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3-9-1907 Tucumcari News Times, 03-09-1907 The ucT umcari Print. Co.

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Volume 4, No. 21 TUCUHCARI, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY. MARCH 9, 1907. Subscription $1.00 a yecr.

The All K(night) Club has had Banker Buchanan Rides A. J. Davis was among the far- regular sessions this week. mers who were in Tucumcari for Mr. and Mrs. Clint Ruthetford First Auto into Tucumcari supplies yesterday. cutertained friends at their resi- W. F. Kelsay, the Loyd farmer. dence Wednesday night. was in W. F. Buchanan, who is inter- nator of the idea of the enterprise, town yesterday. He is be C. A. Richardson, with Henry ested in the new auto line from is now in Boston after five more ginning to farm. Pfaff at El Paso, was here Monday hero to Amarillo, made a trip over machines which will be shipped Hedgecoke, the merchant at En-dc- , looking after business interests. the proposed road this week in or- for service immediately. A line was in after supplies for his Mrs. A. Jowell, of the firm of A. der to satisfy himself about the from here to Texico is also now a store, Monday. Jowell & Co., from the returned practicability of the enterprise. practical certaintv. Mrs. Felix Perry, daughter of St. Louis market, Monday, where His party left Amurillo at a. Mr. 9:30 There is only two more weeks and Mrs. J. M. Alvey, is here a large stock of seasonable goods m. and ran the distance, miles 125 of the present session of the New visiting them. were purchased. to this city, in hours and min- 9 30 Mexico legislature, and owing to Two residences have gone up Gus Mathis has begun opening utes, reaching here at 7 o'elock p. the fact that there is so much this week opposite the Musselman a farm. Be a good man to put in m. Of course this trip was made spleen in its daily grind republicans lumber yard, south. charge of the agricultural experi- over the wagon road from here to will be glad when it adjourns. Cloudy a little every day ment farm if we get one for Quay Amarillo and in many places it is this week, but not cold. Looks county. very rough and the time can easily A. V. Johns, of Greenfield, and .feels like spring time is here. There was a collision in the he cut down to about half that Tenn., and J. E. Butler, of Brad- J. T. Wharton, Sid yards here Thursday night, and we when the road is ready for use. ford, Tenn., arrived here Thurs- Wharton and Lee Wharton were in from are informed that a couple of men A. R. Carter, who was the origi day night, and are looking for lands. Endee, Monday after freight. were pretty seriously hurt. Rolling stock not greatly damaged. Tucumcari is the best paying shipping Bill Hudson, Harrison, Ark., point on the Rock Island from Liberal to who filed on a homestead south of El Paso and gets the poorest town, has returned home and will service. come out later with his family to The Glenrock Hotel annex is not locate permanently. yet completed because of the lack Mr. Hancock, interested with of lumber. Also the Plaza is tied Col. T. W.H7rntrn hv the McGee up for the same reason. Addition, is expected here in a few The Rock Island excursions are days and will it is believed, decide bringing hundreds of homeseekers to build a business block while thjs month, and a great number of here. them are taking homesteads. Pat- The Southwestern Ry. Co. has terson & Donohoo made papers for ordered W. M. Lane, their well seventeen filings yesterday morning man here to go two thousand feet at the Dawson yards unless he The 59th congress of the United finds plenty of water to supply States adjourned at noon on the their entire needs at this place at a 4th inst. It cost one thousand million shallower depth. Harvesting on the Buchanan farm joining the townsite of Tucumcari. dollars of the people's M. C. Mechem has returned from money. Comes high, but we must a professional trip to Santa Fe. uay Lines havo it. He believes House Bill No. 61 in- troduced by Hon. N. V. Gallegos, Are Changed Largely RueveKo Happenings. extending the boundries of our (Correspondence, ) county will become a law before We are coming to the front. Santa Fe, N. M., Mar. 5. The J. A. Oliver, of Eureka Springs, the session adjourns. We have one general store, a house held a busy session today. Ark., is in the city as a prospective A. D. Goldenberg has gone to blacksmith shop, and will soon The principal event of the session homeseeker. New York to buy merchandise for have a post office. We expect to was passage of house bill 61, and J. C. Jones is going to have a the M. B. Goldenberg Co. This is have a town of not less than an act changing the boundaries of very desirable business block on 500 the first season any Tucumcari people within the next six Quay to take in a portion of San the corner of Center and Second months. merchant has gone to the New Miguel and of Union counties. street. Trains stop here both going and York market to buy goods. coming. It Baca introduced a bill asking the means that considerable quantities Young Meeting, employed at M. 66 delegates to the constitutional H. Carter left Monday for a few are consumed in order to justify B. Goldenberg's, is building a ! convention to meet and draft a days visit in Texas. going so far east for merchandise. business house on Second street constitution for the state of New east of Reid and Patterson are doing a G. C. Stephenson's baby girl, the Koch residence. Mexico. good business with their well Mary Elizabeth, is very sick at the M. H. Koch is just about ready The full text of the House Bill drill. Lots of water from 150 to Rock Island Eating House. She t for business in his new building. No. 61 was published in the News 200 feet. has measles. The grandmother, He is going to handle furniture in two weeks ago. We have a letter J. W. Murry was the Mrs. Stephenson of Liberal, Kans. connection with undertaking and guest of from Hon. N. V. Gallegos in which J. B. Collins, Sunday. and aunt, Mrs. Walker of Santa embalming. he expressed great confidence that Rosa, are here. The father and Dr. H. M. Winn, J. B. Collins will do the carpen- the bill will become a law before Sterling, ter mother are in Tampa, Florida, on Okla., and O. E. Winn, nephew, work on the Jones building in the session adjourns. southern trip of several weeks and same town were here looking Tucumcari. may not have received information uround this week. They are vary Ruevelto was once only a wide of their baby's illness although S. C. Pandolfo was in the city well pleased with what they saw place in the road, but now things every effort has been made to get several days, returning to El Paso and may return later to reside have changed, and itl is now be- information to them. Wednesday. ginning to look like a town. Old Timek. Bonded whiskey at the White Professional Cards Elephant. Your choice of the fol- lowing popular brands: Old Over-ho- lt C. MECHEM, Tll Lb ( 4 A A A MA A AA I rf I ill t rf A f f Rye, Old Crow, Green River, District Attorn rv, Early Times and O. F. C. Bour- - - Mexico. Livery 20tf Tucumcari, New inun bon. mt C. DAVIDSON, Sheriff's Sale of Real Estate Under an A. A. BLANKENSMP, Prop. Execution. Attorn ky at Law,

New Mexico. Public Notice is hereby given, that I, the Tucumcari, undersigned, by virtue of an Execution & SAXON. issued out of the district court of the Sixth LLDRIDGE Judicial District of the Territory of New Mexico, sitting within and for the county ATTORNEY at law equipped in all the courts of the Ter- Newly throughout. of Quay, rendered and dated the 2GU1 day Will practice ritory and before the U. S. Land office and A. in a certain cause All sorts of single and double of February. D., iqo7, the Department at Washington. pending on the docket of said court, num TUCUMCARI, - - N. M. bered 15 and 48 wherein E. Rosenwald rigs. New, everything new. - and son were plaintiffs and Felipe lienavi- NATTESON & MATTESON, Wagonette will accom- dez, ct al were defendants, will on the 25th which day of March, A. D(, 1907, at the hour of Attorneys at Law. ten a, m., at the front door of the United LAND OFFIOB PAAOTIOB AMD OOLLBOTION8. people. LAI RELINQUISHMENTS AND modate ten in the town of Tucum- PATENTED C MB. States Post Office, RESIDENT PROPERTY POR 8ALB. cari, Quay county, New Mexico, offer for NOTARY PUBLIC sale and sell for cash in hand to the highest Tucumcari. - New Mexicc and best bidder for cash, to satisfy the sum of Four Hundred and Two Dollars aud j E. WHARTON, of twenty cents, with interest at the rate Attorney Law. Six per cent per annum from the 26th day at prac- of February. A. D.. 1007. to the date of I do a general Civil and Criminal tice. Give promt personal attention to all costs of court, MISSOURI HORSES said sale, and the further business. and the costs of this advertisement and of Alamogordo, - - New Mexico. this sale, all the following described real estate and premises, lying being and situ- ated in the said county of Quay, Territory g F. HERRING, M. D. of New Mexico, described as follows it ist. Tract: The Northwest quarter of Physician & Surgeon. Section twenty-fiv- e in township eleven, Second door east of Goldenbers's Store Tucumcari, - - New Mexico Boarding Horses a Specialty. North of Range twenty-eigh- t East of New is Mexico meridan, in New Mexico, contain- 'PHONE 100 Best Service. ing One Hundred and Sixty Acres. and Tract: The Southeast quarter of D R. H. D. NICHOLS Section twonty-fou- r in Twownship Eleven PHYSICIAN and SURGEON North of Range twenty-eig- East New East Main St. Tucumcari, N. M. Mexico meridian, in New Mexico, contain- Telephone connections. Office No. 6. ing one hundred and sixty acres, or so v. much thereof as may be sufficient to raise tucumcari, NEW MEXICO said amount above mentioned, due said Sheriff, J. A. Street in said proceeding 2r. R. S. COULTER. J with costs, expenses, etc., as aforesaid. Dated this 28th day of February, A. D., DENTIST. 