VO L. VL, N O . 800. M fip ft llk l SOllTO llANCiaE^R,' com ) T1ITOAT» sism ^0;! SMI HOOVER’S PROGRAM ^ A t B e v o l t 'F r o n t FAST;REI^E$ ALL CONSTRUCTIVE T O P T JAIL O F H V E l L t S Anto Magnte Says Presi- W ffltllET TO FAVOR Meins To Stem Hisself Te May fttve To Levy 22 M3I$ Acnt Faced Greater IKS' Next Year — Income Re- FIRST TOWN REPORTS USEDUTE BONDS Deadi—Spans (M en of IN STATE PBIMABIKS tress Hum That Faced By New Ashford, Maas., Sept 20. Homes—Is Todmicafly i dnclions and d n rilie s Are —(AP)—Hds town was the first to rsport Its vote in ths stator A p y P re o d o L MiDioiiaire Candidate Factw s In B q Rise. primary today. Ths voters turn-^ Free Man At Present ed put 100 per cent 16 men and Would Give Money Only 19 women, $2 Repubhoans and Iffw York, Sept 20 — (AP) — two Denioerats. All ballots were Pboi^, XndlA‘ Sept 3.—(AP) — Hie Board of Selectmen deliber east-between 6:80 and 8:80 .John N. vnUye, automobile manu> lifahatma tGsndbl, leadjer of millions toad nearly six hours last night m. YoungiBan. recelyed 21 tor f^etutar and former minister to To Needy Veterans. of India’s people In the dvll dis­ prPHixdBary budget figims, and governor and Goodman 6; Bacon p c ^ d . said In a speech today that 28' and Campbell 6 for lieuten­ obedience campaign against the e ^ e no complete budget figures Prudent Hoover’s name “will go were obtsinable, it Is the opinion of ant-governor; Cook 19 and Cold- Garden City, N. Y., Sept 20. — British government began at nooq well 7 tor auditor, and Prescott down in history for his constructive (AP)—Cornelius Whitney, Demo­ Town Treasurer G.H. Waddell, that accomplishments in a period filled today tfia "fast unto death’’ which 25. and UUn 2 for treasurer, all cratic deelgnee for Congress, was an tooreaae of five mills In the tax in toe Republican contests. with greater distress than tbat he announced last week as a protest rate will have to be. levied this year fa< ^ any other president, not out today for immediate pajrment of against Prime Minister Ramsay to raise the required amount to New York, Sept 20 — (AP) ^ excepting L&coln.” the bonus to needy veterans uqder carry on the to W e buslneae tor the Wlllys made his address, advance MacDongld’s settlsipeiit of the In­ Donald F. Stewart, tor six jreaih what he called an entirely new plqa. dian communal elections problem. anaiUng year. This would make the editor of toe Moose MagaatoP, tepti- coMes of which were Issued from Outlining a campaign speech he rate 22 ynUl*- BIG REPUBUCAN •aatem headquarters of the Re* will make tonight the son of the As he started his self Imposed The increase In the tax rate le fled today that far from bstog t)|a pubHcan National committee, at a starvation regimen, he was techni­ TroeqM of the Provtsibnalgoveniment of Brasil are shown arriving due. prinxarily, ,to the approximate late Harry Payne Whitney said that at Barla, Rio de Jeniaire, to fight rebds in San Paulo state. “Musaoltol of toe Moose** .XltotPd of the Controllers’ Ineti* those in gainful occupations should cally a free man. The govemmaut 18 per cent total of uncollected Ltates Senator Jaxnes J. Davhi heR) tute of America. not receive the bonus. this morning let down the ban of tapes, an anticipated reduction , In RALLY HERE OCT. 1 a “merely hoxiorary*’ post with to« . Unpatrlotto Blodtades Whitney ie a candidate for the 1st his prison cell at Yeroda jail where the ffiMd list of poaalhly 82,000,000 Loyal Order of Itoose. “During the waning days of the District seat now held by ble per- he has been a prisoner stpee Janu­ and toe Increase in the approprla- The Pemuqdvahla Sexmtor ang H it Congress.’’ Willy said, “we witr scHoal friend, Robert L. Bacon, eon of ary, but the Mahatma spiurned the tlions tor charity and nnemmoy- former Cabtoet xxxtolster Is on trihl Att6inpt on tli6 p&rt of proffered freedom. ment The largest Items In the U. S. Senator Hiram Bingham In Federal Court on todio^eula former Ambaaaador Robert Low Ba­ preliminary budget proposed last ■em of our legHlators to disturb con. RepreaentaRve Bacon, a Re­ The ban against vislton at the jail chai;glxig him with violation oiMVEd^ also was liftad but tbs newspaper­ bight are as follows:- eral lottery laws to eoxm». - madueting JotterigP should have seen the enactment of following bis return from the roufid , ’“But we d ld ^ rsdwral into laws ^ c h ^ Except far a fsxr state ccBVen- tton. 8RH^: a^rriftog and vtolatloB of Federal law waa bEs table conference at London, when tions and riinoff pdmarlee, toMny’s ^ cash theni.” ' into 81^000; Uiultalr(iiiu ed toe exhibits msrkPd for tdantlt* responsible. The power and spread with the Federal government.. stand aa reported. had 'found him I would have prompt­ cation -object to later .ohjeotioB by of the evil is tractable In a grMt ■Her father oanie dyer feite'hip Stmt li|^ta the driense. lllami, Pia., Sept 20.^(A P)— Although their plane was in eountoy place at Cheqv^r abd- gavp ly brought him batto to New York to part therefore to the subtlety of Its The street Ufhtlhg . account, re­ tMtify and that would have obviated Stewart, who teatlflefi yesterday Jamss B. Forrsstsr of the Fsdeiral operations and the respectable ap­ readiness and their lunch baskpt the-brlde aivniy. It was a gccit oe- ported by Chairman Thomas Rogsrfi partly filled, Htllig aad hla pilot castco' for' thp village peoids who any further trial." that he attended tos prlss drawing Labor Department said today he pearance of its abiding places, x x x was sxpeetsd to orsato obnsldsrablf He refused any further comment of toe 1980 charity hall, said hP m the cost of the racket le Inealeul- Roger Q. Williams decided at the have bed! exdted for d jw over the discussion among the memben of had learned that Capt WllUam N. last minute last night npt to at­ Mg' event. Many of them' left their on polltloe, I n s i s t he was making not see toe second charity hlU able.” too board last night Under a tem^ toe trip solely in toe interest of his drawing of 1981. Lancacter. British war iUer He sold a Federal judge had as­ tempt the flight which they had ex­ .work eirly to secure' places from porary agreement signed by toe third side of the love triangle which wfflph tosy might'watch the bridal health. When he was shown a n ^ - Stewart said he had no knowlP4BN>' serted the crime cost annually In pected to undertake this week. CANDIDA1ES TODAY Board of Selectmen and toe Man- pper dispatch stattng Mayor MoKte of any prise drawing in coxmebtlsak edlapsed with the death of Haden the United States was betwesn Hlllig said WlUiams' flew to Lib­ • . • t • * \ • t procession. ' Chester Eleotrlo Company, toe com? Clarke, plans to marry Mrs. Jemls Sad ordered toe abofitlea of private with toe Moose's 1929 charity bail «11,000,000,000 and 116,000,000,000. erty during the day bringing, per- A'huge strsamer hung-aorou the pony furnished approximptely 14 (The goverhment’s charges oonoPrii M. Kelth-Mlller->the women In the missio|D from the. Departmeht of High stTMt hearing the - words automobiles and ohauffeurs tor city Hostetter estimated racketeering mllins of experimipsrtmiantal street lighting department heads, he laughed but only toe 1986 axxd 1981 ohuito cute costs In Chicago islone amount to Commerce to make the flight, but “.(Hoed Wlshee.” The sohod children, tor last year’s appropriation Intend to marry Mrs. Kslth- Over IS/PiM) C a n u te s For would not dleouBs it bans). «1 1146,000,000. a year. also bringing an urgent request who were given a holiday, lined the aghountlng to82(M)00. Theoontraot Hla Secretary IB LettoiaTo Daria IQUer whether she wants to or not,’’ Racketeering has undergone a from the. govemmsnt. nqt to. at­ roadway to the chUi^ . and cheered a g rssm ^ did not commit tos town He said he was deeply eonoetned Marglotti qiieatloaed tha witness Forrester said the British flier de­ change for the worse iu the last two tempt to cross the Atlantic in a thewwKltoff-ptr^,: iriirii' it beyond January .1, 1988. Ths ooBr over the condition of his secretary, closely OB toe letters betwesn hbPix clared. Forrester conducted Labor years, ha said, adding: plane this late In the season. USkle the ohtvch, whldx was deco- tm t price tor street lights aa dem­ George Collins, who is aeoompanylxig self and Davis. Of sash letter to s « Department deportations hearings “Whereas several years ago or­ “The State and Commerce De­ ratod;wtth' Ullss and' duysanthe- onstrated, during toe past months, him. Collins Is still suffering from Stewart he asked: for both, and his reports await ad­ ganisation of businessmen and or­ partments said that In view of pre­ ihums ftom ths gardens at Chequsrs and given toe board liy toe Man^ intestinal trouble contracted durlxig “Do you know of your own „ judication now in Washington. ganised labor were principally Re­ vious failures of Atlantic Ihghls ppd with dhtts hsathsr from Scot- Chester Elsotrio Company Is 886,- toe trip from New York. EMual knowledge that Senator Dvl .Ths declaration was in contrast sponsible, with the criminal acting this year, another failure would he Isnd, Ishbsl Maodopald, the bride’s 860 aqd it was toe consensus of toe Walker was last ppseenger off toe received tola letter?” to the assertion of Mrs. Keith-Mll- merely as a tool or an agent, the a detriment and a hardship to .avia­ , Sept 30.-^(AP)—Massa­ slstsr, was nfistress of ceremonies. boerdfd tont . the amount should. atPnd b ^ t. He spent almost an hour “No,” rmlled Stewart. ler while on the witness stand in the criminal Is now gaining the ascend­ tion,’’ HllUg said. ' chusetts voters turned out today to Four "Brldesmaloi tor toe year. Chairman Rogemer drfMing and looked sxnart In a gray "Do you know that your ssorctEfi recent trial which led to the acquit­ ency.’’ He said Dr. James H. Kimball of make their eeleotlohs frpm an amaa- ' Tbs' brfds WPS attshded by tour ported that he had not received any double-breasted suit. < The other sent toe letter?” “ tal of Lancaeter on a murder charge ths Weather Bureau at New-York ing anray .'Of 16,800. candidates for Mdtsmpldz wsarlbf white sptln. oomtfalntB about toe Ughtlng under passengers had g ^ s their way sev­ “No." growing out of the death of Clsurke. also had wainsd of difficult firing various offiosa in the State pri- Her own . gown- was of hsavy. crept toe p r m t plaa. add it was gsnsralT eral hours before. Marstottl read part of eno o f; “X do not love Bill (Captain Lan­ TREASURY BALANCE weather over the ocean. mnries. glk, ppttsrnsd with whits and. gold ly agree.d that ths only ..way that a The former . m i^x win go to letters In which Stewart had caster) and had not for the past “I am very disappointed,” said Because of the unusually laiY* rofes, leavss tad butterflies, tedui a reduction could he xiaade, was to re­ Roms tomorrow or touraday to meet formed Davis that certain “PawP<( tqro years,’’ She testified, explaining Washington, Sept. 20.—(AP) — Hllllg. number of .office seekers, prlouury trjun fpllliui from ths waist duce toe oandlepower of the exlst- an old friend, M ons^or Joseph toe lodge wlU be omitted beoatisp It sgs was only “Intensely fond of Treasuiy rceeipte for Sept 17 were HiUig aad Williams each have officials tbrougbout'the stats gener­ Shs w o ff a hpif-todon shaped Tu­ Breslln, vlce-rectot American eonoems toe charity boll and i t . him.’’ 332,169,923.78; expenditures ||0,160,- crossed the Atlgaric once by plane. ally predicted the returns would bC dor hepdfir^ and earned a bouquet (Ceatlxmsd On Page Two.) CoUege. he InexqEedient at tola tliXMi to le In Vermont 076.73: balgnce 1898,006,064.96. Cus­ Their projected flight from.ll^hrirty Imown later than. In. prerious y«®r*« of vi^te rosei. on this ixiatter.” Captain Lancaster now Is in Ws- toms duties for 17 d«yt> of ssptom- to Athens originally was scheduled The ppfis .will not dose In the. of Tim ^ *Wu toPre anythint hi tha terbury. V t, seeking the consent of ber were 118,797,637.29. to atari today, RMton ufitll 8 p. m. and In eopM Hto k m seorct, but lt;i:m beUeved ter,” he a s M , "to mme|ita to 1 his motoer to the proposed union, other eonununltlea as lats as 10 they/would go to* to* Oenttnept tor Darip a bhanga to top.tf Forrester said, having left Miami p. to. where both wore p|s«uhg to eprry Woman H^ld by Bandits of toe annual oharity-.baU?^* September 13 for that announced The oampalgn ended early this out some vtoto ito toiriloal research. Louis M. Trsadwrilii purpose. morning after a night before deluge . . Mfret Ctoeqimn Rriia Tile filer gained bis freedom on of last mlButo appeals* for support The/bride -spent three weeks la XJUtsd States'ottotfisy'to'i bond of 1000, set after service of “Who’s Who” In Hemld by candidates from rally platforms tol« vUlaga\to comply with the nec­ the prossoutioo. ohjsutod to, tluuS the Labor Department deportation and over the radio. essary .rstldsnce 'iw|uirsmento bs- tioa JBS oaDlihr .tor a sSfiriiMloB warrant upon him August 10, three * Priiidpal Cbmtoet tors marriage. She stayed. at the oqult ihMtPlitol dhequeia last Bight’ afid came oysr London, Sept 26.—(AP)—A 'caryftelto a demand from toe bandits tor Stewart said that a short , days after bis acquittal on the mur­ Paves Way To Prizes For. State-wide interest, ths ^ ^860,000 Chiniss doUars pa ransom. der count. test betwesn Lleut.-Qovemor todsy'-wlth hermther. She is the for pomler puff and Upatlok from a on ths charity hall toi too' Jvto* Uam St YouhgaMn; Frank A. Good­ first -bride niasried from ‘ Chequer* “The bandits intend to kstp mov­ laaus of to t Mhoso asagarihs hid^ Service of the warrant Issued on British womsB to distress axxiow ing” Airs. Paw^, sald."until tos y«t-l«iito ririttto whin fit Foiteeter’e affidavit last June that The road to hppplBSM la open.