Montlake Triangle Project Architectural Illustration @: Studio 216

PROJECT PURPOSE BENEFITS As part of the One Center City effort, King County Metro (Metro), in partnership with and the City of , is planning improvements to ■■Creates improved opportunities service and the bus/rail transfer environment at the Montlake Triangle. The for transfer connections Montlake Triangle project was developed and vetted through a stakeholder between bus and rail transit group comprising Metro, the Seattle Department of Transportation, WSDOT, ■■Allows for increased transit Sound Transit, the University of , and Eastside jurisdictions. The service connecting the Eastside project is expected to be completed by March 2020. to the Improvements made as a part of this project will include: and Link , with fast frequent trips to Downtown ■■New bus stops on Montlake Blvd NE, which will shorten the walking Seattle and beyond. distance between University of Washington (UW) Station and Includes full bus stop A transit only lane and signal changes on northbound Montlake Blvd NE, ■■ ■■ amenities, including shelters allowing buses to serve stops in front of UW Station and then turn left onto and signage, with the potential NE Pacific Pl before continuing to the University District for off-board fare payment to ■■A realigned intersection at NE Pacific St and NE Pacific Pl, allowing vehicles speed up boarding to travel straight from Pacific Pl into the UW Medical Center

See reverse for the preferred concept. Lake 520 Washington HALL WILCOX Bus route Sound Transit light rail UW

MONTLAKE BLVD NE SEATTLE Station Realign intersection, including bus-only left turn signal 5 Lake Union Stop sign with flashing beacon for pedestrians 99 Center Seattle Downtown Westlake WAY STADIUM


RAIL Buses continue to U District AN T BURKE-GILM










UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON STATION NE PACIFIC STREET PACIFIC NE CENTER UW MEDICAL Realign intersection to allow vehicles to travel straight into UWMC

Some bus routes continue using existing pathway MONTLAKE BLVD NE BLVD MONTLAKE Existing bus stop (to be maintained) Planned bus stop (to shorten walk times) Buses headed toward UW Buses headed toward Eastside New transit- only lane current route Link light rail future route Pedestrian paths between bus stops and light rail platforms time Walking from light rail station platform to bus stop: 6 to 8 minutes KEY