2018–2019 Season Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination Annual Report


This publication was prepared by the Oregon Health Authority Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) Program, including: Monika E. Samper, RN Dat J. Tran, MD, MS

Oversight provided by: Zintars Beldavs, MS Acute and Communicable Disease Prevention Section Manager This report would not have been possible without the efforts of Oregon’s HAI prevention partners, including the Healthcare-Associated Infections Advisory Committee and the health care facilities included in this report.

For more information contact: Monika E. Samper, RN [email protected] Dat J. Tran, MD, MS [email protected]

February 2020 Please cite this publication as follows: Oregon Public Health Division. Oregon health care worker influenza vaccination annual report: 2018–2019 Oregon Health Authority. Portland, OR. 2020 February

2 Acknowledgments | Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination Contents

» Executive summary...... 4 » Figure 1. Influenza vaccination rates for all health care workers (HCWs) by health care facility type and influenza season...... 5 » Figure 2. Mean HCW influenza vaccination rates for all facility types, by influenza season.....5 » Health care worker vaccination data...... 6 » Table 1. Aggregate HCW influenza vaccination rate data for the 2018–2019 influenza season, by facility type and HCW classification...... 7 » Facility-specific data...... 7 » Facility-specific table elements...... 8 » Table 2. Health care worker (HCW) influenza vaccination rates, rates of declination and rates of unknown vaccination status for the 2018–2019 influenza season: Hospitals (n=63)...... 9 » Figure 3. Oregon hospitals sorted by HCW influenza vaccination rates for the 2018–2019 influenza season (n=63)...... 12 » Table 3. Rates of health care worker (HCW) influenza vaccination, declination and unknown vaccination status for the 2018–2019 influenza season: Oregon ambulatory surgery centers (n=89)...... 14 » Figure 4. Oregon ambulatory surgery centers sorted by HCW influenza vaccination rates for the 2018–2019 influenza season (n=89)...... 18 » Table 4. Health care worker (HCW) influenza vaccination rates, rates of declination and rates of unknown vaccination status for the 2018–2019 influenza season: Skilled nursing facilities (n=132)...... 20 » Figure 5. Oregon skilled nursing facilities sorted by HCW influenza vaccination rates for the 2018–2019 influenza season (n=132)...... 26 » Table 5. Health care worker (HCW) influenza vaccination rates, rates of declination and rates of unknown vaccination status for the 2018–2019 influenza season: Dialysis facilities (n=71)...... 30 » Figure 6. Oregon dialysis facilities sorted by HCW influenza vaccination rates for the 2018–2019 influenza season (n=71) ...... 33 » Endnotes...... 36

Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination | Contents 3 Executive summary

Influenza (or flu) is a respiratory illness caused by viruses that infect the nose, throat and sometimes lungs. In an average flu season, approximately 8% of the U.S. population suffers from the flu but, depending on the season, the rate ranges between 3% and 11% (1). The number of people infected with the flu each year can only be estimated because the flu is so common, and not everyone with the flu gets tested. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that the 2018–2019 flu season was responsible for 37.4 to 42.9 million illnesses, 531,000 to 647,000 hospitalizations, and 36,400 to 61,200 deaths nationwide (2). The Portland tri-county area (Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas counties) had 1,305 hospitalizations and 53 deaths associated with confirmed flu. The elderly, the young and people with certain health conditions are more likely to have serious complications from the flu. In health care facilities, vaccination is a key component of flu prevention. Patients, coworkers and family members may get infected with the influenza virus from affected HCWs. Facilities and staff need to take extra care to prevent the spread of the flu among HCWs and patients. Widespread government and local facility educational campaigns have focused on the importance of HCW immunization. Oregon hospitals have been required to report their HCW influenza vaccination rates to the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) since 2009. OHA required skilled nursing facilities to report beginning in 2010, ambulatory surgery centers in 2011 and dialysis facilities in 2015. To improve the health of all Americans, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services developed the Healthy People program that set 10-year national goals. The Healthy People influenza vaccination goals for HCWs in health care facilities were 75% by 2015 and 90% by 2020. Oregon hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers and dialysis facilities met the 2015 Healthy People goal of 75% for the 2018–2019 influenza season. Skilled nursing facilities have not met the 2015 Healthy People target (Figure 1). Figure 2 shows the mean vaccination rates for all facility types that reported data for the last eight influenza seasons. This past season was the second in which the mean rate met the 2015 Healthy People goal.

4 Executive summary | Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination Figure 1. Influenza vaccination rates for all health care workers (HCWs) by health care facility type and influenza season 100% 92% Healthy People 2020 goal (90%) 90% 90% 88% 85% 85% 82% 79% 79% 80% 77% 78% 78% 74% Healthy People 2015 goal (75%) 72% 71% 70% 70% 67%67% 68% 63% 64% 60% 59% 60% 56%57% 57% 54% 51% 50% 47%





0% N/A N/A N/A N/A Hospitals Ambulatory surgery centers Skilled nursing facilities Dialysis facilities

Influenza season 2011–2012 2012–2013 2013–2014 2014–2015 2015–2016 2016–2017 2017–2018 2018–2019

Figure 2. Mean HCW influenza vaccination rates for all facility types, by influenza season


Healty eople 2020 goal 90 90%

80% 80% 76% Healty eople 2015 goal 75 73% 69% 70% 70% 67% 64%

60% 52% 50% Influenza season 40%




0% 2011–2012 2012–2013 2013–2014 2014–2015 2015–2016 2016–2017 2017–2018 2018–2019

Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination | Executive summary 5 Health care worker vaccination data

HCW influenza vaccination data for the 2018–2019 influenza season are displayed in Table 1. The proportion of HCWs without medical contraindication to vaccination who were vaccinated is represented. The table also includes the declination and “unknown status” rates among eligible HCWs for each facility type. The change in vaccination rate since the 2017–2018 season is the final calculation. HCW vaccination rates are shown in aggregate and stratified by HCW classifications. These classifications are all employees, licensed independent practitioners, students and volunteers, and other contractors. Vaccination rates for HCWs varied by worker type during the 2018–2019 influenza season. • The employee and “other contractor” categories of HCW had the highest vaccination rate in hospitals. • Ambulatory surgery centers also had the highest rates among their “other contractors.” • HCWs classified as employees had the highest vaccination rates in skilled nursing facilities. • “Students and volunteers” and “other contractors” had the highest rates in dialysis facilities. • In each type of facility other than dialysis facilities, students and volunteers had the lowest vaccination rates. It is important to note that the high proportion of workers with unknown vaccination status may drive low vaccination rates. This illustrates the need for improvement in documentation of vaccination status.

6 Health care worker vaccination data | Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination Table 1. Aggregate HCW influenza vaccination rate data for the 2018–2019 influenza season, by facility type and HCW classification Rate of Rate of Rate of Percent influenza influenza unknown change in vaccination vaccine vaccination HCW influenza Health care worker HCWs eligible among eligible declination by status among vaccination rate classification for vaccination* HCWs eligible HCWs eligible HCWs since 2017 Hospitals All HCWs 107,002 87% 7% 7% 4% Employees 82,592 88% 8% 5% 3% Independent practitioners 8,922 85% 3% 12% 9% Students and volunteers 13,355 81% 4% 15% 7% Other contractors 2,133 88% 8% 4% 7% Ambulatory surgery centers All HCWs 5,029 79% 13% 8% 4% Employees 2,707 79% 18% 3% 4% Independent practitioners 1,977 80% 6% 14% 3% Students and volunteers 119 62% 4% 34% -11% Other contractors 226 83% 13% 4% 17% Skilled nursing facilities All HCWs 16,548 62% 15% 23% 11% Employees 14,075 64% 17% 19% 10% Independent practitioners 392 60% 3% 38% 27% Students and volunteers 1,335 47% 2% 51% 21% Other contractors 746 55% 5% 40% 14% Dialysis facilities All HCWs 2,598 91% 5% 4% 6% Employees 1,667 91% 7% 2% 4% Independent practitioners 895 91% 1% 8% 7% Students and volunteers 21 100% 0% 0% 14% Other contractors 15 100% 0% 0% 17% *Includes total number of health care workers (HCW), including employees, licensed independent practitioners, students and volunteers, and other contractors without documented medical contraindication for influenza vaccination. Facility-specific data Tables 2 through 5 show facility-specific vaccination, declination and “unknown status” rates for all HCWs combined for each facility type. Two additional columns designate whether or not facilities met the HCW influenza vaccination Healthy People 2015 (HP2015) and 2020 (HP2020) goals of 75% and 90%, respectively. The last column specifies the number of additional HCWs needed to be vaccinated to reach the HP2020 target of 90%.

Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination | Health care worker vaccination data 7 Figures 3 through 6 display facility-specific vaccination rates for hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, skilled nursing facilities and dialysis facilities from highest to lowest. Maps displaying HCW influenza vaccination rates by facility may be found at https://data.oregon.gov/. Facility-specific table elements Facility name: Includes list of facilities that reported HCW influenza vaccination data for the 2018–2019 season. Number of HCWs eligible for influenza vaccination is the total number of HCWs. This includes employees, licensed independent practitioners, other contractors, and students and volunteers. HCWs had no documented medical contraindication for influenza vaccination. Rate of influenza vaccination for eligible HCWs: This is calculated as (total number of HCWs vaccinated at the facility + total number of HCWs vaccinated elsewhere)/(total number of HCWs eligible for influenza vaccination). Rate of vaccine declination by eligible HCW: Calculated as (total number of HCWs who declined to receive the influenza vaccine)/(total number of HCWs eligible for influenza vaccination). Rate of unknown vaccination status by eligible HCWs: Calculated as (total number of HCWs with unknown vaccination status)/(total number of HCWs eligible for influenza vaccination). Change in vaccination rate since last season: Calculated as (2018–2019 vaccination rate minus 2017–2018 vaccination rate)/(2017–2018 vaccination rate). Benchmarks: The following symbols indicate a facility’s performance in relation to the Healthy People goals: Vaccination rates met the HP2015 or HP2020 goal. Vaccination rates did not meet the HP2015 or HP2020 goal. Additional HCWs needed to vaccinate to reach HP2020: Calculated as (total HCWs eligible for vaccination X 0.9) - (total number of HCWs vaccinated at the facility + total number of HCWs vaccinated elsewhere).

8 Health care worker vaccination data | Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination Table 2. Health care worker (HCW) influenza vaccination rates, rates of declination and rates of unknown vaccination status for the 2018–2019 influenza season: Hospitals (n=63) Each hospital’s vaccination rates are included. Fifty-eight (92%) of the 63 hospitals met the HP2015 goal. Nineteen (30%) met the HP2020 goal. Compared to last season, 44 (70%) reported an increase in their vaccination rates.

Rate of Additional Number Rate of Rate of unknown Percent HCWs of HCWs influenza vaccine vaccination change in Met Met needed to eligible for vaccination declination status for vaccination HP2015 HP2020 vaccinate influenza for eligible by eligible eligible rate since target target to reach Facility name vaccine HCWs HCWs HCWs last season (75%) (90%) HP2020 Adventist Medical Center 2,358 89% 8% 3% 9% 25 Asante Ashland 500 91% 8% 0% 31% Community Hospital Asante Rogue Regional 4,828 90% 9% 0% 21% Medical Center Asante Three Rivers 1,578 90% 8% 1% 14% Medical Center Bay Area Hospital 1,589 71% 11% 17% -5% 295 287 79% 2% 18% -16% 31 Cedar Hills Hospital 306 88% 8% 4% 54% 5 Columbia Memorial 718 86% 14% 0% 5% 32 Hospital Coquille Valley Hospital 278 75% 23% 2% 1% 42 Cottage Grove Community 265 89% 2% 9% 2% 4 Hospital Curry General Hospital 335 90% 10% 0% -1% Good Samaritan Regional 2,126 85% 8% 7% 5% 105 Medical Center Good Shepherd Medical 952 92% 4% 4% 11% Center 1,055 89% 10% 1% 1% 6 Harney District Hospital 223 75% 18% 6% 9% 33 Kaiser Permanente 2,709 85% 11% 5% 2% 147 Sunnyside Medical Center Kaiser Permanente 1,141 85% 9% 6% 1% 55 Westside Medical Center 371 93% 7% 0% 0% Legacy Emanuel Medical Center and Randall 5,315 89% 9% 3% 1% 75 Children’s Hospital Legacy Good Samaritan 3,200 89% 7% 4% 1% 30 Medical Center

Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination | Health care worker vaccination data 9 Rate of Additional Number Rate of Rate of unknown Percent HCWs of HCWs influenza vaccine vaccination change in Met Met needed to eligible for vaccination declination status for vaccination HP2015 HP2020 vaccinate influenza for eligible by eligible eligible rate since target target to reach Facility name vaccine HCWs HCWs HCWs last season (75%) (90%) HP2020 Legacy Meridian Park 1,940 88% 8% 4% -1% 31 Medical Center Legacy Mount Hood 1,363 86% 10% 3% 0% 49 Medical Center Legacy Silverton Medical 954 87% 12% 1% -2% 32 Center Lower Umpqua Hospital 289 76% 10% 13% 55% 40 McKenzie-Willamette 1,302 95% 5% 0% 15% Medical Center Mercy Medical Center 1,598 68% 11% 20% 9% 347 Mid-Columbia Medical 1,118 88% 7% 5% -2% 24 Center Oregon Health & Science 16,903 93% 4% 3% 4% University Oregon State Hospitals 2,847 80% 13% 6% 23% 279 PeaceHealth Peace Harbor 389 91% 5% 4% 1% Medical Center Pioneer Memorial Hospital 115 90% 5% 5% 3% — Heppner Providence Hood River 658 82% 8% 10% 2% 50 Memorial Hospital Providence Medford 1,689 75% 9% 15% 11% 246 Medical Center Providence Milwaukie 885 63% 4% 33% -19% 238 Hospital Providence Newberg 725 89% 4% 7% 13% 5 Medical Center Providence Portland 5,352 79% 6% 16% 1% 609 Medical Center Providence Seaside 584 85% 4% 11% 5% 30 Hospital Providence St. Vincent 5,827 87% 5% 8% 11% 154 Medical Center Providence Willamette 1,171 52% 8% 40% -27% 442 Falls Medical Center Sacred Heart Medical 5,432 86% 5% 9% 4% 211 Center at RiverBend Sacred Heart Medical 1,482 85% 6% 9% 6% 79 Center University District 6,569 85% 6% 8% 0% 301

10 Health care worker vaccination data | Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination Rate of Additional Number Rate of Rate of unknown Percent HCWs of HCWs influenza vaccine vaccination change in Met Met needed to eligible for vaccination declination status for vaccination HP2015 HP2020 vaccinate influenza for eligible by eligible eligible rate since target target to reach Facility name vaccine HCWs HCWs HCWs last season (75%) (90%) HP2020 Samaritan Albany General 964 88% 7% 6% 7% 24 Hospital Samaritan Lebanon 650 86% 10% 4% 2% 26 Community Hospital Samaritan North Lincoln 361 83% 7% 10% -1% 25 Hospital Samaritan Pacific Health 451 85% 7% 8% 4% 23 Systems Santiam Memorial 448 94% 3% 2% 8% Hospital Shriners Hospitals for 514 91% 3% 6% -1% Children — Portland 1,773 74% 9% 17% 0% 287 Southern Coos Hospital 173 76% 21% 2% 3% 24 and Health Center St. Alphonsus Medical 216 82% 11% 7% 1% 17 Center — Baker City St. Alphonsus Medical 569 96% 4% 0% 0% Center — Ontario St. Anthony Hospital 552 95% 5% 1% 1% St. Charles Medical Center 4,610 91% 3% 6% 4% — Bend St. Charles Medical Center 201 90% 4% 6% -4% — Madras St. Charles Medical Center 237 89% 3% 8% -2% 1 — Prineville St. Charles Medical Center 716 90% 2% 8% 0% — Redmond Tillamook Regional 734 75% 19% 7% 1% 114 Medical Center Tuality Healthcare 1,876 96% 3% 1% 12% Vibra Specialty Hospital 386 79% 11% 11% 11% 43 Wallowa Memorial 189 87% 10% 3% -1% 5 Hospital West Valley Hospital 257 87% 8% 5% 3% 8 Willamette Valley Medical 862 95% 4% 0% 1% Center

Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination | Health care worker vaccination data 11 Figure 3. Oregon hospitals sorted by HCW influenza vaccination rates for the 2018–2019 influenza season (n=63)

St. Alphonsus Medical Center-Ontario 96.0% Tuality Healthcare 95.9% Willamette Valley Medical Center 95.5% St. Anthony Hospital 94.9% McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center 94.5% Santiam Memorial Hospital 94.4% Oregon Health & Science University 93.4% Lake District Hospital 92.7% Good Shepherd Medical Center 92.2% Shriners Hospitals for Children — Portland 91.4% Asante Ashland Community Hospital 91.4% St. Charles Medical Center — Bend 91.3% PeaceHealth Peace Harbor Medical Center 91.0% Curry General Hospital 90.4% St. Charles Medical Center — Redmond 90.4% Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center 90.3% Asante Three Rivers Medical Center 90.2% Pioneer Memorial Hospital — Heppner 89.6% St. Charles Medical Center — Madras 89.6% Grande Ronde Hospital 89.5% St. Charles Medical Center — Prineville 89.5% Providence Newberg Medical Center 89.4% Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center 89.1% Adventist Medical Center 88.9% Cottage Grove Community Hospital 88.7% Legacy Emanuel Medical Center and Randall Children’s Hospital 88.6% Legacy Meridian Park Medical Center 88.4% Cedar Hills Hospital 88.2% Mid-Columbia Medical Center 87.8% Samaritan Albany General Hospital 87.6% Providence St. Vincent Medical Center 87.4% Wallowa Memorial Hospital 87.3% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

12 Health care worker vaccination data | Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination Figure 3. continued

West Valley Hospital 86.8% Legacy Silverton Medical Center 86.7% Legacy Mount Hood Medical Center 86.4% Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend 86.1% Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital 86.0% Columbia Memorial Hospital 85.5% Salem Hospital 85.4% Kaiser Permanente Westside Medical Center 85.2% Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center 85.0% Providence Seaside Hospital 84.9% Samaritan Pacific Health Systems 84.9% Sacred Heart Medical Center University District 84.7% Kaiser Permanente Sunnyside Medical Center 84.6% Samaritan North Lincoln Hospital 83.1% Providence Hood River Memorial Hospital 82.4% St. Alphonsus Medical Center — Baker City 81.9% Oregon State Hospitals 80.2% Blue Mountain Hospital 79.1% Vibra Specialty Hospital 78.8% Providence Portland Medical Center 78.6% Southern Coos Hospital and Health Center 76.3% Lower Umpqua Hospital 76.1% Providence Medford Medical Center 75.4% Harney District Hospital 75.3% Coquille Valley Hospital 74.8% Tillamook Regional Medical Center 74.5% Sky Lakes Medical Center 73.8% Bay Area Hospital 71.4% Mercy Medical Center 68.3% Providence Milwaukie Hospital 63.2% Providence Willamette Falls Medical Center 52.3% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Facility with percentage of HCW vaccinated >90% Facility with percentage of HCW vaccinated 60%–74% Facility with percentage of HCW vaccinated 75%–90% Facility with percentage of HCW vaccinated <60%

For facility-specific maps, see http://www.healthoregon.org/hai-reports.

Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination | Health care worker vaccination data 13 Table 3. Rates of health care worker (HCW) influenza vaccination, declination and unknown vaccination status for the 2018–2019 influenza season: Oregon ambulatory surgery centers (n=89) Each ambulatory surgery center’s vaccination rates are included. Fifty-six (63%) of the 89 ambulatory surgery centers met the HP2015 goal. Twenty-eight (31%) met the HP2020 goal. Compared to last season, 46 (52%) reported an increase in their vaccination rates.

Rate of Additional Number Rate of Rate of unknown Percent HCWs of HCWs influenza vaccine vaccination change in Met Met needed to eligible for vaccination declination status for vaccination HP2015 HP2020 vaccinate influenza for eligible by eligible eligible rate since target target to reach Facility name vaccine HCWs HCWs HCWs last season (75%) (90%) HP2020 Aesthetic Breast and 14 100% 0% 0% 0% Cosmetic Surgery Center Aesthetic Surgery Center 25 80% 20% 0% -12% 3 of Eugene Ashland Surgery Center 31 61% 19% 19% 51% 9 Athenix Body Sculpting 13 100% 0% 0% 700% Institute Bend Surgery Center 211 91% 9% 0% 0% BSM Surgery Center, LLC 42 76% 21% 2% 7% 6 Burnside Surgery Center 14 71% 29% 0% N/A 3 Cascade Endoscopy 30 93% 7% 0% 5% Center, LLC Cascade Spine Center, LLC 33 73% 27% 0% 11% 6 Cascade Surgery Center 17 76% 24% 0% 18% 2 LLC Cascade Surgicenter, LLC 139 92% 8% 0% 6% Cedar Hills Surgery Center 6 33% 67% 0% -58% 3 Center for Cosmetic & 17 88% 12% 0% -4% 1 Plastic Surgery Center for Specialty 110 84% 14% 3% -7% 7 Surgery Central Oregon Surgery 24 83% 8% 8% 1067% 2 Center, LLC Chase Gardens Surgery 27 78% 22% 0% N/A 3 Center, LLC Columbia Gorge Surgery 16 75% 25% 0% 20% 2 Center, LLC Columbia River Surgery 45 67% 7% 27% -27% 11 Center Cornell Surgicenter, LLC 86 57% 10% 33% -26% 28 Day Surgery at RiverBend 135 99% 1% 0% 4% Deschutes Surgery Center, 17 59% 18% 24% -8% 5 LLC

14 Health care worker vaccination data | Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination Rate of Additional Number Rate of Rate of unknown Percent HCWs of HCWs influenza vaccine vaccination change in Met Met needed to eligible for vaccination declination status for vaccination HP2015 HP2020 vaccinate influenza for eligible by eligible eligible rate since target target to reach Facility name vaccine HCWs HCWs HCWs last season (75%) (90%) HP2020 Doctors Park Surgery 35 94% 6% 0% 6% Center East Oregon Surgery 16 50% 38% 13% 400% 6 Center East Portland Surgery 83 51% 23% 27% 105% 33 Center Eye Health Eastside 63 76% 24% 0% 12% 9 Surgery Center, LLC Eye Surgery Center — 22 68% 32% 0% -21% 5 Albany Eye Surgery Center — 60 65% 35% 0% N/A 15 Medford Eye Surgery Institute 41 54% 46% 0% -3% 15 Gateway Pediatric Surgery 7 29% 71% 0% -71% 4 Center Grants Pass Surgery 88 38% 17% 45% -35% 46 Center, LLC Interstate Ambulatory 76 89% 11% 0% 4% 1 Surgical Center Klamath Surgery Center 38 68% 32% 0% 86% 8 Lane Surgery Center 33 91% 3% 6% 21% Laser and Surgical Eye 56 41% 52% 7% 23% 27 Center, LLC Lovejoy SurgiCenter, Inc 62 85% 6% 8% 74% 3 McKenzie Surgery Center 126 51% 5% 44% 9% 49 Meridian Center for 14 100% 0% 0% 0% Surgical Excellence, LLC NGC Endoscopy Services, 58 97% 3% 0% 2% LLC North Bend Medical Center 53 91% 9% 0% 8% Ambulatory Surgery Center Northbank Surgical Center 154 38% 12% 51% -12% 81 Northwest Ambulatory 99 92% 6% 2% 0% Surgery Center, LLC Northwest Center for 8 100% 0% 0% 0% Plastic Surgery, LLC Northwest Spine and Laser 79 89% 11% 0% 3% 1 Surgery Center, LLC Ontario Surgery Center 14 64% 29% 7% -14% 4

Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination | Health care worker vaccination data 15 Rate of Additional Number Rate of Rate of unknown Percent HCWs of HCWs influenza vaccine vaccination change in Met Met needed to eligible for vaccination declination status for vaccination HP2015 HP2020 vaccinate influenza for eligible by eligible eligible rate since target target to reach Facility name vaccine HCWs HCWs HCWs last season (75%) (90%) HP2020 Oregon Ear, Nose and 37 86% 14% 0% 3% 1 Throat Surgery Center, LLC Oregon Endoscopy Center, 49 94% 6% 0% 7% LLC Oregon Eye Surgery 50 58% 42% 0% -15% 16 Center, Inc Oregon Outpatient Surgery 125 69% 2% 29% 23% 27 Center Oregon Specialists Surgery 35 54% 46% 0% -1% 13 Center, LLC Oregon Surgical Institute 117 85% 3% 11% N/A 5 Oregon Surgicenter, LLC 59 95% 5% 0% 11% Pacific Cataract and Laser 17 71% 29% 0% 61% 3 Institute, Inc PC – Portland Pacific Cataract and Laser 15 67% 33% 0% -3% 4 Institute, Inc PC – Tualatin Pacific Surgery Center, LLC 35 51% 49% 0% -47% 14 Pearl SurgiCenter, Inc 33 91% 9% 0% 15% Petroff Center 15 93% 0% 7% 1% Plaza Ambulatory Surgery 150 85% 11% 4% -1% 7 Center, LLC Precision Surgery Center 12 100% 0% 0% N/A River Road Surgery Center, 43 91% 9% 0% 6% LLC Rogue Valley Surgery 12 75% 25% 0% 38% 2 Center Salem Endoscopy Center 65 85% 9% 6% -6% 4 Salem Laser and Surgery 53 79% 19% 2% 11% 6 Center Samaritan Endoscopy 27 78% 22% 0% 1% 3 Center, LLC Skyline Ambulatory 39 82% 10% 8% 7% 3 Surgery Center Slocum Surgery Center 104 94% 3% 3% 7% South Coast Surgery 29 79% 21% 0% 9% 3 Center, LLC South Portland Surgical 58 72% 14% 14% -14% 10 Center, LLC Spine Surgery Center of 50 86% 12% 2% -1% 2 Eugene, LLC

16 Health care worker vaccination data | Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination Rate of Additional Number Rate of Rate of unknown Percent HCWs of HCWs influenza vaccine vaccination change in Met Met needed to eligible for vaccination declination status for vaccination HP2015 HP2020 vaccinate influenza for eligible by eligible eligible rate since target target to reach Facility name vaccine HCWs HCWs HCWs last season (75%) (90%) HP2020 Sunnybrook Ambulatory 85 84% 12% 5% -2% 6 Surgery Center Sunset Surgical Centre, 18 89% 11% 0% -2% 1 LLC Surgery Center at 142 99% 1% 0% 16% Tanasbourne, LLC Surgery Center of Mt. 61 74% 15% 11% 1% 10 Scott, LLC Surgery Center of Southern 238 74% 26% 0% -1% 38 Oregon, LLC The Corvallis Clinic Surgery 93 83% 17% 0% 0% 7 Center The Oregon Clinic 96 100% 0% 0% 2% Endoscopy Center — East The Oregon Clinic Endoscopy Center — 56 96% 4% 0% N/A Newberg The Oregon Clinic Endoscopy Center — 53 94% 6% 0% -1% Oregon City The Oregon Clinic Endoscopy Center — 82 94% 6% 0% -2% Tualatin The Oregon Clinic 69 99% 1% 0% 7% Endoscopy Center — West The Portland Clinic Surgical 65 86% 9% 5% 9% 3 Center The Portland Clinic, LLP 90 80% 9% 11% N/A 9 Two Rivers Surgical Center 53 64% 6% 30% 26% 14 Valley Plastic Surgery 10 70% 30% 0% 58% 2 Vision Surgery and Laser 19 74% 26% 0% -8% 3 Center, LLC Waverly Lake Surgery 44 57% 11% 32% -7% 15 Center Westside Surgery Center, 43 72% 23% 5% -1% 8 LLC Willamette Surgery Center, 85 94% 4% 2% 0% PC Wilshire Surgery Center 43 81% 14% 5% 8% 4 Yamhill Valley Surgical 18 94% 6% 0% 8% Center, Inc N/A: Percentage change could not be calculated due to a 0% vaccination rate in the previous season.

Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination | Health care worker vaccination data 17 Figure 4. Oregon ambulatory surgery centers sorted by HCW influenza vaccination rates for the 2018–2019 influenza season (n=89)

Athenix Body Sculpting Institute 100.0% The Oregon Clinic Endoscopy Center — East 100.0% Northwest Center for Plastic Surgery, LLC 100.0% Meridian Center for Surgical Excellence, LLC 100.0% Precision Surgery Center 100.0% Aesthetic Breast and Cosmetic Surgery Center 100.0% Day Surgery at RiverBend 99.3% Surgery Center at Tanasbourne, LLC 98.6% The Oregon Clinic Endoscopy Center — West 98.6% NGC Endoscopy Services, LLC 96.6% The Oregon Clinic Endoscopy Center — Newberg 96.4% Oregon Surgicenter, LLC 94.9% Yamhill Valley Surgical Center, Inc 94.4% The Oregon Clinic Endoscopy Center — Oregon City 94.3% Doctors Park Surgery Center 94.3% Slocum Surgery Center 94.2% Willamette Surgery Center, PC 94.1% The Oregon Clinic Endoscopy Center — Tualatin 93.9% Oregon Endoscopy Center, LLC 93.9% Petroff Center 93.3% Cascade Endoscopy Center, LLC 93.3% Cascade Surgicenter, LLC 92.1% Northwest Ambulatory Surgery Center, LLC 91.9% Bend Surgery Center 91.0% Pearl SurgiCenter, Inc 90.9% Lane Surgery Center 90.9% River Road Surgery Center, LLC 90.7% North Bend Medical Center Ambulatory Surgery Center 90.6% Interstate Ambulatory Surgical Center 89.5% Sunset Surgical Centre, LLC 88.9% Northwest Spine and Laser Surgery Center, LLC 88.6% Center for Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery 88.2% Oregon Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery Center, LLC 86.5% The Portland Clinic Surgical Center 86.2% Spine Surgery Center of Eugene, LLC 86.0% Lovejoy Surgicenter, Inc 85.5% Oregon Surgical Institute 85.5% Plaza Ambulatory Surgery Center, LLC 85.3% Salem Endoscopy Center 84.6% Center for Specialty Surgery 83.6% Sunnybrook Ambulatory Surgery Center 83.5% Central Oregon Surgery Center, LLC 83.3% The Corvallis Clinic Surgery Center 82.8% Skyline Ambulatory Surgery Center 82.1% Wilshire Surgery Center 81.4% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

