Bible Broadcasting Network Satellite Program Log IBBN~I
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·~ Bible Broadcasting Network Satellite Program Log IBBN~I Day __........S..t....'o....d...,a'-¥y ....,.- _ Date~ Announcer On/Off Announcer On/Off Announcer On/Off Announcer On/Off Announcer On/Off Announcer On/Off : Time On Time Off PGM Program Title - Description Cart 2 B"{1akaway XX Announcement X BBN Promo. Music Rotation Loca.L BreaKaways 1. 30 Seconds 2. 3. NO LOCAL WEATHER ALL DAY NO LOCAL BREAKAWAYS ALL DAY 12:00 12:05 BBN News/Good News 12:05 12:30 Record Room 12:30 12:35 - Musical Backgrounds 12:35 1:00 Record Room 1: 00 1:30 Grace Worship Hour 1:30 2:00 Record Room 2:00 2:30 Unshackled! 2:30 3:00 Record Room , 3:00 3:15 Daily Bible Reading 3:15 3:30 Record Room \ 3:30 4:00 Bible! study Time I 4:00 4: 15 ~ Family Altar 4:15 5:00 Record Room \ 5:00 ~ 5: 05 BBN News/Good News 5:05 5:27 Record Room 5:27 5:57 Word of Life (weekly) i 5:57 6:00 To God Be The Glory 6:00 6:05 BBN News/Good News 6:05 6:15 Record Room I 6:15 6:17 Weather '- 6:17 6:30 Record Room I )3ible Broadcasting Networl, Satellite Program Log 2 Pagc _ Time On Time Off PGM Program Title - Description Cart 2 Breakaways X X Announcement X BBN Promo. 6:30 7:00 Sounds of Joy 7:00 7:05 BBN News/Good News 7:05 7:15 Record Room 7:15 7: 17 Weather ~ 7:17 7:30 Record Room 7:30 8:00 Carver Sunday School Hour 8:00 8:05 BBN News/Good News '8:05 8:15 Record Room 8:15 8:17 Weather 8:17 • 8:30 Record Room 8:30 9:00 Grace Worship Hour 9:00 I9:05 BBN News/Good News 9:05 10:00 Record Room (ID at 9:14:55 THEN PUSH REEL BUTTON Local) At 9:30:00 - Return to SAT & ID - .. .'.. " . 10 :00 11:00 Record Room 11:00 11:05 BBN News/Good News ID at 10:59:55 THEN PUSH REEL BUTTON (Local) 11:05 12:00N Moody Church Hour at 12:00:00 - Push Return tc SAT Button and ID 12:00 1:00 Record-Room , :: 1:00 1:05 BBN News/Good News , 1:05 1:15 Record Room .~ 1:15 2:00 Sunday Sermon/McGee 2:00 2:05 BBN News/Good News Verse 2:05 2:30 Record Room 2:30 3:00 Bible Study Time 3:00 3:15 Daily/Bible Reading 3:15 4:00 Record Room C':"15 __ I i 4:00 4:05 BBN NeWS/Good News 4:05 5:00 Record Room - Bible Broadcasting Networl, Satellite Program Log 3 Pagc _ Time On Time Off PGM Program Title - Description. Cart 2 Breakaways X X Announcement X BBN Promo. 1/ 5:00 5:29 Radio Bible Class 5:29 5:45 . ~eco..."" Room 5:45 6:00 Word Of Life 6:00 6:05 BBN News/Good News 6: oS 7:00 Record Room· 7:00 8:00 Evening Worship Hour ID at 6:59:55 THEN PUSH REEL BUTTON (Local) At 8:00:00 - Return to I SAT & ID 8:00 9:00 Record Room C-.5~ , 9:00 9:0S - BBN News/Good News Verse 9:0~ I 9:30 Record Room 9:30 10:00 Songs In The Night 10:00 10:0S BBN News/Good News Verse 10: 05' 10:30 Record Room , i 10:30 11:00 Unshackled 11: 00, 11:05 BBN News/Good News 11:05 11:30 Record Room 11:30 11:45 Bit of Heaven 11:45 12:00 Record Room • ,. ,. .: , : I I \ 1I- ~~~~~~~...