~g~li!J~ 8 . 00 p . m. Annual General Meeting 9 . 00 p . rn . Junior Division 1977-78 Manageme n t Cornroi ttee Election . . . 9 . 00 p . m. Senior Division 1977- 78 Managenient Con:n1i ttee Election· ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING BUSJ. NESS 1 . Confirmation of 19 76 Annual General Me eti ng Minutes. 2 . Heceive and consider 19?7 Annual He1Jort fo r adoption. 3 . Presentation of i ncorr.e a nd exµeno l.ture a ccuunts and balance sheet . 4 . Electio n of Heturning Officer. 5 . Election o f 1977- 78 Club Execut.i ve Cori n;i ttee .




G. Gen eral Buui nPon e, . RL'co 1,.u:enclations f o r Incom1ng Committee to cons ~ der . o . Ot tw1· muLters -relevan t t:o J\nnt1ul G t~rtt'r a .L Meeting .

+ + + + + +

" A good µlay t.•r prucUcf:>fl ti 11 lie can oo i L right, J\ ciiar.ipi0n practices till he can ' t oo it wrong"

+ + + + + + - 2 -


1 . Election of Returning Off icer ...r, . ..dee ti on of l~j 77- 78 Divisional i~1unageme n L COL.::1i ttee .

JUia0.:1 ~>IVISION CtiAihl: AN SECRETARY ------Tel . ------Tel . ______TREASURER ------SOCI.AL SEClcETARY ------Tel . ------~ ;UBLIC itELATIONS ------Te l . ------REGl S'l1RA'.11ION ------Tel . ------EQUI Pr.: EN'l' ------Tel . ------,

SH!l J!< :Ul VISION C:iitlHfr'AN ------'J'el . ------'i'el . ------'Jel . ------'.t't: 1 . ------'!'cl.

REGl :>'.ritATION '.i'el. .::;QUIJ?MENT ------'.l'e1' • ------

+ + + + + +

11 Ur.1pires were firnt used in f oo t ball on July 7 , lb66 . Prior to thiu , free hicks were awurdcd tJy rival caµ;tai ns . Umpires g e nerally, were ado~ted in 1872 and fir st wo r e all whi te on July 1 , 1880. Bo undary umpires wer e first used in a gted ~Ile ~'lelu Umpire in seasu u L:04 . " 3


1977 has been the most successful year in both Junior and Senior Divisions and things look good for the future . Probably the greatest step forward we will. make is the formation of the U/1.9 competition in 1978. We need this to tie the two divisions into one club and to keep our players another 2 years to bridge the gap between boys and men . Grounds have been a problem since the club started: This year we struck the jackpot at Council. I don't intend to produce a "thank you" report for people in our own Club ; workers don't do what they do for the thanks, but Brian Grundy played a large part in our negotiations with Council and our success is largely due to his early representations. We were helped. by the Mayor, Alderman Lockwoodt Alderman ·vine and by the Secretary of the Sports Club, Elnil McDonald and the Sports Club Board of Directors not to mention the various Council Officers who gave us help and advice. Many people d.o not appreciate what the Sports Club does for us, but briefly they: 1 . Pay the ground rentals and lighting. 2. Buy our foo...~balls for the Juniors . 3 . Buy our jumpers for junior teams. 4 . Pay us 82 per registered player in the Juniors . 5 . Pay juniors umpires fees . 6. Negotiate with Council on our behalf. 7. Their facilities are available to us including the Youth Centre and meeting rooms. . 8 . This year they met the full expenses of our U'l7 state representative John Muzczyka. 9. They have pledged their support in errecting a Club house at Outer uensen . We have cause for self congratulations for our )977 efforts but it is only a start, we need to raise large sums of money to be a successful football club and to meet our 1978 commitments.

Gordon Hancock President. JUNIOR CHAIRMAN ' S REPORT

The season of 1977 turned out to be the best year for our Juniors to date, with four of the five teams making the f inals, then two t earns into the Grand Final. The Under ll's went on to give Bankstown Sports our first Premiership since the club ' s inception. Naturally all this would not be possible if not -for the efforts of t r emendous helper s in the field of coaches, managers , parents and last but not least the untiring efforts$ of the players themselves who approached the gan1e with a complete new spirit. I would like to say thank you to people such as the Hancocks, Pod bury ' s , Sharkeys and a host of people I could ' nt possibly fit in here . These people made the whole year not only possible but practical as wel l . Before closing this r epor t my sincere gr atitude goes to the Committee of the Bankstown District Sports Club for the invaluable assist a nce to us through the year. These are the ingredients that make our club the success it is . Once again thank you all very much and I look forward to seeing each and everyone of you in 1978. Dave Tarbert Juniors Chairoan.


