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KUKTLiANU DALL1 IX lituj viuiucv* ill un; uauiuiUCUU Ul WOC. Ilt*r KKJSSS, eyes were red and swollen from and con- DKi GOODS. FOR SALE & JOHN T. long TO LET. BUSINESS LEGAL & OFFICIAL. GILMAN, Editor. tinuous weeping, and the pale, wan face spoke CARDS, MISCELLANEOUS. Is published at No. 82* EXCHANGE STREET, eloquently ol the anguish she experienced.— Room to Let. A CARD. There she sat. with one arm thrown Counting for Wood and Coal. IN FOX BLOCK, lovingly Proposal* County of Cumberiund. by across the THE LATEST ROOM over No. coffin that contained her dearest NEWS! 90 Commercial St. DR. S. C. Assistant Quartermaster's Office,U. S. A., I N. A. F 08 r E It A CO. COUNTINGThomas Block, to let. to FERNALD, 18j Faueuil HaM Boston. 1, 1863. J CtTATKMPvV.Cf“’* August 34,1968. earthly treasure, while with the other hand Applv square, Sept. ot ( nets of Oiminai she N. J. MILLER, will be received at this office uutil I’rosecutiona brushed away the insects that, mch >1 dtf ■pKOl'OSALS Judicial gathered Over 92 Commercial Street. A 1 bursday, Sept. 10. at 12 o’clock M for the de- b7A lrf 8,uPJ^m« Court at fbe TerixiH: about July Term, D. 1868. made in conform^* Jitn thickly the lid, attracted there by the ftENTlSI, livery at Fort Constitution. Portsmouth, N. H., of the Tub Portland Daily Pubm is published every requirements of au act oft lie almost insufferable odor that arose tliere-lrolh. THOMAS To Let No. 175 Middl Street. 200 Cords of Merchantable Hard Wood, and entitled “An Aet morning (gundass excepted), at *d.00 per year in LUCAS, 8*) Tons relati” But stencil of of Anthracite Coal, stove or grate siie, inal S*TnifIrd advance, to which will be added tweuty-live cents deeomposing remains of him she commodious Chamber in RirERiNCBS.Dr*. Bacon and Prosecutions," approved the northerly cor Bniwun. “ required, to wei«li 2tV> lb*. to the ton of the beet March?7t"l8M. for each three mouths' delay, and if not paid for at most had offensive to that ft'o. nor of the new brick loved, nothing pale 143 Middle Street THE block, orner of Lime and quality aud .ubject to Bidden will state the eud ol the the paper will be discontinued. Portland, Milk Portland, May 25,1868. tf inspection. year lone watcher. Faithful in death as she had Streets, directly facing the market. Reutiofr. bow soon the can be made and o three cents. at office of delivery accompany Single copies been true in she had to the distant Enquire their proposals with a copv of this 1-j The Main estate Press is published every Thu rs- ! life, gone OCEAN advertisement calls your attention to INSURANCE CO., WM W Me uumira, in battle-field of alone and un- Respectfully particular KIM, day morning,at *2.00 per advance; *2.26 j Gettysburg, and, Sept. 15,18G2. dtl No.27 »r. 1. H. HEALD dgt si KxchaugeSt •epl Captain and A. H a it if within six mouths; and *2.60, if be had out Q rroeeeutlons. a'J fijf 5 paid payment aided, found the resting place of her I delayed beyond fbo year. dispose of his entire interest in his < darling boy, killed in that fearful contest, Office to Office to Dr. ai ^ His Great Let. HAVING 8.0 1EKNALU. would cheerfully Genera) Bill and almost exertions had suc- Sale of roccommeud Inin to his Vlld.fiO by superhuman Closing-out former patients and the pub- Proposal* for Horse*. State ve. Alexander Rates of Advertising: socond floor, Middle Street,centrally situated l*c. Dr. from Foe#, 4 40 8JC Bin ceeded in him that he be Pkknald. long experience, is prepar- " bringing home, might and of access. at No. to Cavalry Bureau, Nchemtah C. Kice, 4.40 HCp SI 25 per first week 76 cent* ON easy Apply til 'Commer- ed insert Artiticia) Teeth on the" Vulcanite square daily ; per week near his kindred wlto had crossed heath's wave SPRING AND SUMMER cial Street. Base," Office of the Chief Mial Davis et als, 4.28 »» after; three insertions or jy17 tf and all other methods known to the Quarter master, less, *1.00; continuing eve- profession D. Francis 4 '* ** other before him. The first wild burst of was 1863. Washington. C.. August 15. 1863. Murphy, 40 ry after first week, 50 cents. grief Portland, May 25, tf H day are elicited ai d will be received at Mighill Nutting, 4 68 »• Half three insertions or over, and her keen had been calmed To be square, less, 76 cents; one anguish Let. PROPOSALSthis office for the of CAVALRY Richard R.Robinson, 4 88 ** *• week, *1.00; 60 cents week alter. into the DRY GOODS, in the furnishing per gentle tear ol recollection. She spoke second storv, over Store 98 HOR£E8. to be delivered at Pittsburg. Pa., Phila- Liquor# claimed by R. Under head of Amusements. *2 00 Middle street—Mitchell's IF YOU »■ » per square per j She as on- CHAMBERS Building. Possession delphia, ton N. Y.,oa Indi- Robinson, 4.08 •• throe insertions or hopefully, trustfully, nobly. spoke Washing City, Syracuse, week; less, *1,60. W1IICH given of Samuel M. »» •» ly a true follower of Christ can She WILL BE BOLD OFF FOB immediately. Inquire -WANT TJUE- anapolis, Iml. Harden, 4 28 .Special Notices, *1.76 first speak. J*n2tf A. John 1>. '• per square week, T. DOLE. Proposals will be considered for the of Woodbury, 4.i8 u *1,00 per square after; three insertions or did not curse and rail against the Government furnishing less, *1.26; | Horses in lots of not le*s than tweutv-fivei25). The 4 28 m half a square, three oue ! because Iter son Best or John insertions, *1.00; week. had fallen in its defence, but Ambrotype PhotogTaph, Horses to be from flfteun (15) to sixteen) hands Conley, 4 28 n *1.26. The Next (16) said that lie was her one—her little lamb For Snle. not fail to high, from live (5) to nine (9) years old. well broken 4 40 » Business Noticks, in 12 only Thirty tkys, call at No. 27 Market Square, where i”h“0. Hajtan, reading columns, cents —and bad to the -a idle, compactly built, in flesh, aud free Elias M. Eastman and line for oue insertion. No site another she would bid him don THE Three Story Brick House, DOthey take PERFECT LIKENESSES, and war- good per charge less than fifty -for- Dwelling from all defects. Kits Eastman, 4 28 cents. the soldier's md hasten to the defence of 195 Congress street, corner guiuev street. rant aatietftctiou. at price* vhich garb defy competition. The ability of the bidder to fbltil bis Same, 4 28 •• Legal Notices at usual rates. ■h’uhL Said House contains fourteen ’finished N. agreement his ini|>erilled country. But ah 1 such devoted B.—Large Ambrotype* fifteen Cents. must be two Albion G. Lewis, 4 88 " »•* Advertisements inserted in the WHAT rooms; is warmed by furnace; of hard and guaranteed by re«p »» ap23tf 87 87 Market by official certificate of the Clerk of the uearest 4 40 above rates for each insertion. lor all mankind. Such as Middle Street. Square, h\l Preble St pp patriotism hers par- District Court, or o! the United States District Attor- James Jones ct ala. 4.40 I-ransicut advertisements must be for in paid ad- takes of tlie there is July 14th. 1S62. dtf ney. Fretieric M. Libbv, 4.40 » .. vance divine; surely nothing Silk and Lace Mantillas, TO LET. must beaddrc«sed to Walter Corbett. 433 >1 earthly in it. Such instances of purity of pur- Proposals Lieutenant-Colonel C3T-A11 communications intended for the C. G. Sawtelle, t hief Quartermaster, Bu- Certain intoxicating paper pose and heroic seem to lift one far a term of the vacant Lot of Cavalry should be directed to the “Editor the and devotion, Borages, Berage Doable Itcbes, years, Land on reau, and be endorsed ou the liquors claimed by of Press, Fore above JOHN CROCKETT ft envelope “Proposals those of a above the of and as F)R street, India street, occu- 00, J.F. ^ » business character to the /Publishers. things earth, bring him it recently -DEALERS IS- for Hoj>es.” C. G. SAWTELLE. Abbott, 4 40 bv B. F. Noble & as a 0-^TThc Portland Daily and Maine State were in closer communion with his Maker. Parasols, Muslins, pied Co., Lumber 1 ard. Lieutenant-Colonel aud Chief Jaa Mun. A to Quartet maser, Brad1ey,Jr.,app t,4.40 C. Press Ctfiee, in Fox Block. No. 82* Exchange pply LE WIS PI ERC E, New and Second Hand aug22 dfT Cavarly Bureau. Richard R. Daddv, *I>3» tf* G4 Middle Street. Fiiruilurc, *’ {street, is open at all hours dnriug the and eve- -AND ALL KINDS OF- 4 40 % day -AND- _ ning. from 7 o'clock in the morning to 9 in the ?dw*rd,ie?,rd" <* s.j.c. SEALED PROPOSALS, pp pp evening. REMOVAL. For Sstlc or to Lot. FURNISHING GOODS. Joseph W. Lamb, 17 26 »-*F*.Iob Printing oj every executed 28 description | SUMMER GOODS CLIFF 12^ «& 130 • • • • Office of the A. A Q. M„ I Ly'anderP.Toitn«eud,4 with and ull COTTAGE, containing over 20 Exchange Street* •> dispatch: business pertaining to the of- { Portland, Me., 4. 1*63. I Same, 4 28 stable and two Sept. #» ftcu or paper transacted on as rooms.iarge sheds—situated mayll dtf Same, 433 ., promptly application and one-half Proposals will be received at this office above. for the Millions ! miles from Portland, and the •• •• Cheap SEALEDuntil Tuesday, 15th, at 12 o’clock M., to Mary Fountain, 6.08 finest situation in Cape Elizabeth for a wa- Sept. Anniiela pp pp F. Tracy, furnish Coal and Wood in such and such Flnuimore, 8.48 Traveling Agent. and summer SIIUiG quantities •• L____ teringplace, boarders. For r7» in Isaac Stevens. 4.40 .. Great Out Sale Aa SMALL PROFITS AKD QUICK RETURNS Ire the places the vicinitv of Portland as may be designat- Closing particulars enquire of GEO, John B. •• OWEN, ed by the A. A. Q. M., and addressed to the A. A. Hughes, 6.08 only motto of ap7 dtf 31 Winter Street, Portlaud. Q. Amoa pp appreciated by Buyers Dry Gooda— SEWING MACHINES! M., Portland. HENRY Fork, 14.08 the INMAN, Paul L. COMM UNlCATiONST* daya of large profits having goue hy. 1st Lt. 17th lufantry, aud A. A. Q. M U. 8. A. Cloudman, j FOR SALE. 4.28 -or- TRUE tk ir pp HOUSE No. 172 Cumberland Street, be WOODItlAN, CO., X'lt,Lane. 16 33 A Voice from the Seizure of Good*. Eogtoe 17 44 Army. tween Elm and Chestnut, now occupied by C.Megguire, Mun. C. Sjjj'i AGENTS, Collector’s John Jeflbrdaot ala, 13.81 pp Headquabteks5th Me. Bln>l Rev. W. R. Clark. Said house is in good re- Office, ) Volexteebs, 1 No*. 54 and 56 .... of Mary Curran, 16 26 THE STOCK CONSISTS OF RICH pair, is built of brick, and contains thirteen rooms, Middle Street. District Portland and Falmouth, 8. J. C. New J •• Baltimoke, Va., Aug. 31st.j Ueo M Coburn etala,13.13 •• lighted with gas. Good cellar and furnace. Title Needles and Portland, July 9,1868. ) To the Editor of the Press: HOOP clear. Trimmings always on hand. \ O TICE is hereby given thst the following do- Same. 7 63 SKIRTS! pp FOREIGN DRESS mchlStf ■L* nnrl a Fboniaa Ou LiOODtt, For particulars enquire of THOMAS R. JONES, | Scribed Goods have G«*.*I< si-i/t-d At thin. lor Welsh, 28 32 Man. C. Monday, (31st ulu.) the 5th Maine violation or •• •• Regi- or J. C. PROCTER, Lime Street. the Revenue Laws, via: Chaa.8.Higgins etala. 16.33 ment were formed iu huliow Out* box James alias square, for the Such a* and brocaded Black Silk"; blue and meh!4 dtf containing three watches on board steam- Kagan plain John J. pp purpose of tbe of our Dine at. the ship Jura; three pieces woolen cloth ou board steam- .Smith. 18.74 obtaining expression -AT-- brown Silk*; also all the deniable color* to be *» »• Koldiet'S in the field tn their gtaml in ship Hibernian; one thousand cigars at T L. same, *23 To Lft. TfcrclianlsEiichangc Ealing Honsr Libby’s ** found. Let every Lady in want ot a GOOD SILK bouse; llir-e bbls. sugar on board brig J. Bolledo; Loring Josslyn, 16.29 •» present crisis of our National aud State eligible and convenient Chamber* over store one bbl. on Same. gov- bear in mind that this is the 17 ft 10 Exchange Street. sugar board sch C. I). Horton ; four bbls. 12 46 ernments. THENo. 14 Market Square, now occupied Mr. molasses on bin it b's riiarlcs Petti*. 47 39 by A Free wharf; three bbls. molasses at Trial Justice. Rufus Dunham, suitable for salesroom** or Lunch every da, from in to 12 Gn> 1 bos. On called to other up8 I* Randall & 6on's store; one bbl. on board iastieton alias being order. Major Aaron S. ANDERSON’S Possession sugar and Best purposes. given about July 1st. Also brig Loch Lomond. Anv or Charles Smith, 8.14 »• of who at Largest person, persons, desir- 8. J C Daggett Greene, is in com- «nc desirable Chamber in the ** »• preseut j very third story of For the Inlands. ing the same, are requested to appear aud make such Same, 16.97 mand of the same to " »• Regiment, was appointed Chair- block. Applv claims within davs flora the of the date Lawrence flalceen, 8.€2 assortment of Silks ever brought into this State. I The Rtcamcr CASCO nntll ninety day aud Lieutenant Frank G. je'Jtdtf TllOM AS or WM. HAMMOND. will, hereof. Otherwise the said will James (/. aud man, Patterson of further leave goods be disposed of Tripp Skirt have the ENGLISH CROWN BLACK SILK, aud notice, Burnham's in accordance with the act 8435 of the The Hoop Depot, Wharf for I'rar's and ol Congress, approved Nancy Thurlow, Man. C. Augusta, Secretary meeting. both Cushino’s 2. 1841. Almou L. plain and figured of all other celebrated Euro- For *ale. Islands at 9 and April Emery, 13 49 8. J C Chairman stated tlie of 10 80 A. M.. and 2 and 3 80 P. M. »• having object the meet- JylOdtl JEDEDIAI1 JEWETT. Collector. Same, 7 65 pean make, all of which will be A new Kuturuinx. will loaveCDSHtxo'a Island at ing, the and resolutions 341 Street 344 two-story house, thoroughly built, 9.46aud Jacob If. Clements, 7 56 M »• following pieamblus Congress slated 11 11 15 A. M.. and 2 45 and 5 15 P. M. were and !?•!• roof, tiniahed rooms, convenient for Same. 36 75 » •» oliered, unanimously adopted: one or two with The boat will touch at I’kak a Island eve.tr SOLD VERY LOW FOR CASH. ■flilL families, bav windows.plenty trip Patrick McGlinchr. 6 32 Mon *• of excellent down, hut will only touch NOTICE. C. Whereat, at a recent Convention in water; wood-house attached, and a returning, there the last Annie A. 6 »• Maine, OTPOSITE CASCO I trips in the Hkad Blanchard. 86 STREET, large garden lot—situated on Veranda near forenoon and afternoon. Quarters Provost 1 ** resolutions were in to the street, Marshal, F*. L. Blanchard, 16 36 — passed opposition Taker’* in First District bridge, Westbrook, wtthi-. ten minutes’ Fare Down and Back Maine, John 12 96 »* acts of the last that bad tor their ob- wa'k of *3 Ccnta. Archibald, Congress, Portland Post office. <’on Jitious Poitiand. August 10. 1868 ** •• j easy .price Juno 24. 1888. ) Henry Kimball. 8 >3 tlie of the and low. and excellent dtf 'V’OTICE is that the •• ject crushing rebellion, the rais- All the Near Styles of neighborhood. hereby given, Board of fcn- Alex'r ( Hartford. 8 89 •* FOR A FEW DAYS d«m i’ roRment will be in to ing of troops to co-operate with those ONLY. Jc23 ISAAC SYLVESTER readiness examine the George Curbing, 10.69 ** »* already J. W. quotas from the several Sub-District* in the toliow- in the Held, whose ranks have been thinned Sl'KES, A. G. Lewis et als by ing order aud as as on the FOIt *4I,F.. nearly possible following 8ci. Fac.. 10.26 8. J. M sickness and the missiles of war; and Farchaser for Kasteru Account days: C. A handsome bav 1’uNY, 9 the watchword of some at that DRESS JV year* old, op Sub-Districts. Whereat, — 8796 71 GOODS, f weigh* ahoQt 450 pound* warranted V No. 5. Westbrook. Convention was “Call uomk yolk Trior to removal, the B.VTIHE STOCK at the LOCK, til IN'. 8EKD8, PROVISIONS. I.ABD. Aug 14 and 16 tkoops !” t sound and kind in hai ne*s or paddle—ha* M M THOMAS H -SUCH AR- to maintain the existence and ot purpose reducing eses, aud all other Dress too numerous to the house. A desirnbl re** idem e tor a fami- '* integrity the na- Goods, genteel 20. Limiugtou aud l’arsousfield, 11 and 12 No. 51 Union 8treet, tion, and those w ho are lalse to its ly. For on the of interests by their recapitulate here. particular* inquire premises 21. Limerick aud Cornish, 14 in iclion, their anil D. M lo d0 iinjurions aspersions withhold YOUNG. WHITE LEAD! 22. New Held, H and 16 »" kiod» »f CABINET JOB- supplies, or its bouor an Portland, 3. 1883. dtf I8J?r£P.*!TdBING in a and by compromising by inglo- Anderson’s Sept. sept4 3. Water boro and Lv mar, aud 16 prompt satisfactory manner. rious 15 peace. H. X. F. MARSHALL ft CO., 24. So. Berwick and No. Berwick, " 17 and 18 lletolced, That as wo volunteered our services at Dt-sirsibli* K«iil EMiile lor " " Book and Show Sale. Star© Broad 26. Elliot and Kittery, 19.21 4 22 Cam made to order. our country’s call, and have for more than two 78 Street .Boston ** HOOP SKIRT undivided half of the two ptuuikd Brick 26, Lebanon, 22 endured tlie toils and of without DEPOTj MAHUFACTnugRP OF *’ •* lyEarnitur* Made. Repaired aud Varnuhed at years perils war, Shawls! Shawls! Shawls! ONEDWELL!N(, HOUSE, WITH LOT NO 32 27. Actou and Shapleigk. 23 the hope ot those oxtreuie now Pure and Ext. Pure White bounties, recently GREEN STREET, above The lo* is Lead. 28. Berwick and Sandford. 24 and 26 SHORT NOTICE. tendered, weeiaira tlie to Cumberland.) White Lead. M •• right deprecate these spe- 341 Congress Street. about 38 x 100 loot. The house MARSHALL'S Superior 29. York, 25 and 26 contain* ten finished *• " Portland, t9. 1M3. cious opposer* to our kindred al home, to aflict do Nos. lft 2. May tf sepS d3m OVER 3000 NEW SHAWLS, rooms, well arranged for two families, front and back Buckeye 30, Hollis and Stsndisb, 28 aud 29 changes, tlie object ot which will be lo weaken tlie All colors ground in oil'put up in assorted cans. ** 31. »’ stairs, unfinished attic, cellar and well ** Wells. 29 aud 30 arm of our and good supplied warranted military government to threaten the Perfect Beanties—AII New with excellent water. Dry, superior. 32. Brunswick and Harpswell. Oct. laud 2 life of our nation. Pattern*! CTF"78 Broad Stkkkt. Boston. d3m FAIBBAAKS’ Arrangement* can be made for the jel8 33. Pownal and Freeport. 2 and 3 Thai our homes DIME AT THE purchasing Jletolced, are still dear to ua, (for whole if desired. our property Tbe quota from Portland will report the sympathies are not chilled by time or distance) Eating House. 17 k IS to notice. during Apply C. M HAWKES, Copartnership /our lirst day s of this wt ek. no to the but these homes cau have no and can af- Exchanges!. A Free Lunch even- inal inveuten, (a»d only by and are con. difference# to be in Mad sun, M no roc. Ore. and Fre thkm.) past political absoibed the love interest at six cent, annum, Broadcloths, American Doe- nleaf. nont stieots, per per pavablo semi- Broadcloths, A T NO. 35 EXCHANGE STREET. Portland, August 20th. 1868. f #tant!y receiving all the improvements which their of the Union, and winch constrains the Hon. Geo. at Globe or will be leased for a term of year*, say teu or more annually Bank, Boston, to be issued Sent. skins, tSatinetts, Tweeds, Cassimeres, ARD of Ten Dollar* {810) and the reason- long experience and skill can suggest. F. Shop ley. the errudite scholar, the patriot soldier, Ut. Waterproofs, —any of the land on the above *tr«*et* the le**ee to N. W NOYES. 1868. S. G. TIKE. \RKWable expenses incurred, will be to are to be the faithful expounder iu Louisiana, aud the aud all kiuds of have the privilege of at the of I. L. HOWARD. paid any per- They correct in principle, thoroughly made, augl5d8w Treasurer of Calais. purchasing expiration son for the and of a Deserter teacher of Bound doctrine in Maine. the lea*e. Portland. 1. 