Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1944-11-09
UTaoJt OALDlD.. lIDATS, F Al'll, ~e.f 111 ..p . Af Ih,oulh ZI ."a AO 1.... .,11 " ..... IatiellaJlely; paoeBIIIB» POOD8, _Ie ....,. AI U....... lI ZI ••d AS ",r• .,,, 83 nUll '~Jly Cloudy tw.llaJltl,. Sta.... SG 11l ....1l wa nUd NOY. I ; SUO.. , .1... ,. .. 111"1\'" III ".Ud 19d.'lnllolr 'or e ,...... ''''_ •••_ r.r G , .... UDDID, ...Ot lO\\'A: ..tty eloud.Y ucl cooler. tluv... b Feb... 19t:i; SUOES. Alrp"ne &tampa I and ! . .... I.'''I''II~I,., .ta.,. 3 ....tI N.v. I.; 0"80· THE DAILY IowAN UJI&' HA" •••: •• N •• 11 taUti U..... 11 0 ••• =1, FUEL Ou.. ....... r ....1 ..... tI a .r lad ....IIa ......D .... ,...,.. 1- ••1,... .f aew llealJ., , .a.OD 'Valid Iowa City's Morning Newspaper t........ A... 31, ltK6. mm~CENTS~~======~==========================~====================================================================================~==============~~ f•• ,.. TBK ""IOOIA1'U ..... IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9,1944 I'D &UOCI4ft11 ..... VOLUME XLV NUMBER 4;, -- Nazis (Iaim A YANK AND HIS DOG DIG IN London H~t late Election Results Empha~ize ByV~2 Rockel FDR's Fourth Term Victory Walhington Fears Ule of New Weapon Foreign Reaction to Election- Agoinlt N.~ York Allies Open 13 Siaies LONDON (AP) - The German higl1 command declared yesterday Victory for Internationalism that the London area was under Double Alfack Go Republican bombardment by the vengeance NEW YORK (AP) - Foreign where Roosevelt stood. ing been chilly toward campaign \l weapon V-2, reported to be a Take 16 Towns t comment, both enemy and allied, The German toreipl office discussion of the "Communist dan t long-range rocket which propels yesterday treated the reelection quo led in a Berlin broadcast, said gel''' within America and fearful Prelident's Margin , a ton or more of explosives over a Move Three Miles ot PresJdent Roosevelt as a victory the election results showed "a ten· that a change o( presidents would Of Popular Vote 5O-mile-trajectory at 700 miles an On Metz-Nancy Line for internationalism in the United dency to depart (rom Isolationist have temporurily weakened allled bout.
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