Children’s Foundation La Fondation de l’Hôpital pour enfants

Your support makes a difference in the lives of children and youth

Children’s Hospital of Eastern Foundation Children’s Hospital Foundation

The purpose of the Children’s Hospital Foundation is: to further The Children’s Hospital of the physical, mental and social well-being of children and their families The Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario is a health care centre in Eastern Ontario and Western by raising, managing and dedicated to providing comprehensive care to children and young disbursing funds. people in Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec. Opened in 1974, Funds raised by the Children’s Hospital Foundation provide extras CHEO offers a range of medical services for patients from birth to the Hospital making a good facility into a world-class health through 18 years of age. centre. Each year, the Hospital identifies major areas that require CHEO is a service funding. These have traditionally fallen into the following areas: hospital handling • Research start-up grants 240,000 outpatient visits annually in • Equipment 50 specialized • Staff education clinics; managing 6,000 overnight • Family emergency needs admissions for a total of 40,000 • Enhancements to the pediatric nature of CHEO. patient days; The Hospital and the Foundation Board collaborate to distribute and dealing with the funds where the needs are greatest. In the past few years, 137 Emergency the Hospital has given priority to replacing and upgrading visits per day aging equipment. (50,005 visits per year). The Foundation commits approximately $900,000 per year to the CHEO Research Institute for distribution to researchers starting CHEO is new projects. the primary pediatric teaching Foundation funding helps enhance the pediatric nature of the hospital of the Hospital. This is accomplished through improvements to the University of Faculty of Medicine. Through the work of its physical environment such as child-friendly decorations and Research Institute, CHEO maintains a growing reputation for major play parks. research into diseases and health problems afflicting children. Some funding is made available through CHEO social workers to As the Children’s Hospital enters it’s second quarter-century, the path families who are in crisis and need short-term financial assistance is clear: pediatric medicine must have an even stronger impact on the to make it through a difficult period. health of Canadian families – day in, day out – than ever before. Although it must continue to function flawlessly as a service hospital and a teaching hospital, it is essential that CHEO continue growing and changing in order to meet future needs. Highlights

The CHEO Foundation received its largest ever single donation Nortel Networks and set some records of its own. More than in May 2000. The Kiwanis Club of Ottawa and the clubs of $500,000 was donated through call-in pledges, placing CHEO Divisions 12 and 13 contributed $1 million to The Promise: second in North America for all Children’s Miracle Network CHEO’s Future campaign. This gift, combined with several locations where similar telethons are held. The average donation other successful events and activities, helped make 2000 the of $53 made by an individual also ranks CHEO second in North most successful year in the Foundation’s history. America. This helped propel the CHEO Telethon to over $3 million raised for the first time. The launch of The Promise CHEO’s 2000 Dream of a Lifetime lottery exceeded all previous campaign lotteries held by the Foundation. All 42,000 tickets sold, setting took place in a new record. April 2000. The lottery raised This special $2.5 million in net campaign is revenue thanks, in raising funds part, to the fact to renovate and that the lottery is build additions organized and operated internally. Generous support from individuals, to the Hospital, support corporations and research and implement organizations in innovative pediatric the year 2000 allowed the Foundation to give the Hospital programs. By the end $3 million, as well as putting $500,000 in the general endowment of the year, 45% of the fund and allocating $1 million to The Promise: CHEO’s $19 million goal had Future campaign. been achieved. This is the largest fundraising The main goal for 2001 is to reach the $19 million mark for the project the Foundation Promise campaign. The campaign cabinet, volunteers and staff has ever undertaken and are confident of their success. these funds are over and above the Foundation’s A few new events and activities have been planned for 2001 annual activities. such as the Ottawa on Board game. The new projects will add new excitement to our annual fundraising activities. The annual CHEO Telethon moved Encouraging our supporters to plan special gifts will continue to a new venue at to be a one of our major priorities. Message from the Chair

We are blessed with an exceptional health care facility for the children of Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec known as CHEO. As chair of the board of the CHEO Foundation, it has been my privilege to see firsthand the positive results of community support on the care and treatment of the children in our region. I would like to extend a sincere thank you to our many donors and supporters for the help that they have extended to our Children’s Hospital in the past year. Just as CHEO has been there for us when our children have been in need, the people of this region have once again shown their deep commitment to our Hospital. Last year, the Foundation’s directors along with the Hospital’s board of trustees launched an ambitious fundraising campaign – The Promise: CHEO’s Future – to redevelop the infrastructure and expand upon the Hospital’s programs and research capabilities. Our goal is $19 million with approximately half of this target raised in the year 2000. Our success to date has come from a wide variety of donors, both large and small, with tremendous support from our own Hospital and Foundation families. Our campaign chair, Mr. Arnie Vered, deserves special mention for his tireless efforts to make the promise a reality. CHEO continues to be a vital part of our community. Its mission to meet the health care needs of our children is so very important that we must succeed with The Promise campaign. I hope that if you have not already done so, you will join with so many other individuals and organizations in making a contribution to this vitally important campaign. I would be remiss if I did not extend my thanks to the staff of the Foundation who are so dedicated to the task of providing the much needed resources to our Hospital. By working with our community partners throughout the year, Foundation staff ensure that we fulfill our stated mission of advancing the well-being of children. In closing, thanks to all of you that have made a difference for our children and youth. Sincerely,

Ian Hendry Members of the Board

Executive Committee Ex-officio Governors Frederick Bartlett Bernie Ashe Dennis Campbell Katherine Cooligan Cheryl Bourgeois Robert Houston Ian Hendry Garry Cardiff Fred Martin Elizabeth Roscoe Dr. Alex MacKenzie Stanley Mercer Barry Turner Norita Trottier Mervin Mirsky Robert Wener Suzanne Pinel Peter Rowan-Legg Members of the Board Robert Thomas Louise Bélisle David Cork Sheila Gervais Lori Loeb Demetre Reklitis Cynthia Resnick Michael Roy Yvon Tarte Jeff White

Pictures: Joanne and Simon Couture — cover Nicholas Barfoot — page 1 Jesse Best, Nicholas Barfoot — page 2 Kaila Remillard, John Callan and Arnie Vered — page 6 The Promise: CHEO’s Future Campaign The Promise:

CHEO enters its second quarter-century of service with an expanded mandate and a Source of funds

Notre promesse : growing population to serve. In 26 years, its staff has gained experience and skills that Provincial Government are second to none. But CHEO needs carefully targeted funding to transform itself into CHEO’s Future a 21st century institution capable of caring for today’s children and youth. CHEO has identified funding needs in four key areas. $28.2M Renewing Infrastructure $19M l’avenir de CHEO CHEO has outgrown its 1960s era building design. The treatment and patient support The Promise: areas are overcrowded and no longer work efficiently. They cannot cope with the CHEO’s Future $10.2M demands of a growing population without building additional space and renovating campaign existing space. This renewal will have a direct positive impact on the quality of care in key areas such as oncology, emergency, mental health services, pediatric and neonatal CHEO’s Internal Resources intensive care, and the ambulatory care clinics to name but a few.