# Readers! C om u d get bupy on win, fermsr. rsglstoar of motor ve- sipoe that eatate i tom h**u tbe resl- C ^ t s s hudltB In toe wU^^oit the couple was illegally within the Tbs Who’s Who in tbs Herald hah hldes; E. Hark. Sullivan, former depep €f Great Britaln^e prime mln- uS«ult ceases. ntoM perauads tos ths tdsa for it t o w the telsphone-^-oall these numhriw ohiiriP was reported to . the D ^ pdUoe and soldiers to keep awpy, United States, was delayed that it “I^Ved it” with daily prizes. ■ and' ask ybuR westloni they wlU eorporatiop counsel of Boston, pad might pot pnjudlee the murder Just a glance l i ^ e tba Rsrald. ^sitsr E. ErMSBdl, Boston iPwysr. i b e . « 38, a/ few years youngpr Nswitoaiig. dtoirwlse they say wa.wUl be km-. hp'saki Forreeter said. on page 3 and you will find too gladly aiumr you and then riilte ill of Whom seek the llepubltopii thari her., husband. tott while V ^ e i^ aend inat^a • povMer pufi, case; trito-wm ftufitots to iuigery at the feel In a vlfo tenmer.wito Held Beerst Bearing Whoa Who fsaturs. This la the tbe .answerii In to the Who’s Wko hsrpptorial nomlnotlent was out ersam oxid a Up. sOrit,” , MRi, TlM actual service was made in "how” of it: Read ths stpri®* Editor. Why ' not bs a wlaher of Sm f • ‘ J ...... Royto'wraiafyA 'Edtohurim. Re todla. They probably Wpait iw tiM office ot James M. Carson, chief your live, progressiva jAoim in thsaa woodirfoL V prlass awarded Governor Joseph B. Ely. Dsqip’ proposed to: her'.when m ss hlaodpn- . kidniui^ by tlto hontra sfitertlonate ranson. but ^tepss Lfpeaster counsel, aad a prellmi- this vldnity. Answer the questions dally? tM riilsal. craL H tueppotod for renq Pto ^v^;.4vbri4Htoto4 Pt b is^ ite ry Ueps. Newohang ovir.a.' tesek (Aon’t bust yourarivsA'^ . nary- aad secret hearing was held by asking the bualnsss man him-' First pitoe.foer tp Mrs. Florence Several dope ooptrilts arsi): tm m ng .. two yevmi' ago, but Joan VM . quots

• \ ' t f li' m • AMITIVWN

WHO’S WHO V bV aiR M dW . and Officers Of the Sec- RATEINCREilSE Ofid Odfigrsjxtional church, with snADKHnis . d # 'e • • e e e e e • e c B e e • ...... s ... . . I waa knsbaads wfo'lixvfi 9 V* 9 • •• • • e.'Vvtt I IN ______tomesioir sviniax at 6 -9;^)* e e e e e e^e e e e e e e $200 h AwarOt o^fOoek » fos hoBis of s ^ tx u m ' 9Saefeieeeee'eeeee 2. eFFMMBlSandMra. V. Wlfilara of Tel- Gmr. Oran B oibd F$r I h v mi ‘A 9 ae I-**! Bnik “ MANCHESTER an^ VICINITY first Awar4-4tA6 Dalty land Tfiimpike. A business m setiu ,d|% m MijM (Oontlaoed Frem Page One) An WVw »e e e • e • 9 e's e • e e e INTR(H>UCIN6 THE UVE PBOGRESSIVE FIRMS AND SeconF A w aed -fLOO DdSy will fitelow, Those desiring tranityop. C9p.N9t aiiBd T Grand PHae 936.90 ^ tatiQX dwold get in touch with Rev. AmnniM t Ii m i M CiSMi Rtwsr 489 PEOPU: THAT UP THE INTERESTS lag lights on a town-wide system F. C Allen. JLSR .BBHK .eeeeeee9iaeeeeieee-****''***’ td S Htfo. (temtTripi89 I _____ OF MANCHESTER AND ViaNITY. Daily there wfll appear different wtaMi has had nninlcipal a p p n ^ . AmTrtand'M First I M d e il-.. - . . . m , pwagraphs in this paper bringing In thw item of asseesmenti and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dunstone oi ihtjWi. AmTbhD 74^ Lind Mtg Mg Title ... — BY WUXIAM AZvb LUOIUJI WOODS. out dlstinetive features of Manches­ tbs salary of Town Tax who have been spending the sum­ AmWfff Whi ...... 32% New Brit TriHt' .;... — EXCLUSIVK STAFF S?B€1AL FBATUBB WBITBBS. ter and vicinity instltutiQas. There OMledto^ Georgi H. Howe, amount­ mer at their.eamp.ln Vermont, re­ Attdoteigi ...... 11 Wait Kutomfi Triite., is a question in each article. Read ing to 12,400, SKclusivf Of the per­ turned yesterday to their home on Hfirtford, Sept 3 ^ ( ^ ) A Atriltoftfl • e,s e^^ e i.e e e e e e e e e e e uinrM ea Steefce. BXOBFTlOyAIA^T GOOD M0SP1TABU6 PEBaON every line of each stpry for ques­ sonal tax reosipts, was oonsldersd Strong street Cos^ttee of tnfoe Haftferd Aulniimi .••!/«9*999999 By. Aetai ClBUiHy V..... 88 find the Board will recpifimead a neys to adviso- Demoorfitic Stfite AetniiJfe, I8 ‘*riM Mfgast obitacle bi lift Is In writing of Manchester and its tions may be asked anywhere in the $400. reduction in the tax eoUector's .^•sssteeeeeceeeeeeest Aetna Fire ...... 39H leading business and professional Story, and there may be more than The Young Married (fouples’ club HeAlquarten iaa legal questione af­ ♦Milking there le such mn obaUele’* salary. Other Items In which there fecting rights of the electorate was Beth Steel »•»•». AflA Automobile 18 m u d the ladies of *'today” seem to people, We want to mention one of two questions in some paragraphs. o f the BScond Congi^fational xConn.General ...... the most Impwtant professional in­ The person sending in the most cor* were temporary reduetionv were the ehureh win have an outing Thurs­ appointed today State Chairman Beth'Steel Wd- the biggest obstacle they have police department, garage, storm David A. WilaoB. Borden ^ Hlbtforg Fire ...... 87' to overcome is ‘looks.*’ This is real* terests of the community. Such are rect and neatest answers to the sewers, csmetwles, garbags cefise- day evening at 6 o’clock at the cot- PlftO es’eeedeeeeeeeeeee1»ee* National'Fird...... the funeral directors, for to them is questions will be given merchandise tags of Mr. fifid Mrs. Osorgs W, Cbfirles WeUei QrofiS, Hgniy J. ty ai) easy task to overcome when tion, oiling, concrete gutters, parks, CeUnen and Louis T. Gabenaaa WIU CU#. (Je Xl) ef^eeeeeetseeeee. Hartford Steam Boiler* 88 they h a ^ such a modem and pro- delegated the duty of attending the awards each issue. In ease of ties trOe warden and mraying,’ town Kuhfiey at Bolton lake. The pro­ OOTFO D0 'PMMO ' 4 a^s e'e s • • • s s • • Phoenix Fire last rites of those who have gone a duplicate award will be given e ^ gram will laduds a business meet* study any paohlem* tfoit may. arise g rm v e beauty ttap at their com* court and Memorial Day. in connection irith regtstfotton of OUB a'ea^aSssaaaaaa’ ,2||^ xTravtlera sto mand, as, is exemplilied by The Uly ahead. This little story pays tribute tying contestant The judge’s deci­ ing and electiOtt of officers. ChWTRl^P.', • • •Va'e •ae'aaaaaaaaas 19^ ’ PobHo UttUtlee Steehn to Mark Holmes, 261 North Main sion will be flnM. Everyone has an inersassi voten and similar subjects, Wilson Beauty Parlor, 9S8 Main street, said, in an effort to protect the Coca C36to...... Conn. Elee Serv . . — 46 owned and operated by Mrs. Ldly street, who not only has the grate­ equal opportunity to win. Anyone Increases were shown in charity, Employees of the Manchester Col Oaa . a . . .99 e a a e aa a ae . a a a 15)6 Conn. P ow er...... 48 ful confidence of the people of this can answer each issue or as many street lighting, schools, (in clu il^ privileges of Connecticut Demo- Robinson. Mrs. Robinson is thor* Elsetrio Coifipany absent op vaqa- erats. COnd Sp^ apeaaeaaaaaseaaaas. Sfl Greenwich, WAG, p fd .. 42 ougbly experienced in every essenr sectioL, but is recognised at an times as desired. bond, payment and maintananoe) tloo this w s^ indude Miss Jessie Cobb* (Sas aeeesaaaee# a/s'a a a a • ■ Hfirtford Elec 6i authority in his chosen calling. Mr. building inspeotor, state tax, aiee- No speoiflc.tolitters have been re­ tiai that goes to make up |ui estsb* Call in person or op the phone to PottA Carl Tyier„ Thomas MsxWeU ferred yet to the committee, be smd. OO&t CUl- a .• a r# a a a a a a a e a e e a a a, 29)4 Hfirtford Gfis ...... 40 Ushment of this type. The treat* Holmes is widely known for his get the answers. Any of the parties tion axpenaesi bond, payments, and asOB Chspman. Coril ppod, aaaaaaaaaaafaaaaae 67% do,' pfd' ...... 40 careful and considerate attention library; and the dsfleit of last yaar. Wilson, who raturned Ifist night ment you receive at this shop is all written up must answer any of tae from Springfield, Mfiae*, whirs' he aaaaaaaaa a.a aaaaaaaaaaa 62 SNe TCo ...... 118 121 that the most fastidious could ever shown every detail of bis chosen questions found in these artieles. The Board gave consideration to Mrs-^ Samuel A. Robinson of 968 Du PpAi a a*a a a a a a-a aaaaaaaaaaa BfninfoeCaring Stoeke desire.' They are so equipped here, profession. He is at your service Answers may be sent to this office the proposal that an inquiry ba Mfiin street who has been spending conferred with J* Brann, gov­ Eastman K odak...... 51% Am Rardwm 19 day or night, and any distance does within four days of publication. Wim directed through The Herald in an ernor-elect Qf Mama afid Governor with all modem beauty aids that the summer abroad is *xps9ted Joseph B. Ely of Mfisfeachusstts said g )CC and idda '••'s••••«eaaaaaa 2% AttiHosiery ~— they can turn out the latest in not limit ms desire to be of genuine ners and. answers will be published 6 effort to secure a tract of suitable home by the end of ths week. ICO aa-aaaeeeaeaeaa l3)6 Arrow H and H, com. 6 waves and other beauty culture service to you. His place of busi­ days after the story has appeared* woodland, either through donation both men pronfiaad to speak in Con- Bleo Pow and Lt *...... a 9% do, p f d ...... 70 ness is a perfect example of its kind, or some aoofiomie means for the The basaar committee Of the Lu­ necticut, but that a definite date has Pox fU n JL aaaaaaaaaeaataaia 3)6 work in a fraction of the time it This knowledge competition is o^ ^ not been arranged. BUlings and Speneer.. — and is equipped with everything use of the unemployed. It was re­ I. takes elser/hcre and do it better, to all except employes of this paper theran CoBoerdia church will hawe An ambitious speaking program Oan Elac 17 forlstol Brass too. Mrs. Robinson is an artist la that could be required of the most and their families. ' ported that a laiga number of the a meeting tomorrow evening at Qen Foods .Veeeeie#...... S3% do, pfd ...... 106 /• her 6 m right and careful women exacthag. Mark Holmes glided to Remember, readers. It’s not the 860 families recsiving aid were in 7:80. is being arranged for Governor W. G^Cn B60tOT8 a yn eraaaaataaaaaa 10% Case, L ^ w ood and B. — 800 this, globe in Staffordvllle, Conn., need of fuel and that if a large L. cress who is seeking rs-slection, GHllatita aa’sa'eeqaeeaeteasseee 18 come m m miles around to have her first answers, but the most correct it was anndunesd at State head­ CoUias Co...... 18 — do their work. This well known but has lived in Manchester since a and the neatest that count. Send woodlot could be secured a t a rea­ The West Side club will hold a Gold D u a t...... Colt’s Firearm s...... 7 8 shop was established by Mrs. Robin­ small lad. His hobby is fishing and your answers ip if you are three sonable figure it would be possible speoal mssting - at the Welt Side quarters. GrlpatoyGvmuw > 1% Eagle Look ; ...... 28 29 he started his career carrying to allow men to cut their own win­ Ths governor has four mors fid- aaaaaeeeaaeaqaeaaea 58 Fafolr Bsaringi...... — 86 son In 1924 and has been success* days back la getting them. Address, Reo at 7 o’clock tonight dresass booked for thia month. He fully serving an increasing clientele papers for the Herald Printing Com­ ‘Who’s Who Contest EAtor, care of ter’s wood. Any offtrs from sur­ lot Hai^ aaeaeqeeaaeeaaeeeaa 22% Fuller Brush, Class A. pany, later becoming bookkeeper rounding woodlot owners in this wfll apeak Friday at Norwalk; Sat­ 1st Nick aaaseeaeereaeseasaaa 3% Gray Tel Pay Station 17 for nearly 9 years. They ' Phone 7897 and ask->From what lower grade coal. Tbs Board auth­ oomrfidss of Ward Cheney Cfimp do, d i 89 81 — ■e school of Embalming is he a gradu­ orised the charity auperintendent to Oet 8; (3e<»ie Washington celebra­ ^Nat Biaouit 89)6 North and Judd ..... 13 ? stveness. Phone 704 - and their friends, will be held. Pre­ tion, Lebanon, October 8; Polish So­ Nat Cask ' ••**9****9eeaae' 12% "e What are the advantages of their ate? riniEBAis afivertiso for bids on from 1,000 to parations will be mads at the busi­ Niles Bern Pond...... 10 .a ciety, Hertford* October 9; Dedicfi- Nat Dairy aae.steaeeeeeeeeeae 20)4 1 — ■pedal **eoihbinatloa’^ offer in 3 1,600 bushels of first and second ness mssting for the annual visit of Pack, Stow aad Wlloox tion of JenUas Ldboretoiy, New Nat poW'andXdt 16)6 Russell Mfg .sse.ssssw __ beauty work? grade potatoes, delivered in one State President Mrs. Mary Mullen 38'. ' . William J. flood N Y Central a- 26% ....•sssse#e« » FAVORITE FLOBUT bushel lota or stored in a central of Hartford on October 6. Haven, October l l ; New York a ty , Seovlll ... 14^ 16H' n$e funeral of William J. Flood, October 14; Polish society, Bristol, NV N' and eaeaeaertsaaaaaa' .19 Stanley Works s s s s e e s IS 18 Henry G. Anderson, of the Ander* warehouse. The latter proposal was BBAB8 BXOBLUBNT publisber of the former Manchester in the ifitersst of tbs charity depart­ October 16; Societ/*of Mayflower NOranda esseeee9*99«**eisf 13 Standard Screw e e s's • e 16 r e f u t a t io n , son Greenhouses, 158 Eldridge News, was held this morning with Ths EmUem club will have a descendants. October 26. Nortk Amsr 31%- do, pfd,. guar. 100 — . ' ment apd the needy families. bridge party for members tomorrow Columbus had a hobby, he street agrees with the writer that services at Holloraa’s undertaking It was reported by Police Com­ Some of these,appearances will be Packard aataaaesaaeaea.aaa 8% Sm ^s Mfg Co 50 pwlors and at St. James’s church. afternoon at 2 o’clock at ths Elks non-political. He will welcome V. J. Param PUk a.aaaaa#aa«teaaeea ' 3% Taylor and Finn _ ISO thought the world was nmnd. gloonf and depression not only take missioner Willard Rogers that tbs The service at the church was large­ Home In Rockville Mrs. P. J. John­ Patii, former Lord Mayor of Bom­ Penn *...... 