Movies: Dolemite Is My Name Books: Little Weirds by Jenny Slate Music: What You See Is What You Get by Luke Combs Lifestyle: How to choose the right health plan Daily Times | Edition 3412 | 08 Nov 2019


he walls of the Bornholmer Huette pub years after the Berlin Wall fell and communism were last painted in 1973, a light beige that collapsed, not everything has improved. has gradually cracked and darkened into a “It was a simple life then. Today, everything’s so Tcaramel brown from decades of cigarette smoke. complicated you collapse under the weight of it, The “Huette,” as regulars call it, has been in Ma- and there’s always new regulations, new rules,” tthias Gehrhus’ family since 1954 and he doesn’t he said. plan on changing it any time soon. Its Spartan “There was never a problem with money,” styling recalls the days when it was a meeting Gehrhus added, noting that life’s necessities place in communist East Berlin’s Prenzlauer Berg were taken care of, even if travel abroad was neighborhood, somewhere you’d go to catch up restricted. with an old friend over a cheap beer. “Sure you couldn’t check out the world, but in Gehrhus, 50, was born into that world and the last 30 years I still haven’t checked out the doesn’t want it back. But he also understands the rest of the world,” he said. feelings of many former East Germans that, 30 CONTINUED ON X3 X2 PÁTIO DA ILUSÃO illusion

DRIVE IN Lindsey Bahr, AP Film Writer

ddie urphy shines

E M PHOTO AP in vulgar, heartfelt ‘Dolemite’

or the amount of cursing, 2008 at age 81). It makes sense vulgarity and nudity in “Do- that the script comes by way of Flemite Is My Name ,” it might screenwriters Scott Alexander come as a surprise that it’s ac- and Larry Karaszewski, who tually a rather sweet and heart- did something similar for the felt film. “Dolemite” is not here cult filmmaker Ed Wood. to shock and scandalize. It’s Directed by Craig Brewer simply a loving, R-rated portrait (“Hustle & Flow”), “Dolemite of Rudy Ray Moore, a nobody Is My Name” transports you who had the guts to believe in to Moore’s 1970s Los Angeles, himself when no one else did, thanks to Ruth E. Carter’s evo- featuring a killer comeback Ed- cative costumes and Clay Gri- die Murphy performance. ffith’s production design. - The The self-proclaimed “Godfather re’s nothing terribly interesting of rap,” Moore was an Army about the way it’s told, it’s just a veteran, standup comedian, straightforward underdog story musician and born performer with a big beating heart. who in the 1970s came to ni- Murphy plays Moore with a wi- che prominence for his rhyth- de-eyed eagerness we typically mic and raunchy Dolemite act. only see on screen in much you- That character would beget both nger characters. He’s constantly Eddie Murphy plays lead role in “Dolemite Is My Name” standup albums and the 1975 told no or to stay in his lane. Blaxploitation film “Dolemite,” Even his friends (Craig Robin- many no’s he’ll have to over- of “The Front Page” with Jack problem? None of them really “Some people walk around a low-budget production (repor- son, Mike Epps and Tituss Bur- come to get an album made and Lemmon and Walter Matthau, know how to make a movie. with their own personal spotli- ts say it cost around $100,000 gess among them) look at him then released. And we haven’t wondering what the appeal is. But they do their best which is ght,” Murphy’s Moore tells her. to make) that made some $10 with that kind of half-pitying/ even gotten to the cult classic So they decide to make so- often funny and always endea- The same could be said of Ran- million at the box office. half-supportive smile that will movie yet. mething that they want to see ring. dolph, or Moore himself and But it’s almost irrelevant whe- leave the audience wondering While it’s a joy spending time (kung-fu, nudity and action Aside from Murphy, who eases it’s a lovely thing to have a very ther you know Moore’s name if this is just a big dreamer who with Moore as he ascends in the are a few of the requirements). back into stardom seamlessly, good film like “Dolemite Is My well, and how he inspired the might not actually make it. comedy world, the film really Moore scrapes together money, the other standout performan- Name” to show off both. likes of Dr. Dre and Snoop But he has an eye for talent and kicks into gear when he gets the friends, acquaintances, some ce comes from Da’Vine Joy Dogg, or are learning about him at a low point borrows some idea to make a film one night strangers (a playwright played Randolph, a Tony-nominated “Dolemite Is My Name,” a Netflix for the first time: “Dolemite Is material from a local homeless after he and his buddies decide by Keegan-Michael Key, and stage actress who bursts off the release, is rated R by the Motion My Name” is just a good piece man about a larger-than-life to see a movie — something actor D’Urville Martin, played screen as comedian Lady Reed. Picture Association of America for of entertainment. And it’s the character named Dolemite, and, funny — and are left scratching by Wesley Snipes) and a few Moore “discovers” her one ni- “some sexuality, full nudity and kind of film that will help his finally he’s got people’s -atten their heads at a packed showing film school students and sets ght on tour as someone with brief language.” Running time: legacy live on (Moore died in tion. But there are still many, of Billy Wilder’s 1974 remake off to make a feature. The only presence. 118 minutes.

