' ■' ■ V;I' C I- k i ^ I . -1 ■ .N , . . V ■ ' i - . w. ■ "V ,:1'V 1 'v; L'l 1'^ ^ ■■ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1970 PAGE TWENTY \ \ Average Dally Net PreBS Run The Weather mSanrltpHtpr Sttfttittg For The Week Ended V Snow developing by evening DMetnber 1900 mixing with rain during night The Loyal Circle of King The VFW Auxiliary will hon­ and continuing Tueedny. Tem­ About Town David IxKlge will meeit Monday or its past presidents Tuesday 1 5 , 8 8 0 peratures tonight and tomorrow at 7;4ti p.m. in the Fellowship at a potluek at 6:30 p.m. at the .30 to 85. St. HridRVt Rosary So<-tety Room of tJenter Congregnitlonal Post Home. Members are re­ Manche$ler— 4 City of Village Charm will nioi’t Morulny at 8 p.m. In Church. Hostesses will bo Mrs. minded to bring articles for a The Baby Has the school cafetcrlan after the Samuel Wilson luid Mrs. Ruth gift book. Mrs. Thomas Hovey 7;30 p-Y- Miuss in the church. Sh^p P.M. in the P.M. VOL. LXXXIX, NO. n o (EIGHTEEN PAGES — SUPPLEMENT) MANCHESTER, (X)NN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1970 (CbUMlfled Advertising on Page 15) PRICE TEN CENTS Muldoon. is in eharge of the gift book. The proffrain will be a meat demonstration by Stop luid Shop Inc. Kcfreshmenta will be Eugene Brewer, minister of The msin of Temple Beth Been Named served by Mrs. Harold Glglio the Churdi of Christ, will con­ Sholom will' hold their monthly OPEN TONIGHT till 9:30 and Mrs. (.'liristopher CuUeton. duct a service tomorrow nt 8:15 Breakfast-Service at 3 a.m. on Tho meeting is open to all wom­ a.m. on radio station ,W1NF. tomorrow. A discussion on a Bahy-Sitting en of the parish. Tho 15-minute weekly program contemporary subject will be Moroccan Official, is siMjnsored by the Manches­ led by Howard Gold. Full-Time Job Antiiony, Heather Louise, daughter of Winston im