Launching Tomorrow’s Pediatric Programs Use of community portion CHEO has initiated several innovative pediatric programs. Their reach must be expanded Renewing regionally through an enhanced Health Information Line service, more YouthNet Infrastructure programming, new tele-medicine initiatives, and augmented Plan-it Safe programming. The Promise: $12M CHEO must also lead the way in co-ordinating pediatric health care service delivery CHEO’s Future $19M throughout the region through the Child and Youth Health Network of Eastern Ontario. campaign Launching Enhanced Pediatric Programs Renewing Technology $1M Updating equipment in several key departments and strengthening CHEO’s hospital-wide Advancing Research patient information system is critical for staff to live up to their potential. New surgical Cost of Raising Funds $2.5M equipment to make surgery less invasive and new monitoring systems for pediatric and $1M neonatal intensive care will help CHEO stay at the forefront of pediatric medicine. Renewing Technology $2.5M Advancing Research CHEO boasts impressive research credentials, conducting breakthrough studies in respiratory ailments, genetic diseases, and basic human cell biology. Over 100 separate research projects are underway in laboratories and in clinical settings at anyone time. Providing a sustained financial base from which to launch new research is integral to CHEO’s ability to care for our children in a manner that meets the highest possible standard. The Promise: Local Kiwanis clubs donate $1,000,000 to help CHEO keep its promise Notre promesse: CHEO’s Future The Kiwanis Club of Ottawa and the clubs of Divisions 12 and 13 have donated $1 million to The Promise: CHEO’s Future campaign. For more than 1,000 children per year, this gift, the largest single donation made to the

Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Foundation, will have a far reaching and l’avenir deCHEO sustained impact on the care provided by the Hospital’s cardiology services and other critical care areas. CHEO has renamed their cardiology clinic the Kiwanis Cardiology Clinic in recognition of both the Kiwanis Club of Ottawa and the participation of the Kiwanis clubs in Divisions 12 and 13.

“Our members are proud of this leadership gift. It means the efforts of all of our clubs in Divisions 12 and 13 over the years will be helping children and families in crises every moment of every day,” said John Callan, president of the Kiwanis Club of Ottawa. Kiwanis’ gift will allow the Hospital to purchase several new major pieces of equipment for the Kiwanis Cardiology Clinic, the heart Catheterization Laboratory and for its Cardiac Surgery suite. As well as benefitting cardiology, the Kiwanis $1-million gift to The Promise campaign will help fund major renovations to the intensive care unit, the neonatal intensive care unit and the daycare surgery department. Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Foundation Incorporated under the laws of Ontario Balance Sheet

General Restricted Endowment Total Total As at December 31 Fund Fund Fund 2000 1999 $$$$$ ASSETS

Current Cash 2,912,012 (708,946) — 2,203,066 1,509,022 Interest and other receivables 348,210 168,595 4,793 521,598 273,177 Deferred charges 141,984 — — 141,984 330,811 Total current assets 3,402,206 (540,351) 4,793 2,866,648 2,113,010 Investments, at cost 5,649,803 11,238,202 16,888,005 13,701,433 Net capital assets 31,873 — — 31,873 55,456 Total assets 3,434,079 5,109,452 11,242,995 19,786,526 15,869,899


Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued charges 250,060 — — 250,060 292,770 Deferred revenue 297,153 — — 297,153 205,148 Total liabilities 547,213 — — 547,213 497,918 Commitments FUND BALANCES Donor restricted — 5,109,452 2,298,925 7,408,377 5,319,515 Internally restricted — — 8,844,200 8,844,200 8,232,485 Unrestricted 2,854,993 — 99,870 2,954,863 1,764,525 Invested in capital assets 31,873 — — 31,873 55,456 Total fund balances 2,886,866 5,109,452 11,242,995 19,239,313 15,371,981 3,434,079 5,109,452 11,242,995 19,786,526 15,869,899

On behalf of the Board:

Ian Hendry Bob Wener Director Director Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Foundation Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances

General Restricted Endowment Total Total Year ended December 31 Fund Fund Fund 2000 1999 $$$$$ REVENUES

Fundraising 3,003,112 537,376 — 3,540,488 3,548,607 Lotteries 4,716,967 — — 4,716,967 4,572,407 Capital campaign — 1,010,359 — 1,010,359 293,577 Investment income 987,513 120,025 30,936 1,138,474 790,465 Bequests 469,033 — 211,073 680,106 901,652 Direct mail 205,606 — — 205,606 186,412 9,382,231 1,667,760 242,009 11,292,000 10,293,120


Direct fundraising expenses 2,873,318 — — 2,873,318 2,902,424 Revenues, net of direct fundraising expenses 6,508,913 1,667,760 242,009 8,418,682 7,390,696


Other fundraising expenses 881,147 — — 881,147 876,300 Administrative expenses 586,915 — — 586,915 598,371

1,468,062 — — 1,468,062 1,474,671

Excess of net revenues over expenses before distributions 5,040,851 1,667,760 242,009 6,950,620 5,916,025 Distributions to CHEO and outside agencies — Capital and programs 237,983 2,826,887 — 3,064,870 4,019,374 Contribution of services 18,418 — — 18,418 18,057

Net change in fund balances during the year 4,784,450 (1,159,127) 242,009 3,867,332 1,878,594 Interfund transfers (3,648,111) 3,304,452 343,659 — — Fund balances beginning of year 1,750,527 2,964,127 10,657,327 15,371,981 13,493,387

Fund balances end of year 2,886,866 5,109,452 11,242,995 19,239,313 15,371,981 We wish to thank the following generous individuals and organizations who are members of our special Circle Clubs. (We apologize to anyone whose name was left off in error or misspelled.) Nous désirons remercier de leur générosité les personnes et organisations ci-dessous, membres de nos cercles spéciaux. (Nous nous excusons à l’avance si nous avons oublié ou mal orthographié certains noms.) Circle Club Members

