Regulation on Cableways‐ Draft

Table of contents Part I. General provisions

Chapter 1. Initial provisions

Chapter 2. General requirements for the cable business

Part II. Operation, the operating control and maintenance

Chapter 3. Requirements for the operation and maintenance of the cable cars

Part III. Requirements for the construction, production, Assembly, sales and operation of security components and subsystems for use in the cable cars for passenger

Chapter 4. Basic requirements and security analysis

Chapter 5. Security components

Chapter 6. Subsystems

Chapter 7. systems

Chapter 8. Technical control agency

Chapter 9. CE-conformity declaration

Part IV common requirements for cable cars for passenger transport as is approved by the rules that were in effect before 03.05. 2004 and

Chapter 10. General requirements to the technical condition of the cable cars

Chapter 11. Steel wire rope requirements

Part V additional requirements that apply to certain categories cable cars

Chapter 12. Additional requirements to the chair lifts that are approved by the rules that were in effect before 03.05. 2004

Chapter 13. Additional requirements to the low-level tow that have been approved by the rules that were in effect before 03.05. 2004

Chapter 14. Additional requirements to the high-level ski tow that is approved by the rules that were in effect before 03.05. 2004

Chapter 15. Additional requirements to the bi-cable aerial ropeway that have been approved by the rules that were in effect before 03.05. 2004

Chapter 16. Additional requirements to the cable cars that are approved by the rules that were in effect before 03.05. 2004

Chapter 17. Additional requirements to the material ropeway

Part VI. Requirements for cable cranes

Chapter 18 the operating permit for the cable crane

Part VII. Different provisions

Chapter 19. Administrative provisions

Part i. General provisions

Chapter 1. Initial provisions

§ 1-1. Purpose

The purpose of these regulations is to ensure that cable cars are landscaped, built, maintained, operated and removed so that the plant does not cause damage to person, property or the environment.

§ 1-2. Scope

The regulation applies to the construction and operation of the cable cars, cf. the cable Act § 1-2, as well as the construction, production, Assembly, sales and usage of security components and subsystems for use in the cable cars.

The regulation does not apply to the part of the funicular facilities that fall under the planning and laws.

The regulation applies to the following cable cars:

a) Cable cars for public passenger transport and other facilities with mounted on wheels or other carrying devices where the progress is happening to one or more ropes,

b) Soar paths where the vehicles carried and/or drawn with one or more rope; this category also includes small cabin courts and chair lifts,

c) High level ski tow and low level ski-tow, where users with appropriate equipment are drawn on the solid surface with the help of the rope,

d) Material ropeway that are longer than 2 km or over another man's property,

e) Cable taps for passenger transport,

f) Cable cranes for material transport which is longer than two kilometers.

The regulation does not apply to:

a) Lifts according to Directive 95/16/EC,

b) cable-driven tramlines with traditional construction,

c) Material ropeway that are used in the agricultural purposes or to the shipping of goods to home or holiday property,

d) Special equipment, fixed or mobile, for use in carnies and/or amusement parks and which are designed for leisure purposes and not as a means of transport for people,

e) Mining plant or fixed facility that is used for industrial purposes,

f) cable-operated ,

g) Tooth front-wheel drive railways,

h) chain-driven installations.

§ 1-3. Definitions

In this regulation, what is meant by:

a) Rope path: plants designed, manufactured, assembled and put to use for transporting persons or goods in wagons or with devices worn by and/or move with rope placed in or along a route. b) Material ropeway: intended for the transport of goods. c) Cable car business: corporations, sole proprietorships or administrative agency that has the operating permit for one or several cable cars. d) Operating permission: permission to operate the cable car, cf. cable car law § 2-2.

e) Operations Manager: the Manager of the operation of the cable car.

f) Security component: any basic component, the component group, part Assembly or complete Assembly of equipment and any device that is integrated in the funicular for the purpose facility to attend to a security feature and is mapped in the security analysis, which by the failure risk people's safety and health, whether these are users, operating personnel or third parties.

g) Operating technical requirements: all the technical provisions and measures that have an impact on the construction and entry and are required for the funicular to the plant operated safely.

h) Maintenance technical requirements: all the technical provisions and measures which have an impact on the construction and entry, and are necessary for maintenance designed to ensure that the funicular facility run in a secure way.

i) Basic requirements: all the conditions set out in part III with attachments that must be fulfilled by funicular the facilities and their infrastructure, subsystems and the resort's funicular security components.

j) European specification: common technical specification, a European technical approval or a national standard implementing a European standard.

k) Technical control body: body that is published in the official journal of the European communities and has the responsibility to prepare the EC-control certificate in accordance with part III, annex VII.

l) Funicular facilities: the entire system listed on the site, consisting of infrastructure and the subsystems listed in part III, annex I, where infrastructure specially designed for each plant and funicular built on the site means line, system data, station and

structures along the stretch that is necessary for the entry and operation of the funicular facility, including foundations.

m) The builder: any natural or legal person who orders the construction of a funicular system.

n) Cable car accident: an unwanted or sudden event or a specific number of such events that have harmful follows that lead to death or serious injury, substantial material damage to property or the environment, and all other similar accidents. o) Serious cable car event: an unwanted event that under slightly different circumstances could have led to a cable car accident. p) Cable car event: any other event than an accident, which is connected with the operation and that affect reliability.

§ 1-4. The authorities

Norwegian Railway Authority is supervisory authority according to the cable Act § 4-1.

The Norwegian Railway Authority issuing operating permits for cable cars. Such permission does not replace the obligation to obtain permission from other Governments, including planning and building authorities.

Norwegian Railway Authority in particular cases can make exceptions to the regulations here when this is not in violation of international agreements that Norway has entered into.

Chapter 2. General requirements for the cable business

§ 2-1. Responsibility for the cable car business

The cable business is responsible for the safe operation, maintenance and control of risks in connection with the operation of the cable car.

§ 2-2. Operating permit and notice by changes of importance to operating permit

Operation of the cable car requires operating permit. Before cable cars are applied to the Norwegian Railway Authority give operating permission after the search has at issue that the facility meets the technical and operational requirements.

The business will send the message about the construction of the new cable car to the State's railway supervision before the business sends application to the planning and building authorities so that the Norwegian Railway Authority can guide about the requirements of this regulation.

For the cable car for passenger transport that have operating permit by the rules that were in effect from 03.05.2004 applies the requirements of the regulations part I, II, III and VII.

For the cable car that has the operating permit by the rules that were in effect before permission is granted 03.05.2004 operating can if the cable meets the requirements of part I, II, IV and V. When moving the low level ski tow and high level ski-tow comes in addition to the requirements in EN 12929-1:2004, point 5.5. Cable cranes must meet the requirements of part VI.

When moving the cable car required new operating permit. Other changes of the cable car are to be reported in writing to the Norwegian Railway Authority to assess if the change is of such a nature that it is necessary to apply for new operating permits.

If it made significant changes on or the replacement of parts of the cable car for transportation to the changes and their consequences as a whole satisfy the basic requirements in part III.

By the assessment of whether there is significant changes on the cable car that has the operating permit by the rules that were in effect from 03.05.2004 the emphasis is ongoing if the change involves changes of properties or components described in the documentation as the original operating permission.

By the assessment of whether there is significant changes on the cable car that has the operating permit by the rules that were in effect before the emphasis is 03.05.2004 to on if the change involves changes of properties or components.

