Vayikra 7 Nisan 5781 | March 20, 2021

1. Ki imcha (From Psalm 36) כי־עמך מקור חיים באורך נראה־אור For with You is the source of life (3x); in Your light we see light

Assiyah - connected to the Physical World

2. Modeh Ani (I am grateful.) Modeh (Modah) ani l’fah-ne-cha ruach chai v’kah-yam sh’che-tzar-tah-bee nish- mah-tee b’chem-lah rabah eh-mu-na-techah.

I am grateful for being alive … for another day of opportunity… for another day guided by the teachings inspired by that One-ness… that Mystery… that is beyond my comprehension and understanding…teachings that guide me in fnding harmony within myself and with others… teachings that hold saving a life...a soul… sacred. Modeh Ani

3. Blessing upon Wrapping Oneself in a Tallit - Shawl ָבּרוּך ַא ָתּה יְיָ ֱא"ל ֵ ֽהינוּ רוּ ַח ָהעוֹ ָלם, ֲא ֶשר ִק ְדּ ָ ֽשׁנוּ ְבּ ִמ ְצו ָתיו ְו ִצ ָוּֽנוּ ְל ִה ְת ַע ֵטּף ַבּ ִצּי ִצת Barukh Ata Adonai, Eloheynu Ruakh ha-Olam asher Kid’shanu b'Mitzvotav, v’Tzivanu l’hi-Ta-teyf ba’Tzi-tzit Holy One of Blessing, Your Presence flls Creation You make our lives holy with the mitzvah of wrapping ourselves in Tzitzit.

4. Elohai Neshama - My Soul Is Pure (Morning liturgy; R’ Shefa Gold) ֱא"ל ַהי, נְ ָשׁ ָמה ֶשׁנָּ ַ ֽת ָתּ ִבּי ְטהוֹ ָרה ִהיא Elohai Neshama she’Na-ta-ta Bee, T’hora Hee. My God, the Soul you have given me, She is pure.

Pesukei D’Zimra - connected to the Emotional World 5. Baruch Sh’Amar - Blessed Is the One (Morning liturgy; R’ Shefa Gold; translation by Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi) ָבּרוּך הוּא! ָבּרוּך ְשׁמו ָבּרוּך ֶשׁא ַמר ְו ָהיָה העו ָל

Baruch Hu, Baruch Sh'mo! Baruch sh'Amar v'Haya ha'Olam Blessed One, You talked the Worlds into being. What a Blessing, You! Blessed One, Your Word makes for becoming. What a blessing, Your Name. Blessed One, You decree and sustain. Blessed One, all beginnings are Yours! Blessed One, Your Compassion enwombs the Earth. Blessed One, Your Caring is kind to all creatures. Blessed One, You are generous in rewarding those who respect Your Creation. Blessed One, Ever Alive, ever confrming existence. Blessed One, You make us free, You rescue us! When we hear Your Name we offer blessing. . Baruch attah Yah Melech m’hullal batishbachot.

6. Esa Enai- Psalm 121 א ֗ ִשיר ַלֽ ַ֫מֽ ֲע ֥לות ֶא ָ֣שא ֵ֖עינַי ֶאל־ ֶהֽ ָה ִ֑רים I lift up my eyes, up to the mountains, from ֜ ֵמ ַ֗איִן יָ ֥ב ֹא ֶעזְִ ֽרי: ?where, oh from where will my help come

