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The More Things Change...

Since the new year, we have had a few changes around the Needlepoint Now studio. We have a new office manger, Clarence Harper, who has filled the position of bookkeeper and circulation manager. Clarence has a background in customer service and is a joy to work with. If you have problems with your subscription or with an invoice, if you prefer subscribing or resubscribing over the phone, Clarence is the one to call. He is extremely kind and helpful, plus he frees me up so I can spend more time on the content of the magazine.

I am very lucky to have the great staff that I do. Stacy, our graphic designer, is a whiz with the ads, website and charting those stitches we all love. She wasn’t a stitcher before she started working for Needlepoint Now but I think we have her hooked. She is a valued employee and over the years she has worked for us, she has become a trusted friend.

Angela Wigham keeps all of our advertising clients organized and has become everyone’s favorite at the office because she is always willing to help out when Clarence, Stacy or I get backed up. I’m working on teaching her to but with two teenage boys that are involved in every sport available at school, she keeps pretty busy and doesn’t get much spare time. Angela is so detail oriented that I trust her to proofread the ads and the editorial content in the magazine. Not much gets by her.

Jay Bozievich, my husband, has become more involved with the magazine. He not only takes out the trash, changes light bulbs and runs payroll, he keeps all of our accounts straight, which is no easy task since we have started running tours. I’m thrilled to have him more involved. I know he will always keep my best interests in mind.

I have said this before, but I’ll say it again: the one thing I can always count on in the magazine business is change. This recent change in personnel allowed me to step in and review some of our procedures and determine if they were working well or if they needed improvement. One area that needed improvement is our notification process of subscription renewals. In the past, we sent you a letter letting you know that your subscription was running out and that you only had one more issue to go. Then we would put a note on your mailing label notifying you that you were receiving your last issue. Still, people were not feeling that they got enough of a notice of when to renew. Now you will be receiving a postcard telling you that it is time to renew. Then you will still get the note on your final issue telling you this is it, unless you resubscribe. Finally we will follow up with two “we miss you" postcards before we take your name out of our database. All told, you will get four notices letting you know that it’s time to renew. We hope this helps with some of the confusion on both ends, yours and ours.

We value our customers and want to keep you happy. If there is ever a problem with your magazine, please feel free to call our office at (541) 935-0238 or email us at [email protected]. Please don’t rely on Facebook to communicate with us. Chances are that your message will go to the wrong person to handle your problem and it’s much faster to call or email us.


Coming in March/April 2019

Junior the Bunny Canvas by Labors of Love; Stitch Guide by Timmy Schultz Part of an adorable series of five bunnies! Junior is decked out in his gardening clothes and has harvested some carrots for your holiday feast.

Fleur-de-Lis By Lorene Salt

With scallop borders, metallic threads and overdyed silk, Fleur-de-Lis fuses needlepoint designer and teacher Lorene Salt’s favorite things: bright colors, versatile stitches, and of course, bling.

“I’m all about the bling,” said Lorene, who is based in Ontario, Canada. Stitched on a shimmering opalescent canvas, the 5 ½ " × 5 ½" design uses Valdani perle cotton for soft sheen and Kreinik metallic threads for sparkle.

Personal Perpetual Calendar Part 2: March & April Canvases by Love You More; Stitch Guide by Emily Hennessy and Tracy McMullen

What a great way to showcase a different seasonal needlepoint design each month of the year! Personal Perpetual Calendar kits can be ordered through your favorite LNS, and the stitch guides for each month will be presented throughout 2019 in Needlepoint Now.

Kits include four colored double mats, three years of calendar cards, 1 Itty Bitty porcupine quill laying tool, a cherry wood frame, plexiglass and backerboard, a Neiko screwdriver, a gift box to store threads, and painted canvases, packaged in archival bags.

Cast Members of Children's Nativity Canvasses by Strictly Christmas and Et Cetera; Stitch Guide by Needlepoint This!

In the January/February issue were the instructions for the holy family, two kings and a shepherd. In this issue we have the supporting cast of characters: three camels, two sheep, one donkey and the third king. This delightful nativity brings back fond childhood memories and is sure to brighten anyone’s holiday.