§ 2-3. Application for operating permit

Application for operating permit is to be sent to the Norwegian Railway Authority on the prescribed form. Application shall contain the technical description of the cable car with drawings and specification of the standards that are used, as well as the description of the operating and security management system.

Application for operating permit will be determined as soon as possible and no later than four weeks after the date on which all of the required documentation is presented to the Norwegian Railway Authority.

§ 2-4. The removal of the cable car

Cable car that no longer have to remove the operating permit within one year from the termination of the operating permit. Norwegian Railway Authority can make exceptions to the deadline if it continued operation.

§ 2-5. The insurance obligation

Cable car business shall be insured and have security for any liability that may arise due to the cable car. In case of insurance coverage or collateral to the Norwegian Railway Authority recall the operating permit.

The insurance agreement may be entered into for each cable car, or gathered for the company's cable cars.

The requirement to insurance coverage is to be calculated as follows:

a) Business that has the operating permit for one or more low level ski tow should at least be insured with a coverage of 200 G.

b) Business that has the operating permit for one or more high level ski tows should at least be insured with a coverage of 400 G.

c) Business that has the operating permit for one or more material ropeway should at least be insured with a coverage of 200 G.

Businesses that have operating permit for one or several cable cars, chair lifts or bi-cable aerial ropeway to have an insurance coverage and collateral that is calculated from the potential damage the cable car represents.

Businesses that have multiple cable types should have an insurance policy that is calculated from the cable car that has the highest damage potential.

The insurance company where the cable car is insured to notify the Norwegian Railway Authority out the disappearance of the collateral.

§ 2-6. Notification obligation of cable car accident and serious cable car event

At the cable car accident to the cable business immediately notify the police, the Norwegian Railway Authority, and if necessary other relevant authorities. Notification to the police should happen by word of mouth.

By serious cable car event to cable car business immediately notify the Norwegian Railway Authority, and if necessary other relevant authorities.

§ 2-7. The reporting obligation about the cable car accident, serious cable car event and event

The cable business shall report in writing to the Norwegian Railway Authority about the cable car accident and serious cable car event. The report is to be sent the Norwegian Railway Authority as soon as possible and at the latest within 72 hours. Cable car incident should be reported to the Norwegian Railway Authority within 8 days. Reporting can happen electronically.

Reporting shall be made on the form established by the Norwegian Railway Authority.

§ 2-8. Annual report

Norwegian Railway Authority may require the cable companies submits an annual report on matters that affect the security. Norwegian Railway Authority lays claim to the content of the report and set deadlines for submission.

§ 2-9. Prohibition of transfer, etc.

Operating permit is not transferable; including rented, leased, lent or otherwise be left to others.

§ 2-10. Claims about the security management system (internal control)

The cable business to have a security management system. The purpose of the security management system will be to manage the business in order to operate securely.

§ 2-11. Requirements for security management system

Security management system should be documented, and known by all who have tasks that can affect the security of the business. The documentation should be in Norwegian.

Security management system should be adapted to the nature and extent of the current business and to contain the provisions that are required to control risks associated with the business.

Security management system shall at least include:

a) Provisions on how the security risks associated with the operation of the business to be identified and followed up.

b) Provisions on control, operation and maintenance to ensure satisfactory security.

c) Skill requirements for personnel who have tasks that can affect the security, including claims to expertise about first aid and rescue. The Norwegian Railway Authority can determine the minimum skill level of rescue personnel.

d) Description of how responsibility and authority are distributed in the enterprise organization, including instructions for the Operations Manager and other operational personnel.

e) Contingency plan for emergency situations and other situation that can threaten security. The plan should at least contain:

1) Alert list (internal and external).

2) Overview of equipment for first aid and rescue and placement of this.

3) Detailed rescue plan and procedures for the planning and conduct of regular rescue exercises from soar courts and cable cars with subsequent evaluation and follow-up.

4) For cable cars soar to paths and it be released overview of communications equipment, equipment for evacuation or lowering of passengers as well as the location of the equipment.

f) Procedures for the registration and follow-up of the cable car accident, serious cable car event and the cable-car event. Routines should include immediate measures to reduce the effects of the accident or incident as well as investigate the cause and determine measures to prevent repetition.

§ 2-12. General technical requirements

Cable cars should at all times be made so that the process can and rise on and off without danger.

The route should be cleared, sufficient wide and available.

The driving and flip stations are to be enclosed to appropriate extent, so that people are not exposed to danger, i.e. by injury incurred by moving parts.

For chair lifts in addition, the following applies: a) Height from charged or un-loaded seat to the ground or snow surface by a comfortable margin shall be sufficient to permit the Chair lowest part, usually foot hook, not touching the ground or snow cover. b) Access routes to and from the wheelchair area shall be separated from each other, and they must not cross the area just for the chairs. It should be clear labelling.

For all courses in addition applies to soar the following: Where the end of the drive-the floor is more than 1.5 meters above ground level shall be secured so that no one is harmed by the case.

§ 2-13. Drivers room, operations room or area for guard

Drivers room, operations room or area for guard at the disembarking area should be made so that the guard can have a good overview of entering area with queue, any opening , entering area, area where the pedestrian protection guard should be closed and further up the line. Operations room or area for guard at the disembarking area should be made so that the guard can have a good overview of disembarking area. The guard should be able to communicate easily with operating drivers and must have a stop device readily available.

Part II. Operation, the operating controls and maintenance

Chapter 3. Requirements for the operation, the operating controls and maintenance of the cable cars

§ 3-1. General requirements to the operations staff

The operations staff should have the necessary knowledge, skills, experience and personal qualities for the tasks to be performed. Personnel that perform work that involves communication with users or that need to put into your business's security management system, to master the Norwegian.

If not otherwise expressly determined in this regulation must be operating personnel at least 18 years.

§ 3-2. Operations Manager

The cable business to have certified Operations Manager. Operations Manager must be at least 20 years. The Norwegian Railway Authority to revoke the operating licence if the cable car business no longer has the Operations Manager.

Norwegian Railway Authority lays claim to the training, examination, experience and personal qualities to achieve certification. The authority may in particular cases make exceptions from the requirement of certified Operations Manager.

At the change of Operations Manager duties, the cable business to send written notice to the Norwegian Railway Authority on break, name of new Operations Manager and time of the commencement of the shift.

The requirement that the cable business to have certified Operations Manager does not apply to goods cable cars.

Soar paths should have certified the Deputy of Operations Manager. Norwegian railway supervision may decide that the Operations Manager at the other cable cars to have certified Deputy.

Operations Manager should be given the authority to take measures as are necessary to carry out the proper operation and maintenance of the facility. Operations Manager duties to stop the operation of the cable car if safety concerns warrant it.

Norwegian railway supervision may withdraw certification of the operations manager who no longer meet the requirements.

§ 3-3. The staffing requirements for cable cars

All the cable cars to have running. Cable cars should have the motorman. In addition, the following applies:

a) Low level ski tow and high-level ski tow to have a driver at embarking or disembarking area if this is acceptable when considering security.

b) Chair lifts and small cabin courts shall have the guard at embarking area and disembarking arear. One of the guards may be a driver.

c) bi-cable aerial ropeway must have a driver in a cabin and a guard in the second cabin if it has passengers, unless the line is built with a different staffing requirements.

d) Operations Manager or Deputy Operations Manager shall be present during the operation of the suspension railway or in the immediate vicinity of this in order to, among other things, be able to implement rescue operations.

e) Cableways for the public passenger transport shall have a carriage driver in each set.