17% Torrington ..s . . . .e s e s i 26H, 37% much out of life, but detract greatly town might investigate the pvopossl ston of Rockville will serve as chfilr- Pklla Rdg O Wld l ' ...... tv... 5% Henry Ford’s bobby is making cars ly attended and there were many of uniting the town’s sswsr systems bay, India, October 11. underwood'Mfg Co 16H "18% the working man can afford. from the happiness of others. Flow­ floral tributes. A solemn hi|m ^ an of the hostesses. Phillips Pete a a • ...... a a a a e S 9% Union Mfg C o..• .• .* e s s s 1 and tho building of two extra dis­ Pub gerv N J a««a.$afaaaa4s 63% 66 Thomas Edison’s was making elec* ers teach us to keep smiling whether mass was celebrated by Rev. W. P. U 8 Envsl<^, com posal plants and the connection of 'BadiO' aaataaeaaaaa e'a a a a e a • a 3)6 do, pfd .. W *•» ' trldty. Every man, woman, and the sun is shining or not They Reidy, and Rev. P. J. Killeen read the Eighth District sewage system Miss Constance DellaFera of i72 SEEK THREE SETBACK BadiO ICeitb eteaaaaaaaaaaeas* 6% Veedsr Root • a s . . . * . . 6 16 child in Manchester should have a teach us to be bright cheerful, the committal service at the grave through the South ManchMter Sani­ Oak street was tendered a surprise hobby or has had one at some time in St. James’s cemetery. birthday party at her home Satur­ Beading aaaaaataataaaaaeaaa 37 Whitlock Coll Pipe — 8 / or another. Ours is writing these hopeful, happy and contented. There tary District system. day evening w a large numbei: of Ben Band 6% J. B. Wil’ms Co. 810 par 88 40 ' is no sMt on earth so dreary that As the body was brought into the Sewer Systems TEAMS FOR TOURNEY A little biomiapbleal sketches. H. church the choir sang ~‘0, Sacred her- friends. ‘ ■ ‘ . Danicing and games BeyTpk-B ....1.....#...... 33)6 X—Ex-Dividend. Cohn, owner of Hyman's Men’s it cannot be brightened by a flower. Mr. Rogers reported that a stur- were enjoyed and a buffet lunch was Sears BOAbbOk ...... 20)4 Anderson’s Greenbotises are a verti* Heart of Jesus " The singers were vsy had been’ mads and it bad, bash Store, 695 Main street has a hobby Mrs. Claire Brennan, Mrs. Maude served, iifise PellaFsra was fho Soepny Vad,e• a...... •••ae. lO RUM BOATS SOLD ble Garden of Eden. Here' almost ascertained that the grade from Commtrdal Lengyc At Nortli ' ^ 1.. I. too. His is the collection of good Foley, Mrs. Margaret Sullivan, Miss recipieBt of many choice gifts. fiOUtk.PaC a...... a...... a. a 27 clothes, haberdashery, and furnish* every kind of flower or plant that Manchester to the South Manches­ End Meets .Jlcmlght To Make South Bwy ..a...... 11% Nsw London* Sept 30.—(AF) — grows can be found in season. Teresa McConviUe aind Arthur Keat­ ter plant off Qlcott Road was suit­ logs for men. He stocks everytbin| ing. The Gregorian mass was sting George Marlow, accompanied by Final Plans For Coming Sea Stand Brands ...... 15 The speedboats' Manfilola of New­ for both the workingman and the Henry G. Anderson was bom in able for the incorporation of the his parents, Mr. and Mn, Nathan St Gas and B2 as...... 19% port end Choctows of Bridgeport Manchester, akes fishing and motor­ in full by the choir. At the pffer- Manchester sewsge system. Two son. St Oil Cal- ...... •■aaaaaaaaa 23% office worker. Here's a business ing as favorite pasttim^ and start­ toty Mrs. Brennan sang Ave Maria Marlow of HoU street motofod up ssiEed. hy the Coast Guard la rum- that has orasistently grown. An* to the tune of Handel’s Largo. At new tanks and the connections could Sunday to Cambridge, Mass., where St Oil NJ ...... 81% runnsra were sold at ouetlon here other hobby of Mr. Cohn Is to satis­ ed out in life working at the plumb­ be constructed, be said, for a total he will regliter fi* n member o f foe Tex C o r a ...... A. a...... 13 )4 today for a totel'ed 824B6 to attor­ ing and heating trade, a trade' hS!^ the elevation Mrs. Brennan and Mrs. of $65,000,180,000 for the two tanks There wlfl. _ of the of- Timken Boll Bear 16% fy all ctistomera to the last ^tail. Sinlivfin sang as a duet a Latin Preshmsn class at Harvard Unlver- End Commercial ney Louis Hafle o f New YoM, vdio followed for seven years. Later he and 886,060 for tbs sewers. fleefo of fh e‘ Trans^j^merica■ ^^9 has frequently ^mmrad a i .counsel If anything he sells proves unsatis* bemune interested In selling nursery hymn, De Profundif. At the chang­ Sltyi. T setback league tonight wh«i 18 Union Carbide ...... 26)i factoty, he wdeomes you bade and ing of the vestments Mrs. Foley I n fo r ^ discussion of the town for persons diarged with mmigfUng stock for several different firms find store plan and the issuance of script teams will be eeleoted to take part Unit Aircraft ...... 26. turns yotUT' worries into , smilea sang “ Sweet Jesus, Bless Us Ere We Miss Ruth 8. Crampton, principal in the tournament that is fo be and conspiracy to-smuggle liquor. foimd he had a flair for this line and did not find favor with the Board. Unit^ Corp ...... 10 The Msnalola brought $606 and. the When this store was opened many Go.’’ At the close of the service Ar­ of# the Lincoln schocl, wfis given played during the winter montbai Unit Gas Iinp 19 predicted it would; be “tough going," opened his greenhoiues in 1922. He thur Keating sang “Beautiful Land It is expected that the latter factor a house - warming party in her CS^tows sold for |2,060. Ihe sals grows a general line o f flowers and in town relief may be disouMed Already there are fifteen toame en­ U S Ind AIco ...... 23% W|i conducted by Deputy U. .S Mar­ n^ever jffter 6 }rears of serving the bulbs and takes special care of fun­ on High " new apartment at the Centennial rolled and It le expected that the U S Bubber ...... 3)4 Manchester public it’s going strong* more at length at tomorrow night's last night by more than a score of shal Joseph Parka of New Haven. eral and wedding designs. His de­ The bearers were Willard B. meeting.. other three will be secured by to­ U S Steel 33% er than ever'and is now known Rogers, Edward J. HoU, Thomas P. teachers from the Lincoln and Bunco night or before the league atarte Util Pivw and Lt ...... •.... 5% throughout this section for satlsfac* sire for floral knowledge led him to Rady, Sr., John Tierney, Michael scboola Miss Crampton formerly playing. At- tonight’s meeting the f . tory merchandise and honorable bus* send ,his sister to Massachusetts |iyartier X^c 8 Agricultural C^ege for this study Foley and James Eagan. resided at Teachers’ HaU but recent­ final by-laws will be drawn up and western Union...... 33)4 tness methods. Hyman Cohn “grew and later to New York. Through ly removed to the Centennial Apart­ a schedule arranged. V^est IBI,.and Igfg ...... a. !^)4 up" in this business as his dad Simon REPUBUCANSPUN ments on Chestnut street. She w u The teams which have already en* Woolworth ...... 86)6 Cohn, operated a successful store her notes, he learned many import­ ant facts about the study and care the recipient o f'a gift from her tered arc: Watkins Brothers, Wap- Ele:^ Bond and Share (Curb) . 26 for many years in Northampton, but NGREPUBUCAN friends. Refreshments were served. ping No. 1, Wapping No. 3, ROid's has now retired. The low overhead, of floWers. He is a member of the Floral Telegraph Delivery Associa­ RAUIES IN STATE Auctioneers, Manchester Water of this store enables them to pack tion, giving him the ability to send RAUTHEREOa.1 Thera wfll ba a meeting of the Company, Merz Barber ' Shop, full value into every sale and no Four Score and Ten club of greater Count’s Barber Shop, Foley’s Im­ Sandy Beach profit is charged up to fancy show flowers to every comer of the globe. Phone 8686 and ask — How many Manchester in the T. M. C. A. to­ press, Burr Nursery. Mints Depart­ cases and electric Ughts. They sell (Oenlianeo from rpgo One) Hartford, Sept. 20.^.-(AI*)—Msifi- morrow .fiftsrnOon at 3:80. Men and ment Store, Community Filling Sta­ CRYSTAL LAKE nationally known lines apd have a square feet of space do his green­ TraccinisioN houses cover? bers of the Republican state ceptrid women 60 years o f age and over are tion, Gibson’s -Lunch, Woodland complete stock of durable shoes at States Senator Bingham is one of commlUee met at Farmington tMs Invited to come and Usten to Rev. Street, Hose Co. No. 1. Dalton’s Ra­ Eastern States TONIGHT low prices. Phone 6645. and ask — the most popidar campaign speakers afternoon to select a date for town Edward EeUs, club organiser. What low price are they featuring dio Shop, Keller’s Klothera. Other “MUSIC HATH CHARMS’* in the state and is in great demand and district caucuses for nominating teams wishing to take part iff the Exposition on the well known Lee overalls? for rallies throughout the state. He members of the General Assembly. tournament con do so ly making If you are a music lover, we desire has a particular liking for Manches­ Party regulations provlds for fix­ application to any of toe officers or DAILT Jim OfflToy you to know even better than you ter and assured Judge Johnson that ing a uniform time tor the maetings, to David HaiailtoB at the Y. M. C. AS UVE AS YOU BIAKE ’EM do. Hemp's Music House, 768 Main at which towne ccmstituthig a sepa­ MES. GARNER DEES; of Hartford vs. Coal and grain for every purpose he would be pleasec'. to address a A. Round trip fare $1.60 street. Here you wUl find all that Manchester audience. rate probate district will select nom­ and in every quantity were found is new in music, pianos, various inees for probate Judge, CMIdnii Under 12 Years $1 yesterday by the writer at the Man* t3rpes and kinds of instruments, Tmiubnll On program The programs for five campaign SrEAEE’SDTBSR Leave your ear at home, and en­ Chirifie Sii Chester Grain and Coal Company, at xa^os, and sheet music. In offering, Bbc-Govemor Trumbull who is a rallies were announced at Republi­ HOSPiTAL NOTES joy the day. Make reaervattens 10 Apel street. We saw that ibis as they do nationally know mer­ candidate for the office again haa al­ can headquarters here by Judge Wil­ early, aa eeeU are Undted. of Woreoster firm is equipped to supply clean coal chandise, the people of this vicinity ways been popular in Manchester. liam M. Hamey, in chaige of -the Flyweight Champioii and quality grain for every need. are given the very best obtainable. Re is a campaign figure of consid­ Sjieakers’ Bureau. Detroit, Texas, Sept, 20.-.*-(AP)-.- Center Travel Also we noticed a fieet of speedy erable significance and his'pleasing Mrs. Sarito Jans Garner, 81-year- Plato Pagan! of Charter Oak Jimmy Britt o f RoekviUe Samuel J. Kemp, Jr., this firm's Roy Wilcox, nominee for Ueuten- old mother of John Nance Garner, street and M n. Margguret Sullivan trucks which insuro prompt de* president and treasurer has learned personality is a bright spot in any ant-govemor; John Danaher, nomi­ ▼8. livery. With fall prices now in effect Democra>tlc vlce-prestdsntial nom­ of 93 Cooper street wer« discharged Bureau the way to accomplish every pur­ rally program. Mrs. Famham is con­ nee for secretary of state, and J. inee, died at her home here at 12:25 and Michael Hassett of 164 C te^ r ^ o n ’t be foolish and delay order* pose, the way of successfully meet­ sidered the best woman speaker in William Hope, nominee for state 499 Main Street Jolmoy Omipo o f New Haven ing your coal. Another big item p. m., today. Hill street wan admlttodfyestfrday. ing every advance condition and the the state. Her husband is Mlifiatsr treasurer, will speak tomorrow at M n. Garner had been; In ill health A son win bom at the hoi^tia Dial 3864 FIRST BOUT AT 8:80. about this concern was that we way of overcoming every obstacle. to Belgium from the United States. a West Haven meeting. It will bf found the owner, Albert Heller, has but her condition became critical today to Mrr and Mrs. Gtoorge Hew­ Both Mr. Kemp and Harold A. She possesses rare wit and a pleas­ Hope’s first campaign address sChfid- several days figo when shs was itt of 72 Went ntfoSt, 10 ALL STAR BOUTS a reputation of being unusually re* Turkingtem, the secretary o f the ing speaking voice. ulcd by headquarters. Oongrsasmaa liaUe. He’s as truthful and honest forced to bed with what her physi­ Doris Tryen of Glastonbury was firm, have learned that the secret of Details about the rally will be an­ E. W. Goss wfll address a mssting cian described as general toxic admitted today. as you can make them and his word successful operation is to get the nounced as soon as they are com­ of small loan committee executives poisoning. is law. No one can steal from him facts of the case, study them pleted. at the Brack Brook Country C9ub> Mrs. Theodore Biesbe and Infant the confidence of anyone with whom With her whMi she passed away daughter of 41 Purnell Place, Mrs.. thoroughly, get down to “brass Orange, tomorrow noon. Mrs. were all of her Uvlng c^dren, three Ernest ItichardsoB and Infant he deals. It is bis because be earn* tacks" and find what the problem is, Edith Cook of New Haven win msfik SOBS and two daughters, and other ed It, and it is obtainable in no other daughter of 16 Kffightoa street, then g solution will present itself. Thursday at a women’s rally in 8 h ^ near relatives. Mrs. Jantes Oaskell and Infant way but through honest transac­ This well known firm is , rotmdlng ton. Her eldest son, John Nanco, hur­ JOHN BOLES tions. The confidence the Manches­ Quality Groceries son of 87 Sprues street and Mra. state out its 10th year in business and Raymond Johnson, of Manehsster, ried home foom Wfiaiiington, where Jeon C. Wonwlek of 91 Park street, in < A HANOI various bands and oreheetfas Merit Petant Butter, _, i i i M ^ - r ------r- ^ fun and be started r a business throughout the entire section and -DOWN XO lARTR" career as a photogrMber and dur­ “0am" Kemp is known and liked for I lb.jfir ...... 