rFkk vkjf{kr@ vukjf{kr Js.kh ds vkosndksa ds vuq:i vyx&vyx vuqnku fn;s tkus dk izko/kku gSA ;kstuk gsrq 18 o"kZ ls vf/kd vk;q dk dksbZ Hkh Hkkjrh; ukxfjd vkosnu dj ldrk gSA _.k [kknh cksMZ@[kknh vk;ksx rFkk ftyk m|ksx dsUnz ds ek/;e ls okf.kfT;d cSadks }kjk iznku fd;s tkrs gSA ;g ;kstuk vc vkWuykbZu dj nh xbZ gSA bl ;kstuk es _.k ysus okys vH;FkhZ viuk vkosnu i= vkWuykbZu ij gh HkjsaxsA ftldh osclkbZV ¼ http://kviconline.gov.in/pmegpeportal ½ (B) Hkkek'kkg jkstxkj l`tu ;kstuk Hkkek'kkg jkstxkj l`tu ;kstuk ds vUrxZr iathd`r ;qokvksa }kjk m|ksx]lsok ,ao O;kikj ds vUrxZr Loa; dk jkstxkj LFkkfir djus gsrq csgrjhu volj A 1½ ;kstuk ds vUrxZr ik=rk  vkosnd jktLFkku jkT; dk fuoklh gks  Hkkek'kkg dkM+Z /kkjh gksuk vko';d gSA


 vkosnd dh U;wure vk;q 18 o"kZ ,ao vf/kdre 50 o"kZ gksA  vkosnd ds ifjokj esa dksbZ Hkh lnL; dsUnzh;@jktdh; jkstxkj ewyd vuqnku ;kstuk ds foxr 5 o"kksZ esa YkkHkkfUor u gksA  ifjokj ds lnL; fdlh Hkh foÙkh; laLFkku ds nks"kh u gksA  ifjokj dh okf"kZd vk; N% yk[k :i;s ls vf/kd u gks bl gsrq izkFkhZ dks fu/kkZfjr izi= esa Loizekf.kr 'kiFki= izLrqr djuk gksxkA ifjokj ls vk'k; Lo;a] Loa; ds ifr@ifRu] ekrk& ,ao cPpksa ls gSA ¼fookfgr efgyk ds ekeyksa esa ekrk&firk ds LFkku ij lkl&llqj gksxsa½

2½ foRrh; lgk;rk dh ek=k ,ao izd`fr% dz- lsok] O;kikj] m|ksx {ks= m|ksx {kS= l- vkosnd dh Js.kh _.k lhek C;kt _.k lhek C;kt vuqnku ¼jkf'k :- vuqnku dh ¼jkf'k :- esa ½ dh nj esa½ nj 1 iathsd`r csjkstxkj * 5]00]000 4 izfr'kr 5]00]000 ls 4 izfr'kr 10]00]000 rd 2 efgyk 2]00]000 4 izfr'kr & & 3 f'kf{kr csjkstxkj efgyk ** 5]00]000 4 izfr'kr 5]00]000 ls 4 izfr'kr 10]00]000 rd 4 vuqlwfpr tkfr@vuq-tu 5]00]000 4 izfr'kr 5]00]000 ls 4 izfr'kr tkfr 'kkjhfjd fodykax 10]00]000 rd * iathd`r csjkstxkj ls vfHkizk; jkT; ljdkj ds jkstxkj dk;kZy; esa iathd`r vH;FkhZ ls gSA ** f'kf{kr csjkstxkj efgyk ls vfHkizk;% jkT;@ dsUnzljdkj ds ek/;fed f'k{kk ckMZ ls U;wure gkW;j @lhfu;j lSds.Mjh ijh{kk mrhZ.k csjkstxkj efgyk vH;kFkhZ ls gSA 3½ vkosnu djus gsrq tkudkjh • izkFkhZ dks vkWuykbZu ikVZy ij vkosnu i= Loa; ds lk/kuksa }kjk ;k vf/k— r bZ&fe= dsUnz ds ek/;e ls izLrqr djuk gksxkA vkosnu i= Hkjus dh nj 30@& lwpuk izks|ksfxdh ,oa lapkj foHkkx }kjk fu/kkZfjr dj nh x;h gSA vkWuykbZu ikVZy http://sso.rajasthan.gov.in/signin ij vkosnu i= ds lkFk 'kS{kf.kd izek.k i=]jkstxkj iath;u izek.k i=] v.Mj Vsfdax ,oa izkstsDV fjiksZV viyksM fd;s tk ldsaxsA 'ks"k nLrkost tkfr izek.k


