Niagara Mohawk vJVCO'jCrT-T A National Grid Company Jeremy J Euto Associate Counsel VIA HAND DELIVERY Februa.y22.2005 CO^^O/ Honorable Jaclyn Brilling Ois/^^^.' Secretary ^ State of New York M- (£' LA^ C~- Publie Service Commission ^^ a ^^ OJ Three Empire State Plaza " Albany, NY 12223 RE: Case 04.M.0159 - Proceeding on Motion of the Commission to Examine the Safety of Electric Transmission and Distribution Systems. Dear Secretary Brilling: Enclosed please find for filing an original and three (3) copies of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation's ("Niagara Mohawk's") "2005 Stray Voltage Testing and Inspection Plan" in the above-referenced matter (the "Plan").' Pursuant to the "Order Instituting Safety Standards " issued by the New York State Public Service Commission (the "Commission") on January's 2005 in the above-referenced proceeding (the "Order"), every utility that owns transmission or distribution facilities and is subject to the Commission's jurisdiction was required to make such a filing within 45 days of the date of the Order. Kindly acknowledge receipt of this filing by date-stamping as received the enclosed duplicate copy of this letter and returning it in the enclosed, self-addressed envelope. Respectfully submitted, \ Jeremy J. Euto Enclosures c: Robert Visalli (NYPSC Staff) Concurrent with this filing, Niagara Mohawk is also filing a separate request for waiver with the Commission; to the extent any such waiver of the Order's requirements may be required in connection with the Company's implementation of the Plan. 300 Erie Boulevard West Legal Department A-3 Syracuse. NY 13202 315.428.3310 Fax: 315.460.8031
[email protected] Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation 2005 Stray Voltage Testing and Inspection Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Description Page I.