Lowest winning VFL Scores Lowest recorded WINNING SCORE ir. a VFL match, was .Essendon ' s 1 . 8 to defeat lV... elbourne 0 . 8 at the South Melbourne Ground in 1897, for the right -to be first ever P~emiers of the League.

======UNDER 9 ' s

COACH: John Weathers MANAGER : Coll een Hall ASS'.l' . COACH : Glen Forman


CO~PBTITION RESULT No . 01' t eams : 6 Points for : 13 Gan!es played : 15 Points Aguins t : 552 Gnmes Won :· 2 Cor.ip . Po in ts : 8 Games Ii0 s t : 13 Position ~n Comp : 5


Best and Fairest Ken .Bllis Most Consistant Chris Ryan Be:::>t 'J.leam Man Wayne Mo ir Best Utility Pl ayer Seo tt Gore Most Improved Carl Del<"'ilippis

We have just finished tne 1977 season in which we finished fifth on the co~µetition ladder. This seaso n was no t a successful one as far as competition points were concerned but if yu u look at the skills our footballers have learned you ' d s ay it was a very successful one. We started the year off with 25 players , o f t. nese o nly three had played our garr.e before. With this group of irernendou sly i nierented boys we began s how1ng therr. the skills required of' an Au ::;sie Hules player. At first progress was slow b ut . they began to understand the gar.1e they improved out of sight . It ' s most important to teach this age group the correct way to play o ~ r garr. e because if they learn the basics correctly, one day every- . ti1ing will come together and they ' 11 be proficient footballers. A perfect example of this occurred when they pl a yed . Croydun .t'ark i n the 3rd round . In tile j.Jrevious gc..un e against Cro ydon .?a.:·k .v e were beaten by 12 goals . T11iu ti u.e , with 6 weeks extra le:-:i.1·ni ng a nrl training behind us we 1wld LtH:m to a scoreles s · i 2nd and 3rti quarter. Every parent who saw Lhat game would agree with me that we have a group of potentially great Auu;.:;ie Rules players. Our team :u-1d a f~Ood following of par en is and each o ne of them has inform ed me tnai thc.:i1' non has in1proved his football ability and also has a i, f~ rca t er kno wledge of our gwr. e . Knowing thi.~ has rnade me feel that the th.e spent at training and the ganies is well worth while. 'l'ne t earn was le cl by Ken :C.llis w!10 was capably assisted :1y every one of hls tean. mates . I ' d llke to take this opportunity to 11.entio n a few players whose ability is slightly ahead of their teaii. 1~ . a t~s . In the forwards we had Bradley Halli day, Norman Kemp , J'1lark rial 1 , Haymond Sc ho field ~nd Kei t!1 e . In the back we had .Dacren 1byes , Mark HusselI, Matthew 'Ihon.pnon , Scott Meiler, and Jamie r:loi r . 'l'hese boys are just a few o.f the µa t.cntial ly great player s .VL" ' l l l1av1: in the fuLure . 6

(Contd) UNDEH 9~s

I ' d like to thank .ev1ery parent for allowing their son to play witii ·us this season as we've enjoyed having him and we ·1ook forward to seeing all the boys aga:in next year. Also thanks to a ll the parents who could find time to come along to the games and watch • i their sons play . We hope we will have as much support from the I parents of the players in 1978 as we have had this season. .! Glen li...,orman Assistant Coach .

+ + + + + + + + + + +

"A BRIEF HI S1IO HY 0 F Tll.E GA!·!! E"

Claiming rr.ore players and fo llowera per head of population than any other field sport in the world , Australian Poot ball can be justly proud of its progre:.rn since the early period of 1857 wnen Thoffias Wentworth Wills , a prominent cricketer of his pf'riod conceived the idea of giving Austrnlia a .football code of t't.s own . J It was 1858 when Wills and his cousin H.C.A. Harrison, i anu tne1~ p1·ominent cricketer prepared the first set of laws, and' later J i r. AL:0ust ol' that year staged the first recorded match between i1i elbourne Gran:r.:ar School and Scotch College. They then formed the Melbourne Pootball Club, the first, and of course, the oldest in Australia, and the garne that now fields t~a11:s and attracts folJ owers throughout Australia, New Guinea and 'L New Zealand was on the way . :Pne laws of the game have lJeen streair,lined over the years t o d evelop i.he skills and attract:lon of its players and supporters

