December 31, 1913.

llr • • C • :UPP • • • • • f~lloWing rceolut1on;

• 6 City Clerk, ...... ·. ,. ' · · WBEREtS, ~ . only ·souroe .of water supply ·for ·the pre-sent : La !-.Iesa, Cal • . ~ . "· ' . ; • • ...... needs .and ·- fu~e - .grp\":th of the o1 ties of Laltesa.~ Cajon, part Deer Sir: • • I t • • • Q ~~~ t}le ~tt! . Fast: Sa.~ Diego;. also the towns of LeUD~ }~rove, Herewith :prints showing revised location of . . ad~acen. t our 16" ]') i !le line thn1. tho City of La Eess, acid location . . ·. Spr1n~ V~;le~., · ~e~a1ngton P, rk., Uo~&. l\ ~shte a.nd terr!-i

:""t1l"fk*-:i{;r~·~ ... • ~·· :~~~y -~!t oome . t .rom 'the Ban Dle_go .~ ver' ~ through th~ Cuyama~ conforming to conditions as specified in your resolution ) ~ Gt.~ ttsm; and · ·. Uo. 32. ' ~ , ...... • I ·;;,· ·wHEREAS~ the City of &.4 D1ego io attempting to acquire from ~ '• . , .. , Yours truly, . .. - . . " . t~e . United ~~~$ ~he right .to ,floo4 oer~ain Indian l ands in Engineer. • I • I • • Ca~~ t~ Reo~rva 1 ~h the object qt di :t:tlng any . Cuyamac~ l7ater Co. · .. :;_ El. Indian t!on.

0-K eurplus . wat~r from· the San Diego Riv~r ~t a point a . short dio- . . . . . ;. · ·. ~once ~~~w ~tlit$ Ouy~aoa ·aa.ter Company' a intake; and . .. • • . . · • . : :. : - ~ · : '. WHEREAS~ tho City of So.n Dlego, through 1 te 01 ty At. t orne:r,

• •


• • -. - ..

I • ., ot San Diego baa ··~nte'red - ~nto an ~ · ui ta. l~ agreemen.t ~ th . . . , · the uyamaoa Wate:r: Oo.· w~1oh· ~llow~ sa1d~ oompany to oon- ~ 0 . . .. • .. • 'II ' ' ulu. ted by the= 01 ty At't9rney in Washington·; and ... < ~ t -. ;.: · ·: ...... ,., ..._ ., ·· ·.: -~.;. struot .th~ two : ~atne at 1 ts intakes. a.s planned. · ·. ... • ..... i/i; • • .. JBEREA.s ...the City _ec;uno1l o ~ San Di~·;· ha.a'not ~y~·,- . t~ken ~~ ~ · ~~~ ·_. · .· ~ The 01 ty· of San Diego 1 e finances are such that 1 ~ is I , . . ' .t • ' - ,# ~ .. ~ • • . ... ~ • .. - t - ...... ' . -. ~ .. ,. .,. . . fa:;-orable aot1on; and ' . . : ·~;s: .. utterlY: 1mpoasibte to construct •tor many years tocome any;" • ~ t I 'f' f i • ;jf' 't -' .., o \ .. »o.. • ... • ~ I • '* ._ • • "'r , • "' ' • • J ' ' · WHEREAS; t~o q1 ty Attprney .o'f San" Diego nas :~ ~eilud1atocf ·Jii.e ~ detll, i.a p~anned: . i'n o~sO B1ll _1fo, · . I p n] ... and it would . ' ' ...... • .. »- • • .... • ...... s tatements ~ ··eoll'.mt;ttee~ ·. ~o ,th ~.'t e ~ ~ ~- :!'~ . .··utterly 1m~oss1 le to. vote · any bonds for tb1a development, as made before the Public Larida ' ol, .. Bo.uae ...... • ' • ~ . • • I' .1 ...... \- ~ ., ._ . - ...... " " .. ' .. - ...... ~ and the Senate tb5. t . the;. 01 ty woul

