Contribution to the Knowledge of the Macrolepidoptera Fauna of the “Strandzha” Natural Park, SE Bulgaria (Lepidoptera, Macrolepidoptera) By
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©Ges. zur Förderung d. Erforschung von Insektenwanderungen e.V. München, download unter Atalanta 40 (3/4): 507-523, Würzburg (2009), ISSN 0171-0079 Contribution to the knowledge of the Macrolepidoptera fauna of the “Strandzha” Natural Park, SE Bulgaria (Lepidoptera, Macrolepidoptera) by S t o y a n B e s h k o v received 7.VIII.2009 Abstract: The genus Pachycnemia S t e p h e n s , 1829 and two species belonging to it: Pachycnemia hippocastanaria (H ü b n e r , [1799]) and Pachycnemia tibiaría (R a m b u r , 1829) are reported as new for the Bulgarian fauna. Both species are numerous but established in a single locality only. Iclaea infirmaría (R a m b u r , 1833) is new to the Bulgarian fauna, it is syntopic to the species above. Mola ronkayonim B e s h k o v , 2006 up to now was known only from the type material. Many other species [Pi er is ergane (G e y e r , 1828), Melitaea arduimia rhociopensis F r e y e r , [1836], Rhoptrici as- peraria (H ü b n e r , 1817), Hydraecia micacea (E s p e r , [1789]), Naenia typica (L i n n a e u s , 1758), etc.] are new for the Strandzha Mts or for the Black Sea Coast, the rest of the reported species are rare and known from very few localities in the country or were not reported before from Strandzha. Conservation status and the importance of the species reported are presented. Introduction: “Strandzha” Natural Park is situated in the Bulgarian part of Strandzha Mts, SE Bulgaria and covers as well part of the costal area of the Black Sea in Bulgaria. In 2008 “Strandzha” Natural Park was visited 4 times from April to October. Each visit lasted 5 days, respectively 4 nights. To cover a larger territory, each night during these 5 days visits, we collected in a different locality. During all these 4 visits observations on the butterflies were carried out and moths were collected, using different methods: Light tower with 160W MVL combined with 18W and 8W black tubes powered by generator. More intensively the costal areas were explored because of the intentions of the local authorities of the Tzarevo Municipality to build there more and more resorts and infrastructure, which can destroy the rest of the natural habitats of many important species. Once the same area was visited for 4 days in early May, 2009. Together with the light tower, but in distance and in another habitat, we used one 15W “actinic light” trap, powered by 12V battery, one light trap with two 8W black light tubes also powered by 12V battery and another 8W “black light” light trap, powered by another 12V battery. All light traps run all over the nights. During two of the trips we used sugar ropes on the bushes. GPS coordinates of all collecting localities were taken and they are included in the species list. During all these four visits, single nights were spent collecting in “Popovi Skali” near Velika Village, an area which did not belong to the Park yet, but will follow to be added to the Park. The collected material is part of the author’s collection in the NMNHS. Some of the species were identified by genital dissections. “Strandzha” is a Prime Butterfly Area in Bulgaria (A b a d j i e v & B e s h k o v , 2007) with 13 target species (one additional is reported here) and unic species composition. This 13 target butterfly 507 ©Ges. zur Förderung d. Erforschung von Insektenwanderungen e.V. München, download unter species together with 17 rare moths species are reported in the publication quoted above, howe ver without localities. NATURA 2000 species established in the “Strandzha” Natural park EC Habitat Directive 92/43, Anex II. - animal and plant species of common interest whose conservation requires the designation of special areas of conservation. An asterisk (*) before the name of a species indicates that the species is a priority species; (o) - species not included in appendices IV and V. Lycciena dispar (H aworth , 1802) Euphydryas aurinia (Rottemburg , 1775) *Euplagia qiiadripunctaria (Poda , 1761) (o) Lycaena dispar (H aworth ) previously was known from Malko Turnovo, Sinemoretz and Ahtopol. During our investigations we found it only near Veleka River near Sinemoretz Village. Taking into account the habitats of the species and their vulnerability, as well as that we registered the species only once in a single locality, we consider Lycaena dispar (H aworth ) as endangered species. Euphydryas aurinia (Rottemburg , 1775) is for the first time reported from Strandzha and Black Sea Coast in “Prime Butterfly Areas in Bulgaria” (A badjiev & B eshkov , 2007), but without lo calities. The only published locality is deep in the mountain - Tsarnogorovo place near Mal ko Tarnovo Town, 320 m (Z latkov & Beshkov , 2008). During our