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Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents

9-23-2004 Arbiter, September 23 Students of Boise State University

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READ US ONLINE AT BSU US 8YU DJ delights tomar-row In mn

r I Shoollng ccursnear campus Marijauana, cocaine, and heroin found in residence

BY KYLE GORHRM, RRNORLL Lynn Hightower said the victims POST, RNO GREGORY RUTTY fired approximately five rounds The Arhlter at the fleeing car before return- ing to the residence, Boise Police responded to re- "There were four Hispanics _ports of a shooting three blocks booking out in the alley," said south of the Student Union Dave Neva, a BSU student who Building yesterday. According witnessed the shooting from his to eyewitness reports, multiple house across the street "One of shots were fired at four males the Hispanics in a gray sweater standing outside a residence on started shooting back at the car," tfie 'corner of Lincoln and Rossi Shortly after the shooting, streets, Hightower said Idaho State Police Shortly before 11:30a.m, a2002 stopped a vehicle heading west- black Lincoln sedan pulled up to bound on 1·84 near Meridian that the victims' residence. According matched the description provid- Three blocks to postal carrier Bryan Sperling, ed by eyewitnesses. away rrlm who witnessed the shooting, two , Sergio Rolon, 24, of West Valley, the Student Union, police men exited the vehicle and fired and Paul Montes de Ola, - investIgate between two and three shots at 32, a Mexican national, were ar- the scene of the victims, rested and charged with felony B shooting that occurred "I didn't know [what was aggravated assault and firing into Wedneeday happening] .. , they wanted an occupied dwelling, Two semi- morning around 11. to kill someone," said Carlos automatic handguns and $5,600 PHoro BY ilACllA£ Hernandez, 15,one of the victims in cash were recovered from the SWANB£Q\ of the shooting" "I just started vehicle, A cartridge casing was the recovered guns were used in of Boise wall charged with three "Stuff like this can happen any- to 25 years old: Jasmin Smlantlc, running, thinking 'run before I also found in the car, but it was the shooting. counts of drug trafficking. where ... lbutl it's scary to.see it 21, who was in the house at the , ' get shot," unknown if it came from a gun A search of the residence found Just a few blocks from campus, happen so close to BSU," time of the shooting, was arrest- Several of the suspects' shots used in the shooting. Police also I' two pounds of marijuana, five the shooting has left some stu- The motive is under investiga- ed on two outstanding warrants struck the house, but no one was recovered a .357-caliber pistol ,~ grams of heroin, and two ounces dents feeling unnerved, tion; however, Hightower said for failure to appear in court A injured. The suspects then fled in from a dumpster behind Cricket's of cocaine. A loaded 9mm pis- "It's going to make me think there is reason to believe the l-year-old child was also in the } the vehicle, heading westbound Bar & Grill on Boise Avenue. It is ,fl.· tol and $1,800 in cash were also twice," said Nick Dominguez a shooting was drug-related. house at the time of the shooting, on Rossi. BPD spokeswoman still being investigated whether l' found. Francisco L. Hernadez, 18, freshman who lives in the area. The victims' ages range from 15 Native council Game sold out, eBay offers hope RRNDRLL POST BSU ticket office said. News Writer "It's unfair but it's legal In Idaho law is unclear as to the provides legality of ticket scalping. Tickets for Friday's football Most NFL teams have printed game are sold out Fans and stu- Idaho. I don't know whV fans disclaimers on the back of their dents must now decide wheth- tickets warning about unlawful members with er they will watch the game on would do thal," resale while some teams police ESPN or buy tickets on eBay from eBay ticket sales according to an scalpers, article from the Detroit News. Tickets for the game between -Michelle Hernandez, BSU football's continuing suc- support Boise State University and cess has been the main contrib- University sold BSUTicket Office uting factor in the ticket sales. out several weeks ago and stu- BSU currently' has the nation's BY CRSSIE GUTIERREZ wow from April 15-17. dent tickets sold out Monday. the first time BSU tickets were minute. She is selling her tickets- longest winning streak at 14 News Writer "It's basically to show people "There was a line from the tick- sold on eBay, Regular tickets for on eBay for $100 a pair. and have not lost at home since our customs through dance and et office to the stairs at 8:30 a.rn," Bronco home games typically "I had seen on the news that Sept .. 2001 when they lost to . The BSU Intertribal Native music," Boyle said, According to said Damien Alambra , a junior at sale for $25-$35 depending on people were selling them on Washington State 41-20, a streak Council (INClis geared towards INC advisor Larry McNeil, the BSU.Alambra had a fellow class- the seat, but as of 1 p.m, Tuesday eBay, so I decided to give it a try," of20games. pow-wow is culturally based, helping Native American stu- mate wait in line to get his ticket there were 24 separate trans- Duenes said, BSU has finished the last two but it is also designed for the dents get used to college life and The BYUgame marks the third actions for the BYU game, The Even student guest tickets are years nationally ranked and is general public, INC really wants learn leadership skills. It also straight home sell out of the sea- highest bid was set at $100 for being sold on eBay for $70 a pair. currently 21st in both the AP Top contributes to helping Native the whole community to get in- son for BSU. The University of two adult tickets and two junior A full-time BSU student can buy 25 and the USAToday/ESPN Top volved, not just in Boise, but the Americans throughout campus. Idaho and Oregon State games tickets. two guest tickets for $11.50 a 25 coaches' poll. The Broncos The INC provides a way for entire region. as well as the highly anticipated Brenda Duenes of Nampa, piece. Guest and student ticket have been to a bowl game for four At the pow-wow, there's usu- NativeAmericans with common Oct 23 match up against Fresno Idaho had originally planned on seating is the same. out of the last five years, winning ally a host-drum group, which interests to get together and help State sold out quickly, according going to the game with her hus- "It'sunfairbutlt'slegalinldaho. all four. plays the drums for a lot of the one another. According to INC to the BSUTicket Office, band and four friends but her I don't know why fans would do president Lee Boyle, INCis more main events like an honor dance _ The Oregon State game marked friends backed out at the last that," Michelle Hernandez of the like a support group than a club. andanintroductorydance, They Members try to help out with also do a guest song, which in- each other's problems in order cludes both singing and drum- to make sure that everyone feels ming. Dancing is also popular secure. and participants dance for both However, along with provid- pleasure and a panel-judged Campaign Stop, ing a supporting environment, competition. INC still strives to be jhe best This is the first year that the they can. They have regular date of the pow-wow does not Whitworth makes weekly meetings and plan ac- coincide with the conference. tivities. According to McNeil, INC has - "Wetry to do the homecoming kept things alive within their club. "I think they stay very ac- narade and we've snent some ------camous-- - -..L~'------,,----debut,------'-,------ti~e helping other ii-oups on tive and-fheyhave some-very campus, like the Filipino Club," dedicated members, because it BY MDNICR PRICE have the financial support of the Boyle said, takes a lot of organization and Hews Editor .state. Whitworth admits this This Friday, September 24, is hard work to do what they do," might sound like a liberal view, the First Nations Conference, an he said. Lyn Whitworth has been cam- but it's not. The best way to pro- event only held at BSU once ev- The INC meets every Friday paigning allover the valley, in- tect this country is to keep the ery three years. It discusses dif- in the Student Union Building cluding on campus. Whitworth population educated. "I sincerely ferent topics according to Native Cultural at 1:30pm. is running against Republican believe it would be wroth it." American culture. Though the "Anyone is welcome," Boyle Mike Simpson for a seat in the Whitworth isn't new to Idaho INC does not sponsor the con- said, "I like getting to know State House of Representatives. politics, havitig served in the ference, but is put on by the people from other tribes. 1think Whitworth understands the State Senate for seven years. In Cultural and Ethnic Diversity each tribe has something to of- value of higher education as he 20m, Whitworth resigned his' Board, they still take part in it fer, since we all have different watches his children and grand- post and went into retirement. "They ask us for input," Boyle experiences." - children struggle to pay for the The current polltical 'environ- said, "We try to help them out in The members appreciate ever increasing cost. "Whenlwas ment spurred him frem retire- any way we can with informa- new ideas and hearing differ- a young man.zyou could go out ment. "I was content until I saw opposed to it from the very be- ent views. "I know that every- tion." and get a pretty good job [with what the federal government has gining." Whitworth said it's go: one faces challenges," . Boyle This is the first year that the - a high school diplomal," ~ose done to us in the lastfour years,· lllgtobe a long ~ttrialto said; "Some people still hate us, conference will be held in the jobs now. require four, year de- There are large numbers ofwork-. get oUlofItaq, b~ IllS impo~ fall, instead of the spring; how- which isn't fair,.That'swhy we. grees said Whitworth. ,_ inguninsured and the govern" tosupport the troop$., - ., ever, INC still has big plans for try to promote our culture the . Any student who wants an ed- . menthasn't '.done anything to Recen!lY WhitWorth ritade a best we can, through pow~wow the spring. They are going to or- .ucation,iswillinrito work fur it, ~Ipwlth lJledicalproblems~ . caJl!pliljfstcipa~': -._'_"-.-.0 ganl.ze ananJ:1ual ~t called and education." and keeps their grades up shouJd ..•,Whltworth. bas takeIia sumce- , the Seven Arrows Sprin~Pow- against. the ..War in ·Iraqi·I~:· --. .. iIt,ona, ~cat/bSU ~at the?