1*63 dtf apprehension delivery the beet material$,*ud are perfectly aceurmiemnd eloquent July j\3 at these Head Quarter*. / to the subscriber for w hich will durable in ‘pt rat ton. fire at enthusiasm and the Apply terms, be order Provost Marshal General. prevailed meeting "Woolen Goods. made to those to build. By satisfactory ishiug Real CHARLES H. adjourned with three cheers for the Union and Coal and Wood! WILLIAM OXNARD. Estate, DOUGHTY, Forsale,in aug21 d8tn Capt. aud Provost Marshal. every variety,as three more lor Hon. Samuel the Union -AT THE- Portland, July 7th. 1883. jy7 dlweod2mv Cony, INVESTMENTS ! aad candidate for Governor of Maine. Huy, Coal Railroad Scale*! LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH, Brick House and Store on Congresa Stree ALBERT WEBB A BUTCHERS’. GROCERS’. DRUGGISTS’. COM and Shirtin CO- KECTTON ERS’ Grey, Blue, White, Striped, FOR SAL E. GREAT CRAVE EUR RARGA1XS BEFORE THE RISE! and GOLD lVhat the Administration has done. DELIVERED TO AS Y PART OF THE CITY, DKALKKK IK AT SHORT NOTICE. Tho Store, House, and Lot 344 The North FLANNELS, Congress 20 HOUSES, at from *1000to *5000. » A. E N ! Philadelphia American happily street—a first rate staud. A desirable and prices Our Coal is of the BEST and war- 100 HOUSE LOTS, at from «200to *3000. Flour and $3 very quality, 4.JJwell finished House, with 10 prices Corn, Grain, sums up the successes of the present adminis- ranted to satisfaction. IN ALL THE NEW PATTERNS liuished 2.000,000 feet of FLATS. give room*, besides closets, ha 1 Ac. Abundant of supply 1.000.000 feet of LAW. UKAD OK MEKK1LV8 VVIIAKF, Beams, Weights,&c.,Ac. tration in the following brief which hard aud soft w at* r. Lot 28x90 w itli a common paragraphs, -ALSO, FOB SALE- pas- 2 STORE LOTS on Commercial Street. wav 12 feet wide. For paitioulars C.Biarrcinl With a of we will arrest the attention of all of our sage inquire of Street,- pA-tlaad. Me. complete variety hope All Minds Hard JOHN C. HOSES 74 of and Son Wood. PROCTOR, GOULD, Middle St., jettu • readers:— Jy22eod3w Lime Street. WEIGHING RATI’S, Special attention to be devoted to the nov27 the late Orders received for Pattern making, and Steam slavery poligainy CO., lion. R. ii. all the national SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, STRIPE SHIRT- (iuodenoW, situated and other machinery. Boilers, Water Tanks, ftc. Of description, and Lobsters, tube had at this lySeparate room for Ladies’ and Children’s Hair territories,aud put an end for- and. having purchased the stock of Woodbury k within one hundred rods ot the every DEN TABLE Will devote bis atteutio ■ to establishment. Cut ting. ever to all of the South our vast Harris, will continue the INGS, IMS, PLAIDS, CRASH, at personal arranging designs upon County Buildings Paris, Ox'ord and setting Eugiucs, Boilers, Shafting, 011 reasonable Orders will be answered and made to those LINEN, TABLE is offered at a delivery A good stock of Wigs. Bands. domain. COVERS, NAPKINS, | __- County, Me., lor sale who mav desire. until 8 o’clock 1\ M. Half-Wigs, Braids, Grocery and Commission Business, terms. I KA WINN Age.it Opeu Curls, F' izetts. Pads, 0. Its WHITE LINEN, LINEN great bargain. dt1 tf Rolls, Crimping Boards, Be., policy has enabled the of West at store at BOSOMS, declfi Je24 people recently occupied by them No.l46Com- The Farm contains 110 acres ot land of excellent *c., constantly on hand. jeaS’Mdly and Missouri to rid ruorciai street. W. W. HA LINEN CA MURK'S, Virginia themselves of BIS, quality, w hich prod ce« at pr**sent about 80 tons of A A. Those Wisliiut: to *«ve slavery by means of a of ATWOOD. W atch hay. and the amount inav be largely increased.— J. L. judicious system grad- 1803. Balmoral Skirts, Spring Skirts, f 111 ME. trouble, and the like WINSLOW, Agvnl, W. D. WE YMOUTH ual September 1, sept4 dtf Fruit, wood and water aie abundant. The dwelling money, health, fretting j emancipation. JL call where you cau Hawse’s l’at* tit house and out-buildings are commodious ai d iu good get Pulley MAM’FACTUUEK OF 7. It has added Kansas to the Union as a TOGETHER WITH ALL OTHER and Clothes WHOLESALE DEALER IN repair. The location is pleasant and offer* Elevating Folding Dryer, undoubtedly % free State. Copartnership. healthy, the best in the world An assortment of the iug a desirable country ievidence. have this formed a best Clothes now in use. Beds, Provisions and Grass 8. It has reconquered the whole undersigned day copart- HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, For particulars inquire may be made on the prom Wringers Spring Steam Flour, Seed, Mississippi1 v nership uud< r the name of which for neatness, and nave no Engines,Steam Boilers, Valley. THE isesof Dr. \V. A RUST, South Pans, or WILLIAM simplicity durability Portland. equal. Churns, window washers, kuifescourers and it. It ia the too numerous to mention GOODENOW. Esq.. j>3eodtf AH BVEKY MSfRIPTIOt OF NO. 87 COMMERCIAL lias, midst of the war, held with SOUTHARD & W09DBURY, other articles too numerous to raeutiou. lACBIHKY, STREET, an iron grasp, aud lostered and all SALF. Where is it* defended, for the transaction of a FLOUR AND COMMIS- FOR Steam Cock*. Valve*. ripe*aud ('onuectiooa, Whole, Portland. Me. the and At 229 CONGRESS ST., near City Building. tf previously organized existing territo- SION BUSINESS, at store No.78 Commercial street. LAWN COTTAGE, situated in lytO dtf euie or Retail. »cp* ries, aud has also organized the new territories w. l. South a kd, Elizabeth, two miles Cape from STEAM AND GAS of Dacoiah, Nevada, aud N. 1\ WOODBURY. Portland Post Office. This is one of FITTING, Colorado, Idaho, Portland, 1863. dtf New Wheat Flour. UNITED STATES Arizona. Sept. 1, sept4 THOMAS LUCAS the most beautiful country resideu* Done in the best manner. cea in the of Portland .com- 10. It has fortified our _! vicinity T*TEW WHEAT FLOUR, from St. Louis Treble Northern a the Works 0 Union 233 border,our Would assure all of Goods that this is manding tine view of city, the harbor, ami the Extra—Geo. ram’s St., and & 235 ForeSt. Atlantic and our Pacific i Dissolution of buyers Dry XU Peg Champion SUBSTITUTE AGENCY. coasts, with immense Copartnership. surrounding couutrv. The house, stable, and out- For sale P. K the ONL T STORE IN PORTIAND where can be by VAR..UM, JnHdtf PORTLAND. Mb. works, and given us a large and formidable copartnership hereto tor. existing under tho buildings have every convenience, and are surround- Head Widgery’s Wharf. No. 2 Fox Block, itaira, TllKname of WOODM7KV & tlAKKl.S found a complete assortment ol ed bv shade trees and shrubberv ; and are in up navy, so that we are in a complete of iathinday good Portland, August 10, 1863. tf posture diuolved by mutual concent, l ire account, of the repair. Connected with them are two acres of land JOHN B. SHOWN A defense Coe. SONS, EXCHANGE STREET, against any European late firm will remain at the old rtand, tor iu a high state of cultivation, ami planted with ap- 11. It ha* adjustment, ]?lix*kd COiii. reconquered Maryland, West Vir- and either party will use the firm name in luiuida- Fashionable Dress ple. near and cherry trees, now iu bearing condition. PORTLAND. ginia, Kentucky, West tiou. K. IV WOODBCKT, Goods, On ttie whole this is one of the most desirable coun- Bushels Heaw Mixed Corn landing Tennessee, Missouri, .... \V. W. IIA It seats to be found anywhere, and affords a rare \ Sugar Refinery, A. P HASKELL. WM M CUSHMAN Northern Arkansas, Louisiana, Mis- his try 4 nJyJ and for sale bv j Florida, Portland, Sept. 1,1863. dtf AT LOW PRICES, opportunity for those desiring to purchase. Inquire C. E. CRAM. aud of other sepU {yTowu Quotas supplied. sissippi, parts rebel States. of HENRY BAILEY fc CO., 18 ExchaugcSt. Jy27 tf No. 6 Central Wharf. TORK STREET, PORTLAND. ME. sepSlw 12. It has retaken 8»n Hearty every leading city My entire stock of SUMHEfi GOODS must be and je8 |e23dtt in the South, including St. New Louis, Orleans, shall be closed out to make room for Fall Goods. Yellow Corn. X. IP. FULLER, Nor- COAT-MAKERS A Desirable Farm for Kale. Nashville, Vicksburg, Memphis, Natchez, WANTED, Now is the time to Office of Collector of Internal JOS. L. KELLET A IN get goods CHEAP, as in less than situated in Yellow Corn, for sale by Revenue, (Succruorto CO..) folk, Pensacola, Newbern, Baltimore and Al- WORCESTER, MASS. one mouth Pleasantly Westbrook, goods six miles from Portland,near Pride's PRIME P. F VARNUM First Collection District of State of Maine, exandria. V E or six 13 Commercial brad DIELS, accustomed to making good Bridge, on tie? road leadiug from jy street, Widgery’s wharf Varnish and Japan Manufacturer, 13. It lias recaptured every fort on FI custom Coat*, can find and Falmouth to 22 Street. nearly steady employment Will advance at least 25 per Cent, Saecarappa—contain- Ext’hangt1 And dealer in tlie Southern coast good pay at oue hundred arris, suitably di- Wauled formerly belonging to the ing Immediately. Portland, July 17th, 1863. vided into tillage, pasture and woodland. A men Linseed Union. Let all who want Goods embrace this plenty and with large or small capital, to Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Albert A. P. WARE A Dry opportu- ot \oumr orcharding and trees come 14. It has enormous CO.’S, apple pear just AGENTS,engage in a business that will pay eight hun- developed financial and what want for summer and of the best varieties. and Benzole nity, buy goods they into bearing, The soil is most- dred per cent, profit on every dollar invested. Call Spirits. power in tlie Suites, far well watered a Internal Revenue loyal exceeding any- 168 & 170 Main Street, fall. ly clay loam, by never-failing br ok and see for yourselves, at 229 Congress street. Stumps. Office 3S6 Cousrrss Street, Portland Me. thing ever the farm. A new two brick dreamed of before in this country. running through story uugl7 dtf G. W. MADOX. jelO imdkw 15. *cpt4dlw Worcester, Mass. a Barn a It has demonstrated that the resources tTA* this is a rare chance, all in wont oi Dry House, with good cellar, ami other out-build- mtUS Office having been made depository of ami an ahuudant of excellent water — Revenue the will be at of the call in order to ings, supply L Stamps, public supplied North are inexhaustible, aud that the Goods should early secure the further information most Terms easy. For inquire of the NEW FIRM the following ra‘es: A Farm lor Male. gigantic war Dissolution of AND NEW GOODS, cannot impair them. Copartnership. subscriber oiuho premises. A LJ 1.1 All HAWKES. -AT- Loss than Son af par. PLEASANTLY aituated iu Nort greater than au g 31 (12 w* F6i' to '1'**. 3 percent, discount. ,, all, it has demonstrated Copartnership heretofore existing between 119 Commercial and ^ Gorham, on the road leading Bom BEST BARGAINS! 4 Moulton Street!, Sl'R) to £ 4 cent, discount. _e unbounded and invincible of the THE under the Arm name of J. B. 1000, per ■liilB^LT Fort Hill to Standisb. containing strength iJ^r“* and 6 cent, discount. National Government CIshAY LLASDtf CO., is this dav devolved by Fop Sale*. SlnOO upwards. |»er tittr lour acre* ot laud, suitably di- which defies rebellions, mutual consent. Merchants are solicited JUST “ J. b CLEAVE la AN D, GPCountry particularly MILL PROPERTY in Manistee coun- RECEIVED jy 17 dtf NAITI’L J. MILLER. Collactoi. rided into mowing, tillage, pastur- C°1>e wltU or ami woodland, with ai d convenient build- external foe>iutc,nal WM. U. SMITH. to call examine. SPLENDIDty. Michigan, with first rate water power. 10 foot 500 barrels Extra Family ing good Portland, Sept. 4.1863 Flour, thereon, a‘l In with a good well of tall, with 8810 acre* of good pine timber contiguous 60 Mess round ings good repair; Pork, Adrift. water convenient for house and barn. Said furm is to the mill, upon and adjacent to Portage Lake. This 20 Leaf I.ard, Kslmouth Foreside, about a situat'd on s d road aiul in a good A lake is four miles long, with an aveiaze breadth' ot 10 half Leaf I.ard. T\^EAK August 1st, g«>« neighborhood, Noble Motheu ijeeply barrels If 'HE lilt Y, and within mile of church and Akklktku.- Coparluttrship Notice. oue and one-lialf miles, and never tailing iu its w a- xX paiuted yellow. The owner can one-half school. The Also a general assortment of Groceries. have-he same by aud Terms easy. For Airther information of “Special” Boston The have this ter. and forms the mill pond, at the outlet of which Ship prorirg property paying inquire correspondent of the undersigned day formed a Copart- REMEMBER, THE PLACE IS Stores, &c., which will be sold at wholesale or retail. chargee, on to the subscriber on the premises. tor the ol is the mill. The mill is in perfect repair and nearly application Concord nership purpose carrying on the HAMILTON k LOTH HOP. JOHN .TOHNSON. M<>8E8 BUTTERFIELD. (N.H.)Independettt Democrat, relates new, and capable of cutting from five to six mil- Capt. There is a Portland, Aug. 18.1863. 3wd sepl dlw* Falmouth Foreside. North Gorham. Aug. 17,1868. the following affecting incident which No. 125 Middle Street. lions of lumber annually. railroad track gives an EAST 875 feet long from the mill to Lake Michigan. A auglD eodSwaw* exhibition of devotion and BUSINESS, A patriotism, on the large boarding house 26 by 56 feet, a store and dwell- PULEXEMA! New New York Top Buggy, a Krai IMate or Krai. under the firm name of ing bouse 22 by 45 feet, good cottage dwelling, for salebv for Male to part of a mother who lost her all, that ou"ht FOR THE PERTRUCTION OF BUILT, workshop, blacksmith shop and large barn. All the MASSACHUSETTSA P FULLER. 286 Congress St The Farm formerly owned by John to to blush and in order. This put tlie whining copperheads or tlie HARPER dr THOMAS LUCAS’ buildings improvements perfect Fleasupon Cogs, and Vermin upon Hens. aug5 opposite the Preble House. Mountfort, b ing in ftouth Gray, SMITH, property be ongs to gentlemen w ho have retired com mining WOscrcs, «0 of it improv- of the North. Also will fault-finding loyalists He says: from business ami w ill sell the same at a low price A SURE THING. expel Coukroacher, ed. the remainder wood and timber, -AT- It Ant* and Garden Woums. Just received and tor Work. I witnessed a scene in tlie and < n liberal terms. presents an to Kveiiiui; well fenced with s*oue wall Good melancholy Bos- NEW YORK opportunity or Lottie. Price 26 ceuts. ton STORE, anv practical man to improve his condition finan- salt by the dozen, siu^le and active journeyman CANJ'EXTEFS buildings and enough of them. Two hundred and Maine last week. ’Twas a apple Depot No. 1 Union Street. cially, in a very rapid wav. Apply to JAMES A can hud from 7 to 10 or 11 trees in good condition. For of seeue that I H. T. CUMMINGS. YOUNG employment evenings, particulars enquire shall not A coffin SPRINGER, Real E«tate Agents, No. 13 ou at the office of the ELI Aft ou the easily foiget. JAMES HAEPEK. ^Portland.-IvIaAne. Metropol- Town o’clock, application MOUNTFORT. premise*. sat upon a bench in itan orWM. COFFIN. Batavia. At the V'p Dmg Store. CO in on tlie depot, and by its side •cp6 dlw* WM.H SMITH j B'ock, Chicago,111.; CAHOON MANUFACTURING Also, theBriok Building Portland, situated | Jyl5 d3m Ill atig29 2awftw atigf? 8weod •epl tf 89 Federtl Street. Fore aaf Chatham street* augll tMRwt f ■■ mmmmrnsmtmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm■ flood News from tb Country — Old ORIGIN At, AND SELF GTE I>. hill Senator Fessenden's Speech. O “Dear, O Lordy.”—The Advertiser says J A Rich. Susan & Jane. Ruth Tbo&bs, Wm Stev- THE DAILY PRESS. Oxford uH tdtldw — The Camp-fires ens. Maine. Ellicott. and others. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Not the of the are to brightly taming. withstanding frequency political Oil the Republican papers afraid publish DIUHTOX—Ar 3d, »cli J P Wallace, Endfeott, fra PORTLAND MATNK jy5* flrzt page,—A Voice from the gatherings in this city for the last two or three Bradbury’s late letter! More likely they are Augusta. Wednesday morning we took tlie ears of Army; What the Administration baa l-'ALL RIVER—Sld 4th, sch CosuMM, Spear, from LIST OF ■.- -,- Done; LETTERS weeks, the City Hall was Ailed to overflowing not disposed to give Mr. Bradbury an oppor- New York. tlie Atlantic «3fc St. Lawrence road for Mechan- A noble Mother j in Deeply Afflicted. BOSTON—Ar 4th. ship National Eagle, Matthews, the rort'aua Post Office Sept. Monday Morning September 7, MMJl* on Saturday evening to listen to Hon. William I tunity to show that his friend Parris and he for. ic Falls, where we were met by Hon. J. J- San Francisco; schs Dover Packet. Arey, Rockland; REMAININGJr-uncalled Fessenden. The was Ey* On the fourth as Wiscasset. Zrlt *»»y of tliese letter* are called -.^,0^..— ---—• Pitt meeting called to page,—Miscellany. disagree to how best to appeal to the honest Vesta. Pinkhain, for, please say Perry, with whom we had to a Ar 5th, bark Jennie that they are advertised. engaged spend S. E. Moodie. (Br) Ilealey. ; order liy Hon. Spring, who stated that Union men oi Westbrook have of their The recall of the letters advertised are an ike Press is few tlie in By-The portion party. troops sclis Dresden. Colbeth, from Joggius NS: E 11 Nash, £JT*AII subject to extra fhe circulation <*/ Daily larger days among Oxford hills, drinking of out* cent. were made in relation to the nominated for doctrine is hard, and wants Crowley, Millbridge: Belle Creole. Matthews. Ban- charge that other in the frequent inquiries George Warren, Esq. Repre- working Bradbury And be it further than of any daily city. the free, bracing air which hovers around J gor; Pennsylvania, Scott, Bath; Emma Oakes,John See. 5. enacted. That lists of of the success of the Union ticket in and will elect him. to throw it off. The leaders desire a wide cir- son. letters uncalled tor in their prospect sentative, they Freeport; Biamhall, Sawyer, and Ellen Merri- remaining many post office any Terms,—$6.00 a if within three months summits and fills the Gen. town or where a shall bo year paid valleys. the State. As a member of the State and so call the inan. Hamilton, Portland; Olio, Hickman, Kenne- city, village newspaper the date or 37.00 at the end of Com- Gen. Busteed will address the citizens culation, upon Republican pa- shall hereafter be once only from of subscription, Busteed was a on Ids way to BIT” bunk. printed, published in the the fellow-passenger lie was to it. How Cld which issued or year. mittee, happy to be able to say that the of on pers print about let- 5tb. bark Tidal Wave, Goldsmith, Africa; schs newspaper being weekly, ofteuer, we of Biddeford, Wednesday evening, Septem- Judge Cony’s shall Bridgton. We heard wherever went Helen Mar. Baxter, Baltimore; Laura Jane, Ryan. have the largest circulation withiu the range of most cheering came to them from ter—has the Advertiser published it ? Belfast. of said office.—Laws the United the and demonstration on the intelligence ber Oth. delivery qf States. great glorious Sld 5th. Resolute. every part of the State—the Union men are ship LADIES' LIST. UNION LOYAL LEAGUE. previous day at North Paris, which did much By^ The communication in relation to London Quarterly Review.—The July SALEM—Ar 3d. schs Dolphin.Kellar, and Bangor. earnestly and at and the whole Jordan, Dover Rock- iiug caruuur a mn and the faithfully work, have a Elizabethport; Packet, Arey, to encourage the hearts strengthen Pophain, heretofore alluded to, shall number of this most valuable lias land for Boston. Aspiuail James mrs Lawrence Clara T State is awake to the Quarterly completely importance GLOUCESTER—Ar Atwood Julia A mrs Nellie hands of Union men, and to fill the camp of place as soon as we can find room. been received from the bouse ol'L. 2d, sch Montrose, Barter, New Libby of the election. The publishing lork for Portlaud. Buckley Bessie— 2 duscott Ettie and coming intelligence was the enemy witli fear trembling. At least from this Scott* New York. The Ar 3d. schs Pearl. Hill, Saco for At- Burns Catharine,tor Wm La*eelle mra received with ZW The total value of exports Co., tabic of con- Philadelphia; 31ary general applause. lantic. Aiken. Bangor for Now York. Cook Larrabee Mary A mra 4,000 persons were congregated at that meet- lor was tents is as follows:—1 The Mr. then port thequartcr ending Aug.31, $118,- Resources and Fu- NEWBU'RYPORT—Ar 4th, ach W G Eadie, Thur- Bird Eliza Littlefield Meilissa C Spring introduced Mr. Fessenden, Nellie ing, which was addressed with great power by 039.40. ture of 2 Natural of low. Portland. Barnes Ludlow Sally Austria; History the Bi- mrs whose on the called forth j ELLSWORTH—Ar 1st, sell Booth by E C Mckennev mrs Vice-President Senator Clark of New appearance platform Telegraph,Woodward, Albert Hamlin, Illi- blc; 3 Glacial 4 Our Colonial Portland. Bradish Fanny turs McDonald Anna tlie most demonstrations on the Ey Sharp frosts were experienced in Theories; Sys- | E. B. flattering part In port, ship E Sherman. Nickels, for So Brant ilattie Murphy or Hampshire, Turner, Esq., of Texas, tern; 5 (1 Modern America, Murpy Aerth of his fellow-citizens. He of his reluc- nois, Indiana and Kentucky the past week, Washington Irving; Spirit- i ldg. Butler Lucy A mrs andothers. Mr. Turner’s was one spoke schs E speech the 6 Sacred and ROCKLAND—Ar 28th, Treat, frn Frankfort Bartlett Mary McKeonev H. E mn and the tobacco was much ualism; Trees Flowers: 8 Iiobi | p«y I. T. Williams, of New York, tance to take the rostrum, not because he was crop injured. for Portland; 304 h, I L Snow. Actiorn, Bartlett Maria L Esq., that told with most as it was Portland; Maryann McKay powerful effect, di Romm; if and Grant. 