
Y o iu d Frain iiit a

B 9 e r i i , PARISONS’ OK t A I L ^ l A V T I >8; 8T. LEdNApDS A B^XHiUi

P r i c e I d a

E. X0C(H{!K. ,_ to be , N e^tente aad H E ^'8 ROAO, HASTlKOat SookseBej .o r i f t b i PobliRw. F. J, M iarebM tQ- ' ?a rsons, U , CliiFemont. BaistiaBe. i T * ta I t t d ' O f I ^ e s * . OMit'a, I Bookfriien,i'.or -of .nd •• iParsona, Ltd.. U,! irU iM »nc< Hg. ,,jl» o ld o rttt. Old 0«ld, I liv e r uR> valued; proi pt W ife I lipm Disi Pliable. noiXeeui Beiditrjr o m e a if^^'

'TiicirED EctabUsbed 2#' HBS., BEEBEt SBALEB. UOkDOH ■>Ap St. Lf0N ?i s a io r ( blld^in ’ e I rvep»_de»crl O “ “ B a b i i o Ednoatio^a] B-^U oommnnlaatlondlU o n ii ahnl t ».^Idon Villa. 'w l p«ttileri•te d d J : lAQnarda. P a ^ C ^ t i E R , L lDi f Is ' St I proaptly^y«iy.uttea( atteaded i uk. i AIETY [ASTINGSJ E s t a b u s h m b n ^ ti^nee no o b ject "a ” ‘ Ocnierhl kaliagor; u A bo O bject T* n a s e ry jl W. BOte'LAND n|tiMana«Ojr: ME. E. SCUTTJ (S r a n i : NT N o m L-[,IS H ld f SCHOOL. JlDAT (8A :DAT), HAT 16tb, a t 2,30 and Sm D A T . 17th MAV, i. jlRED . SmiLTH n|t5. i M t crllorinanoee of— BY THE EX-GUABi ' AND lONDEOABTEN. , The following, artistev tlilt/r. in HEREBY GIVEN* ih n t all OWING to paving had nuiierons enquiries from theif clieu^ and others ia CONNWAELI ! GABDENS, HASTWGSil ASJIROBK DEALER. X v ^Chediti^ra__ and other .iierfous bavin) Cono^; Partyl have kl conseUteiil to ap- St. Leonards an^ the district, Hrincipats; .88 LE COOQ fcnd iin ^ B A T EEp’S ^ D . HAlKsQa V i r W s pear ; -* Mies yiOI,.ET ,. B, MB. EV iai nBD any Claims afii ,inst the Betate of MRS ' L.A., '•Hon. 1st. Andrei^s);i Wdmen’i Hig . „ 0 ^ ’e and Childi 3utro. . HB.I^Y. MisslENID 3 ^BtSON. . I AB- BliTSY MAR!51L\LE. late o{ No. Canfoii Ige Certlfleate.: etc. Irea'i C I^ Y UOBBIsi Misv : LINE b e : . Miss B oots,,i HODSB UNI iNDAY.MAV iBth. lights and a Uatlneei J.ASIES ROAP. Hastings, Susses, deoeasi Besident and Visiting Staff,. NEK, i.tn^ay it E.30. MDREAYl laN G andi ILEBNB BEBE8P0BD.' t (who d ied op t lie 8th o f A p riJ . 1914, en SIARLE8 CLAEK’S Stage jUahaghr; Mr. pent liove add Mr. Messrs. F.| A. L td . MODERN EDUCATION ^OBONST CIBCtHT whose W ill was iroved lu the liSwes D istri' k .'fill. Tr lining. B o a r d i l s 'eoeito ecelp ()MPAN Y in an impoi nt t srlval of the .John P j Began, Orchesti i tedl mous Con ed; t. EollertS¥Atlnh.------Three , lions Daily. M csio Probate RegJstr;' on the 30th A pril, 1914, 1 ' s a a ib it a t eaaliiReAiilmil Georgy Spencer j la rslia ll, the husband of tl I I of 38, Robertson l^til'eef^ Haitibg*>| 1 »» a t eaQh[SeMionl 11 till. 1. 3 till 6. 7J0 til 1 10 _UR OYS o^clocK. I Admission to Bi nk with use of sk I tesl deceased, and ’Villiam John: Parker, tli ' j have acquired [the business of i i i Executors there ,n naiuixl). arei herthy ji 3L£jr TIEW ^HpOli PRICESJ ■■ ■ ■ ■ Byl^H.” J.' yron. PrI eded eacli I Svening____ ..by I^ISS, NElkilEi T iiuired.to eeufl ii particulars of their)ClaiM il| M r. W HIFEHOUS^ Optician, of 8^ L o n i o n R o a d , I MOUNT BOAD. ?IES’. CHlM BEN-sf JANTROf Y; ! 'he Popdlar Ehjntertainer. to us, the under! igned, on or befioro the SOt 1 ij BOOTS and: June, 1914, after which date theUajdlHxecii J .GIBES AND KINOIE B D A B I ^ . waiUid npoa OTB open ' .15. Commence 7.45. Prices 4s. toj B r i t i s h REo^ii^ibss S o c i e t y UJ Tel. 612. tors iv ill proifect to distnibuto tpe assets and have full paiticulars as to tho glasses- of lus former Cllenti, being able to ' Eerao,' froid Edmutid-rd. itp .U tger p » s ash, br tarceleele careful'o a re fu iiyll the said dec Bcience of Ophthalmic --- th< DAUGHTEBS ^etsichments wi 1 be inspected by] MliN- m oroagh Edaeation ^NTUiaiEN S and OlL ie..tnimttab)ej(^medianne of Qay Parisi- P r i m i ^ o s e L e a g u e , optics. Other Brinc|ie8 ntIE X H IL I^ EASTBOUENE I etc. ystem, i with Pr iparation | tor EABINO APFABSi' andi ‘‘^ihese Honemocn’’ fame sup- . uhen deeired; the best ii^ eachtesiJ^liv^ c o n .! O rd e rs i>; HASTINGS as ih ed b: ideriok _ and Powerful H e r T H i H u c h e s s AND ST. LEONARDS e ptfonal ad rat tag,, for Jfodem Langnogea istanc) no ol m Ion Con of Stafr 4stt Luncheon and Aftetmooi, Teas a epe*. Classef for Eldi r Girls. Open to Visitora, . AUow w to sioyi tRTICUE8|-Wi|lNT||| oial ty. Dame Presi.iont—Mrs. EBDBN BaI[dsIod Pla; o Himio [Attack hn a pos tioii by a detaphmdnt •4- i.1 of SUM (CihqUe Fort) B; ttalion Boyal Sueeex Itiss ELLSiAN. 1. Cpnibevmere Koad. Ran, illv i tei e i th— £**•* "antedj! j I I I Eegimmt. Mrs.. E. KENT. !74, pi. Helen’s Koad. “ ‘JT lT T R E S S resiiltiicY of Wliicfi ic td r e . -Alex. Heaney, u. 3rd[ Sussex Chapter Knights Hnporial- )IJ8E ISCHOOL, V i [.OYAL IlNEM A DE L i UXE, iuDuilSSliON: OI^E ^HILLING. Commander Capt.lkon. E. TL NEe|dHAM, BjN BOAD. HASTINGS. 4^1)8 reanuM tile«u)^ Hon. Seq—w. de HULLERj Esql, rOUNO LADIES. 'a ir . - 8 ! i .HAU PLAbIB, HA^HUGS. "Phono 90S. 14, Stj. Matthew's Gardens. - 'tt'K il' ' ■ 'PBINC1CIPAI ; IfISSES KlMUj and DEW LABOES' 3 AND Me ST tTTXUBltitJtB ■ ■Dame W lirden Juvenile B ran ch - ± HillHi| rbest___ I'esl Imonials and iBeferenees. i odd ] lota : of S 6 S u s s e x A i t s C l u b ! Miss PEBBlNS, 48. Nelson Road. Superioi Eduei tioi on Modern Pnneiplee. - M , STA Pu, lead l|or c i^ —1 h ilp o t, I I H T H E B ■ S T Anyone wishing to join the Habitation'ishoiud pa: ed for Piihlo Ezamiqatlota. apply tp tpe Hon. SecrCta|ries. XINDEI ia k 'x'EN s e p a b a t e i d e p a r t hen FOalBOrS. Swedish Dfill. welierV, .Onirtosltii a n d i i j i t a i n x h t; ,lre]^able|prii : ENTS. N N U A L F | F[IBITION, Owing to Im res is of Pupils a llarge School ^ h < v a lo e I room, meeting the{ requirements 6f lO j& Il, I^G *S 'OSt.|-U "*•, 2(U, tne en’ fra ase Elucae )AT, T0ES1 and ■WtBDNESDAY. MAY TBINI Y HALL. 1 PRIOEtr STEEET, tional Hye-Lav lias been...... openel Bd. , 19thL and |20tb. A Ctneiia Version of l o n i B y . 'B n r.J iSdiST AKSTOY'S using Comedy— HASTINGS,! < ; h®«ir;^^fo2% f Will he '^pen^ by the Blghi Worshipful ' :on»^ed.T- Uadi r T h e OTTLE, m a y o : .rcouholllor E. Al lmitago Hocking, .. WINpHE$trE! HOUSE SCHOO ,d. H ^ n 4 ' the C( ’ iion on MO! ’DAY.I MAY 25th, f l O O O . |e toiany Play that drew all jsneon to the PEVENSEYEOAD EST (ncar Thcj Bighl inds), i I Educakonall imonnt, I 3 p.ni. BUTTEBS & CO.I '^Jeweller WatcB VAUDE’ ILLE fEA PBE, Admit £$on Is. I ) UPPER T. LEONABDS-ON-SEA. who have beek established .in the Midland Played by a Comp in:! of ■ V . . V ----- ^ t >4in c : PAL |- MISS AGNES B()OTH. e n t Jv u t^ d ^ o i WEST ENI LONDON LE PISTES. l^ lY 26th to JUNE 141 h inclusive. . Co______unties for nearly Forty Years. EN TIR E STO CK of JEIW ELCERY, W ATfCHES, f:LOCKS. G 'ij-^MES’S! E s TABL^SHHE^.' ! 'LONIIOI^ Hove opened aloc il Office for the purpose of Exclusiv to this ^latrc. lion fd. affording Cash iassistance to the 'Inbabitailitants BOABi:INO fCHOOL FOE GENTLEMEN’S : V - : L ■ ■ RIB)imanoeanoe of th(the| times of,of,i^( Uei ry VIU.— if);' to 6.30. Wedne^ayjs 10 to 9. of Eastbo ime and District. and OPTICAL GOODjS, SILVER & E^ECTRO-PLAIE I ^ I T O N HOTEE, s reM: for,..the burohatel , DVAKCES MADE AT FEW HOUESI 1 P DAUGHTEBS. ! MB: B. MUBBOTT. itnce, Oppprite station, i^lcte ri aMi'iOL- ifani sUvbr, ‘ » A TICE to thie ^ n tty ,. Clergymen, Failime's, iLate of njghbrtry House School (Chnroh Bead) .; e c e iv e s a Limited Number < ' ------Call, or HAS’ dOa. ST. LEON lE llS AND EAST I iBoardcrs and Day Beys. eess-llA a few mlimtes 1 1 «1“» pSSEX 8UPFEAUE liOCIETY. >implc Promissory. Note alone,, repay^le . | £ B | K A I N .and i suburbs. 'Bucklngh W inters protr^ed: — HE'i veekly, monthly, cr quaiterly in^almenta Bi£' .ni0ljD.'r UOLLINGTON FIBI RPreparation for the Univcrsiti is. Local und star .1 Cathedral, Houses iAL WOLSF f, QUEEN. CATHEBINE. noderatc inter^t. I ' ST. liEO VABip&ON-SEAl other PublijC' ExamiaationH. i James’, Green and, Hyde pMM NEXT TUESDAY, mAy |l9th, a t 4.30. SO FEES. A lii 1EANS,VCTI0NS1 STBiliCTliY rcESS...... LOUIS fS lL , KING OF rbME ’ Special Attention to Backward and DeUcate Charing Orrosi B ffent ltreet, : said _____ ^NCE. I^NFIDBNTIAL.! J 1 SCHO^lli J ND K lN D EB oin’raiNl FOB ShopA, one penny ’hhs rii e. City £3 miniites ry m ental [ R s i H ^ R L O E - P h i b b s Customers dealinglug with other Lendeis egn I’M 3 DAI JOH PEES OF GENTL13MEN.INTLEMl— T.: * ■ I I ■ ■ ■ iBoys. > ■ ' A THBEE HOURS PEOGBAHHE OF lave their Loar“ jiaid off and !inoreasitl. BEGaBPLESS OF IfHICE! Prli i: The p i s 3ES PEAT and STAMt daUi 1564 IHIGU^LASS VAEIEDlSUBJECTS. i 1 by ■; ban' s , 56, RPBINGFIELI EOAD, ST. imbe. 1 Ston JWill speak ht the We are the A,---TE3AL LENDEESI and ev8' lesi'lent English and Foln LEQNAEDS " ' ' 3k. I SUPFB, 3E CtLUBi 7. H.vVb .OCK BOAD, 0» pplicatlon will; ret rive1 IMMEDIATE a n l PE .Gov ernessl s nd Visiting Mastcra.l 1 tainted land iMxpem I NEMA DG LUXE OEi(MESTBA. Patlicnjlar Attentionii ion to dcUoatidcSoatle or ■f I rito (Bedroomii'froi i 2s; M.D Tho^rovb St HHHHOOD a n d EUGENICS.!' ' .OXAL attention ]>y 1 oni' Besident MaiUfRor i t sions; inikietc.lKiisi etc.; used,usau, orearc Irom'lha.ProprietotFirom/i : i o / and Coffee « ryed FBEilEE f rom 4 to 5.30 in Chairil IBS. P. p. BAKlfO'^, M.A. CHOS. GRUNDY 44 Cavendish Aveuno, 1 loi C(f FROM ij ' I. ■ , ; ward Oirls.i ii I i ■ ■ Seats and tpwards. lurhe REDUCTIONS Failm. in Doroetimiro,*DorsetShiro.* m ai d theth in r a c n tS . jeo^i Street L arn Ga rdsn. with iTennis and Croquet Lawns, MAMU i— g . Eastbourho. ' ^ C H O O L k . ' . : ' [ h A $ T 1 K . G S . . MaeWimryileiw Js is ilnsteltea installed on’an theilpPsmflSrt: theiiprsmWM h;h r INUOUS* PEI FOBMANCE DAILY FROM J I Evdry Home Comfort. 1 1 v iJ T . which all;dim,ii: ' ' ^ ' S t. l e o n Ab )8«N-SIUU~ MISS AGNES 1. PEAT (Certo vijite and re- 2,30. V 8UAL PHIC 38. Principal MB. ALEXANDEB UILNE«]b .A. nd Estimate! A s s | ) c i a ,t i (!)n o i T e a c h e r s ce: ves pnpilsj for tho Pianoforte, . _ i_i .11 Asswtsd b:by - . . ■ ti. ■■. e -,..!;. ;!!. j . -a p -ll'!. . Ii'''! ■ -4j RESIDENT IIUNIVEI UNIVEESnY----- GB ADUAT OF 1 M ATHEM ilTICS; MOHE Y O N L O i N i ' „ . r * ME-ni H i OIMIIIll HASTINGS. BLACKILANdIs. pIvkDuXlt. Pfeparaparatidn . for t: lo U EB81< THE S.E. PAET ENGLAND. T T Ottan Ooeui that at some timo or Otbsr ^ TIBS^ 1 (6 pBOFE8.fiIo:------N H 'snlC O t r a l F I C T U R f i T HEATRE J. everyone: has oftll for some um isual KEN iI l w Io ETH U O ljrL E i E. . ...tore In*{h*o SohMlT.Op!i Soh^lTCQafMi'hC^ A MEElflNGi of the Assoi lat ion will ho held, ditore, or that failure of . money ooiU,lfag tlrsMlty Uatricnlatfoi ::Exan&iatioaf ith the Buby. Lamp, oppd lite the G.P.O., ly the fflnd iiiyitation of 1 IF. HILNE,^ a t UN f o b 'GIBLSJ.il : I. Nighty iibota hathavu new passed. D w im a ijuid e a t h s . 3 cmortal. ;BB8IW ;8f!HpoC HASTftr- Os ezpsoted* pll them in a position tireme unpleasai nuse or troublel I t wil! GREATEST RED OFFERED. IPrineibal;! Mies TOMPSETT'' '» 8«hool. ClCbemmsl Labors liory,vj^eeum;, IBS. ItdtATBS. IN UEHOEIt MAY 25rlij atj5.15 p.m^ v«L ______— hay and bs mhre advantEmeoiie to ' (Hon. Cert ffnafe Higher! GaaihridAe). ______.rpeuter’s iWorkshppe'iWbi GymnOs um, .Qt>en.:anff .rgM ita 6d j fob four line* |i read by gBOBiESSOB HUD 1011. lato [of Capital___ than____ _ 01 ____fend _good____Clients 'D E SIO i NT S' 'AFF of Five| IHietSeeses iEnr-Eng. C^verM P^^Fgtanndl efo.y and i lithe'|i)moin& Oh U OKDAT. tUElqOAY. and WEDNESDAY, College. ipn. jpn "Th( Teaching of El JlVi : lish. Fret cb, npiano, yn il . raenM.oT -a iwellrequliiped .Khoo . -Thei inlaying ''Tadditiional JUna !Exn Stop Progrfmmo fn>] 2.30 daUi% BOTT, hatevor. •i- ■ ‘ TOQB, l^lUBF sc tOOLj BtrUkiAn Prices as -UsUi Apply for! partioc ars or call-^ MAWKH t o liV .'-''' ;<■. ‘ -'I ^ i f b : ?“TtHE *5*-- 'ii4 li^ -'iV ^ ^rlsalto h tel-to r-H M itln ts ^2 VOUK|S ’^lO M EN ’f R I S T I A l j l ^"S?frOOl;-^F0B DlBlAlFAim KINDEB- K .M ' 3 H fi 'FEN,! S ft 4. WELLl 7GTON SqUABE. j P A L T B 1 A ^ $ 1 C I A T [ : General M'a newi d u i rtrtsS; -Mis s h e l e «i BA'moA^m, fiSrcial. \jery modersjte fees. NEr ^i^ne t 0 lASTINUbi 317. (Hastii'igs Brai chj eukemisiress- MISS: EMILY 'iI k BA’SHOATE, I Ml .nagiOKnaging .Direct Dlreeu EEKroi UANCE will.be read by tho Ron, Ires surer and th part]' of ' the hO nnt Il-LB.. I.M. (i fold 1 H nlallisi)SI);!' !■ ' [ inilayi 7th, kt $%f‘. fbomai'.of; iO STIIM E CONCEBT PARTY and a n im a t e d SccretaryJandT onTAddress j y MISS PiCTOl pk.vahle'by [easy instol>Imi 1 Replale with coihtoijt. Quick and efficient ietvi^. I tiTiWoPOBTE riiiihCLASS SINhOtN(I-'Miss ' Alice hrtdgo Local,'and other Examinations: :;A [ : i' P ir BES. TDEBBHVJLL KHead of Y.mc., i. Foriign De-[ Applyi Malinger. , itr. yr. lfortlon.. AiB.C.M.v L.B.AA M p : ! - 2 ■ limited nulnberrcf Besident- Pupils reoel'^ed. .^OBMASlERi Leonarns-oniSea, b;r the wb!r...d partmout)! Teiv atl4.30. Collject on. . 1 NA'rfCS-S aff-Sergt,'KoSS.1’: ■ | Bted by theiBev. J. But i , GOODM.VN. : 19. L,l A N S D O W N NOT!! ADDEDsSES enty yeare’ ezpcrienoe. , -! Helyari youngeet 4on of . W,i C< mfidehtly asse- that we are providing The“ Eveniiigi MeetingJueeLiug willm u uks the form of! EQAE, CB0YD0N.[ SohndS Gcnerill Fdncation. With Ispeeial pre­ A CONtEBSAZIONE. at 7Jt m. Presided paration for Xitistic, Comi leroisll. Liters ry, Address: BAb e WOOD,-TOWER BOAO W ^T . OBSES Ud CABSUGES h t 'aT8qf|- ton, |to Catherine Angefak : “ h ? B e s t _ I tertainm ent i n THE lIAfilNE TEA LOUNGE 6. SlfUTH COLONNADE. ST. LEONA)W '! desqnpition. icr otl M n. Oafy, lof C h i ^ j over by I Mrs LiebcnrOoit. and I Secretary .I . (hireers. Sepatate dciks. ST. LEONAEDS-ON-SEA. H oonarpt. Solos will be reijdered by ^.M: S3 E. [Elpbick Oymhasium. I a: id cumbebtIa n d Ig a e d e n s , Iadet Corps [attached to tho 2nd Home ir Sc h o o l f g r i !)a y b o y s * b o a r d e u s , cleaned and Esnoin P I Uayi a t Chelsea I HospiUI o> fUOtJS EXHHimON from 2.30 to 10.30. ND. Y, MAY ITlth. ROSE Aijo : BA[rE3. /ce and S alt .'^vlerchant. Late Lectunr Uniiyersity TGEY; ' BO, Wist Hill, St, ^ n a rd fr, T Ev: Girlsj Lot don) .')f ! I J S^hHmaster : . ■ :. I: d^dln#!ltom adftiM ^I': xd 8 a ^ o n . I Inidhnent at : I ondoi Goldsmiths’ (jlollew; R o s s k N I S © T A B A T Xt e t Th i Staff... ____ indueJoe: I ■* ■ ^r, P. S. pj^I^W M.A., B.Sc., SL John’s UE(i)BATTON8 ^nd?B|pAIBI I 1 CenDietw; Monclayp Majy ! : jColleffo,-Cambridge. (SATUBDAY), a< 2.30, S|30 and 8.30 p.m. iPA W N BRbiiE R WEST STREET, t^ASTlNGS, g e S s t . MI3S1 nOI DWEt. L (F ina l H oi OUTS,I Oxford In i. ilill l be repeated c Histo ry. ; ,li Oxford Tet chersf Diploms). C. DYKE, 15, I W H ^ m r i red, laird w>n of Hrs. 8* Soloists Mias GLADYS PAUL Miss AMY MISSI" BIN mniuiiXdY|DLE (Final Honoris, Oxford, En CHOOLi SUBJECTS:—Scripture, English isbur^l-rofide B o h e:u ^ sud' bast .hree Exhibitions of— HELAS ME. W. IE JUDGE ME. P. T. 9Q, iijixX oa A qA i, 3fi i X i 9 0 4 a c j e > _i Mathematli s] French, Gorman, Phys; cs. [font, j>n Uqy 1st, .914, aged BSIGDE N. i T elephone 586. < Telegrams 1 Eairer, Bastings. MISSI * I X F M 1 N G B.A., Londoi (with Londo :he m isti7 ,iLabq 'Story Work in Mathematics d a t trood Cemetery, Mr. J. Baker! Guy at the Organ. 1Teaol lers’ iplom a). I ind Science.! La ifi, l Drawing. Part-SWgi ig, T O N Y A ] D C l e o p a t r a . ” Collect ions for the Organ and Choir Fund. ------TiPOEl (Higher Cert 0cet«. N.F.U.). THE HASTINGS ! AND; ST. LEON; ,h a t Beechcroft. :?evensey" :■ .. ^ ' [fandworfc i Gard ehujg.. and Nature ■ Stiu ly, GEN'G EL. PIi.D. add MIA., UniyeK :eguiap Instruc rihnt; is given in D rilt apd Isliege daily a t i P rta p ^ i m F."^ W. (Jolee, Esq., i years,'£25.' memory of o|ur doarmotber, " :\ Preacher: J . noo lent for 4E1 m onth. nodefafe ' i to the (jovernoi-s; or . ’ortnightV Payment , of Ss. ttt .was coiled to rest May 13t’* l^xelusive Bights t1i\^ HaU. iSceived a t Bank' Bui EEV. J. IPHILIP EOGEBS, B.A. Boarders._are . LodgS;' th from' the I Headmaster. (early, payment In qdyanoaiA3 1 1 of Botirnemooth C H A R L E 5 ; H U C » h e s , :3oard! House, wfa adjoins tqi hy Immediate-Payment/^. £!&' ildren.: m y life is jpast, Prlcw as i usual : 3il., 6d and Is. Flower Service at 3|p.m. in Idstititte. Special withdrawable at ehorfmotlce. u to the lae^ A lllparti snlar^oan be obtait from— Collections for ^cbool Funds, Personal A ttention (Riven. o ra^r, Sanitary . nor torrow take, ! ^ B u i l d e f , b e ( m i IH E K B Y G, B A IL Y .! oretary., Foil Inlprmation-SEOBETABY[i [ fer for my <|ak0.. Established over CO years) 23, Hayclocl HasCiniri, IjTE TUTOR. H ot fater E nglni^r, G a^tter, A c . , 46, SALISBimYlllOAD, I " ' ring memory of. c ir des,t - Il t e L'E. :H.'iB:M):i f : i'(registerod under the : STi- tlT O N A :^ ':|:'. ir. WcHstead. who died ait TC i n e m J p A l i - A C li.B. and S.C.I M Order. Late Laneh. V0.U E--HIGH f i C H O O L I Hay ttb . Iwl. I>at ik iN bo a : llEC:q Na b d & FIEEPBO'OP 9AFES) M E ^ C A t O R I ^ 1 , S T . L E O r | A R D S , or rebeives . Boyn!l> i^uTsex B|eiigimeniL E x j c U R S I O N lO N D O N FOB 0 IB I4 AND KINDEl lABTBN. sitieaj Ijondqn M anager: GEO. E b eIDM,: N. C h e Ap b rid ^ Lopal,:Ai avy. Medical: and other SUNDAY, MAY M b . w here] best m aterid^ only a re u^ed, and th e w oi km anship is of th e ' E l ^ OOVEb to.^rger Premiy a t VAENOll, Exam.inations.i . taken in Schools either R 11. LATO: BOAD, HAI NGS. tempefarily. or tosntly. Especially sike- I LAST WPBO [lUXUBY.’^ Eetu n Fare. 4. DEVONSHIRE TEiREACEj highest class. Jobbinig W o rk n ail| its b ra n c h e s p u i)i [d u ally atten d i^d lto . oeseful With : r rard and delfoste !pnpus. tin i l l b in Thorongb_ dodei , Education.' Tyeparation folr am. Class r HASiTINnfth a s t i n g ^. Itions. Homo I'pmforts for Highest refertU I JaBexhilli and , Neh rtoA, \Utm»rUU. mnd hdor ! ToOroy ^stabiishied «vV 60 yei r s . [ f e i e p h o n e H asU ngs 676.11 Pnbiio :E tamii ing toy s visited. Apply— MHE. iBEAX L5|> Blarde L Terms mck .(late. . n vaalnitr .'OPTt [T.iprtwr I Cardi supplUd xii • DAY. TUESDAY, and SDAY, MAY 8 45 Sir! o r M adam, .1 1 i 34, UPPER l?Api ST. LEO^'ABp^GN- i, 19th and 20th. J Sole at a Great ■* SHOULD ion [ nt any time re- ■ Prli loipal MRS. F. G. ( (lOPEB. 1 f lV S b ^ y . Parsons. IM ,, 1 4 , em > of the wonderful Itish Produo- 848 •A.- . 8 52 t£s t^'M.)!'' 3 / ;quire a CASH .ADVANCE I ihall Bnyal Conse icut Bose ana thi 9 0 ilie happy to arrange the, matter ii PROMPTLY' WITHOUT Security Member S e a l e d O i d e r s . ” Betorhlng iro n Victoria, 8,50 p.ni.; Ciapham E u ir B E S C H I0 1 O L Jnnetion, 6.55 p.i .; and East Croydon, 9.10 p.m. or Sureties.l and in S T U li.C T & R Y E 6 1 Sibccially Selected F rogramme of other PRIVACY. ! INDON.EOAD.j I& R s c p c ^ T Sec Bills. M y^EY. ! (Secondary Ollfor Boys niid Giris). fUnI 1 charge NO 7EES. and hting o a r d in g a i DAY SCHOitilFOE OIBLS. „ il» fo ions Performance t hrea till 10.30. '^NDER. can dffer Princi laU :■ he MISSES WAYMOUTH. 1 'I ices tho ACTUAL Lf U Y K is one qf . lealthiest tow ns in E np. 3d. to |ls. illiiil’ seats may bo re- tlio M O S T ADV.ANTAOE()CS BAssistM bs an cient Staff i( English am! A v land, M pdee Jildings, situ atctl dm idpt ■vksli Loan I'und Association L t d Foreign. Slstre B and Visiti eg'Professors. iiliRS^ M ost elB ciC ut School, Terms. : i ^ u t i j a l (jonye licnt Wcll-Tent(iati!il Booms. lieantlful\B nrrou* U a d e r t i i T H E H U B I A I D ISTR IC T 001 SCIL Yo^rs faiflifnlly, h- -t C hem ical and P hj d eal’ E ab o rato ries. F u ll, staff LESSOR IN VOICE HBODUO roN 4SIN Q IN 0& INCORI'OKATED 1850. Thorough 5 [odcr alEduoatioU, wi,h Preparatioi; of highly qnal:' Ml i T ehehers. S cholarS lim eiit ASOliAJXJpMPA HASTINGS. for Oifortl and .ambridge______Lopms. College o suocessfnl; G o! iD iscIpIine. H ostel, d jfT H E P i c t u r e ' l o U S E , Preceptors, Maprlenlation, As: liiciatedocii' ' Board“ F ield., O ym nasii ns ex trem ely iLvn [ l e e i i i ’ A B LEffig PHILLIPS etc. EENSETH I .H a a t lliVERUILL. RT. I. EC SABDI TEAM ROAD EOL .IN PVANCES from upwairds upon Personal or (i)ther Secuiiity, re- F o r prospect' |H ea(i M aetey O f iToW n MR a. OM'DR, Prospeotui on ppUcation C l p r k . | M eskrs. C roi jer. 13l0, Bond street, >1 donj Lt K. UDU18 FIlEEDllAN. , Cdntrolling ONLY LONDON ADDRESS: 31 payable by instalm ents upon following tejtos:— on Wtonesdays. . , nit Manager; MB. MOEl 28; Reel- w. L , A' " STRELT. W f- ______paym ents of io shiliings £20,12 mon liaymenta of £2 iL . M e s irs. : Miller. 6, Sidney S| eet, Cami Jlanager: OIIO. L I'lCHl jlBNE. HE , above . ♦ tiaiuC'.'<1 c r n ’lNdiT; invite o n Thursdays.' '1 . , '-'i - T( (SATURDAY) J I A ' • 16th. he ^ e a t T I’EllN DERS)ERS fofor r th e E olli of Certain | £ 50,1.2 montniy payments o f; SS And longer s r io o s . UppOP St.’Li| inards £ad|(f8’ Collegi HOLXfOOI)) SCHOOL, . M o s ! rs. Jackson, 152, High Street; Lewi JlxWus VO Roads in the!>ir District istristrict.' Time, proximatc- j FOE Itl . F ri la y s;'.; T .', i ‘ ■ . ; 4 ' ; I r Other amounts in proportion. fIDEXTUL PlfeiLS. BExHidi-OS-SEA.. Privat I Address i ST; BODE! St. LSonai !v 60 di Specifications a iwl Form s of B I G B i T 15, 16 and If SIAHKWICK i TBBBACB. '-'If \W S D a ^H T 0 L i B I RTY, Tender iAayay hobo [obtainlobtainejtl from mr, or from Special terras for 1 oans on approved sec if it ie s . Htjadthaster: M y Al. Jp.l BEYAN,. B'.A..]Inter. Mr Lott to now bbokuiE thhes fm JEWELLER. jSllivERSjlITH JVND Cpndiu ted MISS WIIillbDQHBY. jming ITenn- In Thr4p Acts: A j : the District finrjveyor, Mr. D. Pai;ue. Stono- iCill or wHte to the brapeh M aiiagcri—1Q9, QUEEN’ S'5 RD., HASTINGS, »ECQR.ATOIL _ rent ie II 1 Photo Assist^ M ®*®1 [en t 'C ertifleated G oyerneSses. Assisted by ;ii pt^(gf8tatt of ' R. BL^D M A K ElR . Etm* P ay. Ivnk Farm, Fan-light, 'llastin [s. Tenderr. OJlice hours 2 to jy Pi*». S a tu r d a y s l o to 1. ! : [re,. IBBBALi b 6b a l Hoheehold A' lento. Till PHOGBAMMi S CH \ GED FOUB . PAWNBROKiEft, | UniversitiiM; ___, A LL.I cI e NOBTO:______^TIMES ’WES SJ Uie 12th]: day lot 3June next, ..gJ IfH ighes:ighee aim| in Instrnotlqn.II iG ood M astersj 'tX bEPA BA TIO N fokfhi : R t l K | : R . | Mi SCELLANEOUB mmence IFrenohI Ou 1 .n Residehil Governi X tioihsi Puhlidj SSbooi eto. Sproial ;Att«| R .C Jl . The Ck lip not [hind theihselvce to ' BupiU pripa: for London [ MatrioulationJ tion ^ ^ e o______to Mp-*'— , Iktilguages. Gbemical an 10 (DAY NEXT, MAY Presents nreSt o r any Tcmi er. 2!) daoria Str.'is!: 'k 1, R'issall Coapt POBTE,! SINGING. yoiOEi P B O D U a land Niimcro away each accept the Cambridge CpHege o f QUeeptors, Asso Laboi^tqry,. IGymnaSitim. etc. . TL t i Dn , HARMONYJ eto. B a n t i l ibAii.'Sa(|f iiin g l! 1 8 G ' ciajed: Boa: 'd an any other Eliaminations il il stands in its lo^n grounds of sevenj^ nigh pur Patrons. JENU INI PRE0O1PTS. O ^ e r , H ASTINGS. LM..'A LG A '.iai^L tlM d N I J B L i £ O A £ ' Admission: desired. -' lymn Isinm and ■ Irro. Swlmmli BOW! C oO ehifig fo r L JU t...... Is.. 9il. d.. '4d., 13d.. 2d. I A. R. INSKl PP Bath atta bed to the . nmises. ciat d B oards E xam s.. In^ariahly fo ALL CUTTING I DOES GROUND on . - ' i ' .ind Permlssit n of Major W. J. BRS Alk'D fp i HERS. £103. 2) - j par month. :l . HELEN’& fo r th e. E ntratioe iDniferiity Examinatipiu Oto r P i iNOFOBTB.JpBGAN. I i SGIHG l'; ». 73« BEJ! lEY and O F PIO E ^ of the 5th Snesex SPECIAL MACH IN :|]RY. Send fofi ^iete. for bnshuss life. 'niEOBYi OF MUShi r 1 ittcry, 2nd H. C. B le., E.P.A. d China, Jlntiqiae Jdvelieipj & Pnpils s iccesBlnLly pHeparod fo r L Est. 1818. BEST DISCOUNTS on [NEW MACHINES. H c ^ Matrei M I^ .N . C ^ B K , B.A. Frospeotos and ’prmation can / •F t. particulars 1 iter. Keep thii date StjvKpiANS invite TEN DERS f r o m : — i ■ dea Silver .pdronated. i J H O O P , L,LB., L.OJ 3 or supp>ply of 1(10 F A IR S of A SIIUND j^ GE!jr| Aii EOUCA j TON to r Girls SIHTGLE W IT N E Y or y O R K f r o m_ I I to : y ean of age, y itb provision W H IT E of text boCI s, St! iO nery, an d ttarn tokens, a t adi7^1& SHIRE !ELA> STR0N3 ROOM a lojy inoiusive fl t, under Hoard Eduoation’s ^ J a At l e OTEL, , [ Printe^l Fo^ ig[of Tender, wljich only cai^ FIRRPRQDF Eegalatioits. ^61 healthily dtuated oh STINGBlj .IN -O T O N QUiBB, HASTINGS. he receive L pi obtained of A:i( all goods insurodjagoinst F ire ac :of 60 YEAR’S. (itormi •ly of IVellington jPIaceH ehargi S t a i r a l l LENX^STARI4 ~ j ND'OABAGB, pABDBNS|LAlD ( |T and PLAN! '! i b . I m - D i p l ^ a s5. . i .i .vstei ntic. Preparat ----- ' ■ • “iMN A. K. IN IK l .'r. liES MEET ADD Clerk. bl.FtNO ND CYCLING CORSETS. A IDO- vX borter Of Dutch B ulbs and o th e-• T____ n o w e r . M atrieml a a;, t i c II. U ( Iversity. Jfoea ilGl BTEB. Toljephi ine 43". j k I MINAT AELTS, .SHOULDER iBBACES andi iiig Boots. Bioomitig P l an ts a t all i'C arons. S cholarship■ E i a i BIT 3ES> IJ, w 4 !iiog^:>ii- »ju'aro. !i! mmRCwrmssQ. . ' ! ' , P rospect hE HOTEL tEX kLT iB O O Jia H asU f!■gs. ■ ■■ Ladiet waited on at their own, rcsidon ««. Tram* from, thc. l^i il stop a tith * Kur- the C urk L d i i Confidential la i IstaBti Sent .Onti Otitm >y pMt reeeiTa vroB^ attenton. eary.! IneBe^iqa ta U UrNCHXOH. lSthBiiy.-m ■■ i- U: 1.;\- t e l i

"'M r« f

igai sod. sen, 4ork d tl iigeund ' an atom


W. RAYNER, YorlJ Hotel, Hastings. ( BR/ ,NSON, Oldj golden* 'Props H otel, Hastingsj. MITRE, Hijjh Street, Hastings. QUEEN^S HO'lf EL [s a l o o n , H a s t i n g s . E M E R S O N J 11 o, Old London Roac a s t i n g s . DO>INELLY, i|4 , HugHencjen Ro»d, Hastings. R. E. WILSlbN, Claremont, Hastings. i , DRW CON, King’s Roid, S t i Leonards. j HNC ETT, Rojyal Albion Hotel, H ast ing^, OAIVE, AUSlIlN and Co., Grand Parade, St. Leonards.

. u t lily ill ■ l ^ u i t ' Iv s-Oa 9ll Bose Barron. 89.1 Alberti Bertram BUM, St, - '1'^ i i f i :hi t thi they hhould ‘Ido all at Was quite a new duty, | and-he Vras Raid th at lillicn s heme. thf SCHOOL NION. and Oototby lUurienFilbnryJ 85. bonyiurs; Wil- the fred Piper, 50, Frances ILouise Barton, 48, and result ...... — I --.J.------— — .jcipiscopal TOlt FEESENl'S PRIZES. Ethel Cripps. S4, second (clash Lower Ifiddle.-f. iponsibls tt s general phinciples ol a cojinmon purpose; irson afterward complained? ' Churches. To decide and formally declare Hariorie Ella CoOk, 96 and Kathleen_Piper, 90, “ li(|x iF (ii(il” th is ifejjr hi wevOr free thej j laigiit be from discord or The difficulty was met by a resolution heir decisior Episcopacy belonged not hmouris; WilliaiA Arthur Daniel Smith. H jlEMONY o f T H E TOWN. li|r -'Bun ee; d) cussiop. it uraa jabsol itely ‘ n e c e ^ r y that, tpe effm that it was necessary thait -very (merely to til but also to Ellen Bose-Stevens, 77, iSyddey Edgar Bartori, .. (^«pd| Dtoige No. i in order to pnessrve eren the decepcy of lectori sHould have his or her name |ente|red o f the Guurcii was 77,1 Arthur John BuU. TB, George William Peli-^ EDllinN' WIN tlE L p . Edward .Charles Spencer. ; Louie d< late I and due iijrder xf proceedings, that in a I Kick kept by the Incumbents and poAtponpon;E indepinttelt, ______lur niiimui Daytey, w,. N A T b R A L G i J r YE til I're shoijJd be restriction and discipline Gnurchwardensi and no person wbo^ us:me perhaps to make impossible, any sort of The ^uiiuill plizegiviiig of |t.ie_ H astings fli^t-elaas: Winifred DlDer Carr, 57 and_Wil)i la i doiwnj and that w;is the object Of the dm not appear: should bo entitled to vot -. I’union of Clirjstendom in the futuiic. T hat, and tit, iLeoi arils Sunday Seliopl Union took Jiahi George JempSo™,JempSoni, S6,S6, Roeond class. Uppey reflation. I He h jd nol -spent the bplk of iLord fiythe, as chairman of the Fina ice (however, while a most serious cohsequeneo. place a t We. Uugton Square Hajitist Church .fuliior*—Benjamin iEdwaVd Baker, 92, M any * A—1.J11---- only what Was right in the broadest national Piartrid ;e, (Applause.) With regard to F. Combton (vie president), Wi.l F, Balding, Sc. Leonards Baptist. Senipn—Maud Sindenj inpfrests, and hoi^ever anxious they might (found some of their first -div|ines denying W. T. Dabso: ' alf, W, Cordell, Wingfield, 64. % rst Class. Upper! Hiddle.-^Blaqche Wick4 'SVEteiSi:!- h|is col eagues, he fe\t the most d< ep that Episcopacy had been universal from sted. 71 and Marry Reginald Parks, 67, first to avoid anyth ng lile strife or dlscund, 'atitui and others. as inevitable t lat disorder, which inight Je for th e way in which tte y the first. Su(|h leajding Churches ; aS those elate, ‘ixiwer Middft.-jDoris Peal, 91. Winifred ad allowed him to get through a laigS Tho Rev. mpton reported on the ex- A. wicksted. 83, arid Bode Edith Bannisteri ST,] WAS lABL^' fllf^St. lJoHn's, Upp^r |t. ^eonaf t|ime become coil Cnuoi^,, should occur, i.iid at Corinth, Philipm, and Rome would not amiiiati(jn 01 1 papers. Tqe papers re- TJi W] Cook (E urdt il^aW of HaiAt possibility thty hai. Inlount of business. Unless there had been have failed tb adopt the Episcopal form of hunburs; Florne Slndgn; 76 and Dorothy Jen- UNBR foreseen anj fro- (he mdCT cordial goodwi^ on the Finar ce/ vealed aj gret ial of work. J Incidentally n er,r^ first class;: Reginald iF. B. Gutsell; 47 IIJ logs), t^o Eev8.]IJJ C. B. I’oysUr, f . H. Hig' _foh. Perhaps i~,h that Assembly to which government from the first, lia.d it byeh neces- he said he dii believe in teachers bring- and E. J. Frankl Martin, 44, second class. ns, A). H. dlarrojr, H. J.^ani ersj E. Ei P. had referred! the only thinp on Card, it wouldihave been perfectly impossi-: sary. Mr. Talbot then referredlto the views Upper Junior.—Charles Hugh Bency, 6t and de to get through the business in the line. ing tale^fairy les and so bjn—into theii Stahiey Charles Johnson; 60, first claes.- Lower! BUSH-jPHODF. Durnforii, QL Chance, w. i. Armstronsr, wdich everyone w is agrsed was the main- ‘ s for their critics, it was very gratifyi ig of■ Archdeacon‘ ^ Hate (Archdeaten ’ ten jof Lea'es Sunday jSchopl (. [asses. I t was quite cleai Frank 3'hatcheif, B. S. Daltbn, Q. tV. Doug­ nee lot the aut iority of the Cfiiair.l (Ap- nearly 80 years agc», who said that the ifiost Junior.-Elsie Emmie Farrow. 70. .Rlsie Peal; o those who Had been responsible for t ,e from the paijlers that some of. the writer* 68, and Kate Bannister, 60. first class: Dorothy las, Wj F. Japiesdn, DudleJ Cl irk, W. Ast- e.') I So he cla_med_____ tpat his motion x as that could beaid for Episcopacy whs: th a t it required!lired clemcleater lible teaching. The Bible ley Cohiier (formerly of Christ Cl.urch, St. fiedi by the absoluti^ present method of dealing with thq finance Sindep. 56 and Gej-trode Bannister, 43, seoopd necessity of the if the (IhuTch in the DiocesS that on was necessary to the perfection Jof the was not r ’buB of ate"; the world, was not 'Deonard i). Sho’ItoJJ.. H. N BWi ihn , W. AV. dediate’future df the Synod, and also Hy Church. The triditioUal attitude of the yet up-t6-date wji' ° ^ e ! Congrcgatkjnai. Upper Middle.—Eltie vhole it ■Had been well received. Some -peo) le h the Bible.’ ' Tilfmah. 84, hondnrs. Lower Middle.—Lilian March,]: 3. Holmes (Hollinjton. Old sanction of th i past. He believed that lad published articles in their parish magai Chutch of England towards the nomEpisco- The coJexaminer (thfeTIey. Dl Henry Rees) Church)! C. M. 'Buchanan. A. d. Macdona, _ a^ ut 1250 years since the first Synod pal churches >f the Continent wasione of who wasiaway fio Swan.' 88 and Edith Baker, 86, honoutoj , Elsje of the EnglisbCbui ch sat and' they devoted, Bines-—(laughter)—others had criticised Ibeni m the town,(sent a report Weeks, 78 and AlicJ Mary Moore. 1674 flrgt G. E d ^ , King, EL Talbot, iA. Hu n e Simih^ in other ways, but the critics, had been ie -1 sympathy and Ireci gnition. The StlMesman- in whichj he said that thei special examina- clast; George Aidos [Wratten, 66 and Lilian son, E-J |Buchanan DnnlOp, H. J. Boyd, C. not Jono Iday, but the whole of theit hist markabljy few. He did not think anyone wl :o Primate ot Gnnaila, Archbishop Mhchra.v, tion papers were ixcollent.; Tnose who had Edwards. 40, second class. Upper Junior.-eMar- AskwithI C. A. Stm-ges-doiies, J. Webster, so.»kon, to idevisinci the rules and orders of was Willfing and asked fo r g rants from tlie advocated a relajing..,of the strintent rule the trammg 4f th( jorie Watford 48 land Beatrice Blackhall, 46, Harloje iHarloe-Phibbs, W. jC. Bullock, W. procedurO (;<• their futu re actions. Ale scholars wete to be con- funds they administered waif justified in that the ordaihte nembers. of other ^urches gratniated lori 1 p articu larly i Ithe jahiora second class. Lower Junior.—Hargaret; Pen Moleswd ith Editavds, E. Mdrthek (St. Bar- tholittht it jpossible,! in view of the fact th at should be re-ordtined, in case!a way was there wa9 fold.] 71. first class; Beatrice Watford,; 46, sq- nabas, iexhin), ,Ei Qresley DoU{ laii - a gef:aih caielessne ) as to de- condi class. I < . ’ L clause,) { On the Board of Finance they knew opened to unity b itween the Chqrches. tail. I Central Wesleyan. : flenior.-Dorothy 1 Mabel drew ’s, , lexhill), E. H, Leale (S . iitenhen's, ,ies—bpt the vaiious legalities of the Eng Earl BraesSy ti Rowed in a brief speech, NO DIBT1HCTION8 BETWEEN 'iHIOH ’’ ,VKD The Piteidelnt ongratulated Ih'em. The Moorei 95; honours. Upper Middle, -t- Cissy ’.M g M b & xhi'ii)J H enry Colo (Balldslc w), C. W. lisli Chujrch were Mniinj together ' fo'r the which showed xhi t he retained' all ‘his old percentagb of su<|' lesses was as Periy.j % and Yeamre. Kubne. 86. honours; Cooper, firs|t I time, and somewhat nw illingly, |o le- I " BOW ” mod as that to l.'MaaM }A. P. Howes (vica ■ of Eye), .....nc' vigour as a speak >r. He oOngratu)qted the which ariy Sun' School Ui ion in the 'Kathleen Davenport, 56, second class. iLower the I Prebendary C. E. Frewer cogpiM I the authority of Cantenbury, Chirrchnten. (Applau.se.) That queetioh Bishop on the mn inificent gathering; MiddS^—Charles EdwardT'Parker, 84, honours;! had nevhii come pp during the two years country, could she He thanke.^d the______M ayor the Eevj W. C.IStieatfeild ;(of ArohlbishOp Theodute h; a more difficult The motion': “ That this Synod iN of the and Maydressj " h e M avor had Icmne from WinnifredTinnifred O. Davenport, 73 and George Henry: Eastboufde), formerly of lit. [Peter's, St. A ^ tn b lyl than th Jt ovc: that he had been Chairman of the Board. Wood, |67.167. flrstclass.iUpperfirst class. [Upper Junior.—Doris]Kath-|J ____ which the Ixifd Blackpool] Tie ‘■c-'-- i t ------j u ^ . u i ii a g BisbOp presided to-iday, nd theJCommittee which preceded it. 1 lie; opinion that step: taken towards tlge unity 'St thing th f M ayor did leen Reeks. 81. honours; Paul Kuhne, 70,|Eliia-i Leonard|)J ’ ut that facit did y !Of Christendomj n inst lie along the lines of when be qamAbi nraii E. not prevelDt him fiiim claii iug that ahciePt ad " L o w " Churchmen and "High to Hastings (vas beth Joseuhine Taylor, 68, Gladys Amy| Beed,l ltd . ; prepeiden't as ju stif cation tGhnrchnien-on the Board, and no question (f ithe statement of issentials set forth h.v the [ TOMBE) ORE harmont; , 67, apd Tbeo Kubne, 63* first olass; (Edith Colvile, a.A-., xur. i-aiirca n i on bis statement Lambeth Confwe ice of 1888,’’ was carried, to the town. (Lai ;hter and applanse.) After Bailey; 42, second class. I*ower Junioc.-k-Nella 1 J.P., M 'i E. Eay^Smith, J.P.L Conncillof that rules and discipline ere necessUry if ♦hat kind! had peer come upj (Applniise) that very! netessf Langmaiil Townsend. 66, first class. their; busfness was to be properly' oonducited lebting in reference tol the Fund o 1 with an addendpni, " And further, that this Ty and useful work, he Clement Hill Xdt. Leopards)! C luncillor F^ [Synod emphasises, as a necessary preiiniinary went to open Ithi Aviary in thu Park. It Onltert Memorial We^eyan. Lower Middle.— W. Mor fan : (Bastings), Conami nder H. J. in the fqture._ Suipmirisipg the rulesl jtr. he prevlious day at Hove, a resolution was did not lake lol Beginald W. J. Kemp.' 84. hononrs; Wiliam (lourthopp" ...... said thaii there -• as a special pro- ito this end, the i uggestion of the Lambeth; g to find oflj that_ the Hcnr?. Covell, 78. William PowelL 74, Phoebe &E. W A R T i m Oldfield, E.N., J;P., Major llastle-Ganh carried‘ 1asking tho Board of Finance to plars M ayor was a gre|i worshipper m children, V. D., Mr ,iR. C. Gould (St. Leona'ds), Messrs.vision foi decisions [being ken and discus- in their Budget for 1915 the posBillilitV of iCqnfeience pf 189? that the constitulted au- A, TbempSon, 66, and Frederick George Page, thorities of and never haripii than wnen Aping some- 60, -first.class; Lilian Brooker, 49* second ;olass. W. A. Etper (Battle), E. W., Aneore. H. E. sions held by the Oiders a] rt instead of ect- ringing; np the incomes of all parishes whic 1 tli» vai'ioua bran-ches of our Cor98t 18tooiaH«t», I llCommunion shoi Id hold themseliles in thing for the kid! es (Applause) That was Upper Junior, — Gertrude Stanley, 68, first Dobell, IMwards. jl. Q. Ginijfer, P. W. Fos­ ing togetller, as the;) were ;ting that'dSy. ■ere bemw J6200 a year up to that flgun. class;]-Irene Marchant,.S6 gnd; Dorothy Belling- readiness to -Cn’er into brotherly con- the rig h t kind o( Mayor to huye. There 10\ LONDON R^AD, ter, E. iltahger, (1 F. Botley, a. E. Man­ The Ecw. C. B. Vlilson, if St. Margaret’s, 'hey had succeeded this yegr, largely throug 1 was 'something|wi 'B in any man who oould ham, 56. second class. .Loyrer . Junior.-tEleanor sell, T. L (3uyer, [P-R.C.O.J F. W. Maggl BrightonJ - seconded I _^very generous donation; in making goo 1 fki rppreseptatives ofl 'i , other Btapley, 47. second clbss. 1 'I Christian communities in the' EJnglish-Ek ' ' Viot bei a ttrae fife a. little child and a, dog. H. Smith lEnkell (TOxhill), Amt rose DeAtt. The roralutioD w;is adop^. m e deficiency of 60 per cent. (Applause.) H i alause.fause.) OUVB Vale' Gongregational. Upper Middle.-— Henry K ling, I William Wadmhn Icklesham), The Epilations for the (election of lay was told it would cost E2.500, os-perhaps i speaking races, am I should especi: .Ily airangel I . Gladys i Maud Clayton, 5S,Jiecond class. Lower :3pS" for representative meetings for united hu­ e Ma.for, [req^onding. said that Hast- Middle.^ S vASAismB — Elsie ASA A%* AHelen a as a a* ess ajsRarner, ae a vpaA a ■ wpe80. as^SAA^/bonburs; s 0 • etc. Mr. !F. James (Chief Const ibie of Hps. parocihim represem p tiv e s were moved by little more, to make good the (whole liefi- ings was in a fta] of harmony, > Only just .Winifred Dorothy Brown.'78,; Gladys Dawson tings) ani 1 Mr. Eobertson were tl e, lay repre. the iVen. Are'adeaccn of Lewes (the 'Veil. H. lency, and bring all incomes to a minimuri miliation and intercession, and heartily wel­ comes the World-vide Confeienie of Faith one little pote "gone wrctlg,” as an 70, ARch— Tapp, 66 " , Bessie 0. West, 65. and iBose sentativei 1 of 'St. Andrew’s, Hast ngs. K. Soarhwell), wild poinled out that as J6206 la .tear. AVith a little goodwill on organ note sometj Kehiyard, 65, JSn electors worien worn]quite properly given the an^ Order appoikitid for these ol jeetsi" es "ciphereik" (Laugh- seconii‘.class, The Bishop of (Jhitfhester, epmessing ap­ e p art of all laymen and ladies in th-i ter.) Ho "'as b inning to fiel quite at preciation: of the presence of th« .Mayor and Tote, and hopough J that miiny people would iocose, he thonght they could do it ttiii The report of Board of l inanee, re- honours; Vera Cc - - -t - . . . .-I ferred to on the pr >viOus day by liord Hytlie, home in tydll ngtoin Square Cliurcb. Ha Bobeftson Street Congregational. Upper Mr.^.BELET»R.1) s .| lorporatiijn pf Brighton, said it was about feel more sWure ini their home when [they tear insti lad of lfil5. (.Applause.) They woulil congraiulated ijhel b made that admission. (Laughter.) iacuss tl was presented, he Bishop of J Chichester oys and gjrjs; In days Middle.h“Dorothy Lilian yeness, 82, honours;. 700 years leinbe thq last Diocesi n Synod in matter .at the next meeting of th'i gone by he haiJ tie honour of Icing Super- Dorothy May Howell; 47 and Frederick George 6 , CAMBRiDOE RD., I ACTINGS. h a t Dioddoe. They welcomed ;he presence ■ Colpnej Garapion lecondedt i Board of Fiuancp, [and if, as he hoped, tlio mentioned that. irij support of the gflort to Thunder, 43, second class. Lower Middle, -— raise all lesser livi jgs in the Dioc ese to *£200 intenoent of a Sniitlay .School— 'applause)— it the Ms y^or and Councillors as i. very happy The Ebv. Vicars A. Boy e, of Portsl^e, Board applioved, they would write to ever;' an^u he had nice letters from the old scholars. Alice Webber, 87, honours; Kathleen Bothwell, sign-* s gn that (ihe Church did not exist moved an .jamendnCnt omftting the 'vmxl parish sectetary asking them to do some­ a year, Viscoiint‘ I ylhe had offeri d a[ special 79, .first class. Upper i Junior.—Julia Esther Painless Exjtractions. The beautiful Shphld had been won eeveh Basbridge, 100, honours: Mabel Hayes; 66; se­ out of the! world, but in the wi rid, for the “ male” jin- regard io election to th e S.ynod. thing in their parish, and they themselveg donation of *6100|ai toe end of the year. (Ap­ times by Rye Bitetists. (.tppla ise.) Seven He pointed lout that! there were m any lad.y- plause.) An' aiHiii yihous gift of JBIOO was cond claes, liower Junior*-Edward Augustus iiake of tie-ghod of the world. (Applause.) wpuld set out to collect money, it was was tlie eomplel e number, and others should Kerton] 76, first class. 1 jj^inest Artificial Teet^l, etc. The Bish ip then mpvedt'a resplp ion in sym­ churchwardens. -St. Hilda presided ati the An ABSOnUTE DISGRACE afterwards annoikn ;ed. to_tJie eigHth] tim e. Wellington Square Baptist* Seniors.-May Provincial Synod of Whitby; pathy wi :h the Church in Wale s. to Jthe laity of the Church of England that Mayor istrihiited th T rives. The Pearce.]78Pearce.i_78 and Florence Iji Ranny Jones, - —70. {first - This wiip carried J The Bishop said that thfit, as a radical there she did he a single inenmhent in cn;’ results to cdrtiRtates showedt Rve Bap­ Claes. Upper Junior.—Doreen Felton Smith, 64, The Bii Hop of Chichester, -amic st applause, alteration, if carried, would not-take effert parish in the whole of Slngiand who was I'aiil tists. 47 entries *- r first class. I - I ' I ■ . introduce! the new Bishop of Lewes, and for three years. . ’ lesq than the misenable sum of J02OO a year CHURCH WORK AT ORE. . 40 [passes: Mount Pleasant Silverhill Congregational. Upiier Middle.^ yongregational, £B, 41; St; LeonarilS Baptists, Dorothy M. Gutsell, 58 and Ethel May asked the company | to give him The aufendmont iras seconded. (Ariplaust.) The clergy often took the atl 19. 17; Rye Coi grteational, 14, 11; C entral The E« V. - A. G. • 1 mccy, formerly Vicsir of tilde that they were responsible for raisinj Gasson. 57, second claaa.i Lower Middle.—LOslie liar k REAt, SlmSEX TVEECOlte. T H E REV. C. W. COOPER’S PARISH. We.slcyan, ri, ! 4; Calvert Memio-ial 'Wes­ Henry (Waller, 89, honours; Richard Thomas In his adi liess, the Bishop of Ch Chester said Christ Cjiurcjv, Blacklands, Hastings, land all jthe Yiipney for Church purposes. Thi leyan and Clive Vale Congregational, 11, 10; Gutsell, 40. second class. , that in the important step of summoning now of V A t Dean, opposed the amendipent, question of seeing that the clergjr were pro On Monday nilglt the annual Vestijy for Itobertson Stree: (foiigregjational, 10, 8; Sil- Halton Baptist. Lowey Middle.-Margaret Si%(: though h 1 had everr respect for the'work of ^rly paid'was a layman’s question, and il Glirist Church, Ore, was.held, under the pre­ May Gower, 87. honours; Arthur Doodes,[:66, id there nad been no has! e. The laity verhiH Congregatidn^I, 5° 4; Halt an Baptist, first claas. Upper Junior. — Lily Elizabeth n xt : consider themselv is “priest- ladie^ in the parislies. He preferred to be was] not the business pf the clergy how tin sidency of the Ee(v. C.lW- Cooper (vicai). It -l^ndpn Roq^d Contr.egntional.'' a id Bourne "on the lido of the angels ’’—on tho side Of laity went to work to raise the monev w’as explained that one of the Churchwardens Wingfield, 76, first claes. 1 , len" pr ; “Bishjop-ridden." (Laughter.) Street Wesley, 3, [Sleach; 'Wariior Square London Road Congregational. Upper Junior* lIOKPi All the Ii jty could not be inviied, because the teacl ling of H ily Scripture, St. Raul (Laughter, and applause.) He appealed ii (Mr. Harry Holma 1) was absent owing to a Fresbyteriari, 1, 1 ; 'Wellington Siiiiare Bap- —Jane Edith Courts, 63,; first class. Loiter was ‘an nspired nan. He (the speaker) every layman to help the Board of Finance business engogeme it. Jiinior.**-Winifrcd Pierson; 92, honours; Doris y ■ they wou]|a be an jnnknown quintity. Ee- t e t . 6, .'1. Rye laptist School again.won the T o'^UmI B(til presehtatilVe laymen must, th irefore, be would be told the circnpistohcee were [ dif­ supposing] ilt decided tp set out to raise it In an interesting kurvey of the pasf year’s Shield. Mount PleaM'it Congregational iHas- Taylor. 7^ first class. 1 chosen. It was of xhe first impi rtance that ferent. But he biilieved; if St. Paul w'ere addition thp sum necessary to bring all tl.i E'ork, the 'Vicar qu d He was thankful to saysi tings) being secendL but not very near, Bourlie Street Wesleyan. Upper Junior :— inepmbengies in the Diocese to at least A''2(H that as far as the i arisU work was concerheil Henry: Woodcock, 55. H; A. Orchard, 46, apd idlditeliF', the Bishep should secure the intelligent there he would speiik and. act as he did in Mr. H. S. p I jIcM L.L.C.M., who c-n- Fred Holmes, 43, second class. 1 the days of his flesh.j Seiiondly,!he J>ased his theyliic; would give„ , theii it 'had been a peril d df success. He liMened and heariy co-dpeption of th 1 parochial ducted the unitid Glioir in excclRmt .tyle. , Warrior Square Presbyterian. Upper Junioit 'm an . clergy. ] t was difficult to undi rstand how opposition to the idnendment on the Ifact parishes, and hi the work in the p Irish to gardening;opera­ With Mr. Hira n IJollnnHs at tlie oi^an, Violet May Sands, 40, sebqnd class. that woifien did no: wish to be represejnta- 1 try and put t tions. He found th e ‘soil very stiff, and it te . any serioii s objection could be r deed to the reported on the f ingiUg in the various schools, *:and action of 1 he! Bishop in bringin - th a t m at­ tivea—a modern’’ girl had summed up[ the , (Laughter, and. ap was necessary to bi eyer putting in -vfork to with the exceptii n if Silverliill Pieabyterian, ter before! all his ilergy collect velj, when proposal that women should sit .as represen­ Jise.) ! loosen it, and they haki to go on ne-dliteing. London. Road Cdngregational, [Eye, and A RECORD WONEYMOONj it was borne [in mind that two-t lirds of the tatives as "rot.’’ Ano(ihpn. who he might The day’s sitting was then concluded. The crops varied a; in a garden; soujetimes Battle. A pianiifofte, he.pointed (out, was ; 'fUitbr im 'ofti tot'll they got a good crop; and sometimesj they Ring 'fs| tR e|d & : clergy were hot members of'the Cdnference, desonbe is the ordii aryiEnglish lady with a better than a harmonium or orgajn for ac­ B e family, said: “ No, certainly not;” (Laugh­ experienceii times not so good- God alone companying. One Bchool had an iPstrumsnt 70,000 M ILE T R IP . 1 fwui.te hTiRM l and therefore had little opportu lity of con­ THE SEC(iND DAT. Mr. Edward Elliott,[who for some years ■w.Sir. Chban; sidering the question in its ve ry complex ter.)] ( . 1 - kncTv what the haivcst.was; He gathered it which he was surrly had not yet 'Igiycn up in. So'-far as the;- could judge of results, has been p member, of f.he " Smart Set" En­ I ,14th Apri /14 , jltanitfer Icr'ia -> 1 tom bear&gs. any rate, he would not, he The Eev. Dr. Can asked Who was it stood the ghost." (Laighter.) He mentipned tlat L (M Ks' 11 hoped, be accused of wishing tf act in an by th em when they f :lt lonely and desolate in CHRISTIAN UNITY DISCUSSED. he thought they hid ijeosbn to be thankful. m case some lady or gentleman would give tertainers, has lately cbmplctcd a wonderful tiiein panshes but the women? (Laughter ■n„,, -oJ___ r* r-r»i _ , . for the past yeat ladl been one of bles.sing another. (Laugl te •, find appla US'>.) Bourn' tour ivith that combination. 