i=]tUe frfFk izek.k i=] izf'k{k.k izek.k i= ,oa Hkkek'kkg dkM+Z dh izfr lk{kkRdkj ds le; Lo;a }kjk izekf.kr izfr;ka izLrqr djuh gksxhA 4½ vik= xfrfof/k;kW • d`f"kZ lEc/kh xfrfof/k;kW ¼i'kq ikyu ,ao Ms;jh dks lfgr½ • eknd inkFkZ dk fuekZ.k o muls cus mRiknksa dk fuekZ.k o foØ;A • ekl dh iSdsftax o ekal ls cus mRikn dk fuekZ.k o fodz;A • rEckdw mRikn dk fuekZ.k o mudk foØ;A • foLQksVd inkFkZA • ifjogu¼ vksVks fjD'kk]yksfMx fjD'kk]lkbZfdy fjD'kk ,ao VSDlh dkj@thi oSu½ftldh vf/kdre dher 7 yk[k :-rd gks] dks NksMdjA • 20 ekbZØksu ls de eksVkbZ okyh ikfyFkhu dh FkSfy;ksa dk fofuekZ.k vkSj iqu% pfdzr IykfLVd ls cus FkSys ;k dUVsuj ;k ,sls mRikn tks i;kZoj.k dks uqdlku igqWpk ldrs gS o jkT; ljdkj }kjk le;≤ ij izfrcaf/kr mRiknA • Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj }kjk le; le; ij izfrcfU/kr mRikn@ xfrfof/k;kWA 5-1-5 jktdh; Ø; esa y?kq m|eksa gsrq mRiknksa dk vkj{k.k ,oa izkFkfedrk %& jkT; esa y?kq m|fe;ksa dks ekdsZfVax esa enn nsus dh n`f"V ls lkekU; foRr ,oa ys[kk fu;eksa esa jktdh; foHkkxksa }kjk Ø; esa y?kq m|eksa ds mRiknksa dks izkFkfedrk nsus rFkk lqj{kk jkf”k o vusZLV euh esa NwV nsus dk izko/kku j[kk x;k gSA ljdkjh [kjhn esa 50 izfr”kr Ø; jktLFkku dh ,e,l,ebZ bdkbZ;ksa ls [kjhnuk vko”;dA ¼foLr`r fooj.k gsrq ns[ksa osclkbV http://finance.rajasthan.gov.in/ gf & ar/gfr.II/pdf½

5-1-6 peZ izf'k{k.k dk;ZØe %& ftu LFkkuksa ij peZ jaxkbZ vFkok peZ mRiknu fuekZ.k dk;Z iwoZ ls fd;k tk jgk gS mudh rduhd esa lq/kkj rFkk u;h izfØ;kvksa dh tkudkjh dh n`f"V ls nks ekg dk peZ izf”k{k.k dk;ZØe m|ksx foHkkx dh vksj ls lapkfyr fd;k tkrk gSA 5-1-7 QeZ iath;u %& ftyk eq[;ky; esa jftLVªkj vkWQ QeZl }kjk ftys esa Hkkxhnkjh QeksZ dk iath;u b.Mh;u ikVZuj'khi ,DV 1932 ds vUrxZr fd;k tkrk gSA QeZ iath;u esa QkseZ ^^,^^ dh Qhl 300 :- fu/kkZfjr gSA


ftys esa egkizca/kd] ftyk m|ksx dsUnz dks Hkkxhnkjh QeZ dk iath;u djus ds vf/kdkj jkT; ljdkj }kjk iznRRk fd;s x;s gSaA 5-1-8 Ckqudjks ds fy;s dY;k.kdkjh ;kstuk ¼1½ egkRek xka/kh cqudj chek ;kstuk %& cqudjksa dks thou chek dk ykHK fn;s tkus dh n`f’V ls Hkkjrh; thou chek fuxe ds ek/;e ls lewg chek ;kstuk fØ;kfUor dh tk jgh gSA ;kstukUrxZr cqudj ls 40 :- va”knku ysdj izhfe;e dh “ks’k jkf”k Hkkjrh; thou chek fuxe dks ljdkj }kjk nh tkrh gSA ;kstukUrxZr chfer dh lkekU; vFkok izkd`frd e`R;q dh n”kk esa mlds vkfJr mÙkjkf/kdkjh dks 60]000 :i;s fn;s tkus dk izko/kku gS lkFk gh cqudj ds nks cPpksa dks 300 :i;s rd izfr =Sekfld Nk=o`fr fn;s tkus dk Hkh izko/kku gSA ¼ http://handlooms.nic.in/ ½ ¼2½ cqudj iqjLdkj ;kstuk %& cqudjksa ,oa cqudj lfefr;ksa dks ftyk Lrjh; iqjLdkj fn;s tkus dk izko/kku gSA tks fuEu vuqlkj gS ftyk Lrjh; iqjLdkj esa izFke iqjLdkj 5100 :-] f}rh; 3100 :-] r`rh; 2100 :-] lkUrouk iqjLdkj 1100 :- udn iqjLdkj jkf”k dk izko/kku gSA

