Computer Science Technical Reports

2-1999 Enhancing the Pre- and Postcondition Technique for More Expressive Specifications Gary T. Leavens Iowa State University

Albert L. Baker Iowa State University

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Recommended Citation Leavens, Gary T. and Baker, Albert L., "Enhancing the Pre- and Postcondition Technique for More Expressive Specifications" (1999). Computer Science Technical Reports. 138.

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Abstract We describe enhancements to the pre- and postcondition technique that help specifications convey information more effectively. Some enhancements allow one to specify redundant information that can be used in ``debugging'' specifications. For instance, adding examples to a specification gives redundant information that may aid some readers, and can also be used to help ensure that the specification says what is intended. Other enhancements allow improvements in frame axioms for object-oriented (OO) procedures, better treatments of exceptions and inheritance, and improved support for incompletely-specified types. Many of these enhancements were invented by other authors, but are not widely known. They ah ve all been integrated into {\LCC}, a Larch-style behavioral interface specification language for C++. However, such enhancements could also be used to make other specification languages more effective tools for communication.

Keywords , liberal specification, redundancy, debugging, history constraint

Disciplines Programming Languages and Compilers | Systems Architecture

Comments To appear in Jeannette Wing and James Woodcock, editors. FM'99: World Congress on Formal Methods in Development of Computer Systems, Toulouse, France, September 1999. Lecture notes in Computer Science, Copyright © Springer-Verlag, 1999.

This article is available at Iowa State University Digital Repository:

Enhancing the Pre- and Postcondition Technique

for More Expressive Sp eci cations

Gary T. Leavens and Alb ert L. Baker

TR 97-19b

Septemb er 1997, revised February, June 1999

Keywords: formal metho ds, lib eral sp eci cation, redundancy, debugging,

history constraint.

1997 CR Categories: D.2.1 [Software Engineering ] Requirements/Sp eci cations

| languages, human factors; D.2.m [Software Engineering ] Miscellaneous |

reusable software; F.3.1 [Logics and Meanings of Programs ] Sp ecifying and Ver-

ifying and Reasoning ab out Programs | Pre- and p ost-conditions, sp eci cation


To app ear in Jeannette Wing and James Wo o dco ck, editors. FM'99: World

Congress on Formal Metho ds in Development of Computer Systems, Toulouse,


France, Septemb er 1999. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Copyright Springer-

Verlag, 1999.

Department of Computer Science

226 Atanaso Hall

Iowa State University

Ames, Iowa 50011-1040, USA

Enhancing the Pre- and Postcondition Technique

for More Expressive Sp eci cations

Gary T. Leavens and Alb ert L. Baker

Department of Computer Science, Iowa State University

226 Atanaso Hall, Ames, Iowa 50011-1040 USA ndex .html

[email protected] and [email protected]

phone: +1 515 294 1580, fax: +1 515 294 1580

Abstract. We describ e enhancements to the pre- and p ostcondition

technique that help sp eci cations convey information more e ectively.

Some enhancements allow one to sp ecify redundant information that can

b e used in \debugging" sp eci cations. For instance, adding examples to

a sp eci cation gives redundant information that may aid some readers,

and can also b e used to help ensure that the sp eci cation says what is

intended. Other enhancements allow improvements in frame axioms for

ob ject-oriented OO pro cedures, b etter treatments of exceptions and

inheritance, and improved supp ort for incompletely-sp eci ed typ es.

Many of these enhancements were invented by other authors, but are not


widely known. They have all b een integrated into Larch/C , a Larch-

style b ehavioral interface sp eci cation language for C++. However, such

enhancements could also b e used to make other sp eci cation languages

more e ective to ols for communication.

Keywords: sp eci cation language design, expressiveness, lib eral sp eci ca-

tion, redundancy, debugging, history constraint, Larch.

1 Intro duction

1.1 Background and Motivation

The pre- and p ostcondition technique was describ ed by Hoare in his classic

article [26]. This technique forms the basis of most contemp orary sp eci cation

languages for sequential systems [1, 15, 16, 18, 23, 28, 31, 41, 40, 42, 43, 47, 50, 51].

However, Z [24, 52] is an exception, as Z preconditions are not explicitly stated,

but instead are calculated from the sp eci cation given [60, Chapter 14].

We take as our starting p oint an excellent article by Jonkers [30], which, like

this pap er, is addressed to sp eci cation language designers. Jonkers says page 428:

\Nowadays the pre- and p ostcondition technique is considered a stan-

dard technique in software development as it is b eing taught in almost

every basic software engineering course. This gives the impression that

the technique has fully matured and that it can b e applied everydayin

software development practice. The fact that this is not really the case

is camou aged by the sloppy and informal way pre- and p ostconditions

are generally used in practice."