Millefleur Satchel By Shannan Grierson of Bobbin & Fred. Needlepoint at the Chelsea Flower Show By June Russell-Chamberlain

Needlepoint Wisdom By Elizabeth Albright

From the Judge's Corner By Connie Lynn Borserine

Making It Simple By Anne Stradal

Simply Stitches By Mary Legallet

What's New? What's Hot

Details That Make A Difference By Marion Scoular

Bookshelf By Elizabeth Albright

My Favorite Things By Timmy Schultz

Using Common Stitches In Uncommon Ways By Ann Strite-Kurz

Subscribe to Needlepoint Now

Spring is coming and so is the next issue of Needlepoint Now! Stuffed with needlepoint love, amazing painted canvases with stitch guides, intriguing charted projects, new stitches, tips & tricks, project reviews, professional insights and much more!

Meet Clarence Harper, Our Circulation Manager/Bookkeeper

Clarence joined the Needlepoint Now team in January of 2019. He has a background in education and customer service, as well as a bachelor's degree in English, and we're finding him to be a very valuable member of our team. We haven't gotten him stitching yet, but with his interest in various handcrafts, we have our hopes there. Fortunately, he likes dogs.

If you have any questions about your subscription, please contact Clarence at [email protected].

Magazine Subscribers Enter to Win!

We're delighted to announce that Suzanne Brakensiek, Carmichael, CA, was our winner for February's drawing! We're sending her a wonderful Planet Earth package including a set of their self-finishing leather pocket credit card cases and slender multi wallets, along with four skeins of Planet Earth Fiber Silk in Shrub, Souffle, Zest, and Scarlet.

For April's contest, we will be offering a copy of "Got Stitches Too? Size Matters" from Gone Stitching. This handy little guide will help you pick the perfect stitch for the area you're trying to fill, from small to large, with straight stitches, diagonal stitches, and crossed/twisted stitches.

Just email or call us with your subscriber I.D. number to enter the drawing.

The number is located above your name on the mailing label of the magazine.

The drawing will take place on April 15, 2019. email: [email protected] • Phone: (541) 935-0238

Handy Tip for Stitching a Rug

I have stitched a few rugs and have the best way for me. I use my massive weighted stitched frog with shot in it at the top and towel rolls clipped with stationary 5by2 smooth clips holding them in place.

Then the towel rolls keep the bottom from being smushed and are easily held and weight the bottom. You can finger lay threads or use laying tool if preferred.

Best, Ann Drechsel

Spring is just around the corner here, but there are still more gray, gloomy days than not, and stitching with a cozy cup of tea at hand is, for the time being, much more an attractive option than being outside, getting the garden ready to go. I'm turning a resolute eye away from the seed catalogs and keeping it firmly on my stitching!

Here's the next coaster I created to fit in Planet Earth Fiber's self-finishing leather coasters and stitched with their vibrant 100% Merino Wool thread. I was inspired by crisp, modern Scandinavian designs. The first two designs appeared in previous newsletters, and this little series will conclude in our next newsletter. Look for it in April! And if you've stitched a set yourself, I'd love to see your pictures. Please send them to [email protected]. Thanks and happy stitching!

Cross Stitch Tent Stitch


Stitch the background in tent stitch using Cloud. Work the checkerboard pattern in cross stitch with Shrub. Cut the finished piece along the cut line as shown, leaving two threads between the edge of your stitching and the cut.

Follow Planet Earth Fiber's instructions to attach the stitched piece in the coaster as shown here.


14 Count Mono Canvas

Planet Earth Wool - 100% Merino Wool Cloud 097 - 100% Merino Wool Sizzle 008 - 100% Merino Wool Shrub 058*

Planet Earth Self-Finishing Leather Coasters

*I will be using Shrub in the next project

Join us on tour in 2019!

We're going to the United Kingdom in October to see more sights, more museums, and to stitch more exclusive projects than ever before. And then we'll be back in the States, for our Rolling Stitch Tour and Shop Crawl of the South in November - take in a show at the Grand Ole Opry, visit Graceland with us, and so much more!

Please visit our website for more information.

Follow Needlepoint Now on Facebook Won't you please join us on our Facebook page? We share all kinds of needlepoint news, wonderful projects, blog posts and more.

Like Our Facebook Page

We are the only commercial magazine dedicated solely to the art of needlepoint. Each issue includes a range of projects, complete with detailed instructions and stitching guides, features offering tips and techniques, current news, product reviews and introductions to both new and established designers and teachers.

Needlepoint Now PO Box 428 | Elmira, OR | 97437

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