FOR BEST.HOUSES. FOR SALE.HOUSES. FOR SALE.HOUSES. FOR SALE.MISCELLANEOUS LEGAL NOTICES. DENTISTRY. and safe at the south. This is no negro l"i: ItENT-OR SALE-THREE NEW HF FOR SAIJM-EMViL PROPERTY.707 G ST. 17th St. W. M. seO liu | of President Cleveland SALE-MHiNIFi ENT~ BU< K 706 Mb st. n.w. and *th st. one POINDEXTER. ceeded with as In cnse of default. hnnpt; ir>% hand* high: guaranteed mmml awl n.w., 822 n.w.; foITsale-5 loose diamonds; pure white; of this suit Is for absolute divorce In sending troops to Chicago, and contended or all at a bargain. Inquire of CASH1EK. 7u7 FOR SALE.NEW HOU8E8; EAST TERMS; 1618 aliout oarat; each solid The object DR. St. Itarlfw of everything; must !*. aoU; no reu 22d 22 ft. H 10k. Wal- on tbe ground of eitreme cruelty and willful de¬ GRAHAM, 307 7th that It was not in violation of state Miunlil** refused. rail I> j au7-3m prior W. 3. COX. Ac. Extracting money question In the Cnlted Stales , t*>art» old: mnumI; not afrul«l of IT IS IN WISE TO PAY KENT YOU Bv the court, Justice, Teeth no much liecanae and In guranlM Jl'ST AS EASY OWN YOCR OWN HOME AND FOR True copy. T»*t: J. R. YOUNG, Clerk. 4c. our new method of commercial countries, indorsed the adminis¬ ad\ tiling; sold for want of use; $75. Address SALE.LOUNGE, *2.80; eOOK STOVES, *5; Asst. Clerk. .2*-lawlw palniesaly extracting Illustrates the up (u t*. M. Star office. oe5-2t* HE YOUR OWN UXDLOKI). FOR SALE.LOTS. oak desk. $8; $1 per «<*k for bed room and par¬ By M. A. CLANCY, T'dateD*w" of all our IKw't for- tration and lin&nclal policy, and commend¬ We can offer you kowt in very d»sirable loca¬ lor CfcU operation*. ed the FoYt S.ILE-A DARK milt.s;low price*. REDMOND'S CHEAP ESTATE OF REUBEN B. CLARK, LATE OF THE get that there* nothing In dentistry »f President for his refusal to sign the BAY HOUSE; KIND AND tions ami on very easy terms. Tell us what you FOH SALE.HANI)S*O.MEST LOTS IN CITY. CASH AND TIME HOUSE. 813 7th «t. cw.ipy4-tr OF OOWMBIA. 6310. DOC. 5W. eanrxit do and do I"rh-e* tariff bill, and the fi'Otir; not afraid of steam or laMe . we save DISTRICT excellently. rery proclaim thereby cessa¬ ears: lady requlr ami will you all the worry and TIIE CONNECTICUT AVENUE HEKiHTS l>een made to the Supreme moderate. Extracting iialuleaely, jo cvnta. tion af all tariff can drive; owner has no use for blm; will sell trouble Incidental to house hunt lug. Rend the (Formerly the Wm. W. Phelps tract). FOIt SALE-'OTTO" OAS' ENGINES. BOTH NEW Application having reform. . 1212 st n and sciond-band; any sise. r^urt of tbe District of Columbia, holding Orphans EVANS DENTAL I'AltI> >RX, heap. £ w. or4-3t* following: ON LINE OF THE METROPOLITAN, testament and RepaMlesa 210 N st. n.w.; brick front; CONNECTICUT Send for circular or call on C« urt. for probate of a last will and 1217 PKXXA. AVE. X.W. 13d Csllegr Lesgse. foil SALB.CHEA1'.A GRAY MAKE: » YEAKti press containing AVE. AND nl2-tr D. BALLAl'F. for letters on said by Louise M. D. Clark 1H 8 rooms ami bath, with all modern Improve¬ F STREET CARS, Agt.. 731 7th at. n.w. estate, FREE DENTAL The national executive committee of the old; band* high; sound an/1 gentle: suitable hand¬ and William T. Ualllber, executors named in said IXFIKMARY-DENTAI. DEI'AItT- for lady. of H J. SACKS, Urj 1 n.w. ments; large reception hall; oj»en tire place Overlooking to Bicnt of < olutulilaD 13'JS II at n.w. American Apply at. tiled; cabinet mantel-*: THE HANDSOMEST 1»AUT OF will, this Is to give notice to »11 ME SADDLE to lot SERIES OF October. A.D. 18»4. at 10 o'.-lock a.m., to show Extracting oc4-tf HOK8E: WELL cellar; party wall worth $1.V) purchaser; RESIDENCE LOTS EVER submitted U16 13TII ST. DESIKAIilJC FOB. OR UN- not l>e their next annual convention at Grand l»rtd. awl gentle and well waited; price, $75; Mild 20x100 to large alley. This is a lovely hoiue. and iu this city for seekers of very choice home N.W., cauiie why such application should granted. for want ot use. Mr. Lanier fur. room*. With or without excellent Iwanl; Attest: L. 1'. WRIGHT. on CiOODE, Heights. will be sold at a sacrifice. Only »inall cash pay- sites at the low prices of from $ti,000 per lot on room and Rapids. Mich., Friday, April 5. 1N«. oc4-*t* ment In notes of each, terms to suit those dwell¬ private family; l>o»rd, *22 eacli; can Register of Wllla, D. C. Isn't Hard Grand required, $40 pay¬ erecting acceptable accommodate 3 or 4 person*. 8. T. THOMAS, Proctor tor Applicants. Rapids. In order to secure the con¬ 91 lo WILL BL'Y A HOKSE, Bl'UUY AND HAft- able luouthiv. < all upon, or address, owner, ings. To get good dentistry. The beat of vention. put up a to nens; new four months WALTER P. DEAN. 602 P st. n.w. 0c5-tf BUIIsDEUS, ARCHITECTS, IIOMESEEK CLEAN. WELL-COOKED FOOD; TABLE FUR- se21-law2w grade anythln large guarantee fund ago; reason for selling, ERS, can be Jiad If you pay enough. defray the ex|>enses of the convention, and leaving town. Apply at alexandria- STABJJ^. FOK KALE 2-STORY BRICK; I ROOMS; WATER CONNECT1CIT AVENUE HEIGHTS nlshcd with the be*t the markets afford; large, the cltlsens O st. bet. Ml aad 10th ats. n.w. Call for King's BEST PLACE TO BU1U>. clean, bright, sunny 2d and 3d floor rooina, nicely But Fii*t-clasa Dentistry at moderate prlcea ran enthusiastically pledged * in house; Callan ft. n.e.; bargain nt $1,400. - team. oc4-3t* BEST INVESTMENT. and cleanly furnished; use of bath. 201 U st.n.w. RAILROADS. only be obtained In on office*, for a very food hearty welcome to the college boys of ocTV-3ruo L. STARGARDTER. 