Besides reconstructing the pre- and p ostcondition technique, Jonkers de-

scrib es several enhancements. These enhancements are found in the sp eci ca-

tion language COLD-1 [15]. The following brie y summarizes the enhancements

COLD-1 makes over previous sp eci cation languages, such as VDM [1, 16, 28]

and other languages in the Larch family [23]:

{ Dep endentvariables, the declaration of which allows the dep endentvariable

to b e mo di ed whenever the variables it dep ends on are mo di ed. Dep en-

dentvariables can b e sp eci ed either directly, or indirectly using pre- and

p ostconditions. See also Leino's work on dep endencies [37].

{ Fine-grained frame axioms using wild cards and expressions, which allow one

to sp ecify the variables that can b e changed more concisely and precisely.

{ Let clauses, which allow the intro duction of lo cal named abbreviations.

{ Some extensions for the sp eci cation of reactive systems.

1.2 Contribution

Our work extends Jonker's work in that all the extensions we discuss in this

pap er are new with resp ect to COLD-1. Many enhancements that we describ e

are the work of other authors. Except for the ideas of user-selectable partial

vs. total correctness, and certain forms of redundancy, it is not our intention to

claim the other enhancements as our own. Instead we wish to highlight them so

that they might b ecome more widely known and used in sp eci cation language



We showhow all these enhancements are integrated in Larch/C [32, 33],

++ ++

a Larch-style b ehavioral interface sp eci cation language for C . Larch/C

adopts most of the COLD-1 extensions, except for the technical ideas for ne-

grained frame axioms and the extensions for the sp eci cation of reactive systems,

and includes the enhancements discussed b elow. This integration enhances the


rhetorical e ectiveness and utility of Larch/C .

Nevertheless, the enhancements we discuss would apply equally well to other

sp eci cation languages, including those outside the Larch family. That is, the


ideas themselves are not sp eci c to Larch/C or even to Larch, but to the pre-

and p ostcondition technique generally.

We b elieve that sp eci cations written using these enhancements provide more

precise and more easily understandable contracts. Brie y,we hop e that our en-

hancements make sp eci cations more expressive. 2

By more expressive we mean that the sp eci cations convey information more

immediately to the reader. That is, in this pap er we care not so much ab out what

can b e expressed, but how easy it is to express and understand.

It is b eyond the scop e of this pap er to exp erimentally validate our hop es for

increased expressiveness. Instead, we claim just to demonstrate the plausibility

of increased expressiveness by showing suggestive examples, and leave for later

exp eriential or exp erimental validation. What we present is a necessary rst step.

Furthermore, we b elieve that to o little attention is paid to the expressiveness

of sp eci cations in the formal metho ds and reuse communities. We b elieve that

it would b e interesting to investigate the degree to which the expressiveness of

formal metho ds a ects their use and cost-e ectiveness .

We also claim that some of the enhancements we describ e can increase the

quality of sp eci cations. This is particularly true of the redundancy enhance-

ments describ ed in Section 5, which can b e used to check that the sp eci cation

says what is intended [55, 54, 56].

1.3 Overview

In Section 2 b elowwe showhow to allow the sp eci er to cho ose either total or

partial correctness sp eci cations. In Section 3, we describ e a syntactic sugar,

\case analysis," that helps break sp eci cations up into more easily understo o d

pieces. In Section 4, we describ e some improvements to frame axioms. In Sec-

tion 5, we describ e how to add redundancy, including examples, to sp eci cations.

In Section 6, we describ e \history constraints" that can constrain how states can

change. Finally,we o er some conclusions.

2 Lib eral Sp eci cations

Most pre- and p ostcondition-based sp eci cation languages haveatotal correct-

ness [13] semantics. That is, a sp eci cation such as Figure 1 must always termi-

nate if the precondition is satis ed.

extern void incint& i throw;

//@ behavior {

//@ requires assignedi, pre /\ i^ < INT_MAX;

//@ modifies i;

//@ ensures i' = i^ + 1;

//@ }

Fig. 1. The Larch/C++ sp eci cation of the C++ function inc.

In Figure 1, the rst line gives the C++ function's interface. It says that

inc takes an integer argument passed by reference, returns nothing, and may 3

not throw exceptions. The b ehavior of inc is sp eci ed in the remaining lines.

