Cyngor Cymuned Community Council Clerk: Mrs Susan Harvey Powell Llwynfedwen Farm, Hepste, Penderyn, , CF44 9QA Tel: 01685 813201 [email protected]

Dear Sir/Madam

You are summoned to attend the ordinary meeting of the Rhigos Community Council to be held at Rhigos Community Centre on Monday 17th May 2021 at 7.00 p.m. to transact the following business.

Dated this day 10th May 2021

1. Apologies

2. To confirm minutes of the ordinary meeting of the Council held on 19th April 2021

3. Election of Officers

4. Independent Remuneration

5. Matters Arising

6. Planning Applications

7. County Borough Council Matters

8. Correspondence

9. Rhigos Allotments

10. Website Administration

11. Accounts/Internal Audit

12. Members Verbal Reports

Yours sincerely

Susan Harvey Powell Clerk

To The Chairman and all members of Rhigos Community Council

1 Rhigos Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Rhigos Community Council held remotely on Monday 19th April 2021 at 7.00 p.m.

Present: Cllrs. P Oliver, M Evans, G Thomas, H Wagner

Apologies: Cllr. S Maull, O Morgan

Cllr. A Genc has resigned due to him moving out of the area

2021/29 Minutes

It was resolved to confirm Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 8th March 2021

2021/30 Declaration of Interest

None recorded

2021/31 Matters Arising a. Bike Track Cwm Hwnt - on 3rd April 11 bikes went through the village, they were all the same possibly from the Walters Group b. Land at Roundabout – nothing to report c. Old Parish Road – photographs will be taken and sent d. Dangerous trees on Rhigos Road – Mrs Powell has sent photographs e. Enviroparks Planning Application – it has been reaffirmed that the right to appeal has been refused. f. Keep Tidy Planting – Cllr. Wagner will be taking part in the Great British Spring Clean 28th – 30th June

2021/32 Planning

It was resolved to note: a. Land to the West of and the East of linking the A465 at Croesbychan with the A4059 at the South East corner of Penywaun – proposed bypass.

2 2021/33 County Borough Council Matters

It was resolved that the following complaints be passed on to Councillor G Thomas for his attention. a. Cllr. Thomas reported that the council will not provide any more bins in the area. He will give details for a litter pick or he suggested that people can use bags and ring the council for collection. b. Collapsed embankment Heol y Graig – the tape has been removed. Cllr. Oliver asked that the council repair this as soon as possible. c. There is a lot of rubbish up the Parish road, bottles, cans etc. d. When is the road from Glan yr Afon to the Parish road being repaired. e. A panel from the land next to the shop is in the river. The gate there needs attention. f. The litter bin in Heol y Graig is overflowing. g. More bins are needed near the Ffyndaff site, Parish road and the rugby club.

2021/34 Correspondence

It was resolved to receive the following correspondence a. Welsh Government Use Your Views Toolkit. b. Wales Government Climate Change Newsletter

2021/35 Rhigos Allotments

Welsh Water has agreed to speak to Cllr. Morgan

Cllr. Wagner will contact Dudley’s regarding a new gate.

There is 1 spare plot. The disclaimer will be circulated.

2021/36 Accounts/Internal Auditor

The balance sheet was discussed and agreed. It was agreed to appoint Mrs R Holcombe as Internal Auditor.

We are waiting for another 2 quotes for the cemetery paths.

Wages and tax £410.22

3 Current Account £27,247.05 High Interest Account £18049.54 Field Account £5299.36 Croesffordd Account £2915.65 Croesffordd High Interest £2491.06 Croesffordd Treasury £23,000.00

2021/37 Members’ Verbal Reports a. The cemetery has been cut. b. Voting will take place in the community centre.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held remotely on Monday 17th May 2021 at 7.00 p.m.

SIGNED…………………………………………… DATE………………………. Chairman-