NEWS* NEWSAmerican Society of Plumbing Engineers American Society of Sanitary Engineering

Serving our membership since 1975 Vol. 22, Issue 3

From Theresa Card, P.E., CPD, LEED NOV. MEETING AGENDA AP BD+C, GGP, President of ASPE EMC

Hello from your EMC President. DATE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2018 I hope everyone is adjusting to the colder weather, I know I am not. I am already anxiously waiting next summer. In the meantime, though, at least there seems WHERE: to be plenty of work going around and plenty of good Plumbing Industry Training Center ASPE meetings to attend! (map on back page) Our chapter had a FANTASTIC showing at the Convention this year – 12+ members! I hope everyone 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM - DESIGN CLASS got as much out of it as I did. A really full product show Steam Traps and Components that was so engaging that even though the power went out for hours – people Presenters: Michael Melaragni, CPD GLGQRWOHDYHWKHVKRZÀRRUDQGFRQWLQXHGWROHDUQDQGHQJDJHZLWKYHQGRUV Guardian Plb & Heating and Paul Baker and peers. The technical sessions were also good. I learned about automatic FRQWURO YDOYHV WDQNOHVV KHDWHUV SXPS VHOHFWLRQ HPHUJHQF\ ¿[WXUHV DQG Director of the Plumbing Industry Training some tips on hot water recirculation systems (which also turned into a Center Legionella discussion). Mark Lamberson also presented multiple sessions on 5:30 - 6:00 PM - DINNER Constructability that were well received and I heard rave reviews about! Dinner, News & Announcements, Table Top As far as the Society business meetings, with the help of Parliamentarian Vendor Product Presentations and Displays Michael, we moved through the bylaw amendments at record pace. For those curious about which amendments passed, please email me. As for our new 6:00 - 8:00 PM - TECHNICAL SESSION Society Board of Directors they are: Fire Protection: Storage Sprinkler De- • President: Carol Johnson, CPD, LEED AP, CFI, FASPE sign & Shop Drawings Review • VP Technical: Don Strickland, CPD, GPD, FASPE Presenter: Raymond Parham, P.E., • VP Education: Blair Minyard, PE, CDT, CPD Bridgestone Americas • VP Legislative: Brianne N. Hall, PE, CPD, LEED AP BD+C, GGP (CONGRATS!!) • VP Membership: Vincent (Vinny) Falkowski, PE, PMP, CCM • 93$I¿OLDWH7KRPDV36KDUS • Treasurer: Jim Zebrowski, PE, CPD, FASPE REGISTRATION REQUIRED • AYP Liaison: Christoph Lohr, PE, CPD, LEED AP BD+C, Registration link: ASSE 6020 aspe-emc-november-2018-technical-program- • CEO/Director: Billy Smith, FASPE tickets-51103290317 • Region 2 Director: Keith Bush, CPD, GPD, CSI SEE INSIDE COVER FOR TABLE OF CONTENTS We also got to meet the new Society Sr. Director of Technical & Regulatory Cost: ASPE, ASSE, MBPA Mbrs: NC Affairs, Ramiro Mata. Non-members: $20.00 FOR CLASS Continued on page 2

Chapters are not authorized to speak for the Society. President's Report (cont. from page 1) Theresa Card, P.E., CPD, LEED AP BD+C, GGP NOTICES Finally, please mark your calendars for next year’s Technical Symposium in Pittsburgh, October 24-27th, 2019 and the 2020 Convention which will be in New Orleans, September 11-16th. Contents A reminder about the Alfred Steele Scholarship: it is a great way to get some extra cash for school! Go to President's Report ...... 1 SteeleScholarship. It is open to all ASPE members and their immediate families. There are always a limited number of Design Class ...... 3 applicants – so your odds are good! Our very own Rachel Gendich Technical Program ...... 3 won the scholarship a couple years ago! In The Know ...... 4 See you all in November for a great meeting that I know will be a ASPE National President's Message . . . 5 huge success! VP Technical Report ...... 6 Theresa Card, PE, CPD, GPD VP Membership Report ...... 7 [email protected] AYP Liaison Report ...... 8 [email protected] Attendees from October's Meeting . . . 15 Photos ...... 16 - 17 Code Book Order Form ...... 21 Line Card Sponsors ...... 22 - 23


ASPE EMC BOARD MEETING Wednesday, November 7, 2018 from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM @ Strategic Energy Solutions in Berkley. Hope to see you there! Please RSVP so we know if we will have quorum. We hope you can make it!

CPDT AND CPD EXAM AND REGISTRATION 2018 CPDT exam registration deadline has passed. 2019 CPD exam will take place April 4th and 5th and registration will open in December.

