
Feinstein and friends New 'Garage' in San Jose When gubernatorial candidate Diane Feinstein Rats, it's another loser The Technology Center's museum features appears at San Jose State on Nov. 1, she 'Graveyard Shift,' the latest movie inspired illp111011111111. hands-on approaches to modern technology. won't be by a Stephen King story, is all about alone. Several other state Democratic Page 6 candidates will join her. Below ratsbut not much else. It's not only not very scary, it's not very anything except for Steele reviewed ill-made, poor humor. The movie is the Pro to Samuel D. Henry, Assistant Dean of Student worst of the supernatural thriller genre. ball comes Event Center The Golden State Warriors and the Los Services, comments on English Professor Page 6 Shelby Steele's book, The Content of Our Angeles Clippers faced off in their final 1. Character. Page 2 preseason game, at the Event Center. Page 5

Weather Published for the University and Early morning rain, clearing to University Community by the scattered showers in the afternoon. Department of Journalism and High to 67, overnight low to 46. Mass Communications since 1934. SPARTAN DAILY Nutitma/ R i'wher Service VOLUME 95. NUMBER 44 WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 31. 1990 Greeks gather to promote understanding, tolerance between brothers By Laura DiMastio the chapter located a block away of English. and the video "Racism said. "I've known English majors Daily staff writer from the FIJI house. 101," audience members were per- 'If the seminar opened just one person's eyes that were students of color and they White and black fraternity mem- The feelings the two houses and mitted to ask questions. express then it's a good thing.' had teachers tell them that they bers unintentionally sat in segregat- others expressed allowed everyone their concerns or just share a per- shouldn't major in English." ed sections Monday night but to unite as a group of individuals sonal experience. Dwayne Cantrell, Portillo said she was told to go talked about breaking down racial from different cultures but with Lewis, one of the seminar coor- back to her kitchen when she came to Phi Beta Sigma barriers. similar special interests. dinators, brought up a confrontation vice president this country. and because she didn't The event, a racism seminar The issue of racism has been a he had with two Sigma members. we're down for the cause and if you tering for classes. speak any English she was put into a sponsored by Phi Gamma Delta popular topic on campus these "I was walking by the Sigma want to be there with us then you One woman said. "EOP students class for the mentally retarded. fraternity, allowed audience mem- days. and the FIJI members said it house and I saw two guys wrestling should Is: our said one Sigma may receive help getting into col- Portillo's personal ethnic experi- get to know their fellow stu- friend." hers to was time it was addressed. on the porch." he said. "I started member. "If you just come around lege, but they're professors don't ence and discussion of racism in neighbors as well as dents and "Some of the major racial issues cheering them on and then they saying 'hi.' we'll say 'hi' back but lower standards for them." schools between student/teacher . themselves. are here on campus so we wanted stopped looked over at me and said. we won't take you seriously." Also, it's not just students of relations brought light on current attended More than KO people to get feedback from the Sigmas." 'Yeah, wouldn't you like to see one One FIJI member said he didn't color that go into EOP. she said. cultural differences effecting col- Student Union the seminar in the said FIJI recording secretary Chris black man throw another black man think it was fair that Educational Portillo added that some students lege campuses nationwide includ- Umunum Room. FIJI fraternity Lewis. down the stairs. Opportunity Program students are of color are discriminated against ing SJSU. extended an invitation to the pre- Following a discussion of perti- However, this is an isolated inch placed in classes before other students. by instructors. "Teachers don't know how to dominantly black fraternity Phi nent racial issues by guest speaker dem. said Sigma member.. Ponillo said LOP didn't always "Sonic professor; tell students of relate to black and Latino students," Beta Sigma. which they said would Febe Pernik% an assistant professor "If we're gonna do something, have priority when it came to regis- color not come to their classes." she hopefully improve relations with See SEMINAR, parr 4 Harassment Pumpkin? Student Union investigation The Great completed Cafeteria takes By Angus Klein Daily staff wnter more fake cash SJSU 's Affirmative Action office has completed its investigation into Ity :Anthony Cataldo in rev (igniting counterfeits. said a racial harassment grievance tiled Daily staff writer Food Service Director Jerry Mim- by a SJSU student against a former Another counterfeit bill was naugh. University Police officer. passed by an unknown person last -We need to train our cashiers to The report said that SJSU student week in the Student Union Calete- recognize counterfeits.- Sur said Juan Ham's "mode of dress was a na after Spartan Bookstore Director last month. "In the future all we can factor in (Hart being stopped and Dwight Sur urged last month that do is have our cashiers alert." asked (or identification." according cashiers should he trained to spot "They are instructed as to what to to a letter to Ham from SJSU Presi- fake bills. look for," Mimnaugh said. The proh- dent Gail Fullerton. The counterfeit $20 was discov- km is "the vast majonty have never Fullerton received the results of ered Friday, according to the Univer- seen a counterfeit bill." he said. an investigation conducted by Bev- sity Police Department log. Counter- This marks the second incident erly Miles. assistant director of feit cases are sent directly to the this semester where a counterfeit SJSU Affirmative Action. cm Oct. Secret Service, an office of the U.S. bill has fooled Student Union cafe- and relayed the information to I hpartinent of the Treasury. said teria cashiers. A $50 fake was also Ham in a letter dated Oct. 23. I I'D spokesman Richard Staley. passed in die bookstore. Miles had "no comment" on the The Secret Service agent con- The first two were color photo- letter or her investigation "because ducting the investigation could not copies. hut the nature of the latest of university policy on Affirmative he reached for comment. phony hill could not he confirmed. Action investigations." Cashiers are not formally trained Haro was allegedly racially harassed June 14 by flintier 11PD John Moffitt while running an errand for his on-campus job. Film shows graphic Ham said he was stopped by Moffitt and humiliated mere1y because of the way I was dressed. I was accused of being a gang mem- depletion of abortion ber, of having tattoo's and of want- By Sheltie Terry ing to trash the school." Ilaro said Daily staff writer in a press conference Sept. 17. 