BOOK IT tTUNES Sample a bit of Jenny Slate’s No sophomore slump for imagination in ‘Little Weirds’ country singer Luke Combs

enny Slate is an artist in the broadest sen- record. As the title track suggests, Jse of the word. You may know her as a “What You See Is What You Get,” AP PHOTO AP comedian, an actress, or a co-creator of PHOTO AP Combs is speaking directly to a short films. She lends her matchless voice working class crowd with an ave- to several animated films and even writes rage Joe attitude about his own children’s books. If you look at her body of life, even as he has become coun- work, you would categorize her as a funny try music’s next big star. human being. He has a creative flourish with “Little Weirds” diverges in an entirely dif- vowel harmony in “Lovin’ On ferent direction. Instead of laughing at her You,” stringing together similar embarrassing stories or learning what it’s sounding words in a syncopated like to be a performer on “Saturday Night style that’s a little like rapping, Live,” you should prepare your psyche to but slower. “I like a two-door old dig deeper. Adjust your expectation of a run- Ford, wood board back porch, -of-the-mill memoir and ready yourself to three chords and the truth,” with drop straight into Slate’s imagination. an emphasis on the “or” sound. Slate writes about love and heartbreak, li- He twirls around words in his ving and dying. Although these topics are North Carolina drawl, like “Long relatively relatable, the creative approach of neck, ice cold beer never broke each essay is abstract. Her ability to paint a my heart,” with his larger than life meticulous mental picture with nothing but vocals matched with a stomping words on a page can only be described as Luke Combs, “What You See Is What You Get” (River House drum rhythm that sounds unique gifted. As a result, we join her in her dreams, Artists/Columbia Nashville) among so much smoothness of in the body of a mouse, various states of dea- mainstream country melodies. th and meeting the dark-haired man. ot many artists break out on their first Combs, at the top of a new class At times the essays feel like sporadic record, but Luke Combs did it without of neo-traditionalists in country music, has streams of consciousness torn from random Nmuch fanfare, dropping an album two years clearly learned a lot about writing solid honky pages of Slate’s diary. At other times, the ago that has spent 50 weeks on top of Bill- tonk boogies from studying the catalog of language is so flowery, you need to read it board’s country chart and tied the all-time re- Brooks & Dunn, who appear as featured gues- twice to remotely understand where Slate is cord set by another country sensation, Shania ts on his song “1, 2 Many.” going. What else would you expect from a Twain. Combs should be less worried about a sopho- woman who celebrates all the little weirds Combs has fed his rabid fan base with a de- more slump than making more room for all in her life? “Little Weirds” (Little, Brown and Co.), luxe re-release of his debut album and a fou- those platinum plaques. Lincee Ray, AP by Jenny Slate r-song EP before putting out this sophomore Kristin M. Hall, AP 08.11.2019 fri


