local environment agency plan STAFFORDSHIRE TRENT VALLEY SECOND ANNUAL REVIEW JUNE 2000 LICHFIELD WOLVERHAMPTON Previous Staffordshire Trent Valley Local Environment Agency Plan (LEAP) Documents • Staffordshire Trent Valley LEAP Consultation Report June 1997 • Staffordshire Trent Valley Consultation Report Summary June 1997 • Staffordshire Trent Valley LEAP Action Plan February 1998 • Staffordshire Trent Valley LEAP First Annual Review June 1999 If you or your organisation need further information or copies of any of the above documents, please contact: Antony Lancaster Team Leader (LEAPs) Environment Agency Sentinel House Wellington Crescent Fradley Park Lichfield Staffordshire WS13 8RR Telephone: 01543 444141 Fax: 01543 444161 E-Mail:
[email protected] E n v ir o n m e n t A g e n c y NATIONAL LIBRARY & INFORMATION SERVICE MIDLANDS REGION 10 Warwick Road Olton, Solihull B92 7HX ENVIRONMENT AGENCY 048973 FOREWORD The Environment Agency has responsibility for protecting and enhancing the whole environment through the promotion of sustainable development. One way of achieving this aim is through the production of Local Environment Agency Plans (LEAPs), which provide a framework for protecting and improving our local environment. This is the first Annual Review of the Staffordshire Trent Valley LEAP. Its purpose is to report on the progress that has been made by the Agency and others during the past year, in tackling the issues identified in the Action Plan. C The progress that has been made over the last twelve months reflects the commitment of all those involved in the plan and highlights the importance of the partnership approach developed through the LEAP process.