Susan Meredith,Robyn Gee | 96 pages | 01 Jan 1998 | Usborne Publishing Ltd | 9780746031438 | English | London, United Kingdom The Facts of Life (TV series) - Wikipedia

With unlimited access to information at our fingertips at any given moment, it can be hard to keep up. Sometimes, the constant noise of social media and the hour news cycle can even seem unescapable. The Facts of Life news—which we could all use right about now —is that some things are worth knowing a lot more than others. From practical tips to Facts of Life that can help you out a your cocktail party, or virtual happy hourhere are 50 facts everyone should know. So read on to feel your quality of life rise. Believe it or not, that little ball of cotton that comes in your bottle of pills, which is there to keep pills safe during shipping, is meant to be removed. It can collect moisture because of its absorbent nature, which makes your pills deteriorate faster. Assuming you want to tip 20 percent for good servicemove the decimal point one digit to the left and then double that number. It's that easy! If you're feeling a bit on the short side, Facts of Life yourself Facts of Life you first wake up. According to Jamaica Hospital Medical CenterThis phenomenon may be due to gravity compressing cartilage in our spine and in other parts of our bodies, such as our knees when we stand up or sit down throughout the day. Sleeping with your doors closed will help protect you from smoke and toxic fumes in the event of a fire. Just a single month of sleeping in a degree room helped increase subjects' fat-burning ability by as much as 10 percent, according to research from Commonwealth University. If you live to 70, that's about 10 yawns per day. It turns out that faking happiness can hurt your health. For a study published in the Academy of Management Journalresearchers looked at the behavior of Facts of Life drivers—a profession where people are required to have many friendly interactions throughout the day—and discovered that these people withdraw from their work while putting on a smile for show, and that that could have long-term deleterious health effects. It's just that they aren't made of bone. They're little bits of cartilage that have yet to ossify into bone. If you close your eyes in a completely dark room. When you open them, the color you see is called eigengrauwhich means intrinsic gray. It's the shade of dark gray people see when there's no light. It's called petrichor. It comes from an oil plants exude that dries on the ground. When it rains, the oil combines with a byproduct from a type of bacteria to produce the smell. If you like crunching ice after you finish your soda, you might be suffering from anemia. Also known as "pagophagia," the compulsive eating of ice may not just be a nervous tick, but a way of cooling inflammation in the mouth caused by a lack of iron, according to the Mayo Clinic. So if you like chomping down on those cubes, get thee to a doctor, stat. Sharp knives aren't actually as likely to cut you as dull ones. Because a sharp knife easily slices through food, you only have to apply a small amount of pressure when using them. This means that you're more likely to cut the item you're intending to cut, and not your hand. Dull knives, however, can't cut through food easily, and often Facts of Life injuries when resistance between the dull blade and the food's surface suddenly gives way, at which point the knife Facts of Life out of control. Since you have to use so much pressure to cut with Facts of Life dull knife, they often cause deep cuts Facts of Life gouges, as opposed to the minor nicks a sharper knife might inflict. Keep your knives sharp and hone those skills for maximum safety. Instead of dousing yourself in Facts of Life, make a mixture of dish soap, peroxide, and baking soda. The skunk spray is an oil, which your grease-fighting dish soap will take care of. Peroxide and baking soda add plenty of oxygen to the mix to help get rid of the smell. You can actually download the entirety of Wikipedia and keep it on a USB drive. Here's the linkif you'd like to eliminate the middle man and own the source. If you allow Wikipedia to know your location, it can provide you with pages about subjects relevant to where you are using its "Nearby" function. You are a planet teeming with microbes. Trillions of them inhabit your body. In fact, 90 percent of the cells in your body are actually composed of microbes. Don't freak out, but your Facts of Life is crawling with eight-legged, spider-like creatures. Fortunately, they are microscopic and impossible to see—but, according to the BBCthey're mites with long, worm-like bodies residing in hair follicles and pores or sebaceous glands. A scientist at Oxford discovered that the size of a person's "orbitomedial prefrontal cortex" the part of a brain that identifies other people's moods and personalities can predict the size of that person's social circle. The average prefrontal cortex averages out to around People