§ 3-4. Run tasks

The driver shall make sure that the cableway is operated securely. If dangerous situations arise, the driver must stop the cable car or otherwise intervene to prevent the accident.

For the cable cars that have a driver at an entering area, the driver will stay on or by the entering area and monitor operations.

For the cable cars that have a driver at the disembarking area, the driver will stay on or by the disembarking area and monitor operations.

§ 3-5. The guard's tasks

The guard at the entering point and disembarking point should have constant oversight of that embarking and disembarking safely and properly takes place. The guard shall ensure that restraining bars closes and opens at the right time, and if necessary provide help to the passengers, and stop the cable car if required.

The guard shall ensure that children under 140 cm do not use the chair lift without being accompanied by adults run the chair lift without having to be accompanied by adults in the same chair, unless there are special efforts in place to prevent kids from falling out of the chair.

§ 3-6. Requirements for information and communication

The operations staff are to easily communicate with each other, and call for necessary assistance in case of accidents.

Cable cars for passenger transport it shall be possible to provide information to all passengers at the same time, in all circumstances.

§ 3-7. Readiness for soar courts and cable cars

If the operation of the cableway or ropeway is unintentionally forced to stop in such a manner that the facilities are inoperable, the passengers are to be kept informed and, if necessary, evacuated in a reassuring way. Evacuation of the public from carriages shall be without the active participation of the passengers.

Rescue equipment should be available at any time. Organized rescue service is to be established so that the passengers ' life and health are not exposed to unacceptable risk. Even if the passengers ' life and health are not exposed to unacceptable risk, the cable cars are to be evacuated within the maximum time of two hours for carriages with chairs, and maximally three hours for carriage with closed cabins. The time is counted from the time the cable car stops until all passengers are brought in safety.

§ 3-8. Rescue exercises for passenger ropeways and cable cars

For passenger ropeways and cable cars regular rescue exercises shall be conducted.

At a minimum, a larger rescue exercise with the resort's own personnel shall be conducted at the beginning of each season. By this exercise, all parties involved in the rescue plan participate and it shall include rehearsals on how to evacuate the passengers and other measures.

Upon completion of the rescue exercises the exercise is to be evaluated, and the need to take action to be considered. The evaluation of action review should be documented.

§ 3-9. Firefighting equipment

Necessary firefighting equipment shall be available where there is need for such equipment, for example, in drivers room, operations room, computer room and stations. Type, number and size of firefighting equipment is to be determined based on an assessment of need.

§ 3-10. First aid equipment

Necessary first-aid kits shall be available at the funicular facilities.

§ 3-11. Operating control

Before the cable car is opened, it shall be required that the facilities are in reliable condition and that all of the key security features are working properly. Operations Manager is required, simultaneously, to ensure that adequate rescue personnel are available.

By cable car accidents, serious cable car events or other unforeseen outages, the device shall be reviewed to clarify operational security, before it is taken into use again.

There should be ongoing control of the ropeway during operation.

Before the ending an operation, the driver shall ensure that the carriage is empty.

The facilities shall be locked when not in operation.

The control is to be carried out by qualified personnel. Completed controls should be documented.

§ 3-12. Magnetic inductive trial

Steel wire rope shall periodically be tested magnetic inductively or with other recognized methods. Magnetic inductive trial will be carried out according to the EN 12927-8 safety requirements for cable car installations for person transport Rope part 8: Magnetic inductive testing of rope. Time interval for magnetic inductive trials are specified in EN 12927-7.

The one to carry out magnetic inductive trial of the steel wire rope must either have accreditation, which includes the magnetic inductive testing according to EN 12927-8, safety requirements for cable car installations for person transport Rope part 8: Magnetic inductive testing of rope, or approval from a national European cable car authority to perform magnetic inductive testing of steel wire rope given on the basis of a national approval process.

As documentation on the accreditation, accreditation proof from Norsk akkreditering or other accreditation body which is signatory to the multilateral agreement to the liaison for all accreditation bodies in Europe (the EA MLA) is accepted.

Accepted documentation of approval from a European national cable car authority is an approval document issued by the national authority with an acceptance document from the Norwegian Railway Authority.

Copy of the documentation in the third and fourth paragraph should be attached to the report for the magnetic inductive testing.

The cable business should immediately send a copy of the report after performed magnetic inductive testing of steel ropes to the Norwegian Railway Authority. An action plan is to be prepared based on said report. This shall be sent together with the Norwegian Railway Authority report.

The testing of the steel wire rope that is used for material cable cars will be addressed in chapter 17 of this regulation.

§ 3-13. Maintenance

The cable business is to have procedures for maintenance of the cable car. Qualified personnel shall carry out the maintenance.

The maintenance of the facilities should be conducted so that it prevents accidents and abnormal wear and tear. When operating the cable car in relation to tests of normal function, test drive, or other types of control where the safety of the cable car can be reduced, it shall not transport passengers or goods.

Routines shall describe proper periodic control, including control of the rope. Where there is a description of the maintenance and the maintenance intervals from the manufacturer of the facilities, shall the manufacturer’s description be followed.

In addition, the cable car business consider the need for additional maintenance or shorter intervals than the manufacturer has recommended.

It should continuously be documented which maintenance that is performed.

The Norwegian railway authority can require special inspections that are carried out according to this regulation § 10-12 and after the NS-EN 1709, when it comes to chair lifts, bi-cable aerial ropeway and cable cars, be carried out by an independent inspection body.

§ 3-14. Signage

By embarking and disembarking area as well as along the pathways it should be distinct signs with concise instructions and/or illustrations of how the passengers are to use the facilities and how to move.

Safety switches should be clearly signposted.

Part III. Requirements for the construction, production, Assembly, sales and usage of security components and subsystems for use in the cable cars for passenger transport

Chapter 4. Basic requirements and security analysis

§ 4-1. Fulfillment of basic requirements

Funicular systems and their infrastructure, subsystems and the facilities’ funicular security components must meet the basic requirements of the regulations in part III annex II, which apply, to them.

When a national standard implements a harmonized European standard as it is announced, referring to the European Community official journal, includes the essential safety requirements set out in annex II, to the facilities and their infrastructure, subsystems, and the safety components of the funicular facilities when constructed in accordance with the standard, it is believed to meet the relevant essential requirements.

If there are no harmonized European standards, shall national standards and technical specifications, which are considered as important or useful for ensuring correct implementation of the basic requirements, be made public.

§ 4-2. Security analysis

At the request of the builder or its representative established in the European Economic Area, shall all planned reviews of a funicular system security analysis be carried out as defined in annex III, and which includes all the security aspects of the facilities and its surroundings within the framework of construction, building and operation, which makes it possible to map out, from previous experience, the risks that could occur during operation.

Security analysis will form the basis for a security report that indicates planned actions to deal with any such risks. The security analysis should contain a list of the safety components and subsystems that may covered by the provisions of Chapter 5 and 6.

Chapter 5. Security components

§ 5-1. Marketing and use

Security components can only be marketed if they make it possible to build funicular systems that meet the basic requirements in section 4-1.

Security components can only be applied if they make it possible to build funicular systems that are not a danger to human life or health as well as for the security of assets, when installed and maintained correctly and used in accordance with its purpose.