Members of the Bronze Circle Club have contributed on a Air Canada Astra Pharma Inc. Ms. Natalie Belovic Brandon Kinsmen Club cumulative basis $2,500 to AiT Corporation AT & T Canada Mr. Claude Bennett Brewers Association of Canada $9,999. (Prior to 1998, the Alberta Distillers Limited Athens Lions Club Mr. G. L. Bennett Brockville Lions Club level was $1,000 to $9,999.) Alexander & Alexander Reed Auto Parts Car Wash Benson Medical Industries Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brown Stenhouse Limited Aylmer Lions Club Master Kevin Bentson Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Brown Font partie du Cercle de Alexandria Lions Club Mr. Thomas Bach M. et Mme Yvon Bertrand Brown’s Cleaners bronze les donateurs qui ont Algonquin College Calvin Baker Berwick Hotel Mr. and Mrs. David Brunton rapporté, de façon Mr. John Allan Balanced Planning Financial Group Beth Shalom West Men’s Club Mr. and Mrs. Rod M. Bryden cumulative, entre 2 500 et Almonte Firemans Association Mrs. Carole Balfour Big Brothers of St. John Inc. Buckingham Lions 9 999 $ chacun à CHEO. Almonte Men’s Fastball Assn. Banfield-Seguin Ltd. Mrs. Heather Bigelow Bucklands Fine Clothing (Avant 1998, les montants Alta Vista Public School Mrs. Claire Barriger Mr. Mike Bigelow Budget Car & Truck Rentals étaient de 1 000 et 9 999 $.) Amgen Canada Inc. Bass Clef Entertainments Bigg’s Deli & Bar Buffet Treasures of China AMS, American Management Ms. Elizabeth Baylis Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Bimm Mrs. Dorothy Bula Systems Canada Inc. Bayshore Community Police Centre Bingo Country Mindy Bullion Organizations and Individuals Andridge Capital Corporation Bearbrook Court Retirement Bingo U.C.F.O. de Bourget Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Burgess Organisations et particuliers Angles Coiffure Residence Mrs. Jean Bishop Ms. Dorothy Burke Anglican Church Women Mrs. Margaret Beattie Bistro Bis Burroughs Wellcome Inc. 1000 Islands Lions Club Argentina Gala Beattie Construction (Ottawa) Ltd. Black’s Camera Employees CAA North & East Ontario 1155599 Ontario Ltd. Argos Carpets Madame Jacqueline D. Beauregard Baseball & Fun Day Cafe Selena 136th Christie Venturer Company Ms. Kathleen Argue Beauregard Printers Ltd. Mr. Frank Blackburn Mr. Michael Cafferty 4 Putters Golf Classic Ms. Kathleen Argue Christal Becker and Christopher Dye Blackburn Properties Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Campbell 4-H Regional Championship Show Ms. Sandy Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Dick Behnke Blastmasters Rifle Shoot Mrs. J. Elizabeth Campbell 76’s Social Club Bingo Arnprior Lions Club Belanger Pullen Mrs. Elspeth L. Blondin Mrs. J. Elizabeth Campbell A.L. Blair Construction Ltd. Arnprior Optimist Club Ms. Wendy Bell Blue Cactus Bar & Grill Joy Campbell ABB Combustion Systems Bell Canada Mr. David Blumenthal and Canada Post Corporation Acart Graphic Services Inc. Mr. Ernest W. Assaly & Family Bell Canada – Giant Car Wash Mrs. Cynthia Blumenthal Canada Trust Employee Charity Fund Access Therapy Centre Inc. Associated Professional Dental Group Bell Canada Employees Smiths Boeing Canada Technology Ltd. Canadian Euro Christmas Craft Sale Ms. Marjorie Adair Association of Day Care Operators Falls Plant Monsieur Jean-Louis Bouchard Canadian Forces Base (Uplands) Mr. Joseph Ages of Ontario Bell Mobility Paging Mr. Yvon Boucher Canadian Forces Station Alert AIC Investment Planning Ltd. Association of Hemophilia Clinic Bell Sygma Employees Mr. Ron Boyd The Foundation recognizes supporters by investing them in one of our five special Circle Clubs. Membres du Club des cercles La Fondation remercie ceux qui la soutiennent en leur accordant une adhésion à l’un de nos cinq cercles spéciaux.

Canadian Imperial Bank Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Janice City of Cornwall Coughlin & Associates Ltd. Dairy Queen Store #12183 Staff – Cornwall Casselman Clarenville & Area Kinsmen Club Dr. Jean-Paul Coupal Dalhousie Recreation & Cultural Canadian Police College Golf Castor Valley Elementary School Dr. Peter Clark Dr. Gary Cousens Association Canadian Tire Dealer’s Cathedral Church of St. John Cobden & District Civinette Club Coyne Mechanical Dalkeith Optimist Club Donation Fund the Evangelist Coca-Cola Alison Craig Dan Guillier Investments Ltd. Canadian Tire Store #297 Cathy Fuller Mr. Don Cogan Joey Craig Danny Murphy Lincoln Mercury Canadian Tire, Alliston, Ontario Central Canada Exhibition Colonial Furniture Sandrine Craig David Mulligan Holdings Ltd (BBQ) Candace Currey Christmas Display Central Park Lodge Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colton Craig Packaging Ltd. Mrs. Dorothy Davidson Canterbury Ballet Academy CFN Consultants Compas Survey Research Inc. Crain-Drummond Inc. Dr. Simon Davidson Canterbury Fun Day CGI Group Inc. Comptoir Populaire de Casselman Crossroads Tavern Manotick Ms. Anne Davies Canterbury High School Chalk River & Area Lions Club Compucenter Robert Crothers Miss Deborah Davis Mrs. Francoise Capelle-Vexler Ms. Patricia Chapman Computer Associates Ms. Maureen Cumbers Davis Agency Capital Classic Horse Shows Inc. Mrs. Phyllis Charters Computing Devices Recreation Mr. George Cwynar and Mr. Dwight Delahunt Capital Food Services Charterways Transportation Association Ms. Karen Anderssen Delta Ottawa Hotel & Suites Capulum Cable Technologies Chateau Montebello Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Condie Dairy Queen Store #11942 Delta Printing Ltd. CARA Operations Limited Chateau Stores of Canada Ltd. Confederation High School Dairy Queen Store #11961 Mr. Alvin Deroache Mr. Garry D. Cardiff CHEO – Hospital Services Raffle Confederation Life Insurance Co. Dairy Queen Store #11963 Designing Lifestyles Charity Carleton Board of Education CHEO Volunteer Association Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conley Dairy Queen Store #11964 Mr. Roger Despard Craft Sale Chevaliers de Colomb #7221 Consumers Gas Staff Local 975 Dairy Queen Store #11966 Digital Equipment Carleton Kiwanis Club Chevaliers de Colomb Mrs. Katherine Cooligan and Mr. Dairy Queen Store #11969 Domicile Developments Inc Carleton Place Ambulance Quatrième Degre Allan Pang Dairy Queen Store #11970 Mrs. Pegi Domitrovits Staff Association Mrs. Jeannette Chevrier John and Mary Corbin Dairy Queen Store #11973 Dougherty-Scanlon Dancers Carleton Place Lions Club Children at Risk Corner Brook Big Brothers Dairy Queen Store #12103 Dow Motors (Ottawa) Limited Carleton Place Minor Sports Choonga Changa Association Dairy Queen Store #12119 Dufresne Piling Company Carleton Tavern Limited Chris Stephens Baseball Tournament Cornwall Firefighter’s Benefit Game Dairy Queen Store #12129 Miss Marion C. Dunlevie Carleys Fashions Mr. Jean Christie Cornwall Lions Club Dairy Queen Store #12132 Dupont Canada Inc. Carlingwood Merchant’s Santa Mrs. Jean Christy Cornwall Optimist Club Dairy Queen Store #12133 Dynacare Laboratories Photos Dr. and Mrs. Wilfred W. Chung Corporate Foods Ltd. – Dempsters Dairy Queen Store #12160 Dynasty Components Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John Caron Cinesong Publishing Inc. Corporate Vending Systems Dairy Queen Store #12167 Eagle Professional Resources Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cinkant Mr. and Mrs. Victor Corrigan Dairy Queen Store #12177 Ecole Du Perpetuel-Secours Circle Club Members