The precondition starts with the keyword requires, and the p ostcondition with

the keyword ensures. The notation i^ is the pre-state value of the variable i,

and i' is its p ost-state value. The notation assignedi, pre means that i has

b een assigned a prop er value in the pre-state; /\ means \and". The modifies

clause is a frame axiom, whichsays that only the ob ject i can have its value


A partial correctness ,or liberal , semantics means that when the precondi-

tion is satis ed, then if the pro cedure terminates, the p ostcondition must hold.

However, termination is not required. By termination, we mean return to the

caller of a pro cedure, either normally or by throwing an exception. In nite lo ops,

jumps to other parts of the program, and program ab ortion are not termination.


In Larch/C , users can sp ecify pro cedures using either the total or partial

correctness semantics. Sp eci cations that use just the keyword ensures have

a total correctness semantics, and those that use ensures liberally havea

partial correctness semantics. The keyword liberally is inspired by Dijkstra's

terminology [13]; it has b een suggested that on exit might b e b etter.

One use for partial correctness sp eci cations, as in Hoare's original work [26],

is to avoid niteness issues. For example, instead of sp ecifying inc as in Fig-

ure 1, one could drop the precondition conjunct i^ < INT_MAX and use ensures

liberally in the p ostcondition. In this altered sp eci cation, the p ostcondition

would only need to b e satis ed if the pro cedure terminated; for example, a correct

implementation could ab ort the program if the result could not b e represented.

As a contract this is less precise since no call need terminate, but it is shorter.


Such niteness issues often arise in allo cation routines, suchasC con-

structors. For example, if an implementation of a constructor might plausibly

need to allo cate some memory from the heap, a total correctness sp eci cation

would have to describ e the circumstances in which there is enough memory avail-

able. Not only would such a sp eci cation b e tedious and longer, but it might

also overly constrain implementations. The problem is that there is no wayto

knowhowmuch memory all p ossible implementations might need.

Although one might sp ecify that a very generous amount of memory is re-

quired for termination, doing so with just a total correctness sp eci cation would

imp ose no obligation at all on implementations when the very generous amount


was not available. In Larch/C , one can combine total and partial correctness

sp eci cations for the same pro cedure, and thus more precisely sp ecify b oth when

a call must terminate and what must b e true on termination. The semantics of

such combinations uses the ideas of Dijkstra and others [13, 46, 25].

Another way out of the diculty with allo cation routines would b e to change

the meaning of total correctness. For example, one could use a variation on

Po etzsch-He ter's semantics [49, page 48] and require termination only if no

memory allo cation errors o ccur.

However, there are other uses for partial correctness. A prime use is in sp eci-


fying when a pro cedure must not terminate. A simple example is the C abort

pro cedure, which can b e sp eci ed as in Figure 2. This pro cedure can always b e 4

called, but when called must ab ort program execution instead of terminating,

and hence cannot b e sp eci ed with a total correctness semantics.

void abort;

//@ behavior {

//@ ensures liberally false;

//@ }

Fig. 2. Sp eci cation of abort.

The use of partial correctness, together with case analysis see b elow, allows

one to sp ecify exactly under what conditions a pro cedure must not terminate.

This technique is useful in precisely sp ecifying contracts for pro cedures written

for languages or compilers without exception handling. This idea app ears in

sugared form in the LCL checks clause [23, 55, 54, 56].

Partial correctness is also useful for sp ecifying pro cedures for which there

is no known totally-correct implementation. Interpreters for Turing-complete

languages are examples.

3 Case Analysis

A simple syntactic sugar, whichwe call case analysis, is helpful in breaking up

sp eci cations into more manageable chunks, and in sp ecifying pro cedures that

can throw exceptions. Its advantage over sp ecial-purp ose notations for exceptions

as in LM3 [29, 23], to cite just one example is that it is also useful for other

kinds of case analysis This sugar was pioneered by Wing [59, Section 4.1.4].

The idea is that a sp eci cation can b e split into several cases, all of which

must b e satis ed by a correct implementation. This concept was indep endently

reinvented by Wills [57]. Wills called sp eci cation cases \capsules", and used

them e ectively in OO sp eci cations.


In Larch/C , sp eci cation cases are separated by the keyword also. Con-

sider the example of Figure 3. This example shows a sp eci cation with two cases.

The rst case sp eci es an exception, the second the function's \normal" b ehav-

ior, which is to set each element of the argument array to zero. The notation

\A means \for all".

