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Abel, R. 466 Arantes, A. 138 , A. 144 archeological sites, Canada see Canada, First academic freedom, religious law and freedom Nation control over archeological sites of expression 298–9 Arizpe, L. 148 Acharya, U. 361–78 armchair anthropology 491–507 Acheson, J. 121 colonial and imperial period 494–6, 497–8, 33, 34 503 Africa 18, 19, 172 cultural contact increase 503–4 see also individual countries data analysis rectification 498, 499–500, African Charter on Human and Peoples’ 506 Rights (ACHPR) (Banjul Charter) 155 diffusionism 495, 498 African Commission, Endorois Welfare early metropolitan ethnology comparison Council v. Kenya 184 503–6 African Union 109, 111 epistemological problems 497, 505 Afsharipour, A. 502, 505 ethnic communities involvement in their agriculture own research 499 transgenic maize see Mexico and transgenic evidentiary issues and data analysis 498 maize evolutionism 495–6 see also ‘land’ headings fieldwork innovation 499, 505 Aguiar, J. 439 folk legends 495 Ahdieh, R. 1 global exchange practices and patterns, Ahmed, A. 33, 34, 270–71, 298 study of new 502 Akonnor, K. 172 history 492–6 Albers-Miller, N. 437 international governmental organizations Aldridge, J. 217, 219, 253 (IGOs), research into growth and , A. 294–5 influence of 501–2 Ali, W. 287 interpretive bias concerns 497–8 Allen, E. 241 language and translation 505–6 Allott, A. 11 legal profession, globalization of 502–3, alteration permit, Canada, heritage sites 69, 505–6 70, 75, 76–7, 81 legal transplants, rise of 502 Álvarez-Buylla, E. 341, 359 rule of law, globalization of 502 Aman, A. 463 technology effects 503–4 Amoo, S. 87, 90, 93, 94, 95, 96 textual output of ethnographic writing Anaya, J. 183 499–500 Angel, T. 382 untested theories, development of 498 Annis, S. 440 world systems theories 500 anti-law movement 35–8 see also research traditions see also comparative law, global Armstrong, K. 264, 297–8 perspective Arthurs, H. 386, 390 Antrim, Z. 269 Atleo, S. 240, 253, 254 Aoki, K. 438 Attia, H. 32 apostasy offence, religious law and freedom Auerbach, J. 466, 471 of expression 265, 268 Australia 167, 175 Appadurai, A. 492, 504 Chapman v. Conservation Council of SA 50 Aquino, P. 341, 342 Chapman v. Luminis Pty 47, 50

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510 Comparative law and anthropology

Chapman v. Tickner 48–9 indoctrinated corruption 405–6 Kartinyeri v. Commonwealth 50 legal and police corruption 407, 409 Mabo v. Queensland 184, 185 linguistic evidence 404 Wik Peoples v. Queensland 49 media involvement 405–6 Wilson v. Minister for Aboriginal and mutuality of hiring employees seen as Torres Strait Islander Affairs 49 victimless crime 404 Yorta Yorta Aboriginal Community v. Našic´ka affair 398–9 Victoria 53 national identity and relation to public Australia, Hindmarsh Island Bridge goods 408 controversy 45–54 New Gunpowder Affair 397 Aboriginal Heritage Act (SA) 47 origins, Austrian period 397–400 Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement origins, Turkish period 395–7, 398 (ALRM) 47–8 particracy and party leaders’ power 402–3 Aboriginal sites of significance 47–9, 50, people’s separation from government and 51–2, 53–4 non-recognition of state as their own anthropological evidence authenticity issues 396, 397 53–4 political position use for personal and civil and human rights bodies 46–7, 49 enrichment 399 colonialism and white settlement proximity potential solutions 407–10 effects 53–4 Rašic´-Vlajic´ affair 397 Commonwealth Heritage Protection Act Serbian privatization effects 400 47–8 tolerance of society towards corruption evidence fabrication claims 49, 50 403–5 factionalism in two opposing groups of Treaty of Berlin, Western influence and Ngarrindjeri women 50–52 dressing cultures 397–8 Heritage Protection Act 49–50 Yugoslav regime and culture of corruption judicial review 48–9 399–400 Lower Murray Aboriginal Heritage Ballakrishnen, S. 465 Committee (LMAHC) concerns 47 Bangamwabo, F. 89, 106 native title and traditional property rights 387 45–7, 49 Bankes, N. 184 Royal Commission 49, 51, 54 Banks, T. 471 and tourism 47 Barash, D. 10 Bardhan, P. 406 Bai, J. 406 Barents Sea, fishing regulation compliance Baldwin, K. 4 121–2 Balkans and corruption 394–411 Barfield, T. 34 anthropological and ethnophysical roots Barnett, J. 435 400–402 Barto, A. 356 Balkan Wars and World Wars 398–9 Bashir, S. 269 criminal convictions, reactions to 404–5 Baskir, C. 473 Croatia, Office for the Suppression of Bavinck, M. 117, 118, 127 Corruption and Organized Crime Beazley, O. 137 (USKOK) 407–8, 409 Bell, C. 55–84 economic aspects 406–7 Bell, J. 304 education in fight against corruption 408 Bell, L. 427 and European Court of Human Rights 409 Benda-Beckmann, F. 116 external incentives to fight corruption 409 Benin 146–7 family ties, evolution and metamorphosis Benson, P. 439, 446 402–3, 408 Benthall, J. 437 family ties as a root of corruption 400–402 Berkeley Village Law Project 31–3 gifts as bribes 404, 405, 406 Berman, P. 385 high-level corruption, fight against 409 Bernbaum, E. 185

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Index 511

Berndt, R. and C. 51–2 burial grounds, Canada 56, 64, 65, 66, 70, 73, Bettig, R. 438 75, 76, 83–4 Bever, L. 300 see also cultural landscapes significant to Bhandaru, D. 298–9 indigenous peoples Bignami, F. 501–2 Buruma, I. 280 Birnie, P. 156 Butler, J. 152, 389 Bista, D. 362 Byock, J. 319 Bistué, M. 312 Blachford, C. 226 Cabrera, M. 431 Black, C. 312 Cadwaller, C. 150, 151 Blagojevic´, O. 401 Cain, M. 463 Blake, J. 135–52 Caldeira, T. 439 offence, religious law and freedom Cameron, C. 137 of expression 264–5, 268, 282, 283 Boas, F. 499, 505–6 Camus, M. 439 Boateng, B. 455 Canada 8, 168–9, 187 Boghosian, H. 389 Canada, cases Bohannan, P. 30 Abenakis of Odanak v. Canada 217, 219 Boldt, M. 230 Algonquins of Barrière Lake Band v. Bolivia 22 Canada 196, 221–2, 234 Bolton, L. 145 Algonquins of Barrière Lake v. Algonquins bonded labour system, Nepal see Nepal, of Barrière Lake (Council) 191, 194, bonded labour system 197, 199, 203, 207, 223, 225–6, 227, Boonstra, W. 130 228, 233–4, 237, 256 Bordewich, F. 183 Awashish v. Opitciwan Atikamekw Band Borrows, J. 199, 203, 209, 228–9, 232, 248, Council 205 252, 253 Baker v. Canada 207, 213–14 Bösl, A. 90 Ballantyne v. Nasikapow 228 Botswana 19, 179–80 Beckman v. Little Salmon Carmacks First Bourgois, P. 439 Nation 68 Boyce, J. 356 Bigstone v. Big Eagle 201, 216 Boyer, V. 415 Bone v. Sioux Valley Indian Band No. 290 Boyle, A. 156 Council 196, 201, 204, 205 Braithwaite, J. 433, 434 British Columbia v. Okanagan Indian Band Brand, R. 463 243 Bratovic´, E. 405 Brave, I. 423 Calder v. British Columbia 58, 240–41, Brazil 118–19 249 Bremmer, P. 35 Campbell v. AG BC/AG Canada & Nisga’a Brink, S. 319–37 Nation 198 Brinkley, D. 168 Chief Bernard Ominayak and Lubicon Lake Brintnall, D. 440 Band v. Canada 243 broad consensus, Canada, First Nations Chingee v. Chingee 221 governance disputes 200–214, 220 Chippewas of Sarnia Band v. Canada 72–3 Brown, B. 173, 175 Chippewas of the Thames First Nation v. Brown, J. 285–6, 302 Enbridge Pipelines 68 Brown, M. 415 Clyde River (Hamlet) v. Petroleum Browner, T. 144 Geo-Services 68, 70 Brush, S. 437 Cold Lake First Nations v. Alberta 73 Buchanan, N. 314 Connolly v. Woolrich 198, 252 Buggey, S. 167 Corbière v. Canada 209, 210, 215, 219, Bukurura, S. 89 257 Bunch, C. 150 Courtoreille v. Canada 64

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512 Comparative law and anthropology