ב ֶעזְ ִרי ֵמ ִ֣עם יְהָֹ֑וה ֜ע ֹ ֗ ֵשה ָש ַ֥מיִם ָו ָאֽ ֶרץ: My help comes, from the Lord, Maker of the heavens and earth. 7. Psalm 1`50 ַ֥ה ְללו ֨יָה ׀ ַהֽ ְללו־ ֵ֥אל ְב ָק ְד ֑שו ֝ ַהֽ ְל ֗לוהו ִב ְר ִ֥קי ַע ֻעזֽו׃ ַהֽ ְל ֥לוהו ִבגְבור ֹ ָ֑תיו ֝ ַהֽ ְל ֗לוהו ְכ֣ר ֹב ֻג ְד ֽלו׃ ֭ ַהֽ ְללוהו ְב ֵ֣ת ַקע שו ָ֑פר ֝ ַהֽ ְל ֗לוהו ְב ֵ֣נ ֶבל ְו ִכנֽור׃ ֭ ַהֽ ְללוהו ְב ֣ת ֹף ו ָמ ֑חול ֝ ַהֽ ְל ֗לוהו ְב ִמ ִנ֥ים ְועו ָגֽב׃ ַהֽ ְל ֥לוהו ְב ִצ ְל ְצ ֵלי־ ָ֑ש ַמע ֝ ַהֽ ְל ֗לוהו ְבֽ ִצ ְל ְצ ֵ֥לי ְתרו ָעֽה׃ ֣כ ֹל ֭ ַהנְ ָש ָמה ְת ַה ֵ֥לל ֗יָה ַהֽ ְללו־ ָי ֽה׃ Hallelu El B'Kadsho Halelluhu Birkia Uzo Halleluhu Bigvuratav Halleluhu K'rov Gudlo Halleluhu B'tekah Shofar Halleluhu B'nevel V'khinor Halleluluhu V'tof Umachol Hallelluhu B'minim V'ugav Halleluhu V'tziltz'lei Shama Halleluhu B'tziltz'lei Truah Kol Hann'shamah T' Yah All Creatures Praise God Halleluyah Halleluyah Halleluyah Halleluyah

8. Kol Chai- All Breath Praises You (Morning liturgy; Joey Weisenberg) נִ ְשׁ ַמת ָכּל ַחי, ְתּ ָב ֵרך ֶאת ִשׁ ְמך יְיָ ֱא"ל ֵהֽינוּ. Nishmat kol Chai t’Vareich et Shimcha, Yah Eloheinu (x2) The Soul of every living creature breathes out its praise to You. The Soul of every living creature breathes out its praise... sings out its loving praise breathes out its praise to You - Oh Yah!

9. Chatzi - The Preparation for Prayer Let us be here now as one Singing to the Blessed Holy One Let us be at perfect time and place To receive this sustenance and grace To receive this sustenance and grace At this turning of the year יִ ְת ַגּ ַדּל ְויִ ְת ַק ַדּשׁ ְשׁ ֵמהּ ַר ָבּא. א ֵמן: ְבּ ָע ְל ָמא ִדּי ְב ָרא ִכ ְרעוּ ֵתהּ, ְויַ ְמ ִליך ַמ ְלכוּ ֵתהּ ְבּ ַחיֵּיכוֹן וּ ְביוֹ ֵמיכוֹן וּ ְב ַחיֵּי ְד ָכל ֵבּית יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל וּ ְב ַחיֵּי ְד ָכל יו ְש ֵבי ֵת ֶבל, ַבּ ֲעגָ ָלא וּ ִבזְ ַמן ָק ִריב- ְו ִא ְמרוּ א ֵמן: יְ ֵהא ְשׁ ֵמהּ ַר ָבּא ְמ ָב ַרך ְל ָע ַלם וּ ְל ָע ְל ֵמי ָע ְל ַמיָּא: יִ ְת ָב ַרך ְויִ ְש ַת ַבח ְויִ ְת ָפאר ְויִ ְתרו ַמם ְויִ ְתנַשא ְויִ ְת ַה ָדר ְויִ ְת ַע ֶלה ְויִ ְת ַה ָלל ְש ֵמה ְד ֻק ְד ָשא. ְב ִריך הוא. ]קהל: בריך הוא:[ ְל ֵע ָלא בעשי"ת ְל ֵע ָלא ְל ֵע ָלא ִמ ָכל ִמן ָכל ִב ְר ָכ ָתא ְו ִשי ָר ָתא ֻת ְש ְב ָח ָתא ְונֶ ֱח ָמ ָתא ַד ֲא ִמי ָרן ְב ָע ְל ָמא. ְו ִא ְמרו א ֵמן: ]קהל: אמן[ Leader: Yit-Gadal v' yit-Kadash Sh'mey Rabbah Congregation: Amen! Leader: b'Almah di V'rah khirR'utey v' yaMlikh Mal-khutey! Congregation: Amen! May God’s Great Name be blessed (amen) in this world of divine creation (amen)! Leader: b'Chai-yeykhon, uv'Yom-ekhon,uv'Chayei d'chol Beit Yisrael uv’Chayey d’chol Yoshvey Teyvel, ba'Agalah u'viZ'man Kariv, V'imru : Amen.