'Mc image on the screen was an Moffitt no longer works (or I II abortion of a four and one half and officials said they would not month old dismembered fetus being comment Oil the circumstances sur- pulled Ina Or a woman's body in a rounding his departure because it is puddle of blood. a personnel matter. The film "Eclipse of Reason." Even though Affirm:111%e Action's %k :IS shown by the SJSU Students my estigailim is complete. Ham said for Life to an audience of eight on he is not pleased ss ith he results. Monday afternoon. The attempt "It's taken me more than four was to show people what goes on incitiths to get a letter that's mew!, dunng an abortion. an acknowledgement of what hap The film explained the three pinned." Ilan) said. trimesters of pregnancy and the Haro said he feels the letter. dangers of abortion in the last two which contains an apology from tnmesters, the fourth through ninth Fullerton. falls short of meeting his months. With a camera placed in demands. the uterus of the mother, the nose. he question is WI %healer it mouth, hands, feet and eyebrow% of Cheryl !Amiens happened. hut what they plan to do a four and one hall month old batty ...SJSU Snidents for Life about racial harassment." Haw were visible. said. "They need to expedite their For the ahomon, instruments arc Sivertsen was not in the audience used to dilate the cervix and break procedures in dealing with racial Ann Nelson Daily staff photographer Monday. harassment grievances. the mother's water. Then. clamp- "ii". definitely scare tactics, our "I feel it's unfair that a student it senior graphic design major at the Rose Garden on SO enth Street near the like tools crush and grab the fetus society is terrified of blood." said should have to go through what SJSI adds the finishing touches to his ghoulish Faculty Cafeteria. Dillon's pumpkin took the out of her body. With cameras Chandra Birenhaum. an intern at I've gone through. I'm holding io creation during a pumpkin painting contest in contest's grand prin.. inside and outside of the woman's the Women's Resource Center. She See HARO. page 4 body, the film showed the entire was not at the showing of the film, abortion. but believes that these types of' ide- After viewing the fetus inside the als try to control peoples' actions body, the camera Bashed the muti- by making them feel guilty and feel Other top Democratic candidates join Feinstein lated and bloody body parts piled like murderers. on a table. "We deal with the issue in a Eu and Brown slated to attend Thursday function "I think the pro-life people are way." Birenhaum said. "It would he ELECTION certainly les% than honest." said up to the woman. Some need to Ity !Nigh Ann I 'Min dent 1 An' 10 pi Mist Wing , Wiggsy Sivertsen. faculty adviser face what their dealing with . . . (-)ady watt write, Tickets, regliirell (or the event. ire trct 1,1 tel the SJSU Resource Other candidates trout Ilk. lkinociatu In tvet in the .A.S. business office. said Women's other women would not need that at are available (00 Center. "They bludgeon us will have said they will appear at the Thumb!, 'any Whitney. S director of c llllll all." Blair these bloody fetuses. . .and create with gubernatorial andudaie Dianne Feinstein. affairs. Campus identitication is required and Iv Iveis ate also available to the community at However, many former abortion the mentality of a murderer. doctors explained their feelings according to event oritaniters. limit of OM per person. the L Inited Democratic Campaign headquarters there is a "Pro-choice isn't just about ahor- Leo McCanhy. Califonna's lieutenant gover- "We had a pretty big stack and we're down to in downtown San Jose, according to Campus towards performing the operation. but about making choices finally got to the point where I nor. March Fong FAL secretary of state and about half." said John I Ails, substitute lernal Democrats President Merry Lindsay said. "I about your life." she added. "The couldn't look at those little bodies Kathleen Brown, candidate for treasurer have assistant. the business I IffiCe. Ile estimated "Today we've put out BMW flyers and about in pro-life people are so ignorant and agreed to participate in the SJSII political aware- that they had handed out between 4110 to 400 2(/0 tickets." she %aid anymore." said Beverly McMillan, sell -serving that they can't get ness rally. scheduled tor 10 a.m in the Event tickets. Center. Campus Democrat% and Associated Stu- beyond the issue of abortion." See FILM. page 4 PAGE 2, SPARTAN DAILY, OCTOBER 31, 1990 FORUM OPINION AND LETTERS

EDITORIAL LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Supporting nickel-a-drink Campus not of the keys to a One ELECTION successful, modern society is race sensitive the educational prowess of 1990 its populace. In that same light, one of di or. the frequent criticisms of the United obvious. Alcohol puts a strain on On June 14. 1990. a Chicano student. States is its people's relative lack of public services by creating health and Juan Haro. was detained and allegedly racially harassed by a University Police knowledge in comparison to other social problems. Send the bills for Officer. John Moffitt. In June. Juan civilized societies. Proposition 143 is these costs to the people that create immediately filed a citizen's complaint the latest in a series of attempts to them, the drinkers and the servers. and demanded that an investigation bridge that gap, and it is one of the Prop. 134, popularly known as the against the officer take place. on the best to date. "nickel-a-drink" measure, would send grounds of racial harassment. One The initiative asks for a bond issue the cash it generates into a fund to pay month and a half later the results of the internal investigation found only that of $450 million for higher education for treatment, law enforcement and the officer had detained Juan longer facilities in . These include education related to alcohol abuse. than he should have. the CSU system as well as the UC and The weaker Prop. 126 would noi Then. Juan went to the Affirmative Community College systems, all of create any special alcohol account, Action Office and after it conducted its which make up one of the best public instead it would send money into the own investigation on the incident on higher education systems in the state's general fund. This means none the ground of racial harassment, it found a basis for concern. Now. the country. But increasing enrollment is of the cash received would necessarily Affirmative Action Office has threatening the tradition. be marked to help the effects of recognized that Juan was discriminated SJSU is just one of the 20 CSU alcohol abuse. The tax instituted by against because of how he was campuses whose fees were raised Prop. 126 would also be significantly dressed.An immediate question is. why after the start of the present semester lower than that of Prop. 134. didn't the UPD find the same results as to make up for last minute budget the Affirmative Action Office? Juan Haro is a student at this cuts on the state level. The university Voting for the "nickel-a-drink - university. From the day he was systems in California will continue to sends a message to drinkers allegedly harassed he has gone through be subject to the whims of the state and to those who produce every procedure necessary in order to listen to him, support him, and work 'forget' this incident. But this incident administration until money is alcohol this substance affects all of received a just answer from this with him in meeting his demands. His is not dead, the need for justice will demands gathered from some other source. society in ways that they never university. consisted of: a public keep it alive. apology, the termination of the There is an obvious need for new A yes vote on Proposition 143 will intended. It's time for you to pay your He has met with the Ombudsman and the Dean of Student Services, and offending officer. John Moffitt. the demands. The university needs to help the state and the schools. It will own bills. in turn he has been shuffled around adoption of proper anti-racism policy expedite its procedures in dealing with also help us. In these times of a state budget from administrator to administrator. by the CSU. a revised cultural training the issue of racism. It also needs to With two competing alcohol tax crunch, programs such as the ones and he has been ignored. Also ignored program for the UPD and finally the work with the victim and not ignore the initiatives on the ballot, there's going paid for by Prop. 134 are often the has been the reality of racism on this formation of a task force to review person. UPD hiring and to be some natural confusion as to first to go. This is the chance to keep campus. monitoring procedures. Juan Haro is a Chicano student who In the last five months Juan has held is here to attain an education, not to which one to support. We've decided these needed services at a minor cost Furthermore, the university is evading its responsibility and two press conferences and an defend himself or pressure the on Proposition 134 instead of the to the people who would actually use commitment to students who face the educational forum on racism. university to do its job. alcohol industry-backed Proposition or cause them to be used later. same issue as Juan. This university continues to ignore 126. It's time for the right booze tax. Juan is a full-time student, carrying the legitimate concern of people of Maria Rios The need for an alcohol tax is Vote yes on 134. 