+ + + + + + + + + + + 7

UNDER 11 ' s COA CH : Morrie Podbury MANAGER : Janice Tarbert

TEA!ll CAP'l'AIN : Wayne Tutty 11 PREMI1':Rs 11 Y.EAR 1'\J H.M Ej: 19'?2

COMPE'.l1ITION RESULT Nu . of teams : 6 Points for : 611 Games t- layed : 15 Points Agaj.nst : 158 Games won : 12 Comp . Points : 48 Games Lost : 3 Position in Con1p : l

1 9 77 '11EAM AWARDS

B8st and Ji"'ai rest Darren Page Most Consisto.nt Wayne Tutty Best Team Man David Tarbert Best Team Man David Hancock .l3e8 t Utility Player Ian Cahill l\'1os t I mproved h'iar k ~"'isher

" FOOTBAJiL.EH OF THE Y.l:: AH " Wayne Tutty

As Coach of the Under 11 side .r am proud to be able to state that we have at last captured that elusive premiership. It gave not only myself but the team, all supporters, parents and all me~bers of our Club great satisfaction. First I must state that no team gets very far without· support from parents - this we had in abundance . I must thank everybody who helped in any way . I would like to thank all other coaches of the other teams for their support, my wife Il>rna and David Tarbert whose home life I wrecked completely. Janice Tarbert my Manageress who did a woriderful job. The only day I had trouble was when she was missing and David and myself could not work out who was there and who was not . She always had everything under control taking car loads of boys to training every night and I certainly a ppr eciated this as I cou ld concentrate on coaching only. I could not possibly thank her enough. I must also thank Gordon Hancock • . We see the gam e differently and the discussions that we had certainly helped me Dreatly and I appreciate his wonderful support . How he found the tim~ to cover all his positions I will never kn ow. I must also mention Tony Montouri , Rod .Pod bury, Matthew Pitts and Steven Podbury who a t helped me work the boys. 8 L' '

(Contd) UNDER 11 1 s I have thanked the parents but I must mention Allan and ~argaret Hearnden for the use of their home on several occasions. !his helps greatly to bring boys together and in getting to know one another, their team work improves greatly - thank you very much. With regards to the boys themselves, they were a wonderful group to work with. Many times they nearly drove me crazy. At training nights, once I made a comment that I did not know whether I could last the season . They were so spirited and lively that I had to state that a team would never be any good if this were not so . When I took over in May we had 23 boys training and by the end of the season we had 27 boys . We had the whole 27 boys at trainjng and games in the weeks before the final games. While we had a successful season we had some bad days as well as a lot of good ones. I have always believed that a good side wir.s the close games and this side p!'oved this by coming from behind in the last quarter, to win at least four times throughout the year. I was very pleased at the attitude of the boys in trying to improve the gaae . At blackboard lectures they were very attentive and always read~ to ask sensible questions. I had several discussions with therr. and their knowledge gained certainly crune into effect during the final games . On Grand Final Day it was wonderful to have such great support from all sections of the Club . Senior players and supporters and members of all our other teams . I must admit to being very proud of the wonci erful team effort the boys produced on that day. We had to play a very attacking game, taking a lot of risks this game suited them. I must congratulate all the boys for their great game . I would like to congratulate all other teams and their coaches , all our teams improved greatly throughout the season and P·~y must be proud of their efforts. I cannot finish without thanking the Bankstown Sports Club for their support. It is great to have people who work for Junj 01· Sport . It is good to be able to show that their great support over the years has not been in vain . Thank you . Morrie Podbury Coach.

"Signalling of goals and behinds with flags was first introduced by the Tasmanian Football Association in 1884 . Victorian clubs adopted the idea soon after. " 9

UNJ)ER 13's

COAC~: Colin Frater MANAGJ1~ : Dianne Lowrie


YF.AR JiO RMED : 1969

COMPE'l'I TION RESULT ~ ~ ; I ' I No • of earn s : 6 I t Points for: 431 I Games Played: 15 Points Against: 471 GarJes Non 7 Comp . Points : 28 Games Lost: 8 Position in Comp: 4 i

:1977 TEAN. AWARDS I _ f_ .,._ . ' I'~i' I ~ I • Best and Fairest Francis Johnson 11' Most Consistant Bruce Ashforth Best Team filan Shannon Howe I' Best Utility Player Malcolm Prater I· Most Improved Robert Reynolds