1907. Over ist National Bank, Tucumcari, N. M. Magazines, Periodicals, Confections, Cigars, I . A. Street, Sheriil. Phone No 70. Tobaccos, Etc., at Per CJ. M. Gkkear, Deputy. LANDOFFICE. W. HlTTSON, J. N. V. Atty. for Plaintiff, GALLEGOS, Donahue's Tucumcari, N. M. U. S. Court Com. Campbell's Old Stand. Tucumcari, N, M. Land Filings, Final Prools, Contests ESTR.AY NOTICE. and all land matters attended to. I, J. H. Chapman, do hereby state that No charge for final proof applications. I am a resident householder of precinct Office at Court House. No. one of Quay County, New Mexico. Y That there is now and has been oneSorrell A. E. CURR-HN- , mare coital my house, and in my possess JACKSON-GALBRAITH-FOXWOR- TH Land Lawyer CO. ion at my premises since January nth, and Real 1907. That said colt is tame and about 11 Estate Agent. (Incorporated January ist 190.,.) hands high, about five years old, with Contests, Leave of Absence, Floats, Etc. WINDOW GLASS A SPECIALTY ALL 5IZES white right hind leg to the knee, white spot Ollico Kust Main Street. in forehead and white on tip of nose, and Doors, Sash, Moulding, Finishing, Lime, Cement Etc. that it is unbranded. A. F. & A. M. have made diligent inquiry That I Tucumcari Lodge No. 27. throughout the neighborhood of my Your patronage is appreciated Meets premises and precinct to ascertain the every first and third Monday each month. Visiting brothers invited. ownership of said animal, but have been CALL GET H. II. Harois, W. M. and PRICtS Tucumcari, N. M. unable to ascertain such ownership, and I J. Q. Adams, Sec. do not know to whom it belongs, J. H. Chapman. Subscribed to and sworn before me this February 18th, 1907. THE PHOENIX I E. F. Saxon, J. P. The Tucumcari Pharmacy Filed in my office on the 20th day of Barber Shop February, 1907, at 11 o'clock'A. M. On the Corner. R. P. Donoiioo, Clerk of the Probate Court and Z Dr. Tomlinson is an Experienced Pharmacist. This is in fact 4 County, New HOT AND COLD BATHS the peoples Drug Store. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medi- - i Recorder, Quay Mexico, T cal use Only. j I hereby desiginAte the Tucumcari News, a weekly papc ,iwral circulation, pub- f Aviso.Esta es la casa donde Comprar las Medicinag. lished in Quay Count'. the publication Agent Alamogordo .Steam Laundry of this not:c. j Sam Chadwicx, D. G. CASH I Your Trade Solicited. Assessor of Quay County., 4By R P. Donoiioo, Deputy. t Sa.n Jon Items Homestead Knlry No. ;(()!) Correspondence Notice for Publication. This is the 26th of February and Department of Uic Interior, Ed. the wild flowers are blooming. Lund Olllee at Clayton, New Mexico. ELLIS Keb. I, 11)07 San Jon people are surely get- 1 Notice is hereby p von that Concision ting thicker. Mr. Home sold out Martlnes of Gallegos, N. M., bus tiled I of several notice of liis Intention to make llnal City Dray articles, Saturday. Home Five Year proof in support of his and Transfer Bros, are doing a good business. aim. viz: Homestead Kntrv No. 300!) made Feb. 24, 1002, for the Lot 4, The telephone line will soon Sue. a, Lots 1, 2, & .5, see. II, tp. w n, Prompt Attention given all calls day or night connect with San Jon, besides sev- auge III e, and that, said nrool will lie J lade before Manuel Martinez, U. S. eral farm houses. ourt Commissioner, at his otllcc in Gallegos, Now Mexico, on March 18, I There will be preaching at the 1007. Burton school house on the 2nd lie names the following witnesses Motto: "R.ea.sona.ble Prices." Phone Sunday in this month at ten o'clock. to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: 11 11 Mr. Doran is closing up the Donate Sanchez of Gallegos, N. M old Albino Miranda of road, and everybody should Encarnacinn Vigil of " help open up the section lines. JulianitaS. Gomez of " Edward W. Fox, Register. There were five men out here 17 Ot last Friday looking for land to $ U. S. COMMISSIONER LAND FILINGS MADE buy or contest. Homestead Entry No. 8774. ft Mr. Donaphon went to town NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ft Monday after feed. Department of the Interior, Land Office ft at Clayton, N. M., Feb. 4, 1907. -- ylfo Business and Resident Properties for Sale- - Cheap and The report of a railroad is still Notice is hereby iiven that Elizabeth ft Mexico filed ravorable talked of here. Reed of San Jon, New has lerms ft notice of her intention to make final jri Will be pleased to show buyers the properties of the fjjfc Lilly Fakmkk. five year proof in support of her claim, viz Homestead Entry No. 8774 made June yjjf IVicuee Addition and the fji 25, IQ06. for the nw 4. sec. 24, tp. 9 n, 10 Homestead Entry No. 2771. will be made Kusseu Aaamon tne lown. m range 34 e, and that said proof TT. Make Prices and Termi. gtk NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. before Eugene E. Heugecoke, U. b tf Notary Public and T CUT T 7TTK IT A 1LT fl Department of the Interior, Land Office Commissioner at his office at Endec, N. M. Conveyance. W X iJLMJUL m at Clayton, N. M.. March i, 1907. on March 18, 1907. Notice is hereby given that Epifanio She names the following witnesses to Martinez of Kevuelto. N, M., has filed orove her continuous residence upon, and notice of his intention to make final five cultivation of the land, viz: year proof in support of his claim, viz Frank Greear of San Jon, N. M. nTmnnTmTTTTTmnmfnnnnTTnnnunnnnnmmnnnTFiTnnnTfnnnnmTnnnTTnTT: Homestead Entry No. 2771, made March Condy Carmack of " " 6, 1901, for the wi-- 2 sei-- 4 sei-- 4 sei-- 4 Sec. Tom Riley of Endce, N. M. I W. H. Fuqua, Pres. W. A. Jackson. Sec. 3 32, Twp. i! n rani;e 43 e, lot 1, Sec. 5 Alex Aston of Allen, N. M. Township 10 n 33 e, and W. F. Buchanan, Treas. ranee 17-f- Edward W. Fox, Register, that said proof will be made before R. P. Donohoo, Probate Clerk of Quay County, No. 0027. Texas and New Mexico Investment Co. at his olhce in l ucuincari. JN. M., on Homestead Entry April 18, 1907. Notice for Publication. He names the followinu witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and Department of the Interior, cultivation of, the land, viz: Land Office at Clayton, New Mexico Real Estate, Pablo Medina of Kevuelto, N. M. Fob. 1, 1007. jLots Genaro H. Mares " " Town antl " " Notice is hurebv irivon that John F Florencio Martinez Mexico, lias Francisco IJarreras " " Sbull of Tucumcari New lllerl notice of his int ention to make Acreage Property 2i-- EuwAui) W. Fox, Register Utml live year proof In support of his elaim. viz: Homestead Entry No. Russell addition to the town of Tucumcari. Office East Main 0027. miide 10. 100li. for the Homestead Entry No. 455:1. Januarv 0 n w s z, ne sec. iu.W' n fcuiiiiuuiuaiAiimiaaiiituaimaiiiiiiiiiiAiiummiiiAiniwutiummwwii Notice for Pullcatlon. 11, range :u o, and that said proof will Department of the Interioi. he made ueiore r. w. iioinan, u. s Commissioner, in Land Olllco Clayton, New Mexico atliisollice Tucum at carl, New Mexico, on March 10, 1007 February 1, 1007. Ho names the following witnesses Notice is hereby given that James to prove bis continuous residence W. Smith of Tucutncari, N. M., upon and cultivation of said land, viz: CONEY ISLAND BAR AND (Af has tiled notice of his intention to V. M. Troup of Tucumcari, N. M. make llnal Five year proof in support W. T. Nicholson of Ills claim, viz: Homestead Entry W. T. Millott JAMES LANIGAN. PROP. No. 455:1, made April 18, MM, for the C. II. do Yamport " 1 so sec. 0, tp. 10 n, range z e Edwahd W. Fox, Register. Good. A and that said proof will bo made be 17 t Treatment GOOD BITE. I lore T. W. Human. U. S. Com missioner at his office in Tucumcai Homestead lintry No. 3507. Good Wines, Fresh Oyster, f Nhw Mnxiuo. on March 10. 1007. He names the following witnesses. Notice For Publication. to prove ills continuous residence up Liquors Fish I on and cultivation or said land, viz: Department of the Interior, Land OfHce Abner Smith of Tucumcari. N. M. at Clayton, N. M., Feb. 1, 1907. and and Sidney Williams Notice is hereby given that William A. I W. A. Essary " " lssary of Tucumcari, Mew Mexico, has Cigars. Game. Jesse Smith tiled notice of his intention to make final t Edward W. Fox, Register. Five Year proof in support of his claim, ' 17 Ot viz: Homestead Entry No. 3507 made Jan. 23, 1902, for the ne sec. 8, tp. 11 said will for sale at n, range 30 e, and that proof be There is building brick Jack made before R L, Patterson, Probate Co. tf Judge of Quay county, at his office i n i Tucumcari, New Mexico, on March iG, 1907. He names the following witnesses to Whitmore & Co. prove his continuous residence upon, and M. N. WHITMORE, PROP. cultivation of, the land, viz; in a John Madden of Tucumcari, N. M. The Place to Buy your What's name? Teo D. Martinez of John Essary of " " A good deal when that George Grear of " " name is Edward W. Fox, Register. Staple Fancy Groceries. 17 6t "Sinead" LOST A Mexican drawn work KANSAS CITY HEATS-FIS- H, ETC. shawl somewhere in the city. Find on a loaf of Stamped will be rewarded by returning bread. er We take your orders and same to Mrs. R. P. Donohoo at make prompt delivery. . . . For those round cream the court house. Shawl was lost loaves, call at night of the M. M. T's. reception OVR. ALWAYS RIGHT. at the Neice residence. iotf PRICES ARE The Pioneer bakery All the latest Papers and Maga zines at Donahues'. 