Daniels v. Canada 190 Musqueam First Nation v. Canada 249 Delgamuukw v. British Columbia 8, 58, 60, Nanoose Indian Band v. British Columbia 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 71–2 66, 67 Delgamuukw v. the Queen 198 Napoleon v. Garbitt 205–6 Eikland v. White River First Nation 211, Nekaneet 202, 204, 206, 208, 209, 211 216, 217 Nemaiah Valley Indian Band v. Riverside Elders Council 196, 203, 222, 225, 234 Forest Products 243 Francis v. Mohawk Council of Kanesatake Oakes v. Pahtayken 202, 204 191, 195, 198, 200–201, 202, 203, Ominayak v. Canada 242 205, 208, 209, 210, 212, 217 Ominayak v. Lubicon Lake Indian Nation Frank v. Bottle 195 210–11, 217, 227 v. Canatonguin 195 Ominayak v. Norcen Energy Resources 222 Gabriel v. Mohawk Council of Kanesatake Ontario v. Bear Island Foundation 246–7 196, 210, 228 Peepeekisis First Nation v. Poitras 199 Gabriel v. Nicholas 200 Pikangikum v. Nault 226–7 Gros-Louis v. Nation Huronne-Wendat R v. Alphonse 73 (Conseil) 210 R v. Badger 73 Haida Nation v. British Columbia 66, 67, R v. Bernard 61 68, 70, 74, 249 R v. Marshall 61 Hall v. Dakota Tipi Indian Band 210 R v. Mitchell 196 Henco Industries v. Haudenosaunee Six R v. Pamajewon 197, 198 Nations Confederacy Council 232 R v. Sioui 62 Hupascasath First Nation v. British R v. Sparrow 214, 246 Columbia 73 R v. Van der Peet 62, 197, 198, 212 Indian Band v. Cutknife 202 Rio Tinto Alcan v. Carrier Sekani Tribal Innu Nation v. Pokue 196 Council 67 ITO-International Terminal Operators v. Roberts v. Canada 199 Miida Electronics 194 Roncarelli v. Duplessis 228 Jacobs v. Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation v. 217, 220 Atkinson 195 Kitkatla Band v. British Columbia 64, 67, Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation v. 74, 77–9, 80 Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation Kwakiutl Nation Band v. Anderson 222 (Council) 228 Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation v. Canada Salt River First Nation 195 (Council) v. 191, 205, 224 Salt River First Nation 201, 204 Lafond v. Muskeg Lake Cree First Nation Samson Indian Band v. Bruno 202, 206 195 Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation Band v. Lax Kw’alaams Indian Band v. British Canada 224, 225, 228, 232, 234–5 Columbia 69, 70 Sawridge Band v. Canada 219 Lounsbury v. Dakota Tipi First Nation Six Nations Hereditary Chiefs v. Canada 235–6 206, 235 Lubicon Lake Indian Band v. Canada Skeetchestn Indian Band v. Registrar of 242–3, 244 Land Titles 71 McArthur v. Saskatchewan 210 Sparvier v. Cowessess Indian Band 195, McLeod Lake Indian Band v. Chingee 200, 227, 228 201, 203, 204, 206, 210 Taku River Tlingit First Nation v. British Mikisew Cree First Nation v. Canada 66, Columbia (Project Assessment 69, 72, 73 Director) 67 Minde v. Ermineskin Cree Nation 194, 199 Thompson v. Leq’a:mel First Nation 210 Mitchell v. M.N.R. 60, 198 Tsilhqot’in Nation v. British Columbia 56, Mitchikanibikok Inik v. Canada 196 57–9, 60–61, 62–3, 64, 69, 70–71, 72, Munro v. British Columbia (Minister of 74–5, 79–82, 83–4, 243, 248–9 Forests) 78 Vollant v. Sioui 201, 204

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Index 513

Wood Mountain First Nation v. Canada specific rights of use and stewardship 61–4, 191, 195, 221 81 Wood Mountain First Nation v. Lecaine 221 and UNDRIP 59 Canada, First Nation control over see also cultural landscapes significant to archeological sites 8, 55–84 indigenous peoples Aboriginal claims to sites on private lands Canada, First Nations governance disputes 71–6, 80–81 190–260 Aboriginal title registry, absence of 75–6 Band Councils 192, 194, 195, 196, 197, accommodation, private landowners and 199, 201–2, 222, 223, 233, 234, 256–7 Crown liability 74–7 Band Governance Management System archaeological impact assessments 66 222, 234, 258–9 burial grounds 56, 64, 65, 66, 70, 73, 75, Charter of Rights and Freedoms 192, 203, 76, 83–4 209, 212 commercial logging licence as unjustified Constitution Act 191, 194, 195, 197, 203, infringement of Aboriginal title 57–8 212, 213, 239, 247, 248, 258 consultation law and policy 64–71 custom variation according to will of Band consultation policy, absence of consistent members 204 66–9, 74 customary law 192, 195–7, 209, 220, 233, Crown sovereignty assertion 58–9, 60, 61, 236, 255 70–71, 73 “double majority” standard 204 cultural heritage definition 55–6 established governance practices of Band cultural integrity right 60 custom 201–3 culturally modified trees (CMTs) 67, 77–8 Federal Court jurisdiction and inherent dispute resolution 81 right of self-government 194–200, free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) by 211–12, 213, 220, 222–4, 235, 250 Indigenous peoples to proposed First Nations access to justice and use of government actions or projects 59, 69, reference power 210–12 72, 75 First Nations Elections Act 255–6, 259 general provincial laws 62–4, 66–7, 70, 81 Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada generic rights 59–61, 80 (INAC) 193–4, 195–6, 199–200, 203, Heritage Conservation Act (HCA), British 209, 214, 215, 216, 217–18, 220–21, Columbia 63, 65–6, 67, 70, 74, 77, 222, 223–7, 229, 230–36, 257–8 78–9, 80 Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada heritage investigation permits 65–6, 67, (INAC), Custom Code Election 69–70, 74 Dispute Resolution Policy 236–8, 250, heritage sites and Aboriginal rights 58–64 251 heritage sites, alteration permit 69, 70, 75, judicial review of leadership selection 76–7, 81 disputes under custom codes 193–214, heritage sites, barriers to protecting 71–9 225, 227–30, 231–2, 233–5, 256 heritage sites registry 75–8 jurisprudential definition of custom and the heritage value assessment 77–9 “broad consensus” difficulty 200–214, human rights of Indigenous peoples to 220 control heritage 62, 75 legitimacy of ruling and sources of individual fee simple title 59, 71, 72, 73, authority 202–3 81 off-reserve Band members in determining infringement justification test and custom, role of 209–10 proportionality obligation 63 oral tradition, applicable law as 199 law reform 79–82 practices of First Nations peoples take oral histories consideration 82 precedence over written codification ownership and consent connection 79–80 205–6 permanent physical presence proof 60–61 “procedural fairness” duties 207–8, 227–30 property rights of indigenous peoples 55–6, self-government as inherent aboriginal right 57–8, 74–5, 77 197–8

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514 Comparative law and anthropology

“sporadic behavior” interpretation 202 indirect intervention and measures of trial basis rule 202 control 214–31, 232–3, 257 UN Human Rights Act 220 indirect intervention and measures of see also dispute resolution control, competing versions of custom Canada, First Nations governance disputes, 220–21 frustrated land claims of the Lubicon Nisga’a Nation “nation-to-nation” Cree 238–51, 258 agreement 219–20 aboriginal title and proximity of Penner Committee on Indian relationship between First Nations Self-Government 251–2, 254, 259 communities 243–5 policy framework of aboriginal Alberta Natural Resources Act 241, 247 self-government beyond 236–7, 251–5, and Constitution Act 239, 247, 248 259–60 federal government’s non-recognition of policy framework of aboriginal any aboriginal right not already legally self-government beyond, and Canadian recognized by a court, effects of Human Rights Act 253–4 247–50 registration of custom 220–21 Grimshaw Accord 241 registration of election results 221–4, 225 and Indian Act 238, 240, 244, 245, 246, Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples 247, 250 Report 254–5 inherent conflicts of interest and effective secret ballots 218 recognition of aboriginal rights 245–51 third-party management 215, 216–17, natural resource development leases 241, 224–7, 228–9 242–3, 244, 250–51 Canter, R. 31–2 Natural Resource Transfer Agreement Carbonetti, B. 127 239–40 Cardwell, E. 119 Plains Midstream Canada oil spill 250–51 Carper, M. 1 poisoning of wildlife and waterways 244, Carreón, A. 347 250–51 Carroll, J. 49 Treaty No. 8 238–9, 240, 241, 242–3, 244, Cassell, E. 8 246 caste system, Nepal 361–2, 364, 365, 366–7, UN Committee on the Elimination of All 368, 377 Forms of Racial Discrimination 244–5 Castells, M. 388 and UN Human Rights Committee 243, Caton, S. 33 244–5, 250, 259–60 Chamberlain, J. 199 unresolved status of aboriginal rights to Chambliss, E. 505 title or to self-government 238–43, 244 Chanock, M. 31 Woodland Cree Band creation 240, 244, Chase, A. 466 245 Chikonzo, K. 146 Canada, First Nations governance disputes, China 36–7, 38, 39 Indian Act 192, 193–4, 195–6, 197, 199, Christie, G. 308, 313, 314 204, 209, 212, 213, 240 civil rights, Mexico see Mexico and Aboriginal perspectives with respect to transgenic maize, civil rights controversy transparency 218, 225 Clifford, J. 12, 21, 416, 462, 465, 500 administrative bifurcation of community co-management as natural resource membership status 216–20 management model 119–20 Band’s control over its own membership Cohen, A. 375 code 216–18 Cohen, L. 142 due process requirements within customary Cohen, P. 119, 122 procedures 207–8, 227–30 Collier, J. 2, 28 First Nations Governance Law 236–7, 255 Collier, S. 492, 500 and frustrated land claims of the Lubicon colonialism effects 31, 32, 53–4, 494–6, Cree 238, 240, 244, 245, 246, 247, 497–8, 503 250 Comaroff, J. 19, 446, 480

