Newsletter No. 76 October 2010

Another ‘’Man for all Seasons’’ It is one of those ironies of history that sixty years ago, nobody would even dream of, that of all places, in the British Isles, of all people, the Pope and indeed, a German, would go on an official visit and declare Blessed an ex-Anglican minister who became a Catholic, joined a religious Order and eventually became a Cardinal.

Why should be recall John Henry Cardinal Newman (1801-1890)? For more reasons than one. When he stopped in in 1833 he was still an Anglican. He could not see much of Malta as he was precluded from going out of Lazaretto. In that same trip he visited Rome for the first time. Newman was an honest intellectual in search of light and truth. At that time he was undergoing an internal struggle as he studied the Fathers, the first Christian intellectuals, and started to realize that he really belonged to that heritage. In Rome he venerated the Apostles and the other martyrs. He was overcome by the splendour of that City “to which England owes the blessings of the Gospel”.

In 1845 Newman was received in the , was ordained a priest and joined the Oratorians who had been founded by St. Philip Neri. He introduced the congregation in Birmingham and later in London. The Irish bishops invited him to Dublin where he started a University for Catholics exactly at the time when he was ruminating on the role of a University and the mission of the Church in education. Hence his well known work “The Idea of a University”.

A fundamental concern in Newman was how to present the Christian faith to contemporary generations. The idea, in fact, worries the Church to this very day. A kindred soul to Newman was the Italian priest and founder Antonio Rosmini (1797-1855). They were both innovators, both objects of suspicion but both basically loyal to the Church and its teachings. In 1879 Pope Leo X111 called Newman to Rome and gave him the Cardinal hat. Newman took a sigh of relief. The cardinalate was not an only honour. It was a kind of acknowledgement of his teaching. He had touched on delicate subjects like reason and faith in his “Grammar of Assent”, the role of the laity in the church, the relation between conscience and authority in the church in his “Letter to the Duke of Norfolk”.

It is not hard to see Cardinal Newman’s relevance to our times. His attitude to reason, faith, conscience and authority is as solid as it is modern. His continuous quest for light in the relentless search for truth could and should be a guide to one and all. John Henry Newman is now declared Blessed and, therefore, an example for all in the universal call to holiness. He is a man of our times, a man for the Church of our times. Pope Paul VI described the second Vatican Council as “Newman’s Council”. We all need the light that Newman always sought. “Lead, kindly Light, lead thou me on”. Mgr Lawrence Gatt, Principal Chaplain

Association News: 16th August 2010 of the Confrère Guido De Marco President Emeritus KM

Our Association was honoured with an invitation to participate in the state funeral of our late confrère President Emeritus Professor Guido De Marco Bailiff, Grand Cross of Honour and Devotion , who passed away on Thursday 12th August.

Close to seventy members gathered for robing in St. Johns Co-Cathedral and led by The President of MASMOM H. E. Dr. Philip Farrugia Randon, , processed down Republic Street to the Palace, where the President Emeritus had been lying in state for the official mourning period. Amongst those members taking part in the procession was the Knight Resident H. E Frà John Edward Critien.

Once reaching the Palace, the members formed part of the funeral cortege and with the late President Emeritus’s body laying atop a gun carriage, followed by his widow Violet, his immediate family and chief mourners, processed back up to St. Johns Co-Cathedral immediately following the AFM band.

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Back at the Co-Cathedral, Members processed down the aisle of the packed church and took their places in an apse to the right hand side of the High Alter. Solemn High Mass was concelebrated by H. G. Archbishop Mgr. along with the H. L Mgr., Bishop of , the Archbishop Emeritus Mgr. and members of the Reverend Clergy amongst whom were members of our Association.

At the end of the mass the Professor De Marco’s body was brought out of the Cathedral accompanied by applause from the large crowd and once again placed atop the gun carriage. The funeral cortege consisting of a guard of honour, followed by the band of the AFM, our Association, chief mourners and family members then processed up Merchant street and down Girolomu Cassar Avenue to the Floriana War memorial for the final salute before the private cortege then proceeded by road towards the Cemetery where he was laid to rest in a private burial service.

Members were all touched by the service and felt privileged at having been given the opportunity to bid farewell to a beloved and well respected confrere in such a moving event and historic occasion for the Maltese Association. Those members that had been in Lourdes for this years’ pilgrimage will remember him for his usual good humour, high spirits and willingness to befriend all around him.


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7th September 2010 St John’s Co-Cathedral

Members of the Association led by His Philip Farrugia Randon this morning took part in the traditional event in remembrance of those gallant Knights of the Order who paid the ultimate price in the defence of this Island against the Turkish Invasion.

High Mass at St. John’s Co-Cathedral was con-celebrated by Mgr. Calleja assisted by other member of the Revered Clergy . Prior to the final blessing at the end of mass, the members of the Order followed by the Reverend Clergy , processed to The Great Siege Memorial Graveyard to the side of the church, where prayers of remembrance were offered for the repose of the souls of those Knights who had lost their lives in defence of Christianity, after which H.E. President Philip then proceeded to lay a wreath at the memorial. The procession then moved back inside the Co-Cathedral to the grave of one of the great heroes of the Great Siege, Frà Don Melchior de Robles and which is situated in the Chapel of the Langue of Auvergne where prayers were again offered for the repose of his soul, before then processing for a memorial prayer at the tomb of Grand Master Jean Parisot de la Vallette.