---~~~~~~-w~.. SH-DC TEL NO:202-785-2800 i*1::36 P0::3 IXlIIXI a DI.qr!ptioD of tho Nature and 14u9ational Pu£RP'.' At pbl a;pligAnt and HAW th. propQ.ld Statipn will II V'ld For tho Adylngpment pt an 14ucat!pnal 'Epqram Bibl. Broadca.~ift; Network, Inc., (IIBBN") teel. radio i. a mo.~ errective tool to b. used in the eduoational field. It i. the de.ira and objective ot BBN to produce and distribute - pro;rams and to train people in the field or broaeSQa.tin;. BBN believ•• it can help r ••olve oommunity problems and i ••u•• ~rouih thi. broadea.t medium. BBN believes that a proparlf-run radio .tation in thi. area oan ~e a great enhancement to the more, spiritual and sooial ne.d. of the c:ommunitf· Throu;h BBN new. covarage, public servioes and public artaire pro;r:mming, w. can help inform and eduoate the publio to develop a better community. BDN oan make the community aware ot opportun1tie. anCS n••d. 1n the ••rvice araa. BBN f ••la an e~ucational tormat and reli;iou. teachings are a combination that will brinq about oomtort an~ .tability in this area. Our changinq society needs What we have to otter, and BBN will eduoate, aa,iat and help resolve .ol~tion. to law entorcement problems and many n.ed. ot the Conway community. BBN also otter. tree coun.elin; to people who need help in ,piritual and locial needs. Thi., BSN i. aure, will be a great •••et to thi. area. Attached hereto are copies of BBN'a Certificate ot Incorporation, Article. of Incorporation and By-LaWI. Comglianc@ with Section 73.503 ot tbe Rule. The above statement provides a showing that the atation will be u.ed tor the advanc..ent ot an .du~at1onal proqram pur.uant to Section 73.503(6) ot the Rule•• The taoilitie. will be u••d to provide a non-profit and non oommeroial broadcast .ervice in oomplianoe with section 73.503(b), (0), and (d) ot the Rule•• BBN is currently the l1cen••e ot sevent.en radio atationa all of which operate with a non-oommercial educational format in compliance with Section 73.503 at the Rul••• .H" 1111:1:1:'1 ~ DI.gBZ''IIOM Qr BADzO ''''IZOM %1W11I8T' Qr BIILI IIOM0A,I,ZICI UDall. IHO, l"p,,,,) BBN 1•• non-proti~, non-stock corporation Which operate. seventeen radio .tations and a number ot translators with a non comm.rcial 'ducational format. The atationa are as folloWl1 Call Lltt.r, City of Licen•• KCEV(PM) Wichita, Kan,•• lfAVO(AM) Decatur, G.orqia lfPCII (m) Tarpon Springs, Florida WHPE-J'M High Point, North Carolina WHGG(FM) Knoxvill., T.nn••••• WYPA(J'II) Wayn••boro, G.orgia WYFB(PM) aa1n.lvilll, Florida WYFC(FM) Clinton, T.nnessee wyrQ(I'M) ,Gaffn.y, South Carolina WYFH(FM) North Charl.ston, South Carolina WYFI (I'M) Norfolk, Vir9inia WYFJ (PM) Albland, Virginia WV'I«PM) Columbus, G.orgia wyr1.