613 15th st. n.w. TERMS TO SUIT. ocl-6t* America. the foKSALt L*ND BAY MAKE; « YEARS full PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. reason.r.o other* bare our facllltlea. Among expected speakers of FOR MALE-BY ASSIGNEE. AT UWTIIA.Uwf, Plats, prices, particulars by corner the occasion will be ex-President old: suitable for driving or light draft; Including NO. 1030 15T11 ST. N.E.; NEW 7-ltOOM HOUSE; J. B. WIMER, REAL ESTATE, 0U8 13TH ST. Station of 6tb and B streets. Visit other dentist* and look around; then coma Gov. Harrison. sidebar buggy awl harness, or sell separate; ALL MOD. IMP.. LOT 17X95 TO MIST oc5-3t FOR SALE.BICYCLES. In effect June 24, 1894. to ua and note 'be difference. McKlnley. ex-Speaker Reed. Congress¬ cheap for easli. 1113 D st. n.e. oc-4-3t* ALLEY; 10:30 A.M. PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED..Pullman man Burrows and M. BE SOIJ> AT ONCE. FOR iAIJ5.CONNECTICUT AVENUE HEIGHTS. Chauncey Depew. F»>K SALE I P1U4*E M.MO FOR SALE $55 CASH-COLUMBIA BICYCLE; Coaijiartment, Sleeping, Dining, Smoking and Obser¬ Extracting, 28c. With Sono or gaa. SOc. Clean¬ Vork liiVE SEVERAL VERY FINE SEC THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF pneumatic tires; In good order. at 121# vation Cars Harrlshurg to Chicago, Cincinnati, ln- ladepeadeat* for VsC. on-1-hand landaus, broughams. victorias, T carts W. HENRY WALKER, ASS1GNEE.1006 F N.W. CONNECTICUT AVENUE HEIGHTS, Inquire dlanapoila, Cleveland and Toledo. Buffet Parlor ing. 75c. Silver fllllnga. 75c. PI*Una, $1.00. a ocft-3t 6th St. n.w., after 4 p.m. uc5-2t» In spite of the numerous awl variety of other ttaps, awl several sets of COR. CONN. AVE., LE ROY PLACE AND BAN¬ Oar to Harrlshurg. Gold, according to alxe. Solid gold crowns, $7.5a conferences which sc«'owl-hawl coach harness in good order. The CROFT »OR 10:30 A.M. FAST LINE.-Pullman Buffet Parlor have been held the alxive FOR HALE- LARG E, FINE. NEARLY NEW HOUSE l'LACE, SALE-BICYCLE," NEW MACHINE. WITH between committee of stock, left on storage, to l»e Mild at a very on Md. ave. n.e., next to 12 MOST DESIRABLE SITE IN THE DISTRICT FOR pneumatic tire; bell, toirt *ea- Car to Ilarrlstmrg. Parlor and Dining Cars Uar- low price. DOWNEY'S R£K*UBRURY AND STA¬ Cjpitol; larjre NMi; ELEGANT APARTMENT lamp, Uj, /fee.; rlsliurg to Pittsburg. Very Best Teeth, $8.00. seventy and the Independent organisations of bath, furnace rmmi and large attic, with eusy HOUSE, Konablc terms. ln<|Ulre at Room 2, 1427 F st. 3.15 P.M. Sola owner* of ZONO. for pnloleaa extracting, New Tork BLE?*. 1«24 L at. n.w. »44t stairway to same; has all m.l.; including burglar COMMANDING CITY, H1VER AND SUBURBS. oc4-2t* CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS EXPRESS. city, tending to concentrate upon alarm, electric gas Hghtfiu;. 2 iiiln. from CONN. AVENUE CARS. .Pullman Buffet Parlor Car to Harrlsburg. Sleep¬ without aleep or danger. one cltlsens' for V«»lt SALE AT A BARGAIN.A VERY 1IAND- Ac.; bay-window R uiin. walk from Dl'lMNT CIRCLE. FOR ing and Dining Cara to St. Louis. ticket the coming municipal some first-clans 2 or 4-seated for 1 horse-, front ami rear lot 20xHr> with uuolietructed view KALE -BUY YOUR SECOND-HAND WHEELS Harrlshurg trap and 12-f<*»t right of to 11 st.; ob¬ The advertiser feels well enough assured of of resiKinslble dealers. It will pay you. Cincinnati, Louisville ami Chicago. U. S. Dental Association, ekctlon. nothing definite has yet been ac¬ very light weiirbt; as good as new. Address F. way nothing success of such a as to 7:10 P.SL WESTERN EXPRESS.-Pullman S. A.. Star office. jectionable and a very choice home, l'rice re¬ the house predict a ten CLINE BROS., 715 13th St. n.w. Victor and Weep¬ OOR 7TH AND D N.W. complished. A general conference of all the ocl-«t# t ent investment in it aud will take a ing Car to Chicago, and to Cleveland. Interested duced to $10,500. W. S. MINNIX, 1427 F n.w. l»er limited other bl< ycles. "'3 Car to Harrlsburg ae29 Baltimore office. 1 N. Charles at. organisations was held In the r*>ii saljc . at a bargain-two-seated of the stoik. Dining Chicago. KlU FOlt 03 7:10 P.M. SOUTHWESTERN EXPRESS.-Pullman United Charities' building last night, and. carriage, buggy and horse; suitable for any rrt11. WIMER, REAL ESTATE, 608 13TH ST. SALE~NEW CAPITALS; PNEUMATICS: and although John W. Goff was purpose; also harness; no reasonable offer re¬ FOR SALE-GREAT BARGAIN; TWO BRICK oc5-3t reduced *7S, with kit; fully guaranteed. A1 Sleeping Dining Cars to St. Louie, and Sleep¬ named as the HorsES second-hand ing Car Harrtsburv to Cincinnati. FOR SALE.PIANOS. choice of the committee of as can¬ fused. <'all 0-. l) st. n.w., next to Evening RENTING FOR $30.00 PER MONTH for FOR SALE.A BARGAIN IF SOLD AT ONCE- pneumatics, thoroughly overhauled, 10:40 P.M. seventy News otfi«-e. *. oc3-3t* the two; in good neighliortiond ami always rented. $45 up. Call and examine. H. S. OWEN MFI1. PACIFIC EXI'ltKSS.-Pullmaa Sleep¬ I OR 8ALE-A SLIGHTLY C8ED U'RIGUT didate for mayor, nothing was done, other If sold at once, can lie for Sheridan ave. n.w., near 7th st. cars; now laying 1423 N. Y. ave. n.w. ing iVr to Pittsburg. than SALE-A 1mnight $4,200. Apply water on some CO., ocl-tf 7:W> Grand piano for flflo cash. to hear many expressions pro and con foR VERY FINE combination to BANQt A SIMI'SON. 700 14th st. n.w. oc5-3t sewer, aud St.; lot 50x150 ft.; a.m. for Kane, Canandalrna, Rochester and on the horse: 15>, lands: a perfect saddler; shows style lots have sold for 40c. on same street. Price, .**V* Fa"8 daily, eieept Sunday. D. G. FFEIFFER * CO.. question. awl acTiou in harmns; the utoperty of Barou von For sale only 25c. A. S. CAYWOOD, COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. 