31st, Angelinc. Hlx. do; 1st inst. Gold 7isb, Crock- Brazier Mary E, Cape E Met lane Mary Will address the citizen* of Portland, at the backward at this or any other time in present- Eye. J. Prescott, of New Hamp- Th^Nile—Speke the simple, unvarnished tale of one who had Esq., ett. do: J Adams. Hatch, Portsmouth. Brown Mary M mrs, C E McAlleater Maria mrs Ids views on national but in a time and Hon. Charles of this Sun a woman in Sld 29th, schs Henrietta, Joucs, for St E Butler K C inrs mra, Mammon felt all tlie horrors of the had ing affairs, shire, Holden, city, another columu picking Sambuc George; Mahoney st CITY HALL, rebellion, and for Treat, Portland. Cary Adeline K mrs mrs NEW like the man should Speer's Wine. It is an admirable article Moynihan present every weigh well will address the citizens of Island, Grapes, BATH—Ar Gardiner for Aunie mrs Martha M mra been crushed out of the State of his adoption Cliebeague used in hospitals,and by the Hist families in Paris 3d, ship Lisbon, Couuce, Cooper Merrill On Evening, Sept. 7th, his words before they were uttered. He spoke this (Monday) London and New York, in preference to old I'ort New Orleans. Collins Clara B mrs—2 karshall Mary E C Monday for his devotion to tlie Union Evening. 4th. Sea Foam Coombs, for Crockett katie mrs undeviatiug Wine, it is worth a trial,as it gives great satisfac Sld brigs Washington; Massey Susan at 7 1-2 o'clock. of the horrors of war between different na- O C Phil brook, —. Clinton Catherine Jane torn D and (lie old It is believed that a By Rev. Nelson J. Wheeler, a graduate of tion. dec22dly Clary, Wealthy flag. many Crockett Georgi A J’Boyle Galleries reserved for ladies. Doors at tions, but they were nothing to be Mary* open (ty slave to a copperhead democracy was eman- compared Harvard University, was ordained pastor of FOREIGN PORTS. Chase II Augusta J'Neill Margaret mrs e’clock. to an internecine war—brother Cavanoah Johanna mrs Carrie tlie force of his arrayed against the Baptist church in Skowhegan on Wednes- SPECIAL NOTICES. Ar at Gibraltar 9th ult. Louis Walsh, Pendleton, Perry cipated by simple eloquent Valencia for Callao, and sld 13th, G W Veazie Clarke Mary L mrs Poole Margaret mra brother—said it had come home to thousands (Capt Coffin E story, while those who control the opposition day last. would take charge at Callao.) Mary mrs Phelps Margary A mra WARD ONE. Cutter M D mrs PearsonN h.-tnut at of families with all its sad a Dr. II. L. Davis, At Pernambuco 1st ult. Wm for New nirs.t were filled with a realities—spoke in Analytical Physician, by special brig Dodge, the of our madness to find Democrat 'i flic Bowdolnham Association Cobb Sarah mrs, E Rounds Ann care “Standby Flay (•unlry." ay Baptist will bo in York or Philadelphia next dav. Cape M, capt manner of those who had fallen in the request, attendance at his Office, 229j Con- Anne V mrs—2 Bain of the Union <»f and a slaveholder meeting them on tiieir own feeling meets with Cld at Yarmouth NS 20th ult, sch Active, Crowell, Dorsey Headquarters Republicans the Baptist Church in Gardiner on street, to consult with his and all oth- Dickenson mrs THEWard One will be at CAKLETON HALL, support of their government, whom gress patients, Bangor. Kicker Amanda C chosen fighting ground, and slav- among of will ers interested Day Lizzie A Robinson Etta M street, open every Sun- denouncing Tuesday this week, and continue its upon all diseases, Tuesday and Wed- Ar at St John NB 31st ult, brig Burmah. Sherman. Congress evening excepting was one as dear Deiinlson Esther mrs and till the of Election. of the to him as the blood in ids own Boston: 1st inst. sch Condor, Peel. Bangor. Randall Lacy day Monday, day ery—the offspring ignorance—as cause session and nesday, Sept. 8th and 9th. Office advice Free. Dresser E Kolfe A of the voting list of the Ward veins. lie said through Wednesday Thursday. Ar 5th, ship Wm Tapscott, Bell, New York. Mary Mary copy maybe of all our and that he was not there to sing a scp7 Delance Mau* E Kolfe O found at the room, and the Uniou voters are calamities, insisting its Maty request- Ey Master J. D. Warren of the — M mrs Richardson ed to examine the same. downfall song nor tell but to Acting SPOKEN Dyer Mary Mary alone can prepare the way for per- unmeaning tales, present Erskine Stiles Allreds Per order U.S. of has been A Bad Breath—The greatest Curse the human Angie Republican City Committee, in a Navy, formerly Pittston, ap- July 22. lat 12 49 N. Ion 96 W. Wm ms nt and plain, manner the issues involved is heir it has ship Woodbury, EuEarl Emma mrs, C E Sullivan A M mra sepl odtaepU profitable peace. simple family to. How many lovers separated Sawyer,-. all well to the command of the licet at —how inanv friends The Emery Franco# R—2 Small Beulah in the war between the North and and pointed supply forever* parted. subject is 3, off N from At Luckfleld we found that F. O. J. S. bad South, too Sept Harnegat. brig Nancy Locke, Elliot Harriet M Btedman Lillia F New delicate; your nearest friend will not mention it, Philadelphia for Boston. UNION MEETING. the of citizen iu Orleans. and are To Erskine Nancy Smith just passed in the the duty every loyal relation you ignorant ot the fact yourself. effect 1, off sch C F of Port- Mary along, speaking village Sept Fishing Rip, Young, Elies Wm mrs Phebe mra Hon. Seth Scammou, of Cape Elizabeth, and L. B. A man had two artificial arms a radical cure, use the "HALM Ob' A THOUSAND land. from for Curaeoa. Sawyer but thereto. He that the Ey adjust- Bangor French Clara union Dennett, Esq., of Portland, will address the citizens evening previous; the Union men all say proved conclusively FLO WEItS" as a dentrifico night aud morning. It i Ruthie E I Flnuemore Emma mrs,for Ihacher A B of Elizabeth at the Pond Cove School House, South had no cause to declare war ed in Boston a day or two since, and fifteen also beautiffes the complexion, removing all tan, Cape that he is doing good: that numbers of those just against Hubert Moffett l'arr A on Wkdnkm>ay, Sept. 9th, at 7 o'clock P. M. All pimples and freckles, leaving the skin soft and white. Mary mra the or to refuse to submit to the minutes after wrote a large sentence ill a fair Kerren Todd A mra are invited to attend. who hear him turn away if government, I Vice 50 cents. For sale by H. H. Hav, agent for Lydia Mary disgusted, saying NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M A mrs Thrasher Sarah Cape Elizabeth, Sept. 6,1863. sep7 laws of the land. hand, Ids gratitude. Maine, aud all druggists. augl3 eod&covt3tn* Furlong B mra that is democracy, and if he is a democrat, expressing Fountain Mary Tate Saiah E mra tiammou Martha A mrs Winchester AUdie M are no for witii them He defended the President in the different By Tile Gloucester says, ‘‘about Dr. J. W. Kelley will be iu attendance at his 4. ran (I Union Mas* Meetings. they longer such, Telegraph Gammon Martha mrs Wilson Augu«ta measures taken to down the sail of the fleet have from SCHOOL BOOKS! Gordon mrs The friends of the Union will hold meetings in democracy and loyally can never be separ- put rebellion, thirty Bay arrived Minnie E Wilson Anna Maria Frankliu as iversalist Church, to advice aud iu all Gordon Margaret Wilbur Abbie J Comity follows: A grand Union Mass ated. that lie knew 1dm to be a man of the their first the give prescribe are used either In City or Country Schools, stating trip during past week, bringing Garcelou O D Winslow Annie W mra Meeting will be held at Phillips V illage.on Wednes- forms of disease, aud the 8th THATmay be found at tho lowest prices, at and most Tuesday Wednesday, F W'alker 9th, and at on We had the of a kindest magnanimous but in fares of mackerel. Hardy Abby Chaa A mra day, Sept. Farmington, Thursday, pleasure addressing goodly feelings, good and 9th of The sick are invited to call. 10th, at 2 o'clock r. m The will be September. Hasty Lizzie Y mrs Wing Nellie M mra Sept. meetings number of ladies and Arm as the hills when the of is H. addressed by gentlemen at Buckfleld path duty A Mass Convention of loyal young Advice free. aep3 dlw* PACKARD’S, Hatch Lewis mrs Willey Ered mrs Hon. Wm. Pitt before him. He went into a full Harris Nannie A Ward Eranees Fessexdkv, in the afternoon of and a clearly de- men was held in N. ou NO. Ol EXCHANGE Lieut. Col. Wednesday, large Syracuse, Y., Thurs- STREET. Haines Oct avia C Wood Li/iis Whittlesey. fence of the VtT* CARDS aud BILL 11KADS I jit na Iibl'. n I awl firnnri Itnllv tirir 1 In* m nwn nf'nnr at Hartford Town House emancipation act, the neatly printe A and varied stock of Ilobeu Wui G mrs Wilton 3Iarthamra meeting ill tlie eve- conscrip- UUJ mci, ut nmuia^iiikCU uiiu |iaillUUCa[nxlU* at tnis otlice. tf large Union. tion and the Jordan Ellen M rare Whittier Maria D mra glorious Gen. on both act, right of the President, derived ning. Perry spoke occasions, es were made, and resolutions of the true ring Sabbath School and Jackson Harriet F Winch Mary E mra Ditf*. LOCK E k KIM BA Library Question Books, With TWiUl'rflll Utlll lllu U’Afrlo nrnH« -.ft-.. from tlie Constitution, to under cer- LL, Dkntiht* No 11 Joslyu Mai in da mrs Walsh Margaret mra,Cen- A Union Mass suspend, on baud. Also a Meeting passed. MiddleStreet-Portland .Me. *ugl5—ly always splendid assortment of Knight Annie M mrs tre at, for inra Eliza O’- cheered. We tain circumstances, the writ of habeas Lois G Connell Will be held in the Grove in North Freeman, be- rapturously spoke at the two corpus, The Knight of Washington Republican of Thurs- Kie* K mrs, E Sarah I* tween the village* kinglield and .Salem, on Tues- three hours and which, instead of being abused the Presi- fSr“1f you are in want of auy kind ol PRINTING Mary Cape Wight meetings only forty minutes! by Kimball .Sarah J mrs Wheeler day, Sept. 8, at 2 o'clock p. m. The meeting will be day says “the cause of this sudden rise in gold call at the Daily Press Office. tf Photograph Albums \ Susie J addressed andean bear truthful dent, had not been exercised as often in the Knight Saiah 11 by testimony that patience as, is of every variety and price. Young Abby Prof. WHiTTLKfMcr, of liowdoin Collogo, evidently the result of some bogus news, as Little A J mrs is a virtue opinion of many, the demanded. •' sep7 dtf Col. E. W. Woodman, 28th Maine Regiment, largely developed in the people of public safety there is nothing known to the government BROKERS’ BOARD. ur^M.rjir.A a lisi. W. P. Fkyk, of Lewiston. those two towns, for sat till the He said the war would have been closed they patiently long Salk or Stocks.—Boston, 5, 1863. numuo ■< UlrllUl U eigado Joa«|ttiu M Plummer Thaddeu* W—2 the 14th of this month would he lowing list of appointments, to wit: lege ol attending the services and list- more disas- Daggett Jonathan C Petra Wm II closing It w ill be seen by an announcement Windsor NS. Brig Helen Mar—200 ton* plaster, to Dolan John Pickett Wm to trous to the country that! a defeat on the bat- [ G. J. Prescott, Esq. of New Hampshire, and ening a good sermon in the forenoon of in another that Hon. William Pitt U D Wbidden. Dumas Octave Rogers B R, 26th regt Hon. Charles of column, Holden, Portland, tle-field. * D’.Mott T II, Cape E ( ouu Volunteers Thursday. The handed us the Will speak as follows: following, by Fessenden and Prof. Whittlesey are to address Eaton Albert E Roberts Daniel C shows Ellis O A John Chebeaguo Island.Mondav eve. 7 pm. Kept. 7 clerk, the feeling of this of Chris- A a Union at on _EXPORTS. capt—4 Ryan •' body Copperhead Falsehood Exposed. meeting Phillips Village, Wed- New 8 Foley 8t plieu Richardson Warren Gloucester.’Tuesday, tian believers. The To the Editor the I*resn: resolves were <\f' — bolster’s Mills,.Wednesday, 2 pm 9 passed nesday, the 9th Inst., at 2 o'clock P. M., and at Per ship Frank Pierce, for Liverpool 1.145.495 ft Field Ansel Itynn Win 10 Mechanic Falls, Sept. 4,180.'!. deals, 9397 ft deal cuds, 20.000 laths. 19.775 Finney Andrew Jackson Strout Alonzo bridgten...Thursday, unanimously: Farmington, on Thursday, the 10th, at the palings. West bald win.Friday, 11 When some men iisteu to the truth, and Foster Chas H Scott Baxter, Hog Island, 44 12 RF.SOI.VKS OX OUR same hour. Prof. and others Fell Michael for miss Maria Manson Cape Elizabeth.{Saturday, NATIONAL AFFAIRS PASS- under the influence of are not Whittlesey will prejudice ready MINIATURE ALMANAC. Grant A, 1 ape K Ferry Smith BeuJ ¥ ED BY THE OXFORD BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. to receive it, how strangely inclined are to also address a meeting in the Grove, between School Books! Gregory Edward 11 Snow B P Gen. Richard of they Busteed, New-York, Monday,. September T* Johu Skilliu for mrs W'Aereas, The hand of God lu our nation misconstrue the language used in its utter- and on the 8th Grey than, Ma- Will as follow's: punishing Kingtlcld Salem, Tuesday, inst., speak for itssio* on the and in Suu rises.5.311 High water.(p m).... 6 35 Gallagher John E ry u Skilliu 44 onehaud, promoting human ance. He who the of a 2 pm. 5 quotes language speaker at two o'clock. Suu sets.6.24 of 53 Gri tulle John D Deunis Wiscasset,.Saturday, freedom on the other, ia to tie recognized in the ex- | Length days.12 A LL the Sweeney with such qualifications as to pervert the sen- various SCHOOL BOOKS u«ed in the Michael Daniel isting civil war in our laud : and Glynn Siders whereas, according { iV or State, cau be iouud at tbe Bookstore of to the wo are timent shows a remarkable lack of intelli- tnrdav the men of Port- City Gratfam Hubert Swett Frederick C Governor Washburn (ioapel. to be truly loval to such a gcu- evening loyal eral Government as our* short or Graut Wm O, FI Franklin, home will as follow*: alw ays has been: gence.—a memory, gross dishonesty. land were thrown Cape Savage speak therefore, insulted by having into their M A H I N K N K Gallisou Wm ii 44 7 Hrtolwi, That w o w ill endeavor to cultivatehtimll. Such base and false are a WS. guard Lebanon.Monday, representations BAILEY &■ NOYES. Harris A P Street Franklin Iv Mime " 8 itjr before God in view of all onr wrongs as a uatiuu. doors a scurrilous sheet issued from the Argus capt bunkport.Tuesday, common resort, now a days, among the llaseltlne John P Stafford James M Sanford Resolv'd, That by prayers and words and deeds w e Cop- .Weduesdav, 9 ol it was to be PORT OF To the School Book department we give our en- 44 will do what iu us Ties to perheads Maine. One of this otlice—though designed anony- PORTLAND. Hill James Smith James K North Berwick.Thursday, 10 sustainourGcicrnmctit un- instance, tire attention at this seasou of tho year. Publishing til rebellion is noticed in the Howard James W Her theexisting shall become numbered w ith kind, Argus, to lie mous—tilled with a tissue of lies, and contain- enable- us to have a stock. Joseph Sawyer purporting largely large Parents, Henderson James Strout Levi fi the past. a 5* Hon. Hannibal Hamlin quotation from (iov. Washburn's at treason to damn to Saturday*.September Teachers and Students will do well to buy their R< vnlrvd, That while we remember att speech, ing enough eternal infamy Hardy John, for Andrew Skilliu# Simeon classes with- this a few ARRIVED. Will a* place, days since. Thu author of Stover Sam'l or Lemuel H sneak follows: Kept. in our national domain, we will cherish a deep and all who were connected with its McSaboy •• that was so production. Steamer Lewiston, Knight, Boston. Howard D for Kkowuegau.Monday, 7 i pious iutcrest in the highest welfare of those of Afri- report probably much absorbed in Joseph capt, Hector Me- " it< lies was the declaration that Brig Helen Mar, (Br) Hewisou, Windsor NS. liasHiu Ai I, lor Wn» H Anson.Tuesday, 8 can descent his prejudices upon the negio and Among the School Books and gnarric 44 question, Sch Lauiel. Mct-adden, Bath. Stationery Sears Sam'l Hartland.Wednesday, 9 ttrmdvKd, That while so in the midst of life the kueelaud D many emancipation proclamation, that when the Union convention at Bangor passed no resolve Yacht Juliet, small, Boston. P for miss Stout Wm and usefulness— including faithful servants of the Hastings 8. said Rather than see the rebels suc- Florence J Watson Smith *Vm L E. B. of and John T. I-ord Jesus—are called in a moment to the eternal speaker complimentary to or with the CLEARED. Turner, Eso, Texas, cessful and the sympathising Ham Wm C W A Gilman. of state, leal iug friends and kiudred io loneliness ami Union destroyed, the loyal Steamer New Skilling# Esq., Portland, soldiers in the field. Potomac, Sherwood. York—Emery Wm V W’ra sorrow, we should be stimulated to earnest- of Maine would not & BAILEY & Hewlett Smith will a* follows: greater people hesitate to give Fox. NOYES, speak ness and in our Master's Johnson D U Taylor Edward S 44 diligence doing work. and dollar of their and if need Bhip Frauk Pierce. Thomas. Liverpool—11 Wins- Kcarboro.Monday, 7. we every treasure, he, F' G Tewksburv for mrs 44 would tender our wannest to those low & Co. Kelley capt io»h, Kaccarappa.Tuesday, 8. sympathy their wives would become widows and their 56 & J C—2 Baker who have given their loved ones to our cause and Sch lliltz. Walton Street, Kimball Abigal at 3 r. m. Swordfish, (Br) NS—master. 58-Exchange Gray.Wednesday, 9, the cause of hutnau freedom. children he could Katiug Patrick Vail F V Her 44 fatherless,” only compre- BY TELEGRAPH Sch Albion. (Br) Dunn. Truro N'S—A D Whidden. Ktaudisli.Thursday, 10. Wm 9th Wh to (_’ W lieut — PORTLAND. Kelley M, Div.lsl Yarmouth “11. We continue the hend through his that Sch Charlotte, t.raves. Governor’s Island N Y .Friday, foregoing, writing at such tcooly Copperhead -TO THE- 4wU Brigade 1 C Webb ¥ E 44 Orlando Nickerson. *cp7 bruuswick.{Saturday, 12, at 3 p. m. “Slavery must be pul down if every Xew I A 31 Webb Jobn 44 44 44 as throws iu our Loriug bath. 12, at 7j stopping-places opportunity has lit Me made a widow and FIdwiu D Waterhouse J W Knylanil wife papers. SAILED—wind NE—sch Starlight, and others. Libby way. every child has to be made fatherless.” Such Laiuson Edwin Walker Jobn, care of Ma- Hon. J. J. Perry, of Oxford, Lewis < ieo T capt jor J meson The at Canton Mills, held in the is a fair standard of the comprehensive facul- The new bark “Union,’’ built at J Will as follows :• meeting Bungertiuck by Libbr I or J Wadlcigh John 11 speak of a A was launched on .1 r itp I T 44 44 Woodside, successfully Audover V> llliwoimoi TV CM It DUCUCSS. ty copperhead. Tuesday, Corn or.Monday, 7, at 1 VUIIIVil) JICip.Al j From Charleston—The Attack on Fort Moul- 31st ult. She registers nearly 4>M) tons, and is owned Wcet bethel.T 44 at 1 44 We, the were present and heard SHIP LETTERS. uesday, 8, undersigned — A — Siuueit Orr, of who is to com- The house was crowded in every part, and ex- : trie Trrrijic Fnyay* inent Urn. iiil- by (apt Harps well, the address of Gov. Washburn, and fully con- mand ( C Martin, Dr aud others. Edward F U 8 sch more’s Works trithin one hundred her, apt Liuculu, Walker, Arago—2 Hon. E. W. Woodbury & Sylvanua Cobb, Jr.» tra seats were placed in the aisle*. Several of cur in the statement above, believing it to be yards of David 11 Eldredge, brig Snow Bird — Fort Way ner Attempt to Destroy our Prentiss llobbs, returned to Boston 5th Hamilton M B« an. sch Moses J W Shute Will speak at the Baptist clergymen w ho had been attending an honest ami truthful explanation of the Brig iust, Elay, eapt Jx>vcll .7pm. Sept. 9 facts. Fleet in Stono Inlet by Torpedoes. having been in contact with Hr bark Eva. in Presi- ( apt Charles Boudriot, sch Lucy Anu 44 the Association were one of dent Roads, aud bad main carried on Mid'n John M Tefr, of war Marion Hiram.2 PM. 11 present, them pre- .\ kw i rigging away sloop « E. G. J. A. Jaaon okk, ;>. pm. Hawke*, Bucknam, Hall, sept. starboard side. Capt Joaiah Macomber. sch M B Mahouey Itrownileld.2 11 Gen. a little more than ** siding. Perry spoke r II Huiinnl II I. I,..,... Ill The Herald's Morris letter ol E I S Marion Denmark.7 pm. 11 Island the 1st Mid’n C H StoekbrMga, np an hour. His remarks were received with A.C. Denison, S. F. F. A. Dan forth. iust., states that for two or three days past a DOMESTIC FORTS. GRAND STALLION TROT t apt Davies, ship Neptune of Weigbmouth Waterman, •• John West, sch Red Rover Hon- Daniel of N. new rebel on Sullivan’s Island has SAN FRANCISCO—Sid 1st iust.ships Washington, Clark, ii. marked favor. It was our privilege to follow, battery —AT— Robert Parnell, brig Rcnshaw of lieeit Colburn, Boston; 3d, Malay, ilulchiuson, San Iran- Bangor Will speak as follow*: making fruitless attempts to annoy our Edward Bush, care J ti Lovell, Yacht Wreath and for an hour and three quarters we address- Union Meeting at Cape Elizabeth.