Over the past few years there have been great strides in the application of DNA testing for genealogical purposes.

Y-DNA testing can confirm your genealogical connections on your direct paternal lineage and expand your understanding of your deepest paternal ancestral origins. Because your Y-DNA has been passed on to you generation after generation by your direct paternal ancestors, it offers the most exact information possible for this line.

Testing your mtDNA, which men and women inherit from their mother, uncovers the deep ancestral origin of your direct maternal line (your mother, your mother’s mother, etc.) and connects you with genetic cousins

How DNA is inherited

Humans have 46 chromosomes in the nucleus of our cells, long strands of DNA that - even under a microscope - are only visible during cell division. We inherit 23 chromosomes from each of our parents, and we get 22 of them whether we are male or female; they are called autosomes. The last two chromosomes determine sex: females have two X chromosomes, one inherited from each parent; males have one X chromosome (inherited from their mother) and one Y chromosome (inherited from their father).

Cells also contain organelles (the word means 'little organs') called mitochondria which have their own DNA (it's thought that mitochondria are the relics of bacteria that invaded cells over a billion years ago); the role of mitochondria is to provide energy for the cell. These mitochondria are passed by mothers to all of their children, both male and female - but only the female children can pass their mitochondria, and thus their mtDNA, to the next generation.


The fact that the Y chromosome passes from father to son with only slight modifications means that Y-DNA tests can be very useful when used in conjunction with surname studies - because surnames normally pass from father to son - and it allows male cousins who bear the same surname to confirm that they share a common ancestor. It's even possible to estimate how many generations back that common ancestor lived, which is very useful.

There's also the tantalising possibility of using a Y-DNA test to discover the identity of the father of an illegitimate child - but only in certain circumstances. For a start, the child must be a boy - otherwise the Y chromosome won't have been passed on - and for the same reason the person providing the DNA sample needs to be a descendant in the direct male line.

Mitochondrial DNA

What will an mtDNA test tell you?

Mitochondrial DNA passes virtually unaltered from mother to child, which means that in theory you can trace back your ancestry on your maternal line for thousands of years. This was the logic behind the 'Seven daughters of Eve' concept developed by Professor Bryan Sykes, and described in his book. Whilst it has a romantic appeal, so far as genealogy is concerned it's pretty useless.

Why? Because with every generation you go back the number of ancestors doubles, and once you go back more than a few thousand years it's statistically likely that we all share exactly the same ancestors. This means that identifying one person on one line 45,000 years ago is pretty meaningless, because everyone else in the world is also descended from that person, albeit by a different route.

Can mtDNA tests provide any insight in cases of illegitimacy? Usually there will be no doubt who the mother was, but there are exceptions - for example, the child may have been a foundling, or adopted and given a new name. However, because the surname changes with each generation, it won't be easy to interpret matches in a meaningful way. INTRODUCTION

Are autosomal DNA tests the future?

Autosomal DNA comes from the 22 pairs of chromosomes that are inherited by all children, male or female. Whereas Y-DNA and mtDNA tests can only tell us about the ancestors at the extreme edges of our family tree, an autosomal DNA test (such as the Family Finder test from Family Tree DNA) offers the potential to make discoveries and solve mysteries in any of our family lines.

However, before getting too excited about the prospects it's important to understand how autosomal DNA is inherited. We inherit one chromosome in each pair from our father and one from our mother - and that sounds pretty simple, until you remember that each of our parents has two copies of each autosome. What decides which one of each pair they pass to us?

In practice we get a mixture - within each of the autosomes you inherited from your father there will be some parts that came from his father, and some that came from his mother. The same applies to your grandparents - they inherited a mixture from their parents, and so on, and so on.

This means that our DNA literally does contain a record of our ancestry, though of course, what we don't know is which bit of autosomal DNA came from which ancestor. The companies which offer auto tests use sophisticated statistical algorithms to determine which of their customers may be related - and they're also able to estimate how close the relationship is (the longer the segments of DNA that two possible cousins share, the closer the relationship is likely to be).

One day it will be feasible for the average family historian to have their entire genome sequenced: until then autosomal tests are the best option for those of us who are looking for more information about our ancestry than can be reliably ascertained using the available records. Family Tree DNA's test uses over 700,000 pairs of locations, which is a phenomenally large number compared to previous tests - and yet it still represents only 0.024% (about 1/4000th) of your autosomal DNA!

Your genetic history.

How is it possible to retrace the steps of our ancestors by analysing the DNA of living people? Inheritance is the key. Each of us inherits around six billion letters of DNA from our parents, three billion from each. Made up from four biochemicals, adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine, our genes are read by scientists like very long strings of letters, sequences of A,C,G and T.

There are two special sorts of DNA that are particularly useful for learning about our past. Our fathers pass on Y chromosome DNA to their sons while mothers pass on mitochondrial DNA, or mtDNA, to their sons and to their daughters. But mtDNA dies with men and it survives only in the female line. This means we can read two stories in men’s DNA, one for their Y chromosome lineage and one for their mtDNA lineage.

In women we can read only their mtDNA story. As we have seen above, it is important to realise that the Y chromosome and mtDNA are only a small part of our DNA, our genome. Nevertheless they are the most informative means we have for learning about our ancient lineages. However these two piece of DNA are only a small part of a much larger genetic inheritance that includes, for example, physical traits such as eye and hair colour or stature. DNA CONCEPTS


Every human has DNA within the cells. The DNA is passed from parents to each new child when the human embryo is first formed. The DNA is not found in one continuous unit. Instead there are several dozen identifiable parts called chromosomes. We are interested, in particular, in the Y-DNA chromosome. This chromosome has the unique feature of being passed almost unchanged from a father to his biological sons.

Because Y-DNA is almost unchanged, we can find the nearest relatives to any male person by locating persons whose Y-DNA looks almost the same. The farther back in time one shares a common ancestor with someone, the more differences will be found on the Y-DNA.


Scientists noticed that it is possible to divide up all the world's men into genetic groups based on whether they have or do not have certain changes in the Y-DNA, called mutations. In particular, they were interested in types of mutations called SNP mutations. These mutations once present on the Y-DNA chromosome are never lost if they are true SNP mutations.

Typically, a person who is initially tested at Family Tree DNA and many other DNA labs will not have testing for SNPs. These are ordered later. Because a SNP mutation is a change in the structure of a chromosome structure, the lab will report only whether the SNP mutation is present (+) or is absent (-).


Scientists determined that it was possible to divide all the men in the world into distinctive groups, which they called . If one belongs to a particular , one possesses a specific SNP mutation on the Y-DNA chromosome. Because all men belong to one of several dozen haplogroups, the scientists assigned each letter of the alphabet. Some men will belong to haplogroup A; others to haplogroup B; others to haplogroup C, and so on.


Scientists also noticed that some men within a specific haplogroup, such as haplogroup G, share additional SNP mutations that others within the same haplogroup lack. So it is possible to once again categorize the men within a haplogroup, but this time the categories can be called sub-haplogroups.