18 Health care worker vaccination data | Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination Figure 4. continued

The Portland Clinic, LLP 80.0% Aesthetic Surgery Center of Eugene 80.0% South Coast Surgery Center, LLC 79.3% Salem Laser and Surgery Center 79.2% Samaritan Endoscopy Center, LLC 77.8% Chase Gardens Surgery Center, LLC 77.8% Cascade Surgery Center LLC 76.5% BSM Surgery Center, LLC 76.2% Eye Health Eastside Surgery Center, LLC 76.2% Rogue Valley Surgery Center 75.0% Columbia Gorge Surgery Center, LLC 75.0% Surgery Center of Southern Oregon, LLC 73.9% Surgery Center of Mt. Scott, LLC 73.8% Vision Surgery and Laser Center, LLC 73.7% Cascade Spine Center, LLC 72.7% South Portland Surgical Center, LLC 72.4% Westside Surgery Center, LLC 72.1% Burnside Surgery Center 71.4% Pacific Cataract and Laser Institute, Inc PC — Portland 70.6% Valley Plastic Surgery 70.0% Oregon Outpatient Surgery Center 68.8% Klamath Surgery Center 68.4% Eye Surgery Center — Albany 68.2% Columbia River Surgery Center 66.7% Pacific Cataract and Laser Institute, Inc PC — Tualatin 66.7% Eye Surgery Center — Medford 65.0% Ontario Surgery Center 64.3% Two Rivers Surgical Center 64.2% Ashland Surgery Center 61.3% Deschutes Surgery Center, LLC 58.8% Oregon Eye Surgery Center, Inc 58.0% Cornell Surgicenter, LLC 57.0% Waverly Lake Surgery Center 56.8% Oregon Specialists Surgery Center, LLC 54.3% Eye Surgery Institute 53.7% Pacific Surgery Center, LLC 51.4% McKenzie Surgery Center 50.8% East Portland Surgery Center 50.6% East Oregon Surgery Center 50.0% Laser and Surgical Eye Center, LLC 41.1% Northbank Surgical Center 37.7% Grants Pass Surgery Center, LLC 37.5% Cedar Hills Surgery Center 33.3% Gateway Pediatric Surgery Center 28.6% 0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Facility with percentage of HCW vaccinated >90% Facility with percentage of HCW vaccinated 60%–74% Facility with percentage of HCW vaccinated 75%–90% Facility with percentage of HCW vaccinated <60% For facility-specific maps, see http://www.healthoregon.org/hai-reports.

Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination | Health care worker vaccination data 19 Table 4. Health care worker (HCW) influenza vaccination rates, rates of declination and rates of unknown vaccination status for the 2018–2019 influenza season: Skilled nursing facilities (n=132) Each skilled nursing facility’s vaccination rates are included. Forty-two (32%) of the 132 skilled nursing facilities met the HP2015 goal. Nineteen (14%) met the HP2020 goal. Compared to last season, 70 (53%) reported an increase in their vaccination rates.

Rate of Additional Number Rate of Rate of unknown Percent HCWs of HCWs influenza vaccine vaccination change in Met Met needed to eligible for vaccination declination status for vaccination HP2015 HP2020 vaccinate influenza for eligible by eligible eligible rate since target target to reach Facility name vaccine HCWs HCWs HCWs last season (75%) (90%) HP2020 Aidan Senior Living at 36 72% 17% 11% -24% 6 Reedsport Avamere at Three 192 11% 0% 89% -37% 151 Fountains Avamere Court at Keizer 357 35% 31% 34% 12% 197 Avamere Crestview of 119 62% 33% 5% 211% 33 Portland Avamere Health Services 170 12% 0% 88% -68% 132 of Rogue Valley Avamere Rehabilitation of 174 51% 7% 43% -19% 69 Beaverton Avamere Rehabilitation of 97 81% 6% 12% -11% 8 Clackamas Avamere Rehabilitation of 85 69% 19% 12% 525% 18 Coos Bay Avamere Rehabilitation of 101 72% 26% 2% 9% 18 Eugene Avamere Rehabilitation of 145 52% 23% 24% 74% 55 Hillsboro Avamere Rehabilitation of 75 100% 0% 0% 9% Junction City Avamere Rehabilitation of 127 24% 6% 71% 1% 84 King City Avamere Rehabilitation of 108 77% 6% 18% 167% 14 Lebanon Avamere Rehabilitation of 61 49% 23% 28% -30% 25 Newport Avamere Rehabilitation of 105 100% 0% 0% N/A Oregon City Avamere Riverpark of 166 30% 14% 57% -15% 100 Eugene Avamere Transitional Care 98 42% 31% 28% -15% 47 at Sunnyside Bend Transitional Care 110 66% 15% 18% -7% 26

20 Health care worker vaccination data | Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination Rate of Additional Number Rate of Rate of unknown Percent HCWs of HCWs influenza vaccine vaccination change in Met Met needed to eligible for vaccination declination status for vaccination HP2015 HP2020 vaccinate influenza for eligible by eligible eligible rate since target target to reach Facility name vaccine HCWs HCWs HCWs last season (75%) (90%) HP2020 Blue Mountain Care 35 86% 11% 3% 1% 2 Center Cascade Manor 129 71% 25% 4% 80% 24 Cascade Terrace Nursing 126 61% 36% 3% 21% 36 Center Chehalem Health & Rehab 85 41% 21% 38% -32% 42 Center Clatsop Care Center 73 73% 15% 12% 27% 13 Coast Fork Nursing Center 72 60% 11% 29% 14% 22 Columbia Basin Care 135 64% 16% 19% -11% 35 Facility Columbia Care Center 56 71% 25% 4% 43% 10 Cornerstone Care Option 95 54% 23% 23% -24% 35 Corvallis Manor Nursing & 114 78% 10% 12% 9% 14 Rehabilitation Center Creekside Rehab and 76 39% 0% 61% -14% 38 Nursing Creswell Health and 59 58% 8% 34% 3% 19 Rehabilitation Center Dallas Retirement Village 272 55% 15% 30% 10% 96 Health Center East Cascade Retirement 33 27% 18% 55% -24% 21 Community, LLC EmpRes Hillsboro Health 84 96% 4% 0% 6% and Rehabilitation Center Fernhill Estates 54 26% 33% 41% 2% 35 Forest Grove Rehabilitation 131 50% 32% 18% -19% 52 and Care Center French Prairie Nursing and 95 99% 1% 0% 0% Rehabilitation Center Friendship Health Center 302 76% 3% 20% 107% 41 Gateway Care and 87 60% 17% 23% 0% 26 Retirement Center Glisan Care Center 86 52% 0% 48% 15% 32 Good Samaritan Society 64 67% 30% 3% 152% 15 — Curry Village Good Samaritan Society 87 62% 5% 33% -31% 24 — Eugene Village Good Samaritan Society 118 74% 25% 2% -6% 19 — Fairlawn Village

Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination | Health care worker vaccination data 21 Rate of Additional Number Rate of Rate of unknown Percent HCWs of HCWs influenza vaccine vaccination change in Met Met needed to eligible for vaccination declination status for vaccination HP2015 HP2020 vaccinate influenza for eligible by eligible eligible rate since target target to reach Facility name vaccine HCWs HCWs HCWs last season (75%) (90%) HP2020 Gracelen Terrace Long 137 94% 1% 4% -6% Term Care Facility Green Valley Rehabilitation 164 99% 1% 0% 3% Health Center Healthcare at Foster Creek 197 22% 31% 47% -45% 134 Hearthstone Nursing and 118 99% 1% 0% 0% Rehabilitation Center Highland House Nursing & 137 87% 13% 0% -8% 4 Rehabilitation Center Hillside Heights 126 75% 1% 25% -19% 19 Rehabilitation Center Holladay Park Plaza 172 59% 22% 19% 6% 53 Hood River Care Center 116 42% 1% 57% -23% 55 Independence Health and 92 80% 1% 18% -18% 9 Rehabilitation Center La Grande Post Acute 67 63% 10% 27% -29% 18 Rehab Lakeview Gardens LLC 74 39% 9% 51% -51% 38 Laurel Hill Nursing Center 59 51% 34% 15% 41% 23 Laurelhurst Village 258 62% 12% 26% 96% 72 Rehabilitation Center Life Care Center of Coos 101 71% 25% 4% 0% 19 Bay Life Care Center of 110 40% 43% 17% 42% 55 McMinnville Linda Vista Nursing & 94 43% 50% 7% -8% 45 Rehab Center Marian Estates 118 46% 35% 19% -12% 52 Marquis Autumn Hills 91 78% 14% 8% 66% 11 Memory Care Marquis Centennial Post 172 84% 16% 0% -5% 10 Acute Rehab Marquis Forest Grove Post 118 75% 12% 13% -4% 17 Acute Rehab Marquis Hope Village 130 73% 0% 27% -9% 22 Marquis Mill Park 166 95% 4% 1% 99% Marquis Mt. Tabor 165 63% 8% 28% 116% 45 Marquis Newberg 78 40% 27% 33% -47% 39

