1986 commencement ceremonies scheduled

June 2, 1986


Five separate commencement ceremonies for more than 1,600 undergraduates and graduate students will be held at the University of California, San Diego on Sunday, June 15.

Each of UCSD's four colleges and the Division of Graduate Studies will hold its own ceremony.

The day's activities get underway at 9:30 a.m. when Muir College holds its commencement on the lawn between the Mandeville Center and Third College. Approximately 800 students will receive their degrees after listening to speaker Edmund G. "Pat" Brown, former Governor of California, who was the state's chief executive when UCSD was founded in 1959.

Several Muir students will be receiving awards including Mary Rose Alexander, UCSD student body president, winner of the Alumni Award; Patrick Fitzgerald Kennedy, the Academic Distinction Award, and Trevor Douglas the Joseph Mayer Award in Chemistry. History professor Stephen Hahn will also receive the Most Valuable Professor Award,

At 10:30 a.m. will hold its commencement ceremonies on the South Lawn of . Dr. Howard Zinn, professor of political science at Boston University, will be the guest speaker, after which some 400 students will receive their diplomas.

The Muir Outstanding Teaching Award will go to Alan Schneider, professor of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Science, and the Provost's Scholarship Award to Lisa Catherine Smith. Krista Kay Kiger is the winner of the Alumni and Friends UCSD Award and shares the Dean's Service Award for outstanding service to the UCSD community with Steven Edward Freeman. Gerri Lynn Spikes has been chosen to receive the Oceanids Award.

The Graduate Division will hold its ceremony in Mandeville Auditorium at Noon with literature professor Andrew Wright giving the commencement address. About 90 of the approximately 300 students who have earned graduate degrees are expected to be on hand to receive them.

Revelle College commencement begins at 2 p.m. on the Revelle South Lawn. The commencement address will be given by Dr. E. Margaret Burbidge, Director of the Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences at UCSD and one of the world's foremost astronomers. Some 400 students will be receiving degrees.

Outstanding Faculty Award winners include Joseph Chen, physics, and Christine Norris, literature, while Karen Peters has been selected as winner of the Outstanding Staff Award. The Joel Dean Award in Management Science goes to Susan Carol Stone, the Oceanids Outstanding Service Award to Julie Marie Nefkens, and the UCSD Alumni Service Award to Salvador Veas.

Scott Doney has been named winner of the Harold C. Urey Award in Chemistry. A special award is being presented to , after whom the college is named. Winners of the Revelle Provost's Academic Awards are: Joseph Gerard Gleeson, chemistry; Daniel Goldreich, physics; Jennifer Anne Isacc, applied mathematics; Lauren Jean Lyon, psychology; Tom Jesus Pousti, biology, and Kimberly Karen Whitesell, psychology and animal physiology.

The final ceremony of the day takes place on the lawn between Mandeville and Third College at 3 p.m. when Third College hands out diplomas to approximately 400 students. The commencement speaker will be Dr. Peter Gourevitch, Acting Dean of UCSD's new Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies.

Award winners at Third College include: Outstanding Faculty: Ed Reynolds, professor of history; Outstanding Senior: Nicolas Tracy; Provost's Award for Outstanding Academics: Phillip Colla; Alumni Award: William Kuyper; Oceanids Award: Zinnah Holmes, and Dean's Award: Steven Cooper and Robert Rios.

Media Contact: Paul Lowenberg, 452-3120

(June 2, 1986)



SUNDAY, JUNE 15, 1986


Time: 9:30 a.m. Location: Lawn between Mandeville Center and Peterson Hall

Number of Graduates: Approximately 400

Speaker: Edmund G. "Pat" Brown, former Governor of California


Time: 10:30 a.m. Location: South Lawn of Revelle College

Number of Graduates: Approximately 400

Speaker: Dr. Howard Zinn, Professor of Political Science, Boston University


Time: Noon Location: Mandeville Center Auditorium

Number of Graduates: Approximately 300. Around 90 expected to attend ceremony.

Speaker: Dr. Andrew Wright, Professor of Literature, UCSD


Time: 2 p.m. Location: South Lawn of Revelle College

Number of Graduates: Approximately 400 Speaker: Dr. E. Margaret Burbidge, Director of the UCSD Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences


Time: 3 p.m. Location: Lawn between Mandeville Center and Peterson Hall

Number of Graduates: Approximately 400

Speaker: Peter Gourevitch, Acting Dean, Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies