Issue 71 Spring 2004 Fumigants Routing: Pheromones& A Newsletter for the Insect Control & Pest Management Industry They’re Back..., Brood X very year E will emerge somewhere in the eastern U.S. Some states have several broods in different locations. The class that will emerge in 2004 is the largest of the 17-year classes and is known as Brood X (Brood Ten). Brood X is expected to emerge in parts of 15 states from to to . This brood last emerged in 1987.

Cicadas Life History Cicadas are flying, plant-sucking insects about one to two inches (25 to 50 millimeters) long. photo: Stoy Hedges They’re known for their shrill- Periodical cicadas, like this adult, spend most of their lives burrowed under- sometimes deafening-choruses, ground. This May, billions of cicadas will carpet trees from the Eastern seaboard which the males make using west through and south to Tennessee. By the end of June they’ll be gone, not to be heard from or seen again for 17 years. specialized membranes. numbers—as many as 1.5 million supply, because the cicadas appear It is not known how periodical insects per acre [0.4 hectare] above the ground only once every cicadas synchronize their life according to one estimate—they 13 or 17 years. cycles over 13 or 17 years—or how have evolved an effective strategy they manage to count out the to overwhelm predators by sheer Periodical cicadas generally years. But by emerging at such volume. emerge in May and June, long intervals in such vast apparently when the soil The mass emergence of periodical temperature reaches 64° cicadas provides an unlimited Fahrenheit (18° Celsius). This BROOD X: 1953, 1970, 1987, feast for birds, snakes, moles, and means that emergences in 2004 other mammals. Even humans (continued on page 2) have been known to eat the harmless insects (Cicadas are not I N T H I S I S S U E : poisonous and do not bite or sting). Grain Protection Better Fumigations 17-year Once the predators have eaten to Trapping Beetles Cicadas, capacity, there are still millions of Brood X is Dave’s Soapbox coming to cicadas left over to produce the Moth Suppression® these areas next generation. Predator Calendar of the United populations cannot build up in States. Quotable Quotes response to such a massive food New Office FSS preforms the first commercial PROFUME™ fumigation. (flour mill, 3/17/04). Fumigants & Pheromones Page 2 Cicadas, Brood X New Cincinnati Office (continued from page 1) southern and low-lying areas occur a position with FSS as the Foods earlier in the summer than in the Division Manager. Jeff is married cooler northern locations. to Brenda and they just added their first child Elijah (Eli) on Periodical cicadas can damage February 20, 2004. small trees or shrubs if too many feed from the plant or lay eggs in Fumigation Service & Supply’s the twigs. They are not generally new Cincinnati office opened regarded as pests, except perhaps March 1, 2004. However, Jeff grew by those who find them too noisy. up in this region and has been Jeff Waggoner covering this territory for the past A female may lay as many as 400 two years out of the Indianapolis to 600 eggs in small slits she eff Waggoner has opened our office. Jeff says: “I have had a makes in slender tree branches. Jnewest branch office near very exciting month. I am looking Cicada “nymphs” fall to the ground Cincinnati, OH. Jeff has worked forward to this new challenge of after hatching, burrowing into the for Fumigation Service & Supply, setting up an office for , NE soil until they find the tree roots Inc. since the summer of 1993. He , SE Indiana sales and that they suck for food until it is specializes in pest management in service region for FSS.” time to resurface for breeding. food processing plants and devel- oping innovative methyl bromide John Mueller, vice president of Most periodical cicadas are alternatives for flour mills and FSS, stated: “Jeff will do well in gone by July. large food processing facilities. this territory because it is full of Source: National Geographic grain and grain processing compa- Jeff grew up on a farm in nies that could use Jeff’s experi- Rushville, Indiana and attended ence and innovation in pest Quotable Purdue University prior to taking management.” ‘‘ Quotes Food Protection Alliance “Nothing builds the self-esteem Five respected leaders in the fumigation and pest control industries like knowledge!” announce that they have joined forces to create the Food Protection —Barbara Bass Alliance to provide quality fumigation and related services in North “Too bad ninety percent’’ of the America. The members of the Alliance are Fumigation Service & Supply, politicians give the other Inc. of Westfield, Indiana, Research Fumigation Company, LLC of Re- ten percent a bad reputation.” serve, Louisiana, Professional IPM Services, LLC of Salina, Kansas, —Henry Kissinger Royal Fumigation Inc. of New Castle, , and Clark Pest Control Seen while offering training at Wal Mart of Lodi, California. Headquarters in Bentonville, AR. Sam Walton, co-founder of Wal Mart said: “We are very excited,” commented John Mueller, Vice President of Fumi- “Never get so set in your ways gation Service & Supply. “We have been sharing ideas and working that you can’t change.” informally for many years. Now, by combining our individual areas of “To lower prices we’ve got to expertise, we will offer an unprecedented level of service and support to keep finding ways to lower our costs.” our clients on a regional, national, and international scale.” “Listen to your associates; FPA will apply the members’ cutting-edge technologies and procedures to they’re our best idea generators.” create more treatment options across industry segments, bringing value “Swim upstream, go the other to customers and safeguarding our way. Ignore the conventional food supply. wisdom.” “Making people want to come For more information, go to back...that’s where the profits or contact come from.” fpa John Mueller at [email protected] FOOD PROTECTION ALLIANCE