The desugaring of a sp eci cation with case analysis turns it into a sp eci ca-

tion with a single total correctness and a single partial correctness case. Each

such desugared case has as its precondition the disjunction written \/ofthe

preconditions of each corresp onding case, and as its p ostcondition a conjunction

of implications, with each precondition implying written => the corresp onding

p ostcondition. For example, the sp eci cation in Figure 4 is the desugaring of 5

include "BadSize.h"

extern void ZeroArraydouble x[], int n throwBadSize;

//@ behavior {

//@ requires n <= 0;

//@ ensures throwsBadSize;

//@ also

//@ requires 0 < n /\ n <= sizex /\ allocatedx, pre;

//@ modifies x;

//@ ensures returns

//@ /\\Ai:int0<=i/\ix'[i] = 0.0;

//@ }

Fig. 3. Sp eci cation of the C++ function ZeroArray. The predicate throwsBadSize

is true when the function terminates and throws the named exception; returns is true

when the function terminates normally. The predicate allocatedx, pre is true when

x is allo cated in the pre-state.

the sp eci cation in Figure 3. We think that Figure 3 is signi cantly easier to


include "BadSize.h"

extern void ZeroArraydouble x[], int n throwBadSize;

//@ behavior {

//@ requires n <= 0 \/ 0

//@ modifies x;

//@ ensures n <= 0 => throwsBadSize /\ unchangedx

//@ /\0

//@ => returns

//@ /\\Ai:int0<=i/\ix'[i] = 0.0;

//@ }

Fig. 4. Desugared sp eci cation of ZeroArray.

The interaction of frame axioms with this desugaring is subtle. The frame

for the desugared sp eci cation has to allow all mo di cations p ermitted in each

original case, since that p ermission is needed by the whole pro cedure. Tokeep

the original meaning, however, the op erator unchanged is used as needed in each

case. For example, in Figure 4, unchangedx is conjoined to the original rst

case's p ostcondition. 6

With just this sugar, however, precondition conjuncts that are shared among

cases would have to b e rep eated in each case. Toavoid such rep etition, cases in


Larch/C can b e put in the scop e of a precondition and can also b e nested.

For example, in Figure 5, the precondition assigneds, pre applies to b oth

cases. The desugaring rst conjoins the outer precondition to each of the inner

ones, and applies the previous desugaring. Extracting common parts of precondi-

tions like this also highlights them for the reader. We attach no sp ecial semantics

to such common preconditions, unlikePo etzsch-He ter [49, pages 96-97].

include "Stack.h"

include "BadSize.h"

extern void pop2Stack & s throwBadSize;

//@ behavior {

//@ requires assigneds, pre;

//@ {

//@ requires sizes^ < 2;

//@ ensures throwsBadSize;

//@ also

//@ requires sizes^ >= 2;

//@ modifies s;

//@ ensures returns /\ s' = poppops;

//@ ensures redundantly sizes' = sizes^ - 2;

//@ }

//@ }

Fig. 5. Sp eci cation of pop2. The ensures redundantly clause is explained b elow.

For OO sp eci cation languages, Wills p ointed out that one can understand

inheritance of sp eci cations as meaning that subtyp e ob jects must satisfy the

cases sp eci ed for them explicitly,aswell as those of their sup ertyp es. This

ensures that subtyping is b ehavioral [11, 42]; that is, subtyp e ob jects can b e

reused according to their sup ertyp es' contracts.

4 Framing

A frame axiom in a pro cedure sp eci cation says that \nothing else changes" [5].

VDM and Z b oth have features to p ermit the sp eci cation of frame axioms write

p ermissions in VDM, and  in Z. In the Larch family,interface sp eci cations

languages have followed Wing's design for Larch/CLU [58] in using the modifies

clause to say that only the ob jects listed mayhave their abstract values changed.


In Larch/C , the meaning of the modifies clause \modifies i;" is trans-

lated by a predicate like the following see [33, Section] for exact details,

which can b e thought of as conjoined to the p ostcondition. 7

ModifiedObjectspre, post \subseteq {i, residue_i}

In the ab ove, the term ModifiedObjectspre, post denotes the set of all

ob jects mo di ed in the transition from the pre-state to the p ost-state, and

\subseteq is a subset op erator. The ob ject residue_i stands for whatever ob-

jects i may dep end on that are not in scop e [37, Section 11.3]. The modifies

clause gives considerable notational abbreviation, b ecause it asserts that all ob-

jects not mentioned retain their values.

4.1 Trashing

In the Larch family, predicates use the logic of the Larch Shared Language,

which is a logic of total functions [21, 35]. In such a logic, the pre- and p ost-

states, which are mo deled by functions, will return prop er values for ob jects

that are not allo cated or that are not assigned a prop er value. Toavoid ill-

de ned sp eci cations, it is imp ortant that a sp eci cation written in such a logic

ensures that whenever an ob ject's value is mentioned in a given state, the ob ject

is allo cated i.e., found in the domain of the state function, and assigned i.e.,

given a prop er value. If this is not done, then logical problems may o ccur [8,

27, 36].