5-1-9 gLrf'kfYi;ksa ds fy, dY;k.kdkjh ;kstuk;sa ¼1½ f'kfYi;ksa gsrq cktkj lgk;rk ;kstuk %& vkVhZtu] gLrf'kfYi;ksa o cqudjksa dks esys o izn'kZfu;ksa esa Hkkx ysus o muds cktkj fodkl ds fy, izkRlkfgr djus gsrq mDr ;kstuk izkjEHk dh xbZ gS] ftlesa dk;Zjr vkVhZtu] gLrf'kYIkh vkSj gkFkdj?kk cqudj o muds Loa; lgk;rk lewg@ dyLVj esa dk;Zjr SPV ,d foÙkh; o’kZ es vf/kdre 5 esyk@izn'kZfu;kas esa Hkkx ysus ij fUkEu lgk;drk ns; gksxhA Ø-l- Lkgk;rk dk xzkeh.k o jkT; esa jkT; ds “kgjh vU; ckgj fooj.k gkV LFky 1 LVky fdjk;k 50 50 50 2 nSfud HkÙkk 350 350 450 3 ;k=k HkÙkk nzqrxkeh cl ;k f}rh; “kkf;dk Js.kh gsrq fudVre nwjh dk okLrfod fdjk;k ¼ http://rajsico.gov.in ½


miHkksDrkvksa ds fgrksa dh j{kk gsrq fd, tkus okys dk;Z 5-1-10 ckV ,oa eki vf/kfu;e rFkk iSdst deksfMVh :Yl ds rgr ykblsUl nsuk rFkk vfHk;ksx ntZ djuk %& miHkksDrkvksa ds fgrksa dh j{kk gsrq ftys ds ckV o eki mi;ksxdrkZvksa gsrq fu;fer LVsfEiax f”kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s tkrs gS rFkk ckV ,oa eki iSdst deksfMVh ,DV dh vogsyuk fd;s tkus ij vfHk;ksx ntZ fd;s tkrs gSA f”kfoj yxkdj ckV eki laca/kh tkudkjh nh tkrh gSA

5-1-11 bysfDVªdy ,Iykblsal dUVªksy vkMZj ds rgr dk;Zokgh %& vkbZ- ,l- vkbZ- ekdkZ ;qDr fo|qr midj.kksa ds bLrseky dks c<+kok nsus rFkk laj{k.k nsus gsrq bysfDVªdy ,Iykblsal dUVªksy vkMZj ds rgr fujh{k.k ,oa vfHk;ksx dh izHkkoh dk;Zokgh dh tkrh gSA

5-1-12 gS.Mywe vkj{k.k vf/kfu;e@fu;eksa ds rgr fujh{k.k ,oa vfHk;ksx %& ikojywe bdkbZ;ksa }kjk gS.Mywe mRiknu cuk;s tkus dh izo`fr ij jksd yxk;s tkus dh n`f’V ls gS.Mywe bkdbZ;ksa dk fu;eksa ds rgr fujh{k.k f;dk tkrk gS ,oa nks’kh O;fDr;ksa ds fo:) vfHk;ksx ntZ fd;s tkrs gSA

5-1-13 u, m|e gsrq jktdh; ;kstukvksa] miyC/k lalk/kuksa o voljksa ds ckjs esa ekxZn’kZu iznku djuk %& ftys esa u;s m|e LFkkfir djus ds bPNqd m|fe;kssa dks m|e LFkkiuk ds laca/k esa mfpr ekxZn”kZu iznku fd;k tkrk gSA ekXkZn”kZu ds rgr ftys esa orZeku vkS|ksfxd fLFkfr] miyC/k lalk/ku] fofHkUu jktdh; ;kstukvksa ds rgr miyC/k NwV ,oa vuqnku vkfn ls voxr djk;k tkrk gSA