§ 5-2. CE marking

The security components that are identified in the list referred to in section 4-2 second paragraph and that is inflicted on the CE-marking referring to Annex IX EC declaration of conformity and attached in accordance with Annex IV, are considered to meet the requirements in this regulation.

§ 5-3. Declaration of conformity/manufacturer requirements

Before a safety component is marketed (brought in revenue),the manufacturer or his representative established in the European economic area must:

a) Let the security component undergo a compliance assessment procedure described in annex V, and

b) Affix the CE-marking on the security component, and on the basis of the modules set out in decision 93/465/EEC, draw up a declaration of conformity the EC in accordance with annex IV.

The compliance assessment procedure is to be carried out at the request of the manufacturer or its representative in the European economic area by a technical control body that the manufacturer or its representative in the European economic area has chosen.

If the security component is covered by other directives (which is a part of the EEA Agreement) concerning other aspects and which also sets out the application of CE-marking, to the selection indicate that the security component also is assumed to be in accordance with the provisions of those other directives.

§ 5-4. Requirements to others

If neither the manufacturer or its representative in the European economic area have fulfilled the obligations of section 5-2 and section 5-3, these obligations are imposed on the party marketing the security component in the European economic area. The same obligations apply to the party producing security components for their own use.

§ 5-5. Illegal marking

If it is determined that a security component that has the CE-marking, is not in accordance with the basic requirements, the Norwegian Railway Authority will apply appropriate measures on the party who has applied the CE-marking and prepared the EC conformity declaration. Such action may be to ban, restrict or prevent the marketing and the use of the security component.

Chapter 6. Subsystems

§ 6-1. Marketing of the subsystems

Subsystems can only be marketed if they make it possible to build cableway facilities that meet the basic requirements in section 4-1.

§ 6-2. Fulfillment of basic requirements

Subsystems according to annex I attached to the EC declaration of conformity based on the model set out in annex VI and the technical documentation provided for in § 6-4 in this regulation is deemed to be in compliance with the basic requirements.

§ 6-3. Control of subsystems

The EC procedure for control of the systems is to be implemented at the request of the manufacturer or its representative in the European economic area or, if such does not exist, by the natural or legal person who markets the relevant subsystem of the technical control body that the manufacturer, its representative in the European economic area or the above person has chosen for this purpose. The EC-conformity declaration should be worked out by the manufacturer or its representative, or the above person on the basis of the EC-control in accordance with annex VII.

§ 6-4. EC-inspection certificate

The technical control body shall draw up the EC-inspection certificate in accordance with annex VII and shall compile the technical documentation to accompany the attached EF-inspection certificate. The technical documentation shall contain all the necessary documents regarding the properties of the subsystem, and if applicable, all of the documents that confirm the security component conformity. It must also contain all relevant details about the terms of and limitations on use, as well as instructions for maintenance.

Section 6-5. Illegal marketing and use

If it is determined that a subsystem with the EC conformity declaration is not in compliance, the Norwegian Railway Authority shall apply appropriate action against whoever has prepared the EC conformity declaration. Such action may be to ban, restrict or hinder the marketing of subsystems for use in a funicular system.

Chapter 7. Funicular systems

§ 7-1. Entry and use

A ropeway facility can only be listed or be taken into use if it meets the basic requirements in section 4-1 of the regulations here.

§ 7-2. Transference of documentation

The security analysis, the EC-conformity declarations and the accompanying technical documentation regarding the security components and subsystems referred to in Annex i, must by the Builder or its representative be submitted to the Norwegian Railway Authority, and a copy of these shall be kept at the funicular facility.

The Norwegian Railway Authority shall ensure that security analyses, the security report and the technical documentation exists and contains all the documentation regarding the properties of the ropeway facilities and, where appropriate, all the documents that testify conformity for safety components and subsystems referred to in Annex I. In addition, all documents that indicate the necessary operating conditions and limitations must be appended, as well as full instructions regarding the service, supervision, adjustment and maintenance.

Chapter 8. Technical control agency

§ 8-1. Technical control agency

Norwegian Railway Authority designates a technical control body. Technical control body shall satisfy the minimum requirements in annex VIII.

Chapter 9. CE-conformity marking

§ 9-1. Placing of the CE marking

The CE marking should be attached on each security component in a clear and visible manner, or, if this is not possible, on a label which is inextricably attached to the component. The CE- marking shall consist of the letters "CE" with a graphic design in the model in annex IX.

It is not allowed to apply marks or manipulations to security components that can seem misleading to third parties with regard to the CE-marking’s meaning and design. Any other marking may be applied to the security component, if such labeling does not make the CE-marking less visible and harder to read.

§ 9-2. Illegal CE marking. Order of conformity

The manufacturer or his representative established in the European economic area shall, in the case where it is determined that a CE-marking is applied unwarranted, given an order by the Norwegian Railway Authority to ensure that the security component is in accordance with the provisions of the CE marking and to bring the infringements to an end.

If the security component of the manufacturer or its representative in the European economic area is not brought in compliance, the Norwegian Railway Authority shall take measures necessary to

restrict or prohibit the marketing of that particular security component or ensure to withdraw it from the market.

Part IV common requirements for cable cars for passenger transport as is approved by the rules that were in effect before 03.05. 2004 and material ropeways

Chapter 10. Common requirements for cable cars

§ 10-1. Technical condition

The cable business have a duty to maintain and, if necessary, improve the technical condition of the facilities so that the facilities are safe when in use.

§ 10-2. Storage of documentation

The cable business is obliged to keep the blueprints and the documentation upon which the facilities are approved. By changes to the facilities, blueprints and documentation are to be updated, and it shall be evident which changes have been made.

§ 10-3. Requirements for materials, construction and equipment

The ropeway with attached machinery will, with regard to materials, construction and equipment, be of such construction that it under all conditions have reassuring security.

§ 10-4. Gauge, clearances and distances

The track width must be of a width that the vehicles and tow hangers have a satisfactory leeway in relation to each other or fixed obstacles such as line support structures, at the biggest sway of the vehicles and the fluctuations of the rope during operation. For open vehicles, it can in addition be required to have a safety distance.

For ropeways, the minimum distance to the ground, snow cover, trees, cable or other obstacle during unfavorable conditions from the lowest point on the , cargo or rope be so that one achieves sufficient security against collision.

The maximum distance to the ground shall be determined from the type of vehicles, rescue equipment and whether the facility is for public or limited-person carriage.

§ 10-5. Bearing safety of ropes in the line support structures

Carrying ropes for a bi-cable aerial ropeway and material ropeway should always be in contact with carrying rope shoes. This also applies to the unfavorable conditions for the cable car out of service.

Track rope for chair lifts and small cabin courts, as well as tows for high-level ski tows is to have the sufficient bearing reaction of the support on rope rolls, sheaves and rope roll batteries to prevent derailment. Rope roll batteries and sheaves are to be provided with devices that picks up the rope in the event of derailment.

For tows of bi-cable aerial ropeway there should be tracks in the line support structures that ensures that the rope lies down on the rope rollers/sheaves.

§ 10-6. Stations, the driving machinery and brakes

Stations shall be arranged so that the traffic can be organized in a reassuring way. Machine facilities, electrical systems or vehicles/tow hangers is not to expose staff or passengers to undue danger or inconvenience.

All of the rooms that are not intended for public access are to be closed to the public.