"CLUBMAN OF THE YEAR" 'l'ony Freeze

1977 started off with whu t l ~ o ked like being a very i~ood year for our U'l3s side and it din finish on a very strong note. Having to chnnge coaches twice duri r:g the season µr esented some minor set backs but the boys were a credit to all cvncerned and they gave the club t hejr full effort and impr6ved each 11Jeek. . . Late in the season we uef eated C~1pbelltown whom we had ;;no ught were practically unbeatable and we handed out some shocks in tne secund and third rounds to tnose teams wilo had beaten us so easily in the first round. The team and I would like to thank Diam1e Lowrie for the 1 long rK·urs and hard work she put in for u s . I would also like to t~unk t nose parents and supporters who carie to see the team play during the year. Tai'ent abounds in the teau, and many players who have nad little experience are improving fast - this is borne out by the fac t that Daryl Halliday, Lance Rowe , Steven Pate, Robert Reynolds, '10 ny J<''reese, Colin Grose and Malcolm Prater all played in the · :Liverpool Area Primary School team and Mu'Lthew Pitts , Shannon Rowe, .Bruce Ashforth and 1Via1culm l<'rater were uelected ·in the South Hes· tern, Australian Foot oall Comp. tea1.1 w11J. en played against the other ~ y ~ncy A ~ sociations to select the Metropolitan team. ,. 10

('co ntd) UNTIER 13 ' s

Well done keep up the good work, and to the team also , well done me n, you shuwed .:;everyone what spirit is dµring the year,­ especially in the first semi. final when we ruught back in the last quarter a gainst the wind to overcome a small lead against us and to have the scores level when the final siren hlew, but a mark had been . • t~k~ n and the Jfulsworthy player put in a good long kick to win the game for them .

Gentle giant Matthew Pitts had a great game as did Brue( A!.ioi'orth, Francis Johnso n, Colin G1'0se , :Shannon Rowe and about 10 ut.i:ers .

Stick with this gam e Matthew yo u have the ideal physique f0r a "rules" f 0.otballcr and a ton of natural ability - you could we.ll b e the best player Banksiown Sports ever produces . Co ngratulations to all the tro.phy winn ~ rs , especially to Tony Freese for winning the Clubman of the Year.

Next ~ear looks like being a great ~~ar for Ilankstown ~p01·t.les - see you all tnen.

Co l.Ln Prater Co ach .

+ + + + + + Record 204 Games Without Miss Tiger forward Jack Titus missed his first game for 11 years with an injured ankle on August 21 , 1943 after having played 204 games in succession. This record still stands. Titus also played 14 inter­ state games for 46 goals from 192~ to 1936. Titus was awarded the V"'l, ' s 11 Award of Merit" at the last anrual meeting for his 50 years service to oi.:1r game at VF'L level. Best perfor mance since was former Fitzr9y champion Kevin Murray who played 167 consec­ utive VFL games plus 44 in the W.A.N . L. prior to this . Present Fitzroy captain JoJln Murphy played h:i.s first 157 VFL senior games in succession , before being injured in 1974.

+ + + + + + UNDER 15 ' s COACH: Wayne 11 Sn0opy" Goodwin MANAGER : Lorna Podbur y


COMPBTITlON RESULT N0 • of t e ams : 6 Points for: 875 Games played : 15 Points Against : 1,055 Games Won: 5 Comp . Points . 20 Gal!le s Lost: 10 Position in Comp: . 4 1977 TEAM AWARDS Best and Fairest Mark Eate Most Consistant Rodney l?odbury Best 1ream Man Danny Fr ee Best Utility Player Sh a un Clarkson Most Improved Cr a i g Tru eman

Dur ing the 1977 s eason we made it through t o the semi finals due to the fierce team spirit and determination of players like Mark Pate, Danny Free, Rod Podbury and Mar k Halliday. One thing that ·pleased me was the recruiting done largely by the boys themselves and the new boys have contributed greatly to the skill s of the team . Shaun Cl ar kson, Neil Martin and Craig Trueman pl ayed the Australian gam e for · the first time this year and all showed a lot of improvement frOQ their early beginning. They will be good players. Neil Thacker was imported fro m Victoria and has proved an asset of no small proportions. Terry Mulhall, Allan Walker, Rocco Versace, Lindsay Kingsley, Gordon Rowe and Ross Vella all show a gr eat deal of pro.mise for next year. Simon Wheatley, Glen Billinghurst, Brett a nd Craig Mailer were at training regularly a nd an inspiration to us all with their team spirit. Stephen Wallis ·was our only player to be s elected in the Metropolitan team to try out for the U1 15 State Team . Congratulations Stephen we expect b±g things from you next season . 1.2'

(Contd) UNDER 15's

Lorna Podbury - thank you . We cannot run football without workers and Lorna was tremendous . I'm very pleased and proud that these lads raised more money in the lap- a- thon than any other team . We had a good year in many ways .

Wayn e (Snoopy) Good win Coach.

+ + + + + + + +

First "Overhead" .Mark 'J' ~ e )oarki ng of the ball by jumping and "catching " it overhead was not heard of until late 1890. Essendon ' s famous p~. ayer of that era, Charlie Pearson, is acknow­ ledged in the history books with being the first player to "take risks with his rocket- like leaps into the- air for marks". Old timers shook their heads and sai~ ''this new- fangled idea in marking will ruin the garu e, people come to see football , not men leaping into the air" . But Essendon Club developed the skills 91.Gwn by Pearson and to this day, high marking is one of the highlights of our game .

First "Stab Pass" In 1902, the Collingwood Club travelled to Tasmania to meet a representative team from that State, but the opposition proved to be far below the class of the Vi ctorian side. So much so , in fact , that many of the Collingwood players began to experiment with new methods of kicking the ball. On e of their number, Dick Condon (who played between 1894 and 1906) was named as the first true exponent of the new style of drop kick. It was said that after this time, Collingwood developed the game into a much more scientific one by use of the "Stab Pass". I1!owadays, of'. course, few players use this bullet- like kick to deliver the ball.

+ + + + + + + + + UNDF:R 17 ' s

COACH : Gordo n Hancock MANAGER: Jenny Hancock 'l'FAM CAPTAIN : Eddy Fracarossi GRAND Ji' INALISTS

YEAR IrORl\'lED : 1969

COMPETITION RESULT No . of teams : 6 Points for : 1 , 419 Games played : 15 Points Againot :. 743 Games Won : 10 Comp Points : 40 Games Lost : 5 Position in Comp : 2

1977 TEAM AWARDS Best and Fairest John Buttress Most Consistant Stephen Podbury Best Team Nfan .Eddy Fracar ossi Best Utility Player John Muzc zyka Mo st Improved Rodney Aggett

When we started the season I knew we wer e going to have a g0od year. We had retained 16 uf our previous years team wnicn had proved its elf as good a s any otue1· i.eCJ.u. in the competition but had been handicapped by injuries. The boys beat our op1ionents easily in t he early gam es but we were really coasting on the talents of half a dozen bril liant players and when Campbell town thrashed us by 116 points I was shocke d ou L we continued to beat the other sides ana we decided to plan an tnterrnive schedule to in.prove our ma r g.Lnal players. For weeks we had only practice at kicking drop kicks , · then we polished up cnest n.arking, handball , picking up the ball, :lign rr.arking , wet weather football and tactics . We decided to o nl y beat Campbelltown once - i n the Gra nd Final . Twice !.no re we played Lh e11. and each time we learnt ::> ... ,met11ing but we had n o- chan ce of beating tttem as we wer e below s Ln~ngth . Rod Aggett suddenly got u n io p of thel r . Centre Half Fuhvard and repeated the t r eatmt'?nt wh0n we p l a yed them again, Stephen Pudbi.J.ry beat thei r Ccntreman fur ha lf a game a nd I knew he would do

I . u ur r overs held do wn Lhc.:lr sLar Con;petition Best and ~'ai r es t r over ln one game and o ur pl<.tns ::;tarted to cryutalise. ::. Pnorrie l'odbur·y wns invalu;..Lble and the feedback f rom t he r layer.~ wa s equally imp or tan t . I had 111i st>ed Cam µ oe 11 m wn'3 tac tic of cnu ?lf;i ng ru v ers by ~• huffli ng Lhei r fo rnaru line, often catching our u:. drn napping with a luos~ 111<.rn , out, Llw r"v..:rs and backs had picked i t 1.. p ano .ve worked uut a cuunt,er. ... . ~.. (C0ntd) U~der l? ' s <;> During the period we were concentrating on the basic skillu, o~r fitness fell away and we lost twice t0 Cro ydon Park - o nce when we :-nad a spate o.f minor injuries an.a later when Stephen ~ : ·c(ib":r y wr1c ,. j ntjured, howevvr our player::> were leading early but . i'ad ed b<:1dly after half Lillie obviously lacki ng in Ji tness . . . ~; ~ .. . When we were 4 weeks away from the finals we start ed ..· ·t.ri~ 11ard grind of bringing the team up to peak fitness . In the second semi- final we caugnt Cau.pbell town with Eix ..d tn eir Hi veri na stars u ut and we went B traight to the Grand f'jm:!l , but ~·1e did not tip our hand by playing the game we had p l a nned . On Gran d Final day we went over our plans on a black­ b0 u.rd in the dressing shed and every player knew what he had to do . The lead changed 6 times and we hit the front in the last quarter with 5 minutes to go but Cuwpuelltown came again and we endeu up losing by 9 points.