10. Barchu- Call to Prayer (Daily liturgy; Lev Friedman) (Call and Response) Barchu (barchu), Dear One (dear one), Shekhinah (shekhinah), Holy Name (holy name) When I call on the light of my soul, I come home (x2) ָבּ ְרכוּ ֶאת יי ַה ְמּב ָֹרך !Leader: Barchu (bowing) et Adonai HaMevorakh ָבּרוּך יי ַה ְמּב ָֹרך Congregation: Barukh (bowing) Adonai HaMevorakh : ְלעו ָלם ָו ֶעד !le'Olam va-Ed Leader: Bless the One Blessed Power! - Cong: Yes, Blessed is God Forever and Ever

11. Yotzer Or ָבּרוּך ַא ָתּה יְיָ, ֱא"ל ֵהֽינוּ ֶמֽ ֶלך ָהעוֹ ָלם, יוֹ ֵצר אוֹר וּבוֹ ֵרא ֽח ֹ ֶשך, ע ֹ ֶשׂה ָשׁלוֹם וּבוֹ ֵרא ֶאת ַהכּ ֹל. Barukh Ata Adonai, Eloheynu Melekh Ha-Olam Yotzer or u-Vorey Khoshekh, Oseh Shalom u-Vorey et ha’Kol. Holy One of Blessing, Your Presence flls Creation, You form Light and You create Darkness, You make Peace and You create the Whole. Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the universe, Creator of light and darkness, Who makes peace and fashions all things. In mercy do You give light to the earth and to all who dwell upon it, and in Your goodness do you renew every day, continuously, the work of Creation. How great are Your works, Adonai! In wisdom you made them all, flling the earth with your creatures. The Ruler Who alone was exalted before Creation, Who has been praised, glorifed and raised on high since ancient days, Eternal God, in Your abundant mercies, have mercy upon us. Our powerful God, our rock-like fortress, our shield of redemption, be a stronghold for us! Blessed God, great in knowledge, prepared and formed the rays of the sun. The benefcent One created honor for God's Name, and placed luminaries around God's might. The heads of God's legions, holy ones, exalters of the Almighty, are always relating the honor of God and God's holiness. May You be blessed, Adonai our God, beyond the praises of Your handiwork and beyond the brightness of the luminaries that You created—may they glorify You! May You shine a new light on Zion, and may we all soon be worthy of its radiance. Blessed are You, Adonai, Creator of the heavenly lights.

12. Olam Chessed Yibaneh- (Psalm 89:3; R’ Menachem Creditor) Olam Chessed YiBaneh עוֹ ָלם ֶח ֶסד יִ ָבּנֶה I will build this world from love... You must build this world from love... If we build this world from love... Then God will build this world from love.

13. Shema- We Proclaim the Unity of All Creation ְשׁ ַמע יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל יְיָ ֱא"ל ֵהֽינוּ יְיָ ֶא ָחד Sh’ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheynu Adonai Echad! Hear, Israel, you are of God and God is One! [whispered] ָבּרוּך ֵשׁם ְכּבוֹד ַמ ְלכוּתוֹ\הּ ְלעוֹ ָלם ָו ֶעד: Baruch Shem, Kevod Malchuto l’Olam va-Ed Blessed is the Name of S/he, the glory of whose reign is forever and ever! 14. V'ahavta: First Paragraph ְוא ַה ְב ָתּ ֵאת יְיָ ֱא"ל ֵהיך ְבּ ָכל־ ְל ָב ְבך וּ ְב ָכל־נַ ְפ ְשׁך וּ ְב ָכל־ ְמא ֹ ֶדך: ְו ָהיוּ ַה ְדּ ָב ִרים ָה ֵא ֶלּה ֲא ֶשׁר ָאֽנ ֹ ִכי ְמ ַצ ְוּך ַהיּוֹם ַעל־ ְל ָב ֶבך: ְו ִשׁנַּנְ ָתּם ְל ָבנֶיך ְו ִד ַבּ ְר ָתּ ָבּם ְבּ ִשׁ ְב ְתּך ְבּ ֵבי ֶתך וּ ְב ֶל ְכ ְתּך ַב ֶדּ ֶרך וּ ְב ָשׁ ְכ ְבּך וּ ְבקוּ ֶמך: וּ ְק ַשׁ ְר ָתּם ְלאוֹת ַעל־יָ ֶדך ְו ָהיוּ ְלט ֹ ָטפ ֹת ֵבּין ֵעינֶיך: וּ ְכ ַת ְב ָתּם ַעל־ ְמזֻזוֹת ֵבּי ֶתך וּ ִב ְשׁ ָע ֶריך: Vahavta et Adonai Elohekha b’khol Levav’kha u’v’khol Naf’sh’kha u’v’chol M’ohdekha. V’hayu haD’varim ha’eyleh asher Anokhi m’tzav’kha haYom al Levavekha. V’Shinantam l’Vanekha v’Dibarta bam b’Shiv’t’kha b’Veytekha uv’Lekh’t’kha vaDerekh uv’Shokh’b’kha uv’Kumekha. Uk’shartam l’Ot al Yadekha v’hayu l’Totafot beyn Eynekha. Ukh’tavtam al Mezuzot Beytekha uviSha’arekha. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all of your might. And all these words which I command you on this day shall be upon your heart, and you shall teach them diligently unto your children. You shall speak of them when you are sitting in your house and when you’re walking by the way; and when you’re rising up, and when you’re lying down. And you shall bind them for a sign upon your hand, and they shall be for frontlets between your eyes; And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house, and upon your gates That you may remember and do all of My commandments, and be holy unto your God.