Ropeways shall, besides main traction source have an independent emergency operating engine.

For funicular and cable cars, the main traction system shall normally be equipped with two brakes that are independent of each other. One of the brakes to work directly on the driving wheel. Each of the brakes shall be able to stop the funicular system secure deceleration.

Machine components shall have adequate security against casualty as a result of the fracture, buckling, fatigue or excessive wear and tear. Materials, design and workmanship shall be in accordance with recognized norms and good practices with regard to the risk that is associated with the relevant component.

All the necessary equipment for the monitoring of the ropeways’ facilities operation shall be gathered at the operating space.

§ 10-7. Equipment in line support structures

The security against breakage in all mechanical devices in the structures shall be as specified in the relevant Norwegian standards.

The rope rolls and rope roll batteries shall be constructed so that the ropes are securely entered in the structures.

§ 10-8. Run speed and allowed capacity

The operating speed shall be selected so that one get a calm and safe performance of vehicles, especially over the line support structures, without too large accelerations. (Deceleration during braking should not put the general operation in danger.)

For current courses where embarking and disembarking occurs while the course is in motion, the operating speed shall be such that embarking and disembarking can happen in a fully responsible manner.

At courses, the distance between vehicles/tow hangers shall be such that embarking and disembarking may be completed without danger.

§ 10-9. Clamps

Clamps shall be designed so that they do not damage the rope and that by the steepest ascent, by greased rope and reduced diameter cable has sufficient security against slippage on the rope. Fixed clamps to be moved within regular time intervals.

§ 10-10. Load-bearing structures

Bearing constructions shall be calculated for the unfavorable combination of the loads that can occur when the facility is in operation, and when out of service.

Certified welders should perform welding of important structural parts.

§ 10-11. Electronic devices and security devices

All of the facilities from the construction, the operating conditions and local conditions be equipped with electronic devices and security devices that are necessary to perform the operation with acceptable security.

Electronic devices and security devices should be of such design that they in all conditions have acceptable security against malfunction, and shall be designed so that the necessary control and maintenance, as well as the replacement of parts, can be performed in a safe manner.

All devices that automatically stop the facilities shall be connected into a continuously monitored the security circuitry according to the restart power- principle. The starting device shall be lockable.

§ 10-12. Special inspections

Components and construction parts that are subjected to strain or tension fatigue shall undergo non-destructive tests. The following intervals apply (with the exception of clamps):

a) First special inspection: no later than 22500 operating hours or 15 years after the initial operation.

b) Second special inspection. At the latest within operating hours or 15000 ten years after the first special inspection.

c) Third and all subsequent special inspections: no later than 7500 operating hours or five years after the previous special inspection

d) For load-bearing constructions, special inspections are performed every 15 years or at the latest within 22500 operating hours.

For clamps, the control and trial is to happen on a schedule prepared by the vendor.

Chapter 11 requirements for steel wire ropes

§ 11-1. What the requirements apply to

The requirements apply to the steel wire rope that is used for track rope, tubes, balance rope, carrying rope and tightening ropes to the cable cars.

§ 11-2. The application of steel wire rope Rope splicing is allowed for cable cranes on the areas outside the ropeway.

Two track ropes for material ropeways closed ropes or round-threaded spiral- or part spiral ropes can be used. By wired constructions, the ropes are to be delayed.

Tightening rope must be particularly flexible and in regular lay, delayed execution with just one strand lay.

For the low-level ski-rope, a more thinly threaded construction may be used. For low-level, ski- ropes regular lay is to be used

For the carrying rope, parallel-lain part ropes is to be used, most commonly in a six-part lang lain mode.

§ 11-3. Tensioning of steel wire rope

The ropes shall be tightened so that one gets the necessary friction on the driving wheel, adequate bearing pressure in the line support structures and satisfying low bending strain on the rope from its own weight, the weight of vehicles, payload and environmental loads. The required tightening force should be secured within the established maximum-and minimum value under all operating conditions and in the whole ropes’ life.

By bi-cable aerial ropeway to carrying ropes and tightened so that the ropes do not touch each other during normal operation and when braking.

§ 11-4. Repair and replacement of steel wire ropes

By the replacement of the cable, the cable should be new, tested, delivered and discarded according to NS-EN 12927-1 to 6 and NS-EN 12385.

Other steel wire ropes to be repaired or replaced when cross-sectional reduction over a specific length of any place on the rope exceeds the values that are specified in the following table.

By rope deformation in the form of screw threads, hooks, flat pinching and corkscrew formation, replacement of the rope is to be considered.

Tightening rope for track ropes and carrying ropes shall be replaced after 12 years.

Tightening rope for carrying ropes shall be replaced when the carrying ropes are shifted.

Table 1. Allowed cross-sectional reduction:

D = rope diameter

Reduction% Measure Reduction% Measure Reduction% Measure Addition length length length Carrying rope -closed 10 180xD 5 30xD Line break in the profile threads that are next to each other should have a minimum distance of 18xD. -Strand 20 180xD 10 40xD Part- spiral rope shall in one part have a maximum of 35% cross- sectional reduction due to thread

breakage of a length of 4xD. Move-, 25 500xD 10 40xD 6 6xD One part of balance a pair rope and shall y have carrying a maximum ropes of 35% cross- sectional reduction due to breakage of the thread length of f 6xD. Tight rope 8 40xD 4 6xD As above. Tubes for 20 40xD 10 6xD As above. cable cars Tubes for 25 500xD 10 6xD As above.

By decision of cross-sectional reduction within the reference length, the following shall be taken into account:

a) Number of thread breakage. Several violations of the same line shall be counted as one. Thread that is loose, has visible cracks or is torn out of its place in the rope cross section are all regarded as thread breakage, and

b) Cross-sectional reduction due to wear and corrosion. For each thread, the largest reduction of reference length is to be considered.

§ 11-5. Obstruction of carrying ropes

Carrying ropes shall be shifted with a 6-year interval. The length of the shifting should at least be equal to the length of the longest carrying rope shoes plus 5 meters.

§ 11-6. Splicing and repair of steel ropes

Splicing and repair of the cable is to be carried out by a person with a certificate from a recognized European steel rope manufacturer.

§ 11-7. Execution of splicing

When assembling a new rope in a closed loop, for example carrying ropes for chair lifts and high-level ski tows a maximum of two splices is allowed. For later repairs and in some cases even after shortening, a maximum of five splices are accepted in total.

When assembling a new rope in an open loop, such as pulling-and balance ropes for bi-cable aerial ropeways, a split is allowed in exceptional cases. In connection with correction of rope defects, the number can be increased to two.

For the ropes of the cable cars, splicing is only allowed as temporary repair. Ropeways with closed rope loops are exempt from this requirement.

Splicing of the steel ropes are to be carried out as specified in NS-EN 12927.

Rope defect that is limited to one or two parts can be repaired by performing by connecting the rope parts as specified in EN 12927. This does not apply to cable cars with drum operation.

§ 11-8. End connections for steel rope

(1) Filled sockets and clamp end connections are to be executed by a person who is qualified in accordance with EN 12927. When executing filled sockets and clamp sockets a report, meeting the requirements given in NS-EN 12927, must be drafted. Filled sockets and clamp sockets between the vehicle and pull-and balance ropes should be renewed at intervals not exceeding three years. Filled sockets’ sleeve should be of such a type that after mounting can be turned back so that the state of the socket basket can be inspected.