22 Health care worker vaccination data | Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination Rate of Additional Number Rate of Rate of unknown Percent HCWs of HCWs influenza vaccine vaccination change in Met Met needed to eligible for vaccination declination status for vaccination HP2015 HP2020 vaccinate influenza for eligible by eligible eligible rate since target target to reach Facility name vaccine HCWs HCWs HCWs last season (75%) (90%) HP2020 Marquis Oregon City Post 94 98% 2% 0% 139% Acute Rehab Marquis Piedmont Post 159 89% 8% 3% 33% 1 Acute Rehab Marquis Plum Ridge 158 75% 6% 18% 80% 23 Marquis Silver Gardens 53 92% 0% 8% 2% Marquis Springfield 231 66% 18% 16% 42% 56 Marquis Tualatin Post 114 80% 16% 4% 173% 12 Acute Rehab Marquis Vermont Hills 110 98% 2% 0% 61% Marquis Wilsonville Post 235 45% 8% 47% 29% 107 Acute Rehab Mary's Woods at 565 48% 14% 38% -5% 236 Marylhurst Maryville Nursing Home 370 54% 5% 42% -33% 134 Meadow Park Health & 99 61% 14% 25% 55% 29 Specialty Care Center Mennonite Home 300 57% 4% 38% 84% 98 Milton Freewater Health 59 92% 8% 0% -5% and Rehabilitation Center Mirabella Portland 217 53% 24% 24% 29% 80 Molalla Manor Care Center 92 37% 4% 59% -32% 49 Myrtle Point Care Center 79 24% 24% 52% -53% 52 Nehalem Valley Care 52 56% 44% 0% -15% 18 Center Oregon City Health Care 81 58% 42% 0% 42% 26 Center Oregon Veterans' Home, 375 61% 8% 31% 51% 111 Lebanon Oregon Veterans' Home, 298 64% 22% 14% -13% 77 The Dalles Pacific Health and 55 58% 4% 38% 135% 18 Rehabilitation Park Forest Care Center 65 63% 11% 26% 5% 18 Pearl at Kruse Way, The 69 94% 3% 3% 666% Pilot Butte Rehabilitation 65 69% 31% 0% 13% 14 Center Pioneer Nursing Home 152 33% 16% 51% -43% 87

Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination | Health care worker vaccination data 23 Rate of Additional Number Rate of Rate of unknown Percent HCWs of HCWs influenza vaccine vaccination change in Met Met needed to eligible for vaccination declination status for vaccination HP2015 HP2020 vaccinate influenza for eligible by eligible eligible rate since target target to reach Facility name vaccine HCWs HCWs HCWs last season (75%) (90%) HP2020 Porthaven Healthcare 96 88% 7% 5% 41% 2 Center Portland Health and 89 98% 2% 0% 12% Rehabilitation Center Prestige Care and Rehabilitation of Menlo 106 42% 23% 35% -27% 50 Park Prestige Care and Rehabilitation of 72 65% 28% 7% 1% 18 Reedwood Prestige Post-Acute and Rehabilitation Center — 94 68% 24% 7% 52% 21 Gresham Prestige Post-Acute and Rehabilitation Center — 69 43% 25% 32% 43% 32 McMinnville Prestige Post-Acute and Rehabilitation Center — 66 70% 18% 12% -19% 13 Milwaukie Providence Benedictine 325 77% 6% 17% -3% 42 Nursing Center Providence Child Center 63 100% 0% 0% 19% Regency Albany 113 80% 20% 0% 2% 12 Regency Care of Central 47 55% 23% 21% -4% 16 Oregon Regency Care of Rogue 66 59% 41% 0% 23% 20 Valley Regency Florence 72 93% 7% 0% 23% Regency Gresham Nursing 154 59% 41% 0% -26% 48 & Rehabilitation Center Regency Hermiston Nursing & Rehabilitation 135 93% 7% 0% -1% Center Regency Prineville Rehabilitation and Nursing 52 69% 17% 13% 45% 11 Center Regency Redmond Rehabilitation and Nursing 75 67% 8% 25% 61% 18 Center Robison Jewish Health 216 49% 10% 41% -23% 89 Center Rogue Valley Manor 154 60% 24% 16% 30% 46

24 Health care worker vaccination data | Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination Rate of Additional Number Rate of Rate of unknown Percent HCWs of HCWs influenza vaccine vaccination change in Met Met needed to eligible for vaccination declination status for vaccination HP2015 HP2020 vaccinate influenza for eligible by eligible eligible rate since target target to reach Facility name vaccine HCWs HCWs HCWs last season (75%) (90%) HP2020 Rose City Nursing Home 28 14% 86% 0% -84% 21 Rose Haven Nursing 93 25% 17% 58% -74% 61 Center Rose Linn Care Center 106 41% 24% 36% 23% 52 Rose Villa Senior Living 212 86% 14% 0% 4% 9 Royale Gardens Health & 177 68% 32% 0% -23% 39 Rehabilitation Center Salem Transitional Care 136 82% 18% 0% 7% 10 Secora Rehabilitation of 67 22% 31% 46% -17% 45 Cascadia Sheridan Care Center 97 43% 8% 48% 39% 45 South Hills Rehabilitation 105 97% 3% 0% -1% Center The Dalles Health and 54 94% 2% 4% 75% Rehabilitation Center The Oaks at Sherwood 59 64% 36% 0% 14% 15 Park Tierra Rose Care Center 172 45% 24% 30% -18% 77 Timberview Care Center 93 60% 16% 24% 6% 28 Umpqua Valley Nursing & 109 74% 26% 0% -22% 17 Rehabilitation Center Valley West Health Care 226 69% 8% 23% -13% 46 Center Village at Hillside 42 76% 24% 0% 281% 6 Village Health Care 97 53% 23% 25% -18% 36 Village Manor 94 37% 6% 56% -41% 50 West Hills Health & 231 77% 9% 14% 14% 30 Rehabilitation Center Willamette View Health 82 78% 12% 10% 2% 10 Center Willowbrook Terrace 78 86% 14% 0% 32% 3 Windsor Health and 125 62% 2% 36% -36% 35 Rehabilitation Center

Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination | Health care worker vaccination data 25 Figure 5. Oregon skilled nursing facilities sorted by HCW influenza vaccination rates for the 2018–2019 influenza season (n=132)

Providence Child Center 100.0% Avamere Rehabilitation of Oregon City 100.0% Avamere Rehabilitation of Junction City 100.0% Green Valley Rehabilitation Health Center 99.4% Hearthstone Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 99.2% French Prairie Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 98.9% Marquis Vermont Hills 98.2% Marquis Oregon City Post Acute Rehab 97.9% Portland Health and Rehabilitation Center 97.8% South Hills Rehabilitation Center 97.1% EmpRes Hillsboro Health and Rehabilitation Center 96.4% Marquis Mill Park 94.6% The Dalles Health and Rehabilitation Center 94.4% Pearl at Kruse Way, The 94.2% Gracelen Terrace Long Term Care Facility 94.2% Regency Hermiston Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 93.3% Regency Florence 93.1% Marquis Silver Gardens 92.5% Milton Freewater Health and Rehabilitation Center 91.5% Marquis Piedmont Post Acute Rehab 89.3% Porthaven Healthcare Center 87.5% Highland House Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 86.9% Willowbrook Terrace 85.9% Rose Villa Senior Living 85.8% Blue Mountain Care Center 85.7% Marquis Centennial Post Acute Rehab 84.3% Salem Transitional Care 82.4% Avamere Rehabilitation of Clackamas 81.4% Independence Health and Rehabilitation Center 80.4% Marquis Tualatin Post Acute Rehab 79.8% Regency Albany 79.6% Corvallis Manor Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 78.1% Willamette View Health Center 78.0% Marquis Autumn Hills Memory Care 78.0%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