the ul-fated marriage was annulled just that's historic and. worrisome to many .Sen. John Kerry is a liar and a flip-flop- Bike Repair CUnic three~ays later. '..,' . :~_ ~Jiang_quitsas China's Germans, they're greeted by a gentle, per who embellished.his warrecord - Spears' record label,- Jive, released ' , military leader, capping smiling, friendly Adolf Hitler. and, if elected, would endanger- the Location: RECPatio a statement saying that Spears and That portrayal of Hitler ina new country by weakening its defenses and Drop In Bike TIme-up Alexander took a joke too far. The bride peaceful transition movie called "Der Untergang" ("The kowtowing to anti-American institu- Cost: FREE - wore a cap and torn jeans Downfall") is the talk of Germany these tions such as the United Nations. When: Sept. 23, 11a.m. to 1p.m. down the aisle and was escorted by a BEIJING-Capping a rocky but peace- days. The biggest-budget German film Somewhere between those two posi- casino limousine driver. . ful transition of power, China's ruling in years, it depicts Hitler's final days tions, relatively few undecided voters Spears and Federline announced Communist Party on Sunday eased in a Berlin bunker, and it's the first waver from side to side. But more than American Piano Duo their engagement in June. Federline former paramount leader Jiang Zemin German movie to portray the architect at almost any time in recent history, t The American Piano r-: out of his last formal post -of the Holocaust as human, not acari •. the- is a nation divided by Duo consists of Boise as head of the military cature of evil. politics, by culture and by region. and gave full control of The talk of the coffee houses these The divisions shape many facets of State piano profes- the nation's armed days, it's playing to near-packed the- American life, from public education sor Del Parkinson forces to President aters throughout the country (attract- to the tax code, and will be on display and Jeffrey Shumway, Hu Iintao. ing viewers on its first day), and in the next six weeks as Bush and Kerry head of keyboard stud- The move ele- it's been featured on the front pages of plunge into the final phase of their ies at Brigham Young vated the 61-year- national newspapers and on magazine campaigns for the presidency. University. They eel- . ebrate their 20th anni- old Hu to undis- covers. The president has taken a lead in the puted command of "For decades, Hitler was portrayed polls since his party's nominating con- versary as the American the state, the party either as a demon or as a comic strip vention in New York this month, and Piano Duo with an all- appears to have momentum as the race Rachmaninoff program. I and the armed character," director Oliver Hirschbiegel I forces, consolidat- said in Focus Magazine. "It is about 'heads into the home stretch. Yet he is Theevenlngfeaturestwo I ing his power. time we confronted our history." not assured re-election. suites and "Symphonic Hu. replaced Jiang "I think it's a tremendous film, but Dances." Both - profes- has two children with former girlfriend, as party chief in it's just a film, not a form of healing or sors are currently on "Moesha" star Shar Jackson. 2002, and became closure," he said. "He didn't rant and Edwards' nice-guy sabbatical to perform extensively and . president in 2003. rave 100percent of the time. He wasn't 'Campaign style worries record the music of Rachmaninoff, But Hu found him- " the sort of human being you'd want Their Gershwin CD was released In ~~.bigmac self dueling with Jiang, who still re- to spend time with, or bring home, or some Democrats 1998 and a Mendelssohn CD was re- leased earlierthls year. $5 general, $3 tained control of-the 2-million-strong even meet. But he was human." With McDonald's sales flagging armed forces, and his followers, who The movie depicts many in the' PORTLAND, Ore.-John Edwards; seniors and free to students of all ages and Boise State faculty and staff. Sept. across Europe, the French division of are widely known as the "Shanghai rogues' gallery of Nazi Germany SS the Democratic candidate for vice the fast-food colossus decided it need- 23, 7:30 p.m. Clique" for their pO!Nerbase in China's . leader Heinrich Himmler, architect president, isn't doing his job. ed a shot in the arm. So it hired the biggest city. . Albert Speer: propaganda' minister A vice presidential nominee tradi- Olsen twins, Mary-Kate and Ashley, as Joseph Goebbels and Hitler's mistressl tionally is his campaign's hit man, The 78-year-old Jiang, who led China spokeswomen. from 1989 until early 2003, was not wife Eva Braun and shows each in a hu- landing the verbal punches in the nose, We're not making this up, folks. and occasionally below the belt, in or- due to quit as chairman of the Central man light. Apparently, word never made it over der to let the presidential nominee rise the? Military Commission for another three to Paris that Mary-Kate spent a good above such uncouth brawling. Edwards ~at years. The position allowed him con- portion of her summer in rehab be- takes his jabs at President Bush and trol of the world's largest military. ing treated for an eating disorder. This Vice President Dick Cheney, but often His sudden and somewhat unexpect- is like Slim Fast appointing Ruben ed departure marks a sharp genera- in a way that leaves his Andy Griffith, Oops! Britney did it ~tlonal Studdard as its pitchman. nice-guy image intact. tional shift, and is likely to clear the way Busy beavers' as always, the twins If politics were cable television, again for Hu to focus on his own policy priori- won't just be promoting burgers and ties: the growing gap between rich and Edwards would be a voluble talk show Britney Spears got married for the pommes frites, They'll be offering their poor, rampant corruption, and social u.s. electorate hotly host. The question Is whether he needs second time this year this time to danc- own personally endorsed line of purs- upheaval coinciding with China's gal- to start throwing chairs to push up the er Kevin Federline in a private ceremo- es, coloring sets and. photo albums. A loping economic growth and growing divided by politics, Democrats' political ratings. visit to the McDonald's Gallic Web site Edwards' refusal to speak ill of fel- ny in Studio City, California, "Access world stature. culture, region displays a perfectly delightful "sac en low Democrats during the primaries Hollywood" reported on Sunday. jean Mary-Kate and Ashley". allowed him to bow out as the candl- . Spears, 22, and Federline, 26, sur- WASHINGTON-To many We're lovin' it. Germans are watching date of the high road, likely part of his prised their parents with the unexpect- Democrats, President Bush is a liar ed ceremony, which took place in a pri- film and religious zealot who stole the 2000 appeal to Sen. John Kerry as a run- the first to portray ning mate. But with Edwards and John vate residence, according to a publicist election and endangered the country for the syndicated entertainment news wnRLDiNATl0I1AlJWllAT TIlE? STIJIl[£S CUUrrrT.SY OF tint tAHI'lJ5 WillE by embroiling it in an unnecessary Kerry now behind in most polls, some SERVICES lEXCEPT 1VAIlS DEAIlI rotL_' 15 rnOH LA TImSI\'/ASIUNGTlJN Adolf Hitler as human program. .POsr WIRE SEHVllIJ lOCAlJD5U !iTUmES allJllTt.Cjy or TIlE I101S[ war that has turned much of the world Democrats worry that Edwards' tem- STAITWIB SITE KtWWWD0l5[!i1AJ£[DU.ALlsmmESCOI-lI'llI.DUY On Jan. 2, Spears married high school CAf\011N MICHAUO BERLIN-Young women looking for pered style may be depriving them of a against the United States. sweetheart Jason Alexander in an im- \ i secretarial work rise to meet their pro- Tomany Republicans, Massachusetts weapon they need. promptu ceremony in Las Vegas. But \ I spective boss, and in a movie moment \ '