19 units and working. He not only has color in the surrounding community MEChA Represematiye to concentrate on his course work, but and on this campus. It seems as if the Senior also on pressuring the university to university wants the community to English

CAMPUS VOICE SAMUEL D. HENRY goal of equality as espoused by the particularly any educated person. has a Declaration of Independence. But, then. better choice than to discuss Steele's what should we expect of those who work. They have the opportunity to read have seized on Steele's disinformative and know of more than the propagation Steele's book is 'eons behind the times' explanations and arguments? of the singular in representation of the Will this book help our campus many. They will realize that Steele does Shortly before the time of Christopher Iowa Caucus of 1980. said that if elected. discussion of discrimination? us all an injustice because he frames a Columbus in Western Europe, someone he would come up with the 'new' The 'new' solutions Would you be inclined to believe that discussion that has neither the important published a treatise with the irrefutable solutions to discrimination which would those who push Steele's point of views to information nor the content for societal 'fact' that the earth was flat. allow us to retire affirmative action. Yet and f'resh the forefront of media viability were change. Conventional wisdom supported it. in eight years we never saw a new never in favor of our society taking They will realize that eloquence in perhaps even lauded it. but the truth is, alternative solution to discrimination; we perspectives responsibility for discrimination? Can support of those who have no solutions that there were others who knew better. saw only more glib old discrimination. you somehow imagine that there is no would return us to the pain of the past. Professor Shelby Steele's book. "The When President Reagan sought to promised by roving cynicism in their seizure of the words of They realize that we see no education Content of Our Character." and some of have the eight -factor analysis of gangs of affirmative a black man, to attack a device which has arising from discussion of. "The Content the 'discussion' it has caused on campus affirmative action regulations reduced to enabled thousands of qualified blacks. of Our Character." simply because on the topic of affirmative action is four, the outcry from large businesses action bashers have Latinos and Asian-Americans to get jobs not the content of our character. similarly eons behind the times. Further. who found affirmative action to be sound They and attend educational facilities? realize that for many of the book is uneducated and uneducating. human resource sense, helped him us. not been forthcoming Perhaps our disinformed society acknowledgment of Steele's in that it is unlikely to arouse the kind of rescind that proposal. That is not a new work in the cannot understand that equal area of social relations, is playing discussion in our society capable of perspective. as Steele has no new into it functions, celebrate ignorance and are employment opportunity and affirmative the hands of those who prefer to either informing us or helping us make perspective. polemic an injustice to those in our society who action have been responsible for education; well -written words to sound choices and treat each other better. The 'new' solutions and fresh labored to produce affirmative action as a reforming the hiring practices of this reflection. Too, it is not overstatement to suggest perspectives promised by roving gangs remedy to discrimination. To attend to country for the better. To laud Steele is to that Steele's use of the singular to of affirmative action bashers have not consciously societal discussion one must be After all, our college classics have increase the burden of discrimination represent the collective, is the been forthcoming: although many have on informed; to educate, one should have taught us so little about the nature and those already burdened by it. fundamental operation of stereotyping repeated the 'pull yourself up by your At SJSU. if the possibility of growth to offer. scope of our society, and our newspapers we were truly interested in education, and racism and plays to those who bootstraps' theme that Steele rehashes in we Steele's character becomes an affront to and television have been so uninformed would find a way to do practice that aberration. lofty and eloquent tones. better by our those whose lives were, and are, as well, that we may almost legitimately citizens and our students than this Our society would welcome some latest No New Perspectives involved in attempting to address racial profess knowing nothing of the content spun of cacophonous meanspiritedness. quality new perspectives on the solutions Steele's book, his essays in Harpers' and ethnic discrimination. or direction of societal action in pursuit Steele has constructed a leaky ship that have been proposed for Magazine and the New York Times, plus In fact, for many of us. who both read of equitable survival for those least designed to sail upon the oceans of a discrimination and social injustice; but appearances on Nightline. would and understand the context of fortunate. planet. There is no flat earth; lead us Steele's perspective is not new and we cannot to believe that there is some fresh discrimination in our society, and for But does the fact that we still have a sail this ship that Steele has new further, it's not informing. constructed perspective on affirmative action. many more who daily experience that Flat Earth Society mean that the Earth is to the destinations that he proposes. New perspective would certainly be A Lack of Educative Substance discrimination, the ignorance of Steele's indeed flat? Can we reward those who welcome to most reasonable men and Steele. like so many before him who argument appears to be used and still insist that the earth is flat, and Samuel D. Henry. currently the manipulated by those who have a history women, for we need new perspective on purport to attack affirmative action. suggest that they help us debate the Assistant Dean of Student Services. ii o a number of problems plaguing our neither educates nor informs us. He and of denying the causes or effects of pressing navigational concepts of our former Associate Dean of the School society. and discrimination is certainly others are who speak of affirmative discrimination in our society. Simply put. times? I think not. Social Sciences and Director of Equal his proposition and explanation promote one of those problems. Ronald Reagan. action without knowing or caring to A Ship for a Flat Earth Employment Opparrunity arid as a candidate for president during the know what affirmative action is and how disinformation. Steele sets us further Affirmative Action at .5.1S1 away from our cherished, if not reached. I believe that any responsible person, SPARTAN DAILY