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Edel Estate of Marion E. Carnochan For the Children Horse Show Ms. Alexina Gliddon Happy Trails Riding Stables Mr. Terrence Edmonds Estate of Marjorie MacDougall Ford Credit Ottawa Golf Tournament Gloucester High School Hardy G. Wholesale Ltd. Education Savings Plan Client Estate of Mary Ellen Baker Forest Valley Elementary School Gloucester International Soccer Harkins Elementary School Appreciation Day Estate of Mary Milks Mrs. Grace Foster Tournament Association Edwardsburg Lions Club Estate of Nell Annie Redmond Mrs. Madeleine Fowlie Mr. Manfred F. Goetz Harland Veinotte Limited Effem Foods Ltd. Estate of Samuel Horovitch Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Fraser Goldie Mohr Memorial Golf Ms. Catherine Hartrick Eganville Volunteer Firefighters Estate of W.G. Corry Mrs. Ethel Fraser Tournament Heal the Children Canada Elgin Sports Mr. Ralph Etheridge Mr. R.J. (Bob) Fraser Dr. and Mrs. John Goodman Dr. Hans M. Heick Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ellis Mrs. Heather Evenchick Dr. and Mrs. Steven Fremeth Mr. and Mrs. Ross Goodmar Mr. Stephen Hellard Mr. Gerald Fahey Friends of Cheo Softball Tournament Ms. Marjorie Goodrich Hemingway’s Restaurant & Bar Mr. and Mrs. Nick Elpitha Haitas Fairweather Friends of Children Rock a Bye Bash Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gordon Mrs. Loretta Hendrick Monsieur Rejean Emard Fan Jam Concerts From All Walks of Life Dr. M. Gould Monsieur Yvon Henri Embassy of Japan Mr. Paul Faynwachs Ms. Marie Anne Gagnier Gowling, Strathy and Henderson Heritage Club Confederation Chapter Emily Carr Middle School Mrs. Rita Ferguson Mrs. Louise Gardner Ms. Norma Grace Heritage Valley Arts & Crafts Ernst & Young Ferring Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gartley Grand Falls Kinsmen Club Mr. Richard C. Herman Estate of Alma Leger Miss Huguette Filion Don (Donald) Gaul Monsieur Daniel Gravelle Herzing Career College Estate of Anne-Marie Bedard Filipiniana Association of Ottawa Rev. Donald Gavan Great South Nation River Rally Mrs. Evelyn Heveron Estate of Anne-Marie Bedard Filles d’Isabelle General Mills Foods Greek Ladies Philiptochos Hexagon Computer Systems Inc. Estate of Beatrice Eileen Cole Filles d’Isabelle Notre Dame du George W. Drummond Ltd. Greenbank Square Garage Sale Mrs. Olive Higgins Estate of Beryle Purcell Sacre-Coeur Georges Bourdeau Marketing Mrs. Marion Greenberg Hillcrest High School Estate of David Roberts Filles d’Isabelle, Cercle Notre-Dame Miss Jessie Gibbons Greg’s Quality Meats Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. Estate of Evelyn B. Scrivens du Rosaire #1093 Mr. Brian Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. William Griffith Kara Sue Holmes Estate of Flora Janet Cotnam Finch & District Lions Club Mrs. Mary Rosebrugh Gibson GSI Lumonics Hoops Summer Basketball Estate of George Tom Canning Finlay Group Gifford Associates Mr. and Mrs. Victor Haddad House of Carpets Estate of Gladys Edna Mahon Mr. Jean Guy Finnigan Gilles & Nancy Cleroux / Nancy’s Hadwen Graphics Ltd. House of Commons, Security Estate of Hazel Drynan Mr. Michael Finter BBQ Dr. L. Hall Services Employees Estate of Helen & Percy Packham Fisher Scientific Limited Girl Guides Work Miracles with Tetley Mrs. Violet Hamel Household Financial Corporation Estate of Isobel Frances Mitchell Fonds Bomec Fund Iced Tea Mrs. Eve Hampson Limited Estate of Joyce Loeb Fonds de Bienfaisance des Employes Glen Robertson Recreation Center Mr. W. Fred Hampton Mr. Robert E. Houston Estate of Kathleen Joliat Papier Scott Ltee Glen Robertson Recreation Center Mrs. Grace Haney Mrs. Ila Howes Membres du Club des cercles