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Now what happened to the Dave’s Marlboro Man? I miss the MEXICO Marlboro Man. I miss looking at a Soapbox scruffy looking cowboy poking sticks in a fire with mountains in …for what it’s worth the background as he mounts his horse and rides into the sunset while humming a mellow tune. Male Bashing

as anyone else noticed that When did this all happen…when Hmales are being bashed with did Madison Avenue start castrat- regularity on TV and in print ads. ing half of the population? I will Men are being reduced to amoebas tell you when this all happened: It while we stand by and take it. happened when women were given Monterrey 2005 will be held March Wel l s t op it! the checkbook. Right! 8-10, 2005 in Monterrey, Mexico. Registrations will be available on the TV Commerical... These marketing guru’s figured internet starting in July. David Scene #1: Man, age 40+ years old, out that men don’t have any Mueller, program chairman, states: 25 lbs over weight, pale, bad money. We don’t even see our pay “This is the first time we have held this posture, balding, flowered shirt check. It gets deposited electroni- program in Latin America. We are and walking shorts with white sox cally. Men, we don’t have the planning a full educational program pulled up walks down a path with checkbook any more. with international speakers, simulta- neous translation in Spanish and a female, 25 years old, fit, tan, nice English and a hands-on workshop that hair, and nice body, with pressed So why should Madison Avenue will be a great experience for the safari cloths. Now add another even try to communicate their attendees.” Local arrangements sales pitch to us. They don’t even female of the same general chairman Cesár Altamirano Lerma of description and the script goes focus on men anymore. Maybe we Pheromone Service & Supply states: something like this: can pick out the color of the SUV “The city of Monterrey is a perfect the females choose for us. venue for this meeting and early March Female to female: “I hope that should be an excellent time of year to Earl (as in ‘Earl has to Die’) can Men, if you are tired of seeing be in Northern Mexico.” keep up with us today as we climb male masculinity constantly spit Mt. Kilimanjaro again…backyards. on…if you want respect on the If you are interested in learning about television commercials and in the the future of fumigation, pest manage- ment, and stored product protection, Scene #2: Females say to each newspapers…go today to your mark your 2005 calendar for March other—“Where’s Earl?” bank and ask for a checking 8-10 and look forward to hearing more account and a checkbook. Run in future newsletters and on our home to your spouse and demand Scene #3: Panning down the website: mountain we see Earl crawling out that you start paying the bills “Sharing through education of a crevice, hair messed up, dirty around the house. Tell ten new is how we all get better.” clothes and an exhausted expres- people each day. Soon we will see sion on his poor chubby face. Earl my favorite character back in the says: “That’s the last time I take saddle again. MONTERREY 2005 will offer that short cut.” (sigh) translation services during the conference and workshop. We hope I really miss the Marlboro Man. this doesn’t happen: The Dairy Scene #4: Pan up the mountain— Association decided to take their females sitting in a shiny new “Got Milk?” campaign to Mexico, SUV smiling and listening to the they translated their slogan into music. “This new SUV is right for Spanish. Unfortunately, it came out as “Are you lactating?” the whole family.”

