(No Model.) 6 Sheets-Sheet 1, Y E, GRAY. TELAUTOGRAPH. No. 461,470. Patented Oct. 20, 1891.

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No. 461,470, Patented Oct. 20, 1891. S N


(No Model.) E. GRAY. 6 Sheets-Sheet 3. TELAUTOGRAPH. No. 461,470, Patented Oct. 20, 1891.



A / /34? Ella ", (No Model.) 6 Sheets-Sheet 4. E. GRAY. TELAUTOGRAPH, No. 461470, Patented Oct. 20, 1891, 47 72.

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THE NORRIS PETERs co., Photo-LTHo., washington, D. c. (No Model.) 6 Sheets-Sheet 5. E. GRAY. TELAUTOGRAPH, No. 461470, Patented Oct. 20, 1891. N S HIHIHIEL N

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ss S. (No Model.) 6 Sheets-Sheet 6. E. GRAY. TELAUTOGRAPH, No. 461470. Patented Oct. 20, 1891.

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ELISHA GRAY, OF HIGHLAND PARK, ILLIN OIS. ELAUTOGRAPH. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 461,470, dated October 20, 1891. Application filed June 13, 1889. Serial No. 314,151. (No model.) To all whom, it may concern: --- Be it known that I, , a citizun tus which drives the receiving-pen, this strain of the United States, residing at Highland originating in a motor or revolving shaft op Park, county of Lake and State of Illinois, erated independently as regards its source of 55 have invented certain new and useful Im power of the transmitting-instrument, and I provements in Telautographs, fully described propose to govern the application of this and represented in the following specifica power to the driving of the receiving-pen by tion and the accounpanying drawings, form means of an escapement operated by the pull ing a part of the same. sations above referred to. Thus each pulsa O tion sent over line will permit the receiving This invention relates to a writing - tele pen to advance a space corresponding to one graph of that class in which the act of writ half a tooth of the escapement-wheel, and as ing the message at the sending-station oper each pulsation represents a certain definite ates to reproduce it at the receiving-station, space traversed by the transmitting-pen and and it is in the main an improvement upon each tooth of the governing escapement-wheel 15 the apparatus and Organization described in of the receiver represents a certain definite my former patents, Nos. 386,814 and 386,815, space over which the receiving-pen is driven, dated July 31, 1888, the movements of the transmitting-pen will be The object of my present improvements is reproduced with almost absolute accuracy by to secure greater speed in transmission and the receiving-pen. - greater accuracy in reproducing the charac The devices above referred to provide for possible.ters translmitted than have heretofore been reproducing motion of the transmitting-pen In order that the detailed description of in two directions crosswise of each other. the apparatus and its organization hereinaf The additional devices for reversing the di 75 25 ter given may be more readily apprehended rection of movement of the receiving-pen a brief statement of the general features of upon the reversal of the direction of move my present improveluents will first be given. ment of the transmitting-pen consist of a re It is a well-known fact that pulsations of versing mechanism between the motor or re successively opposite polarity can be sent volving driving-shaft and each of the two over a line-wire with greater rapidity and cer devices which drive the receiving pen in di tainty of effect than pulsations of successively rections crosswise of each other and of an like polarity. In my system as heretofore organization adapted to electrically control patented by me the pulsations used to oper this mechanism from the transmitting-station. ate the receiving-pen were pulsations of the One form of this reversing-gear mechanism 35 latter sort. It is a feature of importance in (shown in the drawings) consists of two re my present improvements that pulsations of versely-beveled gear-wheels mounted upon successively opposite polarity are employed. the revolving motor-driven shaft, one or the The movement of the transmitting-pen in other of which may be locked to the shaft, either of two directions, preferably at nearly and so caused to transmit motion to the pen 90 right angles to each other, produces a succes by means of an electro-magnetic clutch. Two sion of these pulsations in two electric cir of these clutches are provided for each of the cuits, the number of pulsations in the respect two reversing-gear mechanisms, one for each ive circuits being determined by the listance beveled gear-wheel, and the current of a local which the pen is moved in the respective di battery is directed through the one or the 45 rections and the speed of succession of the other of them by means of a commutator con pulsations varying with the rapidity of move trolled by escapement-pallets attached to the ment of the transmitting-pen. In my pres armature of an electro-magnet. This electro ent system these pulsations do not directly magnet, like the other devices which have operate the motors which move the receiving just been described, is duplicated for the two IC) O pen as do the pulsations sent to line in the branches of the system, and one is placed in system of my prior patents. each of the two main circuits and is so organ to produce a constant strain uponI now the appara-propose ofized current as not toon respond line, but to theonly ordinary to pulsations strength of

2 461,470 ments in close proximity, and so arranged extraordinary strength. Provision is made with reference to each other that a single for making temporary change or variation in sheet of paper is used for making the copies the condition of the current, as by sending a of messages transmitted and for recording stronger pulsation over each circuit at each messages received. I have therefore shown reversal in the direction of movement of the the transmitting and the receiving instru transmitting-pen corresponding to that cir ments associated together in Fig. 1. cuit for the purpose of operating the commu Referring now particularly to Figs. 1, 4, 5, 75 tator-magnet and thereby changing the action 17, and 17, the principal features of the trans of the reversing-gear mechanism; and my mitter will be described. This instrument present invention consists in part of appa consists, primarily, of the transmitting-pen A, ratus specially designed for this purpose. which is moved by the operator to form the A feature of special importance in this or characters or other matter to be transmitted. ganization is the electro-magnetic clutch, so This pen, as I have stated in my former pat constructed as to permit slip between the mo ents, may be a simple handle of convenient tor or the revolving shaft and the apparatus form, or a pen or pencil, with which a copy of driving the receiving-pen when the escape the message transmitted is made, and it is ment-pallets are held by their magnet, but therefore termed a “pen; but this term, wher which has sufficient strength to drive the re ever used in a general sense, is to be under ceiving-pen when unrestrained by the escape stood as including any writing-instrument or 20 ment.My improvements also include devices and a simple handle of convenient form. an organization of circuits for securing uni The pen A is connected at its tip to two son between the transmitting and receiving cords or other flexible connections 6364, which pens, and improved apparatus and organiza extend horizontally crosswise of each other tions for raising and lowering the receiving and are connected to operate the two circuit pen to correspond with like movements of the changing devices BC, termed herein “inter transmitting-pen and for shifting the paper. rupters, located in the two electric circuits Other novel features in organization and de b c, termed “main circuits,” and so arranged 95 tail of construction will be hereinafter de that as the pen A is moved in the direction scribed in detail and specifically referred to of the cord 63 and interrupter B, or in the op. - in the claims. posite direction, pulsations are produced in The improvements thus briefly outlined the circuit b in quick succession, varying in will now be described at length, reference be number with the linear extent of movement OO ing had to the accompanying drawings, in of the pen A and varying in speed of succes which sion with the rapidity of such movement, 35 Figure 1 is a plan view of the while, as the pen is moved in the direction of and receiver. Fig. 2 is a vertical section the cord 64 and interrupter C, or in the op through the table online 22 of Fig. 1, (relay posite direction, in forming the characters, I o5 magnets P P' and the motor, however, being pulsations are produced in circuit c in the shown out of their proper position.) Fig. 3 is same manner. In my former telautograph an end view of the paper-shifting magnet, patents the interrupters are so placed with showing the drum-cylinder and connected reference to the transmitting-pen that the parts. Figs. 4 and 5 are views on an enlarged connecting-cords 63 64 extend in directions C. scale of the interrupters and connected parts. approximately parallel and perpendicular to Figs. 6 and 7 are plan and side views of the the line of characters traced by the transmit 45 unison and paper-shifting switch. Figs. 8, ting-pen. In my present organization, how 9, and 10 represent on an enlarged scale an ever, I place the interrupters in such posi improved pen-rack. Fig.11 is a sectional ele tions that the cords will have a diagonal loca II5 vation taken on about the line 11 11 of Fig. tion about midway between lines perpendicu 1, the point of view being in the foreground lar to and parallel with the line of writing. of the latter figure. Fig. 11" is a side and rear By this organization the steps causing the per view of the magnet controlling the motor-cir pendicular and horizontal movements of the cuit and connected parts. Fig. 12 is a side pen, which are the movements naturally made view, on an enlarged scale, of the governing most rapidly in writing, are divided between reversible escapement-magnet. Fig. 13 is a the two halves of the machine, thus enabling 55 plan view of the escapement of said magnet. a much greater speed to be attained without Figs. 14 and 15 are respectively side and increasing the working capacity of either cir sectional elevations, on an enlarged scale, of cuit. This organization also makes possible I25 the reversing escapement commutator and a greater degree of compactness in the appa magnet. Fig. 16 is a detail view of the com ratus, and thereby the use of one strip of pa mutator contact-brushes bearing on the coln per for the transunitting and receiving instru mutator. Figs. 17 and 17" are diagrams show ments at the same end of line. ing the circuits and circuit connections be The function of the interrupters in my pres tween a transmitting and a receiving instru ent transmitting-instrument is not only to ment at opposite ends of line-wires. cause puisations in the main-line circuits, but In my system as now organized I prefer to to cause those pulsations to be of successively place the transmitting and receiving instru opposite polarity. That this may be effected, 461,470 3 each main circuit is provided with two bat is in circuit, and the effect on the receiving teries, one at the transmitting and one at the instrument will be in both cases the same. receiving end, so placed in line as to be op The revolution of the brush over the face of posed to each other in polarity, the one at the the disk will thus cause upon line a succes transmitting end being of about treble the ision of pulsations of opposite polarity and strength of the other. The larger batteries substantially equal effective strength, the in the two circuits are designated (see Figs. number and rapidity of these pulsations be 17 and 17) respectively Z and Z', and the ing determined by the extent and rapidity of smaller batteries respectively 2 and 2'. The the movement of the brush. The mounting 75. IO interrupter is so arranged as to shunt the of the brush with reference to the drum gives larger battery out of line at short intervals. the brush an independent motion, the amount The two interrupters B C and their auxil of this motion being adjustable by means of iaries and circuit connections are exact du the adjustable stop 75. It results that in plicates, and a description of one of them practice whenever the motion of the pen res therefore applies to both. verses the rotation of the drum the brush will Each of the cords 63 64 is connected to and not begin to move in a reverse direction un wound upon a small drum 65, (see Figs. 1, 4, til the drum has so moved a distance corre- . and 5,) fixed upon one of its sides to a shaft sponding to the amount of independent mo 66. To the other.side of the drum is attached tion of the arm 72 between the stops 7475. a bracket 67. The outer end of this bracket The object of this independent or lost motion rests upon a pivot 68, and the upper end of of the brush will be stated hereinafter. the shaft 66 is in contact with a pivot 69. The transmitting-instrument is provided The drum is thus mounted So as to revolve With two devices, one for each circuit, which between the pivots 6869. To the shaft 66 is I term “increase current-controllers,’ each 9 to 25 attached a spring 70, which is wound upon of which acts automatically and momentarily the shaft and tends to revolve the drum in to increase the amount of current passing the direction opposite to the pull of the pen over its main line whenever the movement of upon the cords 63 64. Pivoted between the the transmitting-pen is reversed with refer lower face of the drum and the bracket 67 ence to that line. Each increase-controller 95 and in line with the shaft 66 is another shaft consists of two electro magnets or spools D 71, to which is attached an arm 72, which car E and D'E', (see Figs. 1 and 17,) provided ries the revolving brush 73. The movement with lugs 79 80 and armatures 81.82. These of the arm 72 upon its shaft 71 is limited be lugs are of soft iron and are in contact with tween stops 74 75, fixed to the drum, (see Fig. the core passing through the helix of each Od 35 5,) one of which (75, as shown) is preferably magnet and extend out to the periphery of adjustable. The face of the disk over which the same. Each armature is trunnioned in the brush 73 sweeps is provided with a series the usual manner and extends from one of of channels or cuts located in proximity and the lugs 79.80 to the other in close proximity containing pieces of insulating materiel 76, to but not in actual contact with them. The 40 the width of each channel or cut being pref armatures are provided with the usual springs erably about the same as that of the adjacent and front and back contact-points, which exposed metal surface between it and the next regulate their strokes to and from their re channel. Each main-line circuit divides be spective magnets. The two magnets of each fore reaching the interrupter, (see Fig. 17,) pair D E and D'E' are mounted in line with IO 45 one branch passing through the battery Z or each other, with sufficient space between Z' at the transmitting end of line and to earth, them for a third armature 8383, respectively, the other branch connecting with the metal common to them both, and provided with lim disk of the interrupter. The brush 73 has a iting contact-screws 8485. This armature is permanent connection to earth. When, there Without a spring and is attracted alternately II5 fore, the brush is in contact with the metal by the two spools. Each of the increase-con surface of the disk, the battery Z or Z' will trollers is provided with a local circuit d and be cut out and the battery 2 of 2' at the re a local battery g. (See Fig. 17.) Both of these ceiving end of the line will alone be in cir circuits are shown in detail in Fig. 17; but cuit. When, however, the brush 73 rests upon as they are precisely alike the description 55 a portion of the insulating material, the branch will be confined to the circuit d of increase through the interrupter will be broken and controller D E. In circuit d is circuit mak both batteries Z or Z and 2 or 2' will be in ing and breaking arm 86, frictionally mounted circuit, their polarity being, as before stated, upon the drum-shaft 66 of the interrupter B, opposed to each other. In this condition the (see Fig. 4.) and having a limited motion be I 25 current of the smaller battery will be over tween contact-stops 8788. From arm 86 the come and the polarity of the current on line circuit passes by wires d and l to a contact. determined by the large battery. The strength point 19 and circuit-breaking arm 15, (the of the larger batteries is preferably made purpose of which will be hereinafter stated.) about treble that of the smaller batteries, so thence by wires land d to batteryg and arma that the effective current on line is the same ture 83. It Will be noted that the wires ll' (except in polarity) when both batteries are are common to the circuits of both increase in circuit, as when the smaller battery alone - controllers. From armature 83 the circuit