ASPE IS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE ALFRED STEELE SCHOLARSHIP This scholarship is limited to ASPE members and their immediate families who have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, who are enrolled in or plan to enroll in an engineering program at a college, university, or technical school on a full-time basis. Contact Stacey Kidd for more information at (847) 296-0002, NEW MEMBER(S) or email [email protected] ~ WELCOME ~


2 NOVEMBER 2018 NOVEMBER DESIGN CLASS NOVEMBER TECHNICAL PROGRAM TOPIC: Steam Traps and Components TOPIC: )LUH3URWHFWLRQ6WRUDJH6SULQ- kler Design & Shop Drawings Review Presenter: Michael Melaragni, CPD Presenter: Raymond Parham, Guardian Plumbing & Heating P.E. Bridgestone Americas Mr. Melaragni has numerous years in the Fire Protection for Storage – Presentation Plumbing Industry and has served as an out- will provide a review of NFPA and FMGC standing Director of the Plumbing Indus- requirements for various storage applica- try Training Center for many years. Mike is tions. Information will be presented on currently utilizing his expertise at Guardian selecting the proper commodity class for the Plumbing and Heating in Livonia, MI. storage along with options for different types of sprinkler systems to properly protect the building. Fire The Eastern Michigan Chapter of ASPE hosts a series of Plumb- Protection Submittal Review – Presentation will provide guide- ing Design Classes from 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM in addition to our OLQHV RQ SURSHU UHYLHZ RI ¿UH SURWHFWLRQ VXEPLWWDOV 3ULPDU\ technical program. This year's series is sure to provide details of IRFXV ZLOO EH RQ K\GUDXOLF FDOFXODWLRQV DQG ¿UH SURWHFWLRQ interest to many plumbing professionals. system layout/fabrication drawings. Included in the presenta- tion will be examples of designs from Contractors that are not in Presenter: Paul Baker compliance with NFPA requirements. Director of the Plumbing Industry Mr. Parham has been employed by Bridgestone Americas since Training Center November, 2017, as the corporate level Fire Protection Manag- Mr. Baker is currently Director of the Plumb- HUUHVSRQVLEOHIRUDOODVSHFWVRI¿UHVXSSUHVVLRQDQG¿UHDODUP ing Industry Training Center in Troy, MI. He systems for all Bridgestone facilities in the western hemisphere. has been an exceptional instructor at the Train- Before starting with Bridgestone, Mr Parham spent 25 years in ing Center for many years prior, providing the consulting engineering industry. He has been a Registered great value to the Apprenticeship Program. Professional Mechanical Engineer since 1986, and a registered Fire Protection Engineer (by exam) since 1999. Ray is an active It is helpful/important to bring your MI Plumbing Code Book if member of the National Fire Protection Association and Society you plan to attend. of Fire Protection Engineers. He has been the engineer of record IRU WKH ¿UH SURWHFWLRQ GHVLJQ RQ PDQ\ SURMHFWV LQ KLV FDUHHU including: King Abdullah University of Science and Technolo- gy, Saudi Arabia; M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX; several healthcare projects in the state of Florida, data centers IRUYDULRXVFRQ¿GHQWLDOFOLHQWVDQGPDQ\RWKHUKHDOWKFDUHDQG *** TAKE NOTICE*** research laboratory projects.

All Professional Engineers DQG&HUWLÀHG3OXPELQJ'HVLJQHUV UPCOMING DECEMBER PROGRAM 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM The above design class held monthly ** THIS IS A JOINT MEETING with ASPE AND AIA ** from 4:30 - 5:30 PM, can be counted WHOSE JOB IS IT ANYWAY? A Panel Discussion on Plumbing Design Coordination towards your professionally required and Constructability REUs, CEHs, and CEUs. Moderator: Kari Rosteck - A Mechanical Engineer in Training

TKHVHRQHKRXUGHVLJQFODVVHV Panelists: ZLOOUXQIURP6HSWHPEHU0D\ Pam Hartsell, Senior Plumbing Designer at SES Steve Lodge - Head of Architecture at SGJJR Brian Haase - Geothermal Project Superintendent at Strategic Energy Solutions


Viega System Solutions Multiple materials, many solutions One provider

For more information, contact: Carl Petitt, Jr. Michael Norgan Technical Manager - Great Lakes District Sales Manager [email protected] [email protected] (614) 852-2691 (989) 415-2431