ROB NEILL, Executive Editor JESSE BALISCAO, Advertising Director LAWRENCE J. SALISBURY, Managing Editor/Production STEPHEN Y. BROWN, Retail Advertising Manager BRAD DETANNA, Production Manager ADAM STEINHAUER, Managing Editor/Editorial JULIE HARPER, Downtown Advertising Manager BRAD THOMPSON, Co-op Advertising HOLLMAN JANE WONG, Special Sections Manager EDWIN ACEVEDO. Graphics Editor HARRY MOK, City Editor Advertising Manager MICKEY PANAHINIA, National LAURA CHUN, Photo Editor RANDY ROBERTSON, Sports Editor ELHAM SHAHMOHAMMADI, Art Director Advertising CHRISTINE De GRAW. Entertainment RICK ROMAGOSA, Chief Photographer Manager Editor MARK SMITH. Assistant Sports Editor Account Exoeuthis: Darin Greenwalt. Leah Hamilton. NICK FISHER, Wire Editor TAMARA THOMPSON, Copy Chief Derek Smith, John Valinsky Art Department: Sandra Hutchins. Mike lwamuro, Elisa Rogge MIKE MOELLER, Features Editor KEVIN WF:111, Forum Editor Reporters: Marcos Azcarate, Anthony Cataldo, Susanna Cesar, Leigh Ann Clifton, Laura DiMascio, Sacood dabs pomace paid of Si., Jove ColOrgne Alliedibtx of ONI Caattanta Newspaper pubustom 145e51min,, and ma Abgedate. pm. daily at ban Bryan Gold. Amanda Steve Helmer, Angus Klein, Lon Sinsley, Shelhe Terry, Paul Wheaton, Bill Publebed Jot, Rhea Unrrentrty dunng 11111aokas row rho opmere etootelaad111111 paw aft rtot naciamarify slam ta Oil Heien. Departmectcit Journabern are Mast Comrnon,rabona 0.. LInberety or any otter atudanti Or faculty Otganiaabon Mai sobarroona acespood Williamson im /07111.1414 111 %anteater baba roll aoarlenIK yea, $20 Each somata*, 110 019 campus pod oer-oopy 15 cant.; On ,:Anittirt Ortaysty Photographers: Nikki Hart. Ann Nelson. Dan Ocampo. Anna Mane Remedios, Kevin Squires 0trough1 Instrorbonally Reentoicl Acttvrbes funds at 50 (.int per fuelone sludonl Fl,r)no Fehtmal (VA) f#24 3280 AdvArtfipng (409) a24.5270 Pontord by Independent Pubkrabons PoiOnatta, Pleas* sand au tub:heat correction* to Spartan Defy San Joss State Unnearsoy One WasholgInn Swim@ San -loaf Caalconia 95152 SPARTAN DAILY, OCTOBER 31, 1990, PAGE 3

call 924-2234 workshop 7 pm.. S U Umunhum Room STUDENTS: Dianne Feinstein and FRIDAY PRE-MED CLUB: Stanford School of Medi- SpartaGuide PRE-MED CLUB BIOLOGY DEPART- call 257-6676 statewide democratic ticket, 10 am Event cine tour 1 45 p m meet behind Duncan Center call 297-2880 Hall call 452-0610 MENT: All health profession seminar, free CLUB ANIMANIACS OF SJSU: Japanese SKI CLUB: Meeting. 8pm SU Almaden food and drinks. 6 pm , DH 252, call 452- animation showing 4-830 pm Engineering SpartaGuide is a daily calendar avail- Room call 462-5717 JEWISH STUDENT UNION: Bowling 0610 PHYSICS DEPARTMENT: Seminar W Building Auditorium Room 1RO 8 45 able to SJSU student. faculty and p mn SJSU bowling alley call 971-1768 AKBAYAN CLUB: General meeting, 230-4 Hoover of U C Davis Lawrence Livermore staff organizations at no charge CAREER PLANNING AND pm , Almaden Room. Student Union. Lum- PLACEMENT: Lab on Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynam- CAREER PLANNING AND PLACEMENT What I ve done with my humanities major TODAY pia Wrap. 6-1030 pm . Northside Commu- ics 1 30 pm Science Building Room 251 CENTER: Interview preparation explore SJSU FOLK DANCE CLUB: All request professionals from various fields provide in- call 924-5244 night beginning intermediate. CATHOLIC NEWMAN COMMUNITY: Mass nity Center. call 947-8740 techniques for effective interview prepara- Balkan and formation on career opportunities, appropri- Kolo. 8-1 0 30 pm Women for all saints followed by Halloween party. 7 tion 12-30 pm. S U Costanoan Room, call s Gym-SPX 89 ate preparation and lob market. 12 30 pm, call 293-1302 p m . Campus Christian Center, CHICANO RESOURCE CENTER: Felix Al- 924-6030 Co-op orientation introduction to call 298- THURSDAY S U Almaden Room call 924-6048 0204 varez Teatro de los Pobres The History & Cooperate Education a professional work Significance of Dia de los Muertos 12 p m experience program Includes details and MUSLIM STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: Con- CAMPUS MINISTRY: Bible study. Study of CATHOLIC NEWMAN COMMUNITY: All MUSLIM STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: In- Wahlquist Library North Rooms 307 call 924- application procedures. 12 30 pm.SU Al- gragebonal Prayers (JUMAI 12 30 p m Is- Jeremiah.. 1230-1 30 pm SU Montalvo Saints Day Mass. 12 pm. Campus Chris- formation and meeting 9 a m -3 p m meet- maden lamic Center of San Jose call 947-9389 Room, call 298-0204 2707 Room. call 924-6030 tian Center Chapel call 298-0204 ing 12-1 pm . Guadalupe Room, call FANTASY AND STRATEGY CLUB: 2924052 Weekly meeting 6-1045 pm SU Alma- LESBIAN. GAY AND BISEXUAL ALLI- den Room. call 924-7097 ANCE (GALA): Meeting and guest speaker PRE-LAW ASSOCIATION: General meet- RE-ENTRY PROGRAM: Brown bag lunch, Khris Francis of Club St John. 4 30-6 30 ing. 530-7 pm Student Council Chambers. 12-1 30 pm.SU Pacheco Room. call 924- pm.SU Costanoan Room. call 236-2002 call 559-6266 I fiTFOPUPIN : 5930 RE-ENTRY PROGRAM: Support group. 12- AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF AERONAU- , , LSAT: Prep meeting. 7-9 pm.SU Student 1 30 p m Administration Room 201. call Council Chambers. call 779-5425 TICS AND ASTRONAUTICS: Barbeque so- 924-5930 c.ial and meeting. 12 30-2 pm Barbeque Savings BULWER LYTTON UNDERGRADUATE oils in front of SUREC. call 947-8740 SOCIETY: Halloween open reading. 12 30 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL AD- : pm. Faculty Office Room 104, call 971- VERTISING ASSOCIATION (BPAA): Media CAMPUS DEMOCRATES & ASSOCIATED EVEREX STEP computers! 9307 e-f) ."- :on STUDENT AFFILIATION FOR ENVIRON- MENTAL RESPECT (SAFER): meeting. 5 p m . Dudley Moorhead Hall Room 235A. .,'N call 924-5467 4 ...:24. v CAREER PLANNING AND PLACEMENT: Graduate study day Everything you always wanted to know about getting into graduate Cati-Oee-the STEPhssiFteii, specially priced school. 10 30 am. SU Amphitheatre. call \ 924-6048 for' SISCIstlidents,. fad ult 1,,xand, staff ONLY. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION: .7 \ Testimony Meeting. 1030 am Montalvo - Room. Student Union. call 279-2933 6,7 RECREATION & LEISURE SERVICES:Hal- Date: November 5, loween Parade with Francis Guilland Child Care Center. 1030-11 30 am Begins at Where: The Computer lair at the Student linion Child Care Center, call 924-6240 UNIVERSITY POLICE DEPARTMENT:Pre- Sponsored By: Spartan Bookstore @ 924-1809 sentation on computer and other office equipment locking devices for faculty and staff 10 15 am . University Police Station INTRODUCTORY PRICE: MAC & PC $1074, now $999 with this ad! System includes: IC RENTALS 40 MB hard disk If The Computer Lab Sec DOS 4.01 1 is Full or Closed, For Dcnio itl floppy drive 1111,11 IVA 51,...11 ilk ,fiiot ink 3.5" High-capacity Sc Term Papers, Spartan Bookston Homework, resumes, Order your college ring NOW. Brought to you by the good folks at Everex & other needs... FROM HOURLY TO SEMESTER RATES JOSTENS 10% Student Discount Date: Oct. 29 - Nov. 2 Time: 10AM - 4PM Deposit Required: $20.00 REX-- To Go Everies and STEP we tradernar ks of Evers. Systems:Inc Computers - Call 408/746-2945 Place: Sidewalk in front of Spartan Book Store 539 S. Murphy. Sunn vale Air I..., n.pmer.t.on... I,11,14Ai4 See our nrmnpot. r., on ynur rake. I