15. Mi Chamocha- Who is Mightier than the One who Liberates? (Laura Lenes) As we walk, through the desert As we journey through our past We gain strength and solidarity Being brave, we can make it through. Mi chamocha ba'eilim, Adonai? (repeat) Mi Kamocha, ne'edar bakodesh, (repeat) Nora t'hilot, (repeat) Oseh feleh? (repeat) ָבּרוּך ַא ָתּה יְיָ ָגּאל יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל Barukh Ata Adonai Ga-al Yisrael Blessed are You, God, who rescued Israel. 16. - connected to the Spiritual World שויתי שכנה לנגדי תמיד I am ever mindful of the LORD’s presence.

17. Oseh Shalom BiMromav (Music: Nava Tehila) ע ֹ ֶשׂה ָשׁלוֹם ִבּ ְמרוֹ ָמיו, הוּא יַ ֲע ֶשׂה ָשׁלוֹם ָע ֵלֽינוּ ְו ַעל ָכּל יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל, ְו ַעל ָכּל יו ְש ֵבי ֵת ֶבל, ְו ִא ְמרוּ א ֵמן. Oseh Shalom BiM’romav, Hu Ya’aseh Shalom Aleynu, v’al Kol Yisrael, V'al kol Yoshvei Tevel, v’Imru Amen. May there be universal peace, life for us, for all Israel, and all who dwell on earth. Amen.

18. Dvar Torah

19. Torah Service Leviticus 1:1-4 ויקרא ַויִ ְקָ֖רא ֶאל־מ ֹ ֶ֑שה ַויְ ַד ֵ֤בר יְה ָו ֙ה ֵא ֔ ָליו ֵמ ֥א ֹ ֶהל מו ֵ֖עד ֵלא ֽמ ֹר׃ The LORD called to Moses and spoke to him from the Tent of Meeting, saying:

ַד ֞ ֵבר ֶאל־ ְב ֵ֤ני יִ ְש ָר ֵאל֙ ְוא ַמ ְר ָ֣ת ֲא ֵל ֔ ֶהם א ָ֗דם ִכֽי־יַ ְק ִ֥ריב ִמ ֶ֛כם ָק ְר ָ֖בן ַלֽיהָ֑וה ִמן־ ַה ְב ֵה ֗ ָמה ִמן־ ַה ָב ָק ֙ר ו ִמן־ ַה ֔צ ֹאן ַת ְק ִ֖ריבו ֶאת־ ָק ְר ַבנְ ֶכֽם׃ Speak to the Israelite people, and say to them: When any of you presents an offering of cattle to the LORD, he shall choose his offering from the herd or from the fock.

ִאם־ע ֹ ָ֤לה ָק ְר ָבנ ֙ו ִמן־ ַה ָב ֔ ָקר זָ ָ֥כר ָת ִ֖מים יַ ְק ִרי ֶ֑בנו ֶאל־֝ ֶפ ַתח ֤א ֹ ֶהל מו ֵע ֙ד יַ ְק ִ֣ריב א ֹ֔תו ִל ְרצ ֹ֖נו ִל ְפ ֵנ֥י יְהָוֽה׃ If his offering is a burnt offering from the herd, he shall make his offering a male without blemish. He shall bring it to the entrance of the Tent of Meeting, for acceptance in his behalf before the LORD.