The clumsy method used to identify these sub-haplogroups involves alternating letters and numbers. For example, a particular man within haplogroup G might belong to sub-haplogroup G2a3b1a1a1. The oldest shared mutation is found on the far left -- the G. Everyone within haplogroup G has this mutation. The component next to the G (the 2) is the next oldest mutation shared by only the men in the sub-haplogroup. Once one reaches the far right, the final 1, this is the most recent mutation shared by men in this particular sub-haplogroup. The more of these groupings that can be identified, the better. They give a picture of the migratory history of our particular ancestors. It is definitely possible to identify many more of these shared SNP mutations, providing a very specific genetic history of deep ancestry. DNA CONCEPTS


Because Y-DNA is enormously long, the labs have come up with shorthand designations for the SNPs used to define haplogroups and their sub-haplogroups. For example, instead of saying the SNP that defines the final component of G2a3b1a1a1 is at position 10345728 on the Y-DNA chromosome, they have provided the shortened designation of L13. And for the first component, instead of, for example 8910247, they call it M201.

Because sub-haplogroup designations frequently change as new SNPs are identified, it is necessary for you to know which SNP item, such as L13, is the most recent and specific one tested in your situation.

The DNA labs often sell tests that combine a number of SNP tests specific to a haplogroup. At Family Tree DNA, for example, this is called the deep clade SNP test for a specific haplogroup. This field of research is so fast-moving, however, that not all the relevant SNPs are included in the standard panel of tests yet, and some may have to be ordered separately.


The initial test for most customers of DNA labs consists of a series of what are called markers. While the SNPs mutations involve permanent changes to the structure of the DNA, what is tested at these markers instead is the number of times a particular DNA component is repeated. The result at a particular marker is reported as a number.

Each marker has a short designation, such as DYS390, DYS425, YCA, etc. The value reported to you associated with the marker indicates how many repeats were found there. For example, when marker DYS390 has 22 repeats, one can say DYS390=22. When the Y-DNA is passed on to a son, slippage may occur at one of the marker sites. If another repeat is added, the value would increase to 23. If a repeat is lost, the value drops to 21.

While these marker number changes are valuable in comparing persons in recent centuries, they are not suitable for grouping persons into the major haplogroup categories because they are not permanent changes.

Occasionally the process of passing on Y-DNA to a son may result in more severe slippage at a particular marker, and this results in loss or gain of multiple repeats. If this big change in number of repeats is found to be shared by other men in the sub-haplogroup, then this can be the basis of yet another subgroup in addition to the the categories based on shared SNP mutations. Categories based on marker value oddities are not perfect choices for grouping because someone may occasionally develop another mutation as to number of repeats at this same marker. But marker oddities are, nevertheless, very helpful though not perfect. DNA CONCEPTS

There are some markers where mutations almost never occur. At such markers a one-value change may be the basis of a category. The complete loss of all repeats at a marker may also make a useful category. A category based on a marker oddity can be designated, for example, as the DYS568=9 subgroup when a mutation in number of repeats has changed the normal finding from 12 to 9.


It is often possible to predict which sub-haplogroup is your sub-haplogroup based on he values seen at the markers. This is why the labs do marker testing first. Having these marker results dramatically narrows down which SNPs needed to be tested. Some sub-haplogroups are associated with extremely distinctive marker values. Others may have number patterns seen in multiple sub-haplogroups, and predicting the correct sub-haplogroup for these latter samples may be difficult.


A final way of categorizing men once the SNP mutations categories and marker oddity categories are exhausted, is locating persons whose complete set of marker values are very similar. Such groupings are called clusters or clades. Within the haplogroup G project people who have 9 or fewer differences in marker values when comparing 67 markers can be considered part of the same cluster. Once more than 9 differences are found, overlapping with other subgroups can occur and use of less than 67 markers has not proven reliable. DNA CONCEPTS

Y-DNA (Y-chromosome DNA)

This can confirm your genealogical connections on your direct paternal lineage and expand your understanding of your deepest paternal ancestral origins. Because your Y-DNA has been passed on to you generation after generation by your direct paternal ancestors, it offers the most exact information possible for this line.

Information supplied by FamilyTreeDNA on completion of tests.

Matches - If your DNA has exact or close matches to other results in FTDNA database, you will see a list with the names, e-mail addresses and the level of matching, so that you can contact them and exchange genealogical information.

Haplogroup - Results for all standard Y-STR tests include your predicted Y-DNA haplogroup, i.e., your paternal line's deep ancestral origin. If we cannot predict the haplogroup with 100% certainty, we will run a SNP test free of charge to determine it.

Ancestral Origins - Based on your matches, results pages include Ancestral Origins and Haplogroup Origins lists that provide hints of your direct paternal line's recent ancestral origins. The magnitude and content of the list will depend on the level of uniqueness of your sample in the database.

Maps - Several maps show both the locations of your matches' most distant known ancestors and the ancient migration paths of your distant ancestors.

Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) haplogroups are the major branches on the human paternal family tree. Each haplogroup has many subbranches. These are subclades. Haplogroups and their subclades (branches) mark human migrations. Thus, learning about haplogroups can tell you about your ancestors' history and travels.

Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) haplogroups and subclades names follow the conventions of the Y- Chromosome Consortium's (YCC). There are two naming methods: the long form and the short form. The YCC long form names haplogroups with alternating numbers and letters: S, S1, S1a, etc. The YCC short form names haplogroups with the first letter from the major haplogroup branch. This is followed by a dash and the name of the final SNP: S-M310, S-M254, S-P57, etc.

Note: Both mtDNA and Y-DNA tests provide haplogroup information. The haplogroup nomenclature is different for each.

A Y-DNA Deepclade test uses a calculation based on genetic distance to determine your most likely Y- chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) haplogroup. The program compares your Y-DNA STR (short tandem repeat) profile to our results database. The program uses exact and near matches to provide an estimate of your likely haplogroup and subclade.

The program then tests your DNA for the actual SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms). If positive results confirm the initial placement, the program tests subbranches on the Y-Chromosome Consortium's (YCC) tree. If negative results disprove the initial SNP placement, the program tests SNPs higher up on the tree until it finds a positive result.

The result is a high quality confirmation of your placement on the YCC tree. DNA TESTING

The first DNA tests were taken in 2003 using a UK company called GeoGene. The Y-DNA result indicated that it was unusual, though the scope of the test was quite limited. The mtDNA result showed that it belonged to the H group.

In recent years DNA testing has progressed to become more sophisticated so it was decided in 2012 to undergo another test using the American company FamilyTreeDNA. This company was selected because of the large number of tests it has carried out. The initial Y-DNA test was the 37 marker test, this was followed up by further test such as the Deep Clade test and the 67 Marker and 111 marker tests. These were followed by individual SNP tests which are ongoing. The mtDNA test was also added to the list along with the latest Family Finder test. The details of the test regime and the results are shown on the following pages.

An example of a testing kit used for mouth swabs DNA TESTING

This is the testing regime for FamilyTreeDNA. Other SNP tests were ordered from Yseq.