Stephen ~odbu ry , cramping badly, provided our main arive, John I\1uzyczka, · State Representative, absolutely burnt , Rod Arr;et t ueat Kenny who had given us trouble earlier, Michael "Mutley" Will j urns oro ke his nose and was soaked in blood but refused to go off una played hio usual fearless game . Simon Taylor fiew back from Fr~ G t>

Wayne Turm~r finally worked out wh,ei·e JCtIJii e ' s long K ..t. L·k~:i were landing. Graeme Koos beat his winger on speed , Greg 11allioay and 'Jony Montouri did eve rything expected of them. Vle had ot11er in- our teat1 who did not gei; a run c1 n Gr~nd Final day , but they were as much part of the team as «1::/one else - Garry Cameron, Carl Pender, John Ingold & Glen .• Cal li:it;ban . Co ngratulations men I hope to Gee you next season or in thE' 19 ' n and I hope I can a gain discover H raport wi th another LE.'CJP <..:i.s t he one we had this year.

Gordon Hanco ck Coacti . i .

15 " '" I UNDER 9 and UNDER 11 Outing to Opera House, Botanical Gardens and Luna Park On 26th September, 11 adults and 35 children caught the train from Bankstown station laden with enough food and drink to last the day for a trip to Luna Park. Luna Park did not open till 2 oclock and it was decided to take the boys to the Opera House and Botanical Gardens. We passed quickly by the Opera House when the boys found part of the structure made a beaut slippery dip. : ' The Ranger in the Botanical Gardens soonknew we were there but on the whole the boys were very well behaved. Then across on the ferry to Luna Park. It is debateable who had the most fun - the adults or kids. At 5 oclock with all present, and very tired, we left Luna Park, bought 46 ice creams from the man ·outside the gate and caught the train home.

+ + + + + + +

UNDER 13 and UNDER 15 Trip to Melbourne Over the weekend of Septeober 23rd to 25th Col Frater escorted the U'l3 and U'l5's on a visit iX> Melbourne . Gordon Maher joined the train at Wagga Wagga and Colin had to be disuaded from leaving it. Gordon Hancock flew to Melbourne and met the train on arrival. (Smart sec - that is why he is President f.c. Col. & Gordon a re Coach fc Manaeer) . .- The boys were billeted with the parents of Maribyrnong High School students and most of them were fortunate enough to have tickets to the North .Melbourne V Collingwood Grand Final, which resulted in a draw. On the Sunday we played the High School U'l3 and U'15 teams at Sunshine ground where we were made most welcome as guests of the Sunshine Club (VFA 2nd Division). Maribyrnong were too strong for our boys, but we learnt a lot from the experience.

+ + + + + + + + 16

UNDER 17 Trip to Branxton Our Branxton trip with the Under 17 side was a great success. We hired a Nissan E20 15 seat bus and had intended I to take a car load to make up the numbers but several players 11 pleaded other engagements, a couple had to work on the . Ii. Saturday morning and unfortunately missed out on a most enjoyable weekend. The E20 Drive Yourself Bus was a boon . When we wanted to go anywhere we ~u~t piled in and went - It handled like a car and didn't cost all that much. On Sunday we ran out to Wynns Vineyard and bou·ght some wine - something we would not have been able to do without the E20 .

1: Branxton looked after us very well with bar-b-ques and operd ng np the facilities of their Sporting and Recreation Club fo r the t:! layers. q 'm pl eased to r eport that everyone was extremely i~pressed ~ith the boys . One woman wanted to adopt Ian White and has asked him back on his holidays. On the way back we stopped at The Entrance for a swim . We missed most of the long weekend traffic and were home in Bankstown by 4.00p . m.

+ + + + + + + + + Grounds for the future The Bankstown Council has agreed to up - grade Outer Jenson for 1978 including draining the bottom side and to re- grade and bring the playing surface up· to first grade standard. Also to be done is the building of a new amenities block with our own dressing rooms, canteen, toilets and provision for a Club house on top (~ith Sports Club's assistance) . In 1979 we will have an additional ground in the Kel so Park complex for junior competition. The High Schools will partic~larly appr€ciate an extra ground for their competitions, and we will need the ground for our own competitions if our plans are reali sea .

