Lawrence Anthony,Graham Spence | 384 pages | 25 May 2012 | St Martin's Press | 9781250007810 | English | New York, United States The Elephant Whisperer: My Life with the Herd in the African Wild PDF Book

And there are cool dogs. Review quote "An inspiring, multifaceted account, Anthony's book offers fascinating insights into the lives of wild elephants in the broader context of Zulu culture in post- South Africa. Accept all Manage Cookies. There were also humorous mock charges, where elephants would charge the research vehicle, but pretend to trip to stop the charge. When money gets tight, he is forced to open a tourist lodge to host foreign guests, but does it with customary goodwill and bonhomie. Two biologists, Joyce Pool and Petter Granli, who have spent more than 37 years with elephants in the wild, discovered that these creatures have sophisticated communication ability. I won't soon be forgetting this enchanting, true story of love and generosity of the heart, that was shown to these nobel, complex mammals. Namespaces Article Talk. The Elephant Whisperer is a touching story of the amazing capabilities of elephants and the story of how humans can reach out to them. I read this as an audiobook downloaded from Audible. Janet I think it's a great book for a read aloud. The last part of the book had some chapters on the rescue efforts at the zoo during the height of the war there and some information on the formation of the Earth Organization, dedicated to animals and the earth, caught in the destructive forces of the human race. But on his death, the herd inexplicably trudged for miles in a solemn funereal procession to pay their respects at his house. Home Contact us Help Free delivery worldwide. Through a very brave and painstaking process, he befriended the matriarch, Nana, and from there the entire herd, except for one male rogue. The thrum of life beneath your feet. As the elephants settle into their habitat, Lawrence gradually reduces his contact with them, allowing them to be in the wild. This book was interesting, sad, funny and inspirational; I feel a sense of loss that Mr. Such is Africa, the flawed, beautiful, magnificent, beguiling, mystical, unique, life-changing continent To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. And the herd hates humans even more than it did before. Farther north, still, you can see the famous, flying Great Whites that haunt Seal Island. Anthony is no longer with us. Over rolls and fresh fruit, we could hear Africa begin to stir. Close X. I was sorry to learn he has died. Anthony tells interesting anecdotes: some funny, some sad but all educational. Other books in this series. In the early years of his custodianship of Thula Thula, he took in a herd of troubled elephants who were about to be destroyed. Booklist : 9. Very interesting reports on the smarts elephants have although the story leaves things out that I wanted to know about. I have always had a fascination and fondness of elephants and it was mainly the reason I started reading it. A curl of the trunk, a step backward, or a fold of the ear are other means to communicate with the herd; and the holding of the trunk periscope-style, to sniff the wind, is a way of detecting approaching danger. Start your review of The Elephant Whisperer. Physical in the sense that it was action from the word go, as you will see in the following pages; spiritual because these giants of the planet took me deep into their world. An outstanding book! Rating details. For animals in Africa, you see, are most active at dusk and dawn. Sadly, poaching and indiscriminate culling often disrupts the structure of herds. The actions and feelings of these majestic creatures were portrayed beautifully and Simon Vance did an exceptional job narrating. It is a memoir that will keep you captivated. By the way, the book is very well-written too. It was particularly interesting to read of his dealings with poachers, rangers, officials, and Zulu leaders. Jan 13, Charlene Intriago rated it it was amazing Shelves: library-book , books-read , book-club. There are al Such is Africa, the flawed, beautiful, magnificent, beguiling, mystical, unique, life-changing continent The Elephant Whisperer: My Life with the Herd in the African Wild Writer