Hudson’s Bay Children’s Foundation Dr. Gary Johnson Knox United Church Les Filles de la Sagesse Mr. and Mrs. James MacGowan Ms. Joan H. Hughes Mr. Bruce Johnstone Kohl & Frisch Limited Monsieur Jean Lesperance Mr. Ken MacGowan Hulbert Snowmobile Club Quentin Robert Jones Kool Aid for Kids Levaillant Benefit Concert for CHEO Mr. Kevin J. MacIntosh Hume Trading Company Limited Just For Kids Kraft General Foods Mr. Duncan Levere Mr. Charles MacLaren Dr. Alasdair Hunter Just Kids Kristy Dubeau Miss Jean B. Liberty Madame Joy MacLaren Ms. Montanna Hunter K.I. Pembroke Inc. Mr. Geoffrey Kubrick Lick’s Hamburger and Ice Cream Mrs. Joy MacLean Hurd-Newport Chartered Kanata Faces L’Esplanade Laurier Shopping Centre Mr. Gordon Light Madawaska Golf Course Accountants Kanata Fire Fighters Association Labatt Ontario Breweries Linda’s Private Home Daycare Rock Madawaska Lions Club Hurley’s Hospitality Ottawa Kanata Techniques Precision Skating Madame Angeline Lafleur a Thon Madawaska Lodge #196, AF & AM Ikea Canada Kanata-Hazeldean Lioness Club Monsieur Guy Lafreniere Mr. Rick Locatelli Mr. Glen Maheral Immaculata High School Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Keenan Lakeridge Health Corporation Mrs. Lori Loeb Manotick Kiwanis Imperial Oil Resources Productions Dr. Daniel Keene Madame Johanne Lalonde Loeb Convent Glen Mapping & Charting Establishment Independent Order of Oddfellows Kellogg Canada Ms. Norma J. Lamont Loeb Fallingbrook Marathon Run for Kids 349 Williamsburg Kemptville Kinette Club Lanark & District Civitan Loeb Manotick Marinbridge Corporation Ltd. Industries James Maclaren Inc. Mrs. Audrey Kenny Langdons Flowers Ltd. Loeb Rockland Marion Merrell Dow (Canada) Inc. International Law Enforcement Mr. Mark Kerzner Monsieur Laurent Lapalme Loeb Southgate Mrs. Loretta Markell Mr. and Mrs. Avraham Iny Mrs. Vera Kestner Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lapointe Long Sault Yarns Marriott Hotel Pride Contribution Iroquois Golf Club Charity Kevin Barker’s Dart Tournament Miss Claudette Y. Larocque Longnekkers Grill Mr. and Mrs. E. Alan Marshall Tournament Killaloe Lionette Club Laura Secord Inc. Mr. Glendon Loucks Mr. Frederic S. Martin Iroquois-Matilda Lions Club Kimberly-Clark of Canada Ltd. Laurentian Shriner’s Ladies Club Loyal Order of Moose #1765 Martin Family Ball Park Mr. Robert M. Irving Kinburn Community Association Inc. Miss Olwen Lavelle LSI Logic Corporation of Canada Inc. Marty Lariviere Memorial Bonspiel Jack May Pontiac-Buick Ltd. King’s Sports Pembroke Inc. Lawrence Burke Memorial Golf Lu’s International Tae-Kwon-Do Mr. Bryn C. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kingsbury Tournament Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lucas Dr. Frederick Matzinger James Patrick Ball Hockey League Mrs. Vera Klein LCBO – Store #36 Luxcom Technologies Inc. Maxwell’s Bistro Inc. Knight Bain Seath Holbrook LCBO Ivy Gift Packs Miss Joan Lyon Mr. and Mrs. Chris McCarthy Janic Construction Knights of Columbus Lebanese Fun Festival Committee Mr. Don Macdonald Ms. Gail McDonald Jean Pierre Hamel Packaging Inc. Knights of Columbus #1531 Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Leduc Mr. Douglas MacDonald Mrs. Darlene McDonald-Cowpland Mr. and Mrs. Brian & Jean Jervis Knights of Columbus #485 Mrs. Olive Leeson Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDonald Mr. George McDougall Jewish Youth Foundation Knights of Columbus #7873 Leo’s Livestock Exchange Ltd. MacEwen Petroluem Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Francis McElroy Jim Keay Lincoln Mercury Knights of Columbus Vanier Ms. Leah B. Lepage Mr. Charles MacFarlane Mr. John McFetridge Circle Club Members

Mr. and Mrs. Carl McIntosh Mrs. Jean Mody Nepean Lions Club Inc. Ontario Hydro Hockey Tournament Ottawa Order of Eastern Star Hope Dr. William McIntyre Montague Volunteer Fire Dept. Nepean Sports Club Association Optimist Pro Am Tournament Chapter #184 Mrs. Eileen McKee Ms. E. Marjorie Moodie Mrs. Margaret Neville Order of the Eastern Star #37, Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre Mrs. Sandra McKee Moose Creek Optimist Clu New Glasgow Kinsmen Club Ottawa Chapter Ottawa Sun Mr. Kenneth P. McKinley Mrs. Marilyn Morden Ms. Barbara Newbegin Order of the Eastern Star #61 Ottawa Valley Quilter’s Guild Mr. and Mrs. Rodney McMillan Mr. Gene Morell Mrs. Ha Ngo Order of the Eastern Star Past Ottawa-Carleton District Ms. Mary Eileen McMullen Mr. Brian Morphy Mr. and Mrs. Wesley M. Nicol Matrons #288 School Board McNeil Consumer Products Company Ms. Vera Morrice Night at the Races Orleans Woods Elementary School Ottawa-Vanier Lions Club Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McPhail Mr. Rick Morris and (Rideau Carleton Raceway) Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt Otto’s Service Centre Ltd. Mr. John McPherson Ms. Leah Clements Jeffrey Nixon Mr. Howard Osterer Papanack Park Zoo MDS Nordion Morrisburg & Dristirct Lions Club Nortel Networks Mr. Richard Oswick Monsieur Jean Paradis Meadowlands Public School Mr. and Mrs. Rick Mortimer Nortel Networks Community Ottawa Air Traffic Services Golf Parmalat Canada Tournament Madame Simone Menard Mr. and Mrs. G. Louis Mosley Volunteers – Ottawa Partylite Gifts Ltd. Ottawa Ballet Dr. Stanley Mercer Mrs. Tiggy Winkle’s Nortel Pioneers of Canada Mrs. Margaret Paterson Ottawa Civic Hospital Foundation Merivale Road Dairy Queen Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir Nortel Telephone Pioneers Mr. and Mrs. Richard Patten Ottawa District Hockey Assn. Metcalfe & District Lions Multimicro Distributors North American Security Services Mr. Wilbert Paul Employees Ottawa Electrical Maintenance Metropolitan Rust Proofing Inc. Mrs. Mildred Munz Monsieur Sylvain Peladeau North Dundas District High School Association Mexicali Rosa’s Ms. Bonnie Murdoch Pembroke Kinsmen Club Peer Helpers Ottawa Gymnastics Centre Mr. Ken Meyer Mutual Life Assurance Company Pembroke Kiwanis Club Mrs. Josephine Norton Ottawa Jewish Community Michener Institute Nabet Local 715 (CJOH) Mr. and Mrs. Brennan Penney Novico Hardware Stores Foundation Mifo Centre Culturel d’Orleans Nabisco Ltd Peoples/Mappins Nutcracker Ottawa Kinsmen Club Mike’s Place Narrows Locks BBQ – Gordon Pepsi-Cola Canada Beverages Mrs. Mary O’Donoughue Ottawa Lions Track & Field Club Mr. and Mrs. Ellard Milks McVeety Lockmaster Pepsi-Cola Canada Ltd. Ms. Helen M. O’Meara Ottawa Lynx Baseball Club Mrs. Linda Millar National Dairy Council Mrs. Wendy Perkins Ottawa Lynx Baseball Club Bolton National Grocers Ltd. O.P.P. Golf-Prescott Perley-Robertson, Panet, Millennium Bug Bombers Native Community Association O.P.P.West Carleton Hill & McDougall Mrs. Margaret Miller Ottawa Masonic Corporation NCR Canada Ltd. O.P.P.A. No. 10 South Branch Perth Civitan Club Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Miller Ottawa Nepean Canadians Nepean Carleton Civitan Club Old Timers Hockey (OHRA) Perth Jaycees Golf Tournament Minto Developments Inc. Sports Club Nepean High School Mr. and Mrs. Howard Olmstead Perth Lioness Club Mitel Semiconductors Ottawa Office Integration Nepean Lifeguard Association Ontario English Catholic Teachers Mrs. Anke Peters Membres du Club des cercles