1 - tf An AAA rftfc-- A AkAAwA A A.A.A.AwAfcfcAAi Cou(h Homestead Kntry No. ayao. Pleasant Valley Breezes. Alvvtvys Keeps Chamberlain's A. Remedy in His House. Notice For Publication. Correspondence. J. "We would not without I'liimibur-liiin'sCoiiy- h Department of the Interior, Land Oflice Valley school ly It kept on hniul The Pleasant Kcrnci is at Clayton, New Mexico, Ket). i, HJ07. " house is Hearing completion, and continually in our home, says V. W. Notice is hereby given that Irene M. school will commence at once. Kearney, editor of the Independent, Lowry Martinez of Montoya.New Mexico, has filed City, Mo. That is just what every family notice ol her intention to make final h'ive claim, viz: Jake Haynes has bought the re- should do. When kept at hand ready for Year proof in support of her PAINTING Homestead lintry No. ayao made June 10, g) use, a cold may he checked the linquishment for Ed. Anstead's instant at tyoi.for the Lot 1, se ne Hanging I claim. Me is row fencing it. This ard Paper outset and cured in much less time than sec. 5, sw 1 ., nw Sec. ., tp. 10 n, after it has become suttled in the system. range sfi e, and that said nroof will be will cause some of the section lines K. Donohoo, I'robato This remedy is also without a peer for made before P. Clerk, at his oflice in Tucumcari, New to be opened. in will at- croup children, and prevent the Mexico, on March 10, 1007. Laura May and Merman Conner, tack when fjiven as soon as the child be- She names the following witnesses to of near Tucumcari, visited at Bar- comes hoarse, or oven after the croupy prove her continuous residence upon and which cultivation of, the land, viz: rett's from Friday till Monday. cough appears, can only be done when the remedy is kept at hand. Kor Tranquilino Maldonach of Montoya, N. M. of Mrs. Mary Moore's mother, of All sale by all Druggists. lipimenio Martinez See Me for Material. Luis Manpiiz of " " Oklahoma, is visiting her. " Buy a boxof " Marguerites " at Petrolino Martinez of 1T Eightee years experience in cen- IinwAKi) W. Fox, Kegister. Mr. Pippin is building on his Donahues, the best smoke in town. tral and west Texas where the cli- 17 6t own and his daughter's claim. matic and building conditions are itf Mrs. of Chilli-coth- e, Mr. and Scott, the same as here. One year in Tex., are visiting their Tucumcari. I onlv ask a chance Mrs. Northcott. daughter, on all work in my line. Mr. Jenkins of the Creek Nation has arrived to live on his claim. 50 YEARS' livery, g EXPERIENCE w Watch this paper for the date of ourHillinery Open- 7 ing. A. Jowell & Co. inmrand Feed Stable Patterson & Donohoo at the i hade iy1ahih Court house get reports every week Designs Copyrights office. 1 Ac. from the land 7tf Anyono aendtnu a Bkotch and dcucrlptlon may ffQ Good Teams and New Rigs, m a quickly ascertain our opinion froo whether an w v Invention Ib probably pntentalilo. Communica The News can do printing equal tions Binciiycuuuueiuiiii- - nHriuuuua uu ' tout froo Mit.t ntrnntip tnr itnfMirtflfr tint lnt S Patents tnkun throuuh Munn & Co. rocoUre Baggage Transfered to that done in any of the large rptcial notice, without chnrno, lu tlio cities. We have all facilities for Scientific American. JL turning out every class of work. A handsomely lllugtratcd weekly. ALL TRAINS of any scientific Journal. Terms, 13 a CAB MEETS Try our work once and you will year: four months, L Sold by nil newsdealers. An certainly come again. tf WUNN&Co.3G1Broadw New York v - 4 44 Hranch Oillco. H25 Y St.. Washington. I). C. It you want to drive call and w 1 $ "Stag Bar" BOARDING HORSES A SPECIALTY Proprs. MeJhis Brothers, I w The Best Imported and Domestic Liquors and Cigars Courteous attention given all customers. ! STREET 4 BAKER 2 Green River Whisky Our Specialty. 1 Israel Block, East Front. Tucumcari Go to

The Lobby Saloon JT And hort r FOR THE BEST Wines, Liquors and Cigars Open nig hi and day. Gi)e us a trial Woodward County Whiskey, COURTEOUS TREATMENT. St em pie f3L Hoot be. Main street. Uucumcari i & Props. J J. PACE Co., Watch Us How We Grow! I

Wo art' opening up thi- - wnk tin- - largest and most complete lino of ladies' fur- nishings ever brought tu your town. We will be in a position now to furnish all our patrons with tin- - latest ideas in LADIES' READY-TO-WEA- R GARMENTS AND MILLINERY We would cordially invite the public to call and inspect our stock. Remember we have everything now in the RACKET GOODS line. "THE RACKET STORE 99 A. JOWELL CO., Props. BOYS CORN GROW- and these two judges shall seeled Sun Bonnets Children's, iyc; Notice of Sale. Ladies' 20c and un. T. A. Muir- - ING CONTEST a third. In the District Court of the Sixth head & Co. Prizes for the county contests. Judicial District of the Territory The whole matter of rules and Sheriff's Sale of Real Estate Under an of New Mexico, within and for the Rules governing the New Mexi- prizes for the county contests is Execution County of Quay. co Boys' Corn Growing Contest to left entirely with the local leaders. Public notice is hereby given that I, the of be held under the auspices the 8. Prizes offered by the New undersigned, by virtue of an execution is- Llewellyn E. Taylor, Plaintiff New Mexico College of Agriculture Mexico Agricultural College. The sued out of the District Court of the sixth Vs. Judicial District of the Territory of New and Mechanic Arts. following prizes, amounting to The Tucumcari Water, Ice & Mexico sitting within and for the county of Cost of entering contest Free. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS i. (Juay, rendered and dated the 25th day of Power Co., Et Al. distributed between Dent and Flint 2. Who are eligible? Hoys be February, A. D. HJ07, in a certain cause varieties, will be offered by the 188 on the dock tween the ages of 12 and 18 pending numbers 187 and New Mexico College et of said court wherein V. I. riittson is NOTICE OK SALE. years, living in New Mexico. Agricultural for corn grown in New Mexico by plaintiff, and Marcus Durau and Fernan Whereas, by a decree of the 3. How to make application. dez Duran are defendants, will, on the .15th boys between the ages of 12 and above entitled Court dated this Write a letter something like day of March, A. D. 1007, at the hour of 18 years, contingent upon there Nineteenth day of February, A. the following: 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the being not less than 50 contestants United States nost-offic- in the town of D., 1907, the undersigned receiver Vernon, Esq., J. J. Prizes Tucumcari, Quay county, New Mexico, was ordered to sell all the property, M. to Agricultural College, N. offer for sale and sell for cash in hand rights, franchises and privileges of Offered on Dent and Flint Vari the highest and best bidder, to satisfy the Dear Sir: the Tucumcari Water. Ice and eties of Corn. sum of One Hundred Fifty-Seve- n dollars I desire to enter the New Mexi- and eighty cents, with interest at the rate Power Company, at public vendue, Prizes Sweepstakes (best of all co Boys' Corn Growing Contest. of six per cent per annum from the 5th day to pay the indebtedness of the said I am years of age. Please send varieties; S25.oo of February, A. D. 1907, to thedate of said corporation, after having given and the me free of charge, to the above ad- Prizes For the best letter tell- sale, and the further costs of court notice of said sale publicallv for costs of this advertisement and of this sale, one pound of 'seed ing various five successive times in a newspa- dress, about the operations all the following described real estate and corn. I promise to grow this corn of growing the corn 5S5.00 premises, lying and being situated in the per published Ivi the town of Tu- to the best of my ability and to Dent Variety Flint Variety. said county of Quay. Territory of New cumcari, County of Quay and Ter send to the county leader before 1st. prize ... .$10 00 tst prize. . . $10 00 Mexico, described as follows, ritory of New Mexico, said sale to 2nd prize. ... 5 00 2nd prize. ... 5 00 of the Northeast November 20th, 1907, 2 ears of The Southeast Quarter be held on the tenth day after the 3rd prize 3 00 3rd prize 3 00 Quarter, the Northeast Quarter of the each variety grown, together with 4th prize 2 00 4th prize 2 00 last date for publication: Southeast Quarter, section nine(o). and answers to the following questions 5th prize 1 00 5th prize t 00 6th prize 2 00 Gth prize 2 00 the North Half of the Southwest Quarter Now Therefore, I, A. D. 2 prize 2 1. fund ot sou and subsoil on 7th prize 00 7th .... 00 section ten (10), Township nine (9) North 8th prize 1 00 8th prize 1 Goldenberg, receiver as aforesaid, 00 of Range Twenty-seve- n (27) East, New which the corn was grown. gth prize 1 00 oth prize. . . ., 1 00 Mexico Meridian, containing One Hundred on the Third day of April, 1907, at 10th prize. 1 00 10th prize. ... 00 Climatic conditions. 1 2. nth prize. . . . 00 nth prize. . . . 1 00 and Sixty (160) acres, or so much thereof the front door of the Court House 3. Date of each operation. 1 2th prize .... 00 izth prize. . . . 1 00 as may be sufficient to raise said amount of Quay County, in the town of 13th prize. . . . prize. . . . Description of each operation 00 13th 00 above mentioned, due said plaintiff in said 4. 14th prize. . . . 1 00 14th prize. . . . 1 00 Tucumcari, New Mexico, at the . 1 1 proceeding with costs, expenses etc. as and why it was performed. 15th prize. . . 00 5th pri ze. . . . 00 hour of ten A. M., will offer for l6th prize. . . . 1 00 16th prize. . . . 1 00 aforesaid. 5. Name of the variety or varie- sale all the property, rights, priv Make your application at once Dated this 2GU1 day of February. A. D. ties of corn grown. ileges and franchises of the said and address all communication to 1907. 