“Our members rely on us to be strong and

stable.” —Paul Zastrow

and Exchange Commission as a Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization. Each agency reviews Trivent at least once a year, and sometimes twice. “Te ratings agencies look at several areas to evaluate our fnancial health, including our business profle, operating performance, risk management and overall balance sheet strength,” says Paul Zastrow, who leads Trivent’s corporate accounting team. Once they’ve closely and scrupulously examined and analyzed these and other factors, the agencies then give a company a letter “grade,” or . By and large, these ratings are pretty close to the What Do Financial A-F range found in schools. For example, AM Best has six grades for entities it deems “secure,” from a top rating of A++ (Superior) Strength Ratings to B+ (Good). Ratings below those are considered in the “vulnerable” range. Mean for You? For more than 20 years, Trivent Financial has earned the highest possible rating from AM Best, Fitch affirm Thrivent’s ratings AM Best: A++ (Superior), the highest of its 16 ratings (last rated May 2019). For more than a decade, has consistently It’s common to do a little homework before making a signifcant given Trivent very strong ratings—it was purchase. You want an objective assessment so you can make the best recently rated AA+ (Very Strong), the second decision possible. highest of its 21 categories (last rated May It’s no diferent when you want to know if your fnancial 2019). Keep in mind that ratings refect organization is credible. Trivent’s overall strength and claims-paying To do so, you can turn to evaluations provided by independent ability but do not apply to the performance fnancial ratings agencies. Teir ratings are like a report card of investment products. and serve as an external verifcation of a fnancial organization’s “Our members rely on us to be strong and strength and its ability to keep the promises it has made to clients stable,” Zastrow says. “We’re proud that we and members. All companies are measured against the same have received consistently high ratings from requirements, so it’s a good benchmark for comparing fnancial outside agencies. It demonstrates that we health and strength. can deliver on the promises we make to our Tere are several ratings agencies. Trivent Financial is rated by members and be there for them when they AM Best and Fitch Ratings, both registered with the U.S. Securities need it the most.”

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