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Index 515

Common Market of Eastern and Southern Coulson, N. 282 Africa (COMESA) 109 Cousins, M. 224 community values in natural resource Cover, R. 309 management, identifying 128–31 Cowan, J. 427 comparative law, global perspective 28–41 Crane, B. 191–2, 209, 228, 232, 248, 255 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) crime concept and nation-state dominance categorization 31 37–8 convictions, reactions to, Balkans 404–5 anti-law movement 35–8 criminalization of trademark piracy, appropriation mechanisms and global Guatemala 439–40 plunder 38 Scandinavian early law 328–9, 330 civil and criminal law, distinction between Critical Legal Studies movement 35–6 31–2 Croatia 148 controlling processes 37–9 Cruz Rueda, E. 314 and crime categorization 31 cultural battle, Mexico and transgenic maize Critical Legal Studies movement 35–6 344–8, 351 early anthropologists 28–9 cultural contact increase, armchair economic development and internal anthropology 503–4 colonialism 32 cultural heritage, intangible see intangible fieldwork use 29–31 cultural heritage, safeguarding haves and have-nots 39 cultural heritage definition, Canada 55–6 imperialism and dissatisfaction with state cultural integrity right, Canada, First Nation law 34–5 control over archeological sites 60 indigenous and state systems, differences cultural landscapes significant to indigenous between 31–3 peoples 153–89 lack concept and nation-state dominance applicable international and regional law 37, 38 153–70 modernization movements and Village Law cultural heritage and landscapes 161–7 31–3 cultural landscapes concept and definitions nation-state dominance 37, 38, 39–40 153–4, 171–2, 173 rule of law concept and nation-state EU, Aarhus Convention and public dominance 37, 38, 39 participation 155–6, 165–7, 189 and social justice 36 European Landscape Convention (Florence Condry, I. 456 Convention) 155, 163–5 conflicts of interest, Canada, frustrated land free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) claims of the Lubicon Cree 245–51 principle 159–60 Conley, J. 36, 466 general international instruments 158–61 Constitution (1990), Namibia 88–90, 92 history as spatial-temporal phenomenon Constitution (2015), Nepal 371–2 174 Constitution Act, Canada 191, 194, 195, 197, indigenous peoples definition issues 171 203, 212, 213, 239, 247, 248, 258 International Human Rights Law (IHRL) consultation law and policy, Canada 64–71, 154–5 74 International Labor Organization (ILO), Coombe, R. 435–6, 438 Convention concerning Indigenous and Cooper, F. 436 Tribal Peoples in Independent Coral Triangle, fishing and compliance with Countries 155, 159 co-management regimes 122 land tenures 181–2, 184–5 Cornet, W. 218–19, 229, 231, 254 national law 167–70 Coronado, E. 438 national minority’s lands as cultural Correa, C. 433, 434 landscapes 172 corruption see Balkans and corruption non-binding instruments of soft law 156 cosmogony theory and indigenous peoples place concept 173–4 304–5 recommendations 188–9

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516 Comparative law and anthropology

risk management and sustainable Canada, First Nations governance disputes development 157–8 192, 195–7, 209, 220, 233, 236, 255 self-determination rights 158–9, 160–61, in colonial settings 18, 31 171, 184 Namibia 90–92, 95–6, 98, 110–11 special relationship with its ancestral lands and narratives of laws, narratives of peoples 171 305, 313 sustainable development 153, 154, 156–8, and natural resource governance 126–7, 159–60, 164–5, 189 130 territorial bases for indigenous see also provincial laws; state law custodianship 183–8 Cvijic´, J. 395, 400–401, 408 territorial bases for indigenous custodianship, property-based claims Dacks, B. 239, 241, 244 183–5 Damaska, M. 479 territorial bases for indigenous Darian-Smith, E. 314, 381–93 custodianship, sacred natural sites Darrow, M. 387 185–8 data analysis rectification, armchair transnational legal regime considerations anthropology 498, 499–500, 506 170–72 Davenport, C. 168 UN Convention on the Elimination of All David, R. 3 Forms of Racial Discrimination 155, Davies, P. 188 159 De Lauri, A. 34 UN Declaration on the Rights of De Wet, E. 106 Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) 158, Deacon, H. 137 160–61, 186, 188–9 DeCastro, J. 435 UNESCO World Heritage Convention 155, DeJarnatt, S. 463 161–3, 175, 189 Denmark 9, 120–21, 274–6, 283 see also Canada, First Nation control over Denny, F. 270 archeological sites Dent, A. 432, 439 cultural landscapes significant to indigenous Desmond, M. 4 peoples, typology of cultural landscapes Dezalay, Y. 463, 468, 503 173–83 Di Donato, F. 310 built or constructed landscapes of cultural Di Lucia, P. 306 significance 178–9 Diamond, J. 7 cultural imagery that projects cultural Dias, V. 467 statements on a natural landscape Dickenson, V. 292 179–81 Diescho, J. 88 ‘landscapes of the mind’ 181–3 diffusionism, armchair anthropology 495, 498 natural landscapes created by indigenous Disier, É. 339 peoples 176–8 Disko, S. 158 photographic panoramas 180–81 dispute resolution pure natural landscapes of cultural Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) significance 175–6 concept and nation-state dominance seascape as a maritime cultural landscape 37–8 176 Canada, First Nation control over culturally modified trees (CMTs), Canada 67, archeological sites 81 77–8 Canada, First Nation governance see culture’s effect on piracy proliferation, Canada, First Nations governance Guatemala 436 disputes custom codes, Canada 193–214, 225, 227–38, and legal pluralism see legal pluralism and 250, 251, 256 dispute resolution customary law 7, 11, 33 techniques and “political” and “judicial” Berkeley Village Law Project 31–2 types 18–19

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Index 517

Dominican Republic–Central America Free Etherington, L. 386 Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA) 433, Ethiopia 33, 178 434–5 EU Donoghue, D. 311 Aarhus Convention 155–6, 165–7, 189 Donovan, J. 3 European Landscape Convention (Florence Dordevic, M. 469 Convention) 155, 163–5 Dore, I. 1 as superstate 25 Douglas, M. 431, 456 European Convention for the Protection of Dow, J. 440 Human Rights (ECHR) 155 Downes, D. 437 European Court of Human Rights Drahos, P. 433, 434 and Balkans and corruption 409 Drew, K. 321 Hingitaq 53 v. Denmark 9, 10 drugs trafficking, Suriname 419, 420 Evans, C. 312, 313 Du Plessis, L. 90 evidence authenticity 8, 49, 50, 53–4, 498 Dudley, K. 448 see also oral histories due process requirements, Canada, Indian Act expert witness, Suriname see Suriname and 207–8, 227–30 Saamaka People, anthropologist as Duncan, J. 193, 214 expert witness Durkheim, E. 28–9, 30, 504 Fabinyi, M. 122 East African Community (EAC) 109, 110 Falk, R. 389 Eberle, E. 308 family ties, Balkans and corruption 400–403, Eckstein, L. 432 408 Ecuador 386–7 Farah, D. 419 education Farmer, P. 21, 454 benefits, Guatemala and trademark piracy Farran, S. 313 437, 444 Faubion, J. 465 fight against corruption, Balkans 408 Faulconbridge, J. 381, 383 legal education reform, call for 390–91 Feaver, G. 28 US law schools see US law schools, Fedarko, K. 181 students’ experiences of culture, law Fedele, A. 147 and pedagogy federal involvement Ekern, S. 455 Canada 191–2, 194–200, 211–12, 213, 220, Ekholm-Friedman, K. 492 222–4, 235, 247–50 El Fadl, K. 35 Mexico 354–6 election results registration, Canada 221–4, see also provincial laws; state law 225 Ferguson, J. 24–5, 390, 436, 465 Elkins, J. 466, 479 Fernandez, J. 465 Ellickson, R. 20, 117 fieldwork use 17, 29–31, 499, 505 Empson, L. 390 see also Suriname and Saamaka People, Engel, D. and J. 390 anthropologist as expert witness environmental compliance, and natural Fink, C. 434, 435 resource co-management see natural Fischer, E. 440, 441, 446 resource co-management, environmental Fischer, M. 465, 483 compliance and legal pluralism fishing regulation, and natural resource environmental damage 244, 250–51, 386–7 co-management 120–23 envy discourse, Guatemala and trademark see also marine protected areas piracy 440–41, 444, 445–6, 449 Fiske, S. 124–5, 128 Erasmus, M. 88, 89 Flanagan, R. 471 Erie, M. 466, 473 Flood, C. 206 Espinosa Calderon, A. 348, 357 Flood, J. 383, 384, 390 Esposito, J. 267, 272, 282, 295 Fludernik, M. 310 Esquít, E. 455 Foote, P. 326