(rM) H.nd.raon, North Carolina WYFO(FM) Lak.lan4, Flori4~ WYFS (I'M) savannah, G.orgia WYJ"I' (PM) Luray, Virginia NEW(I'M). Cayel, South Carolina studio Transmitt.r Link. W'HY-945 North Charl.lton, South Carolina J<PQ-761 North Charl••ton, South Caro11na W81(-210 Norfolk, Vir91n1a WHB-9.98 Henderaon, North Carolina WHG-434 Gaffnay, South Carolina W1.F-436 aain.,ville, Florida WLF-872 Luray, Virginia "'U-S7' Columbul, G.orgia WHI-722 Henderlon, North Carolina kPH-329 Gainaavill., Florida PM Tran.lator. W210AC Southern pin••, North Carolina H214AG Schroon Lak., N.w York W215AG Swainlboro, Georgia W224AF Denv:!.lle, Virg1nia W224AL W••tover Hilll, Virginia W261AM ChriatianlbUt'9, Virginia W311AN Blaoklburg, vi~iinia Wa,aAr Mar~inlvil1e, V rg1nia H216AN Ba•••tt ForkS, Vir9inia *Ca11 l.~t.r, "WYPV" reC,IU8.t.e4. JUL-25-'90 WED 10:47 ID:SMTHWK/BLNDK-WASH-DC TEL N~:202~7~5-280~0 ~=~13~G~P1~3~ ~___ Applications pendinq tor new noncommercial educational FM station. at the following communities& CQmmunitv lee ri1. Numbpr FCC PQQkat Number Live oak, TX BPED-880930MM Nobl••ville, IN BPH-880301ML MM Dooket No. 90-94 rillhar, wv BPED-900103MD Bvan., CiA BPI:D-90012Sn Martina., GA BPlllD-881018HA Applications pendinq for new FM Translatora: Community FCC rile Numb.r Pari., TX BPFT-880722'1'B Amarillo, TX BPJ'T-88072.5TE Od••••, TX .BPPT"88072STD Wiohita palla, TX BPPT-880725TC Salina, X8 BPFT-880728TB Top.ka, X8 BPPT-880725TC lAke Charl••, LA BPFT-880801'1'M Lafayet.te, LA BPrI'-880801TB We.t Monro., LA BPrI'-880728TA Tyler, '1'X BPP'l'-880808TC (Diamissed April 3, 1~90) Sprin;c1ale, AR BPJ'T-8B0808T8 Port Smith, AR 8PP'1'-88 0808'1'0 stillwater, OK BPFT-880810TA Manhattan, KS BPFT-880810TB Imporia, 1(8 BPFT-S80Il0Te Jon••boro, AR BPrT-880S115TJ Pin. Bluff, AR BPPr-SS0815'l'I New Iberia, LA BPFT-880815TI. ROiiW.ll, NM BPFT-BSOS15TlC LUfkin, '1'X BPJ'T-880906TC Midland, TX BPrT-880822TO Beaumont, TX 8PFT-880822TD Bryan, TX 15'1''1'-880822'1'1 Van Buren, AR BPFT-880808'1'D Abilane, TX BPI"I'-880~12TF Grand., HE BPJ'T-881011TI Columbia, se B'PT-880922TA (Returned April 3, 1990) Lincoln, NE BPJ''l'-8S1011TI (Returnea April 3, 1990) Alexandria, LA B'I'T-881019TA Nacadoch••, TX B'1"1'-881019'1'8 (Returned April 3, 1990) Longvi.w, TX BPrr-881121TC Princeton, WV BPPT-890105TA Winch••ter, VA BPPT-S90)lJT!' ApPlication pending tor Earth station located at Chesapeake, Virqlnia tiled June 1, 1989. Application pending tor modirication ot tacilitie. ot WYFB(FM), Gain••ville, Florida (rile No. BPED-871105IF). ____________ JUL-25-'9~ WFD 1~:47 ID:SMTHWK/BLNDK-WASH-DC TEL NO:202-785-280~ IU36 P14 Lowell Davey and Georqeanna Davey are officers and directors of Bible Braadoa.tin; Network Internat,ional, Inc., which 1.