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BUSINESS OFFICE BAY AREA World' and 'ShowtIme at the Apollo' COMEDIAN AND ALSO: Star of 'A Different ,f emew Wed., Oct. 31st BRIAN 7-77-44,A,43 7 Irt Nal. AA. /to III 0/.1, Mk/Way} r, 0. Coriof,o00 v VV. Dailey Auditorium COPEI3AND 415/762-A345S Morris 408/998-8455 --an AI 11114 II. San Jose State University SPECIAL GUEST PAGE 4, SPARTAN DAILY, OCTOBER 31, 1990

discuss further options. effects of having a late abortion. Organization for Women, for bettig He has hired attorney Esau Ruiz Because of the abortion, her uterus against women." Loolens SW. SEMINAR HARO Herrera and has threatened to file a FILM bursted. "Abortion is a crime against From page I Form page! civil rights lawsuit against The other woman did not suffer women." federal From page 1 she said. "Over and over they're units and also carrying the burden SJSU unless the administration physical harm, but after she saw the The Students for Life also saying 'how do you stay in control, of trying to accomplish single- meets his demands. M. D. fetus which had been pulled out of believe that human life begins at how do you state your authority?" handedly what the administration Ham has held two press confer- Another doctor who had per- her, she said she had serious psy- conception, not at any other time, abortions Teachers need to give up control should be helping me with." ences protesting racial harassment formed more than 10,000 chological problems. according to Lootens. She said that and authority and try for coopera- SJSU officials said the investiga- on campus and one public forum in in his career was equally distressed. "I started deteriorating emotion- doctors who perform abortions put "That is probably the most horri- tion. Portillo said and in order to tion into Haro's case didn't take the Student Union, since filing his ally," she said. "I thought of every in their own philosophical views. fying procedure I could think of. break the barrier both sides need longer than any other investigation. grievance. method of suicide." such as the view that life begins Kelinson, M. D. communication. "Juan filed his complaint on His demands in his grievance said Jay The SJSU Students for Life plan when a baby has a soul. abortions, those after four white and black fraterni- Aug. 27. Beverly Miles completed were: a public apology, the termi- Late on showing the film again later this The Students for Life came Both the months of pregnancy, require this they are open to letting people her investigation at the end of nation of Moffitt, the adoption of semester and suggest that pre-teens together a year ago to create "edu- ties said operation and result in 7,5(1) seri- join their fraternities, September," said Lori Stahl, SJSU proper anti-racism policy by SJSU, do not attend. cation" about abortion. of other races ous complications including hem- they are predomi- director of public affairs. "The a revised cultural training program "The film has kind of a PG-I3 "Women don't know that their because although onitaging. infections and hysterec- black they do not dis- President received her written for the UPD and formation of a rating. We didn't want a child to baby has a heartbeat, brain waves nantly while or tomies, according to the film. everyone is welcome. report on Oct. 18 and wrote to Juan task force to review UPD hiring run out of the room screaming." and finger prints." Lootens said. criminate and Eight percent of all abortions are Nu member, Lawrence on Oct. 23. To me this seems like a and monitoring procedures. said Cheryl Lootens. President and Although the audience consisted A Sigma performed in the second and third he joined a white fra- very efficient process." In her letter to Haro, Fullerton co-founder of Students for Life. of only eight people, Lootens said Polanco, said trimester, the film explained. In the his friends in MECChA, Haro, who said he has gone states that UPD "Chief Abeyta has After the showing of the film, she was pleased with the turnout. ternity, but , 400 late abortions a Chicano/Latino student organiza- through the Omsbudsman. Affir- already instituted workshops on audience members participated in a She wasn't expecting many peo- take place every day. tion, are just as important to him. mative Action and Dean Batt, dean cultural diversity for our peace offi- discussion about pro-life and pro- ple because, she claims, the flyers Two anonymous women who He added that in order to com- of student services, in order to cers, and these will continue at reg- choice groups and the scientific she put up continually were torn had serious problems after their pletely be a part of a white fraterni- receive what he believes to be a ular intervals." versus philosophical definition of down because pro-life support on abortions were interviewed in ty he wanted his Sigma Nu brothers just answer from the university, is Stahl said Abeyta discussed the life. campus is not strong and people do "Eclipse of Reason." to get a taste of his Latino culture. not satisfied with the treatment his on-going programs in a press con- "Active groups support abortion not want to face the issues of abor- grievance has received. He said that ference on June 27 that Haro One of the women said she up to nine months or they get tion. "I flew three of my brothers wasn't told of any of the side home with me so they could see he plans to meet with his lawyer to helped organize. tittacked by groups like National where I come from." Some Phi Beta Sigma members expressed the view that because of black stereotypes. it isn't easy for them to accept that a white fraterni- ty would invite them to their house with open arms. Bound For SPARTAN VOLLEYBALL "You would probably look at us and think we're going to rob you," Wednesday October 31 said Phi Beta Sigma treasurer Noel Success Stewart to FIJI members. "This Hadoween Atewht may not be you, but we look at the Icinko's binding sernces lead majority and this is something we to a strong finish for your term papers, The Spartans will SPOOK live with everyday." theses, reports, organization materials However, to change this way of Cal Poly SLO and much more. just look at your variety of choices: thinking and breakdown racial ten- Say "trick or &gat" and ,get a treat sions even further the FIJI members spiral binding clear covers card stock covers Courtesy of Spartan 'Shops invited the Sigmas. along with VeloBind* everyone else attending the seminar, over to their house fix- a barbecue. "I think breaking bread together 99 Binding is a strong sign of trust," said Offer applies to saws! er VoloBlod up to 1- thick rah care mock Thursday, November 1 Lewis. cower ii participailna Kinn, s Copy Centen Does not include cop i es At the FIJI house, guests enjoyed Not valid v KA any ether oiler One coupon per customer hamburgers and watched Sigmas and Good througb soy. 6.1990 Spartans Mils enjoy a game of basketball. And even though the different 295-4336 295-5511 New Mexico State cultures may not see eye to eye on 310S flurd St. 481 E. San Carlos 9 every issue, most everyone (Across horn McDonald.) (Between 10th St 11th) Both games Senior outside httter expressed positive feelings towards start at 7:30 PM at the Event Center Heather McPhearson the breakthrough made. Student fix only $2.00 stuffs another opponents spike "If the seminar opened just one kinkoss (Photo by Ken Wong) person's eyes then it's a good For ticket information call 924-FANS thing." said Sigma Vice President the copy center Dwayne Cantrell. Ibuksuammemaa. mmmmmm maanammil

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SOS osieseso essess woos, is*, iorsiess Onftenio gamy .1.6 *wars 44* t. INIO AMple Carnpute Appleno ARM nen onel VatcoVe. an emp.rip0 IreebetaA or... 1, 4...0),. Tr. WNW eel MOW*, es. Ye" .an. .0' '.SoI.to vStoO *Anew on App. anton S Mra/rea kW...0 ,,,,Trtrober, OW s liMpsd name" WI. Mow hymn.. nqsaPer The power to he your best"! N SPORTS SPARTAN DAILY, OCTOBER 31, 1990, PAGE 5