(2) If other end connections besides filled sockets and clamp sockets are to be used, this shall happen as follows: The wedge lock is to be mounted according to the vendor's instructions. For the wedge lock, the attachment point is to be changed with intervals not exceeding 3 years for installations on bi-cable aerial ropeways, and 12 years for tightening ropes on high level ski tows and chair lifts. Wire clamps as attachment element can be used on supportive ropes and tightening ropes and for locking wire ends by the use of wedge clamps. The use of wire rope clips are not allowed. Pressure sleeves can be used on the supportive and tightening ropes. If the end attachment is to be performed as a drum stick the carrying rope lie on the drum with at least three revolutions, and the free end should be secured with a dead-end clip and a safety clip. The safety clip should be mounted at a distance of 10 mm from dead-end clip.

Part V additional requirements that apply to certain categories of cable cars for passenger transport as is approved by the rules that were in effect before 03.05.2004 and material ropeways

Chapter 12. Additional requirements to the chair lifts that are approved by the rules that were in effect before 03.05.2004

§ 12-1. Design of vehicle

Chairs, cabins or other vehicles shall be designed in such a way that the passengers can be transported safely, that they by normal behavior cannot fall out and so that embarking and disembarking can safely take place. Chairs and cabins will have a design that allows for the rescue of passengers.

§ 12-2. Protection against derailment

The rolling battery is to have the anti-derailleur facing inward towards the centerline of the cable car to prevent derailment. In the event of outward derailment, the rope catcher shall capture the rope

By compression sheave, the rope is to be prevented from leaving the line support structures in the event of derailment beyond the ordinary rope catcher.

Rolling batteries shall have equipment that automatically stops the chair lift in the event of derailment.

§ 12-3. Embarking and disembarking

By the loading and unloading area, there shall be help personnel to help monitor the progress, as well as instruct and help the passengers, so that embarking and disembarking takes place in a reassuring way. There shall be easy access to stop-switches for the public in addition to communication opportunity with operator/guard.

Chapter 13. Additional requirements to the low-level ski tow that were approved by the rules that were in effect before 03.05.2004

§ 13-1. General requirements

Low-level ski tow shall be designed so that users can travel and rise on and off the ski tow without danger. The low-level ski tow end attachments are to be safely anchored.

The cableway tracks should be sufficiently broad, and at all times cleared and available.

The bullet wheel structure, turning stations s and other moving parts are to be in the required extent enclosed, so that people are not exposed to danger.

§ 13-2. Rope

Low-level ski tows with fixed tow-hangers or suspensions shall have rope of steel or natural- /artificial fiber with a minimum diameter of 8millimeter. The rope of the low-level ski tows without tow- hangers or suspensions or with detachable tow-hangers or suspensions are to be of nature-/artificial fiber and have a diameter of at least 16 millimeters and be of rotation-free construction.

§ 13-3. Embarking and disembarking

At embarking-and disembarking areas there shall be a required number of stop devices to use for the public. In addition, there should be a gadget placed so that ski tows can be stopped at a minimum of 1 m before operating tow encounters end stations’ mechanical construction. For low-level ski tows with fiber rope without fixed tow-hangers or suspensions, it is required only to have said gadgets at the upper station.

§ 13-4. Tow-hangers and suspensions

Tow-hangers or suspensions shall not have parts that can hook stuck in clothes, backpacks, etc., and incidentally should be of such construction that one can easily free oneself from them. When using disk tow-hangers there should not be holes or cutouts in these.

Furthermore, tow-hangers or suspensions shall be designed in a manner that it by alternating tension of the rope pull there is no danger for fingers, etc. between the rope and the front edge of the tow-hangers or suspensions.

Detachable tow-hangers or suspensions are to be designed so that they can be detached from the rope without difficulty and without the use of greater force. If a user frees him/herself from a detachable tow-hanger or suspension, the tow-hangers or suspensions should also immediately detach from the rope.

§ 13-5. Brakes

Low-level ski tows shall be equipped with backstop or brake that effectively prevents that the tow change the swivel direction at every stop, including stop by a power outage.

§ 13-6. Requirements to a maximum rotation of the low-level ski tow

For low-level ski tows with steel wires, there should be no rotation in the rope during operation.

For low-level ski tows with fiber rope, there should be no more than one rotation per 60 m, and consequentially, maximum 4 rotations for low-level ski tows longer than 240 m.

Chapter 14. Additional requirements to the ski resort that is approved by the rules that were in effect before 03.05.2004

§ 14-1. Tow-hangers or suspensions

Tow-hangers or suspensions should not have parts that can hook stuck in clothes, backpacks, etc., and shall otherwise be of such construction that users can easily free themselves from them. When using disk tow-hangers there should not be holes or cutouts in these.

Tow-hangers or suspensions shall be constructed to avoid that the tow-hangers or suspensions bounce over the pulling rope or collide with rolling batteries by adverse conditions such as wind, swings or rotational forces of the pull rope. Clips shall be constructed so that they can glide if tow-hangers or suspensions wedge stuck in a line support structural construction.

For tow-hangers or suspensions with string boxes, or telescopic rod tow-hangers, pull-in is to take place quickly and securely. The pull-in is to take place with sufficient cushioning to avoid the tow- hangers or suspensions from bouncing over the pulling rope.

Load-bearing parts of the tow-hangers or suspensions should have sufficient security against violation. They shall also be checked for fatigue-related problems.

Start-up suspensionis to provide a smooth start-up for the passengers.

§ 14-2. Brakes

High-level ski tows should be equipped with an operating brake or backstop to prevent the ski tow from going backwards. If the stop length is larger than 8 m the tow is to be equipped with brake.

§ 14-3. Protection against derailment

Battery roll/sheaves are to have derailment protection. By any derailment, the rope catcher shall capture the rope. Roll the battery/sheaves are to have devices that pick up the rope in the event of derailment.

Compression sheaves shall prevent the rope prevented from leaving the mast at any derailments outside the ordinary rope catcher.

Battery rolls/line support devies with sheaves are to have equipment that automatically stops the high-level ski tow in the event of derailment.

§ 14-4. Stop devices

There shall be a sufficient number of stop devices to use for the public by embarking and disembarking areas. In addition, there should be a device between disembarking area and turning sheave that automatically stops the high-level ski tow before users have encountered the end stations’ mechanical construction.

Between the disembarking area and the turning sheave there shall be a device that automatically stops the ski tow cases where tow-hangers or suspensions are not completely withdrawn when entering the turn turret (pull-up control). This requirement does not apply to short platter tow hangers or telescopic rod tow-hangers

For the high-level ski tows with unloading right from behind through the station there shall be a pull-up control on the first line support structure on the return side of the track.

Chapter 15. Additional requirements to bi-cable aerial ropeways for passenger transport as is approved by the rules that were in effect before 03.05.2004

§ 15-1. Vehicles

Vehicles shall be constructed so that the passengers at normal behavior cannot fall out. The doors shall be equipped with a lock so that unwittingly opening is not possible. The windows should only be able to be opened so that there is no danger to the passengers when passing line support structures, and stations.

Open vehicle should at least be 1.2 m above the floor by standing carriage and to 0.35 m over the seat by sitting carriage.

Unstaffed vehicles in paths for passenger transport will have doors that cannot be opened inadvertently from within. At stations the doors either open and close automatically or opens and closes manually from outside.