6. Where the seed was obtained. J. A. Street, Sheriff Tucumcari Water, Ice and Power J. J. Vhrmon, How to obtain seed. One pound Per Jas. F. Bell, Deputy Company, to the highest bidder for P. O. Agricultural College, N. M H. L. Boon, Att'y for Plaintiff. of shelled seed corn will be sent cash, the said bid to be not less free to every applicant who com- than Ten Thousand, Five Hundred plies with the conditions named Dollars ($10,500.00.) above. The selection of the var- A. D. Goldenberc, iety of seed must be from the fol- Receiver. lowing list: Swadley, Australian Dated this February 19th, W. P. BUCHANAN, Prat't. EARL GEORGE Cashier. White Flint, Colorado Yellow A. D., 1007. io-- st Dent, Pride of the North, Im- proved Learning, Golden Beauty, Bank Skeleton Waists with Hose Sup Iowa Silver Mine, Champion White The First National Muir-hea- porters for Children. T. A. d Pearl and Hickory King. Seed of & Co. no other variety will be furnished, OF TUCUMCARI. but the contestants are at liberty A Favorite Remedy For Babies. to secure seed of any other varieties General Banking Business Transacted. Its pleasant taste and prompt cures have from any other source, and further made Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a fa- more, may enter as many different TUCUMCARI, - - N. M. vorite with the mothers of small children. t It quickly cures their coughs and colds and varieties as they may desire. prevents any danger of pneumonia or other How to send the corn to the serious consequences. It not only cures college. U.acn variety 01 corn croup, but when given as soon as the grown should be carefully wrapped croupy cough appears will prevent the at tack. For sale by all Druggists. and securely tied in a separate package with the name and address Phillips Sold His Blacksmithshop of the boy who grew it and the E. . Phillips has sold his name of the variety attached there blacksmithshop to C. A. Kreger of to and also inclosed within. The I I Missouri, and has ordered a key individual packages should be sent THE CLUB POOL ROOMS stone well drill and will in the mi to the person designated by the mediate future be prepared to do County leader, who will make BREWER & SIMPSON, PROPRIETORS. all kinds of well drilling for the them into one large package and public. If you want a well see ship to the New Mexico College Phillips before you make any con-

of Mechanic 18-t- Agriculture and Arts tracts. f. (freight address) Mesillu Park, N The a z where you play M. The transporation charges on a quie game of pool and Eczema., Tetter, Rheum, Itch Ring the corn will be paid by the Col smoke a good cigar. Worm, Herpes, Barbers' Itch. lege. Should there be no County All of these diseases are attended by in leader, correspond directly with tense itching, which is almost instantly re- the undersigned. lieved by applying Chamberlain's Salve, WE WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT. Come Around and by its continued use a permanent cure judges, une judge will he ap may be effected. It has, in fact, cured pointed by the Agricultural Col MAIN STREET TUCUMCARI, N. M. many cases that has resisted other treat- lege, one by the Territorial Super- I I ment. Price 25 cents per box. For sale intendent of Public Instructions, by all Druggists. Knights of Pythias The Tucumcari News in whom the people have the ut- We believe that our honorable Tucumcari Lodge No 29, meets eveyr in legislative as- AND TUCUMCARI TIMES most confidence. representative the Wednesday evening Visiting brethren ' sembly, Gallegos, will do Published Saturdays Nazario cordially invited Shaw retired from the ofiice of all in his power to prevent the C C Davidson, C C Tie Tucumcari Printing (o. Inc. the United States Treasury at passage of any measure that may L I It'NTKR, K of K s be of 12 o'clock noon of the 4th inst detrimental to the interests Official Paper of Quay County and his such the one and was at the expiration of twenty constituents, its City of Tucumcari. af paying taxes for sheep in the two hours in the service A. STREET, thereafter county where the owners live and J. Subscription, $1.00 the Year of the Carnegie Trust Co., in New not where the sheep graze. We 'Entered u lecondthii mitttr October JO, 1905 at the post York. His vacation lasted twenty believe the passage of such a meas- Mice it Tucumcari. New Mexico under et of Congress ol ure would doing a injust- Sole Aent for March J. 1879." two hours and his pay was doubled be gross Nothing like it. It is very much ice to the county where the ani- Notice to Advertisers. mals range, as some county a question of how much a man is other Evt'rvlhintr in thn nilvurlicmir linn will would be benefitted Las Vos be charged by the week in this worth paper after after all. Publica. January isi, 1907. uispiay aus. will De the same as all ads. have been heretofore We see where the fellow Dawson Coal that changed weekly. I he price is 15 cts don't an men tocai nners 1 ct. a worti. gets off any easier being killed by "The largest Fire Insurance a crazy man than by any othe Agency in Northeast New Mexico." Capt. J. P. C. Langston, one of sort of a varment. We are still o 2itf John' F. Skaman, Agent. See W. M. Troup, the Drayman. Quay county's best farmers, is a the same opinion about Mr. Thaw very strong supporter of the theory that hangin' is the proper medi that the spring rains are beginning. cine. A plea of insanity in a mur He is getting his farm ready for The Tucumcari der trial always sounds chestnuts Millinery Parlors business. successors emma Jancs-rior- es to us. In such cases insanity and to Tucumcari had her first intro murder should be declared equally New Spring Stock of Millinery. duction to a street sprinkler this heinous crimes and atoned for by week, and besides the great amount the application of the same penalty New and Millinery, Novelties at Cost. We of good it was calculated to do, we If insanity becomes a legal excuse have an experienced trimmer who will take orders for your hats. had a very refreshing shower from for murder there are a lot of devil . the weather bureau as a mean enough to go crazy just to MAIN STREET get an excuse to kill somebody I We hope a Thaw precedent will The Santa Fe New Mexican is never be referred to in the defense authority that District Attorney F. of some other red handed lunatic ROCK ISLAND EATING HOUSE W. Clancy is soon to At- in succeed the courts of the future, unless Open day and night torney General Reid and that it be that a like sjtence of death either Neil 13. Field or Attorney or life imprisonment be passed up Burkhart of Albuquerque are to on him. Disving Hall and Lunch Counter. have the district attorneyship of Our worthy 1 Oysters and Fish in Mr. Clancy. representative "has season T. S. secured the amendment to a coun 4 McDER.MOTT, Prop. MR.S. W. E. LIBSCOMIl Mir Lincoln county will hang a man cil bill which exempts beet sugar on the 22nd. Rosario Amelio, factories from taxation for six who murdered Carrillo de Mirabal years. Gallegos has done some very on April 3rd, 1905. Rosario and excellent work in the passage of house bill No. 61, for Carrillo were sweethearts, and extending H M. B. FOWLER W. B. r JARRELL tho boundaries of Quay county. 1ninone ou when something came between Phone 2 J them that necessitated a parting of The measure has passed the house and will it is said pass the Tucumcari Bee & the ways, Rosario took her young council 1 r ke (omowf life to satisfy his brutal revenge. by a good majority. Mr. Gallegos' He shot her to death with a Wi- amendment to the council bill re Fowler & Jarrell, Props. ferred nchester and then plead suicide. to above is that broom fac- Sole agents for Pabst, Anheuser Husch But it is a question now whether tories are also to be exempt from and Ferd Heim Beers. revenge is so sweet when his life taxation. This measure will great Seasonable Soft Drinks Bottled by must pay the penalty. ly encourage the industry in Quay Our Own Plant. county which is just now starting. Business Pohne 45 Attorney E. R. Wright, our es- Five pairs good Shoe Strings, teemed fellow citizen, is a candi- 5C T. A. Muirhead & Co. date for the appointment of district attorney for this county. Our most Homestead Entry No. 3621. sincere wishes are that he gets the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department appointment. It would not be of the Interior. Land Dffir Insurance that Insures at Clayton, n. m., March G, amiss 1907. that a general petition be Notice is herebv civen tlmt Kr,lnlin circulated throughout the county Maldonado of Hrvantine. n. m.. hns John F. Seaman notice of recommending his his intention to make final live appointment. year proof in support of his claim, viz: The Largest La Voz Publica. Homestead Entry no. 3621, made March 3rd, 1902, for the w 2 ne so nw So far 4 4 4 ne 4 as this paper is informed sw 4 Sec. 3.1 Two. 11 n ranee xi o.wl J fire this choice will that said proof will be made before Manuel Insurance Agency meet the approval Martinez, U. S. Court Commissioner at his office in Gallegos, n. m,, on April of Quay county people if Mr. Me-che- .40, 1907. OrS0lTESUNnMiIl,5iCO, re')resuntiK osteon of the should resign, as he has He names the following wiinocnc in prove his continuous residence unnn m,l RONGEST fire insurance companies in stated at different times that he cultivation pf, the land, viz: Jose Martinez, Miguel intended to do. Garcia, Jose Mr. Wright is Chabes and Josa Hargas all of Hrvantine. Notary Public Abstracting Rea a very capable lawyer, and a N. M. Estate man ai-- Edwin W. Fox. Hecister. :44.44444 I Local and Personal t 3 I f r I llll: BARGAIN CORNER!

