PREPARING for WINTER Brunswick Approves Trash Plan Jack Kopanski the Gazette
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BROWNS Garrett could return by Wednesday B1 Today’s weather Serving HIGH: 32 Medina County LOW: 26 since 1832 n n n Sunrise: 7:33 For home delivery, call (330) 725-4166 Sunset: 4:59 T HEHE G AZAZE TTETTE TUESDAY, December 1, 2020 $1.25 CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC Wadsworth High School goes remote learning to all students. Online curricu- after the meeting. “I’m also confident we’re Board cites lum will begin Thursday and continue for going to make sure, in doing that, we’re putting Brunswick preschool at least the immediate future. them back in the best environment for their rising COVID-19 If incoming bad weather results in safety and for their learning. Our staff, I can’t through middle school school being called off today Wednesday, say enough about the work they’ve done to get cases in building the start to remote learning will be pushed us through 14 weeks of in-person learning. to begin remote learning back to Friday or even next week if both “They’ve been pulled in so many different Jonathan Delozier today and Wednesday are snow days. directions. I just want to thank them for get- Jack Kopanski “This difficult decision has The Gazette Officials did not define a timeline to ting us to this point.” The Gazette been made based on multiple factors that include: Medina WADSWORTH — In-person classes at resume in-person attendance at the high Over the next few days, Wadsworth High BRUNSWICK — Super- County has now been placed Wadsworth High School will cease imme- school but set the month of December as an School Principal Steve Moore will contact intendent Mike Mayell on the level four public emer- diately following a decision Monday initial goal. Superintendent Andy Hill and families with more details on scheduling, announced Friday night the night by the board of education, a move board members will discuss what comes meal service, in-person learning options district would be transition- gency designation watch list,” brought on by significant jumps in build- next at their next business meeting 7 p.m. for students with special needs, extracur- ing its preschool through Mayell said in a news release. ing COVID-19 case numbers. Monday, Dec. 14. ricular activities and the Four Cities Com- eighth grade students to “We are trending toward No school will be held today or Wednes- “Our goal is to get our kids back into that pact curriculum. remote learning beginning severe exposure and spread. day as teachers prepare to expand remote high school as quickly as we can,” Hill said See REMOTE, A2 Monday, Dec. 7. See BRUNSWICK, A2
WILL GO INTO EFFECT FOR COUNTY PREPARING FOR WINTER Brunswick approves trash plan Jack Kopanski The Gazette
BRUNSWICK — City Council voted Monday night on a resolution approving the Medina County Solid Waste Plan. The motion passed with a 6-0 vote with Coun- cilman Anthony Capretta being the only non-voter due to not being in attendance. The passage satisfied the final two stipulations for the plan to be approved and ratified throughout the county: passage by the largest city in the county (Brunswick) and passage by 60 percent of the coun- ty’s population, with the county commissioners having already passed the plan. Prior to Brunswick’s passage, Solid Waste Coordi- nator Beth Biggins-Raymer said the plan had been passed by just over 50 percent of the county’s pop- ulation. Brunswick’s 19.43 percent gave the plan just under a 70 percent passage rate with the city of Wadsworth and Homer Township the last two votes to be cast. “We are grateful for Brunswick’s support of the plan,” Biggins-Raymer said. The next step is for the Solid Waste District’s pol- PHOTO PROVIDED icy committee to verify the ratification votes and Plow trucks throughout the county embarked for the first time this season Monday as a winter weather advisory is on for send it to the Environmental Protection Agency for Medina County through Wednesday. final approval in December. Had the plan not met any of the three requirements for passage, control of the plan would have been handed over to the EPA. First snowstorm of season rolls through county With the plan’s official passage, the EPA cannot alter the plan as it stands currently. Jack Kopanski Barnett said these types of shifts aren’t com- when we have to do it, we do it.” During the meeting, Councilmen Joe Delsanter The Gazette mon but are necessary due to abrupt and One issue the city ran into Monday was and Brian Ousley showed visible hesitation when intense shifts the city’s service crews will have needing to get the timing of the plows right as voting for the plan. As the National Weather Service put out a win- to make. it had rained for most of the day. Barnett said ter storm warning through Wednesday morning Much of that hesitation stemmed from con- “The 16-hour shifts are a little unusual,” Bar- finding that right window between the rain cerns the two councilmen had about several fac- for Medina County, crews rushed to prepare nett said. “We try to do 12-hour shifts because, and when it turned into snow was crucial. ets of the plan, paramount among those concerns Monday for the first snowstorm of the season. after 12 hours in a plow truck, you’re pretty “If we go too early, the rain washes the being the issues of flow control and tipping fees In Brunswick, Service Director Paul Barnett tired. When we’re on our winter shifts, 12-hour salt off the roadway,” Barnett said. “If we go for waste. Since the initial third reading of the said its crews began going out at 4 p.m. Mon- shifts work really well. We’re not on the winter to late — it takes us two and a half hours to plan was originally tabled by the committee-of- day and will be working 16-hour shifts, the shifts yet. We were picking up leaves (Monday) put a layer of salt down — then we miss it. the-whole Oct. 26, there have been several meet- longest shift allowed under a commercial driv- We don’t want the snow to bond to the pave- morning and we’ll be picking up leaves after we ings to discuss the plan including a special service er’s license, until 11:30 p.m. Wednesday. The ments. Once it bonds to the pavements, you clean up after this snowstorm. committee meeting before again being put back have a very difficult time debonding it.” city is splitting its 10 crews between the two “In order to get 24-hour coverage, we have in front of the committee, which led to Monday’s alternating shifts. to go to 16-hour shifts. I don’t like to do it, but See WINTER, A8 council meeting. See PLAN, A2 Wadsworth Griswold House a safe holiday diversion Jonathan Delozier said. “Some people have elected to The Gazette park and walk by the house and oth- ers just drive by. We ask all visitors to WADSWORTH — Two-hundred practice safety under our current cir- and fifty strands of LED lights turning cumstances and they all seem to be on this past Friday night signaled the doing that. We’re happy to be a little beginning of holiday season at one of something where people can gravi- Wadsworth’s most famous attractions. tate toward something normal.” The “Griswold House” at 173 Duane Last year, Four Cities Compact stu- Lane is outfitted each year in an effort dents at Wadsworth High School painted to recreate the excessive display put an RV to match one driven in the film by up by Chevy Chase’s Clark Griswold Randy Quaid’s Cousin Eddie character in “National Lampoon’s Christmas that is now parked at the home. Vacation.” It attracts regular visitors Osterland lives with cystic fibro- throughout the holiday season even sis and also uses the attraction as a as the lights stop short of blinding means to raise money for the Great neighbors or causing local power Strides Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. outages. The display was first put up Visitors to his home can donate by in 2013 and has been a community scanning a QR code or by putting mainstay ever since. their contributions in a locked mail- PHOTO PROVIDED “We’ve had good, steady turnout box that is emptied every evening. Wadworth’s “Griswold House” on Duane Lane shines for spectators as “Cousin Eddie” cleans out his RV so far,” homeowner Greg Osterland See HOUSE, A8 across the street.
INDEX ACCENT...... A6-7 CLASSIFIEDS...... B5,B8 LOTTERY...... A2 OPINION...... A4 BUSINESS...... A5 COMICS...... B6-7 OBITUARIES...... A8 SPORTS...... B1-3
cyan A1 magenta A1 yellow A1 black A1 A2 Tuesday, December 1, 2020 FROM PAGE ONE The Gazette
PUBLIC MEETINGS ALMANAC Today City Council, regular meeting, 5 p.m., audit of Nov. 3 general election, 8:30 a.m., (to attend Webex meeting, RSVP to lltoth@ The Associated Press (Live on CityLink channels 17 and 329 at Suite C, board of elections, 3800 Stonegate Chatham Township Zoning Today is Tuesday, Dec. 1, scheduled times and on Spectrum channel Drive, Medina Township. Medina County District Library Board Commission, regular meeting, 7 p.m., 1024. It also will be livestreamed at www. Medina County Port Authority, regular of Trustees Finance Committee, regular the 336th day of 2020. There community center, 6306 Avon Lake Road. meeting, 8 a.m. (to attend Zoom meeting, are 30 days left in the year. Guilford Township trustees, regular meeting, meeting, 6 p.m., (via Zoom: call (646) 558- Westfield Center Village Council, regular RSVP to [email protected]). 8656, meeting ID: 812 7242 1696. 8 p.m., township hall, 3800 Greenwich Road. meeting, 7 p.m. (to access Zoom meeting, Medina County Planning Commission, Today’s history Hinckley Township trustees, special go to regular meeting, 6:30 p.m., Balcony Room Wadsworth Records Commission, meeting for the purpose of annual Records B, administration building, 144 N Broadway regular meeting, 10 a.m. (Live on CityLink n In 1824, the presidential Commission, 6:20 p.m., followed by Wednesday St., Medina (to attend Zoom meeting, RSVP channels 17 and 329 at scheduled times election was turned over to regular meeting, 6:30 p.m. (check www. to [email protected]). and on Spectrum channel 1024. It also will Brunswick Hills Township Board of the U.S. House of Repre- , be livestreamed at for virtual updates). Zoning Appeals, 7 p.m., public hearing for Medina Special Legislation Committee Medina Cemetery Commission, regular special meeting, 5 p.m., multipurpose room, York Township Zoning Commission, sentatives when a deadlock Southwest Baptist Church variance request, developed between John meeting, 1 p.m., Amos Mears Building, Diamond Event Center, 1480 Pearl Road, city hall, 132 N. Elmwood Ave., Medina — regular meeting, 7 p.m., fire station, 6609 Spring Grove Cemetery, 775 E. Washington Brunswick — canceled. canceled. Norwalk Road, York Township — canceled. Quincy Adams, Andrew Jack- St., Medina. Gloria Glens Village Council, regular son, William H. Crawford and Medina County commissioners, regular meeting, 7 p.m. (for Zoom details, go to Thursday Friday Henry Clay. (Adams ended meeting, 9:30 a.m. ( Brunswick Planning Commission, regular MedinaCountyCommissioners). Medina County Budget Commission, up the winner.) Litchfield Township trustees, special meeting, 6:30 p.m., city hall, 4095 Center Road. special meeting, 9 a.m., Room 301, Medina Economic Development Committee, meeting for CARE Act money discussion, 5 p.m., Brunswick Hills Township Zoning n In 1860, the Charles Dick- regular meeting, 8 a.m., multipurpose room, city Litchfield Town Hall, 9266 Norwalk Road. Commission, regular meeting — canceled. administration building, 144 N. Broadway ens novel “Great Expecta- St., Medina. hall, 132 N. Elmwood Ave., Medina — canceled. Medina Civil Service Commission, Hinckley Township Zoning Commission, tions” was first published in Spencer Township trustees, regular meeting, regular meeting, 8 a.m., multipurpose room, regular meeting, 7 p.m. (check www. Medina County Solid Waste District, 7 p.m. township office, 110 N. Main St. city hall, 132 N. Elmwood Ave., Medina — for virtual updates.) sealed bid opening for office renovations, weekly serial form. Wadsworth Public Service Committee, canceled. Medina County Advisory Council on 10 a.m., Sanitary Engineer’s Office, 791 W. n In 1862, President Abra- regular meeting, 4 p.m., followed by Medina County Board of Elections, Aging and Disability, regular meeting, 1 p.m. Smith Road, Medina. ham Lincoln sent his Second Annual Message to Congress, in which he called for the WEATHER “It means a lot to hear that our abolition of slavery, and went REMOTE on to say, “Fellow-citizens, we TODAY: Snow...... 32/26 From A1 safety is paramount and I appreciate can not escape history. We of this Congress and this Admin- Hill asked board mem- WEDNESDAY: Partly cloudy...... 38/22 that. I wanted to let the board know istration will be remembered bers if they wanted to take in spite of ourselves.” a roll call vote on moving to that most of the high school staff has THURSDAY: Partly cloudy...... 40/29 n In 1941, Japan’s Emperor remote learning, which they been prepared for a transition since Hirohito approved waging FRIDAY: Showers early, overcast...... 38/29 declined. Board president war against the United States, Julie Batey then indicated the beginning of this school year. Britain and the Netherlands she and fellow members after his government rejected were supportive of the plan. The majority of us are using Google U.S. demands contained in KID’S VIEW “Ohio Revised Code gives Classroom and electronic textbooks, the Hull Note. the superintendent the n In 1942, during World ability to place students for when available.” War II, nationwide gasoline education,” Hill said. “Tech- rationing went into effect in nically speaking, a decision Brianne Pernod the United States; the goal was could have been made to high school teacher not so much to save on gas, just place kids at the high but to conserve rubber (as school into remote learning Pernod told the board. “I about COVID-19 is a person in tires) that was desperately that was legally compliant. wanted to let the board is contagious two days prior needed for the war effort. However, there is a lot of know that most of the high to ever feeling bad. This is n In 1955, Rosa Parks, a Black feedback, different opinions school staff has been pre- why the virus has been so seamstress, was arrested after and considerations that had pared for a transition since difficult to get a handle on, refusing to give up her seat to to be given based on discus- the beginning of this school people spreading it without a white man on a Montgom- sions from last spring and year. The majority of us are even knowing it.” ery, Alabama, city bus. summer.” using Google Classroom “We saw this coming,” n In 1965, an airlift of refu- While some verbal and and electronic textbooks, Decker added. “The health gees from Cuba to the United written comments during when available.” department had great con- States began in which thou- Wednesday’s meeting District nurse Lynn cerns with all of the festivi- sands of Cubans were allowed opposed moving to remote Decker acknowledged diffi- ties that accompanied Hal- to leave their homeland. learning, teachers and culties that another switch loween at the high school n In 1969, the U.S. govern- administrators in atten- to online learning will bring level. In the months prior ment held its first draft lottery dance voiced strong support on but agreed that it’s a nec- to November, we had cases since World War II. for the switch. essary choice at this point. come into the school from n In 1974, TWA Flight 514, a Attendees cited a recent “We have the ability to the outside. At that time, we Washington-bound Boeing article from the student stop the influx of cases com- saw no correlation in pos- 727, crashed in Virginia after newspaper, The Bruin, ing into the high school from itive cases. In the past two being diverted from National which showed the major- the holiday travel period, weeks, we’ve seen a huge Airport to Dulles International ity of students surveyed leading to more children case increase and trends that Airport; all 92 people on Abigail Fischbach favored online-only. being quarantined,” she make us question whether board were killed. St. Francis Xavier School “It means a lot to hear said. “This is an effort to keep the cases are related.” n In 1989, Soviet President that our safety is paramount the doors to our school open Mikhail S. Gorbachev met The Gazette welcomes weather pictures from area Contact reporter Jonathan Delozier at and I appreciate that,” high in the long-term. Something (330)721-4050 or jdelozier@medina- with Pope John Paul II at the students. A weather form may be obtained by email- school teacher Brianne many people don’t know Vatican. ing [email protected]. Teachers may n In 1990, British and French submit pictures from their class. For more informa- workers digging the Channel tion, call (330) 721-4060. cases and quarantines and Mayell said even follow- Tunnel between their coun- BRUNSWICK the ensuing staffing issues. ing this move there will still tries finally met after knock- From A1 The first day of remote learn- be some students who will ing out a passage in a service ing for high schoolers was continue to be brought in tunnel. “The number of staff pos- Monday. for in-person instruction. n In 1991, Ukrainians voted CORRECTIONS itive cases/quarantines has Preschool through eighth Building principals and/or overwhelmingly for indepen- made it nearly impossible to grade students will attend case managers will be reach- dence from the Soviet Union. & CLARIFICATIONS effectively operate. There has face-to-face learning through ing out to individual families n In 2006, Felipe Calderon The Medina Gazette is committed to providing accurate news cov- (also) been a significant spike Wednesday this week, with about this. took the oath of office as erage. Call us at (330) 721-4060 to let us know about factual errors. in student positive cases/ no classes Thursday and Fri- “We will remain in remote Mexico’s president amid cat- quarantines over the past day to allow teachers time to learning until at least Jan. 4,” calls and brawling lawmakers, week that has made a seri- prepare for the transition. Mayell said. “As we approach a chaotic start to a term. ous impact across multiple K-5 parents can have their that date, we will evaluate n In 2010, President Barack LOTTERY buildings.” children stream into the our situation and commu- Obama’s bipartisan deficit This move comes just classrooms via Google Meet Ohio (Monday) nicate with families the dis- commission unveiled its over a week after the district for certain subject areas trict’s plan moving forward.” recommendations including Midday Pick 3: 0-4-5, Pick 3: 8-8-7, moved the high school to if they are uncomfortable Midday Pick 4: 7-0-3-9, Pick 4: 8-2-0-6, Contact reporter Jack Kopanski at lower income taxes, fewer Midday Pick 5: 5-2-1-8-3, Pick 5: 6-9-3-5-4, remote learning following sending their children to (330) 721-4063 or jkopanski@medina- tax breaks and higher age for Rolling Cash 5: 4-6-13-30-37, a large increase in positive school in-person. retirement benefits (however, Classic Lotto: 8-13-24-29-34-45, Kicker: 6-2-0-2-1-2. the panel failed to advance Rolling Cash 5 jackpot is 110,000. Classic Lotto jackpot is $1.3 million. the package to Congress two Ousley shared Delsanter’s it one step at a time and get days later.) Lucky for Life hesitancy saying the plan in past ratifying the plan first, PLAN Today’s birthdays Not available at press time. From A1 front of them was not the best Biggins-Raymer anticipates overall plan Brunswick could Brunswick coming forward World Golf Hall of Famer Mega Millions “We engaged with all the have gotten, but that it was and requesting a rewrite at Lee Trevino is 81. Singer FRIDAY: 4-10-27-35-58, Mega Ball: 10, Megaplier: 2. parties that are involved to the best plan they were going some point. Dianne Lennon (The Lennon Next Mega Millions jackpot is an estimated $229 million. learn more about what we to get. “We anticipate that Bruns- Sisters) is 81. Country musi- needed to know,” Delsanter Powerball “It’s not the best deal for wick will likely bring up the cian Casey Van Beek (The said. “We’re still responsible to Brunswick,” Ousley said. “It’s topic, whether it be in Decem- Tractors) is 78. Rock sing- SATURDAY: 8-12-18-44-51, Powerball: 18, Power Play: 2. the people of this city to do the Next Powerball jackpot is an estimated $231 million. not. I think we could have ber or after the new year, the er-musician Eric Bloom (Blue best we can and get the low- done better. The county concerns of their council” Oyster Cult) is 76. Rock musi- est cost options for our refuse. should have been looking into Biggins-Raymer said. “We will cian John Densmore (The Unfortunately, based on the this and having discussions go from there. First step first, Doors) is 76. Actor-singer information given to us at the openly six months ago. Not the policy committee needs Bette Midler is 75. Singer Gil- last meeting, it was clear that three months ago. Is it the best to complete the verification bert O’Sullivan is 74. Former it’s the devil we know versus deal? No. It’s the deal we had to of the plan and sending it to child actor Keith Thibodeaux Tuesday, December 1, 2020, No. 286 the devil we don’t know. (TV: “I Love Lucy”) is 70. Medina (non-toll area)...... (330) 725-4166 accept.” the agency for a review.” “Had we had an opportu- One potential bright spot This potential early rewrite Actor Treat Williams is 69. All other Ohio areas...... (800) 633-4623 Country singer Kim Richey Copyright © 2020, The Medina Gazette nity to examine the market- for the city lies in the possi- is something Delsanter said Material published in this newspaper is the property of Medina County place on the recyclables, there bility of an early rewrite of stuck out in his mind when is 64. Actor Charlene Tilton is Publications Inc. Company and is not to be reproduced without permission. may have been a different the plan. While it normally casting his vote. 62. Actor-model Carol Alt is EXECUTIVES Medina (non-toll areas): outcome. We may have had is rewritten ever five years, “You can’t knock all the peo- 60. Actor Jeremy Northam is ADVERTISING MANAGER (330) 725-4166 59. Actor Katherine LaNasa is more time to consider better Biggins-Raymer and Bar- ple that worked to put the flow Jason Gwinnup .... (330) 721-4002 Phone hours 54. Producer-director Andrew 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Monday to Friday options for our people here in nett discussed at a meeting plan together,” Delsanter said. [email protected] Adamson is 54. Actor Nestor MANAGING EDITOR The Gazette is published Brunswick. Until that infor- last month the possibility “If we have a circumstance Carbonell is 53. Actor Golden Lisa Roberson … (330) 721-4060 Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays mation is more obvious to of accepting the plan and it that allows us to revisit our and Saturdays by Medina County Brooks is 50. Actor-comedian [email protected] us, we’re going with the solid stands and working with the position on flow of our refuse, SPORTS EDITOR Publications Inc., 885 W. Liberty Sarah Silverman is 50. Actor waste plan. This is a more sta- county to rework the plan to I’d like to take advantage of it.” Albert Grindle ...... (330) 721-4043 St., P.O. Box 407, Medina, OH Ron Melendez is 48. Con- 44258-0407 ble condition for the residents remove flow control before [email protected] Contact reporter Jack Kopanski at temporary Christian singer Periodicals postage paid and at this time. It doesn’t mean it’ the five years is up. privilege authorized at Medina, (330) 721-4063 or jkopanski@medina- Bart Millard is 48. Actor-writ- EDITORIAL Ohio, and additional entries. the best but it’s more stable.” While she wants to take SPORTS (AFTER 5 P.M.) ...... er-producer David Hornsby Publication number: 337920 (330) 721-4043 is 45. Singer Sarah Masen is [email protected] SUBSCRIPTION RATES “We engaged with all the parties that are involved 45. Rock musician Brad Del- (Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) son (Linkin Park) is 43. Actor ADVERTISING Home delivery: $45.50 for to learn more about what we needed to know. We’re Nate Torrence is 43. Actor Riz Retail ...... (330) 721-4002 13 weeks, $91 for 26 weeks, Ahmed (Film: “Rogue One: A Classified...... (330) 725-6040 still responsible to the people of this city to do the best $163.80 for 52 weeks. Star Wars Story”) is 38. Actor Office hours.....8 a.m.-5 p.m. daily Newsstand price per copy: $1.25 Tuesday, Wednesday we can and get the lowest cost options for our refuse. Charles Michael Davis is CIRCULATION Friday; $1.75 Saturday. 36. Actor Ilfenesh Hadera is If you didn’t get your paper, POSTMASTER: Send address Unfortunately, based on the information given to us 35. R&B singer-actor Janelle please call before 9 a.m. changes to: The Gazette, P.O. Box Monae is 35. Actor Ashley Home Delivery Service 407, Medina, OH 44258-0407. at the last meeting, it was clear that it’s the devil we Monique Clark is 32. Pop- know versus the devil we don’t know.” rock-rap singer Tyler Joseph (Twenty One Pilots) is 32. WWW.MEDINA-GAZETTE.COM Brunswick Councilman Joe Delsanter Actor Zoe Kravitz is 32.