5-1-14 vkS|ksfxd izksRlkgu f'kfoj vk;ksftr djuk %& f'kf{kr ;qokvksa o lekt ds vU; O;fDr;ksa dks u;s m|e LFkkiuk gsrq izsfjr djus dh n`f’V ls fofHkUu iapk;r lfefr;ksa] “kgjksa rFkk “kS{kf.kd laLFkkvksa esa vkS|ksfxd izksRlkgu f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s tkrs gS ftlesa m|e LFkkiuk gsrq izsfjr djus ds lkFk lHkh foHkkxksa }kjk viuh ;kstukvksa o lqfo/kkvksa ls voxr djk;k tkrk gSA

5-1-15 vkS|ksfxd fodkl ls lacf/kar ewyHkwr vkadMs o lwpuk,a iznku djuk %& ftys ,oa jkT; ds vkS|ksfxd fodkl dh ;kstukvksa dks ykxw djus dh n`f’V ls fofHkUu jktdh; laLFkkvksa dks fodkl ls lacf/kr ewyHkwr vkadMs o Hkkoh lwpuk,a miyC/k djokbZ tkrh gSA m|fe;ksa dh lgk;rk gsrq ftys dk vkS|ksfxd laHkkouk losZ{k.k Hkh rS;kj fd;k tkrk gSA



6.1 AN OVERVIEW The district occupies an important place in the state from the point of view of industries and offers a fairy good scope for further development, possessing as it does the infrastructure for mineral based as well as agro-based and market oriental industries. The district is fairly well connected by road and rail. Fourteen industrial areas have also been set up as mentioned in chapter – III Moreover a sizeable section of people are from Marwari and Jain communities which are well known for enterprising sprit. 6.1.1 WEAKNESSES A) Shortage of water. B) Shortage of Electricity. C) In textile raw material is costly & Pollution problems. D) Tough Marketing competition. These constraints could be removed by suitable Governmental measures. 6.1.2 STRENGTHS The strength of the district are its enterprising population, developed infrastructure, sound industrial base and a variety of mineral resources. These factors could be exploited by adopting suitable strategy for industrial development of the district.

6.2 SUGGESTED STRATEGY The following strategy is suggested to promote industrial in Pali district.

6.2.1 PROMOTION OF NEW INDUSTRIAL AREAS / ESTATES In view of the congestion in the existing industrial areas at Pali, Sumerpur, Bar, Saradhana, Rabariwas, Pipliya Kalan and Marwar Jn. It is suggested that new industrial areas/ estate could be established at Pali, Rohat, Rani and Bali as metioned below :

A) JAITARAN In this area the lime stone is available in huge quantity and due to this clin hydrated lime and cement units are established. If an industrial area is set up in Jaitaran the potentiality of such units will be more and the future of these will be bright. This area is situated near


Sendra railway station. If this area is connected to the railway line the market facilities will increase definitely. B) ROHAT In Rohat area, a piece of land measuring 38 bigas is under consideration for setting up an industrial area. In this proposed industrial area here is good scope of setting up a mineral based, cattle feed and oil based units. In addition to this there is also good scope of Gypsum based unit. The Gypsum is available in large quantity in village Khutani of Rohat Panchayat Samiti. C) RANI Keeping in view the availability of raw material locally there is good scope for setting up of oil based and cotton ginning units RIICo has resently proposed to setup one industrial area in near Rani. A part from this there is also good scope for stone/marble and steel furniture units. D) BALI In this proposed industrial area there is good scope for development of agriculture implements, oil based and mineral based units. Due to the nearby Falna railway station this industries area may be developed. New industireal area can be setup by the local muncipal othourity Takhatgarh (Sumerpur). Sadri (Bali)

6.2.2 EFFLUENT TREATMENT There are six CETP, 5 are running and one is proposed CETP in Pali. The administrations of these plants are under the direct control for supervision of the chairman of the trust. The trust is formed for the control pollution and to treat the effulent water discharged by the Textile units.

6.2.3 POWER LOOMS The district has a spinning mill and a total of about 900 units engaged in textile related operation, grey cloth for which comes from the power looms of Maharashtra and other cities. Power looms therefore have a good potential for development. Pali has requirement of 180 crore meters of grey cloth. This grey cloth comes from Icchalkaranji and Bhiwandi. Now Powerloom induetry is being established in Naya Gaon area of pali. Riico is developing this new area. Presently allotment of 448 plots is in progress.