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518 Comparative law and anthropology

Fortun, K. 463, 465 Glanert, S. 306, 308 Foster, G. 440 Glavin, T. 8 Frakenberg, G. 35 Glazewski, J. 156, 157 Francaviglia, R. 263–303 global law firms in real-world contexts France, cartoons 274–6, 277, 381–93 279–80, 283, 298–9 accountability, lack of 384 Francioni, F. 138 eligibility criteria and annual revenue Frazer, J. 320, 495–6, 497, 498, 504 382–3 free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) global conflict involvement 385–6 principle 59, 69, 72, 75, 159–60 global law firms as lubricators of global freedom of expression, and religious law see capitalism 383 religious law and freedom of expression human rights violations and investment and images of lending activities of multilateral Friedland, H. 305 development banks (MDBs) 387 Friedman, J. 492 international financial system under threat Friedrich, C. 395 389 Fujita, M. 147 law across a global/local continuum 385–9 Fukuyama, F. 319 legal education reform, call for 390–91 legal services for transnational corporations Gaaker, J. 308 382, 384–5, 386 Gabrovska, G. 147 as “lubricators of global capitalism” 381, Gallant, T. 452 383, 387, 390 Garcia, F. 390 mass migration issues 389 García, I. 455 mergers with national firms 384 Garden, R. 121 mining and energy extraction industries and Garriott, W. 466 environmental damage 386–7 Garth, B. 463, 468, 484, 503 negotiations reducing a company’s social Geeroms, S. 308 obligations and ensuring limited Geertz, C. 11, 265–6, 304, 455, 483 liability 386–7 Gelder, S. 388 neoliberal economic thinking 383–4 Gelting, M. 322 poverty, social inequality and global gender issues discontent, effects of 386, 387–9, 390 factionalism in two opposing groups of public attitude towards lawyers, shift in Ngarrindjeri women, Australia 50–52 388–9 and intangible cultural heritage see rise of global law firms 382–5 intangible cultural heritage, globalization safeguarding, and gender, and armchair anthropology 500–503, 505–6 interaction between and comparative law see comparative law, Protocol on Gender and Development, global perspective Namibia 111 and post-colonial world 24–5 religious law and progressive Muslim Globokar, J. 463, 465, 467, 468, 483 women 293–6 Gluckman, M. 18, 19, 30, 320 women’s rights 21 GM crops, Mexico see Mexico and transgenic women’s role and Gelede ceremony, Benin maize 146–7 Godoy, A. 433, 455 Germany 172 Goldhaber, M. 468 Gershenhorn, J. 427 Goldín, L. 443 Gezelius, S. 120, 123, 124, 127 Goodale, M. 3, 21, 455 Ghani, A. 34 Goodwin, M. 502 Ghazi, B. 387 Gordon, K. 453 gifts as bribes, Balkans and corruption 404, Graeber, D. 465 405, 406 Graham, J. 203, 209 Gilbert, J. 174, 181 Gramsci, A. 37

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Granfield, R. 466, 471, 475, 477–8 pirate modernity and digital technology Gräslund, A.-S. 6 451–3 Gray, G. 51–2 poverty and inequality issues 449 Grebe, D. 101 private property rights not universal Greece 389 principle 436–7 Green, D. 323 religious values 442–3 Green, R. 436 rumors linking wealth and witchcraft 440, Greenhouse, C. 11 444, 445–6 Greenland 173, 176 shadow economy inferences 449 Greenwood, R. 384 tourism 448 Griffin, L. 309 and WTO TRIPS Agreement 431–2, 433–4, Griffiths, A. 2, 19, 385 435 Griffiths, J. 1, 85, 117 Guinier, L. 466, 471, 475, 479–80 Grossfeld, B. 308 Gulliver, P. 18–19 Grossman, G. 435 Guneratne, A. 363 Gruber, C. 286 Gupta, A. 436, 465 Guatemala 33 Gupta, J. 117 Guatemala and trademark piracy 430–61 Gustafson, B. 22 accountability in in Tecpán’s clothing industry 431 Hahm, P.-C. 36 capitalist enterprise uncertainties 443, Hale, C. 416 445–6 Hallaq, W. 277 copying of trademarked logo as intelligent Hanauer, N. 388 design strategy 449–52 Hangen, S. 370 criminalization of piracy and stereotypical Hann, C. 436 portraits of delinquency 439–40 Hansen, V. 37 culture’s effect on piracy proliferation 436 Harbison, P. 186 Dominican Republic–Central America Free Hardt, M. 503, 507 Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA) 433, Harrington, C. 463 434–5 Harris, M. 384 educational campaigns against piracy and Hauck, M. 123, 124, 127 counterfeiting, benefits of 437 Hava, J. 283 employment and educational opportunities Havenga, P. 93 for indigenous people, constraints on Haviland, C. 371 444 Healey, N. 468 envy discourse 440–41, 444, 445–6, 449 Hedican, E. 54 ethics of copies 447–52 Heinämäki, L. 186, 187 ethnic and racial classificatory schemes Held, D. 386 444–5 Helpman, E. 435 ethnic solidarity displays 448 Hendrickson, C. 441, 444, 445, 446, 448 garment industry expansion and kin and Hendry, J. 307 apprenticeship relations 441–4 heritage global disparate understandings of cultural heritage and landscapes 161–7 relationship between originals and protection legislation 47, 49–50 copies 432–3 sites, Canada see under Canada, First historical legacy of citizen mistrust of the Nation control over archeological sites law 437–8 Heritier, P. 304 intellectual property values 433–9, 452–4 Herrmann, T. 186, 187 international pressures on IP enforcement, Hertz, E. 141–2 response to 438 Herzfeld, M. 436, 454, 455 land privatization schemes, effects of 441 Hillenbrand, C. 263, 264 multilateral trade negotiations, effects of Hilton, B. 432 inclusion of IP law in 435 Hinz, M. 85, 88, 90, 91, 92, 95, 96, 98, 111

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520 Comparative law and anthropology

Hobsbawm, E. 428 Hyndman, D. 32 Hoebel, E. 4, 5, 10, 29–30, 320, 321 Hofer, A. 367 Ibrahim, A. 293 Hoff, A. 331 Iceland 6, 326 Hoffman, D. 125 see also Scandinavia Holder, J. 156, 165 Imai, S. 248, 249 Holm, P. 119 India 118, 142 Holmbäck, A. 328 Indian Act, Canada see Canada, First Nations Honneland, G. 121–2 governance disputes, Indian Act Hope, M. 65 indigenous communities Horn, N. 90 Aboriginal sites of significance, Australia Howson, N. 384 47–9, 50, 51–2, 53–4 Hubbard, B. 282 archeological sites, Canada see Canada, Huffman, T. 178 First Nation control over archeological human rights sites American Convention on Human Rights cultural landscapes see cultural landscapes (ACHR) 155 significant to indigenous peoples Australia, Hindmarsh Island Bridge First Nations governance disputes, Canada controversy 46–7, 49 see Canada, First Nations governance Canada, First Nation control over disputes archeological sites 62, 75 indigenous and state systems, differences Canada, First Nations governance disputes between 31–3 243, 244–5, 250, 253–4, 259–60 Mexico and transgenic maize 352–6 and democratic principles adoption, Nepal, narratives of see narratives of laws, bonded labour system 367 narratives of peoples European Convention for the Protection of Suriname see Suriname and Saamaka Human Rights (ECHR) 155 People, anthropologist as expert European Court of Human Rights see witness European Court of Human Rights individual fee simple title, Canada 59, 71, 72, Inter-American Commission of Human 73, 81 Rights (IACHR) 353, 355 32, 266 Inter-American Court of Human Rights see intangible cultural heritage, safeguarding Inter-American Court of Human Rights 135–52 International Human Rights Law (IHRL) intangible cultural heritage, safeguarding, and 154–5 gender, interaction between 141–51 and investment lending activities of dancing in clearly-defined male/female multilateral development banks gender roles, Zimbabwe 146 (MDBs) 387 gender as dualistic male–female dichotomy, marine protected areas, international issues with 144–5 conservation obligations 125–6 gender dynamics 143–5 Mexico and transgenic maize, civil rights gender equality 148–51 controversy 352–4 gender as form of diversity 146–8 Namibia, hybridity of law and legal gender power relations in society and pluralism 96–7, 100–105, 107, 108, Taquile textile weaving, Peru 143–4 111 gender roles, Uganda 142 research traditions 21–2 gender-based divisions of labour 143–4, Suriname 419–23, 427 148 UN Human Rights Act 220 tourism 143–4 UN Human Rights Committee 243, 244–5, trans-gender groups, India 142 250, 259–60 traversing gender roles, Dance of the Hunter, J. 83, 245 Chinelos, Mexico 147–8 Huntington, S. 295 traversing and reversing gender roles, Husted, B. 436 shamans’ song, Viet Nam 147