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;;;:::======--:--~,--~ ~ __-:,- -=-S--==-E~P~T----,=-2~3-----,=-2-.::::.0~O-.:'f----.J: Germans watching the first film portraying Hitler as human

BY MRTTHEWSCHDFIELD inner circle has been a central is- in Berlin when the city fell. The true." Kmght Ridder Newspepers sue in Germany since the defeat son of communists, he had fam- For most of the. German pub- of Nazi Germany in 1945. It's il- ily members who were killed by lic, hearing Hitler speaking in a BERLIN· Young women look- legal to display the Nazi swas- the Nazi regime. deep, smooth voice, exchanging ing for secretarial work rise to tika or sell Hitler's book "Mein "Ineeded to see how it would be pleasantries, saying, "Thank you, meet their prospective boss, and Kampf" ("My Struggle"), and portrayed," he said. "There are so ma'am, that was very good" after in a movie moment that's historic singing the most infamous verse many questions I've had, ail these eating is a bit of a shock. Nine Indlvlduels, Jenmrer Hevas (beck lert to right], Rrlelle Rnderson, and worrisome to manyGermans, of the German national anthem, years. This movie will stay with A Bild newspaper columnist, Kste Jette, Iracu Meret, !boUom lert to right] John Demel Jemes Rosch, they're greeted by a gentle, smll- the one associated with Hitler's me for a long time. I think it's im- in an open letter, questioned the Dr. Rnchustegul, T.J. Ullggs end Trecv Lentz trv to keep the environments' needs rlrst. big, friendly AdolfHitier. Third Reich, is taboo. portant for us, for Germans." premise by asking, "Was Hitler a PHOTOBYKRISTAADAH5illl£ A/lnmn That portrayal of Hitler in a new Leaving a theater near the heart- Not everyone agrees. A man human being?" movie called "Der Untergang" of Berlin, not far from where the who would identify himself only The producer, Bernd Eichinger; ('The Downfall") is the talk of action in the movie took place as as 63-year·old Meier said, "It is a says he was. It's that fact, 'he Germany these days. The biggest- the Soviet army arrived, 78-year- small look at his life, and I won't said, that. .should most disturb budget German film in years, it old Klaus Nuebauer looked at the accept the line on the screen at Germans. depicts Hitler's final days ill '-3, ground and shook his head. He'd the end, that 6 million Jews were LiVing with Berlin bunker, and it's the first been a 19-year-old stenographer killed by Germans. It simply isn't German movie to' portray the architect of the Holocaust as hu- man, not a caricature of evil. The talk of the coffee houses the world: these days, it's playing to near- packed theaters throughout the 'country (attracting 100,000view- ers on its first day), and it's been Enviromental Ethics featured on the front pages of na- tional newspapers and on maga- zine covers. . "Hitler is our most loyal BY RRCHEL PEREZ such 'as the sage grouse, which is companion," the Frankfurter News Reporter on the endangered species list. Allgemeine newspaper said. "The In order for students to under- Adenauers and the Brandts, the As part of the Philosophy de- stand the topics from all angles, Kennedys and Gorbachevs, come partment at Boise State, Ann- Anchustegui would like stu- and go, Adolf Hitler remains. His Marie Anchustegui hopes to dents to look at arguments from image is not fading." bring environmental awareness both sides of the moral issues. "For decades, Hitler was por- to college students. At a staff Speakers from both sides of the trayed either as a demon or as a meeting about a year ago it was fence will be brought in to'show comic strip character," director I recognized thatthere was a need students environmental debate I Oliver Hirschbiegelsaid in Focus i i tohaveaclassonenvironmental. in action, giving unfiltered in- Magazine. "It is about time we ethics. This fall is the third time formation. Debate amongst the confrollted our history." it has been offered; unfortu- students is also encouraged. Sir Ian Kershaw, a noted Hitler nately very few signed up to take Laws such as the Endangered biographer, said the movie didn't the class. Species Act and the Wilderness break any ground. "Htstcrlans Anchustegui believes a lot of Protection Act will be discussed. have accepted these details for people aren't concerned with The Endangered Species Act years," he said. But, he added, it's the environment because it cuts provides a program for the pro- a more accurate portrayal than into their lifestyle. tection of threatened and en- film has produced before of the "Some changes have to be dangered plants and animals most infamous man of the 20th made to get more people aware and the habitats they live in. century. of environmental problems' so' The Wilderness Protection Act "I think it's a tremendous film, Up to Per Semester for that as a whole we can become focuses on the safety of the wil- but it's just a film, not a form of $3,000.00 more responsible in the deci- 'derness and the restoration of healing or closure," he said. "He sions we make," Anchustegui land. Discussion will include didn't rant and rave 100 percent Full-Time Students III said. how these laws should be en- ofthe time. He wasn't the sort of Students who take the class forced in the country, and the human being you'd want to spend gain an understanding of the controversies surrounding their time with, or bring home, or even * Montgomery GI Bill * Montgomery GI Bill Kicker ethical issues that are surround- enforcement. "There should be meet. But he was human." ing so many environmental cri- a good deal of moral argument The movie depicts many in the * State Tuition Assistance * Cash Bonuses ses, Some of these issues include just surrounding those federal rogues' gallery of Nazi Germany * Student Loan Repayment Program global warming, species extinc- laws," Anchustegui said. - SSleader Heinrich Himmler, ar- tion, biodiversity, and pesticides Anchustegui is concerned' chitect Albert Speer, propaganda and toxins in food. The class about how people can be caught minister Joseph Goebbels and aims to show how these things up in a consumer driven life- For More information contact: FuellOu~::. ."...... Hitler's mistress/wife Eva Braun TSgt Rod Elson have affected daily life, 'style, and about how easy it is to - and shows each in a human , Students will also learn about forget environmental concerns. light. 422-5597 or (800) 621-3909 Air National Guard environmental issues in Idaho, How to deal with Hitler and his

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RB t A punk-rock " \ \ I i I 1- aida an I e pioneer dies