+ + + + + _+ + + + JUNIORS SECRETARY 'S REPORT

The "Bombers" have made some giant steps in the right direction this year, although some of the results may not be eeen for another year or two o I mm per sonally very proud to be associated with a club that is progressing so quickly. During the year we won our first ever premiership in the under ll's - a great feat by the boys and their coach and manageress. The parents in this grade helped a lot too . The Ban ~ stown Municipal Council's agreement to give us good facilities within the municipality is good news and is a fine culmination to the years of effort put in by some of our people who have been with the club since its inception and some of the mo re recent acquisitions who now grace the club. Our committee ' s policy has been to cement the already goo1 relations the club has with the local high schools, with the Co~ncil, with the Bankstown District Sports Club and with the clubs we play against . We believe that we have been successful in all of these objectives. · · On behalf of all the ladies in the juniors I must say that we think we are pretty terrific as during the year we raised 0ver three times as much money (nearly four times) as anyone has ever been able to do before and it took a lot of hard work by a lot of people . You can buy into a lot of trouble naming hard workers as you invariably omit one or two of the ~ardest workers : Lorna Podbury Manager of the U'l5 team . Great worker and every kid's mother. Peg Hi llman If Peg has anything to say it won't be. behind your back . Especially efficient canteen worker. Makes great soup . Lois Moss Always ready with a helping hand . .· Janice Tarbert Carted kids all over Sydney and helped out whenever she was needed . Manager of U'll. Dianne Lowrie House was always overrun with kids and Manager of U'l3 team. Margaret Hearnden- Barbeques for the mighty under ll's - a ball of energy in a small parcelo Hlaine Mailer Good and willing worker. Colleen Hall Manager of the U89 team and good worker. See the trouble I can get myself into - please do n't be upset if I have left you off the short list. We had dozens of helpers and I only mentioned a few . Much fuss is always made over winners - kids like to win, but we must be sure that if the kids leave the field after trying to .the best of their ability that nobody asks any more of them than that . Children should enjoy their nport and must learn how to lose

It is up to us to see that the kids are taught the skills of the code and to encourage them to try hard - to try to win - winning in itself is not a ~irty word - it beats coming second . It is also up to us to see that when they do try hard and still lose that they are not "left for dead " . We, as a committee, are very proud of our reputation at the Association level for honesty and fair dealil1g (after all one of our officials is a used car salesman) and we as a club should never tollerate poor ·sports, abusive parents or people who want to fight about junior football. I look forward to a great season in 1978 and hope you will all be back with the club and help us to do more for our kids. Jenny· Hancock Juniors Secretar y.

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.." ' There are six high schools in the Bankstown Municipality who field Australian Rules Teams - ·they are : " Bass Hill Picnic Point Sir Joseph Banks Sefton" We find it hard to be able to give them any encouragerr:ent , but will need to do so in the way of providing footballs and trophies. Morrie Podbury attends a lot of their games which are at Jensen Oval each Friday afternoon. We would like helpers at these games if it can be arranged , preferably people who know the game , but there are plenty of jobs for willing workers whose knowledge of the game is less than perfect.

+ + + + + + + JUNIORS 1~ZZ=gl~l~~M~=Q:=JM~~~~=~=~~~~~J1Y~~ E?Cpendi ture Income 1976 Bank S275 . 21 Debentures 500. 00 775. 21 Raffle Prizes 396 . 34 Raffles & Comp etitions 2,089.22 Barbeques & Canteen Sup . l;: 165. 68 Barbeques & Canteen 1 , 509.18 Injured Player 50.00 Registr ation Fees 134.00 Area Rep . Expens es 180.00 Pl aying Fees ·535. 09 Metrop . Rep Expenses 23 . 50 Sports Club State Rep . Expenses 56.45 State Hep . Ex. S 56 .45 Cheque Books 10. 00 Registered Players 318. 00 Umpires 216.00 Umpires . 217. 00 A£filiation Fees 234 . 00 Levies to Admino 234.00 826.45 Coaches Courses 70.00 Insurance 17.00 All Day Conference 10. 00 Lap A Thon 286.86 Fund ex 449 . 83 Fund ex 5 39 .50 Socks 258. 60 Socks 188. 85 T Shirts 517. 55 T Shirts 331.50 Charity Night 222 . 00 Charity Night 228.00 Photos 43. 37 Photos 51.00 Ground Hire 54 . 00 Donations 51.00 Film Day . 30.84 Film Day 41.93 Melbourne Trip 880. 00 .Melbourne Trip 535 . 00 Bus Hire 280. 00 Interest Received 107. 03 St. Johns Ambulance 150. 00 Sundry 36.47 Teachers Dinner 283 . 00 Equipment 144. 00 Coaches Li te.rature 62. 60 Printing Costs 50. 00 Flowers 10. 00 Car Stickers 25 . 00 Trophies $685031 U/11 Jackets 343. 25 1,028. 56 Stationery 31 . 40 1st Aid Supplies 21 .63 Postage 71 . 59 Sundry Expenditure 38. 48 Bank $717. 87 Debentures 500.00 1, 217 . 87 ~~~~~...... ~~- $§~~§gt:~~ Although we are confident that it will be met the Sports Club have not yet paid us their cheque for $769 applied for on 11/9/77 however we have shown it in these-figures in anticip­ ation. A cheque for $69. 26 to reimburse the Han cocks for expenditure is t aken into account but will not be banked until the Sports Club cheque is received . The Club owns considerable stocks of T Shirts· and a stock of canteen supplies. Gordon Hancock Juniors Treasurer. SENIOR CHAIRMAN ' S REPORT . . This indeed has been a wonderful year for the Senior tlub as a whole . From the time of our first meeting it was obvious from the interest shown by members that a great year was in store. We started the year confidently and although we lost players for one reason or another during the season we still were able to maintain two excellent football teams. Our first grade side made the semi- final and in fact defeated Campbelltown but were very unlucky in the final tn be beaten narrowly by Sydney University . Our second gr ade side finished the home and away series as Minor Premiers. But as luck had it were unf0rtunate and were defeated narrowly in both games . At this point I would like to congratulate all the players in these two sides as the effort put in throughout the whole season was great. Our coaches I feel had a tremendous effect on our Club and to Phil Brown and Bruce Hunter go my personal tr1anks . I would specially like .t6 congratul~te all our members who received awards for special effort throughout the season~ 0 I would like to give special thanks on behalf of all club members to the following people and organisations; Social Co~mittee Kevin & Frances Smith John & Marilyn Henderson Terry & Sue Muir Peter & Ivy Twist • Steve and Denise Heller St. Johns Ambulance Mr . Alf Gorrick B~nkstown Sports Club Limited Banks town Council Mr. Martin Moore Thank you to all members of this year ' s seniors coornit 1. ee for the sup·port and co- operation I received . As it is very hard to mention all the persons responsible for a successful football season let me just say thank you with the knowledge that I ·appreciate the effort put in by everybody . Brian Grundy Seniors Chairmano SECOND DIVISION COACH'S REPORT