30 years after Berlin PHOTO AP Wall fell, East-West divides remain

CONTINUED FROM FRONT rents woke him up to tell him despite having an East German PAGE what happened, he grumpily chancellor for 14 years. Some told them to “drink a little less” 60% said they feel underrepre- A government report this year and rolled back over to sleep. sented in top business roles. lauds the state of German reu- The streets were empty the next Many in the poll for Die Zeit nification as “an impressive suc- morning as he rode his motor- newspaper recognized some cess story,” with per capita GDP cycle to the industrial kitchen positives — 88% saw improve- in the former East Germany where he worked as a cook. ment in services and goods and growing from 43% of that in When he got there, the doors 54% thought their overall living West Germany in 1990 to 75% in were open, the lights were on standard had improved. But 73% 2018, and its unemployment rate and nobody was there. thought their job security was falling from a crest of 18.7% in “I was standing alone in the ki- worse and 70% thought protec- 2005 to 6.4% in October, not far tchen,” he said. “Then it clicked: tion from crime was worse. above Germany’s 5% national My parents were telling me the That discontent and other- fac unemployment figure. truth.” tors have made the eastern re- But the report notes many for- After the Wall fell, East Germans gion fertile ground for the far- mer East Germans still perceive voted for the quickest route to -right Alternative for Germany themselves as second-class citi- unification, buoyed by dreams party, even though many of zens, something Chancellor An- of freedom and prosperity. its leaders are from the former gela Merkel, who herself grew But the rapid transition in about West Germany. The party has up in East Germany, had highli- two years from an industrial surged to strong second-place ghted. economy to a service economy finishes in three eastern state “Official German reunification was a shock to the system. That elections this year. is complete. But the unity of the was compounded by the move While disparities still exist be- Germans, their unity was not from a communist system, whe- tween the former East and West, fully complete on Oct. 3, 1990, re the state covered child care economist Stefan Legge said part and that is still the case today,” to old-age care and everything of the issue with perceptions in she said last month. “German in between, to capitalism, whe- the East is that they’re compa- unity is not a state, completed re people could more easily fall ring themselves to the former and finished, but a perpetual through the cracks. West Germany, Europe’s econo- process.” “People thought that they wou- mic powerhouse, rather than to About three months after the ld now be living in a television Europe as a whole. Nov. 9, 1989, opening of the Ber- commercial, in a glossy magazi- Figures from last year show all lin Wall, West German Chance- ne, many were entirely unpre- former East German states have llor Helmut Kohl spoke of wan- pared to accept that not every- reached per capita income at ting quick German reunification thing was so shiny in the West, least 75% of the European ave- — saying it could come as early that there were also problems in rage, while none of the Eastern as 1995, said historian Ilko-Sas- the West,” Kowalczuk said. European countries like Poland, cha Kowalczuk. Kohl’s implementation of a mo- Hungary and the Czech Repu- Kohl’s prognosis and famous netary union with East Germany blic, which all joined the Euro- promise of “blooming landsca- — offering a one-to-one exchan- pean Union in 2004, have rea- pes” in the East seemed optimis- ge rate that far overvalued the ched that level nationwide, he tic to many, who found it hard eastern mark against its West said. to believe that the Soviet Union German counterpart — also had “In Germany, the expectation — with a half-million troops in unintended effects. was that after reunification they East Germany — would let it Citizens welcomed the instant would achieve some sort of pa- happen easily, said Kowalczuk, boost to their savings, but East rity with western Germany, and whose book on reunification, German companies could no it’s still used as a benchmark,” “The Takeover,” was published longer afford wages and the said Legge, who teaches at the in German this year. market for their largely inferior University of St. Gallen in Swit- In fact, reunification came just products was destroyed overni- zerland but is originally from months later, as much a shock to ght. western Germany. the 16 million East Germans as That helped spark the exodus He suggested that eastern Ger- to the rest of the world. of young working people to the man cities could highlight their “Nobody could imagine that uni- West. Still today, only 16 of the lower living costs to appeal to fication could come so quickly,” country’s top 500 companies by university students, helping Kowalczuk said. “Nobody in East revenue are based in the east, expand the educated workfor- Germany, nobody in the Whi- according to a study in Die Welt ce that startups and other com- te House, nobody in Downing newspaper, and none of those panies want when seeking new Street, nobody in the Elysee are on Germany’s flagship stock locations. Palace, nobody in Bonn. Nobo- market index, the DAX. “Don’t give up. There’s a lot that dy could imagine that Moscow Gehrhus lost his kitchen job, but can be done, and you’ve started would give up its strategically the end of communism also re- at a pretty good level,” he said. most important outpost practi- moved bureaucratic hurdles that Although Gehrhus fondly re- cally overnight for peanuts.” led to him taking over his paren- calls some parts of East German ts’ pub. life, he thinks it’s time for peo- he opening of the Berlin ple to quit complaining. TWall was even more abrupt. ot everyone had such a soft “No matter where I live in this The first border crossing to Nlanding. Many easterners country, I have a roof over my open was on Bornholmer Stras- feel they have still not caught head, I have warm water and se, only a few hundred meters up, with 48% of 1,029 voting age cold water from the tap. I can (yards) from the Bornholmer residents telling Berlin’s Policy eat. I can go on vacation, whe- Huette pub. Matters researchers in Septem- ther I go to work or am on wel- Gehrhus had gone to bed early ber that they’re underrepresen- fare,” he said. “We grouse at a that fateful night. When his pa- ted in top political positions — really high level.” X4 PÁTIO DO SAL salt