Toavoid such problems in the semantics of the modifies clause, the set

ModifiedObjectspre, post can only include ob jects that are assigned values

in b oth the pre- and p ost-states and change their values, or that are allo cated

in the pre-state and b ecome assigned in the p ost-state.


However, in C and other languages without garbage collection, pro cedures

can trash an ob ject, either by deallo cating it or by making it unassigned for

example, by \uninitializing" it from an unassigned variable. Since these actions

are not considered mo di cations, they are not covered by the modifies clause.

However, without additional supp ort from the sp eci cation language, sp eci ers

would havetomake assertions ab out which ob jects remain allo cated and assigned

in each p ostcondition [7], whichwould b e inconvenient and verb ose.

Toavoid having users write in p ostconditions assertions ab out what is not

trashed, Chalin [7] argued for a second part to the frame axiom in Larchinterface


sp eci cations. In Larch/C this is called the trashes clause. Only the ob jects

listed in the trashes clause may b e trashed; hence all ob jects not mentioned

must remain assigned and allo cated if they were in the pre-state, and an omitted

trashes clause means that nothing may b e trashed.

As with the modifies clause, the trashes clause is a p ermission, not a

requirement to trash the ob jects mentioned. Consider the example in Figure 6

[33, Section]. The ob ject p ointed to by cp may b e trashed, since it is

mentioned in the trashes clause. The p ostcondition says that it must b e trashed

when the value of ref_count drops to 0, but may not b e otherwise.


In Larch/C , the meaning of the trashes clause \trashes *cp;" is trans-

lated by a predicate like the following see [33, Section] for details, which

can b e thought of as conjoined to the p ostcondition.

TrashedObjectspre, post \subseteq {*cp, residue_star_cp} 8

extern void dec_refchar *cp, int & ref_count throw;

//@ behavior {

//@ requires allocatedcp, pre /\ assignedref_count, pre

//@ /\ ref_count^ >= 1;

//@ modifies ref_count;

//@ trashes *cp;

//@ ensures ref_count' = ref_count^ - 1

//@ /\ if ref_count' = 0 then trashed*cp else ~trashed*cp;

//@ ensures redundantly ref_count^ > 1 => ~trashed*cp;

//@ example ref_count^ = 1 /\ ref_count' = 0 /\ trashed*cp;

//@ }

Fig. 6. Sp eci cation of the C++ function dec ref. The ensures redundantly and

example clauses are explained b elow.

As ab ove, the ob ject residue_star_cp stands for whatever ob jects *cp may

dep end on that are not in scop e [37, Section 11.3].

5 Redundancy

A redundant part of a sp eci cation do es not itself form part of the contract,

but instead is a formalized commentary on it. By allowing a sp eci er to state

redundant prop erties explicitly, a sp eci cation language b ecomes more expres-

sive. First, it allows sp eci ers to state prop erties that are imp ortant for readers,

without cluttering up the main parts of the sp eci cation. More imp ortantly, re-

dundant parts, since they are marked as redundant, allowchecking of the main

parts of the sp eci cation. One imp ortant b ene t is that the reader can check his

or her understanding of the main parts against the redundant parts. Another

b ene t is that the sp eci er can record more of the thinking that wentinto the

sp eci cation; for example, various examples or prop erties of the sp eci cation

may b e thought of rst, and these do not have to b e dropp ed when a more

general form is discovered.

The Larch family has emphasized the b ene t of checking howwell a sp eci ca-

tion captures the sp eci er's intuition by comparing the redundant parts against

the main parts; suchchecking is called \debugging" a sp eci cation [17]. For ex-

ample, the Larch Shared Language incorp orates features that can b e used to

state redundant claims ab out theories [23, Chapter 7].

5.1 RedundantPostconditions

Tan's work on LCL intro duced redundancy into a sp eci cation language with

pre- and p ostconditions [55, 54, 56]. Of particular relevance here are Tan's \pro-

cedure claims," which state redundant prop erties that follow from the main part 9


of a sp eci cation. In Larch/C , one can use an ensures redundantly clause

to state pro cedure claims. For example, in Figure 5 the ensures redundantly

clause in the second sp eci cation case highlights a prop erty of that case; it says

that the stack's size decreases bytwo. Another example o ccurs in Fig 6.

To use redundant p ostconditions in debugging a sp eci cation, for each such

redundancy claim, one would try to prove the following, where Pre is the case's

precondition, Frame is the predicate that translates its frame axioms, Post is

its p ostcondition, and RedunPost is the claimed redundant p ostcondition [55,

54, 56] [33, Section 6.8]. All of these should b e in their desugared forms.

