[CANCER RESEARCH 38, 1410-1413, May 1978]

Inhibition of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon-induced Neoplasia by Naturally Occurring índoles1

Lee W. Wattenberg2 and William D. Loub

Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 [L. W. W.¡,and Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology, College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois 60680 ¡W.D. L.¡

ABSTRACT which would have the same biological action. A number of cruciferous plants including Brussels sprouts, cabbage, lndole-3-carbinol, 3,3 -dundolylmethane, and ¡ndole-3- cauliflower, and broccoli were found to induce increased , three Õndolesoccurring in edible cruciferous AHH activity (18, 19). Subsequently, inducers were identi vegetables, have been studied for their effects on 7,12- fied in Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower as in- dimethylbenz(a)-induced mammary tumor for doles, the principle compounds being indole-3-acetonitrile, mation in female Sprague-Dawley rats and on indole-3-carbinol, and 3,3'-diindolylmethane (11). Indole- benzo(a)-induced neoplasia of the forestomach in 3-carbinol is a potent inducer of increased AHH activity, female ICR/Ha mice. When given by p.o. intubation 20 hr whereas indole-3-acetonitrile is weak in this regard. 3,3'- prior to 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene administration, Diindolylmethane is intermediate in its activity (11). indole-3-carbinol and 3,3 -dundolylmethane had an inhibi In previous work it had been found that compounds that tory effect on mammary tumor formation, but indole-3- induce increased AHH activity can protect against neoplasia acetonitrile was inactive. Indole-3-carbinol when added to induced by PAH. The inducers used were flavones, pheno- the diet for 8 days prior to challenge with 7,12-dimethyl- thiazines, and PAH themselves (6, 23-26). Accordingly, benz(a)anthracene inhibited mammary tumor formation, work was initiated to determine whether indole-3-aceto- whereas indole-3-acetonitrile did not. Dietary administra nitrile, indole-3-carbinol, and 3,3'-diindolylmethane would tion of all three Õndolesinhibited benzo(a)pyrene-induced inhibit these , lndole-3-acetaldehyde and its neoplasia of the forestomach in ICR/Ha mice. The identi oxime, which also occur in small amounts in cruciferous fication of dietary constituents that can inhibit chemical plants, were studied as well. Two test systems have been carcinogens ultimately may be of value in understanding used. The first is DMBA-induced mammary tumor formation the balance of factors that determines the neoplastic in Sprague-Dawley rats (5). The second experimental sys response to these cancer-producing agents in the envi tem used is BP-induced neoplasia in the mouse forestom ronment. ach resulting from p.o. administration of BP.

INTRODUCTION MATERIALS AND METHODS Studies of factors that can control the activity of the AHH3 Mammary Tumors. The procedure for producing mam system have shown that naturally occurring inducers of this mary tumors was similar to that described by Huggins ef a/. system are present in certain vegetable species (17-19). In (5). Female Sprague-Dawley rats from the Holtzman Co., early studies of AHH activity in the small intestine and lung Madison, Wis., were randomized by weight prior to the start of rodents, substantial levels of AHH activity were observed. of the experiment. When they were 7 weeks of age they It was assumed that these represented normal base-line were given 12 mg DMBA in 1 ml olive oil by p.o. intubation. levels. This assumption proved to be incorrect, and in fact Two formats were used for testing compounds for their most AHH activity found in these 2 structures is due to inhibitory effects against DMBA-induced . In exogenous inducers in conventional commercial diets. In one, the test compound dissolved in 1 ml dimethyl sulfoxide contrast, mice and rats that are starved or fed purified diets was administered by p.o. intubation 20 hr prior to DMBA. In showed weak or no AHH activity in intestine and lung. the second, the test compound was added to a purified Comparable findings have been obtained for the aminoazo diet, Normal Protein Test Diet, ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc., dye A/-demethylase system (1). Cleveland, Ohio. This diet consists of vitamin-free casein, Efforts to identify the inducers in commercial diets were 27%; starch, 59%; corn oil, 10%; salt mix, 4%; plus a initiated with Purina rat chow as a prototype. In this diet the complete vitamin supplement. The diets were fed for 8 days vegetable component, consisting of alfalfa meal, has induc prior to administration of 12 mg DMBA in 1 ml olive oil by ing activity. Comparable findings then were obtained with p.o. intubation. The day after administration of DMBA, all freshly harvested alfalfa. This information stimulated work rats were placed on a diet of Purina rat chow (Ralston on a broad spectrum of common edible plants to determine Purina Co., St. Louis, Mo.) and remained on this diet for the duration of the experiment. Mammary tumors were ' Supported by USPHS Grant CA-09599 from the National Cancer Institute. counted grossly every 2 weeks starting 10 weeks after 2 To whom requests for reprints should be addressed. administration of DMBA. The diagnosis was checked at 3 The abbreviations used are: AHH, aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase; PAH, autopsy. The tabular data presented for the previous exper polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; DMBA, 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene; iments and for the mouse tumor experiments described BP, benzo(a)pyrene; i.g., intragastric. next were evaluated for significance with Student's f test. Received November 2, 1977; accepted February 13, 1978.