investigations we found the species in several localities which are reported here, some of them with their GPS coordinates. Euphydryas aurinia (Rott .) was established as larvae and as imago. Larvae were found on Succisa pratensis. We consider the species as critically endangered in the coastal areas because of the small size of the natural habitats, the anthropogenic pressure and fragmented habitats. Euplagia quadripunctaria (Poda ) was previously reported for Ahtopol (B uresch & T uleschkow , 1943), but without additional data. Our previous data are from Bosna Ridge: Draganova Niva between Kalovo and Byala Voda villages, N42°09‘60“; E027°31‘48“ and between Krushevetz and Izgrev villages, N42°19‘28“; E027°30‘25“ Here, E. quadripunctaria (Poda ) is reported from two more localities with GPS coordinates. We consider the species as critically endangered in the coastal areas because of the small size of the natural habitats, the anthropogenic pressure and fragmented habitats. Each of the reports is based on a single specimen only. Other important Lepidoptera species and their conservation importance Target species from “Prime Butterfly Areas in Bulgaria”: Thymelicus acteon (Rottemburg , 1775), Heteropterus morpheas (Pallas 1771), Zeiynthia polyxena ([D enis & Schiffermüller ], 1775), Par- nassius nmemosyne (L innaeus , 1758), Pier is eigane (G eyer , 1828) (for the first time reported from Strandzha here), Lycaena ottomanus (L efebvre , 1830), Glaucopsyche alexis (Poda , 1761), Maculinea arion (L innaeus , 1758), Apatura metis F reyer , 1829, Nymphalisxanthomelas (Esper, 1781), Melitaea trivia ([D enis & Schiffermüller ], 1775), Brenthis hecate ([D enis & Schiffermüller ], 1775). Important moths species established in Strandzha and included in “Prime Butterfly Areas in Bul garia” are: Lasiocampa grandis (Rogenhofer , 1891), Moma alpium (O sbeck , M l^), Acronicta alni (L innaeus , 1767), Acronicta cuspis (H übner , [1813]), Acronicta strigosa ([D enis & Schiffermül ler], 1775), Schrankia taenialis (H übner , [1800.1809]), Clyde syriaca (Bugnion , 1837), Dysgonia 508 ©Ges. zur Förderung d. Erforschung von Insektenwanderungen e.V. München, download unter tórrida (G u e n é e , 1852), Euchalcia modestoides P o o l e , 1989, Mycteroplus puniceago (B o i s d u v a l , 1840), Janthinea friwaldskii (D u p o n c h e l , 1835), Praestilbia armeniaca S t a u d i n g e r , 1892, Riiey- iana fovea (T r e i t s c h k e , 1825), Calophasia platyptera (E s p e r , [1788]), Amphipyra stix H e r r i c h - S c h ä f f e r , 1850, Amphipyra micans (L e d e r e r , 1857), Agrotis vestigialis (H u f n a g e l , 1766). In the following table the new species are not included for Bulgaria. The species list and their conservation status follows B e s h k o v & Z l a t k o v (2007). EC RD E U R e d COR E n d Species/status 9 2 /4 3 IUCN B e r n CITES BE PBA BPA BBD rare B o o k INE e m . B * + Lasiocampa granáis + + Saturnia pyri + Perisomena caecigena l.emonia balcánica SE + Kenlrochrvsalis clegans * + + + + Proscrpinus proserpina IV DD II + + + Heteropterus morpbeus + + + Parnassius nwemosvne IV II + + + + Zervnthia polyxena IV II + + Zerynthia ccrisy ferdinandi * BL + + Picris crgaite + Lvcaena dispar II, IV + + Lycaena ottomanus VU SE ■p A 1 a c + + Gkmcopsyche ale.xis + + + + M aca! inca arion IV L R / n t II + + + + Apalura melis IV II + + Euphydryas aurinia II + Melitaea Irivia + + + + M clitaea britom artis + + Metitaea urduinna rlwdopensis * SE + + + Brenlhis hecale + Nychiodes wallheri + A brostolci darissa + Calophasia platvpiera * + Panemeria tenebroinorpha BL + Mycteroplus puniceago + Janthinea friva/dsldi SE Ñola ronkayonnn SE + Eup/agia quadripunctaria II + * Abbreviations: EC 92/43 Habitat Directive, Anex II: - animal and plant species of common interest whose con servation requires the designation of special areas of conservation. IUCN - the International Union for Conservation of Nature Bern - Bern Convention, Appendix II CITES - Washington Convention EU Red Book - United Nation CORINE - CORINE BIOTOPES, main list +; * - offered and used for Bulgaria RDBEB - Red Data Book of European Butterflies PBA - Prime Butterflies Area in Bulgaria, target species BPA - Biodiversity Protection Act, appendices 2 and 3 509 ©Ges. zur Förderung d. Erforschung von Insektenwanderungen e.V. München, download unter Endem. - Endemics and Subendemics: BL (Balkan); B (Bulgarian); SE (subendemics) BBD - Bulgaria’s Biological Diversity, Conservation Status and Needs Assessment. Rare - rare species with very few localities in Bulgaria and with very few localities in Europe outside Bulgaria Important Lepidoptera areas in Strandzha: Juding the recent gained data, we are convinced that “Dyado Vulcho” in “Pirena” protected area above Kosti Village, 280m, N42°05’32”; E027°47’23” (col. pi. 1: 1-2) must be considered as a most interesting, and important species rich habitat.