Lawrence Anthony. Sadly, Mr. Once the matriarch Nana trusts him, the rest of the herd follows. I read that the author of this book recently passed away and that the elephants he interacted with for many years instinctively traveled a very long way on foot over many, many miles to come and visit him at the place where he passed away. Love to Nanzham the adolescent orphaned bull, and to baby Thula, wrong-footed but right-hearted. Books by Lawrence Anthony. This book brought me memories of my two visits to South Africa many years ago. I'm sure he is missed. Wellness for Elephants. Whatever the explanations, it is beyond doubt that these creatures have senses far superior to ours, and more acute life forces. I was hooked by the first chapter and wanted more after the last chapter. He agreed, but before arrangements for the move could be completed the animals broke out again and the matriarch and her baby were shot. But certainly worth your time if you are enchanted by Lawrence Anthony. Through low rumblings in the stomach they not only communicate with the immediate herd, but the sounds can also travel through their feet into the ground and send signals to other herds, up to 10 kilometers away, telling them where a watering hole is located, for example. Janet I think it's a great book for a read aloud. I feel like I know him now. Accept all Manage Cookies Cookie Preferences We use cookies and similar tools, including those used by approved third parties collectively, "cookies" for the purposes described below. There is also one instance where his return was delayed, and the elephants went back and returned at the exact time he came back! The mourning of the animals for young ones in their herd, the way that elephants herd guided a angry and half-demented bull away from the author and his colleagues, when it was about to charge. This mark of intelligence sets them apart from all other animals. If Anthony refuses to take the elephants, they'll all be shot. Published eight times a year, British Wildlife bridges the gap between popular writing and scientific literature through a combination of long-form articles, regular columns and reports, book reviews and letters. Anthony has made a difference in the lives of many magnificent animals who would otherwise have been lost to the world. One feels quite as though one is losing a friend. In the years that followed he became a part of their family. I will miss reading about the herd and the people involved in their care. They looked at us languidly, but it was hard not to feel startled at being so close to these predators out in the open. Their attention is focused totally outwards. When South African conservationist Lawrence Anthony was asked to accept a herd of 'rogue' elephants on his reserve at Thula Thula, his commonsense told him to refuse. Their previous owners shot the matriarch and her baby so they wouldn't "cause any more trouble. Thank you! Eventually, the elephants morphed into two herds and returned to the wild. There are also many more lessons on how we can learn to improve our own lives by looking towards wild animals. Lists with This Book. There's a struggle to recapture them, so that people in nearby villages won't kill them. I send a big thank you to the Zulu people for creating and maintaining this magnificent wild game refuge. He has to start the process all over again. The last chapter of this book nicely sums up what he has learned from them and to be honest the Human Race has a lot to learn from them. Related Articles. The Elephant Whisperer: My Life with the Herd in the African Wild Reviews

These cookies are necessary to provide our site and services and therefore cannot be disabled. But he was the herd's last chance of survival: they would be killed if he wouldn't take them. I laughed at his descriptions, particularly the part where he described the elephants using their trunks as dectives at a crime scene. I took the opportunities during the tear-jerking parts to embrace the sadness and talk about times when we have felt similarly and how those times are able to help us appreciate the happy times, even more. I found Lawrence Anthony a charismatic, strong storyteller, who appreciates the humor in situations, so this is an entertaining, enjoyable story. Whatever the explanations, it is beyond doubt that these creatures have senses far superior to ours, and more acute life forces. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. The driver found the first avenue he could use to pull us away from the main road and into the cover of the bush. The best cage is an empty one! They taught me that all life forms are important to each ther in our common quest for happiness and survival. After a lovely dinner and then drinks by the fireplace, in the twilight Hermann escorted us, rifle a-ready, to our cabins. Anthony sugar coats the process, love, or hardship, and I really appreciate that. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Hidden categories: Articles needing additional references from October All articles needing additional references All stub articles. The chapters on poaching and gang like activities on the part of people native to the area as well as the tangled up relations amongst all the different types of people trying to make a life in South African was really eye-opening. And when they finally get back to Thula Thula, Anthony has to practically live with them to prevent them from escaping again. They looked at us languidly, but it was hard not to feel startled at being so close to these predators out in the open. An outstanding book! Open Preview See a Problem? This "true" account is absolute joy, even though there are some anxious and sad times. The elephants escape Thula Thula within 24 hours of their arrival. Nothing is far from the truth. I loved this book. Wonderful book! His previous title, Babylon's Ark, about his involvement in saving the animals in Baghdad Zoo, is being made into a major film. Dec 23, Jami rated it it was amazing Shelves: life-stories , animal-books , memorable-to-me. About Lawrence Anthony. A startling voice announcing breakfast called from out of the dark. Wellness for Elephants. We use cookies to provide our services , for example, to keep track of items stored in your shopping basket, prevent fraudulent activity, improve the security of our services, keep track of your specific preferences e. I was so enthralled that I kept telling my friends and family about these anecdotes and was inspired to do further research. Oct 14, Becky rated it it was amazing Shelves: man-versus-nature , wanderlust-for-nature , frontiers , the-feels-tho , memoir-ee , bloody-knuckles , modern-nonfic. Upon embarking from the plane, we were greeted by our amiable ranger- guide, Hermann Loubser. It covers interactions with a wide range of other wildlife, including the leopard, hyena, kudu, lion, rhino, cape buffalo, crocodile, and more. We learn of how the elephants would come out in a herd to greet Lawrence, and would actually start their procession when he was on the way back to the reserve. Categories : South African non-fiction books non-fiction books Elephant conservation books Zoology book stubs. Children can get a wonderful multi-cultural perspective on life, emotions, and the world, in general, I think, from hearing his stories. If strong emotions are The Elephant Whisper by Lawrence Anthony First off, understand that the title of this book is highly misleading. Eventually, the elephants morphed into two herds and returned to the wild. He agreed, but before arrangements for the move could be completed the animals broke out again and the matriarch and her baby were shot. I loved it. Apparently he wanted to refuse because of the problems of adding another herd of elephants, but he just could not say no. But he was the herd's last chance of survival - notorious escape artists, they would all be killed if Lawrence wouldn't take them. The accounts you can read of the mourning by the elephants after the passing of Lawrence Anthony, show us how animals have feelings often as deep as that of humans, and their attachments to both other animals and their human friends. Also he managed to give them their space and a proper life at Thula Thula, he tried to help with their What a beautiful book!