10:30 a.m. for Klmlra and Renovo, dally, except ocStf 4IT lltt at- a». (esslsr Hill No«titz, who Is about leaving the country. Can NORTHWEST DWELLING. oc&-3t* tltli st. n.w. Sunday. For Wllllamsport dally, 8:15 p.m. Kss-CsbbIIMI. lie seen before 3 o'clock at DOWNEY'S, 10112 PRICE. $10,000. FOR SALE.MT. HANDSOME FOR RENT.HO ACRES; IS MILES FROM ANA- 7:10_p.m. for Wllllamsport, Rochester, Buffalo Senator L). B. Hill was seen last night In L at. oc3-3t Beautiful new brick on PLEASANT; LOT, with WINTER RESORTS. 3-story dwelling wide on Milwaukee st. dngleslde); t<0xl24 to costla; large house, stable and barn; suitable *pd Niagara Falls dally, eieept Saturday, New Tork. and asked to an Foil avenue fronting beautiful park; house contains 11 alley; for ami Sleeping Oar Washington to Rochester. express opinion SALE WAGONS. CARRIAGES AND room* easy term*; only 6ftc. REDFOltD W. WALKER hoarders, dairy, trucking chicken rais¬ 10:40 seaside hovse, the at cost fcr cash; ami liath; heated by hot water ami all m.l.; & UKKJ F st. n.w. oc5-3t ing; *30 per month. CHARLES <3. KIV.W p.m. for Erie, Canandalgua. Rochester and concerning action of the Ohio dem¬ buggies open Tuesday and lot over 100 to wide offer SON, ALT, Buffalo and Sat- Atlantic City. Thursday nights, «:3t> to H o'clock. COOK & lMUj by allev; wanted. Room K, Atlantic building. W30 F st. ocft-3t dally, Niagara Falls dally, eieept all Ocean front, ocracy committee, which yesterday Issued JAUBoE. 32l»5 M St.. W. WESTOTT. WILCOX A 11IESTON, 1907 I'a. ave. FOR SA1JC.AN OPPORTUNITY NEVER BEFORE ord".v. with Slteplng Car Washington to Elmlra. «>|ien year. Washington. ocS-Sm offered--* beautiful lot. in aod Saturday, to F-ybester. oci-aet CHAS. EVANS. an address to the voters of the state to the «$H residence desirable FOR SALE- IN FAIRFAX COUNTY, ON LINE OF For only Washington FOR SALE.WAGONS, WAGONS, WAGONS, every resoect; on grade; near Ecklngton and the railroad, at station; beautiful H-room bouse; Philadelphia, New York and tbe East. effect that tariff reform has be?n won. and largest *tock In the city. Wagou to suit 1X)R SALE- Catholic one fare to almost anv 4 p.m. "CONGRESSIONAL all Par- "NORTHWEST BUSINESS PROPERTY." Unlvertity: part water In house; must be sold; *1,000; *300 cash. LIMITED." MEDICAL. that the money question is now the su¬ eery kind of business. Large bargain for cash. of Washington or Georgetowu; near all principal Call at Kll II St. n.w. oc4-3t* i?r with Dlnlrg Car from Baltimore, for issue J AS. K. l UOBEY, Desirable property fronting 18»* feet on Pa. government departments; 15 minutes to treas¬ New lork dally, for Philadelphia week days. 7:'A). preme liefore the country. "1 have Tbote No. 22ft. fse!3-ln» 123-J 32d st. ave. by depth of 120 feet to 30-foot alley; Im¬ ury; wide streets: wide alley; city water, fire (Dining Carl. 9:00. D:40 (Dining Gar). and AFTER ALL. OTHERS FAIL CONSULT THE OLD not had time," said the Senator, "to give proved by 3-story brick store and now FOR SALE.OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROP- 7.55 reliable Dr. Brother*. 1)06 B at. a.*. the UKi H-CLASS A dwelling plugs, &c.; only $25 eash. Italancc $3 weekly; erty-One of the most fertile taruis in Charles Li00. °»r> ,J:«. » '#. « *>. 10:00 apeclaliat. action of the Ohio democrats proper BOARDING ST BLE. M(>DERATE rented for $45 per month; greatlv reduced for a price. $500; write for full partbulars; 15 minutes' 11:35 p.m. On Sunday, 7:20, 7:55 (Dining 5o year*- e^erlence In treatment of all discasei and rates. washington RIDING ACADEMY. 22d few county; ftOO acres; half 'l-ar.-d, half woodid; Oar). »:«> of inen. free and consideration, it would therefore be days. Price, only $0.O00. WESCOTT. WIL¬ drive from our office. DANIEL Hi ARM AT, an acre. f. M. 11:00 (Dlnl^ Cart am.. 1J:1B. 8:15. couulution strictly cjbft&euUal. and 1* sts. n.w. First-class In every particular. COX * HIESTON. 1907 Pa. ave. oc.V3t only (S O.. Star offlce. **11 4:20, 10.00 and 11:35 For ael7 1*a* manifestly improper for me to express any ae2!»-lm 1313 F st. p.m. PLIIadelpbla only. __ Fiwst carriage surface ia the country; the riding 7:50 a.m. week 2.01 opinion." floor row used for thi~ purpose. No elevators; FOR MALE.GREAT BARGALNS-HOUSES! FOR SALE.BARGAIN FOR EITHER BUILDER and 5:40 days. Express, Roanoke st. nr. 14th (new); 11 rs. and SUMMER pm. dally. GOV. McKISLEY'S TOI'R. Deaserstlr larkeese la IsMsss. sanitary plumbing; coachmen will appreciate the bath.$12,0oo OR INVESTOR; most economical lot In the north¬ RESORTS. "'Boston without 7:80 a.m. week day* superior facilities offered. lessons !>? Princeton st. nr. 14th (new); 10 rs. ami l>nth 10,000 west; eorner 22U and F; 100iti2; $1.75; and 8:15 dalle. change, Yesterday was tie greatest democratic Riding pro¬ 15th near price, p.m. fessional lady teacher. Inspect before st. T; 0 r*. and bath (10 I-3x110).. 6,900 favorable terms to a builder. Apply to BANES On beach, Maryland are., Atlantic Baltimore, Other Political Sftn of latere*! to In the premises M st. nr. 5th; 8 in. and h. (20x108) 14th HOTEL capacity. 2f0; every comfort eis. 7:20. 7*0. 7:W, #:00. 8:40, day Indians campaign this year. It locating. EDWARD CONOVER, M 7.000 jk SIMPSON, 700 st. n.w. oc3-3t City; 11:00 11:#° a.m.. 12:15, 2:01. #:lft the Voter. seC-]m* Manage:. st. nr. 1st n.w.;7 rs. ami bath ami furnace 4.050 IMPERIAL and convenience of a Urst-cUsS (4:«0 Limited). 4:20. 4:86, 5:40, B:14. 7:10, l«m. was the day of the barbecue at Hunting¬ H st. nr. 1st n.w.; 8 rs. ami bath (18x75)... 3.9fio FOR SALB-THE CHOICEST IiOT IN THE N.W. AND home; good table: *2 to $3 per day; 1'15 8lh section. on W st. bet. 14th and 10:J°- and 11:85 p.m. On Sunday. 7:*>. Wednesday night Gov. McKinley «u ton. It Is estimated that from >'.