Knight Ridder/Tribune Newe Johnny was an admirer of today. Service Ronald Reagan. . In one song, the Ramones Some early punk bands wore wrote about the four rules of a President Bush has ignited their political consciences on Commando: the fury of a new generation their sleeves (The Clash comes "First rule is: The laws of s . to mind), but most were more Germany; of politically minded rockers, reported Slate magazine this interested in exploring the "Second rule is: Be nice to week. We're all for political pro- timeless themes of teen angst. mommy; reasons, we've switched fo- The Ramones revolution- "Third rule is: Don't talk to BY CRAOl TOWRANICKY been personally smeared, up to test, in any peaceful form, so Knight Ridder Newspepers and including intimations of cus away from the people who one will find no criticism ofthis ized the rock music of the time, commies; treason. Vice President Cheney , attacked us three years ago. trend here. which was dominated by over- "Fourth rule is: Eat kosher sa- What bothers me is not the even suggested last week that a President Bush didn't even But having heard some of the produced songs sung by ri- lamis." seven minutes President Bush vote for John Kerry is a vote for mention Osama bin Laden new protest songs, we're nos- diculously dressed rock stars Political? Only in a bizarre stalled on Sept. 11, 2001, read- another terrorist attack. during his acceptance speech. talgic for the early days of punk with big hair and makeup. sort of way. The Ramones- ing "My Pet Goat" to grade Message Two: Fighting ter- Instead, the administration rock music, memories of which The Ramones provided ener- only drummer Tommy is stl1l schoolers. It's the three years ror isn't as important as bring- continues spouting the fiction were reignited this week after getic music, produced in little alive-were inducted into the that came after the seven min- ing government bacon home to that Saddam Hussein had a hearing the news of Ramones more than a garage. They wore Rock and Ron Han of Fame in utes: the district. Homeland security part in the Sept. 11 attacks, and guitarist Johnny Ramona's ragged jeans and black leather 2002. That was wen deserved, Three years of stonewalling has become the latest pork-bar- that the losses oftime, treasure death at age 55. jackets. but they never took themselves every attempt to identify mis- rel trough, with priorities set by and humanity in the Iraq mis- The four band members Their music sounded like too seriously. takes. politics, not need: The state of adventure are a central part of - each born with different last melodic 1950s be-bop tunes Their music offered pure, Threeyears ofexploiting grief Wyoming (Cheney again) is' a war on the people who hurt names, all changing them to cranked up to a frenetic pace. harmless fun. It's not a bad leg- and fear for political gain. so flush with cash, it JUSl pur- us. Ramone - rarely touched on Their lyrics could be downright acy. Three years of terror preven- chased a $150,00(1bomb-han- No doubt the misleading politics in their songs, although silly,yet fun to think about even tion on the cheap. dling robot, while New York rhetoric is effective here at Throughout the Republican City continues to receive a home, but al-Qaida knows the National Convention, we heard small fraction of the money it truth: Some terror-fighting de- endlessly about Bush's brief needs. . cisions are based not on what's .•leltiemTIlltme· edit0R .. · ...... shining moment. Yes,he visited Message 'Three: We aren't best for our security but on Ground Zero on Sept. 14 (as if willing to sacrifice much - ex- what looks best on Fox News. If Cr, ~' ' " , ," • no other president would have cept some constitutional rights that's not giving aid, it surely is been so bold). Yes,he hugged a giving comfort to the enemy. - to be safer. able "tools" that allow them to for who they truly are - not just firefighter. Yes, through a bull- America needs a different set Dear Editor: Name any 'part of terror pre- modify their image (money, what they look like from the horn, he promised, "The peo- of messages: We need to make vention, we're underfunding it. social standing, even clothing outside. ple who knocked down these it clear by our actions that we'll I recently heard of Larry We aren't spending the money I hope for the day when an buildings will hear from all of learn from mistakes, that we're Kirkwood's pending BSU show that exaggerates the male im- to secure our ports. screen the age), the male torsos depicted artist is not judged by his or :.1 us soon." up for the sacrifice, that we of his Body Image Project torso cargo that comes through them, in Mr. Kirkwood's work have her gender, nor llmited in his But what have the terrorists know who our most danger- casts. Although I understand beef up resources for "rust re- been stripped of all such con- or her artistic expression due to heard from us, really? What ous enemies are - and that we that my position may be sus- sponders," regulate chemical ventions. All of the torsos can the too-narrow view of critics. message has been sent by our won't dilute our efforts to crush pect, due to my male gender, plants or make public trans- be appreciated as true works of With the Women's Center's re- actions and inactions? them. -I have to say I applaud such a portation safer. We haven't suf- art -: regardless of the subjects' cent sponsoring of the Annual Message One: We aren't pre- John Kerry is the only per- respectable artist's work. Larry ficiently increased efforts to ....:;,.I...... ;,. ...l.,nv National Iuried A_I"!.F.yhib!t!o!.1 'pared to learn from our mis- son who credibly can deliver Kirkwood has taken this mig- u ...vJ.ufj ...... u.--..-- ~ prevent nuclear weapons from I have no doubt ofthe benefit Celebrating Women's History takes. In fact, 'we don't even that message. Al-Qaida needs sion on for the past eleven years, places like Russia, Pakistan lent to the women who partici- Month (open to female art- want to know what they are. to hear - again - from all of us and has cast almost 500 torsos and North Korea from falling ists only) and its commitment The Bush White House had to of women and men since 1993. pate and view Mr. Kirkwood's into the hands of al-Qaida, soon. to the Body Image Project, the be shamed by victims' families Gender is a social construct work; similarly I have no doubt Not only that, ari internal of the benefit men will gain Center must be commended for to allow the 91ll Commission ABOUTTHE WRITER and is quite different from White House memo leaked this from viewing the same work. its broad consensus building to proceed. Then it had to CarolTowarnickyischiefedi- one's biological sex. As such, spring showed plans for mas- Ultimately. I hope such shows around the subjectofgendeL be shamed into cooperating torial writerforthePhiiadelphia it is subject to a wide range of sive cuts in security spend- (executed by both male and fe- with it. Our president, when Daily News. Except for brief in- cultural factors - l.e., males ing - after the election. We've male artists) will act as a cata- Ddlm Gundll1'Son, pressed, could not think of tervals on maternity leave and are no more protected from already blown the money we lyst to change our envy-driven; BSUFacilities Planner even one mistake he has made. on strike, Towarnlcky, 55, has body image stereotypes than need on tax cuts for the wealth- image-conscious culture into Junior, Fine Arts Major Yetnearly everyone who points spent the last 30 years at the females. Although males have iest Americans. one that will accept a person out some of those mistakes has Message Four: For political Daily News. , more access to socially accept-

WR!TERS OFFICE EDITORS . PHOTOGARPHY PRODUCTION Phutu Editor Rnt Productlun Manager CopyEdltur Offlce Mlnlglr EDnOR ••I ..CHIEF M.~"Os.son IM105) l"lI"'Ir.It'~RU ••.". The'Arbiter [MI21) BEN WILSON [MilO) TRYLOR NEIll90LO HILRRY·ROBERTS IxlOO) MAIR"I; EUITOA [ Tho... I.IOE) EMILY DESlER Dlltl'lbutld Mandavi , ThUt"tllltYl during PAUDUCTIDI MRU;EA M"hlli' Roch. (.UO] d;.'pOlllll .... UU..... GraphiCOeSlgnel'8 Otflci. Reatl. 1910 Umverelty Drive tt1s 1nId'e1l1C .choat VIti". Th. At'tllt.l1" Rsst. Photu Editor ChriSllltsrs, Jsmss Baklr, ·1. \hi offici" rndllfendtnt atudan' SARA LOIllMILLER .' IE.5 EDITOR MotHCIPrici (1CI02] ...... ,.ltftt.U.ulJ. KRISTR RDRMS [MI21) MRTT RlLREO [xIII) Tnu,s EstuDld,Jos Franklin, BOlee, 10 B3725 ~ ,fla,,, Slttl Utnvrlltl/. ~mbsrFugsr, Jlnl HDrfllln; 1\.a_UUJ4nt.D p.t":GVldt. rraru. fm' thI RSST. lEIS EDITUA C.rolVn Nlch •• d!.1021 • .,.;OI'II''''.1I .. RUDREY.DES~~R 11l11l} JENNY SILVERIR' 'Phone:3~5~BeO~[IlIOOj I!1ltUHUlftot ii.tIIl i11irl"" th 8St1' . UPIIIUI EUITUA KVI"O;1,,~ 1;IOE]I ...... ni....ilIlai .. Photogl'8phel'8 lrsimr llum.llll'v .... t•. e__ nul-p. TbI Ar1nter'. budo'tt "rantma MIKE RASH Illm} LU~IB o.n MchssS; RlChsl: - SPOIlS EDlTaR J,r,.v Hn.-u.lln (1lIQ3)IfIrlI,.,lln"'IJI".~ •• STRN BREWSTER Fell: ~26-319B or I1n pald tv the .luc!tnt bodp an4 Plrsl, ~lnd.1I POlt, Grsg ~noutH.'\1lI htccw rrt .. I' CULTUAE !GITDA T.... " RIII... (.lD~lti~ ... Olll .... al...... JRMES ORft ~utlV,M,chllli 5sll1 •••. 8rblteninllne.coll IIddlttonal eupn Clft be pUl":bIMd tor lJ .ptlttltl1laRrtlrtI1'~ EDITDAIAL ADVISDA Dr. Don Morrll .RICHRE SIllRNBECK ~~ , t '~ EDITOR: TREUER RLTERS 3~S-B20~KID~

-So, anyway


Lost pets, spilled wine and obsceni- ties? Must be a wedding!