• • • . 'l'HERE 5'0RE, ·

. ' . / , . . · ersona~ly, my desire ~a to aeo a district own this system, and I am 1forking toward this end. Our aurveya and est1ma. teo are oompleted at the Diverting Dam, and within two weeks. ov1denoes of our 1ntent1ons r ; ... to not will be :·.forthcoming. . . '• . ' ~ . .' .. In reference to a' dnm on the South Fork, a little above our pree- ~ ent ·po1nt of intake, on tho Conejos Reoorvation, th~ -site baa been . aeleo~od nd ~urveys made; informal oona~t has been secured .rom the Oov.ornment to build t2e dam~ and a oommi s ion hao awarded the damaGe& . we are to pay, boing ?SBO. Th1 s money lVB ha. ve . paid to the u. s. r.;o~ :ernment, ~d 1t hne beon aooopted by them; the contracts have bean drawn , by the Govern~ent and e1~ed ~ ~; the bond executed and all the papers delivered to the Governu.ent. Al_l tb?t remains to be done! is to.r 'the Govc%1lment to give us one copy of tho ~igned agreement, and .. we are ready ;to p;-ooeed. We asked tl~a t the matter ba _held 1n :'.beyanoe • .,.until the El Ca.pitn.n question ie nettled with the o1ty·, .nnd now the City Attorney informG uo that the Government h~s · refueed ua the right ;.to buil'd: · Conejos Reservoir. Ho~ truo that io remains to be seen. • • 9 ~ • ' ' . I thc.nk you !o;r your kindly interest in this matter, altbough . wish that the baok country could have re~l1 ed enrl1e~ the f~ct tba.t their 1nteroets and thoao o~ the Ouyturse.oa Wn.te~ Co. nre indent- . 1oal~ and then tb1ngo 'fOuld _.not he:ve, been 1n the aess that they ar ' :tiOda.J. • . . ; . A • • - I • . . . ~1e is your· only eouroe of supply •. , The 01 ty can,. at o. rnuch .loaa coat, develop . ter from many other·aouroes, p~tioularly . Barrett Dntt, :and by letting .us or a district develop the Cuyamttoa Syotem~ Ban Diego ill' be greatly e~ef1tted tberebr, in my o-1n1on ...... rb so tlum by trying to bog c.ll tho wa.ter on the So.n Diego River. •. < ...... • Assuring you 'ot my continued etfo:rta, . to the beet of my ab111 ty, ,_,..,yy- _- • see I tb t the euburban ooot1on of Ban D1ego· eecuroa its only O:vail- aupply ot grav~ty mater~ to 1i oh lt 1a entitled~ I remain,

I • • • • •

J To tho Honon.ble '· · t ~e Board ot !rnstees, of tho 01 ty · o.f La Jleaa.,

Gtn tlamen: . , • J' - • • I ~d you hereWith a letter. hioh' hce been .vr1 tt9n to you at the request ot the President of. J:Our · .. oard~ · which outlines our 1ntent1ona w :~h regard ·to· lU~e developmc.'ll t ot the. Ouynmaca Water Company~& properties. . • l t . . . . , • I have been very oe.reful in this let-ter ·not to 11,1ake ~ sta.tamonts llhloh- I did not feel aould be ~f1lled. 1tay 2 2 , 1 918 You ~111 understand that ~ no a business ~~ in the Mr. F. • C. Ut t, present <11 a turbed fino.nqlal arid .indue trial o'oDd1. ~one" . : Cit ~' Cler k , , could not g1ve you an unqua.l1f1ed ,Pledge. or guarantee. · . . .. , t~ !~~~~:lfl· !.a Heaa, Ca li:r. You kno that I am associated with others in thla ·dovel- ·: :-:·r.~~ i.ll. ,i~'m~~ ... -~n~.~ cpment, anu, th1ls I ca.1t sjpea:k for~ myselt~ re-t it 1a almost Dear Sir:- impoeaible to get men pt large ~ fi~aial : ~ntereats to oom- -m.i t themselves on pap~r .t1n1te~y to a pro~eot - ~tivolving --,-.,r:. the expenditure of large sums of .mo_ney un~11 the time .has Ana~rar in,... . vour3 c·'i t:~ ~- t check for $ 4.35 wh I am 1 4 e NJ.s : enc:t ooe:I i'i nd arisen f or 1mmed1e.te aotion. . · fch , . P ease_d to forward to yc u .. r • ,... • • • . You knew, ho ever, of .the fight .that mr. aasoolatea ur il ve ry t ruly , nd I have put up against the City of San Diego, before P.F,Ibm Congress~ 1n ordor that -:e may be able to do hat we · cnc1 planned to do. 7le. have just \flrilahed the oonstrtiot1cni , ot one ne~ dam near your city~ _and, 1f.allowed to do so, we -:7111 construct add! tlonal ones. plan~ a.nd epeo1t1. oa.~ tio~s tot: · hi'oll ha. ve el.ready been prepared. · . . ~ '. .. I uri te you tbi letter 1n ·'the· thought. thn·t J'OU may feel ·that the letter aooompanJing tb1e waa ~ t euft1o1on ~finite. u~ If el that after ·oona1der1ng 1t you~~ gree th me that 1·\ is au·. that could reaaona:~lr, .be ez- ~~~.:.. !.--:-:.;~.~~ ~~~~ peated nt ~is t1me, o=·tbat 'anJ oau\1oua buaineas. man ·would be wilUris t!) wi1 te under/ th~ c1ioumstQnoes. J I•

- .- -.. June 1918.

