Cerurinae 109

Systematic Account Cerurinae

Note. Cerura ejecta Prout, 1920: 289 was described of “Key Is”. NHMUK a ♀ marked as type. To stabilize the nomenclature The holotype ♂ in NHMUK, London lacks the abdomen but be- this female is hereby designated as lectotype with the fol- longs doubtless to the neotropical , to a species lowing labels: circular white label “Silhet”, green ringed, complex of Tecmessa lancea (Schaus, 1905). Tecmessa does not circular label “Type”, “10. Cerura liturata.”, yellow label “ occur in Oriental region; a case of wrong type locality of Cerura Photo done by A. Schintlmeister #4315”. A lectotype label ejecta. was added. Lectotype is depicted here in fig. 127f. Development of black scales is very variable. Speci- Neocerura Matsumura, 1929: 88 (key), 89. mens of dryer areas tends to produce smaller individuals Type species: Cerura liturata Walker, 1855. with reduced black pattern, see also Schintlmeister & Schintlmeister 2013: 273. Lourens, 2010: 136. So specimens from the Lesser Sunda Islands, Bali and E Java are mostly whitish and relatively Diagnosis. Medium sized . Anennae bipectinated small; however – depending from altitude and microcli- with long rami in both sexes. Forewing color shiny white matic influences from special habitats also larger and with contrasting black pattern, which is as in Kamalia. more blackish specimens occur in these areas, as illustrat- Postbasal fascia well marked as a broad black band, often ed in fig. 127c. In these cases there is no evidence for sub- filled olive. Discal streak and postmedial fascia present. specification. Populations from Sulawesi, Peleng, Salayer On costa near to apex a larger black blotch occur. Fringe of Isl. and the Philippines, however, display in majority forms all wings contrasting black and white checkered. Hind- with reduced black forewing pattern. But in the Phillip- wings white or black with transistional forms. A discal pines also a few individuals with well developed black spot on hindwings, which is present in Kamalia, is absent. forewing pattern were found. From Sulawesi only whitish Sexual dimorphism is limited. individuals are known, but N. liturata is known there only Male genitalia have a broad and round uncus, which is from a few specimens (n < 10). slightly notched at tip. Socii very robust of half size of un- cus. Tegumen squarish and massive; saccus reduced. Val- Diagnosis. Adults are similar to several Kamalia species, vae weakly sclerotized. Neocerura is distinguished from but smaller. Forewing pattern contrasting black on shiny Kamalia by short phallus, with bifurcate tip. Both process- white forewing color. Hindwings display no blackish dis- es are long and pointed. 8th abdominal segement are con- cal spot, which separates Neocerura from Kamalia. N. litu- trary to Kamalia less modified. In particular the W-shaped rata show considerable variation in size and the strong sclerotized structure of 8th sternite is absent. Fe- development of black pattern. Sexual dimorphism is lim- male genitalia of N. liturata have broad 8th abdominal ited, but females are much larger than males. segment, short and broad pairs of apophyses and a long Male genitalia are best to distinguish by the shape of ductus bursae. Corpus bursae is large and circular shaped. bifurcate phallus from other congeners. Shape and length No signum. of the phallus processes vary individually. Also shape of Neocerura is represented by five species distributed in socii is subject of individual variation. 8th abdominal seg- Nepal, entire India, Sri Lanka, China, Taiwan, Indochina, ments are not modified. The female genitalia are as de- Sundaland, Java, the lesser Sundas, the entire Philippines, scribed in genus diagnosis. Sulawesi and – as a remote point – in Tanimbar. Bionomics. appear in rainforests rather rare but 127. Neocerura liturata (Walker, 1855): 988 (Cerura commonly in secondary vegetation including urbanized ­liturata). areas. Adults whas been observed in Indonesia at lower Lectotype: ♀, [Bangladesh], Silhet – NHMUK, ­London and medium altitudes between 100–1150 m, but in Sikkim by present designation. up to 1900 m. Hostplants of the caterpillars are various Schintlmeister 2013: 274. Flacourtiaceae and Terminalia (Conbretaceae). Caterpil- lar was reared in Europe on Salicaceae (Populus, Salix). Taxonomic notes. Cerura liturata was described of 4 ♂♂, 1 ♀, which are according to the original description from Distribution. Distributed in entire India and Nepal, Sri “Silhet” and “Madras”. The author traced in the holdings of Lanka, China, Taiwan, Indochina, Malaya, Borneo, the

© Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2020 | doi:10.1163/9789004354258_006 110 Systematic Account

Celebes Sea

Pacific Ocean

5˚S Java Sea Neocerura liturata

Arafura Sea 10˚S Neocerura longinquus

0 500 Miles Indian Ocean 0 500 KM Parallel scale at 0˚ 0˚ 100˚E 105˚E 110˚E 115˚E 120˚E 125˚E 130˚E 135˚E 140˚E 145˚E

Figure 112 Distribution of Neocerura liturata and longinquus.

entire Philippines, Sumatra, Java, Bali, Lombok, Flores, Neocerura longinquus resembles by external appearance, Sumba, Sumbawa, Sulawesi, Peleng Isl. and Salayer Isl. at the first glance somewhat to Kamalia timorensis, which is also a small species. The latter species display a rich 128. Neocerura longinquus spec. nov. (figs. 128a–c). black forewing pattern and a blackish discal spot on the Holotype: ♂, Indonesia, Tanimbar, Yamdema Isl., 21 km hindwings, which is absent in longinquus. N Saumlakki 7°47’S, 131°18’E, 150 m, 5.–28. xii. 2005, leg. Male genitalia are similar to N. liturata. Uncus broad St. Jakl (GU 92-67) – in coll. A. Schintlmeister, Dresden. and of rounded shape. Socii robust but not of triangular shape as in liturata. They show a less sclerotized projec- Paratypes (2 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀): tion. Valva weakly sclerotized; valva costa not curved as in Tanimbar: 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Yamdema Isl., 21 km N Saumlakki 7°47’ liturata. Phallus short and straight, broader than in litura- S, 131°18’ E, 150 m, 27. xi.–11. xii. 2005, leg. St. Jakl 1 ♂, 1 ♀, ta. Processes of bifurcate phallus tip are broader and not Yamdema Isl., 20 km N Saumlakki, Loulun village, 7°47’ pointed at tip. 8th abdominal segments are not modified. S, 131°18’ E, 150 m, 5.–28. xii. 2006, leg. St. Jakl; 1 ♀, Yam- Female genitalia were not dissected. dema Isl., Loroklun vill., 20 km N Saumlakki, 150 m, 15.–30. xii. 2007, leg. St. Jakl. Bionomics. Only five specimens are currently known, which were taken in three different years at 150 m above Diagnosis. Forewing length ♂♂ 19 mm, ♀♀ 22–26 mm. An- sea level, almost at the same locality. tennae in both sexes long bipectinate and black. Forewing color shiny white. Black pattern reduced in males. Post- basal fascia well developed, interrupted of yellowish-olive Distribution. Endemic to Tanimbar. color. Postmedial fascia contrasting black near the costa; the remaining part of fascia toward the dorsum extin- Kamalia Koçak & Kemal, 2006: 3. guished. Discaldot small but well visible. Fringe of fore- Type species: Cerura tattakana Matsumura, 1927. wing black and white checkered. Hindwings are pure Schintlmeister 2013: 228. white without black markings, except a few blackish dots on the fringe. Female is sexualdimorphic, displaying black Diagnosis. Medium sized moths. Antennae are black and forewing pattern more strongly developed. A black con- bipectinated with long rami in both sexes. Forewing color trasting postmedial fascia runs until dorsum of forewing. is shiny white with contrasting black pattern, that resem- Postbasal fascia surrounded in black. Basal fascia marked bles Neocerura. But most Kamalia species are larger than by a few black patches. Hindwings white with broad Neocerura. Hindwings are white to black colored and dis- blackish postmedial area, fading white toward medial play an indistinct blackish discal spot, which is not pres- area. Contrasting black anal markings well visible. ent in Neocerura. Sexual dimorphism is limited.