1 i ** I realise the valu4 autocratic spprit. Hothing coulc be further R a n J iita ^ y , G,C.B., nt thif: and success. He w. is gjaid to b e [able to S tate from his ii teption <4 wish, and 1 e might be and appjduse.) Their religious beliefs [had Street Wesley was at the to > with 9' _ Mr| Elliott 18 tamiliar to Hastings and St. W. sa dain^% I ill been taught to them by their mothers. ] ^*'^i,*^*iV****'^'V* *811'that their numbeis had 'been maintained; marks. (Applause.) 'That was - the more Leonards.. Up to threel or four vears ago he of your LAGTOM/. 'dosraFS'itoriiisfti forgiven for saying that only blind prejudice imoit heartily wclcomte. In addition tc ^ Biigh-sti{eet! if T could read sjeh a spirit in whab had hem TU 1 arrjendment w:iB lost. ‘ th e com m unicants sliojwed a slight increase creilitable to tin school because n imore nii was ^ frequent visitoji to the Piers as the 'those hret'iously mentioned from Hastings on the previous ye ir, and the same femark venjriloquial artiste and comedian* of the! Chicken Meal for deli- sti;‘a:munbir ^ Tlis Bmhop said (h ^ would re-disenss it Mefsrs, \y. C. Hiintef and H. Metcalf at- suitable room it would be impossible to at Ruri-DeCapal Conferences and Diaconal applied to the Eaitepj Sunday Communion (Laughter.) Nonmap Road Wedeyan Va ‘tSnikrt Set,” and he - s also related to an -iii6h',{at|1|iQs‘l ^ tended . aij ichurchwardens ’ ■ from St. Mary-in- services. The thaafcoftering services did not old family ivell known in Hastings Society. Synpls. i thejCastle. The Rev. J. H. Bcbbington,.Eec ■ second with 93 nark):. The purity of tom , cate chicks far itoc. matters? th s laityj were a vital parti of the Tie Rev. IV. C. Bullock; of Ore Parish realise as much as last year, but still tliey was exceptional y good. Mr. Pitkett iru Sine* leaving the “ Sm irt Set " he has beeh ] i h o ^ ^ l tiioa iand tor of Etohingham, was again indefatigabli had reason to he thankful. Tliey had! been re-vihiting old friends after a tour which ■',:Ml'Sattijfy[hi Ghiinch. (.lpiilause.il ' Those whe had', been Chnijeh, in place^of Dr. W. G. Kemp, of St. in s^retarial and other work! merated St. Lei iiaril-s Baptist, 91; Central. ■ well to be without i enlisted in ibsptism and made sol liers of the Helen’s, Jatovbd ‘an amendment to add ' the able to cany out sev iral improvementA in Wesleyan and \Var cion Square Prte|byteria; wKs [unique even for in entertainer. He 1 veqr KWiVVi tnbi ' Tho U nity of Christendom " was tho sub the church; at th» beginning of the year traversed Souto Africa, Rhodesia, Australia:. Rarpedl'bii he,is evoBs: oouli If I ot be .(gnored. The full wordp, “land! worshipper,’’ to the words, ject for discussion; It was opened by thi 88; Mount Pleasant, 84; Clive VMe| and Si(- . even for a day. nitiou of sill rights of the laiiy was tlfe "regular communicant," in the qualifica­ they obtained ngv cAssoeks and sijrbliices verhill Congrogi tit nail, 83; Halt Missioj New Zealartd.^Tasmanii,' and Ceylgn, and‘ •tew of'both Bishop ot Lewes. for the choir, at! 1. co st of about JElsf and an_d' Wellington^ S^iiafe^ Baptist. visited India. : 1 1 -‘.father !giv , mi mOro neceisa y whep the voice thei' tivie eatheiinj of clergy as a t a Diocesal patarishioners in spme pariSl^Os whe, althpugh that there was a longing fpr-some unioii ‘ hoped that they Iwaqld take^ up_mep’s [ser- king ” between the towns, Mr. Elliotb! cannot say : • tooj 8di0c Copferencej liii not satisfy a Bisl op who d' they I era cenfirmed, And had w hat was Com- Scripture knowlidga, for which a[large nuui amused Inmsplf by giving occasional vcn-| i t I i'iui between Nonconformist brethren and the Vico work in th e [autu: .n. T he TcmreyAnio her of children sal, knd there whs also a iipcd to con Lsujt th e [whole of his clelergy. Ih monly 'cdlled fthe sfatns I cif communicajitsi I Society had done ?ood w ork, and___ ol gli-eat__ . triliquistic demonstrarions with his doll,' ’ Hr.’ S * ■he Synod S he clcygy were inv ted to thl^e Church of [England, and he bejlieved fraterua. Wesleyan Methodist Vumn. Thtit showed much in favour of iyouri r [the ai were [not iwhat migh : jbe described as "rcgti' unipn wo4ld_bo possible._ m any pledges hadl I eenjtlaken. Thanks! ifere “ Sunshine James,” to natives at kraals; in| their part.! Upwards of 630 clersy had been lar orshippers " a f‘that partibular parish considerable Woik n the way of Scriplunil hi{n tr The Ref. R. 'ralbot, Vica of St. M ary due to Dr. Abram Bu pers in parish churcihcs, those pereohs Whitwcll. All wdu d agtoc that this was a Thomas D&rloy exiimination secifefary) an l ^ the intercliaiigei of e^ool flags. At ;St. aiiused in ti le iocese,______not o nly b r the____ clcrg^ sh o u ld , . excluded firom the electoral foB. Kildi, Melbourae, land [other places in Aus­ [the and laity bditg summoned, to -ittend, but great addition td he church, whils': they Mr. A. Arnold King in their illneBs. Mn P. iLeney. Chilham. H e was i fabour. o none the less regret ed the loss of an oldiand Arthur' Mills wj s I ledrtily than^d tov h)i tralia he gave large parties to children'in J oi by each pprish peing entmistpd xvith tfie honour of “ Sunshine j James’ ” birthday. elAticin of dislrepreAntatives to the EBnliO INO 'fSE AtoE M H IT ‘ generous friend. ‘ I: i F ebruary they liAd a secretarial work. that] pmpoeed pi the Compiitteo. Wjhqt mission to boys laiid girls; this had,' un­ The Prize List a Appended ;- The) e was a smaJl-poiD scare a t Auckland, (Applause.) VThe -iVork they were there to do, and this waa ingeniousliy turned to account clergy and l^ify, waj spiritual vjork. (Heat, the highest prlvilegb of a confirming doubtedly, h ad godii r e ^ t s . They we; ro 'also Special, I two boliours. — Georgd'r Hariia, thankful for autesceljAnt concert carried 95 marks. Mount ’leleant; QueenielHartin, 8) by the. posting up of U vaccination order, bear.) , I ler 01 qhe C hurch? There Was no doluW Mount Pltesant. Se lior, 10, two failures, on e the answer. It was Clommunian. ( J o U - out at the Quoenfs Hotel by Mr. Ry!e-land “ This is to certif'e that I Sunshine James has | ’The Dukellof Devonshire movid a resolu­ second, three firits, four honoursS^Doroth y been duly certified: and passed by the Health tion approvmg the constitution < f the Gene­ ;icn marked the entry of the Christian friends, and which yesulted in a_ profit of j£6 Mabel Moore, 95, Central; Frederick:Martin*9), . JMr jW, [Walsh in send- ral Synod. Ibe fundamental idea commended upor the full 'rights of wjhat was commonly 9s. He mentione wo [gifts—a bracel' Mount Pleasant. Ujiper Middle, 27iltwo fail­ Depurtment, and I'rill appear at the Towa w a n t s y o u ! : Itsplf to their attention and appi oval. "Tiey called his lay'priestl ibod. It followed that )n Anno arid Legs. Could Not some diamond: rin^j—wRidh. - w h V ’had ” been------realised ures. 10 seconds lour firsts, tl- nononrs.-- Hall each eveningi as usual.” j , ing brder for ten tons otheiT priyilqges. were (lower. ("Jlo -’’) Hijell, on behalf of the] Fiinifs; In some f Glssy Perry, 96, 2eiitrajl; Dorothy'Smith, 9), 'rha first revues in the Ckiloniea .were writ­ of jthe laity fefere there as men hers of the Mount Pleasant; ]]erBy Boland Bulf* ?l7 Lower Church. That' inyolyed not only great orivi- if one were the high list, the others must be Sleep at Night. Burning All Over. observations,vuoci .ui.uuo, Mr.!'(Cooper Cooper warmly wi a ten and produced ib.v Mr. Elliott. ledged the labours' 1 **f"Hof 'the Churchwi Middle, 160; one fa tin re, 41 seconds, 29 Rrsta, 19 on 12th, April/14 iSaid legjes, b u t oimfous duties. 'Tha movemctlt lowek Had they an; Iright to take away the White Blisters.! Cuticura Soap honoura. + M arjcrie Elia Ooote, 98,! Mount He hopes eventually to bring to H astings Mr. T. F. Smith landt Mir. H. Holmai tee Rew Company! he is]interested in . " T h e •k- should be caiinM on not in a vag ile, aimless, loweri priHlpge, wliile, ; at the same time, Pleasarit------r-.: Ethelthei ir—f : ;i” '- By* BaptMli; ' and drifting mannejr. They lad in the they bad no| right to tohtjh the higher? ,If and Oiritmeijt Cured. heartily thanked rt1 e Rev. A. Tobitt f !^al, 91j, St^.LeonRrds Baptist; Martin' Geori i Pronmns.” who luill open at Deal th e week i“ 1 [ place my orders Dipcese takAffl a really prairti iql step in they terribdl the age as 21 years they .would help. He also I ;h:hanked the Sidtemen,11 Swecrtiiam 91. Byi Baptist ; Kathleen [Piper, . befoije! W hitsun. Mrs. E llio tt is ippearing advance. (liter, hear.) They w otild be able consid jrahlyi reduce tho,‘ num lier o t [lay Organist (who he Rt id todk a real intefeit in Mount Pleasant; ILesHe Henry WaUer.!89, Si! w ith him. Miss >^ay El|ioit, his s ster. who laccojrdingi? to results 1& imont Tei Sprlngwell, Nr. Oates- tho services, aud‘ did Everything possjlble), verhill OoigregatfcnM; 8. Fielder. 89,1 Eye Ba is a Hastings resident, [is a clev ir writer. I to look from la proadte and wide ■ standpoint Synodi nieq, (and tun) sopie of themsejvels Durham,i Eng.--“ M y skin the choir, and cRurch Workers genetelly. list.' Upper Junior, 63, nine failures, 18 s on great and Imbor't^t matters. He thanked out! S ome parishes i qw Binding three repiW- oonds, : 24 ( firsts, 112 hbnoure. — Irene Ha; whos) .work is knoRn lociallv; prices charged. ’’ I i the Bishop andiTthe Cmnmittee. .a about lOst Janfiary. I t be­ Mr. Smith presgi ted tho Churchwaideus' ____ Itlves I would only send two, and sqmp accounts for'tiietil jteir. "■The collections ■■ ■ etc.. don. 100, Bye Bappsa; Julia Esther iBoabridg. JThe Rev. E. L. i Blwes, Pri bendary of sendin f two [would oiify spud one. He had gan under my afms and then 100. Bobertjson Strfeti Benjamin Edward Bakei Mairden (lat 1 lArcbpeacuu of Chichestci'). heardlanoniraDusly______of oneqf pne pansn parish in tnpin thf on my legs. 1 bad such ter­ 92, Mount I Pieaeai It; Alice May Monk, (91, By] jSTOSEX CHANGE RINGERSl-The an- se^nded. rible Itching every night that deficit of *68 Is. (2d Baptist: w ril Lei lie Hudson. 91, Rye BnPtis0 nual [meeting of th e Sut^sex County Associa- Dioce* B wijioh would he disfranchised by thp The financial stafemeUt was adopt: , on Freda . Dunk. 91. ittyi Baptist. Lower 1 Junior tia -onm - |qfi _ e Change!/ ’z L ---- - PlnffAtemlvR)ngers|was •held! • at • —Brigh- - I he motiot was carried. rule, liecaiiee a\l the tom m unicapts were inn- I used to scratch myself 30, three failures 5 1 seconds, 18 firsts, foul o'JTi goods are \car- the protesition of Mr.. IBush, and oi the ’von Qn ' "batnrdfty* ' ■ iT The h e B jBraPch • ^ i«nAociations ik4W ■a£\ The Dean o| Chicjhester (Dedn Hannah) dec 21. (Ilanghter.) . UntU'myi legs atjd body used motion « Mi-. Blackman, seconded M M r. honours. J- Doro hyl Lilian Watson, 94, By moVed the adobtionl of the cc nstitutional Tlie Bishop of Chi'iiester spoke in favpnir to b|eed Awfully. Dlreetlymy Baptist; Wiiiifi-ed Bessie Pierson, 92, *Londo: represented included HRatings, Battle, St. Bush, |V vote 'of th; inkS was passed t| the Boad Congregatio{nal; Edna Haydon, 90. By* and iJegtill. 1 | At th i luncheon ^ riage paid, samples & m rnifes- ■ I-■ I - ' i o f'18 hears iff .age i is te a j'o f 21. . . body began to get heated, Chui’chwardens. ^ TRe Rev. Cuiim Jones secondei. iThe rules, B aptist: Aten Coli 1 Smith, 89. Mount P leasant. Connbillor Clement Hill Utoposed " Church Thepmendinent was carfied. V the Itcblpg used to start—I Mr. Smith, retulTi|ng thanks, said hi and CertificatesA M M 4-A M wee#were e»M weeMSewon by Athe If m :ifo X Im f .. he said, had been veby carefullj dnawn up. With regard -to tl i numerical;al basis :Oii lowiniink. and State, and CXprestod regrt* teat no price list free. Could not sleep c f a night for his cplleapue workpd together very amh ibly. (names, marks* a id a w a r d ) "■ ; repretontatito of the clergy was ptesent. The and it would pe very difficult tq suggest an which 1 reptetentatives shbilld be electedl,.. . Ho expressed the iudibttehessjif______the Wi - - dens ,,, .loir-i1 improvenient. lit wa it Used to be something Bye Baptist, Uiipet' Middle.—Edith Ellis; 87!. Bishop of Ohiteester wRs re-eledted Prosi- Councillor Clement Hill said they bad Tirr to the Sidesmen andj otUar officials for ({their only 7 questions answered or this would have l [ |a: EAST E.'OUgA to CRITIClME tually abolished the ilectors’ roll, or made ful. Many a night 1 use 1 to have to been top paper, a id (Howard Thomas ff. Stuhl dent, I land the Vioe-PresiBents appointed in-‘l up ou I of bed [as I could not close my assistance. [ cludeld the Dean olf Battle, the Hev. W. A .' Irnithr McVa'KK diet* tititom things, but th ilifficulty was to luggest any- it Op'tipnnl ' ; ; .. . i Mr. Smith was re-eleiitedj____ with _ the _ ‘ ley, 80, hoRpurs; Stanley Monk. 79 and Bvi. iMov.l' 'pofcdof Acre liewk «blch thing th a t wo li work better, apd the rules ThelBishbp of Chichisterlsaid that that was and nany a night I neve r used to go tion of Messrs. BRmham, Hardy, and Florence Aveli' 18, Its I class; John Edwju'd Pnll* Arms^ng* Mr. . HarveyTdn CrosI J.P. ^hd Md money quickly ittaci erfccome. seeiped very iable and'id' very n111 felt Iwbm out. [ felt as If I ford, 56. second 0 lasi. Lower Middle.-Ethe] the IfeT. A. C. Lucy. , r. R , CJ P o ri ' CiiBtnNntt i •od cap< I B Ike blood Kenward. 1 ‘ Ellis. 94, Martin Giorge Sweatman,: 91, 6 appointed Reu, treasurer. ailimpur riesfi MB'wbataver Dlscussipn ejn^ued to the power of Dio- CouniSlltw Hill—Bii: it has peen altered wak burning all fver and Wl)lte blisters The meeting closec with a vote of tnanks Brigh: m w a s ^'fttUkiwthei F ieldei 89.lGrace ;)iliby.!37. Ivy SteelSJ 85, an: lectedifopI. the ‘ next, nexUunmal a meotitig, a pro- tljr^iaA whetl cauic by cespn Syiiods jth ’’ promulgate ca ions w nidi to “ if dcs(rabl?.’’ Until you hO-ve an el|efc4 cai m out u aderthesUnand when I ecratched to the. Chairman, dn the .motion o f M r. |Ken- Ernest JSuttofi. 85,i ho lours; Bay Eastv ood, 7J ffW ZAcz.l a A M n ■ ^ ,b.a J . - i S ' A iciM tbu (enderia ! it cl :aa add pore* were binding pii clergy and lai y', tors’ ipn hpw can yhi have a valid election ? hem they used to pour with biq wand, seconded by k finsh. r William Jamea W iliir. 69, Lily Sims, 67, and posaljin fatoiir of pmrtin^s being defeated'. |A*TllORPE&SON$ tiy the it tiever fail) to a The Bishoi paid ithey <»nld hot make You have madevit op::onal.and in its place t triec qlntmtets of Uvete kind but WilliaiU Horace lei d, 60, first clasi; Ellei) lowui* nutter compieu t a d Uiiiiig coiB. "can o n s.’’ Tl f weie raising r i difficulty you hOyel gpt that it ii.l" desirable” to have SpearB.iS7 Rnd. Ail reiI Ernest Care. 43 second try* ciuse of Thouun U officu which didj notlekist. one. How jean you fi:; tbe|numbpr of repre* foiled* One day I eaw the advertlse- class. Upper Jnnii >r.- -Irene Haydonj 110, Alio ■' .[[f'-i .]• -! '-: V'ltj!! list. The Acts o ' the Synod May Mnnk.i 91. Cyril Leslie Hudson,! 9;, Fred Otar 91 woree limited py. tty. the'moral,the' educi tjonal, aiid sentatives i(n parishes 'Vhei thete is no roll? nt ofCutlcura Boap and Of itment so I LOCAL R A M A y TRAFP|C. jided to write fte a free sat pie. t felt Dunk,■ 91*, ■ Rily AI01I, ■ 1011 84.*■ and ■ Elaie~ ■ Bi iSby. 83 '.'Im finapeial worsT )f the Diocese; ind if any Lqrd Ily^le .agreed vith ounciUor Hill’s honour^:'Maulorie; Hartoria Ullis,lillis, 79. Alice, EBritt. ritt. 75175 RYE, SUSSEX, iVctJfailed: in ge'ting practical uiahimity, it criticism; elfer evett with the sample I asked a. Charles! Alfred■ Welweljer. er. 73.73, Btim :Ams,IJf 68j eouid not W ah Act. T r 1 tf The Rev. canon Jci les sold that hg sviii-} dead of ihlne to gAt me the C( blcuraSoap [L.B. and 6.0.B] Miles open 487* | Dorothi Wenham.jef Fanny______TiltmaUlreS.' an! 1 »;'dt Ip the 'aftelioon Mr. G. L. Gourthope. athised' a [good dpal rithi what' Council!;iIloii Anijl pintment. l|iised to wi ib with the W alter Benuley. 62[ 1 rst class; Ethel ffiltmam II ! 1914. 1913. Inc,r* ■ ‘t llDec. « 56 and Charles JoHn Tiltman, 54. seooi d elasa! Hlaksrs i of the noted whei! wasUeceivte with che rp, moved * ill said. [The jgreat liffienlty Wpuld oentpe Ipatlcura Soap and then apply the Cuticura £ Lower .Vunipr.—Donot iiy Lilian Watson 94 and '"Tljat the rules of order and p Wedure be' round the plectocal eill. £q long as it qiptment oa the aDected parta. CuUcura FaPassangera, ete. 49.785 Edna Haydon, 90, ho lonrs; Herjorie 1 anisterl adopted." Tha|rules, he said, provided for obligatory pn the pei an wishing to vottfj ti Gooloods,__ etc,__ 16,554 546 r - 78, Irene Axell, TC, Ivy Bentley, i7B Helen Cool: 6 *, the Walk iUlljUUUI UD« I and Ointmeht cured me|'! (Signed) Total for the week 66,339 - '8.624 p iM intepnalerna disdmine and order. . Iie.v might inscribe his o r | her though pernqpp Shevllis, Aug, 11,1913*> Minnie £UiK 72, EUiih Wood. 70, Ivy Bilabm f havb, as the t i Bimiop^itold the burning they wbuldi not get 1 laisO numbat.j * — hgato from ., 68; Daisy Elizabeth IP lilllpa, 67,. Bessie r. liltman] : s s r Minfl AtPM, rsii? I Outieuia Soap and Olntmeni sold every- Jan. 1st. 1,P 01 ||,111.93a . ,179 67, Waltte Santer, i >2; Winnie Tiltman, ez, ani Laying MeiaL questions> • • - .torAi, '^siderJ important drscussions that was ain ih: ihtelligiblo ” ■ basis, pud people: on whioh [the! m ight be, ayej, there m ost would have no fight...... ti com plainjafterw .ifds slhete. AmmpleofcacbwttbSS-p.Skln Book Ivy Azi il, first c lass; 1 Emily Tiltji lan, 68, p m ru i; I from nearcBt dApot. Address: F. New- B.E. and O.B. {Milas op^n second oiae be, some dive: nee I if bpiniop.. Jsbd impor- if thein|nan e wps not - - put In mMig Mount!, p: ■asant ' )o igregational. Spioial. — tanh dscisions|j|e repord-: an< one they parishes the re wjas a < r 6c Sons. 27. Ohjirterbouep London, Passengers* eto. ... (89 ( 84.727 J George Mai in. 96 ^dQ ueenie Martin; $9, bon. embarked pii it was, aboye (all things, friim all diiactions. orlFottsr O. ikO, Cqrp.. Bostonl U. 8. A. ' Goods, ete...... 0,9|7 i 22,710 ,793 ours. ’ SeUSorg.- Fi ol erick Martin, [91. Mow thol bey ihoutd take shch stem up to them an %RS»* B a lt r ’-i'-T f: •im '

HAtSTII|G8|:.AI|D OT.i LEONARDS =“*real w ril o f Wo street; SmTB ~ IS. BoiajkstalL Visitoi to St. Mary-jn-tlji Past le Chui ch _ 4th f th H Mi rr. 1914. m d llimb,. Yet evorylattempt nuite to dto- #. ' teteufaml ir with ^ e appeal Dceof the ao it' ecretary of tie East Sussex* Hospital. ^rte or injnrmthls ptoci^om ^ all of A T T H E C IRCHW-The Apnnal eoUeo- (Proprietor fiona on behi ai d becoming nn: ; of the it. _ Hastings. ^ptemptiblo,) btutal ef tAo National Sociefy, le- Paatie (1s t Ha: which has for objAct the promoting of n^) Cpmpapy Sir,—Under another cover I have nn^nght xtos all in vam to pro- H arold E,^^3qi|ri4e.) le Girls' Guildrjr. >u X aeport U] > o the recent ezamina- iNcTslkn of recritnination the edneation o ! biidren in the: principles of Thl liw lay etening the the Church, wi luti display f Nnree Prolttioners., which 1 hoiie nt the oi^rwhfelm- taken last Sandny at 'the luiw ring took plate ti e M arl id your Comm ttee will find pleasant ingj ncnmberp of the| OTOwd" which pm sed on Parish Church, Dean (the Fefy Rev. R ^ne a|ddres4 oi^y, W ^ i IIKiTOli PLACE,CE, HAnj^IIOC ai E. Currie. ■ D .I.' . Tie Etev. R. Talbot “ de 1. Othi them.'on al| sides ; mode itself .yiubleJ no giving the address in .the ,!nt iiclided:lMirs. Tl ._ , ■hlisa.Et;_____ , hesitation i: morning, i And t Bey. Jobn[ B. Drabhls lonrnev to Bs itlnlKS is to me always carrying their undertlakin p e r f m e r y lyes (fl irn erlwHead Guardlui oi the Com. sa n t relax atio s an]4 1 am duly Rrate- ita Ifipish. FOR OXYCENk |ll8P i I8 IN C and C . preaching in th >| ivenin] ly), tb s le v . E . W, StaUlqy Jagkson a id •ir the honoun rhioh your Gommit‘-ae rundadtitfed spirit” wa^ehol WESLEYAN 3[ NDA SCHC jOL.—The an- jrs! Jacisoii, H iss Helen B| igati; thelfi woe, ip ,<« i ins *ne to take on the .fy; ■£ ifpnderfnl courage.” B wOuId j A geotsfo]' » KATAklllLA,’* the m ost effective and economical niversary qetteq Is in mnection with the iring Cua -diana of the ; impair: MUs ■on of Official. JI loiuiner to the Nursins I inselcticide wash to | exteimmatei plant and fruit pests Wesleyan I Sundii' School have lieen held this nte, M isa K ent; Mias Pq: n. Miss Baf of th e E ast St s sex. sayJ ^Englabd will n^er fall as long as F e ■week. O n St qi| ,.y morning tbs Rev. J. mrd|^ Miss H ergget Rrever and Miss S®; Believe me, i ^ “'hy, _snph splendidly |earjees i*rice l/"r ' -1 ' '■ I Arthur. Turner ii! if thel Catsfirid ' Wesleyan muu M- -rs . W. ves, Miss'Cl Yours !'Bnce also al tings J r be effaced was cast r the adopt On of both the re-uniting cWiest For Genaine FaFriitare, Old Dance alte alluded to the contmued interiit ihey; individually "1 id p u r^, their know- npor rljlch can nevir be effaced lino above what '"®® published.'Unj _May QQj^p Hqn. Secritaries. sho’ii^n bjl Mil i s E thel Reeve! 1.1 M ils Ninni!i rs th a! edn was i got any of the splints, the courage was WINT|OM^ Reevies. H e - friend. Miss show in its [worst ccdinrs, that Of Hi itibgs basis .of re-uqion-^.um on. [i 1I (: .j, I a •A: Newham ...... 83 8 linniis (also] a dLDtlM ES^ H ^n?® S landages, aiid otl.(r requirements before womeb shohej with a ptio is gladly startled at the very Srrt de-[ E. J. Cox ...... iP3 18 78, HIGH SfREET, BAHLE. tomjer Hted Juardian) had itea telegrai .ttempting to deal vdth toe patient. The ight that can never be ofTthe S o ttis h K ir k IfeingT that] P.|'W. Skinner ...... „ "Bete wishes for a aucoessfnll ivening,’’ (Ajp)' forgolFn. Wlhen can] nie scenes which they clw etion ______. ^ I'U' ' lition .of a coun e in ban d ag im h a d im- ttTle Chureli lof Scotland is a brpneh the' B. | Burreqs (vis.) . 89 12 tonee.) Thiy were glad tl it hljss Ftiiei went ibronghi for the sake of a cause .lalonealone bliev- H.iT. Weston ...... 92 14 Relpves w is th ere to see the c l t o 'ed the general >i itlook of the candidates Hqly Catholic j or Universal Chdrqh,’?- F . ]8. Plummer (vis.) ... 94 15 >rk 'larriedpi ipoii the' practical liearings of their theo- be loijt to the memotjyiof tho town? T hat ing in, etez—then follows a short c: so : efficiently] by Miss Dani (a pplanseir f f a t lei is something tp be handed dobn to - G. , H. Elliott ...... ; 92 iJ- letical teachiivg. J t the! viva .voce I was all th q ir own dr* .Wing [up, most fully I nstian O. W. Easby ...... 97 -• 18 DAVIS th® H ead G u u d ia n , assisted re Miss Mai ail ages. T That hbt aat t leileast is something :o be on ill Re®vte. (Renewed applause.) i niiw impressed b; ’ the interest which all proud; of, to be triumphant over. [but I buiipose, intended to touch J. W. W. Nason ...... 79 , ti COACH AJ 0 MOTOB WlOBKa ;he burses showed ii the hearing of theo. ■ I points of a cieed. 0. :P. Froyrd ...... 86 6 80 tion. p a s !etical . knowledge 11 medical subjects upon Somstimes jwhen 1 look back to ttheee [nere are ii) «U nine; paragraphs A. G. Holmer ^ ...... 92 12 MOUNT l^T, IBATTLE. '[ I ■ PBOpn OF TBZ aurtbBT,i pbmicol nursing'. The abswers'^ven vem scenes in the| midst of a disheartening pre­ llarationJ aid one feels strongly ref C. Morgan ...... 98 18 sent, ;n the midst of a lonely vigil[^ i-,Ji,Biroh ...... 93 12 anp proud of [that work. Tpey 'r®re er®d' and uit themselves i at LsfactorllyJ ! the msaning Of the voM “ fear.” I sep\Jier ilhiiTich’s ai lute freedom in all'spiritual 0. Alford , ...... 94 12 attack sd as prach as many, yet always diwe- Agsnts for NOB r a B ftm ^H (p u n c h e s ;rmwed jy the want of a I ’ari®h Room. am sure'that t le House Committee will rttere from all authority or directiondirecUqn by by H. ^ Peatoh ...... 96 14 Hear, hear.) L ■ >oai f i nigiiiQ with me thsE ih|s highly^tisfactory gardilg her own peril to watch and piofept A State. |N Gnildry alert, ibapablel the very champion of tit vizi’, all m atte s of woTnUip, govertmentL an O. H. Byrde (vis.) ..... 93 8 FOOTBALL Cl V. CRICPKIET c l u b . F O r a t l ' f mpns if a righteous Ericketlttaid, [The lattei- M.A., L(l.. MH.C.f.. daunte I couraM m®h Association Pjeton Turnbufl will give an address. i ■ Shq ball (skipj ...... 21 Winnie Bailey , •iipeil at the iCPt, as we are most w rite on the two Candidates (Conserr^iive full marks), Dorothy Horton; i M T “ __,the head of the foreign department.! Gassoii. D. A. Mer. Bldgway. M ark­ 'Elsie Smith- ,1.: Clara Bailey ifi: Il marks), ai xii lbs not to lore in any way w ith th e and Libiral) rho a«i now in the polrtical in. A. Crember, H. wick, Eing^dtm, 65, ligh $t., B A lttLL aren a Wmld take thd advice you have [ah 7.! 10 [a m eeting vill b< held, over v^hich]- drs, France® Si nmoUs. OoqduCt, Sqiia 11.: Amy O L D R I M O T O R * C Y C sE T Y I ^ H > R S £ sicciss of the nt, bat we do. rely upon ' iebenrood Will p re sir- ^ -Smith (skip) .....32 maintain, at any rate, ready ^ren. Let it be qlean,” then " I air M] Tutrall,B.TlW il-' Payton, Morlaiid. Smith, Oli re Kember. ' II.: D ^ l hy Wood, 01 r . nrhscribers t< Grace Riihardson, May Foster, ’Dorothy [ W BBIT & HARE SipNS„ U|eit{ norm al conti i| tdons. Play” ^ill have a chance, and right-think­ ARTS EX H IB IT IO N .-T h e E ast Sdsse: lu, Isaac Martin, M o fl e 11. Burt en ing votpps umferstandl the situation bettV. A)-t8 C lub an n u al Exhibition will [be opm ed . E. Turrell (skip) 8 (skip) I...... !!!: *.!! 29 Show of New $tyl([es Brook, M. H. rill.: I«na Smith; Lily Fois- to ■ Yor Youn truly, at Trinity 1^11 on Mimday, May 25th. bj the kett. fYj: ikly MSip Edrth StaplOy, OLD fS* pLqj^ R ^ etc. . ■ [■ MayAr and-eeu fixed for Saturday, 23rd ins^, at Rate! oyer i[S['yei»]'' ' • ..jTele^'mi®, ip i' To the Editir o f th e Ob lerver. H enry 111 a ee^iriqn militant. He is wlio hM lioth promised to attend, N ew ^oods 'iA\aIl departments dance {and oqptet, wijth vOrjr] lew ezeepr ago you]] irted that a Nhrt'liam. lAn ipportamity will be offeiM of prevented from doing so. A game tions, Drill r--Spuad'I.:| isti Her- G ficer-a^ Steret; B)MQH?ON. Sbk—A few wee ts limself because he has" — thrownthrol ifmg "Great Dixter," aU excellent W f A I I T I N , r loU r had been fi; te 1 to one of the Hastings tw o boi , ope at tho worthy Colonel Bqid, lay^ betwreU the President’s (Mr Mie Ctotty , Daisy jBicbardB. I I ,: 1st, ■ ■ a id '— ‘■ plA qf a timbe r-builp manor hoime of] Fif­ ll^man, J.pA Team and the Lily Hbise J, LomejStagg. I [fii-at Aid: fithibg boats, add probably many boat the otl^ at the ihnerablevenerable and ancia teenth Century! Ths visitors WiU airive ouni Ts are mow e msidering whether to fol- Chnitch. iHeiiicertaitly one of Us, and now tain's, (Mr. A. V. Wood) Team. Tea ites l|t, M il^id enham; {2nd, EiKtl Stapley. at [3.^0, and Mr. J. R Ray, of Hastings; will ^res — enjoyable time was 4>ent Nursin®: 1 it, Elsie Cozjl^d, Ww lie Bailey, liiW ibit, and lion to do it. soon bomptbriwiiiff wiU be lawful', and. five A general itescrii tion of ihe ihouse) A N R O A D . Mi y I, therefore tMepass on yonr space for deed, quite Cliild’s play] He is bro: Squad fPr: ze Violet (pad^, | l;®crniting Tainj will leave Hastu igs a t two o’clock] p b e s id e n t 's It e a m . t: ie I lurpose of ca lUng atten tio n to th e im- called [ d, of whicl name be is so prou CAPTAIN’S TB.IM, (jueenhi Piilp.P iil Sale df ticket®: 1st, Am; BlwokmaU. H. E. W. Jones, B. ■t. CROHSPURST. Smith; 2n<. Hermie C h i^. Qounesy medal lu A iiD iE l p irtant repwt 'j« st maned- of t lo I^par^ for he i[s one of the lions raging, ram iff- I iaIl LANT PIBEIIEN TO BE IDE- n a c M a n , H. Gal- Gallopi S. W. Gam- ninfil Committal on Inshore Fsheries aj^ However, wo Snfir^eti 'profer to tl KATED.f-Ab lerman G. Hutchings, - LP., Ibp, H. Bichardson mon. A. F; Wood given ly riiss Fnllertph, late hiadquarter “Hi 8 secretai y, 1 leld Jre ariy : H ilda [Kem lier ( ^ u a d int 9d by the Boo rd of Fisheries I o advise as something! more intellMtual than bottles hon. [treasurer of th) Borough Voluj toer 18 A WEDKING.-AlING.—A Wedding of interest to hov to preserve and develop this industry, F ife [Brigade, h is •feoAived a letter froqi th e B. S h o ^ l t h D. Fai^ G. T. Eldgway. Crowhurst and B att te took p)ac® in the I.) from Lina Smith, wrtose Hanie will te on B l HBMBTOpC septic injk roll. J. Carr, Q. T. W. Eatonr A. tbe Rol of Epnour. I I licli is such a g reap value to o ip borough, Yoijirs tsaly . irejtary of th s Society for the Proteition Parish Cbiirch of the former village on of I Life from Fire, Replying to letterq ad- Saxby (skip). . 24 Hawkins, ' W. Bi ir- kiiiong other interesting information, I SUFFRAGETTE." ton (skip) ...... Saturday__a|fternooji,on, vi(henW th e IE®ctor (the ■’'■,'!'^:r! R M . , N . 8 . W . ■c ii« theFrio^*''8 MFenieiit:— dfAsstd to him. and announcing that the Rev. J. P. Bacqn-Phlillips)IHl officiated.jated. The I ‘ ' The Developm mt Commisnonen grante.i Trustees of th e i lociety have awarded a A: Iver 51 bride was 1 iss UltiM' I R u th Goxrisell,risen, seconi medai to Mr. -] 1. G, PaiUe, and a b» inze TU FOtfTlBALUQROfNbS ID.. HASTINGS. 4 ] ban of J^,006 f< ir the purpose of instaUing THE CARPET BAGGERS. CYCLING. daughter ®[ Mr. ahq M rs. S. GxridseU, o) EKERS mitoro in boats ap Newlyn, Mousehole, mcrioi to M r. E. T. B urtenshaw (membAi s of " AvonsideLr Crowhni st, aiidj the bridegroom To ithe Editor of ’th e Observer. thl Old Town Section of the Fire Brigade) The weekly ifun ot the Hastings ani St Fertiueven, and 3t. Ives. Fishermen’s So- SiE,—In yonr issue was Mr. Percy Boxal, eldest eon ta M r. and of 2nd May I asked - in]re<5gnitipn of their heroism at thejjatal Leonpds Cycling Club waa to tbe cot ntry Mrs. A. B®kall, ot M mnb®tee®t. B attle. Mr. Iris. ■ ■ I eiedei are being formed to distribute the ' W hy i i 111 th at fiastingB Liberalism is con- quarters at Catsfield. where twenty-nhree DUfeNHEAlETED AND loan iq West Coriwall. It is recommended fire oft Crolt-roi id, on .the 22nd FebrA| S. GoodseH[|is the paiish clerk of Cfowhurst. ' ' ~ ![ JUNIOR Icial Teeth, etic. tent to be represented by a carpet bag, and The lUedals [will be publicly presented., members sat down to tea. After tea a n ixed The brideri-oomV is ^ lell known in the dis­ phi 1 1 .pplications for I assistance by fishermen a differeht I coi cured ag each time?” To game of football was played by_[abov t 16 ..One of ithe keenest junior qlnli frtm anv statiois where conditions like trict. being formerl 7 employed'At Battle, th a t Has, mg on that qaqsl I havb received no ren[v. “HE. BUlCHANAN GARDEN I PA membeiB., the Smajonty .ladies, ’there was tings can boast of is thehe Chi|i®tChi^^^ Church A Beautiful th< se in 'West! Ck rnitall exipt should be fa- There hks the usual abusive letter, full a n d FETE.tTh s event will be held on and is nowrihauffenr (p Lady Catb®mne -Ash- 'iwi.4na turn' vofraply consider^, ^ud a limilaij scheme of also tenuis and . Next Wednesday' burnham in Wales. 'The bride,: who was Rovers, I® I earn [which out some of personalitii to wliich your readers are neMaf, JunA 101 h. in the Hospital grou run 18 to- the " Horseshoe," Windmill Hill good foptball, especially In th e l| 'dii tri ibtkm adop ted. Spicial arrangei lents are bring made f< given awayi by her i ®ther, was. attired in a t two sea- so acenston from ijir Mr. Bees, whi starting from the Memorial at three o’clock grey whipcord costa ®e, with hat t|o match,, sons, when on ekeh occj non the; have been |If c Tcumstance i at Hastings justify ^pH - merely eerv remini ns of the well-knoi veiy attractive programme, running lion- sharp. the finalists of i cation] for a similai loan, .pronipt actiob tin lously ffom 3 till 10 p.m. The ga^en and she w p attendel by Miss (Eisther Gopd- :he Elpa Hillierl: Shield; tbo s i [r a t i q n S« telegram! case. abuse the plaintil MOTOR CYCLING. much edveied t) iphy that St. Cu imentis re­ 3 0 0 P ^ i ■eepis [advisable. attorney.?' pal ty Iwi'U b^ opi ned a O o'clock by the lari sell (sister [ of '.jihe iritie) and Miss Alice _ Th® Hastings- St. Leonards and Dktrict Bozall (sister of the jHdegroom). The brides­ tain for a l othejr season, B/. HI&- Yolara truly. Hia letter, 1 loweuer, contained the follow- iimj 'Chuntess of I Ashbujriiham, enppqrted| by A few pi irticnlars of :he CIul s progress ’iPost Free! 5/5 thel President, tpe Ve: Rev. th e . Deal of Motor Cycling Club has carried out so'eral maids worej costume! pf blue whipeprd, with F. W. MORGAN. ing insthncpvi statement, which fully jus- pleasant runs rince its inauguration last black hats,!' and cai rlcd bouquets of white Were ma ie public on W i dneeda; evening at tifies my] qper mH, C. P. Blackwell hi Battlel D.D.1 'V.p.. antf the Hon. Mrs. tjnr- the- Clu -. . )’s' dinfier, held at 1 Fc rie,|aUd others. The SBOretary, Mr. Giltert month. The remaining fixtures for tho c flowers, the] gifts of Mt®- Com'be, of ipaklanda a ri’s foe- If ay be bad of a tt B e o k s f ^ v er oil tiw V nU U urz^ ^ allowed it to < [0 fo rth fth a t ♦/ ht ,i* returmt son are apjiended:— Park, Sedlescombe.' Mr. Fred BoXall (bro­ taurant, and which pi-ovid toi te very plea­ MORE '^AAR B A ND R E FR E SH IN G (my italics) h« ill talke a house and settl HeUddrson, Will he glfd to supply tickets, sant functiin. 1 F. J. P&BSQNS® Ltd., “ Obserfei! ” ‘ evening er they Sunday, 17th May—Arundel (10 o’clqcl) ther of the bridegrojm) was best taAn. After " PEIHT.” down in bnr x aftenm on price Is., or The fo l . Dudley C lark p: ded, sup] [o'theEdior if the; Observer. - 'St-'* maj be pufehmed at Messrs. King B: Wednesday, 20th May—Littleetone. the ceremony a rece gtion was held at "Avon- A few ooplieii That te verj kind of Mr. Blackwell. B...dli.t ^nday, 24th May—Crowborough. side," where ther e- rete about forty present. ported by Councillor F; C. Ht ng (seere- ^ ' To thsOelenies.U/1. 8 te,-K-Here i t is dai igline beforej our. eyes, indertaicing were repudiated, Library, Queen^toread, Hastings,, and ! at wliat if this Bohiffiia-road, St. . Ijeo- Wednes-day—Tenterden. The ncwlv-married couple will resident Pem- tary pf thq Hastlnga and St. :L®P: [ards F.C.), itiu oln old 'etor; wiih which we Hastings and declared .be "inoperative,” after tl Kinb’iroad land CounqilloriciUpr iP. Grppmo, 1 Ir. C .ton, J.R., pec pie are so painfully fainiliac,°| viz., the na'rils.| I All runs start from Queen’s Hotel 2.30 bery. Wale*. Thej vfere the recipients of exam ple lately set in I be Coitan>ons, or whI inarp, except where otherwise specific. [many usefnl preeenjts. and Mr. 'FJ T. Raker (bon. secre riel I man. in hit bii; motor car, i who will if its meaning were altered by tho ins A NAVAi L ObNCEriT.—On Wednesday, .-The Revl Dnmey C larl: reiad WIMMINI3. letter of come til. Hastings and spend lots and lots of tion of alq iaufying w brd, after the mann^ May ^7tU, the annual qntertainment of i^he apology fof ateence fro ti Aide: lan A. W. _,*SV mo: iey,[ and w« si tail be happy and prosper­ of the kee jerf of the King’s conscience Prim: ee Lehgue will_ held at the Royal The Hastings and. St. Leonards Amateur Chesterfield LOCAL SHARE LIST; ous e\kr afterj if—all! if, wo only do the wimming Club is making its fixtures for ErifBEBY, oS bS TOB EN ffl^ the Lordq? ' Content Hall. 'Ithe N a^l Concert Com- ii ^ H CounciRo C. H ardi ng, retei 'ing'to the Q.ABDEN -rigl t thing to ati ract him! In this case the I think i t hap Hastin fs will do well to pr Coiip^y from Portsmouth will givO he coming seasqn. The Senior Water Polo ESTATE AGENU’ a|ND|n i ADCmONflEE, pleSsant jr®: ®s that existed ' tween the rigl t ihipg i® fh< i, deinoEtion of part of our fer the ‘tbirdi in theJ h a n d ” to th is i-el ipeciaf programme.. Tire Ruling Councillor 'earn is\ entering the Sussex League Cniam- i 14. ST, tEONAB D3 EGAD. BEXHJLL. Senior Cju' the town and Ch'i St Church ICompUed by Messrt. Channelli, Dyer : .to 2() p e b Fc, Old Town,-to wijt, hailf High-«treet, unlikely in thi bush." C aiit.Jthe Hon. 13. T. Needham , R .N .) yv|ll uonship, and iwill play oni; ahd lorn© Rovers, shi th eir auc- criUa’way, 38, Havetotek-roaS, Htetings; UNIFC BM OB . e v e : DBESKt t 'b M i ! PubUshee I'Eegistoi' Of f’nraisheA And Dn- . that he knei ’ littie o]l e 'odiinKj NpwljSir, can a ly one who calm ly considers Yours trhl; tnki the chair at 8 o’clock. Mrs. .Rbden Will atches -with Brighton, Worthing, ’'un- [furnished Hpuses to Let and for Sale, 4iulding cess, but; as fsrell acc uairtted with the Sing’B-road. 8t. M SSTiJ PatrOnii e d by. this m itter■tter fori {a moment really think .that ridge Welle, Hhve, and B®xhill. E’rieidly B^d Glenister, 37e, [ Eotertson-street, R,a For term appi ' OOEM !kpril/14 I d -'H . , ^ I D , Colonel. ) dist ribute the 1913 honours and awards; [Mr. [Land. etc. | am ount ®f ard'j luck, th re had iperienced 23, Silchesttr Eoa! any petson (be bi motorist or otherwise), de- 52, Sedlejscombe-rqaq, t. Leonards. Gen lid Arbiithnit, Vicfe-Chancellbr of ithe lome matches with London ^Inbe, incluling thto^hofit the feeason. Bfoidesj being the Aesemblf Boom and Aroade for the l e a ding prcljestra, [the value sirqis if visiting Hastings, will bej debarred PriiarOse .League will be tho guest of it le he London Polj-technic, are also arranged. finalists ip he Elea Hill! er Sihjcli . they had ——,—Barolay^s B ank, A ’rl Shares 44 fvuly Band and .llhterta id e e m ^ ti^ ^ fro ii ,1 doing by thej fact of his having to evetiing. Doors ’rill be dWn at 7.15. 'Tiq ractice is takijig place every W^neiday I HASTiNtjis c o r :^ _lRKEt.-B'^turday: , , been the runfibrs np in: the Old Boy®’ I sl iw jdown " f ^ a B Shares ...... 1 14 SiCTOMA IW minutes ih coming AL eoM M iUNION CUPS. P rii ares© Leagiii Buds Choir will si: ig vemng, and the summer.senes qf weikly Prices ranged as follows:—Platej :—P late mhjze, 2Ss, competitiril and of the e forts th: t they had fo rc ^ ’WBank doiya mgh-strek'f "'o a cerpain class of andicap races 'take ' place on the eime Bezbin Water and 3aa 18 per cent. 'il'--; Editor of the! Observer. pati io(in sonfes fr om J7.SB to 8 p .in .; Adm s- te r quarter!j wheatdflSlbs., 36s,' pe® quarter; Made , h|a 1 th'oiJght that ithe; m erited M axim um .. ... l ^ t e l 3 kl for |deli- mot irii t, a Jlarrc w si. !«t, throtgh ‘which he sion Will be free to members; to nqn-iueia. veniugs. New memhors will be welcomed p late oats, SSlhs., 17s. 6d. per q u a rte r; best the ^formpr trophy. (Hi lar.ritea: ,) There 3aa 7 per cent. can! lidt tu sh a t b r^eak, leck speed, is. I know, S m .- I aveljthe pej-miteiOn of the minii by the Committee. B ezhill W ater and ters of the Jia ptis^. ongfegational. Wes here, reserved and numbered seats 2s. ahd White oats, l40lbs., W iper quarter]; black were many! reasons for the Rovers’ succesa, 1 M aximinn ... an 1 ,bo: m n atio n < o be it rid of at all costs. I s .; adjmissioia 6d, ANGLING. pats, 381bs., 20s. 6dL [ter q u arter jj barley, one tein i tecaqs® of the ’ hard-von ring mem­ C fipital an d ' C ountii Bank j far, too, leyan, and PrOsbyterian Chiirch . of Englam 3 per cent. and therefore thpui Is of pounds roust be AiiSGCIAMON OF TEACHERS qP Boat angling i® now in full swing-anU the iolbs., 24s. fld. per q u h iter: English gne mid­ bers wh$ filled, their 1 ead; Til :y had an H astlhg® C orpotati] speAt io satlsf' ______Churches,l|] whq; use the individual Commii ■ ; - S t o c k .... «' without it him, Ibut r thank Hastings nibn cupsl to jinvito Episcopalians who love MlA'PHiBMA'^S.-Thto usfful Associatio: H astings Club ; boats have been ’veil dlings, 47 las. per t»n; foreign middlings, excellent! resident In the" Eri . Dudley H a stings an d S t; sards Gas 3® per can do veiy wwl w ilh^t this ilasa I have our Lord! JehUs Christ in isinecrity, and for the South-ESs kern part [of England, Ui patronised, .hir. [Coish; a Ixindon member. fine, 47 per ton; foteigji iniddlings,|coarse, Clark, and ([heir I!ecTetai-y, M r. T. B aker, cent. C onverted S tock ...... ■ R .tatler harped on the!subject 6f motoro, as numbere 70 membfrs. ((he Association existe Has been fishing with Mr. R. Springett, iii.l 45 5s.' per ton; straight run middlings. JE6 ig official, H astings and S t.J^h a to s G aaS per i S t b U B D lhb,.iharilMoas)i day. r , dread inftetipn thro igh the use of ,tlte • cen t. C o n v erted S to ck .u...-...-.- .... 122 the letisrs of bp:h “ Modernise” and ”'On- clialice. totcoine to the ^ rd ’s Table^the ser­ to promote the in'iercha] :e a.nd form ation of they hav® obtained good bags. Mr. P, Col ins lOs. per ton : coarse rmiddlings, 46|6s. per rs had al- i A ‘I . a aezentifis warl"; rather Ijive me the impression of ton; pran, 46 per ton;'linseed cake;: 48 15s. H a stings and St M ofia^D as 6 per ■ Morte Hoe vices in most cases bring held fortnightly opin ioit ahiolig te ache: of mathematics ir yeiBhed in the first specimen fish'vrom the n o t coine cent. AdditibnAl Stock...... UD {Binndrof ■ Tohapoo hM beug written b? motorists suffering from schools!of every type. pplkation- for mOi 1 oats, a dog of lover 5 lbs, Mr. Sprin] (stt per ton: Bombay cotton, 45 per ton; Egyp­ to term® so than the Eo”er® mi it use the Hastings and St. Lefinarde Gas 3i per teintprod' t t ' i® .' uniqns thm trouble. morning ahd evening alternately, in the Non tian cottons, 46 10s. per ton|o c®inpoimd ,bly have conformistJ■ pla les of worship—until such to [ono of tho Hqi 1 as also weighed jin a specimen weever, Hr. Sports Groind, they wo ild pro cent. DetentUre Stocks...... 78 ‘ flavour ■IfiildiieM, and' Yours tilnly, ividual CommUpion cups are oecreiHi'ieM. , uui.v-il snbscription, ,i] l.ingaod has neenjoff, and several othey.m im- 47 per ton. had a deficit on their boolis. ,|Nex( season he H astings and St. L eoharde G as 4 per I L L N f to the Tongue, time as thfe iiw was afraid vould iiot te such a good one, cent. D stehtute S to ck .y .90 , J. pOBERt GOWER. adopted in thq Establ: shment. cludinff the Journ I'l, is 5sJ 'The Hon. Seci- Dors have enjpyeid good sport. ' In spite H astings and D lstrM E lectric T rafiia T h b i * W l thnuld nbt misa R irwteb. Sues >x. The folSwin quota lion speaks for itself taite® lore Mr. f i. RJjBrpoke. Tonbridg] I On the Hastings Pier bites have -been Pre- i the bad: weather on Sunday Evening, Their g^uid wds 'being taken ajway from 1 4i p er cent. D riien tn re S tock ... 64, Post Free,'I, 9/I4i tn®th® ssporosSports iGrouadj was hard cancer of (he tongue in ministering at Holj H S t l S f e Cottote^P?hveteent 'o th e E< ito r p f th e 01ifeerver. Communion ii|>_an E a p E nd parish of Lon ordej- tiliat every tohool—Public. Secondar. and dubs neaurly a lb, weight. onducive to sitting■ itCwn, nevertheless the ' for tho Seninrs as wellell as thet! Juni|)T8, for it i say' too Si I read wed no diminution. The was extnemdy difficult t> find, 'sb level a •'TT i ! rith i aterest the letter of i don."—ThO l^ncasier Guardian," April 01- P -eiiaratoty—in the district should be ri lA London Member. Mr. Stursberg, fisling udience around sho’ llS g jfflsa. i | | f Mr. J . W.-: E . C in b b in yyi onr fast______issue re- pi-esented. A mefeting [will [be held a t C iu from the; beaph last week art Worthing, their < kimm indmentsi and obeyed HASTINGS aIND ST. LEONARDS MODEL fiirhitijre and effects w-ris held yesterday them i i word m id deejd, we should not have up in th© medal competition. Sturzy i.ill Thiere). which was deservedly applauded. the town in hrinring visitor® for eek-ends, Bank .i 21it6! 1 AERO CLUB. (F rit a i) a t th e to w e r Public H all, Ha.s- An idyll. “'A'Seuthern ’WeddiM" (A. Let­ ett. (Hear, Ihear^ ^ He proposed [he “ Suc­ Maypole’Dairy Company Deferred foM-- this desecrating of tlhe Sundafc by having To the Editor hf tho Observer. tings,'by Meters. Chennells,: Dyer, and Gal- b® at Hastings next week, and trill try tis C h iiham < th is r< lelry on tho lied E Empire i ■ ~Day. lUck here. ter), and an Oriental ®cene, "The [Dervish cess of tbe C{](ri8t| (phnrchj Eovers^C lub. Paine. Bogers ...... — 3y^top31 la, C] m Sm.—It majt intercs: your readers to learn lawa 7. i Mr. GaUawav acted as - auc­ Councillor H. G,~ ime, in sOoon stated I r • If tle y were to refraih from taking part in tion eri and thi prices realised were The swajlowa have arrivetl. and with them Chorus" (Setek). wire given with all tfieir of pfSmer*Boddii.'‘oriihairr 18A toll?/- o 4 - m that this riuJi, is nov going at full awing, many of our country members are oontum- characteristics. The ever popular selection, that wit® foitbaUel he ^as; a bi out the (so eallero, and fo^Ow' the. ex- and its number of nembers is gradually remarkably good. Aj Chippendale tafjle ami jf the ] 'ree (Jpurch ministers, this .71 r J Queen Anne chest pjating-a journey to our shores. W. A. ‘i Patience' ’’ i (Sullivi mJ and .the fillnring hi® element,” for otball was not 21 to n swelling. Rlllj models made are bruiging i-ealited J124; a Mercer will soon pay his annual visit in l.e Waltz, "Verschmalte Liebo” (Lincke), qualificaj:loni. He did noli think he could South Eastern _A Deferred ...... ■■■■■:■■ 4 8 3 t o 49 im hoh of Emp ire Date on a Sunday would fo rth ecimy fresh, design, an d originality of Iraweia il4 10s.: a ditto, coffer \Tei be stop ped. and Wednesday, which is now hopes of taking a good bass. Wo are look ng showed the.capabilities of these musicians, play crieket untili le wenl amidat th e old . Watney, Combe. Eeld, and Co., Deb. 7 2 t o « seeims quite! tqo th in g reacae4__the qame figulre: a hookense .JE16 fossils ’’ lat (he ardian®, when played' St. Leonards Bteoai Laundry Com- an larl closind day, would be. the dav se- forward to a re-union a-ith our old friends and th e concert cot eluded w ith a -l®pirited 1 3 tn 2 Howeverj [still mort! members can be en­ and iiliain and M ary clock .815. A set in a orilcfcet mati 1, and [was su- ’.'ssful in pany "i" L e lo n a r d ^ h in send-, lechd ■hd prop irly fitied for siich a display reaqhed i l 2 10s., and a Slim Sum ’’ and Q. Sinclair, March, " Les Gcndai mw " (Brandt);! rolled, and Ithey would be -welcomed among of ejoiiting printa The "tope" eeason .is just commenc'lig. compiliUk thl) higi ®t score, ailtho he had -AND— of n ili iry proi ’ess, as it is now the case, panel Oil p a in in g . 1:69; [Sheraton wine cooler VISIT FROM A (IREAT COM El^N .- M-. us, and efOrytiiing -Would bo done to en Mr. .Butterfield, the Curator of the Hastihgs not touched 1 batj 'or twenty! yea: H e was r iten torts [babb, ret the ministers and mem- courage theiU in the niaWing of their mqdels. JE15. A larg. coilretiup oi ioiff china and Locaipeople had an ippprtunity on Tuesday Iiers ol irour Cl: urch tC’ be consistent in this Museum, is m^teh; interested in the captu -es and Wednesday of enioyiing a very delightful no’nr conriilered to le a "darfc hOT !)" as re- [NGTON PLACE If the prestet rate o( progress is main­ plate was disposed of,I capital prices beiing garded Sporr. (' ,ughterl) He inridered THE TRAMS. ^ / l 4 said m at :er, and rercreiico "God's Holy Day,' aroused 'exceptional in- pf; local aln^lers. H e infOTme u s th a t aauy variety enter,tainmen t by the famous come­ Tdephot e 90x. tained, there should bi some good work done reali'oq. Thel^sale of the to te reputed to be caught’ a|-e .-ea lly th a t evfery form )f sp o rt Isbonf be en- and till wishri and desires yon have ex- terest, 1 a large I issqmbly of both resi- dian, R. (5. Knbwles, inria London fkaUpany pres 9e< th is summ«?'> buP® ®® . *® ®m®oth hounds; these fish are distinct mem- of first-class artistes. They presented a pro­ copragedl, for it p[ lyoked [good fe: ~ >wship. THE W !