I went home to Oregon this past weekend. I should say I went to the home of my parents and friends from high school. As I'm constantly telling people (which means I've done it a total of two times), I firmly believe that home is where your stuff is. Since I have all my belongings, including tee ball trophies and twenty-year old photos of me in the bathtub in boxes in the basement of a house down the street from this univer- sity, I guess I could say that my home is now in Boise. (Left] Student The reason for traveling this time: my OJ Pet Banolkm spun a naw best friend, Ben. was getting married. sound at JO and Holy buh-jeezus, what an event! It was Frrends Sundav. the first of my friends' weddings that (Below) Pet Banolkm e I've been able to attend. I never realized men of mUSIC, the amount of stress a wedding puts devaloped tha on its participants. I personally didn't pessron whan panic a single time the entire weekend, his roommate Jaramv Shav though there would have been ample startad to mix. PHOTOS BY opportunity for me to do so. (Especially fllOlAtfiWANDWI. when helping to cut about 85 pounds of salmon at 2 a.m. the night prior to the event.) I was pretty much brought in as a calming influence for the groom, as Last Sunday some Hltf~n~stingaudm frequencies r-euarber at.ed off the walls fine-tuning your nuptials at the 11th hour can be quite an undertaking. I was able to help him shrug off every po- and cour-sed t.hruuqh the cruurd at JD and Frrende: sounds that I'm not ac- tential devastating obstacle with little more than a deep breath. custnmed t!]--·~sounds 'UH0lt had me listening The DJ spinning had me However, here is what made the week- end interesting to me ... fI~)ht. tUhEH'(1 he uisnt.ed me--thlnkHlg, III'ue neuer heard trus before." Our uery

[~ C~'.One of the couple's two cats tJUJnPat Benulkm. student r adro leader, was Just that DJ. . .:ran away the night before the wedding. Oddly enough, at Electronica is much more than can be heard in clubs everywhere. the nib t recent wedding I went to this thump-thump-thumping and con- It's the music Ilisten to at home, so summer, a cat ran away the day of the trolled flailing oftechno- dancers on I have been focusing more recently ceremony. The bride then was in fits the dance floor. Some people gener- on sharing that with the public.. and crying. This time, I reassured ev- alize it as dance music, but really, the When I started deejaying in 2001•. eryone that I was sure the cat was just thumping and its accompanied flail- I started mixing house, breakbeat sleepingoff a hangover from a pre-wed- ing is most likely attached to a reg- and all the popular stuff. That was ding party. Not sure, but I think they ularly club played sub-category of one of my favorite genres and still is, electronic a known as 'house music: but now Imix the downtempo, trip The complexity of electronic music hop, hip hop-stuff that is not fast. I bO::~t ~lt.1had what seemed to be the ~".'..'.•.• is quite amazing, its history is richly kind of realized that not a lot ofpeo- ('cD ".1 bulk of a bottle of red. wine : European, richly American, and its pie in town are spinning this stuff; spilled all over my khakis. there are a few-but not a lot. I want l.L~rl· soul-birthed in the underground. Really, nobody cared about that except Not too long ago, twenty-year-old people to know this is what they are going to get when they see my name my mother, who kindly poured boil- Benolkin discovered the genre. In ing water onto the pants to remove any 2001, raves were big in Boise (before on a flier." Benolkin began mixing in the, trace of stain the following day. Luckily, a lot of their facilitators made their privacy of his own home. Over the I was no longer wearing the pants. way to prison for "alternative life- last three years, his unique style has styles"), and 'techno' found itself opened doors. Every Friday, from C::'r'j ~IMuch to the delight of the flourishing among Boise's oddity 7-10 p.m. (except when he plays c', t groom's Uncle Doug, and af- of mainstream ravers. Jeremy Shay, Poblanos; then he plays from 6-9 \:;:!J f ter only half a glass of cham- another student radio dj and long p.m.), Benolkin can be found at the pagne, I, elt bold enough to get up on time friend of Benolkin's, delved full Record Exchange spinning little- one of the picnic tables during the re- force into the music and its scene. known vinyls and showing custom- ception and dance around. Twice. He started mixing on his own "cheap turntables," which sparked more ers how they can get their hands on them. He doesn't work there. They I{ I~·. 11[·.... The best man was .a lesbian. than an interest in Benolkin. "He c., :; like what he spins, and he likes n To my knowledge, It was the was living at a house with a bunch of sharing. In October, you can find j first time I've been to a wed- my friends, and me and another guy him three Fridays out of the month ding wlfere the groom and the best man brought our turntables over to his actually had gone on a date once, albeit house and he seemed to like it, and deejaying at Poblanos from 10 p.m. occurring back in elementary school. next thing I knew, he had some turn- to 11:30p.m. in downtown Boise. Benolkin loves music; there is tables," said Shay, Sunday night at JD hSJ ]'1'. I think the stress of a wed- and Friends. . no doubt about that. When he was ~.' ." ding hits the bride the hard- The seduction of electronic a was younger, he wanted to be in a rock ~:!.J . est. Watching this bride dur- fast and sweet for Benolkin, "It blew band, but after working more with I, ing setu~ about two hours prior to the me away when Iheard "Trip Hop", be- radio, and mixing two of his own ceremony was much like attending a cause I thought it was all house mu- CDs, he's leaning more towards i Sam Kinison stand-up routine. If this is music production. The truth is that i sic. Ididn't know that you could come confusing to you then watch a tape of a down in speed." Ever since, he's been whether deejaying takes him some- I I Sam Kinison stand-up routine. exploring and mixing music. In what where, or he ends up producing- I So anyway, I'm not sure how I feel could be described as an addiction, Benolkin has passion. He loves what I about weddings now. For the most he found himself blowing eighty dol- he plays, and he plays what he loves. I part, they are beautiful and an excel- lars at the Record Exchange, feeding Ifany soul has the slightest desire to I lent opportunity for family and friends his craving for new music. In the be- hear some rich electronic a, they are i to get drunk together. It's just stress-in- ginning. he mainly mixed house, but the soul that should check out Pat I duced Tourette's. and the embarrassing his fascination with the "chill side" Benolkin spinning, and they will things that I do on tables at weddings of electronic a grew. "I want people not regretit. that worry me. Oh well, it's not like they to know that there is more than what have any of it onvideo. Aw.crap.

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Pain iSI A dark- night with warning signal •. {Help is on the way.} Black Tape Some of the audience members JOE FRRNKLIN Girl went on at The Venue last Culture Wrllar Sunday night, the crowd mount- brought their children right up to ed at the front of the stage. The the front of the stage. Maybe six At first it's the atmosphere that sound quality ofthe show was the or seven years of age, the children sucks you in. The dozens of goth glaring success. Bret Helm's vo- danced at times, and they did not people, the dim atmosphere that cals sound as crisp as the record, seem out of place, neither did the comes from black light, the fog, if not more so. The live songs do six and a half foot tall man wear- and the pulsing background mu- not differ in sound much from ing corpse-paint and a trench sic. When Black Tape for a Blue the albums themselves. This is coat standing next to them. The no feat if one were at a show that misconception of goth people is had millions of dollars to spend that they are aggressive and un- on sound control, monitors and approachable. Although, I con- other equipment. Black Tape had tend that they are very polite their main sound guy on stage' and respectful people that just ~Sprint~ with them, Sam Rosenthal. As have the hobby of looking unap- ,\ \ the creator/mastermind behind proachable; I would guess that Black Tape for a Blue Girl, he fills most of the audience at the Black } . in all the sound gaps. Every bril- Tape show, represents the core of liant texture coming through on the goth scene in Boise. Ifso, it has TheUltilttlateSt~d~~~~DiscoLOni: the CD is also coming through commanded a bit of a following. onstage. The high points were If any are interested, visit night- when ail instruments, after slowly to get more involved in swelling, would rise up and flood gatherings such as Black Tape for F EE I the room. The piercing notes a Blue Girl. ~r~o~~~ The last song of the set was a came from the electric guitar Act now, and beat the back-to-school rush. and the miraculously mic'd hand David Bowie cover of "Ground Offer good for college students with a valid student ID for a limited time. drum. Bret Helm and Nicki Iaine, Control to Major Tom." Rosenthal In-store purchase and activation of a new line of service required. both on vocals, were restraining left the stage and took pictures and releasing the music's power. from the floor. As Helm fin- Rosenthal, in the background, ished the final lines of the song, Get a feature rich was taking care of everyone. Rosenthal meandered through The crowd was very receptive the audience as a proud father Sprint pes Vision- of the band. Just as Rosenthal might enjoy the limelight, vicari- Picture Phone said, there really was room for ously. juat$49.99 any kind of person at the show Alter Inllaat Savings Groups of three or Check out the monthly • Bull'll, Digital Camer. NLIII E more will get discounts piercing specials, this • BuUI i. SJltabf Phone on pierclngs (not LOCAL ANYTIME month Iseyebrows for @~:!!f!-~ • Sptlnl pes R.l4y 1I11.... Capablo including sale Items). $25.00. After $150 instant with m-store purchase and activation of a new line MINUTE CALLING 01 service on 0 Sprint PeS Service Ptan All New Moon piercings include We have designs for the new wnhVlsion. the jewelry and aftercare package with tattoo, and we can create A $150 Instant instructions. We stand by our piercinqs, from pictures you bring in, Savings and offer free follow up service. New Moon Tattoo • 6422 Fairview Ave. 375-1666 JUST $50 PER MONTH "Perforating the Populas of Idaho"