V I S I T U S A T : w w w . f u m i g a t i o n z o n e . c o m Fumigants & Pheromones Page 4 Methyl Bromide Update

ince 1992, when it was dis- S covered that Methyl Bromide Developed Countries: was a serious ozone depleting (2005 phase out schedule) substance, man has responded to • The USA has phased out find ways to eliminate this useful 70% of its MB consumption fumigant to treat soil, commodi- this year—from 25,529 ties, and structures. tonnes in 1991 to 7,659 tonnes in 2005. Over 180 countries met March 24- 26, 2004 to discuss the subject of • The European Union has Methyl Bromide (MB) phase out. phased out 75% of MB in This First Extraordinary Meeting 2003—reducing consumption of the Parties to the Montreal from more than 19,200 Protocol on Substances that Deplete tonnes in 1991 to 4,813 the Ozone Layer was called when tonnes in 2003. Agreed critical-use categories: negotiations broke down in • 10 industrialized countries United States: tonnes November in Nairobi, Kenya. that previously used MB Mills and processors: 483 The controversy centered on how have now phased it out. Dried fruit, beans, nuts 87 the critical use exemptions (CUE) Smokehouse ham 0.907 Eggplant (soil) 74 for MB were to be divided. Forest nursery seedlings (soil) 193 current MB uses can be replaced Fruit tree nurseries (soil) 46 After three days of intense Ginger production (soil) 9 by alternatives. The Montreal negotiation over who will receive Orchard replant (soil) 706 Protocol allows for countries to Peppers (soil) 1085 limited amounts of Methyl Bromide request Critical Use Nominations Strawberry fruit (soil) 1834 in the year 2005, the US received Strawberry runners (soil) 55 (CUN). These nominations are 30% of new MB production and 5% Sweet potato (soil) 81 reviewed by the Technical and Tomato (soil) 2865 figured from existing stockpiles of Economic Assessment Panel Turfgrass (soil) 207 their 1991 baseline or 7,659 Cucurbits (soil) 1188 (TEAP) made up of scientists from tonnes. This is 20% less than what Total: 7,659 tonnes around the globe. Here is a list of they requested in Nairobi in agreed critical-uses accepted by Canada November, 2003 and exactly what Pasta and flour mills 47 TEAP and reported in Montreal on was offered to the US after three Strawberry runners (soil) 8 March 26, 2004. These permitted Total 55 tonnes days of negotiations. The US levels of production or consump- delegation was disappointed when United Kingdom tion are: Mills and processors 47 the international delegation in Spices 1.7 Montreal refused the multiple Tobacco (product/machinery) 0.05 year critical use nominations at Country Critical-use exemption Dry nuts, fruit, beans, 2005 only (tonnes) cereals, seeds 2.4 this meeting. This would have made Food storage (dry goods) 1.1 MB available into 2007 or maybe Australia 145 Cheese stores 1.6 longer. This was a major point of Belgium 47 Stored spices 0.03 negotiation and the world commu- Canada 56 Strawberries and raspberries 68 France 407 Tree nursery 6 nity would not back down. The Greece 186 Total 128 tonnes European Community and Japan Italy 2134 were able to persuade the interna- Japan 284 France Portugal 50 Mills and processors 40 tional delegation that this could Spain 1059 Rice 2 destroy this first of its kind inter- United Kingdom 128 Soil fumigation 355 national environmental treaty. United States 7659 tonnes Total 407 tonnes United States: 7659 tonnes Germany The Methyl Bromide Technical vs. 4,496 tonnes Mills and processors 0 for the ten other countries Soil Fumigation 0 Option Committee (MBTOC) has Total 0 tonnes determined that 93% of the