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women’s role and Gelede ceremony, Africa interpretive bias concerns, armchair 146–7 anthropology 497–8 intangible cultural heritage, safeguarding, 286 UNESCO Convention for the Iraq 35 Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Ireland 185–6 Heritage 135–40, 186 Isaac, T. 71, 73 anthropological/ethnographic expertise 140 Islamic banking 25 inscribed elements 137–8 Islamic law 19, 32, 38 inter-disciplinary character 139–40 and images of Muhammad see religious non-discrimination principle 149–50 law and freedom of expression and non-State actors’ involvement 138–9 images of Muhammad practical implications of addressing gender 145 Jackson, B. 320 Representative List of Intangible Heritage of Humanity (RL) 136–7, 138, 139, James, D. 23–4 140 Jentoft, S. 127, 130 right to participate in cultural life 149 Jiafang, R. 5 intellectual property values, Guatemala and Johansen, B. 182, 214, 232 trademark piracy 433–9, 452–4 Johns, A. 432, 455 Inter-American Commission of Human Rights Jones, L. 1 (IACHR) 353, 355 Jones, M. 153 Inter-American Court of Human Rights judicial interpretation Aloeboetoe v. Suriname 420–23 narratives of laws, narratives of peoples Kickwa Sarayaku Indigenous Community v. 309–11 Ecuador 353 US law schools 481–2 Mayagna (Sumo) Awas Tingni Community judicial review v. Nicaragua 187 Australia, Hindmarsh Island Bridge Plan de Sanchez Massacre v. Guatemala controversy 48–9 187 Canada, First Nations governance disputes Saramaka People v. Suriname 176–7, 184, 193–214, 225, 227–30, 231–2, 233–5, 187, 353, 424–7 256 Yakye Axa Indigenous Community v. Paraguay 187 Kairys, D. 30, 35 International Council on Monuments and Källström, M. 324 Sites (ICOMOS) 156, 157 Kamat, V. 119, 125–6 International Court of Justice (ICJ), Western Kambel, E.-R. 424, 425 Sahara, Advisory Opinion 184 Karaganis, J. 432 International Covenant on Civil and Political Karam, J. 266 Rights (ICCPR) 21, 149, 154, 158–9, Kareiva, P. 130 187 Karki, A. 362 International Covenant on Economic, Social Katjavivi, P. 88 and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) 21, 149, Kelly, S. 145 154–5, 158–9 Kelly, T. 2, 10 international governmental organizations Kemp, G. 230 (IGOs), growth and influence of 501–2 Kennedy, D. 36, 466, 471 International Grain Trade Coalition (IGTC) Khalidi, T. 263–4 348–9 Khanal, K. 376 International Human Rights Law (IHRL) Kiefer, T. 5–6 154–5 Kim, A. 301 International Labour Organization (ILO) 155, Kingdom, E. 150 159, 187, 372–5 Klassen, M. 65, 79 International Union for the Protection of New Klausen, J. 274 Varieties of Plants (UPOV) 347–8 Klein, N. 386, 387

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522 Comparative law and anthropology

Knibbe, K. 147 and comparative law 5 Knight, D. 389 dispute resolution in other cultures, Kondo, D. 454 understanding of 5–6 Kotiswaran, P. 375 expert testimony by anthropologists to Kötz, H. 307 support a “cultural defense” 9 Krieger, L. 471 macroanalysis 4–7 Krishnan, J. 467 microanalysis 7–9 Kroncke, J. 38 oral history as primary evidence 8 Kulundžic´, Z. 399 ownership and jurisdiction rights over Kurin, R. 151 hereditary territories 8 Küster, H. 153–4 restriction of access to traditional hunting Kustra, B. 194, 199, 221, 224 and fishing 9 revenge killing and ritualization 7 Lamsal, S. 118 and venues, selection of appropriate and land claims, Canada see Canada, First effective 6–7 Nations governance disputes, frustrated legal profession, globalization of 502–3, land claims of the Lubicon Cree 505–6 land privatization schemes, effects of, legal reasoning, US law schools 477–82, Guatemala 441 484–5 land reform, Nepal 363, 364–5 Legrand, P. 308 land tenures 23–4, 181–2, 184–5 Leonardo, J. 438 land use, agriculture see Mexico and Lerner, M. 36 transgenic maize Lesotho 24–5 landscapes Lévi-Strauss, C. 339 cultural see cultural landscapes significant Lewis, P. 466 to indigenous peoples Liang, L. 432 Scandinavia see Scandinavia, law, society Lin, Y.-C. 432 and landscape in early Lindberg, T. 313 language skills 305–8, 476–7, 484, 505–6 Lindsay, W. 191 see also oral histories Lippert, O. 438 Larios, R. 438 Little, W. 438, 439, 448 Larkin, B. 432, 455 Liu, S. 463, 468 Latigo, A. 98 Lixinski, L. 140–41 law schools, US see US law schools, Llewellyn, K. 4, 5, 10, 29–30 students’ experiences of culture, law and Locke, R. 173 pedagogy Logan, W. 149 Lawal, B. 146 Lonbay, J. 468, 469, 473 Lazarus-Black, M. 462–88 London, D. 106 Le Goff, P. 382 López-Austin, A. 339 Leclair, J. 54 Lorber, J. 144 Ledvinka, T. 3, 10 Lothian, T. 386 Lee, M. 156, 165 Lozny, J. 174 Lee, R. 386 Lum, Z.-A. 222 legal pluralism 1–2 Lund, C. 24 Namibia see Namibia, hybridity of law and legal pluralism Macaulay, S. 20 and natural resource co-management see MacKay, F. 424, 425 natural resource co-management, Macklem, P. 197 environmental compliance and legal Maine, H. 28, 30 pluralism Maira, S. 281 legal pluralism and dispute resolution 4–9 malaria eradication and land-reform program, alternative modes of governance through Nepal 363, 364–5 history, understanding of 6 Malaysia 312–13

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Mali 173–4 Biosecurity of Genetically Modified Malik, K. 273 Organisms Act 348, 349 Malinowski, B. 3, 10, 17, 29, 30, 319, biotechnology companies, effects of 320–21, 331, 378, 499, 505 policies of 359–60 Mananghaya, J. 177, 178 Cartagena Protocol 348, 349 Mann, B. 214, 232 commercialization of seeds, requirements Manzione, L. 370 for 347 Mapaure, C. 92 cultural battle 344–8, 351 Marcus, G. 465, 483, 500 “Day of the Dead” festival 344 Margalit, A. 280 evolutionary process of maize 341–3 Marielle, C. 343, 344, 345, 346, 358 farmers as custodians of certain seeds 344 marine protected areas, natural resource food sovereignty 356–7 co-management 124–6 genetically modified (GM) maize, history see also fishing regulation; seascape as a 345–6 maritime cultural landscape genetically modified (GM) maize, legal marriage 111, 331–2 defence 349–50 Marroquín, J. 438, 439 genetically modified (GM) maize, Martinez, M. 415 legislative debates 346–8 Mascher, S. 185 genetically modified (GM) maize, social Massiah, J. 145 activism 350–51 Massieu, T. 346 International Grain Trade Coalition (IGTC) Masters, B. 396 348–9 Mathiesen, C. 120–21 International Union for the Protection of Mathieu-Izorche, M.-L. 307 New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) 347–8 Mattei, U. 29, 35, 38, 39, 463, 468 land distribution 341–2 Mattila, H. 306 maize agriculture and uses 340–44 Maurer, B. 21, 25 maize cultivation development and Mauricio Martínez, F. 438 improvement of genetic maize 342–3 Mayén, G. 455 maize myths 338–40 Mayer, A. 32 moratorium 348, 349–50 McCarthy, S. 245 National Catalogue of Vegetables Varieties McCue, D. 76 347 McHugh, P. 45–54 North American Free-Trade Agreement McLay, E. 56, 62, 75 (NAFTA) effect 344–5, 349, 350–51, McNeil, K. 248 356 Mead, M. 505, 506 revolutionary movement effects 342 media involvement, Balkans and corruption risk factors for native varieties 359 405–6 rituals and techniques and communal Melling, L. 471 identity 344 Menkel-Meadow, C. 471, 475 tortilla crisis (2007) 356–7 Menocal, C. 438 Union of Scientists Committed to Society Menski, W. 85, 92, 98, 110 (UCCS) 350 Merry, S. 21, 385, 454 Western world’s encounter with maize Merryman, J. 29 340–41 Mertz, E. 3, 466, 471, 474, 475, 478, 480, Mexico and transgenic maize, civil rights 481, 484 controversy 351–6 Metz, B. 443 federal jurisdiction 354–6 Mexico 5, 33, 125, 147–8, 167, 178–9 GM soya cases 352, 354, 355 Amparo en Revisión 355 indigenous communities’ right to be Eolica 353–4 consulted 355–6 Mexico and transgenic maize 338–60 and Inter-American Commission of Human biological diversity 343–4 Rights (IACHR) 353, 355