Matthew Alan Peters Monsieur Pierre Raymond Robin Hood Multifoods Inc. Royal Canadian Legion #618 SDS/KERR Beavers Dental Dr. Robert Peterson RBC Dominion Securities Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robinson Royal Canadian Legion #625 Sears Canada Inc. Pfizer Canada Inc. RCMP – Division A Robinson’s Foodmarkets Inc. Royal Canadian Legion #638 Mr. Gene Seed Mr. Raymond Pharand Re/Max Team Ideal Realty Inc. Robinsons Royal Canadian Legion #95 Sequence Controls Inc. Pioneer Petroleums Limited Ready Bake Foods Inc. Rockin Johnny’s Diner Royal Canadian Legion Ladies #240 Mr. Robert D. Shantz Pittsburgh Paint & Glass Ball Club Red Lobster Rockland Public School Royal Canadian Legion Ladies #244 Shawville Lions Club Pizza Hut Regional Home Appliance Service Rockland Textiles Royal Canadian Legion Ladies #244 Shell Canada & Area Retailers Mr. and Mrs. Audrey and Ray Poole Regional Municipality Ottawa Mrs. Ruth Rocque Royal Canadian Legion Ladies #351 Shell Dealers Association Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Popplewell Carleton Rodos Family Building Maintenance Royal Canadian Legion Ladies #550 SHL Systemhouse Inc. Mr. Thomas Potter Dr.C.Reid Mrs. Isabel Rooney Royal Canadian Legion Ladies #589 Shoppers Drug Mart Mr. and Mrs. James Powell Mr. Randy Reid Ross Twp. Firefighters Assn. Royal Trust – BBQ Silver Scissors Hair Studio Prescott & District Lions Club Renfrew Lions Club Ms. Sharon Rothwell Royal Trust Corporation Sisters of Holy Cross Mr. Harry Presser Restaurant R. Benoit & Famille Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rowan-Legg Mrs. Ann Runnalls Ski Camp Fortune Preston Hardware Mr. and Mrs. Garry Reynolds Royal Bank Carleton & Valley Area Rusty’s Pub Mr. and Mrs. John Slaughter PRIOR Data Sciences Ltd. Dr. E. Rhine Royal Bank Financial Group Mrs. Sharon Sabiston Slush Puppie Canada Inc. Scott Prud’homme Mr. Joseph Ricciardi Royal Bank of Canada Staff Sach’s of Ottawa Canada Ms. Linda Smiley QMS Canada Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David Richardson Royal Bank Staff, Ottawa Region Samuel Genest College Mrs. Anna Smith-Silverman Quelmec Insurance Adjusters Ltd. Richmond Kiwanis Club Royal Canadian Air Force #438 Sandoz Canada Inc. Smiths Falls Civinette Club Paul Quesnel Williams Richmond Lions Club Royal Canadian Air Force Assn. #424 Sandy Hill Community Health Centre Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Smyth Quick Messenger Service Rick’s Gas Bar Ltd. Royal Canadian Legion Saunders Farm Mr. Robert Snedden Quickie Convenience Stores Rideau Osgoode Karate Club Polar Royal Canadian Legion #108 Monsieur Joseph Sauve Snelling Paper Limited Mr. Louis Quinn Bear Dip Royal Canadian Legion #137 George & Anastasia Scharf Mr. John Snipper Quyon Lions Club Rideau Pipe & Drilling Supplies Ltd. Royal Canadian Legion #16 Schering Canada Inc. Soeurs de la Charite d’Ottawa R H Thompson & Son Rider Travel Group Royal Canadian Legion #297 Mr. Eric Schwartz Solvay Pharma R. E. Hein Construction Limited Ridgemont High School Royal Canadian Legion #480 Scotia Bank Sophie’s Dance a Thon R.A. Beamish Foundation Mr. Ian David Rigden Royal Canadian Legion #517 ScotiaMcLeod Mrs. Jacqueline Sorfleet RA Duplicate Bridge Club Ms. Janet Ritchie-MacTavish Royal Canadian Legion #593 Scotland House Mr. Kenneth Spears Radio Atlantic (CFNB) Ltd. Riverside Snowmobile Club Royal Canadian Legion #593 Mr. and Mrs. Drew Scott Mr. Don Spicer Ms. Velma Raggett Mrs. Helen Robert Royal Canadian Legion #595 Dr. Stephen Scott Dr. William Splinter Ms. Barbara Ramsay Mr. Paul Robillard Circle Club Members

Leslie, Debbie, Nicholas Sponagle Ms. Vivian Sykes Titan Classic Best Ball Golf Variety Club of Ottawa – Tent 71 Miss Jean E. White St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Mrs. Muriel Symonds Tournament Vars Lions Club Miss Jean E. White St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church – Mrs. Anna Sztuke Tommy Tango Rhythm Kitchen Cafe Venta Preparatory School Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Whitten Martintown Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tannis Tony Graham Lexus Toyota Dr. Enrique Ventureyra Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Wilcox St. Andrew’s Society of Ottawa Ms. Saloma Tannis Toronto Dominion Bank Mr. Arnie Vered Dr. James Wiley St. Francis Xavier High School Mr. and Mrs. James Tattersall Town of Cornwall Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vickers Winchester Lions Club St. George’s Ottawa Catholic School Mr. George L. Taylor Town of Prescott Victoria Kinsmen Club Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wojcik St. Isidore Optimist Volleyball Telesat Canada Mr. and Mrs. Fred Townsend Videoholics Dr. Norman Wolfish St. John The Apostle School Templeton Management Ltd. Township of Goulbourn Village of Alfred & Lefaivre Mrs. Donna Wong St. Joseph Printing The Allstate Foundation of Canada Ms. Veronica Tracey Villeneuve Garage Dr. John Wootton Mr. Roger L. St. Louis The Bay – Rideau Store Trappers Pub Hung Vo & Family World Wrestling Federation St. Monica’s Festival & Barbecue The Cumbrae School of Dancing Ms. Helen Traynor Mr. Gerry Vreeswijk Mr. Ira Wright St. Patrick’s Elementary School The Embassy of Indonesia Trees of Hope Wal-Mart Belleville Store #3122 Mr. and Mrs. Lo Wu Starbucks Coffee Company The Exchange Monsieur Guy Tremblay Wal-Mart Brockville Store #3006 Mr. and Mrs. Simos Xarchos Mr. Garry B. Stearns and The Grey Nineties Trinity United & St. David Churches Wal-Mart Cornwall Store #3020 Mr. and Mrs. John Yakabuski Mrs. Gabriele A. Stearns The Kidney Foundation of Canada Tundra Semiconductor Corporation Wal-Mart Kanata Store #3134 Ye Olde Bargain Shoppe Stentor Resource Centre Inc. The Kinette Club of Brockville Turpin Pontiac Buick GMC Wal-Mart Kingston Store #3043 Young Canada Stentor Telecom Policy Inc. The Leonard Foundation Twin Elm Rugby Park Wal-Mart Orleans Store #3065 Mrs. Barbara Zabel and Dr. Ralph Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Stewart The Mutual Group Dr. Joel Ublansky Wal-Mart Ottawa South Store #3131 Zabel Stittsville & District Lions The Senator Norman Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Dale Underwood Wal-Mart Ottawa Store #3066 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Zagerman Stormont Seaway Lions Club Foundation Union Culturelle Franco-Ontariennes Wal-Mart Renfrew Store #3078 Mr. Max Zelikovitz Storyland Family Park The Silver Group (Silent Auction) United Financial Management Ltd. Mr. William Walker Zippy Print Christmas Cards Students of Venta Preparatory School The Silver Threads Club Mr. and Mrs. Manford Wallace Zomax Canada Company Mr. and Mrs. Bryan E. Sullivan The Topaz Billiard & Entertainment University of Ottawa Hockey Team Warner-Lambert Canada Inc. Zuma’s Sun Microsystems of Canada Inc. Palace Valley Flowers Inc. Webb’s Motel Limited S. Zuraw Suncor Sunoco Group Mr. Francois Theoret Valley Savings Renfrew County Mr. Stephen Weiner Sunlife of Canada Mr. Robert C. Thomas Credit Union Weston Bakeries Limited Sussex Lodge No. 5 A.F. & A.M. Thomas Cook Group Ltd. Mr. Bram Vander Schoot Miss Beatrice Westwick Swiss Chalet Mr. Ted Thompson Vankleek Hill & District Lions Club Mr. and Mrs. Donald Whillans Sydney Kinsmen Club Tim Horton’s Smile Cookie Promotion Vankleek Hill Collegiate Whispers Pub & Eatery Membres du Club des cercles