— cisco. ttkowbsgtta.Monday, 7, 2 p. m. men in the advanced trenches. It is Ling’* Track, Scarboro', Maine, Wm Sands, seaman ou board brig Zephyr 44 supposed PORT ROYAL—Ar 25th, ship C lara Ann. Carter, North a. ed one of the most Anson.Tuesday. 8,2 f, attentive audiences to which the North to be one of the 11-inch taken from strainer A. T. Postmaster. 44 Saturday evening Congregational gnus the Bath; Ella Morse. PepjK*r, New* York. Thnra; Al- Oxford.Mondav, Sept. 7, at 7 P. m. evening Hanover Village, do the work ol Jeff Davis here at the North. by Unison, Munroe. Portland; P S Lindsey, proposed to the •• Emery, Constitution and bion P George Fletcher, elected Bryant’s Pond.Tuesday, 8. 1 shells from the Passaic and but be- Boston. By-ljtws at the July meeting, will Huntress, disability ; •• above Kumford w here we met Patapsco, Saco; Charoier, Nickerson, Au- West itethel. •« «* Point, friends then come for Win It ftirmshed substitute; ## 7 » sides masses of loose it Cld 4th. bark Ellen Morrison, McCarthy, Barba- ! up actiou, wheu it is hoped every by parents; Dolby, 44 detaching masonry member W ; Leonard Andrews.-d, North Waterford,.W’ednesday, 9, 1 ami a house—not it is true—crowded to seb* E E will be present gustus Hanson, disability •• large did no does: Potter, Wallace. Philadelphia; Ella, 44 44 We have good news from further to the fort. No guns W furnished substi- Lovell,. 9 7 Washington damage Ocean Star. Ham. Portland. The Secretary will be at the Rooms on this Monday nou-residence; Henry Staples, its utmost ami where w ith our trav- Marston, Bangor; Francis Goldthwwlt disa- capacity, County. Mr. Bradbury will undoubtedly car- were dismounted if they exist, and no further and Thursday next, wheu any member who tute; Ab.atn Van Buskirk, Sid 2d, ships Ellen Scars, Win Chamberlain; barks eveuiug Robt W wishes have an otr ; Charles G Haines, MOO; nmitb, Lewis Barker, Esq., friend we found an to listen to ry the County, and there can be no doubt but reduction accomplished. Alter two or three Albina, Billow; 1/a. Sarah may opportunity examining the bility paid elling anxiety Bounding brigs Flagg, amendments. Samuel Bo-tou. Asa M Grath. Lindley M Hawkcs, at Hon. J. C. Talbot and Hon. Walker hours’ tlie monitors to the Caroline, aud Bertha. promised Speaks a discussion of the issues of the and a re- George lighting responded The will be called to order at 71 William E Webster. Jerome Garlaud. John W Mods, Water boro' Centre day be Passed Sands Point 3d, brig Ginn, from meetiug o’clock. .Monday, will elected to the State Senate. Last year general signal from the Ironsides to cease tir- Reporter, td W1I, M MARKS, don. El Dearborn, Theodore II Paine, Abra- li w hole on New York tor Portland ; sch C It Jones, for —. sep7 Secretary. bridge ningtoii Corner.Tuesday, solve to do their duty the day of were out to and withdraw. of the at- ham Samuel T Welch, John H Hubbard, they defrauded of their seats, ing What the object NEW HAVEN—Ar 3*1.schs C Grant, from Beusou. K euucbunk.Wednesday. Pressey, Jesse Smith. Edward Davfc. dlsa- election. One old gentleman, a brother of Prof. which they had lieeu fairly elected by the tack was has not been developed. Calais; Maria, Whituev, Bangor. House mid Eol ut Auction. Stephen A Lamb. dilitv John Murpbey. over age; Samuel 4 Tasker, The will see to it this .Some since the made a MIDDLETOWN. CT—Ar 2d inst. sch Honest Abe. K Stowe, had come fifteen miles on purpose to people. people year, days enemy sytem- shall sell ht Public Auction on THURSDAY. Broderick, oxer age; John must Strange. St John NIt. disability; Timothy Letter from Windham. inn they be careful of the tricks which atic effort to blow up and destroy the gun- 10, at 3 o’clock, on. the the two James K Walker. Chas H Carlton, disability; attend this meeting. by PROVIDENCE—Ar 3d, sch Lady ot the Ocean, WESept. premise*, llall, voters are cheated of their boats alul in Stono Inlet means story woodvn House. No. 12 Sprube street. The Winslow Andrews, paid MOO; Collins M Windham, 4, 1863. will.—[Advertiser. transports by Chamberlain, Bangor. j Taplev.n*J*l» ™ ooo> Sept. Saturday at () we took a of House in tluir.hdd troiu cellar to garret, containing 7 i nished substitute; Timothy John morning, o’clock, will see to it torpedoes. no serious damage Ar 4th. schs Frances Ellen, Clark. Ellsworth; S K Crowley. To the Editor of the Prt#*: The people this year and make Fortunately rooms, aud is lu order. Terms made kuowu aisabilitx ; Franklin A Rounds. seat with Gen. J was these Hart. Laurie. Bangor. perfect bury, erry in his carriage, rode inflicted upon any of the vessels by at sale. Edwin A Verrill. Caleb C Foster, disabilitv F. B. Turner, of Texas, addressed the the vote so decisive as to satisfy even Talbot Ar 4th. sch Nath! Chase. I>oano. New York. stitute; Esq., miles to Paris where torpedoes, bnt the escape was quite narrow wp7 dtd* HENRY BAILEY k CO Auc'r». CHARLES II DOUGHTY. of Windham this afternoon. He twenty-live South vve Walker Sid 4th. brig J W Dnsko, Drisko, Philadelphia D««- people spoke and themselves, that they arc defeat- for comfort. One a I apt. ami IVo.j.1 Mar.inU.W met the ear.- enough torpedo exploded PA WTUChET—Ar 4th, sch Amelia, Long, from two hours and a anti the ami arrived Itcme usual course, 3t quarter, allhough by ed. If anything can be known in to little astern of the Pawnee, ami blew’ her Gardiner. The time in the of »ep7 __ tow'ii was regard which Bounty $400 hall crowded and many were unable in three six as >ld 3d. schs Edward Wooten, and Ocean having spoken, days, times in “who is to lie Governor before launch, which was turning astern, to frag- Young, offered to recruits in the Regular to still he in election,” Wave, Turner, New York. enlisting Army, »oK get in, held his audience breath- A few ex- on bodied men. bo- FKOPON.ILV many different towns, and in ments. minutes later a tremendous bark 11 ISexpires the 2 Id iust. Able less attention. having spoken can be relied to NEWPORT—In port 3*1. 1 Washington County upon give 1 Gregory.Gregory. tween the ages of IS and 45, de-iring to enlist in a ail ten and a half plosion occurred on Bud Key, a few rods be- Pictou lor Somerset; brig Jessie Rhviias, Pendleton, Goal. Hod. hours, yet unexhausted, "as crack should do so soon lu order to re- Wood and. Judge Kingsbury followed in a very Cony a larger majority than it has given any low the occasioned another Somerset for Pictou; schs Sarah Gardiner, Teel, St Regiment, as and Pawnee, by torpe- oaire 11»«* bsatftl of the eloquent appeal to the Uuion men, to do their good new," ready to fulfil an appoint- Joint for Providence; Com Tucker, Loud,tin Bangor Boost) candidate for the last live years. do. sent down at the same time. at the Recruiting Office corner of Fore and A. A. y. M,, at the 'Flu* ment for New York; Margaret. Richards. New York for Apply Ovricf ovtst j duty polls. meeting closed by in the evening in a The Tribune’s Morris Island letter of the streets, Portland, or at Fort Preble, Cape Me., Sept. 4. S •* neighboring town, Boston; tor Portland; Exchange Portland. the welkin with and to Belle, Jordan, Eli/ahethport J. t WALES, be at 1J63.this office making ring” three times perform any other service demanded 1st Inst, will lie heid till the last Eliza aud Elizabeth. rat-., v-,x i*r:»te7la respon- pay bounty fclttO dead thickly aroiiuil her that water from for Bath; Josephiuo, Crockett, Bermuda caucus, ami nominated 1*. K. II Newport addroaaod to the A. A aid. Esq., to I sive to the Union. Her true sous have corns teers. the the shallow wells cannot be drawn. Com- ! for Boston. svo.mul aia*t bo Q. F. O. J. Smith opposed proposition ^Kaoh^pcopoaal a ul thu adter represent the town of Windham and Scar- from the old New York with of CASH de- accompanied by copy I largely democratic ranks. They are l»*lled by thirst some of the soldiers are so im- Ar 4th, sch Ellicott, Duncan, for Ban- .MAN this amount M IWilaml. in the next Mr. with all bis but it was carried by a to conuect himself with some ouc iu a brorough Legislature. Hall now determined to know only their country energies, as to swallow it: the next gor. VYoUXnsire- good HENRY INMAN. prudent day they In 3d. bark Chas Edwin; Aroostook,a n*l business. Corn and Flour or Is a young lawyer, of much promise and will and its till that be removed the vote of two to one. Smith left the house de- port brigs paying Grocery pre- and A. A. M. U. S. A. peril peril and arc in the hospitals, and la-fore the close of the Emelin*-; schs Ruth Thomas, Francisco. A J furrmf Addres$ J. T., Press Office. 1st Lt. 17th lulkntry, Q. be elected. L. d. Tiger, undoubtedly | country is effectually saved. cidedly crest fallen. week many of them are in their graves. Dyer, Olevia Buxton,Union, S K Hart, Hero, Morea, sep7 dlw* sep7 dtd MATTERS ABOUT TOWN. From Washington. DRY *«=—1—l™=-shsh-S W ASHINUTON, Sept. 0. GOODS. EDUCATIONAL. Municipal Court—Sept. 5. The President has ordered that the Execu- _MILITARY._ SALES. tin' order dated Nov. 21st, 1M>2, prohibiting ^AUCTION Three lads named Timothy O’Brien, Joseph Willi* School for Oirfc. E. M. \ to rsx the exportation from the United States " *'"* and were to pay a purchase Chestnut street, on contains ten rooms, well O’Brien Colley sentenced sale Monday, Sept. 7th. 18*53. at to niiishedU0,ilTJI "'V*' -.w. for exportation from the United States of O’clock A. M. and convenient for two small one I neptl td families, light- line of two dollars and Einerly of tel with gas, and has or each, all horses and mules w ithin their respective plenty hard and soft water Capt. WHITMAN ( an bo Men anv time before the -alt* one third of the costs. DAYS and to take and to PORTLAND ! SAWYER, dollar, and each to pay l'OIIK commands, appropriate the II O tl K Kor cali on of Co. C, 25th Maine IN S T 1 T ITE, particulars E. K. DRESSER and on use of the United States mules Regiment, having re- auglS edts Charles F. Dunn, for assault battery any horses, ceived due to raise a 144 Pore Street. and live LATE authority Company of Vet- FREE. STREET. stock designed for be so eran Soldiers from the State ot Thomas Morrison, was lined three dollars and LATER FROM ElKOPE. exportation, Maine for far modified that any arms heretofore imported flllHS Hoarding and Day School for Young Ladies Furniture at Auction. costs. The assault consisted in com- into the Col. F. X will re-open on 17th. Circulars giving United States may be re-exported to Fessenden, Thursday,Sept. “l"*n "e" »* Auction on Sent. terms may bo obtained Miss WE Wednesday. »th. in the face in a the of containing by addressing rr at 104 o’elook A. at house a blow payment for Arrival of the of New York. place original shipment, and that any now extends an earnest invitation to his late com- 1. who will M.. No. 26 Spring plainant Steamship Oity (j. Prince. Principal, bo found at her street, all the live stock raised in State or rades and others, who have heretofore Furniture in said house, consisting in furnished the defendant and a comrade any territory aided in residence after the 1st of September. of ride, quelling this rebellion, to him in at last part Carpets, Solas. Bedsteads, Beds and Bedding bounded by the Pacific Ocean may be exported A NEW AND COMPLETE join securing 30 d& w2m Bureaus, the complainant in his hack. New York. 8. peace to our country at this most important and crit- Mirrors, Toilet, Curd nud Dining Tables. by Sept. from any of such State or Chairs, Parlor aud The of New from port territory. ical juncture. Cooking Stores, Sewing Machine, S. for an assault Steamship City York, Instructions have been Casco Street Seminary. Maps, Books.Tahle Joseph Pearson, aggravated via issued requiring that Cutlery, Castors, Crockery. Dinas, Liverpool, Aug. 20, Queenstown Aug 27, riAHE FALL TERM of this School La- Wo0d*" W‘"' and battery on Creenlief Saw'yer, w'as bound arrived Litis A. M. men charged with desertion who belong to A BOUNTY OF $502 foryoung irons, X dies and Misses will commence on Tnrsdaft TuT*. Lrc°UA,c.,J his regiments whose terms have if not will be to those who mav KV over in the sum of $800, with sureties, for It was reported that a rebel man-of-war is expired, DRY paid enlist previous to the Sept. 1st. ami continue eleven weeks. There will BAILBY * CO., Auctioneers. able to clear GOODS 25th of in the themselves of the charge, shall day September, in addition to the bounties also be a department for children. .ept4dtd-EJ, appearance at the November term of the S. J. repairing Imperial dock-yard at Brest. the towns offer. For further The Globe's be compelled to serve for the remainder of the may information inquire of the Principal, Paris correspondent says it is WHITMAN SAWYER, Recruiting at 217 Cumberland street, after 24th. E. M. FATTEN, Court. term. Officer, Aug. Auctioneer-office 27 Exchange 8t. reported that vessels, modelled after sept4 d2w* Raymond Village, Maine. augodedis6w MISS II. HAWKE8. Sundry The Chronicle denies that Col. L. C. Ilaker the Alabama, were lor the and Land be- quietly building has been ordered to the Dwelling at Auction. Hareas Corpus Case.—On Saturday, rebels in field and the office of ESTABLISHMENT i and French ports. olle^iute Military School, Monday, 14th at 12 was had in Provost Marshal of the War September, M., on thn fore Ware, a hearing the The of the Department STRIKE THE Xo. 19 near Judge Committee Emancipation Socie- LAST BLOW! 14 Franklin Boston. OX premises, Cross, Middle street, will abolished, and says no such order is contem- | Square, he sold the two-storied double and case D. Bean of ty, on the 25th memoralized Earl Bussell dwelling land be- of Walter Passadumkeag, ult., JUST OPENED! mills School will be D. to the to the plated. re-opened, V., after the longing heirs of the late Joseph Thaxtor. the release of his minor stop departure of two steam rams, de- X vacation, on the 15th oi uheu House in petitioner for sou, An error of the press the Post- No Favor to the ! September, all pu- good repair, conreuient. containing sixteen for the represents Enemy are to be a signed Confederate service, construct- pils required present at 0 a. rooms, nud well arranged lor one or twu families David Bean, who had enlisted as a substitute Master General instead of second assistant A limited uumber of Lot ed by the builders of the Alabama, and ready boarder*, under 15 years of abou 1611 by 100. aeptA E. Post-Master General McLeilan, as being ill at age, is received in the s family. for Marcellus Hodgkins. to sail Irom tin* Mersey. allege one was Principal They his residence in Washington. The former’s Lieut. LEVI M. PRINCE, Catalogues and Reference Lists can be obtained at It that a fraud had been to sail on or about the 25th of and he the office of the Christian and appeared practiced August, health was much his late visit to of Co. Mirror, Portland; received the improved by B, 25th Maine Regiment, having re- the to be in Portland from the the officer. by Florida, which was hovering ceived Principal expects 5th upon Enrolling Bean, who is but the North. LATE authority to raise a Company for the to the 8th of merchandise. on the coast for that purpose. also al- Veteran to be September. sixteen of was They in Regiment commanded by E. R HUMPHREYS, LL. about years age, engaged by j lege that another iron-clad is Eveiy article the Establishment D., Principal, approaching Thr Feeling in Charleston-Fort Sumter to COL. augl? 5w as a substitute and received therefor on the and call on FKAXCIS FESSEXDEW, Hodgkins completion clyde, the Gov- be blown up. Coarse Salt Hodgkins telling him to swear that he ernment to promptly interfere and apply the Mourns I now calls upon all soldiers who have seen service in $200; Island, the Franklin School law with rigor, to hostile acts defending national banner from the vile hordes Family was over 18 of The father of Bean prevent against Charleston Harbor, Aug. 2fi. ( of Traitors who AFLOAT. years age. have availed it, to unite with him in For ... a friendly power. Ibis NEW AND Boys Top*ht*m, Me. Under date C. C. Fulton writes, “de- FRESH! striking the final blow tiiat shall at once an knew about the matter until after the •» bring nothing j The News hacks the memorial honorable to our Daily up by serters, several of whom enter our lines every peace beloved country. IIK Fall Term of this xucccMful School enlistment had taken two sons j the Government highly K.r—c- place. Having demanding interposition. day, represent the of Charleston as T will bexiu September 9th, 18#3, and continue 5,600 Mr. in people A Ilouuly ol $602 scp4 :jwis DANA k CO. now in the army he immediately petitioned Seward, responding to the address of anxious to surrender the city, but Beauregard twenty-one weeks. the conference Will be paid to those from For “Circulars,” kc ph ase address the Princi- anti-slavery at , to is determined to devote it to destruction. The enlisting Portland. To for a writ of habeas corpus, and for the release those elsewhere in the pal. » arents are cordially invited to visit the Corn. President Lincoln, says their furn- enlisting State a Bounty of arguments shelling process caused Beau- $502 in addition to the bounties the towns School. WARREN JOHNSON, M. A.. of tills one. Judge Ware suspended his decis- ished the President with general surprise, may offer. Cargo of 8ch. Israel L. Snow. additional motives to his For further see regard having pledged professional reputa- particulars posters. Principal. PvJtTk/h Blsil. Prime Mealing CORN. now ion in the mallei; fora few J. II. Wil- put down the insurrection. LEVI M. days. tion that it was an impossibility and mere No Old Goods Whatever! PRINCE, OIRAJ lauding nud lor sale by There was new Officer. Reference*. liams for petitioner; Ci. E. U. Jackson, Asst. nothing on the Polish and Yankee bravado. It is ascertained that the Recruiting EDW. |{. BURDIN. £y*0FFlCE NO. 1 FOX BLOCK, 1st Patrons—Hon. W. \V. d2w 120 Mexican questions. It was that the flight, up lhomas, Mayor,Portland; aug25 Commercial street. U. S. District Attorney for reported first shell pierced a house occupied by a num- stairs—sign of the Flag. A. Portland; S. C. respondent. conference of the German Princes have aug31 Spring, Esq., Blanchard, Keq., adopt- ber of officers, killing several and Yarmouth; lion. .1. W. Augusta; Hon. ed most destroying Bradbury, Muscovado important recommendations to Aus- the house. Some of the shells went to the J *hn Appleton, Jones P. Veazie. Esq.,Bangor: Capt. Sugar. Mackie’b 1st.and Uivi- tria. C. H. Soule, Freeport; Levi Youug. Exclusion.—By fartherest a cotton Close Esq., Ottawa, "7/ 1 HI1D8. Muscovado in store Latest via. extremity destroying large Men! Close C. W.; Prof. C. E. Stowe, Andover, Mass. bright Sugar, tion of the officers at Mackie’s a Queenstown. warehouse Up, Up! tl*/V / for sale by Island, large and other buildings. tiff permission—Pres. Woods,and Faculty of Row- The Herald says: Th) have this H. 1. ROBINSON, of invited Deserters say there are but twenty-five men undersigned opeued day, September doiti College; J. W. Chicketiug, I). D.t Charles A. edislin company guests, accompanied by “We are inclined to believe that the rumors No. 1 Portland Pier. in Fort Sumter and that it be 2d, 1863. at the store rooms of Lord, Esq., Port laud; Rev. Wooster Parker Bel last; _augl8 the Portland left Custom House wharf will blown up as 'end THE REBELLION ! Band, which anticipate that the South lute an immed- Hon. J. L. Cutler, Augusta. au*21 d3w soon as we attempt to take possession.” St. Louiy Flour. ou Saturday afternoon, at two o'clock, in iate intention of arming the negroes, are iu all WORTH YARMOUTH 1/1U1S FLOUR, for sale by steamers furnished for that and soon probility, premature.” No. 81 Middle Street. Pox AUADEM1, ST. F. F. \ARNUM, Commercial purpose, The From Charleston-Trial I>r. If Block, Capt. GEO. W. RANDALL, street, Advertiser says that a of right. jylSdistf bead s < arrived at tbeir destination. On the correspondence AT YARMOUTH, MAINE. Whig, ry wharf. way from Germany, slates that Queen Victoria lias Foiituess Monuok. Sept. 0. ATE of the 25th Maine Regiment, having receiv- I J ed to raise a for fflHE Fall Term will commence thither the. Baud discoursed some of their addressed a letter to the King of Prussia, The U. S. dispatch steamer Alexandria NEAR THE POST OFFICE, authority Company the Veteran Tuesday, Septem- just Regiment to be commanded by X ber 1st. Board may be had with the Teachers, sweetest music. On landing, the throng scat- ! urging on him the advisability of a change of arrived from off Charleston, reports that Fort at “Russ-11 Hall.” FOR SALE & TO LET policy. Sumter was but that the tcred themselves hither and thither around perfectly demolished, A and The Confedederate which rebel flag was still over it. Complete Thorough Assortment or J HATES, Sec’y. frigate Atlanta, flying calls with pride to his late comrades in the field, to tills beautiful island, and all seemed to enjoy into Brest augl3 3weod&ew9 House for Sale. put lor repairs, having no bill of Gen. Gilmore dug out and captured seventy- rally around the Old Flag, iu drivjug traitors to the the and views. At health on has been forced to five men from their rifle in ‘•last ditch.” A delightful spot magnificent board, go into pits front of Fort —mr— Select School—!