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™ tor, Alain Van Ryckeghem, tested New Moth Suppression this egg laying attractant in retail stores, seed warehouses, and captures female food moths under various field conditions. He Since man started storing food, Using this egg laying attractant discovered that this female moth insects have been a problem. Now, along with a male moth phero- lure could capture 44% of the with the help of a non-toxic egg mone in the same trap enables female moths present. laying attractant called Moth Insects Limited’s new Moth Suppression, major food pests can Suppression traps to capture both be removed. male and female moths - a major step toward true population suppression. In combination with other pest management practices, the Moth Suppression Kit has the potential to lower food moth populations. Superior pest man- agement starts with superior trapping. The adult stored product moth Scientists at Oklahoma State lives only 7-10 days. Its main University discovered the scent purpose is to survive, mate, and that female food moths prefer. distribute its offspring among Insects Limited’s technical direc- suitable food products.

Heavy with eggs, the female adult (Methyl Bromide Update continued from page 4) moth desperately looks for cracks Question: How can Germany with comply fully with decision IX/6 (if and crevices near a food supply to a population of over 90,000,000 an alternative becomes available it lay her small white eggs. The people and a superior quality of must be substituted for granted female food moths lays 200-400 life not need any MB?) (500+ flour critical use exemptions). eggs during her short life, so she mills in Germany vs. 220 flour has only limited time to find a safe mills in the United States. Ger- Resolved that each Party’s Methyl site to deposit her eggs. many grows strawberries and Bromide use should decrease each tomatoes also). year, targeting the closure of the As she detects certain chemical critical-use exemption as soon as compounds, she swoops down to Developed countries not request- possible in developed countries. drop a few fertilized eggs on a ing CUE’s for Mills and Proces- suitable surface. The small larva sors: Spain Belgium, Portugal, Declare their firm intention at the hatches in about six days and Australia, Denmark, Sweden , national level to take all appropri- begins searching for food to infest. Germany, Japan, Italy, Greece. ate measures to limit the produc- Billions of dollars of finished food tion and consumption of methyl is destroyed by these stored Question: How do these country’s bromide to those applications product insects each year through- flour mills and food processors get which are strictly necessary, in out the world. Insects Limited by without Methyl Bromide? keeping with the spirit of the researches, develops, manufac- Protocol and with the need to avoid tures, and distributes pheromones Important Resolution an increase in consumption after for stored food insects throughout phase-out. Recognizing that technically and North America and to over 30 economically feasible alternatives countries worldwide. More infor- Signed: Australia, Austria, Belgium, mation is available at exist for most uses of Methyl Canada, China, Costa Rica, Czech Bromide, and noting that Parties Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, or by (countries) have made substantial France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, contacting the company at 1-317- Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, 992-1991/ fax 1-317 896-5757. progress in the adoption of effec- Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, tive alternatives. Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom of Great Briton and MOTH SUPPRESSION™ is patent- Northern Ireland, the European pending and a registered trademark of Mindful that exemptions must Community, Syria, and Japan. Insects Limited, Inc.