Product Date Batch Family Finder 30-May-14 Completed 569 05-Aug-14 Batched 569 05-Jul-14 Ordered 569 Z726 15-Mar-14 Completed 553 30-Jan-14 Batched 553 29-Jan-14 Ordered 553 CTS4803 03-Jan-14 Completed 551 15-Jan-14 Batched 551 13-Jan-14 Ordered 551 Y-DNA111 03-Feb-14 Completed 549 01-Feb-14 Batched 549 31-Dec-13 Ordered 549 Y-DNA67 15-Jul-13 Completed 521 19-Jun-13 Batched 521 18-Jun-13 Ordered 521 mtFull Sequence 15-Apr-13 Completed 492 28-Nov-12 Ordered 492 28-Nov-12 Batched 492 Z725 27-Nov-12 Completed 488 31-Oct-12 Batched 488 25-Oct-12 Ordered 488 Deep Clade 27-Sep-12 Completed 474 25-Jul-12 Batched 474 20-Jul-12 Ordered 474 Y-DNA37 25-Jul-12 Completed 468 13-Jun-12 Batched 468 24-May-12 Ordered 468 Kit 12/06/2012 Received By Lab 08/06/2012 Received 25-May-12 Sent 24-May-12 Ordered _Y-DNA TEST RESULTS

Y-DNA Results.

The results for 111 markers are shown below. The first 37 markers were used to predict my Haplogroup of G. Subsequent Deep Clade and individual SNP tests refined the classification even further.

PANEL 1 (1-12)

Marker DYS393 DYS390 DYS19 DYS391 DYS385 DYS426 DYS388 DYS439 DYS389I DYS392 DYS389II

Value 15 22 16 11 14-15 11 13 12 12 11 30 PANEL 2 (13-25)

Marker DYS458 DYS459 DYS455 DYS454 DYS447 DYS437 DYS448 DYS449 DYS464

Value 18 09 -09 11 11 23 16 21 30 12-13-13-14 PANEL 3 (26-37)

Marker DYS460 Y-GATA-H4 YCAII DYS456 DYS607 DYS576 DYS570 CDY DYS442 DYS438

Value 10 11 20-20 16 13 15 17 37-43 11 10 PANEL 4 (38-47)

Marker DYS531 DYS578 DYF395S1 DYS590 DYS537 DYS641 DYS472 DYF406S1 DYS511

Value 11 8 15-16 8 11 10 8 11 11 PANEL 4 (48-60)

Marker DYS425 DYS413 DYS557 DYS594 DYS436 DYS490 DYS534 DYS450 DYS444 DYS481 DYS520 DYS446

Value 14 22-22 14 10 12 12 14 8 12 21 21 22 PANEL 4 (61-67)

Marker DYS617 DYS568 DYS487 DYS572 DYS640 DYS492 DYS565

Value 12 11 13 11 11 11 12 PANEL 5 (68-75)

Marker DYS710 DYS485 DYS632 DYS495 DYS540 DYS714 DYS716 DYS717

Value 30 15 8 15 11 22 26 21 PANEL 5 (76-85) Marker DYS505 DYS556 DYS549 DYS589 DYS522 DYS494 DYS533 DYS636 DYS575 DYS638

Value 12 11 12 13 12 9 9 11 10 10 PANEL 5 (86-93)

Marker DYS462 DYS452 DYS445 Y-GATA-A10 DYS463 DYS441 Y-GGAAT-1B07 DYS525

Value 12 26 10 13 22 14 11 9 PANEL 5 (94-102)

Marker DYS712 DYS593 DYS650 DYS532 DYS715 DYS504 DYS513 DYS561 DYS552

Value 22 15 19 15 25 15 13 15 26 PANEL 5 (103-111)

Marker DYS726 DYS635 DYS587 DYS643 DYS497 DYS510 DYS434 DYS461 DYS435

Value 12 20 19 12 15 17 9 11 11 _Y-DNA TEST RESULTS

STR Test Certificate.

The FamilyTreeDNA test certificate for all 111 Loci. _Y-DNA TEST RESULTS

SNP Test Certificate.

The FamilyTreeDNA SNP test certificate. _Y-DNA TEST RESULTS

As at February 2017 _Y-DNA TEST RESULTS - MAPS


The Y-DNA – Migration Maps page shows two maps to help you visualize your direct paternal ancestors' historic and anthropological migrations.

The current version of the main Haplogroup migrations map is shown below. On the next page are the maps specific to my Y-DNA tests

The first is the Haplogroup Migrations Map. It shows general migration paths for the major haplogroups.

The second is the Haplogroup Frequency map. It shows the frequency of the major haplogroups for dif- ferent world regions. _Y-DNA TEST RESULTS - MAPS _Y-DNA TEST RESULTS - MAPS

Haplogroups G and G-FGC14522 Distribution in . Y-DNA TEST RESULTS (YSEQ)

Yseq SNP Test Results - March 2016

In the past decade Y chromosome analysis has made huge progress and allows experienced genealogists to decipher their ancestry far beyond the paper trails. The YSEQ DNA Origins Project is your partner for your DNA related research. Discover what great and interesting information is hidden in your Y-chromosome.

YSEQ provides SNP (single nucleotide poly-morphism) analysis on the human Y-chromosome. You may put a marker on the SNP wish list if you can’t find it in our Shop. We constantly expand the paternal haplogroup tree with updated information about exact SNP positions. Our service includes STR (short tandem repeat) analysis as well. You have the choice between single markers and entire panels. The main goal of the YSEQ DNA Origins Project is detailed knowledge about male ancestry. The YSEQ project serves as a platform for citizen scientists.

Newly discovered SNPs will be added to YBrowse on ISOGG’s website and the results will be shared with the community of DNA genealogists.

+ No Subscription Fees + No DNA-extraction Costs + Single Markers & Panels + Custom designed Primers + SNP wish list + SNP discovery + Verification of new SNPs + Registration of new SNPs + Support of Citizen Science + Get raw sequencing data + Get other SNPs on same segment for FREE

The results from my SNP tests at Yseq are shown on the next page For an explanation of the results see the copy of the email from Rolf Langland (Project Administrator of the G-L497 project) later. Y-DNA TEST RESULTS (YSEQ)

SampleID Marker+ Chr Start End Allele 444 A7256 ChrY 7703847 7703847 C-

18.2t-20.1t- 444 DYF399X ChrY 25096369 25096670 23c

12g-13g-13g- 444 DYS464X ChrY 25240822 25241096 14g

444 F149 ChrY 8509737 8509737 T- 444 FGC12057 ChrY 22539518 22539518 G- 444 FGC13748 ChrY 9816137 9816137 A- 444 FGC14522 ChrY 8509392 8509392 T+ 444 FGC25549 ChrY 7704051 7704051 G- 444 FGC37088 ChrY 7704019 7704019 G- 444 FGC4433 ChrY 22539650 22539650 G- 444 FGC4856 ChrY 7704050 7704050 C- 444 K228 ChrY 15473955 15473955 G- 444 M1567 ChrY 8509737 8509737 T- 444 M6653 ChrY 15474007 15474007 G- 444 M8468 ChrY 21690598 21690598 T- 444 PF3426 ChrY 21690545 21690545 A- 444 PF5666 ChrY 22539488 22539488 C- 444 S23438 ChrY 21690692 21690692 A- 444 S24385 ChrY 22539688 22539688 C- 444 S2808 ChrY 22539461 22539461 A+ 444 Y13104 ChrY 7703977 7703977 A- 444 Y3001 ChrY 22539518 22539518 G- 444 YFS026351 ChrY 7704050 7704050 C- 444 YP2576 ChrY 7704051 7704051 G- 444 Z1685 ChrY 9816147 9816147 G- 444 Z17780 ChrY 9816131 9816131 A- 444 Z17783 ChrY 15474070 15474070 T- 444 Z30729 ChrY 7703977 7703977 A- Y-DNA TEST RESULTS (YSEQ)

The technical details from Yseq concerning the S2808 and S23438 SNP’s. These SNP’s were identified by Jim Wilson in 2014 as a result of Y-DNA testing at Britains DNA. The FGC14522 SNP was characterised by the Full Genomes Corporation.