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524 Comparative law and anthropology

Mexican Ombudsman and indigenous Ombudsman 96–7 communities’ human rights violations regional level 97–109 352–4 Roman-Dutch law 90, 92 Organization of the American States, South African legal legacy 88, 92 American Declaration on the Rights of South West African People’s Organisation Indigenous People 354 (SWAPO) 87, 88 Mezur, K. 147 stare decisis doctrine 93 Michaels, R. 385 Supreme Court 93–4 Michelson, E. 463, 481 Traditional Authorities Act 91, 95 migration 25, 297–8, 389 traditional marriages 111 Mihesuah, D. 415 United Nations Institute for Namibia Miller, W. 6, 319 (UNIN) 87 Milovanovic´, M. 399 Namibia, hybridity of law and legal Milun, K. 314 pluralism, Southern African Mishra, S. 362 Development Community (SADC) Mittica, M. 309 99–111 modernization movements and Village Law challenges 109–11 31–3 community law role 108–9 Mohanty, C. 437 concurrent jurisdiction of different judicial Mongolia 148 organs and forum shopping 109–10 Montesquieu 492–3 countries members of multiple trade Moore, S. 17–27 agreements, challenges of 109 Morgan, L. 28, 401 Free Trade Area (FTA) 97–8 Morse, B. 254 human rights protection as cornerstone 107 Moustaira, E. 304–15 human rights violations resulting from the Mozambique 33 government expropriation of Muhammad images see religious law and agricultural land 100– 105, 108 freedom of expression and images of judicial body 106–8 Muhammad legal setting 97–9 multilateral development banks (MDBs) 387 principles of ‘sovereign equality of all multilateral trade agreements 109, 435 Member States’ 105–6 Mundy, M. 2, 10 Protocol on Gender and Development 111 Mungai, C. 172 rule of exhaustion of national remedies 110 Myrdal, J. 331 Treaty 98–9 Tribunal 99–105, 106–7, 108–9 Nadal, A. 356 Tribunal, independent review 103–4 Nader, L. 5, 20, 28–41, 463, 468 Tribunal, Mike Campbell (Pvt) Ltd v. the Nafziger, J. 1–11, 82–3, 153–89, 471 Republic of Zimbabwe 100–105, 106, Namibia, hybridity of law and legal pluralism 108 85–115 Tribunal, New Protocol 105–6, 107, 108 common law 90 Namwoonde, E. 91, 96, 111 Community Courts 95–6 Nanda, S. 142 Constitution (1990) and application of Napoleon, V. 72, 305, 315 international law 88–90, 92 narratives of laws, narratives of peoples customary law 90–92, 95–6, 111 304–15 High Court 94 comparative law and importance of historical overview 86–7 language 306–8 international agreements, entry into 89–90 cosmogony theory and indigenous peoples judicial pluralism 92–7 304–5 Magistrates’ Courts 95 critical indigenous legal theory 313–15 Namibian law and legal pluralism 87–92 and customary law 305, 313 National Human Rights Institutions indigenous peoples’ adoption of Western (NHRIs) 96–7 juridical tools, problems with 314–15

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judges’ narratives, prescriptive nature of ‘good faith’ natural resource management 309–10 programs 129 judicial interpretation of law 310–11 legal non-compliance culture effects 121 juridical narratives, examples of 312–13 legal pluralism, understanding power of law as discourse 308–10 117–20, 126–7 legal narrative and “the other” 311–12 marine governance case studies 120–26 master narratives 311–12 marine protected areas, community mythic and religious character of law’s co-management problems, Mexico 125 foundations 304 marine protected areas, international narration, forms of 308–9 conservation obligations and human spoken law and mute law 305–6 rights, Tanzania 125–6 moratorium on subsistence fishing effects, stories as form of communication 309 Newfoundland 123 translation and communicative process mutual respect between communities and 307–8 formal lawmakers, building 129–30 Narváez, J. 311 negotiation space between conflicting Nash, J. 430–31, 445 values, need for 130 nation-state dominance 37, 38, 39–40 non-compliance as mechanism to expose see also state law the social inequalities, South Africa natural resource co-management, 123 environmental compliance and legal socio-ecological systems research 128–9 pluralism 116–31 State’s authority perceived as anthropological case studies on compliance unrepresentative of community, South 120–24 Africa 123–4 anthropological case studies on marine natural resource development, Canada protected areas 124–6 239–40, 241, 242–3, 244, 250–51 co-management as resource management Ndlovu, P. 103 model 119–20, 122 Ndulo, M. 111 community bridge-building, internal 129 Negri, A. 503, 507 community consultation requirements Nelken, D. 2 128–9 Neoh, J. 312 community self-reporting exercises, Nepal, bonded labour system 361–78 concerns over 129 caste system 361–2, 364, 365, 366–7, 368, community values in resource management, 377 identifying 128–31 Constitution (2015), protests against 372 compliance strategies and moral obligations Constitution (2015) and Tharus’ to be good citizens and good participation in political process 371–2 community members 123 cross-cultural aspects of Kamaiya system customary law 126–7, 130 365–6 fisheries and compliance with management debt relief program 369 measures, Denmark 120–21 elite and undeserved factions 361–2 fishing, competition culture to cooperative feudal system introduction 364 conservation culture transition, US 121 government and upper-caste territorial fishing and compliance with development effects 364 co-management regimes, customary Haliya system (agricultural labourers) 373, governance role, Coral Triangle 122 377 fishing regulation compliance and human rights and democratic principles coastguards as part of a “shared adoption 367 profession as seafarers”, Barents Sea International Labour Organization (ILO), 121–2 Forced Labor Conventions 372–4 fishing regulation and gaps between State International Labour Organization (ILO), policy and community practice, Papua Indigenous and Tribal Peoples New Guinea 122–3 Convention 374–5

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526 Comparative law and anthropology

international legal efforts 372–5 Nussbaum, M. 145 Kamaiya Freedom Movement 368 Nye, J. 394, 503 Kamaiya Labor (Prohibition Act) 369 Kamaiya liberation and rehabilitation O’Barr, W. 36 program 369–70 O’Dwyer, E. 415 legal efforts to address Kamaiya problem O’Grada, C. 357 366–72 O’Neill, K. 438, 439, 442 malaria eradication and land-reform Obarrio, J. 33 program 363, 364–5 Ochoa García, C. 455 money borrowed for cultural reasons, and Offit, T. 439 high interest rates 366 Ogloff, J. 466, 471, 475, 478–9 NGO and civil society involvement 363, oil spill, Canada 250–51 368–9 see also environmental damage post-Kamaiya Nepal and anthropology of bonded labour law 375–7 Okot, B. 142 prohibition of bonded labour, Olajubu, O. 146 implementation issues 376–7 Olsen, O. 325 proportional representation movement Olson, G. 309 370–72 Ombudsman involvement 96–7, 352–4 resettlement program to grant land to the Ong, A. 492, 500 landless Tharu people, ineffectiveness Onley, J. 364 of 365 Oostindie, G. 419 slavery practices 367 oral histories 8, 82, 199, 326, 328, 329, 330 social justice rights, concerns over 372 see also evidence authenticity; language static society problem 361–2 skills Tharus and Kamaiya system origins and Organization of the American States, process towards bondage 362–3 American Declaration on the Rights of Tharus, process of pushing towards Indigenous People 354 landlessness 364–5 Orta, A. 463 United Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) Ortega Paczka, R. 343, 344 and People’s War 368–9, 371 Ortez, O. 441 Neurath, J. 339–40 Ortner, S. 467 New Guinea 7 Oyewumi, O. 144 New Zealand 127, 182, 185, 188 Newberry, D. 118 Palmer Gordon, K. 57, 75 Newell, S. 432 Pande, R. 366 Newfoundland 123 Pang, L. 432 Newman, C. 165 Papua New Guinea 32, 122–3 NGO and civil society involvement, Nepal Parnell, P. 31 363, 368–9 particracy (party leaders’ power), Balkans and Nicholas, G. 56, 76, 84 corruption 402–3 Nielsen, J. 120–21 Partridge, H. 402 Nigeria 146–7, 169–70 Pasquino, P. 437 Nill, A. 437 Paterson, R. 65 non-discrimination principle, intangible Patzán, J. 438 cultural heritage 149–50 Pauwelyn, J. 110 Nordstrom, C. 449 Peach, I. 203 North American Free-Trade Agreement pedagogy styles, US law schools 473–6 (NAFTA) 344–5, 349, 350–51, 356 Peel, J. 156 Norton, B. 147 Peralta, L. 345, 346 Norway 123 permanent physical presence proof, Canada see also Scandinavia 60–61 Novakovic´, M. 394–411 Peru 143–4