Continued on page 5

4 NOVEMBER 2018 ASPE News - Eastern Michigan Chapter 5 937HFKQLFDO5HSRUW 0DUN/DPEHUVRQ&3' 7KH¿UVWWKLQJ,ZDQWHGWRPHQWLRQLQP\ mass boiler. It was also interesting to learn that one pipe steam article was that I apologize if you were systems are balanced by throttling the air vents at the radiators. inundated with invitations for our By trapping air in the radiator, steam can’t enter to heat the space. October meetings. I am just getting used Balance is achieved by repeating this at each radiator vent. to the Eventbrite application that we use 1RUP +DOO ¿QLVKHG RII WKH QLJKW E\ WDNLQJ XV WKURXJK ³3XPS to send out the invites for our events, and Types, Applications, and the Clothing They Wear.” Topics I have made a few mistakes along the covered included positive displacement and centrifugal pumps, way. While at the ASPE convention, one SLHFHDQGSLHFHSXPSV(&0DQG(&0³6PDUW3XPSV´DQG of our members let me know that the the many differences, advantages and disadvantages of each. application would not allow her to register, so I changed the Included were constructability concerns and maintenance issues. erroneous setting and had to reissue the invite. Then, once I returned from Atlanta, I had to send out the normal reminder. The point that was really driven home was the use of a 2-piece Finally, very few people had registered by the Friday before versus a 3-piece pump. 2-piece centrifugal pumps are basically a the meeting, so I sent another one. We ended up having 24 motor and a pump housing with an impeller inside. In a 2-piece registrations but 35 attendees! So, while I apologize for the pump, a single bearing supports the motor shaft and impeller. added invites, I knew something was going on. This arrangement makes the pump very economical, but it also has a shorter life expectancy, and is thrown away and replaced in As a reminder, please register for the events, and if you can’t many maintenance scenarios. The 3-piece pump is basically register for any reason, just send me an email so I can look into comprised of the motor, coupling and pump housing, with the the issue, or add you manually. At least I can count you for the impeller being supported inside the pump housing by its own speakers’ hand outs and dinner. I do apologize, though, for the bearing. The motor has its own bearing, as well, and the motor is unnecessary emails. connected to the impeller indirectly through the coupling. 7KHFRQYHQWLRQZDVGH¿QLWHO\ZRUWKZKLOH,GLGQRWDWWHQGDVD Because of the added components, these pumps are more delegate this year, as I was speaking in the contractor sessions. expensive, larger, and require more maintenance. However, their It was great to see the convention through a different set of life expectancy is increased because of the serviceability and eyes this time, and to watch the reactions of the new delegates lessened wear on the bearings. from the outside looking in. The exposition was also very When selecting one of these pumps, you have to consider the good, and I targeted a lot of vendors that I wanted to visit. I customer’s intentions. Will they be in the building for a short also learned quite a bit just by being there. time, or is this their permanent location? How much is in their I attended a couple of technical sessions, too. One that was budget, and will pump upgrades be at the top of their list when particularly noteworthy was a discussion on updating the IDFHGZLWKPDNLQJFKRLFHVIRU³WKHOLWWOHH[WUDV"´ Hunter’s curve. A team of four industry representatives, One eye opening slide that Norm showed was the predicted life designers and instructors have been studying usage patterns of expectancy of various common 3-piece pump types. An inline domestic water for the last 6 years. They have arrived at a pump life expectancy is 16 years, end suction pumps are in the PRGL¿HGVL]LQJPHWKRGIRUGRPHVWLFZDWHUE\WUDFNLQJZDWHU mid-range at 23 years, and double suction pumps come in at 40 usage in residential buildings. This proved that current sizing years. Of course, not all of these pump types can be used for all methods are resulting in domestic water piping that is oversized, applications, and that is where good design considerations and H[SHQVLYHDQGLQHI¿FLHQW7KHQHZZDWHUVL]LQJFDOFXODWRUFDQ customer expectations are critical in giving the client a system be found here: they will ultimately be happy with. Remember, this calculator is for residential applications only. There was a tremendous amount of information given during It will be years before any commercial or institutional calculator these courses, and there is no way to write everything the speakers is complete. If you have a commercial or institutional facility covered here. If you are interested in learning more, please feel that may be interested in providing water usage data to this free to contact me, or one of the other board members, so we can group, they are now looking for opportunities and ideas on put you in touch with the information. how to accomplish this massive undertaking. I hope to see you in November when we look at our next steam )LQDOO\ZHDOOJRWEDFNMXVWLQWLPHWR¿QDOL]HRXURZQGHVLJQ design class, Steam Traps, and Raymond Parham discusses Fire and technical sessions for October 9th. Mike Melaragni kicked Protection for Storage Facilities. Thank you! off the evening with Basic Steam. Mike covered some steam history, system types, ASME requirements, and constructability and troubleshooting issues. Of particular interest to me were the effects on a system when an old one-pipe system boiler is upgraded with a new, low-