S2808 [S2808] HG19 Position: ChrY:22539461..22539461 Ancestral: G Derived: A Reference: Jim Wilson (2014) ISOGG Haplogroup: G2a2b2a1b1a2a1 Comments: below CTS4803 Forward Primer: S2808_F GCAAGGAGCAGCACTACCTC Reverse Primer: S2808_R AGCACATCCCAGTGCTCTTC

S23438 [S23438] HG19 Position: ChrY:21690692..21690692 Ancestral: A Derived: G Reference: Jim Wilson (2014) ISOGG Haplogroup: G2a2b2a1b1a2a1a Comments: below CTS4803 Forward Primer: S23438v2_F GGAGTTCTGATAAGAGAGGGACAC Reverse Primer: S23438v2_R CTGACCATAATATTTTAGGCCAGG

FGC14522 [FGC14522]

HG19 Position: ChrY:8509392..8509392 Ancestral: C Derived: T Reference: Full Genomes Corp. (2014) ISOGG Haplogroup: G (not listed) Comments: Below Z726 > S2808 Forward Primer: FGC14522_F AAGGAACAATAGGAGTGCAAGTC Reverse Primer: FGC14522_R ACAAAGGCCAGACACACCTC Y-DNA TEST RESULTS (YSEQ)

Rolf Langland writes - Thank you for sending these new SNP results. It shows that you are positive for the S2808 SNP, and negative for its subgroup S23438. The other SNPs shown on your results are not currently used for classification in the YDNA-G phylogenetic tree, except for PF3426, which is an SNP in the L694 branch and it is expected that you would be negative for that, since our project (GL497) descends from L140 and not from L694.

For reference, the two attached diagrams show the current structure of the G-tree.

I have updated your categorization in the Project Roster, so you are now in “S2808+ and negative for sub-group S23438.” This is a fairly new category for which we do not currently have a large sample size. At present, it is comprised of persons from nations around the Baltic Sea and North Sea, including , Belgium, Sweden and Poland, see below. The age of S2808 may be about 3,500 to 4,000 years.

Also, at present, we have not identified any SNPs (other than S23438) below S2808 for possible testing. We hope additional SNP testing options for S2808 persons may be identified later this year.

Note: Subsequently the Big Y test found FGC14522 below S2808, indeed further subgroups of S2808 have been determined.

Haplogroups G-FGC14522 Distribution in Europe (February 2017). G-L497 PHYLOGENETIC TREE G-L497 PHYLOGENETIC TREE G-L497 PHYLOGENETIC TREE DNA TESTING - BIG Y

The BIG Y product is a direct paternal lineage test. FTDna have designed it to explore deep ancestral links on our common paternal tree. It tests both thousands of known branch markers and millions of places where there may be new branch markers. We intend it for expert users with an interest in advancing science.

It may also be of great interest to genealogy researchers of a specific lineage. It is not however a test for matching you to one or more men with the same surname in the way of our Y-DNA37 and other tests. The BIG Y product uses next-generation sequencing to reveal genetic variations across the Y-Chromosome.

Both BIG Y and Geno 2.0 test for thousands of paternal lineage branch markers (SNPs). Unlike Geno 2.0 and related technologies though, BIG Y is able to detect new branch markers that are unique to your paternal lineage, surname, or even you.

Geno 2.0 is microarray chip based and programmed for specific SNPs. BIG Y is a next-generation sequence-based test.

• Targeted Non-recombining Y-DNA sequencing • Illumina HiSeq 2000 • 55X to 80X average coverage • Around 11.5 to 12.5 million base-pairs of reliably mapped positions of non-recombining Y- Chromosome • Analyzed using Arpeggi genome analysis technology for improved variant calls.

All samples are processed in-house using our custom laboratory methods and informatics. DNA TESTING - YORKSHIRES DNA

In October 2014 I submitted a sample for testing by Yorkshire DNA. The test is Chromo2 YDNA Your fatherline story from over 15,000 Y chromosome markers, more than any other product on the market. The results were received in December 2014.

Fatherline - was defined as Ancient Caucasian, G-S314, using the terminology used by Yorkshires DNA

Subtype Your subtype is G-S2808

Your S2808 marker defines a subtype of the major CTS4803 cluster. So far it has only been seen in British men, but it is too early to tell whether it is truly confined to the British Isles. You may carry markers that further define your subtype, but do not yet appear on our tree. You will find these in your genetic signature. Note: In fact there are other European individuals with the same Subtype as tested by FtDNA and yseq.

Your DNA marker is ANCIENT CAUCASIAN . In Europe it is widespread but rare with a distribution that thins out from the south-east to the north-west and in Britain it is very rare, carried by only 0.5% of men. By contrast, it is by far the most common type in the Caucasus, the mountainous re- gion between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.

Your Y chromosome group, what tracks your paternal lineage, is part of the G group of lineages and it is designated G-S314. It indicates descent in the male line from the prehistoric inhabitants of what is now Georgia and parts of the Russian Federation. In the region of North Ossetia-Alania (named after the barbarian tribe, the Alans, who attacked the Roman Empire in the 4th and 5th centuries) 57% of all men carry your marker, while 30% of all Georgian men have it. The G group developed in the Caucasus and spread from there to what is now modern and the plateaus of central Iran more than 15,000 years ago.

Very rare in Britain, it was brought across Europe by the spread of farming techniques, the most pro- found revolution in human history. Sub-groups of your lineage have been identified in DNA extracted from prehistoric skeletons in Germany and France. Both examples date to c3,000BC and their location tracks the movement of farming and dates its arrival in Western Europe. Your earliest ancestors prob- ably reached Britain at around the same time.

It also sailed across the North Sea with the peoples known collectively as the Anglo-Saxons. They raided and then began to settle in the 5th and 6th centuries. Later, in the 9th and 10th centuries, more Germanic peoples, this time collectively known as the Danes, also came and settled, particularly in what came to be called the Danelaw, the north and east of England. They too brought G-S314 with them. DNA TESTING - YORKSHIRES DNA

British Isles Genetic makeup.