«W to st. nr. P; 6 rs. and bath 3,400 fronting south, COTTAGES. »10 to *18 per week: special rates ,o ao- 11:00 *-m- ,2 '». 1:10- SUBURBAN F st. nr. N. J. ave.; 4r. brick (rented $10».. 2,400 L"»th fts.; 20V.K) feet to a 10-foot alley; offer for families for season. J:S* *J !?11» M;°0 Limited*. T:ia bounding over the Kansas prairie* on hi* M.uw people were there from all over the PROPERTY. See list. 111 Wsshlngtoo; 12-room bricks In the dally, eieept Sundav. custody Cyrus Leland, tables, hundred feet house. all n.w.; stable ami all mod. imp.; THE ELBERON.-ATLANTIC CITY. N. J., TENS, For long, were provided, on which to serve the highly elevated; necessary outbuild side and rear alley: a few doors from 14th and PaclHc area ; refurnished, with all eomea- Annamdle, 7:20. 9:00 aod 11:50 a.m., and the Kansas republican state committee; Ikb; 10 seres Id frnit: shsdo; rtue huuw; a st.; MONEY WANTED & TO LOAN 4:20 p.m. dally, 9:00 a. beef, mutton snd buns. When the great terms easy. Price. $9,500. Apply to owner, lences. M. J. ECKEltT. formerly of the Rosa- m. aid 4:20 except Sunday. Sundays, Col. A. W. Smith, who was candidate for rope Iwnraln. JOHN STEPHEN, 12M F st. n.w. ocft-liu* THE TO LOAN more, and row at 1123 26 13th p.m. which divided the crowd from the table* . FREY, ARTIST, 1343 Corcoran st. ON CITY REAL ESTATE. $30,000. st..Washlngtoa,D.U AOanMc (Vm' Line Express for Richmond. Jack¬ governor two years ago, and J. M. Simpson, FOR 8. HERBERT G1ESY. taylOSm and 4:30 3 30 was broken there was a grand rush down roll HALE-VERY MCE «-UOkliiud. ».!»«>; slso 7-ruom house at Mouth or oc3 3t* Kendall Lnw building, 344 1) sr. n.w. or.l.v. 10:57 a.m. week thousands In the and some m»n Ki.«*laml. terms. rooms; would exchange for first-class ground; W Vs -L* Med on fruit hill faim: Blue Ridge days. the Nebraska line. Charle* A. Atkinson. crowd, were $2.IKK!; ea»jr A|>1>)>' to K. E- only those meaning business need answer. Ad- tso. $1(10. TO LOAN ON SEC- mountain; elevation 20 drive * tconi rooda 1 loo for Quantleo, 7:45 a.m. dally, forced over and under the tables, 1'AIKO, 4.*c I >111.. iM ua avf. w5^it* dress $200 $3U0, $roo 1.W0 feet: minuted aim 4:1!8 week dxrs. r»presenting the Nebraska state committee, barely EUREKA, Star office. oc4-3i*^ .imI trust? or i^rxl collateral swurtty; no dels)'; from depot. Return ticket. *2.29. good to Oc¬ escaping injury. Th«re were three stands Wa.XT*3> TO KENT" A SMALL SI HI KIIA.N FOR SALE 3 STORY sw<»n«l trust notes Room 2, Warder tober 31. Special rate to all families. Send foe .Foe Alexandria. 4:80. 6:85, 7:45, 8:40. 9:45, and F. W. Collin*, president of the Ne- for or p'ltESS-BitlCK BAY-WLN- taught. 10:57. 1I:.»,0 a.m.. 1:40. 4:25. speaking. Senator Voorhees. Gov. Mat¬ plarf, Ihaik furui.hvd or unfurnished, mid dow house; 0 rooms and lot 18x80 to biilldlrg. cor. lith nisi 1'' Kts. n.w. oc3-2t* circular. n I>.C. real cMate security. FRANK T. charge EVTS. 1321 >¦'** w3-3t' Address Box 143, Star office. oc4-Ot* Ticket offlcea. northeast corner of 1Mb street and of the train. The UaWLINGS. Meinlier Washington Slock Exehauge, Used Pennsylvania avenue, and at tbe statlou, «tb ana speech-making began Seaaatloaal Tratlass) Before the V.»u kent the kbuoencb or tuk late FOR SALE-OWNER WILL SELL CHEAP 015 l.VKV I'a. ave. (Arlington Kir* Ins. Co.'s office.) B streets, wbere orders or can be left for tbe check¬ early. At , which was reached Lrxow tee. Ma>«r tieoeral Cairull; furnlahed unfurnished; New Jersey ave. n.w.; tine large house; 10 rms.; ocl-tr ing of baggage to destlnatlou from hotels and real- Con Hilt a* Takoma 1'ark. Apply on prenilws. or liy all mi.; lot by at»out 130 ft. dencea. at 7:30, a few word* of greeting were mall, to Mr». U. M. CAKHOLL, Takoma Park. 22*4 deep: large MONEY lO LOAN ON APPROVED WASHINGTON 8. At the afternoon session of the I>exow po¬ 2-story brick stable: new concreted. Inquire on < Itjr and real estate In sums M. PREVOST. J. R. WtXlD, spoken. Fully 3.000 people were assembled 1>. c. oei-Ot* premises any time after 2 o'clock. oc4-3t Georgetown security. General Pass. lice committee In New York to suit, at 5^ and U i>er cent. GEO. W. L1NKINS, Manager. Gen'l Act. at Clay Center, come In from Investigating FOK ltE\T-HTATre\"lLLE.H-ttM. DWCLL1NU; H00 I'm I: at. n.w. se271ni Plaoos, sell having a In FOR BALE.J7 R CT N.W., NICE, NEW SE\ E.\ yesterday little woman, dressed black, 2-3 acre lot. faring pike; tine atalde, <-arriaKe rooms ami l>ath bri« k all mod. SOUTHERN twenty miles around, and Gov. McKlniey h'.jse and all 2 wnxrete basement horse; imps.; WE ARE MAKING REAL ESTATE LOANS AT ~0 Among our lot of slightly used RAILWAY. took the stand. Mr. Goff prefaced her ex¬ ni dwelling; flne barn; 5 acres; well higher price. Apply se22 1007 i'a. are. slightly shop-worn Pennsylvania morning." said he. "an attempt KERN. Builder, 37 R st. oc3-3t« some Webster <>rand. full i» senger Station. Washington. D. C. a contention among ourselves as to whether .haded; East Bla*." Mr. Goff did not go Into details. first tlMsa order; $7 a mo.; East Uladenabuig. city; 15th st. near T; fine 0-room brick house; plan. If desired. Dl CKETT. DENT A CO.. st- n third octaves, ,beautiful Circassian fk'' .'A?"°**.and Western railroad westward, dally, the American workshop. The republican DVCKErr. UE.NT * CO., all imslern improvements; lot about 20x90; cost toruey.i-a> law, i'.'IT. K st. n.w. se22-lnio walnut _l. Manaaaas for Sun- believes in He drew from the w Itness how she had seSKMw «35 *' «. owner $7,500; must l»e sold; $6,000; terms caaeJ practice pedal, coutinu- Strvsburg, dally, except party retaining both. 1 have to price, MONEY IN HAND TO LOAN ON 01.STItKT REAL ous on ami fall day never been able to understand lavished her money on ei-W'ardman Prank >1 KC>K suit. GEO. T. PARKS. 