cyan A2 magenta A2 yellow A2 black A2 The Gazette LOCAL & NATION Tuesday, December 1, 2020 A3
CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC ROUNDUP Hinckley senior named Effective Thursday, all res- Student of the Month idential levels of Armstrong’s Zoom Internet now will have an Thanksgiving travelers should Highland High School senior additional 500 gigabytes of data Chase Marquis was named added to their monthly allow- November ance. Armstrong said it is making Student of the this temporary change to allow quarantine, doctor suggests Month by the families to have their children Medina County attend school from home with- The Gazette Ohio’s COVID-19 hospitalizations have hit Thomas said rural areas are being hit Kiwanis Club. out creating a significant impact an all-time high at 5,060 people as com- particularly hard right now, and several Chase is an on their normal internet usage. For those who may have traveled this pared to just under 1,700 COVID-19 patients hospitals are beginning to voice concerns active student Armstrong’s average monthly Thanksgiving holiday, the window for pre- Nov. 1. about their ability to manage such a high at Highland as data consumption for residen- venting exposure to the coronavirus has Of Ohio’s currently hospitalized COVID- number of intensive care patients. As the a member of Chase tial internet customers is 300 to passed. 19 patients, there are 1,180 individuals in total number of COVID-19 patients grows, the National 350 gigabytes per month. Now that families are back home and intensive care units and 682 people are on smaller community hospitals will be unable Marquis Honor Society, living more closely within their own family ventilators. to expand their intensive care capacity. orchestra, Prin- Assisted Living bubbles, the focus should be on minimizing Thomas said one-third of ICU patients The Ohio Department of Health updated cipal’s Advisory Committee and Locators launches transmission. Dr. Andy Thomas, chief clini- across Ohio have COVID-19 and one-third its COVID-19 dashboard Monday. peer leader. In addition, Chase Akron franchise cal officer at The Ohio State University Wex- of individuals on ventilators have COVID-19. Medina County has now seen a total is a member of the golf, baseball Assisted Living Locators will ner Medical Center, said Monday during “COVID patients are going to start crowd- of 5,266 cases. This includes 233 cases and basketball teams and is a launch a franchise to support Gov. Mike DeWine’s daily COVID-19 news ing out other people who need that level that have required hospitalization and 57 four-year Scholar Athlete Award the Akron area including Sum- conference that residents should seriously of care as these numbers continue to rise,” reported deaths. Just 2,985 residents are winner. He also was an integral mit, and portions of Portage consider quarantining to break any possible said Thomas, who has repeatedly appeared presumed recovered. member of the Medina County and Medina counties. chain of transmission. on DeWine’s briefings. “The reality is that In total, there are 421,063 confirmed and Chapter of the Ohio Governor’s Assisted Living Locators Such measures are about preventing oth- hospitals are making difficult decisions probable cases of COVID-19 reported in Imagination Library. provides the full continuum of ers from becoming ill. about delaying care. It may be nonurgent Ohio and 6,429 confirmed and probable Chase is the son of Kevin care offering free guidance in “It might make sense for the next five to care, but it’s care that may cause someone COVID-19 deaths. A total of 26,864 people and Stacie Marquis, of Hinck- locating quality assisted living seven days to minimize contact as much as to go to the ICU after surgery. A lot of hos- have been hospitalized throughout the pan- ley Township, and plans to and in-home care options. The possible,” he said. pitals are delaying those surgeries because demic, including 4,682 admissions to inten- pursue a degree either in new franchise owner is senior DeWine said such steps are needed as they can’t afford their ICUs to be overtaxed.” sive care units. mechanical or aerospace engi- care adviser Mindi Bub. neering upon his graduation. According to Bub, the ser- Armstrong ups data vice will be especially helpful to seniors and their families to help virtual learning Holiday air travel surges despite dire health warnings during the coronavirus pan- As many school districts are demic by offering an easy-to- David Koenig against Thanksgiving travel demics say even if that is true, Sunday, TSA screened about forced to adjust from in-person use online assessment tool and The Associated Press just a week before the holiday. travelers can spread the virus 975,000 people a day on aver- and hybrid learning plans to virtual consultation options. Previous holidays includ- once they get off the plane. age. That’s down 60 percent full virtual learning, Armstrong Nearly 1.2 million people For more information, visit ing Memorial Day, July 4 and Before the latest surge in expects to see data consumption www.assistedlivinglocators. passed through U.S. airports from a year ago, when more Labor Day were followed by infections, airlines had added rise much like the trends seen in com/akron. Sunday, the largest number than 2.3 million people per day increases in new cases. David more flights for Thanksgiving, March and April of this year. — from staff reports since the pandemic gripped went through U.S. airports. O’Connor, a virologist at the hoping for the same kind of the country in March, despite University of Wisconsin who boost in travel they saw over pleas from health experts for has studied the role of travel the July 4 and Labor Day holi- Americans to stay home over in the pandemic, expects the days. They ended up canceling Thanksgiving. same thing to happen after The Transportation Security some of those flights, however, Thanksgiving and leading up and demand is expected to fall Administration screened at to Christmas. back in early December before least 1 million people on four It’s unclear whether the another potential pick-up in of the last 10 days through Sun- pleas of experts had any effect travel around Christmas. day. That’s still half the crowd on travel and large gatherings Over a 10-day period ending recorded last year at airports, at Thanksgiving. Some airlines when more than 2 million peo- reported a pullback in book- ple were counted per day. ings as virus cases grew in the DONATE With new reported cases days before the holiday. of coronavirus spiking across Airlines say the risk of 844.GET.JDOG Local 330-242-3069 the country, the U.S. Centers transmission during flights is AND for Disease Control and Pre- very low if everyone on board vention had issued a warning wears a mask. Experts on epi- Toys FOOD
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cyan A3 magenta A3 yellow A3 black A3 Page A4 Tuesday, December 1, 2020 Opinion WWW.MEDINA-GAZETTE.COM T HEHE G AZAZE TTETTE Founded in 1832 LISA ROBERSON Managing Editor
ANOTHEROPINION Biden must restore US as leader in climate change fight he election of Joe Biden as president signals a return to sanity in the federal government’s approach to climate Tchange. For starters, Biden at least recognizes the sever- ity of global warming’s impact on the people who are feeding it — us — and has vowed to confront it head on with ambi- Trump’s lasting legal legacy tious programs aimed at shifting the nation to renewable energy sources and decreasing carbon emissions. ow long Trump’s legacy outlasts pian in tone and content. He expresses And he’s off to a good start by appointing John F. Kerry as President Donald Trump remains breathless indignation and sarcasm that a special climate diplomat; as President Barack Obama’s sec- Hto be seen, but it appeared to be aren’t ordinarily associated with delibera- retary of state, Kerry was instrumental in creating the 2015 healthy and durable last week in a 5-4 tive judicial reasoning. Gorsuch registers Paris Agreement. We are heartened, too, by Biden’s statement Supreme Court ruling. particularly partisan contempt for Gov. on Nov. 24 that Kerry’s appointment “will be matched with a The case was Roman Catholic Diocese of John Crisp Cuomo, whose attempts to control the high-level White House climate policy coordinator and poli- Brooklyn v. Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor spread of the virus Gorsuch characterizes of New York. The diocese sought “injunc- cymaking structure — to be announced in December — that In fact, in similar cases in California with loaded language such as “edicts,” will lead efforts here in the U.S. to combat the climate crisis tive relief” from the governor’s executive “executive decrees” and “assertions of order limiting attendance at religious and Nevada last summer, the court ruled and mobilize action to meet this existential threat.” power.” He refers gratuitously to “New services during the pandemic. Cuomo 5-4 in favor of government officials and But any measure of success will require more than a change York’s unconstitutional regime.” had established color-coded zones — red, public health experts who were attempting in administrations. We need a change in the public will as Further, Trump’s pervading sense of orange, yellow — to indicate infection lev- to control the infection rate by limiting well, because limiting the worst consequences of global attendance at religious services. Clearly, if grievance is reflected in Gorsuch’s depic- els and imposed attendance restrictions tion of churches besieged by a secular warming will be expensive and require sacrifices as we funda- accordingly, a maximum of 10 congregants the court hadn’t shifted, last week’s ruling mentally alter how we produce and consume energy. in Diocese v. Cuomo would have been dif- society and a governor who thinks that in red zones and 25 in orange zones. “laundry and liquor” are “essential” but Biden will start that transition as soon as he takes the oath The applicants contended that the ferent. “traditional religious exercises are not.” of office by focusing climate and energy polices on human restrictions are more stringent than those And just as clearly, the court got it Gorsuch says, sarcastically, “according impacts rather than on shoring up the fossil fuel industries. applied to secular institutions that had wrong. If you don’t trust my judgment on to the Governor, it may be unsafe to go He also intends to integrate efforts to fight climate change been deemed “essential,” and that they this — and you shouldn’t — I urge you to to church, but it is always fine to pick up across all federal agencies, not just those with jurisdiction thus violated the First Amendment’s pro- read the court’s 33-page ruling for yourself. another bottle of wine.” over environmental issues. The newly created post in the tection of the free exercise of religion. The ruling is an unsigned, bland rejec- In fact, Trump’s sarcasm and sense of White House will be tasked with coordinating it all, a practical In fact, one of the applicants contended tion of the governor’s attendance restric- persecution may echo in the court for move that emphasizes the issue’s importance. that Cuomo had “singled out a particular tions, depending on Justices Breyer and some time in findings such as Gorsuch’s, The Trump administration’s energy policy was simple and religion for blame and retribution for an Sotomayor, writing in dissent, to note that whose pious sanctimony seems fixated on direct: Drill more, sell more, burn more while rolling back uptick in a societywide pandemic.” lower courts have found “distinguishable” liquor stores, which he mentions dismis- regulations through decisions that marginalized the effects of The court found in favor of the diocese, differences between religious services and sively at least five times. extracting and burning fossil fuels on public health. In fact, and its ruling applies to two Orthodox other “essential” institutions. In short, Gorsuch sounds like Trump: the administration is speeding up the issuance of oil leases in Jewish synagogues that had filed similar Further, the ruling ignores the fact that secular entities that more closely resem- strident, sarcastic, snide, partisan, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in hopes of selling them requests. ble churches — movie theaters, lectures, aggrieved and victimized, the opposite of off before President Donald Trump leaves office, despite clear The ruling reflects Trump’s profound — concerts — were subjected to even harsher the deliberative, conservative rationality of evidence that the nation needs to reduce such production and very durable — impact on the nation’s highest court. Had Senate Majority Leader restrictions, including closures. Chief Justice Roberts. and instead invest in renewable energy. Fortunately, drilling McConnell not refused to consider any Thus, you have to read the dissents to And in all the debate, nobody even both- in the refuge will face significant legal and market headwinds nomination to the court during President understand this case fully. But to under- ers to mention the best advice for the size that may negate such maneuvers. Barack Obama’s last year in office, or if he stand thoroughly Trump’s influence on the of a religious service during a pandemic: The first thing Biden needs to do is fulfill his promise to had been unable to bear the hypocrisy of court, you have to read the concurrence by Matthew 18:20: “For where two or three are rejoin the 2015 Paris climate accord, which Trump jettisoned squeezing Trump’s nominee, Amy Coney Neil Gorsuch, the justice who was imposed gathered together in my name, there am I as “unfair” to the U.S. It was a spurious excuse to make it Barrett, through the Senate barely in time on the court by Trump and the Republi- in the midst of them.” easier for the nation’s — and the world’s — oil and gas indus- to beat the election, last week’s decision cans in place of Obama’s nominee, Merrick tries to continue to profit by extracting and selling fossil fuels. John M. Crisp, an op-ed columnist for Tribune News would almost certainly have gone in the Garland. Service, lives in Georgetown, Texas, and can be Notably, many of the corporations involved in the industry opposite direction. Gorsuch’s concurrence is jarringly Trum- reached at [email protected]. recognize the science — some, such as Exxon Mobil, knew decades ago but sought to squelch the information and spin knowingly false public narratives to sow public doubt about the findings of climate researchers. Ruling provides a glimpse of the future Industry leaders also have begun to respond to the grow- he Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision on the pandemic, the court’s decision is also ing public demand, including by some major institutional Wednesday night, striking down New no big deal. Nothing in it would forbid investors, to end our reliance on fossil fuels as quickly as TYork State restrictions on the number stringent restrictions on churches and syn- possible. BP, one of the world’s largest oil and gas companies, of people who can attend religious services agogues, so long as those restrictions are and Royal Dutch Shell are both trying to move away from during the coronavirus pandemic, is being imposed on other, similar institutions as their histories and reposition themselves as renewable energy taken as a signal of the emergence of a Cass Sunstein well. What’s required is neutrality. businesses, perhaps the most ambitious efforts in a broader newly aggressive conservative majority. For these reasons, it’s wrong to say that refocus by industry leaders. But it’s not an easy transition to It’s easy to see why. The majority in the the decision shows the sudden ascendency zones, even nonessential businesses could make when revenues from oil production decline as the need religion case included the court’s new- of a new conservative majority. If the ruling do as they wished, and so had a lot more for cash investment in renewable energy increases. est member, Justice Amy Coney Barrett, has broader importance, it’s because it’s flexibility than houses of worship. The big question, of course, is how much more quickly can alongside the most conservative of her col- part of a tendency, to which Barrett can In a separate concurring opinion, Gor- the industry, and consumers, act? In the U.S. alone we rely to leagues: Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel such put the point vividly: “While the be expected to contribute, to be highly a disturbing extent on internal combustion engines to power Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. pandemic poses many grave challenges, protective of religion and religious organi- motor vehicles and natural gas or oil to heat our homes, cook The dissenters included Chief Justice there is no world in which the Constitu- zations — and to their claims of discrimi- our food and power our factories. John Roberts, also conservative but more tion tolerates color-coded executive edicts nation and excessive intrusion by state and moderate in his voting patterns — who has It will be expensive to undo that, with motor vehicles sold that reopen liquor stores and bike shops federal governments. been the swing vote in divided decisions today lasting a dozen years and with millions of American but shutter churches, synagogues and A clue here comes from a vigorous Nov. homes built for gas furnaces rather than electric heat. Also, for the last year. mosques.” 12 speech to the Federalist Society by Alito, we still rely too much on natural gas and — decreasingly — Notwithstanding the public reaction, In a dissenting opinion, Roberts didn’t who said, “The pandemic has resulted in coal to generate the electricity that, if we are to shift to more the decision is hardly pathbreaking, and it reject Gorsuch’s argument. Instead he previously unimaginable restrictions on sustainable appliances, we will only need more of. doesn’t signal much at all. As a technical made a narrow procedural point: It was not individual liberty.” But more important We noted recently the importance of Biden reestablishing matter, it’s close to a yawner. If it is to be the right time for the court to intervene. evidence comes from a series of decisions science as a driving force in forming federal policies. But taken as a signal, it should be of something His reasoning was that it wasn’t necessary in which the justices have interpreted he also will need to resurrect the Environmental Protection more specific: the existence of a majority for the court to act because Cuomo had both the Constitution and the Religious Agency as a regulator rather than an agent in undoing nec- that will be highly protective of the rights loosened the restrictions after the case was Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 in ways essary protections, broadly restoring the government’s role of religious believers. filed, eliminating the numerical limits pre- favored by religious organizations. in protecting public health from the dangerous excesses of The core of the case was a claim of dis- viously faced by houses of worship. In 2014, for example, a 5-4 ruling inval- polluters. crimination against churches and syna- In a separate dissenting opinion, Justice idated regulations under the Affordable gogues. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo had There is a long list of other necessary steps for the new Stephen Breyer, joined by Justices Sonia Care Act that required family-owned com- issued an order stating that in certain pan- president to take to protect the environment and confront Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, agreed with panies with religious objections to provide demic-infected areas, deemed “red zones,” climate change — reinstating regulations protecting public that point. He added that the technical health-insurance coverage for contracep- only 10 people could attend religious lands where warranted from drilling, logging and mining, question before the court was whether to tives. And in 2018, a divided court held services. In less dangerous areas, deemed restoring methane emissions rules for wells on federal lands, give a “preliminary injunction” blocking that a Christian baker had a constitutional “orange zones,” the cap was 25. ramping up fuel efficiency standards for motor vehicles and enforcement of the state’s order, or instead right to refuse to create a wedding cake for In the majority’s unsigned opinion, the to wait for a full hearing where all the facts reviving the Obama-era Clean Power Plan to reduce carbon same-sex couples. court did not say that these restrictions could be compiled. He also pointed to the For the new administration of President- emissions from power plants, to name a few. would be unacceptable if they had been need to give broad discretion to elected elect Joe Biden and for state and local offi- But the most significant role Biden can play as president is imposed on all gathering places. It said officials during a pandemic to make deci- cials, there’s a warning sign: Anything that to try to resurrect the U.S. as a serious world leader in com- that the problem was that they singled out sions when facing medical and scientific smacks of discrimination against religious bating climate change, and to propel us down an irreversible houses of worship “for especially harsh uncertainties. organizations will run into trouble, pan- path toward a safer and more sustainable future. treatment.” If we take the court’s ruling on its own demic or no pandemic. The requirement That will require some cheerleading and cajoling but also To justify that claim, the court empha- terms, it’s small potatoes. Everyone on the of neutrality, not the ascendency of an serious science-framed vision and a significant level of polit- sized that “essential” businesses could court agreed that if New York discrimi- emboldened conservative majority, is the ical will. The vast majority of Americans already recognize allow as many people as they wished, even nated against houses of worship, its action real lesson of Wednesday’s decision. the reality the world faces. Leading the way forward will be in red zones. Those essential businesses would have to be struck down, pandemic Biden’s most important challenge, and it could be his most included grocery stores, banks, acupunc- Cass R. Sunstein is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist. or no pandemic. That idea breaks no new He is the author of “Too Much Information” and a significant legacy. ture facilities, campgrounds, garages and ground. co-author of “Nudge: Improving Decisions About — The Los Angeles Times transportation facilities. And in orange For officials who are seeking to control Health, Wealth and Happiness.” The Gazette BUSINESS & POLITICS Tuesday, December 1, 2020 A5
S&P 500 LOGS BEST MONTH SINCE APRIL the Market In revIew Stocks slip from record levels Stock Market IndexeS Dow Jones industrials 30,120 Stan Choe, Damian J. Troise dogged markets leading into the U.S. elec- of companies whose profits are more Close: 29,638.64 29,660 and Alex Veiga tions. Now, Democrat Joe Biden is firmly in closely tied to the economy’s strength. Change: -271.73 (-0.9%) The Associated Press place as the president-elect in Wall Street’s Energy stocks in the S&P 500 ended 29,200 10 DAYS eyes, and investors have avoided their November with a nearly 27 percent gain. 31,000 Stocks pulled back slightly from their worst-case scenario of weeks or months of It’s a sharp turnaround from earlier this 30,000 record levels Monday as Wall Street put limbo with an unknown winner. year, when oil prices plunged as the pan- 29,000 a quiet coda on one of its most rocking Investors also found encouragement demic kept airplanes, trucks and factories 28,000 months in decades. in prospects that Washington will remain around the world idled or slowed. 27,000 The S&P 500 fell 0.5 percent, but the under divided political control. Repub- Financial stocks have also been big benchmark index still clocked a surge of licans are on track to hold onto control winners on expectations that a stronger 26,000 10.8 percent for the month, its biggest 25,000 of the Senate if they can win one of two economy will create a stronger job market JNJASO monthly gain since April. The Dow Jones upcoming runoff elections in Georgia. and higher interest rates. That could mean Industrial Average, which has far less A split government would mean low tax more people paying back loans made at impact on 401(k) accounts than the S&P rates and other pro-business policies more profitable rates for banks. 3,680 500 does, had its best month since 1987. could remain the status quo. Many of those stocks, though, gave back S&P 500 The market’s slide followed reports show- But the turbocharger for the market’s move some of their big gains Monday following Close: 3,621.63 3,600 ing how the worsening pandemic is drag- Change: -16.72 (-0.5%) higher has been a huge dose of hope as phar- discouraging economic reports and as 3,520 10 DAYS ging down the economy in the near term. maceutical companies come closer to deliv- investors locked in some profits from their 3,800 But most investors are looking beyond ering vaccines to a world beaten down by the big recent gains. that. The market’s strong November gains COVID-19 pandemic. Several have reported Many of the gains in November were 3,600 reflect Wall Street latching on to hopes that encouraging data recently suggesting their justified by the good news from vaccine 3,400 the economy will get closer to normal next vaccine candidates are highly effective. development, but markets will likely see year and strengthen in the long term. That Moderna said it would ask U.S. and more churning ahead, said Katie Nixon, 3,200 scenario hinges largely on promising coro- European regulators Monday to allow chief investment officer at Northern Trust navirus vaccines being rolled out in coming 3,000 emergency use of its COVID-19 vaccine. Wealth Management. JNJASO weeks and, eventually, leading to fewer new Its shares jumped 20.2 percent Monday. “You’ll see a diminishing impact from virus cases, which have been increasing. Moderna follows Pfizer and German vaccine-related news and much more “Today’s pullback in equities is a side- partner BioNTech in seeking to begin vac- focus on when the economic recovery will 52-Week YTD 12-mo High Low Name Last Chg %Chg %Chg %Chg step in a market that seems poised to cinations in the U.S. in December. British take hold in a more organic way,” she said. trend higher,” said Terry Sandven, chief 30,116.51 18,213.65 Dow Industrials 29,638.64 -271.73 -.91 +3.86 +6.68 regulators also are assessing the Pfizer With coronavirus counts and hospital- 12,772.74 6,481.20 Dow Transportation 12,450.17 -111.26 -.89 +14.21 +15.98 equity strategist at U.S. Bank Wealth Man- shot and another from AstraZeneca. izations surging across the United States, 963.80 593.52 Dow Utilities 861.74 -11.44 -1.31 -1.98 +1.87 agement. “We still think the market trends 14,271.09 8,664.94 NYSE Composite 14,006.20 -192.29 -1.35 +.67 +4.15 That’s helped the stock market’s rally Europe and elsewhere, governments are 12,236.23 6,631.42 Nasdaq Composite 12,198.74 -7.11 -.06 +35.96 +42.38 higher into the new year.” broaden out. Early in Wall Street’s recovery bringing back varying degrees of restric- 1,678.91 1,015.63 S&P 100 1,658.77 -7.10 -.43 +15.02 +19.56 The S&P 500 and Dow are close to their this spring, it was Big Tech that almost sin- tions on businesses. An additional worry 3,645.99 2,191.86 S&P 500 3,621.63 -16.72 -.46 +12.10 +16.31 2,223.52 1,181.96 S&P MidCap 2,168.50 -37.42 -1.70 +5.11 +8.65 record levels, and the Dow crested the glehandedly carried the market higher on for markets is that the worsening pan- 38,106.38 21,955.54 Wilshire 5000 37,839.65 -217.72 -.57 +15.06 +19.23 30,000 level last week for the first time. expectations that work-from-home and demic will keep customers hunkered at 1,862.17 966.22 Russell 2000 1,819.82 -35.45 -1.91 +9.07 +13.20 Several big forces are behind this other trends would mean bigger profits for home regardless of what kind of stay-at- month’s surge, beginning with the clear- them. But hopes for a more widespread home orders arrive. Experts are warning Market SuMMary: nySe and naSdaq ing of some of the uncertainty that had economic recovery are now boosting stocks of a potentially brutal winter. Gainers ($2 or more) Losers ($2 or more) Most Active ($1 or more) Name Last Chg %chg Name Last Chg %chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg ChinaAuto 10.50 +6.67 +174.2 KandiTech 9.76 -3.86 -28.3 Apple Inc s 1683778 119.05 +2.46 ApollEnd 4.81 +2.03 +73.0 Appian A 140.00 -53.87 -27.8 Palantir n 1368990 27.11 -.55 EXPERIENCE, DIVERSITY HIGHLIGHTED MaraPt h 6.28 +2.00 +46.7 Nikola 20.41 -7.52 -26.9 GenElec 1248527 10.18 -.22 YallaGr n 15.41 +4.60 +42.6 Francesc 3.06 -.97 -24.1 FuelCell 1076096 10.20 +.51 uCldlink n 13.00 +3.69 +39.6 CNOOC 98.73 -23.29 -19.1 AmAirlines 968028 14.13 -.85 AquaB Tc 5.80 +1.64 +39.4 Hyliion 20.08 -4.41 -18.0 Nikola 925316 20.41 -7.52 FSD PhB n 2.14 +.59 +38.1 PliantTh n 27.52 -5.47 -16.6 ChinaAuto 922629 10.50 +6.67 Biden forms senior econ team CodiakBio n13.01 +3.40 +35.4 Cemtrx pf 2.01 -.34 -14.5 Carnival 863418 19.98 -1.60 RiotBlck 8.45 +2.20 +35.2 FuelTech h 4.40 -.73 -14.2 AMD 841046 92.66 +5.47 Aamer Madhani President-elect Joe Biden is looking to notch a few firsts Navios pfG 5.51 +1.41 +34.4 Yunji Inc 3.27 -.54 -14.2 FordM 777988 9.08 -.01 and Zeke Miller The Associated Press with his economic team selections. Janet Yellen StockS of LocaL IntereSt WILMINGTON, Del. — YTD YTD would be the first woman to lead the Treasury Department Name Div Yld PE Last Chg %Chg Name Div Yld PE Last Chg %Chg President-elect Joe Biden on AT&T Inc 2.08 7.2 15 28.75 -.28 -26.4 McDnlds 5.16 2.4 33 217.44 +.40 +10.0 Monday announced his senior and Wally Adeyemo the first Black deputy secretary. AMD ...... 