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SEPT 23 200'1 culture 7 Metal m ster tackles M tr

CHRIS RLTERS Culture Writer

Boise State welding instruc- tor, Juan Martinez, will represent Boise State University on a na- tionallevel. He is set to appear on CONSERVATORY the Discovery Channel program, Monster Garage on Monday, R o A D w A Y Sept. 27 at 7 p.m, Monster Garage is hosted by famed motorcycle custom designer/builder Jessie Amenities Ben Carman James. "Essentially what he does," Martinez explained, "he 878 Sq.ft. of living comfort phone: 1.208.336.3020 takes five builders from around 1.208.336.8345 the country, throws them in a All2 bedroom Double Vanities fax: team environment and they Section 42 available have a week to build." Within the Double Vanity Apartments Walk-in Closets team, "each member has a spe- 878 Sq. Ft. cial field of expertise." Martinez Private Decks DECK/PATIO was brought in as an expert in $500-650 24-hr. Laundry Center metals fabrication. BEOnOOM BEOnOOM Every build is a transforma- tion. Past episodes have seen $30 app fee for each applicant 24-hr. Fitness Center LIVING/DINNING the creations of a fire-truck-beer brewery, a cop car mobile do- (unless married) Controlled Access to Building nut shop, a 1990 Ford Mustang $150 Non-Refundable Deposit GT lawnmower, a Ford Explorer .Reserved Parking garbage truck and a whole list of off-the-wall mechanical mas- Covered - Uncovered terpieces. Martinez could not get specific about the project he was involved with because the - - - show has not yet aired, but he did r promise that it would be, "the' funniest Monster Garage made I, yet. The content and subject matter lends itself for some great I Juan Martinez puts the finishing touches ~~\'I;latast metal work N humor," he said. rl1lTfU BY nm.Y Dr.sUfli111~ AIlDlTf.1I • According to Martinez, the show was fun and a lot of hard "Allof my young students in here themselves in apositive manner." work but it was also a humbling I want to be like Jessie James. He's His participation in "Monster I experience. "TheMonsterGarage had a hell of an impact on all of Garage" was an opportunity to studio is down on Anaheim the trades." Martinez describes reach. out to students with that ., D Boulevard in the heart of the James' approach to welding and belief. "This is an honorable and Long Beach ghetto. I grewup in a, metal fabrication as "new school" noble task to represent Idaho," Donate Plasma at Biomal USA neighborhood just like that. And because of his creative and inno- Martinez said. Earn $50 the first week and now for me to come full circle Martinez hopes to have a posi- vative techniques, $150 per month to go to this ghetto neighbor- Boise State University's College tive impact on our community hood as a representative of Boise! of Applied Technology is geared through his art. Last spring, he State University, representing towards teaching students the worked with the Nampa Boys and I Tues-Sat: 9:00·5:30 the welding trade I am re- Girls club in a gang intervention I skills that are showcased on GRIFOlS turning to the ghetto as an award program that blossomed into "a Jessie James' program. Building 4017 Overland Rd Biomat USA, Inc. B winning welding instructor ...I cars and motorcycles, or rework- cross-cultural and socio-eco- II Boise, 10 8370.5 can leave a neighborhood like ing them, is part of what they . nomic" art program. Martinez caring for people's health that, come full circle, and come do. The students who enroll in helped inspire a group of·young / back to that neighborhood as a these classes come from all back- people who created a metal arch- transformed person." Martinez way sculpture in Pioneer Park in L grounds and cultures. Martinez ///_------explained that Jessie James is explains, "I'm trying to prepare Caldwell. "They have overcome - also known for his positive role my students for the real world." stereotypes and learned to come and contributions towards his Like Jessie James, he encourages together as a team," he said. community and for his work with creativity but at the same time, On September 27, from 6-8 at-risk youth. he says, "I'm demanding on their p.m. in the Farnsworth room Jessie James is something of a craftsmanship." He hopes this in the Student Union Building, pop-culture icon with his hugely atmosphere will inspire his stu- the BSU Cultural Center plans successful program "West Coast dents to create works that are to celebrate Martinez's accom- Choppers". His success proves "different and fresh and new." plishments with the airing of that good old-fashioned hard Martinez sees a more impor- "Monster Garage". "Everyone is work can payoff. "He's actu- tant principle at work within his invited." Martinez said. There ally saving our trade," explains trade. "I'm a firm believer that will be' plenty of food and fun. Martinez, who was the recipi- through art, whether it's the spo- Admission is free. For further ent of the American Welding ken word, visual arts or grafitti information, and to R.S.v.P,call Society's National Image of arts ... the young people need a 426-5950. Welding Educator Award in April. chance to express and identify

FEI\~f~ thou BIRCH GAH~'ON david dU lim CLENNON IlANNA H ROTH chril luil COOPER HUS~ON SAGUAR almJ kri' DELFINA KRISTOFFERSON WA7f€ richard III DREYFUSS LOPEZ lA~l~ /,'I'-/~~/\ Sfi:'?ER CITY ~~RJ~' m~i N~ILMS V::.I.,.~. • ._- ",~'-"UUoil""-- ~_Oo7.-..c...IJ ..... --.... -FLII6=KS Starts friday, Sept. 24 367-0068 ... rtlLroI .~ Kick off BSU homecoming weekend' with a night of hilarious improv comedy at the Morrison Center!

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: THE ARBITER SEPT 23 200'1 [c 0 Iu-m-ri]----- Broncos hottest ticket Week two in in town, host BYU theNt'l. was tomorrow night full of surprises