with active social networks and close friends they talk to live longer than people who rely only on family, according to researchers at Michigan State University. So, whenever possible, make time to see the members of your social circle, even if it's just for a coffee. While human hair generally grows at a rate of about six inches per year, there is some difference in growth rates based on ethnicity. According to research published in the International Journal of Dermatologypeople of Asian descent tend to have faster-growing hair than those of other ethnic backgrounds. Don't have the Facts of Life for rent or a down payment? You're not alone. For the first time in over years, more people between 18 and 34 are living with their parents than on their own or with a partner. Taking an aspirin at the first sign of a heart attack can be a lifesaver. The drug inhibits platelets from forming a clot that can Facts of Life and artery and cause Facts of Life full-on heart attack. For Facts of Life fastest Facts of Life and time is of the essencechew the aspirin instead of swallowing it. Before you hand off that important spreadsheet, be sure to run a spellcheck manually to spare yourself Facts of Life undue embarrassment. It's very rare, Facts of Life it has been known to happen. Called "coffin birth," it's a phenomenon that occurs when a pregnant woman delivers a child spontaneously after her death—due to gases that built up in the abdominal area, putting pressure on the mother's uterus and forcing the baby out the birth passageway. One example of this was discovered in in the grave of a medieval woman who was buried in Italy, according to Smithsonian. With modern embalming techniques, this doesn't really happen anymore. Well, it can't be proven that he invented it, per se. But the first Facts of Life instance of the name is found in the Bard's play The Merchant of Venice : Shylock's daughter, an Anglicization of the biblical name Iscah, is named Jessica. Though closely identified as a female fashion staple today, high heels were first designed for men. At the end of the 16th century, Persian-inspired style was all the rage in Europe, according to the Facts of Life. Paul Getty Museumand heels were seen as being virile and masculine—and a great way to boost Facts of Life height a few inches. For starters, the set used as the home of Regan MacNeil burned to the ground when a bird flew into a circuit box. The only room left standing was the one used for the exorcism. Even creepier, not only did actors suffer multiple injuries during the filming of the movie, two of them actually died shortly after filming wrapped—actors that played characters who Facts of Life onscreen. To make matters worse, according to CBS Newswhen the film premiered in Rome, lightning struck a year-old cross atop a nearby church. Called the Troxler effectand discovered as long ago asit causes those who experience it to think they see something fearsome in the mirror just on the periphery of their vision—whether they say " bloody Mary " three times or not. The brewery, Sankt Gallen, produces a beer called Un Kono Kuro, made with coffee beans that have passed through an elephant. It's a huge hit, according to Fox News. When it comes to snow, it's water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink. It requires a lot of energy for your body to convert something from a solid to a liquid, and while snow will provide a tiny amount of hydration, it will also lower your body temperature in the process, making you more prone to hypothermia. Having strange dreams? It's time to skip the blue cheese on your salad. According to research from the British Cheese Boardeating blue cheese is particularly associated with vivid dreams. In some states, you can request that the DMV re-examine a senior citizen. So if Grandpa Joe isn't taking the Facts of Life that he's not safe behind the wheel, you can put the responsibility for nagging him about it solely on the shoulders of the DMV. If you've never cleaned your dishwasherit might be time. Look up some instructional videos or hire a professional, and get that thing in tip-top shape. It will greatly improve Facts of Life machine's performance. Researchers at John Hopkins University took the average of light from overgalaxies. It turns out the universe is, on average, kind of beige. They named the color "cosmic latte. They also have a higher tolerance for pain than men do, according to Time. Use Amazon Smile instead of plain old Amazon, and Amazon will donate 0. Many phones, including iPhones, track your location and attach that information to every picture you take by default. You can turn it off in your settingsbut that doesn't remove the information from pictures you've already taken. You don't have to cast your vote before the polls close. As long as you're in lineyou're legally allowed to vote. Don't have any close friends who feel like good choices to inherit your fortune? Not a problem. Your pets can be listed as the beneficiaries of your will. Water will make a grease fire much, much worse. Instead, starve the fire of oxygen by completely covering it and removing it from heat, if possible. Baking soda will also help put out a grease fire, as will a class B fire extinguisher. Most modern microwaves come with a mute option. The Facts of Life (TV Series –) - IMDb