92.66 +5.47 +102.0 Microsoft 2.24 1.0 42 214.07 -1.16 +35.7 economic team, including his Alibaba ...... 96 263.36 -13.12 +24.2 Moderna ...... 152.74 +25.71 +680.9 AmAirlines .40 2.8 5 14.13 -.85 -50.7 NanoD h ...... 6.40 -.13 +153.0 plans to nominate the first trol the virus, this is the team to lead the OMB, the agency House, where he held the title Aphria ...... 8.38 +.65 +60.5 NOilVarco .20 1.6 ... 12.26 -.89 -51.1 woman to head the Treasury that will deliver immediate that oversees the federal bud- of deputy director of both the Apple Inc s ...... 44 119.05 +2.46 +62.2 NewellBr .92 4.3 ... 21.26 +.19 +10.6 AquaB Tc ...... 5.80 +1.64 +167.3 NiSource .84 3.5 30 24.20 -.31 -13.1 Department as well as sev- economic relief for the Amer- get. NEC and the OMB BcoBrad .06 1.3 ... 4.54 -.10 -44.2 Nielsen plc .24 1.5 ... 16.17 -.07 -20.3 eral liberal economists and ican people during this eco- But Senate Republicans Cecilia Rouse, a labor econ- BkofAm .72 2.6 10 28.16 -.83 -20.0 Nikola ...... 20.41 -7.52 +97.8 BarrickGld 2.82 ... 11 23.14 +.45 +24.5 nomic crisis and help us build are signaling they’ll oppose omist and head of Princeton NDynMn g ...... 37 -.01 -13.8 policy specialists who estab- BedBath .68 3.2 ... 20.96 -.84 +21.2 NorthropG 5.80 1.9 32 302.26 -3.77 -12.1 Best Inc ...... 2.93 -.03 -47.3 our economy back better than confirmation. Late Sunday a University’s School of Public NorwCruis ...... 6 22.87 -.81 -60.8 lished their credentials during Carnival ...... 5 19.98 -1.60 -60.7 the previous two Democratic ever,” Biden said in a statement. spokesman for GOP Sen. John and International Affairs, is CedarF 3.74 9.8 11 38.03 -1.29 -31.4 OcciPet .04 .3 12 15.76 -.80 -61.8 ChinaAuto ...... 22 10.50 +6.67 +233.3 Oracle .96 1.7 60 57.72 -.04 +8.9 administrations. Yellen became Federal Cornyn of Texas tweeted that Biden’s pick to serve as chair- Cisco 1.44 3.3 17 43.02 +.32 -9.6 OrganigH ...... 1.41 +.08 -42.4 In a statement, Biden said Reserve chair in 2014 when Tanden “stands zero chance woman of the Council of Eco- CocaCola 1.64 3.2 31 51.60 -.69 -6.8 OwensCorn .96 1.3 22 72.87 -1.43 +12.3 Comcast .92 1.8 24 50.24 -1.51 +11.7 PG&E Cp ...... 19 12.70 -.03 +16.8 he would nominate Janet the economy was still recov- of being confirmed.” And Josh nomic Advisers. She served CrackerB 5.20 3.7 15 139.58 -3.48 -9.2 PPG 2.16 1.5 26 146.77 -1.01 +9.9 Yellen, the ering from the devastating Holmes, a political adviser to on the CEA from 2009 to 2011, DraftKin ...... 52.36 -.39 +389.3 Palantir n ...... 27.11 -.55 +194.7 EgyTrnsfr .61 9.9 7 6.18 -.18 -51.8 PeopUtdF .72 5.8 9 12.40 -.46 -26.6 former Fed- Great Recession. In the late Senate Majority Leader Mitch and served on the NEC from ExxonMbl 3.48 9.1 9 38.13 -2.06 -45.4 PepsiCo 4.09 2.8 16 144.23 -.37 +5.5 eral Reserve 1990s, she was President McConnell, tweeted that con- 1998 to 1999 in the Clinton FirstEngy 1.56 5.9 6 26.56 -.16 -45.3 Petrobras ...... 9.57 -.37 -40.0 FordM ...... 7 9.08 -.01 -2.4 Pfizer 1.52 4.0 15 38.31 +1.08 -2.2 chair, to lead Bill Clinton’s top economic firmation was likely doomed. administration. FrptMcM ...... 15 23.39 -.13 +78.3 PlugPowr h ...... 26.39 +.15 +735.1 the Treasury adviser during the Asian Republicans hold the edge in Notably, she organized a FuelCell ...... 10.20 +.51 +306.4 RPM 1.52 1.7 7 88.01 +.34 +14.7 GameStop 1.52 9.2 ... 16.56 +.48 +172.4 RiotBlck 1.00 ...... 8.45 +2.20 +654.5 Department, financial crisis. Under Biden the current Senate, although letter earlier this year signed GenElec .04 .4 ... 10.18 -.22 -8.8 Sherwin 5.36 .7 57 747.63 +11.82 +28.1 and for- she would lead the Treasury next year’s majority won’t be by more than 100 economists GeniusBr h ...... 1.39 -.06 +409.2 SlackTc ...... 42.88 +2.21 +90.7 HomeDp 6.00 2.2 28 277.41 +1.42 +27.0 Smucker 3.60 3.1 15 117.20 +.70 +12.6 mer Clinton Department with the econ- decided until Jan. 5 runoffs calling for more government HuntBncsh .60 5.0 11 12.08 -.38 -19.9 SorrentoTh ...... 8.20 +.05 +142.6 and Obama omy in the grip of a surging in two races involving GOP action to mitigate the fallout Ideanom h ...... 2.77 ... +223.6 Sundial h ...... 73 +.36 -75.8 Yellen IndiaGlC ...... 2.29 +.39 +263.5 SuperCm lf ...... 1.21 +.35 +95.2 adviser pandemic. incumbents in Georgia. for Americans caused by the Intel 1.32 2.7 17 48.35 +.90 -19.2 TJX ...... 21 63.51 +.29 +4.0 If confirmed, Yellen would IBM 6.52 5.4 13 123.52 -.83 -7.8 Target 2.72 1.5 30 179.53 -.24 +40.0 Neera Tan- Brian Deese, a former coronavirus pandemic. Invacare .05 .6 ... 8.53 -.27 -5.3 Tesla Inc s ...... 567.60 -18.16 +578.4 den to serve become the first woman to senior economic adviser in Rouse, who is Black, would ItauUnH ...... 5.35 -.15 -41.5 JaguarHl ...... 35 +.14 -56.3 Tilray ...... 9.04 +.54 -47.2 as director of lead the Treasury Department the Obama administration be the first woman of color to KandiTech ...... 9.76 -3.86 +106.3 TitanPh ...... 17 -.01 -12.4 the Office of in its nearly 232-year history. and now the managing direc- chair the CEA. Keycorp .74 4.8 9 15.46 -.68 -23.6 Transocn ...... 1.85 -.23 -73.1 KindMorg 1.05 7.3 14 14.38 -.37 -32.1 Vale SA .29 2.0 26 14.56 -.17 +10.3 Management She would inherit an econ- tor and global head of sus- Biden also named Heather Kohls 2.82 8.7 7 32.20 -1.30 -36.8 Vaxart h ...... 7.98 +.95 +2,173.5 and Budget. omy with still-high unem- tainable investing at Black- Boushey, the president and Kroger .72 2.2 16 33.00 +.57 +13.8 VerizonCm 2.52 4.2 14 60.41 -.17 -1.6 LI Auto n ...... 35.99 -3.49 +118.7 WalMart 2.16 1.4 88 152.79 +1.19 +28.6 He also ployment, escalating threats Rock, is expected to be named CEO of the Washington Cen- LincNat 1.68 3.6 7 47.22 -1.94 -20.0 WellsFargo .40 1.5 6 27.35 -1.11 -49.2 named Wally to small businesses and signs director of the White House ter for Equitable Growth, and Macys ...... 3 10.21 -.64 -39.9 Wendys Co .28 1.3 24 21.99 -.09 -1.0 MarathnO .12 2.0 ... 5.92 -.43 -56.4 Xpeng n ...... 58.76 -5.52 +227.7 Tanden Adeyemo, a that consumers are retrench- National Economic Council, Jared Bernstein, who served MaraPt h ...... 6.28 +2.00 +612.8 YumBrnds 1.88 1.8 38 105.80 -1.38 +5.0 former Obama ing as the pandemic restricts according to a person familiar as an economic adviser to administra- or discourages spending. with transition plans who was Biden during the Obama tion official and the first CEO of Tanden, the president and not authorized to speak on administration, to serve on coMModItIeS the former president’s nonprofit CEO of the liberal think tank the matter. the council. Both Boushey futureS Spot foundation, as his nominee for Center for American Progress, Deese worked on the auto and Bernstein advised Biden Exch Contract Settle Chg Yesterday Week Ago deputy treasury secretary. has been tapped to serve as bailout and environmental during the presidential cam- Lt Sweet Crude NYMX Jan 21 45.34 -.19 Gold (troy oz., spot) $1775.70 $1781.90 He also unveiled his White the director of the Office of issues in the Obama White paign. Corn CBOT Dec 20 419.75 -5.75 Silver (troy oz., spot) $22.534 $22.553 Wheat CBOT Dec 20 580.25 -16.25 Management and Budget. She Copper (pound) $3.4205 $3.3995 House economic team, con- Soybeans CBOT Jan 21 1168.50 -23.25 sisting of economists Cecilia was the director of domestic Cattle CME Dec 20 110.17 -.45 NYMX = New York Mercantile Exchange. CBOT = Chicago Board of Trade. CME = Chicago Mercantile Rouse, Jared Bernstein and policy for the Obama-Biden Sugar (world) ICE Jan 21 14.51 -.31 Exchange. ICE = Intercontinental Exchange. Heather Boushey. presidential campaign, but SHE’S FOCUSED ON FUN. Orange Juice ICE Jan 21 128.75 +.05 Biden, who has placed a she first made her mark in the YOU’RE FOCUSED ON HER FUTURE. utuaL undS premium on diversity in his Clinton orbit. M f WE CAN HELP WITH BOTH. Total Assets Total Return/Rank Pct Min Init selection of Cabinet nomi- She served as policy direc- Name ($Mlns) NAV 4-wk 12-mo 5-year Load Invt nees and key advisers, is look- tor for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 American Funds AmrcnBalA m 80,130 30.32 +6.9 +10.3/D +9.2/B 5.75 250 ing to notch a few firsts with presidential campaign. Before American Funds CptWldGrIncA m 49,430 56.86 +12.1 +14.2/C +10.0/C 5.75 250 American Funds CptlIncBldrA m 56,701 61.82 +9.4 +2.8/D +5.7/C 5.75 250 his economic team selections. that, she served as legislative American Funds FdmtlInvsA m 52,392 66.56 +11.6 +13.5/D +12.3/C 5.75 250 Yellen would be the first director in Clinton’s Senate American Funds GrfAmrcA m 106,478 66.49 +12.3 +34.0/C +16.9/C 5.75 250 American Funds IncAmrcA m 68,648 23.20 +8.4 +4.8/D +7.4/D 5.75 250 woman to lead the Treasury office and deputy campaign American Funds InvCAmrcA m 60,069 43.16 +10.9 +14.8/C +11.6/C 5.75 250 Department and Adeyemo manager and issues director American Funds NwPrspctvA m 49,326 59.18 +13.2 +29.8/A +14.7/A 5.75 250 American Funds WAMtInvsA m 56,378 49.45 +11.2 +7.0/E +11.3/D 5.75 250 the first Black deputy secre- for Clinton’s 2000 Senate cam- Dodge & Cox Inc 66,487 14.94 +2.0 +9.1/B +5.4/A NL 2,500 Dodge & Cox Stk 58,971 193.25 +18.3 +6.4/A +10.8/A NL 2,500 tary. Tanden would be the first paign. Tanden was a senior DoubleLine TtlRetBdI x 43,392 10.70 +0.5 +3.6/E +3.4/E NL 100,000 woman of color to lead OMB policy adviser in the Bill Clin- Fidelity 500IdxInsPrm 245,612 125.93 +10.9 +17.4/B +14.0/A NL 0 Fidelity Contrafund 103,494 17.50 +8.4 +32.2/C +17.1/C NL 0 and Rouse the first woman of ton administration. Fidelity GroCo 38,259 34.47 +13.9 +66.1/A +25.1/A NL 0 color to chair the Council of If confirmed, she would be Fidelity TtlMktIdxInsPrm 48,430 104.41 +12.2 +18.9/A +13.9/A NL 0 Fidelity USBdIdxInsPrm 55,515 12.48 +1.1 +7.4/C +4.3/B NL 0 Economic Advisers. the first woman of color and Metropolitan West TtlRetBdI 51,961 11.69 +0.8 +8.6 +4.7 NL 3,000,000 “As we get to work to con- the first South Asian woman PIMCO IncInstl 67,493 11.97 +2.2 +5.6 +5.8 NL 1,000,000 PIMCO TtlRetIns 53,031 10.97 +1.2 +8.3/B +4.8/C NL 1,000,000 Schwab SP500Idx 44,147 56.31 +11.0 +17.5/B +13.9/A NL 0 KINDERGARTEN KALEIDOSCOPE - Please call T. Rowe Price BCGr 52,732 163.49 +8.2 +34.4/B +19.0/A NL 2,500 VIRTUAL STYLE! 330-867-8720, ext. 343 or Vanguard 500IdxAdmrl 313,687 335.09 +10.9 +17.4/B +13.9/A NL 3,000 EXPLORE OUR KINDERGARTEN email [email protected] Vanguard BalIdxAdmrl 35,554 43.70 +7.6 +15.2/A +10.4/A NL 10,000 PROGRAM IN THE COMFORT OF by December 31, 2020 Vanguard DivGrInv 41,846 33.12 +7.6 +12.4 +12.7 NL 3,000 YOUR OWN HOME! to learn more Vanguard GrIdxAdmrl 46,570 125.40 +10.5 +38.7/B +18.8/B NL 3,000 INCLUDES INFORMATION Children should be 5 Vanguard HCAdmrl 38,220 93.85 +3.4 +13.0 +8.3 NL 50,000 FOR PARENTS AND ACTIVITIES by September 30, 2021 FOR CHILDREN Vanguard InTrTEAdmrl 75,102 14.80 +1.3 +5.0/A +3.6/A NL 50,000 Vanguard InsIdxIns 106,316 323.88 +7.5 +17.5 +14.0 NL 5,000,000 Vanguard InsIdxInsPlus 125,311 323.89 +7.5 +17.5 +14.0 NL 100,000,000 Vanguard IntlGrAdmrl 46,451 154.19 +15.3 +58.5/A +19.7/A NL 50,000 Vanguard MdCpIdxAdmrl 45,455 247.37 +13.5 +16.3/A +11.8/A NL 3,000 Vanguard PrmCpAdmrl 55,464 160.75 +11.7 +15.1/E +14.8/D NL 50,000 St. Hilary School Vanguard STInvmGrdAdmrl 48,311 11.01 +0.5 +5.1/A +3.2/A NL 50,000 Vanguard SmCpIdxAdmrl 38,092 87.20 +16.0 +13.3/A +11.0/A NL 3,000 he uture egins ere Vanguard TrgtRtr2025Inv 45,336 21.82 +7.6 +12.1/C +8.9/B NL 1,000 ENVISIONING | ENGAGING | EMPOWERING Vanguard TrgtRtr2030Inv 41,083 40.22 +8.5 +12.8/C +9.4/B NL 1,000 Vanguard TrgtRtr2035Inv 39,452 24.91 +9.4 +13.4/C +9.9/C NL 1,000 Serving a range of learners in grades K-8 Vanguard TtBMIdxAdmrl 119,258 11.64 +1.1 +7.4/C +4.3/B NL 3,000 Over $150,000 in tuition assistance awarded annually Vanguard TtBMIdxIns 52,240 11.64 +1.1 +7.4/C +4.4/B NL 5,000,000 529 plan funds may potentially be used toward tuition Vanguard TtInBIdxAdmrl x 50,818 23.36 +0.2 +3.7/D +4.3/B NL 3,000 Vanguard TtInBIdxIns x 40,548 35.05 +0.2 +3.7/D +4.4/B NL 5,000,000
Stock Footnotes: g=Dividends and earnings in Canadian dollars .h= Doe not meet continued- listings tandards lf = Late filing omprehensive reparation for a omplex orld with SEC. n = New in past 52 weeks. pf = Preferred. rs = Stock has undergone a reverse stock split of at least 50 percent 645 Moorfield Road, Fairlawn | 330-867-8720, ext. 343 | within the past year. rt = Right to buy security at a specified price. s = Stock has split by at least 20 percent within the last year. un = Units. vj = In bankruptcy or receivership. wd = When distributed. wi = When issued. wt = Warrants. Mutual Fund CELEBRATING 60 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE IN CATHOLIC EDUCATION Footnotes: b = Fee covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d = Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. f = front load (sales charges). m = Multiple fees are charged. NA = not available. p = previous dayʼs net asset value. s = fund split shares SOLUTION UNDER: FENCES during the week. x = fund paid a distribution during the week. Source: The Associated Press. Sales figures are unofficial.
cyan A5 magenta A5 yellow A5 black A5 A6 Tuesday, December 1, 2020 ACCENT The Gazette
COUPON QUEEN Homemade gifts are budget savers love to make as many gifts for their social media pages and my cell to create something specifically for Instead of another toy to add to the friends and family members as phone or camera. You can add a large you. If you are crafty with your Cricut clutter, offer them a day of play. You II can. Not only can it be a budget photo at the top of each month or cre- machine, a homemade sign would could plan a future trip to a new park saver, but these gifts can be something ate a collage. You can also personalize make a nice gift. If you enjoy to knit, or a movie in the theatre. Not only that they can use or cherish all year dates throughout the calendar, such a scarf or cozy mittens would be will the child have a great day out. the long. If you have a few adult gifts to as birthdays and anniversaries. The thoughtful as well. I’ve gifted sweet mom will thank you too! buy this year, here are a few of my personalized calendar can be made treats over the years, such as home- tried and true gift ideas that are mean- at many places including VistaPrint, Rachel Krych made breads and cookies, since I’m This week’s deal ingful and won’t break the bank. Shutterfly, and Walgreens. Best of all, not crafty at all. Here’s a deal that you can grab at you can usually find a deal online and Walgreens: Family calendar get them for around $10. meaningful, especially if they have Give a service n I make one of these every year for something new to celebrate such as a While a wrapped gift is usually what Walgreens alkaline batteries (8-24 at least one relative. These person- Ornament new house, graduation, or the birth of is given. think outside the box and pack) — buy one, get one free alized calendars are great for adults Over 15 years ago, my grandmother a baby. Add the date on the ornament offer a gift of service instead. Offer a Rachel Krych is passionate about helping others such as grandparents, aunts, and started a Christmas ornament tradi- and the memory can be enjoyed year new mom a day of housecleaning, spend less and save more. In addition to her uncles. One year I made one for my tion at my father’s church. Each year after year. your friend a couple of evenings of weekly column, she has a blog, Couponing college-aged niece and her boyfriend she designs, creates, and oversees free babysitting, or your grandmother With Rachel, which earns her compensation and they loved looking through the the ornament that the parishioners Make a gift a few home-cooked meals. While these from Google for ads it places there, and from entertainment marketers whose promotional calendar and seeing all of their mem- receive each December. Creating an I love getting homemade gifts gifts can cost the least they may be codes she touts. She doesn’t write about ories together. I create these by using ornament as a gift for a close friend because of the thoughtfulness that appreciated the most. This same type entertainment in her column. Email her at a combination of their photos from or family member can be fun and someone personally puts in the time of gift can work for small children. [email protected]. Magical thinking while our friends and loved ones die didn’t know what to make of it when made you weak. Un-American. In some my friends started dying from the circles, it was a matter of faith. Essential Iunicorns. oils are more powerful than shields, some “My God,” I said to myself, “this terrible whispered. Don’t feed into fear! Fearlessly outbreak of unicorn attacks didn’t magi- roam about in public, shield-free! After all, cally disappear the day after the election. if your shield protects you then you don’t We were promised it would!” need to worry if I’m wearing mine, right? That’s not just a paraphrase, either. That Rini The White House hinted darkly that word — “magical” — was used freely by Jeffers schools would lose funding if they didn’t the White House. Even one snarky Texas reopen, and suddenly superintendents LINDA GASSENHEIMER senator. across the country had to deal with Butternut squash soup is a comforting vegetarian choice for highly respected expert in the field of When the unicorns started attacking an angry horde of parents demanding when the weather gets colder. people in spring and Americans started unicorns’ threat to the public health fled schools take their kids back. And schools looking over their shoulders, these leaders the position after armed thugs marched did just that, throwing caution to the wind stood up and said, on camera, in public, outside her family home. because after all children, smaller and in print, the unicorn hoax was just some- “Carry your anti-unicorn shields with known for being excellent practitioners Warm up with thing their enemies made up to squash you everywhere you go,” the doctors rallies for the president. It was something begged and the scientists pleaded. “Wash of hygiene and personal space, are not inner-city mayors made up to make him your hands. Apply your anti-unicorn nearly likely to be run through by uni- look bad. spray.” corns. quick butternut All those crafty mayors and governors Did we listen? Social media feeds filled up with peo- were gonna eat their words, they said. Did we pay attention to years of epide- ple I know who survived their unicorn They guaranteed it. miology experts, whose only job is track- encounters. ing the outbreaks of unicorn infestations “It was like a light to moderate stab- squash soup “Everything’s magically better, go back to work, go back to school, suddenly all worldwide? bing,” one said. “Don’t believe the ‘media Linda Gassenheimer be used instead of bottled the problems are solved” after Election Of course we didn’t. We, being spoiled hype.’ Unicorns aren’t these deathly kill- Tribune News Service minced garlic. Day, the senator said. Americans, demanded our God-given ing machines the Fake News would have n If using other apples, cut The favored son: “Guess what, after constitutional rights to bear our non- you believe.” his is comforting, thick, them just before adding them Nov. 3 the unicorn hordes will magically unicorn-shield persons freely in public. I wondered when I had seen that sort of creamy, vegetarian soup to the soup to prevent them all of a sudden go away and disappear.” The nightclubs wanted to know why sentiment before, but it turns out I hadn’t. that is perfect for this T from turning brown. The president, who quit attending they should be penalized for their sinners My brother has survived several types time of year. It’s also quick to Countdown: briefings about the unicorns months ago if the megachurches weren’t restricted for prep and cook using butternut of cancer, but not once has he said imme- n Prepare ingredients. and told people “not to worry about it” saints. The church folks hollered from the squash already cut into cubes. diately afterwards: “You know, that wasn’t n Start soup. even after he was gored by a unicorn: pews why they weren’t allowed to congre- Cut cubes can be found in the that bad. People who are afraid of cancer n While soup simmers, toast “On Nov. 4, you won’t be hearing so much gate and possibly breed more unicorns if are just trying to scare you.” produce section of the market. You can, also, use butternut pecans. about it any more. WE ARE ROUNDING the lounge lizards could. Another dear friend survived a near- squash spirals if cubes aren’t n Finish soup. THE TURN!!!” And in the midst of everybody dying, impaling of a highway guard rail that available. Shopping list: But here it is, Dec. 1, and we’ve heard a nobody was going to be told not to hud- shattered bones and skinned her. She dle together and possibly share invisible I use shallots for the soup. To buy: 1 pound butternut lot about the unicorns. counts herself lucky to be alive and helps In fact, one of my coworkers knows unicorns on Thanksgiving, by God. They are a mild-flavored squash cubes, 1 jar minced other trauma survivors recover. She has of four people who died after unicorn Memes flew around social media at member of the onion family. garlic, 1 small piece fresh gin- never yet publicly proclaimed that terrible attacks. the speed of light: This could be your last Shallots break down as they ger or 1 bottle ground ginger, crashes are “no big deal” or “don’t bother Another knows four more. holiday! Quick, gather in groups, the exact cook, making a smoother 1 bottle ground nutmeg, 1 with seatbelts! Look at me, I made it and A friend from high school lost a cousin. way unicorns like it! We’ll show them! sauce than their onion cous- carton light cream, 2 shallots, Another friend lost her foster mother, Whenever reporters would try to tell the you can too!” ins. 1 gala or honey crisp apple,1 then her foster father, within a week of public about the danger of unicorns, they Just last night came word that another Gala or honey crisp apples whole grain baguette, 1 small each other. hit brick walls. Health commissioners unicorn attack took a healthy man from are used. They’re sweet and do container pecan pieces and 1 My cousin has lifelong friends on venti- throughout the whole state tried cutting his wife and daughters. To them, he was not turn brown when cut. container vegetable broth. lators, counting down the hours. Another off information about unicorns. A hearty the sun. Helpful hints: Staples: olive oil and salt. friend counts two more, husbands of her group of journalists sued, and won, but The unicorn has not been appre- n White or any sweet onion BUTTERNUT SQUASH SOUP childhood friends, gone in 10 days. are still waiting for the numbers. And nat- hended. can be used instead of shal- For nine months now, we’ve seen the urally, those with the biggest platforms, I know a lot of people say unicorns lots. 2 teaspoons olive oil strictest leaders bend over backwards as the politicians, decided to make hay of don’t exist. There’s a lot of people who say n If butternut squash cubes or 2 shallots sliced (about 1/2 cup) elections approached. Our own governor, The Unicorn Threat by downplaying it. COVID-19 doesn’t either. What’s killing all spirals are not available, peel 2 teaspoons minced garlic whose approval ratings soared when he Unicorns aren’t real, they said. And those these people then? a whole squash and cut into 1 tablespoon chopped fresh ginger or 2 teaspoons ground became an early advocate of shutting pesky reporters trying to tell you they’re Contact Rini Jeffers @rinijeffersauthorworks, 1-inch cubes. They may take down the state to slow the unicorn migra- real? They’re fake, too., follow her on Twitter longer to cook. ginger tion, suddenly lost his nerve after his Somehow carrying your unicorn shield @RiniJeffers and email [email protected]. n 4 crushed garlic cloves can See SOUP, A7 Site ranks the best traditional foods across the world Daniel Neman Virginia Beach is not the sort of place Maybe that tells us something about St. Louis Post-Dispatch that would attract people who have where many of the TasteAtlas voters t’s official: The best traditional even heard of saltibarscia (a Lithua- live. food in the world is the margherita nian cold and tangy beet soup poured The best place in the world to get pizza. over shredded cucumbers and hard- barbecued ribs, incidentally, is listed as I boiled eggs), much less to list it as the Killen’s Barbecue in Pearland, Texas. I Actually, as such things go, that’s not seventh-best traditional food in the have been to Pearland, and it did not a bad choice. Everybody loves pizza, world. seem like the sort of place that would and the margherita — just tomato Still, the list fascinates me because have the best anything in the world. sauce, cheese and basil — has the of its unexpected diversity and, frankly, The other top traditional foods in additional virtue of being simple and good taste. the world from America, according to pure. Plus, the red, white and green Rounding out the top five are lomo the Turkish-Italian voters on TasteAt- colors are also, not coincidentally, the saltado, a dish of stir-fried beef, vegeta- las, are fajitas (No. 31, and they say the colors of the Italian flag. bles and fried potatoes from Peru, and best version in the world is at Ninfa’s in A food-based website called Taste- doner kebab, a dish of vertically grilled Houston), cheeseburgers (No. 56, they Atlas recently published a list of what meat, typically lamb, from Turkey. say the best is at a Brooklyn restau- it claims are the 100 best traditional You will note that none of the top rant called Emily), fried chicken (No. foods in the world, as ranked by 63,402 five dishes is from the United States. 86, at Prince’s Hot Chicken in Nash- votes. Neither, for that matter, is any of the ville, which is a specific kind of fried Sixty-three thousand four hundred top 10 (6. tacos al pastor; 7. saltibar- chicken), New England clam chowder and two votes is not a bad sample, scia; 8. gyoza dumplings; 9. cochinita (No. 87, at Swan Oyster Depot in San though the votes were obviously cast pibil; 10. sarma). Francisco), New York-style pizza (No. AUSTIN STEELE / ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH by far fewer voters than that. Still, with You won’t hit a single American dish 89, at Totonno’s Pizzeria Napolitana in so many people chiming in, the results Margherita pizza from Pizzeoli Wood Fired Pizza in St. Louis. until you get to No. 21, barbecued ribs. Brooklyn), chili con carne (No. 98, at are bound to be thorough. And this these and most of the other selections. to Naples. For that matter, I’ve never Before that, you’ll find such worldwide Woodyard Bar-B-Q in Kansas City) and group of voters appears to be unusu- But I do have a concern when they been to Italy. Nevertheless, I once had popular favorites as gyros, risotto alla jambalaya (No. 100, Jacques-Imo’s in ally well informed about foods from Milanese, lasagna alla Bolognese, tom New Orleans). get more specific and try to say which a margherita pizza at Il Giardino Ris- around the world. yum soup, ceviche and pasta car- I can’t say I’m convinced by the web- restaurant in the world makes the best torante in Virginia Beach, Virginia, that The second-best traditional food bonara. site’s methodology, but I don’t disagree in the world, according to the site, is example of each dish. was outstanding. I just now realized this: Five of the with the results. From gyros (No. 12) adana kebap, a spiced ground-lamb For instance, the list suggests that I have to wonder how many of the top 20 dishes are from Turkey (adana to bouillabaisse (criminally low at No. kebab first popularized in the Turkish the very best margherita pizza in the people who cast the 63,402 votes have kebap, doner kebab, sarma, dolma and 97), from beef Wellington (No. 92) to city of Adana. Third place goes to the entire world is L’Antica Pizzeria da actually eaten the margherita pizza at kofte) and five are from Italy (margher- peri peri chicken (No. 84), the list cov- iconic Japanese noodle dish ramen. Michele, in Naples, Italy. L’Antica Pizzeria da Michele. I doubt ita pizza, risotto, lasagna, tagliatelle al ers all the bases of worldwide regional You’ll get no argument from me with I wouldn’t know. I’ve never been any of them have been to Il Giardino. ragu and pasta carbonara). food.