I am a bit d~sappointed not winning the Grand Final as we beat every side in the competition but Final football is a different game. We had a great year on and off the field. Finishing 4th in 1976 with the help of some 1st Grade players , but thia year we f i nished 3rd with all 2nd grade players. Congratulations to Tas on winning the Best and Fairest in the competition and the Club . Thanks to Joey my Captain. Congratulations to the committee for a great year in running the Club so well. With the experience the boys gain I am quite sure we will see a lot of them playing 1st grade next year - all the time. On behalf of the players I would like to congratulate the Under ll 's on winning the Grand Final and the Under 17's on making their Grand Final and with a bit of luck it could have been two Grand Finals. Hoping to see all the players back in 19?8 for two Grand· Finals. The big news is "THE BOMBERS 'ID WIN IN 1978". Bruce Hunter 2nd Grade Coach

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DO YOU JUST BELONG? Are you an active member, the kind that would be missed?· Or are you just content to have your name upon the list? Do you attend the meetings and mingle with the flock? Or do you stay at home to criticise and knock? Do you take a n active part to help the work along? Or are you satisfied to be the kind that just belong? Do _you voluntarily help at the guiding stick? . Or leave the work to just a few and talk about the clique? Come to the meetings often and help with hand and heart . Don't be just a member , but take an active part. Think this over, member, you know right from wrong. Are you an active member , or do you just belong?

+ + + + + + + + ,, . , .. STAT:Fl'JENT RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE - SENIOR DIVISION 1976-77 SEASON ======·======.. ======INCOME EXPENDITURE Bank Balance 1976 $215•94 Promotional - Club s 275.09 Debentures 1976 $ 300. 00 515.94 League Affil.Fees 630. 00 Debenture interest 58.89 Punchboards 14. 95 Social Club 1,500.00 Bus, Manly 75.00 Canteen 2,444.90 Repair lights, Jensen 8. 95 . Hume Hotel Competitions 938.95 Transfer Fee 200. 00 . Bank Interest 8 . 55 Overalls - Runners 16.00 Car Stickers 25.00 Socks 98.40 Membership Fees 70.00 Time Clock 26 . 00 Bus Manly 75.00 Laundering - Jumpers 290. 00 . ' . Socks 64.00 Social Club - Float 50.00 T. Shirts 24.00 Flowers 45.00 Sponsorship Mr . R. Solomons 1 , 000. 00 ·Presentation 20. 53 Player Payments, Donations 113.58 Coaches & Players payments 4 ,113. 36 Refreshments, Games 1, 048. 58 Contra - Refreshments 1,048.58 Commission, "Competitions 171062 Bank Charges 7.25 Stationery 20.00 Medical 286.03 Sundries J2a26 $7' l1J4 . 52 452. 87 $7,887. 39 n Si,8.37.39 I• $ 452.87 Balance at Ban'.< 20/10/77, \ ..

n. F . Burr~ ess Seniors T~easurer !·