1410 G ft. odHt hinges top board, TnK OBEAT SOUTHERN FART why any [T. SES~ RENT.CHOICE llOl'SES AXD estate in sum« to suit; no delay In negotiating. with Just as and action and MAILxiVi:.0! fj?.- American citizen should want to give the Wllacn. formerly under Capt. Allaire. She U»s for sale on easy terms at Broukland, l>.C. FOR BALE-NICE LITTLE HOME, NEW JERSEY ALBERT fine,tone -Dally operates I'ullman Buffet Sleepers, K. FOX. with same us °. and foreigner the same free access to this mar¬ was the a house of 111 on <;|:ai-E M. THOMAS. loo Corcoran building. AVE. NEAR M SOUTHEAST; 0-room frame; se22-lm MM K St. n.w. guarantee a brand-new Washington via Charlotte and Co¬ keeper of fame *e2Vlw water i«nd sewer; line rented piano direct from the Free lumbia to Savannah and Jacksonville, uniting at ket that the American citizen enjoys, for threats parking; $10.30; MONEY TO LOAN-WE A KIND factory. ,or Elisabeth street. Under of "pull¬ bargain at $1,350. Apply to BANES A SIMP¬ HAVE OK $5,000. tuning for one year. Handsome new ivm i*T*r Augusta, also .'ariies he contributes nothing to the support of fc 11; KENT-'IK SAIETIll EE NEW HOl'SES, SON, TOO 14th st. n.w. «M;;-3t which we will loan on llrst-class business cr rest- through Pullman Buffet Sleeper New York to Mont¬ this ing" the house he got from her about or will (.ulld to suit 00 style wiih with government, its permanency or its purchaser small moutblj dcnce property at & per cent for 3 or 8 years; carved-Teg hard-wood stool gomery. coou-K-iloni for New Orleans. Con- is to the American everything she posteeeed. She furnished J'U> m ::'s: 7 mil utes* /-Ide on 11. and O. I. J. Ft>bT SALE -<'()RNER I1ILLYER PLACE AND other larger O" smaller sums to loan at fi and piano. Illrmlngham. Ala., Columbua glory- Nothing cheap BAKE11, Owner, Lanirdon, I). C sel4-lm2t* 21ST ST.; beautiful hous4>; 12 rooms; crystal 6 per cent. WM. II. SAUNDERS * CO.. 2?GSi. SOUTHWEST- McKinley, next force the committee . On the Its STEADIER T. V. FOR HALE.BY AlGl'ST DONATH, 611 7TH ST. HEISKELL A McLERAN. f-400. *4v Iit-Siw5r^HI^?7Y, President of the United States." were given day opened AJUiOWS.MlTH, On Sheridan st. near wood a account of case In-lng worn ^ ,) . V LIMITED, ntmimwl of Pull- For Low, r 1'oiomac River Bright ave., fr-roora lOOtt K at. slightly »m1 runs via as the train moved !. way. At Clifton some campaign. He was now living In Phila¬ Landing*. brick; water in and sewer ordered. _ael8 will mil for Ch"Vi °'nlr>* r«ra. On Monday aud U'cduefday a( i;U0 p.m yard Trice, $245; $10 down aud flu V..c2luln,'la to Augusta. Savannah. asked, "How about sliver?" to which Mc¬ delphia. «m Saturday at $1,01)0; very little cash. oc3 MONEY TO 1A)AN.IN ANY BUMS DESIRED, per month. iTandSfd Tampa, Pullman 5:30 p.m vL- V J® carrying Sleeper Kinley replied: Ther came a sensation. Inspector Mc¬ Reiuruing; Airive W«iu«tiiiy and Krida.r morii- FOR HALE-BY Al'GCST DONATII. 011 7TII ST.. A1 & AND « PER CENT. Pullman "You must ask the democrat*. are Idw's. and Suuday about 10 C. \V. O.N KVwNew vJL*?p*k-York to NewAif°,Orleans via Atlanta and They Laughlin's name was dragged In. Mc- p.m. Rll'LEY, A beautiful house on (\ipltol Hill; 0 room<» and WASHINGTON REAL ESTATE. \# . New In full control of the government, and have Oeneral Manager. See schtdule. se2S-tf bath; first^-class ALSJ KUILD-RS' Montgomery, York to Asbeville via Salisbury. was of the elev¬ everything modern; loiidays, W.dnesdajs and Fridays, 3 p.m. 1'asstn- ouly $20.less than rent. Select n.w. se.-tlon. LOWEST RATE OK INTEREST It arty, for Hill, and 4:32 p.m.. dallv, ley. More than people applauded diamond stud he from her to kir ac.t>uim',I;h ,r,ln*. (T?m Washing- they money terms, $300 cash, balance $40 per month. Apply ALLEN W. MALLEttY A GO., 2:20 p.m. and 8 30 p.m. Manas- Senator from Nebraska. He said: where the under age were Mr. STEAMER "WAKEFIELD." to BANES 4 7tn» 14th st. n.w. eat 8.40 a.m. d.ill.v*:«°,from Orange. history, testimony. On Monday. Wednesday and Saturday at 7 a.m., FOR SALE-A CHANCE TO BUY A BEAUTIFUL "WHO WANTS MONEY 1" IK YOI) DO YOU CAN "wrvatfcma aod Informa¬ Sheridan rode from Winchester to rescue She told how Capt. Cross had trapped Gerry for river landings, to Colonial lleach; thcoce to new o room house; all mod. Imps.; near 13th st. get It up>u an lour's notice. We take life In¬ makers. tion furrlshedkl5eplP*at offices,£at Rll and 1300 rennsvlva- his army, one of the first men on whom agents, Becker and Finn, when they took Wliaaim river. Coltou's aud Nomini creek. On n.w.; on small cash payment and monthly. surance iwlkics. Iionds (local or remote), stocks, Reasonable n » atHl at fell his was a baturday. all al*>ve iamllngs and l^ouardtown and $50 hum prbes. Passt-nger Station,¦" Pentwylva- eyes young lieutenant of a $..*«» from her. Th^ men were brought to Price, $0,000. FULLER A FULLER. trusts, association certlOcates. and certitt- £^¦*10 down and a mouth a nl* Rallmod. Washington. D. G unler Gen. who trial. Becker was sent Kt. Clem.ut bay wharves. Returning ou Tuesday, o« 3-4t 5Q4 11th st. n.w. rates of deposit of the loan *10 buys W. 11. Gen. regiment Crook, was acquitted; Finn to awl companies. choice. Old taken as GREEN, Man. his to lor nine l'iiursday Sunday. (Sec schedule). tny24-tr YERKES > BAKER. 17 Sun hulldlng. piatHM part pnyuient, w- *. TT-RR. Gen. Paia. Art. bravely rallying company advance. prison months. Becker escaped, >-S-tf C. W. RIDLEY, tien'l Manager. FOR SAIX-ONLY $1,900 IF SOLD NOW, GOOD and largest value allowed. L.