cyan A6 magenta A6 yellow A6 black A6 The Gazette ACCENT Tuesday, December 1, 2020 A7 Socially distanced cookie exchange tips Pam Kragen A how-to guide The San Diego Union-Tribune Never done a cookie exchange? very holiday season, Maya Here’s how to organize one that’s pan- Madsen looks forward to a demic-safe. E Christmas ornament party at Start by defining your group of one of her girlfriends’ homes, where participating bakers and making sure everyone brings their own home- that everyone is making a different baked treats to share. The Scripps Ranch mother of type of cookie. Agree in advance on three is among millions of Ameri- how many cookies each baker will cans who love baking cookies during make for other members in the group. the holidays and exchanging them A good rule of thumb is baking one with friends to double, triple or even dozen cookies for each participant. So quintuple the variety of treats in their if six people are baking, they should family’s cookie jar. But these days, each make six dozen cookies, allowing getting a group of friends together to one dozen for themselves and the hand-pick sweets from each others’ other five dozen, bagged up sepa- tins could become a super-spreader rately, for each of the others. event. Be sure everyone bakes on the So Madsen offered some tips on same day or weekend, so everything how to have a safe and socially distant is equally fresh, and then arrange the cookie exchange during the pan- time and style of exchange. This could demic. be a drive-and-drop plan, as Madsen Madsen, 51, is uniquely qualified on the topic of sharing cookies. She’s suggests, or participants could meet the founder and chief recipe creator in a park, wearing masks, and the of Maya’s Cookies, which this year bags can be set out on a table and became the nation’s No. 1 Black- each baker takes their turn collecting owned vegan cookie company. From DREAMSTIME the other bags. her commercial kitchen in the Grant- This year, families cocooning together at home for all meals and entertainment will likely mean a baking And what if your baking skills can’t ville area of San Diego, she and her bonanza. possibly measure up to those of Bell’s employees have shipped cookies to all or your friends? 50 states since June. sen-Massey, holiday baking isn’t just to support that COVID-19 is transmit- sour year. Madsen is selling a gift-wrapped Madsen said she and her friends for moms. A whopping 87 percent of ted through food. However, the CDC Salt Lake City mother of four Geor- holiday cookie collection, with deliv- have been puzzling over how to have millennials and Gen-Xers said they recommends that before preparing ganne Bell is a baking enthusiast eries promised within three days were likely to bake during the holi- food, bakers should always wash their a safe holiday exchange this year, and famed for her 10-year-old cookie blog of being ordered. The holiday box days and 59 percent said their baking hands with soap and water for 20 sec- she thinks they’ve come up with a One of her most timely includes eight 3.5-ounce vegan cook- solution. was motivated by a desire to spend onds, and then wash them again after recipes is her surgical mask deco- ies with two each of white chocolate “I recommend dropping off cookies more time with their family. This year, coughing, sneezing or going to the rated sugar cookies. Initially created peppermint bark s’mores, ginger- at the participants’ homes and having families cocooning together at home bathroom. last year as a fun gift for doctors and the party virtually over Zoom,” she for all meals and entertainment will A 2015 study found that 49 percent bread, white chocolate cranberry and nurses, it’s become a timely and clever said. “Why not make this year some- likely mean a baking bonanza. of Americans use classic recipes for classic sparkle sugar cookie varieties. thing to remember and look back on Making holiday cookies is fun, but holiday cookies each year rather than gift for a pandemic-era holiday cook- Delivered in a custom tin, it’s priced at as ‘the year we celebrated virtually’? It it’s even more fun to share them. trendy new recipes. But maybe this ing exchange. The recipe and decorat- $50 at A portion will make a great toast next year when And fortunately, the Centers for is the year to consider making a pan- ing tips can be found at of all sales benefits San Diego chari- friends can gather safely, hopefully.” Disease Control and Prevention has demic-themed sugar cookie to add a how-to-make- ties for animal refuge and local under- According to a 2019 survey by Niel- announced that there is no evidence touch of sweetness to an otherwise decorated-surgical-mask.html. served communities. Hot chocolate for a cold winter Small-batched Daniel Neman St. Louis Post-Dispatch he best part about winter is hot cocktails to set chocolate. I think we can all agree T on that. Think of it: You’re out in the snow. Your a holiday mood feet are wet. Your toes ache. Your nose is running. You can’t feel your fingers. You Sharyn Jackson CHOCOLATE PUNCH have been shivering so long you don’t Star Tribune 1 ounce cognac remember what it is like to not shiver. o matter the size of your 1/2 ounce ruby port And then you come into a house and holiday guest list, don’t 1/2 ounce. creme de cacao, such someone hands you a steaming cup of forget to put drinks on hot chocolate. And suddenly you are suf- N as Tempus Fugit the menu. Whether your turkey fused with happiness and warmth. 1/2 ounce simple syrup (see is served on a table for two, or It doesn’t even have to be good hot Note) your pandemic pod extends chocolate. You have much the same reac- 1 ounce heavy cream into a larger social circle, these tion even if the hot chocolate came in Freshly grated nutmeg, for easily scalable cocktails will set powdered form out of one of those paper garnish a festive mood. Find more reci- envelopes. pes at So think of how much better it would Directions: Shake all the be to have hot chocolate that is actually ingredients (except the garnish) HILLARY LEVIN / ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH FIRESIDE SANGRIA homemade. And not only homemade, very well with ice and strain into About 10 seedless white grapes, but the best, silkiest, most luxurious hot Claridge’s rich hot chocolate photographed last month. a chilled cocktail glass. Sprinkle halved lengthwise a little nutmeg on top. chocolate anyone has ever made any- immediate success. Because the recipe is dissolve). Reduce the heat to medium where in the world. Ever. About 10 seedless red grapes, Serves 1. made with milk instead of cream, the tex- low. Whisk in the chocolate and stir until halved lengthwise I happen to have the recipe for the best melted. Bring to a low simmer and cook, ture was granular and stiff. And although 1 small orange, finely sliced ever hot chocolate. Not only that, I hap- stirring continually without allowing the POMEGRANATE GIMLETS the bittersweet chocolate is exactly the 3 ounces orange liqueur, such as pen to have the two recipes for the two mixture to boil, until the hot chocolate is 1 1/2 cups gin, such as Tanqueray correct ingredient to use in hot choco- Grand Marnier best ever hot chocolates. These are hot thickened, 5 to 8 minutes longer (You can 1 cup pomegranate juice, such as late, it is a touch too bitter for ice cream. 3 ounces aged sweet red chocolates that could possibly change Also, it needs salt. I don’t know why, make this in advance; cool and gently Pom Wonderful reheat before serving). vermouth, such as Carpano your life. but it needs salt. 1 cup freshly squeezed lime juice Antica Formula And what if that cold temperature So I made batch after batch after batch 3. Pour into cups and let rest 5 minutes. (6 to 8 limes) 3/4 cup fresh clementine or blood should suddenly become warm? I turned (OK, three batches) of ice cream, tweak- Serve with Chantilly whipped cream, 1/2 cup simple syrup (see Note) either in a bowl on the side or piped onto orange juice one of those hot chocolates into ice ing it each time. What I ended up with is Pomegranate seeds, for garnish the surface of the hot chocolate at the 1 1/2 cups fruity white wine (such cream, too. a base made with both whole milk and 6 lime slices, for garnish The hot chocolate ice cream is proba- last minute using a piping bag fitted with as Sauvignon Blanc), well-chilled heavy cream, with piles of semisweet At least one hour before serving, bly the chocolatiest ice cream you’ve ever a star tip. 750 ml bottle sparkling rose wine chocolate instead of bittersweet. And place six martini glasses in had. Yield: 3 servings (such as prosecco or Cava), well- salt, of course. I don’t know why. freezer. I started with a mug of mind-blowingly Those changes made it a peerless Per serving (with Chantilly Whipped chilled good Parisian hot chocolate. The French Cream): 448 calories; 28 g fat; 17 g Dried orange slices and chocolate ice cream that tastes just like Directions: Combine the gin, are widely thought to have the best food saturated fat; 45 mg cholesterol; 7 g cinnamon sticks, for garnish hot chocolate, only colder. pomegranate juice, lime juice protein; 40 g carbohydrate; 35 g sugar; 3 in the world, so it makes sense that they The other hot chocolate I made comes and simple syrup in a large g fiber; 64 mg sodium; 180 mg calcium Directions: Put the grapes would also make the best hot chocolate. pitcher. Fill a cocktail shaker from Claridge’s, the ultra-luxe hotel in and orange slices in a punch Their secret is a step I never would half-full with ice and add the London. Their method of making hot Recipe from “Tasting Paris” by Clotilde Dusoulier bowl or large pitcher. Pour in have even considered: They caramelize chocolate is, naturally, brilliant. drink mixture until the shaker is the sugar. That is, they slowly melt the the orange liqueur, vermouth, First, they make ganache — they melt CLARIDGE’S RICH HOT CHOCOLATE clementine or blood orange three-quarters full. Shake for a sugar until it turns a rich amber in color chocolate (only the best, of course) and 7 ounces best-quality dark chocolate (70 juice, white wine and rose and full 15 seconds (it’s longer than and turning it into caramel. They add the you think!). Pour the mixture stir in hot cream until it is thoroughly percent cocoa solids), broken into pieces stir to combine. Add plenty of milk to that — milk, note, not cream — into the frozen martini glasses blended and sumptuous. Then, they heat 10 ounces whipping cream ice cubes and stir again. Serve which makes a hot caramel milk. a pot of milk. ladled into tumblers or short- and garnish with a teaspoon 4 cups (1 quart) hot milk of pomegranate seeds and a Finally, they stir in heaps of finely The hot chocolate is made by mixing stemmed wine glasses filled Marshmallows slice of lime. Repeat with the chopped bittersweet chocolate, the finest the ganache and the steaming milk. How with ice cubes and garnish quality they can find and afford. each one with a dried orange remaining drink mixture and simple is that? How delicious? 1. Melt the chocolate in a medium The taste, and especially the texture, is slice and a cinnamon stick. serve ice cold. The genius of this method is that heatproof bowl placed over a saucepan Serves 6 to 8. Serves 6. that of a smooth, velvety chocolate. The each individual can mix his own ratio of of simmering water, or simply in the bittersweet chocolate has just enough ganache to milk. That way, you can make microwave. edge to it to keep it from becoming cloy- it as rich and decadent as you want. 2. In a small saucepan, bring the cream ing, and this balance is further height- I made mine with almost as much to a boil, then immediately remove from be soft. Cook a few more ened by serving the drink with chantilly ganache as milk. It was divine. Maybe it the heat. SOUP minutes, if needed. whipped cream, sweetened whipped wasn’t so great for the arteries, but it was From A6 Meanwhile toast the pecans cream with more than a hint of vanilla. 3. Pour 1/3 of the hot cream into divine. the melted chocolate. Stir briskly to and baguette. When soup is I made my own chantilly whipped 4 cups butternut squash cubes incorporate the cream. The chocolate ready, add the nutmeg and cream, which goes with this chocolate PARISIAN HOT CHOCOLATE (about 1 pound) might look grainy and split at this point; 2 cups vegetable broth salt to taste. Remove soup to like Laurel goes with Hardy. I did it right, 2 tablespoons granulated sugar don’t worry. Repeat twice more, adding 1/2 cup toasted pecan pieces a blender and process until too, using the seeds from half of a vanilla 1 1/2 cups milk, any kind another 1/3 of the cream at a time. 2 slices toasted whole grain smooth. Divide between two bean. But vanilla beans are expensive, 4 ounces best-quality bittersweet chocolate The chocolate will now be smooth and baguette large soup bowls and swirl especially now, because Madagascar is (60 percent to 70 percent cacao), finely glossy. still trying to recover from a couple of 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg cream onto the soup. Sprinkle chopped 4. This chocolate ganache can be used catastrophic storms that devastated the Salt pecans and apples on top Chantilly whipped cream, for serving immediately or refrigerated for up to crop. 5 days and reheated as needed (to 2 tablespoons light cream and serve with the toasted 1 cup diced gala or honey crisp If you want to use vanilla extract 1. In a small saucepan, heat the sugar reheat, warm gently in the microwave baguette. apples instead of the vanilla bean, I won’t com- over medium heat until it melts and turns or in a bowl placed over a saucepan of Yield 2 servings. plain. You could even use whipped cream amber, without stirring; simply tilt the simmering water until the ganache is hot Heat oil in a large saucepan Per serving: 542 calories that comes out of a can, though it would pan from time to time to encourage even and melted). over medium-high heat. Add lack that soothing vanilla presence. caramelization. This should take a few 5. To serve the Claridge’s way, allow each the shallots, garlic, ginger and (47% from fat), 28.2 g fat Just don’t serve Parisian hot chocolate minutes. Remove from the heat to cool guest to mix the ganache and the hot butternut squash cubes. Saute (4.5 g saturated, 14.3 g with marshmallows. It would ruin the for 1 minute. milk to his or her own liking. Garnish with 5 minutes stirring several monounsaturated), 10 mg times. Add the vegetable effect; this hot chocolate needs whipped marshmallows, as desired. cholesterol, 11.4 g protein, 2. Carefully pour in the milk, return to broth and bring to a simmer. cream like Abbott needs Costello. medium heat and bring to a simmer, Yield: 4 servings Lower heat to medium, cover 72.6 g carbohydrates, 11.1 g I used the Parisian hot chocolate recipe stirring well to dissolve (it may take the Recipe from “Claridge’s: The Cookbook” by Martyn with a lid and simmer 15 fiber, 362 mg sodium. to make the ice cream, and it wasn’t an crystallized sugar a minute or two to Nail and Meredith Erickson minutes. The squash should Recipe by Linda Gassenheimer
cyan A7 magenta A7 yellow A7 black A7 A8 Tuesday, December 1, 2020 The Gazette Obituaries & Memoriams Fred Woodrow Harpster CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC Fred Woodrow Fred was a loving Harpster, 68, of father, grandfather Wooster, entered and great-grand- through his eternal father and will be gates on Tuesday, missed by all who Americans face new restrictions November 24, 2020 knew him. He was after a brief period like no other. Tammy Webber of declining health. Fred was preced- and Heather Hollingsworth Beware of COVID-19 scams as vaccine Fred was born in ed in death by his The Associated Press Akron on May 15, mother, father and approaches FDA approval 1952 to Woodrow his beloved grand- Americans returning from Thanksgiv- and Jennie Harpster. dog, Isabella Marie. The coronavirus vaccine inching toward approval in the U.S. is desperately anticipated ing break faced strict new coronavirus by weary Americans longing for a path back to normal life. But criminals are waiting, too, Fred was a graduate of He is survived by Jaimee measures around the country Monday ready to use that desperation to their advantage, federal investigators say. Wadsworth High School in Harpster (Gina Bertelli) of as health officials brace for a disastrous Homeland Security investigators are working with Pfizer, Moderna and dozens of other drug 1970 and later went on to study Wooster, Ann (Jeff) Clay of worsening of the nationwide surge companies racing to complete and distribute the vaccine and treatments for the virus. The goal: to prepare for the scams that are coming, especially after the mess of criminal activity accounting at Akron Univer- Wadsworth; his grandchil- because of holiday gatherings over the sity. He was married for fi ve dren, Hailey, Bailey, Deven this year with phony personal protective equipment, false cures and extortion schemes. long weekend. years to Pamela Dunn, with and Laccie and great-grand- “We’re all very excited about the potential vaccine and treatments,” said Steve Francis, assistant director for global trade investigations with Homeland Security Investigations. whom he had two children, children, Amara and Chris- Los Angeles County imposed a stay-at- home order for its 10 million residents, “But I also caution against these criminal organizations and individuals that will try to Ann Joy and Jaimee Leigh. topher. exploit the American public.” Fred most recently made his Due to the current pan- and Santa Clara County, in the heart of No vaccine has yet been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The FDA home with daughter, Jaimee. demic, the family has decided Silicon Valley, banned high school, col- has approved the first treatment for COVID-19, the antiviral drug remdesivir. With vaccines Fred will be remembered that no services will be held. lege and professional sports and decreed and treatments both, it has warned about the potential for fraud. for his calm demeanor and A private Celebration of his a quarantine for those who have traveled The drug companies are to have safeguards and brand-protection features in place to help avoid fraud, but that may not be available until the second generation of vaccine joyful approach to life. He tru- Life will take place at a later more than 150 miles outside the county. because everything is operated on such an emergency basis, said Karen Gardner, chief ly was a force of nature with a date at the convenience of the In Hawaii, the mayor of Hawaii County marketing officer at SIPCA North America, a company that works as a bridge between the kind soul. He was an avid lov- family. said trans-Pacific travelers arriving with- government, businesses and consumers. er of animals (particularly, Custer-Glenn Funeral out a negative COVID-19 test must quar- Homeland Security Investigations started using its 7,000 agents in tandem with border, FDA and FBI officials to investigate scams, seize phony products and arrest hundreds his best friend, Hoagie James Home in Wooster is honored antine for 14 days, and even those who the Brussels Griffon), UFO’s with serving the family. of people. The effort is headquartered at the National Intellectual Property Rights have tested virus-free may be randomly Coordination Center, a government watchdog aimed at enforcement of its international and politics. He beamed with Memorial contributions trade laws and combating intellectual property theft. pride when speaking of his may be made in lieu of fl ow- selected for another test upon arrival. New Jersey is suspending all youth The agency has already analyzed more than 70,900 websites suspected as being grandson, Bailey, with whom ers to the funeral home to involved in some type of COVID-19 fraud. Millions of fake or unapproved personal he resided. Fred was also pas- help defray expenses. sports. protective equipment products and antiviral pharmaceuticals were seized. Homeland “The red flags are flying in terms of the Security Investigations made more than 1,600 seizures of products worth more than $27 sionate about cars and could Words of public or private con- often be found watching tele- trajectory in our projections of growth,” million and made more than 185 arrests. dolences may be shared with the Home test kits, for example, were only recently made available to the public in the past vision programs about them. family at: said California Gov. Gavin Newsom. “If few weeks. But investigators seized tens of thousands of fake kits in the months before. these trends continue, we’re going to On the dark web, scammers were selling domain names like “,” have to take much more dramatic, argu- attractive to counterfeiters. In the U.S. alone, more than 1,000 fake websites a day have Robert E. McDaniel ably drastic, action.” been removed during the pandemic. Health experts had pleaded with Amer- If the FDA allows emergency use of a vaccine, there will be limited, rationed supplies Robert E. Mc- Paul (Jane) McDan- before the end of the year. icans to stay home over Thanksgiving Daniel, 90, formerly iel, Carl (Bettie)Mc- Who is first in line has yet to be decided. But Health and Human Services Secretary Alex of Medina, passed Daniel, David (Pat- and not gather with anyone who didn’t Azar said the hope is that enough doses are available by the end of January to vaccinate live with them. Nevertheless, almost 1.2 adults over age 65, who are at the highest risk from the coronavirus, and health care workers. away Friday, No- ti) McDaniel and Dr. Anthony Fauci, the U.S. government’s top infectious-diseases expert, said it may take until vember 27, 2020. He Sallyann (William) million people passed through U.S. air- spring or summer before anyone who is not high risk and wants a shot can get one. was born February Reddcliff. ports Sunday, the most since the pan- States already are gearing up for what is expected to be the biggest vaccination 3, 1930 in Tire Hill, He was preced- demic gripped the country in March, campaign in U.S. history. First the shots have to arrive where they’re needed, and Pfizer’s Pennsylvania, to the ed in death by his and others took to the highways to be must be kept at ultra-cold temperatures — around minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit, or minus 70 degrees Celsius. Moderna’s vaccine also starts off frozen, but the company said it can late Roy and Elma beloved wife of 34 with family and friends. be thawed and kept in a regular refrigerator for 30 days, easing that concern. (Sala) McDaniel. years, Marian (Ur- Now they’re being urged to watch for Governments in other countries and the World Health Organization, which aims to buy doses Robert worked bassik) McDaniel; any signs of illness and get tested right for poor nations, will have to decide separately if and when vaccines should be rolled out broadly. his entire career as a daughter, Patricia (Antho- away if they experience symptoms. Meanwhile, Homeland Security investigators and others are trying to send the message now to the public before the vaccines are approved and begin distribution. They say machinist and he was a ny) Lopresti; his parents, Some families are already seeing the faithful member of St. Fran- as well as fi ve siblings. people should only get a vaccine from an approved medical provider. They shouldn’t fallout from Thanksgiving gatherings. cis Xavier Catholic Church, A visitation will be held for respond to calls seeking personal information. And they shouldn’t click on social media Jonathan Eshnaur lugged his 32-inch posts purporting to sell cures. where he volunteered as an Robert from 4 to 8 p.m., Fri- — from wire reports usher. He was also proud to day, December 4, 2020 at Waite TV to a Thanksgiving Day family gather- have served his Country in & Son Funeral Home, 765 N. ing at his sister’s home in Olathe, Kan- the U.S. Marines. Court St., Medina. A private sas, so he could watch football outside. day and tested positive the next. His 34-year-old special education teacher. Robert is survived by his funeral Mass will be held for He wore a mask and only went into her mother now is showing symptoms, and “But that is kind of the issue with these son, David (Deborah) McDan- Robert with burial to follow house for the prayer and to use the bath- six others were exposed. kinds of viruses is it does happen, espe- iel; grandchildren, Melissa at St. Francis Cemetery. room. “I think we all have a tendency to think cially when we have widespread com- (Randy) Reposa, Tony Lo- Online condolences at His father began feeling terrible that it won’t happen to me,” said Eshnaur, a munity spread that is going on.” presti, Kelly (Connor Egan) McDaniel, Kevin McDaniel; great-grandchildren, Natalie, Dominic, Alivia and siblings, Wisconsin, Arizona certify Biden wins Scott Bauer, our state for working tirelessly Ducey said. state Legislature the perfect Diane L. Cintula-Stewart Jonathan J. Cooper to ensure we had a safe, fair, He did not directly address reason to take over the conduct Diane L. Cintu- Joseph Cintula, Jr., and Terry Tang and efficient election. Thank Trump’s claims of irregulari- of this election because it’s la-Stewart, 76, of Eddie Prokop, Tim- The Associated Press you for all your good work.” ties but said the state pulled being conducted irresponsibly Brunswick, passed othy Prokop, Gail The action Monday now off a successful election with a and unfairly,” Giuliani said. away Saturday, No- Afanador and Cliff Two battleground states, starts a five-day deadline for mix of in-person and mail vot- Nine Republican state law- vember 28, 2020. Cintula. Wisconsin and Arizona, certi- Trump to file a lawsuit, which ing despite the pandemic. makers attended the meeting. She graduated She was preced- fied their presidential election from Brunswick ed in death by her he promised would come no Hobbs said Arizona voters They had requested permis- results Monday in favor of Joe High School, Class parents, Bettie and later than Tuesday. Trump is should know that the election sion to hold a formal legisla- of 1962. Diane was Joseph Cintula, Biden, even as President Don- mounting a longshot attempt “was conducted with trans- tive hearing at the Capitol but an avid Bingo play- Sr.; husband, Cecil ald Trump’s legal team contin- to overturn the results by dis- parency, accuracy and fairness were denied by the Republi- er who loved music, Stewart and sons, ued to dispute the results. qualifying as many as 238,000 in accordance with Arizona’s can House speaker and Senate especially oldies and Gos- Michael Dickson and Joey Biden’s victory in Wisconsin ballots. Trump’s attorneys laws and election procedures, president. pel. She was a devout moth- Stewart. was certified following a par- have alleged without evidence despite numerous unfounded Trump berated Ducey on er who was most concerned The family will receive tial recount that only added that there was widespread claims to the contrary.” Twitter Monday night, asking, with raising her family and friends at Christ Church, to his 20,600-vote margin over fraud and illegal activity. Biden is only the second “Why is he rushing to put a she loved supporting her 23080 Royalton Rd., Columbia Trump, who has promised to Biden’s campaign has said Democrat in 70 years to win Democrat in office, especially children’s sporting activities Station on Thursday, Decem- file a lawsuit seeking to undo the recount showed that Biden Arizona. In the final tally, he when so many horrible things through the years. ber 3, 2020 from 10 to 11 a.m., the results. won Wisconsin decisively and beat Trump by 10,457 votes, concerning voter fraud are Diane is survived by her with the funeral service be- Gov. Tony Evers, a Demo- children, Tim Sullivan, Geof- ginning at 11 a.m. Interment there was no fraud. Even if or 0.3 percent of the nearly 3.4 being revealed at the hearing frey Stewart and Tammy to follow at Resthaven Memo- crat, signed a certificate that Trump were successful in Wis- million ballots cast. going on right now.” Stewart; grandchildren, Jona- ry Gardens. completed the process after consin, the state’s 10 Electoral Even as Hobbs, Ducey, Elections challenges than Kraft, Shayne Byers and Bollinger Funeral Services the canvass report showing College votes would not be the state attorney general brought by the Trump cam- Shaylah Byers and siblings, is assisting the family. Biden as the winner following enough to undo Biden’s over- and chief justice of the state paign or his backers in key bat- Deanna Lowery, Darla Sleva, the recount was approved by all victory as states around the Supreme Court certified the tleground states have largely the chairwoman of the bipar- country certify results. election results, Trump law- been unsuccessful as Trump tisan Wisconsin Elections Earlier Monday, Arizona yers Rudy Giuliani and Jenna continues to allege voter fraud called amphotericin, improves Commission. Evers’ signature officials certified Biden’s nar- Ellis met in a Phoenix hotel while refusing to concede. HOUSE lung cell function drastically was required by law and is typ- row victory in that state. ballroom a few miles away to There is no evidence of From A1 enough to help patients fight off ically a procedural step that Democratic Secretary of lay out claims of irregularities widespread fraud in the 2020 chronic bacterial lung infections. receives little attention. State Katie Hobbs and Repub- in the vote count in Arizona election. In fact, election offi- Roughly $7,000 was brought While early estimates were “Today I carried out my duty lican Gov. Doug Ducey both and elsewhere. But they did cials from both political par- in last holiday season. hopeful of patients regaining 15 to certify the November 3rd vouched for the integrity of not provide evidence of wide- ties have stated publicly that Extra safety measures this percent of their lung function, election,” Evers said in a state- the election before signing off spread fraud. the election went well and year have become part of nor- Osterland said the medication ment. “I want to thank our on the results. “The officials certifying have international observers con- mal procedure for Osterland and has gone far beyond that for him. clerks, election administra- “We do elections well here in made no effort to find out the firmed there were no serious his family, taking his condition “It’s been truly amazing,” he tors, and poll workers across Arizona. The system is strong,” truth, which to me, gives the irregularities. and potential risk for COVID-19 said. “I think I’ve gotten back complications into account. around 80 percent. It’s just incred- “Everything is disinfected ible and we’re all so very thankful for when that happened. snowing or any kind of road snow we’re going to have this daily and my wife counts all of for it. The only downside is I no Neelon said District 3 cur- conditions that we need to year, I just want to remind the donations,” he said. “We’ve longer have an excuse to eat a WINTER rently has 224 total crews and be out there,” she said. “Any- motorists to slow down, to also tried to be active on social bunch of high calorie junk foods, From A1 will be operating on 12-hour time we get any sort of snow take their time and to give the media in making sure there which is actually recommended Crystal Neelon, public shifts for full 24-hour cov- or ice event, they will stay on aren’t too many people there at in treatment. I’m back to a regular plow drivers room to do their information officer for the once. Anyone who’s stopped by diet like everyone else.” erage. She said 110 of those their 12-hour shifts until the job,” Neelon said. “Our plow Ohio Department of Trans- has been more than willing to “We’re all starting to see a light crews will be working days, roads are clear and it’s safe for trucks typically drive around do their part and stay safe. We’re at the end of the tunnel in (the portation District 3, which 105 will be working nights and motorists.” 35 mph, depending on the very appreciative of that.” pandemic),” Osterland added. “I serves communities through- the remaining nine are either Neelon and Barnett both roadway. That allows the salt In 2019, researchers discov- hope we can all come together out the county, said it was out due to illness or training. urged drivers to be patient to stay on the road. ered that a popular anti-fungal and do whatever it takes to get facing a similar concern. It That crew number is about and take their time on the “Let them get you to your drug may be key in the treatment back to the life we all love.” took a similar approach to average for a given year, Nee- roads during the storm, and destination safely.” Brunswick and waited until lon said. to give plows enough space of cystic fibrosis. Studies using Contact reporter Jonathan Delozier at Contact reporter Jack Kopanski at both human and animal cells (330) 721-4050 or jdelozier@medina- the rain began to turn over to “Our crews normally work to operate. (330) 721-4063 or jkopanski@medina- concluded that the medication, snow with crews standing by an eight-hour shift, unless it’s “With this being the first Serving Medina County With: A Funeral Should Be A Time To Say Goodbye To - Two Modern Locations Your Loved One, Not Your Money - 5 Generations Of Family Service Saving families - Medina County’s Only Crematory thousands of dollars - Individualized Services To s Ho ce Honor The Life Of Every Person nor rien ing li expe fe through healing 3325 Center Road, Brunswick The Gazette