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readings and add more fumigant, Better Fumigations than to travel back and forth to a fumigation site to manage a groups: 1. Gas applicators professional fumigation. 2. Solution focused fumigators. Solution Focused With the phaseout of Methyl Fumigators Bromide, big changes are on the These people understand fumi- horizon. Now is the time to exam- gants, where the pest insects are ine your fumigation method and located in the buildings/ bins, fumigation company and ask structural integrity, and historical questions. How can we do this job trends. These fumigators observe better? Can your service provider By John Mueller the results of each fumigation. keep up with the times? Are you They actively seek improvement nowing your half loss time still hanging on to old methods over time and tie these results to K will ensure an effective and trusting your gas provider? pest activity over the next four to fumigation. five weeks. What were your tallies Gas Applicators (live and dead insects collected Take your fumigation readings These are companies that rou- near the end of the milling process and determine the length of time tinely treat facilities with a focus in a sifter) report 24 hours after it takes for half of the gas to toward how many cubic feet they the fumigation, seven days later, escape. This is your half loss and can treat and how quickly they can 14 days later, 21 days later? it should occur 10 hours or less do it. This type of fumigation into the fumigation for food service is referred to as “shoot and “You cannot have a revolution processing facilities and 24 hours run.” These people are sometimes without revolutionaries.” Today’s is ideal. Hold your fumigation forced into taking a few token gas fumigation revolution is between company accountable to improve readings. It is amazing how many the old ways of treating versus the half loss time. Understand fumigations still fall under this current practices and expectations. that many people will be involved category. Tangible progress can be achieved in this process but it should be up quickly. Reduction in fumigation to the fumigator to determine How do you know that this is not costs, lowering general fumigation when to adjust the fumigation happening on your fumigations? dependency and lowering con- depending on real time gas read- Do you show up and observe gas sumer / customer complaints are ings. If the half loss increases, readings or do you trust your possible. This can be a very evaluate the initial dosage rate to service provider because they have technical process and site specific. determine if it can be reduced to been doing this work for 30+ If you are committed to reducing save money or time on the next years? I have recently observed dependency on fumigation, fumigation. several false reports with fraudu- contact John Mueller through lent gas readings recorded in the www.fumigationzone .com. or Fumigation service providers and fumigation report. It is easier and 1-800-992-1991. We can evaluate fumigators can be divided in two more profitable to make up gas your needs. Managing Gas Concentrations 9000 Food Allergies 8000 One in 25 Am 7000 about 11 mil ericans, or lion people across 6000 the country now suffers from Twelve Hour Half 5000 some type of food allergy, 4000 according to a study released by the American Academy of 3000 Allergy, Asthma & 2000 Immunology’s. Curt Hale, an 1000 expert in food allergies, CONCENTRATION [PPM] CONCENTRATION 0 will be the featured guest 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 writer in the next issue of HOURS Fumiganss & Pher omones.

V I S I T U S A T : w w w . i n s e c t s l i m i t e d . c o m Page 7 Fumigants & Pheromones Kelley Speaks in India

he Federation of Asia and Oceania Pest T Managers Association (FAOMPA) is holding its 16th conference in conjunction with the 37th Indian Pest Control Association annual convention at the J.W. Marriott Hotel in Juhu, Mumbai (Bombay), India on November 25 and 26, 2004. Pat Kelley has been invited to give a paper on New Developments in Pheromones. Pat Kelley is the General Manager for Insects Limited in Westfield, IN Pat Kelley USA. Other speakers include Mike Kelley, Adrian Meyer, Kevin Girard, P.B. Deobhanker, S. Rajendran. This Association has member countries from Australia, Israel, China, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Philippines, Taiwan, and India. Grain The theme of this year’s convention is “Integrated Pest Management for Protection Urban Areas.” If your group or organization needs a speaker for an upcoming program, contact Insects Limited, Inc. For more information on Field tests of a new biological this Conference contact: Balreet Pruthi, [email protected] insecticide for grain shows excel- lent results. The USDA grain marketing and production re- search center in Manhattan Kansas along with Kansas State Bullet Lures University conducted field studies Insects Limited has redesigned its phero- in Kansas to compare the effec- mone lure packaging. Kalah Stocker made tiveness of controlled aeration and the suggestion to improve the package a new biological insecticide, one day after looking at a modern spinosad, to control insect pests chewing gum package and this started in bins of stored wheat. After a everyone thinking how we could make 6-month storage period, almost no the Bullet Lure packet better and less live lesser grain borers, red flour expensive. beetles or rusty grain beetles were found in bins treated with The new “Blister 10 Pack” has the spinosad. The numbers of beetles following advantages: found in aerated bins during the 1. See through packet enables you to same 6-month storage period were see the lures. below the level of two live insects 2. Carrying one pack is easier than per kilogram of grain used as the carrying ten. official inspection standard to 3. Allows you to identify the type declare a sample “infested.” pheromone lure with color coded beads. During this same study, in 4. Reduces the amount of loose untreated control bins, the trash to carry and dispose of. average insect density increased to 78 insects per two kilograms of The Bullet Lure is a superior pheromone formulation grain. The results of this study are because it consistently captures more insects for a longer especially exciting because period of time. The aluminum cap contains a membrane spinosad was so effective against that regulates the amount of pheromone that escapes. lesser grain borer, the primary The colored beads increase the surface area so all the pheromone doesn’t get trapped in the polyethylene vial. cause of insect-damaged kernels The colored beads identify the various lures. The real (IDK) in stored wheat. key to a superior pheromone lure comes from testing the lures in the field at various concentra- (Dr. Paul Flinn, [email protected], tions and asking the insects what dose they prefer. or Dr. Frank Arthur, Arthur@

