Norfolk. NORTH \VALSHAl\1, ~'I WITH THE VILLAGE OF WORI;TEAD AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. l~ORTH WALSHAM is an ancient and respectable worship. The princip& charitable institution is a free little market town in the pmish of its name and hun- grammar school, endowed by Sir William Paston, Knt., dred ofTunstead, 123 miles N.E. by N. from and above mentioned, in 1660, for forty boys from certain 14 N. N. E. from -situated on the high road hundreds in this county; it is an admirably conducted between the latter city and the northern coast of the seminary, and is under the able superintendence of the county. The town is clean, but irregularly built; and Rev. Samuel Rees, A. M.: in this establishment the late consists of one leading street and several smaller ones gallant Admiral Lord Nelson received his education. diverging from it, most of which are well paved, and, A library, left by the Rev.- Berney, for the use of pro-­ as well as the principal shops, lighted with gas. The fessional gentlemen of the town and neighbourhood, is market cross, erected in the reign of Edward III, was under the care of the governors and master of the school. injured by the ~reat fire, which nearly destroyed the A Sunday school, conducted upon the national plan, is town, in 1600; 1t was subsequently repaired, and is an supported by subscriptions. The market is held on attractive object. This neighbourhood is the residence Thursday, a fair for cattle and pedlery on the day before of many genteel families, and is embellished with seve- Holy-Thursday, and statutes for hiring servants twice a ral handsome seats. In the vicinity of the town the year. In 1831 the parish contained 2,615 inhabitants. country is fiat; but further eastward, towards the coast, Rather more than tw~ miles from Walsbam, in the it is more varied, bold and picturesque: indeed this dis- same hundred, is the village of WoRSTEAD, pleasantly trict is equal in beauty to any part of the county, and seated on a small stream that runs into the Thyme; and theJand is fertile. About a mile from Walsham, in the the navigable canal, which enters the sea at Yarmouth, direction of Norwich, on the road side, is an ancient passes through the parish. It was formerly a market !Stone cross, commemorative of a battle, fought in 1382, town, and held some celebrity as the place where the between Spencer, bishop of Norwich, and Lytester, the twisted yarn called Worsted was first manufactured­ dyer. Walsham is a place of considerable local trade, the name of the place having been anciently spelled the but destitute of manufacturing establishments. The same way as that material. Mangfactures have long and Dilham canal passes a short dis- been unknown here, and there is no establishment of tance north-east of the town, and is a continuation of any consequence in business, unless a good inn may be the Bore, which is navigable to Yarmouth; an extensive considered an exception. A manorial court is held an­ granary and coal-wharf have been erected at the basin, nually, at which constables and other officers are ai?­ at Antmgham, by Lord Suffield. His lordship holds a pointed. The parish chureh, dedicated to St. Mary, IS c:ourt baron annually, as does the bishop of Norwich; a spacious and truly handsome structure, with a lofty and the magistrates for the lmndred meet here weekly. square tower crowned with pinnacles; the chancel is Walsham is one of the polling station3 at the election adorned with richly carved ~creen work, and the font of representatives for the eastern division of . is highly ornamented: the living is a discharged vica- The church, dedicated to St. Mary, is spacious, but ragt>, in the presentation of the dean and chapter of possesses nothing to attract attention, or gratify curio- Norwich. There is a place of worship for bar.tists; sity, except a fine monument, in the chancel, to Sir W. and the charities consist of a school for poor children, Paston, Knt.; the benefice is a vicarage, of which, hy snpported by subscription, and alms-houses for six in­ virtue of his abbacy, the bishop of Norwich is patron. digent persons. The market has for many years been Independents, Wesleyan and primitive methodists, and discontmued; but a fair is held on the 12th of May, for the society of friends, have their respective places of stock, horses and pedlery. Population, in 1831, 830. POST OFFICB,~ Market-plac€, William Pope, Post .lllaster.