LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORY Thirteenth Legislative Assembly List of Members Internet Address - https://parliament.nt.gov.au/members-of-parliament/members-by-name 23 June 2020 Electorate Electoral Electorate Office Address Telephone No. Member Party Division Parliament House Office Address Parliament Telephone 1. AH KIT, Ms Ngaree Jane, MLA Karama Territory Labor Shop 27, Karama Shopping Plaza, 8999 6659 Deputy Speaker Party Karama, NT 0812 PO Box 6, Karama, NT 0813 Fax: 8945 2090 Parliament House, Darwin, NT 0800 8946 1479 GPO Box 3721 Darwin, NT 0801 E:mail:
[email protected] [email protected] 2. BOWDEN, Mr Joel Francis, MLA Johnston Territory Labor Millner Village Plaza, Cnr of Fitzgerald St and 8999 6620 Party Bagot Road, Millner NT 0810 PO Box 1135, Darwin, NT 0801 Fax: 8948 0525 Parliament House 3721, Darwin, NT 0801 8946 1490 E:mail:
[email protected] [email protected] 3. COLLINS, Mr (Jeff) Jeffrey David, Fong Lim Territory Unit 3 & 4, 65 Stuart Highway, Stuart Park, 8999 6501 MLA Alliance NT 0820 GPO Box 892, Darwin, NT 0801 Parliament House, Darwin, NT 0800 8946 1475 GPO Box 3721, Darwin, NT 0801 E:mail:
[email protected] [email protected] 4. COSTA, Mr Lawrence, MLA Arafura Territory Labor Shops 7 & 8, Moil Shopping Centre, Moil, NT 8999 6950 Party 0810 PO Box 41392, Casuarina, NT 0811 Fax: 8927 0988 8946 1438 Parliament House, Darwin, NT 0800 GPO Box 3721, Darwin, NT 0801 E:mail:
[email protected] [email protected] 5.