:H KDG ¿YH GHOHJDWHV UHSUHVHQWLQJ WKH This year was different than past years as we had a mediator Eastern Michigan chapter at the ASPE to help keep us on track and to move things along. There was, delegate meeting in Atlanta last month. at times, exciting debates over the proposed change. Two of us were new to the experience. We also had the opportunity to attend meetings for the For those that have never been but have different committees of ASPE like the Membership wondered what a delegate does at these Committee that I attended. ASPE has some innovating ideas meetings, we voted…a LOT. We voted on to help increase membership and pull in younger members. bylaws and also the ASPE society The ASPE website will be getting a much needed overhaul to positions. For each change to the ASPE make access to member only information easier to use. bylaws, the proposed change was explained by the person who proposed the change. Then the I highly recommend to members who have not had a chance ÀRRUZDVRSHQHGIRUDQ\RQHWRDVNTXHVWLRQVDQGRUFRPPHQW to experience being a delegate to offer to be one at our next on the change. Once the delegates had no more questions/ delegate meeting in 2020. It is an excellent opportunity to comments, we voted to accept or deny the change using learn about the inner workings of ASPE, network with other wireless, electronic devices. professionals, and have some fun!



ASPE News - Eastern Michigan Chapter 7 AYP Liaison .DUL5RVWHFN

What was it like to be a delegate at 7KHQXPEHUV¿QDOO\MXPSHGRQWKHVFUHHQDVLIWKH\ZHUHWU\LQJ ASPE’s 2018 Convention & Expo? to scare us. It took a second to register who had a higher number The room is quiet. Everyone staring of votes and before I knew it the crowd was roaring in delight. at the two large screens at the front of I joined in cheering before I even realized who our next the room. Both candidates’ names President was - Carol Johnson!! What a race! I cheered even DUH XS WKHUH ZDLWLQJ IRU WKH ¿QDO louder, but for all the candidates, the dedication in this Society count to appear beside them. Yikes! is contagious and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for this great The tension in the room is unbearable. group of professionals. Hooray to our new Board of Directors and thank you to everyone for creating such a fun and exciting I took a glance around and couldn’t help but notice the tall Delegate experience! ÀDJVIURPDOOWKH$63(&KDSWHUVDFURVV1RUWK$PHULFD,W felt like being in a huge parade with hundreds of people. I Kari Rosteck, Eastern Michigan AYP Liaison guess it wasn’t far from it. The ASPE parade! Conquering [email protected] the bylaw voting process like a piece of cake all thanks to our frank parliamentarian. However, the crowd feels much different than the day before. Still and waiting. This was the last vote of the Business meeting, the vote for our next ASPE Society President. I think to myself – has More Networking Power my vote represented our chapter well? Did I ask the :ULWWHQE\.ULVWLQ6LPRQHDX[ candidates all the questions our chapter needed to make the right decision? Have you ever wished you could be part of more than one chap- I thought back to the last Chapter meeting we had before ter of ASPE but paying full price for another membership was KHDGLQJWRWKH$63(&RQYHQWLRQ:H¿UVWZHQWRYHU too expensive? Now you can! ASPE now allows members to all the bylaws and discussed our voting strategy. When it join additional chapters at a reduced rate. After renewing/join- came time to talk about the candidates, everyone seemed ing one chapter, you can contact ASPE membership by calling torn. We deliberated for what felt like hours. Going around 846.296.0002. The cost is $80 per additional chapter and can be the table talking about our interactions with each candidate, established at any time. You do not have to wait for your annual KRZ ZH WKRXJKW WKH\ ZRXOG ¿W WKH UROH DQG ZKDW WKH renewal time. candidates background was within ASPE. We asked ourselves, what have they accomplished over the past few We are the largest chapter in our region. Thank you to all our years for our Society? How will they meet their goals and members for your support! If you know of anyone that may be hold themselves accountable? interested in joining ASPE please have them contact me and I ZLOOKHOSWKHPWKURXJKWKHSURFHVV$VDUHPLQGHUWKHEHQH¿WV So, I came to the Convention as a delegate with a series of of membership include: questions for each candidate; hoping that this will help me make a thoughtful decision on behalf of our chapter. We • Networking opportunities were given lots of time to interact with each candidate and • Personal and professional growth get a feel for their aspirations for ASPE at the Society level. My favourite topic of discussion was the growing need to • Ability to earn CEUs at educational events attract and retain our members. As an ASPE young • Free access to monthly meetings professional myself, I know many reasons that could make • Scholarship programs it hard to join this amazing society. How were we going to battle them, together? It was extremely encouraging, • ASPE journal access however, to see so many young professionals at the • Conventions and Symposiums committee meeting earlier this weekend. We shared so • Special interest groups like Women of ASPE (WOA) and many ideas between chapters and were able to talk through ASPE Young Professionals (AYP) many common successes and failures. • Discounts on ASPE programs and services 0\PLQGVWRSVZDQGHULQJDQG,¿QGP\VHOIVWDULQJDWWKH delegates beside me from the Eastern Michigan Chapter. • ASPE Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook From the looks on their faces I could tell this was the hardest decision of the day. Two exceptional candidates Last but not least, Plumbing Engineering and Design Tables running for one pretty exciting position. The chance to lead App! Find out more about the app at following link: our unique and prosperous group of Plumbing Engineers - See app description on next page. DQG$I¿OLDWHV