26 Health care worker vaccination data | Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination Figure 5. continued

Providence Benedictine Nursing Center 77.2% West Hills Health & Rehabilitation Center 77.1% Avamere Rehabilitation of Lebanon 76.9% Friendship Health Center 76.5% Village at Hillside 76.2% Marquis Forest Grove Post Acute Rehab 75.4% Marquis Plum Ridge 75.3% Hillside Heights Rehabilitation Center 74.6% Umpqua Valley Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 74.3% Good Samaritan Society — Fairlawn Village 73.7% Marquis Hope Village 73.1% Clatsop Care Center 72.6% Avamere Rehabilitation of Eugene 72.3% Aidan Senior Living at Reedsport 72.2% Columbia Care Center 71.4% Cascade Manor 71.3% Life Care Center of Coos Bay 71.3% Prestige Post-Acute and Rehabilitation Center — Milwaukie 69.7% Valley West Health Care Center 69.5% Avamere Rehabilitation of Coos Bay 69.4% Regency Prineville Rehabilitation and Nursing Center 69.2% Pilot Butte Rehabilitation Center 69.2% Prestige Post-Acute and Rehabilitation Center — Gresham 68.1% Royale Gardens Health & Rehabilitation Center 67.8% Good Samaritan Society — Curry Village 67.2% Regency Redmond Rehabilitation and Nursing Center 66.7% Bend Transitional Care 66.4% Marquis Springfield 65.8% Prestige Care and Rehabilitation of Reedwood 65.3% Columbia Basin Care Facility 64.4% The Oaks at Sherwood Park 64.4% Oregon Veterans' Home, The Dalles 64.1% Park Forest Care Center 63.1% 0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination | Health care worker vaccination data 27 Figure 5. continued

Marquis Mt. Tabor 63.0% La Grande Post Acute Rehab 62.7% Windsor Health and Rehabilitation Center 62.4% Avamere Crestview of Portland 62.2% Good Samaritan Society — Eugene Village 62.1% Laurelhurst Village Rehabilitation Center 62.0% Cascade Terrace Nursing Center 61.1% Meadow Park Health & Specialty Care Center 60.6% Oregon Veterans’ Home, Lebanon 60.5% Rogue Valley Manor 60.4% Timberview Care Center 60.2% Gateway Care and Retirement Center 59.8% Coast Fork Nursing Center 59.7% Holladay Park Plaza 59.3% Regency Gresham Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 59.1% Regency Care of Rogue Valley 59.1% Pacific Health and Rehabilitation 58.2% Oregon City Health Care Center 58.0% Creswell Health and Rehabilitation Center 57.6% Mennonite Home 57.3% Nehalem Valley Care Center 55.8% Regency Care of Central Oregon 55.3% Dallas Retirement Village Health Center 54.8% Maryville Nursing Home 53.8% Cornerstone Care Option 53.7% Mirabella Portland 53.0% Village Health Care 52.6% Avamere Rehabilitation of Hillsboro 52.4% Glisan Care Center 52.3% Laurel Hill Nursing Center 50.8% Avamere Rehabilitation of Beaverton 50.6% Forest Grove Rehabilitation and Care Center 50.4% Avamere Rehabilitation of Newport 49.2% 0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

28 Health care worker vaccination data | Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination Figure 5. continued

Robison Jewish Health Center 48.6% Mary's Woods at Marylhurst 48.3% Marian Estates 45.8% Tierra Rose Care Center 45.3% Marquis Wilsonville Post Acute Rehab 44.7% Prestige Post-Acute and Rehabilitation Center — McMinnville- 43.5% Sheridan Care Center 43.3% Linda Vista Nursing & Rehab Center 42.6% Prestige Care and Rehabilitation of Menlo Park 42.5% Hood River Care Center 42.2% Avamere Transitional Care at Sunnyside 41.8% Chehalem Health & Rehab Center 41.2% Rose Linn Care Center 40.6% Life Care Center of McMinnville 40.0% Marquis Newberg 39.7% Creekside Rehab and Nursing 39.5% Lakeview Gardens LLC 39.2% Village Manor 37.2% Molalla Manor Care Center 37.0% Avamere Court at Keizer 34.7% Pioneer Nursing Home 32.9% Avamere Riverpark of Eugene 29.5% East Cascade Retirement Community, LLC 27.3% Fernhill Estates 25.9% Rose Haven Nursing Center 24.7% Myrtle Point Care Center 24.1% Avamere Rehabilitation of King City 23.6% Secora Rehabilitation of Cascadia 22.4% Healthcare at Foster Creek 21.8% Rose City Nursing Home 14.3% Avamere Health Services of Rogue Valley 12.4% Avamere at Three Fountains 11.5% 0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Facility with percentage of HCW vaccinated >90% Facility with percentage of HCW vaccinated 60%–74% Facility with percentage of HCW vaccinated 75%–90% Facility with percentage of HCW vaccinated <60%

For facility-specific maps, see http://www.healthoregon.org/hai-reports.

Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination | Health care worker vaccination data 29 Table 5. Health care worker (HCW) influenza vaccination rates, rates of declination and rates of unknown vaccination status for the 2018–2019 influenza season: Dialysis facilities (n=71) Each dialysis facility’s vaccination rates are included. Sixty-seven (94%) of the 71 dialysis facilities met the HP2015 goal. Forty-seven (66%) met the HP2020 goal. Compared to last season, 37 (52%) reported an increase in their vaccination rates.

Rate of Additional Number Rate of Rate of unknown Percent HCWs of HCWs influenza vaccine vaccination change in Met Met needed to eligible for vaccination declination status for vaccination HP2015 HP2020 vaccinate influenza for eligible by eligible eligible rate since target target to reach Facility name vaccine HCWs HCWs HCWs last season (75%) (90%) HP2020 Blue Mountain Kidney 9 100% 0% 0% 0% Center Cornell Road Dialysis 20 95% 0% 5% 4% FMC Albany 28 96% 4% 0% 4% FMC Bend 62 87% 13% 0% 2% 2 FMC Clackamas 140 86% 6% 8% 5% 5 FMC Coos Bay 38 87% 13% 0% 6% 1 FMC Corvallis Oregon 15 93% 7% 0% 3% FMC Dialysis Services of 132 89% 3% 8% 6% 2 Mt. Hood FMC Emerald Valley 21 86% 5% 10% -14% 1 FMC Eugene 74 95% 4% 1% 14% FMC Lebanon 19 95% 0% 5% 4% FMC Madras Dialysis 41 88% 10% 2% 6% 1 FMC Maywood Park 27 100% 0% 0% 25% FMC Milton Freewater 22 77% 5% 18% -9% 3 FMC Newport 18 100% 0% 0% 0% FMC Redmond 18 100% 0% 0% 13% FMC Salem 56 93% 7% 0% 2% FMC Springfield 37 100% 0% 0% 8% Fresenius Kidney Care 25 88% 8% 4% -4% 1 West Salem Dialysis Four Rivers Dialysis 30 97% 3% 0% -3% Center Fresenius Kidney Care 51 92% 6% 2% 0% Piedmont Fresenius Kidney Care 137 84% 4% 12% 12% 8 Rose Quarter Fresenius Kidney Care 11 100% 0% 0% 0% Tualatin

30 Health care worker vaccination data | Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination Rate of Additional Number Rate of Rate of unknown Percent HCWs of HCWs influenza vaccine vaccination change in Met Met needed to eligible for vaccination declination status for vaccination HP2015 HP2020 vaccinate influenza for eligible by eligible eligible rate since target target to reach Facility name vaccine HCWs HCWs HCWs last season (75%) (90%) HP2020 Fresenius Medical Care 8 100% 0% 0% 10% Florence Oregon Fresenius Medical Care 70 97% 3% 0% 17% Sandy Dialysis Fresenius Medical Care 24 96% 4% 0% 7% Scholls Ferry Grants Pass II Dialysis 17 59% 0% 41% -41% 5 Gresham Station Dialysis 16 88% 6% 6% -2% 1 Hermiston Community 13 100% 0% 0% 0% Dialysis Center Hillsboro Dialysis Center 33 97% 3% 0% 1% Hilltop Dialysis 103 89% 5% 6% 10% 1 I Home Dialysis LLC 3 100% 0% 0% N/A Kaiser Sunnybrook 9 89% 11% 0% 0% 1 Peritoneal Dialysis Facility Klamath Falls Dialysis 44 98% 0% 2% 2% Lake Road Dialysis Center 36 86% 14% 0% -2% 1 Lancaster Drive Dialysis 33 100% 0% 0% 0% McMinnville Dialysis 18 94% 6% 0% -6% Meridian Park Dialysis 33 94% 6% 0% 1% Center NE Salem Dialysis 17 100% 0% 0% 0% Noble Woods Dialysis 28 100% 0% 0% 10% Clinic Northeast Portland Renal 30 93% 7% 0% 12% Center Oregon Kidney Center 33 97% 3% 0% 21% Pediatric Peritoneal 3 100% 0% 0% 17% Dialysis PNRS Beaverton Dialysis 50 82% 18% 0% 41% 4 Center PNRS Columbia River The 32 88% 0% 13% -13% 1 Dalles PNRS Eastern Oregon 36 94% 3% 3% -6% Dialysis Center PNRS Hollywood Dialysis 26 96% 4% 0% 52% Center PNRS Home Dialysis 105 90% 2% 9% -10%

Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination | Health care worker vaccination data 31 Rate of Additional Number Rate of Rate of unknown Percent HCWs of HCWs influenza vaccine vaccination change in Met Met needed to eligible for vaccination declination status for vaccination HP2015 HP2020 vaccinate influenza for eligible by eligible eligible rate since target target to reach Facility name vaccine HCWs HCWs HCWs last season (75%) (90%) HP2020 PNRS McMinnville Kidney 48 100% 0% 0% 0% Center PNRS Newberg Dialysis 18 61% 6% 33% -21% 5 Center PNRS North Coast 107 92% 1% 7% 10% Dialysis Clinic PNRS St. Helens Dialysis 15 93% 7% 0% 5% PNRS Tualatin Kidney 123 91% 2% 7% 7% Center PNRS Twin Oaks 26 77% 23% 0% -10% 3 PNRS/THC Raines Dialysis 25 100% 0% 0% 20% Center Portland Gateway Dialysis 48 75% 2% 23% -23% 7 Portland MLK Dialysis 7 100% 0% 0% 14% Ray Yasui Dialysis Center 21 95% 5% 0% 6% Redwood Dialysis 16 100% 0% 0% 0% Rogue Valley Dialysis 50 100% 0% 0% 0% Roseburg/Mercy Dialysis 27 81% 19% 0% -7% 2 Salem Dialysis 41 100% 0% 0% 0% Salem North Dialysis 20 100% 0% 0% 6% Sherwood Dialysis Center 24 100% 0% 0% 0% US Renal Care East 6 67% 33% 0% 0% 1 Portland Home Dialysis US Renal Care Gresham 23 74% 26% 0% 6% 4 Dialysis US Renal Care Portland 23 83% 17% 0% -4% 2 Dialysis US Renal Care Tillamook 9 89% 11% 0% -1% 1 Dialysis West Linn Dialysis Center 30 100% 0% 0% 0% Willamette Valley Renal 13 100% 0% 0% 0% Center Woodburn Dialysis 27 100% 0% 0% 5%

32 Health care worker vaccination data | Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination Figure 6. Oregon dialysis facilities sorted by HCW influenza vaccination rates for the 2018– 2019 influenza season (n=71)

Woodburn Dialysis 100.0% Willamette Valley Renal Center 100.0% West Linn Dialysis Center 100.0% Sherwood Dialysis Center 100.0% Salem North Dialysis 100.0% Salem Dialysis 100.0% Rogue Valley Dialysis 100.0% Redwood Dialysis 100.0% Portland MLK Dialysis 100.0% PNRS/THC Raines Dialysis Center 100.0% PNRS McMinnville Kidney Center 100.0% Pediatric Peritoneal Dialysis 100.0% Noble Woods Dialysis Clinic 100.0% NE Salem Dialysis 100.0% Lancaster Drive Dialysis 100.0% I Home Dialysis LLC 100.0% Hermiston Community Dialysis Center 100.0% Fresenius Medical Care Florence Oregon 100.0% Fresenius Kidney Care Tualatin 100.0% FMC Springfield 100.0% FMC Redmond 100.0% FMC Newport 100.0% FMC Maywood Park 100.0% Blue Mountain Kidney Center 100.0% Klamath Falls Dialysis 97.7% Fresenius Medical Care Sandy Dialysis 97.1% Oregon Kidney Center 97.0% Hillsboro Dialysis Center 97.0% Four Rivers Dialysis Center 96.7% FMC Albany 96.4% PNRS Hollywood Dialysis Center 96.2% Fresenius Medical Care Scholls Ferry 95.8% Ray Yasui Dialysis Center 95.2% Cornell Road Dialysis 95.0% FMC Lebanon 94.7%

10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination | Health care worker vaccination data 33 Figure 6. continued FMC Eugene 94.6% PNRS Eastern Oregon Dialysis Center 94.4% McMinnville Dialysis 94.4% Meridian Park Dialysis Center 93.9% PNRS St. Helens Dialysis 93.3% Northeast Portland Renal Center 93.3% FMC Corvallis Oregon 93.3% FMC Salem 92.9% Fresenius Kidney Care Piedmont 92.2% PNRS North Coast Dialysis Clinic 91.6% PNRS Tualatin Kidney Center 91.1% PNRS Home Dialysis 89.5% Hilltop Dialysis 89.3% US Renal Care Tillamook Dialysis 88.9% Kaiser Sunnybrook Peritoneal Dialysis Facility 88.9% FMC Dialysis Services of Mt. Hood 88.6% Fresenius Kidney Care West Salem Dialysis 88.0% FMC Madras Dialysis 87.8% PNRS Columbia River The Dalles 87.5% Gresham Station Dialysis 87.5% FMC Bend 87.1% FMC Coos Bay 86.8% FMC Clackamas 86.4% Lake Road Dialysis Center 86.1% FMC Emerald Valley 85.7% Fresenius Kidney Care Rose Quarter 83.9% US Renal Care Portland Dialysis 82.6% PNRS Beaverton Dialysis Center 82.0% Roseburg/Mercy Dialysis 81.5% FMC Milton Freewater 77.3% PNRS Twin Oaks 76.9% Portland Gateway Dialysis 75.0% US Renal Care Gresham Dialysis 73.9% US Renal Care East Portland Home Dialysis 66.7% PNRS Newberg Dialysis Center 61.1% Grants Pass II Dialysis 58.8%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Facility with percentage of HCW vaccinated >90% Facility with percentage of HCW vaccinated 60%–74% Facility with percentage of HCW vaccinated 75%–90% Facility with percentage of HCW vaccinated <60%

For facility-specific maps, see http://www.healthoregon.org/hai-reports.

34 Health care worker vaccination data | Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination What can facilities do to increase rates of HCW influenza vaccination?

Encourage their employees to be vaccinated at the beginning of every influenza season.

Encourage vaccination of all coworkers. This includes those not employed by the facility (e.g., contractors, volunteers).

Participate in and encourage promotional strategies such as: • Mass vaccination fairs • Peer vaccination • No-cost vaccines • Incentive programs • Documentation of all HCWs’ vaccination status and required declination forms.

Oregon Health Authority has released a Healthcare Provider Influenza Vaccination Tool Kit to support facility vaccination programs: Go to https://go.usa. gov/xETst.

CDC information and guidance: http://www.cdc.gov/flu/health careworkers.htm

Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination | Health care worker vaccination data 35 Endnotes

1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Key facts about influenza (Flu). Updated 13 Sep 2019. Available at: www.cdc.gov/flu/about/keyfacts.htm. Accessed 11 Dec 2019. 2. Xu X, Blanton L, Abd Elal AI, et al. Update: influenza activity in the United States during the 2018–2019 season and composition of the 2019–2020 influenza vaccine. MMWR 68:544–51. Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/ volumes/68/wr/mm6824a3.htm. Accessed 11 Dec 2019.

36 Endnotes | Oregon Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) Program Phone: 971-673-1111 FAX: 971-673-1100

You can get this document in other languages, large print, braille or a format you prefer. Contact the Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) Program at 971-673-1111 or email [email protected]. We accept all relay calls or you can dial 711.

OHA 8628 (02/20)