> 8.» BROWN. Gen. Agt. Pass. That young man was William McKinley she said, because he was the son-in-law of BRICK HOUSE IN ALLEY BET. 10TH AND THE NATIONAL MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN Dept. juj (tremendous cheering), and he is Supt. Jenkins of the society. When she NORFOLK and WAS1ILNUTO-V STEAMROAT CO. 17TII STS.. L AND M STS. N.W.; 1^»T 25X71; Association of New York has outstanding loans of BALTIMORE AMldlllo RAn.ROAD. today SIDE AND $1.300,000. It is the oli'est The Piano S hodnle In cffei-t Juim- fighting and winning another great battle left New York, the witness says, she open¬ FRONT. REAR ALLEYS PAVED. and largest In the Exchange, !t. 1894 a DAILY LINE BETWEEN washington. D. C.. fHAS. A. SHIELDS, 1405 F ST VW. ts2 eastern states. If you want a PROMPT loan r.n I^-nve \\aslilngtwi from stution. comer of New for America and Americans. I have the ed saloon In Newark, and was raided by FORTRESS MONROE and 3t_ good security, either tor the building or purchase J< rsey avenue anil C st't^'t. great honor to present to this grand au¬ the police. She went to Capt. Cross, and he NORFOLK. VA. FOR 5ALE.3-STORY LAY-WINDOW BRICK. 1509 of a home. For Chicago snd Northwest, Vi-stllmlcd Limited dience the next President of the United sent Alderman Smith of New lork city Tie new and powerful Iron l*ala< e Steamer* T st. n.w.; 9 rooms and bath; large concreted Call ou or ad lresa E. R. HAIGIIT. sofl-3m erprcm trains. 11:15 a.m.. 8:O0 pm States." to and the there her WASHINGTON and NORFOLK. south anH-clm 1210 For (Indnaatl. St. I/.ul* and Newark, police gave cellar; front; all modern Improvements; Special Agent. K St.,Wash.. D.C. lixll.innixlls. V.-stl- The ovation then tendered to protection. She is now penniless, and lives perfect repair; wld.' paved alley; owner anxious A SQUARE GRAND PIAXO; EXCELLENT CON- Injl,-d Llniltcl. 3:30 p.m., eipreos. 12:10 nigfit. McKinley SOUTH BOUND. to sell and will corslder reasonable no IF YOU WANT TO BORROW, LOAN," BUY OR dltlon: *1R0: terms, *ft <-ash. and lor ritiHburg ami Cleveland, 11:15 was thrilling. His speech was applauded in Brooklyn. I>ave at any offer; SELL real me price. *3 per eipresa daily Wavliington dally 7 p.m. from foot ot commissions. Inquire of estite. let hear from you. I can month. Hl'OO WORCH A* CO.. !*25 7tb st. n.w. a.m. ami 8:3.'. p.m. continuously and rapturously. People kept "This morning." said she. "a man came Ttli »t. wharf, arrive at Fortress Monroe at 6:30 ocl-lw* W St. n.w. sare you time and money. J. EAKLN QADSBY, For Ii-ilngion and Staunton. 11:15 a.m to me and 'You are to a.m. neat OWNER, 1410 fi2C 13th ^ano* tuned, repaired and moved. JylO-Sm coming till !> o'clock, and probably up said. subpoenaed day. Arrive at Norfolk at 7;30 a.m., st. Jy2l lor Winchester and way stations. 5:30 pm heard of the go before the I^exow committee.' 'How do vbere railroad conncctlona are made for all point* FOR SALE.NEW. PRETTILY 1DESIGNED BROWN- TO MEET THE POPULAR DEMAND AND AO- lor l.uray, Nalural Bridge, Koaouke, Kuoxvllle. people parts speech. Today south and southwest. stone and pressed-brlck front, containing 7 con¬ MONEY TO IjOAN ON APPROVED CITY REAL < I attanociga. he goes to Des Moines. you know- 1 asked. 'I know.' he answered. estate at S cent comtwidate our patrons we have reduced the Memphis and New Urleaus, 12 05 'You veniently arrangeil ro«»m9, large reception room per Interest. Special privileges on the celebrated p.m.. dally, sleeping cars through. go tight up to Inspector McLaughlin and tiled bath room; beautiful front with respect to amounts monthly paymenta Sohmer Democratic Lou la Georgia. and he NORTH ROUND. pretty, prior payments. Large plunos to *10 per month. Price as low as con- For Ijinty, 3:30 p m. dallv. will buy you off. IHtn't go before Leave Norfolk dally at <5.10 p.m. Leave Fortress parking; very large rear yard. 1010 Vermont . specialty. TYLER A RUTHERFORD, For Baltimore, week An Atlanta, Ga.. sent last the Lexow 1 ave. n.w. W at a K at. .Istent with the highest standard. HUGO days, x4:20. 5K>0. 5:3T., special, night, committee.' refused his ad¬ Mo-ime at 7:10 p.m. Arrlvo at Washington at 111 be sold bargain to Immedi¬ Jy8 1307 n.w. x7:10. x7:3o, 18.OO 45 in ,'Ki i*i 1:^0 a m. next ate For ail to WORCH A CO., 82ft 7th st. n.w.. Sole Agents for minutes). 8:30, <1<> say*: vice." day. purchaser. particulars apply WASHINGTON MORTGAGE LOAN 610 F Sohmer. Steger and Pianos for 45 mlnuiesi a m.. x12:0t>. 12:oft, 1215. x2-20 When asked Mr. Goff about how much Tickets 00 sale at S13. 619. 1331 and 1421 l'cnn- se27 3m L. STARGARDTER, 613 15th st. n.w. CO.. N.W. Sterling pianos; <3:00 45 mlnuiesi. 3:25. x4:28. 4:31. x5:tl5. x5 10 There will be sixty-five populist member* by .ylvanla ave and 613 13th at. D.V. Will loan "ou any sum sou want, large or rent, and headquarters for everything known In she had paid to the police, she answered FOR SALE.PRETTY FRlME HOUSE IX VERY ¦mall, on furniture, wagons, etc., music. se20 xS.-ao. .5:35, x(t:M. «:3o, xK:0o, 8:15, i9:«». xll:3»'» In the Georgia legislature, which meets in A k for ticket.- via new line. nice lo<-utlon 6 bath and modern pistes, horses, and 11 :R-> p.m. Sundays. 14:29. x7:30 |8:00. 45 from S&.MIU to Slti.tKKi. Tvletihooe 730. northeast; rooms, without retncval or publicity. xH:30 this city next November. It I* not Warden James improvements; lot lOV^xlOO to wide paved alley. Ary business with us confidential, and uili.uiesl. 8:30. a.m.. 112:00. X12.05 1 w yet W. Led with of Jefferson ISO. CALLAHAN. to strictly x2:2o (3:00 45 minutest. 3:25. 