461,470 has two branches, one designated by d, in makes the upstrokes the springs 70 will re cluding the coil of magnet D and connecting wind cords 63.64 and move the brushes 73 in with the stop 87, and the other designated by the reverse direction, causing pulsations upon d', including the coil of magnet E and con the two main circuits in the same manner. necting with stop 88. The branch wire foon So long as the movement of the pen recedes nects the stop 84 on one side of the armature from either of the interrupters, as B, the shaft 83 with the wire d' at a point beyond the mag 66 will continue to revolve in one direction net D, forming a shunt around the same, and and the arm S6 will be held against the stop a wire f' in a similar manner forms a shunt 87, and the pulsations on the line will pass around the magnet E to the wire d'. Each through the resistance R. As soon, however, of the circuits b c normally includes a resist as the movement of the pen is reversed l, C. ance R; but a shunt around the resistance is changed from a motion from the interrupter provided for the circuit b, when either of the B to a motion of approach to the interrupter armatures 81 or 82 is on its front stop, and a the movement of the shaft 66 will be reversed like shunt is provided for the circuit c when and the arm 86 will be caused to rest against either of the corresponding artilatures of in the contact 88, thereby momentarily energiz crease-controller D'E' is on its front stop, as ing magnet E, drawing up armature 82, and shown by the connections in Fig. 17. . sending a strong pulsation over the line b, When the motion of the pen is reversed and this strong pulsation will be sent over line and it is caused to move in the direction of b as often as reversal in the direction of move 2 d the arrow on Fig. 17-that is, from the inter ment of the pen with reference to the inter rupter B-the arm 86 will, at the moment of rupter B occurs. The same succession of op reversal, come into contact with the stop 87, erations occurs in connection with the circuit which will close the circuit d through the mag c, interrupter C, increase-controller D'E', and net D, the armature 81 will he attracted to connected parts upon each reversal of the di its front stop, and at the same time the com rection of movement of the transmitting-pen mon armature 83 will be attracted against the with reference to the interrupter C. stop 84. As soon as armature 83 strikes stop The purpose of the independent or lost mo 95 84 the magnet D will be demagnetized be tion in the arm 72 and brush 73, heretofore cause of the shunt, closed through wire f, described, is to allow the reversal of the re and the armature 81 will fall back to its back ceiving mechanism to be made while the brush point, while the armature 83, having no spring is standing still, whether on a metal or insu and being held by residual magnetism, will lating segment of the disk. To accomplish ICO remain in its position until the next reversal this the stroke of the arms 86 is made as short of the pen motion causes the arm 86 to rock as possible, (say the two-hundredth of an inch,) 35. against the point SS, when the magnet E will while the play of the brush 73 between its he charged, drawing back the armature 83, stops is made a trifle longer. This provision and, in a manner similar to that just described, for lost notion in the brush 73 is not abso IO5 momentarily attracting its armature S2. It lutely essential for perfect writing; but pre will thus be seen that the armatures S1 S2 vents possible loss of steps at the receiving 40 rest normally on their back points, and only end when the writing is done at a high rate momentarily touch the front points-first one of speed, and is therefore a preferred con and then the other-at the moment the Writ struction. d ing is reversed. The effect of the momentary Referring now particularly to Figs. 1, 2, 11, advance of the armature 81 or 82 is to close 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 17, the principal 45 the shunt before referred to, around the re features of the receiver will be described. sistance R in the main line, thus causing a The receiving-pen G is a writing-instrument strong impulse to momentarily pass through of any suitable form for recording the message. the line, this strong impulse effecting a re The term “pen’ therefore, as applied to this versal in the Writing at the receiving end in instrument, is to be understood as includ a manner hereinafter described. ing any form of Writing-instrument. In the The operation of the transmitter as thus case shown fountain-pen is employed, which far described is as follows: The operator takes is composed of a tube of glass of very fine or the pen A in his hand and forms the charac capillary bore, having its end forined into a ters in proper sequence in the usual manner, Writing-point. This pen is supplied by a 55 moving the pen up and down and from left piece of flexible rubber tubing which runs to right, the same as in ordinary writing. As through the tubular pen-arm 21 and connects the pen makes the downstrokes in forming by means of a preferably flexible capillary the characters the cords 63 64 will be un tube 92 with the ink-well 91, as described in wound from the drums of the interrupters my former patents. The pen-arms 21 and 22 B C, thereby rotating the drum and its shaft are made of light metal tubing, hinged at the and moving the brush 73 over the disk 89, point 23 immediately over the point of the and causing a succession of pulsations of op pen. Each of the arms 2122 is provided with 3. posite polarity over the circuits big in quick a cord 93, attached to the arm at each end succession, the number and rapidity of the and having a turn about a drum 94. Motion pulsations being determined by the extent of is given to the receiving-pen by the revolu movement and speed of the pen. As the pen tion of these drums 94, and this revolution is 461,470 effected in correspondence with the move inents of the transmitting-pen by means of a and come into contact with the iron disk fast mechanism which will be presently described. ened to the wheel. There is thus formed a fric The receiving-pen arms are so adjusted with tional clutch between the shaft and the gear reference to the pen and the cords upon the wheel, which may be electro-magnetically con drum that the distance from the receiving trolled from the transmitting-station, as here pen to the hinging point or drum 94 of either inafter described. While this clutch may be of its pen-arms will be equal, when the trans constructed and usel having the magnetiz mitting and receiving instruments are in able metallic surfaces in actual contact, I find 75 d unison, to the length of the unwound cord con it preferable, in order to prevent sticking or necting the transmitting-pen with the drum demagnetization, to face the magnetizable sur of the interrupter upon the same side of the face with a layer of non-magnetic substance, as instrument. This organization causes the parchment. For convenience, I term such a transmitting and receiving pens to swing in clutch as this-i.e., one in which operativeness arcs having the same radii, and consequently depends upon friction controlled by mag to that extent insures an exact reproduction netic attraction-an “electro-magnetic fric by the receiving-pen of the movement of the tional clutch. Both of these magnets X'Y', transmitting-pen. It will be observed that with their connected parts, are exactly alike. this advantage is in part secured by the trans Meshing with the two bevel gear-wheels 2829 fer of the circuit-changing arm S6 to the shaft. is a third bevel gear-wheel 27, mounted upon of the interrupter from a position between a trunnioned shaft 98, which carries the re the interrupter and the transmitting-pen. ceiving-drum 94 and an escapement-wheel 26. The revolution of the drums to move the The pallets 105 of this escapement-wheel (see receiving-pen is effected in my present or Fig. 13) are preferably made adjustable to ganization by a power derived from a motor and from each other, and are attached to the 95, (see Fig. 11,) and the application of the armature 99 of a magnet H', (the correspond power of the motor to the pen-drums is con ing magnet on the other side of the instru trolled by a reversible escapement governed ment being designated H.) This magnet is a by the pulsations sent over the line, as above polarized relay constructed on the principle 95 described. The motor may be of any suitable of the well-known Sienens relay, with the ex construction, the form which I prefer and ception that the polarizing-coil K" (the corre which is shown in this application being an sponding coil on the other side of the instru electric motor. The shaft 96 of this motor is ment being designated K) is an electro-mag geared to two distinct shafts, (although there net and not a permanent magnet, for a pur Od 35 may be but one, if preferred,) one on each side pose hereinafter stated. The soft-iron core of the receiving-instrument and one for each 101 of the magnet K' is extended upward, and of the pen-drums 94. As the two shafts with upon it is trunnioned the arm 99. The other their connected parts are identical in construc end of the core is connected by Soft-iron con tion, but one set thereof is described and shown necting-pieces 102 103 and bracket 104 with in full-to wit, that upon the left-hand side of the soft-iron cores of the spools of magnet H'. the machine as it appears in Fig. 1. The fol The angles of the faces of the escapement lowing description may therefore be under pallets 105, and also those on the faces of the stood as applicable to both of these sets of de escape-wheel teeth, are preferably made the same, so that the escape-wheel will be reversi O vices. - ble and operate in either direction with equal 45 The shaft 30 (see Fig. 11) is trunnioned facility upon the reversal of the strain which between screws 31 32 and passes loosely tends to move it. through the hubs of the two bevel gear-wheels The two wheels 28 and 29 are each provided 2829. Fastened to each of the gear-wheels with a lost-motion spring 106 107, (see Fig.11.) 28 and 29, one for each wheel, are the soft which serves to give the wheels a normal I 15 iron disks 33 34. Fast on the shaft 30 and on tendency to revolve in the same direction in either side of the wheels 28 29 are two clutch which they are propelled by the motor, and magnetsk'Y', (the corresponding clutch-mag keep them, consequently, always in driving nets on the right-hand side of the receiver contact with the cogs of the Wheel 27. The being designated in Fig. 7 by the letters X use of these springs is made possible because 55 Y, respectively,) which are fastened to and re of the fact that the wheels 28 29 are prefer volve with the shaft30. The shaft 30 is pref ably made of such a size that they need never erably of brass, the cores of the clutch-mag be moved continuously in one direction for nets being made of soft iron and bored out more than one revolution, a complete rota of such size as to allow the shafts to slip into tion of either of these wheels corresponding 125 6 o the hole and fit tightly therein. The head of to the extreme range of movement of the re each magnet-spool at the end nearest the ceiving-pen in its field, and because of the bevel gear-wheel is made of hard rubber and further fact that the gear-wheel 27 so con also the outer shell or covering is of Soft iron, nects the wheels 2829 that that one of these as is the head of the spool farthest from said two wheels which is not clutched to the mo gear-wheel. The end of this shell next to the tor-shaft is driven backward by the one which gear-wheel, and also the end of the cure, pro is operating the receiving-pen through the ject forward a short distance beyond the head agency of wheel 27. It results that each of