^K ’8;!PIG1JBES. mjr orders would lien befratified. attract club® frem away to enter into various dente And viritorsi were present, and the r. F.jT. B aker.lm respanding onlbehalf of I shq id pen onally take part on a Wed- [throughout wan competitive iu evei-y beirs of th® samo fam ily, ao m uch alik e tl a t gramme of delightfai versatility. Mil R. G. competition^ which wo aid not omy advertise biddil |t| is diffixmlt to tell ono from the other !x- Vbowles was billed a® ’!r thetho m an whbw! made Uio Club, r®marli||dd^ - On - the[ ctei T.J. litable cor total numbef of passengers carried hy OUB resu lts & •nesiding May llth, Caaeq admitted, 24; Ground.; they had a nice balancii over for ponding period last year, are appended:-- id^ ” jcise oil a Sunday iS' lecomiiig a disgrace. m ay bo inteife pintqd teeth. W® are much obliged to Mr. inimitable comedian, Vho scored an immense •niis beinff ;h© firs’: club of its kind? to iiumitert in Hospital, 64; nimiber of-OUt- lUtteifield ton his information; it vrill "■ 0 x.f success. His appearance on Tuesda; nfter- another .seawn, bht with! no griund th®y M iy 15th, 1914 .L..... : 149,864' f 8S>; and dc lUoraHsi ig to oiir young people, eArnest in Hastings; it is hoped patiemn prescribed [for, :344l Th®, Commit ! w ii r ot al]: ;he Chu rcbes join i hands aqd start in read lUch interest to anglers who are every year' nbon was hailed by an enthusiastic O' tbn'vst Would have to m*^>aS0 withont a a; r money. S a y 14th. 1915 i 205.488 £1.283; that it will leet w ith th e support >it de- acknowledge 'With thanks tM fonowing auh- eying m op and more attention toithe f; ct pro- (Al Voice I “ play pn the sands.". , ^riugh- ^ Whole Bexhill LontlOn- rtroti 'St in sinc-rity ag tinst thesq eruptions of applause. Without delay. "E.(i. System ' iiil Gooden rtfiii. serves- The jrogress jmide up to the pre­ scriMiob® and telonqtiphs :*^The p isses Tay- hat an ahgicr neW not be. alwayo out i on ceeded with his mirth provoking patl and tcr.) ■[■ ■' ' ■ -1’' »',■'■ jn 01 ir midst, tor if ths]- would "th e victor) prove thqt local interest-is F riday .... . 21,618 .8, 299 2,15- s are car- inonl d ^ n t ^ o c s port, but can |bec®me a etudCnt of na'ture ns gay® several delighttii'l songs, int< iperfod Mr. A.iDavhy prijpoeed the healih of "The . 24.544 :8;807 311’ ■ i>e ours.’f and th it rig h t sqou* Subscribers a“ff Snppofteifa,’' and this was Sasurday . -ell,, vritii an jincreasing interest in his : ■«- With humoroiis romarzsiand amnsini Kntics. S unday .... ,5.229 189 ■! ^ Youh tn d y , Thanking!yo|u for tiie: assistance-of your H-is perfoitoiance last r i consideraT < ver seconded! and carri^ with aeclan a ricm, Mr, M onday .... 1.«9 341 2! ^ samples & A V’ESLEFAN METHODIST, valuable pajieit i“ bringing the C3nb before . the k in a assistance of M r. -Adan s, half-an-hour, and 4nti ig that time . andi- Gioddard replying pn the suppoftrri ■ behalf. T u e s d a y 8,316« ll 774 2.291 the Jiublic, [! | __I , M artih, |4'2, W alter. wfi2 2s. ; Amooi ■kjiown local fikh salesman, we bare enee -was entertained T without a break, An enjovaMe conjeert, arranged >y I lr . Vic W e d n e s d a y ' m 7.993 302 2.185 PENSHORST P.il.--I have nu derire to condemn the ife'skor' B: S. Beesly, #2 T b u i s d a y . , 23,752 9,0(9 362 2,281 Thuicll Ilf England, fot I hqve the greatest ■ ‘r fYonr® truly,uiy. and Shm 4[ his weekteent to the Museum an nncomm m M arko, the conjuror c iri®use, gave a| lever Parker, followed, and which prove i if'® very t 6 r F lorland. i61 Is.; Rq-ir. I those |presen(ii{ig item s i J VICTfiB F. PADGHAM. 2s. t: Lie>ft.-i isb, in our opinion som® form of chad. M r-. and m ystifying perfoi mano® of Ui late successful nature. 149.864 55,643 2,073 maS: •espc rt f >r it, I lut I do want' her to keep tq e ^ ill. including i—messreL Poole, jJoe P i 11 sr. P ain, T o ta l ^ (topiimandments. 3, Strood-toaW Silve; ' " C,I. Leudi “ Tindall. 42 H i M^dows. T li^l ''Utterfield ia Havihg thi® fish sel up, afid it conjuring..Les Troi»-;-Auray ■were ,nily St. Leoi^rets. andnd lisJneer, 4 l Is ; Paine, Rogers and W iU form a vreioomo addition to the colli c- received for their ent iiwnment of fined Ellis, C. W. Huglos, Brimell, 'Vie( Pairker, I - i . il l^ lT h b ro a ® J - Ctesert lOs. e d .i H t e ioD of local fishes. Up to the present tin e, vocalism, accompanied by a piano, 'Cel , and and the Cinqte Port Banjo Trio. G KlhtG, Preprieijoi HAI5TINCS WOMEN AND THE McDonald,“ ,jE2i 2s.; Mrfe. Egerton, 41 Isl; ijt has not been identified [as the n rst d u ty h is violin. An operatic s;ena Waa intnq n c ri. ODE Pri.A. - i There ! was ■ a_ Sirge U th OP MAY. t nV^ECTION. Ml-s. ia y . iOs. id.; [James H . Lansdel), m to have it priperlyj preserved.' It »v 11 and the singinx and uieompanymg i gathering at C)re | P.S.Al, held' in Redlake llA B E jE i; s t r IbI it , liter lot ithe Observer. ids. ■ Lewiri H dand. d®d Goi, 4 1 is: ;, |o donbt be located when csrefnlly Oxaminsd varion® instruments wi sirreproachabl Miss Eongf^tional Church [last Sunday after- To tho 1 Iditor of the Observed, - es Clhri r. 10s. 6d.; Jesse P iper Daisy Dover, a daint;' comedy ortisti '4NCE.-j-!nie ihiual noon.l Mr. J . Snitch presided, and th® , ad­ ST. LEOH&Rpa Sib .- ■'i one I 'l^uchi lid before he went Sir ,—T o u t jrreepOf^ent, Mr. Friamnd Atisa Mr. Bntterfield, who i® an expert on these of Chiiheater Diocesan ,back tb JapaA that olf all'tbe whUderful Par)cer detofvi j the grotitude of all anti-, Poile. ; 3s. r A p.F; _ Friendly Society,, A tters. sented a selection of lelightfnlly " dress |waB given by Mr.riR®lt on k S 0 N S , | [nceux [Castle. Brori, BObgs, and also daUe id Cleverly. Hove oh Mi(i ay, tho Two Wolin solos Vere giveh by M r. Harry Telepbone iNo. 677. things he had seen in England hq m' vivisection iiito [for di-Biring attention to the HurstJ iux It 'Members -will leal n w ith regret th a t Churl ie The annui^ rqpprt struc c ction is absolntriy illegal in| 10s. ' [Da-ivaoU and Harden, 41 Is.H eniw .rehall has to ni dergo’ a,serious operatii n (Jordon Eldrid and (ppmpany PhUlifcS; aiid were thighly* appreciated. Selec- bb the bravery ehown by, the little fact th a t vi>iii Mrs. O liver, ,4 2 '■2s.: :A, J. ne was 4IS.y i n he|r land,;"] utetO his K H. (SOLDBERG. ®r cpnstitntii...... Dischitrge® ' Bexhill,! who died a t the age of 36. Sever il | i e W a l k word!, GhnrcH-i id, St. Leonards. Olcgass, Gravel land Pain® iDiradcs from Hi isting® and .St. Leonar Is Bu hddihc been heie last yeaplprtkth® ___ V ree«■ ftoza Mereary- Esto; Mtended the funeral, i including]-Mr. .nth I>{ llay h > would hare seen a mdr® ;won* Upward® of 50 years.! In boxte ^ .(]dams (H astings Insp®Cfori- I ^ v io u s to ' ^rfql ilbang's dll. He wpuld have seen more TO SCOU|^ND rHERS -M ia S. A B uck; wbo teroto lu st Week offering to acnc L ot.aU|Ch4)__^miete and Patent- Medii- teiug a postman,! .(he deceased served in the unaauqted ipint," [more " 'w^derful zete of her gamle, “ ? . - '® - 7 '« have been ubluh the folbw' the -QW-.,nts for,v, tbhiwif sale yi this a p e r:-M r. IZB-GIVING ATfeTI M A BEETl aod, when the B. DoddiODD, 73, Hirh-stre«;Hilfa Mr. ...J . N ash, jU correspondeno cessioi (fned its,clo se, raged ■„1! . iHALU, round 86, Higb-streeti 1 tr: E. B snkisti B. W. High- •]v tbe'rekrpOTil of a fe street: Swixa slid Sows. Bool Yisitc ni to 1 St. Mary-in- toe jostle Uhnre] r 1 , Vv ^ t 4th M- w , M U . j to d lijnSU Y o^fevery attem p t n ^ e It®" xrei familiar; with toe app ice o f the-eiuu tv riiue Secretary of th e E as^ Susaje] AT THE CHDECH.— anal collet * Hospital^ W Miiuriifhls procession-prov^ all of < P R % i c i ^ let {Bashes alte becomingi^nifo_ of the St| 4\I H ' . ■ „ Haetihge, 1 «ontomptihle, hrui al tipns on behalf of thoj Natioi al Society, '-u^cneiuaetie (1st B astiiigs) Comi Sir,—Cadet aaptl •foyer I ’have which has for iis object) the j oinoting of o Girlsrauildry. | IMI you a aepoit ______- at ezamina- of recrimlnati in Harold| £. Skyrm 0 the education o f < hildren in the brinciplds of _ T Cuisday evening t le lUal display of Nuree Pr< baticneis. ich I hope - - ®* ^®**" m th® qo rv e erih eh i- toe .Church, wets taken last S’ hdey; at[ the and) ^ Ze-givlng took pla co the Market and your Committee ^11 Parish Church, t! le Dean (the liiT ^ v . R nd pleasant ij -r.^the —.. croyrif— which „u,„u pnpimped <}n O n e adlress]bm y, 12, W£|LUNGT0N^^R^ M A8tlN{^ Hall. The {Rbv. R. Talboi pi ided. Others ng, them Idn all “ fll^es made itself * visit le, i lo E. Cnrrie. D.D.) giving he ______ress in ..the,__ present incliuied: Mrs. Ttlf Miss Ethel me always hesitation in eafTying their undertak ing ;o morning, and tl s Bev. John B, Drabble FOR OliCYCEN, DI8PEII81NG and P A R F U M ^ E t . Reeves formerly Head Gui.rdii o f th e iCom- ani duly irrate* its finish. preaching in the I rening. ! - i pany), (be BeV. E . W . Sti.nle: Jackson and yoU^ Committee ; T rn ls a n "undented spirit” was (howii; Mrs) Jalcksofel Miss Helen |Bat' tru ly WESLEYAN SUNDAY 3CH(M>L,-The an- , gate; the fp’i jiare done me in lekiij] e to take on the - II, 1 wto^rful courage.” I won d Agjen) s fo[ •* KATA KILL A,<|' the m ost effective and jiconomical niversafy service! in Ooinectidli with the lowmg Guaraianslardi of thd Company: Mi/ss ition of Official £xatuin4r to the Nursing insecticide wash to extenuinate plant and fifuit pests, W^leyali SundSy icliool i lave ^ n held this D a i ^ , Miss! K ent, Miss; Pears on. Miss Bal- of the E ast Sasseit< J sa^"Im!fanrf^^ii^***1,^^’ never full as “y long ®'"‘* as si e week’. On Sapi ■y moining 'the iBey; 3. feriL Hiss Mfegaret fieevte, end I Miss Sey- Believe me, - splendidly fearkis Arthur. Turner, the -atsfiera Wesleyan modr;. [dr. afed Mrs. W. Reeles. Miss. Cla­ Yours verysry trdly.truly, The crowning a:t Church, eonducted the s irvice, [and gave a rice Reives,; llfte; S. K ent, and-others; Cap­ E. Q. TOAENSIDES. «“d.-and I hiivejl- Ag'ehi s fc Insei|:ticide Fumjeis and Sheets, W eed Killers and very appropriate sddresii to thjB-children, tain F. Gimilirill and other (ifficers of toe ^|p'*tte4 I was not present at i( . l^ r The Congregatiohjii and Z ion B a p ^ Sunday St. Marf-in-toe-Castle ConipaD;r of the Boys W a s p C h o k e r s . * 1 , Mat 1st, MU. content with Sehbols attended re aftt m oon service, and Bri^tee. j j ! the House Oommittise of the East content with abuL and the . Battle 'Troop I .P. Bi y Seonts were also ss Ethel! [Rseves,~ whcl ■ is very popnlai -witli he; oldId 'friej friends ■ at Miiiy's; was th< Sussex Hospital. H asti^. with attacking the M ^nuifatituters of t Shurzine Preparations. present. . A novel 1 eatuto of the service wo4 J U ^® «r® 5F ' ■ procession, surrountod ono the bnilding of model Tabemlacle which recipient of a beantiful; mqaet froni ' thi ies and Gentlemen,—I hav i the honour had been made' Q uijdry ' 1 ■ uhmit a report upon the risulte of the was iJi the forfefroft, th e teachers, {asstoted by ^0®^ with iti oc^- the children. In um the Bchotors recited teunt ir-featohing in the pent re of the H al! ination for Nurse probationers held at eXcued much interest. oni laging proved 'our') Hospital in March last. Eight, candi- tS®*® '^®F® bo Hastings rraidents or read a portion Scridture relating to the among Uths thousands who witnesswT th?M TEtE PIBH, KIRK. building of thw., le, and the parts hunibroue, asj well as ajul eful acooinpiisb___ lates I submitted ^emselves for examination, flat up an orgtoit To - the off tlie Observer. SI*0RT AND RECREAT 0N.I were placed in toi irming a very neat menx. Tlio gyMiMasttc exeroises, led by Mlsi ■ven passed. ' ' ' r ' t reststahjee for tjie rescue of the woiton. r Margar>t Roeves, were Carried out. witb The\l>aper work was ex S ib,—I n Ittes'” if Mopday, May •lO f little model. The G.-Godwin, of the ithi aippeuiu the ai ibroxiiaate sketch of jtho H U firiN Q Calvert Meinorikjlj Wesleyan Chjurch, Ha»; Ynudh sf irit; Miss Margarot I Oeves was th( a^d showed th^t allik^e cal^id recipienof beautiful W k e t of floweri ill grounded in 'th e conditions, anil of ^ e donlessicm of Fa|th, tings, preached in the evening. • The anni­ i intonded tp 1 e t! habisTof-the proppsed Th Ib CRpWHUEiST OTTER HOtfNDS versary was oonttjmed on. WecGiesday, when froiii tw girlsl; she feelingny -iespqnded liolo^, anatomy mtedieine, W ill meet (water permitting) M|es[ Dance, ,in her repbrt, n bntipned’that! had attained a a tea was given to' the children. A public kno4rledge , S atnr I6th—Bines Bridge, 9 a.m. U la. meeting followed, (over which Mr.iW. Aytbn, that) was the ejerenth year] Of the (fompany. [ect^ whibh should enable! thei to folldw ' -1 as a Cinque Port fori splen­ Tine_____ partridge Green, L.B. and S.n .had obtained Icertificates Dante neferrbdj to the Idnunefe of Captain Nurse Prohatii nersl eleffientary coi ditidns wire stated as a start;, „ ’ Gbdalming, L.S.W.R; Gaiqbrill in ' presenting a Sjnad medal, the viva voce exam ination ion th e 28th the real, poitoint, bitter, keen regret and in the Scripture examination ont 'of the ten suame flf Club. though I tto cou rage of! Hastings men was nally the ly itself!, will 1 form the >sk p'loteure 1 ;to welcoming Miss Ethel instance, few foTf ot any of jthe splints, g Gross Hep. Nett. 1 w MTON, Shown ill its Woi'st ooloime. th a t of Hi&tings J ^ is .o. f . . re-' 1 1 1 J •A Newham ...... 83 8 75 . teevfes. I Heb jiriend, Mjsa N iones (also a OLD TIM ES^ dagee, and othei reiiuirem ents before Ohje to gladly startled'at the very first ue- E. J . Cox ...... ;...... ormbr Head Guardian) hiaq sent a tefegram, Hudson’» Soiap ipting to deal .wth the patient. The 93 18 . 75 7 8 , H IG H ITREET. BATTLE. lOrguttol 1. , Wl^en can the scenes whicli they cloivition of tile Siottiih Kirk being thpt F. W. Skinner ...... 83 11 - 77 Best Wishes for a euccessfnl evening.^' (Ap- Aon of a course in bandtoiing had ini- c The Chuifch & Scptland is a branch of the' B. Burgess (vis.) .... 89 12 77 i i They were glad tha(: M ^ Ethel JU the general ou look of the candidates V® 1 ®'^P *be sake of a caus^alone H. T. Weston ...... 92 14 78 ■ ae thefe to see the woi'k carried on 18 claimed to be “ TH E GOOD be lost i » ithei memory Jof the town? 1 That Holy Cathmic or Universal [Church,” -heliejv- F. 8. Plummer (vis.) .. the practical hearings of their theo- i ag in , etol—th en -tollo-fs a Short creed of 94 16 78 ! mtly by Miss Dance--(apnlause)— at leasti le^m ething to bo handed dciwn to <3. H. Elliott ...... M92 i r 79 i 1 teaching. At the viva voce I was tm ir own ilrowing ■up, most fully Chnistian O. W. Easby ...... 97 DAVIS & [the Hdaq Gua.rdian, assirted by! by Miss1 Madge impressed by the interest which all all agea That at least is something] to be 97 13 79 ] SONS OLD SPAP.’^ But yqu I'ut Dot, I euppjbse, intended to touch on ill J. W. W. Nason .... 79 tl 80 , COACH AljD MOTOR VOBK8. Reeves. CKenewed applansel) ‘ Thino rongrega- thennnrscs showed in the bearibg of theo­ proud oj, fjo bh friumphant over. 0. F. Prowd ...... tion was i Sometmes whPn I jlook back to these tpe ixiinfs pf alcieed. I ; • 1 86 6 80 retical knowledge ofi medical snbjecta upon Thjere are in toll lin e paragraphs of thjto A. G. Holmer ...... 92 12 80 1 MOUNT ST. BATTLE. PRObb OP THZ QUlLSnT,' prsMical nnrsing.. The answers pven i/ere scenes yi the midst of a dishearteniflV prei C. Uorgan ...... mid(Q4-^ed folkso as •^laratioD, andlone feels strongly rofreslipd 98 18 80 [and proiid of ithat work.. They were only «ffiftlly praiseworfliy, bnt where all .-iid sent, in the qiiiist of |a lonely vigil][I see and invigorated Ihy the cleir view and eg- J; J. Birch ...... 93 12 81 again ol e |who was fotemost in that proces­ E.* Montague ...... 94 13 81 ; sorry ;thcy bad foecho an'old complaint that welL'to single Out lone for.,- Mavgan ...... 9q la b Turner, 17^ S. C1 fton, run out, 19 C. Moore, to grolw tip trijel, . . si t 'oinfortabl^ E stabliahto Ohu:, ell. S°, fp®y , . also tiile b Doucb..... 0: . ___ T._____ Bloc _wace*a|[man, b a/ Douch.waavaa, xj1 H.xx« AVtaiU,Avard, TheiR E. 'W. Stanley Jftek^n moved a ibake ohe refuse to be bafflelwhen righto of the En^lisW Church!, though in ths E. Hytomls ...... 98 16 b'Donch. 0: A. B) Sparrow, b Doich, 2; 0. to te t-fittrii! difficulties confront one. itement th^y n.^ more su-ccipctly expresspe a . A. Pdarcli ...... 95 " 14 t ianks+^with a capit j! — to Miss TIE BOROUGH ASSOCIATION AND Irangley, b Kane, 3 M. Tutt, 0 Turner, b Doucb, K h e l j Reeves. , (Applause.) he Guildry r p r o d u c e d T THE ADVPETISING BILL. This, thto. pheTspectacle of last year has a d-elightful y refreshing document, em- J. R Tt^rnthwaite ... 102 16 0: 8. Oliver, not out. 0; extras. ,11: tOtel, 77. a J, MEDAL, 36 holea, BATTLE FOOTBULL CLUB.-J. KendalL 0 was such a good thing becahse first things .. the certainly tone for us. It has given ps an| hbdying much Catholic principle. rero put first. ' I w ^plei oil ‘lundaunted Bpirit.^ of '“won- ti'iily A. Newham ...... 80 plus 75 155 Tutt, b Parker, 1 I; P. Oliver, 0 iOHver, b T FITTED Biiul, 0, F. ^ w d ...... 89 „ 80 169 Tbomae, 6; F. Dou< J. b Parker, 3: P. Turner, b Mrsj T. 'hot teconded. The na)ore she saw .nr ipbscribers thinkj that the necessity for d ^ u l Iwhito ate unforgettable. .' ijlRTH FRANKS. Clifton. 18; F. Bbzfal, o and b Sparrow, 5: P. of theiG W |iTH When ijho^ ItostiW Pageant puts dp its /, MEDAL. o6 holes. dry the'more she llketi it. hbA uiptions has pused now that the Health I ...... tens 80 Kane, b Bailey, 2; S. Bennett, b Clifton, 0; F. The! vo| of thanks was carried. tesorts AdvertisiWg B ill has been read a tablets to the memory of "h^ iSeyeral Letters are held ov4r. [ f -^ Thorathwaite- ..... 77 86 Wrenn, c Blackman: b!01ifton, 0: L. E. Jezzard, ‘ E M P I R E L L A ** famous in the palst who once lived ill the O. H. Elliott ...... 91 , 79 c Avard, b Clifton 0; Montgomery; 'not out, tH x FRIZZ ois: §TEELS eooiid time in the House of Commons by so -. X, m o n t h l y m e d a l SElilOR. 9; T. Clarke, b Bailey, 3; extras, 6; total, 64. »rg«' a majority. May I say at onoo that a .^ ,^ ‘that a tablet Slight Was ajs fellowsj:—Medals to G rdians for ntly be to t nb iil.Norman-road to thdime- W ASHABLE he necessity for'aheso sobscriptious is as C.ADET CbRDS.-jThe annual inspectio: P. W. skinner ...... i 88 ll ten. years' servi, . Miss Kent, Mjis’s Pearson, jgeitj as ever? My Association is com- ffiory oi[thjOM voiaen who showed'ia ^unt- of the Imperial]Cadk Corps has liecji fixe J-W , W. {Nason ...... 79 11 M iss B a ll ird. P motions. An y ^ ith . Maid CNBBEAKAlute jittiq to expenditure in respect of the pre- less ootoagi i^ the face of tremendoud odds tp 'take place oq Alexandra Eay, June 24th a P. Frbwd ...... M 6 o f M e rit, to he aid pf Honour; Ethel Swain on a day when, alqno and undefended, as far iq Hiirntye Fiel J. J. Birch* ...... 93 12 d o f'M e rit. Seven years’ , service m and. ent Iv c ar amountijng to about _ig600, A- B. Eebkitt ...... 88 6 R . S,,«H U bSO N LTT)., Li'feerpool, [West TfiNMnwieh as outwtod qnd to^ble defences arePcon- CERTS.—Td-morrow (Sun- aisyisy [feichards. , Tb refe years’ ser- ,nd Whatever the arrangement next year wrned, for'|tho stoe'of a great cause, t SUjNDAY CO O. AUord ...... 94 12 BUST-PBOOE lay bp, it is clear that this wUl have to be they ^y)j^oncerto w 11 ije given [at the Palace A. Greoni ...... 93 10 F.B.WII ihes: Ahnie H irst, i 31sfe' T olhurst, let from voluntary subecriptiohs. raced the ohslaughts of an alien mob. P ier hy the E x-0 ’ musicians with mem-1 BOWLS. -I' “ . 1- J., iRor®^ Ho.ieykett, Grace outs truly, ’ [ansey, Ijrily Fpsgett, W inhie Bailey, Connie ■!v’j There is other wirk ot an urgent charao- bfrsiof the Violrt Domino Concert Party a' On AYedrjesday AVest M arina, rto: er for which we ladly need funds. ‘ I ! PAEOIK DS. %1S fn d 8.15. (randliht and attendante Prizes:— Alexandra Park, at tho Park, and ibst by S buadJI. Yiufetj Cadey, M.H ; Hilda Kem; Nor]must it be i^nmed that the Adver- Y.W.C.A.—Th^ anrjual meeting of the Has­ 40 points. Ifeores:— T iri W in bin[lBill is through parliament. I have WEST MAHiN.4. ALEXANDRA PARK. M i l i i n i !! lie Smith; Henhie Chitty, M.H., IT BE CLEAN, tings branch is fixed to ho held at Mildmay E th el Sw afe, Rdby Iggnlden li, : Daisy I j ear 1 ! of Bills which were read a second •uto next W edmekay, 20th instj, ,at 3.15, Stacern, Manii. Ifaj. ditpr of the Observer, Hamnjoiid, H. j. Weston, Blackman ells.jDiirothykrnu,- rtoheysett; F-anees Wallis, OLD METALSi S C R ^ WON. ime but afterwards died a natural death. e Rev. A. C. Chaiibers presiding. Miss Geneim D raper, Daisy {Richards, The Association is making no very pubKo ypur correspondento who .. OoUins R j B a c k- (skip) . ““ 20 T . ,------r^-M., Elsie Itedger. in.:, w rite oni th e jtwo Pfetom Ttirnbul'l Iwill give an iaddrese. She shall (skip)I...... 21 W ianfe B liley (full marks); DironhV Horton,' BOtTTLES, JAMJARSi ^ippesl-at the moment, as we are_ most Candidates {Conservative the head of tl|)e fc reign departm ent. At T. Gassoii. DJ A. Mer- Eidgway, M a b k - and Liberal) who are now in the political Efeie Smi ih. Yfe: Clara Bailey (lull marks),' nxious not to inteittere ip, any way with the 7. SO , m eeting w ill b< • held; over wlhicli Mrs. n n , A. CMmher, H. w i c k, Kingd om, 65, It., Francte S Immohs. Conduct, iqp ad I;: Am; I BC«SB ot the Pageint, but we do rely upon arena wiinld take the advice you hkve al- ..... 12 Smith (skip) 32 OLD RUBBERS M OtbR^CYCliE ready gi ren; " Let it he clean,” then ']Fair L ie l dnrood will dreside. M. Turrall, B T. Wil- p a y t o n, Morli ind, Sinith,| Olive Kefeber. ‘ II.: Dorithy Wood) ur V'hecrihers to Imaintain, at any rate, Grace RicliardsQn, May ! Foster, Dorothy HAIR, RABBIT & HARE I.s normal contyipuGOns. Play” n]ill|have a chance, and right-think­ AbIt s EXHIEliTIPN.-The F.abt Sussex sou, toaao [Mart in, Moffett, Bui den ing vote^ nnderst md the situation better. ArtojClub annual]Exhibition Will |>e opened T. B^. Turrejl (ekip) 8 (skip) -...... 29 Spedal Shoiv of New ^t^Ies Brook, MM. III.: Lena jSmth, Lily Fte to T ouib tru ly , Yaurs truly, i all T rin ity H all on M onday, May 25th.-hy the kett. IrY.: . Lily Moise,; l ^ t i Staptey, OLD CARPETS, OLD ROPE & CANVA t Jt e . m a n n i n g t o n . II ayqr and Corpoykttiin a t three o’clock. The '[ i irt, ; i Daisy Srames. v.-. M ild r^ 'fltei ham , Win- ! • . Enquire 007 prices before telling ilsewi r • A VOTER. Tho [West Hill Bowls Club season waj Hon. Sectotaij, Hastings and St. Exhibition will bp openedidaily fro|oi 10.30 to nie BuIrsoh.. Elsie! Pkine. Y I. :]Y itlet Baynes. Leonakds Biwough Association. 6.^, {and on [Wednesdays from ten to nine commenced pn Saturday, when, in srite of u p - t o - d A t c m i l l i n e r y Atten^me:. ^nad L, Grace :Oeborne; II.. prieea g tr« *t our New ^toree-— 6 y QEC as 21/* the cow weather, there was a good i luster Elsie I Havelock-roadTf Hastings. 'THE SpPPEAirp|?EiA^] TTES AND THE BEV. fronb May Mth te June 4(th ihclurtve ■ M.Su.iKfennieConnie Hjortpn, ElaElsie Phil- *" ■" «• _ H . EEES. “ afehers and friends. Unfortui ately, BLOUSESj FLOWERS,! &c. cox.----- IV.( Queehis ,^ - jiiB PPhilp h ilp (per!ect(perfect atteh- t e,ex st WI-SIT TO GRBkT DIXTER. — The local i t E. A. Hockidg, and danoe)J Lduij Sfegg; W innie -Slogcrs. Bible the Efiitpr of the Observer. eetlng of the Sussei Archmologicalj Society m o t o r FISHING BOATS. the Dtonty ^layor. Alderman G. Hutchings Class: I In possihfe to award nrizs as atten­ Sin,—Your i oorr|espondent, Mr. David has been fixed for Saturday,123rd inst., at etoblifeedriter 75 yean. ';,■■! To the Editor] of the Observer. Henry Etoei is a stotarian militant. He is who had w th promised to- afctend» were N e w) KjOOdsGoods, ^if ri all deparirpents dance | an! condiict, with I veife few'excep­ iam. Ajn otorartunity will be.opered of provented ftom doing so. A gam« was tions, jper feet.' 1 D riH :—Sqnaari,; 1st, Her- 1; . I -,; ■ Head. Office i^C hapel StreefT [ SiB,—A few weeks ago you rep o rtto th a t a very prpqd of himself because he has thrown visiting "Great Pixter," an excellent exam­ f o r S m IIm e r W e a r. l A R T I I I , iBotir had been fittetl to one of the H astegs p la y ^ l b e t^ w n toe President’s (M r. A. m ia C h it t f ; 2nd,[ Daisy Rfeha da 11. : 1st, two bombs: cije at jthe worthy Colonel Eeid ple of ® tinibeiHl: uilt manor 1 house ■ of Fif­ Blackman, jJ.PA XeMi and the Cap- Lily Moisa; 2nd;; Louie Stagg! First Aid: leelallstsi iishi!ng boats, and prolfahly many boat the othey at| the venerable and an<:ient teenth Century. [ The visitors will arrive tain s_ (Mr. 'A. F. Wood) Team. Tei was owners' are • ------now coni-^idering w hether to fol- Church. [Hq is certpinly one of TTs, ai^ now ls t .1 Mjtldied WoBf>em; 2nil, ] !dr;h Staple;. a t 3.80, and M r. f H Ray, <>t Hostings, will ^rest— enjoyable time was spent. Nursing: 1st, Elme Cox; 2nd, W ir nie Baifey. ON I ROAD, ow shit, bow ti the 'Borough Yolunteer (skid) ...... 27 (skip) 18 A WEDDING.-4-"- wedding of interest to secretary, heldteariy: Hilda Kemher (^jiad something inoile intlellectual than bottl^ of I.) from Lena Sittito, whose nrjiufe w ill hd on 1 1 h w to preserve and develop this industry, septic inki ' 1 Ftrb Brigade; has received a lettet from the B. Shoesmlth D. Par- 6 . T. Eidgway H Crowhurst and B e ttle took place in the B E N B Y COTI8INI; • bicu is such a great value-to our borough. ?tary of.ilhe Society for the protection Care, G. T. W. Eaton, A. G. P arish Church of the form er villire® ®h the R(>11 pf Honour. Yorjrs tnlulg, ___ ^ Baxby (skfe)...... 24 Hawkins, W. Hup- .4.ttong other interesting information, I . ! "SUFFRAGETTE.” of tef® fro“» PP '®- Jf®Plytog to fetters ad­ ton (skip) ...... 12 Saturday afternobn, when the Rebtlor (the ,R.D .S.vN iS »)tito the following [statement;— dressed to him. mu announring.- that the Rev. J. P. BacoifePbillips) officiated. The " The Development Commissioners grante.l Ttuijtees of the’ Society have adardedi a silver bride was Miss U ltina Ruth Gpodselj, second Wi f o o t b a l l g r o u n d e k e s « D ., H A 8TIN a lo to of ^,000 for the purpose of installing' mbdal to Mr. -H. G,T Paine, hnd [or bronze CYCLING. “ “ daughter of Mr. aid Mrs. S. Goodsell, of pE R G8e ___ . ARPET BAGGERS. nfednl to Mr. R. T. Burtenehad (mtohers of "Avonside,” Crowhurst, and-the hrifiegi notorjs in boats at Newlyn, Muuachole, tjhei E ditor of the -Observer. The weekfe run of the Hastings aid St, Pirtliieven, and Stl Ivep. Fishermen’s So- toe Old Town $ ration of the Fire Brigade). was Mr. Percy Box ill, eldest eon of Mr. and m t A PRESEM 3 n fi. I ---- , ,.nt your issue ot 2nd May I asked: ipcogAition dj' the r heroism atithe fatal ycling Club was to the cc untrj Mrs. A. Boxail, of Uount-street, Battle. Mr. cistie; are being fprmedl to distribute the W hy -IB it that Hastings Liberalism is con­ quarters atj Catsfield, where twenty-three []DC)wkEEAi'rED SENl(iES AND Icin to West Cornwall. It is recommended , loff Croftor<« cl, on 4tho 22nd S. Goodsell is the p irish clerk of Cfbwhurst, iill J ] 1 j ,' , JUNIORS, i tent to hoi I'eptesentpd by a carpet bag,! and e! medals wiU Ira yublicly presented. memlx rs sat down to tea. After tea a : nixed ficial Teeth, etc. tl at I ipplicatiohs to/r assistance by fishermen To The bridegroom is well known in[ the dis­ a d ifieito t doha®''®^ I game of football was played by atout 16 trict, being forme rly employed mtj Battle, One of the ktehest junior cl labs th a t Has-' A Beautiful | and i/Interesting on flam! any stations where conditions like that qntolion 11 haveha|' received no rsply. B e BUdEfANAN GARDEN I PARTY inemhirs, the majority .ladies. Them was tings Can; boastj of is the ■fet Chulrch: tlosedn West Cornwall exiet should be fa- FETB.-Thfe evteit will he held on We_d- and is now chauffet r to Lady Catherine Ash- There haisjheen the usual abusive letter,Jfull also tinms hnd cricket. Next Wednealay’i burnham in WaleiL The bride. Who was Royers', a team which has tullned, out me T the Editor of the Observer. 'That isjlyeiy ■ kind of Mr. Blackwell, Sun; ay, 2fth May—Croa-horough. side.” where ther e iere abhut fortyj present. ported] by Councillor F." C. ing (Seire- ^ ' !lfethWColaiUaw.U/l.'; ' Here it is, dangling before our.e^es, what if this lindertalking were repudiated, L';,-,-[,i)biiary, - .. pueenj - aid, Hastings,'|3nd at tary of the Hastirigs and St. jn rd s F.O.). i Kfeg’s-road ami (jhemia-to^d, Lea- Wedinesday—Tenterden. The newly-married 1 louple will reside at Pem- old stoiy with which we Hastings and declaimed to be "inoperative,” aftei; the All Irnns ttaxt from Qneen’s Hotel 2.80 hery, Wales. They were the reefeitnts of Councjllori H . Gtbomc, Mr. C, E aton, J. are so tainfnlly familiar, viz,, the example lately set in the Commons, or lyhat , I iL ' I . I I sharp, except where otherwise specified many usetol presen :s. and Mri. F. T- Baker (hon. sec etary). in. in h s big motor car, who will if its meaning were altered by the Ipser- .^.INAYAL CONCERT.-r-Orf Weilhesday, ^pjEcfe Dudley Clark res letter Hastings andf spend lots and lots of tiph of a toajUfyiug v ord, after the mapner Mliyi27th, the 4nnual entertaihmehl) of the sw im m in H. apology fe r ateence from Ali dan A. ■ I?! and we i ihall be happy and prosper- or *he ktoper of the King’s conscience 1? Pniihrose League vil) be held mt tpe Royal The! Hastings and St. Leonards Amateur Cbestenielld. _ 1 L O f A L k R E G O E P jE t’k B r after, if—ah! if, wo jnly do the Swimijaing (Jlub is making its fixtures 'for W. REWBEBT. OPEN FbBI' ENdAftM the Lordsf ; Cejndert Hall. '|rh^ Haval Coi»cert| Comedy (erring to the ^ARDEN^AR^^ ing to al tract him! In this case the I think! that Hastinjs will do well to pre- C itepany from Poi smsmoucu outli Iwily iBiv*’[give 44 a> :he coming teason; The Senior Water Polo ESTATE AG EJ^A N D AUCTIONEER, qj between fee .V ling is tl e demolition of dart of our fer the ‘flbiru in thef hand ” to this very special programme rhe Ruling donncillor learnJis'\entteiug the Sussex League Cham­ 14. ST LEONfeRpS ROAD. BEXHliLI,. lenior] Club of th e town and C h r s t Chnfch Oompllcdlhy. M t, Chennells, Dytr, and • S to B) PEBPOE'____... pionship, and ivill plat out and home Gallaway. 38,„ Havrtoi stroad, Hastlites;: and 9, ., UNIFOBM OB EV BN IN C^D R;^; vn, to wit, half High.street. unlikely to imthp bush.’ (Capt. the Hon. E. N eteham , ,. RLN.) wijl Publishes Begisterl of Furnished Wd Un- EoVerS, said th a t he knew littl,) oi th eir spe- [CHS; and HeisdrSi GinUer uatcHes withi Brighton, Worthing, Tun- oess, but I was Ikell acquaints wife fee King’8-road) St. I^nj Patronised hyl the-jellto of-tno[ IToura truly, take the chair at 8 o’block. Mrs. EMen will furnished Houses fe pet ,and for Sale, [Building and Glenister, 37e| ibertson-stfeet, Hastings. For terms? apply: 'MB. [ Pto® ;^.®nie matclite with London CInbs, inch [ding throughout the season. Besides- being Assembly Room..< .toade ,...j...... ; H to !,I for the leading tondon ;Orofa4Mre, Jffll the' value tter for i moment really think! that Piimrosertraague, 'vill be-too-guest [of the he Ibndon Polytechnic, are also arra iged. finalists in the Elea Hillier Shfeld; they Barclay’s Bans £4 luBy A, ^ Band and Etiterfel|iert pfi everjfedteM^ Huy iwrson (be he motorist or otbtowis^, de- ev'ining. 'Doors willjbo open a t 7.15. The Tactice is taking place every Wednesday HASTINGS CORN liARKET.^dtiirday: becii the "runners np” in the Old I paid , ...... »to'9i P i imrose Lcag iie Duds JCboiir w ill sing venipg, and! the summer series of wsckly compeiitio 1, and! of th e efforts th a t they Barcuy’a Bank _ to aie s ...... ISitoiM- ACTOMA? airo idjof visitinc H astings, w ill be d etorredi n p i y ^d U a l c o m m u n i o n c u p s Prices ranged ns :iollows:—Plato majize, 28s, Bexhill W ater am & f« n j |m doing by the fact of his havidg to pa Jriotie songs Eroi a [7.30' to’ 8 p.m. lAdmis- landicap races take place on the lame per q u arter: wheat,!631bs., 36s. per qu; ter. made! ho thought that, they merited ' l2i to!lJ mob the Editor < f the Observer. yeniijgs. Nfev membore will be welomed Uaxlsrom !al for deli- ' down ” f ir a fowi minntes in coming Sin,—Ilhavii the pei mission of tho mfeto- 6ion]will be free t< incmlfers; to doh-mem- P late oat3,[ 381hs., jlfe. fel,. per q u arter Vest the itotmeV trophy. (Hear) hfei.) Thfee cani he'sj reserved'I ind i)umbored peats 2s. an d |y th e Comifeittee, n te jio High-stre opinion among teapners of mathematics in ■eighed in tpe first specimen fish from toe ton cent, Additit nal .Stock...... M f to 113 l' of Oririitaljiro bein litersw ritten of boah■ motorists" Modernise euffe^ring "'and ‘'’On- from pats, u dog; of over 5 Ihs. Mr. Sprii gett- per ton: Bombay“ Ipn ■ (C 8 p z., 2 /^ 4 (u ., A '8jl6oa The foltowitig' quotation speaks for itself: them-Friglitlyi-i-rigiltiy or wrongly—anpwrongly—ana ihere was 44 per-cent. 1 lebeliture Stock ... 66 to 70 " A letter) t Irina’’ (Lincke)I was h?pfendid [the ground the feam^ would hafe fe,go, ajid Irandon. Brighton lirtd South Coast t 3% of If err Chuich of England clergyman "rv| successful sale ly 'apetiort of! antique retiry of j the X.F.S,A. has’been 'iuly (Wallace). Mr. C) Difek gave a tofei Railway, Del irjed Ordinary ... 86 to 864 E d m i y Butchers. ted, and no doubt this fish will stand well riiocolo 60II0 " L’0|ifeari du Bois ’’ (C. Le th e y hL_ in th i lUrco of u f to a t asset to Westminster . kept their Cammandinenta and obeyed I t . LEONARDS MOpEL ilnltur© and eff rats wad held yteterday Irandon, County and HASTINp^ A I) in tho lujedal competition. Sfurzy i,ill Thiere), which wiis dfeervedly apilauded. th e t o ^ , ii brinrin'i visitors' _f< T 1 reek-rani Is, Bank ^ 21i to 22 them word and deed, ive ebonlq not have ^RO CJ.UB. 1 (Fiidav) a t th> Low->r Public! ,H aU ., Ha.s- 25/r to 24/-. this toecrating af the Sunday. ]by having at Hastings next week, and will try tis An idyll, ‘f A Sonfeerri W edding" (A.; Lot- etc. (Hean hear!) He propose! the " Sic- Maypole Dairy C< mpany Deferred ' To the! liter of] the Observer. by Messr >. Chei mells, Dybr, aijd Gal- ck lore. | ' (l-vish cess of; jthe ChrisJ Courch. ______Rove s’ Club.”____ Paine. Rogers 31/3Ao,.?3'9. toss STREET, ^ 'fe' Chilham. tliis . Dvelry on the so-c(uled En ipire Day, . Hr. Gallaw’av acted a» auc- ter), and an Orienjtpl toene, -"The . 40S to AlJ Sir ,—I t ifeoy interest wour readers to Warn Counrillo r H. G.rootaie, in secoAdSug.-stated ] Parr’s Bank . y . - - - - ...... , A .fiepfW 7tv. to*M, if the:f were to refrain fro'ni taki ig part in T and the prices realised were The swajlows have arrived, and with them Chorus” (Sebek). were given with ,11 Itheir 18/- to 19/- —A^in— the th a t th is Olub is now ^ i n g a t full swdi lany of our country members are ooniein- characteristics. Tha evfe popular ! ileCtion, th a t with o o tbalferrhd was ia fh ip ’ohtlof! S22” "- 4, to '4|- ice (so-culled), and folio v the ex- and its iftimlxir of mfemhers is graduhlly reUialrkably good. J Cfeppehdalpl table ! F lum nier( B oddis, amp) of the Fiee Chuhch mini iters, this ;nting a jotirncy to our shores. W. A. “1 Patience ” (Sullwanji and the )Utiring his elem eni," forlfoofeall wai pt one Of feis Q deen's H otel ■2R to ffw^lllny. iAD m odels I m&de tiro hruixing realised 2:24; a Jucep Anno, chest iucke). qnalificAtio is. H{ id n o t feiiik hri cot Id South E astern A iife, - . Ml to 49 9, B E fflIL L ' A holdi of Empire Day on a Sun lay would drawers j!14 Ms.: |a ditto; • coffer ercer will soon pay his annual visit in tl.e waltz, "Yerschmfetej Liebo” ( honeW xe he si forth. ec«n{D ifiush^ design, and otiginsility ^^pes pf taking a good bass. We are loo king showed tlio-capabiltttes of these mUBiCians. play cricket uUti h* w ept am idst th e _“ qld . W,. u atney, — . ______Com he._ -rR eid__ and Co., Deb. 72, to 75 I - I ' ! !- ped, and Wednesday, wliiiU to now seems quite t)i< thing. I - ihtel th e s a n e jfig'ire: [a hopkcni fossils at the Guardians,when to played St; Leonards Steam{IKri-undry Com- y closing day, would be tie dnv se- ' W illiam and W ary clock |J!15. .. ferwara to a re-union with our old friends and the concert cdhcluded with a toirited pany ...... iX..),....!.....;...... - ..... i3 to 2 Sit. Ltbonards- S e a s , sh in send- Howeverjl stiH more members can be en­ "{Slim Sam ”! and Q. Sinclair. njareh, " Lto Gendwmos” (Brandt).; rickiit matoh,[ and was! suegissfril in hnd properly fitted for such a display rolled, and tuev would be welcomed among irting p rin ts Ires chad .£12 ilOeJ, and a ig the highest score, althpuifh he had ® ary prowess, as it is now t le case. oil painting J29: Sheratonjwina cooler The ."tope” season is just commencing. YISIT FROM a !GREAT COliEDIAN.— us, and elreitttining wowld bo' done to en­ .Hutterflcld, the Curator of tlih Hastings ^:he| [Chubb, gc : the ministers ind mem- courage them ih the making of their models. A largo coilfetton of old , china and Iracaipoopfe had am opportunity on Tuesday now corisid :red to ha a "daryipno ” as re­ i^W Ekxi^TpNt^ your Chui"ch to be.constottnt in this was ilispcsed of, capital prieps teing useum, is much interested in the capt ires and 'Wednroday oflemjoying a very delightful THE TRAIVIS. If toe present rate df progress is main­ of locql auglprs. He informs us that rauy garded I sp< irt. (Laughter.) He consider^ Dril/14 said and reverence "God’s ,Haly Day,” tained, thete shBuld be tome good work done id. The sole aiouaed exceptional in- variety cntertainmeiit ^ the famous come­ feat ejvcrj formj of sport elidnlil be ep' Telephi)^le 90xJ Hastingti. e wishes and desires you have ex- a large assemhlyi of :both resi- of the tope reputed to be caught njre really dian, E. G. Knowles'J and a London Cdidpany this summer) and i wo Uiopo to be able to stnootll hounds; these fish ane distinct nem- of first-class artisteSl They presentet a y^o- couragiyd, fir it pro roked good felawShip. THE ' iTIGUEES.# 1 m y o r d e r s would till 111 he ratified. attract clubs frqte awayjto enter into yanous nnd visi'iors were present, and the Mr. II. T. Bakeil ii responding on behalf pf Ihquld persoially take p a rt oa a Wed- bidUjing th ro u g io u t jwqs Cofepotitfee in evei-y rs of the same family, so much alike hat Tomme ot delightful versatility. Mfe R. G. competitions...... 'w' ’ ill wouM not oiuy advertise it is difficult to tell one from the other c.v- _Criowles was billed as Wthe m an wh(> made the Cirib, remarfec on the [creditable ' The total Bumbdr of I passengers carried by feU B 3, r e s u l t s & Tiesdp-1 bjit, like thousands of othirs, refuse ut: woilld also form a pjea- instence. operation (hat existed betw^h the playere to do to on a Sunday. ‘ our own Town, cepbby feeling their teeth. The tope has fiat laughter fashionable all oven tho 'World. the Hastings TrafeiWays Company, together saut ofterifeon itjime for any person who ST SUSS EX 1 HoSPfTAL.i-For the or table teeth, the smooth hound sharp nrd His description- wife fully justified of the and thriv ( ommiftei. Than'ks'tri tha Spprte with the reoeiptsAcOmhared with the-corres­ e d . ” Th^s Iddmqnstralion and the military exer­ ih aeilonantics. week ending May llto , CaSos adm itted. 24; GrpTSSiL tlicjr had i, nice bjalanee over, for ponding period lart Veiri are appended:-^ cise piil a Sunday is becoming a disgrace, may bo iiiterCsti “bintoji teeth. Wo are much obliged to Mr. inimitable cpmediari. whh scored an inmease El This heihgit |e first :lub of its kind to iiuiiber in Hoipittl, 64: nnmhor of Out- jUtteimeld foil his inforpiation; it will' 0 <>f success. His appepjrance on Tuesday after­ anotoeC’seiiton, hut with po gtbrind they May 15th, 19M1-1--I ! 1M.864 £850, and’oeboraltoing to our young piople. ,esf in 1 tastings; it is he jied pat itots proscribed 01, 344.! The^jGoknmitteo would navel to mani ge w itliout any. rioiiey,- May 14th. 1913j....t... , [ 203.4S8 £1,283. '-INE- Will not all the Churches join 1 lands and sta rt in real ea; queh -jinterest to anglers who are every ye^r noon was hfeled b; iln enthusiastic 6itbu',-st that it will et with the support itid©- ^ k nlowledge wi ;h 11 la Iks folfewing sub- I and more attention to toe of applause!) Witl ft delay, "E.G.[”' pro- ( -i . "P lay 01; the sarids,”) (Laiigfe ilBefeitl Irandon- protek in sincerity agaiqst these eruptions fress m ide up to the pre- flcriotioDs and'fioDalknflt'HThe^wRW J^ay- ter.) flstem A FTojit t Gooden j y in our ; aidst, for if they Would " tlio 'victoiy serves. Th|p that ijn angler need not be alwayc out ton ceeded with .his M .i)8f 8,1 sent .goes [to }ve thi t local interest! is l o r , i s . : Oddfellovs Hand in HjlW Lodge, sport, |hut can become a student of naturs'as M r. D ivey prop seed the) healf I of Friday ...... li are car-" would 1|B ours,” dnd that rightiseen, gave aoverajl Saturday .- M,m ! 8(807 arousM . Peifearsh. i£ 2^[2s. ( an^s'.Klrkpat- vBell, with an increasing interest in hia re­ with humoiDus , Snhsarip r s and $U| iportersx' and this Sunday — |4A87 I 5229 1^06 jYours truly, Thankiilg yon|! for toe assistance of tour JC2 28.; l^ei Is.!: ' A rth u r creation. His perfoitaiance laited considerably < scconde a id C a rrie I w ith aoclami tian, Monday ...... 12,026 8,349 2,200 s a m p le s & A WESLEYAN METHODIST. valuable]^pelr In bringing toe Club before J61 Is.; Dflvis. lOs. 6d.l; Charles J'ThrOugh the kind assi.staiice of Mr. Adi ms, half-an-hour, and 'i“g that time the audi- Goddard. re riving on the enpportefe’ .hehrif. Tuesday 21, ^ ' 8A16 2,201 toe public,! _ J . {in. ,£2 2s .; , .rs W altefe X2 2sl: Amoore the well-known local fish salesman, wo 1 ave 04ce -was entertain'>d without a break. An-enSoyi ihle conc< rt, arranged 1: r H r, 'Yfe Wednesday Sl,83j 7.903 2,183 m i P.Sl—[[ have no desire to conilemn the Professor B. S. Beesly, ^2 Parker Jfoll awed, am i which provei of'% vi Thursday' ... P,752 9,019 2,281 :e> Church jf England, for I have the greatest Yotfr* truly on, j21 ls.j this -week sent to the Museum an uncom non rko, the conjurot cnrieuse, gave a| clever ■ T v ICTGI ! F. PADGH Aeut-Col. H. lloJlondl ,£1 Is.j; Rev. H. feh. in our opinion some form of chad. Mr- aid mystifying periirm ince of. np-to-date euccessinl laturel (hose present ig itfer)3 i49.8fe : 55,643 2,073 14,451 respedt fer it. bu^ I do want her to keep to ■nox Tindal I, J 2 fe.: Mrodowfe Tho^e, ing. Iras T_ rd____ i*^nray -^W wore o .m hjeaniiy iv includidg-M essw. Poole, Joe [Fn( ,er, Paii . Total the Ctoii mandmei its. 3, Strood-rohdl SilverhUl, I|utterfleld is [having, this fish set up, an d it conjuring. St. ienneer, Js i fam e, Rogers and tra., will form a welcomefedditiSri to the' co lec­ rdcoived”for their ri: iter ainment of refined Ellis, fe Y . Hugjhes, Brignell, Y: > Paxkjef, Is.; Thomai J Q reteri lOs. 6d.; Mrs, tion off local fishes. Up to tho present ti vdcalism, accompanifei hj a piano, ’celfo;-and and the;'Ci; iqno Port) Banjo Tno. ' <1. KKMG', ..Prpprietofe, -. .; ' I ORE F.S.A. — jThere! {There! was a large STINGS W OM EN AND bnald. jJBr 8s.; Mrs. EgertonJ £1 Is. it has! not been identified as the first duty violin. An opefatfe soeiia was introduced, I , VTy ISEC’HON. [Ramsay, Me. Jd.l Jam es H . {Lansdell in to have it properly preserved. I t iv'H and the singing am . ac rampanying pn the gathering at. Che P.S,A.,.S,A.v held in Eedlake iTftRKBT STkEET, 14X1H OP MAY. d t)nd (Eo.J^JBl Is .; Congregational tffiurch last Sunday! after­ 3. the Editor of the Ohservi To tjie [pditor of ' he OWserver. Bd.; lewis. H flan doubt be located when carefully exam ined various instruments'-ros irreproachable. Miss DIO cisSAN f i n a n c e .- ibe aiJinal ffe- liFranees r Cjl&rg^ 5d.; JeSse ; P.iper Butterfield, who is an expert on t leso', Daisy Dover, a daitty comedy artiste, pre­ noon. Mr. J. Snitch presided, and the ad­ ET; liBONAROa one Noguchi said before { he went Sir ,—Y oflr ,<»7Tespondent, Mr. Edmtmd riendlv [iSbeiety, tivol ofi the Bishop < f Chichester’s DiocesI Parker detervCs | tho gra titude of all nncl- i s ,3s.) __ 1,. . ' - sented a selection oi deUghtfully "citchy” dress was given by'Mr. Keif on "Worry.” :& S 0 N S , bark to Japan that of lall the wonderful __2s.; Holt Bros., songs, and also' dan cedjcloveply, (Fund iras held fe; Hove oh jMouday, t| Two violin solo 1 wcjre given by M r. (Harry .iCeiei [fo. 677.] thing,8 life had see l in E ngland he Was m ore .vivisectionwite! foT drawing attention to |Bhe itmonceux Members will learn with regret that Ch; rlie Bishop cresidiiw. The annna( rt ,|l 1 Dawson and arddn. JEl H,- Henry .islall has to undergo a serious opera don 'don Eldrid am) Company presented Phillips, and werp highly appreciated.- Selec­ struck ife the bravery shown by rhe little fact that nvisecnon is ebsolutely illegal in erica’s greatest li lUghing snecess, Il’ Won showed thai | th e inco ale was 1213,Oli f, as eo; tions, were also renfered by the ftchestra. hoy ifej, polioway on Bank' Holiday who Pennsylvam a. j 'J ■ u i u ,ily, £2 2s. i HrsJ.pliter. fe;/- Lo ndon, and -everyone will wish hi: n a t pared with '4210,14^ i i the prevfens R l o h Talok Citaa:n All thosfe oflyqur reodirs who wish to!$ee X3 3s. ; and plumuier Roduik Ltd-, i) leed; ’ recovery. a Leg.” ' Messrs. Herd and Card, the Miss Phillips' w^j atj the 01 ;an. Tckbioxtov stoppe a Tunairay home. "(Mi! what ide-down planish and [ expert'trombonist, was eifelaiied that the additio: (Sunday) the a< dtess trill given fey Mr. FSSEX, an u hted spirit he h a d ;^ at wonderful this •ulendld example f< Bowed by Engls TIGHT LIN 3, had been .chiefly pe;'oted to; ohe the should' l. f-' o f the bOrough. The Association Sola CensiRneet - Uuniotiiial Elections. Khey had Bade a good i{," and welkedaway; witness saw the fore-1 ' oAnsidered- iThey ar • not throS'ii 'i n 11 represented a t th e an n u al mteetini of start, then let theip go forward. H .ear, hear), end of bacon in the big, took it bMk to the j ^ Home Couhties Liberal Federation, eld gethAt haphasard. but areiseauil.-s ELLIS,SON&VIDLEBf. 'The fOliowing newf A m bers wei* wjelcomM:. shop, and informed■ ‘ tljerpoUce.-4-B.C. ..------Roberts I with extra spliced f-et and nTil.-,l.i!tJ pFunbridge Wells, while the autumn ni set -^Mtwrs, Belderson, Groves, Tqtfnsley:’W. stated th at whOn he siyested prisoner hO ro- Ton will appreciate tiese advaKi -i / a Malue«for-]^rice b of the National; Liberal .Federation, peld ST. LEONARDS AND| PASTINGB. HannArl Wilkinsqn, and A. Rqite l. plded " No,” Biid offered to go! back to Mr, after wearing ordinsrv ho^ ci-l.or atr Leeds, 'was attended Councillor J. Mr.iiL D. Hook mentioned that tl elr rules l^affAon’B--ahote 'Wiein ohargled,l he eadd, iprob ibly M.iper cent more: icker and M r. J; H'. Miifer. Repre ien- ih'at any ratepayer should become a "Itl* quite right: put!what yAu like dowp, {Ives edso attended the meetings at Bed- . rr. . , . , . land the Prico is qa low — enli aembeis Sse ho thought t t a t ladies it's a. lie. I have not stolen itl”-tFoUT pre­ on the opoponin* of'the great 1 im- should be welcomed. (Hear, heste )' vious-convictions werA terroved, ' one being for ] gn by Mr. D. Lloyd George, "rhe Rejgis- B all moved: ‘"ftilati th e at- theft. iOhe month's liajnd' labour. in work was satisfactory, and very em CRUELTY !M r. jW . ______. . . . per paif,; Poit Fire e , CHILD. tehtion of the Tbwn Council be ii Usd to the (13 J iraging. It is withvdeep re ^ t we have .'oaiiAT.—Befors Aidstman B, H, W. Treq t ]o| recora the los.s, througn death, during PAPER BED IN A PASSAGE:! ejxistiiigidAnter of the '.Tiain road If rqm Brook­ (in the chair), Mr. Wilson Crewdson, Oonn- i.iiast year, of Mr, J. C. Burrell, and re- ed to, th e H arrow In n and Sidlescomhe- cillor H. Samson. Hr: .C,doxetor, and Mr. that yon cannot go ' rronglin givini' JtJy .Mr. B. Womersley, both Vice-Piesi' A s a : STOl d (NbrtJ)l. and to urge the Coo:upl to take C. 'Eaton. theml a trial: especia ily. aejl leu will re- lents. the latter also a member of the Ex< eu- i!