hen we’re insurance picks up tee you’ll pick the Wgiven a choice a larger share of the best plan, but they HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT HEALTH PLAN about our health cost (your deduct- may help you avoid care plans, we often ible), and the limit the worst.

choose badly. on how much you’ll PHOTO AP In one study, more pay in a year (your MATCH YOUR than 80% of the em- maximum out-of- CONSUMPTION TO ployees at a Fortune pocket), for starters. YOUR DEDUCTIBLE 100 company picked There’s also how Many experts rec- the wrong plans, of- much you’ll owe for ommend high-de- ten choosing low-de- each doctor’s visit, ductible plans for ductible options test or prescription, healthy people who that ultimately cost which could be a rarely visit the doc- them more. Anoth- flat amount (your tor, since premiums er study found that co-pay) or a per- for these plans are inertia — sticking centage (your co-in- lower. But high-de- with the same plan, surance), or both. ductible plans also rather than evaluat- These amounts can can be a good fit for ing the options each vary not just by people who need a year and choosing insurance plan, but lot of health care, a better one — cost also by the types of says Carolyn McCla- workers an average medical service you nahan, a physician $2,032 annually. get, with different and certified finan- These findings amounts for hospi- cial planner in Jack- shouldn’t surprise tal stays, lab work, sonville, Florida. anyone who has preventive care and Parents of young tried to compare so on. Which pre- children or people multiple health scription drugs are who have chronic insurance plans covered varies from health conditions offered by an em- plan to plan and often spend so much ployer, an Affordable from year to year. on care that they Care Act market- So does the list of can easily meet a place or insurers medical providers higher deductible, with coverage that who are considered McClanahan says. supplements Medi- “in-network.” Many high-deduct- care. But we owe it to our ible plans (those There are simply too health and wallets with deductibles many moving parts: to make the best in 2020 of at least what you pay each choices we can $1,400 for individ- month (your premi- during open enrol- uals or $2,800 for um), how much you ment. The following families) qualify have to pay before steps won’t guaran- for tax-advantaged


CANTONESE SHANGHAI Mezza9 Macau Copa Steakhouse Level 3, Grand Hyatt Macau 3/F, Sands Macao Hotel Catalpa Garden Opening Hours OPENING HOURS: Mon - Sunday Dinner: 18:00 – 22:30 Cocktails: 4:30 pm - 12:00 am 11:00 - 15:00 / 17:30 - 23:00 Dinner: 5:30 pm - 11:00 pm Hotel Royal, 2-4 Tel: +853 8983 8222 Estrada da Vitoria T: 28552222 FRENCH