1 461,470 the two wheels 28 29 revolves to and fro upon collar may be set backward or forward upon the shaft 30, first in one direction and then the shaft to secure the proper degree of fric in the other, and always within the limit of a tion between the shaft and the commutators. single revolution, and that consequently the The commutator-springs 3839 are so adjusted lost-motion springs will remain permanently that one of them rests upon a metallic section in their proper relation to the hubs upon of one commutator-disk, while the other rests which they are wound. It is not essential to upon an insulating section of the other com the Operation of my system that the range of mutator-disk. Both of these springs are in 75 the movement of the wheels 28 29 should be sulated from the armature 108. A circuit h, o restricted to a single rotation; but it is a pre passing through a local battery i, connects ferred construction, for the reason that pins with the shaft 20, with which there is in elec 205 may be placed upon these wheels, adapted trical contact one end of the coil of clutch to come in contact with fixed stops 206 at magnet X’, the other end of the coil of this the extreme limits of motion of the receiving magnet being connected through insulated pen, whereby maintaining unison between the wire C, with the contact - spring on collar transmitting and receiving instruments is 114. One end of the coil of clutch-magnet Y' aided, as hereinafter stated. is also in electrical contact with the shaft 30 The direction of rotation given to the drum and the other end of this coil connects by 94, and consequently the direction of move means of wire q passing through the center ment given to the receiving-pen thereby, will of shaft 30 and insulated therefrom with the be determined by the existence of magnetism contact-springs on collar 115. (See Fig. 11.) in the coils of one or the other of the two It will be understood that the circuits of the clutch-magnets X Y. The mechanism for clutch-magnets may be made. in the manner 90 determining which one of these coils receives indicated or in any other convenient way. a Current will next be described. It results that when the spring 38 is in contact 25 Situated in the main lines, one for each line with a metallic segment of its commutator b c, are two magnets J J', (see Figs. 1, 11, 14, disk, clutch-magnet Y is in circuit with the and 15,) of ordinary construction. Magnet J', local battery i, the clutch-magnet X being cut 95 which alone need be described in detail, has out of circuit, and that when spring 39 rests an armature 108, trunnioned in the ordinary upon a metallic segment of its commutator Way and carrying upon its end pallets 109, disk clutch-magnet X" is in circuit with the similar to the pallets 105 already described, local battery i, clutch-magnet Y being then which engage with an escape-wheel 110, the Cut Out, CO teeth of which are like those of wheel 26 The operation of the mechanism thus far above described, mounted upon a hub 111, described will now be stated. The motor 35 which may be of insulating material loosely shaft. 96, being continually in rotation while mounted upon the shaft 30. To the hub 111 a message is being received, gives constant are fixed two commutator-disks 112 113, (see rotation to the shafts 30. When one or the IOS Figs. 11, 14, and 15,) which disks are insu other of the clutch-magnets X'Y' is ener lated from each other by the insulating ma gized, the end of its core and shell lying in terial of hub 111, or otherwise, and from the contact with the disk 33 or 34 becomes mag shaft 30, as shown in Figs. 14 and 15, each of netic and causes the disk to adhere to it with these commutator-disks consisting of a metal greater or less force, according to the strength Io disk having a rim set with sections of insulat of the local battery. Under such circum 45 ing material alternating with metallic sections stances the attached bevel gear-wheel 28 or in metallic connection with the disk. At 29 is given a tendency to revolve in the same tached to the armature-lever 108 are two direction as the shaft and will communicafe springs 3839, which ride lightly upon the com that tendency to the escape-wheel 26, and I I5 mutator-disks. Outside of each commutator drum 94. This tendency to revolve will, how disk and upon shaft 30 are two contact-collars ever, be checked when the line-current is on 114 115, made of insulating material. One of by the escapement-pallets 105 engaging with these collars 115 is rigidly attached to the shaft the teeth of the escape-wheel 26, except when and the other 114 is feathered upon it, so as to the armature 99, carrying the pallets, oscil rotate with it, but to be adjustable lengthwise lates. The pulsations of successively oppo of the shaft. These collars carry springs 42 site polarity sent to line from the transmitter 55 (see Figs. 11 and 16) upon their faces, which cause changes of magnetic polarity in the bear continuously against the metal portion poles within the two coils of magnet H', caus of the two commutator-disks and serve two ing the armature 99 to be drawn first to one I 25 purposes: first, to furnish a means of elec side and then to the other, giving an oscil trical communication with the commutator lating motion to the pallets, and permitting disks, and, second, to cause the properamount the escape-wheel 26 to revolve step by step of friction between the rotating commutators one step for each pulsation-in the direction and escapement - wheel and their bearings in which the constant strain of the motor im upon the shaft to cause the commutators to pels it. The strength of the battery used to move with the shaft when permitted by the charge the clutch-magnets X'Y' is so regu 65 escapement. A lock-nut 116 is provided be lated that when the pallets 105 are at rest hind the collar 114, by the use of which the with a line-current on the clutch-magnet will