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November 25-26, 2004* •Training The Federation of Asia and Oceania •Workshops Meeting Pest Managers Association (FAOMPA) •Conventions is holding its 16th Conference in Calendar conjunction with the 37th Indian Pest Control Association Annual Conven- tion at the J.W. Marriott Hotel in Juhu, Mumbai (Bombay), India, Balreet Pruthi, [email protected]

January 25, 2005 Special Basic Insect Identification Workshop, “Start with the Insect First” Workshop Westfield, IN, Barb Bass, [email protected], Several auditing groups are requir- ON-SITE TRAINING January 26, 2005 ing that food plants get verifiable If you would like to have Fumigation Training for State training for their food safety a speaker or complete training Certification, Westfield, IN, Barb Bass, workers on proper Insect Identi- session tailored to your needs, [email protected], fication. Alain Van Ryckeghem, call Insects Limited at Board Certified Entomologist and 1-800-992-1991 March 8-10, 2005* technical director and David 1st Latin America Fumigants & Pheromones Conference & Workshop Mueller, Board Certified Entomolo- Monterrey, Mexico. Contact: Barb Bass, gist will be offering onsite and May 15-19, 2004 [email protected], [email protected] or classroom training during 2004. IAOM Technical Conference & Trade Show, Wichita, KS, USA, This training will cover the most [email protected], Judy Blankenship *See you there! common beetles, moths, flies, and August 8-13, 2004* cockroaches that occur in food Controlled Atmosphere and plants in North America. Alain is a Fumigation (CAF) Conference, former college instructor and Brisbane, Gold Coast, Australia, Fumigants & Pheromones David has over 30 years experience Sustainable Fumigation Alternatives, I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O N F E R E N C E : in this field. “Your employees will learn a lot about the biology, habits, August 13- 18, 2004* Monterrey, Mexico XXII International Congress of and of identification of these pests Entomology—Strength in Diversity, March 8-10, 2005 with hands on personalized train- Brisbane, Australia, 15-21 August 2004, ing.” For available dates and fees contact David Mueller at 1-317-896-9300, [email protected]

Fumigation Service & Supply, Inc. Presorted Standard 16950 Westfield Park Road U.S. Postage Westfield, IN 46074-9374 USA PAID Fumigants & Pheromones is published by (1) 317-896-9300 voice Fumigation Service & Supply, Inc. and Insects Carmel, Indiana (1) 800-992-1991 toll free in US Permit #14 Limited, Inc. We hope that the information (1) 317-867-5757 fax that you receive from this newsletter will help e-mail: [email protected] you in your business, and you, in turn, will websites: support our business efforts. If you have an websites: associate who would be interested in receiving this newsletter, please contact the address below. We would welcome any comments or suggestions for topics. Address correspondence to: David K. Mueller, Fumigation Service & Supply, Inc., 16950 Westfield Park Rd., Westfield, IN 46074 USA.


© Copyright 2004 Fumigation Service & Supply, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any means without permission of the editor. Attention Mailroom Personnel (or Addressee)—Please Reroute if Necessary

V I S I T U S A T : w w w . i n s e c t s l i m i t e d . c o m