6.2.4 RAILWAY LINE A railway line linking Jodhpur and Beawer via Pali and Marwar Jn. Would go a long way in opening up the market for products manufactured in the district.


6.2.5 INCENTIVE The incentives and concession available for setting up industrial units are adequate to attract enterpreneures to pali district.

6.3 POTENTIAL INDUSTRIES IN THE DISTRICT Taking into consideration the availability of human, agriculture, livestock and mineral reSources and the infrastructure in the district and needs of the local population, potential exists for setting up of a number of industries in the district. These have been suggested below after taking into consideration the policy of the government regarding pollution and the needs of the local population etc. TABLE 6.3 LIST OF POTENTIAL INDUSTRIES :- PART- I

Sr. Type of the Capaci No. Total capacity Total Location industry ty per of investment direct unit unit (Rs.Crore) employme 1. Oil Extraction 25 2 3 Crore nt 60 Sumerpur 2. Quartz and TPD200 25 12 Crore 625 Nr. Bar 3. Falsphar Agriculture TPD50 25 12.50 Crore 450 Sumerpur, Impliments TPD Falna, Rani 4. Marble, Kota 11000 5 2.50 125 Sendra, Falna, stone Cutting & Raipur, Pali Mtrs. Polishing 5. Marble Crazy & 15000 4 1.40 80 Sendra, Falna, chips Pali/Rani T 6. Textile Dyes 10 T 1 1.80 30 Mandia Road, Pali 7. Hydrated Lime 2400 T 5 4 Crore 150 Sojat Road, SojatCity 8. Lime Kiln 5000 T 2 2 Crore 40 Sojat Road, Sojat , Raipur 9. Spices ( Chilly 150 T 5 5 Crore 100 Bali, Raipur, powder ) Pali, Sumerpur 10. RCC Pipes 2000 T 10 5 Crore 180 Jiataran, Falna, Irrigation Pali 11. Stone Curshing 6000 8 800 250 Raipur, Falna, Cft. P. Sumerpur Day 12. Granite Tiles and 20000 4 5 Crore 90 Sendra, Pali slabs Sq.Ft.


. Guar Gum Split/ 3000 2 11.20 90 Sumerpur, Pali, Powder Falna 14. Mustard Powder 3000 1 1.40 15 Raipur 15. Cumins Cutting 1200 4 1.80 60 Jaitaran & Processing Mt. 16. Food Based units 5 5 Crore 75 Sumerpur, Pali

TABLE 6.3.1 De mand Based Units :- Part II


The district is producing about 1123 Kg. per hectare of mustard An Oil extraction plant of 25 TPD capacity is suggested to be set up at Sumerpur.


As mentioned in the Table No.6.1 above the availability of human, Agriculture, Live Stock, Mineral resources and infrastructure in the district needs the potential exists for setting up of number of industries. These have been suggested after taking into consideration the policy of Govt. regarding pollution and needs of the local population.

6.3.4 SUGGESTED INDUSTRIES IN MSME SECTOR A list of industries that can be established in the MSME sector with capital investment unit is given in table 6.3 above. The list is divided in two parts. Part -1 consists of units that have been suggested on the basis of resources and Part – II is demand based. The suggested capacity, capital investment, the direct employment likely to be generated and suggested locations are also given in the table. This list of resources based industries consists of marble cutting and polishing production chilly powder, and granite tiles and stone crushing etc. The suggested demand based units include power looms, sizing and wrapping, manufacture of agricultural hand tools, plastic moulded products, backery and confectionery item, cotton hosiery, tyre retreading, steel fabrication bleaching powder, phynyl, detergent powder and rubber moulded goods justification for some of the important industries is given here under.

57 TEXTILE DYES dye for the basic number of textile units establish in Pali are mostly from Ahmedabad and Mumbai, hence a few such units can be established in Pali district. LIMESTONE BASED UNITS As mentioned in para huge deposit o lime stone are available as Ras in Jaitaran tehsil and Sojat tehsil. As such a number of hydrated lime and lime kiln can be established at jaitaran, Bar and Sradhana. POWER LOOMS As mentioned earlier, the large number of textile units set at up Pali obtain their requirements of cloth from Bhiwandi and Ichhalkaranji in Maharashtra state, this could be supplied locally if power looms are set up. It is suggested that at least 10 units could be setup. QUARTZ AND FELSPAR UNITS As mentioned earlier 35 quartz & Felspar Mineral grinding set up at Industrial Area Saradhana near Beawar these Units setup at Saradhana because the Raw material is easily available on by Area in huge quantity. SIZING AND WRAPPING UNITS To support looms, it would be essential to have a sizing and wrapping unit. OTHER DEMAND BASED INDUSTRIES These products are required by the local population and exiting industries and there would not be any problem in marketing of these products with in the district. Encouragement should be given to tiny, cottage and rural industries by provision of adequate finance, required marketing support, infrastructure for upgrading of technology, provision of raw material, new marketing channels etc.