- ’ rly steps to increase the width! p th e road fund your money in full if yon fin, I Sarah Ann Barton was SI anmoned at the licrejlTljos*il|lt, ahy to provide ittnoons CASE FOR THE (JUARTER SESSIONS; the: in auy way Unsatisfactory; IvB Committee, and the deaths of Capt, T. Hastings Borough Bench on Thursday, Oaxaiino Lsnbelia, pbwfield i^Hall, Ca^t. H. Martin, R.N., and Mr, G. fAeipatn on kmc or both sides t' -f.” M r. Shai! I send [you a pt irf ttirougn the N.S.P.C C.. for lelty to Nellie all steted-that hejbrought forwi tjio reso- jrith attemptini to ooNmit>>un suicide by stran- brti them :o your qaor 43 h p u r , , Woods, Who ware valued friends ind Morgan, a child, ag^^iiine y^ars, during the _____man.!<&/ b the the previous Satur-1 etpters of thte cause. The Liberal w rty If______itlon! with. I the HlSJof doing W f to th e ilation at St. T | f r e ® months of April and May. ard in parti lar, Anjr- ay afternoon, — M4udlud LesterLet... stated:...... that...... 1 jitw n the borough has borne with patience Mr. F. W. Morgan appeal ; fo r the iro-ie- town Ortd to (he delay in selecting (or, rath er, in find ng) one tehA hod gon< through the! mOn- drisoner lived . t o biirj a t 121, Londom-rood, nces woulidiljd bjsbfe jt B u t tlie ention, and -Humid Glenister fi r the ft' U a.m. wiitl sent to prlAob®!*’® bad- \ Cabdidato; ho effort has been spared to defence. tinned-n w iaibovel.auvF.n teouli kOOW Of tho d nger th a t than a Mitphelih.icb eli e: isted.l If nto trams were to patol ®ne om, an d sawj prisoner .lyilig on the bed Oadster Covei, vrhich •ring; before ypu Acting Detective-Sergeant! Milton [I said sping fo^breath, a|hd she was purple m I NRY IGEL, “.TUB BIOST TTPB OP- OEMTtEUSW, that he went, in tbs company of Instiector s] >t And anAtherl vehicle endeevoutod t o _jt. Several the face, Witneto wAnt for assistance, and jhe disaPP°iJi{*o®ht8 of the Executive ind Sly, of the N .S .P .C .a, to th«le defendant’s leri.ow acQiflcnt would 1 i ajfterwardB eaw| a piece* Of tabe tied tightly ndldate Comittees have been great ind house a t 6, Pelham-crescenf a boarding lideAto occttiTted and it wAaifvonderful TH Draper fojr n o n I lino of the }und prisoner’s neck, — Cathesine Lowe 8 / b e a d e d myi all their labours mot with no appaient house. They saw the child INellie Morgan. thAt iqur® dip 1 ’^bis road wi !d She : wn,s I fetched, and nndid the lUceeSs, m ur ^m m ittee appealed to all to Witness noticed several b ru i^ on th«j arms n’S;best Tbaok;ikiudowa.” wh- adm itted toing And tai»; produced, which was wound Vail lufectueers’ prices krti higher (is due simply t(| their heavier expenditure. ivercise forbearance, and it is with the gr >at- and body. Some of the briiUes were old, toVthethA town! some of iis best chii II visitors, round the prisouer’s neck four - times, t dbessa:ity involved by the productt^lof t]^tt <>f sevhal qualitiM. iT ive pursued a fst satisfaction that they have been i ble whilst others had the appearanoe of!|being (HtorJ heui) For years j tho ra! ibis value ’lisoner was nAarly unAonscioas, fbut slowly makte a pronouncement on the ma ;ter reased. and I compared y r k I oiicy ^ ire w ould rbd sitni|arly placed; ^ ^ t c^niceitti^tio|i upon the |piodiii4jiion of recent. The cane stick pmdpqed was shown of th«;tow n pas dec; evived.-:-Dr. H. Stanley, stated that-he ex- 6 >GS. :hin the last week or two that a gentler lan voluntarily by the defendant, and wjifness with otHer districts ,in the town, situation mined the pnitoneij, isno ifae very flushed. bteeh found, and .they are glad to re- examined the housej, and fonnd in a ^ e ss wsA geljtlag every lierlous. That year the She stated .that she:was "unhappy, and HASTII that they can with every confidence re- in a passage in thd basement ii small bed, rateahlA valito had decreased no I less th an pie ea.id things Against her,” and als^ y -—t h e •mend. Mr. C. P. Blackwell as one tmiing made of paper, anq erected on two |)x>xeB. twd toAnsand ponnds. They cob'■ 4 n o t im- uentioned that: she:ha been "thinking strong claims upon the consideration of tb ey Im- bboplep witnwitli enormous rdsburces, enables On this occasion the defendant was merely prove'toeir' -ateeble value unle ______n gave evi majori^ of the electors of Hastings, In warned.- ->On the 1st May witness agaii| went protAd, j theii snbAxbs. (Hear,' ttiar.) "If lence of the aTrc3t.yfThe Chief Constable a t the lowest pricel |x)sub|t4 io f |an article of the ,hig|best quality,'• 1 C. F. Blackwell the Liberal party have to 6, PelhaMKcrescept, in the company bf In­ mm* At the Cnunqillors knew of b is road. laid that there would, be no better course Ind a clever young gentleman ot gieat spector Meech, and examined the child, and toey would uke ia greater Intel It in it. ban to commit inisoner for trial. She had JVE MONEY ; i i MOTOR ^CUSTS imlity,; who is an able and fluent spea’ier, found...... that there wA; a large _ bump . An the (A-ntelu^.)' , 1 1 - violent tempAr, and Iwas of a very fealous \HBLtS RED RUBBER !. WW/ PAY MORE f h ft'or a st( ear or dioroughly conversant with all the great j oli- and bine with bruises Other parte_Af the M r, X ill'u l: secopded tWs resqliltion, ;{mition, Shje bald j obtained a Situation tical topics of tlie day, and a sound Libe ral. bedy weie in a simjilar condition. Mirj W- dersAp said th a t, s p e w n g as a n Hariings, and lii run away, and had U t witt outlasti tao 1 front whul covtr, ^rhtn a ieix2i BJt. MiCf i lL I N tTherefore, there is much to encourage on i to V-Z/YV' sofM id ^theap tubes^^ iji “\UQHT" COVER eaiif' ‘ spector, in endeavopriox to^ cheer the girt, pedestrian, h- > tbotoughly agreed W th the re- n found initheistl t at night by the he obtained at th i price hope that with such a strong and able C an- patted the child on and they then solntiori. One coulo not walk At the place ice.-When, ^torajed . asked if she: " to raider equal iny of the u^tmedtioned Agents ? didate, the Liberals of Bastings, one and all, ffpm found that tbeno wi to bump“P on the complained o 1 .witbout getting splqsbed with inything to si >ner answered will rally round their champion of LllxTal head. When asked {o account for the bonili t»9 iim tAtm /tt for an potiMei. «r> liicheUn Cyck and M9tor Cycle Tyrei pi-mciples, and that splendid results-maj be m u d .: J . '- i I • I ■ tion of the child, Bqrton said that thejchild Mr. H. W, Brown was of opinmh that a 1 Comjjlttt 5 tam ps,'■ Ijli 1, Sdreo^yv iToCkijlD by m jstore when! the General Election cor fee. was untruthful, andishe beat her. 'praing to m atters of national importa) ice, more dqngen us plAce was near this Schools, T H E BRO FE b | m AN i 4e B OF " SETTLING and Accessit l i e s . ; Questioned by Mr. iOlenister as to whether and that if the Counen could takcl in a por­ js cauSe. for; very grave concern resM cttng the bed was in a passage ,<4- an ante4room, , r_ ,. tion of toe wlaste igtound known m the '‘Old B ed u ced BATTLE.-W. A. ^ H if 1 Street. enormous growth of armaments n-hicli is 'Witness said th a t it liras in a passage krhich Pdfer Branb And Joseph .Riplay iwero mneh fretaraing the social reforms so ur- led into the defendapt’s bedroom, and into . 1 1 ^ ,be children ofc be School Ahanged w ith ditourbing tlie peace a t HArold- RUN; B O U T i(2 Itly needed.! The Executive Commit ;ee, the kitchen, " not a jfib place for a cUild to a WAying; ground -instejai o f using I dace, on Satin^y | p i^ t by fighting;—In es such;! a greater imurovement T O U riiN Q B E ^ L L - R C 8 tO% 13| Indsor Roacii therefore: passed, and forwarded copies of sleep in. n« air, and was too small I pectet Taylor stated that he saw; the resolution to the Prime Minister, the F irst In answer...... to the O)OJiairmai . Milton stated I effectedll W ith this objeAt in view j irisoners fighting, and both had blood on TOWI -ji'd of the Admiralty, and to the Chaniel- th a t w ith th e doors sh u t th^ passage !|roald ptoposed[_{he following ip p l^ e n - leir faces, Ripley was stripped to his Ahdrt, b u t B ran t was fully dnssAod, tb e la tte r HASnKClS.-iL S i r |M isj C o j s Georijfe Stifeet ipr of the Exchequer, on the enormous gro' vth be quite dark. I a pavemen be made Immediate ddiivi ixpenditure on armaments, and urging the By Mr. Glenistert—The child was well (xoad n ear the bool, and irisQper was sober, but;Ripley bad had some , rink. When chargedl'Ripley 1 said, " 1 am-1 lUStTHCho) C Wh ler I & 58» Qujeeii^a R oad, 0 rernmtent to stand firm to those old, but caned for? D efendantI also told witnei *bat ihe 'Old Fotteirips’ should alued, watchirords Liberal pa ty. the child was adopted;.and alto acknowledged Both 1 isolntions ty.” Branti stated tout Ripley stmek. The that she had never jsent tpe girl to! auy im, and he struck back in self-defence; and 1 d » i r jLoiidon Road, Ore. rird Ided: " I v^h tuuTvsottld have let ns school. top hiv e M r. F. W . 8. Cul'^ne, sjitgeon, said cn LtHOd it this teorntng between; ourtclvee.*’'— ' iBistnot united'Cabinet ready to do its utrnosl to 2nd May he examined the girl Nellie at the le Chairmank "W e cannot; do E A J 1 4 BYE.-& F. Larkin, Porti Street. lick this mad race in expenditure, which YsWEPtlCS^ OULD rant:'" No, but that w bow it oughi Hastings Workhouse,] and treated hen fur . lust ultimately, if not checked, lead to pa- bruises on both armei legs, back, and nead. Ripley (interraptipg) 1" Hark at thb ginger ir man speaking."-r-William Standen.iof in ifflicmop i ial ppin. 'Pho Liberal party has causi to By the. marks he wouM tninkj the blows had -;or- interfi'afiia _. well satisfied with the work the C ov- been exceedingly sever* for a child so yAung, , Bunry-road:l soAd tpat Rinley wsintoa-to FHYiSltlliN’S ] TIMELY AHVIC®. b t -him as wml As Brant;-Twelve previous Ul'fratiean e^iment has accomplished during the past and not which would: be ex ited to arise le kaJ.jiiaidE ■ 'bt years. Under the fine and from reasonable chastiaement. He would ivictions werA proved against Ripley,^and StHOSTl KAOKBTIO LEADBBSRIP , The ftot|thst; fAvi'ifAA] dyspeptics rOaUy under, ifh'teAn againAt B m j,—Ripley ira|a fit[ed think that tho child {had been cowed, hut staqd tqe Caqsa ^ |their trouble is probab' PEACE IIi>iDEi HOME the Brime Minister, the devotion i nd waa getting better, ajnd was intensely da- 1 0 *. and costs, apd r dty of all the members of the • Minis! ry,. th e nw iy 8 are still ustt to shi :oj pogjUs uto t . E . lighted to be with them. & alari ing gxtepl H . .tiiiia'] jan r i Asqnith has, 1^ his power and influo ice Inspector George Meech, of the N.S.P-C.C., The practito !» wropg, WnphiSSDAT.—Before Alderman Alajar B.sT. I however, aito is si condem ned by man.v -no Zfiiiifinhq. id'control of jmen .carried the party to its siated that he was ptesent with Detective- (Veston, M r. W;' y. v Crake, and Aljdensan | m 0 T T THE ULSlfllRMAN’S DESIHB. best heights of success. M r.'A equith S. W. ChesterfieliL p i gmiim ex Sergeant Milton whed they lexaminedi tbs m e of li .di Ato-Alfi, H I 1 ^ B u c k Cat** is a s ^ l T ie second of sjefioa of fo u r open-air now b^dpie one of onr gr^test of child on the 1st of May at the house. HjA saw ;cess acid in Gig stomach A CANADIAN!fliD Ifi "FRIEND.”; B e ders, and tlie confidence placed in hin is IcaUsc of irachically ; alj iorms of ” (to l»TEip«q meetijiigs against Hoinls Rule waa haid on many brnises, and they were[ so thick (that digestivA t^^ble, W edpe^y. evetdng, dt Wellington-aciuarc^ that the ! bye-word•yte - among _ Liberals , ^ at . id this can be n e litralised Edward Addihonj was, charged with being I r-i-TT-rV ■**- Ifi.'-'teMfi! *fBllack iCat** Cigarettes are I g arett^ ; he could not say whether theto were six or harmless by the occa 3 onal use diunk find incfipfihle at Yorlirx-buildingb______the____ kazo rilIlB. a Bfijliii lull tracio li> undeA th e ,11 spices of the jltinior tim es of national o r -i>arty anxiety is more on the fore-anm- Witness then itold St Asquith.” No Goveninwnt has e^er of ordinary tuuratoii magbeAia-4-ii product pievious aftemponi—P.C. Small stated that o n im iiii- pirifibijn: ’ . - because they are th value onddrvatlvo A'ssociaHcln^lion. .■> ,,i defendant that she hito beaten the girl! un­ prisoner was Stfigghrink abont and colliding S ied So miieh weiffbty legislation, ind mercifully, and the child said that defendiiut ■which can » obtqiiied of any cheiii i it. Phy­ *tei ■»< MiJ J. T. Miper pt ssidedvt anpporied by sicians ^ bimratep magnesiq themselves ,os w th Mdestrians. When witness went to ior- the lak ers; Mr. H. ilbourn^(<5 Brighton). Iparty can 1 look forward w ith compl ste broke it hitting her, Parton made noireply - Cigeurettes to be obti^n^i h i < I Idence in seeing the groat past barrlBrs Well as reconimendl.it to their pAiients, be­ rcst him he fell down.-tPrisoner said; he had ‘i'll Idr. A. Dajak, and the SicTetary,i Mr. to this, and said tha!| she did not send her ben a teetotaler ------ii.- --.j h -- ’ii apip trtant Pa to pill<> Liberal legislation entirely removfd. cause (bey ncognite that it not li inly ovAr- ir eight m onths, 1 and I he ^ £. Hammoiid. A atge nU nm r of jpleopl® to school because she to ^^b t she would get Iropped in” Wi( a young m an Who had ij tor ict'r.tSfiJR cjach packet contains coupon i year,ibT, than!ka to the great-Veto Act, v ill comes dfinger >us istpmach acid, and thus An, listen id aftentivsly to tjhe cftiplng addtosses rid of her. j | ; surcs eaky di{ estipii but by its uAe ; 10 harm ­ ipst oome homo frpim (faaada.-rThirtyisewn Mi: H. Elhdarne sfii ■■ ■ ;ey werA dis- the Hks* arrears), ibcurred throngU Sarah dinner-time b sfore yoii look [re-elected, Also the Vice-Presidents and that she adopted Nellie, and gt v© her music iA1dernian| Hall] qnd Messrs. Slack and Ba rtholomew, hi b di lughter, a t th e Princess '.’JJStbISe. seriotil position last : nouth-fthe meji; in »rs; chairmAn„Dr. F.,B. Lewis, J.P.. le- std proving! hqw mest they weto in lessons generally in her boliiays for six Foord wfire 'alpomtfed representatiles of the Miry Industrial Sc'iool. — Committed and round- TheJ e! are the days elApted; -treasurer, Mr. H. SwAin; and boa. hours a day. Nellie ivasiof a very obstinate Guardians on theiBbrou^ Distresfi ore ex susm nded fot a month, their joppeSitioU to t' cruel [measure] ,im- itarv, CouncUlor A. Blackman, above all otheis w hen B ir d ’s number of a: I, despi-to the wstoh- disposition, and was! USAd to [dirty habits. ito- , , ' I .Ibert H isted I wa 1 also summonM on f i r e : iO F F lO e HHH ie Executive Committee was re-electe4 She acknowledged hitting the child with the The annual fiuhsdription of threii guineas similar charge for .ill 6S. arrears.—Gommit-i S U H Oiinuimfiarl Custard Helps, * oS ihe Fleet . id all th e Governnient wito the additioh of Mr. A. Jacobs and Mr Hers, ■toelr*" ednO) , T he jUlstei i< n desired nothing stick, but denied strikiito thelchild on'Hie *8 voted 'd’o Sapijary Aid Associi tion, the tei! and suspeiided : or two. months.] H.fi Lester' to fill the vacancies caused liy ' * accounting for tHis;by saying that she jhairma|i Observing: dbs " It is a veiy admir- < leotge Stanford, i or 18 weeks’ arrear* on POUNDED 17W . 1»3»A : In a j i ’Tit moments^ {ban th«(y had ib is com itry. Sui-el: ij ttoninsnl death and resigriatiAn. m ^ t have suffered so f:to m pla ing ball., ible SOcistji.” a iiimilar charge, *|as committed abd fins- .D|,. rru ii C i no crime, surelj theyp qs an Engjis! 'ftlianks were accorded the Officers for tpe 1 Tho jeonside pended for a month The Oldss; Insurance Offioa a the tVitil, you have r^ily a delicious i wouldf give idi- itonion their hearty r^ o r, a lodg I nt' 6, Pelham-ares- - nsiderati|oh of a letter I rom th e and . Poi worlf of the past year. cent, and Mi ss Anpie E lisat ith France, Ctoventryi Unio 1 apon settlementahd removal, NEGLECT OPl W IFE AND FAMILY. ^ 0 F an creamy, egg-ji c* Custard, to [thy—W Inm in unfi.nity, fo r it was much m atron in charge of) shAlter and the j ne^ of ; tlje law being s mplified, than io lUve under a sO;rt of, federal r women at TFilliam Sargent vas ?: summoned On fill ClfiM serve with st^'vikI, tinned, or Dover, gave evidence (fAr jh« ddfenfee. whs deferred f ir aj month. ' .rate ohaxgesTwi ;h cruelty to ^ 'Wi •i ind Domi , the stotee law tqat tVey wanted, .and HE PALE-LIPPED GIRL. 1he’Chairanan sat llbe yabcinal ioni rfiturns for April sho ved the that it was prepos- im Sargent, aiid alsqi with neglecting to RaUUy At :h a ; M a^e bottled fruitA—prutiesi pears, , line ■ Ww j th a t ! wanted operating ous to think that y V Oman should beat a Ctses entered in i ninth list, 84; E uccessfnl 'Prices lor < Itossss o thn'oqghout the eountiid. loodlessness js the trouble of many giijls 2 mafnhiin^ber and (bred infant children.— ] *rodaoai- who [ought to be; full of life and good spirits, child like the evide: 1 irovedl She would vficcinatibns, »; land oertifioates to " c o n Mr F. W. Morgsln appeared for the prose- H. A, Dunk eiil th a t just at I the be! fined JBIO and ca sejentious opjictots]” 48. Picdnotfon metteht, althstgh we in E n g k n d ad, toey are pale, tlieir lips have no cut on.—Offences [ vereSi denied.—It wps OolAilr, thev nave no appetite, th eir digcstii n A saitofadto -y report on the_ Mjorkhoase staled that'since ((he marriage in 1908 defen­ ;ving peacefully irith ca ih othefJ al- boiler Wh8H tenTeiii’ inditiiinii in Iteland. Mr. entiy it will be Aonsumntion. 'j (HSeiL RHODES AS 1 K N EW H IM Gallop [fijuit f >r Gaittage Homes. per: week and food, tn d her husbiind 3s. per said tlhal for nlnapeiiAe or Is. 6d. a n:,c;3>Mini. A k il l should not be like this. She shoiMd In connection with the anniverbary of the AA NUAL OUTING, week and extra mom y for additional work.— be mump, nosy, fjill-hosomed apd full of l-ifi Calvert Memorial Wesleyan Clnjrch, Mount Elsie Sargent, sister of previout witness,; de- The B( , srd _ passed, , a resolution______„Buabling 'Insnranees effected on the folldwlig.'rtolisi^ abU'lto d-ance and ru n w ith the best. B ui si e i PlAasant, Hqiitings, a very impoittant fixture Mrs. Dynjoud indJMr. Butler to co lect suto lOSed that defender t in her presence said must havo plenty of good, purs blood for this. I has been made for next Wednesday. The serLptiona for the Uhnual summer outing of e would not mainti In his wife.—Frederick F1!B[E DAMAGE.[ li'' I b u t ji At the pijoperty I wbnld bAcome, if 'not It is only through blood that we can ifeid I Rey. Isaac Sliimmin (^ o has epeut a pro- Sargent, father of the complainant, ^ve his qi the aged find iiifirin.] Councillor GrMme and a, the-property o : t loeA be had brought a n ^ a rt of the^body—nerv*, flesh, JArMi or ! longed iiericd'in Soum Africa, land gaineii Air, Burden \ ere; f ppoluted to aqdit last simitfir evidence.—iA maintenance order of R esultant Loss of R ent and Pyofitoi vMild. [How fur were the Ulstenlaeu And the only medicina which 1 will’ thereby valuable information of that Colony) year’s account 1. 5s. d week was grant id. apd the wife to have Employera’ Liabijity' Persona -to go'in opioA tion to th is toea- mal - jod is DrIWilliams’Pink Pills. The r is ‘to lecture on "Cecil Rhodes; as. I knew the bustody of thp children. The cruelty and W orkm en’s Com­ Sickness ; y were bac! ;ec mp bv[ the women lour [dealer can sell you Dr. William 1' plate in the Schoolroom next Wednesday, lo peclple ou j on pank polidays, and t^ y were h er ih th e jaw on; MB' dnjr tn lieu on the lie had "murder in his 8. 'T. . bo opened a t three p qlock by Atns. Calvert, gilvun lednes- eyfes.r and threw date of meat at her.-^ to tM use- of arms, bu’ a! so the women were 9d. for lone box (or',13s. 9d. for six boxes) !o followed by tea a t 5.3r lowpig 'week. leurtii ng l ow to take |a part in this gteat Dr, toilliaras’ Medicine Co., 461 HoIborn. Vii moved that the holiday be dtenetee\in every Dietnit. TOR THE CHIM)rtEN. — ’TliO " Child’s granted _ nefidhy in 'Wbitsun T H i lA L i S T i eoB fl[{trtbit was comi: g iff. Unde* no con­ duct,;j London—no charge for] postage. , L Guardian,” the organ bf tho N.S.P.C.C., for Week. frei [book,' " Tbej Blood and ijts W ork," c a i Chundillor Tildes! in seconding, said he vrilh % ad o p tsp ditiojt IwA II Id tltey be i' erned by the hArd Jtay announces tie following suHserqitiAns: wife [wfiuld not ge! his food ready. He ndSnumey*Ar of Natto-'i lists, traitoi be had!by sending a post-caifd to the Book was in Ifatour [of t] whole of tho inm ates acknowledeed sweai ng, bnt denied strik- j n Ireland, sho-uld Ilastings, St. Leonardsiand Di'tript Bi-aiich: having ta day off, i) speettve of ag^. the Hopie Buie Bill me law. To any Bolboihi Viaduct, Ijondon. Atrs. 0. Rue, JBl Is.; Sirs. Edmund .Stonor, ing h|er.—Dismissed, ESTABtlSHED 1621! You na!»ftiii«va decided that the old Natii ‘ At toe term applied, thkt theyey had ; 6 1 MtsS. Rant, 10s.; Airs. Forster. 10s. fed.^ Eventually to ptoan n of ejKl C entaur inmates should hate holiday in ''Vhitsnn ridden fiB a le ^ on evmjy possible occamon done their ntter- « |.^.v,«I5NT[-DAY h e r e s y . - Th A Misis Dannrettther, 5s.; Miss B. Finlay, |5s.; ibA.'if ^ ID A T -Befbre Alderman !Rl Pa :rOnAl FestivAl and anni rersary of th • M ri H . Robertson, 5s. j 11r. and Mi*. Alorgan Week, ;the exact qa y to depend On what GUAKDIAN to-day {or the Be (PpMOVS SINCE 1676.) most n< t to exalt the tionour and otedi.,sdii? of should ibe confiider^ 1 tho best day of the jitchell (in tl chair). Councillor H: the Lit DO Jack, but to slalider and throw laying Af the fi»t stone of the church, 6t 1i 5s.; the Rev. and Airs. VV. C.v Bullock, fOs. Pageant for them to)' Htness [ighton; Mr. F S trio k ii dirt to it. (Hear, bear.) Was it fair to MAy, 1880, at St. ‘John’s, Uppi r St. Leonards, Mr, A. C. Crosse, JE2; Miss Pierpoint, tes.; SteTkl'anSTand"^?. ASSORANCB COMJ ANY liDCITBD. ask any .Irishiman to come under the mlA of wai cAlebrated last Sunday.- Ibe Vcn. Arch- Miss Boyman-Boyman, S 3.: Dr. Coldbeck. l5s.; Wli; k THE HOUS: f ’ SCHOOL ABSENTEES, the Nitlonalistsf It was not Ho ne Rule for deicon of Hastings (Archdiacon: Churtoni sums under Ss., m. 6d. Per Miss A. Wilkin­ M r. Hyillajd twanti I stops taken ensune Jomes Wood was son : Alisa H am ptoq, i5s,; Miss Styles, 10s.; the prjjpo'r [educatii U of cbildre: summoned for neglect- PaM upGapital, ...... B1,000,0011; Irelai d'they wanted, ip was Hoi 10 R ule for priacljed in the I morning, fiom the woids, in the ing to [send his dai ghter,; Florence Mabel, Englaiisi, (Hear, hear.)] 'The worth of Ire^ " 1 bis then is th® message shich we hav i Mrs. Lowther, .£1 Is.] Mrs, SatciheU, ]5s. aged 18 years, to s; bool ilegnlsriv, It was T o tal Assets ( o v e r ) ... |b^ 9 1 8 ,(» (): land isAI been, and was tO-day, the really heia-d|from Him and declare unto you, tha: Mrs. Phillips, Jei Isr: !4iss ArkwTiight,j5a.. 'The Ohalnliah saidj fi Sub Committee of the stated [that the girl Children’s Cbmmittieo I had bad a cqnferenee jlina nttenoed 21 tizncis iprognAlive part—the only part of Ireland Gol is Light, and >u Him is no darkness a Miss Dugdale, 10s ; Mrs. Phillips, lOs.; Miss out of]43,. Mr, P. i 1 Buswell, secretorv to HET coyiPANlT I transacts tig following'' which laince 1848 had sltewn steady progres­ all ” [The preacher applied tl is as St. John’ B.: Lambert, 5s.; Mrs. Jobnsoh. &s.i Miss with a SubjCommitteejof the Education Com­ the Education Cornu ittee, etated that defen. Classtelol Insurance sion, Ih-f only nart of Irelamd that was show­ an iwep in these days of perplexity as to faitl Sprague, 5s.; Mrs. Cal . 5s.; Rev.; W, [and m ittee.'He ‘wquld inqy mpve that a letter dant Had applied fi T:BEt litP I , BUBOLABY. 1>EB8( HAL A am I tondnet. Light was cl laracteristic o: Altos W ylie, 7s. 6d.: Mi is A. Sidney, JBlIls.; be sent to tbq Education Committee! pointing halNtime attendance, 3OT. EM?LOYEB8’£R8 I^ABILD YJ lUO ing to th > world that it cqnM live in peace And and it (was declined! - Committee.—An BABS.'1 oa m FIBRLlTY.rGONBEqUENtlAli ru ffr ffmr. k «* a vi v prqspAr.(prqspi I f they were toj h g co m p lied to live Ch astianity. The f amons picl uro by Holmai 1 Lady Alarten, 7s. 6d.; R gv. W. Piinckney; Jt\ out the difficblty ;!of the Guardians in attendfince otder foi attendance was ?BOFITS, ^lA fiS, gEGI^BBED 1 >OBT, m e under p federal system hpt the |fteg would H i n t, " The L ight of the Wo -Id,” -was faniiL Is.; Mrs, Pinckney, ^£1 Is.; Airs. Pinckney regard to the educ4ti(m of certaiq[ehildren made, j , BISKS.’ fsr Cyct he cmi ip elled to force n lia: tp them all. Light meat t holiness. Si; ("In Memoriam ”). JEl Is.; Mrs. Butt, 5s.; who coUldinOt be sent ouj to school in the Thomas. Oak,- in ai ^ e x tic a sim ilar sum . Cull Informi .tion rfispectiug any represented too often as a sort of natura i Miss A. Knox, 5s.; Mrs. Cooke, lOs.; Couirtegs ordinary wiay, and siuggestiing th a t tfiis work mens, istated that may be o) ttened! upon appUcati lie daughter. DorothV: 1 . Branch Office— ' ;A finish of “jGentaur, to bs ul Britisher." precesa towards peifection, just as the Violet Stephen-iSwiney, J21 Is.; Mr. Jaimes should be qttjsnqed tjq by the Education Cim- aged nine years, w s tt iggling efforts of a boy or ( iri learning ti > Danvers, .£1; the Missis Scott, 5s.; Mrs, H. mittee tather {ban; by thp Boand fif Ouar- iILI an d could n o t at- ST8EET, BBIOr The g bairman proposi tend sthool. The irl had 'i attended 133 th e e x ence of the fimngk su] to th* speakers, and play were to be tolerated—as, gf course, the;- D. Jones, 10s.; M rs.'Saiger Davies, 5s.: IjDvs. times out of ilTO.—' 2s. 6d. LAlffPQBO, Besideat SeoretsiiT. were—^because in'process o f t me th a t child AmalU 5s.: Airs. Kayg-Smith (two years), ^ Air.’ Harden ieoomdod. ( 'I Ezekiel ’Brown: a 1 thong! at they, ought not wopld be able to play. But here was thi 1 lOs.:-, Miss W ilkinson, 5s. ; sums under i5s„ ish hawker, was fined In reply to Alderman Ball, the Chairman .5s. and! costs fo r a sii th e a m \ ity of the materiA Irish ; tt estion, but also ci ,t difference, that "practice makes per- JBl to. 6d. P e r M iss L; T ran ter: Alns. Stljck- explained that the 1 children in the Work­ lar offence.-The child e d --th e se th a t ■ (-1 s going to affei had. attended; 166 li- s o u t b f 190. f * -1 - • t :ect,’1 and sin hAd an awfu! tendency, a; land, 5s-: sums under Ss„ 2s. 6d. [ Per jtfr. house obnid not be::sent out to school, Alfred Biimstead Georg (1 had said “ I am| they knew, .unless checked, to grow from hail A. N. S ullivan: Sums u ider 5s., 4s. P e r Miss thev wore ichioBy consumlptivoe. ■ d that he felt .jnstified ^ e m a n d investigation froni lists. knock;![own the Nation in keeping bis son a; home ;when he felt ill. vant to Save j ffloHoly? ____-or Let thtem never to emte in thei • D. - . K,. . Harrison: Procieds of dance,-As. pd. Aliss Kenyon [strongly advocated oMn-air —It was stated that eoeakito' oalled' it robT ■Aaind that prevalent herei y that sin wa 1 Battle District Comm{ttee: 1 Per the Hpn t of 1(72 times tho boy classes beipg; establtohed jby the Education attended 140.-^-Fined 6d. and costs. 1 rant to Lend t Honfi thanks vas carried. etfldng they niust look upon wiEi Kindi" Mrs.,Currie: Eight Re’, Dean of Battle find Committee.! Sh 3 said there must bp many- because " it would ho all right.’’ Mrs. Currie, lOs.; sum: under 5s;, 5s. Per dclicate.chlldre 1 in;tlie borough whb would ■honjd noti>|only m AftArldealing with other aspedts of ligbr, tW Airs. R . B. A llw ork; D -. Kendall, 5s.; sunis benefit by Isucl claliseh , l f the Guardians bodyJ'Ibnt ahonld i at; URCH t J LATE MR. JIIH.' LILB.—The will of I your] heolui lersaid th a t 34 years was a long periAil under 5s., 2s. Cd. Per Mrs, William Davis: attended to thu matter (and it ha|l to be th© ls|te Mr: John | ! lenry Lile, J.P., for- HA^TtHdS ABAST '.SUSSEX' W:.iwithon in the histoW of One church, and one minis AIio. J . Newhery, 5s.; sttma under |5s., JEl fs. attended to uider itlio nfew orders), they AUii m Whotomeal 9d. Per, Mrs. C- Martiji: Airs. Brough, 6i.; merly of St. Leonards a member of the Cbr- A e h ^ i t ■ ' 3, w , j [jhlary |Star.of-the- try.] Air. LeonArd O’Conmr was a t tho ■Would have to ;iay A|80i a tear for a itrained poratitei of Lfindon, fii id a wpU-kuown adter- . this is V'ths' flue ___-ch last___ Sunday_____ Qorning at Hlih-i. organ, 'Tlio Te Deum was Sullivan’s. 'Tbn Miss Noakes, 5s.; Mrs. C. Martin] 5a ; sums tencberi She movediithfit lu neqnesti to fisthb- braUl besides beini . under 5e,, I8s. P er Miss G oldsm ith: Mils. Using Icontraotor, hafi just been proved, and oiinod's "Ave Maria,” was beanti- music was excellently rendenei In the even lish oatdoqr eU sses ibei made to thp Educa­ the net personalty pi the estate sworn at $sU^ id over o Rev. E. F. P . DUrnfo: d', vicar of A1. Gripper, 5s.;''Mto3 Goldsinith, 5s.; sums Undet tion Committee, 11 ' ; .1 .£5,9411 BuniDlNG SociliiTi ihmild 5s.,i 8s. 6d. P e r Miss Burgess: All s. Smithe, and Clive ValQ, was the p: eaclier. Aldermaii Ball secjonqed.! . 0 bfinii 5s. ‘ Bexhill District Committee: Pen Mrs; J. Miss Hepyon’k propofial u]** figreed to. WILL HEiiP YOp WITH ADV^NTAOB C. M ill: Miss Glvde, 15s ; Airs. Hill Joseph, to.'A ttage ImpFovemetit lOs.: Mrs. Mortloc-k, 5s ; Colonel .Ormspy, m T Bread Ito < diet;. Ltd. 53.: Mrs. Bilderbecfc, 5s.; Aliss Kershaw, IM.; HA STINGS n u r s i n g ; ASSOCIATION— ’’E A R ^ EXPERIENCE sums under 5s.; £2 Us. 8 1. Per Mrs. T uttiett; Repoijt forjApr 1— Hastings: General cases. ■ Cbalitman: P.'W.j8. OULIIANK. Esq., V .B C 8 havp provqd th at [ t r u s s e s It Atves: tm 'highest rate of Inieroat Sums under 5s., Hs. 6d Per AUa P ran ce: s 's T visits. [970. Materniity caste. 11* visits. - -’*»'TMESTUND liEPOSlT faKPABTMi^l sju^ht cjasufilly] find n ot properly Mrs. Neten du Mont, 2s.; MrsJ Matthews, 322. S .t. Leouaips* t^ngrpr cases, Iffl; visits, rO «al. 1 oonslotwtvith povfeot soi orltf 5.S.; sums under *Sa , :0s. 6d. Per MlssiJ. adjusted jhavo grravated and in-' Hankin : Miss .Griffiin, Miss] Corcorfip, creased the,rupi which it waa intended joeontrl Wjo If ive every 9d.:!Per Miss H- Tholfapson; Mte, Seitell, papent tite beneii|c of jOuf experience TO-Oaro-;;^! fike out aa invest* 5s.;-sums under Sa , JE3|Sb. ,6d. Poll Miss (&I-: hfine: Mr. Moysey. 5s. I League of Piter. i £ i fitters; with ' lo cal re p u ta tio n Tplond—ceposit any spare a ^ i | a t jhirty|>6ve years. h te re st ’ f m

[No. 5rn-, \ -irfc FR 1 M 4 ! tMpnted one. M r^Tarbury, a aensRivo wite, repertoirp,■M ,jwhicli| enables . them ; to| present S ir W. ll ail entirely new programme, at esebch per- O F U F & ^U relf new presidid 01 Monday aftemloon itl tonnance; ITbe{ p ipularity of each of the six the meetuig d( the Royal Conm-t IteJ scdiiently makes Herlinshahil’s life about ah artistes is hnbouiided; 'I'hoeh who have not til# ereoei t ih iluded :—The Biehoji mfserable and unpleasant as possible; I in yet paid I o|: visit {to the Palaoetto epovld do .impoitant, tiio e rd (wi known formeiU fact. It becomes quite a burden toi him. iDe so withonti delay. huihaa , leg and Vicartof Jame^the-IiesB, Betl isj tyrannised in 'season - and out lof season. Mr... --Frbd W llett, ... in his .humorous ill Bp jotw Ir way of the jt^ent Arobdeoeon Macint Hp, however, has his turn, andi retaliates dittiee; i Mir. Doiglak Byngj Mr. TW illiam MUi thiin nre no North srnj igeria)i the Bev, (> [ with a firmness which teaches hU wife, de­ Tanler .(faaritoni), *3 and Miss Dorothy iioli qtdto (dep^ atioi home sreretatjy of the SociVtjl. voted though shir is, albeit inclined to I be Vanghan ^soprano), are invariably Bucoess- fectM ! toolunus:. the Siva.I L A skwitb, J . W elxtct. BhOlto jealous, a well-deaerved lesson, and abolishes ful both in tbeii individual and ronsbined 111 (net ru6t on to ho N< iwmi n, W. W. Maich, B ln. Mon , the state of tearful selfishness. Some of the efiorts. Miss Sjbil i: Glynn, a {pleasant nB teiiQ t tllTown to-- W Coiabdr. R. Talbot,______Harlpw_^arlo!______sitjuations are. very cleverly conceived, i|;nd comedian, and M r. Bariret Clifton- (pipniBt), Mlt are seamlens, ,* Phibh 1, S lf^ a rre n , HeUrjf Cote, E . W . Btaln- ESTRA DAILY, there is plenty of luu. iMiss Dorrio Roberts, are also] tq be co igratttlated i upon iiuuiihhpir en­en- 4 to 5,30. ill the part of Mrs. Parhury, proveid that hh'c fee; an 1 ankles.I ley Jackson, C. 1|.^uchanaB, w | G. Bridgbs Snhday Included. joyable'coutribut ons; A humoroifs sketch ,thndu|ctcd by M r. Cyril B. Gould, aseils- Virtues," this being toe first performani of tant I irgunist at St. Mattnewla Church, ren­ ^ V I C B . Wiien Bandsmen o but on sirike.” Ihjs comedy out of London. Tile flliiiS for t(?dasdaiy (Saturday) 'vilk ill be as dered hymns eflectively. j ^ . |F . d. Millest presided at i!he Hastings lit is a smart play, with a lesson, i the The Ref. W. G. Bridged ekptfeeeed reig)»t Btotherhoi d in Robertson Street Congrega- loUoivs;—"Master Fix-it," "Woman Of the IS h o n n i U tter being offei-M in an (Ssposilne of : iha Moiintaindy' "where there’ls a : ts)will," at th > death of two warm fricuda and sup- tidnal Chr rch last Sunday afternoon. Others uncharitableness of snobs, particubirly those SOAR pprte « ofi the Society, the B«v. George For- sent i ncluded: Councillor W. Felton "Hoolsrid.’l "The [Suit Case," "{Tame who advertise tbeir, own chasti{ty whfl.st Mk-e," f'lrtie Gloire.'f' and " (iascoi|y.’1 restei and the Rtev. B; N. Bloomfield, the ith an. I Messrs. Qeorgo; Hermitage, W. being 'ever ready {to i:impute. W i^ey. T, R.i Kirkpatrick, and li. W. The. filmli fdr neSt .Monday will jbe:— -'.I,- • well-li nown R ector' of GuMtIing.j They were others. Lady Mil “ Lig)it|of iWeaUI,"' "Abcrlrine IiduBtry," T here a tjuch of irony conveyed in glad o see an iucreose in {the total sum abnt b|sh, and apparel "His First Lov,’’; "Archie and |Boy," Up h] the Society, exclusive kif the response [w A, E. Hermitage efficientlv led the advertise the alle to' th » SWatiwick appeal, touL owing to Iva siimihg w' th his comet. Mr. Luther Smith, "Biliks-and the liirls," and ‘^-A Little Fowl t h o s e i o u r 1 s m a l l w ords the primft o f life, Guildford. “ a woihnri.witU a past,!’ who-lhaa Play." I - ! I ’ I " ■ '- ■' riona iociil causes the' amount was not' aa always a popular vioUuist.[ played l ia r ’s b^m e acquaint with her jadysh p's F i s h i o n sVlqt d 'A m o u r;^ XliurBdayj and t ie rien T. o 'c...... o t i .. . .,...... mind anid bbody in large os i|ne would wish in that niarvellhue brother, Jeffery Pan|ton, a student of "The War'OirreEpori fl ' day < f opportunity. It had beep suggested dlei tion whs made fori th e blind, to- triry. My lady is. however, made a remick- waW the provision of Braille literature. Mr. tine," *■ [Miking a Four-(^liiiationer.” insaioNAST insetoNs: { EirikMtrIck announced hih intention ef of Miss Margaret Dainer.. whilst Miss Do -rie think of the Hchi«veiaents pf earlier life as only a be held id some of the parishes of Hastmgs doubling whatever was given to the collec- ____is really splcntiid, -Uon. He n a ld a ltrib u te to the lato Rev. C. ‘i Oi Id" ^ p k u iiS " A ll T t o and ft. Leonards in the autumn. Would!all p Jeffery, Mr. Bplarid Daniel has a lol lo ' PUILIC::-;HAtir. n , prelude to the greater ati ainmeits o^ maturity frieni a ofl the Society pray for a Ueesing{ on Silfester HbrineJ ■whoso veraion of " The dp, (Uld he does it well. It is a pecu iar ■ i lX- l -f ’ [N Qlgryl S o n g " wafi sung. 1 " Antlanylancl Cleopatra” is a fim which IS , m o i e o Uie e brtP Mr. Bridges ^ad the following chanacter, one which] calls for careful haml- may be seen agair with the utmost -plwure. i[ten tha^ not, to contemplate whHt 'i ! 5 f I,' ChMnnim introducied Mr. Wassell as a ig and clever acting, and it gets all it finani ial Jstatem entH a-stings fDeanery i— y o i^ m m fuU of activity who worked in Conseqaeritly, t ie ririnouncement.thjat the might have been. Don’t let die re be any irony Geneial Association, JE29 ife. l7d.i{.BexbilMn- leds from M r. Dimiel. , Public iHall Suuiigement had arningM for : poqnactkn with j London bud and Bulver- As Alice _EzcTn,{_Mqss lUila Bussell is ex- Sea, -5 ei 8d.i St. Mark’s, Beghill, <62 lls., I ongregaiijpnal Choi -ches a n d .. ^h: a return viriit waf npiled with deUifhi. The about’ ihe term so far as you are concerned. 6d.; : i'aiilight, J618 1.5s. 7d. Hffctinga: [All [llent; as Claude ! -'oise, a self-opinionttnd picture on Monda/ was'beautijaUy {blear, tho it. Mn. Jackson ilcox acts -Withno'ver Saintli, je}7 15s.; All Sonlel iPs, M .! St. |An- W issell saidi he did not w ant to sneak scenes depibting t he' landing of toe Romans 1 ’’ -V i - : drew’s, jeffi 15s. 2d.; Christ Church, Black- and obmpleto sue i; W^^Fst Mr. Haiold and their midrngl t riuurch'being veryinarilisi ' KCeDyouf«elfphyH 0a l l y 0 t£rM ntOsosy to Phem_ is a politician, but as one who liad Wilkinson is a capanlie butler. lands .£117 3s.; Emmanuel, Jt56'2s. Id. ;iSt. a [rmigi >us interest in the matter; be tic. The many j atrons who I nave already Mary in-the-Caatle, <6105 » . 6d,; Hollinfiton ]We strongly reepri end 1-ocal ploygoera not had the privilege of'view ing this [‘ grieate»t onwards by the reifalir use of Ufitbiioy wajitpd ^ speak about the tci miss this piece] P aris 1 Chhlrch, J61 3s.; HoUlngton St- John's,; NATlOKAIi SBBVlCa of all spectacular films" should a/'*"* take Sos]^. ItwiUprot&tyba from the many P[t is precede each evening by a comedietta. the opiwrtrinlty, whilst those, who ,va not JB89 IGs.:[ Hooe, J64 Ifia.l M .; [Ore P arish moVeme: t . F irst of all, w hat did they- mean "{The Call of Dotk"| , germdaden things you Itoitch e very diiya Chun h, 16s. Id.; Christ Church, Ore, by "Brotherhoodif” The spirit of brother­ yet attended can be thoroughly reci ^ended 'There will be the nraal matinee, as wri I as to do so. This ilm' will be' sho' to-day ■ ]■■■]! ‘ 1, - ■ --.,.1 ■ -- j633 Ite. lOd.: St. Leonards: Parish Church, hood { m 1st • operate...... at all les a n d nndhr the evening performance, to-day (Saturday) ^557; St.i Saviour's, <610 jOs.' fd.: St. Mpry ellTeipirc linstanoeo. The :ienal Service (Saturday),: at ev iry [performance. No need t6 wait till you art) in ihe prime of life moyA One of the spec iat'attractioris fo: to-day's Magdhieni <611 Is. j St. Matthew’s. £324| Os. lept was diametrically opposed to the IM PORTANT R e v i v a l o f 'OUEj lOd.; [total, <61,535 7s. 4d( Rye Deanery. best Interests of . . . lie___ a______n d of______th e move- programme;lerwiil bri; an inti:erestitag film before using Lifebuoy Soapj U se i tovday.' Odimr^ mrink 1 hley reprlescnted . 'Thah good iold 1 of a flight. ri_ M___ aorioe^ — arm an Guestlingl J614 17s..-2d.; Rye St. Mary. ;3.;s.; gjpETtflgriand f/il’A.l.total, £lj582„£li582 intlit was 'a better Uiing for a man to live "A PAIR OF ^BCTACJLES" AT Tl^E ■ ■ ■ ^ lonst" cjamic; «fi( iiilo enlirie la fran can adi ainist :acion. rose: Leame was held at the Cdntfal Conser­ Ss. 6d ! ' , i , 11 for lit, (Applause.) C o m p ^ io n w ithiq cen- HASTftifQS PIER. , lo nnn, lunde ka} maide, tursoj de Espt- vative Club, Carlislo-parade, Iasi Saturday The Chairman said that had been an annus tain U nits was el^ntial, but when matters This week the frinious comedy by Sydney ____ e Mes-siige of j iaito estijs gTida,tai eii la Oentril Po8tej<. afternoon. I : i i m irahilis jfor the Society. |T!ie result of the s: ii yolved which involved religious prin- Grundy, entitled ‘1 Al Pair .of Spectacles, j is the Suri Dial,” dnnia; and "A ChildiAcro- Tit j knrsoj celas efektlTigi ^ andat nomhro i Captain the Hon^JR. T. Ne lam, R.N., SwanmekI appeal was a very large amountj of B, oompulsion was venr mndesii-ahle. If being presented by Mr. Frank Weathers )y*s bat,” iritereet. da Esperantiaioj fiop la univirsala Kongreit} lided. Others money, arid, far more Important, a keener w ire convinded that tnew county stood Company at the Bqstirigs Pier Pavilioii. |i ' ■ ------L r-kill kunigos 6i tiun jaron en« jParizo li A; Colvile, missidnarjr spirit. Now they lied to main­ ei it danger, [they would be quite pre- ^ The them e of thje piece affords opport iui- LIEU T. ROSE a HD SEALED pdi ptojn do I)-n> iZamenhof. W . de tain thatHhear, -hear)—aijd that depended 1 bo do what they couM ^ defend it. lies for many highly-rimusing srtuatiohs, AT TIE KINEMA. a lernantdj premidtaj en iinj kt rsoj estes Muller (boh eecretart), Simpson, on a maintenance of the spirit' of the move­ Q kh ire were those who thought th e Wtact {which are carried [though very ably by the Sexton Blake, De^tive,*’ a thrtopart ' lot ital, dom la dattro d e la £i p erai taj festo , th e Very V, Dean E . B. Cu V.D. (oi ment. It'was for that Association and others )ilB. Probably, behind all th is there was Company. Benjaniin Goldfinch,’ the henivo- ilece, was tho s ;ar film at thri m nem a .....j e l a no de■ I ila I Esperan& pera^a a .pnhli'.p^liko. I i _Battle),-----.. ^ T—llajor Cyril -.-r- Davenploi to dol wUt could he done! qnd it depended |ir 1 for a Oontinentoi wait. Lord Boherts lent old gentleman,]is BPlendidly: taken by Palace,; Norinan-nirill, St. Leonhrds] on Mon­ Ticeble sarhavos Ila rerdan stelorl.: Eh tih F.S.A., M r.lE . G. F raser, M r. iCqua d e b n ^ f c on _ individual; hearts. Another mB,tter tb ) country at peace with the world, Mn Lpuis PalgraVe/ Gregory Goldfinct is day, Tuesday, and Wedneeday, [but though it okiizo la iminiatracio livetos aL ili ixtstle hahau, MrJ J. Hamilton, and J r . p . P. whichl m a^ it a wonderful year was'the el at could riot contini to indiefiuitely. vigorouslyusiy taken by Mr. H. P. Owen. Mrs. was a fine pictore, it was not [the best] in the kouigotaj pioflthjn Oldcrshaw. ' t ! K ikuyu Conference. He pio^t wHole- [lot? As a : Brotheriooi. they should Goldfinch, Benjaminfs young and chanriing programme.. That honour m an -be accorded Apologies j for absence were annonneedinnouBced hearterily [believed that the outcome of that f ndnstriol eonditions. National Ser- wife, is very successfully portrayed by : lisa "The Rajah and {lis Bingi'’--ri!realiy d u t i­ from Mr. C.iJl Ebddi, D.Ll, r.P ., M r. Conference, whatever might be said and done viep w( uld take aWay young n ten from indns- Viola M arch, who {acts w ith considorij.blo ful pittureiby th) {London Film Kmpariy-. , . ^ e l a t i o n . Jam es Ca8tdlo,i Mr.i T^iomas 'afkin, J.P., |n remrd lo subsidiary issim connected ilritli at [toe most productive miod of their delicacy. Percy an'* Dick, ’'r>i-'i- Benjamin’sTj= ton When; this, pictu'o:j is agriiq on tahow we Eram the important Parid jonrlnal•.—i t e I Breeds!!pm1«] MMr. r ”H. !A. iNock. Chegwyn, it. would pe a quickening Of the missionary lives, Then it would mean increase of ex-t and nephew, are hot) ably taken by Messi-a. shall go to toe it, iipid we Itront'^'sCdvise our 1b tin," vro extract the follow:ring infonnii- and Mr. Al Blaoknion. ,T.: soiriefover the whole world; the increase‘in peridltine. As to iimproving ] ihysical fitness,] Ellis Carlyle and Charles Fielding. Miss readers to dO the s iirie- ” ) I tie I ! ; ! C aptain the loss to the priwerlof the missionary agencies all Over -wtto. sc m any m ore recruits, fliooe who most; Helen Tristram makes a dainty Lucy Xpri- For. ■ to-day ( iaturdriy), there .. Esperanto, the ihtemationa belptUtnguagb th eir ranks b' ______derm an F. Christendom. For in -cooperation and in needed physical training would he left out.' mer, Percy’s fiancee.] The other characte rs— mavellous picductiori, a sensnional W lenlinfiab h^ just officially entered tde FiSuch Ad- realimtion of the growing faOt that they Let th :m introduce into to' lir Elemeintary Lortmer (Benjamin’s friend), Mr. Alirnd part ,picture, entitljtd "The,Great A. Langham. d-P<> epd % reeu^ilation of Mr. anc .Seiondary seffiooU; jihysi )al train in g on t w t^ ly from mfnistratifn. From now. oit'Mo'nlavs aid Innes,'Dr. J ewland,.; and Mr; Wi {'"a d Jackson, were lone laiy the secret of th a t [power which Richards; " Bartholome-w " (his bootmaker), which ijS full of exrijtement. ! Tieedays, clatisee |waH be hel< a t t l aiCentn il modlea lines. Let them do awav wito the Mr. Henry Frampton; and Joyce (his butier Other 'filtna inelnde an Ediso: :h Du^ss the of BexhiU .^'^^'-the other side, fch, 'lyiad new had been jacking in the Church: for so mjaiiy Applause.) The speal cr argued from ’P

i l i a -I LEONARDS fiAS' INGS s e r v e r . SATURDA MAT 1 6 , t0:l:r,''[[

