Muslim Leadership Dinner ϮϮ&ĞďƌƵĂƌLJϮϬϭϬ͕dŚĞ>ŽŶĚŽŶDĂƌƌŝŽƩϮϮ & Grosvenor Square with leaders, opinion formers and people of excellence from all walks of life...

Untitled-1 1 11/01/2010 19:55:48 BLEED TRIMMING EDGE TEXT SAFE AREA Muslim Leadership Dinner Celebrating Britain’s Muslim community and looking forward to a positive future ϮϮ &eďrƵarLJ ϮϬϭϬ, dhe >ondon DarrioƩ Grosvenor Square

dhe Įrst ever Muslim Leadership Dinner will be held Special Guests - in on 22 February 2010. ͻ Rt Hon MP, Lord High Chancellor of Great ritain and Secretary of State for JusƟce The Muslim Leadership Dinner is a unique opportunity to network with leaders, opinion formers ͻ The Rt. Hon. MP, Leader of the Liberal and people of excellence from all walks of life. Democrats ͻ Chris Grayling MP, Shadow (tbc) Community and civic leaders, policy makers, think- ͻ Tariq Ramadan, academic and Islamic scholar ers, business leaders and future leaders from diverse backgrounds will come together to celebrate the contribuƟon of Muslims to riƟsh society. Invited special guests – Government and Shadow Cabinet Ministers, Faith This dinner will also raise funds for the work of the leaders, Trade Union leaders, prominent MPs and Muslim Council of ritain. t the Muslim Leadership Peers, Media PersonaliƟes, Muslim civil society Dinner, the Muslim Council of ritain will launch its leaders from ritain and the ConƟnent new, grassroots-led strategy that will set in moƟon a new eīort to work for the common good of the community and riƟsh society.

Bookings &or Ĩurƚher inĨormaƟon and  seat at the dinner͗ ά2ϱ0per person to reserve your place  table of ten͗ ά2ϱ00 Contact yesha Stout džĐůƵƐŝǀĞƐƉŽŶƐŽƌƐŚŝƉŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƟĞƐĂůƐŽĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ T͗ 0ϴϰϱ 2ϲ 2ϲ ϳϴϲ ͗ adminΛ

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