ASPE News - Eastern Michigan Chapter 9 APSE EMC Member Adrienne Bennett Awarded Women of the Year

MCA Detroit Employer Member Adrienne Bennett receives the Montfort Point Marines Minority Business Women of the Year. Adrienne stated "This is one of the best moments of my career." Adrienne Bennett is one of our own, starting out as a LU 98 Plumber Apprentice, graduating to Journeyperson and then went on to start her own business. Benkari is a family-owned and operated specialty contractor dedicated to growth, quality work, and exceptional performance. Bennett (far left) has served as a role model and an inspiration for many underrepresented individuals entering into the construction industry. Congratulations to Adrienne on this acheivement from the ASPE Eastern Michigan Chapter!

CODE BOOK ORDER FORM Please use the most current book order form from the Code Study & Development Group found in this newsletter. Contact Mr. Dann Holmes with questions at [email protected] or (734) 214-6222

TABLE TOP SPONSORSHIP PRICING ASPE Members · $150.00 for the 1st table per meeting/per vendor · $100.00 for each additional table per meeting/per vendor Non-Members · $200.00 for the 1st table per meeting/per vendor · $150.00 for each additional table meeting/per vendor If a vendor purchases table tops for 3 meetings during the year, a 4th meeting table top will be provided for free.


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ASPE News - Eastern Michigan Chapter 13 ŽŵƉĂĐƚ&ŝƌĞWƵŵƉ^LJƐƚĞŵƐ • h>>ŝƐƚĞĚͬ&DƉƉƌŽǀĞĚƵƌŽƌĂ&ŝƌĞWƵŵƉ • h>>ŝƐƚĞĚͬ&DƉƉƌŽǀĞĚ&ŝƌĞWƵŵƉŽŶƚƌŽůůĞƌ • ĂƉĂĐŝƚŝĞƐŽĨϱϬͲϳϱϬ'Ɖŵ͘ • WƌĞƐƐƵƌĞƐŽĨϰϬͲϭϲϬWƐŝ͘ • ƵƌŽƌĂDŽĚĞůWsD;ĐůŽƐĞĐŽƵƉůĞĚƚŽĂŶKWŵŽƚŽƌ͘Ϳ sĞƌƚŝĐĂů^ƉůŝƚĂƐĞůĞĐƚƌŝĐƌŝǀĞ&ŝƌĞWƵŵƉ • ůĞĐƚƌŝĐƌŝǀĞŶ • &ŽƌŽŵŵĞƌĐŝĂů͕/ŶĚƵƐƚƌŝĂůĂŶĚDĂƌŝŶĞƵƐĞŽŶůLJ͘ • h>>ŝƐƚĞĚͬ&DƉƉƌŽǀĞĚͬE&WͲϮϬĞƐŝŐŶ ,ŽƌŝnjŽŶƚĂů^ƉůŝƚĂƐĞŝĞƐĞůƌŝǀĞ&ŝƌĞWƵŵƉ • ŝĞƐĞůĂŶĚůĞĐƚƌŝĐĚƌŝǀĞŶĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ͘ • &ůŽǁƐĂƚϮϱϬŐƉŵƚŽϱϬϬϬŐƉŵ͘ • WƌĞƐƐƵƌĞƐĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞƵƉƚŽϰϵϬWƐŝ͘

W>^/EYh/ZdK<ZZWhDW&KZWZ//E'͕ ^>d/KE^͕KZd^d/E'KEy/^d/E'͘ >^K͕W>^^ǁǁǁ͘ĂƵƌŽƌĂƉƵŵƉ͘ĐŽŵ


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OUR SPONSORS RL Deppmann Balfrey Johnston


Theresa Allen 5X¿QD*ROVKWH\Q Sean McIntosh G.E. Pat Baker William Grayzar Michael Melaragni Ross Beck Brianne Hall P.E. Larry Mitchell Adrienne Bennett Norm Hall P.E. Brenda Pesmark P.E. Chuck Beranek Dann Holmes Daniel Phinney Chip Bidigare James Hults Barry Pines Al Culbreath Colin Kidd Gerald Potapa Kevin Finney Mike Kimmel Kari Rosteck Greg Hood Hank Koppelo William Sample Robert Frey Mark Lamberson CPD Kristin Simoneaux Rachel Gendich Jason Loverich Casimir Zalewski P.E.