Vida Rica (Restaurant) Imperial Court 2/F, Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, NAPE Monday - Friday T: 8805 8918 11am - 3pm / 6pm - 11pm Mon - Sunday Pastry Bar Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays 6:30 – 14:30 / 18:00 – 23:00 10am – 8pm ux eaux rts 10am - 3pm / 3pm - 11pm A B A T: 8802 2324 Monday – Friday T: 8802 2361 Level 1, MGM MACAU VIP Hotel Lobby, MGM MACAU 6pm – 12midnight Saturday – Sunday Beijing Kitchen 11am – 12midnight Level 1, Grand Hyatt Macau T: 8802 2319 Opening Hours Grande Praça, MGM MACAU 11:30 – 14:30 / 17:30 - 23:30 Morton’s of Chicago The Venetian(r) Macao-Resort-Hotel Taipa, Macau T:853 8117 5000 ossio Brasserie R 7am – 11pm Level 3, The Parisian Macao • Bar T: 8802 2372 Monday - Sunday: Open daily at 3pm Grande Praça, MGM MACAU 11:00am - 11:00pm • Dining Room Kam Lai Heen Tel: +853 8111 9200 Monday - Saturday: 13:00 - 23:00 Grand Lapa, Macau Sunday: 17:00 - 22:00 956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, 2/F GLOBAL T: 8793 3821 11:00 - 15:00 / 18:00 – 22:00 Café Bela Vista (Close on Tuesday) Grand Lapa, Macau T: 87933871 Shanghai Min Mon -Thurs Aba Bar North by Square Eight Level 1, The Shops at The Boulevard 06:30 – 15:00 / 6:00 – 22:00 5pm – 12midnight 11am - 1am Opening Hours Fri – Sunday T: 8802 2319 T: 8802 2388 11:00 – 15:00; 18:00 - 22:30 06:30 – 22:00 Grande Praça, MGM MACAU Level 1, MGM MACAU 08.11.2019 fri

health savings ac- portant to ask “Are against worst-case HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT HEALTH PLAN counts, as well. you in network?” scenarios, you also These plans aren’t rather than “Do need to consider a good fit, howev- you take this insur- the “out-of-pocket” er, for people who ance?” A provider limits. These are the would put off nec- who’s not in the net- maximum amounts essary care rather work may be willing you’d have to pay than pay out of to bill your insurer, in addition to your pocket. If you don’t but you’ll typically premiums. Out-of- have enough savings pay a (much) larger pocket limits typ- to cover medical share of the cost. ically range from costs until the de- $2,000 to $6,000, ductible is satisfied, DO THE ‘WORST- although there may consider spending CASE SCENARIO’ be different max- more for a lower-de- MATH imums for in-net- ductible plan. Some employers work versus out-of- Just don’t pay an offer software that network costs, and extra $500 to low- allows workers to not all policies have er your deductible upload their claims these caps. by $250, as many history from the Some plans give you people did in that past year and uses only a small break in first study. If you’re that to recommend premiums while ex- allowed to choose a health care plan. posing you to much different deduct- I wish that were larger potential ibles for the same available to every- costs, says Alan Sil- plan, multiply the one. The closest ver, senior director difference in pre- I’ve seen is Health- of benefits delivery miums by 12 to get Sherpa, which helps and administration your yearly cost and people winnow their at Willis Towers compare that to the ACA marketplace Watson, a benefits difference in de- options based on consultant. ductibles. how they generally Before signing up use health care. for any policy, add CALL YOUR The plan that may your annual premi- DOCTORS have been a good fit ums to the out-of- If you have physi- for your past claims, pocket limit to see cians and specialists though, may not be the potential costs you prefer, call their the best choice for you could face. If offices to ask if they the future — espe- the total scares you, are in the network cially if you become look for a plan with of the plans you’re seriously ill or a limit that lets you considering. It’s im- injured. To protect sleep at night.