58 EMPLOYMENT BY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE TOTAL PEOPLE: Sr. Year Name of Employed for Post No. of Employment Department/Institute 1. 2015- P.N.B. Jodhpur Class IV 2 2. 16 LIC Pali Water Man 1 3. I.O.C., Rajkot (Guj.) Technical Asst.-I 5 4. I.O.C. Rajkot(Guj.) Engg. Mechanic-IV 4 5. I.C.I. Predential Dovelopment 4 life,Insheorance, pali 6. Danic Bhaskar,pali Manager 7. Andra bank, Jaipur Fild Worker 20 8. Assit.GM.Union Bank of Class IV 1 india, Udaipur 9. House Keeper cum 1 Chief GM. Panjab national Peon Bank, Jodhpur Class-IV 3 10 . Chief GM. Panjab national Bank, Jodhpur Sweepar 1 Total 42 Source :- Employment Office Pali

Sr. Name of Unit & E-mail Teh./ Fax Mobile No. Item (5) Exproted Export Country Destination Address Information Year (2015- 16) (Rs. In Lacs) . Fuma umbrella [email protected] Umbrella Parts 105.00 SHARJAH (U.A.E.) Pvt. Ltd. Sagar Tel. No. 02938-233033/ Road, A2, 233180 Fax No.- Industrial 02938-233833 Estate- Falna Distt. – Pali- 306116 2. Maharaja [email protected] Cotton Yarn 8818.92 China, Colombia, Shree Ummed t.in Tel. No.- 02932- Fabrics Suiting 323.76 Grmany, Spain, Switzerland, South Mills Ltd. 220286, Fax No.- Shirting Korea,japan, Sudan, Jodhpur Road, 02932-221333 Podand, Colombia, Pali Turkey, Hong Kong, Serbia/Monten, Bangladesh, Egypt, Peru, Italy, Pakistan, Macedonia, Ukraine, Denmark, Taiwan, Lithuania, USA, United Kingdom, Poland


3. PG Foils Ltd. [email protected] Aluminium 1710.85 Bangladesh, Post-Pipalia [email protected] Foils Nepal, Kala Teh- [email protected] Dubai Raipur, Dist.- Tel No.- 02937- Iran Pali 287151-56, Fax No.- 02932-287151 Mbl. 9462264360 4. Sarda Gums & [email protected] Guar Gum 3342.34 Japan, Korea, China, Chemicals Tel. No.- 02932- Powder, Cassia Russia, USA, France, F54/2 281252, Fax No.- Gum Powder, Philippines, Industrial 02932-281324, Mob. Psyllium Husk Malaysia, Australia, Area. Pali- 93523-23267, Powder, Canada, Sri-Lanka, Italy, Newzealand, 306401 931445539 Tamarind Spain Kernal Powder 5. Sarda Udhyog [email protected] Guar Gum 761.33 China, Italy, Korea, F-52/2 Tel. No.- 02932- Powder, Vietnam Industrial 281252, Tamarind Area, Pali Fax. No.- 02932- Kernal Powder 281324 6. Sarda Bio [email protected] Guar Gum 4686.82 Russia, China, Polymers Pvt. Tel. No.- 02932- Powder, Puwad Vietnam Ltd., H1-105 281252, Fax. No.- Seed to 112, 02932-281324,Mbl. Industrial 9414120060 Area, IVth Phase Pali Total 19749.02 EXPORT UNITS IN PALI DISTRICT YEAR 2015-16