Recent results from the testing carried out by Britains DNA is now beginning to show the Y-DNA Haplogroup makeup of the British Isles. It shows that my Haplogroup accounts for around 1.6% of the population. This is very much in line with other sources such as FamilyTreeDNA. DNA TESTING - LIVING DNA

In February 2017 I submitted a sample for testing by LivingDNA. The results should be available by the end of May 2017.

A Living DNA test brings your history to life and provides over twice the detail of other ancestry tests. Discover where your ancestors come from and much more.

● Your family ancestry broken down across 80 worldwide regions including 21 in Britain and Ireland. Twice the detail of other tests. ● 3 tests in 1 - we also show your motherline ancestry and, if you are a male, your fatherline ancestry too. ● As our research is refined, your results are updated into more detail at no charge ● We put your results into context, allowing you to explore your ancestry at different points in history

The DNA testing laboratory and our entire team have developed state of the art facilities to ensure the most reliable test results possible. And as the first company worldwide to have access to the lat- est Illumina chip platform, your results are cutting edge.

Family Ancestry We give you your estimated family ancestry breakdown today, and we also put your results in con- text, looking at your ancestry through history. If you have British or Irish ancestry then it’s the only test that shows where within Britain and Ireland your ancestry comes from.

Motherline Ancestry Find out where your motherline descends from with a detailed breakdown of all the ancestral groups that have been part of this line. Through your mtDNA, we look at the history of your motherline from the point in when we all shared the same DNA until recent times. We also highlight any famous people who share the same motherline group as you.

Fatherline Ancestry Through your Y-DNA, men can see the paths of their male ancestors and explore the history of their fatherline from the point in Africa when we all shared the same DNA until recent times. We also high- light any famous people who share the same fatherline group as you. You will only receive this if you are a male because females don’t carry the Y chromosome – however, females will still get parts of their father's ancestry through their autosomal DNA. DNA TESTING - LIVING DNA

Example result from Living DNA (Sub regional - based on the People of the British Isles project. DNA TESTING - LIVING DNA DNA TESTING - LIVING DNA DNA TESTING - DATA ANALYSIS BY YFULL

Technical progress never has a standstill, and technologies in the field of DNA sequence analysis of next generation have began to develop so promptly recently, that volumes of received initial informa- tion exceeds tens gigabytes, and complexity of its processing demands professional interpretation tools. The main aim of the project is providing high-quality service for the raw data (.BAM and .FASTQ) analysis of Full Y-chromosome and its available and convenient visualization. Your data are always handy in any point of the world. Our service isn't limited only by the analysis of individual raw data, but also has a social focus. The groups, created within service (haplogroup and thematic projects) have to combine efforts in studying and understanding of history and migrations ways of our ances- tors. Serious attention is paid to the privacy of raw data; it is possible to adjust display of certain in- formation easy. Scientific work on positioning of the found single nucleotide polimorphism (SNP) on a experimental Y-tree is carried out on the basis of the gathered and analysed data. We approach to interpretation of data seriously. More than 150 new variable STR-markers found, selected, studied and systematized by us can serve as a proof. More than 470 markers totally give the chance of the detailed analysis and positioning of Y-chromosomes relatively each other in a cluster, being notable addition to the SNP found.

G-FGC14522 (age: 2174 ybp) Formula: (2246+2103)/2

Numb Corrected Coverage Formula to correct Formula to esti- Age by this Branch ID er of number of (bp) SNPs number mate age line only SNPs SNPs YF01723 13 7271414 13.0/7271414*8467165 15.14 15.14*144.41+60 2246

YF06091 13 7779896 13.0/7779896*8467165 14.15 14.15*144.41+60 2103 DNA TESTING - DATA ANALYSIS BY YFULL mtDNA TEST RESULTS

Testing your mtDNA uncovers the deep ancestral origin of your direct maternal line (your mother, your mother’s mother, etc.) and connects you with genetic cousins. Because your mtDNA has been passed on to you generation after generation by your direct maternal ancestors, it offers the most exact information possible for this line.

The results show that my maternal line is Haplogroup H1. A more detailed grouping has been given by the mtDNA H project group, it is now designated H1* - A10049G predictive new sub branch. At the time of writing my mtDNA is the only one other person with this grouping. mtDNA TEST RESULTS

MtDNA Test Certificate.

The FamilyTreeDNA test certificate for mitochondria DNA. mtDNA TEST RESULTS - MAPS

MtDNA Haplogroup Maps

Migration map and frequency map. AUTOSOMAL DNA TEST RESULTS

Family Finder Results.

The Family Finder program uses only the autosomal SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) test results from the Family Finder microarray chip. The results of the autosomal test can be used in the following way.

Your Matches

View your Family Finder match list, and connect with genetic cousins.

Chromosome Browser

Compare your matching DNA segments (blocks) with your matches, see example on next page. myOrigins

View results of the myOrigins program — your personal genetic history. AUTOSOMAL DNA TEST RESULTS

Chromosome Browser AUTOSOMAL DNA TEST RESULTS - ORIGINS myOrigins attempts to reduce the wild complexity of your genealogy to the major historical-genetic themes which arc through the life of our species since its emergence 100,000 years ago on the plains of Africa. Each of our 22 clusters describe a vivid and critical colour on the palette from which history has drawn the brushstrokes which form the complexity that is your own genome. Though we are all different and distinct, we are also drawn from the same fundamental elements.

The explanatory narratives in myOrigins attempt to shed some detailed light upon each of the threads which we have highlighted in your genetic code. Though the discrete elements are common to all humans, the weight you give to each element is unique to you. Each individual therefore receives a narrative fabric tailored to their own personal history, a story stitched together from bits of DNA.

We’ve listed the population clusters and accompanying narratives below.

Primary Population Clusters

Asia Minor Northeast Asia Native American East South East Asia Eastern Middle East Central Asia British Isles European Coastal Plain Scandinavia South Asia Ashkenazi Diaspora South-Central Africa North Africa Finland & Northern Siberia Southern Europe Eastern Europe

Blended Population Clusters

British Isles, Western & Central Europe Scandinavia, western & Central Europe Southern, Western & Central Europe Eastern, Western & Central Europe AUTOSOMAL DNA TEST RESULTS - ORIGINS myOrigins AUTOSOMAL DNA TEST RESULTS - ORIGINS

British Isles

European Coastal Islands is typical to the British Isles, especially Ireland. Its reach includes all European Islands from the far north and down south to the Azores Islands off the coast of Spain. The continuous mixing of European populations means that this group is also present in lesser amounts on the mainland. Genetically close to European Coastal Plain and European Northlands, European Coastal Islands has had an impact on the demography of the world because of the explosion of population in the Anglosphere over the past few centuries.

The farmers came to Britain late, but when they came they brought great change. The hunters were assimilated by the farmers. This admixture caused the European Coastal Islands as we know it to become a hybrid of farmer and hunter. Perhaps due to its isolation and strategic placement, the major powers in the world and throughout history have wanted to rule the islands. From Caesar to the Irish king Niall of the Nine Hostages, we see the wide variety of genetic influence from the Celts, Picts, Vikings, Normans and French.