< I C K P T . I duly 4th-i-Wealey Guild, lome. July 18tb|-All imuls, home. SITUATIONS PA July 2Sth]-Emmnnuel, homo. VACANT-iif!EMAf't « TMENT^ to LET, !Sastings opepi August ISth-F^uniclpal,______OfficerOffice I, homx N TI[E IICENE. (aid their nhason in (Bn© style August'22nd-(-8t( Peter’s, away. th iroug Ry good GENtBIiL Vi/AATED.;;by: good LiinndIress; family'* Saturda: if^n they met Southboui ne at W ‘ £ ” £ S :>lai 1 coor ng; three in fant y. VV _ W A S to O ; giood ntferisi' 4ral Jo^BiMoni reasoiiabl® terms; batli ili- August 2yth-f“ Observ'er,’ hom e. —Apply Mr©. <&)] inees.—Mrs. P , ' to! Leas, Niss Halter, ■ — Alreau. .. t - TION OPjeOMM IN I NATION ItliB Centraf Qr -nnd, and peat them l.y 205 September Stii—BolUngtc n StJ John' . away. St. Helen’sKireseeiit, Kei^ Yiew. BlaOlthorse. Bami ml6 :#rttane]i j ■ ' ■ fij M nkas and six ., Where to giy for Hastings^ lit COBDS, ickets. I The home team Septembey J2tb—Municip tl Officers,_____home. "l/ir a n t e d , : by . good_ Han .idlun . . ndrees, with Itarnisbed; Sitting;, |ba|ited first, ampl . A da^ amd V i. J . Stone Em manuel Club's mu tches will 1» flayed JLOUHMaB): .V many BftOF ycani.exDierienGiyearsiexperienb^ familiee' WASH­ bedroom, bath and elejtrid Alderman |l. N. C ^ttfenden,; the gave them a gi . » lam iiy: ivages light piplace for sk ING: very good Water and' open drying iTO'bn start by compiling « be- on the l^ tl Hill. Thy flxtjures b|o fa r a r­ He applicant.;j-Jlis 1 CliltCre, E|Sgerton I t*nns.-rl, Sidgwick-roaiLDcx^.' tio i „ F ire Bri- itWeen them, ,, curioim j incideni, vhich ranged are Appended:- ground.-Address ! A.8.. IS. f'O brerver" Office, . m the.cor- Woodville-Tdkdil Be; hill. 'Hastings. ■ !..,■['' , ■' m30 ',!■ !■' 4« atidiea<^ icaused much usement, occurred ii the May 16th4-All fouls, horns. ^■^Disp'r^ ■I^ANTEDr toun; GE! EEAL, country _ j), td; Letj. -t. Four fnrhi ;fanlt, it wi...... a id I/ondon, Hi stings inuii ,b y th e bjall bouscin ; and May 23rd4-Wesley Guild, home. ! V a preferred: go id ref a plain cooking/and i- ^■ftuteffor Grimsby, tan Wedpesd|ayi'when a May 30th4-Hmlingtoa St. John’s, away. . , — . = -r- refEwences; Nurse keot.- h«en( ano i. —| fouth Vlew, .MereWortb, Maid- ivence of , lodging under incett’e sweater - W 9en th at Apply. betweeneen 9 end' ll k.m.. or after 6. Hii., SITUATIOtilS WANTEO-MALE. ; out. I i , player was bal: June 6th-f-“ Qljsprver,’’ tom e. W i t h p u r e d r u g s Mrs^ March,j.!22t 22|43dl lier-ro ad, liastings.^_^ mJ gfi°g-. .-'i..' 1 ) '! ,'' - r. 1 ■ ' ' ' ' '' ai6.:..'. ■ j ®»wi* ipg. W, E. P. Chesman June llttj—Eastbourne V.M.0.4... away. / BOARD- HESIDElKiE; Srrrtpprars that the toIIows nt tlio end of a pluyed a fine gl nip, and sebred 103 no; out. June 20tn—Hqllington St. Johr's, hone, ■VirANTED, '# go. I'd GENERAL, who can [do S COHPANIOI to! 'invalid gentleman, part- '' ''‘iga becaiub ignited. Smeke iind sparks V V plain!! oqokitifg. — I'he Croft. S a ltw ^ , time; retire ' J,'„ 5 f]f^“Wnd9d: g cooking Innii : lann^the fierfori iVioeett did wcTjt in’ithe Itawling, taking three June 27th—Stnplecroes, sway. Hythe._ | !.__ ! nnrse offer* services.—Ad- a)[ten(i sue it tfoim m utesiw : near stationtaad: and mid Ito«iras „ s«n, and there) was g-eat alarm on niikets for 20, Hpskissbn !was also nell to July 4th-(-Berei|l St. Piter's, home- AT STORE PRICES. Adress .TJ.B:, !826,"Observeil" Office, Bastings. •-T a- 11- t-amnndge-rioad! Hastitum- .di23 issur^them it »< part of some ladies in tho train. Captain thi fore, and tocik seven wickets ior%. July llth-f-Eaetbpurne Y.lt.C.A, bom-i. G ENBRAI, Servant, as day 1 : ' ml6 E5BT|M®TS or ■ BOARD ■ RESIDBNOEi ‘ leni .en, however, suocee led in extin- July ISthr-Wincnclsea, away. tfter 0 o'clock, 12 Peanl dlt, bnt tha fai So ire :— July 25th4BEiids1ow, awiiy. road. Hasti"- - ! ml 3andlii 'M adame 1 jio4! the outbreak] . Mr. (hiulion Kerna- J1A8TING8.-H ®- 8me. "I^ANTEDtrGEI 1EEAL! HELP for smffl doib tta Pler.-25,- lyest-hilir St. SM Mr. Bais, gf Hast! igs. were paa- Bdley] ?4; Hosklsson, i M. Gre- August 8ih—Wirichelsea. horn# V V Apartment— I_,ouae: c good reference.—H good references.-Apply Pj Curtis, Oak Cet- nfirds. jers !>.v the_Bame...... train, angid ials|j ____ did_____ what veit. b E. A. Gi cv ett 0: 11. B. Tayloi; b B. A. Isman* w ith hi# Grevett. 1; W. August 13th—jWesley Gui id, a say, Robins, 19, KeUilwcenilwdrth-ro t jd St. Leonards. nil6 tare. Hildenboroiigh.TKePt;} ml6 E sn si rated! that he leiti^ ’ ,ciu1d tb allay' tho (pajjiic which F.; Ch^man, not on; 103; August 22nd4“Ob8erver,’ awsy. T^ANTE^; ai GIRL for ihousehold, age abt ttt piOMETENT BOOKKEEPEE iand Shorthand ^ J JwlS-mS* Position. — ComtortEbler ^ tha J. H. 'vinoett, » W. SGrefettj b StaoiW, (3; C. August 29tb—IAU Souls, away EDW A R i,kj rPIENTsiL two Sitting-rooms, Jcuri a te ie d ., *v 15; part dayi,—77, [frlory-romi. Hasting*. V ' TYPlet aCclis appointment; wide business F. Adamson, n>t outl 14; fexttas, 11; tou t (for The Sohth Boxons C.C., which is ilie oldest isi.kooMookingland attendance' batlt , rformahcee went bnlson Kcrnahan subsCqne ntly wrote flv j wkts.), 260. namga peelared cloiedi " -'' ' S . ,mlS ezporionce.-Dox 3072.1’‘Herald!^ Office, Fojke- h-.aqjl cjfltam a more^^^ — Apply .irran.1 i*U a Cricket GIuI n in; Sussex, and posseei fee a fine ^yy'ANTEDt tv|o B OUSE! E 8 tone,____ ,j.' ' _T______in l6 ' irOaBj .Bexhilli [ T i : . , . ' t eb K, abitnailj paid Ui i bedrooms, bath UhJ . h u rt 2; W. Grevett! Hosklssab, 5; J. 0. Oan pbell, quay© to po J ^lled.______Tlie_____ (Joinlj Secretaries are "l^ANTEIb~n'Yoiing GIRL dSily for housi- peUnt all- nigh-clare goods,'jibing, plpiiig.'clto.; morning Madame .P ’ffhjr I am writing this letter-and I do b idoskisson, 0; TH good references.4Filmer, Feailniarsh, Sussex. ^ y »tt*ndance.-A^;' jls st the request of tjome of iny fellow pae- ? . A.' Grfyett. b Hoakissin', 6: MrF £. F, Bond,!Lake House, Collinhton, and vV work. 4 ,A p ily Bii|iqp8ton, Sutherlaiid- eV^) jtook hold of O. B. Grinstead Hoskisspn, 0: D. Ci utb mden, Lia'iVarr- avenne, _ Bexhil; ;__ I i ' 1 'T mi6 y i t down,' fisigerej-is to 'point but that; though the b Vincett, 19; Mr. S. H. B righton, Niwlands. De 1 •S*'™ fiOOM in her I M. Dnlr, b Hoskissin, 4 : W. road, Bexhill, who wil] he i;lad giye in. a n t e d ! Young w uoian lor HonaeWok-L, yoang, seeks slinac fertafo^at, on sjea Front; good 'i^ the Ker incident lu s ^ 'CDTd was pulled] the train f id not stop P. I Stacey, not fit, Ipi ex tras,11; total, |M. age about .2 ( n o i ashing.—Mrs. Carter, T" > “g Shopman;:ihopmki able! to managb.--- the tending m en^i# all information.’ GHEMI Apply___ JJB.. 14, • ObaertiQbaerter______V oiBeA, Hastings. ______Inl6 f and! decided t« “ ’“’I we had reached Bobertsbrid je Station, exhibitions of howl- May 23rd-f-Sidleyi Bopeei, 2.30. W31. Devonshire-roai. Bcxl iil. ml61)1 miles or so on. ini skill this matOh JEOCEE’S 'fAREBOUSEMAN! seeks situation 9ED-I W ifO tji! » regard to w hi^ t h ^ was I seen in tlie May 30tb-]-Soiith!Lynn, .sastbonrne, 2.15, JR ANTED, Plain TEoli EitS; also an Appn 15 B wish t*5 know is, T)id the palled ^tween the " OW ryer')’; and Old I'owr.Jihe June Ist-fOldWihltgiftis ns, itopeep, 11.! 0. FO a d d r e s s e s . W tice.—Applytice.— Park t'lLailndry, York-roiid, -TA drive, solicit,solfcjt, and deliver, tsingie’or'pair;id ' ! Silverhill, St. njards. generiMIygeneraliyrally , Usenseftil.;nsefnl.;'-’ eight year* prephesont Bituation,’ earn* i bet, e conaiPEBiLTiotr, ing cord nve tho alan n signal to former winning i runs. I —Hawes, this cap- lo 6th — ^ aetb o " ~ East- five previous Pt|viouB.-Keith,r«, BblgfaveToad, TTuu- ground fit or. jSs.. If not, fhy not? And it the tarn of the, ” ___ . bourn©, 2130. [ X \ r AMEfifatToh^, oi; [i. 15 year*, as Nurii] to Councillor B. Vverl” C,C.i tcok] four PRICE LIST' ON APILIC.lTION bridge Wells. ^ 1 , m23b George Mn et. Ha8ting«.4{lpily kink? 72a. * c ; ! ^ jroperly given, why di 1 tho train Wickets in pni i lover, dbd altogether eight June 13tb-Bqutlibanrne-, Bopilep, 2.30. *V — Apply. . . . Cum - neervi ,ive Club, Carliafe f ^e: Gommittw. „SK-aski% J June 17th—London Cout ty i nd w e tn inster parade. Haftings. Back jentrance'.______TBONMONGER’S TR-AVELI|ER1 d ^ r e s re-en- street.^ Sat ting*..' ' '!■' T ![ : m He replied that he ‘ •al miles to the next station be- vafckets for 11 runs.i ; The total realiced by Bankj I Bope^, 11.30. •X gagement; aged 26; teni years experience- o ^ i jOK r ABLE Front I hrl'l'lNG BOOM thh Old Towners wad 1& abuinst the “ Ob- •ween 3(1 and 40,4as calling on .garqetis, - — — - ..i .. (itli ‘pntatipn of four?- g a i a * June------20th^ _ ----Lynn. Hopetp. 2.15. family,—Mrs. Cro]*/- cultural and agrl_____ one cr mdre.bedrooms* good'cooking! inS by Jhe whole fver’s!" 81., 'rho spbrcwl are appeidel:-— June 27th—UpivpMlty ScjhoolJ^ St. Lehna ds, 2. ^ien d i inci .--Mrs, Furley a, linden-road.iRe^ , tOBSEBVEB.’ 4c. Iloybdrn. 0 Whlt^ b Scott, [asting*. - ml) and glas8bbinB«sJ—Pindar, h llh L :h. fi.: Cos, and June SOtp—Ims, ' Bopeep 11.30. ANTED, a feo< 'd COC') -GENERAL, comfi gate. : ' > ■ ' 1 " ml6b 6 ;W . Hawes, o .ulamh, blSScctt,, 4; 0. Daiipbell, July 4th- "am, pstead , , — Nkhursi,, o Poole, SITUATIONS YACANT-iLa D!!. SITUATIONS VAC VNT—FEMALE. Wannum; abtiainer prefenu Jfi-—Apply Arsoo Cm), lor lame 2A0. 45. St. Leonardstro id. Betliill. ml6l ). or: p tnuahencylor otherwise; mederat# I -ifl.' taking, her not to com b Hadfleld, 12 j onCornneldJlo (IrUfith. b i .dams, July ISthUHf A. E. Cl: irk’s XI., Li ttle Com- lace; 1 rm8..henfjie jot town talcle to sea, suQoiiJ ISdDean, ta Hadfleld, i b Mams. 7: Oreatwood, mon, 11.30 SH IRT weU-ednekted YOUTH kabo it 14 dr lOOK wanted, £25. priviite family of two; ■T^'ANTEeI,. w,gfloi: -, plainifjCOOK; wages fro old worl ______a fo Pl. ir.- vrrite A .B..'9il,/'O bserver umcej b IWhite, 0; GUIs!, o audTcl M am s, C; lonrne, July 18th[-Eastbourne Collegb, Eastfioni le, 2, 16) wanted a* Apprentice to the )hemist c TV- £26;£26: two otl er mar:as kept.—.^ply, wiLl E eiplres ’ shSrtljv-Addrcsi Hretins s. ' ' i W day, when ai the othw vacanclee.—Beaeonsfield Agency, 4, references, to Hrs Fix, ml6 ' not out, 0; extras, 17; ttatkl. 81. July 24th4Rihhmond. Bi peepT 11 JO. Aand D r legist Bnsinesa!; a splendid Jopp< r Ml jTine Place. Dover. ml6 Toodside, PeBsiniml G-_il8-_i_pbaerver Office. Hastings. m23 Furnish ra EED-fllTTlNB-i performance ;Mr< Dan iLD TOWN. Q.l Selden, o M itsheier, b July 25th4-L^isham Wanderers, Bofleep, as nojireminm Is required.—Apply Mr. SussexHussex. , . |, / 1 00 meet the men in ^ 04^11 .11.30. OOK-GENERa L want< . not over 40, for S ^ ^ L eS c and General also BedijCoin,: perinanencyj od Hawee, 4; A. Poole,] o Jalnd ib Hat res, 6; J. Augnst li t —Hastings, BepeepL 2.30. field. T ie Lion Drug rstorea, 9, Sf small private taiu y; no basement; ■WANTEli, 'yot,nig _ GIRi H Just leaving achocffi gopking and] mpderatp tenris.—Ap}'' m Darcih told tben she', report oui the subject, bnt full August 2 St—Clapham B: imblers, Bo] icep, 11.30. ply Mis I £o lid be madje. T he trai n had cor^ >n. journeying to lEaytbou!»ut* ne and Beating ml6 'IXrANTED. HdldSE-PAI ILOUBMAID by Ifii; he'h 114.1 and' yie new oohtl'BCto! Ith Lynn byifSl rem land thre41 \ficketa. August 21 nd-fCatford Wf ndei ers. Bo >eep 11.30. T V 27th; no biesment ; wages £18,—Mrs. Bit ction throughout, and two atten- August 2lth-+Mr. J. P. ! lope a XI., Tui ‘ able to C O OK . £22; lIoU B e-Parm ur, £20, £18; H ouse- aomber sug^ted that*! Hqskisson and p.-lyisdleh Jflr Has tin gs put unliridge Id make m aid and U ouse-R krlour, good w ages; hardson. Pine Htit 9t, Avo; idam-road, BoUingtn SITUATIOHSr WANTEpi^FEllliALE P ui APART]) them home'and reod^' had the fire been serous, could Weils. il.M. . , Park, St. Leon ' ml) I . lat t i jrit bedroom,: (ront sitting jtaqmC ■ up| a fine fight, making [a oenturylfir the August 2Sth-l-Bucks. Wa ider-irs. Bopeep n.30. U, Wkl- K itchenm aid, £14; C ook-general, £20; H ouse- esearjr, also have !e«at'^ d the Iraip within half a mile, second wlckct: I [oskisson hit a five an 1 eight . ml6] P arlour, £18; G eneral, £16; H ousem aid-G eneral, W a n t e d , yontjg GIBiIj to assist light hocsl : recommends good two, mlontes 9oa and ftear ltwq !.. ved the following letnr yester- August !Hh-fLewes Priory. [,ewe8. 11.30 . COOK; Kitchenmaid k ep t—Apply M.D. “ No; nnleesiTou . H as , foiirs, while nisi partner! liUade a five r nd ten August :l8t-4-Ea8tbonrne Eastbourne. 1(.30. for ]a £ li; C ook, boarding house!, a t once, lOs. 6d.; vT work; aneal er ma d[ kept; live in; on! t, Woodhay..Newbiiry [ ', [' ' ml6 ’ crokinkt at^^qcel em ent ceasee.” Ones'! I recentl; in ai tram—a woman, .on being g t- yo ing G eneral, no cooking.f-R usseU ’s R egistry, used to childrek - Afoly Mra. Bymili. 2- -foad S t.: fours. Scores]:— 1 ' September 2nd—Criptios, Oen ,ral Grounii. Has­ 'intlce to B ohem ia-road, S t, LeofialrdB ______m l * King^s-road, St. L o n a rd t/r mlii A S GENEBALj 18, £!L4-£16j l4 months (mar- Id comle down ane ex* itacked, had pulledhe thu (Editor alarm of cord, the Obseiver.and the HASTINGS AND ST. ONABD^. A. tings. 11.1 ' “ OT for Hduseworkf and asslstl iri“lo " n g e r# : -a. actor; others; list^ fro#.-28. Friars Walk. i '^ J - liyb in.—Mrs. Palm er. Market Ho iel. I' Ash . R E s SHAKEK.—W antedX good COAT-HAND GEN !BAL; Outdoors; 11©- - ______rop*' Inrcia declined thi*. itrain h id been allowedenclosed to run letter on toin theto-di next y’s "DailyMtfther. b Smith, 19; Hoi lisoYi, o a 'I_Kee4. B< Septembet Stp—Rye. Ry«. 2. lord.^Kent.______[______.—Applyj ' ml6 Lewe*; Sussex. i - • (rtation before stoppifig.be o f i n a te r murder ^ t to yonr might -Caders. 71;! InA. Wisden. 'o and h 1 a, 7d: E. Fay lor, iruce and Co., 2, Yorlobnlldinge. Hast nngs. ml6 X , — A pply to M astin B rok. 7.. 8, 9. 10. B reeds^ . , ------—^ 20; god J references indispeii- card; clc^ market; ternis tncaer ' Band did riot sign tbo litrOHERS.—A. Strong LAD wanted p lice, H astings. ______^ 1 1 ______, t c 6 9 stble.—Apply, Sap irday, Iter 10 o'clock, a t 29, A re recommend, her UN^R. 5.(Mhreetfetr|>et: ' lers^did. Mr. Lining. easily ' >eini .committed editbrial footnote, meanwhile. Mr. E. Moreover, C. (!ox, super-b Smith, 0; W. B. P. Cl UnMTi, I J ith, 1; 'tN'lEfAJ'GENT YOUTH, of good aj idi ess wan- Godwin-road, Hap ings, ______A’ HOpSEMIAID re aecend df three; three ThSPEHiTN., e; criminal alighting fr(im a train pulling up W. Young, not cut, 7; Ei. iv.B. Fox, j'Sr ilth. 7: s t a b E t MATER. - A ; Cle: lent'a A . ted to ride learn a Reporting Bicycle, to and do Pa reround s Photo- ar EESSmIaKINO. - Wafl jdOoat Assistants.— tnZV a/Saiiihi escent, [FolkestdhePi! , did not am-heciinMi fjiteudept of the SiE. lice, ip quoted as saying hlmselfl useful.—Apply King and fon, Apply Mr. Ketterin rhani, c.o. Messrs ANTED, a gi I about 18 as GENERAL f- year* reference. — L. Simmohda .Winton'alrtaWi £ 4 —CtBili) p « :te. apartments (bofinl / merely ■that a t a " station the train i)-ould had e ta corridor n l a mncM connection W. E. Davy, run out, 0; extras, 18; ioi al (for Church o-morrow (Snidaj) Rossini’s “Sta- graph; shorthand ^ S en tial. — A; ply Tfie Peasmarshj^SiiBsei ___'I , '■ r ■.['...__ mlOr 14 ^"=1^ «nd seven wkts.), IM. IiininM: declared cloied. L. Editor]lingtonfplace,BexhiU Observer.” Hastini | | _ teb D Pljimmer Boddis. Haetind ______m l^ ' daily work) three n' family.—Apply li otavionnli; pll pisrs, gardens., iiftai .V Id be breaking li h r be^r chanclethrougl out." of getting ' I think, away if undetected Mr. Cox will in- bat Mate r" will be repc atec at eight ofclock- Wtween 3 and 7 at fouth YiUa, Wykeham-roi ^ reeommendtfieTKiTCHEN- • ' tc315 ■ Inskipp, W. P[ C. Nason, jabd B. Dnwi on did Miss Glsdys Paulson, Hiss Amy Helas, Mr. aboutBtrCtE li, wanted and Co. temporaril- hive a TAG.rclist[4 ' r HAVEBY.-APPKENTi;i wanted for Fancy MAID where^Stculjidryj^aidl is kept; four TNOLffl ST KI ct. His pijginal con. than weregiiire he- farther;to alight he when will tlu find train th is was is n onot t eo. bat. ; ' I ! ' - its. will-kducated Chemist,, DeTonsbire-i YOUTH as AtapriBexhiR. X Drapery; pocket Oney givoi.—0. G Hastings. m li yiears iraference.-~L. Tuden, stopping The between train Istatidns,'inwas composed which not onlyease ofnot corridor SOUTH LYNN. -E. D. Cttvll, o Hcdkiison. b W. H. J idge, and Air, ?. 1. Brigden will be the General and Fiirnishing Irtoi Gqoderham, 247-249, - Lon -road. / m23 ' Beckley, X! out .boa! he. ^ ^ e w ^ p o n tr te t the soloists, I with. Mr, , r. £ aker Guy at the ml6b 2nd Jutak in small priVite Susflez. ininuteta to ed a fortnight's m tiob^ a few rassengeniears but alsO:wouId| of be cars looking with - out singli of the compart­ Inskipp. 1; A .'i . Skinnpr.; b Youig, 33; E. rospectsEE wanted, when algetjerm 17-18has expired year — Apply iHESSMAKING. — Wi Wa6(*d good SKIRT w family; Cooki teueral, not over Hatbeson, c Fox, b Hoskisson, 8; U. Igtaid taooWng.-T., IfO; ST. MARY STAR-or -THE-SEA.-LMies board and lodgings. 4 Apply at . noe to the or out.—Mrs. Eussell, 6,1 South Grove, Turn V V vate famil be^nhing of June.—Apfly Ibw.Ib#, b■| Miss editCalfCalton. on, [21;;21: iMissIMiSS Stevens, |b Miss Clutterbuck; who has teen any evening aft 28, Milward-road. Hastings. ! i ml6 Baxoh-to:id.. H aatm nj .1 «;.-:! • :■■ 'niifi.i:'■■ Head Mistress oi Government Agents, J7nR>* and Oo. 107, Higb- bridge WHie.______| ; ml6 ir six pjknL. or by letter. I r Um PAMON. ! Useful] retanigakement desli^ Darcia; addressed Mr. E p i R E D A Y . Calton. O':0; Mrs.Mrs.lj Adam*. 0 Miss Newt in, b Miss street. Ramseate. ml6[ Milward-road. B 'ings. .1 [ I ______mlo taffArilarM P o i »®™G-BOOM, foiv: Calton,., 0;n. Mis*]]vMis*-aJ iT¥ Ilughes,i,,Fi,»a 4lajndibit Mi^ Bovrsll, the Catliplici Schools, ofl St. Mary Star-taf-tlie- o e Tunbridge Wells plirong, healthy, res. to 'in raU a o r: otherwisel; oapableL domes* , nlsled aha the usehl kitcbenlgas ooOken «d, JT ^ r. IdTingsti Sea, Hastings, lias Jate'l y si intnt in her re*igna- gTKONU LAD wanied as PQ^KTER, ride cyol|s[ ANTED mic[ le-ageole-: ^ respectable Womyia . — J _ iknall sa- T o ttr e i 4;{Mrs.9. ’Whlttihi'Wbittimton; b imisb Burrell] Durreit; 1; Mrs. : pectable MAID wuntid fot^generalfeneral ’house- ticatod, good reader, needle-womaai; sh uinlngri-o tU) for mehUJ garden, plate an* lent DRGMHEiDSEBVlICE. Adamson,ion. not pipit. 6:.extra*. 4|; total, (or six tion, mufch to the grief of thx1xxna Tr-naCvnewo ■ I ml6 Gazette and Her; !ld Office i. Easthonrae. m2B kept :] or Working'HOUSEk EEBEE to one lffioe, Hastings: , B egan rand M r. -Car^ r . kiU he peld■' in the Alexandra "Pai k on Sun- Hollitigton^t. John Satjurdav lira h met three years, during whi raD. il6ySEB|0'Y (15-16): ll' e In.—New Co rnwalliigardens, Hastings. lady,C m:lid: 3AD: ifottable" furnished i i l l iS|^nexl weeek, th e 2tth]inst., a t 3.15. (time th e mefttbers i! H otel, W inchelsea. ral6 •w a n t e d ; tho loughly jean, reliable COO; n e a r ,W J ling happened. They H astings G ram m ar fSchpOl jati Hollih; ton on have indreared from 6(: IQ.BNER4L Wanted foif House, TV g e n e r a l J W ENTS - _!t.______every home__ ctahi- _ie Sirvice; with the- address, v ill he con- ' ifekpectabiF D as Por- good cli-aracter.—. , West house-p ll,■rjourmaid kept c.o. Mrs. , [quiet lielikliboUrhotad icOm: way, rc^, said “Good Saturday. “ Hillside ” i Club has [x.-w be- ren prop red a surprise c oncert and ’ ter.—Apply Uaijager. Pulle objection to tei bing i jungsung servant: eajsjy wood, B.El ______! ml6b ind Walked off. iocied l y the Very Bey. Dean E. B. C urrie, ... , _ Puller land Swat' llijll.' St. Leonards. ______ml6 situation; two family!” and sifflihg-i'ocm*); pennaneti e Hollingtois St] John Saturdey, eecauee tainm enf iU; honour of Miss Clutterbuck'sClutterbnck's land, Hareld-road. Clive Vale, Hastings. ml6 -Mrs. -Whistler, B i t- . CED YounlF LADYI seeks boaition close seal station and tra left th ^ had no f J)., of Battle, assisted by Chapl lius of the thh Hillside groiind ihad to ibBi given - ip, OOD C(00K-GENERAL| trost#orthy, plain tie. Sussex. 1 ■ ' ' ' ' ' mlr local T«ritoiiifcl Force!. A choir ^ m ale last day in ©chool, and ca-al of the [child- AN'PED, Young MAN, about 11, for Fruit cooking, good comfortable home.—Apply ;— as'Typist.'Clerk, tar Secretary; tfiorCugh --Apifiy Mr*. Reed, 18. Nell follow] Mr. Lii OLUNGToNT ST: JOHN: ’ - -v - Ten's niofihcrs were inv ted Botore the cn- apd! Greengro^ry.—Apply if. Dengat a Mrb: Sabin. 7, Amhcrst-rosld, Bexpill. ml6b ■ R A N T E D .,> ,rt Lafli'Iike PERSONS, v knowledge] of snorthand and type#riting; tem­ ______.toij that there was roioM, oonducted by M]r. Fraled p . Hillott, Stkee. b Carson, p: ^W eller, _ — W 13. Nornian-TOad, St. Leoi ml6 V V married. take nlinagcment of Penbly porary oriperm anent engagement.—G.fl.M., .84, .i'.T.(.'.!L . will lead thei singing. son. 4; Pattersion, o [Buscqjni, b Hoc tit g. 6; T. tertaihment 'an address w*:.s read by Joseph e n e r a l required, atjFonce, .who can do Bazaars on Sou Coast: jiust be capable, gond ccrilf ortabl#:. wnu*. strike, -No one M arfins, lcomi)o,sed by hiniself; and tans of AN'TED, YOUT Goods kt .Braybroore-roaii. Hastings. ; m38 . Qottage tor pertnah*' ■ : Major General J . C. Young, ocmmali-ling Giiteell, b Caiisnfl. Oi P. Smith', c Hoiking, h ..pjainj croking. age habout 30.—Apply 21. at figures and 'll*, re 59vtre>l staff.—Write r ^ABMEBp himaelf when he Carson, 4; L. Britt,Fc and b iCarsen 0; T. the ^rls fnaide a preeeptatjion to Miss Clut- once, good wajges and penhancncy. St,G HelenJ* " Park-road ’ llastftings.______ml6 329,' “ Observer ' »fflce,_ tings._ ml i Da u g h t e r , thorougbly domes- midi p id lady, teachet*' Pile fho Hone Counties’ Dfvision, wil present BruceW and po.. Ironmongers, 2, Yoilc-buildinL . ticatel seeks a sitnatitan<:ai Useful Com- rices -,i| :cd>-Apply,' b y ' Jet- m Gasson, c Stace, p HOcklig. .1; A. Diikt, b Car- terbuck on behalf of the children of ^ IEN e E^L] wanted, age[|l8-20, plain cooking, 'i A/'ANTEP, a fed sti glGirl as GENERa I panion,' ay res.. esaed deep ri«ret i . Logo SEBVICB MEIIALS 1; A. Harris, p Hooking' b Oqeon, Hasting^: I ’ I ml6 no. ilashing, early rfser, good reference, 21. — Ashdown Farm, Lcnham, phem: g; Hastings,, mi6 a beautifol gold brood with pearl*, end TV for higb-c I 88 apar neat house: mnst t near Maid itong. ______. , ■ ‘ . • : ml6 3TOOKI Eip FHOAl 'Leonards; -.. Large, he Bai^d was hig I after til! service. ; J. Bobins, " b —Hochinm ■' 4;■ J, Waller, a q . taut, 0^ in the centre a star of pend ANTe ]), Sm art LAD of good [ddress ant private house.—Apply, before 1? or after 6, cleancan and respertasi :tabletable aidid of goodi appeii Durin? the singing of the last hymn a cot leails with a n t appekranoe for high-class b- bt an d shqi at|123, London-road. St. Leonards.bnards. Y ilE L , 17l seeks Situation. 'HO.USEliAiD' or . ...jUfurnl------Ig room and bedrptanii,rr-». VO' been a credit exiraa. 4; total, 32. t gold lies t, with a pear. in the; centre., !r Miss^ ml6 ancenee: good w ag » giveij to suitsuitable girl. - vX Qenethl; tall, strtang. and willing]—Daw- bath (h. : atm ri.}, nicep.' kai gat den. every couHni- n. M r. L m n g rti n lection will J» made j h a id oi th|e Soldiers' HASTINGS GEAMl^B eCHtiOL. J Stace. , W retail; small salary to: s ta rt; goodjp p o rtu n it;l r .ENERAl s e r v a n t wanted the be; iuning J6,I. 'Warrior-aana|i e. St., li; oitards. lith. b PattCTsoh, 9: E. Hockifig, b » itterson, C lnttcrbi ek was. much] to:'iiched by th|e jad- —Apply, personally. Hall, 28, Bol f t a oon-stree : Vi of June, for private namily.t—Applj, after son.JLiyidJSatei Eye > ■■■'.:' [ - " ", ~"inl6r'. ehce.l Uo^r jR jiat ^^nl'ch j m oforate^terqia'ri tate. Was w ith ! sad Sai Ions’ Help Society. presentation 7S7ANTISD, re*l sotable/, ;tean CHARWOMAllS]C krite. js. Office, : The [ilayor and Corporation, Clergy I and 6; Shearer, o H. Buke, J) Gassom 46 C arson, o (Ires*, ant Towardk tho ejnd of Hastings ml6' 6 ii.m., Mns. Herington, Colley Htaw, 24, Uount W widow pi irred, wii:o could do washing OU8E-itAEId)U'RMAlD. :£28: .Hons'e, "£l8; lOMrn atlB righton i h J Duke, b Pattei^ij. 5 : Percivkl,'------r- 0 Duke, b tbo concert: th e c h ild rin t nnonneed at siong ANTED, a quickj intelligent OY. under Pl^asant-road. Hastings, 1 | ______ihl6 once weekly am ' two dap * charing; must Cook-general (good), £28; Housemaid. £16, r-conduHor and i Choir, will m uster a t th e Kiosk in the! p a rk ^ s s o n . 11: MAMijlan. h it w!kt.. b Gasson, 13; in lionoit of Miss (pli ittei buck, and every­ IS.lfor—. Jfbr Indoor wor’wbrk and to o^isl in look­ H£18; sister*. Cook and House,' £20. £18;'tempo­ l.T. I p « s — m ,. jvC)est Hill, combined/ ■ at 3.^, and mprch in procensioi, iutp the ENERAL w a n t e d for Apartment IHouee. thorough and rticular —[Write Clive Ya rary Cooks! Ms.! Daily .n: Db 0C assiin: ]3; Stai den, not one was am Used and p! east d to h ear th e old ingW after a stud of Show Pigeon ; all meals age bver 20, wages £18. dhieny house­ 279, “ 0[bse!_ it” Otal;'!, Hastings, ml) aqiiane at 3.40.' ^ 1 locking, «— J J... -----, u -----^-Apply bt- try. 44; BOhemla-rcaJ. jSt. iLeonards. ! ml6 . BOOM,! irm T) flo o r,/in I nice 'house, . rears in the 2nd : 13; Asser, lib#, b --“ H. Duke. (4: C. song unm r A neir aspect: For she’s a jolly found, qnt must sleep at home eparlour work, no basement.—Tho Vines, 56, ANTED, for lore, ajcood GENERAL So. neighbon -hooil high]] bri ing position; Regimedt. He ! Seats will'lfe reserved for the'A lagistrjates, lb(w, b H. Duke; 2:Tvi|eui,. ciSinith. b H. Duke, 0; L. Burgess, Se i-road. "Bex hill. 1; i______to23b^ vant; no taking; I hree servants keit the Bo ird of Guardians, the Educution €om- extras 12; total. W.! . : j good misjjress.” Miss IC utU rbuck distributed m ltf seia, iijiet h| ehold; oqoking; im., Oxford Circu cake and crackers tb [the children as they ENERlp, SERVANT wn,___ted______in a family of Weasy duties; :mi: have ll icellont reference m l6 : mitteeJand the National &rvij:e Ifej^e Hollingion St. Jofin’s (Saturday) ri'< am Fix- • aAm AM# • win Apply, in first, ii itance, 2d A., 15, “ Observei I Herm^nr PinFiiick left the qchciol. ! j - '------r-""— . ■ : ■ .threol Housemaid kept; no nasemekit; no 'T ADY irequi^ Reling&gemeut as MAN- Let: cel HENT8 tar Boarfl-. Comm ttee, who are requested to |>e in their 'tures. ' [ ' ! ' washiniG ing.—lAddress, C.E.W) 125. ■’ Observer" pHlce, Hasting*. i __I , __ ml) — Resi leiici ■18, EgertCn-foad,. laftesbn avenne. May 16th—Baldslow ! Baldslow. . ;s sijruATioNs Va c a n t —1 ALE. 1, Ofl ,C6,>. Hastings. AGEBEsSlof higb*clasa Apartment House lilaces a t 3.30. May 23rd—BextaiU Athletic, BcXhill. m23 lYAT'ANTED, 'o i able |G ENEEAL Servati ;; or HoilBes;texperience Connection: most satis- BtaxfliU, • ' , ml6h Mky 30th—Bmimanuel, Hollingfbn. ^ . 0 6 0 “ lam COOK andTHouse-parloiirmaid I V T cooking, u all faiiily; no basemei ■ iner; — Apply X.; rpiStBk'llftB WgLite. f FhrhFurnished' APART-., S^FTTITJEI OBDEBS BY L lEpr. COL. F. June 6th—Winchelsea. Hdllinglon. Pobiioi i A GABDBNEB wanttad, plain ga Idening, but required: three in mmily;i no basement imust have good aracter. ■Apply in morniu! ______^ ■ ' I i .'.'',! ".tch'' X. (MEK rfo qrawitig-ropin, babalcony, i sntariy ;- jS n e 13tb—HaStln#8(Old] Town,! nway| i-cX should be able lio mow wit * a scythe; orlwashing.-Apply before 11 Or between 2 and o r after 7.30-in enings,! 48, Tl che jorj tV o beditaomJ; 0<[nimon.'-6 , York-ltaAd;' Cle to-day] .we «fcal LANGHAM. 'offered IBs. a week and a cottage. 4-Apply Rev. 1st. f.eonards. a d y W«h. several ^eatk experience of Se- June 20th—Emmanud, away. 7 q clock, |1, Oroavenor-crdilcent. St. Lfonards. ' i ■ j j.,■etaAal - - * ™ Work • staeks ' ■ - ENGAGEMENT------or . and W int the ’ra.v The Territorial Uhi,t8, C adet ^yomp m p a n ie s, lG. Foolta. Wartling Hill. Pevense -j. m231 ______AN i tU , a Y r aeegring a band ami T 'ltritorial IToluntiary Aid. Detachijaents, June 27th—■‘ODseryer:’’ Boillingtjon. ung oil;l., well brought Lwo______uld! give private: lessons in Shorthand and Let, Ifurniahed. Mrooms, one! ei)!tnig> July 4th—St. Peteb-’a BMemla, HoUiqgt: Ho E m p i r e ] D | a y , A GEN'FS wanted, bohsehold nec issity, sound CoD raRVANTS wanted: good characters and intellii nt with sCme experience Typetyritirig.—Apply Hardy;] 177; "Obsoriver" yoon, nie of *u -for permanency; ; on too town. will bn in position facing South'. ;it Oalflisle- A . opening, whole or part timi J either sex WHousework totrainet’ b© under a good Jdly 11th—Wifiohelsda, away. . ■ Splendid situations now vacant: Office. Hasungs. : . 1 '.'.t ;. ■■In23' >er week.—Apri F., Boynton, Btaticri- ]>arade, a t 3 p.m. on Sunday 24th M ay, in ly 18th—BeXhilllAthleJjic, HoUinglon. huge sales; liberal otammission. 4- Rapid. 7. Cpbks,G £ffl; House-parlourmaids, £22; Generals, Housekeeper. Ipply M Seaman, Fernsii ex illl. m30b SUNDAY; HAYj 2itl, Arcade.) Beading. Y, thoroughly domosFiclititid. gemfl needle] the following order:—]' ' ' _ Jy 25th—St.'Ipeter's. Bexhill; ] HoU ll 1gton. j . m23i all salaries.—Hiss Chubb, jold Town Registry Holtington Parkfl St :rds. ■ ml) woman and plain cook seeks post in ENBRlDGKl' WEIJ1.S. -I- Furnished i Apart-* ABlpr iH A li.- Second Home Counties Brigade. B J J ^ . ni Angnst Ist^W ealey [Guild: away. A REPRESENTATIVE ie wanti d by kn io!i* Of ice. GeOrge-street, Hastihga. F ree to Ser- ANTED, a afiperior j-educated You: Youi g boarding,nir. Inapartm nA.rt-mAnf- ent Aror private ihAnanihonse. ^— Ap*Ap- [ (menijit; 'pkrmau^hcyj otherwise;, i central bo accompanied I by Atagust 8th—St[ P k o r’s. JBpxhilir awi- D r u m A . poritant Company; to a su table persoja vahts. i I . p I mi6 LADY, abollf 16. ot­ one leaving echoechoOl, ply B J1„ Sandringham, De La-W arr' Parade, Gro^'e. I Co ihnio] moderate terms. ■■8/.l6uj'oniit* ■ West end of [ Carlisle Parade. Sc iornd’Home ASigust 15th—Hastlnre OH; ToWil. Hi -Uington. the rerimneration wul be most iiberal.—Afly f >. lay the ronhdajbon Countm* Field Company B.E, atd affiliated ood (IouK wanted. Nursing Home, £40; W to assist in tbe jlusinessi]a good tapportiin.rtunijy BexhilL'_ I ^ ' . [ ; ' . *! , . ml6b [ fi^ld^rgad. r % Army jHall at Bex- August 22nd—Weslevf GupH. HolHngton. ALEXANDRA!, L E ' I AE at 3.46. dress Biepresentative, 1“Herald” Office. Folki ► Cotak'generals, Eye, l£30; Bexhill. £26; for a girl whta 1 IS ___ gooi refcrencas, to lea: UNBEllDaE[WEI,liS.INBE) DQE WBl jiS. 4-, [ Furnished APART- Cadet pbmpanies on llett of K P.A. ! s 5th September 5th-4Balddow; iHollirigtoiu ■ stone. 1 r 1 ml6 Palrlourmanl, £30; House-parlourmaias, £20- the Fine Art T r ide.—ide.—'A^Ii|ly\ Frank HaWkjt.p, arixions to meet # ith ENGAGEMENT r'tho 29rd;lMt. 1 I (Cinque Ports)! Boyal Sussex B e;im ent% nd September 12tli—St.JPeter’s, Bohemis, away. G in good class boarding honse, school or ] MEN rs, perniatlency tar otherwDej The servicevici w ill bd takei jy[ THE^ TfiET u s t r a l ia .-E xperienced Fai u Worker!____ £2 •: Hquaemaid. under, ytung] aohobl, £16; Picture Frame 1 aker, Wostera-road, Be c private fam ily. domesticated, good needlewo­ T c(|(^ag la i^d a|ttendE|nce;-j-|'nnchaI, 4, ^ lfePITAB.i-Mr, ,jrd I .affiliatea Cadet Company on li ft of Tl(E[ September 19ta—“ Oibeerver,” Hollinirtm. e a n o f l e O.D., V.]>. alsb Boy learner* (16 to 20 y :ars) wanted. Kilchenmaid, £20; General, hill. ^ . ml61 iHolUngton St. John met OH Town it HoRiug- R E V . T H E D p , ITU , flat. Begentis Park. man,, expei-ienced in nines* I Hastings <)r neigh- hnmaninel-inad, Ims- VoluntiiT Aid Detaenments on left bf 5tii AGuarafiieed situations] good wagt 9 Low fare i. ‘£2i; General, Berhill. £20.- Anchor Agetacy, St. o u n g Lady a l*PKEN1i 1CE Wanted tor mail i- boiu-hotad.-j-Addre*8 B.V., 15, “ ObBerver[" Office, p N l S i j S E n ^ fu rn ish e d ; inost Sincerely tne Koyal Sussex! Eegim ent. | n on WedneBdayednesday jind kind wtan by i35 r j i si The CqlHction and! brocee is from Only £3jp^yable kere.-J-Apply Jo, ”E. RidgWa; — \ Lepnardkroail, BeihiIl._Tel~453. ! ml6b Y tie workrooti.. I] ly to Maatin B ru HQLLINGTON------N g'T,S'f] J0H N ’S.4’S.4ww . ia y le r, c Hastings,] ! . 'M .' ■'. ,[ mlfl'.- MEN rs,?icing , -.-..'(sitting-ttajon , andjnnnjM of the ! The National lieserte will 'parade 'under within the enclosure will be given to the L t^ . l; ! Strand. [London. ml61 USEMAID -wanted foi Boarding House, Breeds Place. Hiiti' j j ___: tc^_ J oedi oiotiu; .mqaern| convenienoee: j,ad b Harman, E :lA. Marohant.• • q , Small, b diers and Sailors’ Help Sbeiety.' . .TtENDANT, to'Lady qr Gentleman, ir th e kindneM ui>d Bm orwis of Colonel [C. H. IV, Cafe, and Rogers. 0; H, M. Jeffery,! c: Ambler, b Harman, '^ESVAN'fwan X26, f i ig*le>haiided; good .wages and outin ts.—Apply to Miss o u n g g ir l a anted fOi book-keeping; go) i* .. elderly or otherwise, experienced in king; llermri modi -[Boaburghe, ______Leonards, p ri\ate b(„ t ______so; Kitchen Ei^le, 3^ JWarriorjsq.uare. St_ Letanards.J ml6 writer e w ^ tia l.—E-ij t . Challis, BeiUBelle H|~ nursing, Willirig and obliging, domesticated; eon Percy, of the 3nd lisrch to their allotted| position i i th«(Park ^ F. Thompson,JoI^Rogferh, b H an*'•nj n, 5: J. Tickets fkr: Seats wStl.in.the ehcloanrs msiy PoTtera ind Pantry Boys, 8s., ll a.—Apply An* Stores. BexbnL :ml6l Bifles, daring the . flc be in position not later than,3 15 p.in. ClHver,__. c____ Ambler,iler, lb p jBogkra, iBogera. 1: 1: C C P. P. 5 3 ifding, e be purchased [at Messr King Bras.' Libraries, HO i Oe It mx^*^ fa vi/1 Rifj ^^GXhxll' OUSN'PABLOHr MATD wjanted for the first Y massage If required; distangaged.—c.o: Health hw cTTErre Ul, b Hadfleld 24i: B| Vigor, b le rm a n , 0; 48,' St. 'Leonards-! week in May; must [be tboroughly ei- o u n g g ir l , u ,ged abOv t 16, required daih, Food Stories. Queen’s-road, Haejtings.___ m38 i Drav ing-rsom’ ^athrotaih, ad jra i be baa now happuy !' The undermentioned 1 units wil parade at price Is. and- 6d. ml6b pet-ioneed.—Apply/by letter; to Mrs. Alexander, from 8.3a ita. 6..38.-^A: iply Mrs. Bafomail fnerj fatrise, open sith_ttiori! gaa bN ‘ [Wellington ^ u a r e a t 3 p.m ., ane follow th© r J. IRneh, not BS! la'NLtrif S'lMS^'W&he8 to highly- re- Richardson!: nilHadfloH. 22; b Bigers, 1; Y on^ MAN (mO) Tqo_K9te 8 Nest. St. Helen’*;! Hastings. ] ml6 CarltonY Cottage, [ pairligHt- road, Hastings. commend her Cook-Housekeeper hs Work­ ater. co iking,:ine, attendance;atjendanc' terms oion BATBlliAlED.-ihe [hoops reradipg at Carlisle Parad j in foHow- out, 6; L. Stevens,: o Rarman,, , 2; u ta l, 72. as Pc t nan and as- OUSE-PARIi(jpRMArD want^. beginning o u n g LAiQ! requiifei re Useful HElIi Ming Heusekeener or re lt(]U8ClieBper Attendant tiOn-Mll Loi idon]|a)ad.|8t- ueOttards; i tog order: Fite Brigade, St. John Ambulance E. Barnes, b HadneH.hearer) 2; extras b Tl omi a m. 2; A. ______I - h“ nd, Hastings : 'o uuBtsMAxu tteiMAlDwEnted? wanteu,” equal anotnar kept, quickly;_____ . _good - 'sel c -Aon *ei t by return.-Gorid' A N TED , S ituation as Y oung H OU.SEM AID, T Frirn: shed APAE'MEN'l’S. with o r wiramrib - if th e ' from POiETSMOf Pier. Dod references absolu ily - necessary. enenough’s,ough’s, 45, BonBen nnirie*rdail, Fclkestone. TOl. W lard;: ext ellent cookirigi quiet health]}. Rinata ning by 22 runs. lotf the winnOrs B S. Mar­ Will gjive a Specicial Ppo) ml6 age about III: Churen of England; five B exhlll required.r-A pply A . G oodeeU . 63, iheheries; which tel! took three wiclids for 2 ruins, aid E.-L. >r servants: two in family. — State age, 462. ‘ m38 S id ley -strest, S idley. ! , m l 6 b titan; tfeanfe coriverilent: rierlnanency prefe ifed.] __HR. jOEBALD AEBp'i'HNOT, IN wanted, used to be Use and stable s required, and expe|ichce, Mrs] ------124, Bidl Eisotambe-road■ -Ntafth, ' ■■■■ St, ['Lcpniilfo^' The following Alartoil three wickets for no rims. . For St. Vlvo-Ohandellorce-OhanOellor ofith|sofit..,_ Prlm|r( tnre; and Pisheri^. Waters, 1; J.ll’arlter; n Gray, 0; I'. Perry, b W i t ^ e w a g e s q u alil citio n s.— A pply j pa rloui^n^aid, £24^ C ook, g o m plain. £ 3 (; C ook- A. les dimanch n , drislri ra it connaitre p) and aonfoetioners or fancy; would live iu- Staining Gi-peri’taHtatoL.Hqjvelock-TOad, H a * ^ |S -; entto'hayp'poWer|to • FOR OVER 30 YEAM { Waters, 0; extras, 63. j to J. . B Giieen,____” Stg^outiflaster,geiteraiL xz*: Kent. ml6r [ ge[leraL £24; lii (leiieral, £ li (Plat).—Williams' sonne franpaiss a optr Ac hanger conversation! and assist with housework.—Apply O.E., “Ob. ■ ^rA N I’Ep^ani’Ep an activei__ MAN] j(oj_ hOureiyork: | \ i];tpria^ Buildin Qfflcea, s£. E.F.,______15, “ Obser|(l|Ei '■ o p t e, Hastings. Imli_ Y 1 sea fi8hin|g by-IaWs ’ BEx RILL ST. Pi'liBHra - j] lieiinard. b B y C ljlA N A N OSPITAL. V ii:tori4 B uildingp R egislifr L e o ­ server " Oflce,-Hastings. ml6b F UENISHED OMS to ifetr": tooil Elliott. 6; W. Crou^.;l> J^onk, OJ Waters. Ibw, musti have good kncwleilfle of garden nards. N o fees tol S e r v a n t a ______\ m l 6 ! A Young Lady/litalding: < dvanced certifleatiee |\rE.LL-'l de thodoart of Eng. CUSTOMERS HAVEIBURNT ing; ware* 21ip.tr all fouhd ex ept board.—H., I V .tooCook ingl well-redommcnded.—Apply■ ^The r or fire fishing dis- h Monk. 0: E. (irGiV.: h B. &. Mar Gli. 21; G. I i O N B R S w anteci at oncerpiH ce w orlq blouse \A desires PUP IS fori French; class lessons. ry, 4), Ctarnwall-itaad, BexhiU. . mi! 81),; ______limMon, b Monk. 15, “ ObskrTer'\jfece, Hastinge. ml6 Ironere for preference; fu ll wefekTs w ork 6d.; private les] -ns. 9d] - M.A.P.. MUdmay COUN-fRY APARTM|ENTS TO LET. tTocallinsnectpr; (c) ^. a ’* tfood : Shoeing ind Johbinflf House. Holmesdi el Gardens, Hastings. [ tc61 2: H. Coppard, b E. li.iMaHjell, 8: R. !>o Lannoy, a n n u a l al year round.—Warrior l^uare Steani Laun ______^ tc6/ ^ J,:-! •' "r :] :: dlfish ipeds, and ( to c K I/. MartVil. b B.| SJ M artely.2r8beppard.' |H. used to country vo: k and wheel* diT,_Cro8s-6treet. St. Leondrdfi.______Young Ceijtificatec Drawing (AElett*) A PARTm ENTS.—Sltting-rtaoin.'two bedrooms. 4 PAlITMENTf iWANTEO. ■fine, lepily if nwd b B. S. Martell. 1; A. Wfood. c Climpjon, b E. w right’sf mithingr; constant eciployment if IONEB8 w antel. beet niece jprices. or at MIST“ ■S’TEESS cquiri afternoon engage- J\. britb, indoor sanitation, piano,—Wriglit. arc itT depger; (c> Is. Martell, Ot J . Vidcett». not oUt, 0: extras, G A R i 'E r j P a r t y AM D ; P e t Ie suitibte;-!- C. Eaton and {loiis. iWeatfleld, 3s. 16d. to 4s. day; full week s worl , large tnent to teacb-j drawing, nature stnifv-study. Tot-Ini' The SOwliiags. Battle, near Sedlrisciombc'. m23 SOUSTR nfPAfTMENTS wanted. 6 or ^ ifdicj fisheryj inteuigen; 1; tolali 41, ; rt ; Battle. } j I heilthy^cool woi'kroom. 4- Borset Li,undry junior English s bjects.ri Ipply K.B.0. 11. Stf. OUNTRY ”APARTMEN'TS. Ahoiga’venny ^ from ?t. j-conards. i#o;Or three b*dr< omv To-day (Sajturda^)! Eimiinamiel t>Ur their w______Matt'new’s Drive t. Lgeiarda m25 HoteU Erjint, hear Tunbridge Wells, com­ tart sittiii) -room With cotaking and attend lny« I fishery pdministi -a- first home match. [All fouls’ ClC. « re to be liqadH Wood-roadJ St. Heleln's* Hasting i. m3( Or thrice adifca: large good roOms.'-Mls! .3 ....X. X. - - ... % M i. A' 1.1 : L?. ..*1..»^ I eejlected is IJMAipTwanted;,D Iwar - - _ tfrat-claes IpriTaU GERMAN Li iteaejer) wishes te mi Cmanding nne views; well-fiirnisbed; good cook­ es to be a c b o ^ e cn T H E Y n e v e r f a L met on the East Hill. The team SIT8 TIONS VACANT-j-FEMALE. ing, and atiendance; (board or not as required; 88. Mdrini. SiT. Leonard|. mh os follows:—Biilinge, i Phampjoh A. J . NOTE t h e d I t B]. hotiel.—Apply!S Hiss Wood, Stafford Hoube witli an En; lady who would give cO islation pi ohibiti ng I ' E^ersfleljd-place, Si. Leonards, AVersation in Eni in ei change for Germa highly reebmmended.—A-|T. Kerwin, Proprie­ xposuve of specif cd TO SATISFY — BRING Climpson.'VV,, HU)?li^s (]:aptain)^^K,iaptain). KJ J). Monk, A i*PRBNtlCE. Millinery______1 ,_____iasiin Bros., —Apply, Frauloii [errm^iin, 38, Dane-rogd. t tor.. .j-' tc42 iips, S. Matte 11, E. L. lTOHENMAID.t^antcdf strong, j lealthy -mission for insht re R. Percival, i-[. Ph , . , W e d n e s d a y , J i f N i ; 1 0 t h -ML Bifeeds Place. Hastings,laatinga, la-e a Vreanoy QIKL, not under 16; must be a i early Leonards. O U N T S APARTMENTS. — Two bedroom*. led craft , cf limit wl e c o n o m i c a l ,, -Martell, S. Saunde:-Sj and, W.-G. Wfnsor. Re­ for n ydunlsinnjg ladyla in lljlUtTieryfW^rktoom. teW X^O'MPANION , PIL r)K ulred for girl 1 3 ^ one Sitiinirrodm, beautiful view.—Mrs. 212, bid Londfo-road, .Ore; Bast .rg INTENSELY HOT a E ri4er. — iApply Matron, Alexandra Home, St ,! V ni'lr ling acdom inodati en serve : Vieux. S ta rt a t 2.45 p.m. p E -pparlourmaid * ___ arited'] £ 20'£1S: 1^ ter’s-rpad, Bt. peonards. ______V-' 15; all Eng subj lots, French, Pianp, BobimOri.[ElmBeId_VlUre,C Iden. Sussex mI6r_ tperts.as to need w r IPRACTICALLY ■Wesley'Gujild met All Souls on he E ast SPECIAL ATTRa W i in ftfam ily; gOod outibgf .—Apply Mrs. Singii^, Drawin good home; hoarder tar ■iOUNTBY.—Furnished ^APARTMENTS, very A ? b V ______f AUNDUY.-iR FBS wanted at. oiioe. fuli' “ Herri'd" Offige, Bayle. ./ conjfortkble sitting and two bedrooms, (7) Im m ediate for n. SMOKELESS. Hill on‘Saturday, aUd wOn >y 24 rtins. 'Die UaitlaiiU, 2, Silchoeter^oad, Bt. leoilards. ml6 X. I week’s work [all year round :]bes|t prlcei daily. — Gompan B0|LR^ ANO RESIDENCE Keipeotable] MAid wants d to [ assist in Folkestone._____ 'I ______' . ' mils .. sunny aspect; pleasaritl garden, beautiful anisatinn f lociotyr to higheet score: was fn.lide by E. It. B I w ker, of.i paid; piecework.—jWarrior Square Steafn Laun walks, charming spot for spring holidays, near , 'SHFOR J—BOARiD-EESIDfiNCE for j a ^ T n 18 funs, foires:— general housework.—Appl r Urs: Bose. 63, dr I-. Cross-street. 8t. Leonai ds. I ml6 HI____LDREN rediited in siiiall Home School; iplcs of co-loperati an the Guild, who totalled ASt. HelehPs^oad. Hastings.______nil6_ excellent■ ti :tajiing. c iet, fresh air, frdm Church, shops, modern sanitation-, moderate.- I Htifllnbusiness iQ'a jorinr teacher: kocQfihome eomfortX—comfort^—14, less methods, this to' !Soe Agents— ALL SOULS.—A Hiokles, d TOlhurSL ) Gillett, Too Late for Clas! itlorL T ‘ AUNDEY'.—Good piecew ork ISONIIES re:). siv*);| iixams, entire charge Hilder, The Haven, Tenteriden. _ m3B lomertaet-rtaadj. Ashford, I ' sl6:; 3: P. Barter, c Frai cts, bMlHlett. (|: Tf- Brcxiker, Clean, irespectablc Young ( IRL ©ranted for -L quirled, able tb take tb s run of th i board 33s. monthly (in iy finance; t. by i •egory, b ^ (lentiine | Bargain,, ■* o4Mb UANOFOltTE Hoilsework.-20, Htalraesda e Oat-dens, Bas­ of children f .abriad; highest refe- [JNTiT’AiPAHTjnlNTB'^HoHdayslnlma^^ BFJttFtifEE PENSION, IS. Bonverre-sq lacf, ipl educatiiin for iii- b Small, 6; B. Law, b Sfeplll, 13; belt prices paid [and bon as Niven; ;onstan ikrgh, 2". ‘-Observer” Office, Folkeiwfiel — Bright sunny housi for Gillett. 0; A. ,E. 1‘aim lnter. b ilM t, 0; O. BoJ-d" in plain walnu case; check Atings. ______tnI6 wc_ rk.—Alexandra Laundry, Bsginald-rc ad. Bex renees. — Helei tiful Sussex; 18 minutes station, liberal nmittM conclude by Apply [William! Slade. Hastings. tclS table, nti restrictions, piano, large secluded inter res defioe;; highly | reoommendied; i jxceL ; Matthews, c Croucli.ih Gillett, 9;! A, E. Strik. action; only i £9 casiVh.-. 'YqUiigj GIEL wanted daily to help lady in hilJron-Seflj.____ _J______m23b lent culsln r.-separate tables, bathropm; el Ctrtta lendatious Represent b Brooker, Hi W, Wickens, b OiH|ielt, 2: E. Palace 1 anoforte0^0 Store;, 35, White Bock, Has- a Flat.—Apply parks, 1, 1 lojral-tcrrai e, ANCING.-AS I jMBLY ROOMS, 68. Norma n- garden; Jinvalids’ and children " net • taken: w ^ m t ADY now staying at StTLeonariiS, lis want- road. St. L [ards;: fotJoy, Wednesday, full bqara-residence) £1 #eek inclusive.—Traf- ight:i ;miiuto leasi, central to everyt Unf; lecessap tf life done, Parm inter, not oui., 0; A. Matthews, p Oillett, tings. . ASt. Leonards. I _ _ J_____inl8 ' ing a COOKlGENEEAL and Ho isemaid Wyjtaiode rate.-rMrsi.: Ivoriy.,. ■ .' ■, ■■ .. '.t adwoiod , andD Saturday evjfolngs re 8;p.m., Boston Waltz. foTii. Etchingham. . ^ .[,__ m30_ inshorb‘fisheries are 0; extras, 3; total 47. _ , ” SUP! rb PilANOFOR'IE -AL or GIBL, to sleep cutJ wanted.— fdt- when [she returns to Lor don after 1 'bitsuni Georgian Gavoti e ;JpriVab i lessons and class i* jNTRT',ApABlIIEN'TSjpsitting-rotam. two >E3cH il i (ientleWoman has vacancy farori# WESLF>Y GUILD. — G. H. Brooki “b Mat, . A rose voodl case; full |com|pa**: x> bheck action; . ^ M^ss . Mennie, AU xai diu College, fdir in ftimily; Nurse kept wages £28 to £22.- toped. I E s t b d . thews. 18: G. iCrouobl c Gregory,! b .'lolcles. 3; A ^ i by appointment .4-Mra. Tilhurst, 68, Ncrmati- bedrooms or Bed-sitting-itaom, cleah and ori t*3 ifAYlNG GOE.STS. close to -seai cxcellenll toni and perf set fonaltlon: only £18: West ilLJHajaii^ ■■ ______ml6 Ajiply, any evening, after 8 o’clot k, Mr( road, St. Leonai dsJ -i : ' . iml6 homely; good' cooking; [splendid views, on otl ant eliops; sriecial terms to perm: nen} I 8 i 0 . A. Small, b Nicklei. 13; C. 6illett.'ib P irminter, cash.—A iplyJWilliam Slade! pEilafo Fianofbrte H^yes, 42| Eversfield-place, Ht. Loonardi. ml6rl' 6: S. Hamblyi, b M atthew s' 0: J. :ancis. *-b 8toj;^._: 5. Wihita Rock HOstiiigs; | ml6 SStlSTANT wanted w iti 1 nciwledge of ASSEUSE;: cartSflcatfii. Jvisits or repeiV^ tram route: moderate terms; weH recom- )ir-44vs.-^I6. Wickham-aYenne. m|16b Matthews. H:i W. B^»hy. b NlcWK ; H. Tol- ijC hildrens O itflt; flive out.— jOTTAGE, n lar Hu patients fen the treatment of Sciatica, meridefl. +- Serglson, 5, LandvieTr-torraoe, St. t^lN 'E fSrfItady’s 'itar'"Gfiritleman’S: ■^oat^i. XCiEI [jENT Opportu lityrioj » ^ v e |a Jcom-| , r ml6h _ . July. witT Youm: Hclen’e. Ijastlngs. [ L ml6 hurst, not out, 1: J-, Hfnlbly, b Ma bbeWB. 0; p: et and wcll-m»de| PIANOFORTE: by: MRheumatism, Nerves, etc.: also Danp- BESXIENCK; moderate term s; perma lentj . Haddon. b Parm li tef. H : O. B rd -■ikql-, b Mat- E dood Ig ENEBAL for Superior Xpartment baby seeks bright Companion who would be Bwedish, and Ni dhiim exiroises; electric treat- Y APARTMENTS; two sitting arid 2 lath,g plani‘'; close to seii and station,—rD'rite, 26. HAVELOCK R] Challei ” in rosewoot oaise; Jmetal fram e: 7 willing to give slight assisianco in xe urn fq;- ;E[Q..ri23; '‘ O toerver'' Office'. Hastings.. ta23 thews, ,3: extras, I : total. Yl. octaves: check action; onh £14 cash.—Apply J iIouk6* 2j0 to 25 years g>od wagoe to meat a special Miss] Margaret Neale, 33, or three 'bedrooms; good accommodation C.C. are A Ivera&eld Fla «, St. Leonards. board.—Mrs. X., c.o. Brown and 'Wood cy’s L’’ Warrior-sq uarg, St. Leoriards______tc2 for motor} or eyeles: prettily situated mid#ay !lO h(SN-8EA.—Twio fer three" PiL The fixtures of th e M^dslcy Guild William Slade, Palace Pianoforte Stores.: 35,| ml6 ml6 retjnes and Rye; and! trap. j ^ .vPhone appended Whito E tek, lHastings._ : , __ L ”4® rriTPEW BlTlN i and Duplicating, M.S.S.. between------, _ JES rs [wanted: in smalt private 1 riuste, s «GHSE-C0MPANI0N waned fdr invali'd' : LADY (ho cal X tices, cirotlar*, enfiloj etc., etc;; ae- rail halt 115 miriutes. — Mrs. onnstori. Mill jwly furt ishW; ternis ;from 25s; weekly ;]en# J Hay 16th—“Observer,” pway. URSI- 3' ObUon Dress Mkterlal^ 30in*. wide, Maeti i Bros'. House,, ICRleeham. m38b May 20th—Sidley, hoinei. NX not bedridden; to sle :p in ner room; curacy, prompt aws] ani .absolute secrecy ajt inntta .tro n sea.—Enterprise, 4.466. “ Olfee werf, i 6Id\l clcTaks,. bonnet*, | cafjs,--|apron!i, _eto.: a goo4 lifter, help given; age lue )W§cn 30 and Br eeds-piaoe, Hastings. tc62 6 j Rarrack-sqnare,. " " tlilU- V -'J :" ..' ' -'n.l6b:-.:! May 23th—EmmanUeL alway. we speci ilisd in Nurse i’ Eedl_Crosst moderate charig •KlAMlLIES^eceived re PRYING GUESTS at __ d.—iHunter! 40; St laTlary required.—Lett< r h to Miss ARI.OIURMAID wanted fdr Boardiiti House, Chelsea X The Crorich Farm. fondhuTst. Kent, ex­ I' ABIiE HOME; two miles from' BS}; i May 30th—Old Tovfn. atjray, Mate'rlali. Aprons. Cape*, - Lemei tensive gikinnds,beantifnl[sc«nei7 , near river June 3rd—Battle, away, Bros.; G^herli,l Drape’rs|,' M>llln*fe -eto.- 9-I9-i ‘St. Helen’s Park-roai, • laqtings. jml6' good wages and outings.—Apply to Mis© hill, o feried lady, iS ; weekly; two sh irinfei June fth-NinOeld, awXy. Trinity-stree: . I Kobortst______rHastiriga. ]CE]-The best VACAI CfE , for^Ser- _ BEajrle. 5A '^ arrio r Square, St._ Leonard 9. ml6 and pine woode; tennis, cricket, pony arid trap ‘Om.ifSs.-Apply, by letter, M-. Box 1,474, i"0 b- i[ SCH(\OT. ANNIVERSABY.+-To-mbrrow June 10th—HqllinEtoii St. Johns, h vants!______and Helps_ in.FoIke iti inel Ashford,, AOKDR and SORTER w anted; milst I e quici MUSIfcALj. ETC, photo* ifeiit on appHcatlon.•' - ml6 server':” OlicerBexhilL ]! : , ' ' .a ‘16bi (Sunday) Il;e Bobertoon Streo; Congrega­ EPAI is jo Singers! Wilk _ Frister andl /riOOD FARMHOUSE AP4BTJ1BNT8, cool June 13th—BalilsloW.'aWay. Bos .mati.' and all ' ither Si Sing Mdchinee.! Ha#tings|^ Getnierbury. Weslgbtel Margate. and accurate; also Calendar- Handr] iTFARllfHOUlJE A F------OLKESl ONE^Lyttelion, eonriangbt-ri adri-: tional Kjhui-ch] Sunday School!-, anniyereary June 17tU—Sidloy. affaV. ; R* Surreyl London. — Apply Mri Encland,^ ' 31.-* BIrbners land liCarners tor all depaibments /-lOMPOSEB 0! jHU*ic, live* LESSONS. Pla , . VX S ing arid'attendance; piano, indoor sani­ Comfi rtable BoardliWsidence; oeutrall *ta- Barker 8, yUlil-slreetJ HjasUiiria (bid I Town)J aids wanted tation, ©xiellent water, IS minnte*-steam rail will he held, the Bey. J. Philiji Bogep, of June 20th-AlI Souls hdme. Over, tb ifty years at t ile| addpfw. [ to Marsh-etreH. Ashford. Laundrslii i sa p ry t]) st.-vrt.—Apply Bexnill Laundi y.' m30I K.I Singing. |rmOny,. Theory, Preparatiiin ratta ta lies'; moditratoi special term i[ for[ ured at once ^ mi6 ESPECTABLE Young l* d y XSSfSTANM E.A.M.. R.C.M: :nd Tri lity College exams.; car servile: terms modenate.-rMr*. C. Jury. lanerit Boarders;' _ 'nwOli ! Bourn mouth, being the [jireacher, A June 27th—Old Towq. home. Broad Str set Earm. Ickletiiam. B"asex, , mi6 Ivene. llpral bervicc will he held in the Ipslitute July Istr-Battle. away. I 4ES]BUDD’8 Agency, 62. p^ckplle-road. wsjnted for oountor 'tri ide.—Apply Mansk comp.ositioD8 d ledj ver; moderate fees'. — J.. a ONE. - BCAED-BE81DENCE c.ful a t three o’clock. July 4th—Baldslov . awayi , ! A’’ Wanted a Nnr*e, oni R gek. International Stores. Battle. ml6 c.o. Burton. E] ifleid-plaze, SL_Leonards. iiil6 (X)D i PABTJ®JT8, one or two sitting. Apart iieiits, #eU fnrnished. centrflljfpoSf;: I Joints July 8th—Hollingtmi St John.*, awnr. month* Housemiiid, age 0. wages: C0PE, A!. i.Od., visits and roomi, three bedroonu or less; pleasantly :n. one niilnte Leas] sonth ospeto,:' t S s b r s . ILI ESitecTABLE Young IHRL wai aa Ti/rR7"ELVE; situated;a lice garden; good cooking and at- I pain- J R E I CROSS F IE L D D A Y .-fH erl « race July 11th—Ninfleld.nwdy.!. Notl )4 to A w i £22 Jfori: >n; Hotel Servants, I English X It NURSEMAID to two little cbilfl ren. -- jLtX oeivCs . ILS; i|i: mo, singing, tarn ‘king, a itetiaarice; bath (h. and o.); V® Dficlie.^s of Norfolk, ■fPresicent !or the July 18th—Gasworks: home. W alter others all districts. A; ply 18. Devonshire-road. Bi ixhill. ml6b theory, IBs. 6i 1) term ; silendid successes; 500 tendanoe.