Source : D.I.C, PALI




Besides the industries suggested in para 5.3 above, there is a large scope for establishment of tiny units for grain grinding, spices grinding, oil ghanies, wooden furniture and other wooden articles stone cutting, screen design, lathe work, repair and servicing, welding work, production of soap etc. Opportunities of employment generation also exist in the field of handicrafts and artisan units for blacksmithy carpenters, cobblers, etc. Such artisans are spread all over the district. No. concentration was noticed of artisans of particular trade at particular place justifying establishment of shilpbaries. Such unit are already being encourage and financed under the various schemes of NABARD. However, further development can be possible only through : (a) Training for skill upgradtion mobile training centres and common facility centres. (b) Provision of adequate finance. (c) Proper and adequate channels to market the goods produced by these artisans by setting up of show rooms by RSIC, RHDC, Bunkar Sangh, etc. and through Common facility Centres. (d) Supply of raw materials at reasonable rates through common Facility Centres. (e) Training through Rural Entrepreneurship Development Programmes for developing entrepreneurial skill specially in SC/STs, Women etc. (f) Formation of Co-operative Societies of the artisans for supply of raw materials, as well as for marketing with active co-operative and heop from the Government agencies like RSIC, DIC, KVIB and RHDC who are specialists in various related fields. SUGGESSION (a) Provision of Institutional Support (b) Encouragement to artisans to take up independent production and marketing if possible.


(c) Development of artisans units to produce quality products through adequate training and skill development programmes. PROPOSED AUGMENTATION OF INDUSTRIAL AREAS As mentioned in Para 6.2.1 new industrial areas/estates be established at Sendra, Bar, Rohat, Falna and Bali.


District Pali has a good scope for development of industries provided the constraints mentioned in part 6.2.1 are removed and the strategy as suggested in para 6.2 is followed. For this, it is recommended that following steps be taken by the concerned authorities.

(a) Easy availability of Industrial Land through allotements and conversions at District level. (b) Effective steps be taken for augmentation of the availability of power in the district to cater for the power requirement of new industries suggested in Chapter VI. This would need enlargement of the capacity of the existing sub-stations. (c) To help in the uninterrupted power supply to industrial units, the supply of power to industrial units be make through ‘industrial Feeders’ instead of by ‘Rural Feeders’ (d) In view of the congestion in the existing industrial areas at Pali, Sojat and Marwar Jn. Where more than 90% of the plots developed have already been allotted, new industrial areas/estate be established at Sendra, Bali, Rohat, Rani and Sadari. (e) Provision of common Telefax facilities be made available in all RIICO industrial area. (f) Detailed mineral prospecting including the geological mapping, sampling, drilling, core logging etc. be undertaken to have adequate information about the quantity and quality of mineral reserves. (g) To cater for the increased requirement of trained man power for the suggested industries. Various New trades to be opened in ITI institutes of Pali district. (h) The list of industries suggested in chapter VI be included in the working plan of District Industries Center and the Annual Credit Plan being prepared by the Nabard, for provision for necessary finance for the industries. (i) The availability of houses near industrial areas is limited and needs to be augmented to meet the increased demand. A provision of housing colony with MIG and LIG types houses be made at Sendra and Rohat also where new industrial area/estate have been suggested.


(j) Establishment of Co-operative societies of the artisans be encouraged for supply of raw materials as well as for marketing with active cooperation and get from the government agencies like RSIC, DIC, KVIB and RHDC. (k) Common Facility Centers be setup at Cluster level for provision of raw materials upgradation of technology, development of new marketing channels for rural craftsmen etc. (l) Mobile training centers be established. (m) Rural Entrepreneurship Development Programmers be conducted through MSMEDI and other similar agencies to develop entrepreneurship. Special programmes be organized for Scheduled Castes and Schedule Tribes. ANNEXURE – I WHOM TO CONTACT FOR WHAT Sr. Assistance reqrired Name fo the Institition (S) 1. (i) Product identification MSME – Development Institure Bais Godam Industrial Estate Jaipur – 302006 (Raj.) Phone : 0141 - 2212098, 2213099, 2215847 0141 – 2210553 (Director) Fax : 0141 – 2210553 (ii) Consultancy Gram : SMALLIND Email- dcdi-japur@ dcmsme.gov.in -Techinical Web- WWW. Msmedijaipur.gov.in - Managerial DC(MSME)- WWW. Dcmsme.gov.in - Economic - Export -do- 2. Training Facilities (i)MSME Devlopment Institute Bais Godam jIndustrial Estate Jaipur 302006 (Raj.) Phone No. 2212098,2213099 Fax- 0141-2210553 Email: [email protected] (ii) Entrepreneurship Management Institute. Bais Godam, Industries, Estate Jaipur-302006 3. (i) Udhyog Aadhar District Industries Centre, Pali. (ii) PMEGP Scheme (i) D.I.C. – Pali (ii) KVIB – Jodhpur (iii) KVIC - Jaipur 4. Factory/ accolmodation Rajasthan State Industrial Development and Investment Corsporation Ltd. (RIICO), Pali.