Win, Rush, a Puerto farmer, Miss Hodges of Puerto, is in the was a business visitor, Monday. city visiting her sister, Mrs. B. Work on the Tucumcari-Amaril-l- o Baca. auto road has begun and the ser- lutfgy whips 10c to 50c. T. A. vice will b,e on now shortly. Muirhead &. Co. Tliis Week is Going- to be W. L. Crutcher has purchased March Patterns. All seams al- the residence of C. H. Rankin on lowed. None better. 10c, none A, the corner west of CN H. Chenault. higher. T. Muirhead & Co. Benito Baca reports the advent Fire losses promptly adjusted Hosiery Week of the stork at his residence Mon- and paid. When insuring remem- day night. is Every- ber that the only fire losses ever It a boy. with us. The bargain hunting public will find bar- thing is O K. paid in Tucumcari and vicinity gains here this week that are real live hosiery bar- LaMarand Lawson have closed have been paid by the Companies gains, besides special in all lines contracts with Herman G'erhardt represented in my agency, and reductions from the for two business houses on Second that in every case the assured has regular price we will give free one pair with every street, They are to be stone, been more than satisfied with the purchase of six pairs. 26X80 feet. 1 LIBERAL ADJUSTMENT and QUICK PAYMENT of the loss. A. R. Carter informs us that the Ask any of them and see for your Tucumcari-Amarill- o Transporta- self. tion Company's first shipment of Our garden field seeds all aitf John F. Shaman, Agent. and are autos is at Amarillo, and ate ex- in now. Can supply your wants pected to reach here this week. Boys Overalls,, all sizes, 4 to 15 years. 1. A. Muirhead x L.o. in this line either from bulk or The improvements of the Gross, package. Kelly store are finished. Tin; new Buy town lots while cheap. higher. front is painted, and has the firm Thev will go We have name much in evidence in the big five hundred from which to select. sign over "General Merchandise." -- it & 13km.. James Lanigan has let contract STRAYED From Ruevelto to LaMar and Lawson for a two-stor- y Siding, March 4th, 1907, one Sor stone building 25X52 feet on rel mare 4 years old, weight about the lot between the Coney Island 350 lbs., blazed face, 4 white feet, and the Tucumcari Hotel. More branded "V" on left flank. Re Gross Kelly & Co. enterprise. ward. Notify Walter Lyman, office box 161, A. R. Carter is going to build a Post Tucumcari, New Mexico. 21-- it stone building east of Col. He-man- 's office 25X72 feet, with 36 The newest in Belts. Big assort feet of it two stories high. The, ment, 10c to 65c. They are correct. north side of Main is filling up at a T. A. Muirhead & Co. lively gate. Insurance that Insures. H. Perlstein, of the firm of 2itf John F., Agent. Perlstein Bros., left last week for The largest Fire Insurance A. D. GOLDENBERG, Pres. E. L. TAYLOR, Suit. New York, where he will buy this Agency in Northeast New Mexico spring's stock of seasonable dry 2itf John F. Skaman, Agent. goods. He will be away about I am prepared to do all kinds of two weeks. sewing Work guaranteed. Loca M. B. Fowler has sold a one-ha- lf ted at the Tucumcari Millinery Ice Co. interest in his business to W. Parlors. Water, Power B. Jarrell, and they are putting in iotf I Etta Kkrr. (INCORPORATED.) a nice line of bar glasses and Watch this paper for the otner Par supplies. 1 ne boys are Every enterprising citizen should patronize of our Millinery Open- getting ready for an increase of date a. local industry or nWprUi mmffr business. ing. A. Jowell. & Co. WE ARE HKRK TO STAY, AND SOLICIT A. Jowell & Co. are making fur A Suit In Attachment. improvements in ther their racket In the District Court of the Sixth Judic- YOUR PATRONAGE. store. Twenty feet is being ad- ial District of the Territory of New Mexi- ded to the length as well as other co, within and for the County of Quay. OUR RATES' REASONABLE. repairs preparatory to housing the The M. H. Goldenberg Com- - large stock of goods which they pany, a corporation, Plaintiff ) 1 are putting in for the spring trade. VV. H. Sanborn, Defendant. Homestead Entry No. The said defendant, W. II. Sanborn, is L. E. Taylor has genuine Colo, 7958. Wm, Cissell, W- - H Cissell and hereby notified that a suit in attachment NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. screened nut coal. Try it. tf. of Land Office Chas. McDial, all of Puerto, were has been commenced against him in the Departmnnt the Interior, The 'phono number of the now at Clayton N. M., March 1, 1907, in the city Monday and Tuesday District Court for the County of Quay, & Baker, is 35. Cab Notice is hereby given that Robert A. for farm and ranch supplies. Mr. Territory of New Mexico, by said plaintiff stable, Street Morris of Puerto, New Mexico The M. B. Goldenberg Company, for may bo had at any hour day or has filed notice of his intention to make McDial has just recently returned five year proof in support of his claim goods, wares and merchandise, sold and night by calling up that number. from San Antonio, Texas, where viz: Homestead Entry No. 7958 made delivered to said defendant by said plaint 15-t- nei-- 4 w he visited home folks f April 6 1906 for the sew Sec 21, for a month iff at his special instance and request to swr-- 4 Sec. 22, nwi-4nw- Sec. 27 twp or more, and says it makes him the amount of One Hundred and Ninety- - 6 n, range 32 E, and that said proof will A line of be made before R. L. Patterson, Probate Seven and o Dollars. That unless beautiful homesick to think of the grass and Ladies Waist Pat- Judge of Quay County, at his office in Tu- llowers ana tne good old summer you enter your appearance on or before Shirt cumcari, N. M. on April 18, 1907. the day of April A. D., 1907, judg ready-to-we- ar He names the following witnesses to time they are having down at 29th terns and there ment by default will be rendered against prove his continuous residence upon, and now on cultivation of the land, viz; this time. you for said amount and costs of suit. Shirt Waists sale. & James M. Griggs of Puerto, N. M. Men's Belts, Right styles Ciiak. C. Davidson, A. Jowell Co. John H. Lewis of Bovina, Texas. Attorney for I'laintid, Hubert L. Newby of Puerto, N. M. prices. to T. right 25c 50c Tucumcari, N. M. Insurance that Insures, George H. Yates of Puerto, N. M. Muirhead & Co. 2i-6- t Edward W. Fox, Register. 2i-- Chas. P. Downs, Clerk fcitf John F. Skaman, Airent. Buttons, Puerto Pickings Two dozen Pearl 5c. Telephone 13. Tucumcari, N.M. M. H. KOCH, 1 . A. Muirhoad v Co. Correspondence : DR.. RUSSELL, Licensed Undertaker As I was tardy last week, 1 will Homestead Kntry No. (1431. Physicitvn and Surgeon and Embalmcr NOT1CK FOR PUBLICATION. try and give you a few facts from I Diseases of i y ; . Mar, Nose anil Tin oat Complete Stock of Funeral Good. Department of the Interior, Land OHicc here. a Specialty. Office, at Clayton, New Mexico, March 1, 1907. Southwest of Post Tttciimcar Office tst door west Glasses lilted It is getting too drv for the far- Notice is hereby yiven that Jacob Scott of Quay County, N. M., has filed notice of Pioneer Drug Store. free. M, SAYRE, mers to plow, so they are now fenc his intention to make final commutation J. ing and otherwise improving their proof in support of his claim, viz; Home N. McMALVS Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, stead lintry No. o.jji made uct. 12, 1905, claims. for the swi- -I Sec. .1 l wp. 8 n range jo e. Boot Shop. IN. and that said proof will be made before and Shoe Clayton, M. We have a class of industrious Theo. W. Human, U. b. Commissioner, Meets Trains at Toxline, coming and General Kopitir Work 11 Special l,,y farmers here who realize even at his office in Tucumcari, N. M., on April l'oIdk. To make quickest, lime to that Clayton, come on to Tex lino and take g, 1907. Main if they can't plow at times they He names the following witnesses to East Street. hack can do other work on the farm. prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: Some of our people will put out G. L. Lee of Quay, N. M. C. F. Gholson 1 fruit trees this spring. H. L. Honeycutt " E. S. Gholson is building a house J. B. Moody ai-- limvAKU w. vox, uegisier. on his place on the plains. May-wol- d Top Notch Store and Sleith are doing the work. Homestead lintry No. 2345. John McCain, C. Griggs, A. T. NOTICE l'OK PUBLICATION. E. HcCARGAR, Prop. Locklear, Oscar Locklear, VV. D. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Glayton, N. M., Marcli 1, 1907. Fruits, Confectioneries, Cigars, Tobacco, Books Newberry, Jack Bracharo, Frank Notice is hereby given that Maximiliano Bond, J. H. Nix, Will Rush and Tafoya, of Tucumcari, N. M., has filed Magazines, Daily Papers, Notions, Groceries. notice of his intention to make tinal live several others went to Tucumcari year proof in support of his claim, viz: Main Street Phone 53 Tucumcari this week after lumber, supplies Homestead lintry ao. 2145, made Aug. iH 1000. for the sei-- 4 sei-- Sec. 1 Two 8 n and on general business. range 11 e W2 sw.i sw 4 nw 4 Sec. 6 Twp grass is beginning to grow 8 n range 32 e, and that said proof will be The made before K. P. Donohoo, Probate some. Those not used to cuckle-bur- s Clerk of Quay County, at his office in Tu had better watch their cows, cumcari, N. M. on April 18, 1907. ft He names the following witnesses to Located in New Quarters tor when they make nrst ap prove his continuous residence upon, and I 9 their 1. pearance they a cultivation of, the land, viz: E Jones, Opposite Glenrock Hotel in the sprinir, are Santiago Garciay Herrera of Puerto, N M deadly poison to cows, sheep and Oneciuo Salazar " ' " " " hogs. Ricardo Lujan " Florencio Crespin " " " Meats, and Bird Ellis, who has been employ 2i-- Edward V. Fox, Register. t Market, Choice ed by the & S. W. railroad, E. P. Homestead Entry No. S352. has moved back on his claim. Country Produce. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Wholesale and Retail Mr. Miller of Okla., is a late Department of the Interior, Land Office at Clayton, N. M., March 1, 1907. Your Trade Solicited 1 settler near Puerto. He sent two Notice is hereby given that Garrett V wagons to town after lumber, Mon Spinks of Montoya, N. M. has filed notice of his intention to make final five year ami day. proof in support of his claim, viz: Home T. Bristow and family spent stead Entry No, 8352, made May 9, 1906, J. for the nei-.