- - - - - 461,470 r rotate against the disk 33 or 34 with a fric tion not great enough to overcome the re made in the quickest possible time after the sistance offered by the pallets, but yet suffi pulsation of increased strength has been sent cient to carry the pen-drum with its attach to line from the transmitter. The length of ment, when released by the pallets 105, in the stroke of the armature 108 is so adjusted whichever direction the particular clutch and the springs 3839 are so mounted upon it magnet which is energized may determine. with reference to the metallic and insulating When a reversal occurs in the direction of segments of the commutator-disk upon which motion of the transmitting-pen a strong pulsa they bear that, when the armature begins to 75 tion is sent to line through the agency of the move, the spring which was on an insulating increase-controller in the manner above de segment is thrown onto a metallic segment, scribed, and this pulsation affects the magnet and the spring that was on a metallic seg J', which is so organized that it does not re ment is thrown onto an insulating-segment Spond to the ordinary pulsations. The arma without waiting for the reversing- escapement ture 108 of this magnet is attracted and the to act. It results from this arrangement that commutator-disks 112 113 are permitted to the clutches X'Y' are in fact reversed before advance by the space of one tooth of the es the reversing-escapement acts, the action of capement-wheel 110. That one of the springs the escapement simply causing the changed 3S 89 which prior to this strong pulsation was condition to continue until the next reversal 85 20 in contact with a metallic segment, is now in occurs, and increased speed of writing is thus contact with an insulating-segment and vice Secured. versa; and it follows that the circuit of the It has now been explained how the move local battery i has been broken through that ment of the transmitting-pen in a direction one of the magnets X'Y' which was pre to or from either of the interrupters BC will 25 viously in circuit and closed through that cause the receiving-pen to move in the same One which was previously out of circuit. A direction, the movement of the latter pen be tendency to rotate in a reverse direction will ing made up of a series of short steps. It is therefore be imparted to the shaft 98 and apparent, that, as with the system described drum 94 and its pen-carrying arm 21, and this in my former patents, any movement of the 95 direction of motion will continue until an transmitting-pen in a direction intermediate other strong impulse is sent over the line. botween these two directions will cause the On referring to Figs. 17 and 17 it will be receiving-pen to move in a corresponding di Seen that when the transmitting-pen is mov rection; but with a movement made up of a ing in the direction indicated by arrow num number of steps taken at right angles to or OO 35 bered 2, and the motor 95 at the receiving crosswise of each other, the relative number end is causing the shaft 30 to revolve in a di of steps in each direction depending upon rection which when observed from the right the obliquity of the movement of the trans hand end is opposite to the movement of the mitting - pen, the receiving - pen is thus hands of a Watch, the two instruments being caused to substantially follow any movement 40 of the transmitting-pen, and thus reproduce in unison, the spring 39 will be in contact a substantial fac-simile of whatever is Written with a metallic segment of its commutator or traced by the latter. The use of the es disk, closing the circuit of battery i through capement accurately defines the length of clutch-magnet X’ and revolving the drum each step of the receiving-instrument, and, in I to 94 on the left-hand side of the instrument in connection with the equality in radial dis 45 the direction of the arrow, Fig. 17. Upon tance between the pens and the pivotal points reversal the operation of the increase-con of the cords and arms at the transmitting and troller D' E' upon the magnet J’ throws receiving stations, respectively, which I now Spring 39 onto an insulating-segment and secure, insures the substantially accurate re spring 38 onto a metallic segment, cutting in production at the receiving - station of the IIS magnet Y and cutting out magnet X’ and writing of the . causing the drum 94 on the left-hand side of The mechanism for causing the receiving the receiving-instrument to rotate in the di pen to be raised and lowered in accordance rection opposite to that indicated by the arrow with the position of the transmitting-pen will in Fig. 17. The main circuit b being also now be described. . 55 provided with a polarized relay H K similar A temporary circuit-breaker consisting of to the relay H' K' and connections such as two magnet-spools MN, constructed in a man above described, the effect of the ordinary ner and having connections in all respects pulsations and the occasionally strong pulsa similar to those above described, constituting tions over that line upon the pen-carrying the increase-controllers DE and D'E', is pro I 25 arm 22 operated from the other pen-driving vided as a part of the transmitting-instrument. drum 94 is the same as that which has been The transmitting-pen in writing rests upon a just above described with reference to pen platen 117. (see Fig. 2.) which in turn rests carrying arm 21. upon a spring-supported plate 118, which in The purpose of attaching the springs 38.39 its normal position rests against a contact to the armature 108 will now be stated. It is point 120, but when depressed by the press desirable that the change of the clutch-cir ure of the transmitting-pen in writing swings cuit from one clutch to the other should be . on a pivot and meets contact-point 119. (See

461,470 coil N causes the relay 'P' at the receiving Figs. 2 and 17.) A circuit in connects the sup end to release its armature, which falls upon port 118 with local battery in and armature its back point and closes the circuit through 7 O 121, placed between the two coils M N of the wirest and pen-lowering magnet T, causing the tenporary circuit-breaker. Thence the circuit armature 129 and the pen-rest 130, carried by 5 divides and returns on the one side through it, to be depressed and the pen G to descend to wires m' and the coil of magnet M to stop 120, its writing position upon the paper. The ar and on the other side through wires n' and mature will be held in this position by the 75 the coil of magnet N to stop 119. The arma friction-springs 43, and the pen will continue ture 121 vibrates between contact-stops 122 upon the paper until the sender raises the Cd and 123, and a shunt-wire O connects stop 122 transmitting-pen and removes the pressure with the wire m' around the coil of magnet from the platen 117. The support 118 will M, and a shunt o' connects stop 123 with wire then rise, closing the circuit of coil M of ten n' around the coil N. Main line b, after porary circuit-breaker M N through wires in leaving the increase-controller D E, passes m' and making a temporary. hreak in the 5 through the armature 126 of coil M and its main-line circuit b. This temporary break contact-stop 125. Main line C, after leaving results in releasing the armature of the re the increase-controller D'E', passes through lay P at the receiving end, which falls upon contact-stop 127 and armature 126 of magnet its back-stop 134 and closes the circuit of N. The weight of the transmitting-pen in magnet S through wires S and a section of Writing a message depresses the support 118 battery y. The armature 129 and pen-rest against contact 119, closes the circuit m m' 130 are now raised, lifting the pen G from the through the magnet N, and attracts the arma paper, and these parts remain in this posi ture 126, causing a break in main-line circuit tion through the pressure of springs 43 until C. This break is only momentary, since the the transmitting-pen is again placed upon the 25 armature 121 is simultaneously attracted to the magnet N and the shunt around the coils of paper.While these operations are in progress the this magnet through wire o' is closed. The paper-shifting magnet V is inactive, although 95 armature 126 returns to its back stop 127 and both the circuits St pass through certain of the main-line circuit c is again closed. When its coils. This inactivity results from the the transmitting-pen is raised from the paper, fact that the magnet V is of the peculiar con Support 118 rises, the circuit n n is closed struction known as a “consequent pole-mag through coil M, and the main-line circuit b is net. It is made up of two soft-iron rods of did motmentarily broken in like manner. The any convenient length 135 136, (see Figs. 2 and effect of these breaks at the receiving end of 3,) and upon the ends of these rods are Wound 35 the line will presently be stated. First, how helices of the usual construction, Spaces be ever, the devices for raising and lowering the ing left at the centers of the two rods between receiving-pen will be described. the helices of sufficient width to receive an I o5. The receiving-pen is raised and lowered by ordinary armature. At these points it is con means of two magnets ST, placed preferably venient to place pole-pieces 137 l38, which one above the other, and a local battery y. extend outward beyond the contour of the (See Figs. 2 and 17.) The armature 129, coils in such position as to conveniently act which carries the pen-rest 130, is located be upon an armature 139, trunnioned in the or IO tween the two magnets S T and is operated dinary manner. The soft-iron rods 135. 136 upon by both of them. This armature is held are united at their ends by soft-iron heel 45 in such position as it is left by the attraction pieces 151 152, so that there is a continuous of one or the other of the magnets by means ring of iron. When only one of the two sets of friction-springs 43, the spring 131 serving of coils - a are in circuit, the magnetic cir I I5 lmerely to balance the weight of the pen-rest cuit of the magnet V is closed through the and armature. The circuit of magnet S heel-iron opposite to the excited coils, and no passes through wiress, coils v of paper-shift magnetism of consequence is developed in the ing magnet V, a section of local battery y, ar points 137 138. It results that when either of mature 133 of a relay P in the main-line cir the circuits St are separately closed sufficiefit 2 C. cuit b, and its back-stop 134. The circuit of magnetism is not developed in magnet V to magnet T passes through wires t, (some of cause it to attract its armature. When, how 55 these wires, being common to circuits tands, ever, both of these sets of coils a v' are si are marked with both letters, and other local multaneously energized by a current flowing circuits having wires in common are lettered in opposite directions, polarity will be devel I 25 in the drawings in the same manner) coils oped in the points l87 138 and the armature v' of paper-shifting magnet V, thence by wire 139 will be attracted. The connections of cir S to local battery y, thence by wires it to ar cuits St are such that the current of battery mature 132 of a relay P’ in main-line circuit y flows through the two sets of coils v' in c, its back-stop 128, and wire it to magnet T. opposite directions when these circuits are The momentary break in the main circuit c closed, so that it is only necessary, in order to caused by the pressure of the transmitting cause the magnet V to become active, to si sequentpen upon operation the writing-platen of the temporary 117 and the circuit- con multaneously close these two local circuits. breaker M N by reason of the energization of The armature 139 has a play limited by stops 461,470 9 140141, depending from the frame-work of the table, and carries a toe 142, which serves net V attracts its armature, releasing the pa as the trigger of an escapement controlling per-drum escapement and permitting the pa the revolution of the paper-drum 143. The per to feed. This operation does not disturb paper passes from the drum 143 over the the position of the receiving-pen, which is transmitting-platen 117 and the receiving now resting upon the pen-rest 130, for the rea platen 144 and then down, friction-rollers 145 son that both the magnets S and T, being being preferably provided to facilitate its simultaneously energized, will balance each movement and is given a forward tendency other in their effect upon the armature 129, 75 O by the weighted clip 195 or an equivalent ten and the pen-rest will not be moved. sion device. The escapement controlling the It is obvious that to enable the receiving paper-drum consists of a cog-gearing 146, at instrument to reproduce characters traced by tached to the drum or drum-shaft meshing the transmitting-pen the direction of motion with a small pinion 147, the shaft 196 of which of the receiving-pen must accord with that of is provided with two arms 148 149, the ends the transmitting-pen, and to secure an exact of these arms revolving in the plane of the reproduction it is necessary that the length toe 142. When the toe 142 is in its normal of the cords connecting the transmitting-pen position, it will arrest the revolution of one with the hinging-points on the interrupter of the arms l-4S 149, and thus prevent the un drums should be exactly equal to the lengths winding of the paper; but the temporary ac of the corresponding pen-arms of the receiv tion of the magnet V upon its armature 139 ing-instrument; or, in other words, in order withdraws the toe 142 and permits the paper to secure perfect results it is necessary to start drum to revolve until the pinion 147 has madea, the two instruments in unison and keep them half-revolution. The arm carried upon the op in that relative condition. I have devised a 90 positeside of the pinion then comes in contact mechanism for bringing the transmitting and with the toe 142, which has meanwhile returned receiving instruments into unison when they to its normal position. This escapement is SO operation.are not so, and will now describe. it and its adjusted that this amount of rotation of drum 143 is sufficient to move the paper a distance Armature 139 of the paper-shifting magnet 95 equal to the space properly left between two controls three local circuits which have not lines of writing. The means provided at the yet been noticed. One of these circuits at transmitter for causing the simultaneous clos (see Figs. 11 and 17") includes the two polar ing of the two local circuits St at the receiving izing-coils KK' of the governing escapement end consists of two circuit makers and break magnets, local battery u', back-stop 165, and too 35 ers located near the upper left-hand corner of arnature 139. Another circuit ac' includes the field of the transmitting-pen. (See Figs. the coils of magnet J', local battery 2', a brush 1, 6, 7, and 17.) These circuit makers and 166", which I term a “unison - brush, and breakers consist of springs 153 154, attached which bears upon commutator-disk 112, con to a vertical shaft 155, journaled between a tact-spring 39, armature 139, contact-spring plate 156 set over an opening in the table and 167, and stop 168. A like circuit (see Fig. 17) a bracket 157 depending from the table, these a: includes unison-brush 166, and other parts springs playing upon contact-points 158 159. exactly similar to those above described con To the upper end of the shaft 155 is attached nected with magnet J, armature 139, spring 170, carried by armature 139, and stop 171. Id an arm 160, which is drawn forward by a spring When the transmitting-pen is carried against 45 l61 until it rests against a stop 162, in which the switch-arm 160, the springs 153154 leave position the notch 163 formed in its outer end their contacts and break both the main lines is just below an opening 164 in the plate 156, b c, which causes the paper-shifter armature so that it can be readily reached by the part to move to its forward stop, as heretofore of the transmitting-pen just above the nib. stated. As the armature 139 leaves its back IIS The main circuit b, after leaving the tempo stop the circuit t is broken, which depolar rary circuit-breaker MN, passes to spring 153, izes the escapement polarizing-magnets HH'. contact, 158, and thence to the receiving-instru No action now takes place except to shift the ment. Main circuit c, after leaving the tem paper unless the receiving-instrument is out porary circuit-breaker MN, passes to spring of unison with the transmitting-instrument. 55 i54, contact 159, and thence to the receiving The unison-brush 166' is so placed that in instrument. It results that when the trans case there is a Want of unison in the revers mitting operator, having completed a line, de ing-clutch organization of the left-hand side sires to shift the paper he has only to carry his of the receiver it will be in contact with one pen to the upper left-hand corner of its field. of the metallic segments of the commutator 125 and cause its nib to enter the slot 164 and upon which it bears, causing a current to flow press against the arm 160, operating the cir from battery 2' through the circuit ac' and cuit-breaking springs lis3154 and making a coils of magnet J'. This operates the revers simultaneous break in both the main-line cir ing-escapement 110 one step and brings the cuits bc. The two main-line relays PP at the unison-brush again upon an insulating-seg 3D receiving-station simultaleously drop back, ment of the commutator, which should be its . their armatures and circuits St are closed, position at the shifting of the paper. In case both sets of coils v ' are energized, and mag there is a Want of unison in the reversing