Doors shall be possible to open both from within and from outside in the event of evacuation. The facilities will not be able to be operated before the doors are closed. If the doors are opened while driving in the initial adjustment zones, direct stop is to be triggered.

Load-bearing parts of vehicles, hanging sets and operating gear are to have sufficient security with respect to the static and dynamic loads they are exposed to.

If passengers are carried standing upright there shall be be installed hand lists or hanging straps. There should be sufficient space for the passengers.

Permitted number of passengers, cargo, and other information will be announced by notice. For vehicles without driver information about how to deal with operating outages and other irregularities shall be posted

All wheels of the carriage shall be equally loaded to ensure smooth movement.

The maximum fluctuation and speed changes both parallel and perpendicular to the line that may occur during the operation and execution over line support structures should not be able to cause lifting and derailment.

§ 15-2. Brakes

Bi-cable aerial ropeways shall be equipped with two brake systems, so that there are both operating brake and safety brake. Brake systems should be electrically and mechanically independent. The brakes are to give satisfactory braking effect when running in both directions.

The brakes shall be constructed so that a braking of the track does not cause danger to people or material.

Cable cars with vehicles for more than six passengers to have catch brake that works directly on the carrying rope or own brake rope. Triggering catch brake shall trigger the emergency stop.

§ 15-3. Control points

The path should have at least one control point or could be run from one of the vehicles. From the operator’s normal position in the control point, there shall be unobstructed view to the initial adjustment zone. For paths for public passenger transport without driver, the operator and drive guard shall have clear views to the platforms.

Automatically controlled cableways shall also have the option of manual control.

By manual management, the path is to have a sound signal that alerts the driver when the vehicle is approaching stations. Moreover, the plant shall have a dead man's button that must be activated within a certain period after the sound signal is given. If this is not activated, the facilities

shall stop by emergency stop. The position of the activation shall be selected so that the plant will stop in good time before the vehicle has arrived at the stations.

Control points shall be locked during operation.

§ 15-4. Travel speed

The cable business is to determine the highest allowable travel speed, and monitor that speed, and comply with the rules. The emergency stop is triggered by a maximum of 15% exceeding of the set speed.

The business is to identify areas in need of reduced speed.

§ 15-5. Operation of the railway in operation

Operator is to have the attention directed at embarking area and otherwise on most of the route.

Operator is to have a stop button and the possibility of simple and clear communication with the other stations, vehicles, and operations manager.

Operators are also to have the opportunity for continuous communication with the passengers. If dangerous situations arise, the operator is to stop the plant or otherwise intervene to prevent the accident.

If Operations Manager is not present during the operation of the path the operations manager shall be able to meet up at the track within 30 minutes.

The cable business should make sure that necessary personnel to ensure safety, among other things, with regard to the travel speed, passenger number of, adherence to safety rules, the rescue preparedness, etc. are present when the facilities are in operation.

§ 15-6. Notices

In vehicles without drivers there shall be posted information about how the passengers are to deal with operation outages.

By tracks where evacuation preparedness means that passengers have to salvage themselves, this shall be announced with signs on vehicles or stations

§ 15-7. Embarking and disembarking

At areas of embarking and disembarking, it should be sufficient help personnel to monitor progress and to instruct and help the passengers, so that embarking and disembarking of the vehicles can take place in a reassuring way. There should be easy access to stop switches to the public and communication opportunity with driver/guard.

Chapter 16. Additional requirements to the cable cars for public person carriage that were approved by the rules that were in effect before 03.05.2004

§ 16-1. General requirements

Cable cars must always be made so that the passengers can travel and embark and disembark without danger.

Cable paths should be cleared and the pathways available in the case of need for rescue from the path.

Tracks with greater travel speed than 5.0 m/s should be demarcated with fences that are sufficiently high to make the route inaccessible to people and animals.

Obstacles in the route shall trigger the emergency stop.

§ 16-2. Embarking and disembarking

Areas of embarking and disembarking with roads to and from shall be secured so that embarking and disembarking the vehicles can take place safely and effortlessly. There shall be clear labelling.

By embarking and disembarking, there shall be sufficient stop devices outside.

§ 16-3. Vehicle

Vehicles shall be constructed so that the passengers at normal behavior cannot fall out.

Facilities with closed vehicles are not to run before the doors are closed. If the doors are opened while driving, the emergency stop or direct stop shall trigger.

The windows shall only be able to be opened so that there is no danger to the passengers by the passage of solid objects and stations. Windows shall be made of breakage proof material. Windows near the driver shall be able to be opened.

The doors shall be equipped with a closing mechanism so that unwittingly opening is not possible.

Open vehicle shall be 1.2 m above the floor by standing carriage and to 0.35 m over the seat by sitting carriage.

Unattended vehicles should have doors that cannot be opened inadvertently from within. In the stations, the doors shall both open and close automatically or they are going to be opened and closed manually from outside.

§ 16-4. Brakes

Cable cars should normally be equipped with two brake systems, so that there are both operating brake and safety brake. Brake systems should be electrically and mechanically

independent. In addition, it should be possible to slow the operation of the facilities using the main propulsion unit. The brakes must give satisfactory braking effect when operating in both directions.

Cable cars with shuttle operations shall have vehicles fitted with rail brake that acts directly on the path's rails or at their own brake disc.

Rail brakes shall be able to be triggered manually in facilities with motorman.

The release body shall be secured against accidental activation.

Rail brakes are to be triggered automatically by the following cases:

-at the break in the pulling ropes

-by the failure of the brakes’ release system

-by 25% over the maximum allowed speed on the vehicle.

Release of rail brake shall automatically trigger the emergency stop.

A triggered rail brake shall not result in derailment.

§ 16-5. Control points

The path should have at least one control point. From the driver’s space in the control point, i.e. from the operator’s normal sitting position, it shall be unobstructed view to the initial adjustment zone. For paths for public passenger transport without drivers, the operator and drive guard have clear views to the tracks’ platforms.

Automatically controlled tracks shall also have the option of manual control.

During manual management, the path shall have a sound signal that alerts the rider when the vehicle is approaching stations. Moreover, the facilities shall have a dead man's button that must be activated within a period after the sound signal is given. If this is not activated, the facilities are to stop by emergency stop.

The position of the activation shall be selected so that the plant will stop in good time before the vehicle has arrived at the stations.

§ 16-6. Notices

In vehicles without drivers, it should be posted about how the passengers to deal with operation outages.

Chapter 17. Additional requirements to the material ropeways

§ 17-1. Construction and dimensioning

Where this regulation does not give detailed requirements with regard to design, materials, workmanship, etc., recognized standards and good practices are to be adhered.

Material ropeways should be designed and dimensioned to withstand the load from the intended load capacity and the maximum load from wind, snow and ice that have to be expected for the current location of the material ropeway.

§ 17-2. Brakes

The propulsion unit is to have an operating brake and a safety brake that works independently of each other, unless the cable is approved with a single brake.

Stoppage of the propulsion unit is to be triggered automatically when the voltage drops below the set limit for the path or disappears, or by overcurrent or thermal overload.

By operation of the safety brake or by the activation of the emergency stop the stoppage of the propulsion units shall be released.