%'o. its Street. jmm. three-story Dwelling House. with brick The U S. Government will High live o’clock the of a bountiful Wagner last Toes day. E is pay a Bounty of *402. basement, situated on tne corner of Monu- guests verything pro- •• Fall Term of the above School for partook •* «« •• Young It is that the U. S. The State Kjq liiil: "»**»* and Warren streets. Has twelve finish* collation for the reported Minister. Mr. gressing favorably. THELadies and Misses, will commence on Monday, ed prepared occasion, and alter In addition to such Bounties as be rooms, and is well calculated for one or has received instructions from i)r. YY rusnt win nave a new’ trial m uiay paid by the Sept. 7th. llaytou his Norfolk. two tami ies. Will be sold low to FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC towns. For to the enable an associa- to Whether civil or is not particulars apply Principal. tion to government protest against the French military certain. For further see close its tflairs. If not particulars posters. aug24 eod2w* A. H. DURgIN. 28 High St. previously disposed gratulations, with speeches, sentiments atid proceedings in Mexico. GEORGE W. RANDALL. of, will be sold at auction on Saturday, the 19th day of inst., at 12o’clock on the The is a of the R* officer. September M., premises. music, the company took their departure lor following summary news cruitiug For terms. Severe Storm at Chnr1cnton—-ltetnrn of C. DRY O-OODSI Freeport, Maine, August 28. 18l>3. d2w* Ac. apply to EDWARD SHAW, at per steamer Olympus, which sailed from Liv- the Mutual the city, highly gratified with their visit. C. Fulton. Insurance Company, corner of Middlo erpool. 25lh ult, and is received per steamer W A and Plumb streets, or to Fortress Monroe. 4. NTS....L OS T. City of New York : Sept. Col. F. N. F. DEERIXG, Store Breaking.—The saddler shop of J. SteauierS. Ft. arrived here at 1) sucn A8 Fessenden’s sep3 I* No. 8 Street. A steamer, supposed to be the Florida, was Spaulding Regiment. Exchange W. Maustteld was broken into o'clock last from off Charleston. She Watch Lost. Saturday night, seen passing down the channel of Queens- evening lelt Morris Island on FINK Gold Watch and Gold Fob- For Sale, by entering through a window in the rear ot town. on the 23d of on the reports haring Monday Attention, Veteran*: Hunting August, evidently Brown and Bleached Cotton Chain, on the Steamer track of American vessels. last, and that a severe storm had prevailed for Sheetings A Montreal—left in water- The one-story House No. 62 Federal street. the shop. A small quantity of money was closets morning of Sept. 4th, 1*13. Any one leaving Lot 20 M 48 feet. Euonire of several days, making it very where our and to It is staled that Mr. Slidell had along inter- rough Shirtings, $002 those Enlisting from Portland! aforesaid watch at d cliaiu at this office will be lib- stolen. fleet lay, and all naval JOHN HUTCHISON. views with Drouvnde L’Huys on the 20th and stopping operations. erally rewarded. J. 11. THOMPSON. »ep2 lw* 13 Quincy Lane. An attempt was made on Friday to 21st of Mr. C. <1. Fulton ol Baltimore was a passen- sop5 dlw* night August. OF KVEHV DK8CBII*TION. •502 to tlio»r eiilinting rlsrwhrrr in tne ger the S. H. ami left on steam- break into a store on York street. Some fe- The Times, in its city article, says there is by Spaulding, To Let. er John Faxon for this State, in addition to the Bouutioa Lost. males in the of the no belief in the threat of the Washington Washington evening. < ham ben over the Trunk store, No. 166 Mid- upper part building hearing the Town* may oiler. fpilEL Government, against France, iu regard to At Low Price* ! (.rcen atrwt. Sept. *1. a LADY'S KELT die street. Also, Store No. 118 Commercial $t., the raised an alarm and the de- Very and JRT Cl. ASP. The finder will confer a fa- next door to E. U. with the of noise, scamps Mexico. The general belief is, that the From Hen. Steelefs Command. ON Burgin. privilege vor by leaving the same af the store of L. W\ LAI- landing in the rear. For terms, Ac., apply to parted. American will lie feeble and uimttend- THE above Bounties will be paid to those eulisting Auv31d3w* protest St. Louis, Sept. 6. A TEN, corner Congress street. sep5 dat WM. OXNARD, ed (Prices of raw materials considered). iu Col. F. Fessenden’s Regiment of by any threat. For the (list really offen- A special dispatch from Memphis to the Re- lyWe regret to state that our fellow-citi- sive thirst against Napoleon, would be the publican says, the steamer Progress brings 1ETERAXVOLUNTEERS! Found. For Sale. zen William while for the deliverauce of the Goodenow, Esq., attending signal Confederates. news that Gen. Davidson, with and I>> the town of Westbrook, a black The House and Lot No. 6 St. Lawrence 8t. cavalry Till September 25, when the Government to business in liis office on was at- The conference of the German Princes con- the Bounty HOUSE, about 9 vears old, witn a cut on For particulars enquire of Friday last, artillery, constituting advance of General coa«es to be Vi'iiii tinues at Frankfort. paid. bis forward !• g. The owner of said horse i&L W. A A. TAYLOR. The rumors of an im- Steele’s on the 21st drove the Now is the time, l tacked with paralysis in the right side, which army, enemy, heir iuterest, their patriotism, is requested to ali and take him No. 50 Commercial Street. portant dissent from the Austrian scheme, are and their valuablo cull away, 7.000 strong, across the Bayou Metoire bridge, Prints ! Prints! experience upou thl Veteran and pay charges. G. F. JORDAN. Portland. August 31,1863. 2w* rendered him helpless and speechless. He was Prints ! ami to enlist. sepl contradicted. Progress is making towards a and wounding about and Discharged Soldiers *ep5 dlw* killing 100, captur- Term ot enlistment. 3 ortho war. immediately conveyed to his residence, and common understanding. Prussia holds en- Our loss years Enquire ing 200, was thirty. The rebels of Capt. Sawyer, Raymond; (’apt. Randall. Free- Store for Sale. the best of medical aid tirely aloof. It is stated that Garibaldi's All new styles and all MA ODER COLORS—a nice ( Wanted. afforded. But up to burned the bridge alter crossing. General port; apt. Whitman,Turner; Capt. Moses, Lewis- fllHE four-story brick Store in Free Street—No. 6 health is restored. selecti -u. Also FRENCH PRINTS. ton; Limerick; Chase. a A. iu the Free last there was visible im- perfectly Steele was at Duvall's Bluff on the 31st. Capt. Libby, ('apt. Portland; SITUATION by Boy of tiIteen to work or Street Block—next east of Telford's. evening hardly any Capt Prince, Port land; Joues, Portland; do errands in of T. APRON CHECKS. Capt Capt. A any kiud of business, from 2 o’- Enquire H. MACH IN, Galt Block, or provement atid his case was considered a crit- Getchcll, Wells; or any of the Lieutenants. Ifyou clock every afternoon. ap9 wtf P. BARNES, Middle Street. out nl 84J Fjrprditinnn Fitting .Veir Orlrons- • From Hannan. BED-TICKING. volunteer freely now you can end the war In six Address Jpres* dlw one. Mr. is of Boll, office. **p2 ical G. 07 years age. Our lit lotion* trith Frttnrr. months. aug25 St. Louis, Sept. 0. DENIMS, I Nkw York, 5. BROWN COTTON DRILLS W anted T. of Xcw York Sept. Five the Relief Com- jyi. Williams, Esq., It is stated from New Orleans that much ex- gentlemen composing T O T Jri l*; mittee of Lawrence make the statement that Good CRIB and BED BLANKETS. hire a tenement of tour or six moms for a fam- HATS who is to address our citizens this even- citement existed city, there among rebel sympathi- TOily of two persons. Address E. U., Press office. JjJFALL Jl the sent from Kansas A choice assortment of haudsome zers and their despatch recently City dlw* at the new is a friends iu reference to the great Veteran Soldiers of *epi2 ing City Hall, distinguished to the Associated Press, asserting that a Maine! military and naval expeditions about to depart large lawyer of that city, and is the gentleman who, amount ol goods and money and a number of from that point. It is understood that tile Lo*t. St H A W’S, some a horses taken had been recovered SHAWLS! three years since, had public discussion flower of Gen. Grant’s by Quantrcll FRANK L. Thursday last, between Freeport and North army recently operating and is unfounded. Of the horses JONES, with the now rebel Gen. at Is or would returned, ONYarmouth, a long Bay Stare SHAWL. The Breckenridge, then Vicksburg be embarked on this ATE of the 25th 13Q Tsdliclclle Street. stolen only three have been returned, and the Maine Regiment, having been lind«>r wil I t*-nitah v r« w ani**tl bv !* uv ing t important expedition. The destination which J authorized to recruit a lor at or Vice President. We trust the hall will be full, value of the merchandize recovered will not 1 duly Company the Freeport Yarmouth Post office. sepl dlw* has been out is Mobile. The rebel Veteran Regimeut to be commanded GENTS’ SILK as we know our will be given sym- exceed one hundred dollars. by DRESS HATS. people amply repaid are sure that the ex- pathizers. however, quite BALNORAL SKIRTS! Boarding House. New Shapes and Colors by tiie speech of Mr. ff, is to Texas. It is that Col. Francis Fessenden, pedition going reported "11ER8QNS Board can tind good! accom- From Tennennee. wishing some of the troops have already gone forward earnestly calls upon his old “companions in arms”, Xl modatioiis at 123 and 125 Cumberland street.— SOFT HATS. have received as New and Fall the finest ever shown and others of the late Location iar-we from Deacon E. F. i the nucleus of the great army of occupa- Memphis, Sept. 3. elegant Styles, existing Maine Regiments, to pleasant and terms reasonable, in Portland. joiu him iu agaiu meeting the enemy of the old Flag. sept4 dlw* YEW STYLES Duren, Recording Secretary of the General tion there. The lurlher talk among these reb- Brig. Gen. Carr reported here for duty last CLOTH CAPS. el sympathizers is that this concentration of night, and has been assigned to the command A BOUNTY OF $$02 For sale at fair Conference of the Congregational Churches In 50 iiirh IV anted! prices. aug29 edis4w federal troops at the mouth ol the ilio Grande of the left wing of Gen. llurburl’s army, with Will be paid to those enlisting from Portland. To Maine, a copy of the minutes of the 37th an- HANDS—to work on Pants and was in consequence of an anticipated rupture his headquarters at Corinth. Everything is' those enlisting elsewhere in the State a Bounty of Coats, iu addition to the Vests. to nual held at June of relations between France and the our $502 Bounties the towns may OLD Apply immediately BIAS, meeting, Biddeford, 23d, friendly quiet along lines. Considerable cotton otter. J. r. LEWIS. RIFLES, United that certain demands has Hoop Skirt* ! Hoop Skirts ! 24th and 2otb. It abounds in interesting sta- States; have arrived here during the last three weeks. For further particulars see Posters. ang27 1 and 2 Free Street Block. been made of the French re- FRANK L. REVOLVERS, AND tistics respecting that denomination. Emperor in JONES, spect to his secret in Of which the celebrated FOIST DE VENICE Recruiting Officer. Wauled. operations Mexico, From Kentucky. All the Accompanimriits. which, if not w ill SKIRT, from the of th© New York IT-OFFICE NO. 1 FOX BLOCK, 1st flight, up were examined satbdactorily complied with, manufactory small Rent, situated in the central part o! Conscripts.—Tliirty-one bo Louisville. 5. stairs—sign of the Flag. aug26 immediately followed by the invasion of Sept. Bell Point Co. is a rare specimen of beauty and du- the city, or a whole house suitable lor two the Board. The authorities here do not «mall families. Address Saturday by Enrolling Twenty- that country by the army of Gen. Grant; that military appre- rability. mA hend immediate of a rebel inva- auglS M A. K., Portland I*. O. Fishing Tackle! live of them were for disa- a secret intimating some such any danger exempted physical understanding PLEASE LOOK AT OCR ASSORTMENT invasion sion in Kentucky in force, though small bod- OF The BEST Assortment in the bility and two for over Two fur- exists between President Lincoln and City. being age. ies of guerrillas may mean incursions at differ- SKIRTS. Wanted Immediately, the fugitive Mexican President, Juarez; and <»• L. IJAILKY 1*2 Street. nished substitutes and two the commuta- ent at which will be met. Exchange paid that a war between France ami the points, they fully FIRST RATE Coat and Pant Makers. In finally, •J\r at ap27 iseodtf tion fee. United out of quire States, growing these complica- WOODMAN, TRUE k CO/8 tions, is not impossible. Minnouri to he Invaded hy Citizenn of Kansan. Rooms. :r-we call attention to the advertisement LIAEA CAHBKIC PDCkET HA.VDkKRUIIEFS! FALL DRY GOODS! angCdlm Clothing TO THE AFFLICTED! St. Louis, Sept. 6. of Mr. H. Packard. He has a large and valu- Agents Wanted. Itrin f'orrrinrnt of Urn. Jlrngg—Thr Mrxiron Gen. Schofield telegraphs to Lieut. Gover- Htnpb am) (Ii/ica wichimr < n mi f/,1. ■>. Great quanities and astonishingly cheap. WAR- l^all Agents wanted to Question. nor Hall from Kansas City that there will lx1 Dry (foods! good immediately DK. W. >. RANTED ALL USES. SEVERALcauvas* tor the new and Steel Eugrav- DEtllUG, school an spUmdid books, photograph albums, . invasion of Missouri by the people of Kan- I iug, Christ Bletsiug Little ( htldren. Good induce- better look in to his store No. 01 Exchange A Washington correspondent states that de- sas. j ments will be offered. Address Box 154L Portland Medical serters declare that I*. O., stating address. aug4 dtf Electrician, Street. liragg has been reinforced. These reinforcements probably came from Com mereial. NEW GOODS No. 11 Clapp's Block, Ter Wanted to Purchase or Rent. Lee’s army. About the time Gen. Uosecrans .steamship City of New York at New York. VEIL BAREGES, The Loyal League Rooms in the New NOW OPENING AT CORNER OF CONGRESS AND ELM STREETS, commenced an advance it was ascertained that LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET, Aug. 26 —The SILK TISSUES. the Southwest part of the city, a moderate sized City Building are and market is buoyant and very active. Market clo eil at House, for a small where there are no open day evenlug.— a large portion of Lee's troops moved towards And SILK TISSUE VEILS. IN family, WOULD respectfully anuounco to the citizens of 4 iv jd above those of f rid ay last. Sales for the past children. Apply to W. RYAN, of the lists are in the which is on the railroad line to m u Portlaud aud vicinity, that he has been in this Copies votiug posted up Gordoiisviilc, time dux* add up to about 44.000 bales, including fine Myles and colors. B A B B’S ! jylodtf 161 Commercial street. V..< ... .„...i i. city four months. During that time we have treated and all 20.000 to' speculators and exporters. This includes rooms, Union voters are requested to a large number of patients with wonderful success, direct to 90,0<*» to-dav. TO BE SOLD AT polled Chattanooga. and in such a short of time that tall aud see if their names are home on the 1.1 VEU 1*< K>L B R EA DSTtJI ES M A UK E l.-Rich- Wanted. curing persons space A Washington letter says it is tlmt reported ardson. Spence A Co. and others report: Flour u«ur r«i*iri lif-wi i*» mi llHMierare a. »» mnoi siren, near corner or uuco n «iree stay (letliailU, FINE DRESS GOODS! cured we will doctor the secoud time for relative to tile establishment of an mi- but is 1 g 2c lower tor Winter red. which between Uj and o’clock F. M. tf nothing. empire | partially 7$ jy24 This, with the success we have met with, is a sure The Ladies’ Committee of the der 1 sold at 8s 3d g, 8s 4d. Corn very and 3d lower; By* Sanitary the French auspices in Mexico have been quiet No. 9 Clapp's Block, guarantee that our service* are There- Mixed Western 26s 6d per 4*d pounds. Colored and Black Bilks, of the best Italian manu- appreciated. and received at the State fore. lest should comi for fear we Commission, all others interested in the Department, which will LIVERPOOL PROVISIONS MARKET.— Beef facture. patieuts delay g shall not throw considerable on 1 (Between the United States and Treble Hotels). stay lung enough to give the test, we will are light the manner in quiet but steady. Pork steady. Baeou rather favors cause, requested to meet at the Ladies Wo call attention to our aud PENS. It re say that we shall in this at least until which this was Lard steady at 39 6s d « special spleudid heavy STEEL stay city measure brought about. Spec- buyers. 4*Tallow quiet next Room, New on j at 11s (3) 42- 6d for New Orleans. Butter liriu and wide CYRUS K. BABB. April. City Building, Tuesday, Sept. illation is rife as to the contents of these de- Dr. D has beeu a Electrician for good quality dearer. i practical twenty- at 8 A. M. gt hut as no iseodtf one vears. aud is also a regular aduated 8, spatches, yet intimation of their con- LIVERPOOL PRODUCE MARKET.— Ashos sept4 gi physician. Ac Electricity is to chronic tents has been made A recent letter quiet. Sugar Coilee aud Rice inactive. Lin- BLACK Bailey Noyes’ perfectly adapted diseases, public. steady. SILKS, iu the form of nervous or sick headache; By- The Grand Trunk Excursion to from seed Oil a shade lower at 46s. Rosin and neuralgia Chica- Bridgeport, Ala., says reconnoissances Spirits iu the head, neck.or extremities; Turpentine, nothing doing in American. Petroleum consumption.when is extended to have been made our forces to CIRCULAR POINTED in the acute stages or where the lungs are uot go October 10th, and tickets by Trenton, Ga., is is rather more demand, sales at 28* 6c. Very low. The finest Fall .Styles of PENS, tally ; involved; aoute or chronic rheumatism, scrofula, will be to without huding the enemy in force. Trenton Latest via 27th. hip good return until that time. See Queenstown, M umber 300. diseases, diseases, is the of Dalle and is but fif- Poplins, whiteswelliugs, spiual curvature advertisement. rapitoi County, LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET, Aug. 27.