Medina (330) 723-3229 • Brunswick (330) 225-1770 © 330-273-6004
cyan A8 magenta A8 yellow A8 black A8 In this section: Section Comics & puzzles Pages B6-7 Browns B Tuesday, Khadarel Hodge Classified December 1, confident team Page B8 2020 can beat Titans. S p or t s Page B2 WWW.MEDINA-GAZETTE.COM SOCCER Nelson, FC Dallas driven by bad memory Medina native motivated by loss to Seattle, believes team has what it takes to advance in MLS Cup John Urchek forgotten about last year.” includes Nelson as a key contributor. Nelson has played in resulting in a premium tonight. The Gazette Sixth-seeded FC Dallas looks Nelson and his teammates are victory for his team. “I think our defense is the reason FC Dallas still remembers the at Seattle, a playoff rival the past already familiar with going on the The 10th overall pick in the 2019 why we’re in this spot at this point feeling of exiting the field last year few seasons, with a healthy dose road to win playoff games after MLS SuperDraft, Nelson has played of the season,” Nelson said. “Our after being knocked out by eventual of respect. The second-seeded knocking off third-seeded Portland in 12 games this season, including defense doesn’t give up a lot goals. champion Seattle. Sounders are led by the trio of on Nov. 22. FC Dallas needed a goal nine starts. In an effort to show him- We’re very organized and very good The memory of that 4-3 overtime forwards Raul Ruidiaz (12 goals, 4 by Ricardo Pepi three minutes into self as a more complete outside back against teams that like to attack like loss still fuels out- assists) and Jordan Morris (10, 8), stoppage time to force a 1-1 tie before this season, Nelson has taken two a Seattle.” side back John Nel- and midfielder Nico Lodeiro (7, 10) knocking off the Timbers 8-7 in pen- shots, including one on frame. He The winner of the game between son and his team- and are dangerous up and down alty kicks. also picked up his first professional the Sounders and FC Dallas will meet mates as FC Dallas the lineup, but Nelson, a Medina “Last week was crazy,” Nelson assist Sept. 19 in a 3-2 victory over top-seeded Sporting KC or fourth- gets ready to take on native, knows his team is ready to said. “It just felt like a playoff game. Sporting KC. seeded Minnesota on Dec. 6 in the the Sounders tonight play the role of spoiler in Seattle’s It was in Portland, 40 degrees and “I think I’ve done very well and I Western Conference final. in the MLS Cup bid to win another MLS Cup. raining the whole game, and that showed this season defensively how Considering everything FC Dal- Western Conference “We look at it as a good chal- gave it that playoff atmosphere. good I am,” Nelson said. “I think las has been through this sea- son between the pandemic and Nelson semifinals. lenge,” Nelson said. “Why not go “To go there and win was super the biggest thing I wanted to show “It’s going to be a there and beat the best team in impressive and it meant a lot to people is how I can be an attacking being forced out of the MLS Back big one and mean the league?” our team and our city. The atmo- player as well that can be that com- Tournament this summer due to a lot to us after, obviously, they FC Dallas counters with forward sphere in our locker room was plete outside back.” numerous positive tests, Nelson knocked us out last year,” Nelson Franco Jara (7, 0), defender Ryan amazing.” Seattle leads the Western Confer- and his teammates are excited to said. “We get a chance at redemp- Hollingshead (4,1) and midfielder The win over Portland was the ence with only 23 goals allowed this have a chance to compete for the tion and we’re going to be looking Santiago Mosquera (4, 0) as well as fourth in five games for FC Dallas season, while FC Dallas is one goal MLS Cup. forward to it because we haven’t a strong defensive back line that and was the fifth straight game that behind, meaning goals will be at a See NELSON, B2
CAVALIERS BROWNS Newest journey begins Individual workouts get underway today Rick Noland The Gazette Nineteen players are expected to be on hand today when the Cavaliers begin indi- vidual preseason workouts in preparation for the 2020-21 season. In what will be an abbreviated presea- son, the players will work out individu- ally today, Wednesday and Thursday, with team workouts to begin Friday at Cleve- land Clinic Courts in Independence. Cleveland, which was 19-46 when the coronavirus pandemic ultimately ended its 2019-20 season on March 10, will play preseason games against Indiana at Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse on Dec. 12 and 14 and exhibition contests against New York on Dec. 16 and 18. The NBA regular season will begin Dec. 22, though complete schedules have not been released. Here’s a breakdown of the players head coach J.B. Bickerstaff will wel- come today: Point guards: Darius Garland, Matthew Del- Love lavedova, Dante Exum, Matt Mooney. Shooting guards: Col- lin Sexton, Kevin Porter Jr., Damyean Dotson, Charles Matthews. Small forwards: Isaac Okoro, Cedi Osman, Dylan Windler. Power forwards: Kevin Drummond Love, Larry Nance Jr., AP FILE Dean Wade, Lamar Stevens. Centers: Andre Drummond, JaVale Browns defensive end Myles Garrett could return from his bout with COVID-19 in time for Wednesday’s practice. McGee, Thon Maker, Marques Bolden. Mooney and Stevens have two-way contracts with the Cavs’ G League affiliate, the Canton Charge, meaning two of the remaining players will be released, though they also could sign with the Charge. With Drummond and Love certain to Nearing his return start on the front line for the Cavs and Sexton virtually assured of being at one of Garrett could be activated from the reserve/COVID-19 list by Wednesday the other guard spots, the most interesting individual battles of camp will be at small Scott Petrak my eyes on him yet,” Stefanski forward and the other guard position. The Gazette NEXT UP said. “So I’ll be able to answer Garland, the No. 5 pick in the 2019 NBA WHO: Cleveland The Browns can use as many that better throughout the week. Draft, is the frontrunner to be the point at Tennessee But just knowing the pro that guard, but with he and Sexton both stand- powerful athletes as possible in the WHEN: quest to slow down Derrick Henry Myles is and how hard he works, ing 6-foot-1, there’s a chance Bickerstaff 1 p.m., Sunday I do feel confident.” may decide he needs a bigger backcourt. and the Tennessee Titans offense. WHERE: The Browns sacked Eagles That likely would mean moving third-year The Browns expect to get back Nissan Stadium their most freakish athlete just quarterback Carson Wentz pro Sexton back to point guard, where he Garrett Teller TV/RADIO: WOIO TV-19; in time. WKRK 92.3-FM; WNCX five times without Garrett but played as a rookie, and starting the 6-6 couldn’t generate a pass rush or Porter, who displayed flashes of brilliance Defensive end Myles Garrett is become NFL Defensive Player of 98.5-FM; WKNR 850-AM “on track” to be cleared Wednesday manage a sack Sunday against as a 19-year-old rookie. the Year for the first time. Mike Glennon. Garrett should The Cavs would love it if the defen- and activated from the COVID-19 The return of Garrett would Stefanski said he’d know more reserve list, coach Kevin Stefanski later in the week about defensive energize the pass rush as well as sive-minded Okoro, the No. 5 pick in the give the defense its best player, bolster the run defense, which 2020 draft, came in and seized the start- said Monday. Garrett missed the ends Porter Gustin and Joe Jackson but its second best is expected to will be critical against Henry, ing small forward spot over incumbent last two games. and linebacker Sione Takitaki, who miss the game against the Titans. who’s 6-foot-3, 247 pounds and Osman, who has shown flashes but has His return would be a huge ben- went on the COVID list last week. Stefanski said cornerback Denzel leads the league with 1,257 been largely underwhelming in that role. efit as the Browns (8-3) head into Stefanski wouldn’t address if the stretch run. The Titans are 8-3 Ward is “unlikely” to play because rushing yards. Windler, who missed his entire rookie sea- Garrett’s symptoms were mild or and have won back-to-back games of a calf strain. “The guys get a big boost when son due to a stress reaction in his lower left leg, moderate. Garrett hasn’t been with against the Ravens and Colts. He was hurt Nov. 22 in the win they see No. 95 out there with them,” also figures to get minutes at shooting guard Garrett felt ill Nov. 18 and stayed over the Eagles, although he finished the team for two weeks — he’s been Stefanski said. “That’s just based on and small forward because the Cavs desper- home for a couple of days before the game. He didn’t play Sunday in in the virtual meetings — but Ste- how productive he’s been for us and ately need the left-hander’s shooting ability. testing positive for COVID-19 on the 27-25 win over the Jaguars. fanski expects him to be able to all the game-changing plays he’s Though Drummond and Love are Nov. 20. He dropped to tied for Fullback Andy Janovich was acti- play at his usual high level. made for us throughout this season.” locks to start at the beginning of the sea- second in the NFL with 9½ sacks vated from the COVID list Monday. “I do because I know the kid The energy surge would be felt son, trade rumors likely will swirl around and remains tied for the lead with He tested positive Nov. 16 and and how hard he works, but the throughout the team. them throughout. four forced fumbles as he tries to missed two games. truth of the matter is I haven’t put See BROWNS, B2 See CAVALIERS, B2
cyan B1 magenta B1 yellow B1 black B1 B2 Tuesday, December 1, 2020 SPORTS The Gazette BROWNS NOTES Hodge: No one can stop this team but us Receiver confident in his teammates as preparations begin for game at Tennessee on Sunday Scott Petrak “Yeah, I do feel that way,” he said. “I Tedric Thompson (6-foot, 204 pounds) On second thought The Gazette do not think I have coached my best. off waivers from the Chiefs. He was undrafted in 2017 and has started 16 The failed fourth down came with 5:42 The Browns will step up in class I think as a staff we can do a better of 37 games with the Seahawks and left and the Browns ahead 27-19. It came job. I know I can do a better job. Chiefs. He signed with the Chiefs this after a failed third-and-inches when this week, facing the 8-3 Titans in Baker Mayfield threw behind Hunt open “That is the ideal here, to be ascend- year and played eight games off the Tennessee. in the flat, and instead of a 40-yard field ing in the second half of this season. bench. He has 82 career tackles, five Emerging receiver KhaDarel Hodge goal attempt to put the Browns up by We have to put a game together and passes defended, three interceptions two scores. isn’t sweating it. and two fumble recoveries. a series of games together where our “Knowing the result, obviously, wish we “I don’t look at the Titans as like a The Browns have a roster exemption had kicked the field goal, but felt good Hodge Harrison offense, our defense and our special for Thompson until he’s permitted to join super team or nothing,” he said Mon- about the play calls,” Stefanski said. “I teams all play at a high level.” the team after passing the COVID-19 just think it is an area that I will continue day. “They can get beat like anybody come against the Texans (4-7), Eagles testing protocols. to look at what we can do better. With else. So we go into this game expect- (3-6-1 heading into Monday night) Coming on strong l Cornerback Denzel Ward (calf) is all of those decisions, you try to have “unlikely” to play against the Titans, ing to win and we’re expecting to do and the Jaguars (1-10) on Sunday. Hodge has nine catches for 155 yards as much of the conversations during Stefanski said. Ward was injured Nov. 22 the week and how you want to play the our thing, so I see this team as going Hodge played in a Super Bowl with in seven games. Six for 104 have come against the Eagles and didn’t play against in the last two games as he’s become a game, and then as the game is ongoing, deep into the playoffs, as far as we the Rams after the 2018 season and the Jaguars. bigger piece of the passing game. you are continuing to talk about your l Stefanski said safety Sheldrick can go. believes the Browns are special. “I really enjoy it, actually,” he said. “It is matchups and the plays that you have up Redwine (knee) remains day-to-day. He “No one can stop us but us. That’s “First of all, we have great coaches, always good to contribute to the offense and if you like them versus certain looks. didn’t play Sunday. as much as I can. Being able to come “You are relying on your guys. Now, how we look at it, and that’s how some of the best coaches I’ve been that makes it sound like I am putting the we’re going to keep looking at it. As around,” he said. “They know how to up big in certain situations means a lot to me. Welcome back blame on the players. I promise you, I am looking at how I can put them in a better long as we play our game, we can adapt in any situation, whether it’s “I spent most of the offseason Fullback Andy Janovich was activated position to succeed in those moments.” beat anybody.” personnel or game plan. They always saying that I wanted to be a bigger from the COVID-19 reserve list. He tested The Browns are 8-3 and hold the adapt and make things right. part of this offense and that is positive Nov. 16 and missed two games. Extra points No. 5 seed in the AFC playoffs, the “And, of course, we have great play- what I was going to do. For it to be The Browns elevated fullback Johnny happening right now is a blessing.” Stanton from the practice squad for the The NFL instructed teams to stay out top wild card spot behind the divi- ers throughout the roster. We’re deep He’s taken to celebrating first downs by Eagles game but not the Jaguars game. of their facilities Monday and today to sion leaders. The Titans hold the No. at every position and we’re coach- strumming an air guitar. Rookie tight end Harrison Bryant was try to prevent the spread of COVID-19 3 seed as they sit atop the AFC South. able. At the same time, we’ll do what “It was just something I just came up occasionally used as a lead blocker following the Thanksgiving holiday, with playing around with my brothers at when many players and staff had The strength of the Browns’ record it takes for the team to win and we from the backfield, as the Browns chose the crib,” Hodge said. “They were asking to keep five receivers active instead of guests. So for the first time, Stefanski has been called into question. have a lot of unselfish guys and guys me what I was going to do if I got a catch elevating Stanton. and his staff will put together the game They have a minus-21 point differ- that just want to win and know their and a first down, and that was the first Stefanski said he loves Janovich plans entirely virtually. l The Week 16 game against the Jets ential (286-265) and their only win role and want to do their part.” thing I thought of and I just stuck with it.” and is excited to have him back but wouldn’t say he was the reason the is set for Dec. 27 at 1 p.m. in New Jersey. over a team with a winning record The 27-25 win in Jacksonville It had been an option to be played Injury report Browns didn’t convert a fourth-and- Saturday, Dec. 26. was 32-23 over the Colts (7-4) on featured sloppy play from the inches in the fourth quarter on a Stefanski didn’t have an update on l Bryant lost his second fumble of Oct. 11. Their losses came against the Browns and was tighter than many safety Ronnie Harrison, who injured his Kareem Hunt run up the middle. the season Sunday. Stefanski said it’s Ravens (6-4), the Steelers (10-0) and expected. The players said repeat- shoulder on the first play Sunday in his “I think that Andy is a huge part of a technique issue and he’s confident the Raiders (6-5). edly after the game their best foot- return to Jacksonville. Stefanski said our short-yardage and goal line,” right Bryant will work hard to solve it. Harrison was still undergoing tests. guard Wyatt Teller said. “Obviously he is The Browns have won three ball is yet to come, and first-year The Browns added a safety later our fullback and an absolute stud in the Contact Scott Petrak at (440) 329-7253 straight since the bye, but they’ve coach Kevin Stefanski agrees. in the day when they were awarded backfield. He is a big part of that.” or [email protected].
INDIANS ATHLETES OF THE WEEK Boys basketball Cimber sold to Marlins for 100k CLEVELAND — The Indians season for Cleveland, which The 30-year-old Cimber San Diego selected him in the Marquis Barnett, Brunswick: Senior point guard had 26 points, sold sidearm reliever Adam acquired the right-hander went 6-7 with a 4.30 ERA in 110 ninth round of 2013 amateur 15 rebounds, five assists, two Cimber to the Marlins on in 2018 from the San Diego appearances with the Indians draft. He pitched in 42 games steals and three blocks as Blue Monday for $100,000. Padres in the deal that brought over 2½ seasons. He was 6-3 for the Padres in 2018 before he Devils defeated Fairview 85-56 in non- was traded to Cleveland. league play. ... Scored 12 points in second Cimber went 0-1 with a All-Star closer Brad Hand to in 2019, when he pitched in 68 quarter that Brunswick won 28-8. ... All- 3.97 ERA in 14 games this past the Indians. games. — The Associated Press Gazette as junior. BROWNS Girls basketball From B1 “That’s awesome. I’m excited to have Maggie Long, Wadsworth: Senior point guard had 16 points Myles back,” right guard Wyatt Teller said. and five rebounds as Grizzlies “Myles is a good guy and he’s my locker defeated Medina 55-34 in non-league mate, so I love seeing him. play. ... Scored 12 points in first quarter as Wadsworth roared to 16-4 lead. ... Made “But I think he’s a great player and he’s four 3-pointers. ... All-Gazette as junior. ... a great addition to our defense. There’s a Fourth varsity season. reason Myles is who Myles is. I think that he’s going to bring a boost of morale to the defense, as well. I’m excited to see him back and see that fire again.” The Browns run defense has been solid BOWLING ROUNDUP for much of the season, ranking ninth with 108.2 yards allowed per game. But Colts remain unbeaten Jacksonville’s James Robinson rushed for CUYAHOGA FALLS — Legend Lanes. Natasha Mess- 128 on Sunday, and the Raiders totaled The Cloverleaf girls bowling more (334, 179-155) and Rae 208 on Nov. 1 when Garrett was limited by team stayed Ann Hlavaty (316, 185-131) also a knee injury. unbeaten shot well. While Stefanski wouldn’t make the con- nection to playing without Garrett, he thanks to a In another match: readily acknowledged Henry will stress 1,890-1,862 Boys his defense. Metro Ath- Woodridge 2,449, The Titans rank third in rushing (158.2 AP FILE letic Confer- Cloverleaf 1,816 yards) — the Browns regained the top Browns guard Wyatt Teller is happy to be winning. ence win over spot this week (161.4) — sixth in scoring Woodridge. CUYAHOGA FALLS — The Colts (0-2, 0-2) were led by (29.5 points) and fifth in the red zone like this. You have to defeat your one-on- very good football team that we have to go Delayna Harvey Scotty Sax (325, 182-143) and (72.7% touchdowns). one blocks and then you have to gang into their place, and they are playing at a Harvey paced Tyler Corbett (324, 157-167) in Henry, who passed Cleveland’s Nick tackle.” MAC play at Legends Lanes. very high level.” the Colts (2-0, 2-0) with a 359 Chubb for the rushing title in the finale The Browns have eight wins for only the Teller went 6-10 as a rookie with the two-game series (169-190) at — Brad Bournival last year, leads the league with 1,257 third season since returning in 1999, so Bills in 2018 and 6-10 with the Browns yards, 256 attempts and 114.3 yards a pressure-packed football in December is last year. He’s excited to play meaningful with the coronavirus, all that game, is second with 12 touchdowns and rarer than a 60-degree day. The games are games this late in the year. 10th with a 4.9 average. He’s played all 11 hard work is paying off now. different with a playoff spot on the line. “It is a great feeling,” he said. “As a NELSON games. “Every team I have been a part of in From B1 It’s such a good feeling. young player, I have not experienced a lot Chubb missed four games with a knee every season, you hope that you are get- “Everyone has come of success, and it is really cool to see 8-3 in “It means a lot to me and sprain and ranks sixth with 719 yards, first ting better when December rolls around,” together and our leadership the city of Cleveland. We are playing well. the team, obviously,” Nel- among running backs with 6.3 a carry and Stefanski said. “Especially for a team like See if we can keep on playing well and from our veteran guys, like son said. “If you go back to second with 102.7 yards a game. He has us, an outdoor football team, these are the play up to our competition and win some (defender) Matt Hedges, they when the pandemic started, six touchdowns. games where you really have to play your games down the road.” all the hard work we put in have the experience and they “It is going to be a big challenge this best ball. know what it takes.” Contact Scott Petrak at (440) 329-7253 from our individual training week,” Stefanski said of Henry. “We have “We are excited about the challenges or [email protected]. during quarantine to all the Contact John Urchek to make sure that we are gap sound, No. that are out in front of us and really have Like him on Facebook sacrifices they had to make at [email protected]. 1. You have to defeat blocks versus a team a huge one in front of us right now with a and follow him @scottpetrak on Twitter.
CELEBRATING Bad/No 32 YEARS IN BUSINESS! Kentucky (2015-16) and three at first day of my career that I arrived Credit? Michigan (2017-19), averaging 12.2 in Cleveland, as a 19 year old No CAVALIERS points and 5.5 rebounds as a senior. kid from Canada, I have received Problem! From B1 nothing but love and support Thanks, Double T from the entire city. Cleveland Drummond will earn $28.75 will forever be embedded in my $500 Off For Veterans & First Responders The Cavs issued the following million in the final year of his heart and I will always cherish the statement in regards to former 09 Ford 12 Ford contract and then become an countless amount of memories I’ve power forward/center Tristan made over the last 10 seasons. Escape XLT Fusion SEL unrestricted free agent, while Thompson, who spent nine From getting drafted, to 4 straight #6259. Extra clean, superbly maintained (one own- #6244. Extra clean, superbly maintained ‘12’ Ford 13th-year pro Love, the oldest seasons with the organization er) ‘09’ Ford Escape XLT with all the power options Fusion SEL with all the power options including locks Finals appearances, to winning after being drafted with the No. 4 the 2016 NBA Championship including locks / windows / mirrors, keyless entry, / windows / mirrors / seat, keyless entry, sun / moon player on the team at 32, will earn pick in 2011 and recently signed sun / moon roof, cruise control, tilt steering wheel, AC, roof, spoiler, cruise control, cold AC, tilt steering wheel, $31.26 million in the second sea- and bringing a well-deserved ring chrome wheels, like new tires, and only 72K miles on it! alloy wheels, like new tires, and only 93K miles on it! with Boston: to the city of Cleveland. I’d like son of a four-year, $120.4 million “Tristan Thompson represented to thank everyone in Cleveland 04 Toyota 04 Toyota Sienna extension he signed with Cleve- the Cavaliers and the city of who was a part of my journey Rav4 XLE 7 Passenger land in the summmer of 2018. Cleveland with the utmost including everyone who works at #6249. Extra clean, superbly maintained, must #6232. Extra clean, well maintained (one owner),’04’ grace and class during his nine the Q that helped make my family see ‘04’ Toyota RAV4 with all the power options in- Sienna XLE with all the power options including locks / seasons in Northeast Ohio. Tristan feel at home every game. The grit cluding locks / windows / mirrors, keyless entry, sun windows / mirrors / sliding doors / tailgate, keyless entry, Signings embodied everything a franchise / moon roof, cold AC, cruise control, fog lamps, alloy sun / moon roof, leather interior, AC, cruise control, alloy and toughness that I developed wheels, like new tires, and only 105K miles on it! wheels, like new Michelin tires, and only 101K miles on it! The Cavs completed their would want in a player during his playing for a city like Cleveland will roster Monday by officially time as a Cavalier. He became a forever be instilled in me. To the 07 Toyota 08 Toyota announcing the signings of Maker champion, a mentor and a great city of Boston! To say it’s an honor Highlander Avalon XL (7-0, 221 pounds), Bolden (6-11, community partner through his to wear the green and white is an #6250. Extra clean, well maintained ‘07’ Toyota #6247. Extra clean, superbly maintained (one own- 250) and Matthews (6-6, 205). selfless acts off the basketball understatement! I can’t wait to get Highlander AWD 4 door SUV with all the power er) ‘08’ Toyota Avalon XL with all the power options The rail-thin, long-limbed Maker court. Affectionately recognized to work!!!!” options including locks / windows / mirrors / seat, including locks / windows / mirrors, keyless entry, cold played in 60 games for Detroit last for his durability, competitive keyless entry, sun / moon roof, cold AC, cruise con- AC, tilt steering wheel, cruise control, alloy wheels, and season, averaging 4.7 points and spirit and determination, Tristan trol, fog lamps, chrome rims, and brand new tires! an average of only 10K miles a year on the odometer! Tip-in 2.8 rebounds in 12.9 minutes. He was an integral part of our four Individual workouts and training 1310 High Street • Wadsworth, OH 44281 was taken by Milwaukee with the consecutive NBA Finals trips, View Inventory & Apply Online at camp practices will be closed to No. 10 pick in the 2016 draft. culminating in the franchise’s the media due to the coronavirus 330-334-1080 Bolden played in one game for first-ever NBA Championship in Fax: 330-335-7707 ©The Gazette pandemic. Players and coaches the Cavs last season after signing 2016. We thank Tristan and wish will be made available daily via a 10-day contract. He began him nothing but the best, knowing Zoom calls, beginning today 2019-20 as a member of the that he has earned a place in the with Nance, Drummond and Announce your ‘Big Event’ on our Milestone’s page Cavs’ training camp roster and hearts of Cavaliers fans and this Bickerstaff. went on to play 38 games with organization forever.” Engagement • Wedding • Anniversary • Retirement • Birth • Graduation the Charge, averaging 9.7 points Thompson responded by posting Contact Rick Noland at (330) 721-4061 and 6.8 rebounds in 18.9 minutes. the following on Twitter: “Cleveland, or [email protected]. visit or call Patti Willett at 330-721-4006 Matthews played one season at what a ride it has been. From the Follow him @RickNoland on Twitter.