- Dann, Darreil’S: Farm, M’hatUngton.l term*ta--Mls8 Hall, 49. Bouverie *qi 8*. Sussex. Count; r of Sussex, will inspect letac in|ient8 July 22nd—Btaxhlll Trade*', away. FjNTICES.-A Maoonie, M-dies’ Tailor. ■p I ESPEOTABLE g ir l j wknted, atKj! Press notices , id testimtar iaii; exams, prepartad DOD H )l_- offeriedTTto - Single gentltal t cures - • “ ObHeifveit,” ! nome. ■pEEPA D [ A D V E B P IS E, E N T f , dneh A ^** ______;Ut l4,| Bited. — H. Wellington-iqua AWKH JBST. Kent.-Comfortable APAET- ...... [i qfj the British Red Cross Society on V'qilnes- July 25tU - _ I r.” ami “ FOH obertson-sfreet, has a I NCANOY for Xi[i wages fi-oiti commen jement. — Appl 1) for; Bezhill small Itivate famUi,; —p-..-,r Warrior; Sciatica, July 29th—Old Totvri. a vXy. 1 as ' WANTED” ' TO Ll YoungTlfetlr. about 16 years, Abprentioo 1^1 maker. " Observer ” Officet Hastinge. ml6 ^ Hastiags. ' . .ltd MEN9 8 in well huilw [modern honsta, amid' f LeOriar 1 * term* :mo iefaleb rndnotiM Joint >. day, .Tune lltlj, at Baldslow PliicB, by (kind August 1st—HoHington s i.' Johnls, sway. SALE,” Itcl are mstrtSd^ ii the fcjllovting for the showrooms; good oppor (unity to:-ac- H 10-vely soei ery; every conyenlcnce; good cook­ SPAPEB8 for ■p EQUIRED.—Young LADyT reliable t > assif t| I — OFOB Element iry LESBONS g i- ^ . nde sb iring room. — Writ# Jnplt*' core THr latl •’ermii-sio.n of Mr. C. J . Ebden. T h e'e will August Sth-SidleV. iaWky, _ . ., FIBST-CIAS8 WEEKLY INE] quire experience in Ladies’ Ctasli imes; Salaty moderaL .—M(i ite or call tori prOs- ing;- terms moderate.—Apply Blake, Bosedene, OCbseriyer Office. Hastinga. e a 1 limic attack on a poisitiin by a de- August 12th—Hastings ken s Wear, h ONE CHJ BpE ONLY XI) Housekeeper in a boarding housi ‘for ^ Uawkhurst. Kent. |: ______j6__ compliii ts.! to oomi njc*.—Apply Personally ml6 fe- f montbs.-^Apply by letter, to E.U P., 355, Ppectus Mias :Ei|le5n .edm:;n. 9. StocUeigb-rmd l.-r! ADY 14-n’v bai a. pleaattre'iiiirecommending ^andgives, Uelimi nt of the« 5th (Cinque Port)! Batt. August 15th—Kmuinnuol *•----- BASTIS OS & S T . L E X 3 O BS0^BTgB. Tr^fherWomen’s Employmen Agency, 43, I Lower flat). lotiarels EN T.-( ouptry APARTMENTS tO' le t; ■ ^.OUS B for medicil. m ental or mal .Koyal s'ussex Eegim ent. August 19th-qid Town- ,j ‘M tbaerver" Office, H astings.______ml6 those rackipK away. tE B T J iE B , Sackville-rOad. B*xhiH-on-f ea.T — Gobd " gONGS Thi j n i r fli :e.”—" .vnst a Sweet .pretty, healthy, oouiltry clergymanfs refa- higLest; tofereheia, or worfd nnd August 22nd—HoHingtoii St. John's, SO U TH \ e____’ASTERR 1 x ^ 1 sitnatidnsA [for all classM of relii lie servants; Tj RSPECTABLE g ir l WBiited to help in thi tjh gu! irtette); ’ Our Jrick KrenoO; station 18 minutea: near shops arid :oYcare cf cbildrefo'-fj-'Mre. Bichee,..6|j|Hj b cause sui^ i t r i n i t y G IR LS’ CLUBl iDIS- August 25tli--8t. Peter's XII House from 8 in the morninglorning till J5: liVL. Memory’[1] (wif It suleri ig.' BE.'. c, ^ILZrOlf-S^Ji OS^BSrE^. often suited in a few .hours. Mi IS Harris ra Tars” (iplritei palritoffta , sea s-og). a tribute__ Post Office!: perfect sanitation; good cooking itakbam. Baiting* ' I »L.-\\.--At the lioly Trinity Palish H ill last September 5th—SRlley. ' quests .{ail communications to bi addressed to in sleep out; Ss. per week.4Rpply Mrs. Kiede:] to the Britishl Navyi wop) s and music by Affiy large gardan ; (Jompany'a [wLWater; terms mode- BcU' olky Hoi-: Olffico, 14, CLAkEl'EM!Mjb: ‘NT. HASTINGS, 30. Devonshire-road. BexhillJ m38b in tbe Botbex U’sii Oly me Til L Jiight the members of the Girls’ ■ The Baldslow Onckelt Club, who P.ublishin g her as jabotve, to avoid delay thri igh tnistakea Charlotte Auswnl—Prociir able t Blade's, also ra te.—Shakespeare HouxeJ Headeorn. m23- “ Garden ofi d mu! lei &l you J flqu gi ve their annual display Tie Rcv| linirion St. John’s to(>daif at Brildf ow. have 1 • teb QUPBEIOR YounN MAID [for general 'w o rl: Hermitage’s Musto Btprw Hastings. > mil I^YMINIIE, ijnear Folkestone. — Fni-nlsbed THIRTY{ WORDS (1 hi)Iniofition)—orti O conntry girl liked; [ nice home, for [thow who tfid fee ling I: *■ i v . .Cook' presided, supported 'b,- Mrs. two vacant datss, wliioh local -Inbs or ffi|,WOROS iSfiniril^r jioni) 2 B -GOOD Old-established REGIS PRY for Ser- evei ONGS^and.MlECES by Julia Hicks; “Sprijig R j APAFT'MENTS; briiflt, pleasant rooms; home comfort* id athletes; Bell's n August t h i r v : ^ i L vdntsi Cooks, Oock-generals Honsemaids, Sunday out.—2. Prjnces-roaii, St. Leonaijds. m modern cc nyCniences.-Mr*. Castle, Maybrook B S .i’ Hester Cook. Miss \[. Coi ki Mr. others are invited tta f 11, na™My. 4; ThreeiH no^ p«r insertion. f>r erw y addi- Blossomr T ’ Ihinej;: Sngland, thine," “My [iff Honse Bo*tl^ eular boi n. i Bank Holiday and Auifupt 8th.- Tlhe Club’s! Generals.; Parlourmaids, House • arltaurmaide,';. d r . LE0NAED8.4Ybung Daily UrEL (Bntedi Dearest Deaiff'jereJ: •'Triumphal March " pir- Cottage. ml6 ioderato. — Mia * ^mnoil-e; a.nd Mr.'H. S. OobeI.-(-’l']ie tional elj ht {words, or rafrt tne'eof. Betweenmaids, NnrseB.I Kitchen! aids. Young' 13 for flat.—Apply, after 6, Mrs. E. J Neal formed by Grenanisr Gua ds, Scots Guards aifd ANGUA li HOUSK, BObertsbridge.—Oomfor- x-25 n^dciilr f tnnirpi in .s:i|d [the C lub was out of tl o]mi;si fixtures are as friltavra ditional’ 0 words 2s. 6<,. for tiree iniertions. Cooks, and other-i wanted to r llastinga and! tanriietre . .tohn’s, ho4e. 35. Warrior Square. ' I ml6 other bands;!VUofonatlon Manih,” “ Tara i j | table Furnished APARTMENTS; good OP. A’dtODS. 29,j'Ctoft Road. Hatfii. “g a u b , srciles ifflportsnt oi-ga(nisations cotaiii'ced w.tq th kfay l6th-H■ peMUi ime. blishii gd}d reference.—20, Cambridge-read, H istings. o u n g i$OT/*yishir]to give l e ss o n s to FROST------BOOMS towith ■ qniet hmnely oy St.'ifl.Soi-geant Moss; An enjojable nilsica! June 27th-All Sduls., h above p a ^ r s mujst be J4ent to the Pu Office. 157,1 Robertson-strect (opj losite Plum- people; gcod- attendance] cooking; SnMez;—Ideal .untry Beslden) ptograiiime was carried out by Mrs.Mrs.FBlgar, B‘ Office no Idtdr than frs t post on Tr\>iday,i I mer’s).Hemorial. Hastings. I tcl3 ml6 chUdret in Pianoforo ‘ and Singing (hi' [ S gcod- attondancit] cooking; lady or fesorti. «xi eiit ouisin*. free on receipt of lid. rHAI-LOEElI-LOEESS ASSISTANTS _and _ Apptentic' is lyY certifled.fli yl joyal Academy), and d]ra'wi gentleman o r lady and jehUd; slight iriValid bleSrowTi„ ___ fann l; intaii bijliarre, Mis* Fhire;icc and Miss Muripl pvana„ „■ I! Tie] ■ Voucher Cjopies post RTWEEn MAID (under 16), wan ed_Jn a small glitah; foims moderate.—A..] not objeeledt rermanent* motor 'buse* qnite B eia’i dal* for per woeli exara. private sfchooL—Miss Tompse Kenilworth X required by J. W. Gomsmith,...... Ltd Higi- painting am urit. pitnitas. flsWiilg, drlrlag. eto.-^ f e drill -ffere distributi-d bv M r# Ar] receive d at the Missa ISB VI Plioi J' Bed|oj:d Lodge, Portland- near; ten is 25s.—Eaton, Dnrgates, Wadburst. J ttitllge; . Replies to Advertisem tuts are B College] IBlackland*. Hasting*. mis St eet. Tunbridge,Wells. 1 m23 [ jgr. apd MreJ Btatham. 1st. Muriel Lewis; 2nd, May Creed Offices of thd above pai fers FR i E'GF CHARGE] ; r - 7r - p 7r jrTffiMP0HART ' HOU8EMAlD'~wanted for place. Hast sgs-l IENT ■ AiBhford.-rCcmtnrtable BOAR 5 ^ f.srd. May Harvhv;" ' " 4th. Elsie Etxylly.■■ Affiftlj but cannot lie forwardea unless a fee c f 6d. per OOKHLRPER required for UnsinesB at -* m o ^ h from May 23rd:rdailT or slkepsi), in. PEND flioliday under Anvas. in the beau- yDENCEHApat-tmeUti),; with-or w ill: Pnre f( i ...... ■ prepaid by tb* Fisbthonqera and Ponlterer’l Business at tifttl Jdlstrict.. of , , DEI_ TON;:between Can-, d rill attendance a! three ears week (not returriable) 1 as been BexhllL] rite experience. and . wages r- required, A iply 'the Rosary, Sutherland-avenv le,j Be S sdanoe; derm* mtadertato -^7. Qne*n-st t I ■S'l’uheiahip.byiui pfesonteil tjj Slay Mt-veyl Athletic li a guaij|intee Advertiser | ' ’ B hill. ml6b a n |[t e o .. terbury. folkestone,! and (Dover llngtaldsby's ilF s ' can be ie<^- The Nbtic# of AdveiUflers is drawn to the G.. 15. ,Ibserver''______Office. Hastings. ml6_ Country, the Garden of 'England). [Itavely or ITwo L] ■ 55 '"Bars wire w presented! to forme - mecallists l______T rPHOLSTERESS.-Practi' ll WORKH R wan- BESSMA ilNG amrN|e< idlework: loose c m i^ I nri-.'Ote . f A 3S9. of durpiity. following post Oifice J e ^ la tic ne :—L« tiers or (IOk IgENERAL for North,Lo: Son, 2M8; no views for miles aroUnd.] Tents > aU sixes, for .'Office] Folkestone, m Were presented[ to formei medillistst .parcele add|^ssed to initials, ^r to pctitious fadfily; good wages; fare )9pd.4AppIy)piy„5 5, 1.' ted, used to loose covers, co curtai ls, el rover made at Ihme r by the ii large or e nail partfes. With bedroonm aind din­ -EHiel Barham ^ Clickriliily Cr&by, ads fori every <3: le sent without a *ni[- COarolind-piaoe, Hastinks. ______:ml6:ml6 to work on premises or it home. , Bui gOod ref ere ice*] — lI).Pjj, 12) Bohemiarroad] ing room I. Floored,: enrimted and ftirnished YING‘-.BUEST rtactaived in house $ iq 5 M apetSial names, 4r to a ChvflStiitn nnime gr d Sefas, Mercery^-ane, jahterbulx ml( ' . family in fpltaasant position: 1 lta*e. to .Qladv Carter] 'DoIItI Curtin, Edith Elgar, oq' aplipli<4tion. name, axe not to be tal en tij !at Poete Restante, CIOK-pfcNEEAL Wanted: also ! fOUSEMAlD: Leonards. tbronghoi t (With every rieqaisito) and a* com­ and Mn rio EVa ns. post but ar« at"|once sent to the letu^nell Letter £18'! and £28. — i Address, llrs. Palmer, SEPiCL Domestic HELP br Workin): Houi e- ADY ^ ;hl.v recomtn ind* an expeiii, fortable a I yovr own home). Complete oamputg l'and'trams.^-iAdd^re G.F., 8, MonptlBleia- No. 1. Cjricket; N«|i. a2. ,T Tcpfi“ ^: fiI?<^"«t• Olhee for dijsposal. , MarketC Hotel, Ashford.: Kent. ____ ml6 t per wanted ;■ as one ot tb e famil____ r .; MiLLINBB] fvpni !« good West Loheon eqnipmen, for one or oUe thonsand. Sale or ,rit-oTeBcret..HasUnim.['.. ■ '. „'■ ' 1 - j If^ ', J, : Fishing; No. 4, Adverdscmeiits mhst be TSfEITTEN P L .« N tr kept.—Apply 15. Derbnsbire-ro td, B(x- bouse;L ladies jtawn materials used; featbrira Hire Tei ms moderate.-lB]: Wood, 10, Bnargate- ‘HILD. — 20TiEtle* sottth London! lovely iyidoK-pt^IEKAL wsffited; twe " in la m ily: h fll______' ■ ml6l 'etreet, DOver; , ■ . . -1,11,.- . m30 ' .Scouts] etc. on on* *idq of the nj.per qiil:- or eth*r#life V.) Msiid and HonsefParlourmi id kept; no cleaned an: I cnMed., Oridfere , by tmst.attended alksT the Mi*re4 Hmltfi, Vale VjtfeiiTe; no respdnaibility w ^lbs takefl for tfitir co# basemeflt; good reference reqnir d.—Write. F. [7AN PED, sm art GIRL, a ge about 2 j, whe rei to.—Tbotiuu, 1.1 IKenilwarfib-reiacU St. Leoniira tr io Let, f)n comfortable ftannli< *e, furnlthed iri#!few paying Dtesul: detached ita#niB;[Iarga GOLF BALLS at holeeole rect insertio" at other is kept.—Appl y 10, Graml--parai le. ____ \ . int6 A APA ITHEKT8; aitling, two or three bed­ gaMtan. oriqnet,T*a|ndy soU; neim Cimmon, ^teffisi for-jiidgM ’ Po^cardii M.. W l i ‘’iOhBerver" Office. Bexh( L m23b OOK'iaENEBAL wanted; it.us! be a goo3 Stj. Leopards.^______mill N8TITrTjroNJr*qi}lres^ Sundry'to under^ke rooms,. w th attondaneg^! own farm prodnoe, bhSrches. town, stotmA Stamp; 25*. MLrig#- I pUtin cook and itsed to nut ibers.—Apply . good GENEB AL, who I " "iti WasMil , . lib>nt 68 persons, green lawjnv shady -uees,]] lorise and trap kept,— ' " ■ :,' ! I t -'-i . ' -• S TU2 jS jfACi|N'j'-LApS .----- Rest cooking for snail home children!} contract ipnce to F.1C, 14. BoarnmnJ Park HiU;- Ap ledore, Kent. ml6 ! NURSES’ <)LtiB.4Boarfl-Benaerice; LLANDUDN ml6b i-road, HastingsJ ver " Office jHifetin® f|X)i lot Sm'l'NGi'BO'ING;R(5

'.'..liviik: .•UL.-, HASpNQS AND ST. LEON.ARDS (iBi^ERVER. S|ATURD4y , t A ’fli jo. ‘ p t w h o ' July 4th—'UTeue' home, July 18th—AF""" me. July ZSth—E:,______. ome. „ . . 1 August 15th-®iinioipal Officers, bpm a .the focte of th « ,w SriNGS lMdN ON TItE H^tings opened their season OENEB. on. Saturda, c - . . . . , ------, (hey r ~ le; style I August 22nd ' ~It. Peter]“ met Soutbbourne a t I August 29thJ Obsenen" boms. . ; thre s in famll,, the factivtikat RSTIONi OF COMilUNllcATlloN the Central . ------4 ai[d j beat them by 205 September 5| ■UoUlnaton St. Jo in’s, kway. , HeU n’l-creeceuit « » s Folte^'t* ^ ru ns and six wickets. The homi ml^ r l ' f l' '; : 'CORDS. ” ' V , n ^— The] homb’ team September IBtb—UunlSibal Office: I, home. W A N T E B JE y- _ ^nd' Laundrees; with !MTh JtojL et, j furnished; S; »t4«ck to ti» Soida* bailed first, and M. Adanis and W. jf. Slone Emmanuel Clnb'8 n itches ' will be played 'BMltBO; ave TV manysaau^ yeanyears _ experiedc*, {Dunllles’ WASH- f iptain Alderm H. N. Crutiittenden, the It ploie for auiti INO; : go|od, w au I a aceae'Dn '.'v F-S-fi )/in/4mte n gave them a good start' by oompilinS 88 be­ on the East Mill. be fixtures so far ar-: drying -V. Ssdgwlck-roa/ objected to MadtoS. iti(i leader of the H asti^jgs F irV Bri] tween them., A oUrioW incident,T which ranged aye ai^nded;| I. Ege aon Lodi grouud;—Address : A.S.,' I: hSil*' itris, appropriatelyteprli ' enoukh. bn th e coi> m~" Hastings, to the audiwSelSnl caused much amusbmeht, occurred in tlie May 16th—AIL^TOUls, hqiha. AT,. I ountry i far] . her faalt, it waeltha- trbin, between Hastings and London, HMUngB innings by thb ball bouncing and May 23rd-Wsaley Guili home. ' I itcFfor Grimbby, on W edaesday, wlien a May 30tta—Hiillington ' John's, away, ces; I urse kept, i«tend*nce'.r- oonseoiieiice of l., u.or : ifter 6 p.m SITUATIONS' wkNTf0-M ALE. stone.' ' ■ , i I » 'oHe out. ' i ■ T June 6th—“ iMerver,' borne. I Mrs. March, 2!, Collier-roj d.jllasti *•, Dawialleft' Wayer was batting^ Vf, E. F. Cheesman June 13th—I^ tb d u rn e V.M.C.A., away. W IT H PURE DR UGS I iiigs.__ ^m30l A PAlfTMl NTS Appears thkt the bellows it tno enc of a T ^A N T E D ; i"g took seven wickete' for W. July llth-'-Eastboume ' U.O.A., borne, vvrANTED, Hood GENE lAL ai?5ian t, as d ! I . • - ,mi6 'It. l>Bt. the fauin»% (Silltenllen, however, anoceeded! in fxtin- hcore:— i : - 1 July 18th—WSnchelsea, iway. '• Girl—Apjly, after 1 vi'clock, 12 Fearoi a k e r (23) seeks situation, Folkestone: or July 25th—Baldslow, a,.,__ay. road. Hastingi. ml6l district; good d , - - ______... ■ ^inl the outbreak. Mr. '3onlson merna- doiigb- . maker - _ and j ------moulder; Iconvinienee; graild]' sea' . BMd. Madame DaJciM^ HAS'TINOS.—M. Adamsi h Q. S. 8eimes. 64; August 1st—Old Town. 1 lome. ANTED. , ------for am; asBsist smalls-,' used to horSeS and customers: view; jcloti to: he members, rFolfoi..ffl anfl Mr. R ais, of H astings were W- b Kiley, 24;|BoBkiBron, o^W. Gre- August 8th —WinChelsoa home. Apartm i: _ _ . _ _ ierl—25.1 West-bill, St. 11 gslby the spmo train, and alio did whalt vett, b H. A. Grevetti 0: E. H. T iyior.ib E. A. I nt House; rood refi:rence.—U' good referoncBs.-AppW F. Curtis. Oak Cotr nards. iman, with his efiS.* August ISth-l'Wesley gTvj WRobins, 19,_Ke)illwhrtn-rogdrth-ro • p - t. Le- >nards! m tage, Hlldenborough, Ke ~ flEX H ILL ■ rated that he lef"^^® uld to: 'allay the panic irhich Grevet^ 1 ; W. E. F: ChMemnn.Tnot but, 103; August 22nd-4T‘Observe|i Position. — Comfp'r'iabio'i J. H. Vincett, o W. ;Qre>«tt, b Stacey, (3; C. August 29th-4All Souls] ANTED, i; GIBl for hoiiseboli 1,I, age iahoilahoi n1 in U ^ E T E N T BOOKk IieBe b and Shortha^ a p a b t : two; sitting-rooms, feurif' iteijed. J ' . F. Adamson not out 14;| eitraslll; tetal (for 15; part days.—77, l'ri< d. —Homing); V7 , ^ P i 8t steks'appointment: wide business . Cbulson ernahan subsequently vrote Ikie South xons C[C., which i$ theioldest exnerieqce.—Box) 3072. ng and- attendance, fiathii ] ■ rformanoee wept aaltl^ rf lire wkts.), Innings declared closed. W 1 mi6 BtAnAI \ \ ' Office, Folke- — Apply jA|ran,tj: j bitnally paid M adtiS# ter [to the loiter of the "Daily h ail, “ S^i;HBOUBNE.-(S.“s.j Selme^ b Vfooott, 7 ; Cricket Clul 1, and posseesee a fine 'w a n t e d . 1 wo HOUSE! . a so a Fanfiy ; ml6 rising wheiTTlh«-¥'' ilitti the icident, and in concljosion ■ ■ J. W. M artin, b Hoiiklespn, 0: 0. E. Iwebb. b ground a t 111 mode the 4'ollowing . VT ------Maid. -■ , Apply wltOwit , pi rticulars io fixtures, altl,__oogh., sevlqral vacanp dates re- MisaJBrqqk. E erkeley Hot sL 1 r terms, comforta Pte sit I' ' d, and th ey w ere htairt*^ [ J :- , p sk isep n , 0 : A. W. ®}leyj c Stohe, b I Vincett. exhlll. m23b r two bedrooms, bat|t (h.li 2; W. Orevett, b HoffitiBsbn, S; J j a Campbell, QUare to he flUed. Tli Joint Secgetarlea are ■Vy ANTED] a Yohng~G[RL and,' attendance.—A'rran.i moming Madame > Why I yriting this hittei —and I do da'll;’ for bdues- good refetances.—Filmey, |’Peaainarsb, ^166^^ th h reqneJt [of some of fellow pas- b H p e k i^ n . 0: E. A. Tsterott. blHoslriseon. 6j M r. B. P . B 4 d , Lake ouse, CoUington, and V* work, Apply Bi( bop Sutherlan 1- — -----. I -___ ,— .. [ ■ ____ , ■ I Icb ' 1 : »Ved);t<»k hol“ P-,?.- *’-9?®'‘lBten, 0: D. Orhttenden, Mr. S. H. Broughton, ewlandsjMp La^Warr- avenue, Bexli ill. ml 6b bte spata ROOM liTEsrpm 'l! I ' down.’ , ; ■ I *~^int out thbt. th o n g l the b Vmcett. 19; R. M. Dallri b Hodklssoh, W. 'ED, I'Ybuni rtc.—MAIN.' yoUng, seeks situas ISltls ebrd was hulled, the tn in Jdid no1 stop P. Stacey, not out. Jo- d«raa. 1] tcdil, M. road, Bexhill, who w J1 be glad jto give ih- onsewor i, AJ foytab e Flat, oh Sea F,rent; good ]baid I ' lie Pier incident |he tending mem'pers all ipiformation. age ah< at 20; no waibing. rs. Carter, ■Jr “ MopmaU; able to manage.:-; 5?® moderato^ms.-—. L '' t and decide to hiSw' laifil wd had roaohed Roberh bridge Sti.tion, One of tho principal: exhibitions pt bowl­ May 23rd—Sidley, Bopc 31, Devonshir______i-road,, I Bexii___ __il 1______, ml6b APfely_ J.B.. 14, Observei’V'Office, Hastings, mlt A-Da:_Ig64,^' Obsefyerl’* Office. Bexhill. rimfih'; ,J ' regard to what th ^!^ iae seyen miles or so on. I ine skill this week: was i seen in thd match May 30th—South L y n n ,______ANTED, Plain I ron :,KSi also an Appreiu r j R O ^ E ’S WAjREHODSEMAN seeks situatiB? unfwE|idJ' '^liat we wish to know is, 'Did the pulled between the " Observer "j and (lid Town, Aha June 1st—OldT Whltgiftl ins, Bopeep, U.®)- tice.--Apply Park LalindryJ York-Xoail, vs drive, sobclt, and deliver, single or taUr; cupbo^ds. water, lavajory.l ’■ COSSrptBATION.' ■ leommunicatink p rd give the alArm sigi al to former winning by 03 runs. Hawes, [the cap­ June 6tb — Eastbourm United -Banks, East­ Biiverhill, Stjjteonafds. “ ’ generally useful I eight yedra present situation, same floor, facifits touthi; French mind bourne, 2.B0. ( . uvo prevloM.—Keith, 43, [Belgrave-road, Tun- ground flo. r. _j3. v iniluaive: 4, BurdetVp to Cohncillor E. n-^ii lUrt driver? If! not, why not? And i’ the tain of the ^‘ ObsprveK ’ C.(5I, topk four , ,, OIIL. 05 years, os Nurs! brldge Wells. . : v I ■ ; m23b <- filarm was properly given, why Bid the train wickets in one ovCrj and altogether eight June 13th—SoiuUibonrne Bopeep. t'2ro. A ppy Cohservativfe Clifb, Carlisis- 9 ?* Committee, Jskr’»t June 17th—Lquten, ___ Cou -,-bty and Westminster parade. Hast mgs. jE ack_ gntjrancej___ _ m l 6 TBONiKNUEB’^ t r a v e l l e r desires TMn- He replied ttatlhe " Itrayel several miles to th e next static a be- wnckme for 11 runs. 1 The total realieed by Bank, Bopeep; 11.30r I ■*■,1, **ff™*"H *■68*' 26; tin years experience; ^OMfOKi 'ASii;.,brUt MTTINO BOoklkUW . i Ifcwrstmping?" . . . . the Old Towners wias 18, ogaihst the " Oh hi fwien 3ffl and 40,“ i i pntahon of fonr. iJa- June 20th—Sontn Lynnl Bopeep, 2.15. i VT GENEBAL; five iUrfamily.-l-Hrs. Crow- calling bn gardens, garages, and farms,; horti- _ one__ oit oi) more more beib e i^ ^ ; good cookiW . I by the whole B^ISr I Br. F. C; Coy, snpenntenHent of the server’s " 81. The teorte aro tp p en d ed :— June 27th—University S;hool, St. Leonards, 2. hurst, 186. Q ieen’s-r< ikd, HaktlngsJ______m l6 cultaral and 'agricultural supplies: heating attendance Mrs. Funey, 21, Linden-roaMrjBexJ h. fl; Ckix, and fSoatb Ibstem line, stated latep that ho had " OB8EEVEE."—C. Ueyburn. c WniteTb Scott, June 30th—Ibis, Bopedl'. 11.30. and glt(Mhouse8.-Plnder, 31. Yorke-road, Eei- hill. I* - i - |(eceivedl no report on th e sdlBect, hue full 6; w . Hawes, o Adams, b Scstt, 4; C. Ciampbell. July 4th—Hampstead lijmads, Bopeep, 11.30. ■VyANTED, a good'COCI«-(iENEBdCU co'mfo'F- ’r'OMTOBTABLEFujrilshed APAETM! and it was eua^es^ - Ibw. b Adams. 2: W. Hltohener, b Sodtt, 5; »7 table place: reages <0 Commence £24 pu r . #. I .mv w f A J — '. A _ 1 a - • be sent to JdaddS *® liaguiryfwould be made. The) frmn haq ,cor- July^lth—Eastbourne] United Bante, Bopeep, TVI ATIENDANT, - mental or otherwise: L et (Simhinid ioom or”bed**and*^l?5n& . ' ] S W. Jardine, b Hadfleld, 12; PankUnrst.lo Poole, SITUATIONS VACANT-LADS. SITUATIONS VACANT-FEMALE. annum; abstainer rirete:'tad.—Aphly ArsootL continuons,: 2 years in present lOm), ilor 1 lecmaqen^ or otherwise; mraeratw ' sking her not; to W liidot connection throughout, d b Hadftcld. 12; C- CoihneM. o OrUdtb, bi Adams, July 15tb—M«. A. E. Cmrk’s .XI.. Little Com­ 45. 8t._Iieona)ta8Toan| Beihitt. 1 ml6b p ^ ce; Umtaest teterences; experienced in bouse- _'rm a cent ra. of toWn, close to sea, stsfUonJ ‘ i ' I dints, who. had th e fire bee: serious, 16; Dean, o Hadfield, b 'Adams, 7: Oreatwood. mon, 11.30ij ' i A SMART well-educated YOUTH (about 14 or OOK~^intidr'f25r'piTrat6~Hml]y~ofTwb; T^A N TED T"food plain / C( GK; /wages troi bgld work; plain cook; baebcliair; bandy mau;~ and. Pipr.^rite! k-4, 9U; " ObserfS’’raMcn? I ,' Pn'dfly. when at tw4- I tsrs stepped the train withi: h alf b White, 0; Ellis, o an d b Adams, 0; IBoame, July 18th—Eaistboiirne college, Eastbourne, 2^ -4X 115) wanted as Apprentice to jtb e Ofaemist other, vocanciee.-BeaconsSeld Agency, 4, w Y £26; twoa oth«r|inAii«oine^malds Kept.-jAppIy, vrit| 5.*®''?.'. expires sbortly.-Addresa, " " I T I tann ■ -''I Jerformance Mr. Dkiw 1 We received the followini letter y^ster* not out, 0; extras, 17; total, 61.1 ! July 24th—Richmond. Bjpeep, 11.30. andjOraggiat Business; a splendid opportunity Marine Place. Dover. ] m l6 r^eferenoea, to Mrs. Fix.Fix, Wc17oed8idQ,! Peasm arsl U- ML. I Observer ' Office.' Hastings. m23 g ABLE ' ^T nisbed GED-SI'mNC.i , , OLD TOWN. - Q', Balden. oilU tchener, b July 25th—Lewisham 'Wanderers, Bopeep. IIAO; la required.—ApUW Mr. Shcl- Bugaex. . j - - as Ledger and General meet the mem ia IheS " ‘ ‘ " ' ‘ TawM, 6; J. fielch The Lion Drug Stores, 9, St. Leonards- OOK-QENEEAL wanted riot over 40. lo? ,, -J l; also J^rohm, permanebey: orl. ttber was called njJ tS'^V ' .To the Editor of the •ibserver. August 1st—Hastings, Bopeep, 2.30. private lamilri;' no baaemept; ANTEDryounJliIBI S jjost leAvinfir school!. O O^BK, Caebier, etc. (male); seven years’ otherwite: quiet, rcoSfortkbfe home Yprronh ' HadOeid, b Hawes, b; Rj Scott b Hawes, 0; August 3rd—Hurst Green. Hurst Green, 11.30. robn. Bexhill.______j______£_____ to iearo Coat ftiidjCoftume Alterationr experience; nsed to large works,- excellent refe- or two Ja d es; close to P4rk...traifla tro raioS ■ : re a contract ■ in Mr; Srt.-fThe enclosed letter in lay’s "Daily J. Adams, b Hawes,] 0; J. Sma 1, run out. O'! Ucus^ParloiirmaiJ kept.—MTs. Murray, 27, St. August 4ty-OId Ho mwoodians, OentriU "DOY W anted.-Apply A. J. Wai n , 32.1 Wes H«tthpw s[Gardens. St. Leonplds. _ ml6 wa^©§W from jbe^inmn r - / ppjy to llastin Broa renoee.;^Write H.B,. 25, Gordon-avenue, Queens- ntea eek; U rms mW«(ate.lYouhg.T(7, NgretatS >i before him' andThi ay hie of interest to ; [nr readei s. In B. White, b Hawes, 0; Watson b Hawes, 1 Ground. M^stings. 11.30. AJ ! tern-road.______8t. ______Leonards. ml6 Drapers. Breeda Placi*. Hiatfegg. T tc7(», boroh|re.>_8lirorneBa. m30 road, Bt; L lonards. Marshall, b Hawes, h: Barker, not odt. 0; F. HOU8E-PA,RLOUpMAID wanted a t ] ■Q8 took it down ‘ I in ^iterial footnote, Mr. E . <3ox, eiii»r- Angust 12tb- ‘nrst Grom. Boiieep, 1J.30. [Y Wanted.-FreemaiUHardy] and VfiUrs, \?K7ANTODr“a gpol C ENEBAL; or [UMfi l ■VOfiNG .MAN'iceks artuation as CLERK of vu-ur Ott'i: RTMSNTS to L eiM Se« twm dm t of the S.E. line, is q oted as s lying Griffith, c Mitohener, August 13th- 'istbobrnii “A,” Bopeep, 11.30. TV Help, tor small faikily; muat taaTp good Y ' . Ffonf est of th e B and. Chie total, 18. [ liondon-roa l. St. Legnards. ml6_ - - — r - . , q w w u _ v u w . iw ,.w ^r, J, any position of tnibtj 13 years lost place. ‘oOmJ with two of thred I that 'Itho train had oorri' ipr conn< ction, AUguet 15th- -uthbounie, Eastbourne. 2.30. ■ ly irlser, abstainer;! wagei reference.-Write J.G., " Observer'1 Office, Be:t' -W enhim . Troslcy H ohsi Hurrell-road' Has- bedrooms, room, bathroom.^ no l^ would like a littU Hastinim again won Woiinesday after­ August 19th- h —M.O.C., Bopeep, 11130. [OT for’Housework'and assisll'in garden; Darcia told them 1 throng! lont." I th in k , if M Cox will in-i . ,'jlivo in.—Mrs. Palmer, Market Hotel,]Ash- Ill ;enj The Beoulvers, Old l/jn d o n -ro i^ Has- hill. f 'I , t r m23b i "■ , f" ■ ' ■ ■ ’m l6. steps'iVi-i-'i? ; gnoc ----- 1;— a— moderate terms.-UApi [bnire (urther, he will find t)iis is nirt so. noon, journeying to! Eastbourne and beating August 21st- Ilapham Ramblers, Bopjeep, 1130. fpidl Kent. T ” ml6 gs.l ______' ml6 u , TT-j,'D5M^5~'by May =^ss=is=sss=s==\ , , J Pi Mite I orsnetlj IM. H arliiC St. LefinTrdi^ ind the new contrite South Lynn by 31 rnns and three wickets. Angust 22nd- 'atford W inderers, Bopeep. 11.30. rD ietn in was composed not ily o f co m d o r August 24th IITOHEBS.-A StrongTliAD wainted able to OOK, B22; House-Pbrlour [£20. £18; House------ba«enjsnt:8wabe3 £18.—Mrs, Hi ember suggdstKi that Hoekisson and A. .lfVist|on .for H astings put T. J. F. Hope’s XI.. Tunbridge: Jride a Bicycle, to t o a rouUd and make . imald and House-Faru nr, good wages; hardson, Pli)e Hurst, lAvoudare-rcaq, HoUlngto WANTEd-FEMALE. OMpbEVARtE, Rurnilhed APARTll them home apd rrad rears i but also of cars with aiihgle con part- Wells. 11.: P ark, B t . ______up a fine fight, making a oehtury for the „„Angnst „„ 2Sth lucks. Wonderers. Bopbep, 11.3().'| elt usetul.—Apply King and non, 11, Wet - chenmgld, £14; CoOk-genl fal, £20; Houie- ' latae tjront bedtoom, front sittin* •*ary, alM have lia l Imeute.T ,.LL second wicket. Ifoskiisson hit a five and eight i August 29th on-place. Hastings. m l6 . ^ arlonr, £tl8; General, j£16j « iusemaid-Oeneral, ANTED,youngTSlR I assist; light boust A tacommends good Math, h.o. ta o tereutea s m . and 'o& r , Ifias might happen—as di^)Dhappen quite ry. Lewes, 11.30. ] i . kept-Apply M.D., atipns; H9 hills; good cooking; atteDdaOce! No; unlesslyou men fours, while his pkrtneil made a five! and ten | August 3lsf . Eastbourne. 11.30. i CB and Co. have a VACANCY for a t £lf; Cook! hoarding aousej at once, 18s. 6d.; reork;l anothe)- ma fept; live in; one west, Woodnay, Newbury : _____ ml6 »ment ceases/'. 0ae recehtir in a train—a September 2; well.«ducated YOUTH as Apprentice to ngl General, no cooking. :usseU’s Registry, Wused to children. -I Ai Mrs.plj Bymil! I. reoe^Iy. -^Hide, poxhiU-road St. I tacked/ had pulled the alarm cord, an(i the fours. S c o r r o i Criptica, Central Ground, Has- Bohemja-road.Bohr ' ~St. ■l)tenai ml6 Klng’^roadJ St. Leoratc' S QmEBAL, .18, £l4r£}6; 14 months efiaf- d come down! a n d ex-' HAS-nNOS^AND Bf. LEONARDS, h- J. A. tings, 11. leneral and Furnishing Iropmongery; A aoter; others; Hats free.—28. Friars Walk, arcia declii^ this, i been allowed to run Malhen, b Smith, 19 ;\ Hoskissonj- o and b ' 'Beed, September 5lh—Rye, Byte. 2. prospects when term has expired.—Apply ood COAT-HAND. •\yA N T E fi ______; outdoors Lewes, Sussex. ■ j , i V Furnished. APAR' land did not dign thi 1 StaHonl before stopping, a teiRht 71; A. W isden.V and b Reed, 7d: R. H. Taylor, and Co.. 2, York-buildinge. Hastings, ml6 w Lpply to Mastin Br^' 17. 8, 9.10. Breeds- V... T tweenJ18 - and 20); goOd .,r;ferences indispe: witboi It: board; dibs, inarkta; teraui plice.i Hastings. ______i j ______to69 siDIe.-Appw, Saturcay, liter 10 o’clock, a t 2 ber UNdBrI taterrAripI r, 13, .Marketbtreet. ^ Ijs23' er» did. Mri L ivi^ sssilv JO committed meanwhile. Morrover, b^ Smith, 0; W. E.- FL' OHsesman, b Smith, 1; IIXIGBNT y o u t h )of good address wan- HQUSEMAID ae second of three:! three acri'miaal alighting from a tniin puIliUg up W. Young, not out,,.,)ut,|7; ~_. ■' ^ "■ ■■ STABAT MATER. (- At St. dementis :ed to learn Reporting and Press Photo- EBSSMAKINQ. — Wanted Coat Assistants,— Oodwm-roajd. Hastinlea. I ;| jn23i TClSPERAj TO] ?rMaririe^crescent, Eolkdstiinej \ did not suni: bmansM Apply Mr. KStteringham. c.o. Messrs. a n t e : . . years reference. — L. Slmmonds, Winton^s-row. Lli —(tom Iqrtable private aparimentel (bqarili ' merely at a station would e'tand a niucfi W. E. Davy, run out, 0; extras, Church to-niorrow (Sunday) Rossini’s "Stbr graphy, shorihanil ess ntial. — Apply The a girl, ibout 18 as OfeNERAL f ir Peaainacah.Aussex______^ mioj. Madame Hamia. aW seven wkta.), 193. Iiiningh deolired closed. L, Editor, "Bexhill Observer.' teb Plgmmer Roddis. Hastings, h ml6 daily workork; three In 1 tamily.—Apply _ uptionaj); close neaih, piers.ngardeiu,. uttx,{]; d bo; breaking it by better ^anoe of getting awuy undeleted; bat Mater’’ will be repeated At eight o’clock. reromSiSnd'fier KlTpHEN- Insklpp, W. F. C, NiaaoS; and B. Dawson did Miss Gladys Paulson, Miss Amy Helas, Mf; AH. about 16, wanted temporarily; cyclist.— RA PESY,—A PPKENTICE) wanted for Fancy W 7 at South Vill a, Wykeham-roa] !t. H is o rig in al cdm. than re ire he to alight when the train was not bat. 1 ' 1 Drapery; pocket money given.—C. U, MMD whersl scuUerym^id is kept; four JiOLKk^il 0NE^:ifiRTMENT 8,w ith ir% £ W stopping between^ stations, in v h io h case not \V« H. Judge, and Mr. P. T. Brigdeh wi'll be ots. Chemist, Deronsbire-road, Bexhill.' ______years reference.—L. Tuden, Four OAks. Bockley. IS. The new;oohti3ct SOUTH LYNN.4 E .1 D. pivll, 0 HoejtiBSon, b ml6b GqOderbam, 247-249, Londonfiioad. - m23 'V \ r ANTED, by 2nd Jiihej) in small privaie Sussex. ' ______;inl6r out lioard. faelect neighbonrhood, fjflTa ( few passengers would be looking out of the' Inakipp. 1; A. L| Skinner, b Young, 33; E. the soloists, Ireith Mr. J. Baker Guy at the HE'SSMAKING. - Wanted good SKIRT vv family; good Ck genbral. not over 3f linutos t< -I-eas.-rUj Connaugbt-road. i tcS29 i d a fortnighPa n o ^ OETEE wanted, agd 17-18 years. — Apply d v e r t is e r . middle*ayed, wishes to meet ' -I •_ window to see the cause of th> stoppage. I Matbeson, c Fox.lJj HnskissonJ8: U.'Laing, b organ. Tapner Bros., 9, York-buildings, Hastings. HANDS and Junior Ateistants and Ap early dinners and ho I asdment.—Apply Mr| URNlaseD-BE^pOMS'TiriStUffi^ Uoskisson, 5; 0. [Trumble, c Nason, b Young, BlanshardJ Iffi, LTOnards. ml6' lone pertori in cottcge home of aboht BUfipllid.if required.-Apply at’56f Witlrii qpently sent! for Mr. In conclusion, may I compliment Captain; MISS LOUIE FREliAR.-This celebrated F_ 1 _____ • ______■ ml6 _ prfntiees.-v-Iaabel Lister, Bexhill mSO' same, ag^, who.isiieediiig a companion. church< 56; I. Reed, b Inskipp, 21; J. Magnay. b Hoe- RbsSMiAKKRS.-A good) BODICE HA'.._ ANTED, Young iGiRli to assite A fnam^vdnui . RexhlH; ]___ imlOb J-; ind Mr. Liyingwtoha rrnttcplen on his promptnessl piuck,) anih kisson. 10; A. Rl Sfieproird, f e t out, 17; P. comedienne! supportrid by Mt. Frederick UkAliE b o y wanted, clean, smart Youth. iL woman, [^^er^.oei only; particulars answered. puR N R s e h ~ a pa bW k n t s t : ^ ^ ikni; n id may 1 pay a tribute to the lady Mantell and a powerful Loudon Company of A 15 years of age; wages 2s. 6d. per week; wanted.—Apply to Mastin Bros., Breeds ral housework must he strong,and will­ Jenne^|8Q6. Observer" Office, Hastinge; ml6 iid not sign had IMt Frencb. b Hoskisaob.l I ' E- Smith, b HoskiasDn, lite fn;' uniform.-Apply Albany Hotel, Has- place. Hastings______!)______tc64 Wing; good outings.—2 pply is. Ford, 22, Lower L RESTI £NC£';t’cpiniorMble boibe, ^ rm a i them that'their. passengirs who behaved with calmness and 0; B. B. Maepherson, Ibw, b Hoakiaspn, 0; ex­ star artistes! will ful:il an eogagelment at Park-1 oadj Hastings. T A WIDOW*, elderly, active, - respectable ehey deair d ; traiml routo id,, sea.—C.. l4dr Ei5{ tings.l f ml6 .T-tRAPEKY.-Young— ------LADY anted as Apprem - mlA seeu situation with elderly n couple or pninetone-.iitone-i cad.pad. Hastings.Hastii—- ' , ““ finish after i SnndM eonrage throughout ciroiimsfancee which tras. 10; total, 1^ . j the H astings P ier dur ng th e whole! of next -Lg tioetioe to Fancy DraperyDrapery.4|-Apply .J to Mastit for ASartl i[b House, HOUSE- might Mve become alarm ingi1 1 ventbredJ Tlife Hastings Ladjr Cricketete opened their e OTA&Le l a d vianted. 14 to 15, or one lady or ■gentlemati; small wages, good home not considered goM '8eek for evming perfonnances and matinees JljaBt leaving school—Apply Johnson's Li- Bros.. Breprts-place. Hastingai. ______tc63 w. „ w , able toTwk' table, age aboqt fre^: on 28th. — JRl nt le 'Larlo SunnY ROOMS.R inoluBini the contract ' with nfter the fire was extinguished, to say to the! seasoti on lYednteday aifterngon, when they on vVednesvmy and Saturday. j 34. King’a-road.■ ' S t . Leonards. ml6 I UEb.SMAXlNG.—Bodice Hand oF capabli £20-22; alto KitchenmaL.. .ge about 18.—A: A.D.. 397^ Ooserveir ” 0ffi(^^Hadtiiigs.. mlfi' kitohe nriw.c] U l on] onione floor.—Apply [5J met Mrs., Raby’s team, i ply W.L., M, Warriorlsquai St._Leonards. ml Sborndc..adbn riltad, atert.St. Uat" .tthew'e DiivCiSt] support o f t h a t v i ^ foreien eentlem an Who gave ^he alarms! that! HOP SUaSTITUTiS. - Mr. Cburthqpe ESPECTABLE LAD~1wintea - __ Mr. Assistant wanted at once.—Madame Lucas t HRS. DDDD’Is. Agencyr62, SaokTiKroad,! Itoonards. in similtir circumstances—though it would' MRS. BABY'S TEAM.^Mise Burrell, run'out. ea-road, Bexhill. ______m23h ANTED, COOKS. £2^ 45; Parlourmaid! lie •peared on IMondde 13; Mrs. Brown, run ,oUt, 4; Miss bewton, b asked the following question in the House of Lewis Abbott, 8, Grand Parade, Leo- . _5®?oiU*on;8ea.-4Working Housikeeper. .ADY! re< oinmeridd Purnisbed APARTM the Bandstadd; ' ' It b? wise to act promptly—I should advisei nards » ■|^EAPLRY.-Wanted YounglLADY for fancy £3d; Housemaids | :tchentaiaide, Scu| daily COoks. and' Genjeral A rra n t, now dis- Miss Stevens] 45 i Miss Shearer, run out. 12: Commons yceterday (Friday), and the veplb AJ live outa also Improverland Apprentices lerymaida.W Cook-Generals, E use-Parlounqaiit A I__ la ihoi se of 'm ost restactable itebpleillbeeS him to avoid eaying or doling any^teS; Mrs. Baby, 0 Hiss Stevens, b Mias Hughes, 30; FARM LADS wan for Australia, aged 16 eng^ed r also Dressmaker^ and i»lain tieedlo*' art sea frant; dining room floor, also leyteaii' is attached :+-Mr. CouitllOiKs asked the Pro] to 20; they wilirsail together wit'rith —,f. Baker. 33. Deronsh'ire-roaq. Bexhill. ml6b Nu rses.—Barkerri Jttegistf y. lantetbury. ml6 work; agents for ^yeirig and cleaning, mloh dace; Mr. Bright sHk I-wbicli niight create th e panic ■ ■ • ■ MisslOaltQn, 0 Mtse Smith, h Miss Stevens, 0; dent:of the Board of A fncuUuro if l e would d-'SiUing rooiMji Very [moderate jtieolal. , party., _ end— of-- May;—. , slight „______knowledge.ofledg ,BESSMAk}NG. - APPRENilCES wanted. ANTED, lor boardingfh! luse.'terly in Ma] AS Ti^FDL COMPANIOST, Nurse Attendant^ Matins. St. Ltonaras. I e asked why the m S i more disastrous than even a MissIV. Utcy. ruii out. If: Misj Reeves, b Mias ods a food GENERAL foi' kitchen work an Hugnea, 29: Mrs. Popb, b Hiss Hughesl 22; Ure. ■state when roe. H Substitutes Bi .l^onifl horsesl cattle, etc., neoefisary; only £1 payable Apply to Ha.stin Broh.. Breeds Place or Houfiekeeper, temporary or pehnanept; m e H a rtia ;|Tepliea Yours trnlv. be proceeded w ith? AJr. R uucim an; 1 eau- before sailing; Government guarantee each Lad itle-etreet. Hasting.______to66 Wto help witb cookjng.-4A{p: ly 12, Devonshiri i sbes ic [reebnlmend OMM . c Od l s o n Miiggriilge, not out, 1; eitraa. !5; tota[l. 173. terrace. Hastings, T J ____ _ ml6] thoroughly (lomesticatea, experienced with JL . (bcjiard bptibWHir'^iro’jh * .aS HASTINGS LAM E?.-M iss King, blMiBa Cal- not liame a date at preent. tWelvw m onths reovk on selected farms im- HESSMAKING. — Good E^odice HAND re light Duning. needlework, iezcellent long local NOT InoN • ' i| j ' medfately on arrival with good wages and free a n t e d ; gooti GENIE L tot small pri ived tor BIXilx montnsmbnjthii witiuwitri landladylaqdUdy who wtib - ton, 10; Mias Boblnsoh. h<|>t out 59; Miss Smith, ST. MAli,Y STAl;-OF-THE-SEA.—Mis8 quired for small private business, live it! reference and well redomiiended.—Stoneleigh* rery Way desiraklet ’ goid cooking—T.,|i IIOJ Ibw. b Miss .Caltbn, !21:1 Miss BtevenaL b Mias board land lodgings. —1 Apply at once to the ,orl out.—Mrs. Russell, 6, Soutb Grove, Tunft vate i'amily, be^oii|ii {g of June.—Appl 28. Milwdrd-road. Hastings.: ml6 -ron-Toa4 _Uaxtines. r'.; ClutterbuckJ who has l»en Head Mistress of .Government Agents, Waillla and Go.. 107. High- jliridge Welle. ______T______ml6 ij Wany evenin?-'aft«r j or by letter, 15r OMPA:NiON, XTsefnl.; re*engagemeDt d e s ii^ ^rcia addres^ Vjl EMPIRE D.\^ Caltou, (i; Mrs. Adams, p Miss Newton, b Miss the CatliolicjSchools ol St. Mary Star-of-thee sti^t. Ramsgate.______[______rolS Milwa.rd>^ad^ |Iaatin^. _____ ml6 ADYroU Brs“larta'RED-8I’ITING-BWU,lfur( rd, * ^r. 'laringstonei CaltoD, 0; Mias Hiigbea.fc and b Hi^d Burrell. OE Tunbridge Wells.—Strong, healthy, reiri to invalid or otherwise; capable, domes' AA nisbenigbei and the Use of kitchen gas ooqkerj 4; Mjrs. Whittington,' b Miss Burrellj 4; Mrs. ! ^ , Hastin®, lias Jatj y sent in her resigna-f TRO, 7U LAD wanted as PORTER, ride cycle. J pectable MAID wanted for general house]! AJfTEi). Tniddl^'aifeln ipectable Womaa Cticated,^good reader, needlewoman; smkll «a-uining-i|Oo: ifli for jtaeals, garden, plate laiui _ Tour engagement HE DRUMHEAD SEEK Adamson, not out. 5; extras, I; to tal Ifor six tion, muchsio tho griel pf the children, whq — Apply A. Willdrd, Ironmongery and work; good references essential: assistance as JCOOK-GENEB/.li lean and oanablu, lary.-MJ^s MI^/J^oOei, Battle, He said, ‘Madame! for small country hoiuscji ^saaB^»e»,sy» linen; or xonld ahare“hare her small bouse-witre . wktsj). 104. Miss Durhain. MreL Cracknell, and are very devbted to hec. .She.left On Wed-* Cycle I epot, 7 and 8, East Ascent, St. Leonards. pl'en; small family; no chiliwen; evening out W mfortable home; OOK. 1 good, in email family where 3 are lady; maiq Hive ValO; moderate term lrri retract towards me.1 The t sual Empire Day Drun^cad Se^iqe! Mias Clark did not bat. I i ■ T ] ______[ _ ml6 and monthly holiday. — Biroop, Bella-Vistai boy kept; two in f i n ily. 1— w rite X , 15i» kept; lar working HOUSEKEEPER to one Wrlte'ite L., 315, Obtariier” iQiffice. HMtirigsJrii:“ nasT^m* till hdlheld in the Alexandra Eark on Suii- nesday, havi ig been Htad Mistress just uiwif Gaze tte ^ n d Herald Omces. ! Sastboume. Began and Mr. Hollington StJ Jqhn Satniday tepm met three years, during which time the members ANTED. ifOUSEBOY (15-16); live in.-Now Cojrnwallis-gardens. Hastings. ______ml6_[ Clady, middle-aged; wages £30; good references;■jB'ELSpN r o a d ; — (tofiifortabie fu'rnisheqi , ing happened. Thc^ iiy next week, the 2Ate iust., a t 3.65. H astings G ram m ar -ScJuiol ap H olliiigton on Inn Hotel, Winchelsea. !______ral6_ e n e r a l wanted for Apartment HoiisS T^AKTED thorpugliljin. reliable C'OOi!- pear Wlpchelsea, Rye or near preferred.--R.s J(x APAI TMENTS to be Jet, every Home i:om4 have increaied from 8/1 to 138. Thb child­ W f T (jENEHAIj;' nouseparlDurmaid kept*; no O-o. Mm., Power., 77, Church-roadj Upper Nor- ray, rose, said "G o^ The Eervire, with roe address, will oe cou Saturday. " Hillside’]. Club has te'W be­ ren prepared a surprise concert 'and enteri vTED. Strong' respectable LAD as Por- good character.—Miss fWallis, 37, Wesi.i objection to teaching ybu'i? sei^vant; ea^ fort, gopd and quiet neighbourhood (comnineilj : hd walked off. 1 dieted! J.v the 'Very Rev. Dean II. R. Ciyrit er.—Apply Manager. Fuller and Swat- Glli|ll, St. Leonards. __ 1 _ ___ml6 wood, 8.E. I ^______• inl6b rtam o t led and|[sitting-rooms): permAntenesr come Holliiigtoii| Sti Jbhn Saturday because tainment.ini honour'-7' -*• • • - u Wt they had im idea VJ)„ Battle, assisted by C haplains of tiie the Hillside ground’bad to b» given rip. ood cook-g e n e r a l . trbs'twoTthy, plait tie. Siisaex. ~ T ! ______XPERIe NCEIT ■ Toung IsADT seeks position of otherw se; close sea, station and tramsf !T.ptorial Force. last day in ncliqol, anc scveiril of tlie childr YPED, Young MAN, about 18, for Fruit cooking, gooil comfortable home.—Applj' JLJ as Typist, Clerk, or Secretary; thorough; term s,mod Biate.-HApply Mrs. Reed, 10, Nisltote follow. ■ Mr. Eiying- •HOLLING'rONTsTi JOHN. Ik- H. Duke. 0 Ten’s mothers were invited. Before [the em |ind Oreensrocet^y.—Apply G. Dentate. ANTED, hmart Ladylijie PEEsONS. u t knowledge of onotthand and tyiwwriting'; tem­ road.- Has Jngs. I I ' ■______■ ■ '; ji t « ' I that there i^as any voices., onduoted by Mr. Fralcd Stace, b Carson. 6; g. Weller. 0 Carson, b Car- W*' GMrh. Sabin. 7. Amherst-road. Bexbill. ml6b m irried, to take [management of Penny tertainment an addresi Was read by Joseph 13. No; DanyFoad, bt. Leonards. ' ml6 e n e r a l rennired.l at once, who can do porary or permanent €ngagement.~G.A.H.. 84, ^ T . LEO] r ARDS^To l'.eL comfortable jtrike. No ope was l.T.l'.l.. will lead the singing. son. 4; Patterson, c Snsconi, j Hooking, 8; T. W Bazaars on South Coast'i mukt be dapable, gohdBraybrooke-road. Hastings^ m35 tp furnli hed HCIOUS in Cottage for' perman.! Msjdi-Ooneiial C. Young, iwipman Gutsell, b Carsnik, Ot F Smith, c Hocking, b Martins, coriiiosed by himself; and one Of TED, YOUTH ito deliver ^Gloode at plain cooking, age ahopt 30.—Apply 21, at flgur !3 and able to ioiitroi staff.-Write 1, himself when jbe saw! the gfrls maile a presentation to Mite Cluft bnee, good wagejs and peifmancncy. ~ *1*- ..Hrien'^Park-road. llastiiigS;______ml5 l^ikBMEM’S iDAUGMTEH. thoroughly domes- ehey. eith ir to, middle-aged lady, teacher >0*1' the Hime podntics’ Division, w Carsbn. 4; L. B ritM c and I Carspnl 0; T. G 329. " Ol server ’’ Office, Hastings. ml6 X ticated. seeks a situation as useful Com­ Gaeaon, o Stare, b Hbcklna. 1: A. DUk®. b Car­ terbuck on ibohalf of all the children of Bruce aind Co., Ironmonkers. 2, Yhrk-buUdings, e n e r a l wanted, age lO-W). plain cooking, iurse; yeUrences exch8nged.-rApply, by letri 's, wsed’ deep re g ^ at I LOHQ BEU'yiCB NEDAte U astinw .______1______m l6 ANrEDnirgoodi good rirortglGirl as GENERAL panion, Me; 21. ^' Ashdown Farm. Lonham, Z., Kj: ig_BrpBl. Bohemia. [Hastings. Afis ■ i ', son. 1: A. Harris, p Hooking, b Careon. 0; a beautiful i]old brooch set with peails, am no washing, early riserj good reference fc|r high._ -class apartment house; must Le near^ Maidstone. ml6 Ip B and was f,highly!' ifler til B service. J. Robins, b Hockinu, 6|< J. W aller,-not out, 0; ANcTED, Sm art La L of good address and private house.—Apply, befor .12 or after 6 Wclean qnd1 resrespectable apdj of good appea;-- {Li IQH BpAD, Bt.7l.eonaTd8. Durii g the singing of the last in the centra a star of pearls with a fendanti appearance for high-class bt and shoo G ir l , 17, seeks Situation, HOUSEMAID or wcU-fMrnished Sitting'rroom and bedr le W n a credit to extras. 4: total. R i! / gold heart with a iteail in the centre at 123. London-road. St. Leona rds. ml6 anoe; iood wages giyien I th' suitable girl.* lection 'n'ill be m ade [in aid of tjl HASTINGS GBAMMaB! SCHOOL. J Stace, c W tatail; small salary to s'lart; good I opportunity. [General: tall, strOng [and reilHng.-Daw­ atb (hi and o.l.Jnice gaifden. every contanl-T I. Mr. Livingstone. Clutterbuek touched by Ihe ad NERAL s e r v a n t wanted the' begiuninfi 36. Wa I rior-aquare. St. Lc||r)i ards. ml6 son, Lanq 'Gate, By- ' ! ' ml6r — ----- Christ ' Church t moderate torms.H :ite, ;was With Mr. end |Sa lom' Help Society. Smitih, b Patterson, 9; Ei Hock ing, b iPattereon, -4Applyl personally, Hail, 28, Bobbrtaou-street, of June, for private family.—Apply, aftei' ANTED, respectable, bl'Sin OHARWOMAJf G 5; Sbearer, c H. puke, h; Gate in. 66 p a r s o n , 0 dress and pftaentation Towardi tho end d£ Hastini^ _ [ ml6 6 i .m., Mrs. Herington. Collew Haw, 24, Uoun. OfJ8B®ABt0tJRMAID, £26; IHouse. £18; , 284, TQbservei^’’ : Office, U atere|^ . - ciwn at Brighten and, Mavorland Cbrporation, widow preferred] who conld. do washing H CooK-general (good), £20; Housemaid, £16, Choir,! will muster a t the Kiosk H. Duke, h Patterson, 5i' Percfral, c H. Duke, b tho concert the children announced a eon T^ANfrED,"''a quick intelligent^BOY. under PI'lasant-road. Hastings. '| ml6 Wonce w sekly and two Jays charing; moat le ■■conductor and solo! Gasson, 11; McMillan, hit wk;., b Obteon, 13; in honour i f Mise Clitterbuck, and every­ f V 151 for indoor work and to ajaelst in'look- £18 ; sisters, (took: and Houie, £20J £18;; tempo- 3T. LEO;i fAEHslj — 82, West Hill, comblne'ib';' at 3.3(k and march in processii ^,EN ESA L w a n t e d for Apartment House thorouE b and particular- IVrite; Clive VaA, /> w>li ' was' Band'j^rgeanti Busooni, c PatterwjnJ b Gaason, 8; Stendon, not one was amiised and pleased to hear the ol ihg after a stud of Show Pigeoqs; all ineals vJ age over 20, wages £181 chiefly house 279,-o-oj, “ Observer’’ (jffieg Hastings.^___ml6 rayy Cooks; IDs.: Daily Girl,]Ss.---EuSBelrt’sIBegis.. • furnireed, rq/decorated FBONIT- 1 iquanl at JS.40J ia , i i out. 13: Asser, Ibhr. 6 Hi Duke, 4; CJ Hooking. try, ’44; RtogemiaHro^, [St, iLeonards. _, m lt_ SOOM, fipst flopr, : ‘in [nice .house, ' good r iars in th e ^ d Bat-r song under ;l new qsix et: "For she's a jolll found, but must sleep at homi}.—Apply be parlour work, no basement.]-Tho Vines. 56 a n t e d , for Orc, la So id GENEBAL 'Se tpgim ent. He has; relll be rese^ed for the Uagistrktesj Ibw. [b H. Duke, 2] ViBui] 0 Smith, b H. Duke, 0; fOre 11 a.m. or after 7 p.m., to J; L. Burgess, Sek-road. Bexhill. I______m23b a d y nards. I ml5_ yriter essential.-[R. OhalUs, Belle Hill pn Percy, of the 2nd Inarch I te theit allottW position tn the Bark 4; F. Thompron. ^6' totars, - b - Harman, - -a. -. 5; J. Tickete for i Seats within tho enolosuta may Porters and Pantry Bojjs, 8s., lOs —Apply An- nursing., reillingj and Obliging, dumesttoai cd;; 4 >flcs,| d u rin g th e Itoibe h position not later than £.15 p.m. | Oliver, ;c Ambler, , OUSE-PAELOUBMAID wanll. YStore I. Bexhill. ______ml6bT maSsage if required; disengaged.—c.o. Henlth >1^1' i urge jiunriy Bpo^S. nnifi Sm ^I. b Hadaefd, J2' King Bros.’ Lit raries, ) chop Agency, 48, St. Leonards-rokd, o u n g g ir l .- agedla^ I6. required dail; Food Stotas,_Quere’s-rdad.lHastlngs. _ n 30 . he has now happily The)]iindermentioned units will parade [at from 8.30 lo 6.36.— . (fl'ellih! ton Square ait 3 p.m ., an<, lollow the P. Richardson. ijdflbld. 22 ly Mrs. Batemai r s . MANLEY S lM ^w fthta to I higBiy re­ jprner out. 6; L. Stevhna I g o r s , 1- ijXJtMAN. — Respectable Young] HAN I18-20)i YCarlton Cottage, Pairlight-iad, Hastings, m commend her (took-Hhusekeeper as W irk­ netor, kTHLATEDl-The . tMopsniariding at Carlisle Paraim in foilow- E. iB arnes,b Hadfleh.. 2; extras, 2; t >tal, 72. I JT wanted immediately as Potiaan and as. 'OUNG La d y BS Useful HELP Ming Housekeeper |or as Uoasokeeper Attem ant;g(tjnn‘ ______iuer.'has written to iigord ir; Fire Brigade, St. John Ambu aiice OLD TOWN.