10 461,470 The provision for shifting the paper at the clutch organization of the right-hand side of transmitting-instrument consists (see Fig. 17) the receiver it will be corrected in a similar of proper circuit connections, by means of manner through circuit ac, brush 166, magnetJ, wires r r", from contact-points 18 and 181 and and the connected parts. The circuits of both spring-extension 182, attached to arm 15, to the polarizing-magnets KIK being now broken the two paper-shifting and pen-raising cir and the main-line circuits being also both cuits St at the transmitting-station, whereby broken, and the clutch-magnets of both halves these circuits are closed by the rocking of the 75 of the system being so set as to carry the re switch-lever 160 and arm 15 at the comple ceiving-pen toward the upper left-hand corner tion of a line of writing. Connections for this O of the field, it will be seen that the two gov purpose are shown in broken lines, Fig. 2. erning-escapements, having nothing to retard The paper is thus simultaneously shifted at them, the receiving-pen, if behind the trans the transmitting and receiving stations. mitting pen, will be permitted to run without Provision for shifting the paper at the trans hinderance to the left-hand upper corner of mitting-station independently of the receiv its field, where it will be stopped by pins ing-station is also made, and consists of a properly placed upon gear-wheels 28 29, said push-button. 20, so placed that when depressed pins being arranged to come in contact with it electrically connects contact-stops 18 and fixed stops. If prior to the shifting of the 181. When the operator has completed the paper the receiving-pen was in advance of the sending of his message and placed his pen in 20 transmitting-pen, it will have been checked by these stops and the transmitting-pen will the rack, he presses button 20 a sufficient have overtaken it at the paper-shifting Switch. number of times to move his paper forward, Complete provision is therefore made for se so that clean paper is brought under his re curing unison between the two pens. ceiving-pen; and by the connections just de After the paper has been shifted and the scribed he accomplishes this without disturb 25 transmitting and receiving instruments have ing the connections which control the paper been brought to unison, the transmitting-peri at the distant station. is withdrawn from the Switch-lever 160 and I will now describe an improved pen-rack 95 the writing of the next line proceeds. The for holding the transmitting-pen when not in effect of the withdrawal of the pen is, of use, which forms a part of my present inven course, to reverse the positions of the circuit tion and is illustrated in Figs. 8, 9, and 10. making and breaking arms 86, closing the This rack consists of a tube 51, supported be tween two posts 52 52. At the center of the . OC circuits d of the increase-controllers DE and tube is fixed a collar 172, to which is rigidly D'E'. If, however, these circuits are closed fixed a curved projecting jaw 54, and to which 35 while the main-line circuits are still open, no is pivoted another projecting jaw 53. The increased pulsation will be sent to line and jaw 53 projectS into as well as out of the tube, the receiving-instrument will not be reversed. and to its inner end is pivoted a rod 55, ex To provide against such an occurrence a cir tending centrally through the tube 51 to one cuit making and breaking arm 15 is provided, of the posts, (52) and carrying on its end an rigidly fixed to the shaft 155 and playing be upright rod 173, which extends down through tween contact-points 1819, (see Figs, l, 6, 7, and below the post 52 and carries at its lower and 17,) and the circuit d of both the increase IIC controllers D E and D'E' is caused to pass end a block of insulating material 57. Wrapped through the arm 15, contact-point. 19, and loosely around the rod 55 is a spiral spring 56, wires ll, connected there with, as heretofore of considerable strength, fastened at each end 45 stated. Consequently neither of these cir to washers 61 62, washer 61 being fastened to cuits can be completed while the lever 15 is the tube 51 and Washer 62 being attached to the out of contact with the stop 19. Arm 15 is rod 55. The insulating-block 57 has set in it I 5 so placed on shaft 155 that as the transmit two contact-springs 174175, which are respect ting-pen is drawn away from the lever 160 and ively connected to line-wiresbandic. Four con that lever returns to its position Springs 153 tact-stops 176 177 178 179 are provided, with 154 strike their respective contact-points and one pair of which (176 and 177) are connected close the main circuits b c before the arm 15 the wires in circuits bc, respectively, passing to reaches its contact 19. The circuits d there the transmitting-instrument at the home sta fore cannot be closed until after the closing tion, and with the remaining pair of which (178 of main-line circuits b c, even if arms S6 are 179) are attached the wires bc, passing to the actuated while the main-line circuits are receiving-instrument at the home station. still open. As soon as the arm 15 reaches its The jaws 53 54 are so shaped as to form be I 25 stop 19, which will be immediately after the tween them a recess adapted to hold the nib closing of the main circuits bc, both increase of the pen and retain it in a fixed, preferably controllers will simultaneously operate to send an upright, position. These jaws also pref a strong impulse through both main lines, erably flare outward to permit the pen to be causing a reversal to take place in both the forced between them into the recess. The reversing-escapements at the receiving end effect of introducing the pen into the recess and setting the clutches in proper manner to is to swing the jaw 53 on its pivot and draw cause the receiving-pen to follow the motion the rod 55 against the tension of the spring of the transmitting-pen. 56 to the left, causing the springs 174 175,