Western & Central Europe

The European Coastal Plain combines nearly all of the threads of European genetic history into one. This cluster goes from the Bay of Biscay near Spain, toward the Pripet Marshes of western Russia, to the coastal plain of Northern Europe. The hunter-gatherer, farmer, and intruder from the steppes were forged together as one people. The French and the German were created by the intersection European Coastal Plain represents the diverse groups brought together over the past 5,000 years, as Germans, Celts, and Slavs have moved in with their cattle, and the Romans brought their mills and cities. This cluster is common among many populations with Northern European heritage. Germanic migrations after the fall of Rome guaranteed its presence in the south. The people on the European Coastal Plain are at the heart of recent history. Being the engines behind the Great Powers of the age, they became the dominant actors in colonization of the world.


The European Northlands centres on the people of Scandinavia. They thought of their homeland as an island because it is relatively isolated from the rest of the world by the Baltic and other seas. This isolation and later association with the Finnic peoples, however, have changed them in ways that are genetically clear. A sister cluster to European Coastal Plain and European Coastal Islands, the European Northland has developed in moderate seclusion, influenced by the arctic heritage it shares with those from the North Circumpolar cluster.

Its history is rooted in the original hunters of Europe and the late arrival of farmers only about 5,000 years ago. Members of this cluster are kin to other Europeans of the north. The migrations of the Norse spread the European Northlands west and east. As the Vikings expanded from the south of Scandinavia, European Northlands absorbed Lapps and other people who were exemplars of North Circumpolar. An expansion over the past 2,000 years has brought this heritage from the nearer shores of continental and Atlantic Europe, all the way to the plains of the Dakotas in the United States. AUTOSOMAL DNA TEST RESULTS - ANCIENT ORIGINS

Ancient European Origins The European Continent has been witness to many episodes of human migration, some of which have spanned over thousands of years. The most up-to-date research into these ancient migrations on the European Continent suggests that there were three major groups of people that have had a lasting effect on present day peoples of European descent: Hunter-Gatherers, Early Farmers, and Metal Age Invaders. The graphics below display the percentages of autosomal DNA that you still carry from these ancient European groups. AUTOSOMAL DNA TEST RESULTS - ANCIENT ORIGINS

Hunter-Gatherer 46% The climate during the Pleistocene Epoch (2.6 mill – 11,700 YA) fluctuated between episodes of glaci- ation (or ice ages) and episodes of warming, during which glaciers would retreat. It is within this ep- och that modern humans migrated into the European continent at around 45,000 years ago. These Anatomically Modern Humans (AMH) were organized into bands whose subsistence strategy relied on gathering local resources as well as hunting large herd animals as they travelled along their migration routes. Thus these ancient peoples are referred to as Hunter-Gatherers. The timing of the AMH mi- gration into Europe happens to correspond with a warming trend on the European continent, a time when glaciers retreated and large herd animals expanded into newly available grasslands. Evidence of hunter-gatherer habitation has been found throughout the European continent from Spain at the La Brana cave to Loschbour, Luxembourg and Motala, Sweden. The individuals found at the Loschbour and Motala sites have mitochondrial U5 or U2 haplogroups, which is typical of Hunter- Gatherers in Europe and Y-chromosome haplogroup I. These findings suggest that these maternally and paternally inherited haplogroups, respectively, were present in the population before farming populations gained dominance in the area. Based on the DNA evidence gathered from these three sites, scientists are able to identify surviving genetic similarities between current day Northern European populations and the first AMH Hunter- Gatherers in Europe. The signal of genetic sharing between present-day populations and early Hunt- er-Gatherers, however, begins to become fainter as one moves further south in Europe. The hunter- gatherer subsistence strategy dominated the landscape of the European continent for thousands of years until populations that relied on farming and animal husbandry migrated into the area during the middle to late Neolithic Era around 8,000–7,000 years ago. Farmer 44% Roughly 8,000–7,000 years ago, after the last glaciation period (Ice Age), modern human farming populations began migrating into the European continent from the Near East. This migration marked the beginning of the Neolithic Era in Europe. The Neolithic Era, or New Stone Age, is aptly named as it followed the Paleolithic Era, or Old Stone Age. Tool makers during the Neolithic Era had improved on the rudimentary “standard” of tools found during the Paleolithic Era and were now creating spe- cialized stone tools that even show evidence of having been polished and reworked. The Neolithic Era is unique in that it is the first era in which modern humans practiced a more sedentary lifestyle as their subsistence strategies relied more on stationary farming and pastoralism, further allowing for the emergence of artisan practices such as pottery making. Farming communities are believed to have migrated into the European continent via routes along Anatolia, thereby following the temperate weather patterns of the Mediterranean. These farming groups are known to have populated areas that span from modern day Hungary, Germany, and west into Spain. Remains of the unique pottery styles and burial practices from these farming communities are found within these regions and can be attributed, in part, to artisans from the Funnel Beaker and Linear Pottery cultures. Ötzi (the Tyrolean Iceman), the well-preserved natural mummy that was found in the Alps on the Italian/Austrian border and who lived around 3,300 BCE, is even thought to have belonged to a farming culture similar to these. However, there was not enough evidence found with him to accurately suggest to which culture he may have belonged. Although farming populations were dispersed across the European continent, they all show clear evi- dence of close genetic relatedness. Evidence suggests that these farming peoples did not yet carry a tolerance for lactose in high frequencies (as the Yamnaya peoples of the later Bronze Age did); how- ever, they did carry a salivary amylase gene, which may have allowed them to break down starches more efficiently than their hunter-gatherer forebears. Further DNA analysis has found that the Y-chro- mosome haplogroup G2a and mitochondrial haplogroup N1a were frequently found within the Euro- pean continent during the early Neolithic Era. AUTOSOMAL DNA TEST RESULTS - ANCIENT ORIGINS

Metal Age Invader 10% Following the Neolithic Era (New Stone Age), the Bronze Age (3,000–1,000 BCE) is defined by a fur- ther iteration in tool making technology. Improving on the stone tools from the Paleolithic and Neo- lithic Eras, tool makers of the early Bronze Age relied heavily on the use of copper tools, incorporating other metals such as bronze and tin later in the era. The third major wave of migration into the Euro- pean continent is comprised of peoples from this Bronze Age; specifically, Nomadic herding cultures from the Eurasian steppes found north of the Black Sea. These migrants were closely related to the people of the Black Sea region known as the Yamnaya. This migration of Asian Steppe nomads into the temperate regions further west changed culture and life on the European continent in a multitude of ways. Not only did the people of the Yamnaya culture bring their domesticated horses, wheeled vehicles, and metal tools; they are also credited for deliver- ing changes to the social and genetic makeup of the region. By 2,800 BCE, evidence of new Bronze Age cultures, such as the Bell Beaker and Corded Ware, were emerging throughout much of Western and Central Europe. In the East around the Urals, a group referred to as the Sintashta emerged, ex- panding east of the Caspian Sea bringing with them chariots and trained horses around 4,000 years ago. These new cultures formed through admixture between the local European farming cultures and the newly arrived Yamnaya peoples. Research into the influence the Yamnaya culture had on the Europe- an continent has also challenged previously held linguistic theories of the origins of Indo-European language. Previous paradigms argued that the Indo-European languages originated from populations from Anatolia; however, present research into the Yamnaya cultures has caused a paradigm shift and linguists now claim the Indo-European languages are rooted with the Yamnaya peoples. By the Bronze Age, the Y-chromosome was quickly gaining dominance in Western Europe (as we see today) with high frequencies of individuals belonging to the M269 subclade. An- cient DNA evidence supports the hypothesis that the R1b was introduced into mainland Europe by the Asian Steppe invaders coming from the Black Sea region. Further DNA evidence suggests that a lac- tose tolerance originated from the Yamnaya or another closely tied steppe group. Current day popula- tions in Northern Europe typically show a higher frequency of relatedness to Yamnaya populations, as well as earlier populations of Western European Hunter-Gatherer societies. AUTOSOMAL DNA TEST RESULTS - ORIGINS