—Cot- of the spine, contracted muscles, distorted limba, ej teen miles PEN has risen so rapidly in public favor, in from Chattonooga in a southwast ton sales to-day I6.UU0 bales, including 80u0 to specu- Merinos, ■^yTO palsv or paralysis, St. Vitas' Dance, dea'ness, stem- direction. lators aud importers. The market is firm, but quo- CITY ELECTION. »o short a time from its introduction. mering or hesitancy of speech, dyspepsia, indiges- tations are UeLaines, By Sam Sharpley’s Brass Hand unchanged. Much time aud has beeu in tion. and liver cure Minstrels, City of Portland, bs. expense spent experi- constipation complaint, piles—we AMERICAN SECURITIES—Cousolsclosed at 93]. Opera Flunnels, every case that can be asthma, brouchi- and of From Panama anti Central America. aud to a 1’KRPfcCT Steel presented; Burlesque Opera Troupe, composed is hereby given, that in pursuance of menting. eudeavoriug get tis, strictures of the chest, aud all torma of female in the finest colors, as well as other Hue Flannels, all from twenty performers, are to visit our and New Yoke, Sept. 6. N'OriCfciwarrant* the Mavoraud Aldermen of the Pin. The artic e we now offer to the public, we complaiuts. city, Xctv York Market. kbw and rutsii. City of Portland, the inhabitants thereof, three from qualified have beeu selling about oue year, and it has given give entertainments at the new Hall _Steamer Champion, Aspiuwall August according to law ft> vote for State and County Offi- City arrived this forenoon. New 5. entire satisfaction to all By 27th, Site has over 100 York.Sept. cers, will meet iu their Ward or parties. Electricity on the 19th and 21st of this month. sales at 69 for respective Rooms, 18lh, and in treasure. Cotton—quiet; g 09Jc Middling Up- usual of ou the Four- are intended to take the of (iillott's The Rheumatic the goutv. the lame and the lasy passeugers 2,800,000 lands. places meeting, MONDAY, They place 303 Salvador dates of the 12lh teenth dav of instant, at ten o’clock iu leap with joy, and move with the agility aud elastic- nit. state that Flour—State aud Western and Blurk .41 mis and September Pen, and were mauuiactnredby Joseph Oillott, Bir- U Every Union Votek is heavy l«c lower; pa Bombazines, the forenoon, then and there to iu their votes , ity of youth; the heated brain is eooled; the frost- requested the State 4 04 a. 4 Extra ..o give Juarez, principal conspirator against Bar- Supertine 45; 4 85 (g, 5 (*)• for Governor, Four Senators and Four uta- mingham. England, expressly after our particular bitten limbs restoied. the uncouth deformities re- TO CALL AT THE ROOMS OF THE has Choice do 6 <6 5 15; Round Ohio 5 2 > Repres LOYAL rios, been captured and executed. g Hoop u> 54t»; the most fabrics aud tivesin the State for These Pens are to the moved; faiutness converted to vigor, weakuees to Choice do 5 45 7 Of superior brightest lustre, all Legislature, County Treasurer, pateru. superior 3o3. being in Correra and Scuraba have 00; Superfine Western 4 05 4 50; of strength; the blind made to see. the deaf to bear and League, the new City and united forces and new aud fresh. County Commissioner. Judge Probate, and Clerk circular but still of a liner Building, Common to Extra do 4 00 a 5 00; Southern pointed; capable niakiug the form to move the blemishes of soon to move on Bar- pood of the Courts for the County of Cumberland. palsied upright; ASCERTAIN IF HIS NAME IS ON THE expected (the capital. 5c lower; mixed to good 6 15 g 6 30; and hair liue. Feus seut free ot are the accidents of mature VOTING Fancy The polls ou such day ot election to rcma’ii open Sample by mail, charge, youth obliterated; life rios only holds of the Extra 6 35rg 8 75; Canada 10c lower; Common Ex- LIST. possession capital, every until tour o'clock iu the afternoon, when they shall when prevented; the calamities of old age obviated, and other tra 4 85 5 66; Extra to < hoioe 6 10 (a 7 requested. possession of the Republic in the g good 00. ! Table Cloths. be fttoaed. an active circulation maintained. being Wheat—dull and 2c lower ; No who likes a due steel I'en, will be hands of the invaders and Chicago Spring 85 « The Aldermen of said will be in session Book-keeper, The « City opeu By American Illustrated for this insurgents. 1 00; Milwaukee Club94 1 13; Amber Iowa 1 15 a { without them. Call tor LADIES papers A w-as Napkins, at the Ward Room in the new City (en- rupture expected to ensue between 1 19; Winter Red Western 1 16 ft 1 21; Amber Mich* Building, week have been received at A. trance on Myrtle street) from niuo o'clock in the Who have cold bauds and feet; weak stomachs; Robinson's and the in 1 22 g 1 26; White do 1 64 lor uew- Towels, Uruguay Argentine Republic, con- igan forenoou to one o’clock in the afternoon, on each of B kILEV X MOVES’ lame and weak backs; nervous aud sick headache; No. Corn—rather more ; Mixed bookstore 51 Exchange street. sequence of the of an steady Western Ship- Irish Linens, the three secular days next said ot dizziucss aud swimming iu the head, with capture Argentine 73 74c; Eastern 72 73c. preceding day indiges- cruiser. ping g ^ electiou, and from throe o’clock to tive o'clock iu the tion and of the bowels; in the side Oats—quiet and firm. Brilliants, constipation pain lie total value of afternoon ou the last said three secular for Circular Pointed No. 300. aud back; let* con bora, (or whites); felling of the ayx foreign exports from Beef—more acti\e; Country Mess5 60 g 7 00; Prime of days, Pen, j From Jaconets, the purpose of receiving evidence of ttie qualification womb with iuternai cancers; tumors, and California—Low’* 10,000— 4 50 g 6 00; Repacked 10 50 a 13 Prune polypus, this port last week was $31,991.00. Majority Chicago 50; of voters whose names have uot been entered on the Agents w auted iu every and Town in America. a I that loug traiu os diseases will find in Electrio- Election in Xerada Mess 20 00 g 21 00. City Territory. lists of voters,in and for the several Wards, ity a sure means of cuie. For painful menstruation, Pork—a shade firmer; Mess 1’ 11 for CAMBRICS, qualified San 4. f:2$ g 87$ old; DIAPERS, ami for correcting said lists. too profuse menstruation, and all of those long line Francisco, Sept. 13 50 g 13 62$ for new ; Prime 10 00 10 75 lor The steamer g new; J >1 IIHATH, Clerk of troubles with youug ladies. Electricitv is a certain By Rev. Win. H. Collins, Warren, Constitution sailed from this Prime Mess 13 25 for new. In endless variety. ALL NEW! ALL FRESH! City Mass., j ] Portland, 18;3. dtd BAIL!'. Y & NOYES, »ud will, iu a short restore the sufibrer 100 and Porto September5, specific, time, has accepted a call to the of Triui- port, carrying passengers 8273,000 in Sugars—firm; Ricol2}c; Muscovado 104 (th New patterus and styles of Dress Hoods received j to the vigor of health. rectorship | treasure for New llic. ST A TIOKKRg, York, 8075,000 for England, twice every week. ty church, Lewiston, Me. and Molasses—steady ; New Orleans 35; Muscovado 40. fptTWckaee Electro-f'kcmical Apparatus for $505,000 for Panama. Me. Poison tr m such as Freights to Flour Is 7$d: Crain 56 & 58 Exchange St., Portland. extracting Mineral the svstem. jy The Low's for Governor is now esti- 6d lor Liverpool—dull; Antenic, Ac. hundreds who Miner’s Journal of August 29, majority wheat in bulk. 4w isd& w'J .Vleicury, Antimony, mated at We to show to the ladies of Portland and vi- auglri are troubled with stiff weak backs, and vari- says the 10.000 without the vote of the absent hope joints, production of coal in the Pennsylva- ous otherdithculries. the direct cause of which, in soldiers, which it is will increase it to ciuity nia mines for thought Stock Market. nine cases out of ten, is the effect of diuga. the preceding week had been 20.000. Take Noiiee ! poisonous New York, 5. SOMETHING NEW can be restored to n tural strength aud vigor by tne 221,987 Ions. the same week last The election for to the Sept. use of from five to Baths. During year delegates Constitu- First Hoard.—Stocks closed steady. .AN EXTRA OTAR1.E KEEFERS. Stage Drivers, aud all otb- eight tional Utlice hours from 8 o'clock a. m. to 1 F. M.; 1| to it was 199,69.) tous, Convention of Nevada American Hold..1314 time will be to call at that mat have to use showing an excess of this Territory gives every they pleased “ * 6; aud 7 to 8 p. m all tile os United States one certificates (new). over last of precincts far as heard from year 99J isedtf year 22,294 tons. largo 7 STYLE! AXLE GREASE! Consultation Free. Jyl4 Union majorities. Treasury 3-10ths, ...too] 81 MIDDLE STREET. United States 6’s 1881 coupons,.108 AND A tlie city election in Wilmington, One of the of the lirm will remain con The Union Patent Axle-Grease I on the 1st partners SA PON FIERI Del., inst., Mayor Hank I .nans to tiorrrnni*-nt. Gilpin, (Union) Mantly in the market in New York, to make all de SUPERIOR PIA-T! Is the best Lubricator ever invented. It leeps the was elected. The Unionists have carried ev- New York, 5. Home Insurance '•li able selections of the Axle* al way* cool, aud will last twice as long as auy OR CONCENTRATED LYE Sept. Company, Just out for at Ward and Product. The The hanks of this have Fall, other. Sola in large boxes for 9) cents a box. at ery City Council is city accepted Secre- OB' NEW HAVEN, CT. Chase’s to lend the Fashions for the Ladies of Fori land and unanimously Union. All the Administration tary proposal government Virility. W. F. PHILLIPS’ Store. FOR MAKING SOAP. 835,000,000. CASH CAPITAL **200,000. HARRIS’. Drug Sole lor the to candidates, including Treasurer, Assessor) Philadelphia, 5. Ageut State, whom all orders must be Sept. sept 2 ed2wis seut. VK Callous of good soft can bo Aldermen aud were The banks here have receive 75per cent, of net profits, (or Bospectfully soliciting your call to take a view o | rpWENTY-FI Soap Inspectors, elected. contributed their pro- N. B A liberal discount made todealors who JL made from one pound of tne concentrated DEALERSa cash discount made in lieu of our entire new and well selected assortment of buy Lye. of the new loan and made participation.) Dry a dozen boxes VY Full directio *s for use on aud it ia The Anson Freewill portion preliminary je5 M & 4 3ui every package, ey Baptist Quarter- Insures Buildings, Merchandise, Household Furni- Goods, at our salesroom*, err »i• tle trouble to make it. deposits to-day. ture. and other Insurable ly Meeting will hold its next session at West Rents, Leases, Property, Privuh* School. Retail price only 25 cents a pound. against Lessor Damage bv Fire. the New 81 Middle None genuine except that made by Pennsylva- 10. D. R. SAT I EKLEE, President. Street, IIANSUN. late principal of the High School nia Salt Portland, commencing September Con i/rt.ss i on a I 1So mi nation. Manufacturing Company. • w ill a tor ot both The Charlies Wilson. Secretary. We are sure to give entire satisfaction. Jlifor Bovs, opeu School pupils j Farmington Quarterly Meeting will hold IJai.timobe, G. Sam’l L. Talcott, Surveyor. sexes at bis residence, 371 Congiess street, on Mom* | W. F. PHILLIPS, Druggist, Sept. the usual its next session at Moose Hill, East Liver- Ex-Gov. Thomas has been re-nominated for FEtJCHTWANGER dr Zl'NDER, Yeazie Bank Currency DAY, Sei’TKMHKR 7. l'upils may speud J. W. school hours at his room, or come io recite, as their 149 Middle Street, Congress in the fourth district of MUNGER & SON, at in for or re- of teu more, commencing oil the 2d Wednesday in Maryland, Agents, 81 Middle Street, Fox Block. par exchange goods, pareuts choose. Tuiriou. #10. per quarter Ageut for the State. by a convention which deemed in amount at 10 cent, can be accommo- N. as above, at the adopted strong, uncon- NO. IBB FORE STREET. Me. RECEIVED any per discount, weeks. A tew boarding scholars B. Dealers supplied proprie- September. ditional Portland, at ALLEN’S FRUIT STOKE* Nos. 13 and 16 Ex- dated. For terms, to J. H. HANSON, Fort- tors' lowest in any Union resolutions. Jy20 M WAF 6m Me. apply price, quantity. Portland, sept 2 chauge street. augl9 ed3w land. aug31 eodtt je5 MWAFSm MISCELLANY. GRAND MEDICAL. BUSINESS CARDS. STEAMBOATS. = RAILROADS. EXCURSION ! _ MISCELLANEOUS. A rural gentleman who came to Hartford a International Go. Steamship PORTLAND, SACO A PORTSMOUTH few ago to attend a convention, got con- IMPORTANT COAL & WOOD, WON’S days RAILROAD. PERIODICAL DROPS siderably “mixed” Iu his attempts 10 find the TO ALL CHEAP FOR CASH, CALAIS & ST. JOHN. The ball. He one door after another in the EASTPORT, Great Feuiale opened DELIVERED to any fart OF THE CITY 5 V M M EIt A 11 It A Ar Q KM E Ar TS, Remedy. to which he had been directed, hut building Commencing April 6th, 1863. couldn’t see it. One suite ol rooms in the SPRING MOUNTAIN $20 to ALIDS. LEHIGH, Passenger 1 rains will leave the Sta- is a man and wife. The Only Chicago! HAZELTON LEHIGH, a LYON’S building occupied by Two Trips Week! tion. Canal street, daily, (Sundays ex- PERIODICAL DROPS was her leads from the AXD RETl'RN, COLERAINE LEHIGH, celled) as iollows: wife iu room which Hip On and after Thursday, April 9th, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, Leave Portland for at 8.45 A. m. and AHKnnrut a and was, therefore, VIA MILWAUKEE. WHITE MOUNTAINS. the Steamer New England, Boston, 3.00 t»a»au. liall-way, taking bath, It is well known to the Medical Profession that JOHN'S, (.'apt. p. M. to receive a when TORONTO, and PORT k. Field, and Steamer Maw Bkuns- notin proper dress visitor, MONTREAL, THE GENUINE LORRER Leave Boston for Portland at 7.30 a. m. and Pills, Powders and 7, wick, C'apt. E. B. Winchester, will leave Railroad 8.00 Quack the rural the door to her SARNIA, Iron p. m. Preparation*. gentleman opened Pure and Wharf, foot of State St., every Mouday and Thurs- to lock. Free Burning. Leave Portsmouth for at 10.00 a. m. and l oom, which she had neglected He aud is the VITAL PRIXCll'LE or LIFE ELEMENT oi at 5 o'clock P. M., for and St. John. Portland, Via the Grand Trunk Railway, day, Eastport 5.30 p. m. within the betore the the Blood. Tbit is derived from the tood we had got doorway lady chiefly FARES. These traius will take and leave at LYON’S but if the food is not or if CUMBERLAND COAL passengers way PERIODICAL DROPS discovered him, and was so astonished that lie STEAMERS OF FIRST eat; properly digested, stations. CLASS, from cause whatever the necessary auautity of FOR SMITHS' USE. To St.John,by steamer,$5.00 To St. Andrews, 84.60 moved neither one nor the other. She any Freight trains leave Portland and Boston -ark- way Lake Huron to Mackinaw and Lake Iron is not taken into the circulation, or becomes re- Eastport, 4.00 Calais, 4 75 daily. time in Through John bus*kll. Jit supt. employed her pretty lively gathering Michigan Forts; touching at Milwaukee, duced, the whole system sutlers. The bad blood will Coals are strictly of the best quality,au Machias, Digby. 6.00 3UKE and Portland, Mar. 10,1803. cdtf TO DO GOOD AND CANNOT DO articles of about her to and return same route— irritate the heart, will tm the w ill THESEwarranted to satisfaction. stage, 5.00 Monckton, 7.00 je8 HAHM. up some apparel person, thence Chicago, clog lungs, stupefy give u 40 the will obstruct the liver, ami will send » Windsor, 7.50 Sheriiac, 7.00 w hen tin; mortal at the a passage of about hoars. State Rooms brain, suddenly wondering elements to ail ol the Halifax, 8.50 8.25 aud Meals iucluded ou Steamers. disease-producing parts system Bedeque, 1 door burst out: I'm to find Fredericton. 6.00 MAINE CENTRAL "Madame, trying and every one untl suffer in whatever organ may be Also, for sale, beat quality of Nova Scotia and other Charlottetown, 9.60 RAILROAD. the convention iu- Hall, hut I judge jtredlsposed to disease. Iloulton&W oodstock,6.00 Pictou, J 11.26 is from appearances this isn't the place.” She Tic.Stria sold good to return until Oct* It only since the discovery of that valuable com- Hard and Soil Wood. The above Steamers connect at St. John with Eu- SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. bination known as PERUVJAN SYRUP that the thought so too. lO, 18«3. ropean and North American Railroad fur all stations great power of this VITALIZING AGEN'I over to Shediac, and from thence with Steamer West- On and after Periodical T wo The public arc requested to call, as we are deter Monday next, passenger Lyon’s Through Trains leave Portlaud at 7.45 disease has been to moreland for and Drops! ’un” daily brought light. mined to who Bedeque Charlottetown, P. E. I., traiu8 will leave oep t of Grand Trunk JryWe find the following “good A. m. and 1.25 r. m. give good bargains to those pay cash. and SMEHIK, Pictou, N .S., and with the Steamer Emperor for i.auroau in for Lewiston and THE GREAT FEMALE Sol Smith’s anecdotes of the stage: Portland, Auburn at REMEDY. among THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Windsor and Halifax, Nova Scotia, and with steam- 7.45 a. m. of lovers Office,Commercial head Maine ers We were the farce This Excursion affords tacilities never before offer- St., of Wh’J for Fredericton. Also at Eastport with stage for For and all intermediate stations at performing is a protected solution of the Protoxide of Bangor 1.10 r. The ed the Tourist, to visit Canada. Falls, To- iron,a Machias. and with Steamer for Calais and St. M. on arrival of quarrel*, In a town called Nlcholsonvdle. Niagara SAW YEK & WHITNEY. i^ueen trains from Boston. ronto, Port Sarnia, the Graud Lakes of Huron ami Audrews, and at the latter place with N. B. & C. traius leave Lewiston and ! theatre wms in a ballroom, ami the landlord New Discovery in Returning Aubarn for Michigan, the GreAt West! Medicine, mcb20’63dly Railroad for Moulton a< d Woodstock stations. Portland at 0 30 a m. Periodical was in the habit of behind the scenes to that strikes at the root Lyon’s going American taken at at all the prin- of disease, by the tickets will be sold on board the tor Drops! money par supplying Through by clerk, J.eave Baugor Portland at 7.30 a. m. Both on aceontit of his at and blood with its Vital or or at the witness the performance; cipal Hotels Niagara Falls. Toronto, Montreal Principle Life Element, iron. agent’s office. trains connect with trains to Boston and ABC BKTTRKTHAX ALL for Scotch through to the church, he did not wish to be Quebec: also on the Grand Trunk Railway Sleep- This is the secret of the wonderful success of this Canvass*, Returning, will leave St. John for Eastport, Port- Lowell. belonging Car lor at Refreshment land and In the first when ing Berthe, and meals, Ac., remedy iu curing Boston, every Mouday and Thursday morn- Freight train leaves Portland daily for all stations seen in front. scene, -FOR BALE BY- at Pills, Powders A Quack Preparations. Saloohw. Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar- ing. 8 o’clock. on line of this road at 8 a m "Carlos” was a of his at re- making present watch, |y Tickets from Bangor and other points, rhea, Roils, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fe- No cainnheiie, turpentine, oil of vitriol, or other Tickets sold at the depot of the Grand Trank Rail- ad- duced rates to Tourist Ticket Holders. T. & bur or purse, etc., to “Jacluta,” I (as “Sancho) vers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, JAMES PATTEN CO., explosive ling fluid, materials which ignite by road in Portland for all stations on this road. THROUGH TICKETS, and other information, Diseases the and friction, taken by this line. vised him to save soinethihg to pay his of Kidneys Rfadder, Me. EDWIN NOYES, Supt. apply to all the Grand Trunk Agents in Maine and Female and all diseases Bath, Positivolv freight not received after 4 p.m. Mon- June 1,1863. tf board. At this moment our land- Complaints, Periodical religious New Brunswick—-or to connecting Steamboat Offices, iu a had state the days and For further in format ion | originating of BOLTS Bleached Tliursd«)S. ap- Lyon’s Drops! lord popped his head on the stage and said: Rlood, or accompanied bv De- Superior | ply to C. C. EATON .Agent, 800 do All flax "Gov- ... -ARR-- “Mr. don’t mind on And 90 Exchange street. Portland, or a Low State Long [ M pi Railroad Wharf, Portland. Me. ANDilOSfOGCilN RAILROAD. Smith, your board, go bility, cf eminent the contract," > Arl,ro»tb.„?f, with the play just as you would—if you C. J. BRYDGES, Managing Director. Montreal. System. 300 do Extra All flax To take medicine to cure diseases occasioned a Long | Sure to do Good and cannot do Harm. haven’t the money at the end of the S. SHACK ELL, General Eastern Agent, Boston. by 300 do Fine Kennebec Riverand SPRING ARRANGEMENT. week, deficiency of ikon in the blood, without restoriug Navy ) Portland. a thunder- Deliv6red in I will wait.” He was honored with it to the system, is like trying to repair a Portland or Boston. Will, FLOWERS, building new and very fast steamer On and after Monday, t, 1868, and he hacked out overwhelmed when the louudatiou is gone. Bath, aJSThe 'flgSEKKj April ing applause; Eastern April20,1803. ap22dtf HARVEST MOoN. Caitain W. R. ^~si i"*,Mrr*r«ir will leave Portland for Lewiston Agent, Bangor. certificates of cutes and rec- with his reception. Pamphlets containing Koix, leaves Grand Trunk Wharf, via Brunswick, at 1.00 and 8.15 P. M. Bangor, July 29, 1^53. sep!3 to OCtlQ d& w ommendations from some of the most eminent phy- Portland every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thnrscay, Leave Portland for Farmington,via Brunswick, at sicians, clergymen, aud others, will be sent kukk to T. n. JONES Friday nnd Saturday mornings, at 6 o’clock, (or on I. 00 P. M any address. Wc select a few of the names to show LYON’S PERIODICAL the arrival of the Boston for Rich- J^eave for Bath and A.M. DROPS! the of steamers) Bath, Farmington Portland,0.10 II H. II .V Y. character the testimonials: and and with Leave Lewiston Kmikiiitf Etehiinge Office, mond, Gardiner, connect the steamer for for Bath and Portland 6.00 and The Great Female Halowell and Augusta. II. 40 A. M. Remedy! Kev. Warren Burton, Kostvell m. d. Kinney, No. 65 Returning, will leave Gardiner, connecting with STAGS COKNKCTIOWI. Kev. Arthur B. Fuller, S. II. Kendall ,'w. u. Street, Exchange steamer from Augusta and Halowell, every Monday, leaves Kev. R. W. R. m. i». Stage Strickland’s Ferry Tuesdays, Thura- ; Auy. rone, Chisholm, Op Stains. Wednesday and at 12 Kev. Curd on Frnnois Tuesday, Thursday Friday, j day* and Saturdays, for Livermore, Canton, Peru Robin*, Dana. m. d. o'clock at M., lauding Richmond and Bath for ort- i and Dixfleld ; LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS! Rev. S> Bunns Cobb, Jeremiah Stone, w. n. land returning opposite days. and connect with Boston steamers the same leaves for New Rev. 1. Starr Jose Antonio Sanches, m l> Stoclcs cto 23ondls I Stage Farmington Vineyard, New ARC UKTTKU Til A X ALL Kiny, evening. Portland and on and Rev. Osborn Mvrick, Marceiino Aranda, m d. OF ALL KINDS, Kingdom, Wednesdays Satur- Fares from Portland to .50 on and Rev. Ephraim Kate, Jr., Abrnhnin Wendell, m. u. Bath, days, returning Mondays Fridays. PILLS,POWDERS 4* BOUtJIIT AND SOLD. Richmond and leave QUACK PREPARATIONS. Rev. Thos. 11. Rons. A. A. Haves, m. i>. Gardiner, .76 Stages Farmington daily, for Strong, Avon mvlCDtf and and Rev. Richard Metcalf, J H. Chilton, m. d. Hallowell Augusta, $1.00 Phillips. lor this route will take the cars at the Rev. M. I*. Webster, 11. E. Kinney, M. d. For Freight or passage, place lo apply to Passengers Jos. II. Portland, Saco & Portsmouth, or Kennebec k Port, < Rev. Clinch, Jose d’Esninar, m. i». A. SOMKRBY. LYON’S THE PORTLAND OLLLLE, Rev. A bin. Thomas A. SWEAT & Agent. land Depots, iu Portland. 