Pre ^ Frame ^ Post  RedunPost 1

5.2 Examples

When we give problem statements to students, we observe that many students

primarily fo cus on examples. By adding examples as another form of redundancy

to sp eci cations one gains the b ene ts of additional redundancy as well as the

ability to convey more clearly what is to b e done. Examples as part of interface


sp eci cations rst app eared in Larch/C [32]. For instance, in Figure 7, ex-

amples are used to show that isqrt is undersp eci ed; the two examples given

show di erent approximations that may b e returned for the square ro ot of 31.

extern unsigned int isqrtunsigned int & x throw;

//@ behavior {

//@ requires assignedx, pre;

//@ ensures result-1*result-1 < x^ /\ x^ < result+1*result+1;

//@ example x^ = 31 /\ result = 6;

//@ example x^ = 31 /\ result = 5;

//@ }

Fig. 7. Sp eci cation of the C++ function isqrt.

One mightwonder whether examples are needed when one has case analysis;

for example, why not sp ecify isqrt as in Figure 8? One reason is that this style

of sp ecifying examples would not mark the examples as redundant for the reader.

Worse, the sp eci cation in Figure 8 is inconsistent, b ecause it says that when x

is 31, the result must b e b oth 5 and 6.

Examples can also b e used to help debug sp eci cations. What should b e

checked is that an example, together with the frame, describ es a pair of states

that are in the relation sp eci ed by the sp eci cation's main parts. In terms

of predicates, this means that for each example, one should prove the following, 10

extern unsigned int isqrtunsigned int & x throw;

//@ behavior {

//@ requires assignedx, pre;

//@ {

//@ ensures result-1*result-1 < x^ /\ x^ < result+1*result+1;

//@ also

//@ requires x^ = 31;

//@ ensures result = 6;

//@ also

//@ requires x^ = 31;

//@ ensures result = 5;

//@ }

//@ }

Fig. 8. A bad inconsistent sp eci cation of isqrt; this shows how examples are dif-

ferent than sp eci cation cases.

where Example is the example predicate, and Pre , Frame , and Post are as b efore.

Example ^ Frame   Pre  Frame ^ Post  2

By predicate calculus, this is the same as the following.

Example ^ Frame ^ Pre   Post 3

We b elieve that it is b est to give examples that do not contradict the precon-

dition of a sp eci cation; hence it is also worthwhile to check that the conjunction

of the example predicate, frame, and precondition is consistent.

The reason why the frame is conjoined to the example predicate in Formula 2

is to avoid forcing the sp eci er to state what ob jects are not mo di ed in exam-

ples. For instance, in Figure 7, if the frame axiom were not conjoined to the

example predicate, then there would b e no way to prove that the example and

the precondition imply the frame and the p ostcondition for that example, since

the example predicate says nothing ab out the value of x in the p ost-state.

5.3 Redundant Preconditions

One can also apply the idea of redundancy to the precondition. The requires


redundantly clause in Larch/C is the analog of the ensures redundantly

clause for the precondition. It allows one to state redundant preconditions. Re-

dundant preconditions are sometimes useful for p ointing out to the reader prop-

erties that follow from the semantics of the sp eci cation language, such as that

certain ob jects are allo cated or assigned. For example, in Figure 9, the requires

redundantly clause highlights the fact that reference arguments are implicitly

required to b e allo cated, and that unsigned integers are non-negative. 11

extern unsigned int isqrtunsigned int & x throw;

//@ behavior {

//@ requires assignedx, pre;

//@ requires redundantly allocatedx, pre /\ x^ >= 0;

//@ ensures result-1*result-1 < x^ /\ x^ < result+1*result+1;

//@ example x^ = 31 /\ result = 6;

//@ example x^ = 31 /\ result = 5;

//@ }

Fig. 9. A sp eci cation of isqrt that shows the use of requires redundantly.

To use the requires redundantly clause in debugging a sp eci cation, one

would prove the following, where again Pre is the desugared precondition, and

RedunPre is the redundant precondition.

Pre  RedunPre 4

It would b e p ossible to have an analog of the example clause for precondi-

tions, say with an example input clause. The example input predicates would

b e used in debugging the sp eci cation bychecking that they are consistent with

the precondition. Example inputs are not included in the currentversion of


Larch/C [33], b ecause wehave not found a great need for them.