-Letters from all parts arrive every day at a quarter before twelve, and are despatched every afternoon at a quarter past two. :POS7.' OFFICE, WoRSTEAD, l\1ary Dyball, Posl Mistress.-Letters from all parts arrive every afternoon at one, and are despatched every forenoon at eleven. GENTRY AND CL"£RGY. Browne JamesJday), Theatre St SAVINGS'BANK,Marketplace WDJo. Adams Rev. Richard, Edingthorpe Cross Sophia(brdg. &day),Theatrest Colk, actuary Atkinson Rev. Henrv, Bacton FREEGRAMMARSCHOOL-Rev.Saml. BLACKSMITHS .. Aufrere Rev. George, Ridlington Rees, A. M. head master~ James Bulley John, Worstead Blacklock Rev. -, Gimmingham Rickards, B. A. second master. Cooke George, Hall lane Browne Rev. James, Do~ yard Saul Sarah (boarding and day), An- Davidson Johu, Maid's Head yard Cubitt Edward, esq. Honmg hall tingham road [Aylsham rd Easy George, Theatre st Cubitt Rev. John, Southrepps Simpson Sarah (boarding and day), Everson Thomas, Reeves lane Deacle Rev. Hicks, Worstead WebsterJos. (brdg.&day),Reevesla Neave Jeremiah, Worstead Dolphin Re'f'. John, Southrepps ATTOR.N~YS. Powell John. Antingham road Dolfhin Mrs Martha Swatield Coleby Charles, Kmg s Arms st BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS.. Ear Mrs. Su;an, Ayl;ham road M!litland C~1?rles, Blue Bell commE>n Bailey Edward, Theatre st Jo'anquier Rev. George, Bacton M~ard Ph1hp (and clerk to thema- Ebbs James, .Market place Flavell Rev. -, Ridlington [ rd gistrates), Bear st Green Isaac, Queen st Foster MissesSarah&Ann, Aylsham S!ldler Sa!"u~l, Mar~et place Martin John, Reeves lane Gardener Mrs. -, Antingham road Sl~ly_BenJamm Cub1tt, Beech grove Martin Mary~ Market place Glover the Very Rev. Archdeacon, W1lkmson George, Swafield road Mower William, MarlCet place Southrepps AUCTIONEE~S & APPBAISBS. Ostler Robert, Worstead Hewitt Rev. John, Walcot Le~ood :r~omas, Bear st Saunders Charles, Market place Knapman Lieut John Grove cottage Pope Wllham, Market place Sewell Samuel, Queen st ' ' BAKERS & FLOUR l>EALERS. Leggett Mr. Thomas, Worstead Bane John Weasey, Worstead Steward Charles, Market place Legood Mr. James, Theatre st Cooper Joseph, North Walsham Stygall Benjamin, Queen s' Mack Mr. John, Paston Dyball Robert, Market plare Swann Jedediah, Worstead Petre Jack, esq. Westwick ho_nse Hubbard James, Reeves lane- Topps John, Bear st PetreCapt.Jno.Bemey,Westwickhse Love William, Bear st Walpole Richard1 Hall lane ReesRev.Saml.A.M.Gra!ll~arschool Pitcher Elizabeth, Queen st Willer George, Market place Rous the Honourable W1lham Rufus, White Timothy, Theatre st Willimott Aun, Market place Worsteadhouse BANKERS. BRAZIERS AND TINMEN.. Shepheard Martin, esq. Crostwight EAST OF BANK (Branch) Pitcher John~ Bear st Shepherd Mr. Martin Jas. Theatre st -(draws on London & Westmin- Randell John~ Market place Shepherd Mrs. Thomas, Theatre st ster Bank)-Geo.Wilkinson,agent BREWERS, Shirley Miss Selina, Knapton Gumeys,Birkbeck&Martin (Branch Barber Robert~ Ship yard SpurdensRev.Wm.Tylney,theOaks of Norwich Bank), Chnrchgate st Bransby Kirby, Qneen st Taylor Miss-, Antingham mad -(draw on Bm·clay, Bevan & Co. Colk William (and wine and ~pirit Vale Mr. Henry, White Horse lane London)-Robert Baker, agent merchant), Swafield road Wilkinson Rev. Wm. F. Theatre st Lacon Sir Edmund Knowles, hart. Pilgrim Richard~ Reeves• lane Wither$ Capt. Thos. Antingham rd & Co. (Branch), Market place-e - BBICKLAYEBS. ACADEMIES & SCHOOL&. (draw on Glyn & Co. London)- Dobb! Daniel, Cock st Barnard John (day), Worstead Wilnam Colk~ a&ent Dobb3 James, Bwafieltl road 484 •