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Peters, I. 188 academic freedom 298–9 Philip, K. 432 anthropological/historical understanding Philippines 5–6, 177–8 267–8 Philips, S. 466, 479 apostasy offence 265, 268 photographic panoramas 180–81 artistic expression in 285–6 Piketty, T. 387, 388 blasphemy offence 264–5, 268, 282, 283 piracy, trademark see Guatemala and Charlie Hebdo cartoons 274–6, 277, trademark piracy 279–80, 283, 298–9 Pirie, F. 312 clerics (ulema), visual input control and Platteau, J.-P. 144 creation of devout and devoted society Plumptre, T. 203, 209 of believers 267, 279, 285–6, 288, 294 Polanco, J. 342, 359 collective action and violence in defence of Porter, T. 389 264 positivism 30, 496 conception of faith as globally dominant Pospisil, L. 4–5, 320 269–70, 274–6 poverty issues 369, 386, 387–9, 390, 449 conservative Muslims and 266 Pozzo, B. 308 controversy concerning images of Price, R. 415–29 Muhammad 266–7 “procedural fairness” duties, Canada 207–8, conversions to Islam in traditionally 227–30 Catholic countries 290 property rights 45–7, 49, 55–6, 57–8, 74–5, Danish cartoons controversy and freedom 77, 183–5, 399–400, 436–7 of expression 274–6, 283 proportional representation movement, Nepal Dar al-Harb (varied religions competing or 370–72 co-existing) 270, 274, 285 Prošic´-Dvornic´, M. 398 early depictions of Muhammad 301, 302–3 Prott, L. 152 extreme sentiments and calls to action 273 provincial laws 62–4, 66–7, 70, 81 freedom of expression issues 268 Scandinavia 321–2, 325–34 freedom of speeech v. Islamic law 278–81, see also customary law; federal 293, 298–9, 300–301 involvement; state law global growth of Islam 297–8 public participation, and cultural landscapes headscarf (hijab) wearing 285 significant to indigenous peoples 155–6, (graphic design symbolizing the 165–7, 189 Prophet) 287 Puerto Rico 124 ijtihad and finding new solutions 293–4 Iran, mural depicting the Prophet 286 Raath, J. 103 Islamic 289 Rahdert, M. 463 Islamic prayer (salat) towards 269 Rajah, J. 309 Islamic reform issues 293–8, 300 Ramírez, G. 438 jihad concept 270, 277, 279, 280, 284 Raustiala, K. 455–6 life challenges in non-Muslim countries Ravna, O. 185 271, 272 Ray, A. 239, 246 morality, contrasting views of 281 Reddy, G. 142 Muslim community (umma) and images Reed, M. 119 265–7, 275–6, 293 Reese, F. 388 Muslim refugees 297–8 refugees 25, 297–8, 389 narrative-inspired image 288 registration, heritage sites registry, Canada omnipresence of Muhammad’s name in 75–8 daily Muslim life 289–90 Reichenmiller, P. 435 origins of Muslim ban on images 287–90 Reiter, E. 309, 311 orthopraxy (day-to-day practicing of the religious influences 304, 321, 323–4, 442–3 faith) 270–71, 282–3 religious law and freedom of expression and perceived hypocritical response by Western images of Muhammad 263–303 governments 274–5

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politically-motivated religious leaders, Riles, A. 10 influence of 274, 275, 276, 277–8 risk management and sustainable development progressive Muslim women 293–6 157–8 protection of religious system from see also cultural landscapes significant to challenges and harm 268 indigenous peoples Qur’an and as sources of Islamic Rist, D. 463 law 283–6, 287, 291, 296, 302 Roberts, D. 181 religious defence and challenging scriptures Roberts, S. 19, 319 of other religions 272 Robertson, A. 362 religious figures in film 288–9, 296–7 rock art 63, 65, 67, 179–81 religious rule restrictions increasing 278–9 Rodogno, D. 396 religious solidarity, anthropological Romero, S. 7 dimension 273 Romo, R. 415 religious space and the law 272–3 Rose, M. 432, 455 representational imagery, differences in Rosen, L. 19, 415 attitude between Islam and Western Ross, M. 79 cultures 291–2 Ross, S. 191 revisionist nature of Islam 272–3 Rössler, M. 162 Satanic Verses case 273 Rothstein, B. 404 Sharia law 265, 282–5, 286 Roulet, E. 339 stereotyping the Prophet and contrasting Rousseau, J.-J. 493–4 senses of humour 276–8 Roy, O. 267 Sunni and Shi’i Islam differences 286 Rubin, E. 466 technology use and worldwide international Rudebeck, L. 377 visibility of Islam 280–81, 286, 287, Ruffini, J. 31 297 rule of law concept 37, 38, 39–40, 502 time (history) and space in Islam, Ruppel, O. 85–115 importance of 269–71 Ruppel-Schlichting, K. 85–115 US and cultural diffusion 298–301 Ruskola, T. 38 violence, Islamic view of 284 Ruthström, B. 324 visual art and written texts that defame religion, calls for restrictions on 279 Sacco, R. 305–6, 307 Western responses 281 sacred sites see burial grounds; cultural Renard, J. 289 landscapes significant to indigenous Renteln, A. 9 peoples research traditions 17–27 Saegusa, M. 463 colonialism effects 31, 32 Said, E. 309 customary law in colonial settings 18, 32 Samoa 124 dispute resolution techniques and San Vicente Tello, A. 346, 347 “political” and “judicial” types 18–19 Sánchez Cordero, J. 338–60 fieldwork study of law 17 Sandoval, G. 437 globalism and post-colonial world 24–5 Sandoval, M. 351 human rights 21–2 Sands, P. 139, 156, 177 land tenure 23–4 Sanford, V. 446 legal pluralism 20–21, 25 Sansom, B. 54 legislation in social context 22–4 Santos, B. 463 positivist model 30 Santos, J. 88, 92 self-enforcement of community norms, Sardinia 31 modern versions 19–20 Sarfaty, G. 314 see also armchair anthropology Sarukhán, J. 341, 359 Resek, C. 38 Sassen, S. 385, 463, 504 Reuss, S. 245 Saudi Arabia 266, 282 Rice, A. 399 Savigny, C. 3

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Savova, C. 398 Shipley, W. 190–260 Saxenian, A. 463 Shoemaker, S. 302 Scandinavia 172, 184–5 Shore, C. 21, 25 see also individual countries Shultz, C. 437 Scandinavia, law, society and landscape in Sieder, R. 437, 455 early 319–37 Sierra, M. 33 abuse and slander 329–30 Sigel, R. 145 admission of having committed a crime Silver, C. 384, 463, 464, 465, 467, 468, 330 472–3, 476, 477, 483–4 civil law 331 Simmel, G. 463–4, 467, 476, 482 comparative study method, use of 320 Sippel, H. 87 Germanic law 319, 321 Skeffers, I. 87 Icelandic Grágás 326 Slattery, B. 59–60, 72, 197 law and religion, links between 321, 323–4 slavery practices 330, 367 legal districts 332–3 Smith, C. 441, 454 marriage laws 331–2 Smith, L. 143, 150, 152 orally transmitted laws 326, 328, 329, 330 Smith, T. 436, 439 outlawry as severe punishment 329 Snyder, F. 21, 25 primitive law 320–21 social activism, Mexico 350–51 provincial laws 321–2, 325–34 social context, legislation in 22–4 punishment for minor offences 328–9 social inequality and poverty issues 369, 386, regional differences 326 387–9, 390, 449 slavery 330 social property, Balkans and corruption Swedish Uppland Law 326–8, 331, 332, 399–400 333 see also property rights Tacitus’ Germania 322–3 socio-ecological systems research, natural thing assembly sites 321, 322, 327, 332, resource co-management 128–9 333–4 socio-economically privileged students, US Viking Age and Forsa rune ring 323–4 law schools 468–9 Scheper-Hughes, N. 22 Socratic Method, US law schools 474–5, 476, Schiller, A. 2 484 Schjødt, J. 320 Soja, E. 157 Schledermann, P. 6 Sokol, D. 383 Schleef, D. 466, 471, 475 Solotaroff, J. 366 Schmidt-Jortzig, E. 88 Sørensen, P. 319 Scholtz, W. 103, 107 South Africa 23–4, 123–4, 175–6, 178, 179, Schuetz, A. 463, 464, 472, 476, 482 182 Schultz, O. 123 Alexkor v. Richtersveld Community 184 Schwarz, A. 432 legal legacy, Namibia 88, 92 Scott, J. 444 Maritime and General Insurance v. seascape as a maritime cultural landscape 176 Colenbrander 95 see also marine protected areas South West African People’s Organisation self-governance rights (SWAPO) 87, 88 Canada 194–200, 211–12, 213, 220, Southern African Customs Union (SACU) 222–43, 244, 250, 251–5, 259–60 109 cultural landscapes significant to Southern African Development Community indigenous peoples 158–9, 160–61, (SADC) see Namibia, hybridity of law 171, 184 and legal pluralism, Southern African self-enforcement of community norms, Development Community (SADC) modern versions 19–20 sovereignty Sell, S. 434 Crown sovereignty assertion, Canada 58–9, Shaffer, G. 501 60, 61, 70–71, 73 Shapiro, M. 147 food sovereignty, Mexico 356–7