BY RMBER FU,GER gest fumble return in history for BY TREUOR HORN Sports Writer the Bears. Although the Packers Sports Writer lost, Brett Favre still managed Some might say that the big- to break an NFL record of Dan For the second time in three gest surprise in the NFL for Marino's of '24 touchdowns weeks the Boise State Broncos week two was the Jerry Rice against a single opponent. The football team will play on a Friday story. For the first time in 274 Packers find themselves 1-1los- night on ESPN. Coincidently, games, Rice was held without a ing their second home opener. the Broncos (21" in both ESPNI catch. Others ..light say that the The Bears also find themselves USA Today Coaches and the Carolina Panthers victory over 1-1 after losing in week one to Poll) will also be the was the Detroit. hosting a team a week after that biggest surprise as the Panthers The have turned team played a defending co-na- went into game day missing some heads these first two tional championship team. Stephen Davis and Steve Smith, weeks of the season going 2-0 Twoweeks ago the Broncos (3-0, the team's top two offensive for the first time since 2000 and 1-0Western Athletic Conference) threats. How about Detroit go- ending the longest road losing beat Oregon State 53-34 less ing 2-0 for the first time since streak in the NFL. What about than a week after the Beavers 2000? the "J E T S, Jets, Jets, Jets," put- lost a heartbreaker to LSU. This The majority of football fans ting the ghost stories to rest week the BYU Cougars (1-2, 0- would have to say that the big- with their hot September start? o ) gest surprise was when the This season marks the first time come to town, last week losing to beat the Green in 11 seasons that the New York USC42-10last Saturday in Provo, Bay Packers at Lambough Field Jets have gone 2-0. The Jets beat Utah. Sunday. Yes, Lovie Smiths wish the (0-2) 13-10 in Tomorrow night at 8:07 p.m. came true. On Jan. IS, Smith de- week one with a game-winning locally, the Broncos will look to clared that his number one pri- touchdown as the clock ran defend their nation leading 20- ority as head for the Bears out in the fourth quarter. Last game win streak, and the longest was to beat the Packers. This Sunday the Jets humbled the current winning streak in the na- victory marks the third time the San Diego Chargers (l-I) 34-28. tion at 14 games in front of a na- Bears have defeated the Packers No one can forget the reju- tionally televised audience on in their last 21 meetings. venated of the ESPN. When Smith prioritized his , Michael Vick. The Broncos are "Coming off a goals he claimed he knew how Vick's ability to use his speed win over UTEP on the road that to knock off the Packers. As de- and his throwing capabilities looks much better on paper than fensive coordinator for the St. led the Falcons to a 34-17 victo- it actually was. Louis Rams, Smith paid atten- ry over the SI. Louis Rams. Vick For the third time in their last tion as the Packers commit- ran for 109 yards and threw for four games, the Broncos fell to a ted 10 turnovers their last two 179yards against the Rams. The double-digit deficit. in the first meetings. Falcons are 2-0 while the Rams \:'"I quarter-this time to the Miners. As head coach for the Bears he are 1-1. The Broncos were able to recover put his observations and turn- Football season is like and lead at halftime in all three, over strategy to the test. The Christmas for some fans and but it is the lack of consistency Bears aced that test andclinched the gifts keep on coming. Week at the beginning of games that the victory against their archri- two's results put some ghosts has been the Achilles heel for vals. "The Bears turned turn- to rest and made the wishes of the team early this season. Jared overs into touchdowns in longtime Bears fans come true. Zabransky did throw for a career- Larnbough," said SportsCenter Records were broken and losing high 392 yards, but he threw two anchor Linda Cohn. The inspi- streaks ended while the defend- interceptions and fumbled twice ing champions the on the goal line, but thankfully ration for this statement came New England Patriots prolonged for the Broncos, both were recov- Zabransky and tha BSU squad go up against BVU tomorrow In a sold out game. PIIIJ11lDY!iT'lItrYum:wsrm from Brett Favre's two intercep- tions and a fumble by Ahman their winning streak to 17. ered on scoring drives. tomorrow night is shaping up to Green just before the half. Crisp fall mornings, your fa- The Cougars are coming in Led by senior Matt tion in scoring. Not only are they vorite teams paraphernalia on a low note from the past two Payne, the Cougars look like a leading the nation in scoring, the be the same situation. Brian Urlacher Last season at LaVell Edwards plastered to your wardrobe, weeks after posting a win that team that is struggling to find its Broncos are ranked either first or stripped the ball from Green Stadium, the Broncos beat the and the day when it is okay have looks huge now as we go deeper way. Payne was named the MWC second in every offenslvecatego- on the first down from the 2- beer for breakfast and breakfast into the season. BYUstarted the special teams player of the week ry in the WAC. Cougars 50-12 in the first meet- yards line just after the two- for lunch. NFL Sundays are in season at home with a close win on Monday. The second time he This season is also turning out ing between the two schools. minute warning. Mike Brown full swing and fans awake each over Notre Dame. At the time, has been honored this season, to be the hottest ticket in town. The Broncos will not only be scooped the ball up and ran for looking to extend the home win- Sunday ready to scream at the the Irish looked like they may and the fifth time in his career. Student section tickets sold out 95 yards down the Bears side- TV with visions of quick feet, not have the program rebuilt, but The 6 foot, 4-inch, 238-pound in about six hours for the Oregon ning streak and the overall win- line to give the Bears a 14-3lead hard hits, and long passes. What since have knocked off .jugger- North Ogden, Utah, native is State game. On Monday, the tick- ning streak, but also a perfect at halftime. The fumble return will the rest ofthe season bring? nauts, Michigan and Michigan third in the nation with 47.0yards ets came and went in less than record on ESPN televised games, marked Brown's fifth defensive It's tough to predict. The one State. Since that game for the per punt this season. three hours, while there were still 10-0, and a perfect record against score, a team record. Mountain West Conference foes, prediction that is easy to make Cougars, they were drubbed by The Cougars have been out- hundreds in line waiting for tick- It also marked the second- is that more surprises are sure Stanford 37-10 on the road, and scored by nearly twenty points ets. 6-0. So if you weren't able to get a longest fumble return for a to come as the 2004 NFL season were no match for top-ranked per game this season, which is Both home games this season ticket, tune in to ESPN at 8:07 for score ever given up by the continues. USC in Provo last week. not promising for them as the have been back-to-back record kickoff and watch as the Broncos Packers which simultaneously Broncos are tied for first in the na- crowds at Bronco Stadium, and look to stay undefeated in 2004. is recorded as the second-Ion- Bronco soccer leaves Utah with a weekend split

BY JE T'RIIH TOYE out after the break. Sophomore the top 6 of 9 in conference play, Breeann Milligan who is quick to with an away game in Pocatello Sports Writer Kim Parker worked hard to de- but we don't want to just skate in BOise Slale recognize a more unified coach- where they face the Bengals. fend the net with four saves, but at number 6. We just need to play ing staff who has worked hard Idaho State was also off to a record Boise State's soccer team took three shots escaped her grasp in our best every game. I am confi- hosls Idaho right along with the players. start to their season, beginning on the in a weather- the first half. Freshman Michaela dent it will come if we continue to With these goals and founda- 4-0-0 until this weekend's loss to burdened match on Sunday af- Morrison again shared goalkeep- work hard." tomorrow at tions in mind, the Broncos look U of 1. ISU holds an impressive ternoon in . The er responsibilities this weekend The players started this hard to continue a winning season five game winning streak on their game was showered with rain, with three saves of her own work over the summer to build tt p.m. al the with an all Idaho weekend. The home field. Tomorrow's game wind, and lightening, causing This record 5-3-0 start is not a stronger, faster foundation for Vandals are coming off a stormy with the Vandals is recognized as two delays that afternoon. The where Boise State wants to com- the season. Senior Libby Johnson Boas Tenrus weekend in which their Sunday the Governor's Cup match. lady Broncos dropped to 5-3-0 plete the season. Assistant Coach also commented on the strong game was cancelled due to light- After an all Utah weekend end- ening. They did, however, defeat ing in a split, Boise State will look as they were shut out by the Utes Michele Zentz mentions the team I role models on the team. She not- & Soccer 3-0. BSU lost the point game in goals are set a little higher, "We ed that the team bonded faster Idaho State on Friday with a 2-1 towards an Idaho sweep starting the first half, but picked up on want to make post season play. and played better from the start. score. Friday with the Vandals. defense with an impressive shut- This means we have to finish in Johnson agrees with co-captain CompleH. BSU completes the weekend