DNA Land is non-profit and run by academics affiliated with Columbia University and the NY Genome Centre. By sharing your data you are enabling scientists to make new discoveries We also want to enable you to learn more about your DNA. We will compare your DNA with reference data from different populations to see where in the world your ancestors might have lived. AUTOSOMAL DNA TEST RESULTS - ORIGINS DNA TEST RESULTS - GED MATCH ANALYSIS

Base Pairs with Full Match = Base Pairs with Half Match = Match with Phased data = Base Pairs with No Match = Base Pairs not included in comparison =

Matching segments greater than 7 centiMorgans =

Evaluating Kit T272657 (John Goldsbrough) for related parents. Minimum threshold size to be included in total = 700 SNPs Minimum segment cM to be included in total = 7.0 cM Largest segment = 0.0 cM Total of segments > 7 cM = 0.0 cM No shared DNA segments found No indication that your parents are related. DNA TEST RESULTS - GED MATCH ANALYSIS DNA TEST RESULTS - GED MATCH ANALYSIS

Base Pairs with Full Match = Base Pairs with Half Match = Match with Phased data = Base Pairs with No Match = Base Pairs not included in comparison =

Matching segments greater than 7 centiMorgans =

Comparing Kit T272657 (John Goldsbrough) and A178396 (Brian Hird)

Minimum threshold size to be included in total = 500 SNPs Mismatch-bunching Limit = 250 SNPs Minimum segment cM to be included in total = 7.0 cM DNA TEST RESULTS - GED MATCH ANALYSIS


Pickering Pickering




Ann Foster Ann


Lasting- Danby


Pickering Pickering

Bilsdale Pickering


Kirby Mills Kirby Bilsdale

Bilsdale Pickering Bilsdale Kirbymoor-




MATERNAL ANCESTORS - Born in North Yorkshire (North Riding) Mother Mother - 1 Grandparents - 2 Great Grandparents - 3 2x Great Grandparents - 6






Great Crathorne

Egton Skelton Egton Skelton Osmotherley

Liverton Y-DNA LINE

Danby Osmother- Egton Smea- Great

Ruswarp Egton is

Danby Husthwaite

Lythe Felixkirk


Kirby Osmotherley






Great Smea- Husthwaite

PATERNAL ANCESTORS - Born in North Yorkshire (North Riding) Father - 1 Grandparents - 2 Great Grandparents - 4 2x Great Grandparents - 7 The total number of ancestors to 3x Great grandparent level is 62, a total of 53 have been identified, with 50 of those born in ANCESTORS BIRTH LOCATIONS

Ancestor locations in North Yorkshire

Paternal Paternal Maternal Maternal

[3] [11]



[2] [2]

[2] [2] [N] number of ancestors born in the location.

Note: Outside map Sculcoatestowards isHull located in Greatham is located in East Yorkshire, near Hull South Durham near Har- ANCESTORS BIRTH LOCATIONS GENETICS & GENEALOGY TREE

In 2015, Anthony Adolph, the genealogist suggested a new way of displaying a family tree by combing genetics, i.e haplogroups from A, and genealogy. This is the tree for my male line ancestors.

Homo Erectus, who evolved out of earlier species (and thus from earlier mammals, cynodonts, labyrinthodonts, fish, worms and ultimately single-celled life-forms), perhaps in the Caucasus, about 1.8 million years ago, ancestor of: Erectus ancestors of , nicknamed ‘Hobbits’, who lived in the island of Flores until at least 12,000 years ago. H. Heidelbergensis.

Homo Heidelbergensis, who evolved in Africa about 1 million years ago, ancestor of:

Heidelbergensis people in Africa. Heidelbergensis people in Europe, probably including those at Happisburg, Norfolk, about 950,000 years ago, ancestors of: Heidelbergensis people in Asia, ancestors of: Denisovans, who evolved in Asia and interbred with the later , colonisers of south- eastern Asia. Heidelbergensis people Europe, probably including those at Boxgrove about 500,000 years ago, ancestors of: The people of Swanscombe, Kent, about 400,000 years ago, who were probably amongst the ancestors of: Neanderthals, who evolved in Europe about 250,000 years ago, and who later interbred with the early who came out of Africa.

Heidelbergensis people in Africa, who were ancestors of: A00 (AF6/L1284), an archaic human male in Africa more than 200,000 years ago, in whose Y chromosome the A00 (AF6/L1284) genetic mutation arose, ancestor of: A00 (AF6/L1284), whose descendant in Africa about 30,000 years ago bred with a woman and left male-line descendants amongst the of the (with an African-American descendant carrying the same marker). Homo sapiens

Homo sapiens who evolved in Africa about 200,000 years ago, ancestors of the (who lived about 140,000 years ago and is now ancestor of all living humans through the female line) and of:

A0-T (L1085) the ‘Genetic Adam’ (descended in the female line from the Mitochondrial Eve), an early who lived in Africa about 80,000 years ago, ancestor of: AO (L911), with descendants in Africa. A1 (L986/P305) GENETICS & GENEALOGY TREE

A1 (L986/P305) who was ancestor of: A1a (M31) with descendants in Africa. A1b (P108).