The Elephant Whisperer: My Life with the Herd in the African Wild Read Online

As you read the book, you are drawn to the identity and personality of each of the elephants. Hermann drove and was accompanied by a local tracker, who could read any footprint or pile of scat on the trail. He has to start the process all over again. Anthony passed away suddenly of a heart attack in What a fabulous narrator! I send a big thank you to the Zulu people for creating and maintaining this magnificent wild game refuge. I respect his decision to try to extend the reserve to include the neighboring tribal land so that a greater number of wild animals might live comfortably without interference. The mother and daughter were dressed as if they were going to a dinner party. And as he battled to create a bond with the elephants, he came to realize that they had a great deal to teach him about life, loyalty, and freedom. View all 6 comments. The biography, beautifully narrated by Simon Vance, managed to capture the essence of so many things. The elephants are larger than life. The matriarch Nana then backed off from the fence with the rest of the herd following her. For example, we use cookies to conduct research and diagnostics to improve our content, products and services, and to measure and analyse the performance of our services. Most important of these, the mystery and magnificence of wild elephants. The experience of living in the bush with these resourceful folks and animals over the period of time it takes to read the book is wonderfully energizing and one hates to leave their company at the end. The other two are chimpanzees and dolphins. Against all advice he took on the herd and told that it was their last chance of survival, as they were This book is completely out of my normal selection but so glad I chose to read it. Jan 25, Lisa Hagan rated it it was amazing. He agreed, but before arrangements for the move could be co When South African conservationist Lawrence Anthony was asked to accept a herd of 'rogue' elephants on his Thula Thula game reserve in South Africa, his commonsense told him to refuse. I'm sure he is missed. We smelled hot coffee and spiced tea as Hermann led us to the food hut. While the main focus is on the supposedly rogue elephant herd, there is much more to this book: fearless family dogs, deadly crocs and snakes, several rhinos, Zulu traditions, uniting five tribal lands, post-Apartheid ravages, assassins and poachers, flooding rivers, raging fires, etc. Lawrence Anthony. Performance and Analytics. Once I finished reading the book I searched the internet to see if there are more books by the author. And the last words in his book told it all: "To me, the only good cage is an empty cage. Oct 25, Monty rated it it was amazing. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. This book is a real treat, written by South African conservationist Lawrence Anthony who tells of his exploits when he accepted a herd of 'rogue' elephants on his Thula Thula game reserve in South Africa. I had no inkling of the escapades and adventures I was about to embark upon. I ran the gamut of emotions as I read this book: I laug Edited May I first read this book in May and just finished a re-read. How when his flight was canceled at one point, the elephants actually reversed their procession to greet him. Having travelled myself to South Africa and witness these majestic creatures in the flesh - in my opinion this book does justice to these magnificent creatures. So it's really the quality of the writing I take issue with, rather than the story itself. When I read that, after the author died recently, the herd of elephants he befriended traveled many miles to stand near his body, without there being any means of informing them of his death, I was inspired to read this book he published in Huzzah for all the brave dogs, especially Max and Penny. Other editions. The Elephant Whisperer Lawrence Anthony. I cried openly the day I found out Steve Irwin died. By the way, the book is very well-written too. Simon Vance is one of my favorite narrators and of course he does his usual excellent job narrating the book. As soon as they arrived at Thula Thula they started planning their escape. The best cage is an empty one! His obituary in The Telegraph of Britain is here. Amazingly, she told us that she had never seen the ocean. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. I just had to give this book five stars, though four may fit as well. The spreading of the ears, fully, meant an elephant was angry and might charge.