8. W. EATON, Sup’t. PERIODICAL DROPS! Jackson, Oexter, Esq. CLEAVES, At the Office on the Wharf. Rev. J. Jr.. 1 liomari C. Farmington April 1, 1868. apftdtf -LOCATKM N- 1’earson, Amory, Esq. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Portland, July 13,1863. tf ARE SURE TO Rev. A. It. R. Crawly, lion. 1 eter Harvey. j DO GOOD AND CANNOT .James < PORTLAND. Olapp’s lJ’ocrk.Cong ess St. Rev. llenry I'phain, Doan, liq. ! AND PORTLAND R. R. DO HARM. Rev. S. 11. Riddel, .Samuel May. Esq. KfSNEBEC) been aancn 10 iskyakt. strattok & OFFICE 117 just Kev.F.C. Headley, l*rof. E. Vitalis .scherh. Middle Street. For the Penobscot River. HaoCo.’* Chain of Commercial Colleges, establish- Rev. John W. Ferdinand Audrews, ed iii Olmstcad, Esq. L.D M. SWEAT. NATHAN (’LEAVLB Mew York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, T\._ • Albany, The fast and favorite steamer DAN- Commencins April 1863. I Trov. Buffalo. Cleavcland, Detroit, Chicago, St. Lou- a in 0, such men as ami that is a pee- Having ro'ponsible Agent Washington, will ami testimony qf these, | J is, Providence, Toronto, C. W. Pension*. Prize —< so.val thul. It has cared thousands where other procure Bounty, Money, and all harlea Deeriug, ieaves Grand Trunk □BgssaBD Passenger Trains will leave daily, The object of these Colleges is to impart to Young j claims the tiovernment. remedies have and invalids can- against Wliarl', Portland, every 5(H|55BR (Sundays cxcerted) as follows: Periodical Men and Ladies thorough and practical instruction* failed togice relief, J dl f Lyon’s Drops not a my2 Augusta for Rath, Portland and Boston, at 5.80and in ( OMMEJU IAL LA H'J OM reasomib'y hesitate to give 11 trial. JUNCTION OF FREE AND MIDDLE STS. BOOK-KEEPIXO, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 11.16 A.M., connecting at Brunswick with trains on MERCIA L A THE GREAT RITUME77C,SEEX< ERIAX RVSJ Prepared heretofore N. L. CLAKK ft CO. the Railroad for FEMALE REMEDY. -PKALKK IK- f by at 6 Androscoggin Lewiston, Farming- XESS. PEXMAXSIItP. lM.lt A mornings, o'clock, ton. kc. Civil En- J. P. DIN Sole Boston. BROWm, PUOXOOItAPJIY, Higher Mathematics, SMOKE, A6ent, Or on the arrival of the Boston steamers, for Portlaud for Bath and Augusta at 1.00 P. M., con- gineering, Surveying, tfc., and to tit rme rure Xarigatiou, For sale in Portland XV. ¥. 11. H. At 03 Middle necting at Brunswick with the Androscoggin R. r. unemicais, them lor any i»: bu.«itie*s by Phillips, Hti*eet, ROCKLAND, BELFAST and BANGOR, making all Lyon’s Periodical urugs department they may and all trains for all station* on that road; and at Augusta Drops choose. issued in Portland will Hay, by Druggists. jy4 codSni the Scholarships 'entitle OppositctheCustom House, lauding* except Searsport. with the Somerset k Kennebec Railroad for Water- j the student to complete his course in any of * ARE BETTER THAS ALL PILLS, POWDERS College Rkturmixo—Will leave every ville. Kendall’s Mills and S began; and at Ken- GENUINE the chain, and rice versa,without additional Have on are t.*t. Bangor ASD MEDICINES, charge. re/ W WILL n K FORFEI1 ED BY DR. L hand.and dailv receiving the dall’s Mills for Bangor, k \ QUACK MKDIC1SES. The College is open Day and | ESTaiHl MOfiT DESIRABLE Of Evening. DIX if to cure in less time than STYLES Wednesday and Portland for Bath and Augusta at 8.16 P. M. It. M. WORTH JN (j TON, Resident tPilol/ tailing Monday, Friday ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN PERFIMERV, Principal. any other t>h>siciau. more and Tickets sold in Boston for ail the stations on the For farther information please call at the College, effectualJy j*ermn- mornings, and making all the landings as above. ucutl) with loss realrailit from occupation or fear of CLOTHS. OVERCOATINGS, Kennebec k Portland. Androscoggin, aud Somerset or send for catalogue and circular, letter For freight or at the Office on inclosing exposure to all weather, with sale and med- passage please apply k Kennebec Roads. Address pleasant Doeskins and Cnssimcres. the wharf. Lyon’s Periodical Drops AND FANCY GOODS. stamp. icines, rnnry STAMB COKKBCTIONS. j} 13 dtf A. SOMEBBV, Agent. BRYANT,STRATTON & WORTH INC SELF-A BUSK AND SOLI r A R Y HA ALSO, A FULL STOCK OF THE Stages leave Bath daily for Rockland at 9.00 A.M. Are Sure to do (*<><>«! unci cannot APOTHECARIES• (/LASS H 'ARE, PORK (OR TON, BITS, and 3.00 P. M. feb2 xaine. Their effect* and cio Harm. LEECHES. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, poutlaM), d&wly consequences; Leave for Rockland at 9.00 A.M. SPECIAL A1LM I N I S AN D SITU AT Latest Portland an 1 Boston Line. Augusta Augus- TRUSSES. SUPPORTERS. IONS, Styles of ta for at 4.00 P. M. BRACES, Incident to Married and Belfast, ELASTIC STOCKINGS, tcc. Single Ladies; B II. CUSHMAN. ICopyright secured.] 8E< RET AND DELICATE DISORDERS ; HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, THE STEAMERS Manager and Mercurial Affectio s; and all Diseases of Superintendent. Eruptions Augusta. April 6. 1868. ap4tf The Great Indian the Skin; Ulcers of the Nose, broat and Body; Pim- AND- Forest City, Lewiston and Montreal RemedyJ ples on the Face; of the Joints; Nervous- uutil further ruu as VARNISHES, PAINTS, FOB Swelling* Will, notice, OILS, FEMALES. ness; Constitutional and other Weaknesses in youth, Gentlemen’s follow*: York A Cumberland Railroad. Lyon’s Periodical Drops ! and the more advanced at all of Famishing Goods, AND DYE-STUFFS, I DU MATTISON'S INDIAN EM1IENACOGCE ages, Leave Atlantic Wharf, Portland, THE OBZAT FEMALE REMEDY which we willseilat pricesto suit the times. aud BOTH SEXES,SINGLE OR MARRIED. every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday SUMMER A It KANG EM ENT. KEROSENE OIL, LAUD OIL This celebrated Female Medicine, at 7 o'clock P. M.. aud India Wharf, Portland.Nov. dtl Friday, Boston, And all oth»*r articles in possessing virtues unknown of any- 19,1862. aud usually kept a Drug ud every Monday,^Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Ou and after 1‘aiut establishment. thing else of the kind, and proving DR. L. DIX S ;.t 7 o’clock P. M. nOBnp Monday. April 6th. 1868. Friday, rains w ill leave as effectual after all others have failed, PRIVATE MEDICAL OFFICE, Fare in Cabiu.$1 60 follows,.until further is designed far both married and sin- orders; Periodical Or State Agent for DAVIS k KIDD’S MAG ou Dock.i *. 1.26 Lyon's Drops ate ladies, and i* the very best thing 21 Endicolt slice!, ItoMon,Mas*., NEW FUNERAL CAR. Leave Saco River for Portland at 6.16 and 9.00 NKi'O-ELECTRIC MACHINES. eod Awtoctl Freight takeu as usual. known for the as it will is so arranged that never see or heir each A.M and 3.80 P. M. purpose, patient* The Company are uot for baggage to Are on the sickness in cases other. Recollect, the only entrance to his Office is rilllK subscriber most begs leave to in- responsible Leave Portland for Saco River at 7.46 A. M., and better than all Pills, bring monthly respectfully any amount exceeding $60 in value, aud that person- Powders, of from cause, and No. 21, having no connection with his X loriu the citizen* ot Portland and that 2.00 and 6.20 P. M. Eclectic Uctlical obstructions, any residence,con- vicinity al. unless notice is given and paid for at the ia!e of And Quack Infirmary. after other remedies of no so that on no ac- lie ha* been an undertaker, with all tho The 2 00 P. M. trwtn oat. and tbs 9.00 A. M. train Preparations. all. the kind sequent!)* family interruption, appointed one for $600 additional value. can and to or remove passenger every into Portland, will be trains with have been tried in vain. count any person hesitate applying at his office. legal rights privileges bury the Feb. dtf L. freight passenger dead that tho has. 18,1863. BILLING8, Agent. cars attached. TO THE LADIES. OVER 2000 BOITLES have now DU. DIX superintendent and is now ready beon sold without a to attend to that duty in tl>e most careful manner. Stages connect at Saccarai pa dnilv for South Wind- invites all Ladies who ! single failure, boldly asserts (sm\ it cannot be contradicted.exsopt particularly when taken as directed, and without 1 have a new FUNREAL ( AH, such as is used al- ham. Windham Centre aud (treat Falla. Lyon's Periodical DR.IIUGHF^Suocd a medical adviser, to call at hi* room*, No. by Quack*, who will say or do anything, cveu Drops, the least to health in case. perjure most entirely in Boston. New York, and other At O or ha in, for West Oorham, Standish. Steep 6 which will hud foi injury any themselves, to impose upon that he large Portland and ><■« York Strainers. Temple Street, they arranged is in ol patients) cities, which 1 propose to use at the funerals 1 attend Falls. Baldwin. Sebago. Bridgton. Hiram, —ABE- limit accommodation. .yit put up bottle* three Liming- especial different a Tilt ONLY UKGULAIl UKADl'ATK 1’HYBICIAN AD- as undertaker, at the same that other under- ton, Cornish, Denmark. Brownfield. Lovell, Dr. strengths, with full direc- price Frye- If.** Eclectic Renovating Modicinerareunriva’ i VKKTIBING IN BOSTON. takers for SEMI-WEEKLY LIISTE. t and Con Jackson tions for using, and sent by express, charge the city house, and nothing extra urg wav, Bartlett, Albany, and Sure to do Good and cannot do Harm. Jed in efficacy and superior virtue in a'l from the regulating closely sealed, to all parts of the country. SIXTEEN YEARS o'd price. The poor a)wavs liberally con- The and fast Eaton. N il. Kern tie Irregularities Their action i# specific and sidered m splendid Steamships At Buxton for West PRICES—Full strength, $10; hall engaged in treatment of diseases, a fact so by J A .S. M CU B K1K l{, -e Centre, Buxton.Bouny-Eagle certain of relief in a abort time. strength, $5; Special JijcJb “CHESAPEAKE,” Capt. Willktt, producing uarter strength, S3 per bottle. 'Tell known to mativ Sexton of Rev. Dr. Shailer’s Church. South Limington, Liinington and Limerick. LADf ES will tludit invaluable in all canes of Citizens,Publishers, Merchants, C T. ttTF* and “PUTOMACY* Captain milr- Price, SI per Betlle. ob- I — IIE M E M RE It Thi s medicine is ex- Hotel that he is much recommend- Cry*Residence No. 7 Chapel Street. At Saco River, tri-weekly, fbr Hollis, Limerick, etruction* after all other remedies have been tried in IF" designed Proprietors. &c., j>23d0m aJ$W8PenroODr will.uutil further notice, run | pressly for obstinate cases, which all other remedies ed, and to Ossipeff Newticld, Parsonsfl'eld. Effingham,} recdom, For sale by all Druggists. At wholesale W. F* vain, it i« vegetable, in particularly as follows: by purely containing nothing | the kind hare to cure; also that it is war- Madison. EatoD Cornish, Porter. Ac. the least to the and qf failed Leave Browns Wharf, Portland, every WEDNES- I’hiilips, U. U. Hay A Co., Portland. injurious health, may betaken ! ranted as sn STRANGERS AND TRAVELLERS. dtf DAN CaRPENTER, with all represented every respect, or the price DAY, and SATURDAY. at 4 P. M.. and leav e Pier ap6 Sup't. perfect safety at times. will he To avoid and escajKJ Imposition of Foreign and Na- THE BEST! aug22 codly Soot to refunded. 9 North River. New York, every WEDNESDAY' any part ofthecouutry with full directions j R ARE OF tive Quacks, yrmre numcroaa in Boston than oth«r Zff-BE I.MITA TIOXS / None genu- and SATURDAY, at 3 o’clock, P. M by DR. HUGHES. ine and cities, Ite-oponed. addressing warranted, unless purchased directly of llr. large Those vessels are fitted with tine accommodations American and No. 6 fomplt* Street, corner of Middle, Portland. DR L. DIX up Foreign Patents. M. at his Remedial Institute for Special Diseases, rilHL for this the most sate and SPKER’S VI111 i l \\ I\l; refers to Professors and Photograph Galleries. No. 80 Middle street, passengers, making speedy, No. 28 Union street, Providence, R. I. proudly respectable Physi- X been route lor travellers New Y’ork N.B.—LADIES deairing mar consult one of theii of whom consult him iii critical Portland, having thoroughly refitted and comfortable between MT Thi* embraces all diseases of a pri- cians—many case*, wi'h all the Fare aud DUKE. AND FOUR YEARS ownaea. A 01 experience in constant attend- i Specialty because supplied latest improvements, are now and Maine. Passage $5,00, including State OLD, R. H. lady vate nature, both of MEN and a of bis acknowledged skill and reputation, at- EDDY, a no*. tulldawnl- WOMEN, by reg- open for the accommodation of the Rooms. educated of tained through so long cxi'ericnce, practice and ob- public. Of Choice uiarly physician twenty years’ practice, The proprietor is to his former Goods forwarded by this line to aud from Montreal, Oporto Orape, them his whole attention. servation. prepared supply giving customers and all who may give him a call, with pic- Quebec, Baugor, Bath, Augusta, Kastport aud St. FOR PHYSICIANS' USB. SOLICITOR OF PATENTS, CfT'Consultation* bv letter or otherwise are strict- AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE! BROWK’S tures of every description, executed iu the be t man- John. Late U. confidential.and medicines will be sent be not robbed and add Agent qf S Patent Ojtce, Washington ly by express, to your sufferings in being de- ner and at rea-ouable prices, Shippers are requested to send their freight to the For secure from to all of Females, Weakly Person* and Invalid* observation, parts the United ceived by the lying boasts, misrepresentation*, false cr Particular attention to steamers as as 3 P. M., on the that (underlie Act Portland Commercial States. given copying. early day tbep o/1887.) College. Also accommodations for ladies from abroad promises and pretensions of A. 8. DAVI8, leave Portland. for a secure and Proprietor. wishing quiet uktrlat, with good or to 76 State 18&f*in the IlHneon Block, No. 1C1 Mill- ! FOREIGN AND NATIVE Portland, July 80,1863 dtf For freight passage apply Street,opposite Kilby Street, care, until restored to healtn. QUACKS Portland. die afreet. The room* have been made EMERY’ k FOX. Brown's Wharf, LOCATED recently I CAUTION.—It ha* beeu estimated that over two who know little of the nature and character of Spec- new, and furnished and are the most 11. B. CROMWELL k CO., No. 86 West Street, B O 8TON neatly, pleasaut I hundred thousand dollars are to ial diseases, and lksp as to their cure. Some exhibit in paid .swindling New Y’ork. the city. One separate room for Ladu*. 1 pro- New forged diplomas of Institutions or which WAR CLAIM AGENCY. j quacks annually,in England alone, wttljoutuny Colleges, Dec. 6.18 3. dtf 4 FTEK an extensive practice of upward* of t wen sent iny thanks lor the extensive patronage, and ! bencHt to tho*e who it. never existed iu of the world: others ex- pay All this comes from any part 8100 Bounty Bark aV ty to secure Patents in the Uuh- promise a* iu the pa-t, no pains shall be in t tie hibit of the dead, bow obtained, ui.known Money, Pay, ycais.coutiuues sjwired j trusting, without inquiry, to men who are alike des- diplomas ; hJ State*; also in Groat Britain, France, aud other future. I have removed from No. 184 to 181 Middle titute of character not only assuming and in names of those honor, and sk.ll, and whose only advertising And Penxions. foreign countries. Caveat*, Specifications, Bond*, •trout. The i’rincinal ha* had 20 years’ j recoinmendatiou is inserted in the but to further their experience, their own false and extravagant diplomas, imposi- Assignments,and all or for I’ateuts, Diplomas will bo given to those Ladies ana Gentle- in brake tion assume names of other most celebrated nndrr'ijtnc'cl i. to obtain from the Papers Drawings j assertions, of themselres. If, therefore, physi- prepared TEL executed on liberal terms, and with Re- in< u who pas# through course# for Ac- since dead. Neither United States (.overument. O despatch. thorough cians long be deceived by TIIE §100Bounty Money, marches made into American or countants. Terras will be reasonable. Institu- _H S._ Foreigu works, to My word, no mutter irhat his Back &c., for heirs of Officers or Soldiers pretensions are, but Pay. dying letvrmiue the or of Patent* or luveu- tion is a branch of the Hon. Bartlett's ( orntnercial QUACK NOSTRUM MAKERS, n the L\ S.service. validity utility M AKE INVjLTHY :—it will cost you nothing, and ions—and or other rendered in all mat- t the first and oldest in tho through false certificate* ami references, and rocom- legal idtiN o!b*go. Cincinnati, Ohio, may save you many regrets; tor, as INTERNATIONAL HOI'SE, advertising phy- i-> Um ir II" mb* ers the same. Copies of the claims of auy United States. My teaching and are sicians. in KetldltkMM KHdBM bjf 4anf, who touching plan- modem, nine cases ou. ot ten, are bogus, there is Invalid Conor?** and latent furnished Duo Dollar. and the most and as not -xpose or contradict them; or who, besides, to Pensions, Junction of Exchange, by remilting Assign- improved the first no safety in tru*Liug any them, unless kuow approved, of you further their from Medical books K-lahlishcd for I.ime Street*, neie Hall, Port- ments recorded at Washington. liwitim men have and will testify. irho sun irhat they ere. imposition, copy Officers and Soldiers, wounded or oppo*ite (Sty much that is written of the and effects LAxr*. This new and located l iie is uot tbo in Kew y*/V*icf*b. M. send qualities of disabled bv sickness contracted while iu the service centrally Agency only largest Eng- follows:—Book-Keeping, FIr will free, by enclosing one Hotel First but it iuveutors have * lor Commercial l different herbs and plants, and u-cribe all the same of the United States, iu the line oi is Class in all its appointments, aud, through advantage Navigation, aw, Phonography, High- as above, a pamphlet on DISEASES Or WO- duty. g,w of er stamp to their Pills, Ac., most of _UJaudone of the m-*si home-like n u-csin New lecuring Patents, ascertaining the patentability of Mathematics, | "UIPtllUTI UUIIIIj{ lUtll* men, accountants, Ac 'containing above four hun- patients prompt Nostrum Makor, equally ignorant, adds to bis so- Post office address W. F. DAVIS, tjr years past, lias enabled him to accumulate a vast dred signature's, a part of which tna' be seen in print called Extracts, Antidote, Ac., both Late :ol lectio u ot aud official decisions rela- ill lllh lllill Itt (Ftp nntMtiBB IB Ilia Ih-niiu. a fnw (it S]Kacific, relying sy.TII E. BRED? Proprietor of the Minot House, Cohassct. specifications GRAY’S it* effect* in a few iu a it is Ire to patents. which are a* follow*: upon curing hundred, trumnptcd iu various ways throughout the land hut August a, .Tie. TERMS,.