461,470 1. (see Fig. 10,) which when the pen is being ture 199 is drawn back from its magnet by a used for transmitting rest against the con spring 202 in the ordinary manner, and is tact-points 176 177, to leave those contact also provided with a side stop 203, against points and be pressed against the contact which it is normally held by a spring 204, points 178 l79, the result being to break the this spring 204 putting a strain upon the ar connection of the line-wires with the trans mature-lever 199 in a direction opposite to the mitting-instrument and place them in con direction in which it is carried by the en nection with the receiving-instrument. The gagement of the screw 201 with the pin 200. cperator, when he has finished using the The contact-spring 197 is attached to the ar 75 O transmitting-pen, Will place it in the rack, mature 199 and rides upon the metallic por and will thereby swing the system from the tion of the block 198 when the armature 199 condition in which it is fitted to send meS is against the side stop 203, and the width of sages to that in which it is fitted to receive this metallic portion of the block 198 is such messages, and the upright position of the pen that the spring 197 will continue to rest upon I 5 in the rack will indicate at a glance that the it as it is moved away from the stop 203 dur system is set for receiving a message, and ing the time occupied by a number of revo afford a check against carelessness on the lutions of the shaft 30. part of the operator. The function of this pen-rack is therefore the same, substantially, The resistance of the magnet L is made as that of the rack described in my former such with reference to that of the motor that patents. It is, however, superior to that rack it will take sufficient current when the mo in point of simplicity, and in that it gives the tor is in circuit to energize it and cause it to pen a position immediately over the field and attract its armature. When therefore either holds it in a more conspicuous manner and of the relays P or P' is energized and its ar 25 a more convenient position. When the pen mature rests upon its front contact, the mag is taken from the rack for the purpose of net L will be energized, the pin 200 on its transmitting a message, the action of the armature will be held out of engagement with spring 56 automatically returns the contact the screw 201, and the spring 204 will hold springs 174 175 to their position in contact it in contact with the stop 203, the spring 197 95. with the contacts 176 177 and completes the will rest upon the metallic portion of the circuit for transmitting. block 198, and the circuit of the motor will be It will be observed that with this organiza closed. If, however, both of the relays P. P. tion when the transmitting-pens at both ends are de-energized and both of the circuits v of the line-wire are hung up both of the U' in consequence thereof are broken, the OO 35 stronger line-batteries Z Z' will be cut out magnet L will release its armature, pin 200 and only the two small batteries 2 2' will be will engage with screw 201 and be carried on line, and these batteries being opposed in away from the stop 203 against the tension of polarity will neutralize each other and the con the spring 204 as the shaft 30 rotates, so that dition of the line will be equivalent to that of if the break in the two main-line circuits con having no battery in circuit. The main-line tinues long enough the spring 197 will be relays, therefore, at both ends of the line will carried out of contact with the metallic por rest on their back points. I take advantage tion of the block 198, and the motor-circuit of this fact to control the operation of the will be broken, causing the motor to stop. It motor in the following manner: The motor is results that When there, is an effective cur O 45 normally in circuit through the wire W with rent on either of the main lines b c the cir the whole of battery y, only a section of this cuit of the battery y will be closed through the battery being required to operate the mag motor; but when there is an effective current nets S, T, and W. Circuit Wis provided with in neither main-line circuit the motor-circuit a circuit maker and breaker consisting of a will be broken and the motor will stop after I T5 spring 197 riding upon a block 198, partly a few revolutions of the shaft 30. The spring of metallie and partly of insulating mate 197 is so adjusted with reference to the me rial. The umotor-circuit has two branch cir tallic portion of the block 198 that the cir cuits v w', one of which (w) includes the cuit of the motor will not be broken in bring armature and front stop of relay P, and the ing the transmitting and receiving pens to 55 other of which (U') includes the armature unison under ordinary circumstances, or, in and front stop of relay P. other words, unison will be reached before Both of the circuits U v' pass through an the spring 199 is carried off from the metal ordinary single spool-magnet Li, having all portion of the block 198. . armature-lever 199 trunnioned upon double It follows from this construction that when I 25 . pivots so as to move to and from the magnet the transmitting-pen is placed in the rack the and also sidewise in either direction, as shown relays of the distant receiver will both be de in Fig. 11. The magnet L and its armature energized and the motor at this distant sta 199 are so placed with reference to one of the tion Will be brought to rest after a few revo shafts 30 that a pin 200, fixed to the outer lutions of its shaft, 30, and that when both end of the armature, will engage when the transmitting-pens are placed in their racks, armature is released by its magnet with a there being no effective current on line, both screw 201, carried by the shaft. The arma- transmitting-pensmotors will come to is rest.taken Iffrom now itsone rack,of the it

12 461,470 will cut out the relays at the transmitting end in the direction of a line of writing instead through the agency of the pen-rack switch, of in a direction perpendicular thereto. and at the same tin.e. by throwing the cur The receiving-pen may in some cases ?on rent upon the main line it will close the re sist of a simple pencil or tracer and the ink. 7 o lays at the distant end and start up the mo Supplying apparatus be dispensed with. tor, which will remain in operation until the The closing and breaking of the local cir message is completed and the pen again hung cuits for lowering and raising the receiving up. This organization gives the transmit pen may be effected by a special key instead ling operator the full control of the motor, as of by the transmitting-pen or by a circuit 75 well as of all of the rest of the machinery at closer arranged and operated in any suitable IO late. the receiving end. The paper, instead of being shifted by a Modifications may be made in most of the Weight controlled by an escapement, may be details of the system and still it will contain shifted in any other desired manner, as by my invention. A few of the more general separate circuits for this purpose, or the modifications which may be made will be re means for shifting the paper or raising the ferredWhile to. I prefer to operate the governing re pen, or both, may be omitted. versible escapement-magnet by pulsations of Separate line-wires may be employed for successively opposite polarity, I do not con operating the reversing-clutches instead of fine myself to a system in which such pulsa using an increased current for that purpose; tions are used. I have secured good results or other changes in the current besides an by merely making and breaking the line-cir increase thereof may be resorted to for this cuit, as in the system described in my former purpose. patents, these impulses of like polarity oper Also, as stated in my prior Letters Patent, 90 ating a governing-escapement magnet. the movements necessary to reproduce the It is not essential that two line-batteries of message, instead of being imparted to the unequal strength be employed, as the alter receiving-pen, may be wholly or in part in nately positive and negative pulsations may parted to the paper. It is therefore to be be sent from the transmitting station by understood that whenever the movement of 95 means of a pole-changer operated and con the receiving-pen is referred to as forming trolled by the interrupters or in any other the characters that also includes the equiva suitable mannel'. lent movement of the paper, and that for the While I prefer an electric motor as a source purposes of this specification a recording-sur of power for driving the receiving-pen, in face movable for the purpose of forming char dC. that it is more readily controlled from the acters is the equivalent of a movable pen. 35 transmitting-station than other forms of If preferred, two motors may be used for prime motors, I do not limit myself to the use operating the receiving - pen, governed by of such a motor, but may employ in its stead pulsations transmitted over the two circuits, any convenient type of mechanical motor or respectively. a shaft rotated from any appropriate source No particular form of interrupter is essen O of power. Under the term “motor I intend tial in my invention. I intend to include to include any and every device from which under that term every device by means of power may be derived. which electric pulsations, whether success It is to be understood that in this applica ively of the same or opposite polarity, may be C) tion, as in my former patents, the terms rapidly produced in the circuit. 45 “character,” “writing,” and “message,’ as I do not confine myself to the particular herein used, include any matter, such as pic form of reversing mechanism shown herein, tures, maps, drawings, diagrams, and arbi meaning to include under that term all forms trary characters of all kinds, as well as ordi of mechanism adapted for the purpose. So, II 5 nary and short-hand writing; also, that the too, I mean to include under the term “gear term “paper’ includes any surface suitable or “train of gearing’ all forms of suitable for writing or from which any Writing or mechanism adapted to continuously transmit power. printing is to be traced. If in addition to I contemplate the use of each of the sev transmitting messages in Writing it should eral foregoing improvements separately, as 55 be desired to capacitate the mechanism to well as in conjunction with each other. Thus, transmit and reproduce diagrams, maps, and for instance, I intend to protect herein the pictures, all that is necessary is to allow the feature of my invention which consists in transmitting and receiving pens to have the employing pulsations of successively oppo necessary range of movement in each direc site polarity, whether those pulsations ener tion.In some cases it may be preferred to Write gize the motor-magnets of the receiving-pen the message in the form of a single line extend directly, as in the organization shown in my ing along the length of a narrow ribbon of said former patents, or whether they operate paper, as suggested in my former patents, and the receiving-pen by restraining or regulating 13| in such cases it will only be necessary to ar the force which moves it, as in the organiza range the mechanism for shifting the paper tion shown herein meaning to include both

