Fall 1991 Summer March I of Nicol Scales, Inc
COMMENTARY Walk with me for a minute. database. Down memory lane; back to When you have the time and your collegiate chapter. Why did inclination to do more, you're you join Gamma Phi Beta? The invited to be more active in an really simple reason is that you alumnae group, become an were invited by young women advisor, serve on a house corpo you knew and liked. It's a bit ration board or take an interna more complicated than that, but tional office. the fact is: you had to be invited! Research also tells us that About 10 percent of our many volunteers want to do a alumnae members are involved short, well-defined job with a in some way because they were specific ending. So the natural invited to do something they conclusion is that, if Gamma Phi would enjoy. What about the Beta asks you to do something other 90 percent, you ask. Well, finite�like chair an event, at we live in a busy world. And tend a Founders Day celebra volunteer involvement some tion, or help raise funds for a what follows a bell curve: high local camp�you'll be happy to involvement before children do it. So, you are hereby invited! enter the picture; a natural Finally, there's the small is change of focus with marriage sue of geography. If you're in and children; then a rise in in Crescent City, Colorado (pop. terest as daughters reach col 3,075); Carnation, Washington lege age or children go out on (pop.
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