1 0 c Miss Jessie Rtynolds, w ilfori ing the last World War was an his friendliness and spirit of co­ JACK’S nurse, wotfid appreciate the gift Of Kaeko Malt Syrup, a servicetide eoal stove for a needy A m s fornlty iteferred eavtar aerial pbotogr^ber. Me features operation that tends to keep him Fex aad eeefctaShMtegr'■fiMbfOl he hseughfi kis the famous Redding Anthracite coal hustling in his chosen field of en­ 3 lb .can ...... 5 3 c fo n ^ . The fonffty in thia case ndn be kispt wariin tiireugb- the winter Plefore Unity dew* te eailfet sad Is one of Manchester's leading deavor. Phone 6680 and ask — Roekwood Cocoa, \ q coal dealers. Phone 7711 and aslt-> Upon what convenient terms do through the generosity o f SbmedOf What Is the price per ton of his 2 1 b . t i n ...... A atC POCKET BILLIARD who kss suto> a stove sAd kaa nn they sell the wSU known Lynn further ffee for It famous hard coal? Range burners? CbiUenge Jar Rubbera, 6 dogeu for BtmegJkM Dark Brown Sugar, 10 IbR f o r ...... Meriden. Sept 30,—-(i^ ) — A ThimdaF’s Spotlifl^t Shows That: youth who give his Sims is P iire Green Mountain LedrewB, IfTw ts srrestod'ex 9 ^ ^Packard’s Pharmacy, of 487 Main ftreet, has been estaUish- Potetooih 15 lb. peek butefiaiy c h ii^ this ttortong whlli ed for 16 years. , Now Open For The surprised in ton le t nf : robbing i BemiMM. Juul of the Weldon Beantyialcn, 509 Main BtTNt Fancy Elberta Peach* tonmoftoily vieitid.heqii fit gll ea 16 qt. baaket... ■iSlig iifoet ,has bean “befibtitylng" Manehsster ladles for 13 years. K*igUMrA sMing tte youth enter .1 D octe W. J. field, osteopathie physldan Is a graduate of MaaolaOil, S e t u o n thi house; notllled thi' pOllol

11M Phlladelfhla OoUaga of osie^ tlty^ galleB can e s e e s • •itiMd ■effftestTkommr tttfsd toe IMA fifter a - ^ ‘^.N aneh estar Motor Sales Company, Ford distrUwtors, Kter fiw Hotri Sheridm . lOM a t r ^ will the valves and dean the carbon o f the eroii .emfotiy nm: ; ., 6 cyUnder d o ^ for I4.96 complete. M A H iE U ’S SstterfflH W . T h eM fiL e^ S tem Company, 976 Main street art fofitiiring AanlmaiAai tear ^dea of $ 1 ^ for their new it fan hats *for weiasn and Btotd Sbcridin BnOdlnf GROCERY of jewelry ofslittle 188 Spruce S t Wte .... ■ 'p h "t % ft-? m IV 3^ ban .wan printed te?” askad win DAYISWUNLY Mom#/' ■■•1 , mafgidnt.„ ... . ’b a a d i ^ R ■‘drawjftom Stawmrt .as-.' ‘ A atioH' riacau .wMdrdarM mt this npUed Shaiwr. Tbs ,t diiudng ' the p ^ tbri# Oourt neaaaad a t 11:85 a. m. (B. F M ( L S E I ^ 22-26 ytajra,'- pbU\dcM>«tlv(|&, *hbadk^:rMum#d rediraht axaip* a T.) untiriiOO p. m; (BL S. T.) for evMdnff‘‘of tebr|iriN 'on' Batuvtey ingittcii o f ^ e lta k ^ 'w ‘ ^ a rabaaa. lU B O h . Anaiwl Harvest * Baiaar and ntelit at 8 fi..m.. uwter the leader- n \ m (OrallaiiM ftoaa Page ON|e)! boiaVMi^uda# .or Xi0^^Oi;dar^«f^ Walwritnap^ai^^^^ that The .4ternoon aasalon got uadar dup of HarbU. TurUngton. Hie .opiA , ■' •• 'V • '• ”■ tor way prom pt ' Tha testimony of foitdstainiiisBt To Bt Held "At one ticket add one price win admit ground that thinrei was no proof that S ohai4faa;to-tha Ifocite.lW ‘lur­ Clbanor was interruptad so* that tha the CMtadel; * to both .. tha -Fridlw end Saturday Staswwt. admitted th at.. he!.‘vm te ing & thi^, jraan ffoyerfiinant m lj^t plaoa Matthew night eatettalnteidtB.s < ; ^ ; the letters actually had been matte haU of. all thibieditpr^ali'la;the Hoos#- T O i i Robnrt J. %ttery Takes and on two others on the gnnp^ ■ T i ^ u i ^ than draad!fii!lattor from Flschette of Ciyda, N. Y., on tha The annual Harvest . Festival of The band under the leadership :of laa^aitifae which were . -rigned by Davia d ^ ^ M a to h 84, in which stand. tha salvation Army will bs bbssrved David Addy .will,yrsssnt ons of its a that their receipt was acknowledged' Dayte.... Over MaBi|eiBeiit ef Le- to reserve riiding imtll redirect ek* DaVte i^d^;thai iiha pbj^ii uaad fw Treadwell explained that because by tbs local oofpa September 88 to hijd>ty;aeMbtkbte oonesrts a t ths by persem, other than Davis. ICpzflotU asked: tha itfMmglne- ■ nof fip to stand- of illness in Fisohette’s family It Elaborate have been Center Park bandatand' Sunday aft­ to provide the sOlutloo tor the prob­ “isn’t it a fact that in the. past aril. ' *Ika .latter Ina^otad Stewart was Imperative that he testify Im- made for this period including a ernoon at'S :^6 p.' m. whlOb:wlU be lem Of indla'i asaasas. . eil Bm di This Mening. The goverfiment asked the court thty# yean i b . Davis ' has. actually to' saa: that tha'pappr contract waa mediatriy and return home. peaob.sooiil, oonduoted by tbe. Home the lest outdoor ocnoert.of.the sea­ His wife also utes airsatod. ttm is aminatlon of Stewart. Written no; articles .for the maga- riilfiUad. Fischette identified alleged lottery Leagiie oh ’Ihipeday .evenii^ and son. 56. Altiiougb. thsy ttve aplui to bs Objecting to the introduction' of - Rmudng At m Loas tickets received by him in 198d. He commencing at 6:86 p< m. Instead of . M ond^ evening at 7:86 .p. m., the can dsvote aU bia tima.to .lriB work, Robert J. Slattery of New Haven, sine, Mairgiottl said: *T would say it is.a fact”, he s%ld. . Another latter fdatad April 2,1980, said he waa a member of Ctyde 5 p. m., under'the lekdership of Mrs. usual Hkrvest FMtlval sale ^ be they are stUl devoted to earii other. Cou., haa been appointed manager “We would like to have the goi^ He > testified that dohn Meikle wrote Instriicted. Stewart: “Do not em- Lodge No. 1676. Whliam Hall. _ oonduoted.' At that time aU tbe She lacka the education , ef‘him, bua-i of ifentgomery Wara ft'Co.'a. South bound volumes of the-Moose Maga' some of the edltbrials appearing un­ .|ihalilsa that Hobiaheart has been He. said he received the - tiota|ta . Tha SonfeteTBrii^e undtr tbs produce donated by tbe farm ownera bend, but helps him in all bia woriU IfaBcheeter atore effective a t onee. emment explain it’s purpose in of' der Davis* “byline.” ,He. said Davls*. rimxdfig at a loss far a number of by express from New York: 7 IsaderSbip.of Fred.Qougb will pre­ add the various gifts of os^ed toods ICr. Blattei7 came here from the fering these." nams'was used to lend color among yearB.”^' A' letter dated July 10 “When did you hear about ^ l e s e t the first Two-in-One program and baked gdbds, ks weU'as t^e mer­ ..I . ‘Til explain right now.’’ said ^*hopMf* that; Stewart would play up 1931 charity ball?” Treadwell ash­ on Friday night at p.im., which in­ chants* gifts will be sbld or auetiott- Brockton Store of the Montgomery Moose readen, to give the editorial ed. 8 North Carolina. State cbllAgo plbad^ Ward organixatlon and haa been Treadwell. “staadihg.” the mid-wlhter conference. Another cludes an unusual musical and dra- ed. The publld is invited to allm ese to hulld a horiMsbbe footbSlTataclhim^ ‘ With them for four and a half yeara. of July 89 instriicted hiin to print “When Vincent Johnson called me matlo oompoaltion in which tbs affairs. with a seating o^mclty of 10,666.* "Just a minute," Marglottl stop­ Maridottt asked Stewart if he part of Davis* Fourth of July speech. up.” He took over management of thia ped him, “I would prefer to discuss drew material for the “Davis” edi­ atore thia nooming. Mr. Slattery “Now,’* said the prosecutor, Tuttle objected to this line, but this out of the presence of the Jury." torials from speeches made by the '^that's four instances in 1030 alone the prosecutor told the court that haa had a good deal of experience in A conference was called before the Senator or , from newspaper reports he would show Johnson to be a retail merchandiaing and cornea Judge’s bench out of the Jury’s hear­ in which Davis gaVe specific instruc­ here well fitted to expand the of his speeches. tions in connection with the maga­ salesman for the propagation de ing. ' 'Unquestionably, to a degree," he. zine. Doesn’t that help your recol­ partment of the Moose. volvime of buainesa now done by thia The defeiise allowed nine of tfie big atore. answered. lection?” Fischette said Johnson addressed letters without objection. Those . to Treadwell resumed cross-examina­ Stewart- replied that he didn’t re­ the lodge to urge the Charity balli which they demurred had been ac­ tion: member every instance. saying that officers of the Moose t . knowledged by John Melkle, former '*Mr. Stewart you said you were Stewart acknowledged to Tread­ were backing it, including the dl LOCAL IHAICS FATHER secretary to Davis. responsible to the executive commit­ well that “some** of the editorials rector-general. After the,conference before the. tee;” Signed by Davis,. but written by “So we agreed to put it on,” he bench the 'questioning of Stewpurt “Yes." him, 'w ere submitted to Davis be­ skid. I DIES IN GILDERSLEEVE was resumed by Margiotti. *Tf'a naember of-the- executive fore they were published. “Did you sign a contract with "Mr. Stewart, to Whom are you committee told you to do something Presenting six more letters from Johnson?" asked the prosecutor. “Yes.” John C. Bengtson Passes Away responsible tor the publication of the you would do it? ” Davis, Treadwell said: Moose Magasine?" he asked. ‘Perhaps.” “So we now have twelve instances Today In 66th Year — Son, “To the executive committee,” he “What do you mean ‘perhaps’?’’ in which Senator Davis mads sug­ Birnest, Is Well Known Here. replied, naming its members. “I would use my Judgment.” gestions for the magazine?” RACE HORSE BOLTS “Arc you responsible in any way *^r. Davis was a member of the “Yes," Stewart agreed/ John C. Bengtson of Gildersleeve, to Mr. Davis?" executive committee wasn’t he?” .Stewart was excused from the fattier of Ernest L. Bengtson, of 22 “No.” •Wo.*: stand at 11:85 a m. ,(E. S. T.) and WHEN HALTER SUPS Church atrent, this town, died this “Why do you write those letters to “Well if the by-laws said he was the government called Perry A. morning in bis 66th year. Mr. Mr. Davis?” • a member would you* still say that Shanor, 'dictator of the New York One of Archie Hayes* Trotters Bengtson and his family left imme "I report to the executive commit­ he was not?” Lodge, No. 15, of the Moose. diately for his father’s home on tee through Mr.- Davis. It was an. es­ “I presume he may be an ex- Shanor said he also was one of Captured On Main Street By being notified of the death. tablished custom before I became officio member." the governors of the Supreme Jacob Wunglas This Mom John C. Bengtson leaves his wife, editor.” “ Well is he a member?” Lodge. Also, he said, he formerly ing. a daughtw, Mrs. Andrew Pyne, of He said he was not required to fol­ was ,a membM of the Supreme S t a r t U n g Portland, two sons, Ernest and low advice from Da-vis, but that he Not a Menriier Foru'm bf the supreme Lodge. A well groomed horse with muscle Henry B., the latter of Portland, a would. • “To the beat of my knowledge he He said he entered into an organi­ developments Indicating he was a RalMo D eveU^wetU Slater, Mrs. John A. Larson, of Merely: Honorary is not.” zation arrangement with Senator high stnmg creature, came trotting Gildersleeve, and three grandchil- -T (HwoalfiY ..xR z" flRI x u Davis in 1918, and a later arrange­ down Main street at 9:15 this morn­ firen. “Isn’t it a fact that Mr. Davis’ ment in 1919 by which he . received position as director general is mere­ “An that is as true as anything ing. No harness was attached except Only in the New 19&3 The ftmeral will be. held Thursday you have said this morning?” ' money for orgimiution -work afternoon at 2 o’clock from the home ly honorary?” through Fred W. Jones. a bridle. As the horse approached a t 609 Main street and 2:S0 o’clock “I‘ would take it as such.” , When the government attempted Charles H. Tuttle', , chief of defense Park street, Jacob Wunglas ran out a t the Zion Lu^eran church in Port­ Davis appeared more interested in to question Stewart on his testimony counsel, objected, but was overruled, into the road and caught the run­ land. Burial will be In the Swedish the procee^gs today than yester­ before the Grand Jury the defense on all of the questions ^elating to away. objected. A few minutes later Archie Hayes pemetery. day. the organization arrangement. See This A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT OF QUALITY Ernest L. Bengtson is widely At one point Stewart launched.ln- “I feel we have the right to show Shanor acknowledged that he arrived and took possession of the Marveloui known here and is employed by the to a lengthy statement on Davis* re­ that this -witness is unfriendly to the signed a contract with, Theodore animal, which was one of the horses Fuller Storage Battery Oompemy in lation to the lodge. goyertment," said . Treadwell. Miller and Bernard McGuire, alleged that Mr. Hayes has had on the race 9-tO lM Values Greater Than Ever Before Hartford. “He subscribed to k clipping ser­ *nie court was inclined to sustain promoters of the lottery relating to track this year. The horse was not LOWBOY Philco Shadow Toning is reyolntionary, yet so sim­ vice, encouraged members to come the objection, because Stewart was the 1930 c h ^ ty ball. traveling fast -\riien caught. The ani­ to his office and kept wholly in not a defense witness. Attempts to question him. on the mal nevertheless attw ted much at­ Remarkably handsome cabinet en­ ple tfot a child or a stone-deaf persui can tone in tention for a few minutes. The trou­ closing the popalar Philco super­ statimis perfect^. Try ont this amazing fedtnre in .