Things needed: Moon crown for priestess, statue of Goddess, flowers for

HP: Salt and water blessing.

Salt and water, inner and outer, Soul and body be cleansed.

HPS: Draws circle

I draw this circle thrice about to keep all evil spirits out. Around this circle three times spin to keep all warmth and power in. Three circles bless, three circles draw, our temple made of love, our law. SMIB

HPS, HP and/or Congregation: Blessings with elements

I bless and consecrate this circle with the element of sweet (, water, earth) in the name our lady the Goddess and her consort, the . So mote it be.

HPS, HP and/or Congregation: of Watchtowers

Blessed be thee, beloved guardian of the Eastern Watchtower. We do summon, stir and call thee up to witness this our rite and to protect our circle. *As you join us may you bring the clarity of daybreak. So mote it be. Traces invoking in the air in each quarter.

*South – As you come to us may you bring the warmth of the Sun. SMIB *West – As you join us may you bring the cool of the evening and the cup of knowledge. SMIB * North – As you come to us may you bring the strength of the mountains. SMIB

HP: Kabalistic Invocation if desired.

HPS: Invocation of God should be done simply at the full moon or it may be skipped altogether if you wish.

Blessed be thee, beloved consort of many names. He who is at my side and in my heart in all things. Beloved God, Warrior, hunter, provider, keeper of the fire. Be amongst us now. HPS lights the God candle and rings bell. (No charge of God at full moon).

HP: Invocation of Goddess

With song on high and feather bright. With leaf and root of oaken might. With claws so sharp and fur like silk With grade and grain, and with her milk O silver one, a glowing bright, Shine down on us thy glorious light. So mote it be.

Bell is rung, Goddess candle is lit. HPS puts on moon crown.

Charge of the Goddess

My Name has been Cerridwen, spelled in oak, and ash, and thorn. Ancient pharaohs called me Isis ‘ere the sacred Nile was born. As Ishtar I taught Gilgamesh the wisdom of the dead. Men have called me Ceres, wheat sheaf god, and reaped my life for bread. Don was I for Gwydion, the magick in his verse. My breath caressed his bardic harp and banished every curse. Diana was my name at times when Herne would sound his horn. At Imbolg I was Brigit as the year’s first lambs were born. I am Maid and Moon and Mother. I am Crone tis well to learn. From my womb does all life issue. And to there it must return. So mote it be.

(Working portion of Circle)

Guided meditation, special intention work, directives for from HPS, role- playing, instruction, and/or magick of any sort is done at this point in the circle.

(Special Intention)

HPS: At this the time of the full moon, when the Goddess is seen so clearly above us in the night sky. We of the craft gathered together in her name we UU Pagans, often take this time to approach the altar of the Goddess, offer a small sacrifice, and address the Great Goddess in all her glory at the time of her bounty. We may ask a favor, a special intention, pray for ourselves or for others, or offer thanksgiving. Our prayer may be private, between ourselves and our Goddess, or we may wish our prayer, supplication or thanksgiving to be public and we can speak aloud our wish or our thanks. I will begin. After me each of you come in turn, approach the altar, make an offering of Incense, and lay your petition at the alter of the Great Goddess who stands with us in this sacred place.

(Starting with HPS each in turn approach altar, make an offering of incense, and make their special intention).

Raising Power A chant is decided upon before the ritual is begun. Power is raised and directed toward the magickal working done by the group that night.

A chant we can use: Air I am, Fire I am, Water Earth and Spirit I am.

Ceremony of wine and cakes:

HP: As the is to the male. HPS: So is the to the female. Together: Together they are one in truth. There is no greater magick in all the world than that of a man and woman joined together in love.

All: Wiccan Grace

We thank you Goddess for the gifts of the land. For the cakes of your body, for the wine of your blood. For the beauty of your face, and the bounty of your hand. You crown us in glory and clothe us in love. We give you thanks for the gifts of the land.

Cakes and wine are shared.

Farewell to Ancient Ones:

HPS or HP: Beloved Goddess, beloved God, we thank you for your presence and protection. Go in peace. (HPS snuffs out candles. Both take off horns and crown.

HPS, HP or Congregant: Banish Watchtowers.

Beloved guardian of the North, (South, West, East), we thank you for your presence and protection. Go in peace.

HPS: Closes Circle by taking it up counterclockwise.

The Rite is ended go in peace.

This ritual is not written in stone, it is more of a guideline. There is always room for changes, omissions, etc.