461,470 3 varieties of receiving - instruments when I the receiving-pen, whereby the direction of Speak of a motor governed in the application - the movement of the latter may be reversed, of its power to the receiving-pen by said pull clutch-magnets connected with the reversing sations;mentS. and so of my other several improve mechanism and provided with electric con I do not herein claim the methods and pro nections, a commutator or other suitable cir cesses hereinbefore described, as they are cuit-controller for controlling the energiza claimed in my other applications, Serial Nos. tion of the clutch-magnets, a magnet control 318,091 and 324,232. - ling the position of the commutator or other IO circuit-controller, and means for electrically I do not limit myself in any of my claims controlling the last-named magnet from the to the same construction of apparatus as that transmitting-station, and thereby operating herein shown and described; but under the the reversing mechanism at the receiving terms “means,” “ mechanism,” and similar station upon a change of the direction of mo expressions I intend to include all other de tion of the transmitting-pen, substantially as vices whatsoever capable of being substituted Set forth. - for the structures or elements thereof claimed. 4. The combination of a transmitting-pen, I claimHaving is thus described my invention, what an electric circuit, an interrupter operated 1. The combination, with a transmitting through said pen and producing pulsations pen, of an electric circuit, an interrupter op in said circuit, a receiving-pen, a motor for erated through said pen and producing pull moving the receiving-pen and caused to op sations in said circuit, a receiving-pen, a mo erate thereon through said pulsations, a train tor giving movement to the receiving-pen and of gearing connecting the motor with the re caused to operate thereon through said pull ceiving-pen, a part of said train consisting of 90 25 sations, a reversing mechanism between the a magnetically-controlled clutch, and electri motor and the receiving-pen, whereby the di cal connections with the transmitting-station rection of movement of the latter may be re controlling said clutch, substantially as set versed, magnetically-controlled clutches con forth. trolling the reversing mechanism, a current 5. The combination of a transmitting-pen, 95 controller at the transmitting-station for caus an electric circuit, an interrupter operated ing a temporary change in the line-current through said pen and producing pulsations in upon each reversal of the direction of motion said circuit, a receiving-pen, a motor for mov of the transmitting-pen, and circuit connec ing the receiving-pen and caused to operate tions whereby such temporary change in the thereon through said pulsations, a train of OO 35 line-current operates upon the magnetically gearing connecting the motor with the receiv controlled clutches to cause the direction of ing-pen, a reversing mechanism constituting movement of the receiving-pen to be reversed, a part of said train of gearing, and electrical substantially as set forth. connections with the transmitting-station con 2. The combination, with a transmitting trolling the reversing mechanism, substan pen, of an electric circuit, an interrupter op tially as set forth. - erated through said pen and producing pulsa 6. The combination of a transmitting-pen, tions in said circuit, a receiving-pen, a motor an electric circuit, an interrupter operated giving movement to the receiving-pen and through said pen and producing pulsations in said circuit, a receiving-pen, a motor for mov O controlled in the application of its power to ing the receiving-pen and caused to operate 45 the receiving-pen by said pulsations, a re thereon through said pulsations, a train of versing mechanism between the motor and gearing connecting the motor with the receiv the receiving-pen, whereby the direction of ing-pen, two electrically-controlled clutches movement of the latter may be reversed, mag constituting parts of said train of gearing, netically-controlled clutches controlling the and electrical connections with the transmit II5 SO reversing mechanism, a magnet in line-cur ting-station, whereby one or the other of said rent controlling the clutches, and a current clutches is brought into operation according controller at the transmitting-station for send to the direction of motion required to be given. ingtoline currents of increased strength upon to the receiving-pen, substantially as set each reversal of the direction of motion of the forth. 55 transmitting-pen, and thereby operating the 7. The combination, in a telautograph sys last-named magnet to control the action of tem, of a receiving-pen, a motor for giving the clutches and cause the direction of move movement to the same, a reversible escape ment of the receiving-pen to be reversed, sub ment controlled from the transmitting-sta stantially as set forth. tion, whereby the application of the power of I 25 3. The combination, with a transmitting the motor to the receiving-pen is governed, pen, of an electric circuit, an interrupter op reversing mechanism between the motor and erated through said pen and producing pulsa the escapennent, consisting of two reversely tions in said circuit, a receiving-pen, a motor acting gear-wheels provided with portions ca giving movement to the receiving-pen and pable of magnetic attraction, and two mag controlled in the application of its power to nets rotated by the motor, the magnetic por the receiving-pen by said pulsations, a re tions of the gear-wheels acting as armatures versing mechanism between the motor and for the two magnets, respectively, and elec

4 481,470 trical connections controlled from the trans such that power is transmitted through the mitting-station, whereby one or the other of frictional contact of their surfaces sufficient these magnets may be energized at the will to drive the receiving-pen, but insufficient to of the transmitting operator to grip its gear overcome the restraining action of the escape wheel, substantially as set forth. ment, substantially as set forth. 8. The combination of a motor, a telauto 12. The combination, with a transmitting graphic receiving-pen, an escapement for gov pen, of an electric circuit, an interrupter op erning the application of the power of the erated through said pen for producing pulsa 75. motor to the telautographic receiving-pen, an tions in the circuit, a receiving-pen, a motor O electro-magnetic frictional clutch constitut for giving movement to the receiving-pen and ing a part of the train of gear between the governed in the application of its power to motor and the escapement, and electrical con the receiving-pen through said pulsations, a nections for operating the clutch, as required, reversing mechanism situated between the to cause the motor to operate the telauto motor and the receiving-pen, consisting in part graphic receiving-pen, substantially as set of two electro-magnetic frictional clutches, forth. . electrical connections, and a commutator or 9. The combination of a motor, a driven other suitable circuit-controller whereby one mechanism, an escapement for governing the or the other of the said clutches may be op application of the power of the motor to the erated, a magnet controlling the position of the driven mechanism, a power-transmitting de commutator or other circuit-controller, and vice intermediate between the motor and the electrical connections with the transmitting escapement, consisting in part of a magneti station, whereby the transmitting Operator cally-controlled frictional clutch, one part of may operate the last-named magnet, and there said clutch being moved by the motor and by control the direction of motion transmit the other intermediate between the motor ted from the motor to the receiving-pen, Sub 25 and the escapement, and electrical connec stantially as set forth. tions whereby the magnetizable portions of 13. The combination of a commutator-disk, Said clutch may be excited in a determinate an escapement by which the position of the 9 S degree, whereby power is transmitted by the disk is controlled, a magnet controlling the friction of its surfaces sufficient to drive the escapement through its armature and con driven mechanism, but insufficient to over tact, a spring through which an electric cur come the restraining action of the escape rent passes to the commutator, said spring be ment, substantially as set forth. ing attached to the armature of the escape ICO 10. The combination, with a transmitting ment-magnet, whereby the change of current pen, of an electric circuit, an interrupter op controlled by the commutator is effected im 35 erated through said pen for producing pulsa mediately upon the movement of the arma tions in the circuit, a receiving-pen, a motor ture, substantially as and for the purposes giving movement to the receiving-pen and set forth. I o5 governed in the application of its power to 14. The combination, in a telautograph sys the receiving-pen through said pulsations, an tem, of a transmitting-pen, a line-circuit, a electrically-controlled frictional clutch consti receiving-pen, a motor for giving motion to tuting a part of the train of gear between the the receiving-pen, an interrupter operated lmotor and the receiving-pen, one of the parts through the transmitting-pen for sending pull Jo of said clutch being moved by the motor, and sations over the circuit, whereby the applica electrical connections operated from the tion of the power of the motor to the receiv 45 transmitting-station, whereby the magnetiza ing-pen is governed, a reversing mechanism tion of the excitable portions of the clutch, between the motor and the receiving-pen, two and consequently the transmission of power magnets and electrical connections for con therethrough, is controlled by the transmit trolling said reversing mechanism, a commu ting operator, substantially as set forth. tator whereby one or the other of said mag 11. The combination, with a transmitting nets is caused to be energized according to pell, of an electric circuit, an interrupter op the direction of rotation desired, a magnet erated through said pen and producing pulsa governing said commutator, a unison-brush tions in said circuit, a receiving-pen, a motor bearing upon the commutator and forming a for giving movement thereto, an escapement part of a local circuit which includes the com 55 controlling the application of the power of mutator-magnet, and electrical connections the motor to the receiving-pen and in turn having a circuit maker and breaker at the controlled by said pulsations, a train of gear transmitting-station, whereby the transmit I 25 ing connecting the motor with the receiving ting operator can close the unison-circuit, and pen and having as a part thereof two electro thereby operate the commutator-magnet if magnetic frictional clutches, together consti the two pens are out of unison as to direction tuting a reversing mechanism, and electric of motion, substantially as set forth. connections with the transmitting - station, 15. In a tela utograph system, the combi whereby one or the other of said clutches is nation, with a receiving-pen, of a recording emergized as one or the other direction of mo surface, a feeding mechanism for shifting tion of the receiving-pen is desired, the de the recording-surface, an electro-magnet con gree of energization of the clutches being trolling said feeding mechanism, a motor for 461,470 15 giving motion to the receiving-pen, an elec trically-controlled reversing mechanism be energization of the magnets causes momen tween the motor and the receiving-pen, and tary changes in the line-circuit, substantially a unison-circuit for shifting the position of as set forth. Said reversing mechanism when the receiv 20. An apparatas for effecting a momen ing-pen is out of unison with the transmit tary change in one or more circuits, consist ting-pen as regards direction of motion, said ing of two magnets, each provided with an unison-circuit being controlled by the arma armature which, with a contact-stop, consti ture of the magnet for shifting the record tutes a circuit changer, a third armaturu op 75 IO ing-Surface, whereby the shifting of the paper erated upon by each of the two magnets al and the bringing of the receiver into unison ternately, a circuit connecting the coils of With the transmitter are simultaneously ef each of the magnets with a battery, and two fected, substantially as set forth. . shunt or short circuits, one around the coils l6. The combination, with a transmitting of each of the magnets, the shunt around each So pen, of a receiving-pen, an electric circuit, an magnet being closed upon the attraction of interrupter operated through the transmit said third armature to that magnet, substan ting-pen for producing pulsations in the cir tially as set forth. cuit, a motor for giving movement to the re 21. As a means for controlling the reversal ceiving-pen, an escapement governing the ap of motion of a receiving-pen to correspond plication of the power of the motor to the re with reversals in direction of movement of ceiving-pen and controlled by said pulsations, the transmitting-pen, a commutator control a polarized electro-magnet governing the es ling the circuits of the reversing-magnets and capement and operated by said pulsations, a having a tendency to move, and unechanism magnetically-controlled reversing mechanism controlled from the transmitting-station hold 25 between the motor and the receiving-pen, a ing the commutator in restraint as against Said unison-circuit and connections for causing the tendency and permitting it to move in corre position of the reversing mechanism to be spondence with reversals in direction of move shifted, and means operated from the trans ment of the transmitting-pen, substantially mitting-station for actuating the unison-cir as set forth. 95 cuit connections and depolarizing said escape 22. As a means for controlling the reversal ment-magnet, thereby bringing the transmit of motion of a receiving-pen to correspond ting and receiving pens into unison as regards with reversals in direction of movement of direction of motion and permitting the receiv the transmitting-pen, a commutator control ing-pen to run without restraint and overtake ling the circuits of the reversing-magnet and IC) 35 the transmitting-pen if behind it, substan having a tendency to move, an escapement tially as set forth. holding the commutator in restraint as against 17. The combination of a receiving - pen, said tendency, and a magnet controlling the mechanism for reversing its direction of move escapement and itself electrically controlled ment, a magnet, as J, for controlling the re from the transmitting-station to permit the IC5 40 versing mechanism, a local circuit, as ac', for commutator to move step by step and thus operating the magnet J when the receiving select between the circuits of the reversing pen is out of unison, and connections with the mechanism, substantially as Set forth. transmitting-station for controlling the cir 23. The combination, with a transmitting pen, of an electric circuit, means operated TO cuit ac', substantially as set forth. through said pen for producing pulsations in 45 18. The combination of a receiving -pen, the circuit, a receiving-pen, a motor giving power mechanism for moving the same, con movement to the receiving-pen governed trolled by a magnet, as II, mechanism for re through said pulsations, a circuit for the mo versing the direction of movement of the re tor independent of the line-circuit, a circuit I I5 ceiving-pen, controlled by a magnet, as J, lo maker and breaker in said circuit, connec cal circuits, as at ac', for acting upon the mag tions between the circuit maker and breaker nets H'J', respectively, when the receiving and a normally-moving part of the apparatus, pen is out of unison, and connections with the and an electro-magnet controlling said con transmitting-station for controlling said local nections, whereby cessation of the pulsations circuits, substantially as set forth. on the line-circuit causes operative connec 55 19. In a telautograph system, the combina tion to be effected between the circuit maker tion of a main-line wire, two magnets, each and breaker in the motor-circuit and said provided with an armature, each of said arma moving part of the apparatus, thereby pres lures when on its front or back stop forming ently breaking the motor-circuit, and bring a part of a path for the main-line circuit, ing the motor to rest, substantially as set I 25. a third armature so placed as to be acted forth. . upon alternately by the said two magnets, cir 24. The combination, with a transmitting cuit connections between the coils of each pen, of an electric circuit, an interrupter op magnet and a local battery, and shunt or short erated through said pen and producing pull circuits from the said third armature passing sations in said circuit, a receiving-pen, a mo once around the coils of each magnet and tor for driving the same, and a polarized es closed by the attraction of the third arma capement-magnet for governing the applica ture to that magnet, whereby the alternate ition of the power of the motor to the receiv