-H touch, with the affairs of the order.” Treadw ell outimed the specific contract were balked because it an­ heterodyne that is breaking all it POUCE COURT Margiotti cut him off. questions he wished to ask and the tedated the conspiracy charged in ble was caused when the halter slip­ sales records. Twin electro-dynamic your own homie—ahsolntely free of charge. Jnst “You are making your statement court allowed, a transcript of the the indictment, against Davis. ped out of the hand of the man who speaker^ shadow toning, and the phtme or come in—select Samuel Merrlman of 57 Broad too long", he said. Grand Jury proceeding to be mark­ Through Shanor* the government was leading the horse back to the other big features, all for only the Philcn model.yon pr^er ' ,View street, Wilson Station and Name An Inspiratton ed for evidence. The prosecutor introduced and. identified the alleged stables on Purnell place. Frank McCourt of 128 Bissell street Stewart was asked if Davis’ name tiumed away from this line of ques­ lottery tickets for the charity ball, for immediate enjitymeBt of arrMted Sunday night both charged was used with authority in the tioning, however, tmd led S te ^ r t shanor testified that he received a George Pipgras, Ne-w York Yan­ * 8 9 . ’ * radio*s greatest dls^very— with driving automobiles without magazine. He. replied that he did not back over the statements" of 'his book of- tickets. kee hurler, already has doubled his Complete—(Tax Paid) Shadow Toning! Ueensea failed to appear in court have authority to use the name, but cross-examination: “The tickets for your lodge were seven victories of 1931 when he was this morning. They will appear in added: Stewart asserted he had “very the. same for all except that the handicapped by an operation for ap­ IForkTs I iBourt tomorrow. “Mr. Davis’ name is and always selddm, if ever** made any oral're­ name aC your lodge and the date of pendicitis. THESE BIG Finest R a^ o Mikfol I fX Exclusive Philco N* •Ont Mt aapfMdMS tUa mmr U-tato Philea . wlUi iaelM aaaaOaa baarl, diaiair taaaz, —r. % • .•yy*’'* FEATURES! etiw w ir ftalnaa. A A ta haar S h a S tir . PhOn M te sttU e H Tirfun* CMtnl^JadifwS WMStwo nowi baud MM. 'ierwe, 4.«oiRt taiM cMltnl. tn k v iUHim . twiB •hetra-druMle ■ptabwi, m l. f V.* / * ' •"% n Mch aWdaoey ««b«* aad awar •tlimt Complete line o f Fhileos—

•* * f ' 4 ' ''

is g, s.'. ? V J I ■vq > :i; >"•' gig J J'jiA f "• i

More P'hilcos Are Sold Than All er 'I'i.adio’s C o m b m e d ' ''i K*:s4S'.Sj'V.*>.r.*.*.*.v.' Dorothy Hanson Keefley OUTLAW OF Teacher of Piano Graduate of THE JUNGLE Hartford School of Mnrio. \ A \ 8 Hackmatack St. Phone 7689 r • ' **Nature in the Rsnv** ^ > ^asportrtfyed by the a\' FOR WEDNESDAY greataiumalpainter, PatdBraMomi»»in> David Chambers Special—Finest Lom Lamb Chops cut from the .. >k < best of Lamb ...... 35c H>; i-; gpired by the leap* // ard*s fierce fighting Contracts* Fancy Rib.Lamb Cfops> ...... 25c, lb. poiber and relentless hunt for.prey which and Bidlder Home Made Sans^e- M ^t ...... ;....:. l9c lb. mohes him the terror Lean Veal for stewiiig, ifi lean sdid meat ...... 25c lb. of everybecut of the EVesh Made Lamb fa tties 5c each, 4 for 19c African jungle. A CORNED BEEF SALE. Lean Ribs Corned. B e e f...... * • ...... • IQc lb. Fancy Boneless &riiricet at ...... 22c lb. Nice Solid Heads of Cabbage...... 5c hend Fresh Soup Bunches ...... 8c each and raw tobaccos ' Native Parsidps, 2 Ibis, for ...... l-Sc Fancy Naiive Celery ... • — ...... 10c bunch SweetGremiPeppers,4 qts.f Hat Cleanh^rs^ ’ 3liM .'Hm iif. • ilOunrell Hquse’Cofl^ W f o i p m * R b W ir iA M BMBKSOMl. m ^ Dial 5111. • " ■# m ‘'ti’ yt: ■A V

'T.'. -r ■"fcfe...... *r-

MANomntB )mmKG a«iuju», ioiifB Tu e s d a y , m m i m

piM I0W «Bd tbOH WlM « • MSiMW fOBNa agatoat byflaba. Oia naed PabUe Enem y . N o . 1 t « ht IM t i tkt ba ao ynriat to Olp^ todito iatrene iMi by prohiMIlob will kafw of naatlBfM and aalaetoui dirt It to W A T i C N S tK- thtt IB v «tta f f t CeloMl iiyMMir Mowly Binaal to do ao inMtortloi tbiy wm b» MadBf a tpekMiaMi to too iMflt aaijorito of ffofto ov«n wbo Witt bf v«ry tur* to «frfM wlwD Uwy pOOMM BO Funeral DireetDrs tbMr will In ConffMf. atandaid of norattto' ESTABUSHBD 6T Y B A S 8 . OfVMBi wr Halt, MMigbt apateb If a itMMi V m atH QgtgNr ». IW M ift to a candMato for otflea* all im iS fINANCRBINa C H A P E L A T 11 O A K S T . That HlaM m Ognm sfto se e e - 0MMK too ftifiwitiy loM to tfea R9b«rt K, Andmon PhttDt: Oflkt 6171 . 1! ^ yaavatof to ftoaao oraiybody. aamle wetli Fwfsswr fndBg fitiisr, Famnti Dirartor M M ------wke Is fp dliwiliisd irttk tks wsg Refidence 74M aoottv Airp dtoinm tbiggs mtimla Gmumuat O at ^#0# ooooof aoool ooofpoooodp#' W b ia too ttbaaghai Guam laat knkflf lMfitoied btiasitf wttb tos .A* «Sl Levitt-W. C, T. V. party, gave a oat y f f f ,> wtotop boyoottod Japaaoft goodt, to dewoBStratica at toe XMersp eea- I S n S S ir b F VHS AffOCIATSD tot ttttot of tot Japaattt ndHtoty tovaaioB o f loot rtbn iary ysaties a t New Mavsa fatitnl|jy ot ICaofb, toopt waa a aMMrktd toadaMy toe pfBCticalltF ef hi# Msaa o t Queer Tw/it$ ta tot part of a good auay Aaitii* laaca. Tha bright lisa eMtod BMMP etat of tot tottmatlonal typt» pad the pwfesror tta t it wmdd be aeees- h D ay't N9W$ Uo m O OB tot part of ooibt ftw ntwapaptri sary for the party to have moaey. All rialtto ot rapuMleotlon of Ofwfal difoatofeM ktpolo aro alat w * tad Wfbdwow MBfaatoti, to aaiuBM Aad toe etttl brighter eae that to« M ffH , ttat too /apaatM wtrt to lomt tx» woy to get it would be to levy aa Copenhafea-rA deep-sea diver ItMlvoi juaWtod iB u tiaf toret to aseesemeat oa eaeh of the MO dele­ stubbed fell to t ea a esaaoa ball oa Ai------toa* I briMk too boycott gates to tbt aoavoatiea. Twnaty- the ocfsa fleer aear the Csttefst. ftvo bucks sack fvoio 300 delsgatss-* He loeliid arouad aad fduad the , FaUforrMo •iioat of a a A aor< Now MO CMntft mtrthaBto in too fblHpplatf* gatotrtd at Maaila, 10,000. Could aayttiag bs stiaplsr? Danish warship Frias Cbristlaa AvOlt iuroou of Cfrottlo* N o -ao t svsB ( N i ^ Mmoa. FraderilL auak by Engliab mea-o'- tiona baoa dtfiartd a tlBttlar boycott war 134 yaats age. Oaa of the Biw* agalBit Fapaatao piodttcto. It will W ksa too itaoittiBg aad tot cap- TboMorato Conipsuyj llsb Shota, perhaps toe very ^ ^ bo latoroftlif to obctrvc wbttocr or teles had departed toere were aot diver t r ip le oa, . blew toe Daaisb #1 for^fffSwKfcfflS^^ I mat It will to “ • MODlt tad ivs tbousaad dollars la tks hat; eomauuiaar'a head off. . ^ advorfliMiMtc la too Maoahofttr loot it wltt cctn to O tic people tad Hartford, Ceaa.—Kind to baby gvoalofalof uIMrak' t n li, I totet pabHcatloBf toat tot Japantat ttsrowsrsfl. lobatars la to# *tato of Coiuectieut, TUMDAY, fim U M B R 20. anay aad navy oufbt to lead at Just wtaht wf would do wlto a which ’tataa, tosses M r bully flto ICaalla aad ptocted to Moot up tot ieaato or a govomoFi chair, or svsa gobble toam before they get their iKVSSnBPTAS boycottora w btrtvtr too auaagoaMat o f a psaaut otoad, growth. Dttriag their youth lob- toUBd. •tera float a e «: the curfaee of too fun of Tntoooor fisb srs lo b iit left OortfBor llooatvcit wbo a tow Not toat totrt la cay vary f rtat water, aad are pie for certain fleb. to too iBMgiaatioB. I obm budgstoer- wttfcf aft wac wlUiof taoufb to Uktttbood of aueb a t t ia f bappta- BxpertamtiBf at the Noaak hatch­ SILENT attack toe Hoover pcilcy of haviaf ___ lag, toati ery with eperial diving eompart- iBf, bteaaat, lafatiiatod at tot Jm * mente, the etate hae reared lohetere tot HteeaotruoUea flaaaet Corpora-1 ^ ^ ^ jejardaf MO that they dive when they are GLOW tloB ceaw to tot rtlitf of tot n tt- material advaatagt by only » days old. reada> bow poikta wlto aoBMtoiag| bayoBtt* toty art not IN N E ^ O R K Stockholm, Sweden—Peee with a OIL BURNERS almoat Ukt pildt to tot worklaga of Lp^ BUftariam at tor etraage pedigree are the woud ALL FOR A THBaX bocat of a gentleman at Ronneby. A toat polley, at ladlcatlag bow right PblllpplBtt wbllt tbt ABitrl^ Danish prefeeeor who betaed exca­ Now York, ttspt 30«—Utost of Approved by 126,000 be la iB b lf coBtoBtloB toat tot fo v - ^ la in tot Padde. Si|t vate the tomb of King Tutenkba- UMrs M well fli Good tramtat aniat gd ^1»ck of tot rail- ^ ^ g|g«.Mct bttwtCB NSW York's u a i^ groups is toe Health and Diet Behind the Scenes in mea breiifht home a few p m ^^Thrlll CMb." which reM»d OfiOO yeere to toe Houiekeeping Institute. roada/' W t coBMMBd bia gutckBcaa to go gua- No, the BMmbers ire act out tomb. They were planted, end their Holds an unequaJed record of wit IB awiteblBg to tot aucctaaful ^ boycottora In Sbaagbai aad huatiag tor thrills; rather, each A d v i c e poseeseor said they yielded a crop ot ss^ acto ry perform­ must have had soaw thrilttag ex- tblBg aad tniatlag to luck toat tot euktal of tot Aawrlcan pro- By nr. Fraak MoCey of 303 peaa. ance. Delivered, inatall- -crowd will torget blaadvoeacy of ^||g dtfftrtaet lo proba- iriMce la a lifetiaM aad be able WASHINGTON Now Y o ifc -It took six patrri- .j tell a good story coaesmiag it men aad a aergeant to move Mfa. ed, guaranteed and servic­ aoBMtolag giilto dUftftBt bllltlta ariata from a dllftrance la And siace tbs awmbershlp is made OAlNPfO HEALTHY WElflaT A FIVE-DAY WEEK PBOVU Amust fo witoout pay io r the pariod May Maanteg, 49, from tha Buab- ed by Watkins Brothers. That, by tot way, la aomttolag of tbt iMrtagto of tot raided. Japaa up of Bsws^permen sad show folk, mfflOUI/r FBOBUM FAILUBB IN OOVERNMBNTfi of absence ead still take the fuU pay ^ k to to e lO a g * county hospital. a family trait; tot tomoua Teddy fMt that abt waa pretty aafe in the audieaee is most dlserimlnatir... PAY CUT FLAN cut Moat employee have to take Mrs. Manning, who weighs more It takes a wild yam aad a good Outside of o ’iew tU a people wbo time off at some ^riod ta the year, tiian 400 pounds, lay on the mat­ bteamt tomoua at much through bit makiag war on tot Shaahai Cbineae racooteur to aiake the grade. Mem- are uaderweight because they do not (EDITOR’S NOTE: This Is the •0 the probable lose was obvious. tress of her Mck bed as the police­ WATKINS wlllingntaa to grab aomt other toi- U i^ m perfectly well aware toat abe bertoip caa be gained, inddentoUy, third of four special articles on the It was argued that the govern eat eaefugh. gatalng weight is a dif- men carried her down aad up six low'a idea aad ballyboo It aa tome- Louiga^t do tot tame thing in Maaila only if a toriU-tale has been favor­ federal government’s new pay cut msnt would b# setttag a very bad flights of stairs. fleult task. It is sasier for a stout laa wlueh is deslgaed to save rather than good example, on the thing broad new aa through tot da- ^ t h o u t getting her head knocked ably passed upon by "the fsag." Bradentown, Fla.—A bugs horde person to lose weight than for a thia t180,OOOMO a year for Uncle Sam.) theory that every wblto' crilar of frogs hopping, ta the general di­ vciepmeBt of new ideaa of bia own. L g . worker wae entitled to a two-week rection of the Gulf of Mexico has Deems Taylor, who announced a person to gain weight This Is be- By RODNEY DUTOHEB vacation with pay. Oouain Fraak appeara to bear quite M«vertoeleaa we ahould like to forthcoming opera with a Civil War cau=e tbs stout person generally 1 ^ local folk puzzled. For a half mile NEA Service Writer Some of the stronger men in the a couaialy llktaeaa to too lamented L b , tome of tooae people la as its background, is the most versa- good assimilative organs and a slow government, iheluding Secretary of the groimd Is covered with the lit­ tle creatures that are brown ta col­ T. N. la tola reapect If neat other. L iif country who ^mpatolaed with tilo of. eomposors. When not turning combustion or mcldation o f the foods the Treasury Ogden Mills, briked Washington.—The tive-day wsek or like t o ^ but have long bind W e aet ao lack of orlglaaUty, the courae of toe Japaaeae at Shang- off a suite, a symphony or an opera, absorbed, while the thin person as prqw sM for employes of the fed­ Immediately, pimtiag out that many Taytor is variouriy an expert build­ usually has a weak digestive ap­ branriMs of the government dealing legs like bullfrogs. No ore seems to however, la Mr. Booaevelt'a dedara- L m aa to how they would feel about eral government has Uosaomed into know whence they came. er. gardener and country gentleman; paratus and an excessive amount of a ciomplete flop. with the public—such as the postal tion that If toe rallroada are to be L je landing of Japanese marines and a radio speaker, critic, newspaper combustion of absorbed food ma­ And that, one may add, to the service— couldn’t possibly go in on a BY BRUCE CATTON saved from nila, or even If they are army diviaioas on Luzon. essayist scribbler of books, and terials. huge'relief of nearly an of Uncle plan to make Saturday a universal taken uadtr toe goverament w l^ on painter of epho every Presidential campaign, usually out at. m ry to make toe competing motor and Wbieajha'has time t o go homiei^, taidtoeatiita less he had to. For thf govemmenb 1 Albany, N ^Y ., •ae|rt.