If you are interested in table top sponsorship, please contact Mark Lamberson at: [email protected] or call (810) 392-5010

ASPE News - Eastern Michigan Chapter 15 NATIONAL CONFERENCE PHOTO






ASPE News - Eastern Michigan Chapter 17 7KHH[DPVGDWHVDUH$SULO Registration opens in December


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18 NOVEMBER 2018 For additional information on Aquatherm, Highland Tank, MIRO and Bonomi products, please call Cindy Zatto with V. E. Sales, Inc. at 810.343.2713 or email [email protected]

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ASPE News - Eastern Michigan Chapter 19 Introducing TRITON™, The Most Intelligent High-Efficiency Commercial Gas Water Heater In the Market

TRITON SU BASE TRITON SS PREMIIUM • LeakSense™ Standard Features, Plus: • 130K–400K BTU • LeakGuard™ • Up to 97% Efficiency • Integrated BMS Connectivity • Easy Retrofit Across Brands • BACnet (MS/TP) • Health Checks • Energy Usage Reports • Built-in Condensate Neutralizer • Water Usage Reports • EcoNet® Smart Monitoring • 5-Year Warranty Technology • Integrated WiFi • Scheduling Capability • Power Anodes • Full Modulation • 3-Year Warranty


LeakSense™ – Intelligent leak detection system catches leaks as small as a grain of sand and provides real time alerts that help to prevent catastrophic failure. LeakGuard™ – All inclusive leak detection and prevention system with proprietary auto shut off valve prevents catastrophic damage and allows no more than 24 ounces of water to escape the tank in a vacuum lock. EcoNet® Smart Monitoring Technology with Integrated WiFi – Exclusive technology provides performance updates and alerts via both mobile device and full-color LCD display. Systematic Health Checks – Ongoing self-monitoring of Triton’s most vital components detects and alerts of potential issues. Preventive Maintenance Alerts – Preventive maintenance reminders to extend life of the tank.


Universal Retrofit Across Brands – Replace any brand in the market with multiple water connection points and flexible venting options. Multiple Connection Points – Multiple water connections at the top, side and bottom of the unit simplify installation. Variety of Flexible Venting Options Including InnoFlue® Flex Venting – Ideal for replacement and new installs with a selection of the most flexible PVC venting choices, including Polypropylene, PVC, CPVC, InnoFlue® Flex Venting and ABS materials; installed in power direct and power vent configurations and can vent 2, 3, 4 and 6 inch diameters. Patented Built-In Condensate Neutralizer – Built-in condensate neutralizer reduces water acidity for safe drainage at no additional cost.


Triple Pass Heat Exchanger – Constructed with premium ASME-grade steel to minimize rust and corrosion for extended tank life and maximum thermal efficiency. Advanced Power Anodes – Self-adjusting, non-sacrificial power anodes provide systematic monitoring of anode health and remaining life on full-color LCD unit display.

REPRESENTED BY: New Century Sales ;VKK/PSLY 1715 Traditional Dr Cell:  Commerce Twp, MI 48390 [[email protected] Office: 248-960-114

20 NOVEMBER 2018 Code Study and Development Group of Southeastern Michigan 28263 E Greenmeadow Cir., Farmington Hills, MI 48334

Item No. Description Price Each* Order Date 3200S15MI 2015 MI Plumbing Code $ 82.50 3300S15MI 2015 MI Mechanical Code $ 82.50 PO Number 3000S15MI 2015 MI Building Code $ 139.00 (If required) 3100S15MI 2015 MI Residential Code $ 125.00 3550S15MI 2015 MI Rehab for Existing Buildings $ 90.00 3210S15 2015 IPC with Commentary $ 95.00 3310S15 2015 IMC with Commentary $ 95.00 3600S15 2015 International Fuel Gas Code $ 76.00 3600L15 2015 IFGC Loose-Leaf w/ Binder $ 89.00 3610S15 2015 IFGC with Commentary $ 95.00 3200S18 2018 IPC without Commentary $ 77.00 3300S18 2018 IMC without Commentary $ 73.00 3600S18 2018 IFGC without Commentary $ 73.00 • Payment MUST accompany order / verify your preferred delivery method • Credit cards, cash or company check accepted. • Dann Holmes - [email protected] or (734) 214-6222 • If orders are to be mailed, call Dann and you will be advised of additional freight charges. • Make check payable to: Code Study & Development Group of SE Michigan Mailing Address: 28263 E Greenmeadow Circle, Farmington Hills, MI 48334-5153 Item No. Description Quantity Unit Price Item Total Status $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total books subject to incoming ICC Frgt charges 0 Client Information Order Details Company Sub-Total $ - Address Add $4 per book ICC Frgt $ - City (Outgoing Frgt Charge) USPS Frgt $ - State MI Sales Tax $ - Zip-Code Invoice Total $ - Contact Information Attention E-Mail Received By: ______Phone