JAPANESE THAI The St. Regis Bar Level One, The St. Regis Macao Shinji by Kanesaka Cuisine: Light Fare Level 1, Crown Towers Atmosphere: Multi-Concept Bar Lunch 12:00 - 15:00 Setting: Refined, Inviting Dinner 18:00 - 23:00 Serving Style: Bar Menu Closed on Dress Code: Casual Naam Hours: 12:00 PM - 1:00 AM; South by Square Eight Tuesday (Lunch and Dinner) Wednesday (Lunch) Grand Lapa, Macau Afternoon Tea: 2:00PM - 5:30 PM 24hrs 956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, The Resort Phone: +853 8113 3700 T: 8802 2389 T: 8793 4818 Email: [email protected] Level 1, MGM MACAU 12:00 – 14:30 / 18:30 – 22:30 ASIAN PACIFIC (Close on Mondays) ITALIAN BARS & PUBS La Gondola Mon - Sunday 11:00am – 11:00pm Praia de Cheoc Van, Coloane, next to swimming pool T: 2888 0156

Golden Peacock Casino Level1, Shop 1037, D2 Macau Fisherman’s Wharf The Venetian Macao Edf. New Orleans III TEL: +853 8118 9696 Macau Portofino Monday - Sunday: Casino Level1, Shop 1039, 11:00 - 23:00 ounge Vida Rica Bar The Venetian Macao 38 L 2/F, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE TEL: +853 8118 9950 Altrira Macau, Avenida de Kwong Tung, 38/F Taipa T: 8805 8928 PORTUGUESE Sun-Thu: 13:00 – 02:00 Monday to Thusday: 12:00 – 00:00 Fri, Sat and Eve of public holiday: Friday: 12:00 – 01:00 Clube Militar 15:00 – 03:00 Saturday: 14:00 – 01:00 975 Avenida da Praia Grande Sunday: 14:00 – 00:00 T: 2871 4000 The Bar at The Countdown 12:30 – 15:00 / 19:00 – 23:00 Vasco Level 1, The Countdown Hotel Grand Lapa, Macau FW Rio Grill & Seafood Market Opening Hours 956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, 2/F Tel: (853) 8799 6338 Fernando’s Sun to Thu: T: 8793 3831 Email : riogrill_and_seafoodmarket@fishermanswharf. 9 Praia de Hac Sa, Coloane 11:00 – 23:00 Monday to Thursday: 18:30 – 12:00 T: 2888 2264 Fri & Sat: Friday to Saturday: 18:00 – 02:00 Location: Cape Town, Macau Fisherman’s Wharf 12:00 – 21:30 11:00 – 24:00 Sunday: 18:00 – 24:00 X6 PÁTIO DO SOL sun


MONDAY (NOV 11) Retrospective Exhibition on the Past National Lotus Flower Exhibitions TODAY (NOV 8) 19th Macau Food Festival This year’s Macau Lotus Flower Festival was among the most colourful ever staged, with the city also This year’s Macau Food Festival takes Japan’s TOMORROW (NOV 9) hosting the 33rd National Lotus Flower Exhibition Hokkaido island as inspiration, while also Macau Baroque Music Festival V presents: The Four to mark the 20th anniversary of the Macau SAR. celebrating the 20th anniversary of Macau’s return Seasons You can find a reminder of those splendours in the to the motherland. The event additionally features Retrospective Exhibition on the Past National Lotus delicacies from across the world and has several Combining Vivaldi and Piazzolla, underlining the Flower Exhibitions. distinct areas, including “Hokkaido Village” at cultural differences between Mediterranean Europe the lower level of Sai Van Lake Square. In total and the heart of South America. Baroque Music that Time: 9am-1pm & 2:30pm-5:30pm (closed on there are more than 150 food stalls, as well as live grooves, tangos flushed with 18th century’s flair, Mondays) entertainment and games during the festival. Maestro Lio Kuokman joins Baroque Music with Until: December 31, 2019 Tango through the stage of the opening concert of Venue: Guia Hill Nature Information Station (next to Time: 5pm-11pm (Mondays to Thursdays) the Macau Baroque Music Festival. cable car station) 3pm-12am (Fridays to Sundays) Admission: Free Until: November 24, 2019 Time: 8pm Organizer: Venue: Sai Van Lake Square Venue: Macau Cultural Centre Enquiries: 2888 0087 Admission: Free Admission: MOP180 Enquiries: (853) 2857 5765 Organizer: Alliance Francaise de Macau Email: [email protected] Kong Seng Ticketing Service: 2855 5555 Organiser: United Association of Food and Beverage Merchants of Macau