- i bee. 19, twp 9 n range, 28 e, Sunday with George Yates and and that said proof will be made before R. family. P. Donohoo, Probate Clerk of Quay Loun ty, at nis omce in lucumcari, M. M. on THE The election was pulled off very April 18, 1907. He names the following witnesses to smooth last Saturday, W ill Rush prove his continuous residence upon, and being elected by votes. cultivation of, the land, viz: 30 R. J. Darnell of Montoya, N. M. Legal Tender Saloon Sam Eddleman is digging a well J. C, Bryan " on his place. He struck plenty of J. V. Elliott of Quay, S. R. Hendren of Montoya, N. M. The Pioneer House of ihc Kind in the City. water at a depth of feet. 2i-- Edward V. Fox, Register 45 WINES, BRANDIES, LIQVORS AND CIGARS. W. D. Newberry is getting his Homestead Entry No. G377. mill up in shape for business, and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, CALL AND SEE US. H. K. GRVBBS, in a few days will be able to grind Department of the Interior, Land Office PROP. at Clayton, N. M., March 1, 1907. out meal and chops. Notice is hereby given that Stanford Some of our people are talking Rose of Tucumcari, New Mexico has filed notice of his intention to make of planting cotton this year. final five year proof in support of his claim viz: Homestead Entry No. 6377 made We would like to , see the people Oct. 2, 1905, for the E1-- 2 nwi-4- lots 1 and of Puerto Valley try a diversifica 2, Sec. 30, twp 10 n range 32 e, and that said proof will be made befoie R. L. Pat EAST HAIN tion of crops this year. ttrson, Probate Judge of Quay County, E. R. Mr. Morton was here in these his office in Tucumcari, N M,, on Apiil 18, 1907. parts figuring out the distance to He names the following witnesses to will prove his continuous residence upon, an Just opened for business. Fine assortment of Puerto. He probably establish cultivation of the land, viz, a store five miles north of here 0. M. Reynolds of Tucumcari, N.M. 1. C. Myers and will ask the government for a John Volentine " " " STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES post office. We welcome him as a Albert Volentine " " neighbor. 21-- Edward V. Fox, Register The Best of Everything. Leslie Bates and wife were in Homestead Entry No. G845. Puerto last Saturday. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Rev. W. W. Turner passed Department of the Interior, Land Office at Clayton, N. M., March 1, 1907. through Puerto, Monday on his Notice is hereby given that Elizabeth way home from Barnes of Loyd, Now M e x i c Endce has filed notice of her intention to make Santiago Garcia died at his home final commutation proof in support of her claim viz: Homestead Entry No. 0845 on February 24th, of appendicitis made July a, 1900, lor the swi-- 4 bee. having been sick only twelve twp 9 n range 31 e, and that said proof will be made before K. P. Donohoo, Pro Contractor and Builder hours. He was a very influential bate Clerk of Quay bounty, at his office i man, having many friends both lucumcari, N. M., on April 19, 1907. Cabinet work, in fact She names the following witnesses to everything among Mexicans and Americans prove her continuous residence upon, and in the carpenter line. Bkak Grass. cultivation of the land, viz: C. H. Horning of Loyd, N. M. Estimates Furnished on Application. C. R. Bell C. M. fpTTOTTA-- A TOT Five pairs good Shoe Strings Shepard of Tucumcari, N. M. l LJ I. C. Marrs " " iUUZll.l, NEW MKX. T. A. Muirhead & Co. 5C 21-- Edward W. Fox, Register. LA. Homestead lintry No. v--5 HOW DE8DEMONA Notice For Publication, DIED. Qxiay County N The Curiously Contrived Ending ol LRSCRY Department of the Interior, Land Office at Clayton, N. M., Feb. 1, Shakespeare's Heroine. 1907. The tragic Notice is hereby given that Thomas H. death of Desdemona, ac- It is now time to Hot an orchard. Nothing Showers of Tncnmcari, N. M., has filed cording to the Paris Menestrel, which enhances the value of the homo unci farm notice of his intention to make final Five has rocently completed some Interest more than fruit and shad'1 trees. Year proof in support of his claim, viz.: Ing roflearchea among the archives 0! Homestead lintry No. 3250 made Oct. 25, the Querlnl family, of which Shak-Bpeare- 's To be sold at bargain prices the following (roes and vines .... -...... tnm fnr llw. tu - ... Othello was a member, really from the 1 tli to 30th of March, sec. tp. 11 n, range e, and that said occurred in in 2,500 old apple trues. i, old peach trees. Crete the year 1523. roui wm oe mauc ooiore k. 1. uononoo, DoHdomona, whose 1,500 shade trees, maples, chestnuts and populars at 10c each. 'robate Clerk, at his office in Tucumc.iri. name signifies 500 grape vines and 200 blackberries at per "damsel of the house of 50c dozen. New Mexico, on March 16, 1907 demons," mel death, according vor-dlo- n III' nntlll'S till. fnllnivinif uitmaccuc trt her to this now Now in stock, guaranteed to name, and the in a true prove his continuous residence upon, and singular manner. quality the best the famous I Innoy-Kumme- rs cultivation of, the land, viz: Othello had charged hlo valet with the O.ark Nursery offers. Strong thrifty trees. Geo. M. Greear of Tucumcari, N. Mex. carrying out of his revenge. Th J. A. Street of " " " valet accordingly took up a position Come and See for Yourself A. R. Carter of " " " close to Desdemona's apartment, William Smith of " " " where ho started groaning and shuf- MISS LILLIE LA MAR, Mgr. Edward W. Fox, Register fling with his feet. 17 Gt Othollo theroupon requested his wife to rise and discover the causa Homestead IOntry No. 3927. of the noise. JVotfcc for Tublication. As she crossed the threshold a Department of the Interior. sackful of grass was flung at her head. Land Otllce at Clayton, Now Mexico. She fell to the ground, and was then assailed with a succession & February 1, 11)07. TURLE Y BELL of similar grass-fille- sacks, being Notice Is hereby gi ven that Preciliano Anally smothered under the falling Lovato of Montoya, New Mexico, coiling masonry has tiled notice of bis intention to and of the walls, make litial b'ivo year nroof instmoort which had been specially loosened at eal Estate Agents of ltis claim, viz: Homestead Eutrv Othello's orders. No. :$!27, made August 12. 1U02, for the Lots 1 & 2 & e nw sec. 7. Exclusive agents for 300 town lots in Original Town Site and tp. U n, range 27 e, and that said proof will be made before Notice for Publication. 180 lots in addition. Also acreage adjoin- T. W.Hcman.U.S. Daub's property Commissioner, at ids otllce in Tucum Department of the Interior, ing the city of Tucumcari. A number of bargains in patent- cari, New Mexico, on March 1(1, 1907. Land Olllce at Clayton, ed lands, both farm and ranches, and relinquishments. Jie names Lite lotiowing witnesses New Mexico. to prove Ills continuous residence March 5, 1907 If you have patented land, list them with us. We can sell them upon, and cultivatiouof the land, viz.: Notice is herehv irlvnn Ir.hnt. PlnnlHn If you want to sell your relinquishment list it with IsiasMimiz of Montoya, N. M. Gurule. of Isidor. Now Mexico. us. We Sogundo " " can sell it. Sitlas lias tiled notice of his intention to Miguel Beuabides, " " IIl!lW. finnt Hv vnni- - n n, n t I If you have live stock for sale we can sell them. Jesus Muno. " " support or his claim, vi.: Homestead XT 1 ...... i. Office South Side Main Street, Tucumcari, N. M. Edward W, Fox, Register. 1?nt,xjuuijr nu. llilnuud, miiue 17 (it June iz, 1903 for the o2, nw4, w2 ne4 sec 11. ti2 n. r 25e, and that said proof will he Homestead Entry No. IIOOO. made before Estevan V. Gallegos, U S Notice For Publication. Court Commissioner at bis otlice in Isidor, N M on April 22, ii)07, Departmout of the Interior, He names the following witnesses to prove I Land Otllce at Clayton, New Mexico bis continuous residence Write, or call and sec us about upon, and cultivation of the laud, vi.: f February I, IH07. Jose I nes Montano. Seuovio Gon- J Free Homesteads, J Notice is hereby given that . I uan zales, Pautallon Montano, and Anto- Trujillo of Montoya, New Mexico, nio Ma Hlca all of Isidor N m t Deeded Land or City property. J has tiled notice of bis intention to 2i-- d Edward W. Fox, ltegistor. make tinal Five year proof in support Relinquishments a Speciylty of ltis claim, viz. : Homestead Eutrv No. :i(Jl)0, made April 4, 1002, for the fc I s 2, sw 4, sec. 22, n 2, nw sec. For Sale. I Wright Campbell 27, tp. 10 n, range 27 c, and that said proof will be made before T. W. He-ma- Austin Dueberry plants, $1.00 J LAND MEN, Tucumcari, N. H. U. S. Commissioner at ltis otllce at Tucumcari, New Mexico, on per hundred $8.00 per thousand. t t March 1(1, 1907 & He names the following witnesses T. J onus Co., to prove bis continuous residence up i9-5- t Clarendon, Texas. on and cultivation of said hud, vi.: Miguel Itenavidesot Montoya, N. M. Epit'anio Itenavides NOTICE OE PUBLICATION. 'f " ' Candelario ltoybal In Tub District Coukt, Isaias Muni. " County ok Quay. ) Edward W. '''ox, Register. ( ELK DRUG 17 (it 13. E. awson STORE No. igfi . vs Homestead lintry No. 1884. ( Lizzie Dawson. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. opened up and Pre- - We have an Pure Drugs a Department of the Interior, Land Office The said defendant, Lizzie Dawson, is entirely new stock. laUsf scriptions a Specialty. at Clayton, N. M., March 5, 1907. hereby notified that a suit in divorce has Notice is hereby given that Jose Romero been commenced against you in the Dis- of Isidor, N. M., filed notice of in has his of tention to make final five year proof in trict Court for the County Quay, Terri HEADQUARTERS FOR EVERYTHING support of his claim, viz Homestead Entry tory of New Mexico, by said 13. E. Daw No. 1884 made Dec. 23, 1899, for the s 1 son alleging abuse and abandonment that Tucumcari, Ni:v Mhmco nw 4 n 2 sw 4 Sec. 27 Twp. 12 n range unless you enter or cause to be entered e, and that said proof will be made be- 25 in on fore Estevan V. Gallegos, U. S. Court your appearance said suit or before Commissioner at his office in Isidor, N. M the 29th day of April A. D., 1907, decree on April 22, 1907. pro confesso therein will be rendered He names the following witnesses to against you. pove hts continuous residence upon, and cultivation of the land, viz: Allkbdgb & Saxon, PATTERSON & DIJBTZ Pedro Romero of Isidor, N, M. Tucumcari, New Mexico, Fagian " " " " Atty, for Plaintiff. " " Domingo Maes P. Downs, Alfredo " " " Ciias. General BlacKsmithing and Wood Work.: Edward W. Fox, Register. ai'St Clerk,

HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS '1 A. B. HEETINO & CO. Props Main Street Tucumcari, N. M. Manufacturers of Copper and galvanized Iron Cornice, Steel Ceilings and Sky Lights, furnace heatings, stock and storage tanks and general It will not cost you a cent to try Cham- If you want your land business repairing, sheet iron of every description. Metal windows a berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and attended to promptly see Patter- specialty. Tin, slate,tile and gravel roofing. they are excellent for stomach troublus son & Donohoo the Court House, Box 167 Office and works between 2nd and 3rd st. Tucumcari and constipation. Get a free sample. Vox at sale by all Druggists. 17U Homestead Kntry No. .Till. Jenkins Fiat Happenings in the near fututv, provided this! California Port Wine at the COKKUSI'ONDKNCH.I does not find its wav to the waste White lvlephant Saloon, ti. Notice lor Publication. Department, of I lio Inferior, As our old representative has basket, we will bring our remarks to a close. Yours trulv, Try a "Laugsdorl," of Clayton, New Mexico. left us, and taken up his abode in Land onlee nl W11.1. I Do? tin- Pool Room- - Kobiuary I, U07. "Lovely quality at Club the Valley," we will just Notice is hereby tfiven that. Charles drop you a line to remind you that II. Cooper of Tucumcari, N. M., has imiiiWiiMnffi'-"'-"'0''- ff tiled notice of his Intention to make, "Old Jink-ins- is only Flat" the linal live vear proof of Ills place in our mind's eye this side of claim, viz: Homestead Kntry No. MM, t'.'Ol, se sec. the "promised land," and we have made Nov. It's for the I tp. 11 n, raiujc'io e, and that said been over some of the United yi Telephone proof will he made before Ruben of Wm Patterson. Probate .Indue of Quay States and also a little out side im Count v, at his office at Tucumcari, Uncle Sam's domain, yet, we are N. M.," on March hi, 1!H7. "new-comers- He names following witnesses just " to these the parts. to prove Ids continuous residence We are well pleased with the gen- upon, and cultivation of the land, viz: eral appearance of the country, the Alex I). Uoldenbortf, Isaac C. Bar- nes, Andrew P. Marcus, A Ion fertility of the soil, the healthful all of Tucumcari, N. M. the picturesque scenery, Put in a Phone Do it The Phone is a Time W. Fox. Hegister climate, I 17 (It etc. Now. Time is Money. Saver. Ask Central We note with pleasure the neigh- for Trains. Homestead Kntry No. 3465 borly and friendly feeling existing Notice For Publication. between the people of this commu- Department of the Interior, Land Office 9 B. F. HERRING. MGR. nity, which, we believe is one of PROP. FARR HERRING. at Clayton, N. M., Feb. ., HJ07. gl)lIWllllgllll)ltlWtriltWllWI)WWTOWtflllWliBlBglltlgiBBiiaalll)Wl Notice is hereby given that luanita the most essential requisites toward Cordova, wife of Juan Lorenso Cordova, the development of a new country. deceased, of Gallegos, New Mexico, has tiled notice of her intention to make final We are favorably impressed with Five Year proof in support of her claim, the attention paid to E. E. Winter ft) viz. Homestead Kntry No. 3465 made Jan. aoto o 10 1902, for the se ne e and family during the three weeks TITff FRFAPn se sec. 15, ne ne sec. 22, tp. of anxious watching by the bedside 15 n, range yt e, and that said proof will be made before Manuel Martinez, U. S. of their two children who were suf- (ft SADDLES, HARNESS AND ALL (?) Court Commissioner, at his office in Galle- gos, New Mexico, on March 18, fering with a severe case of dyp-theri- a 1907. KINDS GOODS, (J She names the following witnesses to and membraneous croup. fa Or STRAP prove her continuous residence upon, and o, or-un- 1 1 cultivation of, the land, viz: We are glad to report the re- di o, cl vJ. Francisco Garcia of Gallegos, N. M. covery of the Winter children, but Juan de Dios Garcia of " " sorry to learn one of Mr. 3 Polonio Cordova of Logan, N. M. are that ALL KINDS OF REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY Macario Gallegos of " " Rice's children has the measles. . Fox, Register. Mr. Rhodes' family is having a Ct S $ 17 touch of the la grippe. Homestead Kntry No. 2751. If you are after the number of Notice For Publication. population here, just go upon tin Mesa Rodondo, where you will l)e; irnnent ol Land Office ai ii, New Nexico, Feb. 4, 1907. find the posts going down like a Notu-- is hereby given thai ("ruz Koibal, snow drift in August. of Logan, New Mexico, has tiled notice of his intention to make final Five Year Our friend, J. W. Jobe. sustain- proof of his claim, viz: Home- G C. IGO.Prcs. C. !l. CHENAVLT. Ce.!iii-- r in support ed a heavy loss a few days ago. stead Kntry No. 2751 made Feb. 26, 1901, for thesw so sec ), w ne He had a little fire out near the IUCIMARI TRUST AND nw se sec. ti, tp. , 11, range 32 wood pile, but thought he had ex- e, and that said proof will be made before Manuel Martinez, V S. Court Commis- tinguished it when he left it, but SAVINGS BANK sioner at his ofl'toe 111 Gallegos, New Mex- shortly utter leaving it the wind ico, on March iS, 1007. He names the following witnesses to fanned a spark to life and soon his prove his WE DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINLSS continuous residence upon, and entire wood pile was in flames, and cultivation of, the land, viz: a stuck yard which contained about Fmiterio Gallegos ol Logan, N. Mex. Your Apolonio Cordova of " " " $250 or S300 worth of feed was al- Patronage Solicited Arisclo Montoya ol " " " Macario ' so burned. We think it too bad for Gallegos of one to loose all of a year's hard Kijwakii W. Fox, Register. earnings in a few moments, after 17 Gt having gone through the hardships Homestead Kntry No. 3G0O. relative to the settling of a new NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. country. Department of the Interior, Land Ollics at Clayton, N. M., Feb. 4, 1907. Nolan Jinkins, Earnest Riley, Notice is hereby given that Miss Delia Jinkins and Miss Dane Donatu Sanciiuz, of Gallegos, N. M., has filed notice of his intention to make Olds report a great time during On Account final five year proof in support of his claim of viz; their visit with Miss Hallie 13ost, Homestead Kntry No. 3G0G made Feb. 24, 1902, for the se Endee. I ne sec. at xS, sw nw n sw sec. 17, MAKING ROOM tp. a, ranee o, We have certainly enjoyed beau- 15 31 and that said proof will be made before Manuel Martinez, tiful weather for the past three U. S. Court Commissioner at his office at Gallegos, N. M., on March iS, months, but y (Wednesday) 11,07, FOR SPRING GOODS He names the following witnesses to looks like there might be some- prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of the land, viz: thing in store for the "weather-bird.- " 1 We t&jill Concision Martinez of Gallegos, N. M. jell everything in Albino Miranda of " " Kncarnacion Vigil of " " J. R. Culver, who is stopping the line a, Trinidad Sanchez " " with E. E. Winter, has been dig- furniture at great Kdwaki) W. Fox. Register ging a well on his claim. lie re- - If you want cI(jnn ports having struck a good stream reduction. tfood, Coalj buy the Colorado Screened Nut of water at a depth of feet. 14 from L. E. Taylor. 46tf We are glad to see so many Come and Get Prices and convince yourself. J no. W. Sncll docs fancy farms being opened up. It begins or plain sijarn puintini:. Leave or. to look like business. This old dors at McMains shoe shop. valley with all of its crudeness J5tf . Leave'' may blossom like the rose yet. Barnes Rankin, orders for coal at tlu Street & Hakor livor.y .stable, As we are only new-comer- s, and TUCUMCARI, : : NEW MEXICO 'Phono No 35. Win, Troup. may want to say something more 15-t- f Loyd Breezes. Donahues' is headquarters for CAB All hours, day and night NOTICE Ol- PUBLICATION. Cream Correspondence In Tin'. and finest candies made. phone -- t District Court, f 35. io, County up itf The weather still continues warm Quav. f and dry. ( D. E. Posey Homestead Entry No. No. 195. vs 3504. ( Bethel Chapter, No. 15, 0. E. S. The heel fly is causing the old NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Minnie Posey. Regular meetings on and and .th Tues- cows to cut didos. epartrnent of the hnerior, Land Office, The said defendant, Minnie Posey, is days of each month, at Masonic Mall. at Clayton, N. M., March 1, Stock water is 1907. hereby notified Visiting members of the order cordially getting scarce. Notice is hereby given that George M. that a suit in divorce has been invited to Greear, of Tucumcari, N, M., has filed no commenced against you in the Dis- attend. Barnie Shahan is working for tice of his intention to make final five year trict Court for the County of Quay, Terri- Ai.ick IS. Kocn, W. M, Erwin. proof fn support of his claim, viz: Home- tory of New Mexico, by said D. Posey, Harriot N. DonohOo, Sec'y. stead Entry No. 3504, made E. June aj, 1902, alleging Cartis Kelsay is working for for the sei-- Sec. 9, si-- 2 swi-- 4 Sec. abandoment; that unless you enter Amos Yates. 10, Twp nn, range 30 E, and that said or cause to be entered your appearance in proof will be made before said suit on or before the 29th day of April Frank Scott got plenty of Theo. W. Ileman, U. S. Commiss- water A. D., 1907, decree pro confesso ioner at his office in Tucumcari, N. M, on therein at a depth of 20 feet. will be April 18, 1907 rendered against you. He names following & Clyde Allen and Arthur Witting-to- n the witnesses to Allrkdoii Savon, prove his continuous residence upon, and Tucumcari, New Mexico, both report shallow water on cultivation of the land, viz: 1K.C. I Atty. for Plaintiff. their homesteads. W. F. Buchanan of Tucumcari, N. M. J. A. Street Ciias. P. Downs, W. W. Loyd has some fine leg- Alsx D. Goldenberg " " "-S- t Clerk. W. B. Jarrell " horn chickens penned. Homestead Entry No. 21-- Edward W. Fox, Register 3466. J. 1. Erwin went to Tucumcari NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Homestead Entry No. 700G. iSalooni Saturday after supplies for his Department of the Interior, Land Office store. Notice For Publication. at Clayton, N. M., Feb. 4, 1907. 