Let. ~!O: , C:l.ll fnrz.1 .• Jo. .... ,1!.1 ry l G, 1 ro 1£

n, • i 4· ""l ... \. •

G.... ' &.... · :... c'...... ,. .. . 7!1.11 .!.- • •~r r ·~ l ·.cr ~ t!'.:1~: ~ f y. :ur l! ·poi:: tine

•• ••• ~:l.o ...... •• .t1J ~ • ~ .. x. R...... "' lt ...... y :ur xepre!. tn. ti ve in , -.r J l.,. E., ... 1 . the '-~l· tv• 0 f- t··t.• ''~·-··l:t. •..:J•u ..... "' v 4 • c ..• vap 't .n t ill~ ... \ .~ ,r, ~ , c~ c e. 1 4 bi " 1 r• ...... r 4 • ... "' '~ 'V ~ ·"-· • .... • • ... "' u for r. a hl :rec n.t ,.. v • l ~ • , , • , • .. • - t ... W" •• 4 U &. h .... (". • '! , , •-J .,.,...,'- t'.,.J t ..,...... --- ..,. ll" ' ,... ' • ' r· . ,_ .. '- ... ., ·'- - .i .. • ' ... ·- in ~ - ~ .: " { . 11 ....._... ,, p.. '\ .,...... ar.rncJ cu_11pensa.tion for .. - . i!is bSrvices i~ t~ic oase, ~e a~ree to p~y i t

·~ .... ,, ~an Die~o 1 ~ fi n~n ce~ ...... u..J It: or. w ... , ... ' f r y .s r :, t L.:

• • r.111 no~ 'bn oblc ..•. 0 ~u! d ~ ';c ··v·•• •n• if il : ., 1;, ·.ilj 4• ~ cu A~. iA CA ~:'A Tr.:R co:~ ANY., ' L .~ .:1 t .-. ~ t h\!C h1o~kin~ tl ...... lc' , ..· n ~ ·lr: ! .. ·:c 1 o:•) :r .y I ' • • .. ...

. ~ n't· •': , t :...... -... tio • B)·r ~o,...... :·.} ~ 0':/0ty .... , ... ,. t n Luv ·~ 111 l ! C" Mtl.negcr.


y • • 6 '6'.. r I La Kesa, Calif. Jany. 17, 1919.

February 20, 1922. • B. Wheele~ C/o Alt.JJJJ & Navy Club, ashington• D.1 c.1 •

e have been informed. that San D1_egote El Capitan City Trustees of La Ueea, La Mesa, Cal iforn:1a. Bill comes up for hearing in the House Janua.1T 20th.• Will Gentlemen: you in!o:rm the propQt autiloritie that the City 'lrwsteea of . Bnolosed heraVJith find copy of protest of . the City of. La :Uesa toaa.y passed a resolution of pro-teat the City o:f san Dieun. which is expl:lmtory. I believe against the passa.Se of said bill for the following reaaona· ~ ' . it i s for -your best intertJstn to 1~ve you~ attorney

The construction of Bl Capitan Dam :ri.tally affeciaI intervene before the Ste.t. e De partm ~nt of ~nlll ic \'!orks. our source of graVity water. need.eQ. by this city am • 'I and file a. protest against the city's protcs~ and givo vicinity fo~ our future development. while San ·Diego haa . ' . your reasons why • many·othar ~outcas of supply to draw from.. · 1 . ~\ -~ I hope you t'Iill t nke immediate o.cti on in e ~o not believe San Diego will be able to build. · ' ' this nntter. the am for yeca if the bill is passed, thus blocking a Yours trul-y , nmch ne~S'l developmen" by the Cuyamaca Wate~ Compan7.- It.

also means enJ.lesa litigation.· ' '' Please make evezy effort to have ·.b11l defeated or :KLY referr8'1 fo~ . to committee fuither consid.eratioD.: '

City Council of ~~ Uesa• \ . . By 1:. c; upp, 01 ty Olen •'

I . . . • .,



SAN Dlr.CO, CALIFORNIA, August 6, 192 5 . -

!Iaroh 12, 1925 . I • __..-/ - City of La Uosa, Ls I.Iesa., California .