4:S1. x5 iK> 5 i»' certalned Market was then hauled over the apM-tf 8« «"Pt- Bargain prompt buyer. you can get the money the day you ask for It. PSAN0 TUN!NO? x8:O0. how many such senators there prison se2i-3m L. STARGARDTER, 613 15th st. n.w. Loans can be paid In part or In full at any GEORGE 3. BECKER, Professional Piano 6:30. x9:00, 10:00. xll:30, 11:35 pm' will be Returns coming in coals for visiting David Pender, a green- time to suit the For Annam.lls, 7:10 ami 8:30 a m.. i2:15 and today offlcially ft>R~ SALE-GOOD FRAME STORE AND DWELL- convenience of the borrower, and Tuner; Royal Conservatory method used: highest 4:28 p.m. 8:30 verlfy Atkinson's majority, and it looks goods man, on Blackwell's Island, l'ender any part paid reduces the cost of carrying the references; orders by malL 805 11th st. n.w. Sundays. a.m., 4:31 p ni was PROPOSALS. ing; desirable corner northeast; will enhance loan In to 'he For Frederick, nil: 15 am., cl:15, a430 a5 30 now as if he would not have over 10,0U0 In mentioned In the testimony of Apple- rapidly when Columbia cable line Is completed; proportion amount paid. se24-3m p.m. the state. gate. and It appears that the warden, who ntol-OSALS FOR SITI'LIES FOR THE NAVY to barer. WASHINGTON MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. well rented. prompt For Hagerstown. all.15 a.m and ' 1b a friend of yanL D. O., October 1. IStKI. Sealed Bargain 613 15th St. J<16 tr 610 F at. n.w. KRAKAITER PIANOS. THE POPULAR STAN- a5:80 p.m. Ulirraaa Not a Candidate. Detective Sergt. Hanley. In¬ Washington. se27 3m L. STARGARDTER. n.w. dsrd Instruments: Fur Boyd ami way {mints. fi«:40 p m terested himself In order to a |r. |««als. Indorseil l,rope and durable. Sold reasonably at KUHN STEM* Ualthersburg way points. a6:00, a8-00 accompanied by ment from Pender which would help Han¬ Navy Yard, t\. opened FOR SALR. $8,000 rue or ISO# O st n.w. Est. 1872. a.m., a 12:50, a3:00, a4:33. W:35. b7:05, bll 30 his H.I.V 1«. J*S>4.'" will I'f received at the bureau BELOW ITS 8.000 MUSia p.m. private secretary, has arrived in Cincin¬ ley. Ledwlth was taken to task for im¬ i.f and accounts. Navy Wash- 216 N it. n.w., at $1,000 AC¬ Jy2S-S« supplies Department. TUAL COST. A LOVELY HOME; CONTAIN¬ 2,000 For Washliuton Junction ami way poluts. c9:00. nati from Lancaster, Ohio. His visit 1* proper practice* in his prison. He was in».Tii. I>. «... until TWELVE O CL l\aata. f«. ts or to reject any ail bids not deemed r.d- mh9 1418 P st. 12:t)0 msin: Sundays. 4:20 a.m. and 12:00 noon, Republleaa National Committee. *»:ntageous to the government. EDWIN 20x100 to alley. An opportunity to buy a good |e» WM. KNABE ft CO.. 817 Penna. are. n.w. STEWART. a Except Sunday, h Dally, c Sundav ouly. The Ex-Governor Andrew Q. Curtin of Penn¬ I^iymaster Oenernl, V. S. N. oc3-2aw»w property at a low price. MONEY TO LOAN x trains. republican national committee met se24 tf II. L RUST. 008 14th st. n.w. ANY 8PM8 Express sylvania suffered a relapse last night and l IN DESIRED. Baggage called for ami eheek<<s 1'nio.i was not IK tl'.sE l"OR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT..1 Wtli-e FOR SALE.NEW 8-ROOM BRICK; A.M.I.; ON ON WASHINGTON REAL ESTATE. by Transfer t'omiiauv orders rooms of Executive Chairman Joseph H. expected to live until morning. N. J. ave. near N st. n.w.; lot left at ticket offices, 619 and 1351 Pa. ave.. uud of the Commlsrteocrs, D C.. Wasldngton. D. C., 20i»0; have 1»een No deluy in rinsing transactions. at demit. Manley, at the Hotel. Andrew Gregg Curtin was born In Belle- ih totn-r IS!H..Sealed will l-e re- asking $11,000; submit offer of $0,000. STURGES TUOS. S. FISHER A Absolutely the most durable PIAXO roads: In- proposals A MOOllE. CO.. 601fed by th* musl District of Columbia; no SisM-lal Silld \estlliuled, newly E|ulp|i-^] Kle<- the the committeemen governor int .ml all bids or parts of bids JOHN W. vestigating: Pa. avs and 14th st. St earn heated Following meeting In GEORGK <11 AS. F. POW- A haudsout**, finely-built house, 16 rooms, delay; charges mode^tc. trlcllglit.Hl, Train. PulliuanV linest dined informally at l>elmonlco's. ma. He actively urged the election to Ri'iSS. TRl'ESDELL, in Wflfl'N DANENHOWER. ..22Washington. P. 0. sleeping cars Washington to t'livlnmitl. Indiauaisi- ELL. I otnniisnlomrs, l>. I'. oc4-i>t p«*rft*ct order; house 2dxN0* lot 50x tf Cor. 13th and U sts. u.w. lls and St. I/iuls without "The Mouth's Revenge." the presidency of Gen. Grant, who. in lwflH. 2i«); ^ell io* 4t»*d northwest; within three apl8 change. Dining <"«r him minister to Russia, where be OrriCE OF TUB COMMIS8UOXEIO#. B.C., WASH hh»«-k« of White House, State, War and MONEY TO LOAN EBBITT HOUSE. from Washington. Arrives C|n< innatl Ski am Senator W. K. Chandler of New appointed I I». S..*le.l Indianapolis. 11:45 a.m.. and 5:30 p.ui : Hamp¬ served until 1S72. He was promineutly men¬ ».i..u. C.. ihtolH-r 3. 1»04. t.roiss^ls Navv Departments $20,000 t*t. Ix."iis. Chicago. shire, In a the will >». ih . ived at this ..iPce until TWO Ki'fUfUl three-story lO-room mod*rn ON WASHINGTON. D. O. p.m. speech opening campaign in tioned as a republican candidate for the 0 i'LOCK 1MO. for bouse; 11:10 1VM HA1LY. The trnrnom F. F. V. Um- In the lat¬ P.M.. (KTOBER TWELFTH, oof from l>iq*ont Circle 8,000 lte»l.** A roHtINuUsl that slate Wednesday night at Newmarket, vice presidency 'a 1M»> and 1S7U. gnidl:ig ami regu'iatlng »tr«-»t» iu lai»t WshIi- 3 9 room brick houses, n.w., near Conn. FURNITURE, PIANOS, HORSES. AO., train, with dlnina «ar ter year be Horace Greeley for ,r urnl rullman aleepera for Cin« tonutl. I^>«liiKtun and said: »upi>orted 1 ri_ Itlaiik fi rms of proposals, (.peclneaftons, $uUvlU<>. wltlxHit the presidency and subsequently Joined the A' mar Is* obtained at this otllre. J. W. it' ins, Several « »« elii-ut ATTORNEYS. ehnng*. Piilluuiti Simper to "The the h' n.w $4,750 to $5,500 Without rtmoral from your possession. Virginia Hot we«»k south, through democratic party, democratic party, which he was cUtted CEoRCE TRl'FSDELL, CHAS. F. I'DWELL. N>w 5 room bil ks, Pa. ave. s.e.; lots 20 Springs. da\«. arriving 7-ftO is in for the first by i'o:i:niis>loners. D. r. .H.'l tlt It. front no loans A. GOODRICH, LAWYER. 