(These are segments taken out of context from actual letters written by Lovers.)

Looking forward to spending my nights feeling like a happy baby in my nice soft , wetting and messing uncontrol- lably in my sleep while I suck my thumb or my soother. As soon as I can find a nice mommy to look after me I will become a complete baby with total incontinence whenever mommy wants me to be her baby.

I myself have always been influenced by the need to wear baby clothes, although I could only do it for minutes at a time for fear of discovery. Now that I am 33, I wear diapers and plastic pants every minute I can. The exception is at work, there it wouldn't be wise. I have my own diapers, plastic pants, bibs, bottles, baby blankets, and some baby toys. My room is also covered with a nursery print wall paper. My bed has crib railings and I sleep with a blue bunny that also wears diapers and plastic pants.

Not only is my membership in DPF relatively new for me; but so is my interest in Infantalism, Diapers, Rubber Pants, etc. My first 'almost' exposure came from a rubber sex session in which 2

I was locked into a pair of rubber pants. This triggered some- thing in my mind which has since led me to buy and wear dia- pers and rubber pants under my leathers, , , and even under in business meetings.

I am 34 years old, 5'7" tall and I weigh l40 lbs. I am married to a wonderful girl named Karen who understands my desires and needs. She likes dressing me as a little baby girl with diapers, rubber pants and little frilly . Every second weekend my mommy (wife) will put me in baby clothes and put the bathroom 'off limits' for the whole weekend. Then she takes care of all my needs, changing my wet diapers, feeding me with a baby bottle and just treating me as a little baby girl. Like some other big babies, I was a boy bedwetter and because of this I suffered some very embarassing times at the hands of some very mean people. When I was about 6 years old my mom put both me and my sister back in diapers and rubber . My sister was one year younger than me and she too wet the bed. Every night mom would take us both into the living room, take our clothes off and make us each other as she put diapers and rubber pants on each of us and then put us to bed. In the morning she would take us back into the living room and check each of us to see if we were wet, and we usually were. Then she would in turn pull off our wet rubber panties and diapers, turn us over her knee and spank our bare wet bottoms while 3 the other watched. After awhile my sister stopped wetting at night but I didn't. I suppose mom figured if this treatment worked for my sister it would work for me in time. So for a long time I hade to endure the nightly diapering and morning spank- ings while my sister stood by and watched. Buy for now, Baby Claude,. (Yes, Claude, your 'new' mommy has written to us about you. You are a lucky baby! By the way, how old were you when your original mommy stopped spanking you when you wet your diapers? 19 or 20?

I enjoy the feeling of soggy wet diapers packing my crotch area. I have been experiementing, or maybe I should say adventuring, into possible ways to achieve this pleasurable state without the unsavory and messy result of doing number- two in my diapers. I am trying various dry cereal breakfast foods. My usual diapering is three large Curity diapers inside a diaper barrier from JK or Amber E, and outside of that, rubber panties plus rubber bloomers for "Social Security". To get the bulgy packed soggy wet feeling I pull open the and pour in Rice Krispies or Puffed Wheat and make sure it shakes down until the crotch is full and bulgy and I am ready to face a long day or even a day and a night without a change.

BABY WEEK 1987 4

There are some important and exciting changes in our plans for Baby Week 1987. Same date, June 25th through June 29th. We have a good number of reservations for this great affair, and your deposits are on file in our computer.

Here in San Francisco we hold periodic DPF parties. Just last week between 30 and 40 DPFers met and shared a day together at our house. There were both gay and straight folks, married couples, professional dominants, old and new mem- bers. True, San Francisco has the largest concentration of DPFers in the world, but the real reason for the good turnout is that Marky and I planned a party, and lots of people decided it would be fun to attend. In every part of the country, you too can plan and hold parties where you can meet new friends and have fun together.

I love being a little girl and wearing my outfits with very short, full . I must have a dozen full petticoats in all colors, and all are short and sexy. Most important of all - I'm a good lit- tle girl and protect my outfits by wearing diapers and plastic panties. It's important for a girl to be protected if she should have an accident and wet herself, and the short petticoats expose a round diapered bottom when bending over, a delight to any daddy or mommy. 5

This is Rocky. It's a real drag to try and be like a baby when you have to change yourself. Babies were meant to be taken care of by a mommie, daddy, or brother or sister, and I miss that care very much. Do you know any parents who would like to adopt a baby boy. I just might move from here to be with the right people.

I must have been in the 3rd grade and went to school with no diaper on under my pants. When we were eating lunch sitting in chairs up against the wall I wet my pants so bad it was run- ning down the chair and on to the floor. I was trying to hide my wet pants, but the teacher had seen what I did and called my dad. The kids were saying "The Diaper Baby Needs a Diaper." My dad came up to the school pretty mad, took me into anoth- er room, put me down on the floor, took off my wet pants & underwear and put a diaper & plastic pants on me. When I stood up he put dry pants on over my diaper. Then he pushed me back down and said, "If you want to act like a baby then your going to look like one". With that he slid another diaper under me and pinned it on and put another pair of plastic pants on over my pants. There were two kids looking through the window from the hallway and laughing. Then he took me back to the classroom and told me not to take off the diaper until I 6 got home tonight when he would change me. He said that loud enough so the kids could hear him.

I love to wet my diaper and play with myself in my plastic pants. Masturbation isn't much unless I'm sucking on my pacifi- er and rubbing the ribbon on my blanket with my hands. My pacifier is a large 'adult' size, and it occurs to me it is actually penis sized. I've never met a woman who is much into my fan- tasy. I've paid for the privilege to being dressed and cared for like an infant, but never have I met someone who knows 'what to do.' I want to experience infancy with all of its' limitations.