being said. aiirst Event Center hosts Warriors'vvin Volleyball team loses also By Bryan COid Warriors head coach Don Nel- sank six free throws and forward "I scored 41 but it was an in- staff ins at Daily writer son and Clippers head coach Mike Chris Mullin added two more valid 41 points as most of them in Hawaiian islands; time. The conclusion of the World Se- Schuler said that the game pro- down the stretch to give Golden came when I was going one-on- d that ries in baseball means one thing to vided insight to the upcoming sea- State the win. one," Smith said. "I know that I is put basketball players: it's time to get son. Golden State had a balanced at- won't get that during the season. I leWs. busy. "It was exactly the kind of game tack as guard Mitch Richmond led will get a lot of double-teaming.' ' Wahines lead Big West egins Crashing the boards, chasing I hoped for," Nelson said. "In the the way with 27 points and back- loose balls and shooting fiundreds last four minutes, we got some- court partner Hardaway added 20 Smith said the problem was not Leading the Spartans statisti- 8), Shigeru tiishiviaki of shots in practice are a part of the thing out of everything we ran." points and 10 assists. Mullin hit on the offensive end but in the de- ante Daily staff writer cally were Betsy Welsh, who edu- normal routine. "There are a lot of situations we both of his attempts from three- fensive area of the court. had 11 kills in the first match Then comes the preseason when haven't covered yet," Schuler point range and finished with 25 It was no Hawaiian holiday against Hawaii. and junior out- their players hone their skills to battle said. "We dug ourselves into a points. "We are really concerned about for the volleyball team as it side-hitter Dawnis Wilson, who Naves the best in the National Basketball hole in the first quarter. But this Forward Charles Smith finished the layups (by other teams)," dropped two out of three had ten kills in the second. Set- d. Association. was the best game we have had in with 41 points, sinking 12 of 21 Smith said. "That's something matches in the Aloha state this ter Annie Shaughnessy had 27 slated But for the Golden State War- the exhibition season. shots to lead the Clippers, along we've really got to get working past weekend. and 29 assists in the two a said riors and the Los Angeles Clippers Golden State never trailed in the with nine rebounds and four on. matches respectively. of the NBA, it is time to move on game. Missing forward Danny blocked shots. The ninth-ranked Spartans f peo_ to the games that count. Manning, who did not play be- He also hit 17 of 18 shots from He added that layups are just a fell to conference leader Univer- Hawaii was led by All-Amer- flyers Both teams used Monday's cause of a sprained left ankle, Los the line. part of the game. sity of Hawaii 7-15, 7-15, 13-15 ican outside hitter Kerrie game at the 12 and II torn Event Center as a step- Angeles tied the score at 112-112 "Charles Smith did about what "Working out the kinks is what last Thursday night. The Wa- Trieschman who had ping stone weekend. 3IFT on for their respective sea- with 2:28 remaining to play. Cen- he wanted to," Nelson said. the preseason is for," Schuler hines prevailed again on Friday kills over the ple do son openers this weekend as the ter Benoit Benjamin fouled out 35 said. night. sweeping the Spartans Warriors defeated the Clippers Clippers The Spartans dominated Cha- abor- seconds later and the "Charles was really working out 12-15, 3-15, 10-15 in front of a Wilson, 122-114 before a crowd of 3,98 I . only two points the rest of Both teams will move on to their minade. even though scored there tonight," Schuler added. sellout crowd of more than 1,- and Golden State finished the pre- season openers before they play seniors Heather MsPherson the way. 800 people. action. season with a 5-2 record while Los Meanwhile, in the final 2:28, Smith, a third year veteran, was again on Sunday at the Los An- Welsh did not see any performance. Spartans came back on Angeles ended up at 2-6. Warriors' guard Tim Hardaway not pleased with his geles Sports Arena. The game to beat Division II SJSU captured the first Saturday The Chaminade University 15-4, 15- in just over eleven minutes. closer in 12, 15-13. Silverswords made it Spartan sports week Hesh Colar to miss one game the next two games. but weren't SJSU has now dropped three able to avoid the sweep. This week in sports for SJSU. out of its last four matches after handled them easily in Day Sport Opponent Time arrest with a 15-1 "We as punishment for nightclub starting the season we had a let Wed Volleyball Cal Poly SLO 7:30 now in the first game. then Club Oasis. The club has since record. The Spartans are By Bill Williamson West down." Corbelli said. Thu( Volleyball New Mexico St. 7:30 banned the entire football team fourth place in the Big Daily staff writer conference with a 9-4 record, Swimming UNR 3:00 SJSU starting free safety Hesh from its establishment. Senior Laura Boone had 10 Judo US Open 16-4 overall. Colar will not play Saturday night The junior will not practice with kills and II digs to lead the will con- 12 Fri Soccer at UNLV 7 00 as the first-place Spartans play Cal the squad this week, but Hawaii, which is ranked as Spartans. Shaughnessy had Judo U S Open coach setter State Fullerton in a Big West Con- dition with team strength high as third nationally by one assists while sharing the Tony Federico, according to a Mary Ann Wagner Sat Football Fullerton St. 6:00 ference contest at Spartan Sta- poll, improved its record to 19- position with spokesman. The spokesman Judo U S Open dium. team 2.11-0. and Mindy Czuleger. Colar recieved his one-game said Shea will reevaluate Colar's Sun Soccer at Fullerton St 200 Next for the Spartans is for- penalty from head coach Terry situation before making a decision "We got outplayed by Judo US. Open the mer Big West rival Cal Poly San his arrest outside concerning his availability for a University of Shea because of Hawaii," said Luis Obispo, which they face at game at New Mexico State Nov. Spartan coach of the Club Oasis early Thursday John Corbelli. the Event Center tonight. The Spartan home games are In 10. "They are a morning. Colar, 20, was arrested much better team Mustangs, who are playing in bold-faced type. Senior Craig Glatzhofer. junior than we are at on suspicion of interfering with po- this time of the their first season as an indepen- Volleyball played at the Event lice and of carrying a false identifi- Freddie Smith and freshman Troy season." Center; Swimming at the Jensen will play in the place of the dent team, were the only confer- cation. "They are definitely national ence team to beat Hawaii last Aquadic Center Hesh Colar This was the second incident in- suspended free safety, according to contenders." season. . suspended volving SJSU football players at coach Shea Classified