Mass was then concluded and the members processed back to the Sacristy.

8th September 2010 Our Lady of Victories

To day Malta celebrated the feast of Our Lady of Victories one of the most important days in the Order’s calendar, and a National Holiday.

On the 8th September Malta commemorates the victory during the invasion of 1565 as well as the victories during the First and Second World Wars.

Members of the Association led by H. E, The President of our Association, Philip Farrugia Randon, collected in the sacristy of St John’s Co-Cathedral for the usual robing and preparation for the celebration of High Mass.

The Association started the proceedings by leading the procession followed by the reverend clergy and Archbishop Cremona to the high altar. Our Association members were seated down the side of the Cathedral that was full with invited guests and members of the congregation.

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The first and second reading were read by The Chancellor and the Hospitaller whilst Josephine Farrugia Randon read the bidding prayers.

The Archbishop in his homily to the Nation touched on the subject of cultural progress results from action inspired by values routed in conscience well formed by faith in Christ.

At the end of mass the Te Deum was recited followed by the National Anthem after which the Association processed back to the sacristy.

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22nd September 2010

Unveiling of the Coat of Arms over the Casa Lanfreducci doorway

At the end of the Church service members of the Association , VIPs and invited guests then assembled at the bottom of the steps leading up to the main door of Casa Lanfreducci for the official unveiling ceremony of the Coat of Arms that had recently been placed over the main door.

This Coat of Arms is the work of sculptor Joseph D’Amato and is another beautiful example of skilled workmanship in his chosen craft. H.G. Mgr Cremona, H.E. Philip Farrugia Randon and Joseph D’Amato stood at the entrance and the sculpture was unveiled accompanied by loud applause.

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Presentation of the late His Eminence Tomas, Cardinal Spidlik’s zucchetto

Following this short ceremony everybody was invited to a reception at Casa Lanfreducci. At the beginning of the reception The Chancellor presented the late His Eminence Tomas, Cardinal Spidlik’s zucchetto. The Cardinal had been instrumental in presenting the replica of the Statue of The Infant Jesus to Malta and his zucchetto will be a treasured piece of memorabilia at Casa Lanfreducci.

Those present then adjourned to the conference hall at Casa Lanfreducci, where Members and guests able to enjoy drinks and beautifully prepared snacks to round of what had been a very successful and special and memorable event.

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22nd September 2010

The Infant Jesus of Prague Protector of the unborn child

The Maltese Association together with the Consulate for the Czech Republic in Malta and the Associations that support the rights of the unborn child, celebrated the fourth anniversary of the arrival of the Statue of the Infant Jesus of Prague to Malta. This statue was donated by the Consulate of the Czech Republic, venerated as the Protector of the Unborn Child and is permanently adored at the Church of Our Lady of Victory in Victory Square , next door to Casa Lanfreducci the seat of the Maltese Association of the Order of Malta.

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This yearly event has become an important date in the calendar of the Order and is always well supported by the membership.

This year for the fourth Anniversary, we were honoured to have the presence of H.G. Mgr Paul Cremona which was the first time that an Archbishop led the anniversary celebration.

The celebrations commenced at 6.30 pm with the arrival of His Grace at the church and where he was met by the President Philip Farrugia Randon and the Chancellor. After a short blessing ceremony led by H.G. Mgr Paul Cremona, the President of our Association and about thirty members of our members and invited guests, processed around the streets of Valletta. The Archbishop was immediately in front of the Infant Jesus, whilst four of our members carried the statue. The Laudate Pueri choir under the direction of The Rev Canon George Frendo accompanied the pilgrimage, singing hymns of praise throughout.

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Earlier there had been some concerns about the threatening weather. This year the anniversary celebration had been brought forward by a month as last years outdoor celebration had to be cancelled due bad weather. Fortuitously the weather brightened up and the pilgrimage as able to proceed as planned.

After walking down part of Merchant Street and back up Republic Street, the pilgrimage returned to Our Lady of Victory Church in Victory Square and beautifully decorated for the occasion with white flowers. H.G. The Archbishop accompanied by members of the reverend clergy that included members of our Association, then celebrated High Mass. The choir’s angelic like singing provided a magnificent backdrop to such a solemn, moving and intimate service.

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During the homily, His Grace stressed how pleased he was that MASMOM had associated with the cause of the unborn child. He emphasised the value of human life and the respect that each and every one of should have not only for the born but also for the unborn in the womb.

Kevin Dingli and Carmel Mallia read the first and second lessons whilst Martin Micallef read the bidding prayers.

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At the end of High Mass, Philip Farrugia Randon, President of the Maltese Association read the Prayer of the Order and in a short address, thanked His Grace for honouring us with his presence and leading this pilgrimage. After Mass had ended, His Grace led the celebration of benediction again accompanied by singing from the choir.

CCT 29/9/2010 More news is available at the websites: &

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