cyan B2 magenta B2 yellow B2 black B2 The Gazette SPORTS Tuesday, December 1, 2020 B3 NFL ROUNDUP 49ers to play two in Arizona Gonzaga, Baylor stay Northern California officials close home stadium due to virus 1-2 in first AP poll Josh Dubrow From wire reports open the second half in her only chance The Associated Press to kick. The first Associated Press men’s The San Francisco 49ers will play l Oklahoma State offensive tackle college basketball poll of the regular Teven Jenkins has decided to skip the two home games in Arizona after season remained steady at the top. remainder of the season to prepare for new coronavirus regulations put in The rest, predictably, was filled the NFL Draft. place by officials in Northern Cal- l Quarterback D’Wan Mathis, who with change as teams exceeded or opened the season as No. 11 Georgia’s ifornia forced the team to find a failed to live up to preseason expec- starter, has entered the NCAA transfer temporary new home. tations. portal. Coach Kirby Smart said he The 49ers (5-6) will host the Buf- wanted Mathis, a redshirt freshman, to Gonzaga and Baylor remained continue his career at Georgia, where falo Bills next Monday night and Nos. 1-2 in the poll released Mon- JT Daniels has emerged as the starter. Washington on Dec. 13 at State day. The Zags received 57-of-63 Farm Stadium, home of the Arizona first-place votes from a media Baseball Cardinals, because they won’t be panel and the Bears had six first- able to practice or play games in place votes. They were the only two MLB starting wood-bat league their home in Santa Clara County teams to hold their places from the Major League Baseball is creating a for three weeks. preseason poll. minor league for top eligible prospects leading to the summer draft.The The team said it will have infor- Ohio State held its spot at No. 23. wood-bat MLB Draft League is mation on practice arrangements Gonzaga kept the top spot by a launching with five teams and could later but it will likely need to look commanding margin with impres- add a sixth, MLB said. Teams will play sive wins in Fort Myers, Florida. a 68-game regular season that includes AP outside the area because the rules an All-Star break coinciding with the imposed by Santa Clara County The Zags (2-0) rolled over Kansas draft in early July. will require the players to quaran- 102-90 and crushed Auburn 90-67 l The Royals agreed to a two-year tine for 14 days any time they travel the next day. deal with pitcher Mike Minor and “We feel we can score on any- finalized a $1.75 million, one-year more than 150 miles. contract with outfielderMichael Taylor Niners CEO Jed York said the AP body,” said Gonzaga’s Drew Timme, as they work to piece together a roster. team had offers from San Diego San Francisco fullback and Lafayette Township native Kyle Juszczyk who had 28 points and 10 rebounds The deal with the 32-year-old Minor against Auburn. “We’ve got great was reached late Sunday and requires and Arizona but playing at the catches a pass as Rams cornerback Troy Hill looks on Sunday. him to pass a physical before it can be Cardinals’ home proved to be the coaching. If we execute our offense completed. Taylor’s deal, announced best option. He thanked Cardinals even longer road trip while trying to deal with the coronavirus and any and move the ball and not get sty- Monday, includes up to $1 million in owner Michael Bidwell and the make a late-season playoff run. San other health issues. mied, we feel we can score on every incentives. team.” l Right-hander Jacob Barnes officials in Arizona for their help in Francisco is currently one game out The Niners have road games Baylor was forced to drop out of and the New York Mets agreed to “these unprecedented times.” of a playoff spot. scheduled at Dallas on Dec. 20 and a $750,000, one-year contract, a the “Bubbleville” tournament in “The Cardinals organization, “The biggest thing for me is us then again on Dec. 26 at their tem- deal reached two days ahead of the Uncasville, Conn., after coach Scott deadline for teams to offer 2021 deals State Farm Stadium and League all leaving our families,” coach porary home in Arizona against the Drew tested positive for to unsigned players on their 40-man officials have been supportive Kyle Shanahan said after the game. Cardinals. rosters. COVID-19. The Bears (2-0) adjusted and accommodating as we work “We’re all human just like every- They finish the season with a their schedule and had no trou- one else. It’s a big deal to leave home game against Seattle on Jan. Pandemic through the many logistical issues ble playing under assistant coach your family for the whole month of 3, which could be played at Levi’s involved in relocating NFL games,” Jerome Tang, routing Louisiana-La- Big Ten game postponed December. A huge deal, as everyone Stadium if the ban is lifted as the 49ers said in a statement. fayette and Washington. knows. This virus is a huge deal.” scheduled Dec. 21. Minnesota canceled its game against Santa Clara County announced Villanova fell nine places to Northwestern on Saturday, the second rules Saturday that include a three- Shanahan said it was “extremely “We just got to have that open No. 12 after losing to Virginia Tech, straight football cancellation for the week ban on practices and games disappointing” the players and mind and positive attitude and which moved into the poll at No. Gophers because of a spike in their for contact sports starting Monday. coaches learned about the new make sure that first and foremost COVID-19 cases. 16. Virginia also took a big tumble l Tonight’s college basketball game The Niners were on a plane get- rules on social media as they were that everybody’s safe,” said running after losing to San Francisco, drop- between Maryland and in-state foe ting ready to travel to Los Angeles, on the plane. back Raheem Mostert, whose wife ping 11 spots to No. 15. Towson has been canceled following a where they beat the Rams 23-20 The county said the dramatic rise gave birth to the couple’s second l Top-ranked South Carolina jumped positive test among the Towson support staff. on Sunday, when the players and in cases required “quick action” and child during the season back home into the new season by playing three games in the first five days. The l The Georgia Bulldogs hastily coaches heard about the rules. that the priority was making sure in the Cleveland area. “That’s the Gamecocks were challenged over the scheduled another men’s basketball Now they will likely head on an there is enough hospital space to main goal.” weekend in a tournament in South game, announcing they’ll host Division II Dakota but emerged victorious. North Georgia on Wednesday night. They remained the top choice in The l Northern Arizona’s two-game Rams 2.5 48.5 CARDS North Associated Press women’s basketball basketball series with Eastern PACKERS 8 48.5 Eagles W L T Pct PF PA Washington this weekend has been TV/RADIO Green Bay 8 3 0 .727 349 283 poll, receiving 29-of-30 first-place votes CHARGERS PK 47.0 Patriots pushed back due to COVID-19 CHIEFS 14 50.5 Broncos Chicago 5 6 0 .455 216 250 from a media panel. The top 10 teams Monday Minnesota 5 6 0 .455 292 305 concerns. The Lumberjacks and Eagles Basketball Detroit 4 7 0 .364 252 328 stayed the same as in the preseason g-Bills 2.5 48.0 49ERS were slated to play Thursday and College men: Maui Invitational, 1:30 pm. ESPN West poll, with Stanford, UConn, Baylor and g- Glendale, Ariz. W L T Pct PF PA Saturday in Flagstaff. Those games will TBD, semifinal, from Asheville, N.C. Louisville rounding out the first five. COLLEGE FOOTBALL Seattle 7 3 0 .700 318 287 Ohio State moved up to No. 19 from a now be played Dec. 18-19. Favorite Points O/U Underdog L.A. Rams 7 4 0 .636 263 215 College men: Legends Classic, 2:30 p.m. ESPN2 Arizona 6 5 0 .545 304 258 20th place preseason ranking. l Northern Arizona’s opening game CHARLOTTE PPD NL W Kentucky San Francisco 5 6 0 .455 261 254 Brigham Young vs. Southern California, Thursday l Syracuse senior center Bourama against Arizona last Wednesday was Sunday’s games semifinal, from Uncasville, Conn. La Tech 3 65.5 N TEXAS Atlanta 43, Las Vegas 6 Sidibe will undergo surgery after canceled due to a positive test with the Air Force 10.5 50.5 UTAH ST Buffalo 27, L.A. Chargers 17 suffering a torn meniscus in his left knee Lumberjacks’ program. College men: Oakland at Purdue 3 p.m. BTN Friday Cleveland 27, Jacksonville 25 APP’CHIAN ST 2.5 53.5 UL-Lafayette Miami 20, N.Y. Jets 3 during the Orange’s season-opening l The Charlotte Hornets will not allow College men: St. Francis at Virginia 4 p.m. ACCN UTEP PPD NL So Miss Minnesota 28, Carolina 27 win against Bryant. fans to attend home games to start the N.Y. Giants 19, Cincinnati 17 College men: Maui Invitational, 4 p.m. ESPN Cincinnati PPD NL TULSA l Three Atlanta Hawks newcomers season because of the pandemic. Boise St 27 59.5 UNLV New England 20, Arizona 17 l Vanderbilt’s men’s basketball TBD, semifinal, from Asheville, N.C. USC PPD NL Wash. St Tennessee 45, Indianapolis 26 are dealing with injuries as the team Saturday New Orleans 31, Denver 3 prepares to open training camp. Most team will not play in a Connecticut College men: Wisconsin Green Bay 5 p.m. BTN San Francisco 23, L.A. Rams 20 Miami-Fla PPD NL WAKE FOR Kansas City 27, Tampa Bay 24 notably, first-round draft pickOnyeka tournament because of a positive at Wisconsin NC STATE 7 61.5 Georgia Tech Green Bay 41, Chicago 25 Okongwu has inflammation in the COVID-19 test. The team has paused GEORGIA 35 52.5 Vanderbilt Monday’s game basketball activities. College men: Hartford vs. Villanova, 5 p.m. ESPN2 Clemson 22 66.5 VA. TECH Seattle at Philadelphia, late sesamoid bone of his left foot. An MRI from Uncasville, Conn. VIRGINIA 6 54.5 Boston Coll Wednesday’s game confirmed the condition, which has l William & Mary has paused all men’s KENTUCKY 11.5 49.5 S Carolina Baltimore at Pittsburgh, 8 p.m. forced t he No. 6 overall selection from basketball activities following a positive College men: Nebraska Omaha 5 p.m. FS1 DUKE PPD NL Florida St Sunday, Dec. 6 COASTAL CARO 7 57.5 Liberty Cincinnati at Miami, 1 p.m. Southern California to make a gradual COVID-19 test, forcing the postponement at Creighton MICHIGAN 4 58.5 Maryland Cleveland at Tennessee, 1 p.m. return to form shooting and conditioning of at least five games, including Monday Detroit at Chicago, 1 p.m. College men: Western Kentucky 6 p.m. ACCN Ohio State 24 59.5 MICH. ST activities. night’s game at N.C. State. AKRON 2.5 57.5 Bowl Green Indianapolis at Houston, 1 p.m. Jacksonville at Minnesota, 1 p.m. at Louisville C MICHIGAN 1.5 61.5 Ball St Las Vegas at N.Y. Jets, 1 p.m. College men: Navy at Georgetown 6 p.m. CBSSN Kent State 3.5 68.5 MIAMI-OH New Orleans at Atlanta, 1 p.m. Football Miscellaneous Buffalo 11.5 58.5 OHIO U L.A. Rams at Arizona, 4:05 p.m. College men: Maui Invitational, 7 p.m. ESPN2 W MICHIGAN 13.5 65.5 E Michigan N.Y. Giants at Seattle, 4:05 p.m. Injured Grosjean replaced New England at L.A. Chargers, 4:25 p.m. Ravens-Steelers delayed again TBD, consolation semifinal, COLLEGE BASKETBALL Philadelphia at Green Bay, 4:25 p.m. Favorite Points Underdog Romain Grosjean has been ruled from Asheville, N.C. Denver at Kansas City, 8:20 p.m. The Baltimore Ravens’ struggle to BYU PK Usc Open: Carolina, Tampa Bay out of the second Formula One race College men: Oklahoma State 7 p.m. FS1 PURDUE 21 Oakland Monday, Dec. 7 contain an extended outbreak of the in Bahrain and will be replaced by CREIGHTON 20 Nebraska-Omaha Washington at Pittsburgh, 5 p.m. coronavirus forced their game which Pietro Fittipaldi, a grandson of former at Marquette VANDERBILT PPD Connecticut Dallas at Baltimore, 8:05 p.m. WISCONSIN 24.5 Wisc-Green Bay Buffalo at San Francisco, 8:15 p.m. was reschedule for tonight against the F1 champion Emerson Fittipaldi, College men: Towson at Maryland 7 p.m. BTN LOUISVILLE 5 W Kentucky unbeaten Steelers to be moved back the Haas team said. Grosjean was TOLEDO 9.5 Cleveland State to Wednesday. It’s the third fix to a hospitalized with burns on the back of College men: Champions Classic, 7:30 p.m. ESPN Valparaiso 1 ILLINOIS-CHI Michigan State at Duke MARQUETTE 4.5 Oklahoma St matchup originally slated to be played both hands after his car collided with FLORIDA INT’L 4 C Michigan Thanksgiving night. The NFL announced a barrier in the Bahrain Grand Prix on College men: South Dakota 9 p.m. BTN MARYLAND PPD Towson COLLEGE the most recent switch Monday after Sunday and burst into flames. Haas at Nebraska DUKE 4 Michigan St the Ravens placed starters Matthew NEBRASKA 13 S Dakota said it anticipated Grosjean would be College men: Champions Classic, 9:30 p.m. ESPN KANSAS 2.5 Kentucky Men’s basketball Judon, Willie Snead and Mark discharged today. Kentucky vs. Kansas, from Indianapolis Maui Invitational AP Top 25 poll Andrews on the reserve/COVID-19 l Greg McGarity is retiring after 10 Asheville, N.C. list. Although Baltimore also had four years as Georgia’s athletic director. The College men: Maui Invitational, 9:30 p.m. ESPN2 Indiana NL Texas The top 25 teams in The Associated players return from that list, the team 66-year-old McGarity said his retirement TBD, consolation semifinal, Asheville, N.C. Providence NL Davidson Press’ college basketball poll, with DAYTON NL E Illinois first-place votes in parentheses, will still be severely shorthanded when will begin Dec 31. WASHINGTON NL Cal-Riverside records through Monday, total this game is finally played. l Organizers of the delayed Tokyo points based on 25 points for a first- l Bengals rookie quarterback Joe Football BOXING place vote through one point for a Olympics have declined to confirm Burrow is expected to have surgery College: Western Kentucky 10:30 a.m. CBSSN Saturday 25th-place vote and previous ranking widely circulated reports in Japan that Dallas Record Pts Prv on his injured left knee this week, the costs of the one-year postponement at Charlotte IBF/WBC welterweight title fight 1. Gonzaga (57) 2-0 1569 1 E. Spence Jr. -$500 vs. D. Garcia +$400 2. Baylor (6) 2-0 1513 2 coach Zac Taylor said. Burrow’s will be about $3 billion. The estimates 3. Iowa 2-0 1410 5 season ended Nov. 22 when he was have been published in the last several 4. Wisconsin 2-0 1287 7 Golf 5. Illinois 3-0 1281 8 sandwiched between two Washington days by some of Japan’s top-circulation EPGA: Dubai Championship, 3 a.m. Wed. GOLF 6. Duke 1-0 1185 9 pass-rushers and his leg was bent newspapers, the national broadcaster 7. Kansas 1-1 1169 6 severely. The structural damage in his NHK, and the Japanese news agency first round, from Dubai, United Arab Emirates 8. Michigan State 2-0 1028 13 LOCAL SCHEDULE 9. Creighton 1-0 981 11 knee requires surgery and extensive Kyodo. All are citing similar figures and 10. Houston 3-0 949 17 rehabilitation. unidentified sources close to the games. Today’s games 11. West Virginia 3-0 943 15 Soccer 12. Villanova 2-1 939 3 l Indianapolis Colts punter Rigoberto l Swiss skier Marc Gisin announced MLS: Western Conference Playoff, 9 p.m. FS1 BOYS BASKETBALL 13. Tennessee 0-0 878 12 Sanchez says he will have surgery today the end of his racing career, saying he Buchtel at Medina, 7 p.m. 14. North Carolina 1-0 591 16 to have a cancerous tumor removed. had not fully recovered from a serious FC Dallas at Seattle, semifinal Wadsworth at Hudson, 7 p.m. 15. Virginia 1-1 581 4 16. Virginia Tech 3-0 570 - Sanchez made the announcement in crash two years ago. In December CONCACAF: Arcahaie FC 8 p.m. FS2 BOYS/GIRLS SWIMMING 17. Texas 2-0 478 19 an Instagram post. He did not provide 2018, Gisin was placed in a medical vs. Forge FC, quarterfinal, Ashland/Willard at Cloverleaf Wooster 17. Texas Tech 2-1 478 14 details about the diagnosis or how much coma to be treated after hitting the YMCA, 5:30 p.m. 19. Richmond 2-0 382 - from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 20. Kentucky 1-1 363 10 time he might miss — only that doctors snow hard at a jump on the Saslong BOYS/GIRLS BOWLING 21. Oregon 0-0 338 20 found the tumor before it spread to the course at Val Gardena, Italy. UEFA Champions: TBA, Group Stage 10 p.m. CBSSN Wooster at Wadsworth Kolony Bowl, 22. Florida State 0-0 304 21 23. Ohio State 2-0 282 23 rest of his body. l The chief executive officer of the taped 4 p.m. 24. Rutgers 3-0 252 24 l ESPN announced that two “Monday New York Road Runners, the group that 25. Arizona State 2-1 233 18 CONCACAF: C.D. Marathón 10 p.m. FS2 Others receiving votes: Michigan 90, San Night Football” games in December will organizes the New York City Marathon, vs. Deportivo Saprissa, quarterfinal, Diego State 86, Saint Louis 69, Louisville be simulcast on ABC. ABC will air the is stepping down and new leadership 55, Alabama 52, Florida 45, Indiana 38, from Tegucigalpa, Honduras UCLA 14, Maryland 9, Providence 7, Buffalo-San Francisco game Dec. 7 and will be sought out amid concerns FOOTBALL Stanford 7, UConn 6, Clemson 4, LSU 3, the Bills-New England game Dec. 28. over racism and other biases in the Arkansas 2, Loyola of Chicago 1, TCU 1, l Indiana’s starting quarterback Colorado 1, BYU 1. organization. Michael Capiraso, who NFL Michael Penix suffered a season- has been at the helm for five years, will PHILADELPHIA EAGLES — Activated ending torn anterior cruciate ligament, step down on Dec. 31, the club said in DE Gendard Avery from injured AMERICAN CONFERENCE Women’s basketball marking the second time in three years a statement. TRANSACTIONS reserve. Promoted TE Caleb Wilson East and DT T.Y. McGill to the active roster. W L T Pct PF PA AP Top 25 poll he’s injured the right knee. Redshirt l Efraín Álvarez, an LA Galaxy BASEBALL PITTSBURGH STEELERS — Activated Buffalo 8 3 0 .727 299 282 The top 25 teams in The Associated sophomore Jack Tuttle, who started his midfielder who started for Mexico in last Major League Baseball DE Isaiah Buggs and G Kevin Dotson Miami 7 4 0 .636 284 205 Press’ women’s college basketball American League from the reserve/COVID-19 list. New England 5 6 0 .455 229 255 poll, with first-place votes in paren- career at Utah, replaced Penix during year’s final of the Under-17 World Cup, CLEVELAND INDIANS — Traded RHP TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS — N.Y. Jets 0 11 0 .000 152 322 theses, records through Monday, Saturday’s victory over Maryland and was among 22 players called into U.S. Activated WR Jaydon Mickens and Adam Cimber to Miami for cash South total points based on 25 points for a now steps into the leading role for one training camp for a Dec. 9 exhibition considerations. RB T.J. Logan from the reserve/ W L T Pct PF PA first-place vote through one point for a KANSAS CITY ROYALS — Signed OF COVID-19 list. Placed DL Benning Tennessee 8 3 0 .727 324 285 25th-place vote and previous ranking of the nation’s most surprising teams. against El Salvador in Fort Lauderdale, Michael Taylor. Designated LHP Foster Potoa on the reserve/COVID-19 list. Record Pts Prv l Alabama coach Nick Saban expects Fla. Álvarez can become eligible to Griffin for assignment. Indianapolis 7 4 0 .636 302 253 1. South Carolina (29) 3-0 749 1 Houston 4 7 0 .364 268 297 2. Stanford (1) 1-0 704 2 to be back on the sidelines Saturday play for the U.S. and would have to National League SOCCER Jacksonville 1 10 0 .091 227 325 CHICAGO CUBS — Named Jeff National Women’s Soccer League 3. UConn 0-0 689 3 at LSU. Saban, who tested positive for apply to FIFA for a one-time switch Greenberg assistant general manag- WASHINGTON SPIRIT — Re-signed M North 4. Baylor 1-0 665 4 COVID-19 last Wednesday, had to watch er. Named Craig Breslow assistant Tori Huster to a two-year contract. W L T Pct PF PA 5. Louisville 2-0 607 5 of association. Eleven of the other 21 general manager and vice president Pittsburgh 10 0 0 1.000 298 174 6. Mississippi State 1-0 586 6 the top-ranked Crimson Tide’s 42-13 players could make U.S. debuts. of pitching. Cleveland 8 3 0 .727 265 286 7. Arizona 1-0 566 7 victory over rival Auburn from home over MIAMI MARLINS — Designated RHP Baltimore 6 4 0 .600 268 195 8. NC State 2-0 564 8 l The Del Mar stewards finished the Jose Urena for assignment. Cincinnati 2 8 1 .227 230 289 9. UCLA 1-0 494 9 the weekend while offensive coordinator short Fall meeting Sunday by fining 10. Oregon 1-0 477 10 West Steve Sarkisian ran the show. The trainer Bob Baffert for a medication FOOTBALL 11. Kentucky 2-0 466 11 AMERICA’S LINE W L T Pct PF PA 12. Texas A&M 2-0 412 13 69-year-old coach has said he had only violation and suspending trainer Val National Football League Kansas City 10 1 0 .909 348 238 13. Indiana 1-0 342 16 ARIZONA CARDINALS — Placed TE Las Vegas 6 5 0 .545 292 319 mild symptoms and no fever. Brinkeroff 45 days for a positive test Evan Baylis on waivers. NFL 14. Maryland 2-1 327 12 Favorite Points O/U Underdog Denver 4 7 0 .364 209 298 15. Northwestern 0-0 289 17 l The Southeastern Conference for another medication more than a BALTIMORE RAVENS — Activated L.A. Chargers 3 8 0 .273 277 300 OLB Jaylon Ferguson, G D.J. Fluker, Wednesday 16. Arkansas 3-1 265 14 named Vanderbilt kicker Sarah Fuller year ago. Baffert, the most recognizable STEELERS 10.5 40.5 Ravens 17. Oregon State 1-0 256 18 CB Iman Marshall and DT Broderick 18. Gonzaga 1-1 193 21 as the league’s co-special teams player figure in the sport, was fined $2,500 after Washington from the reserve/COVID- Thursday NATIONAL CONFERENCE RAVENS PPD NL Cowboys East 19. Ohio State 1-0 189 20 of the week after she made history Merneith tested positive for Dextrorphan, 19 list. W L T Pct PF PA 20. DePaul 1-1 187 19 CAROLINA PANTHERS — Placed DE Sunday 21. Missouri State 2-1 153 24 becoming the first woman to play in a metabolite often found in cough Yetur Gross-Matos on the reserve/ N.Y. Giants 4 7 0 .364 214 253 BEARS 3.5 44.5 Lions Washington 4 7 0 .364 241 243 22. Syracuse 1-0 142 23 a Power 5 conference football game. remedies. The drug is a Class 4 violation. COVID-19 list. DOLPHINS 11.5 41.5 Bengals 23. Iowa State 1-1 128 15 CLEVELAND BROWNS — Claimed S Philadelphia 3 6 1 .350 220 254 Fuller shared the award with Florida The most severe are Class 1 and the Colts 3 53.5 TEXANS Dallas 3 8 0 .273 251 359 24. Michigan 2-0 110 25 Tedric Thompson off waivers from VIKINGS 9.5 52.0 Jaguars 25. Texas 2-0 65 - Kansas City. Activated FB Andy South punt returner Kadarius Toney after least impactful are Class 5. Class 4 STEELERS NL NL Washington Others receiving votes: South Dakota Janovich from the reserve/COVID- W L T Pct PF PA State 31, North Carolina 24, South the senior soccer player served as contains many therapeutic medications. 19 list. Raiders 8 47.5 JETS New Orleans 9 2 0 .818 326 225 Dakota 20, Notre Dame 20, Arizona Vanderbilt’s primary kicker in a loss to l UEFA appointed Stéphanie JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS — Saints 3 46.5 FALCONS Tampa Bay 7 5 0 .583 344 280 State 10, Wake Forest 9, Ohio 6, Activated K Chase McLaughlin from TITANS 5.5 54.0 Browns Atlanta 4 7 0 .364 295 281 South Florida 1, Boston College 1, Missouri. She sent a squib kick 30 yards Frappart as the first female referee the reserve/COVID-19 list. SEAHAWKS NL NL Giants Carolina 4 8 0 .333 280 300 Tennessee 1, Rutgers 1, Duke 1. that was covered at the Missouri 35 to for a men’s Champions League game.
