Feb. 14 / Administration of , 2013 working with Frank on critical issues before NOTE: The statement referred to Bonnie En- us these next 2 years, and Michelle and I wish glebardt Lautenberg, wife of Sen. Lauten- him and Bonnie all the best. berg.

Remarks Prior to a Meeting With President Giorgio Napolitano of February 15, 2013

President Obama. Well, I want to extend the when they visited Italy. You should know, Mr. warmest greetings to my good friend, Presi- President, that one of the few things that my dent Napolitano, on a return visit to the White daughters asked me after I was reelected was, House. I think it’s entirely appropriate the day does this mean we can go back to Italy again? after Valentine’s Day, since we know that St. So I confirmed to them that any excuse we can Valentine was associated with Italy, that we find to visit Italy, we shall return, hopefully. had a chance to express our love for the Italian And this will give us an opportunity to not people and my high regard for President Na- only visit, but also to talk about some important politano. issues, including the world economy. I an- He has been an extraordinary leader not just nounced at the State of this week in Italy, but also in Europe. We’ve had occa- my interest and intention in pursuing a U.S.- sion to meet many times in which we have ex- free trade agreement, which pressed again and again the importance of the I know is something of great interest to the transatlantic relationship and the deep and President. I’ll be interested in hearing from abiding friendship and connection and bond him how he anticipates the elections and gov- between the Italian people and the American ernment formation in Italy and what implica- people. tions that has for the larger European project. And obviously, we constantly talk about the And I’m sure we’ll have a chance to talk about extraordinary connection that derives from the some national security issues as well. tradition of Italian Americans making enor- But my main message is to say, thank you for mous contributions to the United States. Presi- your extraordinary service, and I’m so glad that dent Napolitano has been so gracious in talking we had an opportunity to visit once again be- about his memories of the role that America fore you move on to even better things—I as- played in liberating Europe and instituting the kinds of democratic practices and traditions sume they’re at least having more fun than pol- that have served both sides of the Atlantic so itics. well for so many years. President Napolitano. Thank you very much. I want to thank the people of Italy for their I don’t need to say how deeply touched I am by enormous contributions to the NATO alliance. the generous appreciation we just heard of my Italy is one of our biggest contributors in Af- long public service in the interest of Italy, of ghanistan and makes enormous sacrifices. our alliance, of our common cause. And I am They welcome and host our troops on Italian grateful to President Obama for inviting me to soil. The economic bonds between our two pay a farewell visit at the White House and for countries are very significant. And in all this, giving me the opportunity of an exchange of President Napolitano has shown himself to be ideas before I conclude my Presidential man- a visionary leader who has helped to guide and date. steer Europe towards greater unification, but I am sure that we will be able today to ex- always with a strong transatlantic relationship press a common sense of confidence in the fu- in mind. ture of Italy and of U.S.-Italy relations, more The last point I would make is that Presi- generally speaking, in the future of our joint dent Napolitano has also just been a good per- commitment to advance global peace, democ- sonal friend, a tremendous host to my family racy, and human rights.

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Italy has made a remarkable progress in the economically, but also from a political and past 14 months: the Italian Government with moral point of view. parliamentary support of different and even My conviction is that the effect that a shift opposite political forces, and with the compre- has been taking place in the center of gravity of hension of different social groups and of all cit- the world development of international rela- izens. While this progress must and will contin- tions doesn’t cancel at all the crucial impor- ue and be developed because Italy needs it, tance of transatlantic alliance, of transatlantic Europe needs it, and I think the world as a relations. On the contrary, it represents a new whole needs it. stimulus for us to make such a framework of The announcement which has been made, relation more active, more competitive. It is just made in Brussels and in Washington—sig- absolutely necessary for a better world to have nificantly because I was impressed by the our common heritage of values and experienc- words, “We, the leaders of the European es be a decisive factor also in the course of glo- Union and of the United States.” It was a beau- balization in the next future. tiful incipit. Yes, well, I think that the trade— It is the spirit in which I am here to testify the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Part- once more my personal friendship and my ad- nership, which will be realized—now we are miration for President Obama, only deploring the opening talks, but I am sure about also the that the visit of President and his family in conclusion—can represent a relevant contribu- was so short, and expecting a new visit tion for promoting a new wave of develop- also in my new capacity. I be in another palace, ment, of technologic advancement, of social but I be there to welcome you. justice on both shores of the Atlantic. And I President Obama. That’s great. Thank you. think it can represent even something more. It is to say a new historic stage in relations be- NOTE: The President spoke at 10:10 a.m. in tween Europe and the United States, not only the Oval Office at the White House.

Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Citizens Medal February 15, 2013

The President. Thank you very much, every- chance to say thank you. Because all of us—are body. Please, please have a seat. Well, it is a what the rest of us aspire to be. pleasure to welcome some of our Nation’s fin- In America, we have the benefit of living in est citizens here to the people’s house. And let this big and diverse nation. We’re home to 315 me be the first to congratulate each of you and million people who come from every back- your family members for the receipt of the ground, who worship every faith, who hold ev- highest honor a civilian can receive: the Citi- ery single point of view. But what binds us to- zens Medal. gether, what unites us, is a single sacred word: citizen. We host a lot of events at the White House, It’s a word that, as I said in my State of the but I have to admit this is one of my favorites, Union Address, doesn’t just describe our na- because it’s a moment when, as a people, we tionality or our legal status, the fact that we get to recognize some extraordinary men and hold a passport. It defines our way of life. It women who have gone above and beyond for captures our belief in something bigger than their country and for their fellow citizens, of- ourselves; our willingness to accept certain ob- ten without fanfare, often with not a lot of at- ligations to one another and to embrace the tention, very rarely for any profit. You do it be- idea that we’re all in this together, that out of cause it’s the right thing to do, because you many, we are one. It’s the thing that de Toc- want to give back. And today we honor you, we queville noticed about America when he first celebrate you, and most of all, we have a came to visit: These folks participate, they get