Check No. ______or Cash ______Date Paid ______Credit Card Approval No.______*Supersedes all pricing forms printed before August 18, 2017

2017 Code Book Order Form

ASPE News - Eastern Michigan Chapter 21 BALFREY & JOHNSTON, INC. KERR PUMP AND SUPPLY Manufacturers’ Representatives Manufacturers’ Representatives 13050 Northend 12880 Cloverdale Oak Park, MI 48237 Oak Park, MI 48237 George D. Johnston Chad Kundinger Ph 313 864-2800 Fax 313 864-7219 Ph 248 543-3880 Fax 248 543-3236 [email protected] Mobile 734 812-9490 [email protected]

BURKE AGENCY, INC. MAJOR/LOZUAWAY & ASSOCIATES, INC. Manufacturers’ Representatives Manufacturers’ Representatives 2605-A Oakley Park Road 1117 W. Grand Blanc Rd. Walled Lake, MI 48390 Grand Blanc, MI 48439 Brian Burke, Tom Zimmerman, John Taylor Mike Ostrowski Ph 248 669-2800 Fax 248 669-3310 Ph 810 234-1635 Cell 810 287-6983 [email protected] Fax 810 234-8389 [email protected]

DALE PRENTICE COMPANY MEEK / BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC. Manufacturers’ Representatives & Manufactures’ Representatives Application Engineering Solutions Provider 11875 Belden Court 26511 Harding Avenue Livonia, MI 48150 Oak Park, MI 48237 Ross Beck Michael Cullen Cell 248 302-5924 Ph 734 458-2950 Fax 734 458-2953 Ph 800 536-4700 Fax 248 339-5559 [email protected] [email protected] -

DAVE WATSON ASSOCIATES, INC. NEW CENTURY SALES, INC. Manufacturers’ Representatives Manufacturers’ Representatives 1325 W. Beecher St. 1715 Traditional Dr. Adrian, MI 49221 Commerce Township, MI 48390 Dave Watson, Jr. Rick Portt Ph 517 263-8988 Fax 517 263-2328 Todd Hiler [email protected] Ph 248 960-1147 Cell 513 633-2609 [email protected]

DIVERSIFIED SPEC. SALES, INC./ PAUL A. BAKER HOWLEY AGENCY SALES CO. ASSE Region #4 Director - Mid West Manufacturers’ Representative ASSE International 13261 Northend Ave. 18927 Hickory Creek Drive, Suite 220 Oak Park, MI 48237-3265 Mokena, IL 60448 Michael J. Burdette Ph 313 399-3072 Fax 248 585-1437 Ph 248 398-2400 Fax 248 547-4905 [email protected] ZZZGLYHUVL¿HGVSHFFRP

HS/BUY VAN ASSOCIATES, INC. PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING GROUP Manufacturers’ Representatives Engineered Water Products 56 S. Squirrel 32955 Industrial Rd. Auburn Hills, MI 48326 Livonia, MI 48150 Jarrett Armstrong - Bill Allen Alan Deal Ph 888 472-8982 Fax 248 852-0298 Ph 734 266-5300 Fax 734 266-5310 [email protected]

22 NOVEMBER 2018 PLUMB-TECH DESIGN & CONSULTING SERVICES R.L. DEPPMANN COMPANY Plumbing-Piping-Fire Protection & HVAC System Design Manufacturers’ Representatives Code & Standard Consulting-Investigations of system failures 20929 Bridge Street 3D CAD, BIM, Revit, Navisworks-Training Seminars-Tech. Reports 6RXWK¿HOG0, 303 N. Monroe St., Monroe, MI 48162 Chris Lieder, Gerry Potapa Jr., CPD, Ron George, CPD, President - [email protected] Mark Fine LEED AP®, Paul Prentice, LEED AP® Ph 734 322-0225 Cell 734 755-1908 Ph 800 589-6120 Fax 248 354-3763 [email protected] -