49 0 Notice is hereby given that 49 W. T. Kelsay and wife went to Department of the Interior, Land Office Polonio Cordova of Logan, New Mexico, 49 has filed notice of his Patty & May, Props Tucumcari, Saturday, where they at Clayton, New Mexico, Feb. 1, 1907. intention to make 49 Notice is hereby given final five year proof in support of his claim that Jane Rose viz: 49 i marketed some fine tjrkeys and 40 of Tucumcari, Nsw Mexico, has filed Homestead Entry No. 3466, made January, 10 1902, for the se sw 49 ft do7Jn of eggs. notice of her intention to make final sw se 4, 49 five year proof in support of her claim, viz: sec. 23, e nw sec. 26, tp. 15 n, range 32 e, and that said proof 49 Our school failed to commence Homestead Entry No. 7006 made Jan. 27. Bottle and Draught 1906, for the sw sec. will be made before Manuel Martinez, 49 & of re- 30, tp. 10 n, the 25th February as was range U. S. Court Commissioner at his office at 49 32 e, and that said proof will be 0 ported, but we expect it to begin made before Ruben L. Patterson, Probate Gallegos, N. M., on March 18, 1907, 49 Judge of Quay Co,, at his office in Tucum- He names the following witnesses to Beer. soon. prove his 49 cari, New Mexico, on March lC, continuous residence upon, and 1907. cultivation of land, viz: 49 fc Some of our farmers have their She names the following witnesses to the 49 & prove her continuous residence upon and Francisco Garcia of Gallegos, N. M. 49 farms in fine shape. cultivation of, the land, viz; Juan deDios Garcia of " " Asisclo Montoya " " 49 Standard Clyde Allen O. M. Reynolds of Tucumcari, N. Mex. of Table 0 has sowed oats. Sanford Rose of " " " Macario Gallegos of Logan, N. M. 49 8 Wm. Kettle is doing some fenc- James Riceof " " " i7-- Edward W. Fox, Register. 49 & Oliver Galentine of " " " 49 & ing on his homestead. Edward W. Fox, Register. Homestead Entry No. 3U07. 49 WINE i Joe Vocal has gone to town to 17 6t JVotlccfor Publication. 49 & Department 49 work awhile. Plow Boy. Homestead Entry No. 351)15, of the Interior. 49 Notice far Publication. Land Ofllee at Clayton New Mexico. 49 Department of the Interior, 4, 1907. (Jlllee Feb. 49 Homestead Entry No. 5056 Land at Clayton, Now Mexico Notice is hereby gi ven i 1, 1907. that J ullanita 49 & Notice Feb. S. Gomes, For Publication. Notice Is hereby given that Andrew deserted wife of Narclso 49 Department of the Interior, Land Office .1. Gomes of Gallegos, N. M., has tiled The Best Of Anderson, of Tucumcari, N. M., lias tiotice of 49 & at Clayton, New Mexico, March 1 1907. tiled her intention to make iinal notiue of his Intention to make Five year proof in support of 49 Everything. Notice is hereby given that Daniel M. llnal Five year proof In support of her 49 Fowler of Montoya,, New Mexico, has his claim, viz: Homestead Entry no. :j07 claim, viz: Homestead Entry made Feb. 24, 1902, for se 49 tiled notice of his intention to make final No. WMl, made Feb. 21, 1!)02, for the the nw 14, swl-4- , ne 4, n sei-4- , sec, commutation proof in support of his claim, w nw w sw 17, 49 sec. tp. 9, tp. 15 n, 31 e, viz: Homestead Entry No. 5056 II n, range III range and that said made e, and that said proof proof will be made before Manuel on Oct, 1, 1903, for the swi-- 4 Sec. 5, twp will be V. IT. made before T. Heman, Martinez. U, S. Court Commissioner, i) N, range 28 E, and that said proof will S. Commissioner at his ofllee a t be made before R. L. Fatterson, Probate at bis ofllee at Gallegos, n. m., on Tueimiiarl, New Mexico, on March 18, Judge of Quay County, at his office in Tu- IB, 11)07, March 1907. i She names the following witnesses ru i cumcari, on April 19, 1007. Ho names the following witnesses ii names following witnesses to to prove her continuous residence up- He the to prove bis continuous residence on and cultivation of said viz: prove his continuous residence upon, and upon and cultivation of. the land, viz: land, cultivation of, the land, viz: .1. A. Street of Tucumcari, N. M. Estevan Miranda of Gallegos, n. m. Garret V. Spinks of Montoya, N. M. Nelson L. West " " Encarnacion Vigil of Jesse CJ. Robinson " " John N. McCounel " " Florentiuo Median of " " Charles F. Bradford " '' C. II. Cooper " ,l Albino Miranda or " JohnT Woods " " Edward W. Fox, Register. Edsvard W Fox, Register. ai-- Eijwakd W. Fox, Register. 17 (it 17 (It

Tucumcari Meat & Grocery Co. Cough Remedy Wm. Troup Main Street. Phone No. 63. b The Children's Favorite ...OORB8 COAL DEALER Coughs, Colds, Croup and The of Everything in Our Line. Whooping Cough. AND Best Thli remedy 1b famous for 1 to cures orr Urgo part of the-- clTlUwd world. It con Highest Prices Paid for Beef, Pork, Poultry and Eggs. always bo depended upon. It oontalni do ODlum or other harmful druir and mar h CITY TRANSFER glten u eonfldentlr to a babjr aa to an adult Price 25 eta; Largo Size, 60 eta. q Highest Cash Prices Paid For fat Stuff. S. V. WILLIAMS, Prop. 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777771 I Bonded Whisky for the Tucumcari Trade I have bought in bond and have on storage in United States warehouses in Early Times, and I Frankfort, Ky., twenty barrels HIGH GRADE WHISKIES for the fall and winter trade. First shipment just received and your trade can be supplied in this line by the drink, bottle or gallon at prices reasonable for pure and strictly first s i g I class goods. Also high class whiskies Bot- - nn ri A. B. DAUBER, W'NES' Wlllll! OdlUMl I BRNDES'and dCGARS LlPdlll Pltf I "The nly exclusive Cltithinp and hrj store in Ouaj Ciwnij."

LEST YOU FORGET FJroprietor GEO. A. MOORE. Easter Sunday is early this ysmr, coming on skow-m- p March "Our sprintj iud summer . t ?i. Api-- ri J of ess Goods aad triauaiags is Wit Core- Fnch and land. Pi sticn ' - .-i;-- '''' that it will he an easy mailt at' fr yH to suit ctramht Douh.;- tui partic ular taste aad patse. YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME Elbow Kid Gloves r Elbow Silk Gloves Vve puaraiire to New Turnover Collars ''' New Over Lace

. f New Lace Veils Hotries-iea- i it New Dress Linings Notice For Publication '" Lifpartme:. '. ht ' Li:'J ETMNITY A full line of Easter Linens from at Clavton New Menu J ft ' !.jC' V nha- - n Notice is. bet et pivtsn ttiii Oylet oi TtKurocar. New Mmko : -- r 30c to $1.25 per yard filed notice of bis intention to make : live vear prool ia support of hi ta " On vu Homestead Entry No 59.s.i m s. Display. Mm 1. 1005 lor the ei'S, ne t sec lK tp n a, range 33 e. that siaid proof will be made before Probate Judge of uu com.:-a- - .Jjtrrj- his. Office m Turutncan New .Mex on March 16, 1 037 Everything for Everybody. He names the folic wing witnesses prove his. continuous residence upon a r cultivation of, the laad. u: New Israel Block. Thomas. B, Showers ol Tucamcari, N M 'STAR BRAND Clint Rutheriord of SHOES ABE- - J A Street of BETnOa S C Campbell of Edwaiu'W Fox. Kegiste; JpAUL E. MEETING Patterson & Donohoo IT 6t Goun Hou.--e. Uitnestad Entry No. Shoes for Land Filing;.. Contents. Final Proofs., in Notice for Publication Architect fan aDvthmg vou want m the land Depart taem oi the Interior. tiusitiesih correct h and pr:nnpi-- h Lwad OJlice at Clayton. New Mexico 1. the Prepares, Plans and Specifications attendee tc at once Februarj Not ice is hereby sriven t hat YaJu r mjuire at The M B (jr;uclerbe ar St.'-- I rotiute Cirri h ffice ( mrt House T AVilstiD of Loyd," . M has tilH D"tice ol his intention to Uiah- - tm.i t;e yeai proof in support i hi Strenuous claim, viz: Hotnesteed Entry No :.v made Feb 2. Uu tiie ne -t-- 2t, tp. ii, ranire e. and t liat sur proof MilJ be made before B. L Pai-t- it Life TUC M D PHI nCUDCDn I iMu, Probata ludue "f t,uay Co at ITIi D. his office in Tucunjoarj. New 'Mexico. inC UULULllDLnU ol March Id, IV '". He names the l()owini witnesses' Shoes that wear like a t" prove contiiiuous up-i- j shoe. and cuJiivation i said lann. viz' .1. F Smith ol Lord. N. M Box 1' 0. Pl;e ol Tucumcari. N M. Made of Calf, Kan- COMPANY. T. A. 'Wayne ' garoo, Vici and W. M. Smith ol Puerto N. M. Dongola. EmvARi W. Fox. Heeta!. r, bi THE BIG, BUSY STORE Bottoms of best oak-tann- ed Homestead Entry No. te'Jti. sole leather. Notice for Publication. Soles with . fastened eaters in Evervthina:. Department of the Inten-.r- Land omce at Cla.vton. New Mexico. screws. Can't pull off. February 1. mo:.

Notice is lierebj 'that triven j, Soles double from We ha.Oe room. of Tucurocan. New Mexi'- heei mtist has tiled notice of his inteniuo to make to toe. final Fire year proof ui support of viz: Homestead ,, Our Mr. A L Goldenberf; is. in tlie East buying a ccimtilftt: . at cf Entrv Made to fit young and Spring arid Summer Gocids. Fo: the tie.vt leu claj'H we wili act on made December m. for uv sat 4, saint of the greatest burgiuit!. evtir ofierttd. sec. 23. tp. 11 n. ramre .1 e. a:,d tender feet. 'that said proof will be tnaoe btf.-- t T. . Heman. C. s. commissi. ,Jt.r. Manufactured by" spe- at his ullice . in Tucumcn. New ' . cialty SPRING if", on March It;. shoemakers. SHOE? OPENING HAT He names the fohowme wjtue.;..s N have a larpe viozh on hand and to t Ladies and Gents we can proe hi oontii.ouK ridence GUARANTEED BY THE upon j MAKERS w.ii make you prices, that wiM and cultivation the land, viz- - you in price and style Miller Tucumcjari. p.:a!.t VOU. a. of N. M Roberts, Vs illiam A. Jackson Johnson & SHOES Juan Vumtaoa Rand Teo D. Martinez Shoe Co. TO BE HONESTLY 'icijardi. of standard prints at Great rtJiauctioa tin men ano u? Edward "VT. . llt-s.- . CONSTRUCTED uu fen 1 . ot 4 3'4-- per yard. Clothing- We can fit money. Bys and girls J o ooo yardr. of gingham worth J2 like to have their shoes look nice. oc per yard. Shirt department complete Here is a. Bargain. They need room in their shoes. The A ''tternit " AH Goods Marked in Plain Figiures. nice bomr joining the tow line vi please them and save money for you. site, 35 acres in cultivati n en- - tire :6o acres ienced, house 01 THE PRICES If you are looking for real bargains come at once t three rooms costing $600. ARE RIGHT well of good water, depth i40ft. THE . SHOES windmill ftad resen-oir- Evtrv p ARE Tho hi r.AP nFMDFnr. ra inr acre oi this ?6o is good ttro RIGHT ITI. U. UULULI1ULKU land and Come lU., tillable. For anv fur- - and Sec JJNIl tber informauon with this oflce. 4 PER.LSTEIN BUOS