A1b (P108), in Africa, ancestor of: A1b1 (L419), in Africa. BT (M91/M42)

BT (M91/M42) who emerged in North Africa about 60,000 years ago, ancestor of: B (M60), ancestor of men with haplogroup B, mostly in Africa. CT (M168)

CT (M168), probably in , ancestor of: DE (M145/P205), ancestor of: D (M174, including many early migrants to southern India and the Andaman Islands. E (M96), with many descendants in Africa, and a line reaching Corsica, where it was ancestral to Napoleon Bonaparte. CF (P143)

CF (P143), the main group who left Africa about 55,000 years ago, and interbred with Neanderthals in the Middle East, some of whose descendants also interbred with Denisovans further east in Asia, ancestor of: C (M130), whose subgroups include: C (M347), early Aborigines in Australia about 42,000 years ago. C (M217), Chinese, Mongols (including Genghis Khan) and many native Americans. C (M338), in Indonesia and Polynesia. C (P55), in Indonesia and Polynesia. F (M89)

F (M89), in the Middle East and south/south- about 48,000 years ago, before the start of the Aurignacian culture, the ancestor of: F (M89) G (M201) H (M69) IJK (L15), ancestor of groups I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S and T. the man in whose Y chromosome the G (M201) genetic mutation arose, who is thought to have lived in south-west Asia about 40,000 years ago, ancestor of: G (M285), whose descendants live in the Middle East and Iran. G (P287) The male-line ancestor of Daniel Correll, who was born in 1848 in Muncie, Pennsylvania and whose descendant Robert Correll tested positive for G-M201 (by a complete coincidence, Robert also tested positive for K1a on his mother’s side, making him a cousin of Ozti through that route too). GENETICS & GENEALOGY TREE

G (P287) The man in whose Y chromosome the G (P287) genetic mutation arose, who is thought to have lived in the Middle East about 21,000 years ago, the direct male-line ancestor, as revealed on 2 December 2014, of Richard III, (and by implication of all the Plantagenet dynasty) and of:

G (P15) This forebear of mine was ancestor of:

G (L1259) Who lived about 15,700 years ago. He was the ancestor of everyone carrying the G(L1259) marker alive today. He was ancestor of: G (PF3146), ancestor of G (PF3177), ancestor of G (L91), the genetic subgroup of Ötzi the Iceman, whose frozen corpse was found in the Ötzal Alps, on the Austrian-Italian border, in 1991. He had lived and died about 5,300 years ago. He carried a copper axe, and sets the earliest date for the arrival of the Chalcolithic period, the ‘age of copper’, in Europe. The technology was brought from Asia into Europe by travelling metal-workers, perhaps including Ötzi himself, and ushered in the decline and end of the Stone Age. G (L30)

G (L30) Ancestor of: G (141) Who probably lived in the Caucasus, and was ancestor of: G (P303) Who probably lived about 13,000 years ago, and was ancestor of: G (P316/S316) G (L140), ancestor of G (U1), ancestor of G (L13); ancestor of G (CTS9909), ancestor of G (Z2003), ancestor of G (Z29424), the subgroup of Claude Herbet of Italy, who contacted Anthony Adolph in July 2015, who can trace his male lineal ancestry back to Pierre Herbet in 1550, but the surname goes back (presumably in the male line) to Boniface Arbet, son of Aymonet Arbet, who was recorded as living in Saint-Vincent Italy, in 1393 – all within a couple of hundred miles of the place where Ötzi was found.

G (P316/S316), ancestor of:

G (L497/CTS 1899) G U1 Who probably lived about 10,000 years ago in south or central Europe and was ancestor of: G (CTS9737) Ancestor of: G (Z725/CTS11352) Ancestor of: G (L43), who probably lived in Europe about 4,700 years ago. G (PAGES00011) G (Z726/CTS6796) G (M 147) GENETICS & GENEALOGY TREE

G (Z726/CTS6796) Who probably lived about 4,000 years ago, during the Bronze Age, in Europe and, given that his descendants were German, it makes sense to say that he lived in Germany too – an assertion which can only be made because of the different people listed below who know they are of German origin. He was ancestor of: the G (Z726/CTS6796) . G (P293) G (CTS4803)

G (CTS4803) He probably lived in Europe (and again, almost certainly in Germany) about 3,100 years ago, i.e., c. 1,100 BC. This man was ancestral to subgroups G(L667); G(F1694); G(F720); G(CTS6369); G(YSC0000256); G(F3484) and G(S2808)

G(S2808) This man was ancestral to: G(Z17780) G(S23438) G(FGC14522) the male line ancestors of a blacksmith called James Wright who was born 1750 at Kepwick, Yorkshire. Some of his male-line descendants’ surname later changed from Wright to Goldsbrough and from them comes John Goldsbrough (who tested positive for G(FGC14522). G(S2784) G(Z39519) G(Z30729) G(FGC34809)

James Wright - Born 1750 in Kepwick, North Yorkshire. (Note: only male descendants shown) Ancestral to: John Wright b: 1777 James Wright b: 1780 Matthew Wright b: 1785 William Wright b: 1788 Stephen Wright b: 1792 Joseph Wright b: 1795

Joseph Wright - Born in Kepwick, North Yorkshire, son of James Wright & Ann Bayley Ancestral to: James Wright b: 1820 in Osmotherley, Yorkshire, England Robert Wright b: 1821 in Osmotherley, Yorkshire, England, Richard Wright b: 1824 in Osmotherley, Yorkshire, England Joseph Wright b: 1829 in Osmotherley, Yorkshire, England John Wright b: 1834 in Osmotherley, Yorkshire, England

Robert Wright - Born in Osmotherley, North Yorkshire, son of Joseph Wright and Dorothy Layfield Ancestral to: James Goldsbrough b: 1839 in Appleton upon Wiske, Yorkshire, England, d: 1896 George Goldsbrough Wright b: 1860 in Osmotherley, Yorkshire, England GENETICS & GENEALOGY TREE

James Goldsbrough - b: 1839 in Appleton upon Wiske, Yorkshire, England, son of Robert Wright and Ann Goldsbrough Ancestral to: George Wright Gouldsbrough b: 21 Nov 1866 in Osmotherley, Yorkshire, England William Gouldsbrough b: 18 Apr 1870 in Osmotherley, Yorkshire, England, d: 1877 James Gouldsbrough b: 1872 in Osmotherley, Yorkshire, England, d: 1877 Herbert Gouldsbrough b: 20 Sep 1874 in Osmotherley, Yorkshire, England, d: 1877 Thomas Gouldsbrough b: 29 Jul 1876 in Osmotherley, Yorkshire, England, d: Apr 1890 James Goldsbrough b: 02 Oct 1877 in Osmotherley, Yorkshire, England, d: 1946 Fred Gouldsbrough b: 1879 in Osmotherley, Yorkshire, England, d: 1963 in Dishforth, Yorkshire, Ernest Goldsbrough b: 1881 in Osmotherley, Yorkshire, England Male Gouldsbrough b: 05 Sep 1882 in Osmotherley, Yorkshire, England, d: 1882

James Goldsbrough - Born in Osmotherley, son of James Goldsbrough and Sarah Elizabeth Thompson Ancestral to: Frederick Goldsbrough b: 19 Aug 1907, d: 1982 in Northallerton, Yorkshire, England James Goldsbrough b: 17 Jul 1913, d: 1950 George Harvey Goldsbrough b: 22 Jun 1918 in Great Broughton, d: 22 Sep 1984 in York Samuel Goldsbrough b: 14 Jul 1920 in Great Broughton, d: 1979 in Bridlington, Yorkshire, England

George Harvey Goldsbrough - Born in Great Broughton, North Yorkshire, son of James Goldsbrough and Elizabeth Ethel Dobson Ancestral to: John Goldsbrough - Born in Helmsley, North Yorkshire, son of George Harvey Goldsbrough and Joan Fletcher.

John Goldsbrough