5.4 RedundantFrames


Larch/C was also the rst interface sp eci cation language to extend the idea


of redundancy to the modifies and trashes clauses. In Larch/C , one can

use modifies redundantly and trashes redundantly clauses. One use for

such clauses is to highlight ob jects that are implicitly allowed to b e mo di ed

or trashed b ecause some explicitly named ob ject has b een declared to dep end

on them [37]. The debugging of redundant frames is analogous to that used for

redundant preconditions; that is, one would prove that the p ermissions that are

claimed to b e redundant follow from the language's semantics and the explicit

p ermissions.

5.5 An Alternative Design for Redundancy

Wenow brie y describ e an alternative design for redundancy that has b een


considered for Larch/C , but never adopted. We are exp erimenting with it

in our sp eci cation language for Java [34], and it maybeofinterest to other

sp eci cation language designers.

The idea is that instead of having clauses that allow the sp eci cation of

redundancy, that one lab el entire sp eci cation cases as redundant or examples.

For example, one might write the sp eci cation of Figure 6 as in Figure 10. 12

extern void dec_refchar *cp, int & ref_count throw;

//@ behavior {

//@ requires allocatedcp, pre /\ assignedref_count, pre

//@ /\ ref_count^ >= 1;

//@ modifies ref_count;

//@ trashes *cp;

//@ ensures ref_count' = ref_count^ - 1

//@ /\ if ref_count' = 0 then trashed*cp else ~trashed*cp;

//@ }

//@ behavior redundantly {

//@ requires allocatedcp, pre /\ assignedref_count, pre

//@ /\ ref_count^ > 0;

//@ modifies ref_count;

//@ trashes *cp;

//@ ensures ref_count^ > 1 => ~trashed*cp;

//@ }

//@ example {

//@ requires ref_count^= 1;

//@ modifies ref_count;

//@ trashes *cp

//@ ensures ref_count' = 0 /\ trashed*cp;

//@ }

Fig. 10. An alternativestyle for writing redundancy into sp eci cations. This is not

++ ++

part of Larch/C , but given in a Larch/C style.

One advantage of this style is that it more cleanly separates the redundant

parts of a sp eci cation from the main parts. Also, examples seem clearer, b ecause

the descriptions of the pre- and p ost-states are separated into the requires and

ensures clauses of the example.

The disadvantage of this style is that the sp eci cations b ecome somewhat

more verb ose. In a behavior redundantly clause, one must rep eat the precon-

dition and frame, which is not necessary with ensures redundantly. While an

example clause do es not need to rep eat the precondition, it do es seem necessary

to rep eat the frame in examples, b ecause this keeps the semantics of an omitted

modifies or trashes clause uniform. However, there mightbeways of making

this more palatable.

6 History Constraints

Many sp eci cation languages allow one to state invariants for the values of an

abstract data typ e ADT. An invariant prop erty is one that must b e true of each

ob ject of the ADT in all visible states. A visible state is one that can b e observed

by clients of the ADT. Suchinvariants can b e seen as an expressiveway to state 13

prop erties that would otherwise have to b e rep eated in every op eration's pre-

and p ostcondition. However, invariants are not mere notational abbreviations,

b ecause they apply to all op erations, even when new ones are added to an ADT.

Liskov and Wing intro duced a similar idea as an aid to sp ecifying OO pro-

grams that use b ehavioral subtyping [39, 38]. A history constraint for a typ e

describ es a prop erty of ob jects of that typ e and all subtyp es that must hold

for any ordered pair of visible states in a computation, where the rst state o c-

curs b efore the second. To make sense, such a prop ertymust describ e a re exive

and transitive relation on states. History constraints, if not stated as such, would

otherwise have to b e rep eated in every op eration's p ostcondition. However, his-

tory constraints are not mere notational abbreviations, b ecause they apply to

all op erations, even new ones added in subtyp es.

A simple example is the constraint that some eld of an ob ject never changes

its value, once initialized. For instance, in the sp eci cation of a BoundedStack


class in Larch/C , one might write the following history constraint, to state

that a Stack's eld max_size never changes.

//@ constraint max_size^ = max_size';

The max_size eld is allowed to b e initialized, b ecause history constraints do not

apply to constructors, as the pre-state value of the ob ject is not visible. Techni-


cally, in Larch/C this is b ecause the eld has not yet b een assigned a prop er

value up on entry to a constructor. For analogous reasons history constraints

do not apply to destructors. However, the example constraintdoessay that one


cannot list make_size in a modifies clause for a normal op eration C mem-

b er function of the typ e BoundedStack.Itthus collects information that would

otherwise b e spread out in all the modifies clauses of all the op erations. Fur-

thermore, the immutability of a eld like this would only b e written negatively,

by not b eing listed in all these modifies clauses. Finally, the immutabilityofa

eld could b e changed by new op erations or by subtyp es if it were not listed in

the history constraint.