$1,50 PER DAY. Those, besides hi extensive of legal and Wo have been taught by actual experience, that library alas! nothing is said of the balance: some of whom (OfficeNo.9State House.) .13ui mechanical works,and (till accounts ot patents grant- the method of Instruction pursued by Mr H. N. Celebrated jy20 die, others grow worse, and are left to and suf* Every farn Jv.at tide reason,should usethe ed in the United .State? aud reuder him able, BaowN.of thiseify, iu touching the art of linger j Europe, Writing, ter for months or until relieved or it HKFEKKVCE8: tevoud to offer facilities for ob- and the complicated series of Book bus years, cured, [ SAMBUCl question, superior Keeping, WINE, anting patent*. been eminently successful, and we take pleasure in HAIR possible, by competent physicians. Hon Lot M. lion. B. CITY Morrill, Joseph Hall, HOTEL; celebrated in forits medicinal and All necessity ot a tourney to Washington, to pro- publicly acknowledging our indebtedness to him for OUT ALL AltE NOT IGNOUANT. U. S. of State Europe b$peficis QUACKS Senate, Sec'y Corner of nud Green tiualirie* as a gentle Stimulant, Tonic, Diuretic, aud sure a patent, aud the usual great delay there, arc wiiafcvcr skill aud ia account* we Hon .James G. lion. Nathan CongrrM Street. facility adjusting Notwithstanding the foregoing facts are known to Bluii.e, Dane. Sudorific, esteemed eminent lere saved inveutors. may now posses*: Restorative State j highly by physicians, % some doctors ami nostrum *ep20d&wl4tf Tn-asurer LEWIS HOWARD, Proprietor, used in aud I'hJlip Ifenry Brown, Jas. O’cutt Brown, quack makers,yet, regard- European American Hospitals, and by Stephen loss of the life and health of others, there are thosa some of the find families in 11. Cummings, W. W. Thomas, Jr., Samuel Chad- lDno.»,llv nftliA Ilnu-.rH llm... I/M.-ollt Europe ana America. TIRTIMOVIALI. It is not n Dye ! among them who will even perjure themselves, con- w.ok. u {-Hi u* Cuiumiugs, Jason Berry, John S. PAIAT ! PAINT ! AS A TONIC *‘I regard Mr. Eddy as one of the most capable and tradicting giving mercury to their patients, or that it Centrally situated, accommodation* ex- Kissel I, Fred. t*ri m, John 11. Hall, George K. It as no an and ntcresg/W practitioners with whom I have had offi- is contained in their Nostrums, so that the "usual cellent, table well with the luxu- equal, causing appetite building up Thompson, John B. Covle.Jr., Fred JI. Small, John METALLIC BROWN I'AINT locotn- provided the a wine of a most val- cial intercourse.” CHARLES MASON. PREMIUM, $1000 foe" may be obtained for curiug, or “the ries of the and system, being entirely pure 11. Steven*, and 200 other*. professedly WINTER'Smends itself. It is a oxide of Iron and season, charges reai-unable, uable Commissioner of Extent*. dollar" or “fraction of it" may bo obtained for the pure a good stable connected with the bouse. A ;?rape. nrr lie sendees of a Sea (’aptain is secured to | WII.I.CAUSE IIAIK to,i.KhW ,IH BALD HEADS Manguuese. It mixes readily with Linseed Oil, tak- AS A “I have no hesitation in assuring inventors that Nostrum. It it thus that many arc deceived also.and ,_share ol the is DIURETIC, teaoh Navigation, who has had 40 WILL HKPTOUE UREY OH ing two gal)ou* less 100 lbs. thau anv mineral public patronage respectful- a hey cannot employ a person more aud years experience P1SEASE1) HAIR TO ITS uselessly amounts for with per It imparts healthv action of the Clauds. Kidney*, competent as a spend large experiments and more than other ly solicited. aud more of their practitioner. angSl dfcwll paint, possesses body any paint: ana tnn>ry urj|»ns, very oeuenciaun Dropsy,isout 'rnstwortky, capable putting ap- quackerv. it forms a durable metallic Portland, July 17.18tt. jylS dtf iu a form to secure for them au Original Condition A. Color, DR. L DIX’S glossy, uufading, coat, aud Rheumatic Affection*.. plication early aud wood from and iron and other :arorable consideration at the Patent Office.” OK. HUBIIE^ Will prevent the Hair from (Iff. and protecting decay, Falling promote charges are verv moderate. Corumunicatinrs in* tal.* from rust or corrosion. SPECK'S WINE EDMUND ltl RKE. a New aud llealrhy Growth; eradi- completely credlv coulidential. and all mav rely on him with the d h*s not grinding, and is warranted Late Commissioner of Patents Eclectic Medical cates Dandruff; will anti cure Ner- 8JT“ft require j Is uot a mixture or manufactured article, but is pure ; infirmary. prevent strictest secrecy anti confidence, whatever may be to give satisfaction for Builwnv Care, Iron OTTAWA HOUSE, "Mr. R H. Eddy hss made for meTHIKTEEN vous Headache; will to the hah a painting [ from the juice of the Portugal Sambuci grape, culti- ap- give the disrate, condition or situation of auy one. mar- Bridge*, Barns, bulls and decks of ilicatious.ou all but usi of which have been Established for the treatment of those diseases in Clean, aud is a Houses, Ships, vated ill New Jersey, recommended by chemist* and p*tcut* Gh«ay Appearance, ried or single. ('iikliingS ImIsumI, (ranted, and that is note Such uuinistak- both sexes, requiring Experience, Skill, Honor and Certain Cure for all Dis- physicians as pomeasing medical properties superior pending. Medicines sentby Mail and all pajfs of tble of taleut and on hi? del scan/. eases of the Head. Kxprcs-to II. X. F. MARSHALL & C’O.. to any other wines in use, aud an excellent article for proof great ability part the United States. P <> T A I> A li 1 eads me to recommend all inventors to to him CONSULTATIONS.—Dr. Hughes has Paint and Varnish Manutacturera, Sole Agent* for R L. N H BOR. all weak and dcsbflita rd iiersups, and the aged and apply PRICK ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. All letters requiring advice must contain one dollar o their as be sure ot hav- PRIVATEfor a number of years confined hi* attention to 1 N. E 6 tates—Store 78 Bkoad St., BOS ION. infirm, improving the appetite, aud benetittiug ladies procure patents, they may It to insure an answer. ngthe most faithful attention bestowed ou their disoasesoi a certain class. During his practice ho i is a perfect and complete dressing for the hair. jelfi d3m Attention! and children. Head the Address Dr. L. Dix, No. 21 Endicottitreet,Boston, _ :ases,aud at very reasonable charges.” ha* trouted thousand* of case*, and in no instance following testimonial: * A LADIES' Mass. Pleasure Health Romance Lov- WINE. JOHN TAGGART. ha* ho mot with a failure. The remedies are mild, U. 8. M \usual's Office, ventured Hunters. Seekers. Boston, Jan. 1,18(53. SfolliiiiK unlliinp Siiimd. ers !—Attention Because it will not intoxicate as other wines, as it months, the in coarse ol aud there is uo interruption of business or of New York, Nov. 6, 1S61. \y all who weary with business and the Dnringcight subscriber, change contain* no mixture of o*r other and is lis made on twice diet. Dr. Hughes i* in constant attendance from 8 Wm. (illAV, Esq. mtlOSE having a small capital to invest in a sale cares of life, or seeking to restore health impaired by spirits liquors, large practice, rejected applies- Dear The severe admired for its ricll, flavor, and nutritive ions, SIXTEEN APPEALS. EVERY ONE ofwbich iu the morning uutil 10 at night, at his office, & Tem- Sir: Two months ago mv head was almost THE LADIES. celebrated DR L X paving busiuc&A call at 229 Congress street. application to business, or soliciting pleasure peculiar | and DIX invites all ladies who need a for sake—to the properties, a top© to the digestive was decided iu hit faror, by tbe Commissioner of street. Charges moderate, and a cure guaranteed entirely BALD, the little Lair 1 had was ail TO particularly jySMtf pleasure’s superior comforts, healthy imparting healthy ple and out Medina! nr to call nt his location and romantic organs, uud soft and skin and hrtents* R. II EDDY mall cases. Separate rooms, so that uo one will be GHEY, falling very last, until 1 feared 1 Surgical adviser, Dooms.No. surroundings of the above ajbloomiug. healthy should 1 21 Endicott which named aeon but the Dr. himself. His remedies cure disease lose all. commenced using your Hair Res- street, Boston, Mass., they will Hotel—connecting with the city of Portland complexion. ianSeodly and it find for their snccial accommodation! hv steamer ou the when all other remedies fail; cures without dieting, torative, immediately stopped the hair falling arranged BROOKS & PH IN N EY, the arrival of every train, Ottawa WE REFER TO off, aud soon restored the Dr. DI X devoted to this Ilonse coach Irom tlie or restriction in the habits of the patient; cures with- color, and alter using two having overtw-enty years conveying passenger* Depot bottles of the treatment of all to a few well known and wh© out the disgusting and effects of most ot her my head is completely covered with a healthy particular branch diseases pe- the steamer. Toward the Northaud West, in full gentlemen physicians A NEW DISCOVERY! sickening of and culiar to it is now conceded all in view have tried the Wine: remedies; cures new case* in a low hours; cures with- growth hair, of the same color it was in early females, by (both B^KLEFtS, from ’he House, like a Queen viewing her manhood I take in this and in that he excel? all other charms in the clear mirror of the sea, rises the (*en. Winfield Scott,USA. Dr Wilson. 11thst.,NY, A Patent out the dreadful consequent effects of mercury, but great pleasure recommending country Europe) pop- Compound for the Cure excellent Hair known in the safe, and effectual Corner Brackett and Pine Streets, ulous and citv of Portland, with its Gov Morgan, NY .State. Dr Ward. Newark, S'.J. is sure to anuiiulate the rank and (‘oisonous taint your Restorative, and you inav also practitioners speedy flourishing lofty or the doubting to ine. treatment of all female and elms, its grand edifices and Dr.J.R.Chilton,N.Y.City. Dr. Dougherty, Newark. | piles: that the blood is sure to absorb, unto** the proper referany person complaints. the authorized agents for the sale of the spires public princely HUBERT His medicines arc with the .Mount in Dr. Parker, N. V. City. N. J. remedy is used. The ingredients are entirely veiet MURRAY. U. S Marshal, prepared express pur- ^RE mansions; Washington majestic grandeur ByWM. CARR, Bath. Me. all such as weak- rears Drs. ft Nicholl.New- Dr. New York. blc, aud uo either constitutional J Southern District, New York. pose of removing disea-os, debility, its mighty head, kissing the clouds. Towards Darcy Marcy, FTER sixteen and injurious effect, ark.N.J. A suffering years, trying every. can be caused them. ness, unnatural suppressions, enlargements of the AERATED BREAD3 the South and East lies the Ocean decked with Is- | Dr.Cummings,Portland that could be in the market recom- locally, by using Otherteatitnoninis inav be seen at the Restorative j Dr. Boston. J\. thing found womb, also, all discharge* which flow from n morbid I lands, and alive with and steam Hayes, | YOUNG MEN. Who are troubled with Depot, 9>I Broadway, New York. this and will it sailing vessels, mended wr that complaint, without rinding any re- seminal state of The i« now for the western portion of city, keep ty None genuine without the signature of“AL* weakness, caused bad habits in Manufactured and sold the the blood. Doctor fully prepared stretching away to the verge of the horizon. lief, the inventor of this thought he would generally by youth, by proprietor, (Wm. [ cou-tantJ) on hand ami delivered Irom their cart*. FRED SPEER, Passaic, N. is over the cork ol compound the effects of which are and to treat in liis peculiar style, both medically and sur- j The subscriber, leased the above named J.,” succeeded in a pain dizziue^* iu the Guay) at the Restorative Depot, 801 Broad wav, New’ lw having each bottle. try an experiment, and dually rinding all diseases of the female sex, and are *ept4 House, and the assistance of those cure. head, forgetfulness, sometime* & ringing iu the ears, York, and for sale by nil druggists. gieally, they having procured that has effected a permanent After to call at well fTMAKR ONE TRIAL OF Til IS WfXE. remedy weak eves, etc., in or in- respectfully invited skilled in the various departments of a regulat- four for the ol ascertaining terminating consumption K. H. HAY, Wholesale Druggist. Agent for For sale aud all first class dealers. waiting years purpose if are and Portland No. ‘41 Endicott Boston. For Sale. ed hotel, has the pleasure of announcing that it will by Druggists was and not had neglected, speedily permanently and vicinity. Jc2£»’C3 d&wly2 Strert, and town the State Com- whether tbe cwre perfect, hating sanity Allletters advice must contain one dol bo iu readiness for the accomodation of the public City Agents supplied by touch of it that time, he then requiring A FARM iu Cape Elizabeth,about missioners. the slightest duriug All confidential lur to ensure an answer. on June 1st, 1803. in the Bath Time? for one Since correspondence strictly and will e 4* miles from Portland, containing A. advertised it year. returned W desired. Address Jan. 1.1803 B. ALLSTRUM, Proprietor. SPEER,Proprietor it has itself to be the beet rem- Boston, eodly about 170 acre*, with two dwelling- New its introduction proved DR. J. B. Grand Chance for Investment! Post Office address—Portland. Me. ruy28tf VlKKTAUD—Passaic, Jersey. before the fbr this HUGHES, house*, barn and out-building*.— Office—208Broadway. New York. edy ever brought public complaint. No.5 Temple Street,{coruer of offences stone- It is made of different things that grow in the Middle). __ __ Large proportion JOHN I.A FOY, STOCK AND STAND FOR SALE. Paris. and are good for one to take. Portland. wall A or the whole will be sold. Inquire ut for Francoaud Helds pastures.that any for Circular. I nil—dik MARINE part “EliJI HOUSE*” Agent Germany. be-n taken children but three old. stamp wtti? CLEMENT JORDAN, oil the premise*, near South It ha* by years rilHE subscribers* being desirous of making a Chains mid Trut h Irons Soldin Portland H. II. aud from that up to of seventy years, and has if Hallway Congregational meeting-house. j> 21 d2aw w4m* Informs the by HAY.Druggist Supply people Goo il Fur ill lor Stile. change in thHr business, offer for sale their TIIEundersigned respectfully ing Agent. pflectfd a cure in almost every ca*e. Some •Mock and situated North that he has leased the above House, dec22dly people Stand in Yarmouth. The public ■■■ ire troubled with other iu connection undersigned has been for — — I complaints well known if k islet* el OUT GOODS, GHOt ERIKS, rpilE appointed Agent <'opat in«kr>liii» Notice*. on Federal Street, Portland, ’id invites aud he does not claim that this medicine The Farm, lormerly own- Ac., A the sale of Marine and other Uliains with this, and is one of tin* host locations for trade in the coun- Railway the travelling community to call and see it disease that to. but ed by David Marstou, low bv John in the United States and British North America.man- nndersigued have this day associated them* will cure everv people are subject in North try. The store is with house rpilE lie know s “how to keep a hotel.M Clean, D. hose troubled w itb the Pile# need not Whitcey, Yarmouth. 10 miles nearly new, dwelling utactured bv Hkkuv Wood k Co., of A selves in business under the firm name of NOR- -A.. REEVES,: despair. Many and attached. Liverpool, airy rooms, good beds, a well-provided table, atten- who have been troubled with but a few fro in Cortland, only 2 miles from Great and i.ow I TON, CHAPMAN & CO., for the of trans- the Piles Britain, is prepared to receive order* purpose tive servants and moderate charge* are the,induce- The Tiiilwr, two Railroad i* offered for sale, -also.- for Marine acting a Com mission Business in Flour and tears, have been cured by tbe use of a single bottle: Depot*, Railway Chains, made to order nud to j general ments tie holds out to thoso whose business or anda will sold at auction, on I off«*r one pleas- — HAS JUST RETURNS!) FROM — >ut for those who have had the disease in their blood be public Wednesday. hoy other store aud stable near with with the and war- Western Produce, at No. 6 Halt Block. by, pattern, Spiocket wheel to match, ure call them to the “Forest at 10 o’clock a. at., if not sooner uhoij* four acres of K A City.” or years, it will more. September 16th, laud. A good chuuce for u Boot ranted to fit. These chains aie made of an iron pe- J NORTON. wenty thirty require of. For information to and Sho** CHAPMAN. JONATHAN BUBS, NEW YORK BOSTON, This medicine ha? been takeu by hundred* in the ditpoaed strangers wishing Manufactory. culiarlv suited to this purpose, which, bv actual test, C. C. Proprietor. AND j to the lit, 1862. dtl | : of Bath and Its vicinity and ha* to be invest UKMiev in real (‘State, following descrip- pcHfcularsInquire of ('ll ARLES Me- shows its average breaking strain to be 3*5 tons Portland, Sept. 1, 1S63. *ept28w Portland, Aug. proved tion l.AUtdiMNf SV! ,:'r.tlJ,‘r per With and woll .elected Stock of Spriug be for the above mav be relied on: the fai in contains about Ido & CO, Thomas Block, Commercial inch of sectional area. Parties and re- alarge BEST HEM Eh Y ever discovered wishing good for the Piles, hut acres of good land; ii ha< a sufheieut quantity of street, Portland, Me., or of the subscribers, on the liable chains will do well to examine those in actual complaint. It is got up expressly j Lo«t. it is second to none. wood for honui use, and is in such ooiidi- premises 1 s. STAN WOOD k CO service. Cassimeres and Vestings! for IntUruination of the Bowels ion ms to Norfh ^ Cloths, to send it to other cities and flowing secure to theinriustrioiti* husband man good Hri%outh. Mnv 2Dt, 1803. je4 tfdA wf.l Marine RailwayTrack Irons are drilled with the from the owner on Wednesday night, Tho inventor, wishing for of 10 and a S. 5-20 Also a ftillnaaortmeut of satisfV themselves ot it* heal- pay whatever branch of agriculture he may wish countersunk holes and the Bolts to match; also. STRAYEDAug. 12th. between the hour* 11, U. BONDS, owns to let the people to eugugo in. It is well to Hock email lap dog; i* white with brown ear* and two and clewline Tfrtiics. h„ been at the ex prune ot adapted growing, Spikes of all kind-. Screw Bolts, Lag Screws,and all PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST (at 6 ng • nd lor good, convenient watoi, and a For Sale. of done to aiul of spot* ot brown on his back; is sheared like a lion ; per Military Cloths, ‘eenring a patent. buildings, kinds forging order, quality and cent, anuum, H. very large and profitable ot chard and mngerv, it ia w|th a red and black collar, and answers totho name per semi-annually,) payable them at short A oxters r»»R Portland—k. 9. Whittier, H. good two-story house, barn, and c ar- quantity to suit. And Is to make up notice. | not often surpa* ed. of Perieo. Whoever w il re.iuru said dog or gixe in- prepared and K L. Stan woodj>31 d3m riage-house. with lot««X 88 livt, in Back Mr. C. feel* confident he can the above ar- ia GOLD. Call aud Hay. Also Stork, consisting of Oxen supply formal iou where > e bo found will be See, Horses, and Cows, ( ove Village, near about ticles on as favorable terms as can be obtained else- may suitably MA Tnkey’s Bridge, or at No. aud a of J ool*. rewarded. Word bo left at this office Indonoiniuationsof $50, $100, $500, and good supply Farming one mile from Portland post office—a pleasant situ- where. Address HORACE I. CHANDA LI., may $1000, for AT No. 98 EXCHANGE STREET. N«lice. J WHITNEY. [ 9 Bramhall street. aug24 alien. Sub-marine Engineer, sale by dtf wife. Marv A. Larrabee. has left my bed and r ortli Yarmouth, Aug. 31. 3aw&w2w*ll Portland. Sept 34.1862. sej Also one honso lot on Monument street, in Port- janlO ’(52dlawly* New Bedford. Mass T. R. hoard without cause and provocation, and this Fart M auled. JONES, MY I land, ou which is an unfinished house; and one lot, ijige Trimmer notice is to forbid all person* harboring or trusting Attention one No.05 Cen«£rtpt6. about hundre^eet square, on Atlantic at reel; LIIVK DOLLARS will be given for the detection A K R( AG E T RIM MLR, w ho is a good work Exchange Street,(upstairs.) Dine a,t tiro her ou inv account, as I shall pay no debts of her will be sold entire, or in two lots. Terms (’AN furnish 13able bodied Substitutes at short easy. A and conviction of any porsou orpersonsatoaliu, ACman, and to whom the highest price will bo tJTThasa Bouds are the cheapest Government se- Exchange Eating House. 17 k 19 •onti acting alter this date. to J. HACKER. I notice. Apply to D. T- CHASE. Apply papers from the doors of onr *nbscribers. paid, can get a good situation at No. 162 Middle St curity ia the market, and pay the largest interest on MERCHANTS’Exchange St Free Lunch every day from 10 BENJ. LARBABEE •ugl3 dtf Head Long Wharf. Jell deodJc wtfla ddc2R PUBLISH ERS OK THE PRESS Apply soon. je2 eodtf thecost. my!5 istf toll. ap»d«m L 8 TWOMBLT Baldwin. Ang. 1*. 1W8. augl? 3weod