TUESDAY (NOV 12) Quietness and Clarity: Works of Chen Zhifo from the Collection of the Nanjing Museum

Chen Zhifo was a Chinese artist noted for his meticulous-style flower-and-bird paintings, as well as an art educator and a pioneer of the Chinese arts SUNDAY (NOV 10) and crafts of the 20th century. His works, featuring Unworked fine and careful depictions, are elegant and bright, sweet-toned, giving off a graceful and lofty charm. The 2nd Macau Winter Carnival - “Unworked” brings together 12 performers with By using creative patterns with a decorative flair, Celebrations of the 20th Anniversary of special needs: six from Macau and six from he was an innovator, generating new developments the Establishment of the Macau Special Switzerland’s Theatre HORA ensemble. The for the genre. This exhibition, showcasing the Administrative Region choreography was conceived by Swiss artistic artist’s flower-and-bird paintings, sketches, as well directors Michael Elber and Chris Weinheimer as materials used in different periods, introduces This year’s Macau Winter Carnival celebrates the and by Macau’s Comuna de Pedra director Jenny his art in a comprehensive way, with the objective 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Macau Mok. The local group describes the show as “a to deepen the public’s understanding of meticulous SAR. The Carnival – now in its second year – will creation without geographical, cultural or linguistic flower-and-bird painting, as well as the artist’s feature what the organisers call a “Frosty Paradise boundaries.” creative spirit. Zone,” “Mak Mak Maze,” “Creativity Cultural Zone” and “Macau Wine & Dine Area”. Time: 8pm (November 9) Time: 10am-7pm (No admittance after 6:30pm, Time: 1pm-10pm (Every Friday to Sunday) 3pm & 8pm (November 10) closed on Mondays) Until: December 1, 2019 Venue: Black Box Theatre, Old Court Building Until: November 17, 2019 Venue: Adjacent to Admission: MOP150 Venue: Macao Museum of Art Enquiries: (853) 2835 5601 Organizer: Comuna de Pedra Admission: Free Organizers: Macau International Carnival Enquiries: (853) 6689 8323 Enquiries: (853) 8791 9814 Association; Macau Travel Agency Association; Organisers: Macao Museum of Art; Nanjing Macau Creative Industry Association Kong Seng Ticketing Service: 2855 5555 Museum 08.11.2019 fri

WEDNESDAY (NOV 13) Exhibition of Tuberose

Local designer Leong Wai Ip, known as LWI, only started designing clothes in 2015 but by last year had founded Macau brand Tuberose. This exhibition at the 10 Fantasia art venue features a variety of the designer’s works, including clothes, street items such as skateboards, postcards, and some small accessories. Each piece uses simple words and patterns to tell a story.

Time: 10:30am-6:30pm (closed on Mondays) Until: November 30 Venue: 10 Fantasia, Kei Luen Bld, R. de São Miguel 17 Admission: Free Organizers: Creative Industries Promotion Association of St. Lazarus’ Church District, 10 Fantasia Enquiries: (853) 2835 4582

THURSDAY (NOV 14) Suncity Group 66th Macau Grand Prix

This year’s Macau Grand Prix showcases three international car races: the Suncity Group Formula 3 Macau Grand Prix has again been designated as the official FIA F3 and will feature the latest F3 championship cars, while the SJM Macau GT Cup is the FIA GT World Cup for the fifth consecutive year. The Suncity Group Macau Guia Race also counts as a stage of the FIA (WTCR). The Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix – 53rd Edition is also one of the four headliners in the programme.

Time: 7:30am-4:50pm (November 14) 7:30am-4:40pm (November 15) 9am-4:55pm (November 16) 8:20am-4:30pm (November 17) Venue: Admission: MOP50, MOP150, MOP400, MOP600, MOP1000 Organisers: Sports Bureau; Macau Grand Prix Organizing Committee Enquiries: (853) 8796 2242 Kong Seng Ticketing Service: 2855 5555 08.11.2019 fri