History constraints can also b e used to succinctly express monotonic rela-


tionships b etween pre- and p ost-states. For example, the Larch/C manual's

sp eci cation of a class Person [33, Section 7.1.1], includes the following history

constraint, which expresses the inexorable arrow of time.

//@ constraint age^ <= age';


To allow debugging of invariants and history constraints, Larch/C also al-

lows one to state redundantinvariants and history constraints, using invariant

redundantly and constraint redundantly clauses.


An innovation in Larch/C is that one can limit a history constraintso

that it only applies to various named op erations [11] [33, Section 7.4]. This can

b e used to collect common, monotonic, parts of the p ostconditions of several

op erations in one place. A more general version of this idea was advo cated by

Borgida et al. as an approach to dealing with frame axioms [5]. The form found in


Larch/C is useful in sp ecifying history constraints for typ es that are intended 14

as sup ertyp es of weak b ehavioral subtyp es [11, 10] [33, Section 7.8]. However, an

explanation of weak b ehavioral subtyping is outside the scop e of this pap er.

7 Other Related Work

Our goal of making pre- and p ostcondition sp eci cations more expressive is also

served by the re nement calculus [2{4, 43{45]. The ma jor extension in the re-

nement calculus is the use of abstract programs as sp eci cations. These are

programs that may include sp eci cation statements and other kinds of noncon-

structive statements. This makes it p ossible to sp ecify higher-order pro cedures

conveniently, and is particularly useful in comp onent-based or event-driven set-

tings [6]. However, this extension is orthogonal to the techniques wehave dis-


The work of Perry on Inscap e [48] also has as one of its goals making pre-

and p ostcondition sp eci cations more practical. It adds to p ostconditions the

notion of an obligation, which clients are exp ected to satisfy eventually. Again,

this extension is orthogonal to those discussed in this pap er. Inscap e also splits

preconditions up into three kinds, although none of them are redundant and

thus cannot b e used for debugging sp eci cations. Perry's Instress to ol uses static

analysis to help debug programs, not sp eci cations.

The Extended Static Checker from Compaq SRC [9] carries on this tradition

of static analysis using sp eci cations to help debug programs; again the work is

not aimed at helping debug sp eci cations. The sp eci cations used in this checker

do, however, have some additional constructs for more expressive framing than

what is describ ed in this pap er.

Our emphasis on expressiveness in sp eci cations can b e seen as following

the emphasis on expressive notation in the \calculational scho ol" of Dijkstra,

Gries, and others see, e.g., [12, 14, 19, 20]. These authors have considerably

adapted standard mathematical notations to b e more consistent and commu-

nicative. However, they have not directed much attention to the pre- and p ost-

condition technique itself. Similarly, the sp eci cation language Z has a great

variety of notational re nements, but these re nements are not aimed at the

pre- and p ostcondition technique.

8 Conclusions

In this pap er wehave describ ed several enhancements to the pre- and p ostcondi-

tion technique for sp eci cations. These enhancements contribute to the expres-


siveness of Larch/C , and could b e adapted to other sp eci cation languages.

Wehave suggested how the enhancements help the sp eci er communicate more

e ectively with p otential clients and implementors. Moreover, they do not result

in any loss of formal rigor.

In our exp erience, the most signi cant of these enhancements is the ability

to add redundant examples to sp eci cations. In addition to their p otential use in 15

debugging sp eci cations, wehave found that they can help make sp eci cations

clearer. We are also excited ab out their p otential for automated testing [22].

Besides examples, the enhancementwe use most often is case analysis [59,

Section 4.1.4] [57]. This is helpful in stating sp eci cations of pro cedures that

may throw exceptions. However, since it is more general than a sp ecial-purp osed

notation for exceptions, it is also useful in breaking up the logic of a sp eci cation

into more easily understo o d parts.

Even if sp eci cation language designers do not like our syntax, we hop e

they will address the issues wehave raised and go b eyond them. We also lo ok

forward to exp erimental tests of the expressiveness of these enhancements, and

the eventual re nement of our ideas by that research.


Thanks to Yo onsik Cheon, Krishna Kishore Dhara, Matt Markland, and Clyde


Ruby for their work on Larch/C . Thanks to Patrice Chalin, Peter Muller, 


and Rustan Leino for several discussions ab out the semantics of Larch/C .

Thanks to Kishore, Peter, Rustan, and Arnd Po etzsch-He ter, for many helpful

suggestions ab out an earlier draft of this pap er.

The work of b oth authors was supp orted in part by the National Science

Foundation under Grant CCR-9803843. Leavens's work was also supp orted in

part under Grant CCR-9503168.


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