^6i— (A P ):^ 1- is generally recognized alp to be identifled with some blunder dnd lim aSci^ gardeped it.i t HiFbemHia^biWfEb^eating^ore tiuu he could digeiit clerks it would have meant a A memory .at the Investigatiim ______truck pay Its own way by con­ the greatest woman poet that ever committed by a candidate or his ad­ known works ara the “Through the Mostf underweight people IbiaBy be­ larger salary cut and entire lops of So many oh^tions and complica- 'Which reach ^ a climax in Mayor tributing to toe expense of highway Olass” suite and "The anything resembling vacations. tioos appeared that eventuaOy only James J. Walker’s resignation lin­ lived. And yet there are hardly 200 visors. In Jim Farley FraakUn D. come discouraged and dedde that two good-eized agenelea adopted the maintenance. That is sound sense. King’ Henchman.” they caa never expect to put on When the economy act became ef­ gers on into the primary at which lines of her poetry m exsitence, and Roosevelt is supposed to have ha< plan. What we are wondering is wheth­ much fleah. The gradual loss of fective it was President Hoover’s nominees for. Qie State Senate and they - are mostly scattered and in­ an advisor of uncanny political per­ The Civil Service Commission put AsaemMy will be chosen tomorrow. Willie Howard, the comic, dis­ weight causes them to worry, and plan to tie up the furlough plan it in force because Hoover wanted er Mr. Roosevelt will stick to that spicacity. Yet Mr. Farley didn't with the five-day week, apparently The menmry centers about a con­ complete fragments, and very little guised as a penthouse roof farmer the worry only makes them grow it The Department of Labiw is definitely known of her life— to new plank In his personal platform in "Ballyhoo,” new music revue, with the Idea of mcouraglng indus­ test in Brooklyn, where the veteran have perspicacity enough to keep his thinner than ever. I f weight is gain­ adopted It, presumably became Sec­ litfie. Indeed, that no biography of for the p u M of the cmpaigB,. let try to adopt the short week and of John H. McCooey is Democratic ^ out among the cracks to his brother Gene: "W b’re ed by the stuffing method, it is not retary of Labor Doafci always sub­ hm been available to the ordi- a couple of hot farmers! W e haven’t obtaining any political credit that leader. Dr. William Latbrop Love alone any longer in case he were to desirable flesh and the overworking servient, was anxious to please the n n y reader. disgruntled farmers of the grain even got a daughter.” might come from the itioptidn of a of B r o o k ^ was tbs only Demo­ be elected President. Whether, be­ of the digestive orgaxis often, makes president. cratic Senator to vote for .an addi­ Now comes Arthur Weigall with belt and giving them, at Topeka, the the person who tries it susceptible forward-lobktag employment policy. Then along came Comptrriler ’The aOt provides compulsory fur­ tional appropriation to oontintie the “Stappho of Lesbos,” a fuUlength fore giving utterance to the thought, opportunity of discovering how. very • Fiery Wit, Maybe! to any disease coming along. Genenl McCarl and threw toe final loughs of 34 iMiyleac days a year.and Hofstadter legislative investigation biography of more than ordinary in­ he took counsel with those several And Mai Duncan, one of the very Oddly enough the quickest monkey vriench with a ruling that little they had to expect from his way aa the government workers have, s- of New York. terest. rather large personages in his party able oldsters of the showshops, re­ for most people to gain, weight is the five-day Week couldn’t be nor­ When it came time, to select can­ Mr. Weigall has consulted the understanding of farm problems calls a'certain A l Simmons, whose Saturday half hriiday it seemed mally applied— that If it wCre estab­ who have to do with the manufac­ to get thinner first. Most thin people rather easy to spread the furlough didates for nomination. Love was antiquarian source-books faithfully, And the result has been, judginj; crackling wit matched that of Willie will be dismayed at the thought at lished toe employes must lose one- hot rsderignated by tlM Democratic ture of motor trucks and the financ­ time through the year and give each elevento of thrir salaries instead of and with labor tbat must have been from' toe expressions- of newspqiers Collier or Wilton Lackaye. This fel­ losing some weight ta trying to employe Saturday a h d ^ u n d ^ off. orgardzatlah to hia home area. In­ very extensive he Las placed to^ ing of trucking services. And low was to be found, in years ag6ne, gain; however, those who lose a few the le loss of At last reports Secretary Doak and candidly tell the grain belt folk all rights to any vacation, as his 24' chairman of the investigation bear­ . Incidentally, Mr. Wolgall explodes make clear his position on any of and his opponent was. getting more was stiU insisting that his depart­ weight may be one of the first symp­ furlough days, would be eaten up in ing hia name, is retiring from the the tradition that there were tw » he had nothing to offer them and more upset. The loMr was wear­ toms of tuberculosis, anemia, kidney half Saturdays. Not only would the ment would stay on the flvenSay the controversial questions of the Legislature. Sq>pbos, one a poet and the other but a resolute determination to de­ ing one of those old-fasbkmed high troutrie, stomach ulcers, etc. ’This vacation principle be abolished, but week. day. He not only knows where he choker ocdlars. It was a warm sum­ an employe Who had to be kway a a courteeahk and shows that It waa vote himsdf. if riected, to the prob­ does not mean that thinness causes Sapjdio’s own slightly scandalous be­ stands on such problems aa prohibi­ mer night , these troubles but tiiat these dis­ week or more In case o f a family NEXT:The two big effeets ef lem of farm relief, even, if neces­ MAYOR OF BRIIHSEORT havior that gave rise to the myth: tion, the bonus, currency inflation, Sudden, the defeated, one took a eases may caiise thinnera. death or similar call, instead of be­ Uncle Sam’s eeenoaay drive—lower morale, higher effldenoy. Published, by Stokes, "Sappho of war debt cancellation and the dis­ sary, in the face of the opjwsition of quick look at the score*. One finger It should also' be remembered by ing able to take leave when needed, Went to his collar and hia face grew SUSHES CITY EXPENSES Lesbos” sells for 83. tribution of employment, but he is the entilre Sjast. one adio is thin that he may come of that he attempted to steadily redder. from a family with a tendency to a neither reluctant nor ambiguous in "Great heavtns—it’s this collar. liquid-form for household Use, con­ the swollen jfon d Is to take a eare- give the Impression of having vast lean body. In this case it is possible Bridgeport, Sept. 20.—;(AP)— stating his position. The colonel’s It’s choking me to death!” alibied by exercise and diet to build up a tain anything that would be harmful ful diet wUefa will not overload farm relief enterprises up hia sleeve, yOur Ijmsphatie circulation. It is pursulag what be has aaaounced personal platform declaration at the loser. " beautiful, graceful body of the race' to one’s health?” D o M ^ U Answer: The various color ex­ beat, for a short time, to eUmtaate will be "the moet dnstic inrogram or at least of knowing, exactly how "Yes,” murmured the other, chalk­ horse type and one may. enjoy plen ^ of economy ta our history,” Mayor West Hartford last evening was a tract! now on the market are made all of tiw heavy foods, such, as to go to work to hugely improve the ing his cue. “then by all means keep of mehtM and physical alertness; Edward T. BueUngham today or­ model of terseness aad directness mostly from harmlasa vegetable and starches, sugars, meats, etc., and it on.” but such a person is not likely to de<-. dered thd discoattanance as of Oc­ condition of agriculture—^without other c(flor extraeta, sbilplemented live on fruits and green vegetaMee which many another Cungreisiohsl Oa theH aol velop a tendency to heaviness and tober 1 of telqihone service paid fairitig tha farmers into his confi­ IXoican also recalls the tale of the bulkiness; and, if he does, py pet^ by. a munber of.- coal tar, or aniline for a montb or two and give, your would do well to emulate. gfomia a . chance to em p^ them­ for. the, V'' a proper matter for' si^preesion ' QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS to come bato. It doasn t !inn, aad Qtoer pesssaesr. was ho ilsed aad on# else to votqfor; he does not pro­ ate of toe Armow of Ghl- johnnv Rlalnx of CSeeCland, has Inm striMirand healtor) and o o m Shakea. The plaae was demeUshed. pone to etmdd^ la o r d e r s wheedle along with foul smells, fitthy dangh- pe^plaaiy I will outgrow it but I emgo. he replacedRiim ISM o^ Bqr- turned down more than 80 matohes iFsod OoloEtaim) FSbosh fold poUee he was ttoable ttehouaea on dty blodu^ open drains nett, former director, h m . SFJ from them. Those who be- ataee Ms defeit of Ml:&ey Walker Question: Mij!. A m an u C,,^fNPks: don’t think so.” to briag the plsae out of a bask at hMviMl to N «w Ybrk oRy. of tonlonte inS' Slw i^ B e t be ta toe strMts aad otter llivrsnt of- and Toffy Griffith. ^ "Do food c o lo ri^ , sold In paato'iad Answer: Your oqly libpa of curiag 1,000 feet.' cauidaff too taaslL I .'■ x i. •at," PWi4p bceisa.aiRsianiOf^^ . by tile Master, WUUam Johnson; Mr. to and Mrs. Edwin Baker, Mr. and mYsruM be said, that grain would still hdim Mrs. Albert Newmarker, Mr. ^and Mrs, G eo^ R. Skinner, Mrs.'F)o^ be skslstod by li^ ’ Jo^ N. th ^ salaiy.-. to be tmi^shliqMd. ;ltoeney, l|ra. Maiy Lilly,.M rs. J. R. N otes He peqipaed that Canada develep ence Lavery, M r/ and Mrs; Arthur Bal^, Henry Mitchell, W ilU^ •Morin o f this city« M rA D on ^ d . loss Hmen l^irod basfetiini^ 'to Neum CAUED tASTEFUl the St- l^wrehce route and RawUng* ^ e next meeting will tjo Kuehl, -Mrs. Cbkrles lisaraed,' Mrs. her studies at toe Acadepsy cf toe i; UiUted S t a ^ deepen and widen ti^e h^d on Friday evraing, Octob^T, Julius Koslorek. of Stafford Springs. Holy Fandly.'fonowiBHr a 'vacato^ New York barge canal so that f|^ Berner, train of w fienA largre class o f candidates wul Enjoyed Picnic Kiowa Ooundl, Degm of G6vr4t. Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 20.— (AP) — Alteratimis Ftdlowing Big Sale at the idano, gave a recital at the eports program fc^owed in whiiA all HoUywpod—“Peg” ^EntwlsOe, ac­ might' be a different stoty if LUllsa one of .the biggest events of the or- the boys took part.. Peter Teabo, ning. William J. Flyim, vice cliainaan of Indude New B^ing De­ summer home of Miss Miriam Un­ tress, who failed to gejt into movies, iiulcent ‘Peg” Entwistle,. bdd oh Saturday afternoon and eve- gproiip o f people. On Sunday they days 'wito her parents; Mr.^ and Mrs. ^Detroit; Tex.—Con^ticn of Speak­ been a success in .; >’I!here , sk>D, iB an address for delivery to­ nhig, October 1, at Grange hall, appeared in concert at Ellington. Scrap Books for Vetorsns Durau in Wmiingford. er. Garner’s mother continues grave. would be hugh fiord offerings* day before the New Yoric State Vernon Center. The committees in Union O|uroh Activities Miss Mariette Fitch of Union Miss Mildred Stone of Hartford Crowds begging for admittance 1^- Alterations and improvements axe re of the various booths, sup­ street, has given over to the local South River,' N. J.-^State. troop­ Waterways Association, said neither passed , the week end with-lO*. and ers disperse qtowd of. ' men the funeral parlors tvad cdebrltyM going ahead rapidly , at Watkiias per, dance, and other ■ features axe Next Sunday will be Rally Day at American Legion Auxiliary two Mrs. Clifford R. Perry; 8;006 cheap electricity nor econonjical Union Congreg^ational. church and it and women who held 40 prlvate.de- of* toe screen present to pay tiimr Brothers since the close of their r^ working hktd to make the eVent, a 'scrap books which will be sent to Mr. and Mrs, Clayton A. Hills trasu^rtatioB. could be expected is mq>ected. a large-number of mem­ tm^ves .and IS borough policemen lastrespiecta. complete success. There will be. a -the U. S. Veterans’ Hospital at visited his ! mother Mrs. Elizabeto from the St. Lawrence river. cent 1175,000 disposal sale. Persmia bers will congregate for, the morning c^tive.'in'Bdroush Hall for six But Peg Ehitwistie was nota sqc- p^ogdnun o f athletic sports fo r the Newlngftcm: The^-hooks cte not in the life of one of the greatest Grange held in Grange Hall at Ver­ The meeting of the Upuncil of .regular wages. The .teachers of the Michael Kane traveled 26,060 overpower' watchman at the Mc­ only would open what he called the spiritual forces of the modern non Center on Friday night more Congregation^ Women will he held Warehouse Point School voted thdt miles with the Notre Dame eleven Adams Milk Company office, smash shortest and cheapest route from the world,” he said. "Indeed, I doubt if than one hundred members were bn TOursday, October 6, at 7:80 p. substitutes shall receive $8.50 per for three years without seeing ac­ safe vul , away with about CHICHESTERS PILLS Great Lakes to the sea, but would there 1' any movemoit which had present. The program was pre­ m. Miss Marion Butler and Mrs. 'day. Following the policy of the tion except at home. 18,000. *TMI SIAMOND ^ BSANe*, give employment to many Ameri made more rapid strides since its sented by the varioiu 4-H clubs of Walter Draycott will have charge. cans in need of Jobs. inception Inutile Eighteenth century Vernon, Witii Miss Elizabeth Grover Emblem . Club Social He said the northwest bad been than has Methodism. in charge. Tbere was a social hour The Rockville Emblem club will deluded by. estimates of cheap grain "Today's ceremony is historic. and refreshments. Guests were hold a members’ social at the Elks rates to Europe, ocean vessels, he The Duchess of York and I Join in present from Shelton Grange. Mrs. Home on Wednesday afternoon at told Qie convention, would not be the prayers and good' wishes c t the Ina S. Goldspink. gave a most inter- 2:80,at which time bridge will be able to compete for lake transporta­ King. May you go on from, strength esthig talk on the Juvenile Grange. played. Most attractive prizes will tion becaufe the lake steamers were to strength ;ih &e. service, of Christ The committee for the month of be awarded . and . refreshments built much more .cheaply and the until the victory oyerevll is won.” October was. announced . as follows served. Every member is asked to Lnodernize Your Kitchen