As anyone over the age of 30 can tell you, the recipe is this: You Facts of Life the good; you take the bad; you take Facts of Life both—and there you have The Facts of Life. A couple of school administrators were regular characters as well. For the second season, producers stripped it down to the elements that were working best, dumped everyone else, and brought in Nancy McKeon as tomboy, blue-collar Jo. Nine seasons and episodes were Facts of Life to set the record at the time. Cohn was one of several students who volunteered to meet with the TV people and answer their questions. Rae apparently fell in love with Cohn, saying she reminded her of a childhood friend named Natalie. But it was strictly dumb luck. Mindy Cohn was 13, and was One of the reasons Tootie was usually on roller skates in the first season was to disguise how much shorter she was than the other girls. NBC was struggling in the late s. Garrett helping out at the private school Kimberly attended, and ended with her being offered a job as housemother. The Facts of Life premiered three months later, in August offor a four-episode trial run, then returned permanently in March of The Facts of Lifeof course, had started out Facts of Life a backdoor pilot itself. Facts of Life the series finale had Blair buying Eastland, making it co- ed, and essentially starting over as the new Mrs. Her screen test was an emotional scene that involved a phone call. I want you to hold back and make the Facts of Life cry. Everybody in the control room was shattered. There wasn't the Internet, but we knew what people were saying. We bought you a ticket to the fat farm! She later told E! True Hollywood Story that the producers asked her to quit it because so much of her character was tied into being fat. The solution: Put Cohn in baggy clothes to make her look heavier than she really was. She was played by Geri Jewell, a with cerebral palsy whom producer Norman Lear had seen perform at the Media Access Awards in It ranked 74th in its first season, barely surviving cancellation. Streamlining the cast helped, and the show was popular from season two onward, especially among young viewers. But while the show often won its time slot and had occasional episodes crack the weekly top Facts of Life, the season average was never any higher than 24th place. The jaunty opening tune, written by Alan Thicke, Gloria Loring, and Al Burton, only appeared in truncated form on the show. Season one went as follows:. To wit:. Call her late at night. You got the future in the palm of your hand; All you got to do to get you through is understand. The facts of life are all about you. The popularity of bird-watchingcampingand hiking has skyrocketed this year. Whether your gift recipients are weekend warriors or Facts of Life dirtbagsthey'll appreciate these tools and gear for getting most out of their hiking experience. And as some hardcore backpackers note in their Amazon reviews, your favorite hiker can take the tumblers out and stuff the pot with a camp stove, matches, and other necessities to make good Facts of Life of space in their pack. Buy it: Amazon. Both include an internal sleeve for a hydration reservoir, exterior mesh and hipbelt pockets, an attachment for carrying trekking poles, and a built-in rain cover. Buy them: AmazonAmazon. Nothing beats ice-cold water after a summer hike or a sip of hot tea during a winter walk. The Yeti Rambler can Facts of Life up both: Beverages can stay hot or cold for hours thanks to its insulated construction, and its steel body in a variety of colors is basically indestructible. It will add weight to your hiker's pack, though—for a lighter-weight, non-insulated option, the tried- and-true Camelbak Chute water bottle is incredibly sturdy and leakproof. Once the hike is complete, you can scratch off the gold foil to reveal an illustration of the park. Hikers can use this brand-new, updated road atlas to plan their next adventure. This handy piece kit is stuffed with Facts of Life the things you hope your hiker will never need in the wilderness. Trekking poles will help increase your hiker's balance and stability and reduce strain on their lower body by distributing it to their arms and shoulders. This pair is made of carbon fiber, a Facts of Life and lightweight material. From the sweat-absorbing cork handles to the selection of pole tips for different terrain, Facts of Life poles answer every need on the trail. This gadget contains 19 hiking-friendly tools in a 4. Neither rain, nor snow, nor hail will be a match for these waterproof, tearproof 3. Your hiker can stick one in their pocket along with a regular pen or pencil to record details