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Eat C. 255 eider live in 371 3159 our Son Jose office 67 90 hr plus Print Your Ad Here CHIROPRACTIC ASSISTANT Part 51 00 ta tree towerde tuition Ad e Count approximately 23 letters and spaces for each rale time rues & Thur. 4 7 30 pm Hours Ovilliali 2 a m to 7 m Rates 81 HYUNDAI EXCEL GI 4 door sun- Set 7 30 ern 12 noon Downtown Roedwey Package Syetern est Minimum three lines one day roof, good gas mileage stereo on San Joss E ,patience preferred Wrigley Wity Milpitas 406-263- escelent condition Dep. 924 not required Wok with patients 2074 2656. eves 972-0109 Each Iron? & becl, office Work In- PRODUCT MARKETING MGT cludes phone. scheduling typ Sports minded people needed One Two Three Four Five Extra ill MAZDA 626 2 door AT low miles Ing and filing Call 290-8092 Santa Clara elks menagemeni Day Days Days Days Days Day Ott rebuilt engine Ale FM cos two CHRISTMAS Spring Break Summer position No esperience 3 Lines $500 $670 5 7 40 sad. AC Must sell St 000 obo $600 $ 8 00 St 50 Trevtel FREE Al, cadre» needed *emery we train CPI LE at 492 Cell DAVID .t541 11140 leave 'nes 4 Lines $600 $670 $740 $ Et 10 8 80 $200 and cruiseshor robs Call i 605 9307 smelt 5 Lines $700 $740 $810 $ 680 5 960 $300 682.7555 eitt F 1661 SAL ES-ELECTRICAL We are looking to 6 Lines $800 $870 $940 $10 10 $1080 $350 CLERICAL GEN OFFICE Word pro 140 11.1011011 number of people treining Each Additional t COMPUTERS typing Near SJSU Part time run through tree sal. $1 00 as, Hours flesIble 58 hr Cell NICK at program If accepted we will Print infer Name _ 224,1000 slot you with your resume Semester Rates (All Issas') a. viewing skills and placement COMPUTER REPAIR COUNSEL OR ()MEC, CARE stet 5-9 Lines $70 00 10 14 L ines $90 00 silence Positions are eenpbyet Oats recovery haermare needed It local residential lac» 15.19 Lines 5110 00 Address _ paid Requiteo good committees upgrades Soto.» Coo young adults II steer» ties for BRIAN KOPP at Also non *kills Cell 3Ch ErIe suiting 1 OW PRICES cents yo autism & related disable has 23 spaces available including SPaCes arxiovici,aws FITP tor an interview 14151275 sale of accessories ties FT PT preteens avail Stied adveitisements must Ce pa(d 'or in achaNe Stale tOSSI City & VISA COMPUTER SERVICE 16-1120 hr Ceti 448 3953 4701 Sante Clar So SALESPERSONS WANTED ENO 'EARN EXTRA INCOME (408) 924-3277 between feh 4 10th Si 115H SPANISH to torqued only No or Up to 5900 ma end excellent Enclosed $ behind SJSU emote arperienc necessary Fleet,» ev perlence for et...tonal Circle a Classification Monday Friday 6 PM 9 PM nours pustanteed wages eeriest PT & FT eccount met Sal Sun 10 AM 6 PM Fil AC K BURN AUTO SAL ES Announcements Greek Services peeltione mailable In high SENO CHECK MONEY ORDER LOC8110 IMP& 3515 102 Call 294 1549 Call 7112-612, 1334 S 151 SIBJ Classified Debt tech tnd PT shippIng also Automotive Help Wanted Stereo SECURITY OFFICERS OR CASH TO Flexible hours working wound Computers 140uSida Travel schedule Cell 14001944 0301 PROCESS SERVERS SPARTAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS Deadline Two days prior to publicetioi, IBM en et ONE 1499 oho 640 grog» mil 323 va limo-POO tin. F or Sale lost & Found SINN S 0 s ail shele San Jose State University Consecutive publication dates only ins moue. more Cali MARCO Fie l TIME RECEPTIONIST Customer Personal We MN Ineir, San 95192 0149 at 752-0468 NW rpm Service Rep SE Ma Skills Top. Jose California No refunds on cancelled ads Apply in pop» ing Apple Compu. Accounting Mon Ed seer-apart FOR SALE Cell 727 5483 Meddler, Ave 6 J em mime im um am am ow me NOINII=IMIN Ms saw 1 260 %ow nollalW1=111Mn me PAGE 6, SPARTAN DAILY, OCTOBER 31, 1990 FEATURES Newest horror flick scrapes cellar-bottom filled with rats By Michael Moeller the pace when Warwick offers Daily staff writer "double pay for a select few" to While Stephen King continues Unfortunately, the ill- clean up the dungeon of a base- to dominate the bestseller list. ment. movies based on his writings are fated flick falls flat on reaching new lows. its face. Unfortunately, the ill-fated flick Since the 1980 hit "The Shin- falls flat on its face. Instead of ter- ing," King-based movies keep rifying the audience, it grosses it getting more hokey."Graveyard p.m. to 7 a.m. the graveyard out with too much blood, slime Shift," based on one of his short shift. and cute little rats. stones, is no exception. In fact it Following the death of one The only frightening thing about may have plunged the movies to an worker, who was "accidentally" this movie was the queasy feeling all-time low. knocked into a cotton picker and lingering in the pit of your stomach This movie is actually more of a torn to bits, John Hall (David An- after watching rats for an hour and comedy than a supernatural drews), the main character, gets a half. thriller. From the very beginning hired for the graveyard shift. the audience can guess the The movie did have one bright- plot. . . Rats. Nothing more or Armed with only a sling-shot spot to it, the exterminator Tucker less. and empty soda cans. Hall defends Clevland (Brad Dourif). Obsessed The premise of the movie pits his work area from the army of with the destruction of rats, his the workers of the textile mill rats. And when our hero is not character was the only one that against a seemingly endless array fighting for the human survival seemed to have any incling of life of rats. Right from the start.the rats within the textile mill, he's stop- to it. seem to be destined to conquer the ping his hard-assed boss Warwick The best thing about this movie human workers. (Stephen Macht) from beating up was that it finally ended. Save your Publicity photo All the action of this movie his dim-witted secretary. money, this box-office nightmare Mill foreman Warwick (Stephen Nlacht ), left, selves in the presence of the unknown in Ste- takes place, coincidentally, during isn't worth the time The movie attempts to pick up to unlock your and workers Danson (Andrew Divoff), center phen King's ''Grasc3ard Shift." The movie is the lonely and dreary hours of II car to go to the theater. and Carmichael (Jimmy W'oodard ) find them- mostly poor humor, despite its horrific billing. Technology museum to open downtown

By Lori Sinsley People can experience what its though it is predominantly geared the San Jose Convention and Vist 1991 BSN Daily staff writer like on the planet. toward high school students to tors Bureau, compared the Garage STUDENTS. Amid construction crews, scaf- A life-size model of the Hubble complement classroom education. to the Louvre in Paris and the Met folding and ladders, workers put Space Telescope mirror is the cen- A tour is meant to maximize ropolitan Art Museum in Ne the final touches on the Technol- terpiece for the display. Under- time away from the classroom. York. *IUPr Enter the Air Force ogy Center's Garage, set to open neath. a fifth-scale model of the From day one, 40 teachers, known immediately "People travel from everywhere after gradua- this weekend. telescope is suspended from the as the Tech Center Mentors, have to see great museums so they caii tion without waiting for the Using a hands-on theme. Silicon ceiling. been involved with the garage, learn about things and appreciate results of your State Boards. You Valley's latest museum features, The last exhibit, located providing insightful information of be- them." she said. can earn great benefits as an Air among other things, a half-size tween space and biotechnology. what students are most interested Force nurse officer. And if selected model of the Mars Rover and com- shows how microchips are made. in, according to Gregory. "This type of place doesn't is( during your senior year, you may puters people can create their own "After stepping through an air The museum should attract more anywhere else. It raises the quality qualify for a five-month Internship high-tech bikes with. shower, visitors walk through a than just inquisitive students, of life for those of us here and adds at a major Air Force medical facili- A privately and publicly funded step by step process and watch though. to the interest of those who travel ty. To apply, you'll need an overall venture, the garage was designed through exposed machines micro- "We're expecting visitors from to the area.'' Holt said. 2.50 CPA. Get a head start in the only as a prototype, temporarily chip development from beginning all over the world. Our goal is to Air Force. Call , located in McCabe Hall at 145 W. to end."Gregory said. be world-renowned," Gregory San Carlos Street across from the "It was designed to excite and said. Cruise Ship Jobs USAF HEALTH PROFESSIONS San Jose Convention Center. educate people of all ages," al- Marion Holt, spokesperson for COLLECT The $90 million final version HIRING Men - Women Summer/ Year Round. PHOTOGRAPHERS. 