Downloaded from cancerres.aacrjournals.org on September 28, 2021. © 1978 American Association for Cancer Research. Indole Inhibition of Neoplasia

Mouse Tumor Experiments. Tumor formation in the fore- Chemicals, lndole-3-acetonitrile (Aldrich Chemical Co., stomach of the mouse was studied by procedures similar to Inc., Milwaukee, Wis.) was purified by vacuum distillation those described previously (20, 21). ICR/Ha mice from ARS/ at 160°and0.2 mm Hg to a clear, light yellow liquid (m.p. Sprague-Dawley, Madison, Wis., were randomized by 35-37°).lndole-3-carbinol (Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.,) was weight at 8 weeks of age. At that time they were placed on purified by recrystallization from to yield colorless the Normal Protein Test Diet without any additions for 4 opalescent flakes (m.p. 96-97°).3,3'-Diindolylmethane was days. They then were fed the test diets containing the synthesized according to the method of Léeteand Marion compound that was being studied for its inhibitory effect. (9). The purity of the 3 Õndoleswas further ascertained by The mice were maintained on these diets until 3 days after comparisons on thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography the last dose of . At that time, they were placed with previously prepared authentic standards (11). lndole-3- on Purina rat chow. In experiments in which BP was used, acetaldehyde was synthesized by the method of Plieninger it was dissolved in 0.2 ml corn oil and given by p.o. and Werst (14). Its purity was checked by thin-layer chro intubation. The first dose was administered 8 days after the matography against an authentic reference standard of this start of the test diets. In 1 experimental format 1 mg of BP compound, lndole-3-acetaldehyde oxime was prepared by was administered 2 times a week for 4 weeks, and the the derivatization of indole-3-acetaldehyde-sodium bisulfite experiment was terminated when the mice were 31 weeks adduct in aqueous solution (pH 8.5) with hydroxylamine old. A second format entailed administration of 0.3 mg of hydrochloride. The carcinogens used were DMBA (Eastman BP 3 times a week for 8 weeks with the experiment termi Organic Chemicals, Rochester, N. Y.) and BP (Aldrich nating when the mice were 41 weeks old. At autopsy, the Chemical Co.). stomachs were fixed in an expanded state produced by i.g. injection of formalin. Subsequently, they were split longi RESULTS tudinally. Tumors of the forestomach were counted under a dissecting microscope. Tumors 1 mm or larger were re A single administration of indole-3-carbinol, 3,3'-diindo- corded and checked histologically (20, 21). lylmethane, or indole-3-acetaldehyde oxime by p.o. intuba-

Table 1 Effects of Õndoleson DMBA-induced mammary tumor formation tumors0Wt

Route of of Ex indole ad- rats rats peri ministra- at gain''(g)138146139145149142175175149147125107169178173%ofwith tu ment1234Materialadministered"Dimethyl tionriskp.o. mors9121P27«-736014'36506421rat1.450.290.361.550.900.210.570.861.000.210.430.191.200.331.00± solventcontrollndole-3-carbinol3,3'-Diindolylmethanelndole-3-acetonitrileDimethylsulfoxide 11141111p.o.intubation 0.28''± 0.16e± 0.20e± 0.46±

solventcontrollndole-3-carbinol3,3'-Diindolylmethanelndole-3-acetonitrileDimethylsulfoxide 10141414p.o.intubation 0.28± 0.16'± 0.25± 0.29±

solventcontrollndole-3-carbinollndole-3-acetaldehydelndole-3-acetaldehydeoximeNonelndole-3-carbinollndole-3-acetonitrileDose(mmol) 14141416Additionintubation 0.28± r3619*7320''54Tumors/0.11'± 0.17± 0.10'±

15diet to the 0.30± ofdiet0.030/g 1516Mammary 0.19'±

ofdietNo. 0.39

" Female 7-week-old Sprague-Dawley rats were given by p.o. intubation a single dose of 1 ml dimethyl sulfoxide only or of the indicated indole in dimethyl sulfoxide 20 hr prior to administration of 12 mg DMBA in 1 ml olive oil also by p.o. intubation. In Experiment 4, the Õndoleswere added to the diet, which was given for 8 days prior to administration of 12 mg DMBA by p.o. intubation. * Experiments 1 to 3, from 7 to 28 weeks of age; Experiment 4, from 6 to 28 weeks of age. '' Mammary tumors present when rats were 21 weeks old. " Mean ±S.E. e p < 0.01. fp < 0.05.