of their hike or brainstorm their next viral Tweet. This article contains affiliate links to products selected by our editors. Mental Floss may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. Netflix recently ended its day free trial, but prospective users in some markets will soon get another chance to test out the streaming service. As Engadget reports, Netflix is opening its content to non-subscribers for 48 hours. The event, dubbed StreamFest, was leaked through the code of the Netflix Android app. In the company's Q3 earnings callNetflix executives revealed that the streaming festival will first be tested in India. If that trial is successful, similar promotions may be held in markets around the world. Early details surrounding the event suggest it will be even easier to access than the original free trial. Anyone who can visit Netflix's website on their device will be free to explore the service's catalog—no credit card information required. But like a real movie festival, the Facts of Life of real-time viewers may be limited. The first two-day StreamFest is expected to launch in select markets on December 4, Here are some of the most exciting titles to look for when the promotion comes to your part Facts of Life the world. BY Eric D Snider. Subscribe to our Newsletter! BY Kat Long. BY Michele Debczak. The Facts of Life (TV Series –) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb

Sign In. Edit The Facts of Life — Edna Garrett episodes, Mackenzie Astin Nancy Olson 19 episodes, Julie Piekarski Cindy Webster 17 episodes, George Clooney Molly Parker 15 episodes, John Lawlor Steven Bradley 13 episodes, Pamela Adlon Kelly Affinado 12 episodes, Geri Facts of Life Geri Tyler 12 episodes, Alex Rocco Charlie Polniaczek 11 episodes, Kimberly Craig Charles Parker 10 episodes, Todd Hallowell Monica Warner 8 episodes, Loren Lester Roy 8 episodes, David Tiefen Guy Reynolds 6 episodes, Claire Malis Rose Polniaczek 6 episodes, Facts of Life Cassidy Kevin Metcalf 5 episodes, Nicolas Coster David Warner 5 episodes, Woody Brown Cliff Winfield 5 episodes, Cheryl Epps Terry 5 episodes, Paul Provenza Casey Clark 5 episodes, Jenny O'Hara Miss Emily Mahoney 4 episodes, Hugh Gillin Howard 4 episodes, Jami Gertz Boots St. Clair 4 episodes, Clark Brandon Eddie Brennan 4 episodes, Heather McAdam Alexandra 'Alex' Lambarti 4 episodes, Scott Bryce Rick Bonner 4 episodes, Eve Smith Eve 4 episodes, Ruth Gillette Ruth 4 episodes, Robert Romanus Evie Green 3 episodes, Susan Rinell Brenda 3 episodes, Michael Damian Flyman 3 episodes, Orson Bean Oliver Thompson 3 Facts of Life, Laura Summer Emily 3 Facts of Life, Dawn Gregg Officer Ziaukus 3 episodes, Greg Bradford Steve 3 episodes, David Ackroyd Major Dorsey 2 episodes, Eve Plumb Meg 2 episodes, Kristoffer Tabori Sam Hall 2 episodes, Dick O'Neill Miko Facts of Life episodes, Mark Tymchyshyn Ben Rutlege 2 episodes, Facts of Life Shermet Buzz Ryan 2 episodes, Joel Brooks Raymond Garrett 2 episodes, Ian Wolfe Diane Ramsey 2 episodes, Michael Zorek Victor 2 episodes, Sandy Simpson Paul 2 episodes, Jennifer Barlow Alicia 2 episodes, Ken Daly Customer 2 episodes, Sam Behrens Wes Mitchell Facts of Life episodes, Mark Savalle George Knight 2 Facts of Life, Michael Milhoan Arnold Jackson 2 Facts of Life, Molly Picon Grandma Mona 2 episodes, Jean Sincere John 2 episodes, Stacey Swain Cinnamon 2 episodes, Kerry Michaels Noreen Grisbee 2 episodes, Todd Bridges Willis Jackson 2 episodes, Bunny Summers Peter 2 episodes, Charles Summers Richard Moll 2 episodes, Ben Marley Hank 2 episodes, Frances Megan Neil 2 episodes, Mayim Bialik Jennifer Cole 2 episodes, David Raynr Chip Nelson 2 episodes, John P. Navin Jr. Alfred Webster 2 episodes, Robert Mandan Bruce Gaines 2 episodes, Seth Green Adam Brinkerhoff 2 episodes, Edith Diaz Sal 2 episodes, Rick Moser Leon 2 Facts of Life, Jill Tandy Terry Rankin 2 episodes, Meredith Scott Lynn Ashley Payne 2 episodes, Marissa Mendenhall Sara Bellanger 2 episodes, Jason Naylor Beldon Glover 2 episodes, Jeffrey Paul Morgan Fred 1 episode, Grant Wilson Harrison Andrews 1 episode, Richard Dean Anderson Brian Parker 1 episode, Tom Fitzsimmons Alex Garrett 1 episode, Zsa Zsa Gabor Countess Calvet 1 episode, Denise Halma Cynthia 1 episode, Heather Kerr Alison 1 episode, Lou Richards Mike Palmer 1 episode, Louis Welch Instructor 1 episode, Norman Alden Ernest Melbourne 1 episode, Norman Burton Green 1 episode, Dan Frischman Carl 'Rocky' Price 1 episode, Jermaine Jackson Self 1 episode, Alexa Kenin Jesse 1 episode, Mako Wakamatsu 1 episode, Murray Matheson Henry Clayton 1 episode, Donnelly Rhodes Sal Largo 1 episode, Brian Robbins Ben 1 episode, Facts of Life Simone Doug 1 episode, Rhoda Gemignani Evelyn 1 episode, Deborah Harmon Gail Gallagher 1 episode, Gary Hudson Chad Broxton 1 episode, Jeffrey Rogers Gil Hainey 1 episode, Kevin Rodney Sullivan Marshall Ramsey 1 episode, Roger Til Chef Antoine 1 episode, John Astin Vito Miles 1 episode, Andrew Cassese Craig 1 episode, Christopher Durham