Squeaky beds and back ache put couples off trying new sex positions Submitted by: Accent Press Tuesday, 23 July 2013

First interactive with 3D smartphone app brings 69 new positions to the bedroom Three quarters of couples would like to be more adventurous in the bedroom but are put off trying new positions because of back pains, body issues and squeaky bed springs. A new survey revealed that one in three cited low body confidence and joint pains and medical conditions as the main reasons for not trying new positions. A further one in four were discouraged by squeaky beds and almost one in five said they wouldn’t know how to do a more adventurous position. The Kama Xcitra Sex Survey (http://www.kamaxcitra.com/) also revealed that while women may be winning the battle of the boardroom in the bedroom men are still on top. Almost 80 per cent of couples admitted they regularly have sex with the man on top. Other popular positions were bent over a chair (44 per cent); on all fours (58 per cent), woman on top (67 per cent). Almost 20 per cent admitted to regular sessions while the 50 Shades phenomenon is still having an effect with 25 per cent of respondents being tied up. Of the couples questioned one third had sex at least three times a week and another third at least once a week. Five per cent admitted to having sex less than once a year. When asked what is top of their playlist for setting the mood to explore new positions, favourites were Ravel’s Bolero, Loving You by Minnie Ripperton and Let’s Get it On by Marvin Gaye. Some of the less obvious mood music included Linkin Park, Nine Inch Nails and The Proclaimers 500 Miles. The survey was commissioned by erotic publishers Xcite Books Ltd to launch the world’s first interactive Kama Sutra. The spiral-bound book contains 69 illustrated positions combined with written descriptions and difficulty ratings from the easiest positions like The Cow Girl to the more difficult Boston Brute, the big reveal comes when the reader views the illustrations through the free smartphone and tablet app that accompanies the book. Each image appears to pop out of the page as a 3D hologram right in front of their mobile device allowing the reader to move their phone or tablet to see the position from all angles thus solving the problem of where to put that awkward elbow! Sex and relationship expert Rachael McCoy said: ‘Wishing your partner did something different or better in bed is quite a common feeling in many relationships. I always advise clients to take responsibility for themselves. If you want your partner to do something more imaginative take the initiative yourself because for all you know they are thinking the same thing. Take that first step and lead as example or you may both be wishing the other one made the first move and no-one ever will.’ ‘The irony is that the more adventurous and challenging the sexual position the fitter you get and your body confidence will improve. After all sex is the best form of exercise as it’s so pleasurable that it helps you forget that you’re actually working out.’ Case study available for couple who have tried all positions in the book - and willing to be photographed.

Page 1 The Kama Xcitra is published by Xcite Books Ltd, July 17 2013, price £9.99. ISBN 9781909335257. Copies of Kama Xcitra are available for review, reader offers and competition prizes. For more information contact: Alison Stokes, PR and Production Manager, Accent Press Ltd Direct line: 01443 800353 Email: [email protected] Website: www.xcitebooks.com Notes to editors: About the Kama Xcitra Xcite Books, the UK’s award-winning publisher of erotic fiction in conjunction with technology experts Cracking Limits, has created the world’s first interactive Kama Sutra that combines the sexual wisdom of the 2,000-year-old with 21st Century mobile app technology. The Kama Xcitra uses 3D mobile technology (Augmented Reality) to help couples get to grips with the ‘ins and outs’ of each position recommended by the centuries’ old sex manual. The Kama Xcitra app allows users to customize the look of the models: changing hair and skin colour as well as adding their own music library as a soundtrack to make it a more personal experience. Unlike other versions of the guide, readers are advised as to what each position is best for in terms of desired effect and each position is also graded from 1 to 3 depending on the stamina and suppleness of the user. How it works: The Kama Xcitra is the first time Augmented Reality (AR) technology has been used to animate a book in this way. Put simply, AR means the placing of digital information over real-world environments. Each of the Kama Xcitra 3D models has been built into the mobile software application which has been developed by technology experts Cracking Limits to recognize a particular marker, in this case a single paged image, which then triggers the app to superimpose models on top of the marker creating the illusion of 3D holograms popping out of the book.

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