If I'm 20-something, ~ 6932 fY.8tiIU6hwt CRoneJs' CapbOaR~ IkJbI. ""88'103 Howard"s .e.,;p' Pb# (208) 853-4641 wr 011J'R/h£7Ssocred ohd wlse- am I Gex X or G-enY? r-cc-:». r-c»:» Books « Stones Cwrrpdqlfm.-.-(I9I1tlInl ., Get answers. Anvttme. Anywhere. UnIque #~~""I:,.,,;tI,A~/ MusIc:::::: Gifts s,¥daI/f ' ;Jfa{1lcal Supplies Drf__ · we have your ~ 2005 cafenders 3601 Overland ;R.d. Real-time answers from real librarians &/se.1D 8~705 Accurate, up-to-dete information (208) 333-0831 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Open: Mon - Sat lOam to Zpm. Sun llam to Spm And, it's all free! . =--_--.:..-----=5::.....:E=-:P:-:....T ~2=_=_3_2=__=..O~O._..:'I~_ Foul ways to get your· kicks football 5.Chris Leak, Florida: Even left," Ohio State coach Jim Tressel basically two. Because of head- Tennessee has won consecu- "He won't have any problem though his team lost, Leak was BY WENDELL BRRNHOUSE said. "He's the best in the coun- to-head tiebreakers, Miami has - tive games against Fiorida for the getting a date; Tennessee coach impressive with a national televi· KOight Ridder N,wspspers try." a two-game edge on Florida firsttime since 1970-71. Philip Fulmer said of Wilhoit. sion audience watching. FORT WORTH, _Texas - Deep Wilhoit went from outcast to Auburn's 10-9victory over LSU State, Auburn is two up on LSU LOOKING AHEAD O'BRIEN WATCH came on a second-chance extra and Tennessee is two ahead of Upset watch: Alabama at thoughts on personal fouls,' BMOC when his field goal offset The top five candidates for point. Auburn missed the first Florida. Arkansas, Memphis at UAB, kicks, misses, new rules and tie- his missed extra point that led to the Davey O'Brien National kick, but LSU's Ronnie Prude was A league loss carries far more Northwestern at Minnesota ... breakers as the college football all the drama. Three weeks into QuarterbackAward: called for a personalfoul.p'rude weight than a non-conference This week's best games: Boston season slides 'toward the end of the season, and rarely have kick- 1.Matt Leinart, Southern Gal; -- violated a new rule when he-IosS:-Plorida State coach "Bobby College at Wake Forest, Memphis September: ers played such key roles. Completed 22 of 35 passes for leaped to try and block the kick. Bowden talked in July about how at UAR, Rice at Texas ... Down Dallas Baker should be honored Florida's Matt Leach missed a 236 yards and two touchdowns The rule reads: "A defensive the loser of the season opener the road: The season's next big at Tennessee's team banquet. The 21-yard field goal late Inthe third against BYU. player attempting to block a kick between FSU and Miami would day will be Oct. 9, when Texas vs. Florida got into a quarter that would have given z.lason White, Oklahoma: may jump forward, but he can- have the rest of the season to re- Oklahoma in Dallas, California For the season, the defending head-slap contest with Volunteers the Gators a 10-point lead.LSU's not land on top of an opposing cover. -- at Southern Cal, Tennessee at defensive back Jonathan Wade Ryan Gaudet missed a crucial Heisman winner is 51-of-71 for player onthe kicking team. If he Oklahoma reached the Sugar Georgia, Minnesotaat Michigan late in Saturday's game. The of- extra point in the Tigers' loss at 708 yards with six touchdowns lands on the ground or on one of Bowl without winning the Big 12 and Wisconsin at Ohio State fig- ficlals flagged Baker for a 15-yard ,Auburn. and one interception. his players there is no penalty. If Conference, but that was an ab- ure to be the big games. personal foul instead of assessing Maryland's Nick Novak missed 3.Kyle Orton, Purdue: In two he lands on an opposing player, a erration. It's next to impossible to HEISMANWATCH offsetting penalties. a 49-yarder that might have beat- games, he has seven "Incomple- IS-yard personal foul penalty is play for the national champion- _ The top five candidates for the "You can't retaliate," Florida en West Virginia in regulation. tions" in 46 attempts and has called." ship if you don't win your confer- : thrown for 615 yards and nine coach Ron Zook said. "They al- ' The Mountaineers' Brad Cooper LSUcoachNickSabanisamem- ence. l.Matt Leinart, Southern Cal ways get the second guy." had two chances at a game-win- B TDs. ber of the NCAA rules commlj-. ..""", .."WQIfI}~~!JA9' __ 9 : Nothing .fancy, but a ~olid ··,tChris' - Leak, Florida: Baker'stransgressioncameona ner, but missed from 44 and 39. tee. He didn't question Saturday's In its 42·10 victory over BYU, performance inthe Trojans 42-- third-down play and stopped the Ohio State senior Mike Nugent Completed 21·of-30 passes for call, but he made it clear he be- Southern Cal had two backs with 10defeat ofBYU. clock with 55 seconds remaining. was the Buckeyes' offense in a 280 yards with three touch- lieves there's a lot of gray area in more than 100 yards rushing, 2. Jason White, Oklahoma downs in his team's 30-28 loss to The penalty gave the Volsa time- 22-14 victory at North Carolina the interpretation. the first time the Trojans have QB: Through three games, the out they didn't have and allowed State. A week after his final-play Tennessee. Florida State, LSU and Florida done that in a game since 1996. Sooners' running game has taken 5.Sonny Cumbie, Texas Tech: In them to starttheirfinal drive with 55-yarder beat Marshall, Nugent all have one loss. And, as last LenDale White rushed for no the heat offWhite. 43 seconds remaining instead of connected from 50,30, 33, 46 and the Red Raiders' offense, Cumbie season's national championship yards and Reggie Bush had 124. 3.Cedric Benson, Texas: Benson will continue to roll up eye-catch- less than20. 47 yards. He's made eight of his mess proved, one loss doesn't Texas Tech had scored seven and the Longhorns had the week- Given the extra tlme.Tennessee nine kicks this season and is 41- ing statistics. keep a team out of playing for the touchdowns in 209 plays before end off. managed to position itself for of-56 for his career. ' title. playing TCU, but in its last 55 4.Kyle Orton, Purdue: Orton kicker James Wilhoit's 50-yard "He believes he's going to make But for the Seminoles, the plays against the Horned Frogs, and the Boilermakers had the field goal that gave the Vols a 30- it, whether it's raining or wheth- Tigers and the Gators, one loss is the Red Raiders scored nine TDs. weekend off. 28 victory. ' er it's 55 yards with two seconds PRTnot so automatic With lille hopes on lhe line

minutes during their daily two- football team, you have to be BY BRIRN DRUIS tal since '90. sound In all phases," OSU coach Fifty-three out of 1,Q43 at- hour workout. ~ha Dallas Morning Naws Les Miles said. "The opportunity tempts have been missed this Fresno State coach Pat Hill said his team's practices consist to score points with a field goal or DALLAS - Extra points are season in Division I-A. Several of nine extra point attempts in a extra ~oin~ is imperative." usually an afterthought In col- were huge. four-minute span. Kickers and lege football because kickers are Oregon State's Alexis Serna missed three in the season open- other specialists then work by normally automatic. But several themselves. Oklahoma's kickers, extra point attempts have been er against LSU, allowing the Tigers to escape with a win, 22-21, for example, work by themselves hooked, sliced or blocked this inside Oklahoma Memorial season, altering a team's national in overtime. Tennessee missed Cheese••• an extra point against Florida Stadium while the rest of the delicious meafls, letitiuce. championship destiny. .i team practices on the adjacent The point after is now almost as on Saturday, but the kicker re- pickles, tiomatio and chips. deemed himself with a last-gasp grass fields. treacherous as third-and-long. Still, several coaches, includ- "I don't know if they've got the field goal that gave the Volunteers >Over 30 satiisfying a two-point victory. LSU missed ing Brown, said they do not offer yips or what's the deal," Boise scholarships to high school kick- andwiches and salads State coach Dan Hawkins said. its own extra point last weekend against Auburn. This time, the ers. Coaches encourage kickers or lunch, dinner, picnics Division I-A kickers connect- to walk on, and then the player ed on 95.3 percent of their extra Tigers came up one point short, and partiies. losing 10-9. could earn a scholarship with his point attempts last season, the performance. best performance since 1990. By "When they score, I used to flip VOl<'(1 ~ (the channel)," Texas coach Mack "We're sure not shy about tis- comparison, NFL kickers con- lng a scholarship if we find the 'Dolses Best" ~ verted 98.4 percent in 2003. Brown said. "Now, I'm going to stay and watch." right one," Iowa State coach Dan Overall this season, college McCarney said. The Cyclones, kickers are hitting 94.9 percent Most, if not all, coaches preach the importance of the kicking however, have found most oftheir of their extra point attempts, ac- kickers through the walk-on pro- cording to NCAAstatistics: If that game. Kickers routinely lead their 345-0990 team In scoring. Most teams work cess during McCarney's tenure. 1030 Broadway ncar BSU figure were to hold up all year, it "If you're ,going to be a good the second- highest to- on extra points for about five

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