The Indians complain of a survey made recently by Col. William Crawford for and Charles Simms,6 9 of an island below Pittsburgh, that is claimed by John Montour.

ALARM IN KENTUCKY [John Floyd to Col. William Preston. 33S29I -transcript made by Draper.]

POWELL'S VALLEY, 70 ISt May, I776. DEAR COLONEL-We have been much discouraged on the way by alarms &c, but on our arrival here find the greatest part of the news to be false. I met so many people removing in, as I went down Holston that I thought it best to leave my negro wench & her child on the way. I need say nothing about the mis- chief that has been done, as Mr Lee, brother to Willis Lee, who is killed, can give you a history of the whole

69 John Harvie was a son of 's guardian, who lived at "Belmont" in Albemarle County, . The younger Harvie represented West Augusta district in the Vir- ginia conventions of I775 and 1776, and in May of the latter year was chosen one of the Indian commissioners for the Middle Department. Later he was a member of the Conti- nental Congress, and had charge of the prisoners captured at Burgoyne's surrender, whom he quartered near his home in Albemarle. Through Jefferson's good offices Harvie was ap- pointed register of the land office at Richmond, whither he removed at the close of the Revolution, and where he was mayor in I786. He died at his home, "Belvidere," near Rich- mond, in I807. His wife was a daughter of Gabriel Jones, the well-known Augusta County lawyer. For Col. Charles Simms see Dunmore's War, p. 317, note 34.-ED. 70 For Powell's Valley see Ibid., p. 4, note 6.-ED.