408-559-1714 will be erected sometime in 1995 if TOUR GUIDES, RECREATION PERSONNEL fundraising goes as planned. San Excellent pay plus FREE travel Caribbean Ximlsrlana- Hawaii, Bahamas. South Pacific. Memo usalt. Jose has donated land next to the CALL NOW, Cali refundable Children's Discovery Museum in 1-206-736-0775, Ext c186 the Guadalupe River Park and HOLIDAY JOB OPPORTUNITIES planners said the two projects are AT THE PAVILION SHOPS! meant to complement each other. Until that one is built, the cu- rious can glimpse the scientific Apply now to earn extra money for the wonders that have made northern holidays! California "the hot bed of technol- ogy," as described by Celtic Gre- Stop gory, the garage's director of pub- by the Pavilion Shops' lic affairs. Management Office "We'll provide a peck behind between 8:30 GRADUATE am - 5:00 pm the curtain of Silicon Valley." said October 30 - November Gregory. 5 Focusing on six areas of tech- to fill out an application. nology - space, robotics, biotech- STUDY DAY nology, materials, bicycles and All applications will be distributed to WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1990 microelectronics - the garage's dis- Union Amphitheater, 11:30-2:30 pm, Student Union Ballroom play layout came after planners various shops within the Pavilion. 10:30 am Student consulted a teacher, a technology AMERICAN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL I himanitiesn'hilosophy expert, an innovator and an indus- 150 S. First St. MANAGEMENT Instructional Technology trial desigac:- hach exhibit has its 286-2076 CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF PODIATRIC MEDICINE Journalism and Mass Communication, own uniqueness. according to Gre- CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF INTEGRAL STUDIES Materials Engineenng gory. CALIFORNIA SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Mathematics Engineering A tour ()I the museum begins C.S.U. HAYWARDSCHOOL OF BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Mechanical through two garage doors. Imme- Meteorology diately to the right is the exhibit C.S.U. HAYWARD-DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Nutrition and Food Science C.S.U. STANISLAUS-GRADUATE STUDIES Occupational Therapy room. Political Science and Public Administration Set up in a circular pattern, the CITY UNIVERSITY SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE OF NOTRE DAME Psychology First of six displays is on a subject Radiological Health Physics popular with people of all ages -bi- COLLEGE Of OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE OF THE PACIFIC Recreation and Leisure Studies cycles. On special computers. cy- STUDENT-FACULTY SPECIALS FULLER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Social Science cling fanatics can design their own GOLDEN GATE UNIVERSITY-GRADUATE PROGRAM Sociology bikes and receive a multi-colored UNIVERSITY-SCHOOL OF LAW Cif= and Regional Planning .. oc..elcH GOLDEN GATE printout of their creations. HARVARD UNIVERSITY-GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS & wet Next in line is the Materials Bar...... o .1 SCIENCES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF OFTOMETRY ht oil UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW an array of man-made solids the Ott- ...... oi SOUTHWESTERN .. HOLY NAMES COLLEGE-GRADUATE PROGRAMS STANFORD UNIVERSITY-GRADUATE PROGRAM defy logic: ceramics that conduct -grade oi1 electricity, a thin almost see- 61110chassis Multi LIFE CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. WEST STANFORD UNIVERSITY-TEACHER EDUCATION tube Ms. PROGRAM through shield that stops a speed- OFF up to 5 levels MONTEREY INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES 1asta11 iluid NEW COLLEGE OF CALIFORMASCHOOL OF LAW U.C. BERKELEY-GRADUATE DIVISION ing bullet, plastics that arc sharper Cho& than steel. TUNE.up NEW COLLEGE OF CALIFORNIA-GRADUATE PSYCHOLOGY PROGRAM U.C. BERKELEY-MBA PROGRAM After passing the bar, tour-tak- U.C. BERKEl.F.Y.SCH001. OF OPTOMETRY ers learn ...... sr; about Biotechnology. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY U.C. IMICE.EY.SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WELFARE Here they will find information on 6 BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES OFF Month, 6,000 Mi. PACIFIC GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY U.C. DAVIS-APPLIED chromosomes, 20 pairs of which on parts GUARANTEE PALMER COLLEGE OF CHIROPRACTIC-WEST U.C. DAVIS-GRADUATE DIVISION are actual and labor. photographs donated by ignition Standard ST. MARYS COLLEGE-GRADUATE BUSINESS PROGRAMS Stanford University. $S extra ST. MARYS COLLEGE-SCHOOL OF EDUCATION U.C. DAVIS-GRADUATE SC1100t OF MANAGEMENT Details are so exact that genetic 42" U.C. DAVIS-SCHOOL OF LAW OF THE LAW differences can be seen and attrib- SAN FRANCISCO LAW SCHOOL U.C. HASTINGS COLLEGE 61, , _ uted to common diseases. Part of riec SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITY U.C. IRVINE-GRADUATE STUDIES SANTA CLARA UNIVIMSITY.DIV. OF COUNSELING U.C. IRVINE-DEPARTMENT OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY this display has 500 telephone No. swheetel PSYCHOLOGY & EDUCATION & BIOCHEMISTRY books suspended from a 23 foot Exp. t A 0% SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY-INSTITUTE OF AGRIBUSINESS double helix that runs from ceiling - - - ctotattoo - - SCHOOL OF BUSINESS U.C. LOS ANGEI.ES-GRADUATE DIVISION - 00 fi1terPrerniuro SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY.LEAVEY to floor. itrc NeOA Drain 0i1 U.C. LOS ANGELES-SCHOOL OF THE ARTS w (Warts SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY-SCHOOL OF LAW "The telephone books represent 0i1 1nstah to 5 U.C. SAN DIEGO OFFICE OF GRADUAlE STUDIES op MotorLubricaton the amount of information found Aooff SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY U.C. SAN litANCISCO SCI1001. OF DENIISIRY WO a& hitutti-Gr Chassis on a single chromosome." Gre- Accounting and Finance U.C. SAN ERANCISCO-SCH001. OF PHARMACY 2A95 CortipteteOtticil..eue1s gory said. 5 Administration of Justice Etteck Describing the garage's goal. Business Graduate Program U.C. SANTA CRUZ-GRADUATE DIVISION Gregory said it concentrates on Communication Studies UNIVERSITY OF THE PACIFIC -GRADUATE DIVISION making big things small and small CHECK. Division of Technology UNIVERSITY OF THE PACIFIC-SCHOOL OF PHARMACY SMOG Economics UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO-GRADUATE DIVISION things big. LIP we( 31 cis U.S.0 SCI1001, OF GERONTOLOGY Across from the giant helix in ..... si-160-$ Electrical Engineering the robotics corner. visitors can ...... English U.S.C..SCHI(XM. OF Pll ARMACY U.S.C.-SC11001. OF SIXTAI. WORK order human-like machinery Environmental Studies around to do simple, everyday' Foreign Language (French) General FingMeering FAIRFAX LECTERN chores. SAN JOSE DOWNTOWN Health Science STANLEY II. K APLAN EDUCATION CENTER Space is another exhibit. The ACCUTUNE !lumen Performance TESTING ION 1111i PUBLIC museum owns a half-scale model & BRAKE E SANTA CLARA AT 11th Placement Center services and programs am pmvided without regard to race, color. religion, sex, of the Mars Rover built by NASA 298-7722 MU Career naming and sex ua I mammon, national origin, age Of disability that simulates a flight over Mars %, VALID AT PARTICIPATING £6 514 FIS WITH COUPON 5111 65110 WITH 01 I41 R