ְו ָס ַ֣מך יָ ֔דו ַ֖על ֣ר ֹאש ָהע ֹ ָ֑לה ְונִ ְר ָ֥צה ֖לו ְל ַכ ֵ֥פר ָע ָלֽיו׃ He shall lay his hand upon the head of the burnt offering, that it may be acceptable in his behalf, in expiation for him. 20. Break out Rooms - Possible questions for discussion: 1. How do you understand the little Aleph in the word Vayikra? What does it say about Moses’ journey and the humility he brought to his relationship with God? What does humility have to do with a relationship with God? And what does humility have to do with Pesach and removing ourselves from our tight narrow places? 2. If the tent of meeting is connected with liminal space, share if you feel accessing this kind of awareness is important on the spiritual journey? Why or why not? Do YOU have ways to access the ‘space between’, the home of the still small voice? 3. The Hebrew word for offering means to come close. Pre-rabbinic used the sacrifcial animal culture to come close to God, to practice repentance. Can you put yourself in the ancient mind to understand this choice? What practices do we use today to come close to God? 4. What is the power of “laying on of hands'' that the priest would do with the animal. The word means to lean on and has a hint of the word transmission in it. How do you think this act would have affected the Priest?

21. - The Joy of Presence (Psalm 84 and 145) ( ַא ְשׁ ֵרי ) ַא ְשׁ ֵרי ,(Ashrei (Ashrei (יו ְשׁ ֵבי )יו ְשׁ ֵבי (Yoshvey (Yoshvey ֵבי ֶתך Veytecha עוד יְ ַה ְללוּך - עוד יְ ַה ְללוּך: Od Yehalelukha, Od Yehalelukha Joyful are those who dwell in Your house They are forever praising You Ashrei Yoshvei Veytecha: od yeHallelucha - Selah! Poteyach et Yadecha u’Massbia l’chol Chai Ratzon You open your hand and satisfy the needs of every living thing.

22. - We Must Acknowledge ַו ֲה ֵשב ֹ ָת ֶאל ְל ָב ֶבך Vahasheyvota, el levav’cha ִכי יְה ָוה הוּא ָה ֱאל ִהים .Ki Adonai, Hu HaElohim Bring this home into your heart The Transcendent God “out there” is also the imminent Holy Presence right here. Vene’emar: Vehayah Havaya, le’Melech al kol ha’aretz ְונֶ ֱא ַמר ְו ָהיָה יְיָ ְל ֶמ ֶלך ַעל ָכל ָהא ֶרץ Bayom hahu yihyeh Havaya echad, ush’mo echad. ַביּום ַההוּא יִ ְהיֶה יְיָ ֶא ָחד וּ ְשמו ֶא ָחד And it is written: The Everlasting One with reign as sovereign over all the earth. On that day, God will be one and God’s name will be one.