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Southern African Development Community Inter-American Court of Human Rights, (SADC) 105–6 Saramaka People v. Suriname, Spain 312 compensation fund 426–7 Spanbauer, J. 463 Suriname, as State-within-a-State 417, 422 Sprigman, c. 455–6 traditional Saamaka territorial and judicial Stabinsky, D. 437 rights 422 Standing, G. 388 traditional territory protection and stare decisis doctrine, Namibia 93 hardwood pallet industry 423–6 Starke, J. 89 tribal peoples concept 428–9 Starn, O. 465 see also fieldwork use Starr, J. 28 sustainable development 153, 154, 156–8, state law 159–60, 164–5, 189 imperialism and dissatisfaction with state Sutton, P. 50 law 34–5 176, 326–8, 331, 332, 333 indigenous and state systems, differences see also Scandinavia between 31–3 nation-state dominance 37, 38, 39–40 Tamanaha, B. 1, 304, 385, 388, 389, 465 as unrepresentative of community, South Tanzania 125–6 Africa 123–4 Tapper, R. 265 see also customary law; federal Taussig, M. 440, 445 involvement; provincial laws Tax, S. 440 Steenbergen, D. 119, 122 Taylor, M. 179 Stevens, R. 466 technology use 503–4 stewardship, Canada, First Nation control Guatemala and trademark piracy 451–3 over archeological sites 61–4, 81 Mexico and transgenic maize 359–60 Stewart, K. 465 religious law and freedom of expression Stewart, M. 455 280–81, 286, 287, 297 Stiglitz, J. 390, 504 Tejani, R. 491–507 Stoler, A. 436 Telesetsky, A. 116–31 stranger, what it means to be a stranger in US Teng, B. 39 law schools 463–5, 467 third-party management, Canada, First Strathern, M. 145, 435 Nations governance disputes 215, Strecker, A. 164 216–17, 224–7, 228–9 Stueck, W. 84 Thoden van Velzen, H. 419 Sturm, S. 390, 466, 471, 479–80 Thomas, K. 430–61 Sundaram, R. 432, 451 Thorláksson, H. 6 Suriname 176–7 Thornton, T. 119 Suriname and Saamaka People, anthropologist Tibet 312 as expert witness 415–29 Todd, H. 31, 32 American Convention on Human Rights Togo 146–7 ratification 419 tolerance of society towards corruption, civil war 420 Balkans 403–5 coup d’état (1980) 417–18 Tonkinson, R. 47, 50, 51, 52 decolonization effects 425 Toprak, M. 468, 469, 473 drugs trafficking 419, 420 Torres, G. 314 human rights abuses 419–23, 427 tourism 47, 143–4, 448 immigration cases 416 trademark piracy see Guatemala and Inter-American Court of Human Rights, trademark piracy Aloeboetoe v. Suriname 420–23 transgenic maize, Mexico see Mexico and Inter-American Court of Human Rights, transgenic maize Saramaka People v. Suriname 176–7, transnational corporations, legal services for 184, 187, 353, 424–7 382, 384–5, 386

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transnational legal regime considerations American Indian Religious Freedom Act 170–72 167 Treverton, G. 439 Antiquities Act and National Monuments trial basis rule, Canada 202 167–8 Trobriand Islands 17 Cheyenne procedures and the modes of Trouillot, M.-R. 428 dealing with conflicts 29–30 Tsing, A. 455 civil rights demonstrations and anti-law Tunisia 32 movement 35–8 Turkey 148 cultural diffusion and religious law Turow, S. 471 298–301 Twining, W. 382–3, 385 federal peyote exemption from the regulation of controlled substances 9 Tylor, E. 495–6, 497, 498, 504 fishery management alternatives studies typology of cultural landscapes see cultural 128 landscapes significant to indigenous indigenous cultural landscapes protection peoples, typology of cultural landscapes 167–8 inequality and social justice issues 388 Ubink, J. 7 Law and Globalization studies 501 Uganda 142 lobster fishing, Maine 121 UK 165 National Monuments 167–8, 176, 186 UN Convention on the Elimination of All Native American Graves Protection and Forms of Discrimination Against Women Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) 8, 167, (CEDAW) 150–51 187 UN Convention on the Elimination of All Native American Graves and Repatriation Forms of Racial Discrimination 155, Act 64–5 159, 244–5 Navajo (Diné) Nation and tourist UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous development opposition near Rainbow Peoples (UNDRIP) 21, 59, 158, 160–61, Bridge 183 186, 188–9 panoramic commentaries on threats to UN Human Rights Act 220 Navajo (Diné) landscapes 180–81 UN Human Rights Committee 243, 244–5, Papahānaumokuākea Marine National 250, 259–60 Monument as pure natural seascape UN Institute for Namibia (UNIN) 87 176 UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights pure natural landscapes of cultural 21 significance 175 UNESCO Trade Sanctions Reform and Export intangible cultural heritage see intangible Enhancement Act (TSRA) 357 cultural heritage, safeguarding, US, cases UNESCO Convention for the Marbury v. Madison 480 Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural People v. Woody 9 Heritage Tee-Hit-Ton Indians v. US 241 World Heritage Convention 155, 161–3, US v. Alcea Band of Tillamooks 241 175, 189 US v. Klamath and Moadoc Tribes of World Heritage Sites 81, 162, 169–70, Indians 241 175–6, 178, 179–80 US v. Winans 248 Union of Scientists Committed to Society US law schools, students’ experiences of (UCCS) 350 culture, law and pedagogy 462–88 United Arab Emirates 267 admission process 469–70, 483–4 US election of judges 481 American Convention on Human Rights examination system 474 (ACHR) 155 faculty and students 470–73 American Freedom Defense Initiative hierarchical legal relationships 479 (AFDI) and anti-Islam protest 299–300 judicial interpretation 481–2

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jury system 481 Weatherford, J. 11 language skills and legal competency Webber, J. 72, 183 476–7, 484 Weber, M. 19 legal order and contradictions 480–82, Weiner, A. 465 484–5 Weiss, C. 471 legal reasoning 477–80 Wessén, E. 328 pedagogy styles 473–6 Westerdahl, C. 153, 176 plea bargaining 481 White, J. 306, 308 professors, students’ relationship with Whitehead, L. 36 470–71 Wilk, R. 440 racial and ethnic categories on the Williams, P. 475 admissions forms 470 Wilson, M. 461 research methods and participants 466–9 Wilson, R. 21 shared experiences as foreign lawyers 467 Wilson, W. 180–81 socio-economically privileged students Winter, G. 85 468–9 Wise, T. 356 Socratic Method 474–5, 476, 484 Wolf, E. 440 stranger, what it means to be a 463–5, 467 Wolff, K. 463, 464 unfriendliness and competitiveness of US women’s rights see under gender issues students 471–3 Wood, M. 464, 469 zones of ‘discomfort’ 475–6 Woodman, G. 11 World Commission on Environment and Van Antwerp, J. 396 Development (WCED) 156–7 Van Zanten, W. 140 World Heritage Sites 81, 162, 169–70, 175–6, Vann, E. 432, 455 178, 179–80 Vanuatu 313 world systems theories 500 Varisco, D. 266 Wright, S. 25 Véliz, R. 438 WTO TRIPS Agreement, Guatemala and Viet Nam 147 trademark piracy 431–2, 433–4, 435 Viljoen, F. 109, 110 Village Law, modernization movements and Yusuf, A. 138 31–3 Viveros, A. 305 Zambia 31–2 Vogt, E. 440 Ziff, B. 65, 73 Volpp, L. 311 Zimbabwe 146 Von Amira, K. 319 Gramara (Pvt) Ltd and Colin Bailie Cloete Von Benda-Beckmann, F. 11, 12 v. The Government of the Republic of Von Maurer, K. 319 Zimbabwe 102 Mike Campbell (Pvt) Ltd v. Minister of Wagner, M. 264–5, 279 National Security Responsible for Walters, M. 198, 252 Land, Land Reform and Resettlement Warman, A. 341, 343, 356 100–101 Warren, K. 440, 444 Zorn, E. 144 Watanabe, J. 441 Zucman, G. 387 Watz, F. 88, 89 Zumbansen, P. 385, 390 Waziristan 33 Zweigert, K. 307

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