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Downloaded from cancerres.aacrjournals.org on September 28, 2021. © 1978 American Association for Cancer Research. L. W. Wattenberg and W. D. Loub

Table 2 Effects of Õndoleson BP-induced gastric tumor formation of the fore- stomachAge

at Ex gen and take(a/day) mice peri doseschedule"1 atrisk39201819331819172018Dietinfice(wk)31313131414141414141Wtgains(9)± mentdiet"123Nonelndole-3-carbinol, Additions to the mg BPbyp.o. 0.54''± 0.03mmol/g3,3'-Diindolylmethane,intuba-tion2times/wk 0.35e±

0.02mmol/glndole-3-acetonitrile, for 4wk0.3 0.51'± 0.03mmol/gNonelndole-3-acetonitrile, 0.43e±0.64±

mg BPbyp.o. 0.03mmol/gNone3,3'-Dlindolylmethane,intuba 0.33e tion 3times/wk wkNoneNo.ofmicefor 8




" Female ICR/Ha mice were fed a semipurified diet, Normal Protein Test Diet ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc., containing the indicated indole starting when the mice were 63 days old and continuing until they were 98 days old in Experiment 1 or 126 days old in Experiments 2 and 3. 6 The initial dose of carcinogen was given 8 days after the start of the experimental diets. c Experiment 1, from 8 to 31 weeks of age; Experiments 2 and 3, 41 weeks of age. " Mean ±S.E. ' p <0.01. ' p <0.05. tion produced a significant inhibitory effect on the occur (11). The AHH determination reflects formation of phenolic rence of DMBA-induced mammary tumors as is evident metabolites of BP. The metabolisms of BP and DMBA are both from a reduction in the number of animals that have complex. The relative amounts of metabolites of detoxifi tumors and from the number of tumors per animal (Table cation as compared to those leading to formation of ulti 1). In contrast, indole-3-acetonitrile does not suppress neo mate carcinogenic species would control the response to a plasia in this experimental model. In an experiment in particular dose of carcinogen. Pertinent information con which Õndoleswere added to the diet, indole-3-carbinol cerning this balance can be obtained only from detailed again inhibited the neoplastic response, whereas indole-3- studies of the metabolite pattern of the carcinogen and are acetonitrile did not. The results obtained in experiments in not provided by levels of AHH activity. At present, detailed which BP was administered by p.o. intubation to mice show information on the effects of Õndoleson PAH metabolism is an inhibitory effect of indole-3-acetonitrile as well as of lacking. indole-3-carbinol and 3,3'-diindolylmethane on the occur Indole-3-carbinol, 3,3'-diindolylmethane, and indole-3- rence of of the forestomach (Table 2). acetonitrile occur in vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli, which are widely con DISCUSSION sumed (8, 10, 12). Thus alterations in carcinogen metabo lism by these vegetables would be of some interest. Animal The naturally occurring Õndoleshave been studied for experiments in which the whole vegetable has been used their capacity to inhibit formation of neoplasms in 2 experi have been limited thus far to determinations of their effects mental models. Indole-3-carbinol and 3,3'-diindolylmethane on the activity of the mixed-function oxidase system to produce an inhibitory effect against DMBA-induced mam wards several substrates, including BP. In all instances mary tumor formation in the rat and the occurrence of BP- induction of increased activity was found (13, 18, 19). The induced neoplasia of the forestomach in ICR/Ha mice. degree to which biological effects of consumption of a Indole-3-acetonitrile was effective in suppressing neoplasia whole vegetable can be attributed to specific Õndolesis of the mouse forestomach but did not inhibit mammary difficult to ascertain. Extraction procedures show that the tumor formation. The mechanism or mechanisms by which predominant indole in the cruciferous plants studied is the Õndolesinhibit PAH-induced neoplasia is not known. indole-3-acetonitrile. However, the origins of the Õndoles They have been shown to induce increased AHH activity are complex. Indole-3-carbinol, 3,3'-diindolylmethane, and


Downloaded from cancerres.aacrjournals.org on September 28, 2021. © 1978 American Association for Cancer Research. Indole Inhibition of Neoplasia indole-3-acetonitrile are formed in cruciferous plants from Yields of Mammary Cancers following Administration of 7,12-Dimethyl- benz(a)anthracene Proc. Nati. Acad. Sei. U. S.,57. 737-742, 1964. the of a parent compound, indolylmethyl glucos- 7. Jacobs, M. N., Jansson, B., and Griffin A. C Inhibitory Effects of inolate (3, 4, 16). Two pathways of hydrolysis have been Selenium on 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine and Methylazoxymethanol Acetate described, giving different end products. Thus the ultimate Induction of Colon Tumors. Cancer Letters, 2. 133-138. 1977 8. Jones, E. R., and Taylor, W. C. Some Indole Constituents of Cabbage. amounts of the 3 Õndoleswill be dependent on multiple Nature, 779. 1139. 1957. factors. The concentration of the parent compound will be 9. Léete.E.,and Marion, L. 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Lee W. Wattenberg and William D. Loub

Cancer Res 1978;38:1410-1413.

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