Members of the Silver Circle Club have contributed on a Bells Corner Dairy Queen #11972 Community Foundation of Ottawa Estate of Margaret IBM Canada Ltd. cumulative basis $10,000 Blossom Park Public School Mr. David W. Cork Elizabeth Reynolds IBM Employees’ Charitable Fund to $24,999. Mr. John H. Braams Cornwall Civitan Club Estate of Margaret MacMillan Indigo Restaurant British High Commission Wives Cornwall Kiwanis Club Estate of Mary Louise Amy Industrial Darts League Font partie du Cercle Association Costa Verde Golf Society Estate of Maureen Cumbers IOF Foresters d’argent les donateurs qui Mr. Don Burley and Cut-Rite Family Hairstyling Estate of Muriel Anne Milligan J.W. McConnell Family Foundation ont rapporté, de façon Mrs. Debbie Burley Dairy Queen Store #11952 Estate of Riella A. Gareau JDS Uniphase Corporation cumulative, entre 10 000 $ et Canada Trust Company, 170 Laurier Dairy Queen Store #11962 Estate of Sylvio Levesque JetForm Corporation 24 999 $ à CHEO. Canadian Direct Marketing Dairy Queen Store #11965 Fitzroy Centennial Public School Kanata Tae Kwon Do Academy Association Delahunt’s Dairy Queen Brazier Flowers for Charities Mrs. Estrellita Karsh Canadian Golf & Country Club Organizations and Individuals Dewaan Foundation Friends of CHEO Mr. Max Keeping Canadian Marconi Company Organisations et particuliers Domtar Specialty Fine Papers Giant Tiger Stores Ltd. Mr. Richard Keith Canderel Ltd. Dragon Gala Auction Glaxo Wellcome Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Keller Candlelighters Cancer Foundation 211 Air Cadets Squadron March Dulepka Equipment Rentals Ltd. Gloucester Lions Club Lauren Keller Capital Hardware Co. Ltd. Albert Gale Real Estate Earnscliffe Strategy Group Go Nuts For Cheo Kemptville Lions Club Carleton Place & District Civitan Alfred Ambulance Eastern Ontario District Soccer Mr. Ken Gordon Kilmarnock Estates Residents Club #380 Almonte Civitan Club Association Mr. Randy Graham Kirkey Racing Fabrication Inc. Carleton University Arnon Corporation Estate of Alberte Sejnoha Graham Bowyer Inc. Kraft General Foods Canada Chesterville & Dist. Lions Club Arnprior & District Civitan Estate of Alma Leger Ms. Beatrice Greenberg Laidlaw Transit Ltd. Chevaliers de Colomb #5571 Aylmer Civitan Club Estate of Alvera Salute Lundquist Ms. Jocelyne Greenberg Dr. Merv Letts Chevaliers de Colomb #7229 Bank of Montreal Estate of Andrew Patrick Lafontaine Ms. Kathleen Grimes Loeb Bernstein Bear Sales Chevaliers de Colomb #9288 Banque Nationale Estate of Anna Bresaya Popham Mrs. Shirley Hamre Lone Star Cafe Chimo (Challenge Golf Tournament) Bazinet Bowl-a-Thon Estate of Bernard Lacroix Mrs. Lorraine Hendry and Low & District Lions Club CIBC Bel-Air Lexus Toyota Estate of David Roberts Mr. Ian Hendry M. A. Teall Foundation City of Nepean Mr. Gordon Bell Estate of Donald Francis Gavan Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hillock Macton Electrical Construction Ltd. Civil Service Mutual Benefit Society Bell Canada Employees Fund for Estate of Doris Elizabeth Patterson Hitachi Data Systems Manor Park Dairy Queen #11963 Ms. Joanne Clifford Community Services Estate of Ellen Georgina Hill Ms. Alice C. Hobbs Mansfield Fort-Coulonge Lions Club Richelieu Laporte Bell Canada, General Managers Estate of George A. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hochstadter McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Golf Tournament Cobden & District Civitan Club Estate of Irene Marlatt Horse Around for Cheo McHale’s Dance Bell-Northern – Family Picnic Cognos Incorporated Estate of Kathleen Atkinson Babcock Hot 4 C. P. Kids Foundation McMullen Investments Limited Circle Club Members