23. Mourner’s Kaddish יִ ְת ַגּ ַדּל ְויִ ְת ַק ַדּשׁ ְשׁ ֵמהּ ַר ָבּא. ְבּ ָע ְל ָמא ִדּי ְב ָרא ִכ ְרעוּ ֵתהּ, ְויַ ְמ ִליך ַמ ְלכוּ ֵתהּ ְבּ ַחיֵּיכוֹן וּ ְביוֹ ֵמיכוֹן וּ ְב ַחיֵּי ְד ָכל ֵבּית יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל, ַבּ ֲעגָ ָלא וּ ִבזְ ַמן ָק ִריב, ְו ִא ְמרוּ א ֵמן. יְ ֵהא ְשׁ ֵמהּ ַר ָבּא ְמ ָב ַרך ְל ָע ַלם וּ ְל ָע ְל ֵמי ָע ְל ַמיָּא. יִ ְת ָבּ ַרך ְויִ ְשׁ ַתּ ַבּח ְויִ ְת ָפּאר ְויִ ְתרוֹ ַמם ְויִ ְתנַ ֵשּׂא ְויִ ְת ַה ָדּר ְויִ ְת ַע ֶלּה ְויִ ְת ַה ָלּל ְשׁ ֵמהּ ְדּ ֻק ְד ָשׁא - ְבּ ִריך הוּא, ְל ֵעֽ ָלּא וּ ְל ֵעֽ ָלּא ִמן ָכּל ִבּ ְר ָכ ָתא ְו ִשׁי ָר ָתא ֻתּ ְשׁ ְבּ ָח ָתא ְונֶ ֱח ָמ ָתא, ַדּ ֲא ִמי ָרן ְבּ ָע ְל ָמא, ְו ִא ְמרוּ א ֵמן. יְ ֵהא ְשׁ ָל ָמא ַר ָבּא ִמן ְשׁ ַמיָּא, ְו ַחיִּים ָע ֵלֽינוּ ְו ַעל ָכּל יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל, ְו ִא ְמרוּ א ֵמן. ע ֹ ֶשׂה ָשׁלוֹם ִבּ ְמרוֹ ָמיו, הוּא יַ ֲע ֶשׂה ָשׁלוֹם ָע ֵלֽינוּ ְו ַעל ָכּל יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל, ְו ַעל ָכּל יו ְש ֵבי ֵת ֶבל, ְו ִא ְמרוּ א ֵמן. Yit-Gadal v' yit-Kadash Sh'mey Rabbah, b'Almah di V'rah khiR'utey v'yaMlikh Mal-khutey, b'Chai-yeykhon, uv'Yo-mekhon, uv'Chayei d'chol Beit Yisrael, ba'Agalah u'viZ'man Kariv, v'imru: Ameyn Y'hey sh'mey rabbah m'varakh l'olam u'l'almey almah-yah Yit'Barakh, v'Yish'tabakh, v' yit-Pa'ar, v' yit-Ro-mam, v'yit'Nasey, v'yit'Hadar, v'yit'Aleh, v'yit'Halal Sh'mey d'Kudsha - B'rikh Hu l'Eylah u’l’Eylah min kol Birkhata v'Shirata, Tush'b'khatah v'Nekhemata, da'Amiran b'Al'mah, v'imru: Ameyn Y'hey Shlama Rabba min Sh'maya, v'Chayim Aleynu v'al kol Yisrael, v'imru: Ameyn Oseh Shalom biM'ro'mav, hu ya'Aaseh Shalom Aleynu v'al kol Yisrael, v’al kol Yosh-vey Teyveyl, v'imru: Ameyn

24. Because of My Brothers/Sisters and Friends ְל ַמ ַען א ַחי ְו ֵר ָעי ֲא ַד בְ ָרה־ָנא שָלום בָך. ְל ַמ ַען בֵית־יְה ָוה ֱאל ֵהינו ֲא ַב ְק שָה טוב ָלך Because of my brothers and friends. Because of my sisters and friends, Please let me ask, please let me say: “Peace to you” (2x) This is the house, the house of the Lord and I wish the best or you (2x)

25. V’shamru ְו ָש ְמרו ְבנֵי-יִ ְש ָר ֵאל, ֶאת- ַה ַש ָבת ַל ֲעשות ֶאת- ַה ַש ָבת ְלד ֹר ֹ ָתם, ְב ִרית עו ָלם

ֵבינִי, ו ֵבין ְבנֵי יִ ְש ָר ֵאל--אות ִהוא, ְלע ֹ ָלם ִכי- ֵש ֶשת יָ ִמים, ָע ָשה יי ֶאת- ַה ָש ַמיִם ְו ֶאת- ָהא ֶרץ ו ַביום ַה ְש ִבי ִעי, ָש ַבת ַויִנָ ַפש Veshamru bnei Yisrael et hashabat La'asot et hashabat ledorotam, Brit olam. Beini uvein bnei Yisrael, Ot hi le'olam, Ki sheshet yamim, asa Adonai Et hashamaim ve'et ha'aretz, Uvayom hashvi'i Shavat vayinafash.

26. Kiddush - Blessing of the Wine Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu melech ha-olam, borei p'ri hagafen. . ָבּרוּך ַא ָתּה יְיָ ֱאל" ֵהינוּ ֶמ ֶלך ָהעו ָלם, בּו ֵרא ְפּ ִרי ַה ָגּ ֶפן Blessed are You, Source of all Creation, creator of the fruit of the vine.

Gratitude Rabbi Charna Rosensholtz- for her leadership, guidance, depth and masterful teaching. Jenny Schiff-for all things Zoom. NK staff for their tireless work for our community, Dena Gitterman (Executive Director), Broke Fisher (Director or Family Life and School Director), Keenan Bloom and Jenny Schiff (Executive Assistants) Shomrei Ruach- for their keeping of the spiritual fame. NK Board of directors- for their service that allows NK to continue to provide expansive, wholesome, community oriented Judaism.