cyan B3 magenta B3 yellow B3 black B3 B4 Tuesday, December 1, 2020 The Gazette
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CITY OF WADSWORTH and associated profes- SURE OF REAL PROP- DINA, AND STATE OF ances, and taxes the pro- NOTICE OF praised at greater than PUBLIC NOTICE sional services for the em- ERTY PARCEL NUMBER OHIO AND FURTHER ceeds of the sale are insuf- M.G. 11/24; 12/1-8/20 (Per ORC Section PUBLICATION $10,000 and less than or PUBLICATION OF ployees of the City of Me- 040-20D-08-054, complete DESCRIBED AS FOL- ficient to cover. Also, pur- 20673660 2329.21) The purchaser COURT OF COMMON equal to $200,000; and ORDINANCES dina, and declaring an legal descriptions of which LOWS: chaser shall be responsi- shall be required to pay the PLEAS $10,000 on properties ap- The summary of legislation emergency. may be obtained from the ble for taxes that may be- amount of costs, allow- MEDINA COUNTY, OHIO praised greater than adopted by Wadsworth Medina County Prosecut- PARCEL NO.1 come due and payable af- REQUEST FOR ances, and taxes the pro- $200,000. City Council on November Ord. 207-20 ing Attorney’s Office ter the date of sale. PROPOSAL ceeds of the sale are insuf- CASE NO. 20 CIV 0170 NO CASH ACCEPTED, 17, 2020 and approved by An Ordinance authorizing AND KNOWN AS BEING ficient to cover. Also, pur- balance due 30 days after the Mayor or Acting Mayor, the Finance Director to re- You are required to answer A PART OF LOT 52 OF Tom Miller The City of Medina is solic- chaser shall be responsi- JOHN A. BURKE, ME- confirmation. has been posted to the fol- pay certain fund advances. the COMPLAINT within SAID TOWNSHIP, Sheriff of Medina County iting requests for proposals ble for taxes that may be- DINA COUNTY TREAS- lowing websites: http:// twenty-eight days after the BOUNDED AND DE- from agencies to perform come due and payable af- URER VS.JOYCE V. (Per ORC Section www.publicnoticesohio. Ord. 208-20 last publication of this no- SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SHAPIRO, VAN ESS, Drug Screening and other ter the date of sale. KIMBLER 2329.21) The purchaser com/ and www.medina- An Ordinance authorizing tice, which will be pub- BEGINNING AT THE IN- PHILLIPS & related services for em- shall be required to pay the The complete the Finance Director to lished once a week for TERSECTION OF THE BARRAGATE, LLP ployees of the City of Me- Tom Miller To the following named amount of costs, allow- text of each ordinance and rollover certain outstanding THREE (3) successive CENTERLINES OF KING 4805 MONTGOMERY RD dina for the calendar year Sheriff of Medina County defendant(s) ances, and taxes the pro- resolution may be obtained advances. weeks. ROAD, C.H. 193, AND STE 320 2021. Required specifica- ceeds of the sale are insuf- free of charge or viewed at CENTER ROAD, S.R. NORWOOD, OH 45212 tions include but are not CARLISLE MCNELLIE Unknown Spouse, if any, ficient to cover. Also, pur- the office of the Clerk of Ord. 209-20 If you fail to appear and 303; (513) 396-8100 limited to: RINI KRAMER & ULRICH of William D. Carle chaser shall be responsi- City Council, located adja- An Ordinance amending defend, judgment by de- THENCE SOUTH 00° 30’ 24755 CHAGRIN BLVD whose last known ad- ble for taxes that may be- cent to the City Council Ordinance No. 187-19, fault will be rendered 47” EAST ALONG THE 1. Ability to provide Breath STE 200 dress is: come due and payable af- Chambers, Wadsworth passed November 25, against you for the relief CENTERLINE OF KING M.G. 11/24; 12/1-8/20 Alcohol Concentrations CLEVELAND,OH Unknown ter the date of sale. City Hall, 120 Maple 2019. (Amendments to demanded in the com- ROAD A DISTANCE OF 20673652 (BAC), urine drug screens 44122-5690 Street, Wadsworth, Ohio 2020 Budget) plaint. 1874.09 FEET TO THE with the Department of (216) 360-7200 And whose present where- Tom Miller 44281; telephone number TRUE PLACE OF BEGIN- Transportation Standards abouts are unknown Sheriff of Medina County 330-335-2759 and elec- Submitted by Kathy M.G. 11/24; 12/1-8/20 NING OF THE PARCEL LEGAL NOTICE and urine drug screens tronic mail: tguenther@ Patton, Clerk of Council, 20673852 HEREIN DESCRIBED; Medina County Park without the Department of M.G. 11/24; 12/1-8/20 You have been named de- LERNER SAMPSON & City of Medina THENCE CONTINUING District Transportation Standards 20673664 fendant in a AMENDED ROTHFUSS SOUTH 00° 30’ 47” EAST Park Rules Amendment during normal working COMPLAINT filed in Me- PO BOX 5480 THOMAS MORRIS M.G. 12/1-8/20 PUBLIC NOTICE ALONG THE CENTER- hours; dina County Court of Com- CINCINNATI, OH 45201 Director of Law 20674045 Division of the State Fire LINE OF KING ROAD A Approved by the Medina 2. Availability of these Legal Notice mon Pleas, Medina County (513) 241-3100 City of Wadsworth, Ohio Marshal DISTANCE OF 125.00 County Park District Board same services in the event Courthouse, Medina, Ohio TAMMY L. GUENTHER Bureau of Underground FEET TO A POINT; on November 17, 2020 of an accident occurring Pursuant to Ohio Revised Clerk of Council Storage Tank THENCE SOUTH 89° 15’ before or after normal Code Section 117.38, pub- By: JOHN A. BURKE, M.G. 11/24; 12/1-8/20 City of Wadsworth, Ohio INVITATION TO BID - Regulations 47” WEST A DISTANCE The following is a change working hours; lic notice is hereby given MEDINA COUNTY 20673667 SNOW REMOVAL OF 871.21 FEET TO A made to the Medina 3. Capability for statistical that the Annual Financial TREASURER M.G. 12/1/20 YORK TOWNSHIP Pursuant to the rules gov- County Park District’s rules reporting sufficient for the SET IRON PIN AND SAID Report of the Educational SHERIFF’S SALE 20673804 erning the remediation of LINE PASSING THRU AN and regulations approved Department of Transpor- Service Center of Medina The object of the You are hereby invited to releases of petroleum from by the Board of Commis- tation; OF REAL ESTATE IRON PIN SET AT 30.00 County for the fiscal year AMENDED COMPLAINT General Code, Sec. 11681 NOTICE TO BIDDERS submit a sealed proposal underground storage tank FEET FROM THE CEN- sioners at its November 17 4. A procedure for random ending June 30, 2020, is if for: FORECLOSURE OF for the January 2021 -May (UST) system(s), notice to public meeting. A complete selection for testing that Revised Code, STATE OF OHIO TERLINE OF KING now available for public in- REAL PROPERTY PAR- Sec. 2329.26 DEPARTMENT OF 2021 snow removal sea- the public is required ROAD; THENCE NORTH list of park rules is availa- meets the Department of spection in the Office of CEL NUMBERS TRANSPORTATION son with an option for the whenever there is a con- 00° 30’ 47” WEST A DIS- ble for public viewing at Transportation require- the Treasurer, 124 West 037-27A-03-165, October 2021 -May 2023 firmed release of petro- ments; The State of Ohio, Columbus, Ohio TANCE OF 125.00 FEET Washington Street, Me- 037-27A-03-166 and Medina County Division of Construction snow removal seasons. leum from an UST TO A SET IRON PIN; Individuals requesting a 5. Medical Review Officer dina, Ohio 44256, be- 037-27A-03-069 complete Management General snow removal on system(s) that requires a THENCE NORTH 89° 15’ set of rules by mail may (MRO) availability; tween the hours of 8:00AM legal descriptions of which Yo rk Township Roads remedial action plan. No- call 330-722-9364. This 6. Able to be designated MAPLECREEK Legal Copy Number: 47” EAST A DISTANCE and 4:30PM, Monday may be obtained from the TOWNHOMES ASSN 200602 (approx. 25.022 miles) in- tice is hereby given that a OF 871.21 FEET TO THE amended rule will become as our C/TPA by assuming through Friday. Medina County Prosecut- cluding salting and snow confirmed release of petro- effective 10 days after the responsibility to report any INC. Sealed proposals will be TRUE PLACE OF BEGIN- ing Attorney’s Office Plaintiff accepted from pre- plowing. leum has occurred from NING AND SAID LINE first appearance in this drug and alcohol program M.G. 12/1/20 the UST system(s) located publication. violation to the FMCSA qualified bidders at the PASSING THRU AN IRON 20673958 You are required to answer VS ODOT Office of Contracts Bid forms may be picked at: PIN SET AT 30.00 FEET Drug & Alcohol Clear- the AMENDED COM- up by appointment 5.1 Concealed firearms, inghouse per guidelines; until 10:00 a.m. on Decem- (330-722-0185) at the FROM THE CENTERLINE SHERIFF’S SALE PLAINT within twenty- ERICH M. GUMAN, ET ber 17, 2020. Project Former Medina OF KING ROAD AND deadly weapons, danger- 7. Ability to fingerprint and OF REAL ESTATE eight days after the last Township Office, 6609 Landmark/Free Zone ous ordnance - No person, perform criminal back- AL 200602 is located in Me- Norwalk Road, Yo rk Twp., CONTAINING WITHIN General Code, Sec. 11681 publication of this notice, Defendant dina County, SR 18-00.00 241 S State Rd SAID BOUNDS 2.5000 except duly-authorized em- ground checks. Revised Code, which will be published Medina, OH 44256, can be Medina, Ohio ployees, rangers, or other 8. The above services and is a TWO LANE RE- ACRES OF LAND, AS Sec. 2329.26 once a week for THREE CASE NO. 18CIV0024 SURFACING project. The printed off the website at Medina County SURVEYED BY SANTEE law-enforcement officers, must be provided within (3) successive weeks. under the RELEASE shall knowingly carry or the City of Medina, at a date set for completion of about section or sent via ASSOCIATES IN MARCH, The State of Ohio, In pursuance of an Order this work shall be as set #52000184-N00002 & 1973, BE THE SAME have concealed on his/her Medina City facility or Medina County If you fail to appear and e-mail at prussell@york N00004 person(s) or concealed within a three mile radius of Sale in the above- forth in the bidding pro- MORE OR LESS, BUT defend, judgment by de- entitled action, I will offer posal.Plans and Specifi- SUBJECT TO ALL LEGAL ready at hand, any firearm, of the City limits. US BANK NA fault will be rendered A proposed remedial ac- any deadly weapon, and/or for Sale at public auction, cations are on file in the Each bidder shall be re- HIGHWAYS. Plaintiff against you for the relief beginning on APRIL 16, Department of Transpor- tion plan (RAP) dated Au- PERMANENT PARCEL any dangerous ordnance, Proposals must be submit- demanded in the com- quired to file with his bid gust 17, 2020, was submit- unless the person(s) has ted in accordance with the 2020 in accordance with tation. the following: No. 016-03D-06-011 VS plaint. ORC Section 2329.153 ted by the owner and/or PARCEL NO.2 (have) a valid permit for specifications on file in the 1. Township Bid Form operator of the UST concealing a handgun, or Office of the Mayor, lo- online @ http://medina. M.G. 11/24; 12/1/20 2. Copy of their Workers’ FRANCIS W BERGMAN, M.G. 11/24; 12/1-8/20 sheriffsaleauction.ohio. 20673538 system(s) for the review AND KNOWN AS BEING as otherwise provided by cated at 132 North ET AL 20673851 Compensation Certificate and approval of the State law. Elmwood Avenue, Medina, gov. 3. Federal Tax W-9 Form A PART OF LOT 52 OF Defendant Fire Marshal (SFM). Once SAID TOWNSHIP, Ohio, 44256. Sealed Pro- LEGAL NOTICE 4. Bidding Affidavit for the SFM has reviewed and M.G. 11/24; 12/1/20 posals shall be submitted SHERIFF’S SALE In Medina county on The following is a sum- Non-Collusion, Non- BOUNDED AND DE- CASE NO. 19CIV0854 Thursday, December 17, approved the proposed SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. 20673784 to the Office of the Mayor OF REAL ESTATE mary of ordinances and Discrimination, Real Estate RAP, the owner and/or op- no later than 10:00 a.m. on General Code, Sec. 11681 2020 at 9:00 AM. Thereaf- resolutions adopted by Me- and Personal Property Tax In pursuance of an Order ter, if any properties do not erator of the UST system BEGINNING AT THE IN- December 15, 2020, after Revised Code, dina City Council on No- Statements SHERIFF’S SALE of Sale in the above- Sec. 2329.26 receive a sufficient bid, it will be required to imple- TERSECTION OF THE which proposals will be entitled action, I will offer vember 23, 2020 and ap- 5. A Certificate of Insur- ment the proposed RAP. OF REAL ESTATE opened and read publicly. shall be offered for sale, proved by Mayor Dennis ance showing proof that CENTERLINE OF KING for Sale at public auction, with no minimum bid at the ROAD, C.H. 193, AND General Code, Sec. 11681 The State of Ohio, Hanwell on November 24, the bidder has Liability Revised Code, beginning on APRIL 16, Medina County same time of day and A copy of the proposed CENTER ROAD, S.R. The City of Medina re- 2020 in accordance with 2020. The complete text of Insurance in the amount of RAP, as well as other doc- Sec. 2329.26 serves the right to reject same place on THURS- any ordinance or resolution $1,000,000.00 Bodily In- 303; THENCE SOUTH 00° ORC Section 2329.153 DAY, January 21, 2021. umentation relating to this 30’ 47” EAST ALONG THE any and all proposals and BAYVIEW LOAN may be obtained at the of- jury Liability, $500,000.00 online @ http://medina. SERVICING, LLC The following described release and the UST CENTERLINE OF KING The State of Ohio, to accept any proposal sheriffsaleauction.ohio. fice of the Medina City Property Damage Liability system(s) involved, is Medina County deemed most favorable to Plaintiff real estate, situated in the Clerk of Council, 132 N. and Contractual Liability ROAD A DISTANCE OF gov. County of Medina and maintained by the Bureau 1749.09 FEET TO THE the City. Elmwood Ave., Medina, Coverage of Underground Storage BANK OF NEW YORK VS State of Ohio, to wit: OH or viewed at www. 6. Independent Contractor TRUE PLACE OF BEGIN- In Medina county on Tank Regulations NING OF THE PARCEL MELLON TRUST CO Dennis Hanwell Indemnification Thursday, December 17, ROSE E. HABART, ET AL • Said Premises Located at (BUSTR) and are available HEREIN DESCRIBED; Plaintiff Mayor 2020 at 9:00 AM. Thereaf- for inspection and copying City of Medina Defendant 558 TOPAZ LANE, Ord. 198-20 All bids will be accepted no THENCE CONTINUING ter, if any properties do not BRUNSWICK by the public.Please make SOUTH 00° 30’ 47” EAST VS receive a sufficient bid, it An Ordinance amending later than 10:00 a.m. on all requests for copies of M.G. 12/1-8/20 CASE NO. 20CIV0278 • PP#: 001-02A-16-181 Ordinance No. 176-20, ALONG THE CENTER- shall be offered for sale, • Legal description can Tuesday, December 8th at the proposed RAP or for LINE OF KING ROAD A VIRGIL D. DIXON, 20674044 passed October 13, 2020 the Township Office lo- with no minimum bid at the In pursuance of an Order be found at the Medina the inspection of the RAP DISTANCE OF 125.00 ESTATE, ET AL same time of day and relative to amendments to cated at 6609 Norwalk and other related docu- Defendant of Sale in the above- County Recorder’s Office the 2020 budget. FEET TO A POINT; SHERIFF’S SALE same place on THURS- • Said Premises appraised Road, Medina, OH 44256. mentation in writing to THENCE SOUTH 89° 15’ entitled action, I will offer All properly filed bids will OF REAL ESTATE DAY, January 21, 2021. for Sale at public auction, at: $90,000.00 and cannot BUSTR, P. O. Box 687, 47” WEST A DISTANCE CASE NO. 19CIV0719 General Code, Sec. 11681 The following described Ord. 199-20 be opened and read at that Reynoldsburg, Ohio beginning on APRIL 16, be sold for less than An Ordinance authorizing OF 871.21 FEET TO A Revised Code, real estate, situated in the two-thirds of that amount. time. 43068. SET IRON PIN AND SAID In pursuance of an Order 2020 in accordance with the Mayor to enter into a Sec. 2329.26 County of Medina and ORC Section 2329.153 • Neither the sheriff’s office LINE PASSING THRU AN of Sale in the above- State of Ohio, to wit: contract with Medical Mu- All bids must be submitted Information that may help entitled action, I will offer online @ http://medina. nor any affiliates have ac- tual of Ohio for Health IRON PIN SET AT 30.00 The State of Ohio, cess to the inside of said in a sealed envelope you understand the re- FEET FROM THE CEN- for Sale at public auction, sheriffsaleauction.ohio. Care Insurance for the em- clearly marked “Snow Re- beginning on APRIL 16, Medina County • Said Premises Located at gov. properties. quirements of BUSTR’s TERLINE OF KING 1180 BLUEBERRY HILL ployees of the City of Me- moval Bids” at the time rules may be found on 2020 in accordance with dina. ROAD, THENCE NORTH DEUTSCHE BANK DRIVE, BRUNSWICK TERMS OF SALE: Every and date set forth above. BUSTR’s Resource Page 00° 30’ 47” WEST A DIS- ORC Section 2329.153 In Medina county on The bid will be awarded to online @ http://medina. NATIONAL TRUST CO • PP#: 003-18A-09-165 Thursday, December 17, successful bidder (except at TANCE OF 125.00 FEET Plaintiff • Prior Deed Reference: Ord. 200-20 the lowest, best, most re- gov/fire/BUSTRResources. sheriffsaleauction.ohio. 2020 at 9:00 AM. Thereaf- a judgment creditor) shall An Ordinance amending TO A SET IRON PIN; Instrument No. be required to pay a de- sponsible bidder at the aspx. THENCE NORTH 89° 15’ gov. ter, if any properties do not Section 31.02(E) of the Yo rk Township Tr ustee VS 2016OR028784 receive a sufficient bid, it posit immediately upon ac- 47” EAST A DISTANCE • Legal description can Salaries and Benefits meeting on Tuesday, De- The SFM will accept writ- In Medina county on shall be offered for sale, ceptance of the final bid, Code of the City of Me- OF 871.21 FEET TO THE NEIL A KINSER, ET AL be found at the Medina as follows: cember 8th which begins ten comments on this RAP TRUE PLACE OF BEGIN- Thursday, December 17, with no minimum bid at the dina, Ohio relative to the at 4:00 p.m. The Yo rk 2020 at 9:00 AM. Thereaf- Defendant County Recorder’s Office same time of day and for a period of 21 days NING AND SAID LINE • Said Premises appraised Salary Schedule for Township Tr ustees reserve from the date of publication ter, if any properties do not same place on THURS- $2,000 on properties ap- Part-Time Employees of PASSING THRU AN IRON CASE NO. 19CIV1163 at: $128,000.00 and can- praised at $10,000 or less the right to reject any of this notice.You may PIN SET AT 30.00 FEET receive a sufficient bid, it DAY, January 21, 2021. the Medina Community and/or all bids, and to shall be offered for sale, not be sold for less than The following described $5,000 on properties ap- submit any comments re- FROM THE CENTERLINE In pursuance of an Order two-thirds of that amount. Recreation Center affected waive any informality in garding this site and the with no minimum bid at the real estate, situated in the praised at greater than by the Ohio Minimum OF KING ROAD AND of Sale in the above- • Neither the sheriff’s office $10,000 and less than or bids. RAP, in writing, at the CONTAINING WITHIN same time of day and County of Medina and Wage increase. same place on THURS- entitled action, I will offer nor any affiliates have ac- State of Ohio, to wit: equal to $200,000; and above address.For further SAID BOUNDS 2.5000 for Sale at public auction, cess to the inside of said By order of the Yo rk information, please contact DAY, January 21, 2021. $10,000 on properties ap- Ord. 201-20 ACRES OF LAND, AS beginning on APRIL 16, properties. praised greater than Township Tr ustees, Dave Biskner at (614) SURVEYED BY SANTEE The following described • Said Premises Located at An Ordinance authorizing Margaret Russell, real estate, situated in the 2020 in accordance with 7375 GILBERT STREET, $200,000. 752-7925. Please refer- ASSOCIATES IN MARCH, ORC Section 2329.153 TERMS OF SALE: Every the Mayor to execute Con- Fiscal Officer ence release #52000184- County of Medina and CHIPPEWA LAKE NO CASH ACCEPTED, sent Legislation with the 1973, BE THE SAME online @ http://medina. successful bidder (except balance due 30 days after N00002 & N00004 when MORE OR LESS, BUT State of Ohio, to wit: • PP#: 020-10D-38-116 Ohio Department of Trans- M.G. 11/24; 12/1/20 sheriffsaleauction.ohio. a judgment creditor) shall • Prior Deed Reference: confirmation. making all inquiries or SUBJECT TO ALL LEGAL gov. be required to pay a de- portation (ODOT) to com- 20673847 comments. • Said Premises Located at Instrument No. plete a sign replacement HIGHWAYS. posit immediately upon ac- (Per ORC Section PERMANENT PARCEL 7460 RIDGE ROAD, 2007OR029715 project at various locations WADSWORTH In Medina county on ceptance of the final bid, • Legal description can 2329.21) The purchaser NOTICE OF M.G. 11/24; 12/1-8/20 No. 016-03D-06-010 Thursday, December 17, as follows: in the City of Medina. 20673673 • PP#: 033-12C-30-005 be found at the Medina shall be required to pay the PUBLICATION 2020 at 9:00 AM. Thereaf- amount of costs, allow- PARCEL # • Legal description can County Recorder’s Office Res. 202-20 COURT OF COMMON be found at the Medina ter, if any properties do not $2,000 on properties ap- • Said Premises appraised ances, and taxes the pro- A Resolution authorizing PLEAS SHERIFF’S SALE 016-03D-06-010 & receive a sufficient bid, it praised at $10,000 or less ceeds of the sale are insuf- 016-03D-06-011 County Recorder’s Office at: $92,000.00 and cannot the Mayor to enter into MEDINA COUNTY, OHIO OF REAL ESTATE • Said Premises appraised shall be offered for sale, $5,000 on properties ap- be sold for less than ficient to cover. Also, pur- agreements with the Me- General Code, Sec. 11681 PROPERTY ADDRESS: with no minimum bid at the praised at greater than chaser shall be responsi- 1534 KING ROAD, at: $145,000.00 and can- two-thirds of that amount. dina County Commission- CASE NO. 20 CIV 0822 Revised Code, not be sold for less than same time of day and $10,000 and less than or • Neither the sheriff’s office ble for taxes that may be- ers and the Medina County Sec. 2329.26 HINCKLEY, OH 44233 same place on THURS- equal to $200,000; and come due and payable af- PRIOR DEED REFER- two-thirds of that amount. nor any affiliates have ac- Public Defender Commis- JOHN A. BURKE, ME- • Neither the sheriff’s office DAY, January 21, 2021. $10,000 on properties ap- cess to the inside of said ter the date of sale. sion so as to provide legal DINA COUNTY TREAS- The State of Ohio, ENCE: INSTRUMENT NO. The following described praised greater than 2004OR011201 nor any affiliates have ac- properties. counsel to indigent per- URER VS.THE ESTATE Medina County cess to the inside of said real estate, situated in the $200,000. Tom Miller sons charged with a viola- OF ARTHUR W. PRIOR OWNER(S):KA- County of Medina and NO CASH ACCEPTED, Sheriff of Medina County REN GUBANICH AND properties. TERMS OF SALE: Every tion of the City’s ordi- BRICKEY, JR. WILMINGTON SAVINGS State of Ohio, to wit: balance due 30 days after successful bidder (except nances. FUND SOCIETY FSB JOHN GUBANICH confirmation. KAMAN & CUSIMANO, CASE NO. 18CIV0912 TERMS OF SALE: Every a judgment creditor) shall To the following named Plaintiff successful bidder (except • Said Premises Located at be required to pay a de- LLC Ord. 203-20 defendant(s) 360 DAWNSHIRE DRIVE, (Per ORC Section 50 PUBLIC SQUARE STE • Said Premises Located at a judgment creditor) shall posit immediately upon ac- An Ordinance amending VS be required to pay a de- CHIPPEWA LAKE 2329.21) The purchaser ceptance of the final bid, 2000 Section 31.13, Subsec- The Estate of Arthur W. 1534 KING ROAD, • PP#: 043-25A-01-273 & shall be required to pay the CLEVELAND, OH 44113 HINCKLEY posit immediately upon ac- as follows: tions 1 and 2 of the Sala- Brickey, Jr.whose last KAREN GUBANICH, ET ceptance of the final bid, 043-25A-01-311 amount of costs, allow- (216) 696-0650 ries and Benefits Code of known address is: AL • PP#: 016-03D-06-010 & • Prior Deed Reference: ances, and taxes the pro- 016-03D-06-011 as follows: $2,000 on properties ap- the City of Medina, Ohio Unknown Defendant Volume 457, Page 447 ceeds of the sale are insuf- praised at $10,000 or less relative to Vacations, and • Said Premises appraised Short Legal Desc: Lot ficient to cover. Also, pur- M.G. 11/24; 12/1-8/20 at: $560,000.00 and can- $2,000 on properties ap- $5,000 on properties ap- declaring an emergency. and CASE NO. 18CIV0912 praised at $10,000 or less 317 .000A and Lot 360 chaser shall be responsi- 20673650 not be sold for less than .000A ble for taxes that may be- two-thirds of that amount. $5,000 on properties ap- Ord. 204-20 Jane Doe, Unknown In pursuance of an Order praised at greater than • Legal description can come due and payable af- An Ordinance amending Spouse, if any, of Arthur of Sale in the above- • Neither the sheriff’s office be found at the Medina ter the date of sale. nor any affiliates have ac- $10,000 and less than or Section 31.02(E) of the W. Brickey, Jr. whose last entitled action, I will offer equal to $200,000; and County Recorder’s Office Salaries and Benefits known address is: for Sale at public auction, cess to the inside of said • Said Premises appraised Tom Miller Don’tD ’ need it? properties. $10,000 on properties ap- Code of the City of Me- Unknown beginning on APRIL 16, praised greater than at: $77,000.00 and cannot Sheriff of Medina County dina, Ohio relative to the 2020 in accordance with be sold for less than and TERMS OF SALE: Every $200,000. Pay Schedule for the new ORC Section 2329.153 NO CASH ACCEPTED, two-thirds of that amount. LERNER SAMPSON & position of Facility Monitor online @ http://medina. successful bidder (except • Neither the sheriff’s office ROTHFUSS a judgment creditor) shall balance due 30 days after SELL IT! at the Medina Community Unknown Heirs, Devisees, sheriffsaleauction.ohio. confirmation. nor any affiliates have ac- PO BOX 5480 Recreation Center and Successors, and/or As- gov. be required to pay a de- cess to the inside of said CINCINNATI, OH 45201 posit immediately upon ac- adopting the job descrip- signs of Arthur W. Brickey, (Per ORC Section properties. (513) 241-3100 3 LINES tion, and declaring an Jr. whose last known ad- In Medina county on ceptance of the final bid, as follows: 2329.21) The purchaser emergency. dress is: Thursday, December 17, shall be required to pay the TERMS OF SALE: Every 7 DAYS Unknown 2020 at 9:00 AM. Thereaf- successful bidder (except M.G. 11/24; 12/1-8/20 $2,000 on properties ap- amount of costs, allow- Ord. 205-20 ter, if any properties do not ances, and taxes the pro- a judgment creditor) shall 20673663 An Ordinance amending And whose present where- receive a sufficient bid, it praised at $10,000 or less be required to pay a de- 99 $5,000 on properties ap- ceeds of the sale are insuf- $ Sections 31.05 and abouts are unknown shall be offered for sale, ficient to cover. Also, pur- posit immediately upon ac- 31.07.7 of the Salaries and with no minimum bid at the praised at greater than ceptance of the final bid, $10,000 and less than or chaser shall be responsi- 28 Benefits Code of the City You have been named de- same time of day and ble for taxes that may be- as follows: Private party ad rate not available to businesses. Restrictions apply. of Medina, Ohio by the ad- fendant in a COMPLAINT same place on THURS- equal to $200,000; and $10,000 on properties ap- come due and payable af- dition of the position of filed in Medina County DAY, January 21, 2021. ter the date of sale. $2,000 on properties ap- Recreation Center Super- Court of Common Pleas, The following described praised greater than praised at $10,000 or less intendent and adopting the Medina County Court- real estate, situated in the $200,000. $5,000 on properties ap- NO CASH ACCEPTED, Tom Miller You job description, and declar- house, Medina, Ohio County of Medina and Sheriff of Medina County praised at greater than ing an emergency. State of Ohio, to wit: balance due 30 days after $10,000 and less than or can read our confirmation. By: JOHN A. BURKE, CLUNK HOOSE CO LPA equal to $200,000; and classified Ord. 206-20 MEDINA COUNTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION 4500 COURTHOUSE $10,000 on properties ap- An Ordinance authorizing TREASURER (Per ORC Section praised greater than pages online 2329.21) The purchaser BLVD STE 400 the Mayor to solicit Re- SITUATED IN THE STOW, OH 44224 $200,000. quests for Proposals The object of the COM- TOWNSHIP OF HINCK- shall be required to pay the NO CASH ACCEPTED, Classified amount of costs, allow- (330) 436-0300 (RFP’s) for drug screening PLAINT if for: FORECLO- LEY, COUNTY OF ME- balance due 30 days after 330-725-6040 confirmation. v Gazette home delivery saves time and money Significant Savings compared to buying it at the newsstand. Compare our New Customer Specials click on subscribe or call 800-633-4623