124 DEARBON ST.. a.m. UI»a«TTatloii enr from 11lnt«»n. Arrived flu- power time In forty years to Congress for three s-uccorslve terms, $2,250 to $2,050 Low rate*; easy terms; publicity; < Innatl. A:50 H:00 3-room fiswe; Me bit 24 0ll00 700 Chicago. Established 1W14. Business legal aud p.m.; Leiiujltou, p.m.; Ixmla- in all branches of the government, and it Is serving front 1NM to 1887. He lived at B.lle- Et'flUi»i store if st. front- trade tbe yon for them. Please call oa quiet. Branches and facilities In other states. vllle, W:40 p.m.: IndJannjK.lla. 11:13 p.m.; Chicago. fontc. Pa. LADIES' pr«ic<)iii« suburbsu Uttusr, 8 rooms, bath, CAPITAL LOAN GUARANTEE CO.. CAMPBELL CARRINGTON, depot sake of long-deferred revenge," and he then r1 \r: p.r.Ai'K and white laces done ip in stable 5,500 10:57 A.M.. EXrfcPT SITNPAT..For Old Point The Owner of the Walter* Uallery. « Attorney-at-Law. Comfort nod Norfolk. Onlv rail line. proceeded to show that the Wilson-Gorman nr«t Iuhs I'arisian style; white and *atin L'N IMPROVED. aplB-tr 602 F at. n.w., main floor. Webster U* D 8t. n.w., laces aud a building. 00# Washing¬ 2:25 P.M. DAILY..Esprcw for bill was Tram tbe Italtliaorc News. ,jrispt-s, lave Oi.-talns sin-claltj; Tl>e btg fortunes have U*en made In Washing¬ ton. D. C. Residence, 033 K St. n W. Gordon«v!]]«t framed to destroy northern indus¬ s r«-asotiaMe. Call ?lnie. Suc¬ . Charlottearllle. Wijme«l)oro. Staunton and l»ri« VII><»I"D'S, ton buying be up, a'aiisbl** uround. We call <122_ prlncl- tries, while ailcwing southern Industries to Mr. William T. Walters, after a business re -«>r to Mme. Valiiiout, old stand, 7115 11th st. i|M-< lit ut lent ion to the following very and STORAGE pal Virginia points; dally, except Sunday, for Rich¬ ,. cheap mond. survive. career of extraordinary activity and splen¬ oc2-Im* iNlrabli yrsysrtj bm! of whb h i* suiKliviaed: locations and Rice, sugar, 'ead, iron ore, coai. *»f near new COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS. Pullman tfeketa at company's of¬ tobacco ar.d to have did success, leads almost the life of a re¬ LADD3«. 2feet ground, n.e.; fices, 513 and 1421 Pennsylvania avenue. whisky protection; KKL\. II *t. cable 00 cfs. ft. COMJUSSsIoNEil OF DEEDS AND NOTARY PUB- H. W. FI LLER. wool, lumber «*nd salt to be free; Tennes¬ cluse In his declining years in Ills home on A'SL'NT FOR 111'IIILAND 1,000,000 feet of ground In northwest.. .08 cts. ft. The Packing 11c for all statea and territories a SPECIALTY see marble to be saved. New CATES. feet of oue blo<*k tny25 General Passenger Agent. Hampshire Mt. Vernon place. Here, In the enjovment $ 341,or sncl delivered. sel5 lie* se22-lui FIRE-PROOF STORAGE WAREHOUSE. JOHN E BEALL, W. "One 1821 r st. n.w. R. Speare, object." he asserted, "of the south¬ from many lends by the latlslt expenditure LAi irs* F^iaVw OARM£NT8 KKDTVD AND rdTt sai.b^-to~sirrri.K am kstatk-tuhkh 4- AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST CO.. ern tarllt destroyers 1* to feduce the wages of money, and selected with ci'liiin-J taste. Lto ls.l*^t ftvi >j«. Furs of nil kin's* r«- story press brick houses, opposite Fruukl'n Park; 14d 1140 16T1I STREET N.W. Undertaker & Embalmer, of labor. That democratic tariff destruc¬ Mr. Walter* linds In his retirement a truer iolwS. Till? MIMCS CLWNTM»fIaM, T2 ft. 11& Inches on I st. t»y 144 It.; stables on STEAM CARPET CLEANING. #40 F Street Northweat. tion means low wages and degradation for pleasure thiin when he was mbtg'i.'g In thg nm13^)8 »t. n.w.. n^sr N St. rear !ot. Apply to Dr. D. M. OGDKN, Rxecutor, ARMY AND NAVY STORAGE ROOMS. the- winter 10-4 P st. n.w. Offer wanted. Kei'iiratx aiurtuier.ts; lislit, dry snd clesn; Evertthing atiictly trat-claaa and on tbe moat the masses of every community is coming busy v/orjd. Every year during aM> CACOfjvrTiep^hT?*» isth ant* Jy7-3ui* AM NHi.MATKl) STEAM CARPET CLEANLNQ to be seen is thrown building put up for the purpose. 1407 G st. the best reasonable terms. Telepbooe call, 340. jal-tr by the white voters of the south, and spring his m."*g:ilfle*nt kHllery j'jotp-isun I t. > «. French dy'n and cWnlnf worn lAUk-iiM new nmmr ave n.w., at- sel31tu C. G. SLOAN A CO., Proprietors. Works. .Carpets cleaned la manner. and they are rising again.: their oligarch¬ open tor tli« i_cnt.1i of the rVor Asrr elation and party dresses tra-tlve new bou<*e; well bull!; well arranged; Curpets mads 9M>th proof free of rbarre. Wat- APGUSTC8 BURGDORr. of tickets .f every des^ilpllcn: cveslrn 6 rooms, bath, psntry, Ac.; 40 ft. of p.arkliiK; STORAGE.CARRIAGES OK ALL KINDS STORED tresses made to order. Office, 1720 Pa. I*#. FURNISHINO UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMEB. ial masters. Hence arose one of tht great cf Baltimore, snd the sale yield* made s SDedaltj. Our patr^ua«s extends Into larf» Jot for stable if desired; will sell low. at low prices A. II. GREGORY, 316 Pa. are. Works. 1708 and 1710 ¦n.w-Telephone. 804. 1334 NEW X0BK AVE. N.W. reasons for repealing ths national election about &t,tAW annually to this vuy deserving l^c rashlvLstulc Uicis# if, L. RUST, 60S 141b st, A.W. au20-tf ft.*. aul4-tt ttS-U M- WBWMTBBt Manager. Telephone 2S3 ae23-tf laws and making fraudulent counting easy charily.