—J. Sh Barer, b Thompi n, 2; A sist in bar, witb a slight knowledge of the! for a boarding must be domesfi- to invalid, where; If possible, qnief|boy 11 ciirild PHttMiB’Uniarfiisfied H i_i_____MB in____ St.: ■M Ilrigavl . Boys’; Brigade, Church |Lads’ B)ri- O. Small, b Toomhiorj, 12; |P. Hi,S-man, b trade; state wages; live m.—Apply Mrs. French,' cated; age about )22.—. reii t free.! to married coriple Impressing thef plea^ JPRflMRok L e a g u e . The Corepasses Hotel, Tunbridge Wells, ml6 Y >1, Warrior-Squn: be with her; oomforiable jioine piiucn valued; M 'h e r book, I" The fjde. and (Boy) Soou(ts. / Thompson, 10; |J. |Bjadfleld, 6 Thofipson. b St. Leonards. mil Hastings dr near: preferrna.-Flease write Mrs! pbildren, ,n retrirn for attendance Pf '1 Tao I markers from each unit, jreith purnjdc Harding, 1; A. Bogel s. b Richardson, b Hard I lYLQyiEEU immediatelyi|3 a respectable M.tN' UNG GIRL wan(ed : train under good Bourne, 2J Stonoficld-road.l Hastings. ni2S Iderly o tuple;, referericeS required.T-A has aiford^: him. ing. 6; T. Adams. :c,| Stevens, b Thompson, 10; AVAL IJONCERT i Xti pensioner or otherwise, to dmiver proles. Cook and assist Ai|kitohen; experience u] r p o GONFECTIONEBS. Yburig ‘ L A W ^ lelts ,.L.. 13. ‘ Otiseiiver Offleet, Has^inga I aly leongratolatee ftaJLes. to rhport themselves at 3 p.m. ta Cap- J. Ambler, b Hirdlnir. fl; F. King, p. Haylor, b A G r^ u N ^ I sional |cards, etc., bouse to hou^, ip town iin_ lOydf inside the Square,) Alexian^ra ■ . " . — • itry; pensioner nn - ■ neceisary; must be stronr nd willing.—Craig- X situation, two yeto^ 10 riiririths exueri- usion in the Qxford Harding, 0; Canning , b Hard ng, 0; P. Wells, (Beingp the Pi^mroee iljo^^ue^ Annual Entertain- and y-do 1, 35, Marina, ^t. |l-eo d s.______m lf cnce.—B. yield. The Sqiiare. Tloemirst. iul6 ’’ a distinction en- not but. 0; A. (canipl ellL run dut, 0;oxtras, 1; mifent). will be held! on tween and 11, a t 146, Lo:ndon-road, St. Leo- oth presentation to “ . - . - - |WEl||NESDAy. MAY 27th, a t i ml6 K 4 lA A SERVANTS b a t passed through fftWO Sisters seeks' situation ai COOK land lady novelist. Medela for presentation to be handod to total, 36. J ' 1 1 ' nards.______O.lMMJ Gooffiiotgh’algh’s lexteUsive Servan: A Hoiriemald,/in small I fam ilri—Apply by taderatc. —Ai aptaiitai i1 Iriyd Iioyd befone the Service Servii hegina I Bexhill St. Ifeter’i and Enimanuel met on TOE r o y a l ! CIpNCERT HALIi. OMABT 'Young MAN or Young [Woman re- Agei icy yearly which speaks for itself both letter, A and B.i 18, Weet [ Hill. rorth'-roril. St, ES.—H astings' end O quired; knowledge of photo mapby pre-i St. tooni rds. Aftej thothe ServiceService' ia over, all nnit^ will ^ e x h ill Down }astl t}iturday, Em m anuel win- _ _ _ NANALiicOMEbYl CONCERT COMPANY, cmp.oyei's and servaita wishing to be suited 11I6 IWO Bii.dles rUl naturally be in- ifind jjastiand awai^ orders. ning by 22 runs. For the wnjners B S. Mar- ferred.f— Apply Electric Fish Poi d, Hastings: quickly; good selecticjn senK by return.—Qoo ■ffllT'ANTED. Situation as Young HOUSBMtlD, Fuili Ished f the departmental J from PCIH’TSMOUTH, Pier.' Good references absolutely necessary. ioard; eicelleri______tellitook three) wick! tsllfor 2 Will R(ve a Spe<|ial Progra'iProgra'mme. ml6 enough's. 45, Bouverteroiri, Folkestone. Tel. vv.Boxhlll required.—Apply A. Goodsell. 63, 'isheriee. which was Martcll three wickq « for no runs. For St.' 462. > F ] m30 Sidley-strtat^idley^___ __ m 16b^ lion; trriiIS coritariient; permanency preferred. rhe following are HR. IGEBAi Id ARBUTHNOT; ANm a N wanted, used to bous Mr. Pow cl, Baker, Haidstonc-rolad. Ma de n . tei-ns moderate: nri children.—AppTy 9;|: bnourajaiid Awards. I^AlifTED, IMPROVER for wbbHhop.-Apply kept:jnced'—Apply good references by letter, required.4-AppTy, to Mrs. Aletander jrounef l a DY. riow Jditengaged,idlile requitas ______; ■ ___ ; . ■ ■' 1C am>thai of a branch WITHOUT Monk, b Waters. u6 L. Sau iders, c and b iVee to ] M embers. Non-] W'G! Kane and Co.. West ]Mayina. St. te r, toKite Miss a Nest. Foster, St. 18,Helen't. West Hill.Hitotlngs. St. L « i uards ml6 ' tost as Mornini; GOVtEBNESS in school ambridf e-garidpns. Hastines. - I (filfi. ith agriculture, giv- G ray,'10; F; K14iott| 1 lyaters. 2i A. I. Climp- Leonards,______o u n g 1 ADY neeks situation as W A IT! EPS. NPUhNI8HED’ ROc!mS| to Let, one I i|t(te/ti son,; c Leonard. b lG ’ay. 4; L, L, k artell, b j'DSE-PARLOURMAID______wantod. j _____ b^lnnin'L ml6 ■ irtvatetaate family.—ifai pply 15. Springfleld-rnad. high-c ass refreshment! rooms.—L.A., 103, tepartnwnt rank of CAMP COOK^ for Sc<^t~jCamp atm TJOUSEMAID,of June: must £20 be. thoroughly comforiable capable sltvatloi anc ex hill. ml6b Tachbrook-itrect] yiotoria, jS.W. ]_ ml6 cool ing .teove; ..also durriisUed comblnsd', ;h direct access to HAN(X Waters. 0; W. [Hughe 1, hot opt. l;_BlUinge, b Y om pr I bedriipm:; nemy pecorated; cheap fori Waters, 1; J. I’arkjel- li Gray , Harbour, May 30th, to lu”® 30 ^ Jj, tworthy; House-parlourmaid, age over 30.—Apfaly £26, { small MisS timil' Slade r^ G fiA ip ,, bien Ir stru|teTlibro lee soirs < it o un g liADY,rffl, seeks situation In btoers iAt*miilnip____ icy*,— , iotbri iHbiita.(TYl/iggc^o ’VvAfyiv* Victor Plap/l^lasva nrla ture and Fisheries, Waters, 0; exttas. 6;1 to'al, 63. scouts 1 state wagOs and quahficationk.--Apply , pa-lourmeld. Hollm^on aid, £24; Cook, Park, good St. lUonardiplain, £30;'* ml61 les dimanebes, desirerait connaltro per- i! , to J. H Green , SoOutmaater, Lgose, Kent. ml6r i general, £24; (Jeneral, £18 (¥lat)!-W i arid confectioners or fancy, would 11' e in olning ( reen a Hotel, Havelobk-road. Hamingi m t to h a v e power to FOR OVER 30 YE BBXrfiLL ST. p IT'IS'S. - J. Leonard, b JUSEMAID. thorough wanted, notqne tha: sonhc'-francaise pour 6chahtor conversation. Yand assistJwlth houseworki—Apply C.E.. fOb- ' ,.,„./ •./.mire i sea fishing by-laws Elliott. 6; W. (croucn.l h MonkJ Oi Waters. Ibw, B q C H A N A N i H o S P l x j A l "Yy^JlNTED.an active MAN.for^’-—or housework;------_ Vhtoriahas been Buildings jn boarding Registry. house __Offices, or apartmeni, St E'E'J 15. ’* Observer ’’ Otrioei Hastings. mt6 server'V Office, Hastings. > mj6b b Monk. 0: E.],Gray,. h B. Martell. 21; G ust have good knowled na ds.3C; Notwo fees in tofamily; ^erv an four ts. sbrTantaj______kept.— floung Lady holding tolyanced”certificat!s I ...... 1^ ___ F tJ lte H E D RGbMS to iJetTiTrooi ie tbo cbart oflEng^ ing; wAges 21a.; Oil found excr. |v V cm ikinfT: Fwell-tarommcnded>—Apply Th/ Dav^fl. b ElIiot(^ 0; c Cl: mpson b Monk. I ONERS,•_v_41,^.Brittany-rw staying at St. Leehbrds is wan 1 / road. St. Leoni.rds:i;IN/ ■ ohday, Wednesday, nil hoard-residence: £1 week inclusive.—Traf- light; r ilinuter I-eria centtal to dveryt nirig Parminter. not out, tings. St._Lronar(l8.______ml6 ing a COOK-GENERAL to d H lusemaidj ord. Etehin^am. I J____ yery me i)rirate[—Mi IVoi nshope'fisheries are 0: extras. 3; total. Superb PlIANOPOHfE by " iroadwood ” iri GBNEttAL or GIRL, to sleep oiijt. wanted, L -for whenI roe she returns to London after Whitsunand Saturday evenings a t G p.m., Boston waltz, WESLEY GUILD. !-• dl, H. Brooke j, b Mat- compose; check action]; A O -orgian Gavotte; 1 irivate lessons and class] ITIOtiNTRY' APAiE'ffiENTSi^Siti Ing-ftom, two SXHi LL.—(jentleSpztian has vacancy fi 'r One f oped .^ p ly Miss Alexan foulr in family; Nurse kept; wa[ges £2l| to £22.- b;’ appolntment.-^M Tbl hurst, 68, Norma] or tiro' PAYING GUESTS, close t< ysfea.| theW . 18'[ G. Croudll. clGrcgoty, b Nickles, 3; cxccllei t ton) land perleot condition: ; only £11 Ap ily, aiiy evening, after beiBrooms or Bed-aitllng-nx m, clean, and A. Small, b NlcklesJ i;: C. Gillett, b pirrainter. _ _ . 1 fYar 4 11 J _ 4jll Tkn In js A XF4 a W Of 07*^ ’ West Mill. Hastings ____ o’cle ck, Mrs! r#. away. " 'URS2S’ C iliioii Drete Materibls. 30ins. wide, trim stylishly.—Apply to Mast in Bros [ louse. Ighlesham. ! ______m30b_ INI May 20th—Sidley, ripmel - 61(.. cloaks, bonnets, cap:1.1 aprons, etc. Lady not bedridden; to sleep in her room; curacy, promptness andisbsointe secrecy at minute tori' sea.—Ei iterprise; 1,466, f’ Obs irver , May 23tb—Emmamiel, away. a good] lifter, help given; age l>e[.reecn 30 and MBr^eds-pldce, Hastings. tc62liioderate chargee. - 6 Bi reraok-aquare, wju hSAMILIES received as tPAtlN i GUESlR at Mce.J'dxhm r J J I ' i _!nWbj N■wo spei ialisf in Nursiis’ Outfte. RSd Cros /40j state salary required.-L etter only, to Miss ■p ARLOU” iW»P A RI .W WATkTR ' I'w/i tnil«a f mil i! EfiTk Ma.i[ 30th—Old Town; krelay. Mate'rl!...... A| rona, Cains, etc. s'ocked.—Hunts: qhelsea' ] ;: | ■ r The! Crouch Farm. Sandhurst, Kent, ox- i%’iABp lE I^M E .' two miles fFOB 11 Bex* June ,3rd-B attle, aware. Lemerel 42, St. Helen’s Park-road, tiastings. ml6 e’isivei grourids, beautiful srieneiT. Dear river h i l , offered Ted t. ISsi weekly; two si iaring Bros., lener il D raper i, M ilU teta eto-, 9-10[ Eai'le. ______ind pinei woods; tennis, cricket, ]ony and trap ___ AJJNI'VERSARY.—To-m oW w June 6th—NinOeld, aware. ; Tr-inityJstreet,___Roberta >n-street, GNCE.-'fbe best VACANCfHS for'Sef- taohi, 2iS.T-Apply', bj' letter, M., Box l,47i.“ Gm ' Junie 10th —HoIIing in ! St. Johns, hoflie. vants and Helps in Folkeet irie, Ashford, a c k e r and s o r t e r wanted; must be quid/ MUSICAL. ETC. tept; photos sent oh applicatioi ^______ml6 Sertai^[l .Pfllee-lHexh H. i ’ ■ nl6b (Sunday) l|he iKobertron Street Co: EPASRS o: Sln’ger^, Willooxj/Fridter and Hastingis. Rye, .Canterbury, Westsatle. Margate, June 13th—Baldsloui away. Rdsaman. and all Ibther Seiniing Machineri. and accurate; also Caleudai Hands friOOD iFARMHOCiiE APART!IBNT8, cook- ILKIISTONE.—Ly tteltpi),, ConnaughLi oad.— tionali V'Uurch I Sunday School annive: June 17lli—Sidley, hjway i SurreyTl London. — Apply Mrs.” England, 31. IroiersP ajnd Learners Lear tor all depi rtments "XOMPOSEE of Music, glv/isi LESSONS. Piario. UT ing and attendance 1 piairc, indoor sani- Co nforiapie Be ard-rasidence; central-, ep- RBarkte'. 8. firiU-itreet, H astm ta (Old Town)'. Marsh-street, Ashford. Laundryiiaids wanted .a'Uon. ekcellent .water, 15 minUtea steam rail will lie held, tpe Rev. J. Philip Rogers, Jube 20th-All Soins hone. Over tuirty : rears at tbie addtass. ' to ealiry to[)j start .—AApply BMbill Launi ry. m30t Singing. Hgrm^ny. Tbeory. Preparatipn pariate tables]: — mot^leriwV crate] special terns for iBounjemouth, being the ' preaeper. Jurie 27th-OId ToWb. |h )me. at, once; 1 ml6 J^ESPE:UTABLE” Yoimg Lady AS HSTANl ___M.. R.O.M.. iatii, Tnnityi College exams.; [;ar service; terms m oderate.-1 Irv. 0. Jury. perjman !Ut Boarderii. : !______to307 llorahservice will'bo held in)the Iristitifte July 1st—Battle, a^riri pT MRS. RUDD’S Agency, 62, 6aokville-road. wanted for counter trade.—App y Mana lompositions revised ; very moderate fees. — J.. iroad Btoeet Farm, lokltaham, 4"«sex. ml6 IUOLK: iSfONE. —! BOARD-RESIDENCE or a t .three o’clock July 4th—Baldslow, la way. k —1 Wanted a Nuree, one child, three geil International Stores. Battle.______ml6 t.o. Burton. Evetam la-placi 1, Bt^Lepnards._ral6 n OOB lAPAB'HrENTS. one O ' two sitting' J ; I Ap irtirierite, w< 11 fumiihed,' centra I posi- July 8th—Hollineto i St. Job ntonths;! also Housemaid, age ojrei 20, wagi e Sp e GITAHLE Young GiRL wanted Tt YBriBLVEY COP 3, A.R O (0.. visits and re- Ur. rrioms, three bedrooms or I /sa; pleasantly jon. oieimlnrite toes;; south aspeeti: good R l^ riiOSS FIELD DAlf.—Her i draco July nth—Ninfleld, lawsy. to /j dvemsers. £22 for Rotel Servants, hree English NURSEMAID to two little ch Idren. — i.vJL ceivea BCPILli; piauoj singing, orgrin, /itnated;| nice garden; [good coiking arid aL looking ritlennanci: bath, (h., and o.)t mode- the Duclie.te of Norfolk, P resid en t fbi the July 18th—Gasworkt. home. Wfiiters and others all districts. I rel6h ApK )ly 18. pevonshire-road. Bexnill._____ml6b theory, 10s., 6d. itern; spliindid successes; 500 endancetoDann, Darrell 6 Farm Whatlington, ' ' ter ai.—MJs Hs 11. 19.]Bonv6riesqri» *. irig County olpu% x. will inspect detachnients July 22nd—Bexhill (Trad," ' PPKItNTICES.-rA Maooriie.Tra3]e8' Taifo¥; Press notices and testlmoniiill; exams, prepared iassex.l I ; i I ,| . ml6 . JOD liindE offel 'ed to single geritemritt ; July 25tli—“ oijserv ir,” ?AID Al D V E R E N T S , //iich ESPEOTABLE GIRL wanted, a wut 14 of thO|Bmish Red Cross Society on Weiiiies; '"■ ami "FOR Boberteoji-strect. has a VA()AN0Y for wakes from commencereent. - - Appl] for; Bexbill visited — I?. Wellington-aqUar' KHUBST. Kent.-Coiriforitahle’^ A R T - .T[sma 111 private fa ally: near JVanipr:/ qri— bcuti July 29th—Old Tow i. ateay. __ _ _ "WriNTED-" Ydung tody] about 16 years, as Apprentice Hastings. ' I______i t cl MENTS in well built! model n house, amid It. Leoi ards: terms aioderate: rieductioit) Joihts, day, June 17th] at Baldslow Place, bjr kiud August 1st—Hollinetob , St. Jopn s, a|way. SALE." Etc., iare insii itho following R Ua ’ager,p[_f>to«'[V«r][_ Office.hastingi.__ml6 NEW ERS for tor the phorerpoms; good opportunity to ac­ EQUIMD.—Young I+ADY."teIiable Ito assist I ...OFOBTE.-i-Bl imentery LESSONS gitan, ovely tocnery ; every cpriTehieE re; good cOok. trierids shariBg rocm. i — 'Write Jnpit oro Throat, ' rmijNsjon lof Mr. C. J. Ebdtn- Thetje will August 8th—Sidlev. airay. ITKST-CLABl IWEEKM quire extoritoqe in todies' Costomes; salary moderate term 1.—Wri,i e iCr call for pros­ ng; terine moderate.—Apiply Blike, Rosedene, 1‘Obsen eil ’’ Office, I iastiai a iiiimiiti attack on a position by i; 4e- August 12th—ITastin 'sIMsn s W ONE CL AEG 3 [ONLY:-- to'commpnc«t.—Apply Perspnally | ml6 Uoutakceper in a board^lng home for mmplaints, R few monlbs.—Apply, by letter, to E.II.P.. 355P pectus Miss Eilgen iedmiii, Stockleigh-rckdJawkhMrpt.Kerit-' ! 1 ' T J8 - ■It ADY has pltosari iri rtoommending I le, andjgives , taelmiriit df the 5f August 15th—Emm'' ntel; home B A S T IV G S s| S T . L I \OATANDi' d s s E n r x a , t THe Women’s Employment Agency, 43, Lower flat); St. ILeo aards.; EN'_.I'T.- fOountry, , ______APABTilEllTf______. , |! Roy al' .Sussi ______August 19th—Old Ta.i*sre SIVI 33. 'Warrior Square. i ml6 other bands: “Conination March," "Taran- Li taU e Farnished! -gPARrMENTSa good igOub, writes inipnriajit•M.piiiiujK organisationsOrganisations connected1 reit|l: the May 16th -H o 1Hngtcp St Jobnk. bomb. Special term 1 for long S:r periodA rate card pn Sti Leonards and Bexhill; also tireb And coun­ ' HgJ|Vi00L»,I, 29,:|OrDft|J— -y—. Htatini ------NUS and ASSISl'ANTS wa ited im telle," "Nerve Dame,” etc. - On eale Messrs. rooking and atteridanep;/motor coaches'call 4 Vi criaeies fo r 1 nej br| two'ipostaeae «a« ty fsr rkt cniircli.chlircli, Hiplljp thankedtimnkpd all those who weie ta- Mav 23rd-'' Otoervi r. ’j boina : application q the Pn Slishing pBice. try; numerous Vacancies, good eitoations. good , ely. — Apply Madame Davie, Par Hermitage. Grand I arade.J______mir Jmes daily ; germs moderate: ri/ ar station and No a-mounts sent by ppst unuer 2s. 6d. are wages; dldest Registry in Hastings, most cen­ jmeriM ai j BOA :DErM;'ISs. i separate ixmi 1]' Us. spoiisiMe ^ ir its upkrop.. He afould not mhn- Ju|e^ri*!’ w htoM oi I'by-^Moilinjgton St. John’s. Ho ise. Devonshire-rodd. Beimill. ml6b h e Ore Btririg B ANDlalre open for erigage- lost office; no objection to children. — Apply ‘iBcl^ ita'terniri; highly ' tioii r,;iiiiw.i—Tiie progra ackiiowmdgel unless : he cost yf so doing is tral, and has largest (g>nneeUqn; ' good Ser­ (tanagereto- " ___^ , tc45 Ihaye ^iri; prbgramme I included free includedT in .He rem itt fnce. r , ! . , , . v vants always wanted, and can often be suited iTEONcl clean, willing, yoring WOMAN wa: ments.—For tei ma, e^., ripply F. .Hchatd' mendev Wercinw.^ ------runrunning' exercises, a id aword jPefits Advertisemerita to be inserte^^ in^ ALL^tbe inf a few hours. — rEmm’i Central Registry ted] for Apartment ijeusc as Jeneral son,T 10, Middle-r6ad.|Ore,:Hastings._____ DSSEXto^adtorst Village, two gbod'sited TtgttD ifBSSTTBl^ HOT, ISoathdowBS, 1 jgaite,'. by Sti (T-.Sei'jreanttT-.Sei'jreant'MoM, Mom, An enjoyableeniliyable 1ndusiulsical above paper r [must be sent to the Publishing Office, 57. Eobertson-strect lopboaite Plum- gofl|d refejronpe.-20, Cambridfgc-road, [iastinga Y o u n g LADY_w|8hes ,t|o glve^LESSO.SS [fn FRONT ROGMS toiLet, yriti qniet homely iJyJT Sasaex.f-Idea .QouBtiy Resideati 1. aad igrjitmie iwne carried out by Mrs. Ellgar, Office not later than Irst poBt'jon Erlday. raer’si. Memorial. Hastings. [______4cl3 ml6 AhilHrAn in! Pia noforiti and Singing (hi>f leople; good attendance] cool In g ; lady or n ^ d a " iResottl e; ceHerit .oulstari,' « irirate . free on yeocipt of lid.' ;entleman. or lady and ;child; slight invalid lore.-ire...... and Miss M uriel Evans. Me- Voucher C ipies poet TkETWEENMAIIMnnder 16). wanted in a aronll BLOBESS ASSISTANTS! tn d Anprenticej not objected; permanent; motor ’bnsee qnite ■ .bleri.,' owB frirmHiroduta;! bllllar&ri. inplt. per week ex:; privlatp «chbr>l.—Miss TompseU, Kenilworth reqiAred by J. V7. Goldsmith, Lid., Uigl roduei, plcnlds. flil tag. ttv lrig . etc.—P OPjlei dal.s fir (lr[ll Were distributed bv Mrs. Ar- _ents are lecclvied a t the: striMt. Tunbridge Wellg. J m23 laar; tarns 2Ss.—Eatori; ;Durga tes, Wadhurst. — J lic^: KnfnAinn. wibig( ; ist.i M briel Lewis; 2nd, May C ieed; Replies to . lilvcrtiBen|i< College. iBlaekltods. Hustings. m16 T Offices of the above pa lers PllEB OF CHARGE.; 2MPOEARY h o u s e m a id wanted' for _ : [ , J I ______,[.“*'8 T______BOABE fiSsC ’ Srd. J ay Hai-vcy; dlli. Elsie Sti-elly. A fifth The Naihi but cannot be [forward >d unless a fee Of 6d. peri VEEPEI requueii fov jasu uenu m month from May 23rd; dallv or sleep in.. B PENjPI a Holiday under! Canvas, iri’the beau- -DENCE (Apartments), Iwith^or relthdpt igt; las been prepaid by the bmong and P<9|tltorcrl8 Business at Utui^istrici' of DEKTON, between Can- Pnze jFor drill attendance andl three yjars’ week (not retornable) Bexhiii.-]Write ix|perience]an]i!6 land nwkges required, T Ap >ly The Rosary, Suthenand-avesiue. Be: ndari /e; terms motorate.—7," Qneen-stn ijU L, nm niemhlTship was presonterl to May Haivey. Athletic g(K ^ jarantee Advertiser. M . hil ,____ L ^ ____ ■]] f rei6b 15 ANTE rorburyj Folkestone, and Dov//r (Ingredsby’s The Nollcd bf Adve rtleers is rawjn to the G(., 15. *|Ohyrv^rj:' Office, Hagtibgs. CountiQf. the Garden of England). Lovely E or TwIo ' LADIES lean be Wpei' In''' presented to former medallists. of durabiiitir. following Post Office leguiatioite:—Letters oq, fyiOOivQENEBj for North London,,^©; no T] PHOIRTERE8S.-Praotlcal WORKER wa RESSMAKlNSaiid Ne llework: loose ohiritx views Ipr mileri aronild.l TCnti' all eixta, for „ I iri'T.te ifamilre- r- A-M.. 3539, I mi's jivere presented to forfflta m edallists: parcels addtaise'd to initials, dr to [fictitious V ,tera|ly: go wages; fare pud.—Applv 5. (J ted, used to loose covers, curtkins, etc D* covers made at bp le' r by the d to ;l large pr small parties, jwith Ibedrooms arid din­ Ofllpe. Folkestone, I Etheli Barhlbi, Grace Click, Lily Crote^, IT every Oanle sent 'yitbqut a sur-j Caroline-pIacB, [astings. I ml6 ' to work on premises or at home.HJ. Bui' _Qod references.]— L.P., Bohemia-road, 1st.! ing rooms. Floored, <|an>eted land fnrnished ' N ^G TIe sT ■eceived In houw’ri,*® ol qniet Special Cataloirus's nareea, or to a Christitn name am [ Bont, Mercery Lane, Canterbuta. ! ml6 family 'in I pleasant position,ion. el iMe to j QIa/ta( f)a,r :e|r.[ Dolly Curtin, ^Editb £(8<|iri post free on icBtionf name,! are nqt]to be taton in at oete BestanteJ OOK-(}ENEi I wanted: also HOUSEMAID; Leonards. ? m ii ihrongnont (with every reqriisite) rind an ppm- riad t nrie Evans'. but ata at once sent .rifned Lettep £18 an ;a0. — Address, ]Mrs. Palmer, SEFUt Domestic HELP og WorklnTiHon ADY highly reCommetade re an , experientad fortabla as yorir own hbirie.T' Complete oamplng nd trailsa.i+A-'''—_^dreeal G.F., 8, Mona- Plea- No. 1. Cricket 2, Tennis; Cj^uet, /Office [for lUspoaal. MarketG Motel iflfIlford. _____ ■ -•Kent. ______■ ^ ^ ml6 keetor wanted; as one of tUe famil; MILLINER.] fi cm a good West London equipment for one Or .orie; lUionsand. Sale or BscenVjUajU.1 hga], .[■' _ , and GoU; N 9. , tH shing; [No. 4, Advertisements most 'EN PLAINL'vj: /^OOK^ENESSL wanted; tW/ ln ~ lam n y l USeireant kePL—Aplily 15, D6Tdnahire|roa[d, B^ bouse;L ladies'es’ ownriv[wnj materials------useil: featbpre Hire Terine moderate —R. ]Voc d, 10, 6n]trgate' illLL. - f 20 zI illes touth London fSvely-' on one side of the p( or [otherwise hil ml61] cleaned and1 curl/enried, Ordenirs by post attended street. Dover ■ m30 elks; the laes Smith. Vale V: V. re- Scoh^ts. etc. ! lor [their core V Mafd ■ Honse-Parlourmald ~ ■ kept; no m , ') no retpontibllily will bOsemei riMerence required.—Write. F. A N 1!D, _ . sm______art GIRL, a g ! about 20, wbe t o . — Thomas,I,. 1, Rei ilwoit^-)road. St. Leonritdi in comfortable /tannw 'we, furnished gw paying igt ests; detached boa iargs I g o l f b a l l s root inaertioi " Office. Bexhtll. pi: another_ her is kept.—Apply 10,: Qrand]para( 1 m t6 APARTMENTS; sitting; tiro or thriro bed­ 'iet,[ />8 indy rioU: near ( imon. I S t r e v t , A git^ for)_^adffea' Postcards M.. I'tSl. ,ioiL I Stamp; 2Ss. ^C«k-^iENEfij wanted ; u .u s t. be St.W Leonhrds.‘onhrde. mV rNSTITUTION lires tonndry to undertakeu rooms jw ith attend! farm ptodnee, ss. town, ritajli -plain cook rind used to numbers.—-Apply ANTED, gotal GENERA L. whi can i] its w a s: :9, about 60 persoilersons, etune town. shs^iTOM and trap;kepi__ Ijady Superintendent, G.F.S. Home of Rest, plain cooking for small hoi echoolj.. children: contrac: price to IMC, 14. ObJer- PariraaL API Kent. inl6 llLANDUDNO [FRANK S St. J ohiif»roadJ 8t- Leonards ,| ml6b W8, Wykeham-road, Hastings. ream ^ Frame OOK]QENERAli wanteid. John HomiM, B oy^ Arcade, Snlg H ill I Gilding [hnd Mohl rrpTks; spe- a/ !^ fLlanditdap, cial terpw 'tod reages reuitable lad . IC ^•B .SmiBi6i>Sou,Mostyn St. al6 b woman okd teTb 1 H AteN G S AND ST. LEONARDS OBSERVER. SA 16, 1 9 1 4

r o i x ‘i 4 0 . One li^yui entJiiii^ttdes_ 3 m p e p s i - I *apei* w ill you o r P s g 6 / l l ^ A R S D N ^ - W A V T I M E STINGS £1. LEONAj] i e M n e l l s . d y e r AND M IS C E L l IGNEOUS A R T ! I B S . ;k . b b ^ s e y , iiOARO AMD r e s i i o e n c e ; HOUSES \ND imSINESSES TO LET MdUSES AND IIUSINESSES TO LICENSED HOUSES tO LET, FOR FARMS TO LjET, WAM ED AND l E s i R S . im.- g a i |L/(i w a y ’ STOCK AND SHAF E LIST. SALE. 181.-WfioD ; (Continued from Pago S.) AND FOI^ S A L E . AND' FOR SALE. SAL E , AND w a n t e d . FOR SALE. ■ f have ifor e s t stout QAKDEN NETS.4Do qot be mis- KTAOBEO smal furnished COTTAGE ito IHEJ^NE, !Dyer land QaHawOy 4 b B o B B T d . e a i , e jT « | "be 'hgil ot all I lilALIJH iii Private £kmily ^eiTea PAYING ESSBS. GINa ER and Glenietcr havo u s s e x .—Delightfmly situated Poultry and lie mdroeut:—£400 5 ler cent. B - led by [cheaper nets Do not pay until L e tj ' oiitskirta Bastings, near trams. — T. HASTINGS. — LailBe I sal* you have seen' and approved) of tliri nel tmg. eBertv < *if o f the: iT GUEST; « mid [not obj^tIt to in\{alid or Cotogc. ife >•'' Observe r" qffiw, Hastings,-- ml6 Shop arid dwelling b( ' “ ’ her of fuliy-lioenscd houses to lei* shew< S Dairy PAHM_w|th excellq:mb “Eeeidenoe ■ and iverte i .ITIamings and StL Ijconards ILL G;IVI1 G OO D PB IqE S FO E A L lJkllt neirybus lease; e^er7 bare; cot ipanionsbiip; pri- iug excellent retlunis including: Seaside Hotels ejale qs a going Hastings and Sti | Leonards stnd yoi r order only Netting, goqd.f at king, a. Ltd U, Claret] JjtOK, Salej_l lban»i$, freehold ^n-basement Bobertson-street, front and I about 40 acres all brass for Gas Co:,“ smallgmall mesh, iwilliwijl not rot; as suBpIieilibysupplieiliby tie to vatt6‘ sittina-room ifl deeired; Soath aspect; _ HOUSE hve m inutSs walk from Alcxan- rooms over, bathroqm, etc.^ rent good bar and ‘Hving aocommodation £850: concern;: price,pr: . including tcnqi riiigh t,llive and Building [Vestment Co,. £10-sb :rires, bids - _ -T -k W EAJBNO APPARELBi^ exeOllent rele re tco s.^ ., 20J, " QbaerverV Office, Corner House, main business thorou ^hfare. dead stock, etc., £51 freeholc coql*jould be pur- riarir ’ ngs arid St. Le6 nar< Central, the Royal Ukrqens,: 25 yds. bj^ri y d l Ito-; by 2 evory desbriptiou.. O rderf by post ptom tr ‘ dra ParK.j p n from Uemorialimi ■ ■ in ■ thorough re- ratej.—Apply any Ixx a l ______yds,. 2s. T by 13 jyds:, 3s.: any lengthi op i ridth Habtingg. ' 1 ' ' ml4 pair; pricOii;1325; mortgage £200, if required.— £650 ^ Holel-Publjo with Apa^mont conrectlon._____ chased if desired.- iessrs. Oiiiner and Glen- Asseri and Arcade Co., bit wanted; a ti^ a e d tOs JD lstance hojU bj|ecU i J *7 fL •— safef” tw o Bihall FKEEHOLpS. £503:. capital fUlXy-lioensed Public, lov' rent, istor. Auctioneers, [etc.. 37, I obei tson-street, 10 Hastiqi -, £2 fcs.; 48*Hastit Cinema snpplied. Orders I ever 5s. J carnage oald. ' ParticulabsM rom Owner, fJ68, ‘ Observer Office. 3i per wee t inclusive: ground rijnt MALLMALll SeasidiSeaside HOUSE, free for spirits: take possession a n y tim e ; lear Hastings or 83; 100 b selling j through ill xealth'-2a, Prlnces-streot, 10 Queen' Shares, at £2 12s. —Offices: l ______„ __ „ & ,/E. eh^Jd apply personUly at tie Berliti iSohool, Dover m30 £5 per annum.-Lak: n, 5. Amherstrroad, S Sriutb-Eo^t coast, ingoing about. £150; Bexhill preferred.—Whiting, Aibbrooke Lodge, glass, painted two coata six by I four, 27s,; I B. Everafleld-placje. St7 Ueonardi. m li trade about two barrels and three gallons____ Hollington. St. .Ijconirds. j 6 58. liiv el baitings. teS C C J ^ H O U ^ iAD _ Ojb ^tKqy No. 30)_; six-rpomed II., ' ^1 I , ml6l spirits fveeUIy; i every opportunity fo: * good five by threejliiill half, 2 1s.—J. Hoad, ICarp inter „ jpU Y tefauiree | Apartment and _ ___,_to Ijet.r in good condition;-smalt 1/1 Buys two nearly new freehild and Joiner. 14. iHavelock-road. BeXhilLL'n 23b B O A sp m Uaslijigs for eOyetal tnontha, man.—Ht Mead Briggaj ?2, Lower Bridg«-street, u n t I b f ; garden, heathy situation, 6g. 6d. inclusive ’ w VILLAS, six rooips with gardeim; Canterbury. ______i ______ml6 ' IbMCI ’/T e LLO. seboiidhdnd, rich torted instrument; frojn June, In gjod o^tral Ideality; moderate weekly.r-Apt ly Arthur Wj Harks, 59; St. H sry’s- 150 i can remain .at lour peif cent.: £600 buys FI A L . E T C f . ToO Let, WhitkWhitik Har^nmi:H ar. Inu: Normjih-roNormah-roid, St, HALLS TO LIT AN WA NTEO. V-r ' formerly wwtlcd by proffessionWi soloist; term s.-W fite to J.AlB., 271, •Observer’'' Office, tcrrace, Hastings. ]_ I ; ml6 f< ur! freehold Cottagss witlj gardens.—James d v a S C E S ^ HO? EY made san day as £3 ids. only,; also 400-day tlirie-i t nder .Hastings.___ ^_____ L ____ ml6 S(nit|h. Winciielsea-rot d,_RycJ , ; ml6r Leqnards; [free lor spirits.—For particu- ^ K O C E E y J genuin|B BUSINESS, nice- part, TlM|a^^^p|ily^nG piemiscs. m.^0 o e Use of the Ijpwer PUB|L1C^ _ HALL for A rippi i|led foil easy terms of repa nent; no glass shade, i 164; 65d.d. and EchriEc' Cuckoo <( look, RANTED, by an U HOUSE oil West/Hill, near tramst tions. seating aeoomifpdatio^ ap|ply Adams Finanbe iQo., Mil W. J Larcombe, MqI lager, 30, St. Leonardo. [! ' n30 La lies wattcdl tt'poii Uiip6 ,sers 'rir pui'cl ^yitUOut yotng i lildren; Battie or Crow- class traife i< biefly BH. i superior fittings and five rooms, kitchen, c c., foe occupation or In- tents, Hav H avel^k road. iHastiq!gs. : tc8 P ’S After.Dbliyory.^Cqetumes; canuot ' do,i better. - -i- • • ^ LIV E STjOCK.LCATTLE. FARbI and Watt. Estate 4 ilock-rnad, a s y p a y ] V :i , , -w- . Bellabie. i oJd-eatabUsh 8t preferred; eta loivesl terms for a per- clean stuck iihout £2E0.—Apply (personally pre­ vqstipent: must be 'lold Iw order of H°H- Hastings. Tele. No. lets S Imrierial LAUNDEY, kestone; E Drapery, k/vfii__■ ts. _____ flittfM.Suits ; WAVwe _ (XTTtnlhvI emplbyf . . .finhq ool- I 'or Seryahts Registry Office ' mdhenoyt—WriU A.1 274, " Ibserver" Office, ferred), Hesiirs. Wickcnilen, Trade Vkluors, ■ Apply Daw’sop and Earden, 48, Hr ' IM PLEMPL“ ENTS, ETC. ALL to LET, Metrbpole A isei ably Booms, by nture Stock ind Ordinarj, ■ larbB for leotoTs to cOll m your door;’ or; everythineverything done Hastings; m30 Tdnbridgg H ells. I ____ j rol6 -k- wday or evening. license 1 for di ncing and sglq; ijrbat oiler^?-H. Cowan, Ashfoi im30 throrigh the [Pqpt; catalogue filee.—Credit Sup; m-- •VlpDNO BUSIS'Ega OEIJTIiBMAN requires ■ TO LET p a liOB SADE. "" .COTTAGExS, otie Shoj^ well Set. for safe, /QHESTNUT'lMiARiL___ __ . . . 14.3. 6 years old, quiet singing: strictly mod trate; ‘ 0ft. by iOft.: every ply, ! ^ . Whitefiprse-road. Croydon I in30 AIIETY 'JPkEAtRE _X|1 jBoard-resid ence permal ency. — Apply ^ O O D Ea EMHOUSL, flVe mlleb from b Ifreehold, gross r« nta £1171 12s. Ii>er annum: to ride and drivd. sound, wind, limb, and convenience; seating, accomi nodatio 1, 150.—Ap AE-kLNGS.'it- Pair of beautiful liii igin g B k i FREU, §]fflTH Boi( 1,477, *‘Obsei verYT Office. llexhiU. bury, n n e roonis and usnal offices; sta| eye; wai^rantod:|a thorough good sort.—]lercor. r: . Mr.lur* H; Ilf w . B0 3 7 1 . aifb can be left at > perl cent.; leaving £ 1E1 ply, Mr. Gildersloeve, Metropole, Hastings. tc33 LOCAL STOCK3 AND SHAjB^S. j E I lustrous 4..au,wuuDiamond .v>iunw. Cluster uauc EAH EINGS, 1 d e a i e e , B^qeiii M a n a g ci-: liqgling for--- six------horses and---- other good building^; jsi’oss per annum for ,£650 cash.~Addr^'?3 Butchor.l Ashford. _____ tnHJ fine White stones; genuine unredeemed) pledge: JB9. QUpEN’S BO;iD. HASTINGS also one jacre orchard. foir full particulars tj F. |0. Branton. Gre o r Bale, POXY. 13 hande, van and hirnesa, only: £41 IDs.) bargain.—Bose and Baies,i 1 awn- i a :' (SATJR )AY). MAi INNI B & G L E N I3 T E B JSES ANIi fiUSINESiSES TO LET Let4or, For Salje, CHURCH HOUSE, Alk- hsfthp. K en t.'' , / __ . m 7 F together or sepdrate, written warranty STABLING. W ORKSHOPS, W ARE H E S S l t S brokers. 46, iLcjridon-road, St. Leonards. Dia- _ Ladite ; Gent’s I nd Children's LefbDi '* L™ast ------Pei fO! msnoes M i T hara; containing six bedrooms, two living given.—Castle, J3, High-street, Dover. ml6 (Oorher of Cairlisle Parade gnd iBoliertson mpnUs purchaeBd. I j > ' te l5 Ote^ng^Andj BOOTS. dOUS?! UNEjjT/Mi ' id' i4iarle« Cilat-k’s ’ Com] ANDlfOR $AI E. robms, kiloqun, soullery, etc.; two stall stable QliT K To close i ;n Estate; semi-detachv- LET 0| ( O Freehold V|LLA-BESIDENCE;T2 aev^ral good CAR? UOESliS and H O U SES. ETC.. TO AND W ANTED. Stfieet). I ',■■ j ■ fitOE Sale, 'aTflj h.p. hot a ir EN&INB, by Good Fried SINESS f »r disposal, cen- and .cnaehbduee; also about 1 acre garden. 1 ■,___ ' j ' / . ■ ■ [ l i / , UR HALL ; HOLDING I for Sale, contriiriing 50 reterition. four bedroems, tothroom (h. and cl), ' Vadnera. siraighk f pm tne Shires.—SSkim JE [Haywarfl Tyler, with pump on Isids, in t r a l ly e itu it ■ ' rent of premises, £28; ki :clten and scullery, large garden, every coh- ners. Wejatern-rda at £1|3; 25 £5 Queen’s Hbte Shares, tt. A. Pe.areci Beaitlicu, Bahlslow. |i , ] |nl6 I (1ANT.'H0.N o e Sa/le.i PAsTUSE [FABM, conpriking 40 hands.—Apilly Oliver and Morris, Mount ?^i'_?9Wrteon-s ;rdet,yi .______i O A ^RAYBROO ECE / HOAD T stalls, two coi sbboui ea, ban less room, Gaiety Iheatr® at 3Sa.; *20 £ 1 0 Iveisfleld n30 The above two arotsituate within five miles F good class.jgoes in good form and fast^in Motel Shares a| 30a: 20 £1 Edinbnri h. Hotel Bnckland-averiue UBS- I BlJESBy, M issV irl [1 :ry Fane a! orri improvemeritr, h. and o. water bath arid of the market Town pf Ashford FurtUor par­ .j, kitchen and sculk r y l two w.c.**, larg^ gai harness,jfearleii^s all Iroad traflic; warranted etc.; could be divid 1.—Ap )ly Mrs. Coleman, ecrillery. two .c.'s, I three b sd. two sitting- Waterworks Cottage Watt TWO rks-i oad. Has- Shares at 21s. 0 .; 5 ler cent. CoriveiJted Gas /ikN U IN B 1 BAHGAINS, tonsl of -expensive fl DEAi-Ell. GORDON I inning D*v S to ry— ticulars may be obtained of B. Foord :Thori>o de|n; let at. ;o centre of t<)wn; posi oound.— Ames], Oak yarm. .^pledore. ml6 Gent’s Jndl Ladies' C o th in g , i In e n . rpbms; rqqm8: ,i|ent,£U per ai mum.—Gwinnett, i ' A ; tings. ______SjoCk wanted at/|tfS; a nd varions odhei s. tu37.' iE ROAD. 8 T: UEONAE and Co., iWiI iosborough, Kent.______1 m23r si<^n icould be had,; grotind rent 61 y e ^ ng tho blankets, ctq., ax l/ocock'a to select from, half Hytjhe-road, Ash ford, Kent. ml6 run. — Apply Cherinellst Dyer anti tTP-'fO]ffATE FAC _ HlISIS tq Let givK 'Best pH( I is for all kiyids or Ladies’, O n s fU M M £ e GUSE; to Let, half; owner living in Gi -Ua|way. eliable the price of ebrnmon new,' art in boying, imcu'e!mci I's aand n d , Obildren's L f.EFT-Qf’F \vi HTHodeni iK l JSE;isix iooiris (baUiroqmlTori ______^_____ ciirert.— L) Mann-street, M [astini»; suitable for _u q u a lity , w o rk m a n s h ip , d u r a b ility , lever; r Te^ H . |V. E sm ^ iid a u t h o r t>wo floors, iarg« ffartlena beautiful; views, . Upper Part: good for letting; best loca­ i id Oon ’eciioncry, APi’. n AEEL . n.-« of rivery desejiption;: — I’V r. lity.—Apply Owner, 35, Springfield-read, St. 0A8TLEDOWN ifeEEACE, for sale, , fkkS Apply Sant|ryi bojwh Lodg'd, Fairligl it. rol6 Mineral Wate^ Bit q u ire m e n t U|ept. - / O n ly ' address 2011, Q ii sen's.- 'iitay, , . j>ani^r9 u« ’Ag trame, 12 oiinutes walk J lemorial: lOs, Jn- Laundry, Dye Workq etc.—. IppI r to[ Mr. Tree. 1 ONE a d M b s s 1 ■ ' f Ijeonards < | ; ml6 hold, £360, containing four rcoeptiop. flvl C A ^ AGES I CARTS. BATHClIAiBS, road. Hostings. |Portmanteau bags and ti unks ; . : , ConontedM '* Theatre. I- 13, Botl erfield-aVenuc .—Apply S!teplien T> A'i'b.^KODJriE, rellal^e Rat remedy, rapid- 15. St. Margaret’e-roa 1 St. Leot a-*, to46 PLEASE NOTl t-AII communications Should L bedrooms, bathroom, aud large otU:cs, garden lY iyI.V routs Rats. mv-fw They relish it,!A eat I 4eit.'die .»:> FOR SAL i AND WA^N|IED, a specialitie; baotS, 'shoes, leggings) ietc. tc7 1 OAAal.. 'iJ_'v , JTj' orfriprin?."',16. p*!*mmencc f X |gIObvUV*iAleLU, XAtmLIIipM,Haatmire. _ Also TTASTINQS, large PBEMISES, Dorset-place; es amates in hand td, convert intc two i flati- ORkSHOPS. Etc, [Corn, *allis-strcet.—Three seni; oircetj tq , Oordon yika. Battiqt oadj "similar House,/ is. 6d. tThreu Booms, 3s. 9d.) JLL suit [mO/)r mb enginefer, garage, or printer: instantly. Wholesale! extermination. Com; p-E liM O P H O S lrrit Half Pricell Spejiai ipiear- Leonarils. at cost of about /£60j when a net t rental o piete clearancei 6d .l; Is., 2s., 3s., 5s, : and Splendidlei PLOOIl to let, together or se i-size Business vT anee; latest hornless types; ueuaV . I; I ■ ' nm23 ■ ■ Houses, inclu live rente 2 Garden Cottages, Pros­ £<5 pier hnnum should easily be obtained; £301 WHy; commoiliotis and dry; oor Bpaco ) O l >rs by pist promptly^ '* attended tie. pect placri. 8s ; 8, Prospect, 8s.; 115, Emmanuel, post 2d. Harley, Ghemist. Perth. Agerts: H. J two guineas,:offered at 17a. 6d.; IClingwir Cabi­ t^nce ,no/bbject A SSOETMENf HOUSES anc FLATS.-Hodern '3.-Ell- ' - ^ - ■ can remain on ptortfeage. - Apply-for key C. Edwqi?^,’ 1?.as. Qucffin’s-rcad, I n’s-rcad. HaslinHaslinfs; 18, X1,885 .wOtX- square ex cx> L \y aws-e-.j feet; as nqderate m*« *— •rent. x. Apply H. Ppny ! Carts and eevoral larger qnei ; Your- net Uiichine,; cost toix guineas; sale pffer 23s,; -iL ffix-roomedffix-room. houses, sculi !ry, large garden, [idridgc. Prospect-place. U-astingB. m23 Missife. Chennglli, D(ver and Galiaway, , 38 Richardson, 32, Havel')pk-rofid, Hasti] igs. m30 w heel! Ddg Cabt arid Luggage Pnaeton.i two I0H(|ATE.—Boardfife House for sale on King'3-rpaa, Stj Leonlarda; 245, Old London- brass horn model, 17s. 6d. ; others 20s.. 22i. 6d., f^rim 7s.; tbrt med Flats, 3s- 9d.; large gar- Have|ock-roaa, Magti (gs.. | ; to4 road, Oi^; K. H. Em^leus, Battle. ] tc39 new Qovarness Cars. lig)it Landau. Ifn^ ri nets etc,; Records 9dl each. Sec windows for bar- deris; four-r- , id. from 5S„ no taxes; twelve H sunm it[of Hill:| sharing Cross 4 miles; of H arn cje.^a|is. lacbbuilder, B attloJ tc30 BEST i>RICES town reachriil in 30 riliriatee; 6 beds., 3 recep.; OUCKLEB CAi[iVES.4J5. Homewood, Mardeh, gains:—Murdoch’s Music Stores, 37, Tbritiiieet., dnntes. . , walk.l__. I Hemorial: -_____ ;-^Ai Apply. ' Stephen a r;GA1|N. g a i n . /ilF o r (ale, a sound ris-a-V is Folkestone, i- • t;227 / irer. 28, EIphlnstone-roadL' Hastings, Other well fqrriishqd; turrioVer £6; price £120 all.at; OUjSES AND BUSINESSES W ANTED O Kent, will show. .. a)b- s -Ashford -- - Cattle____ .If: .arkel, OATERINGi B N F E A S t S . ETC. i v e n to L A D IE S’. i C H lljD E B ir’g I T u esday I n^xt. 60 F re^ i S horthorn C ab ea, di­ B I ’ H l i i T O N to carry four pe 'SQ is: jgood a n d s o m e Oaiwed o a k Library t a b l e , T- GENTfl properties near trams. ^ j> 'to71 rent £55.j-Af ents. Sttlsjt and Tivendale, Higffi brake * oompletb also harness.. Apply 26, G BOOTS an4 CLOTHING, of S i gate Btatioril (G.N.B.)TN. m2S rect froih som e! of thp 'B est S horthorn H orde ANTERBURY.-^Beiiinfeas' iB an l otiier parties H 6ft. by 5ft..i opst £40, to be sold, :a treat kini is. Lad ley.waited upon on reoelpt ofb^! J^EXHILlfbll BA,—HOUS13 to Let. furnished, SMALL furiiishe i COTTAGE Required foi in the W lest of E nglam l ______^ _ J m l 6 Devonshife-roau Has tings._ ' r _ynl6__ bargain. AIsp Oi very fine Carved Oak. iook- b a n B e a d y f t Y 'iir t i close , to donnade; five or six bedrooms,_ _ a n d I l a UNDEY: ~!doing average of £7 ho summer mciiths; may be. longer, in C catered for dt S draceiIracei’a 'a HiadH iad Hotel; ex- pash, or tarcels payefulljv inHSt OHELTEEINQ for shdep, lambs, nhheasa u and IP LEVANT Carioe-shaped BABBABOUCHE, i H i : sjingU casC.^Beeves and Sbn, ‘S. Hlgh-street,||Has^^s. Pvei -. and--— .---iiMb e prices sent perl returnpof m Z iSlx'i- evefy; . conventerice, newly:• furnished; urdish ' i three H weeltly. — Capi| al honso and premises, the ngighbourboed of Bexhill if possible ij must tensive stablii>^ a^nd [aragf; mideri.te' terms: Xu or pair, very light, lamps, cuf ■hip ns, ' |com- tc29 Y .and guineas ■ weekly from June fo * long let to oare- food loodllty: proof ivjeekly profit ajter pay- poultry rubs; stoat rot-proof_ Hanvas.4 2ft. splendid hotel acconipodai ion; nev mauage- Fiepae note plpaage of Addfesa— be lo w re n ta l.—r bserver" Office, Bexhill. wide. 4dl; 3ft.. .. : wide. . T6...... d,s «. t. wide,wic 61. per pletc, ,excellent: l|bondit ion,. seaseat Ix; perfect* A STiNGSlBEQbNiDHAND~FUENI8^^^ I Co., .;Im n d[l luli.trinante.—HoiHday, 1,455, L" Observer " Office, ,ng all expenses £2 (lOs.; ill-health . VoHer, Hugh- £4 weekly; al I at £55; solo reason for disposal, f ■ ml5 Hammond’s Wholesale Fruiter^ ir and be lionoar peform U ill-healthi -r For ftirhOr riarticulars, apply, at John sail, sou.id II v e s tm e n t, TIlQB Sale, invalid . Wicker BATHCIAia in H 06 And 87, Queen’s-road.—Splendid 5ft. oak endpn-plaoe, I aftlngs. ml5 EQUIBED in Bexiiill or Hastings, bF ^Oth , £ r “ . - Vr . 6 BCILDINU LAND f . llB h , Y stamp, Tboi las Hun phrey. Auctioneer and Carrier, ('owgal^ Hill, Queen*street, Dov< ml H in charming disi ikict, i ioose, near tram ter- X) good condition;contlition; strong rubi lop wbrieis; writing desk;floSalr! filled wwith .itK if, 16 .Ipck-upi ' ylra drawers, ufAPa. EXHILL.—Vo[ he. Let,- two minutes from R I inst., small furnished HOUSE or'Fiat, cost £31 Ifs. 6d. ; will accept £2 jOsi--Eepror, UTeck-: i-Y is it, ;sea; oorvenient housi; suitable for Valuer, 1, Lime Hill road, Tdnbridge Wells. tivjo three bedroo nk. for six weeks; terms minus from Maidstone, i hurcti anp village, vA'itirig slope anp pigeon-holes lined Qiriugh- A Stoa-S H tESS AGENCY. 5ri, UroeriBHa B ml6 foot fron- Bodiami East...... Sussex...... 16' out in mahogany, only £5 15s.; iwalki riglit in­ P 'B WON analrtraents;, , — r oonnectiori;______accommodation: -U abouq one guinea.—4, Albany Mansions, Bex­ Bpiendid views, d/eptil 360 feet; ^Oe. Street: C irat^bury.—Wanted any qriantit* ' |Il. two reoej^ijon rooms, sii{ bedrooms, bath- P You die granting” t > Purchase Your HOUSE hill. ' ml6b"' MO r O R d A R S , BICYCLES ET(I tafre:______in ,plots__ or a_ lyhole 5 acres; ■ ivater and F o e Salt!, cheap uT Im ake room fob I m otors, side and look round. mJ6 A .arid Al or Shopr Propertj, you can have an im* gas from mains. Sutton Valence, 5 miles Maid- thr,ee| B E A % £8 (fo carry fourtein)*, land TTASTINGS SECONDHAND PUENISHIN 3 Co.. leftAtt clothe si boots; etc.; best prlceS oBrtSJ SpbcialliM; room, good ofl ees.—NetvberY Auctioneer, Bex- rA n t e d , carrier' .USINESS.. f^ p ly Hr. Stone, near Ueadooin and Sta;ilehrirst, with three lig lt LanlaiiS. all in good [by rotnruilfot ^ H bill. ______mi5b mediate loan of £100 £1.000.—Apply E. A. ' iBox, Post Office, ^ tohingjiam^ TRIG rCLE,'Lady’s, for sale, best condition; X J 86 and 8f. Queen’s-road.—Good tjonec; Cot­ Ai-mstrurig, 1!. Efflinghirii Orescent. Dover. ml6 Sussex. m30 good motor ’^bus- ae "Wice; charmind Building also a cqk Eize Cfrt, near new.—Apply tage Fiarioforte; [by Vicary. in 'good[4|Ia sable ■ r ^ OAEDING^tSUSE. central near sea andsta- TFANTEU, in June, unfurnished HOUSE, 2 A i n e pod rrinnlng irdcr; almost nes tyres is 'to indali-in bights for JCaCLESEA^ffissex, To Let, unfurnished, and tubes; bargain; rao reasonable ofer *90- Bite with fine viewi Broad-stre et._Cai ry^______condition; full compass, burr walriqt ease, B I 'tion. 12 rq o ^ : cent £4(); good* connection; TV reception, 5 bcdi'ot-ms, usual c-fficesi near jGramiuar Bchool at loW' fees; nboujt 5 acres, pricci fum- - itaieFand - — -i 'jsoouwil gbodwiil niem HOUSE, fi' e bedrooms, drawing- fused,-!^Apply 17, Lowsr Farli-road, Hastings, 1 5 R AiT fl or., aai B; large, double-si so, I in only 17 guineas;, [vvaik right inklde and look , £150; offer ex- sea; rent £35 to £45.—. Lp )ly H., 1, Tlrlemoncrd. iwel].: timbered, pas ,urp. building land, five X coin lition, | with! canopy, coi npi* *te round. • ( i;» ml6 ;6N^ elusive of lurhlture C(Snsidfei__,led.—Cousins ______and room, dining-room, u qial' offices; lawn and ‘ J_ ■ ' r ml6 ______- ■ i !;» I___ large garden rent £4{l inclusive. — Apply E. C^ydlon. ____ T . . • f ,riil6b minutes walk town. cbtiri :h. etc ; in plots, 360 ban be set n any Ittime/—Haines, Soi :this|de iriw iltliitba Deberinam. Au< itfoneers] 24, Us vclock-ioad, Has- ■ A UTO ivHEEL for ale, . only . ran 130 ^ miles. . feet depth, 20s. foot from age, o ' as a whole; UNTEB BEO'IHEES,' Millinefs, Faric] and ' Lamp. < Qnaife, Post Office. m23 ■ Mr4HTED. a smalf^unfumishodfeOTTAGE, price 1 1 : guineas; splendid conqition; ape.^Towjc Inroad West, St. I.eonard i. General 'Drajiqrs,___, . etc.,______respo'ctfulfiy . , DBg£ si to dcmbriaL tin gs, 1 m30 f t /with four or five rooms near Lednards gas'SU and water from ma ns. — Apply to Mr. alsoalso fkmbusfamous EjlswickEjswicl Cycle# from £5 5s, 6d. /alter, .Auctioneer. Maidi tone. m i 6 TKONv,; light I VAN .... for oa.i., sale, U..I cob-sli e, glood announce tb q t their Millinery Showroc m is- dect,: W«U-T e p ila te d , Coc^ UTCHEE’S JUSINESE, Co1( nial, Sussex, pro- i HIORANT AND CO., or Bexhill: careful tenant.—Write E.B.. 31,5. "Ob- f,Vil I condmion, iracttcally new.—W, now replete (in rfreat variety) with the latest; I fltable t :ade, good pre raises and every seover " Ofiice, Hastings! | , , m30 —A Cortquer and Son, Eoyal Concert ITtXCELLENT B b liiD IN ^ S lT It. —I Splendid ...... W iatterd,. 4,1 f i A BOAj b e x h Il l . Hall Oarkge. Wa'rrior-souaro, St. Leonar Is ml6 S14l IWestriiq-roaOi[:Rt, LeOriards. ,, Creations and most upao-dateL.NoyBltie< and •MCNDAY E8 D A Y ,.| Bconvenience, id prices; best I And,.at. lEOYDON. /r^.ttDGISWHlTWOETH CYCLE, as supplied Hid shops; price on lyl£ (}; extrii field can be [PHOI;S IEBEJ IPUSH-CAR. cee e prli gs. cost nards or Hastings; maximum >reiii £50; x\. tq His Majesty q^ing George, guarpiitped * ?.j gh neas, t6s. 6d.; child’s toyh^o-sl™.." ica a.td untrimmrid.f arid in all thirigs pjerts tiling marketing pos tion; pribe £91. -4- Coluuial. 15. ^ 0 ^ all tbsth{e bestb(»t_ 1a)|a|lable _ Famished and deeirgd two eitting-rodms, I7ft. by 15l minimum, had^beap.—Eeeyo a,|id! Fi in,_Hy(. 8 u ssex. ml6r waiBgon,|5s., to MilIlnory,|'J ter- Wbitsuntidiri; ' affiri very •GbsBCTcr ", Off (m, Hastings. _j______™i_*_ Unfurnished HOUSI iS. Telegrams: Uorant, 10 yeaiis, delivered for Irot payriient of fCs. 10d„ ith in .food cihdltiOn; take 20s^ thi I twp.— i f 1 Gent's. 'WAEDEOBES pongqi, M 'N E0F![ ledrooms.—Write! Si sma, 241, "i riaaai-v«rQ'osrirver •'’ balance monthly. Cat ilogue and full pirtlcu- IQ.ARDLN, lO^minu icsrw ilk fron Memorial.— Box 14. “ iQhserYqf " Office. Haetingi i. nice aeiections jin all kinds of Nock wear, u s in e s s e s pf every Ascription in Kent, Auctioneer, E exhiU. Tel 338. Local Eepresen- i m23 _ Flower, Fruit, indd Vegetable GiiRDEN to ' m l6 Blouses, Skirts. J'Underclothing, etc. 'Yoi r in­ >Li iilso old gold and Silver and teeth: susMx an l|Surrey.,-Tho!e Vrisbing to sell tatives. Hook Anders. I iars.—Gedge, 10, Silcbester-road. St. Leg nards. A. a Ibargaln. good as new, V 5 ^ pat pzlees ; ladtee and gents called'ui NTED, immediateiV, half HOUSE dr flat, ^ ■ ^m23 /Let of about half ar " lig h y all d r ie r s *!lnvited.—W. dJTi , spection w iiljbp appreciated.—9 affd l()j T iiriity d is ta n c e 1 Bor purchaee si irald oommun cate (personallyjy-ANSlt)N to Let,. . . al modern conveniences, ground floor preferred, small garden or cultivation: straw . - -. . .,, ---- . ^ ------E el' Sv|an ‘street, Bobertsop-street. Hastings. ! Secured-foU eri|enoed T in sfer Agents 20, High-street, semi - deu bed bon w basement veij Office. Hastings. |______] ^ Tml6 srceniiouae, summ ^irhouie, ard . toolhouse; , , XBhfoti DBUANei Tunbridge Wei j. ______^ mie YCLiE8!~GRAMOPHONES. Typewriterii. and PftRTNERgHiF. child:, should rase Harrison's “ ______Beiiafaule " Nur- purchaser DENCE, five [bledroon bathroom. 3 ■tANTED,j in Bexhili, or between kiil and. E^oole, implement#, a nd gr rwing c rope included, s cry IPomadc.j |Une application, kiUS all nits ladies,' gent's, mid Church-rot d, S t.’ Leonards, sittinri-roOms,•roOn icstio offices, garden; C Kribber Goods repaired.—Memorial Cycle ny reasonable offer ept< rtaineci. Tlic garden 'robes.'r-Fi va|ue By lieturi. 3d.,'-6d,Hl W ' Sidlcy: a. smallJnnturniahect l|OtiSE, six Stores.; l*|elham-3ti'cel. ^Hastings. ml6 ARTNjmi. (La|ly or Genuemauj, lo r Vrify and vermin, ' beautifies and- strengtneni the rg e f o r Be >med HOUSEMsatbroom. gar-' moderatefrentat:itefn easy diitauco Sea Front.—Ap- or seven rooms (incl ad ng bath), about the enclo.sed. and l|as a constant fapply of prpii itablolI [business; up-tto-d ite lAmtise-* hair. In tins,'4id. and 9d„ postage IdJ Q k i. W , from-■ m-ieea. rsea. Warrior Square, ply Mr.. HoiHolmi.n, Esta Agent, King’s-road, St. miildle of July; pemaiient; rent £26-£30. ■ ['iVCHiSt—Lafij’s’tV C L E S and Cleirtlnmau’s Model de water; low rent.—Ajlpply 53, Lo? er Rarktroad, Harrison, Chemist, Beading. Sold by Chernists. 33, Statioii-road West, Gant^ Tea F ree aboi 3 m23 mdnte, ap(. ( Gateris this eummer 1 _ 1 H i istinigs, 1 lady a, SPnt's.j_ -j and o b ^ ^ : _ j - ..King tubes; £31 yearly; kitchen Leonards)______m30 Bo:; |K.B„ “ Observer’' C fflce._^Bexhi L_mi6b > Lijxexe(, purcha< ed September Jast-; latest jjiaariuge- Agents fo r Hastings : H. G. Edwards, 171-Qt een’S- JltqM, ground f oor if basemrin t not required.— improv#mjcntC 3, illclHdin'^'3-speed H.S.A. gear, traveliing in wiriter; or will pay ral in- sifN sumi-detac4^d BESIDENEE in a TtAnANTED, two HOUSES ad joining/Twit'ri two 'men h()o r .^ub-Let. loiig strip of Ga r d e n . terest toT privato person aesiring Ostmrint road, and 254, QVd Londoii-road, Qre; f ir St. Write, Hrs. Co::J 6, Gaiiibridi fe-gardens. Has- _ convenient-i, . positi ■ d ;i. five minutes from accessoti^. gear cases,caaos. perfect; reasolii ex- stocked with vegetables frlit, and Leonards; E; j Eipley, London-road; LX. 0. r'sl reference. tc51 tffige.