TAGGART-KNIGHT GROUP PROGRESSIVE MARKETING & SALES INC. Manufactures’ Representatives Manufacturers' Representatives 37686 Enterprise Ct. 7450 Hessler Dr. Rockford Mi 49341 Farmington Hills, MI 48331 Dave Andrus 616-916-4140 [email protected] Gary O. Taggart Matt Johnson 517-614-1448 [email protected] Ph 248 553-4388 Fax 248 553-4653 Doug Shaffer 248-648-0187 [email protected] [email protected]

QUALITY WATER & AIR, INC. V. E. SALES COMPANY Manufacturers’ Representative V. E. Sales is your source for 1402 Souter WKH¿QHVWTXDOLW\ÀRZFRQWUROVROXWLRQV Troy, MI 48083 25200 Jefferson Ave. Georgann Kummer, WBE St. Clair Shores, MI 48081 Ph 248 589-8010 Fax 248 589-8016 Thomas Van Egmond [email protected] Ph 586 774-7760 Fax 586 774-1490

expand YOUR COMPANY place your ad here


ASPE News - Eastern Michigan Chapter 23 Meeting Location Map: Plumbing Training Center 1911 Ring Dr, Troy, MI 48083

2018-2019 ASPE EMC Board

President Vice President Membership Administrative Secretary AYP Liaison Board Member Theresa Card, P.E., CPD, LEED AP Kristin Simoneaux, P.E., CPD, Frank Tistle, CWS Kari Rosteck Michael Melaragni, CPD BD+C, GPD LEEP AP Pentair [email protected] Guardian Plumbing & Heating Strategic Energy Solutions Stantec 248.496.7553 Cell 34400 Glendale Avenue Chapter Historian 4000 West 11 Mile Rd 2338 Coolidge Hwy. #100 [email protected] Livonia, MI 48150 John Nussbaum, IPP, FASSE, Berkley, MI 48072 Berkley, MI 48072 (734) 513-9550 Corresponding Secretary FASPE (248) 399.1900 ext 223 (248) 336-4700 [email protected] George D. Johnston [email protected] Board Member Vice President Technical Balfrey & Johnston, Inc. Amanda Belcher, LEED GA Board Member Mark Lamberson, CPD VP Education 13050 Northend Strategic Energy Solutions Cindy Zatto, FASSE 81190 Church Street, Brianne Hall, P.E., CPD, LEED Oak Park, MI 48237 4000 W. Eleven Mile Rd. V. E. Sales Company, Inc. Memphis, MI 48041-5401 AP BD+C, GGP (313) 864-2800 Fax: 864-7219 Berkley, MI 48072 25200 Jefferson Ave. (810) 392-5010 FTC&H [email protected] (248) 399-1900 Fax 399-1901 St. Clair Shores, MI 48081 [email protected] 39500 Mac Kenzie Dr. Suite 100 &KDSHU$I¿OLDWH/LDLVRQ [email protected] (586) 774-7760 Fax: 774-1490 Novi, MI 48377 Vice President Legislative Dann Holmes [email protected] (248) 324-4780 Board Member William Grayzar, CPD NSF International [email protected] Pam Hartsell, CPD *UHHQ¿HOG5G 789 N. Dixboro Rd Strategic Energy Solutions 6RXWK¿HOG0, Treasurer Ann Arbor, MI 48105 4000 W. Eleven Mile Rd. (248)569-1430 ext.333 Hank Koppelo, CPD (734) 214-6222 Berkley, MI 48072 [email protected] Macomb Mechanical [email protected] (248) 399-1900 x 222 6250 Nineteen Mile Road Fax: 399-1901 Sterling Heights, MI 48314 [email protected] (586)737-9900 [email protected]

Advertising Opportunity Information Table Top Sponsorship Information

ASPE EMC News is published 9 times per year (September through May, plus one ASPE Members summer issue if feasable). Yearly advertising rates are $150.00 per ad for members · $150.00 for the 1st table per meeting/per vendor and $200.00 for non-members. One time digital full page insert advertisements are · $100.00 for each additional table per meeting/per vendor $250.00 for one issue, quarter page (9 issues) $250.00 - half page (9 issues) and full page (9 issues) $550.00. Please call Theresa Green for any questions regarding Non-Members pricing of ads. Checks should be made payable to ASPE E. Mich. Chapter and · $200.00 for the 1st table per meeting/per vendor mailed to the attention of Hank Koppelo at 6250 Nineteen Mile Road · $150.00 for each additional table meeting/per vendor Sterling Heights, MI 48314. Circulation 400 - Distributed to: Engineers, Contractors, If a vendor purchases table tops for 3 meetings during the year, Inspectors, and other industry professionals in Michigan. For contributing articles a 4th meeting table top will be provided for free. and all digital artwork email to Theresa Green, Newsletter Editor at: [email protected].

24 NOVEMBER 2018