5. Finance : (i) Rajasthan Financial Corporation Pali - Term Loan (ii) Banks - Working - Capital 6. Machinery On Hire Purchase National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. Nehru Place, Tonk Road, Jaipur 7. Raw material Rajasthan Small Industries Corporation Ltd. Udyog Bhawan, Tilak Marg, Jaipur 8. Marketing (i) National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. Nehru Place, Tonk Road, Jaipur (ii) Rajasthan Small Industries Corporation Ltd. Udyog Bhawan, Tilak Marg, Jaipur 9. ISI Mark and Allied details Bureau of Indian Standards Chittaranjan Marg. C-Scheme Jaipur Ag-Mark Directorate of Marketing Inspection Jhalana Dungari, Jaipur 10. Testing Of Products (i) Field Testing Station Bais Godam, Industrial Estate, Jaipur (ii) National Test House Bais Godam, Industrial Estate, Jaipur (iii) Tools Room Cum Testing Centre Industrial Estate, New Power House Road, Jodhpur (iv) Textile Laboratory Krishna Kripa Plot No. – 48 II Pal Road Sardarpura, Jodhpur 11. Power Connection Jodhpur Vidyur Vitran Nigam, Ltd. Pali

12. Registration under Factories Act. (i) Chief Inspector of Factories & Boilers Institutional Area, Jhalana Doongri, Jaipru (ii) Inspector of Factories & Boilers Pali 13. Pollution Control (i) Rajasthan Pollution Control Board Jhalana Dungri, Jaipur (ii) Branch Office Mandia Road, Pali


14. Central Excise Registration Superintendent of Central Excise Udaipur.

15. Sales Tax Registration Commercial Tax Office, Pali

16. Khadi and Village Industries (i) Khadi and Village Industries, Commission Jhalana Dungri, Jaipur (ii) Dy. Director (Khadi) District Industries Centre, Jodhpur

17. Export Joing Director General of Foreign Trade Udyog Bhawan Tilak Marg, Jaipur


Names and Addresses of the Institution assisting in Promotion of MSME in the Country.

1. Central Food Technological Research Institute. C. S. I. R., Govt. of India, Mysore – 570013, Karnataka.

2. Fragrance and Flavoru Development Centre. Govt. of India Society, Industrial Estate, Makarand Nagar, G. T. Road, Kannauj, Faridabad (U.P.)

3. Central Footwear Training Institute. Govt. of India Society, Agra (U.P.)

4. Bureau of Indian Standards. Chittaranjan Marg, C – Scheme, Jaipur

5. National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. Nehur Place, Tonk Road, Jaipur.

6. Central Marine Fishery Research Institute. 68/1, Greams Road, Chennai.


7. Central Leather Research Institute. Sardar Patel Road, Adyar, Channai – 600032

8. Small Industry Development Bank of India. M. I. Road, Jaipur

9. Rajasthan Small Industries Corporation.] Udyog Bhavan, Tilak Marg, Jaipur – 302005.

10. Rajasthan State Industrial Development and Investment Corporation Ltd. , Udyog Bhavan, Tilak Marg, Jaipur – 302005

11. Khadi and Village Industries Commission. Institutional Area, Jhalana Doongri, Jaipur

12. Rajasthan Khadi and Village Industries Board. Bajaj Nagar, Jaipur

13. Agriculture and Processed Food Export Development Authority. 105, New Delhi House, 70, bara Khamba Road, New Delhi – 110001.

14. District Industries Centre, Pali

15. Indian institute of Packaging, New Delhi.

16. Controller of Patent and Designs. Okhal, New Delhi

17. Electronics test and Development Centre. Malviya Nagar, Jaipur

18. Spices Board, K.C. Avenue, Vincent Cross Road, P. B. No. 1909, Ernakulam, Chohin.

19. Jute Manufacturers Development Council. Kandhana Building, Flt No. 6-D-11, Tolstoy Marg, New Delhi

20. Wool and Wolen Export Promotion Council. 612/714, ashoka Este, 24 Barakhamba Road


Cannought Circus, New Delhi.

21. Gem and Jewellery Export Council, Jaipur.

22. Textile and Cotton Export Promotion Council. Air Cargo Complex, Sanganer Air Port, Jaipur

23. Apparel Export Promotion Council. Nehru Place, Tonk Road, Jaipur

24. Rajasthan Financial Corporation. Udyog Bhavan, Tilak Marg, Jaipur.