______/______I______reception rooms, i hree bedroikns,/bath­ plained^u £4 IQ.'i.10.^. eachieachj approval w____ illindly.—3, on|y. — afldresajlnstantaneous Ph •aphbr, Warrior I Bquajre ’'StaMoi and three minutes room. kitchen and garilers. Bognor ognerir sca- lowers.—Apply The Coi^nef, Jampson-i[oad. Bex* 2771 " Obse; ■ver " Qihcel Hastings. ml5 Edwards. 18. Klng's-road; for Bye: HJ:HAKING and Confectionery with Post Office, from* traims; io ‘ be let Tikith early poseessiou: ---- — , ---- >1— j\,p- 'Auher^P^rk._____i-T-4;* — v'hbury, London. N .______m23 n ill. , ml6b for Folkestonei! i PfloherPHoher and CoCo) tcl7 L : ) A - c i ! ■ 1 1 , iitiari claHUn n,.n..n. .-,'lt,;»A. —I ii------...r:______Blue__ place; rent moderstc line e Iuarter. - (^STIN ifl inear staticn. pretty village, good khop,' accominddatiol...------[)l_.Tovidcs--- ihree reception rooms, Address Box M.M., 1,472, "" OR~»alerLidy’j« 1st Grade three^speel Ra­ p i Weetern lial3te. Ashl'ord, Kent. hope'; five. bedrpoznfli batbrooi ’ObServerT pflice. Bex- ]fa n p g !iins. fe o to r: Edlri six^rpomed taoui!; levpl bakert ;_rent^qnly!£29; ‘ ' ' . kitchen aud offices hUi. m39b leigh BICYCLE, in good condition c.cst Plots of LANQ f ir isals; beautifully m i s N u a n e o u s . excellept pr slits; P.O. brings (no basement)] and iviu garden in the rear.— 12 12s. [will accept £ 2 lOs.—D.W.G., 373, “ ObBer- Situate in high aud - helalthy locality, over­ i l l ip r ir i in £M yearly; lo Sunday trai e;:price £ ^ 0 in- To view pnlylb;- order obtained from Uesars. ______looking Park: good treri planted riads, all EBBY DAY/iMay 27th.___ — — M>toj Coafch Ground L.'me,ipr Ch ,______Lime for ifanlld _ , ; also__ jon-ro II _____ t « . cltiding every_iiqnisitc, cob, c irt, etc.—Hesare. B^aglcysJjjf.jJtand Pa ade. ml5 o r r moilern convenience s;i'toun wai er. gas, drain- , starts 1 fresh whole Lime, Ground Lim ri arid Firie Chalk iS l- O ii'-E. P f e R l ' FLATS T O L E T . Bale, ai Daimler M01?6 COACH, tor- n for kmfeorn,'? a.m.; return fa._,re, _ ( '?T , Atauiffial . Teeth, 'Gentt bridgl“ ^7rfl's^“ ! mess Tr^nsfe • Agents, Tun- 'OTOBI-HIEB ■ ^B'USIN ISS for disposal: no pedorliody, with Cape hoodv lamps dtc.; age; no empty bousi*s ;)gn at deriand; ezcellent including lot u]Rcheon and tea; A fe^v seats for Land; WMtiirg of the finest qaaUtr:- de­ ((W piete Prog F r ------. — 1— J — — — 1 !— p , letting; Boots, fete,, Fbonght for Imv M opposition; within lasy distance of three seatID j 15jpei’HViia. persons.—Apply to Oliybr and lU orris,opportunity for bui i or sel ing o ______to be boql ed at Dick: Russel], JCoachb, Whi|te livered by road or rail; prices on applimtion viQnei Ite return for aU -Etpo ^D A k ING and I Confectioner^. — Fiiwt-blass railway atatiokia; count! y district: wcll-estab- f l a t , self-conta, ned, 59a, StJi THomas’- 27. Moiiriti[ountj Ephraim.Ephrs Tiinhridge Wells.___m|i financial arrangemeint s if rcquii ed.—I i. Cowan, Bo|ck, and tndnb, Hde- and speci;. jial ir^tatioriS■ for ■ ■large inantt i :V40 yS rsJeim hU shed.J-J, a . T rioSVSd., Is. (no frii road; four rooms garden, 7s: .qd. weekly; a t sharp’s, Claretnc^ti jp. town, Kpn^ capital BU8 I S'ESS; good [posi­ lished: takings var.y fr,_■ m__ £2 to„ £5 weekly;, JVOR~lSale, Jrjaelc/ls -BICYCLE fitted wSth t,aml Agent. Ashford m30 tings. 'Pfa-mc 13iy m l? Postal ;iddreBs[ -2, St. John e-lane, C anteybn^. M jd d le lig^s-roaB. 8 L,Leonm^, m30 advance) tion; oonveriien I premises; sairieiharids nearly a groceiTfand bi neral business can be included similar FLAT. 1‘ .EmmanucMVoad, four R ^ S a lir f l £ B Y P E B I roqms 5s.; inclusive, .pply Fryer,! 41, Mount C oaster H ub, D unlop tyres, roller front .■SfA N 'rED , to R e Itj.altb u t 30 rods of grass W. F i;RLEYi38 still able to exteate (Telephone 21$.' ustio SnAmertHOHSE or a se Ciiiarter centar3(|: rent £^,(le 1 off £13): price, if desired; satisiaptory reasons given for idis- brake, hi good condition; price £2 lOs. o-.ainy tv LA.ND in tbs m eifhbouihood of Clive G• w ith vhich he rady be favpuHd. uliid j r A>[7N MOW^IE. Gkeen's Sllens k r 4iqr - lOiri., one, if ati g1; Dilnott Stokes, Hasting m l 6 t i n g s . I m l6 also preua 'Cd to i^lloct uebt*6 o r rents; or an® wringing macUinc;: all■" very cheap,—Apply,------in ' ij; ' ______I ^ells.____ ml6 Lime Uill-roaS, iTunbridge Wells. ml6r rooms and sculleityi all one flqor, 7e. in- live: 110a, Manor-ro^q, Hastings. — ;Apply business letommisdon cititrusted to ^ni. - A<[ first instance,,G D.,,324) VObserver" Offlbt , Hae- « Old STAWa ■ pUjSINESSES Ifor disposal, liarold 6 . King, j^EW S. fConfkct ionery■ '■ bnd Stationery; rfent dress 2L L ndon-|rihad. Bexhill. tcb l tin g s . m30 £26; turnov ir £850; lexceUent premises;'no ibcn Fryer, 28, Elpniyigtone-roadJ Hastings. In—Philpot, Bnw X>, [Business Agent, offerp the following genu­ fFSomed House. 7s. Bd. ‘ m23 OHN B. p o s t e r , late collector and hs iscsSOf ■ _ffi9 J L i c : . F i i ine and weU ing | concern iG r o c e r v and Qppositioi^; bariiain £lj0.—Woodland, Dover. J undprtakep 4i^pea)la for reduction! o|f rai ^ n e r a l,’ £55; Tpbacopnists ' a: id Sweets. £50; .1 I______ml6 _ , ,S^t)RTM ENT F L A T ^and H O U SES.^Three- ' and______for__ th_____ i en Dpiion of abatemeni o t income Shutters.- . , ______House.l£350; Confectionery and toys, e a e Fo l e ^eiji TONR JAl room ed, larg e garaien, from 3s.! 9d.[; four- . flees; value sent idiNffiiAL. -h !a _ , 10-rbomcd HOUSE. room ed, 6s.; m odern ste-rO om ed llO use, scul- ! tax.—Office 4, N^lson-rbad. Hastings. i tc23 i b rid g e . We lls. I _____ . ' ,. ' , ||. m i6_ P.O. fetii, 2R1, Qneen's-raad; ^ISO.-rFuIl invest igatipn irivite 1. Offices72a, N stabling, ko> T h'ousea, p ig g eries, etc;, a n d 2 H astin g s) Highistreet. Hasl ings.^ I ' ihl6 acres meado £559: {jlarrietsham , pretty le r;^ larg e gard en , 7s., [no tax es: bairgasns: 12 ' “ -QTOg'S'for SMra-7i h.p. British^TE IAN O S . — )A la r g e ' numBer of blig r-class tolO -I I House, arid ono acne. £- 75; B arham , C ottage, m inutes’ w alk M em oriallt-A pply Stephen: F ryer, HoustDu, 44(»'volt, only in use a feyr secondhand PIANOS, a ll recently ita len in ______garden and smal1 m eado v. £275 ; 40-acre F orm , 28. Hlphinstone-road,------. Hastings. ''-.he- Other "Proper­------|i £25: also one 1 ihi.p. Holmes. 220-volt, Pexcharige at very low prices. — 8 . Hein aitage F b c m i b i t iO; Fdr FnrnisEed rind Unfurnished ties near trams. , ‘ [ | tc71 excellent condition. — Cau be scci iiri . aud Sons, 30, Bobertson-street, HastiUgi ; and gE X H IL L - HOUSESjto b|e Let or Sold. £ 1 ,250; se-£en acres a ra b l!, £150: 34 acres d itto . [usual: 3d. £65: tw o O eres B uilding f ,te (C hartbam H atch), Part, St Leohards, GenOew'pman's ART WoTdlev's. 53. Norman-road. St. Leoaaild r, teb 26 and 28, St. Leonards-roatl, Bexhill. te3S A ) iply to th e P i racipal A gents, £105; 3J acres ratab le (I pper H ardres), £105; J j I house, First-floor Unfurnished ELAT: spa­ riiju ti u ir ictorsl of the HastingiTTFeVdianeul i a n o f o r t e in splendid* cOndltiri 1 . by also several pretty B uilt m g Sites a t B arham cious drawing good bp-' ...... FO R I ‘ X Buiidinr Society are prepared to; P Moore and Moore, Ijondon,. fu ll tei npass, iTElYENS 4N 0 SON| SEN T W * an d B eke.vbourfao,— Pulles t p articu lars D ean. 4, water, use batbreem; five minutes seri, elation, MONEY. _ on deposit _ ___ at 3i per Cent,_ oer fine sweet tone, nine guineas; mnitf" hath atchea S^A lOAD. St. A u g u stjlne’sfrt ad■ C anterbury. ^irbi - rol "6 chnijcb, post, shops; visible 2-r-5.—9[ Warrior- Lawn Mbwers, Income T ar paid..,) Interest paid hslf*) /vVimm'vteiacharms aridb fVrl sqayi Kaahas f)iiaK«-vrti*m’-oBusbridge's,. ' 9fiO289. -T. Lp^rin Bink._ , Plated Gooila____ L i t M ap aq (l G n ide F ie t. T el. 409. pEIO Ejg[JLIYTAVE] V lE3|IU E .. 2 f and 25. w ^H -biiilt garfens,dens St, Leonards. m30 Apply Frank Shefbsmith. Manager road. St. Leonrirde. inspection iriviteid. Q b ifia . el on same; bolt H OU jSES— 1 . te-I o • sale < n easy term s t larg e locR-road, itmting^. IANO PLAifEUS, several receriti^ pprices r '- " giyi lomrany. Limb HI CHSNNELLS, DYER AND GAljLAWAY, Garden Rollers, BA . _ . ______ia te n ! in 'DUBINESS for £ ALE[; Olti-Esti iblished General airy room s, bbatii.' at b.' hot-vlaterhot-v ater services;tervicee;! large W M . NFVlLLKJi Practical Scwin|g P qxchangri,.exchange,, iffrom £15 " " to. clear.—8. ' 'Hrir nitage te d . Pawp: .sbford;.cstab- .O : land__ Svireets,____ n busy, . strostreet etj takingE takings avei-age p art purchase n oney m ght rem ain. --4- B um 9, K IN G ’si ROAD, VV Mechnnic. . BuHerhythe-fdad, is and Sons, 30, Bobertaon-strect, Hastiui . ^and Ushed 60 . i y * £ l 7i w eekly, low rent; price :il35 all a t; ialso B tead. ll.nW ellin rtom sqii ire. H astinga, m l6 yi^ood T rellis . B U I L I I N G S nardc, sama address years.—Mac h i^ 26 and; 28, St. Leonards-road. Bexhill. tp35. Bwasjs read| for Ithe pnfehase^l B akers and Gem ral Store in country tqw ui p A E K ^A D .-sem i-de ched ^JL liA Jfaciing LEONARDS. — Qrbund floor ^LAT, fewj make. Olea led aud rcuaired; terms mbc .eratcl IAE o S.—F o r bargains in setiOnttband Mano's [ F a|piture, ]pl^te.^ j ejaref, pffitima ertablisbed yenrs; rinly tw o obanges; three; th e beaut if il' A lexandra P irk ), cpntaluu SI , minutes of sea; kitting-i^oopi, two bedj W i r e N saitisfaetlor guardntedd: orders riceivo perf ^ by bigh-o|asB makers at .o^^iriji^i the antlqnes; Any rinantityj small kte large; highest I'onrids; p rice fo r 2 vans; 2 ho :8cs, good stock Ing 3 reception and 5 t sdroom s, bath! rcos roofis. kitciibn;' rent £3o IncluslTO; aUo flist s^ital atteTdion; 1 (jarriqrs pass ciooi. antiques; anyf I quantity. — [Qall, of write, floor flat, eimilar aocoikmodationi rent £38l largest selectidn in the Sonth of jEnglai ad.—S. undi fittings £325^all a t; trad e £36 to £40 per kitchen ajrid offltes; ren t £45.— A pply, C ousins I . F . H ) s e . LEN'? for LS. pef month on 111 kj nds of Hei’iriitage and! Sons, 30) R obertson-strrieH as- eves alnp) Sera est. 1818, 43, raigh-etreet) and wweek; eek; trial oUaUoded.-^iCousins ov ed.-^)C oasins and DDebenham, ebe a nd D ebenham H avelockiekirc Iroad. H astings. .113 Tele. 892. T ______ffll6 I ■if'O J .fAA’iallnrvJewellery, iWotnlioa:Watohes. Silver ani_ xn/4 Dlnfairf tings; and 26 arid 28| St; Leonards-road,:p ;e Old Town MoU, Hastings.:i[ ' tc 2^ A u ctio n eers, 24, H ivelgck-.road. daetings.-i g S £ _ m C _ ir ill itElIING KIsAT to Let, fiirnishe d. two Gqods, and everyjldesoription ot valuable pro RETTY] De :a cheU C ^untry VILLA-RESI- W lxeelbar:rows| ; an3 Battle.___ i e . c h a r m - P DENDB, w Lt 1 stable, icoaoh, or .motorhotise I ception, two bedrooms (three if requlredii pery.—Boe« and Ipates)ktesL Pawnbrtkei'S, 4(, Lou p IA N O VAl.tJE l^u'rdocfi*s!-t4'hii! |week’s s i iuated on high and outbuilding i. large Icrardcn and about 3 thrdc minutes baths, Dromenade; vacant Jul^ d0 ^*toad. St. L c(^arirda. tcU Bargains; StrohmengGr, iron frame piano, T h e Seihetery MfiBBiaeiitet Weiks, >' iew s: four bed­ acres excellent miiadow la ad; two milea etation: 9th^ 28s. weekly; 25a. Ibng period.-^Mps. Co;{ STREET, S y r i n g e s . cost op guineae, 18 guineas; Broadworctty_ cottage _ adjointng_ whic|h^ could be; at-; — Bumst^d, la, Weilinsion^square, Hastings. St. tMU’rgnret's-road. St. Leonards. tc32 [ — iApifly, Wiiliaih Slcuie, Palace oforte " Folkesi tEiehed and which is not let at £30 per annum; *1 • 1 11 TWlli iiU INISHED FLAT.inorirly decorated, vifell fur 207. [OAD. gr. LEONARDS-ONEat [K QN s d a y .' ______LL__ L i___ -..Ij— — ____ Stdres, 3,), JWhitojiRobk, Hastings:. m l6 Broad- and Bstimates) Free. jth, 26th, d lierfect sanitary irrarigem.ent« .—Further par^ 3HOP arid HOpflE, 5 rooins, freehold, to sellBill I I' nisbed.nisb ed . tapingtap in g sea arid garderis:;gardens:; tenniste"riie amjan* P .. ______, check tioulars of Philp and Pb|lp, Estate Agents, HO ^ . , LA.DY Visbcfj ito dispose of ailk pajtclhworlj Showrooms:— , the Beaut S let to a good tenant and )n good repate; croquet; tw o reception) tour bed.;, kitchen] QGILX, alnojst fln.eiied. 35s.; also n ig h t action, plain panels (cost 40 guirieasii iffered Bezliill ______, . J ______ml6b cheap to .[juiok] i|iiroha.se)ij.—Apply to A,T„ 20, b a th ; five guineas.i-|N eaie, 33, W arrtbr-pquare, at 18' guineas;! Cadb jr I Piano, rotewooi cash, OPS b o r o u g h o EM b t Eb t . ille and small table: may lie seen liy atrarigo ^ I ) a u i g h t e r d i ” ■3ANTBEBUEY.-3ANTBEBlJEY.- £27fi w ill pn -chase 6-roolmed Dnke-roadr Sti Le ihards St. Ifeo riard s. - 1 | , m 2 3 AT STORES PiltICES ment.—L., Hirili-street. Hastings m is panel, front, good tone, £8 15e.; ger.uine I ianola CJ/ I1 VVTTiT.A IL L AV. , lettii lettinglettine at ar. ££17!1 7 |per Tier nmuim.anniun. ftenant pnent L.kT; furnished; two ieoepticn-rot| i S , t h r e e PlayCrL Standarct compass. 15 guineas; Odulden payingaying all outgo:outgo! ngs.^-YpUng Hid Briggs; 25; CPACIOUS double-fronted lock-up sHOP arid 1 ?L- 'BAROAIIN (C(b|ipuldory_), Gentlonla'sri’s heavy ‘i j lavatjoryi best shop img centre, close to F I bed, i„'u, iv.Luiivu,kitchen, l/ath [ \ij. (ff. i:iiuand gapden, Orgari. 7 stops: arid mirfor top.!63s.; easy terms ']{ OUT j#Db : 6 u b Id IVatling-street.'atlin g -street, OnCo iterfaury, _____ neap sea,--- station — and__J nWounirshjopping centpe;|_mode. Gold Engliehl lover half-buiucrL’ .it c h ; arraqged: free delivery. — Murdoch'? Musio post office; suitiiiii any trade); all iixtures bolorig ------sHoppinL iqaldc by Jj russ' Bond-street;’ value fo r ty fATTEACTIi ' " SSPECTiONEHif and 'Tobacconist: TSgh-': lo shop; moderati rental-j-Apply Mr. Holme rate rent to*careful tenant.—Apply SB.M.8 .. 1 , Steres.) Sandgat^rqatd,_ and ; Tontiriefstreei, gqincaa; wtoulU ,, ako oigbieen _ _guincris ___ —fiirs,__ Folkestoue, and! 23, Hlgh-strecri. HythejTl tc227 _ (class, up-to-di .te premites, ild-eBtabli8hed,i King’s-roail, StJ Leonards.I______m3( C o r | i1 wallis-gardens, Jfastii n g s . ml6 valentine, Evers; lijjlil House, ,St. Leo na)rdla rt i. ml6 N otices e pa fge d . 6d foiTfour lines or bearitiially fitted 4 nd stock* ' nao.-Woodland}- jp ii. k T :.n ear"S trP atcr's | C hurch, tr^m route: jj^E(JORDSJ_ BECOED8!BriUsq niade ti rough- o r each additional lina etfonaaiiofi ______>ril6_ "O MARDEl* Strong and tecll-made PIANO r'oSS.'E by less, a n d Dover. . O DENCE.. ,^o reccritlon, four bedroom s, four good roi&ms, cooking range, sink. — o u t. 10 Sin..l two [sides Is f Id, earil ; sold All insert oris under this hcadiri? m riit helire> is. SbilUn aiBp e n t e e s . I p m e B'S and U rideo MOTOR iCARS, JICYCLES ETC,' “Dysop " in v alnut case; / Gct;,veb:. chieck elsewhere ffi- ridJ: guaranteed genuine, ri< iw aridant- kitchen_____ arid.;rid sojuliery, eto.Jeto.j stable and coaclcoaep- w.c.i garden, 9? weekly i iclusive; three' rooms PRODUCE EGGS, aotiihn: m e^l ni«: wonderful vilne; only paid, or a booking fee of 6d: jw u l be charged. C : t o e r ’s BUSH lESS sa le ; situ a ted . lieaf h o use; w aterJajid Jo n : go< d) g ard en ; ren t £221 and ditto. 7s_ 6il. wjcekly, inclusive.!— Apply finest obtarinable: over 500 titles, jiamo ;>honet All Arinoupeements uradef ihi? beafling mtist £la cash.—Apply .-■ illiam Slade, Pa acri ?iano- from *19s 6rt cash.- Gough and i E t c h i .ngbi J.B , 512, " O bserver " Apply A. y . Checksfleld, iLiictioneer and Estajto Holman, Kin^’s-road. St. Leonards, m33 o e I^medikto Sale, 14 li.p. Do Dion Bo iilon MILK„ labflc^i Tun; be endoisbd.witli the name arid address ril tbn .J Hastings, -± - V J ■ m 2 3 fd rtc Stored, .iOri 1 litg Rock, UastiiijS. I mlS hridee'WcHs. . Send now for lists, jy4 Offici Agent. AslifordJ Kent. ) _____ imli "rjtLjtT, sclf-coittained. Pi iory-road; fivei rooms F cfAiR,jAR, ifl2lfl 2 mctlimcdell; magnificent foljding j—i 'i'VT'TTKT’to'v ww'to WfiirTv fi_f i '' fit'r^L 'Advertiser ' rfXL p a !?L [.lONi'EEBl ■ ^ABTERBDEY.-ITo the centre of X 1 and bathrooi “ - - - work 1 (oncioi eil saloon or Open Humboi^ of ged 1 HARMONIUMS iind.Rmeri- stern, ...... ■ ■ ^HE CHBAPBS r ffout E in Hastings (i garden, lOs. inclusive. coach G B IC T U R A L S' per busSel k can OtRGAJJV -I'rom £2 and upw]aids; a O :QDEB|r’3,;BOADr*l [the City of Ct nti HC USE and largo 6 6 touring); own^r buyi . two-eeatcr; electric nevv ■ T District); rbnt inclusivb 5s. only. — App|y three rooUfs. a. d. and gallon:— , 33e.. 5s.; Cow- genuine chance . secure some excellent bar­ Susinbss premises • particulars ariply to O. H. Alehin, Melrose, 44, Mount Pleasant, rooms, scullery, 7s. in- f, specitiUy desijned -ass. 48s., 6s. 6d C lover. 74ii„ 10s.; i itrand, Thdtm^t lAftefto "sjlB A L L Isr YOung and Briggs Iing-itreot. Caritei Hastings. i _1 mil iLondifn-road, St. iLeenrirda. sjTringing...... for I additiohail comfoi't; com;)lct0 gains.—-Vpiily IViEiapi Slade, Pai:,cei .;’iano- Eye. ml« \\Tn'*.TA*wl 'Ilivrtt’ e-in-tls fiKnri'r aHarvi-ViArs liin'1 A ls ik c , 62s. , 7s.: W h ite (j’lo v e r, lorte Stoics, 35, White Rock, Hastingsl ml6 rated JF|f|f<*'itej ■ Cgrtet- can ' ^ M aintJ at bury.!- inl6 Ollu with ^Varlaml kual rimjs. .shocli absorbers. Huai mlixed, 52a., 7s.; Tn. Lucerne, 80s, PECIAI, Bargain, ri Ine PIANSf o : ‘E- by^ ffp DPiB ... X Nl« S1|AINES |k| C0„ ^'3 pdnmma. FECTIONEE!', Bcxhiil, smart shop, good i.n n i’i to Let, self-cont:lined at 3^a, Castle ignition, doiiblje purpo side and tail lanps, cw t.. lOd. per- pouL_. ilye Grass. 6s. gnderriui Biijryain. a capital Pi.6.N(aIOHTE S Collard arid (Pollard in rosewriod C; iri- full M A T 30t Itreet, weU-es ablished, d o iig an increas­ cluck. spcedoiUeter and numerous epare^ A ' ^ y ictzlcr ______iuiosewood cane le ita v cs, compass, rich, tone; only £15 ()ash,-|-Applyi H a ttin g ' 1 [■ : - [. 7, ST. LEONARDS ROlU J; I llill-rogd, Hastings; 6s. per wcqk Inchid- prir bualfel; Italian[B:ye ISS, is. p e r b ush e l; ctie ck a c tio n ; £7 ;4a<}h.—A p p ly W ll] |6TES-:.- s E T H E L ) ings . trade; f, teas . . . could, be adriot 't. to great'ad- ing laxcs; aUo Cfott^gc nt 4s. 6d.. suitable for eluding spare tjyro andjrijn; everything in Pt'" (MIrien Taiihard W tzel riceii per 1 ).), 6d .; ill; am Slade, W illiapi Sladel Falteo Pianoforte Sto vs. b J -fjtae DOL ..GLARE (# vantage, well stoc! :ed' nndTfltte I. price £70.— BEXHILL-ON-SE*! f**ct order; any examiiiation and trial. £J25.— jjdng Red 'Wurtze] Palace P ia ikfo rt si Stores, .>5, W hite Rock, Has- Wiiite Bock. .Hastings. • ;[ m l6 * middle-aged couple.-hApply Lausdcll, 71] Cam- w or Orange tiu g DEA' Acca>mpani3te){ H r. A B T H Button, The Firs, i iellindgc. Hy :he. • ml6 A G E N T S lfo r al availablle garnished and Up b r j d -road, llastinirig^ _ [ ______ml6 _First irst applicajiti.applicant by letterletifcr to ‘Dc.Dipn,“Dc Dion,” “ ‘fler- Her- SioFeGlobe Wurtzef"VdlfWurtzel, 6d IntArAiediite Oaif* Pn«f gfe. i •. ■ f_ ml6_ g H O E S M IT H B,EOS.. [H igli-stlteet,„ _ t , HasCtjli Iig s .-A . *ir, iLEO DAB) ONFEGTIONEEY and Tobacoo BUSINlESSi A. furniabed HIUSES tb be Let oi r S o ld : sp t 5 l]lT, furnished or iinfurnished. ifandsoine, a id " Office. Folkestone- vfill receive immec late Wurtzel. 6d.; Tliouhiid ^ a ie d JaalerSd.; Kohl A T SHO]______S Fifrnishing Stir^'Nor- Well-made. _____ dfop-end______Chesterfield______Sejjliftee .-re - I2th, ait 4, Upper Sont1i:road, 3 DBA _ p i r N E (Cora C, I for itniu'teiate diapp^l; danble-froqted: cial lists, !map, hind guide gratis., Telegran J . well-appointee^ b cii loomsmi:} andttuu ba^throompaumxxim attention. J ______^ ^ I s . 6d.; Elep^^Ut Swede Purnip " ‘ ^ (prices X x ', mao H^ad, It. Leonards.—A b ;avy brass u pholstered in good quality tapestry,strjr, tun-tw? - divan ncy, the dearly beloved Wife BOBGNf LAORMOi plate-glaaa; main road; bisy thoroughfare;: “ Property) BexB 11." Teh ipljons NNo. 449. (h. and c.). gas and eleci rioo lights tnO'leratoimp-lerate ,.-_v ^ Innwoved Purp ,e Top mounted bedsteadd I (double size), \rith good easy chairs and one; occasional chain all to evis, after much snflering pas near Cricket Groun 1, Park ind Schools; £45.— rn o pi phlffh^ . lioned .. s iven>roomecl . HO D8 ] „ , . — Ttrnip,___ 4s. 6d . I Green spring and [top i4^ttress. for 45s. thi set; also m a tc h ; I good [ as new , o n ly £7 15s. t h i fo u r DsaiBsats.-lirls. (Nti, i bored and! rent 8 t. Leonards, near u—A** ‘ ^4n**'Obsei’- ged 424 A good wife -and lov- * :* E r e r y Eveh )]g at .8. Al Ap|iiyf54. Quecri's-rt ad, Hasi Inga. ml6 X semi-u^tacqciemi>4etacq€ d,d. pleas intlvintl; situated. ea.c J ver" Office,'^HastingB. ____ j ‘_ml6 Hcibe T u r - ^ ' Bed Bound Turnip, 4e. &ovbral good bra [rail bedsteads 'from) 7i. 6d. pieces; ulso a largo assortment of,dining and distance from railijill and motoitl motoii ouq : now vaban' time.—<^wen._Boot Dealer, Baitle.______. ------id.; G ia n t S p rin g T a re s (pb: 6 6 splepdld value. 6 6 6 [ S t. 'LoOti rds PIotJ tONFEOTIONEtU! (Sweets . Tda Booms, pre^ jtL. iT to Let, entirely self - centained, cosy ares (ppr bijishelj, s. d .; ,; ______^_____ i _ m l drafftiig suites from £5 19s. 6d ., [ ; »m l6 ; T iY IiO E .—Okl M k r l2th, 1914. ak 103, MilWard- i t " Ci [sent hands eight yuars smart shop, I'ent £22; Viewed by appointment only. 4 . I , and' compact, [no stops, four rooms and AD Y'S’ CYCLB (SwiftMplated rims, spie Tarw (for efring atfiipT ring),ring) 6' fl. . 6d.J;d .; GiahtG ia n t A NTIQUE jSPINlIf: !!' di64), rare spceiitjoi, p 6 r- 'i'.ATlONJsEY fOr country houses.—120 sheets ^ a fl. Hjapiflni Alipe Taylor) passed peace* Bates. Rohertshri dge.______j ml6 L coTiditionr with acccBf.ories, 45s’.; tria . by , Commoh Sanfofn and ,^ermi'erm inent I’astrirc £A I feet conditio 1 ;' Sheraton Case; awqci leav4 S Notepaper and '100 Envelopes (ertam or —tte lr away. eed m30 sohL^2, Nprth-tiriace.' - Halton. " _ ml6 labels, adhesive labels, and lead penc IS: all th a m ijohnJ of Guestljni * ' > )N fRB OI T o w i cohvefli^n^ l^EiSiDKNCL, a year. W rite W. , Baker, 11, Mabledowi • ■ l $Ts" to Lot.—South Te^ace. HaRtings, fac- ^ KLEV Straw S' ill, neat) Ha! tegs. e r oSntainingo&ntaining thr ile receptfion^fixoionx fixe bedrooins.bedrooms. gear without extra charge: since 1905 I liavo Ja c k to * Sal**. o f f '2:: acres ~|^'yM Y''TlpTs,J ...... aitable. for avenue.avenue, AighfordiAshford __ m30 FX dug Crickot Ground*: nrot-lloor Flat, three ailvertited u this papet-.Tand have made and close to main I road. :‘ethnm.—Appl.v. IS. or cauJpingriSdt purposes, f tlO N pljr, TUESDA" batnrenm:* i; rent £33 o or £30 f i ifTree years;B; sease r i ...... large roomf*. rent 14a. 6d, inclusive i Second K ie l ardson, 69. Castjjp-etreet.’ Cant ii-bury_m23 ' ' ■ - 1 'i i'- ' I'H a KEIAGES. ;i ' Tiew«.4-OonBinsonsins and Debenfiai)m«Debenust—. Auetioneere.!* __ —ireJ ~.i- 24.2 ‘ ri'H> Let, No. 7J[LTONEf JJELp ROs\D. coutaii • sold ovjer 18,000 maehiriei. No extras. 1,: mp, 12 6 floor,, ditto Himil.ar positior., five roomri, 15s. 6d. e a rr lage 0 1 |l(;KENi for'sa A p r il K th j b v khe Eev. Caffin, Position fo r See Havelaok^road. Hasi ings. I____ |_____ X_ ing sdvenseven ricioms and cellar: rent ^. < , inclusive.—Chenuells. Dyei and Gallarway. 38, 1. pump and everything included, earr . ieeverfll”breods, few days ..is tin in-m th e w ii p e r week incluss’ tc.— G, Beeve; 5. A m b e rs * id; vjou can ride and teat the machine■ ' old. 16 chicks n d h e i . 10s ; n oa rily new cheaper kinds keiite stout waterpre oil c ihvas printed on the Notepafler for 6d. fixtra i i—F . J . paurch, Bonth \ itneouTer, B.C.. lOUflfTEY BESID 3NCK.— I e } j et t or SofcTSon Havelock-road.;Ha^tihgH. i • ? i i tc4 Parsonri. l.td :. ’ Observer ’’ Office. H astir rs. to Jane J second daughter of puc mile froii main line station;don; hiemen road, BuxbiU- K^y w-ith Mi . II. llurtonl 8 . dayal,,..0 .^ if .. yon do not I-,,- apurovo____ I_ pay —ail |oar-oar- I portableable copicoppei-, , 8 g a llo n s, 20s. — E . P a rU ir, floors for same. 1&. 6d. each; list freg.-H. J. g Btonefleld-rpad, H & U n^. mJ^’ * • l a t s ' to be'Iie't in stT l e o n a e d ^ N - s e a , iage, I havo thousandal of testimonials. \(|rite Dowins Poultry Fat m,. St. ‘ leler's Park-road, Q;M8on, G o fe r iim |n t C on U a d tO r,_ R j e. tcS6 •' nrVHE HASTINGS DEPOSITOKY."— [ nspect ames Nfite. Ljeieam Farm, to W illiam Henry HE I.EX 4N D i ground, lovely \iei s; aQcdmn]odation:ion: ball,bai ■ rpa ____ -t— rt______F [-Apply to John ;Bray,U3, Sonth-crilonnade. r p o Let or Dekiraible seven-r^mci for copies 'and)__ , the_ finest , catalogue ever i rin -,, Hastings. . L, __ m l6 A T SHbE8m TIl“BE0S.. 39,'79'and SP, High- X jrbiir Warehouse before deciding i > s to re Bays, formerljj*^aerljr of Ey^. two rweption roons, five bed ahd dressing, on GRQ ND PLOOjR, motierately high ‘ id (with colorired iliuterhtions showing e [act Furniture. I have installed a new L ift ‘;o save [Windows foy loomsi bathroom, s abling.'am ' lairgo garden. 1 HOUSE: 2 1SI Prtoijy.ioad, West H ill: for xound.-4X------tgo and ajry_ rooms, ' jwi^h...... bay ‘ I TTOGS for Hatching, ligh arid red'lSussdi, street.[pasfiqSs.—We have just received a Wn-SON—CiAEtAin).--On------LAND.— _ .the.__ 9th May,! 1914. at family pi tal 10s. w e^ ly i ilusive; re-ldccorated to aui lachines).—George Beatepn, Lion (teolo Werks. I XJJ 3j [I Columbian a|id Part-idge Wyaridottris, further coneignmarit of satin walnu; a iil oak Furniture being inured. Warehouse spate over C h rist OhUrclj.. Streaflham. by tho jEev. G. ^ceonimodatiori five to si ! S r S u @ ® ^ rbld*« per annum . ble Itop washstantls, very pretty puifs, well- toon, of Hasting!, to Nfell, youngest;daughter [The whole of the procec f^pOBACOGNlsTS 1 and (Jorifectionery BUS! EA R L Y Nejvv ” H a rrie y F r o s t" S ta n S a rd 155. maile. ourjbeoiaUprioe only_£3 IDs._thol_pair. of Mrs. IB.. H f Garland, of Skreatham Hill, P IT A L F L i'uwMtv*. Or< _ . _ _^ _ ELF-CONTAINED Top fliiOr FLAT; irent lOs. Viilcanizor, m oiiil A„ complete, *fith 1 -fwo] over to the HG full pwie: owner reuring; nqag intto.—Apply D„ X NESS; good business position on trai S ; 6d. :per w«4k inclusive; onjoysl fine sea section!, frem 19s., ___ iWeU-mdrae AsE Bedroom SUITE, London. i - route: lowest taking £ 8 to *£10] w ee kly .—A ll p a i J. ------J ^ araffin blow lamp.-tools, etc., £B; or nearest : JJ jtrated catalogue free.-Hide, Poullry Ap- A MEMPBIAM.i Reel erche Ltm< iheons (rin Box,~ i "IQbserver" Office. Bexljtill^ ! ml6b v icw»; has two sitting «nd rihree bedrooms, and Iter; pair neiy cycle ca|r,|vheels, 26in., £ 1 ps-— I ing lay?o waifdrobe, fitted w ill qbiist of Bittin prooms ; 3s. p er he tic'ulars of. HartM G. iKing. Business Agent office^ . I'iiP.S—_}Vorks. H ytlie-road. ,^hiord.__ j$ drawers, sibling tjnuys and banging cpnipart- m23 o f I our dear Da d, .TkOUSLE-FBONTEi ____HOUSE toi Let, fur- 72a, H ig h -s tre e t, H a s tin g s . m l 6 lln d e . U diiriorle, B ye, S as:)ez n 16 8lMit0NS,-4lril loV fo u r perso x X jnlahed; three^tting, ,fqur hefirooms, (me Apply to John Bra 7 . as nbovh m23 ■ |jlO lV L H 6 uSE§rEit ing boxes, hen CootsTetriT; ment, encioSed by| three doors, ccntri flo ir fifi -k-k, - Court Boaijdkf NETS, prepari d w ith Edwin Slirimohi. late ^ f Groft-road. Has- fj^O Be Let,;Mqn|tague Gardens, Castle Avenue) liEcONDH-AND BICYCLH wanted, in |ood i. , [illustrated____ rai llsH free.—Ride Hythe-roaid ted with laiige silvered, glass panel; dnissinr sttOug line to riet top and bbttoii, best Tab! e d’hote Iii inoheotis ii tJvuiiBRlDGE WELLS. — ij^arnisheci FLAT to p order, |9in. fratio, —C. ..W, Harris. 38, tin g s , w h o [entered jn t e r e r t M ay 17th,_ 1913, five had, balh (h. a n l c.i. three receptio X i Let; gas cooker; cliarmifig neighbour- - sb tb rd . 1 M table w ith dravters and large flass an* netting, 2a by 2 . 6 3.;| b y 3 yds., 7s. 6d, ';! b y 4 Also, dedri Moflher, April 5' hthT^ i 1900.'l-Sadly p ^ r head. W i te*oWs and; . rooms, kitchen arid offices vinery, well stockec teckville-road, i Bexhill. m l6b ribublo 'size) roarhfp top washstand ailc tw* yds.. 9s. 6d.; an^ size [made: Garden Netting, missed.—Add and Arthur. IW Ie booked for any of: kitchen girdeny rent, fm nisued. £105 per an hoodli 15s.; n o ; aitendaoice. —6. G U ild fb rd -ro a d . Sale,, W hite Leghorn, Blick Lp, 1-3, m l6 IX H.P. TwO-scater EOVEE in grand condi- D Black MinorcaEGGS.____ _ m -_ 0 tP ?r eitting; chaife; the |Buite i Or 9 guineas, coal £S0 whei Simpson.—jiri lo’ ing------memory‘— of'm y dear luis-l nnm; uoftirnishM, ,£45 per annum,—Applj p tion. ready to drive) away. £60; als> 16 broony hens, 3s. eaoii.—Apply E. Whiten new; several oth if good secondhand, sraitea Book'a-Nore^rpafl, UasUngs. Orders brer 6 s. land. Jatnes Tbain Simpeoil, Drumblair,p Apply : MANJ 6 furnished FI.ATj^ two minl^es from carriage paid; '' !to26 Flashm aujandjA-JEite^. Agmte. Dover. ml large sitting am badroom. j kitchen. lj)p.' Rover, sirigle land; .ulette, in grand lon- Old Top-road. Ore. varllus-— sizeri. at iafgaiii Pricas.—S bofsiilth’i YastingsL !who ^ a s c a lle d to jrest M ay 16tn . A L E VEK5FIELD fIHINBEIDGE” yfELLS. tfifeq miles' out.—Tc dition. upholritered' and, painted greci . — Furnialyng 1 teres, 76-78, Norman-roae, St Leo ENNIs Court [Border NETS, good coi(>ur, es­ 1912. H a Sorripwing Wipipw and children. E gasas choker, electric light. With everything for B ro a d ’s G arage. Cre< oent-road, T u n b r dge ■|.V0 [R Sale, six gooi Milkin; COWS: aho two T X Let. pretty seven i -oomed Cottage, fur­ nss.iss.-f-jG;* ' - .1.^, .. -J. _ X’ I 808 ws. one boar) n a rd s ^ m l6 • • pecially r| pfepared, withvv svu DbAAfllSBirorig * 1 SAWrie at- ) f nished, thf( I or four imiinth.; garden, fruit, irton, Box 1,467, MOlseryer*' Office. Bex- Veils._ [_____ L______, __ ” nine pigs, eix weeta old. ttjiched to net a t top and bottom. E isy to ' < I h ill. ______m i6b Gt a t six montl : pure Yoi-kshiro breed ■DUSBKI^’S'S MART. — Good tribYolIiQ] 1' I vcg.. lawn; iwood^;,. high _ level: e i; motor _ service.- ip w o Triumph MOTOR CYCi,ES for sale, 1912 ^Apply Sudd’s JL> tru n k s ^ s u it Qases. drawing room suiteK erect or take)take avfay;awav? wWiir ill not rot, can i ffiot II«Tta#* '--■-i— HOUSE, Apply Pcirde, Bed Cottagi:, Lower Green, Pem r p o n L e t , St. Ijeonards,lA furnished,furnished. sdlf-eon:sdlLcon: X free enginie models; £37 and £30.—Vicary's T h e Ck n vei It, Ba; ;dalen- S u t 111 ja il weathfrs. 25yds. by 2yds.J 6 s. q. ; b y Bees; to be 1 :t on leiase. The! X twined ine d FLAT;FL a x . three)in r e e ^’ ...... St. Leonards. ______m50]_ sideboards, . sheffo iier», cbi;ia cabin He. vard) P iR E bury. ■" Tunbridge lofidgelitcUs Jii ]cHS;,. 1 4 ml6 elhej. two sitthjg.i-ooms, teres, Battie.J ' ' in16 *yds., 7s. 6d i:; by'!4yds.. 9s, 6 d.: any-size m ade. FivtoiSB. JIfe in iria lA dnH. adjjoining lirimises; Wilten, five jm inatee wh*lU Pret': rit: three, four, six RAZrNGj*JGrioil ummer FEED for 'cither rbb([8. sew ^ l goo i couches, suporioi* becdingl use. 19 rooms, m ig h t: be; e n t e r d j*in; , e u.- -Del ached, Country , ____ KESI aaEEE-SPEED 4 h.p. ItKADBURY Mblor (lattle or Sheei liIf—noleum,' I----- rugs, mats.~289|, Lopdon^ tundards for same, 10ft. high. Is. eaci :[g a r- Cacai sufiflfiiii in a DENCk forjsxle,»le, iri«hold,iroehold, or would let mon'.hs; 35s. -week; smalli ll supply8 ipply platrt linen.—" f on Qooien Fai-m.--Apply roacl. Ht. Le^oardtl Antiques. toj f pen netting. 30. riq. yds.-for Is. Orde: lio v e r s ip DAT. HA bde te communioate..' ^ t* nple, St. John’s.Tn’Kr.^o \XMansion,n. 32, C ycle, 1 9 1 2 . in splendid condition, B |ihy^31t. ’ lin., fjiiir standing on dii inlg-: able] Flag List.—H. J. Qasson, Net Worki, Byb. 11 acres, stabling;-Furtbe r particulars, Bohun, r p o Let, Hastings, furnishtd, 1st Plodr [PLAT. ‘911 complete: wil,h lamp, horn, and tools: ffablislicfftblislicd 12 126 6 years.^years.j!______^, , j _ j 20 D r u m Hastings. [;; , 1 ) m l6 X two,wo minutes sea, sriverastation;srivera station; every cou­con-' [uaraiiteed gopd running order, only £26.—4ar- ivory bails,] 'est a ad marking board, 'ALL CA^E fdr- sate,----- eight - _____ feet-Jiig: long. 7!fcct rp U N B E ljC lee: one reception,rej^ption,_ twofwo bed, kitchen,kitchen chapts. Canterbury.! il3i 6 inches high; eboriised mahogany, v itli a l e x A: ale, a modei^ HOUSE u gbo Flat of ^ rooms. and 145. Queen's-ro id. Hastings.—'This week we X 2ft,; 2ft,! also mahoganymahogariy Book or ShqwciShqwc4toei 6ft. ms. [tw o Teci lounge, hall, evory Fconvenieijce, self- DfeAD CHICK------... -Success in I’hickeri Bear- H . B U R T O N , Fiiiinis'linj Vfithl i tbe enclosure will tion,- lounge hall, tUeiT b a tb ro bi. f urinal usn officris; h e Only ema|l modet oised HOUSE oq I St. 1912 Douglas, two-speed, free engine, £30. are Idescribi ig a few lots of , port< ctly new ly 8ft.-^Castle,— ...... High-street.jh-strt ■ ’■ Dover. | ;[ml6 / d[ierH;,and Sajwrs’ Hell) rI Leonardsueouwrus F([pptcrouc is [1 1 1 , Marina,juarina, whichwnicn is ■‘dr to Let September 29th; J tee. can only !|be obtaii ed by using thri cnnrlklfSAlArt.Pgoods .selectc I1 a.t. a t i VniertfikscB iieai; grilt Jinks, statii n. and sei.—Particulars, T Sedlesoomberroad Sbnth, St. 1910, N.S.U., two-spee'd, foee engine, £17 Ks. most, reliable food;!ter best lesults stai-l. them ndom from our eqo>|mpuBly TjirAXLPAPBRSTfroittr; lid. per roll, lanyl qrian- I Ciwztef. l^ h a n ^ n . ] - rx fiii •(-’ beilihg renovated tihroughoi it and w ill be finished 1913, EudgeAVtAAlg^ ,rfAtait.X« Multi complete, as naw. £47 Ks. large !stock; ever; I a r tic le w n g u a rs ntteel th b ; , * . ▼ . --tity, k.kj. lar^^l,argcl orc imqllKmn.ll .whnlMoVA wholesale firices: TicLets for tets within to ritiit4urt the]tastethe[ taate ofOf tenant)^nan^ oror nrirebaser;n\ always 1913, 3J, two-speed, chn on Armltage's BestJDry Chink Food: iii bags 1-oughl.v well-madi I and cleanly finisicd; now dock exceeds______250,000CC- rOlls, ______. all classes ; ...wtfjte ' S t o n e n e ld Road, Qaeen’s Road, s h e d HG U Si; (large)]^ litable for eub- CORNFIELD TEl n drive, B.S.A., ind 4(1.. 8d.. Is. 4d„ 2s. [6H.. oto,: nanliifaot.ui’ed bV be ptrohased Messrs. K opcD for inapdction andi fu ll I particularo [ sidecar, coipplete, £M . new in Januarj-. : 914. if what you requi > is not in the lisi, drup us la ttern, stalling ejass required.—Dept. 1! T e h p h iin p o' lirico Is. and; iifg ; good oo: ine ctio i? ; n o m in a l b« obtained of libost o f’ ;he local Agents, or 1 coidprising 5 rooms and kitchen and Any Make Of New fit Ochines supplied; old Armitagc Bxjos.. I.tq.l Poultry Food Spccaiiats. li postcard, I *r bei of Still, give us o| c|al ; wo ;ett WUUpaper Go.. LM ., Knott M ill- Mitricilics- H a s tin g s . best-’pteition,_;tion Sea FroFrojlt it at St. [Leonards, " of O.G.. *‘i|0bpcrvtrr Office. Hastings. tc74 scullery and usual offices; r snt 6s. 6d i w e e k ly Nottinghairi'.'' Sold |. Skiuiiars.. Iu e e n '4-roaili-. plyi. , W alter liter NewborjN ew be^, ifstato ,Agi *nt, ),4, St) iob-) inclu^ive.-rApply, Baxter. 5, Machines taken in uart payment for new, F. Strickland, Georg are sure to lave i , jnla__ o r._____ a le ili ____ fpENTEKpEN, |od Cliisa h o d e rn aemi-do* Warrior-aquaro. • oxoii rstreett J, . Wriston, 132, Olil PERSC A'i’TENTipNi iiards-road, BezbiU. m l6 b T E - - r ■ TP am| Co.. Motor Cycle Depot, Cai tlc- Loiidon-road. U.astlf i; P. H, Elli E y U n T'I . N D '; | ( fNS,-Compiete temfed oako a k UOl.DoWAY liai just bought a la gifas- X tachcjcll BESt NCE] to Ijet. unfurntshed, i in23 reel, Canterbury ' 29, BfexhiU. B 1 I'bddrOtiij stSjte. including f la f ward- ” ’ • sortment of Secondhand FUSNi 'UEE. .trUJKNIBHED. __ EESID,______5NeS§Jafid_ _ -.w.....Flats. Hag" Has- beautiful jpositiun ear ndst and rail; two re- road, and Battle-rD;Td. Holliiigto . H.^rink- ard* Motor Cyolists. — Eel airs of all kinds fo water. 5 . Town Hal|-imuare. Bexhi robe'with long ir(irror----- door, dfessj ■'-----...... m (best ,oo numeroris— to| me’ition. Goods t bora . iT. ht| ,i or iM P IJ f tlags,:s, St, LLeonarqs ilia n s and DiiDi trict, from ono ception, fiVq bedit |ms, la IV11, xlow or beds, a n d lotor cycles! and cycle care, re-boring, bush ng, 1; J. H Ddson, p o u n da [xe 1 2 g uin e as fv eek]y,-l-X p pl7 , f o r p a r Roller Floor MiU^[ piob^te^idg Ste* 'Ciisdri w ith! large ; lirroil [and three drawe rS; ash- sxohangeti; Bpecial tefrmd to country I i:^rs. every wnvBniencfl Goldsmith] '*Oaks House,'’ LICE [eneral overhauling, re-- stand w ith s arbli I[ top, tile back, ant loods deUvored free.- ticulars |to G ^rge Difkerson’sTEstate Offices. NSED HOUsjES Tp LET.l FOR mg, _ ,--r- and Sons, ^oside-rc^d, East^ut n c ; a t.d th 0 o r Queen's-road, tinge. 6) A. .SAT, T e nte rd e iL m23 -verhauled, frames cut down. all nnder ex­ principal Corn Deatifirs eyef*>'^he- rush seat emir; f 17s. 6tl il6 , W, D.i.Y, 2J0 't- [dalleteroadi St. Leonarjls - Established SpLE, A N p w a n t e d . ert Bupervisibn; ostimaties frc*e: a number of e. tc9 tef’ m u COLI.EG 1872 m23 l.nae NJile.—jExoelleiit SHOP TXdtTLTUY wanieSttoid andTyoiJng, lat^e o1 BYSNT iND sQNsr An ezccptliohany i-om Mapl'e'sTTjc idria), S. PLANT luse p t four {; 'ooms, kitchen, ecul- ‘I jecondliarid machines always in stock.—Pox m's. CARPENTER DECO -A1. T O B i ^ LllS. STAli *p xcu !i Fc r im ;Seili ENUlNl -L small quantities—E. J. LiUcr. 45, Nonl B h an d so n e co; p ie te b ed ro o m s u ite in po-i I Qu'ceniS^road, 'astings. — The fioor- SWEETs , PMraiUBES, -a F wl- i-liate*ata disposalddisposal' isposal lery.lery, aand jrkrden;. rard just TB-Ueebrated through- fully-licensed I'UBLIC, ritanding otor Cvolo Depot, CasUe^stroet, Canterbi iry. Lane, Canterbury. _j___ ^ lisbed-i mahok any, '7 g u in e a s ; fo u r n th e fs a t ov^ring Spe)iiali8|; orbr 200 rolls of Lidbfdum UPHIflESTE RBR. B LtNDMAKER. E» * thWiugh illness. HOUS^ in«i[Shop, LiidlShop.“ '>p, To-jou^;To-1To-(out; o u t ; nnew i j latala te g] g l^ a frorit; rqnt only 10s. per G Ih a Commandinjg coriigr pqsitiqi), in a m3l] ' ' andJpLAlN.NEE baceoma^. Confectionery and jg<^>d te a ------' • • • • r main i i t •> B^$^T)BtIBY. twSspeed, free cngjio,’ £ ^ 12i.; 6 d „ 9 g u in arid 12.1 gulneai to Bark, , I select frori. " .mltjris Axmlnstor Car j) stain v - j ------— plod tea rooms; rooms;I week incluiI week , inclw ive folr t1 erm:iriplei^idi position for [horo|iglifarc; good ha;-; hotel aebommo- conditioh; £35.—J. Pudnej, 3, p O K K ‘ S AUSAGE|7[;Po'?ic Sausages. Pori w alrifit, satin [walfilijit, and oa)k; quite]newl ml6 lizes and colonrg. tc20 Froeieds tb sjriiport- a " f,l U ld-«sta|blished; good letting {a ;com m odationdraper; Ixcieptioria ohajiico^^r enterprising datioif: tii for malts .and spirits; sound all- {ft. Gcorge^^streat, Canterbury._____ tc< 50 Sausages. Very best obtainable, m ide o1 I»ERTAKER. i Empire ’’ in Bangalore) no reasonable offer rifased. — Particulars 6) m a n .—K e y |D2. M a ii'ir-ro-S a il,i H ajstings. V iew a t round trade: stablingjand girden; Ingoing by 'I Vv best milk feci porkiWrioe 19d.|per|lh. de.Uverci jgEYANT AND ONS.—A v e ry fin e IHOLDOWAY. Qriceh’s-road, Hastit gsL — G t Th.iteO'Speed Triumph MO^'OB » See my stodt of bedsteads i i . East Far^e,_Hastin|;f. m"'ral5_ 1 <1 ml6 m o all parts of town.JPiedk. Eyiriill. Butc'fierT'24! A lid and twi la rg o d iv a n eas; , T , c --,—------“ "<• he iding. ■ENTRAlNCE ■ FEEt! once. ! . ■ J i I vsIuMion aoout £459. — Fill particlijars of I I GYCLK and| Sidecar, good < on- pod, brass -and iron| bedsteads in allj Bixes, itA s a n t X toadi LHAQI VALLEY (K snt).-Cap tal HOLDi:ING, r p o Let, |rirmeneUE1. ROAD. . X end o||Novemiier. a pict; isqne HOUSE, car reason for isale.-Ilayi s. Stream Farm.'fled- UKE Sussex GrqiiTd OATMEAL, therfinesti Fririiiture £k iihit|; uired Under jOoveriimeint insnection. tc20 Efour bffili two sitti^-rooms,.sitting-rooms,, kitchen,' etc.eto.;, ;- ten bedrooms, d i^ ing-rp im, throom. large i'CENSEp V1CTUAiJt.EES ;)ud Proprietors of Ifsco m b e__ ^ j ______. m 16 '^ food for r,oa_iriqgroaririg or fasteningfaiten|n Poultry," ' Etuite t e l e p h o n e N«. ” .617. itahling qnd ontbuild|ngs; freeliold only £(25; entrance ball- diali g, drawini smoking, and E Qff-Litenscs, desiring tc dispose |bf their P nwis .ajnd u te to ^ la l ni6 - • wU'hiD.DINO G ift.—-LaHy [offers mateifi< >nt 7- minerals reserved; a uargain.--Trnsoottiiargaii and business___ > raems.rctepis, _ giioc! , serv: ts' quarters, pksasn- IHonseS are invited to Isend particulars) to Wic- 1 O i l ■ -water-'cGrifFd. s^ cia 1’ prTcM fOT*^arEer*’ou a n llti« '.lT ® te 'E'tlANT'Af'D~SL I’ mnne(a S|RV1CE,, A l quality plate* Co., iT*a| Agents, • ■ Canterbury,I ■' I - ml6 ger lift, iim|l stzoked k| sive so[i 1 bi I v(8jtamt)cu), six each! tabic, deasert epoonaJCorka, henl garden, lovely kenderi and Sons, Triado Viiluers, Tiinbridge irtor. rear lights, spares, etc.; cost 1107!i^ ______^ , ______, , .120 tea and eggfepoong (36 piiaces); unsoilej;; ac- , 'lELD PLACiOne of the best fitted; shady groimds, oioquet s id tennis lawns, con- IWolls.j^whri always have boaa-flde aripiicanfs iTS, laying.Bi. each, WeSk old 6ii,, tw o a n d dbg ends. 23s. | d . ; se vera l o th e rs A L i :a sacrifice £95,CO*-..■* f *ctrial !a i willingly ■ by appointmert.— ) I 6d.: n iu te ^it._ ctet 2S|.; approvat-W -rite W „ 13, "Obs( rver” J & S O N . sinences on th * Front ojlpsq to .Wa-xzjior: seryatory arid gieeiihons : Company's water; ----- •’■nine concerns: n> sale, no,charge. wall and B[Ipnion. montb»_old 10 s|. |hree moritliri 15s. ilozen : ANNU4 IN.SPE(TII Square l td be sold, or to be let Mt a moderate; SOOft. abovif’isea l:yhly cner. Vainer, Benon- ICBNSEb PROPERTIES. k'enCSuife aricl j Eggs'. 30 breeds, "3s. setting; Tirkloy Eghs. 9d[ J3 Sideboard. 4f w ide, 7ft. high. £T)9sl 6d.: 'AXEuPSOOF COVEE^same materis I .-iiid ! HORNTYI den. ml6r X H.P. four-seated Him her CAB, £60; 6 i.p. oaeli, 7ri 6 d s e ttin g several o th e rs, sifi) ,c i rh U vre y I sheets, 12ft; b yijO ft.. mises anri if desired tie lowerTnoors)wonid be I Surrey; large variety , alw^ays tp select D two-eqated Rover. £30: 12-14 h.p. f vc KMrii setting list Goodwih, Stn.tford, "er and larger, ui- to 37 By, Kind!:! ermission converted tor this pti rpoee j with ajnew s|iop lLLAtJB 8 TOR ESI—Qroi^ery. iprapery. Wines, ;rom;! town, ' country, seaside and j station m30 gnineas.___ [ 1 16 15*.: 15ft. b y 9 ft., 18s. ?d-> a n d so o n, m in e to l)EABDSLEY[alid OFFICE li. st , the ------.... upper portloii Irit .J, off separatc------sriated• Darriteo!" --iteql £40; 10-12 b n. (ivn.B»LI!> Shopp propertyF Oiterty Irtvestment,Investment, Leti and stock at VMpuion'festimited at £650.— (nVestj Messrs. Wickendeti, Hotel Valuers. Tun- [3. air-cooled Hiimberelite Cycle Car. qiiito ctefbian rpi|y. 158.. 7i;. Juccia: price good itapestrfr "I!’19ii| 6d.; several a rtf aiiu (res, oH C ^aper kindsjkept.4H. J. GaSson.G >v[eBn- ipairing leas* > to old ste.uding tenant; For full barticulars apply Pbllp and Philp. bridge! Wells. . ______| ! m l6 w^,£90.-li;A. JennX.^ Motor Erigilicr, “ ...... — — ’ ^U] feom:7s. Id.; ( uit(•‘ -‘l|new. ___ I _ ii l 6 mrint .Contrartor; Pye.f ! ■ ' riil6 . to pay 7 I er cent, ,pply to Driw- Auctioneers liand |VaIuerB,l|Bexhill ml6b rt'EU 'Roadside INNi, ov *rl(mklng | Village title. ml6 seed istze. Direct Sootlaral end Lincoln- gAEGAINi FOB i[SALE.~ at TaprieiTBioi i„ 9, Harden. Ami its, 48, .rinri, St. Leo- YS rh ear Ai tentJ^For sale, free- Green, main road, [few mile? from, Tun* shire) f.o.r., or ex es Cant! ;rb ary. fpecial .» H a s tin g s .—Br,__ o r pjano. 7 b e NEt’iiiN tfl Wire Netting! A t.-<*0^ | / !S tL E I nards-orijSea. (Fo. 668 ■ i W heildhpld ) w e ll-m ilt , HCpSESi rents £30-(E35 ridge) Wells; well-an anired cetacbedohe iFcmises quotations for large |HUititles.-T. Dense and j ^ual to, now, jglfl tionill-y ToW.’pricire fo™ (iBehi^l8iriTl)y )CI' 'V/’R tlN N .i Sons.) L td .. Soedsmei 159.: i^iu.fifi. mesh.(iiesh. 4sl,4sl: aim. by 58.;^30inl b:v2li>.,__ E L L I Itq TO N sc a n d lUnfurnisliad i HpUi per. annapi nnhifS tenifft riayiv" paying VaM;" good . poei- . in nibq order; gemd qppi oacl, pi'Oductivq gar- Uantorbury._____ m l6 PiastoL by'Dtue. d condition, £9 New 63J; 36m. by 3m., 6s. lito.! 48ln. v_by 2in.. a Si.1 3d.wu i 36, Middle St and 7 St. James' R l Ing and Boa rding ilso in St. tion gas L and -l ,Q water P O■ I laid ’ 5n;l()ng gardens jin ien, [riaddock, stabling, rent lo w : fre e fo r DOMESTIC [PETS AND CAGE BIRD!!. fjfiWO I’o jiitry HO-----DS 18 fo r! sa l i ; lalso driveiop. c o n d itio n 4 ft. Be* -oom suite by 1. 10 — -- — -. ite.-[Note: I t- is all I tfliish ■ a rd s. 1 lis tin g s , a^ aU reuM ls and priries. rear; near,) S.E. Ckillege arid h a St i n j s tejritjsl; _j)opularL brewers; ialuation) about in g Cioops.—46, iward-crtteept, Hastings. pfecete. ___ _ £7 -- 7s.t , )ill T£i3S 4ft. 6in. Bedstv--.1, ——. h a ir ffi^ e . M d te®H galvafiised and these oridcs F A ll LY AND CC £ pjn Dawson at d Harden, Arictioneers, Downs: new) moil) ner, 4,1, Camden esars. Wick< ndrin, Hotel Yalutors and m aurpss, jute spring, stuffed hair, [srileidid .b lisfied i Y e a rs BLACK Eetriever '0__ 0 . _ 3J ____ years, )>Id. ______m il cannot be touched in. tbe rieigtabourhood The Z St. Lequ ;rdsdlri-8 u (egtablished Villas WyeJ m l6 aritwrs, Tnribridge \ telja. m l6 ■VIOLAS.. 1— P u r p l^ . ] ling, frelloW lot,. . only '£5 as. . jjijtijflh Axminster Carret Mt “ Pvo^prh^JirraForlor noilrifll jif of 50_yai50jr|ards.—Th[reAd- CX>FBSE BOOM. vbuTlNC >vrUl. J1 bri happ jr to fortrord [illustrated _ healthy, capital house dog-, good h< me Ky 7f i 6iii., raii!*arl#iicw. £2 IQs.; Witte cok ii'DNEHAT, FCENI8HEK. ' ilft ANTED.' toXX, witet, v, a' cq raforrafortably F]''?LICENCS and' GENERAL, easily man- only wanted f owner having no accommodat;.on. 2iy 0 ,y; r ,j\ j Gem.iirnoeriai Blie. SnWdon n Cav- !d,. IfonmoBger, Tunbridge Welli BILIjIAED ANl post; every aesirtancjs’grttis. tc41 W H o u, SU. r^ fori; 'siz m(>j|itlis .or longer, epn- .[ profitable msiness ,ircturning...... „ £ 1 0 to (white), four finest Siolas grovn; free iowor- ppt, glod coiidlitiofll 15ft. by 10ft:. £3 lioliri CREMATIONS O INDUCT HD THEOUGHOljltll Shop P RfSP^BiM Iriveatmentj taining tlthree reception, nine bjedroome, bath —Address NlP, 022, O ffice, I !as- ABh JodrooBi fSaite. 7ft. wardrobe, [ezee lent 2 |ix t o n s 'ani^^-Corruffited ROQ)! ECELLEfi STABLip £ 12 [jefeekly ; good ( oublo-tr-inted »ihbp, six- tings.; ■_____ I______. _m I6j_ ing; separate colours. B4. 6d. IqO. iO 2.-.; biixed tu e c iil [low priiJb for ____ _ •F repairing lease to old standing (b. and c)); ;piigh ground, overlcoking soa and *oqmed bonae, cellar ige. etc7) refit low-, total 2 s 6d).. 10 0. Pansies. Bath's Em ;ircis: for[sbowi c.ondi ioD: bacgaiu)|£8i 8s.:-Axmlnsten £qi;atc, IBIAGBS And OMNI _ be‘ sold 't* * en" per bept.— pier; terfnslmodc rate to 's caruful tenant. — ngoiig about £130. -— Apply (personalily pre- IlLKWOBMS^ I EGGS, wajrTanted fertile, 6d. ing; Iflnest fancy Pjt'nsics gro-rn. 53, ) . sj I2ft. h r lOtt. n.. Iicstt, qiquality, , . epiei_____d|d poll; 94,; 8f Pla;- ga Ivaiiised SertiwS anra- Washers fo r’ab Imhigdevefly'Saterday-M prnistte Oavraon - at ardo , Ae«ote.',48, W rite Owner, 186, "Ohserviir'i" 0:llce,“ “Bastings. erre^b, H m i s . Wiikenden, 20, Uigh-street, t.y per 100;IDO; booknook on mainagement,manai 3d.—I, '00,; i6d S h o w in g b lo o riis .' ' diti&u, £4 4«. ribesterfieid sdttec,. covered. areen oteck Co„ Taabrjdge WeHa. Plant TI iw . — 3p*8 *y, tire C learaest boUso for Roofing ng W brki, Claremont, in 8 V k K M t i t k m23i Ifw nb Mgo Wells. -----m is Longmittem, Wisbeef inJOb 1# P ~ ' tF. .'•R £3 S8.-X apn*r Ironmoi T u n - i Trirk- BttUdli " g i 1 CalTerley-toad ? T rim tj. H agtin^, in -tltei-'’’ OTEL Afif m S B Qtuty Of 6i t, by F .,; Parsons, Ltd. ■/■■'iSg ■ \'^ i; ■ [;-V- l i ,V ;'i S-1. '-.1 ■ ' .Si, ■) . |i-' - jtrr—vyTfii -rir-V VT-i-i. M b a a i