§ 17-3. Documentation when applying for operating permits

When applying for operating permits for material ropeways the following documentation shall be included:

a) The overview plan showing the facilities’ vertical pathways (profile) with the cables, stations and line support units. A scale no less than 1:1000 shall be used. In the drawing is to be set:

1. The height and length coordinates for the top of the line support units’ foundations, the driving-and turning sheaves and storage points for carry, pull-and balance ropes,

2. Payload.

b) The calculation of the carry-, move-and balance rope, inclination and refraction angles, bearing pressure in line support structures, arrow heights and counterweight movement. Specification of carrying rope, move-and balance rope with indication of: the cable fabric, rope diameter, rope construction, nominal tensile strength of threads, the minimum effective fracture load and mass per length unit. For carrying ropes that are not tightened with a counterweight an E-module specification is required.

c) Calculation of security against slippage of the pulling rope on the driving sheave.

d) Stations

1. Assembly drawings

2. Detail drawings of:

-Power transmitting parts between the driving machinery and operating sheave

-operating, turning and deflection sheaves


-Bearing steel structures


-Anchoring of carrying ropes.

3. Strength calculation of those in point 2. Specified parts. For rotating shafts to be fatigue calculations.

e) Tightening device

1. The Assembly drawing(s) with specification of tight rope and weight of the counterweight for the carrying- and pulling ropes. If other tightening devices are used (i.e. hydraulic tensioning):

- System description and construction drawings with specifications.

Specification of tight rope should include:

-Rope manufacturer, rope diameter, rope construction, nominal tensile strength in threads and specified the minimum effective fracture load.

2. Construction drawings of the hanging devices, load-bearing steel structures and sheaves.

3. Strength calculations.

f) Line support structures

1. Construction drawings with details of the sheave batteries and carrying rope shoe.

2. Foundation drawings.

3. Strength calculations.

g) Propulsion units, hanging sets, wagons

1. Assembly drawings of propulsion units, hanging sets and wagons stating the main dimensions and weights.

2. Construction drawings of propulsion units, hanging sets and wagons, and the connection between the pulling rope and hanging sets.

3. Strength calculation of those in point 2. specified parts.

4. Calculation of the wind speed that gives the no-load carriage a fluctuation of 12° across the path.

h) Electrical equipment

The principle- and circuit diagram with specifications for the electrical equipment.

i) Hydraulic equipment

System drawings and specifications of hydraulic equipment with strength calculation.

j) Security management system

On the drawings, the material qualities and any non-destructive testing of the material shall be specified. For welded connections, welding method and application materials are to be specified, as well as potential heat treatment after welding and scope of any non-destructive testing services.

§ 17-4. Control of steel wire rope

The cable business are to have routines for the maintenance, control and replacement of carrying ropes, puling ropes, balance ropes and tightening ropes.

Steel wire ropes are to be repaired or replaced when cross-sectional reduction at any place on the rope exceeds the values in the following table.

Reduction% Measure Reduction% Measure Reduction% Measure Addition length length length

Carrying ropes

-closed 10 180xD 5 30xD Line breakage of profile threads that are next to each other should have a minimum distance of 18xD. -strands 20 180xD 10 20xD Strand rope shall in one part have a maximum of 35% cross- sectional reduction due to thread breakage over 4xD in length. -spiral 10 All thread rope breakages in the outer threads across the rope length shall be considered. Move-and 25 500xD 10 40xD 6 6xD As above. balance rope Tightening 8 40xD 4 6xD As above. rope

Part VI. Requirements for cable cranes

Chapter 18 the operating permit for the cable crane

§ 18-1. Operating permit

The operating permit for the cable crane assumes documentation of maintenance and risk analysis for the assembly, operation and disassembly. Risk analysis should be worked out according to a recognized method and by qualified personnel. regulations must be released that ensure safety of the personnel and third parties during assembly, operation and disassembly.

An approval for a cable crane from another country can be the basis of the operating permit.

Part VII. Different provisions

Chapter 19. Administrative provisions

§ 19-1. Supervision and enforcement

Norwegian railway authority is to supervise that the provisions of this regulation and the individual decisions given in pursuance of this, are being complied with.

§ 19-2. Complaint

Complaints about individual resolutions made by the Norwegian Railway Authority in accordance with the regulation here, will be determined by the Ministry of transportation.

§ 19-3. Notification to other government departments, etc.

The Norwegian Railway Authority shall publish the references to national standards implementing European harmonized standards that are published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

If it is determined that a safety component or subsystem does not meet the requirements of § 4-1 in the regulation here, the Norwegian Railway Authority shall immediately inform the EFTA surveillance authority about the measures that are taken, and explain its decision.

If it turns out that a security component that is provided with the CE-conformity marking is not in compliance with the current regulations, the Norwegian Railway Authority shall take the necessary measures on the one that has applied the CE conformity mark to the security component and the one that has issued the EC-conformity declaration, cf. section 5-3 of the regulations here, and inform the EFTA Surveillance Authority and the Contracting Parties about this.

If a subsystem to which there exists an EC declaration of conformity is not in accordance with section 6-2 of the regulations here, the Norwegian Railway Authority shall take the necessary measures towards the one who issued the statement, cf. section 6-3, and inform the EFTA Surveillance Authority and the Contracting Parties about this.

If the Norwegian Railway Authority believes that a security component, or a subsystem mentioned in Annex I, is designed or constructed with the use of an innovative method, the Authority shall take the measures necessary to meet the construction and/or operation of a facility in which such

innovative components or subsystems will be used. The Norwegian Railway Authority shall immediately inform the EFTA surveillance authority about this and explain the rationale.

The Ministry of Transport shall inform the EFTA surveillance authority about who will be appointed to a technical control unit. The Ministry of Transport shall inform the EFTA Surveillance Authority and other EEA countries if it turns out that the designated technical control uniot no longer meets the requirements in annex VIII.

§ 19-4. General processing rules

If not otherwise explicitly dictated in the regulations here, the rules for administrative procedures of the Public Administration Act applies.

§ 19-5. Transitional provisions

Ropeways which, by the entry into force of this regulation, had concession and operating permission keep the operation permission as long as the terms of the operating permit is met and the business is insured and has collateral guarantee according to section 2-5 of this regulation. The same applies for the cable cars with operation permission provided by the Ministry of Transportation.

Special inspections after the intervals stated in this regulation § 10-12 must be conducted at the latest within two years from the entry into force of the regulation.

The requirement of the security management system in section 2-10 and 2-11 must be met within one year from the entry into force of the regulation.

§ 19-6. The entry into force

The regulation will take effect immediately. Simultaneously, the following is revoked:

FOR 2002-05-03 no. 446: regulations on the construction and operation of the cable ways and ropeways

FOR 2002-05-03 no. 453: regulation on technical requirements of funicular systems including cable car facility for passenger transport

FOR 1995-01-01 no. 1214: the regulation on steel wire ropes for cable cars and ropeways

FOR 1995-01-01 no. 216: regulations on high-level ski tows

FOR 1996-01-01 no. 1474: regulation on bi-cable aerial ropeways

FOR 2002-02-04 no. 921: regulation on low-level ski tows

FOR 2002-02-04 no. 925: regulations on

FOR 2011-12-20 no. 1424: regulation on cable cranes

FOR 2011-12-20 no. 1460: regulations on material ropeways

FOR 2011-12-20 no. 1494: regulation on the cable car

FOR 2014-11-24-1459: regulations on the requirements for the implementation of the magnetic inductive trial of steel wire ropes on the cable cars and ropeways and requirements about reporting