cyan B5 magenta B5 yellow B5 black B5 B6 Tuesday, December 1, 2020 COMICS The Gazette FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE By Lynn Johnston ARLO AND JANIS By Jimmy Johnson
FRANK & ERNEST By Bob Thaves GARFIELD By Jim Davis
HI AND LOIS By Mort Walker and Dik Drowne FUNKY WINKERBEAN By Tom Batiuk
ZITS By Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman CRANKSHAFT By Tom Batiuk and Chuck Ayers
DUSTIN By Steve Kelley and Jeff Parker OVER THE HEDGE By Michael Fry & T. Lewis
ALLEY OOP By Dave Graue and Jack Bender THE GRIZZWELLS By Bill Schorr
MONTY By Jim Meddick DOONESBURY By Garry Trudeau
ZIGGY DENNIS THE MENACE THE FAMILY CIRCUS CLOSE TO HOME SPECTICKLES By Tom Wilson By Hank Ketcham By Bil Keane By John McPherson By Bill Abbott The Gazette COMICS & PUZZLES Tuesday, December 1, 2020 B7 CROSSWORD CELEB NEWS ‘Game Change’ co-author Globe awards. has book on 2020 race Heilemann is national affairs analyst for NBC News and MSNBC and co-founder of The co-author of the the political video platform The Recount. He million-selling “Game is also the author of “Pride Before the Fall: Change” has a book of his The Trials of Bill Gates and the End of the own coming about the 2020 Microsoft Era,” which came out in 2001. election. His current project adds to the list of books Simon & Schuster expected on the 2020 race, which includes announced Monday that works by Maggie Haberman of The New John Heilemann is working York Times and by Ryan Lizza of Politico and on a “dramatic, first-hand co-writer Olivia Nuzzi of New York magazine. account” of Joe Biden’s John victorious campaigns over his Heilemann Rita Ora says sorry for lockdown- Democratic Party rivals in the breaching birthday party primaries and over President Donald Trump in the general election. British singer Rita Ora Heilemann had collaborated with Mark apologized Monday for Halperin on “Game Change,” about the 2008 breaking lockdown rules race, and on “Double Down,” about 2012. by holding a birthday party, Halperin has since faced multiple saying it was “a serious allegations of sexual harassment. He was and inexcusable error of dropped by Showtime, where he and judgment.” Heilemann hosted the political series “The The Sun newspaper ran photos of Ora and others, Circus,” and a planned book by the two Rita Ora authors on the 2016 campaign was canceled including models Cara and by Penguin Press. Poppy Delevingne, arriving Heilemann’s new book, currently untitled, at the Casa Cruz restaurant in London’s draws on three decades of covering the Notting Hill area on Saturday. former vice president, who was Barack Under lockdown rules that end Wednesday, Obama’s running mate in 2008 and 2012. all pubs and restaurants in England must The publication date is not yet scheduled. close except for takeout and delivery, and “I first met Joe Biden in 1986 when I was people are barred from meeting indoors with in college and he was getting ready to run members of other households. for president the first time, and I’ve been Ora said on Instagram that she had held following his ups and downs, his triumphs “a small gathering with some friends to and tragedies, ever since,” Heilemann said celebrate my 30th birthday.” in a statement. “The story of how, against all “It was a spur of the moment decision odds and against the apocalyptic backdrop made with the misguided view that we were of America in 2020, Biden rallied in the winter coming out of lockdown and this would be of his life to defeat Trump — and, in the eyes OK,” she wrote. of many, to save the country — is one of the Ora, whose hits include “Anywhere” and great political tales of this or any age, and I’m “I Will Never Let You Down,” said she now thrilled to have a chance to tell it.” realized “how irresponsible these actions Screen rights have been acquired by were and I take full responsibility.” Showtime, where Heilemann still hosts “The Britain has Europe’s worst coronavirus Circus.” The HBO adaptation of “Game death toll, at over 58,000 people. Change” won five Emmys and three Golden — from wire reports
DEAR ABBY Dear Abby: I am a nurse be opened. She put them in a in New York City. My boy- box wrapped with a bow and friend lives in Philadelphia. placed it under the tree. During the height of the pan- The excitement generated demic, we didn’t see each while anxiously awaiting a other because I worked on a new month’s arrival so the COVID unit and contracted new memory could be read the virus. His sister became created enthusiasm among very controlling and kept Abigail Van Buren the entire family. In each urging him not to see me, envelope were experiences which brought me great pain. again working that you are we had forgotten or never I was extremely lonely, and tested regularly for COVID realized had made an impact for months, the only people I and therefore in no danger on her life. saw were my co-workers. of giving the virus to anyone. A gift like this requires only At the end of May, my Because there has been so time and 12 pieces of paper. boyfriend and I began seeing much misinformation spread The concept could even be each other regularly. Because during the pandemic, many reversed so it would be from he sees me, his sister refuses people are being extremely grandparent to grandchild. By Luis Campos CELEBRITY CIPHER to see him, which makes me cautious — and rightfully so. Few of us grandparents need very sad. His mother died two If you had a good relation- material gifts, but the caring, years ago. ship with your boyfriend’s thought and love shown by When his family tries to this gift will remain with us all plan things, his sister either sister before the pandemic began, recognize that she acts our lives. comes late or doesn’t show Wanted to Share up. If I’m invited, she says the way she does because she doesn’t want to be in the she’s afraid for her life, so stop Dear Wanted to Share: same room as me. I spend a personalizing it and judging lot of time with my boyfriend her for it. She has a right What a precious gift. I have and his older father, who he to protect herself, even if it long advocated that the most now lives with. His father has seems irrational to you. meaningful gift we can give never expressed that he feels each other is the gift of self, in uncomfortable around me. Dear Abby: As a grandpar- the form of time, attention, a I feel like we have to plan ent, I feel the Christmas gift handwritten letter or a phone things around this sister. I my husband and I received call. Your granddaughter’s want my boyfriend to spend last year from our grand- concept of a “Memory of the time with his family, but she’s daughter was a gift of a Month Club” was ingenious. extremely controlling when lifetime. We have enjoyed it I congratulate her for it, and I everyone else in the family all year. It was a gift of mem- hope it inspires others. seems excited to see me. ories, written on 12 cards to What do I do? be opened on the first day of Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Uncomfortable Situation each month. She had insert- Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, ed each card into an indi- Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby Dear Uncomfortable: I vidual envelope, designated at or P.O. Box am assuming that if you are with which month it was to 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. ASTROGRAPH PARDON MY PLANET By Vic Lee Newspaper Enterprise Association SENSE AND SENSITIVITY IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY — Take action and Dear Harriette: The worst would be a chance that she focus on your pursuits. Handle relationships with part about death is that it’s wouldn’t be a match. enthusiasm and the desire to work as a team play- er. The contributions you make this year will enrich permanent. It happens with I feel completely betrayed your life and your relationships with loved ones. no warning, and you just after all these years. I love Uncertainty will lift when someone reveals a secret. don’t know when it’ll happen. my parents and my family, SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — Spend time Heaven has no visiting hours. but I am considering looking fixing up your surroundings and nurturing meaningful relationships. Judicious research will help eliminate Losing someone who you are into who my birth parents are any misconceptions you have about someone who is used to seeing every day — because it may reveal some elusive or secretive. and then all of a sudden they Harriette Cole background into my son’s CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Visualize what are gone in a split second — health. I am completely blind- you want to accomplish, and make alterations that to a grief counselor who can is tough. sided by this information and will help you achieve your goal. Look for an opportu- help you sort through your nity, and seize the moment. Leave nothing to chance, Watching my grandma have no idea of where to start and success will follow. take her last breath last year feelings and reach a healthy the search for my birth par- AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Show passion in hasn’t been easy for me. state of mind. ents. I haven’t told my friends all you pursue, and progress will follow. Refuse to You may consider joining a let others sway you in a direction that benefits them Trying to grasp that she’s yet and need some guidance instead of you. It’s what you do, not what you say, gone is so hard. One moment grief group where you are part in this new journey. that will count today. I can be fine, but a certain of a small group of people Rebirth PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) — Call in favors and ward off an emotional altercation. Getting your song, phrase or anything that who are going through sim- responsibilities out of the way will leave time to enjoy reminds me of her hits home ilar experiences. Sometimes Dear Rebirth: Some fam- the rest of your day. sometimes. Trying to cope hearing other people’s stories ilies who adopt children are ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Don’t hold back if with death is so hard. someone gets in your way. Stand up and push for- can be helpful in processing uncomfortable with how and ward. Look over your options and negotiate on your What are ways you think I your own. when to share the news with behalf. Strive to realize your true potential. can overcome some of these Pay attention to how you their children. On the one TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Be wary of passing challenges I face with coping, are managing, and listen to hand, the children are theirs, along dubious information. Getting to the bottom of besides doctors wanting to a nettlesome situation will depend on the facts. The the medical professionals. and the bond is undeniable. decisions you make can influence a meaningful rela- put you on a prescription, If your behavior continues tionship. as they call it depression? On the other hand, someone to reflect someone that you GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Set a high standard. THE LOCKHORNS By Bunny Hoest & John Reinergen I know I’m not ill and don’t else gave birth to them. It’s Speak up and share your plans. Handle sensitive want medication, but I am don’t recognize anymore, you challenging for many parents issues with compassion and understanding. Don’t let may want to revisit the idea a change someone makes distract you. Be true to definitely becoming and to pick their moments and yourself. behaving as someone I don’t of medication. There is no tell this part of the family CANCER (June 21-July 22) — Take care of personal recognize anymore. This loss shame in taking medication story. matters before someone steps in and takes charge. for depression if you need Change may not be welcome, but it’s best to deal has consumed me. It is likely, though, that your with it yourself. Personal improvement is favored. Filled With Loss it. By the way, taking meds parents know the name of the LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Lend a helping hand, and for depression is often short someone will offer the same courtesy. Taking an agency they used to adopt unnecessary risk will be costly. Focus on doing a Dear Filled With Loss: First, term. Be gentle with yourself. you. Chances are they should good job and making a memorable impression. I am so sorry for your loss. I still have the paperwork. Ask VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Sit tight, listen and was very close to my grand- Dear Harriette: My son for their help. Especially since assess what’s going on around you before you has health issues and need- decide to make a move. A change to a relationship mother and I remember how your son is ill, make it a prior- will improve your day. Share a special moment with a unbelievable it was that she ed family members to be tested to be able to donate ity to get their help. loved one. was gone, even though she LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — Follow your heart and blood. Through sorting out Harriette Cole is a lifestylist and intuition. Take action, make a statement and do your lived for a very long time. our family members’ blood founder of DREAMLEAPERS, an best to bring people together. Problems will arise if Grief comes in waves for initiative to help people access you let someone put unreasonable demands on you. types, I found out that I was many people and can last adopted. My mother had no and activate their dreams. You can SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — Opportunities will send questions to askharriette@ come and go. It’s up to you to take advantage of longer than you might imag- intention of telling me about or c/o Andrews what’s going on around you. Tie up loose ends to ine. Be patient with yourself. the adoption. But with my avoid being put in a position that leaves you at a dis- McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., advantage. And seek out more help. Go son’s health, she knew there Kansas City, MO 64106. B8 Tuesday, December 1, 2020 The Gazette
Local Area BUSINESSES & CAFETERIA We make every effort to SERVER verify all ads in our MOTOR ROUTES MEDINA CITY publications are legit AVAILABLE SERVICES SCHOOLS but we sometimes fall ADVANCE AUTO PARTS Now accepting applica- short. Due to the vol- in Medina seeking candi- Independent Serving...Lorain • Medina Counties tions and will be testing ume of ads we process dates for Salesperson po- Contractor NOW HIRING on December 16, 2020 and the variety of ways sition. Apply online at Newspaper Delivery: Essential for CAFETERIA they come to us, we As an independent WAREHOUSE SERVER for the Medina cannot always spot the or call 330-721-2438 for contractor you’ll act as WORKERS at our City Schools. Generally misleading ads. interview. your own boss while Brunswick DC works 2 to 4 hours per Thank you supplementing your day. Knowledge of food The Chronicle Telegram income. 2830 Carquest Dr. The Chronicle Brunswick, OH 44212 DEBT RELIEF CENTER service, ability to follow & Medina Gazette MEDINA 1079 Northford AVOID BANKRUPTCY Call before it Snows. written/verbal instruc- Telegram is seeking drivers to deliver 1st shift/daytime hours Ct., 3 bdrm, 2 bath, spa- All real estate advertising C.C.C. 440-322-1999 Accepting new clients. tions, willingness to learn, cious ranch-style condo in this newspaper is sub- Don’s 440-787-1854 and ability to work at fast newspapers in the & no weekends BUNDLE HAULER following communities: with brick trim features 2 ject to the Federal Fair pace, under pressure, as INDEPENDENT Must apply online at full baths & an attached 2 Housing Act of 1968, the well as pleasant person- CONTRACTOR car garage & is located in Ohio Fair Housing Act, ality and neat appear- The Chronicle • Avon Lake NEWSPAPER Telegram is seeking • Columbia Station Starting Pay $13.37/hr a 55 & up community just and the Elyria Fair Hous- ance required. BUNDLE DELIVERY off Sturbridge Road min- ing Law which makes it il- WHATZIT ANSWER? For details and to apply candidates for a Part • Elyria Time Bundle Hauler. • Grafton utes from Medina’s pic- legal to advertise “any railway crossing online, go to turesque square.Kitchen preference, limitation or Are you looking for a • North Ridgeville DENNIS TREE SERVICE way to supplement opens into a large dining discrimination based on opportunites This position is located • Oberlin Lot clearing, tree your income without it in our circulation de- • Wellington OFFICE CLEANING area and great room, fea- race, color, religion, sex, or email turing vaulted ceilings. handicap, familial status trim/removal, Spring taking up to much of partment, hours vary • Westlake Several Part and Full time cleaning, mulch, lic.and [email protected] your time? Do you cleaning positions in Me- Master bdrm features or national origin.” This or visit Medina but are generally insured. cc’s accepted! want to be your own 1:00AM-5:00AM All you’ll need is dina and Valley City. double closets & full bath applies to all real estate COTTOM Painting, wallpa- Civil Service Office with walk-in shower. sold, rented or leased, Free estimates boss? variable days to reliable transportation, Part time position for 3-5 per removal, kitchen cabi- 440-322-2624 132 N Elmwood, Medina days a week with average Patio off great room whether by owner himself net repaint. 440-213-3641 M-F 8am-4pm. accommodate our a valid driver’s license The Independent seven day operation. and 2-3 hours per day. 3-4 hours/night. $13/hour overlooks wooded ravine. or through an agent. Deadline to apply is Contractor Bundle to start. 1st floor laundry. There are no exceptions 4:00 p.m., Friday, Training will be Contact us by phone at Route consists of provided. (440) 329-7196 Call 330-721-0110 or email Furnace/Central Air less under this law. Our read- Classifi ed Online: December 11, 2020. delivering bundles of employment@jcbclean- than five years old. ers are hereby informed EOE email: Monthly condo fee of newspapers to stores Duties include driving [email protected] that all dwellings adver- and newspaper a company vehicle to or complete an online $140 pays for water, tised in this newspaper vending boxes. deliver bundles of independent driver trash, lawn mowing, land- are available on an equal Independent contrac- newspapers to scaping, snow removal. opportunity basis. CUSTODIAN agreement form at: $174,000. 330-416-7968 tors are not agents FIXED CARRIER MEDINA CITY or employees of The PICKUP POINTS or in person at: Chronicle-Telegram. THROUGHOUT The Chronicle SCHOOLS Bundle Routes LORAIN COUNTY. Telegram Medina Civil Service available: Commission is accepting Valid driver’s license 225 East Avenue ADVANTAGE applications and will be and acceptable driving Elyria, OH 44035 Re conditioned Appliances Oberlin record required along $150 with 1 yr.warranty testing on December 15, 13 stops 2020 to establish an eligi- with ability to pass a 330-725-2776 ~ Matt AND YARD drug screen and *4 New Models Homes ble list for the classifica- If you can spare 2-3 tion of CUSTODIAN for submit to a are Here!* hours a day, have reli- background check. Beautiful 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath the Medina City Schools. able transportation and FARM Ability to follow instruc- Move in ready! a valid driver’s license Apply today by Firelands Schools tions and knowledge of apply today by: general cleaning princi- submitting a resume Amherst Trail 986-6092 MARKET SALES ples and practices re- via email to: Contact us by phone [email protected] quired. Full or Part-time at (440) 329-7196, or by mail at the fol- Washers & Dryers hours, may involve shift by email to: Working or not!! Medina Seville RV closing sale work and working on lowing address: [email protected] The Chronicle Co. only (330) 725-2776 5112 Park Ave. Dec.5 8-5 weekends and holidays. Telegram SHORTAGE DRIVER RV parts new/used, misc. High school diploma or THE CHRONICLE- Attn: Human PART TIME tools, Power King tractor, equivalent required and TELEGRAM Resources-Bundle box, blade, truck cap, fire one year related work ex- 225 EAST AVENUE Hauler Must be available early BARNES BROS Logging, cabinet, drywall lift, perience preferred. ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 P.O. Box 4010 mornings, 20-25 Buyers of standing timber, shelving, desk w/chair, For details and to Elyria, OH 44036 hrs/wk. Help deliver CASH PAID FOR 32 yrs 440-785-9098 truck tool box, lots of misc. apply online go to EOE/DFWP open routes and Unwanted Vehicles customer misses. All real estate advertising (440) 864-3825 opportunities Company vehicle is ARLINGTON SQUARE in this newspaper is sub- ject to the Federal Fair or email BROOKDALE MEDINA provided. Could lead to APARTMENTS [email protected] full time.Valid driver’s Housing Act of 1968, the NORTH 440-324-7569 Ohio Fair Housing Act, or visit Medina Is seeking Full/Part Time license and acceptable Civil Service Office driving record required 150 David Dr., Elyria and the Elyria Fair Hous- Server/Cook positions. 1st Available Now! ing Law which makes it il- 132 N Elmwood, Medina and 2nd shift. Contact Seth along with ability to M-F between 8am-4pm. pass a drug screen Newly renovated legal to advertise “any in Dining at 330-723-5825 2 bdrm Suites preference, limitation or Application deadline is or email and submit to a Free Wi-Fi! 4pm on Friday, background check. discrimination based on ALL CARS WANTED [email protected] • Open Floor Plan race, color, religion, sex, December 11, 2020. • Lots of Closet Space running or not, Ca$h EOE Apply today by handicap, familial status $60-$6000. 440-935-0121 submitting a resume • Appliances or national origin.” This along with our online • Window Coverings applies to all real estate Part Time employment applica- • On-site Laundry sold, rented or leased, LABORER • Parking • Playground whether by owner himself MAILROOM tion form at: • Barbecue Area City of Medina or through an agent. JUNK Cars & Motorcy- INSERTER Applications being ac- NEWSPAPER ROUTE • Fitness Rooms There are no exceptions SUPERVISOR -Elyria via email to: • Media Rooms cles, Best price in Town. cepted for a PART TIME, [email protected] under this law. Our read- Cash. 440-452-1083 The Chronicle Tele- Union LABORER for or by mail at the • Water/Garbage PAID! ers are hereby informed gram is seeking candi- Medina’s Cemetery De- The Chronicle Telegram following address: • Walking distance to that all dwellings adver- dates for a laborer to partment. Knowledge of a is seeking candidates for The Chronicle Library, Grocery, Theater, tised in this newspaper join our team as a variety of semi-skilled a Route Supervisor in the Telegram are available on an equal WE BUY JUNK & Mailroom Inserter. This construction, mainte- Circulation Dept. This is a Restaurants & Shopping! opportunity basis. UNWANTED VEHICLES full-time position with Human Resources ADVERTISING is a part-time position, nance, and manual tasks - Shortage Driver Accepting 2 bedroom 216-372-2000 starting times & hours required to assist the early morning hours. This PO BOX 4010 AND vary, weekends & Sexton in the upkeep of position does require Sec. 8 applications working weekends and Elyria, OH 44036 MARKETING nights required. This the cemetery, some com- EOE/DFWP for wait list position primarily puter skills preferred. holidays. Responsibilities CONSULTANT works with the Skills needed to handle include customer service, mailroom equipment to difficult situations at times route maintenance, and insert the ads into the during the public’s be- delivery. This is mostly an WKFM / WLKR Radio has an immediate opening newspaper and pack- reavement. Must possess outside, entry-level posi- for an Advertising & Marketing Consultant. age the newspaper a valid Ohio driver’s li- tion with complete train- Responsibilities include meeting with business owners bundles. cense. ing provided. You will be and managers in Huron, Erie and Lorain counties to Go to driving a company vehi- plan and create advertising campaigns for Radio, Digital Success motivated, cle and an acceptable and Print. You will be in ‘Customer Acquisition and Re- self-starters may apply opportunities driving record is a must! tention’ - helping businesses find and keep their most by submitting a for complete NO PHONE CALLS ADVERTISING SALES EXECUTIVES profitable customers. resume/application by job posting. PLEASE visiting our online job Apply online or through We offer an exciting and Elyria-Lorain Broadcasting, If you want control of your income and future, come to openings at: challenging career oppor- WEOL/WKFM/WLKR Radio work here at the Radio Ranch! You bring the positive the Civil Service office attitude - and we’ll teach you about Radio! at Medina City Hall tunity with full-time bene- has immediate openings for via email to: fits including medical, Advertising Sales Executives 132 N. Elmwood Our compensation plan includes a base salary, [email protected] Mon-Fri., 8am-4pm dental, vision and 401(k). by mail or within at: or email Potential candidates must Unique opportunity features partnering with local busi- up-capped commissions, and other incentives. Benefits The Chronicle [email protected] be able to pass drug ness owners and advertising decision makers to formu- include paid vacation, medical, dental, vision, and Telegram Applications accepted screen and background late marketing strategies.You will plan and create ad- 401(k). ATTN: HR-Inserter until position is filled. check. vertising campaigns utilizing radio, on-line and print for 225 East Avenue Pre-employment drug PRINTING PRESS OPERATOR local and regional businesses located in Erie, Huron, To qualify you need a solid work ethic, positive attitude, Elyria, OH 44035 testing required. $18.66 Success motivated, Lorain and Medina counties. and desire to succeed. Previous sales, marketing or self-starters may apply by The Chronicle Telegram, Lorain county’s largest advertising experience is a plus. (2021) hourly wage. newspaper is looking for a Printing Press Operator! EOE/DFWP EOE submitting a resume us- If the potential of an uncapped income and ing our online application Previous experience working with an offset web To apply, Email resume and cover letter to: printing press is preferred. Applicant must be future growth appeals to you, we may have a form at: perfect fit on our team! [email protected] https://www.loraincoun- mechanically inclined. Four color process and folder experience a plus.A qualified candidate typrintingandpublishing.c Our robust compensation plan includes base salary, Or mail: om/employment-applica- will have the ability to take on and learn multiple Human Resources responsibilities working within the printing industry. commissions, and other incentives. Benefits include tion/ paid vacation, medical, dental, vision, and 401(k). Department via email to: Physical demands of this position include being 225 East Avenue able to demonstrate a comfortable full range of Previous sales, marketing or advertising experience [email protected] is a plus. Elyria, OH 44035 by mail or within at the motion. Standing, walking, bending, kneeling, following address: along with the ability to lift/carry up to 50 lbs Elyria Lorain Broadcasting an equal opportunity intermittently are a must. Candidates will submit To apply, Email resume and cover letter to: [email protected] employer and drug-free workplace. Lorain County Printing to a criminal background screening prior to offer of employment. & Publishing Or mail: Human Resources Department WKFM / WLKR Radio 10327 Milan Rd. Attn: Human Resources Apply in person or online at U.S. Route 250 [email protected] 225 East Avenue Route Supervisor Elyria, OH 44035 Milan, OH 44846 225 East Avenue High School diploma or equivalent as well as Tele: (419) 609-5961 Fax: (419) 609-2679 Elyria, OH 44035 mechanical/electrical knowledge required. EOE/DFW Elyria Lorain Broadcasting Co. is an equal EOE/DFWP opportunity employer and drug-free workplace. ACtivate YOU fulL DIGITAL NEED IT. access Full Digital Access is included WE’VE with every print subscription
GOT IT. 6 DAYS A WEEK NEWS ALERTS A recap of last night’s game. A listing of this weekend’s E EDITION VIDEOS open houses. A review of the latest sports cars. A listing of BREAKING NEWS area job openings. Whatever information you’re seeking, you can find it in T HHEE G AAZZE TTTETE TheThe aanswers:nswers:
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