Metrolert Limited Proctor & Gamble Inc. St. Mark High School Members of the Gold Colonel By Secondary School Minto Foundation Inc. Railfair Organizing Committee Staff Forum Circle Club have contributed Corel Corporation Montana’s Cookhouse Saloon RCMP – HQ’s Senior NCOS Mess Dr. and Mrs. Hurd Stein on a cumulative basis $25,000 Costco Canada Inc. Moose Creek Rock-a-thon Re/Max Outaouais Centre Sybase Canada Limited to $99,999. Dairy Queen Canada Inc. Mountain Township Lions Club Re/Max Pembroke Realty Inc. Tannis Trading Inc. Dairy Queen Store #11960 National Archives/National Library Real Estate Exec & Builder Architect TD Canada Trust Charity Ball Font partie du Cercle d’or les Golf Tournament Magazine Fashion Show Tournament donateurs qui ont rapporté, Eric Baker Family Foundation National Capital Girls Soccer Renfrew County Clerk Treasurer The Canada Trustco Mortgage de façon cumulative, entre Estate of Agnes Ruby Woodhus Tournament Association Company 25 000 $ et 99 999 $ à CHEO. Estate of Beverley Joan Sole Nav Canada Charity Golf Renfrew Kinsmen Club The Canada Trustco Mortgage Estate of Cicely Maud Garrett Neptune’s Palace Dr. David Roberts Company Organizations and Individuals Estate of Doreen Charnley OC Transpo Rodeo Rogers Group of Companies The Canada Trustco Mortgage Organisations et particuliers Estate of Eileen Mary Pipe OmniMark Technologies Corporation Monsieur Jocelyn Roy Company #353 Estate of Elizabeth H. Gray Ontario Power Generation Royal Bank Brockville & The Co-Operators Group Limited A & P Limited Estate of Elsie Sloan Oracle Corporation Canada Inc. Rideau Lakes Area The Newfoundland Pub A Taste of Mexico Estate of Elva Almina Stearns Orleans Civitan Club Royal Canadian Legion #105 The Next Exit Stores Bank of Montreal Fountain of Hope Estate of Ernest A. & Orma Bradley Ottawa Dentist Wives Association Royal Canadian Legion #148 Toys “R” Us Bell Canada Employees’ Fund Estate of Eugene Potvin Ottawa Flying Club – Fly Day Royal Canadian Legion #351 United Counties Prescott & RussellBlack’s Photo Corporation Estate of Frances ‘Frankie’ Ottawa Optimist Club Royal Canadian Legion #462 University of Ottawa, Fashion ShowBlue Line Taxi Co. Limited Beatrice Mills Ottawa Valley Seed Growers Eastview Urbandale Corporation Brian Kilrea Dinner Estate of Gertrude R. Eady Association Royal Canadian Legion #632 M. et Mme Paul Vaillancourt Brockville & District Civitan Club Estate of Imelda Trudeau-Holmes PanMedical Instruments Company Scott Tokessy Memorial Gold Glove Vered Foundation Campbell Ford Sales Ltd. Estate of James Harry O’Byrne Patriot Computers Baseball Tournament Mr. Mervin Visneskie Canada Trust – Fund Raising Estate of Jeanne Alice Whissell Pembroke-Petawawa Lions Club Senior Curling Association Inc. Volex Canada Inc. Cash For Kids Estate of John Peter Dolan Pembroke Perth Big Bike Valley Tour West Carleton Fire Department Centennial Civitan Club Estate of Joseph Raymond Shriners Tunis Temple Perth Country Jam for CHEO Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Wimperis Certified General Accountants Claude Picard Skyview Ballooning Pharma Plus Drugmarts Ltd. YM Inc. Bowl-a-Thon Estate of Lawrence Erle Johnson SmithKline Beecham Pietro’s Seafood Feast Champions Roadhouse Estate of Maida Laura Pangborn Smiths Falls Civitan Pioneer Petroleums Children’s CIBC Wood Gundy Children’s Estate of Marguerite Robina Clifford Foundation St. Anthony Italia Soccer Club Miracle Foundation Estate of Marjorie Gough CJOH Special Events Estate of Mildred Guillery Membres du Club des cercles

Estate of Miriam Seymour Burland Nage-O-Thon Leucemie Richelieu Walkley Lanes Bowl-A-Thon The Kiwanis Duck Race for Estate of Nellie (Ella) Robertson Nepean Optimist Club Wesley McBride Family Estate of Christena Graham Tiny Hearts at CHEO and Le Young Netland Computer Garage Sale – West Ottawa Lions Club Estate of H. Ruth Howe Tour des Quickie are Estate of Russell Ormond J. Brule Estate of Hector Lescadre members of our Million Bear Estate of Ruth Pearl Peters NHL/67’s Benefit Game Estate of Heidie Bergt Club. We also have a Diamond Estate of Willem Natte Northern Telecom Circle Club for donors who Estate of Leonard & Lillian Scott Estate of William Bremmer MacLeod Ms. Lori Ogle and Simone McNaneyhave contributed more than Estate of Marion Inez Arline GaynorAll Circle Club members are Mr. Bruce M. Firestone Ottawa Citizen $100,000. Estate of Mary Elizabeth Brill recognized on our donor Foresters Bowling For Miracles Ottawa Firefighters Family Fun Day Estate of Phyllis Katherine McCarthyboard in the main lobby of the Hospital. Friendship Open Golf Classic Ottawa Senators Hockey Club Nous avons aussi un Club du Gloucester-Nepean Fire Fighters Gatineau Clog Panasonic Golf cercle du diamant pour les H.J. Heinz Company of Canada Ltd. La Course des canards des Giggle Hurts Relay Skate Race Party de Quilles – Lorraine et donateurs qui ont rapporté Mrs. Ruth I. Hamilton Kiwanis pour les Petits Greater Petawawa Civitan Club Maurice Demers plus de 100 000 $ au CHEO. Hike for CHEO Cœurs (CHEO) et Le Tour Grey, Clark, Shih & Associates Pembroke Civitan Club Yousuf & Estrellita Karsh des Quickie sont membres de H.C.S.O. Foundation Inc. Monsieur Bernard Poulin Key Radio Limited Christmas in Organizations and Individuals notre Club de l’Ours du Re Mont Farms Corn Roast the Valley H.O.P.E. Ottawa Carleton Inc. Organisations et particuliers million. Hellenic Community of Ottawa RE/MAX Metro City Realty Ltd. Le Tour Nortel Rock Auction for CHEO Loeb Hershey Canada Employees ADESA Auctions Ottawa Inc. Tous les membres de ces Ronald McDonald Children’s National Defence Golf Tournament Hershey Canada Inc. Charitable Foundation of the cercles ont leur nom sur le Charities of Canada Hoechst Marion Roussel Ontario Grocery Industry Nepean Kanata Barracudas mur des donateurs, dans le Royal Bank Financial Group Imasco Limited Charithon Softball Marathon Ottawa Senators Foundation foyer de l’Hôpital. Foundation Indy Bike Challenge Children’s Hospital Volunteer Quota International of Ottawa Sears Canada Charitable Foundation Ingleside Bowlers Association Association Mr. Wade Redden Mrs. Paola Signoretti IOF Foresters Bowling for Miracles CJOH Nation’s Capital Rideau Kiwanis Club (Ottawa) Strawfest Little Wings Co. Limited Clubs Richelieu District #1 & Mr. and Mrs. William J. Sinclair Sweetheart Dance Hosted by Mark Mullan Auction Fondation Richelieu Int. Variety Club of Ontario – Tent 28 Steven Barkley McGowan Lake Campground Consumers Distributing Inc. Wal-Mart Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Szkolny Mr. and Mrs. John McKend Cumberland Twp. Skate-a-Thon White Water Rafting TD Bank Financial Group Merkley Supply Ltd. Association Winterland Express Uniclean Golf Tournament Mont Ste.Marie Ski Relay East Ottawa Optimist Club Estate of Brenda Mable Davies