Board of ruota ~:'a, .Attention 1~ . Upp City o~ La ~ooa , Calb:o rn:L'l . Gentle.rnen:

Go~tl:"'...... -...... ""'"..... • l~y attention has just been c~l1ed to an a ssess- r.:ent o:f tJ3667 . 01, relative to !Io . 374 Il. o.nd .B. descri ntion • ?. . j:r..clo net1 :find copy of let tar to tho .Board Orien Truot, in the matter of payi ng Eurks _l,·enue and - o:!: Ltc. r -~ ... .._. •...... • !l:a.:roctorn- • of tho ...Po u& '""- ..&. C, ~·" ion Di:.. t ric t, Lemon Avenue . \ .. ;1:'-Cn :!.O e. pl~nntor~. " The total assessment is \;i2 3, 023 . 22 . ;:..y under~ta.nding is that al"'ut one-sixth of thi s total assess- ment ~s m1de against :property belong:iQ5 to the ilurray Estate altho the llurrn.y Estate gets not one dollar of bene:? it ' thru the b':lilding of any rondo thru th e pro pert~ , or t hru the extens1on of the pipe lines thru t he pro?erty.

,.. , It lool:s to me like e. big injustice, and I ·\·;ant to "':no\/ the facts, please, by ret urn r.1ai 1. I do not coneultationni th believe it is legal ::tnd I nould like to have the facts to 1:r cit!lar report to the .~urray Estate . Yours truly,

• EP: l:L!l

/ / I" J - :1 .... I'- -' I I ·- r - After t a kin ~ this up ,.,i th our engineer, I find asse s sment f or water pi'Oe was on the basis of square footage . 1his tract contains sor. • ft . 2, 395 , 100 aocordin r.- to the map, and it c~n all b e s~r ve ~ro m the new eRst iron nipe install edo As I understand a ssessment for 1?Ving was made on basis of 60% a ~a inst ~rontage , 25fo the ne xt tier of }")roperty baok of same , and 1 ~~ of p avinp; charged t o ba l ance. i'his particular tract I believe was in t he 1 ,~ zone, and assessment f or naving was small in -prono1·tion to size of :nro1'erty a nd in nropor- tion t o other lots nearer. I wonder if you knort as to s i of t he Murray property in this district. It is 500 f eet 'lide oomuencing at Cho1 las Road around La Nasa .\eras on the west and south to tl» east line of Orien Tract. Pavemont comes within 400 feet of it, acoessable t hrough three roads, likG'NiSe \~a ter SU".1P l.V !li}.)e line • I think the engineer and board considered t he assessment vary reasonable in view of the nearly 2:.· million square feet in this " • tract. Yot\ know, of course , we do not want to work an uinjustice .~·-..... ~.-..:- ... __a_g_ ainst anyone ,least of all any friend of yours. C., C:· ~,.,..,. 1 I < . . CUYANACA IOLAHA •EACH ,LITCHI" HU.L• HILL. CIROIIMOHT,..H. AVOCADO AC .. II -· En FLBTCHBR Co. IOZO NINTH IT.. In SAN omao. CALlP. 2Btll, 1 9 2 9 •

•I .Tul7 Twentieth, 1 9 2 9

\ Mr, L. Sperbeck, Tax Collector La Mesa, California.

Dear Sir:- llr. G. B. Sheldon, Mayor, • VIill you kindly send me the . tax bill i£ s~ll La llesa, delinquent on Lot 2, Block 2 California. or Crouch Addit1on, which is owned by J etlllette Churchill. . Dear llr. Sheldont Thanking you for your trouble, I am Enclosed find copy of letter I have sending to pract1oall7 ·Yours very truly, every con ~tmer or the La lle ~ a. Irrisu. tion District together with a copy ot Judge Bl.08ll8'• brief thet is ~lanatory.

Yours truly, MEF:GMF ..


• - ovembe wen\Y- lrst, 9 ?. 9

• Sperbe , Citf T Collector, fe~s., C~.....

Dear Sir ·

closed ind eta ent of the city or a e sa. tax bill hich e , ish yo ould fo urd to us s soo as possible d ob

• Ed Fletcher Papers 1870-1955 MSS.81 Box: 15 Folder: 25

General Correspondence - La Mesa City

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