463,470 tion of movement of the receiving-pen, sub ing-pen in accordance with said pulsations, stantially as set forth. and means controlled from the transmitting 29. The combination of a transmitting-pen, station for depolarizing the escapement-mag an electric circuit, an interrupter operated 7 O net for the purpose of permitting the pen through said pen and producing pulsations driving mechanism at the receiving-station in said circuit, a receiving-pen, a motor giv to run to unison with the transmitting mech ing movement to the receiving-pen and caused anism, substantially as set fortin. to operate thereon through said pulsations, 25. The combination of a transmitting-pen, a magnetically-controlled clutch controlling 75 an electric circuit, an interrupter operated the connection of the motor with the receiv O through said pen and producing pulsations in Said circuit, a receiving-pen, a motor for ing-pen, and means for producing temporary giving movement to the receiving-pen and changes in the current traversing said circuit, caused to operate thereon through said pull whereby the action of the clutch is controlled sations, a reversing mechanism between the from the transmitting-station, substantially motor and the receiving-pen, and electrical as set forth. 15 Connections for shifting the position of the 30. In a telautographic system, the combi reversing mechanism when the receiving-pen nation of a transmitting - instrument and a is out of unison with the transmitting-pen as receiving-instrument located at the Sane sta regards direction of motion, substantially as tion, a single recording-surface serving for set forth. the pens of both instruments, a feeding mech 26. The combination of a transmitting-pen, anism for shifting the recording-surface, con an electric circuit, an interrupter operated mections whereby the transmitting operator through said pen and producing pulsations may operate the feeding mechanism to shift in said circuit, a receiving-pen, a motor for the recording-surface at the distant station giving movement to the receiving-pen, an es and at the home station simultaneously, and 25 capement for controlling the motor, said es independent connections whereby he may Capement being controlled through said pull shift the recording-surface at the home sta sations, a reversing mechanism between the tion alone, substantially as set forth. motor and the receiving-pen, electrical con 31. The combination of the two main cir 95 nections for shifting the position of the re cuits c, connections whereby temporary Versing mechanisin when the receiving-pen changes are produced in said circuits upon is out of unison with the transmitting-pen as reversals in direction of movement of the regards direction of motion, and means for transmitting-pen, a circuit-controller for si OO Suspending the operative engagement of the multaneously breaking the circuits bc, and escapement to permit the receiving-pen to run a circuit-controller, as 15, for preventing the 35 to unison with the transmitting-pen, substan occurrence of said temporary change while tially as set forth. said circuits are open, substantially as set 27. The combination of a transmitting-pen, forth.32. The combination,- with a transmitting Io5 an electric circuit, an interrupter operated pin, of an electric circuit, means operated through said pen and producing pulsations in through said pen for producing electric pulsa said circuit, a receiving-pen, a motor for giv tions of successively-opposite polarity in the ing movement to the receiving-pen and caused circuit, whereby the receiving-pen is caused to Operate thereon through said pulsations, a to move, and a circuit - controller operated O leversing mechanism between the motor and through the movements of the trans initting 45 the receiving-pen, and means for producing a pen for effecting a temporary change of cur temporary change in the condition of the cur rent-strength in the circuit upon each re rent upon the said circuit upon each reversal versal in direction of movement of the trans of the direction of movement of the trans mitting-pen, substantially as described. Initting-pen, whereby the reversing mechan 33. The combination, with a transmitting so ism is operated to reverse the direction of pen, of an electric circuit, means operated movement of the receiving-pen, substantially through said pen for producing electric pulsa as 28.set Theforth. combination of a transmitting-pen, tions of successively-opposite polarity in the an electric circuit, an interrupter operated circuit, whereby the receiving-pen is caused through said pen and producing pulsations to move, a circuit-controller operated through 55 of successively-opposite polarity in said cir the movements of the transmitting-pen for cuit, a receiving-pen, a motor for giving move effecting a temporary change of current inent to the receiving-pen and caused to op strength in the circuit upon each reversal in erate thereon through said pulsations, a re direction of movement of the transmitting T 25 versing mechanism between the motor and pen, whereby the receiving-pen is reversed, a the receiving-pen, and means for producing pen-rest for the receiving-pen, and circuit a temporary change in the condition of the connections for breaking the circuit to oper current upon the said circuit upon each re ate the pen-rest, substantially as set forth. versal of the direction of movement of the 34. The combination, with a transmitting I 30 transmitting - pen, whereby the reversing pen, of two electric circuits, means operated mechanism is operated to reverse the direc through said pen for producing a series of

461,470 17 electric pulsations of successively-opposite polarity in each of said circuits, whereby the through said pen for producing pulsations in receiving-pen is caused to move, a circuit said circuit, a receiving-pen, mechanism in 25. controller operated through the movements of dependent as regards its source of power for the receiving-pen for effecting a temporary moving the receiving-pen and caused to oper change of current-strength in each of said ate thereon through said pulsations, electrical circuits upon each reversal in direction of connections whereby when the transmitting movement of the transmitting-pen, whereby pen is placed at one extreme point of its the receiving-pen is reversed, a pen-rest for movement the receiving-pen is brought into O the receiving-pen, and circuit connections for unison with the transmitting-pen as regards breaking one of said circuits to lower the pen direction of motion, and electrical connec rest and the other of said circuits for raising tions whereby the pen-moving mechanism at the pen-rest, substantially as set forth. the receiving-station is at the same time 35 35. The combination of a telautographic caused to operate and drive the receiving-pen pen driven from an appropriate source of to its corresponding extreme point of move power, reversing-magnets X'Y', and their re ment, substantially as set forth. spective local circuits, a commutator control In testimony whereof Ihave hereunto set my ling said circuits, magnet J, governing the hand in the presence of two subscribing wit- 4o commutator, and electrical connections with 0SS6S. . the transmitting-station controlling the mag ELISHA GRAY. net, substantially as set forth. Witnesses: 36. The combination, with a transmitting G. F. BENETT, pen, of an electric circuit, means operated MARY A. JENNINGS.