Canning is successful if the article ' canned “keeps”—has a properly cook­ Have An Economee OR Burner Installed Now ed appearance and a natural flavor, and odor. You can accomplish this Enjoy the following advsBtsffM: Even temperature for cooking and halting. _ and make all your canning successful Cut down your household budget. Oil is cheaper than coal or w<^. when you do it in an electric range. Temperature control is invaluable in oven can­ No burner more economical to use. Only best materials used in manufacture. ing. Proper temperature can be carefully regulated and contrOled in an Electric Many hours saved for recreation. Easy to operate, d^ndable alwt^. Range. End of dirt, ash pans and wood bcaes. The ECONOMEE RANGE BURNER is made to fire a Mfethne of vsefol service. The sleeves are made of heat resisting Chromium St^. »iv. Have hot water day and night. A Qisick, dean fire at III Preserves, jams and marmalades prepared in the eliectric oven Material and workmamfcip wan^ted. The manufacturer will replace free of charge at the factory any parts found defective. are of a superior quality—plump, tender fruit in a heavy syrup with full natural flavor—made possible by slowly heating the fruit Cash Price Instatted $ 9 .5 0 which draws enough juice to melt the sugar, making a heavy syrup and by using a low temperature for evaporating without damage RANGE OIL of burning the sugar. A water white range oil testing .45 gravity and will bum l o i ^ ahd give more heat per galhm than any other fuel oil obtainable on the market at anywhere near the price we are aslang'for it. For Full Particttlaii Cor^ceming Electric Cookery ’ - ■ . I Consult Us. Without Obligation. $ 7 .5 0 100 6

“DON’T FORGET VAN ALWAYS SELLS FOR LESS.” 77S M ttin'Si P h w e S U l VAN’S SERVICE STATION , ■ V 426 Hartford Road Phone 3866


f c A oles set up; aad. niaintelned for tfew Principle pf Home He^tiiiff profit. 1 ; i HEAD OF MARKET BimiROmLINES The etatii Bquor traffic authority Thai sSKdinesr and economy of oil should not permit li^ or tQ. be sold DAILY RADIO PROGRAM for eonsuniptloo on toe premlsee in buAiisgthat has prevailed in giant RAPS FARM BOARD iaduktriil installations is now UPffiCDNTROLAa any political community or unit TUESDAY, SEPTEMEER 20 (Owtnl u d iM U n Etaadard Tina). ~^mtfalfi».fOr even the smallest do* which, either by popular vote or by action rf its local pc^tical author­ Pros rams aubjaet to efiango. P. 1C. (OayHsbt Umo eat boor lator.) eoBo furnace through the de­ velopment 4if a new automatic oil ity, h3iy decide that it does not wiito , Not*—AU prograiTM to boy and baalo ebaia or jtraiM ^ a n o t «nlog|i aaoal^ this to be done. On ihe other band, load; coaat to ooaat (o to o) doaignatloa toelndoa an ayaflabla ataHona. ~ ~ buisir. gor the home by the re­ k V . Edwtter Weald Faduoa It (Bv rh» laaoolatad Prt$$l, Cant. Says lit Pfan of Fi|SiiD| M|r- search department of the Petro­ toe just rights and privil^es of any NBC*WEAP NETWORK fl40—Angola P a trl-^ a ti Bla* leum'^ H e a t and P ow er Company. individual. living In such a locality _ jra—Dfila; Rhythmalraa— waat should bii prcKected by permitting P A tlC — Kaatt weaf (key) weal wUo iKX)— TiOO-idwin C. HlU-aaat oqly Photo diows giant industrial Petro After Quebec L ar, Farer b Bid PaBey T » HiTe i ir wtag wcab wCl will wAr ww w w OHO- 7 ilT — tingin’ tarn - ^ ^ kets Pats Down Prices Op bumkr Installed in a 800 h. p. boil­ him to secure, under dtflnlte regula­ an im o wUm wwj waal; MIdwaati Light Opera Oama-Dlsla; rgan er ai^ held imthe engineer’s hands tions, from the- nearest storage wmao wcfl kad < NORTHWaaT A CANADIAN - waat Farm Predocts. is theaew home else burner, which Tralfic Lkpier Aotherity. werehouse or center of' distribution, Chaiqe At Thu T om. wiba katp wabo wday kCyr ekgw tie l wUl bum the heavy, cheap grades euch liquor as he might wish for aoUTH — wrva wptt wwno wm wjax use in his own home. wfla-waun wlod warn w po wab w isi d - g:0»-Ouy Lombardo Oifftaatra of faef Ul as eSieiently as the wjdz wamb kyoo wky wfaa wbap kpro —baaios wTAR Annivarpary— largest lidustrlal burner. This will fcV-’ New York, Sept. 20.—A State Liq New . York, Sept.. 20.—(AP)— woal ktba ktba French Lick, Ind., Bej^SO.— (AP) raittlt in the saving of millions of MOUNTAIN—koa.kdyl M r kfM 7iS^^gigO-eKmo Club—baalei Ma uor Traine Authority to control congressman Charles A- Eaton, of COAST—kao W1 kfw^komo khq riM tand^i^pda: tharman Orah. —Peter B. ciurey. pregldent of the dollars In beating costs to the kcea kaz kjr kga kfad ktar kgu mldwaat: taxtor'a Orah.—waat Caiieafo Board of Trade, ssealled the home ovBiers of America. the manufacture, treiuipprtatlon and . ANDOVER New Jersey, in a speech before the 0:00— grtio-ttraat tingan-a to a I Cant. laat. Farm Board and Its ehilrmsn, //i'y.V'' ■ale of liquor, following Um term iha- Women’s National RspubUean Club 2i00— liOO—Slow Rlvar, Voa. A Plano i i l k - Olio—Advanturaa In Health Mr. aad Mrs. Raymond Healy and OHO— OiOO-H. ttorn’a Or.—o to a James C. Stone, in a prepared ad* tion o f' prohibition, was proposed today said tliKt President Hoover 2iS0— liSO— Taa Danaanta, Orohaatra •i40— ti40—Myrt A Marg^waat rpL dau^tsr, Mary, of Portland, spent 2i45— 2i4S— Lady Next Dooi^-«lao a OiO^IOiOO—Barlow tympnony—aaat; dress today before the anmiial eon* yesterday by Dr. Nicholas Murray the week*end with Mr. and Mrs. ■bould be kept in offiM "on his rec­ gsOO— 4i00—aardan Malodlaa—a to o ventlon of the Grain and Feed Deal* Si4b— 4i45—The CIreia—alao ooaat ^ OHO—lOilO—Angola Patrl—oMat rpL Butler, president of Columbia Uni- George Merritt. Other Sunday vis­ ord duriqg too worst JconoaUc storm 4:00— 0:00— DInnar Moalo—alao aontb era’ National Association. itors were Mr. aqd Mrs. Walter Hew­ 4:30— OiSO—ilUBi Poolin' Around He declared that continuation q f vtrsity, in an appeal to "public in hlitoi^.” 4:40— 0140— Sack of tha Nlwa— ( itt and dOMighter, Em ily, o f New 0:00— 0d)0—Hymn Slno—alao coaat lOlL- the Farm Board, or its equivslent opinion throughout, the length and London, and Mrs. Madge Bailey, of Asserting that President Hoover will brlnf "a farm peasant^, poltt* had demonstrated his fitness for 0:10— 0:10—Ray Kniant'a ikateh ^^'*ont:'Crime'Cliih^adaatraMt breadth of the land.” Columbia. |:3p—___ 0:00—0:0^R Ray ay Parklno, Comadi^ _ I1i00-I2i00-Danea Hour—waM only ioally controlled and subjected w all leadership of tbs nation by his Ox* 0:40— 0:40—The Ooldboraa, Dr. Butler would fashion the State L. P. Merritt and Raymond Par­ 0:00— 7:00— Sandaraon and SrSmIt . NB0>WJZ NETWORK the wroiifefs suffered by the toilers ish are working for (Seorgs Merritt, position of definite views and pro­ Liquor Traffic Control Authority in grams on every important issue, 0:30- 7:00— Artlata' Mualeala-o^to a in the fields of eastern Europe.*’ • painting and papering. Mr. Merritt 7:00— 1:00— Ion ■trnia and Lada^ BASIC OHAIN-Eaati w ji (kax) wba- Charfing that Chairmac Stone is accordance with the general provi­ whereas, Eaton said, (Zovsrnor 7:30— OiOO— Id wynn A Sand— a to a wbaa wbal wham kdka wjar wjr wiw, sions of the Province of Quebec A ct has considerable work ahead and iioo- 0:00-THa Danoa Hour-a to a MIdwaati wcky kyw kfaz wanr wla "a trouble maker,” Carey said "any will be kept busy for some time. Roosevelt continued vague on these 0:00— 10:00—To So Announead^ kwk kwer koil wran wmad He would have it incorporated and fair minded tasq^tSAr would feel that Mse. Samuel Harvoy and daugh­ issues, the Congressman paid it 0:30—10:30—ilaek Danny'a Orekaatra NORTHWEST A CANADIAN - wtmli Mr. Stone should be removed from its Blsmbcrs ^;»pointed by the Gov­ would be "fatal to ebangt captains 10:00-11:00-R. Kirbaryi Whitaman Or wlba katp wabo wday kfyr cjjfw cfw! ernor. He proposes that the stats ter, Marjorie, and Miss Helen Barker 10:30— 11:00— Den ■aetera' Orehaatra SOUTH — wrva wptf wwno wto wjaz the government payroll and publicly in the midst of a hurrieahs." wCla*waun wlod warn wme wab waw, be divided into adm inistrative did'- of WllUmantie called on Mrs. Mary CBS*WABC NETWORK nmanded for his miscohduct as Holt Friday.' Demoeratte Logic wjdz wamb .tynn wky wfaa wbap kpro; trlcts coterminous with either Judi­ “The Democratic lope,” ^ Eaton ■AtlO CHAIN — laati waba an agitator and as an exploiter of Mr. and Mrs. Evan KulHgen and wado woko weao waab wnaa wkL agrioulture at a tine when the ex­ cial or state senatorial districts And said, “is to assert that Mr. Hoover that each district have a central son, Peter, "'are recent visitors at wkro whk ekok wdro waauV ^p*wfan^ P ‘ w kerne changee and all other linee of buei- has crexted the present depression wlBB waan wfbT wapd wmaTiIII MUMIdwaati kttr : storage warehouse and a local ad- the home of Mr. jmd Mrs. Allan Hel wbom wgn wfbm kmbe weeoeok kmos m i- neei are cooperating with the gov­ and that Mr. Roosevelt with one ■AiT ^^NAPIAN — WJ Cant. BaaL toinlscratlve officer of high compe­ mer’ s. » ernment and doing their utmoot to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Platt and touch of bis magic Democratic wibw w t,_ ----- wfaa i - wore ^ a m maa tence. wa&d, will usher in universal pros­ DIXIE_____— — wgat-----___ wfaa wbra ^wl t wdod lift the country out of the meet die- The Butler plan contains, with children of W^pping spent Sunday knoz I^ a wrao wlaa.wdau wtoa krta aetroui depreeeion In history.” perity. Their argument is that-If wrr ktfb ktaa waeo k«J^w_gam wdbo ilE !iEsr.aren!A‘’or'»ir others, these proposals: with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Frink. ^nslng LsSy^ssit esiy Fighting Marketi, you change captains in toe midst'of ranan Annla-asat mfy A stats liquor traffi; authority Mr. Frink’s fon, Edward, who has liot Bysratt Orah.—to a "To perpetuate hie job and tbooe been living in Rutland, Vt, for tbs a hurricane the ship will immediate­ should be set up to control the ly run Into fine weather. of hli woooiatei,’’ he added, "farm past torse years, sold out his bust liquor trsffio, fouowing the general “Mr. Hoover has been captain of groups have been infiuenoed to go ness a fsw wssks ago and has ac­ n kfb 5»l7j afSksn AnnIa-jnWwaat rapL lines of Ithe ProviiiSe of Quebec our ship of state during toe worst ■ lO ^ 'lj^ A m a a V AnSy — aaatt into the country and fight the Chi­ cepted a. position with ths A. and P. kfro kol kfpy kvi karn kmj kAk k Wf act. This authoritymy would be cre­ economic storm in history. His rec­ •jOfliRE Lady-^lfwaat rapaat cago. Board of Trade, the Central Conmany and is manager of a store Sijaljraatara'Orakaa.—^ a atsd as a coreofatum. It should ord is thsre for all to read.” Praea— a to a iiiC OiOC-fha StabbXna Beya^ to a World Grain Market, the Farmers’ on wue HU^ avenue, Hartford. ^araono^o to " l a i and Rsmana. Banja Market. Mr. Stone knows that be vested with 'full and undivided The Congressmpn then enumer­ aaft only: Si power to coatrol tbs manufacture, Miss Annie Mathewson is out of ated Hoover’s emergency measures fighting markets in this manner has school sick with a cold. twaanjha Baekand tranaportatiOD aad sale of intoxi- to cope with toe economic situation, Jaak Fultan^toa amat always' proved a pries deprMoant. Emery Fellows was a caller in Joy Tima—ooaat to Maat He knowB how Farm Board methods oatiog liquor within tbs stats of bis efforts to stablliae conditions •FrfanVshl^ awnTjUatoh New Tork. Zt ehould operate en­ WiUimantlc Monday afternoon. through toe war-debts moratoriuoa _____ of tbia eort have figured prieei, that Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Phelps cele­ eaat; •klDoy-jnldwaat rapaaii Tha daunts Dtetar, Skatan i tirely fves of partisan political in- and. "hia leadership of toe nation, Midland BraadaaaterB^aBt . . ilitloal attache on the exobangei brated their 28tb wedding anniver­ Jama, ^sm stla variably driva out investment sup­ duenoe. llie membere.of this body without regard to polities, interests 4:40— O i^tpenN rad Praii “ wabo raman’a OraQaat/al e should be appointed by toe Gover­ sary niursday, September 15. Mrs. or sections. In a great program of •IHara^ port with subsequent price slumps.” Phelps spent toe day with Mr. Cersy seid a brighter outlook for nor for overlapping terms of at reconstruction.” least five years and vacancies Pbelpa in Hartford and attended the adaf. . . ^ tbs agneultural trades now ie ap­ Missing Link Discovered Bbrlners* sh^-bake at Lake COm- It eu )aran_aran Lara ^Ora._ Orahaatrs should be filled only for to" belenoe ,aw DIamand Orahaotra • parent, "but there are still ob­ ouIt o f a term . pounce, Briafbl, In the evening, ar-* stacles ahead in tbs way of clearing riving home just in time to eee up three years of Farm Board By Savant in Greenland Each of the administrative die- triote in the state should have its Maple Terrace Inn bum down. WMokage.’’ Mri. OarAyn Hewlett, Mrs. Grace central depot or storage warehouse JO STRESS IMPORTANCE "Marketf must be unotaained, the West, Mrs. Joaepb Brunei! and farmers’ grain placed into consump­ New^Voffc 8«pt* 20.— (A P )a,-A ^provided the ''Devonian” estimate with a local adminietrative officer of high eompeteneo and clearly de­ WiUls Weir all of Burnside, were tive ebennels, tbs formers’ foreign cent callers on Mrs. Florenoe-^att. nei7 chipter in evolution le eeen *>yf “S' ' fined authority. OF REPEAL PETITION WDRC markets won back, and agricultural Science assumes thsre were pro­ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bigelow of scientists hsrs today if the four prosperity reatored,” he continued. bably other creatures which emerg­ The element of private or cor­ m a a tu o g d , VUUL I fM porate profit through traffic in Nerthboro, Mau., spent the week­ isffsd "missing link” fossil fishes ed, but StegocepbaU has left an un­ end with toe-former’s daughter and uquor ehould be wholly excluded fotmd by Dr. Lsuge Koch in Green­ usually fine family tree. famUy, Mr. and Mrs. Emery FeUows. Prohibition Reform Organiza- Tuaedey, Sept 90 Met Extinction from too moment that the liquor land prove to be as ancient as be is should be wholly excluded from the Mrs. Janett Smith aaid son, Homer : tion To Start Campaign of (DST) Most of tbeso creatures thus far and family, attended a dog roast at SiOO—Meet the Artist^ TOLLAND reported to eetfmate. . .found come from geological depoplta moment that the liquor comes into ^ Education Immediately. possession of the stats liquor traffic the home of Mrs. Smith’s brother, 6:16—Virginia Arnold, pianist. FYoni Copenhagen he reported of toe carboniferous period, which EUiot Chadwick, in South Coventry, authority. 6:80—Skippy. The annual maeting of the Fed­ last night finding thousands of was about 200,000,000 years ago. Sunday. In my judgment it will be im I An educational campaign In re­ 5:46—Musical comedy memoriso. erated Church Lsdiee’ Aid society Stegocepball, creaures with frog­ They largely became extinct, Mrs. WiUiam Platt and Mr. and practicable to make any effective gard to the referendum, which will 6:00—Current events. will be held at the home of Mrs. like be^s and lizard-like bodies. according to the record of the Mrs. J&aepb Price of WilUmantic 6:16—Dusky Twins. Steele Friday afternoon at 8:80 He was quoted as estimating their rocks, alter Perjhlan and Triasslc and enforceable distinction between caUed on Mrs. Florence Platt Satur­ Sparkling syss and a smooto appear before the voteri of Connect!- various kinds of liquor, save in mat 6:80—Baseball scores. o’clock, D. B. T. The annual meet­ origin in Devonian times, or about times, which means that something day. Mrs. Platt returned home with complexion d e ^ d on good health. isut on November 8 in the form of a tors of rather minor detail. Any 0:85—Philisse Chsvalisr, songs; ing of the Union Miselonsry society 800,000,000 years ago. wiped them off toe earth’s face pro­ them and spent the week-end with The beautiful woman guards letltion to Congress for the repeal will be held the same afternoon at StegocepbaU have been found all bably about 175,000,000 years ago. attempts so to do will only invite against conatipation. She knows if the Eighteenth Amendment, will Margaret Brown, accompanist Mrs. Price.- the same place. over the world, aU of them evi­ They ranged in size from little shd promote law violation and hoot- Qarence Sadd was in town Satur­ this condition can cause headsdieo, le undertaken immediatedy by the 6:45—C^andu the Magician. A. W. Drlggs, who has been at dences <4 evolution slowly changing things a few inches long to seven of legging. The EHghteenth Amend­ day looking over his propA'ty that sallow skin, dull eyes, pimples, mnecticut Branch of the Women’s 7:00—Myrt and Marge. the Johnson Memorial hospital for a fiib into a land-crawling creature, eight feo^ They were fresh water ment has amply demonstrated that was left after the inn burned down. prematura aging. Irganizatlon for National Prohibi­ 7:16—N(fi)le SlMle’s OrcheitrA the quiokeig^d surest way to in­ 7:46—Georgk^Westermen, vkfiinlit: ifverai days, has boon dUchairgagi but bfilj&one in all the thousanjja “MshifT'^sy livepl to a much ■ Mr. aad Mrs. George M erritt at­ Protect yourself from constipa­ tion Reform, it was decided at a Mr. Drlggs while, removing awnmga revioui^ found had been traced warmer nlimate turn the Greenland duce a mo^ to desire Uquor of any tion by estine a delicious cerml. leeting of the State Executive Margteet Birlu, contralto; Bar­ tended the Springfield Fair Mon­ from hia Tolland summer home, fell a<^ definitely as far as Devonian o f today. kind is to tell him that he cannot Tests show Kellogg’s Ax l .Bean card of the Organization at State baribara Troop, pianist. S day. . and fractured fwo fingers and other tim e. The discovery of* their countless have it The most practical way to Mr. and Mrs. Walter DeMott and provides "hulk” to exercise the ia- [eadquarters, 1109 Chapel street in 8:(ro—1Edwin C. Hill. reduce the use of spirituous liquors 8:15—Fray and Brsggiotti, piano Injuries which made it necessary for one is the -famous “first mineralized bones ^y the Danish ex­ children of East Hartford spent the testineSf and Vitamin B to tone the Tew Haven on Thursday. creature that walked on dry land,” plorer in Greenland is one more of is to foUow the Quebec example of intestinal tract. In addition, AUi* Miss Eva Hoyt of Stamford was duo. apMlal treatment. week-end with Mrs. DeMott’s fath­ Special music was rendered by and only its footprint exists. This is numerous evidences that long ago charging heavily for them, while B ran furnishes blood-building iron. appointed chairman of a referendum 8:30—The story book. er, Frank Schatz. Alexander Ware of Bolton on the a foot and toes impressed upon a the Greenland was a warm country. putting a low price on light wines Committee, and a meeting will be 8:46—^Eddle Dunstedter, organist; The'niulk” in A i XtBran is similar violin and Mrs. Adamson, daughter Devonian rock about 800,000,000 The name stegocephalus . means and beer. ' to that of lettuce. Within the ho^, held at Miss Hoyt’s home today to male quartet. The total weight of the 1932 as­ of Mr. and Mrs. Sano of Snipsic years ago and found at Mauch “roof head.” The creature’s skull E^uunples to Quebec and Sweden it forms a soft mass, which gen ^ make plans for this campaign. 9:00—Music that Satisfies; Street pirants for the ’Bama Crimson Tide Chunk, Pennsylvania. was entirely covereq with a bony FbUowlng the Quebec and Swed­ clears the intestines o f wastes. How The total membership in the Con­ Lake, with vocal solos which was is 11,004 poimds. S ilv e r. much enjoyed by the audience at the A Missing link “facial mask,” a structure differing ish examples, it will be desirable to much safer than pills and drugs— necticut Organization is now 31,883, 9:15— “Threads of Happiness”; Federated Church morning service Scientists have reason to suspect sharply from the modern frog’s define with great cars the sort of so often hahit-forming. bald Mrs. Lucius F. Robinson, Jr., Tommy McLaughlin, David Sunday. that the relatives of this Penn­ head, which is “fenestrated," that is place where Uquor may he sold to be State Chairman, at the meeting Ross, Andre Kostelanetz’s Or­ Two tablespoonfuls daily—in Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Simpson sylvania, stegocephalus might sup­ has window-like openings in its bony drunk on the premises. No one has ------serious cases, with every mea}«i- / Thursday, a great increase habing chestra. ^ O N E Y were week-end guests in New York ply .ohe: of the many missing links in structure. defined or ever can define the term FOR EVERY PAAULY NEED . will correct most types of constipa­ taken place during the summer 9:30—Crime Club. state. , the story of evolution. This is prin­ The gradual shifting of the facial saloon to the sense in wbiqb it has You can use our money to My debts, tion. If your trouble is not reUevid m onths. 10:00—Col. Roht F. McCormick, ad­ mask bones of thjs-and other early come to be used. What we can and taxes, insurance; to make nome im* The fight of dry candidates for The RockvLle Community Garden cipally "because the earlier known in this way, ate dress before Dealer’s National club picnic, held at the home of Mrs. forms of StegocepbaU were more primitive creatures is one of the will aboUsh, however. Is the saloon proTcments: or to fare money oo yonr doctor. Congress will be organized by the Association. and the speakeasy as they have ex­ caah barsaiM. Laura Judson Saturday afternoon, fish-UkC.than the later ones. Hence scientific proofs that over immense Prompt, ConfdtniUl Serriet Serve as a cereal, National Ehcecutive Committee of 10:80—Ozzie Nelson’s Orchestra. periods of time living creatures isted and now exist and prevent the-Women’s Organization for Na­ was si great success. The. weather the Gr^nland find of thousands of Sesall MoatUy Kepaymeatt in ke^iac ••■■■ VdT " with milk or creem, 11:00—Columbia Symphony Orches­ was perfect for the occasion.and the these breathing, walking fish is like without any doubt do change great- their multiplication as selling agen witb peasant day woridag oondinons or use in oooki tional Prohibition Reform when it tra. and aalariat. At all grocm . meets in Minneapolis and St.. Paul, flowers at their best after the de­ opening a whole new book of facts, ly- / Come in and open your 11:30— ^Little Jack Little. lightful and refreshing rain the day MONEY C8EOIT ACCOUNT Today! toe red-and-. September 28 and 29, it was an­ 11:45— ^Freddie M artin’s Orchestra. nounced yesterday by Mrs. Charles before. Rev. George S. Brown of Maple- Carlisle and Love had been charged PERSONAL FINANCE CO. KelloiK in l^ttlt H. Sabin, National Chairman. C riik . A poll of all candidates for elec­ viUe, R. L, was a guest of relatives with the murder of Mrs. Sharp and Boom 2, State Theater BnUdiiig tion to the Senate and House of in; tow n M onday. OUTLAWS, OFFICERS were suspected to the Reece slaying. 768 Blain Street. Sunday night at 7:80 o’clock in They escaped from the Arkansas All persons Uable by law to pay HELPS KEEP YOli FIT / Representatives which is now being taxes in the Ninth School District Phone 8480, South Manchester the Tolland Federated Church, a penitentiary July 23, 1932, while conducted by the State Divisions of of Manchester are hereby notified the Women’s Organization wlll/form WBZ-WBZA Golden Rule Foundation stereopti- KILLED IN BATTLE serving robbery terms. At the time that the rate maker of the Ninth the basis for the campaign of the con picture entitled “The Children M rs. Sharp w as killed^ Septem bsr 2, Springfield — Boeton of the World,” was shown. There her daughter Mrs. P w l Anderson, School DisWet of Manchester has women wets. ’The resifits of this returned to caiarles R Hathaway, poll will be reported at the Min­ were over sixty slides showing chil 26, o f L ong Beach, CAL, aad Mrs. Anderson’s six year old son L. L. C3erk of said district, a list of valua­ neapolis meeting, Mrs. Sabin indi­ Tuesday, SH>t 20,1982. dreh of many nations and the work the Foundation is doing. Tha church WoinaoV Makes Sixth Anderson were wounded. tion on the' grand list o f ^said town cated. Eastern Dajilght Time of the year 1981 made by him imder “The fight for Repeal must be was wOU filled with those interested to learn what the Foundation is the provisions of the* General fought and won on the fioor of the 4:00—Meredith Wilson’s Orchestra 5ince Saturday In Attempt INDEPENDENTS CABIFAIGN Statutes, and that the assessors and Senate Chamber and the House of 4:15—Orchestra. doing and what it has accomplished. A collection was taken to defray the _ the selectmen of said toi^ will meet Representatives,” Mrs. Sabin said. 4:80—Concert New Haven, Sept. 20.—(AP)— expenses of getting Uie slides. These at the office of the Town Cfierk in “In this election every voter has a 4:45—^Agricultural Markets. To Catch Four Convicts. Campaign plans of the Independent toe Town of Manchester on the 80th right to know in plain, forthright 4:59—^Baseball Scores. slides showing the.children of many nations are interesting and a tt^ - Republican party will be discussed day of September, 1932; 2:00 o’clock language how each candidate stands 6:00—Sponsored Program. in the afternoon, at which time said on the question of repeal. And the 6:15— ^Musical Dreams. tive not ofily to children of Tolland at a meeting of the executive body but to the older people. All the Muskogee, Okla., Sept 20.— (AP) assessors, and the said selectmen more than one million women en­ 5:80—Singing Lady. —The slayiiig of a woman by hlgl^ here Friday^ The committee gath­ have toe same powers in relation to rolled ill the Women’s Organization 5:45—Little Orphan Annie. world delights in chUdhood. Rev. James A. Davidson, pastor of the waymen two weeks ago has caused ered here yesterday at the home of said list that the Board of Relief has for National Prohibition Reform are 6:00—Time; weather; Sports Re­ five more deaths—two officers and Prof. Indng Fisher, Yale economist in relation to town lists. determined as voters and as mem­ view. ToUand Federated Church, is a member of the Foundation. ’Through three aUeged' outlaws—in the for the first time since their nomlna- Dated at Manchester, September bers of this organization that there 6:10—Louis Weir, organist. sparsely settled hlU country of east­ his personal interest and enthusiasm tidn of Prof. Albert Levitt for gov­ 20 1932. shall be no evasion this year. 6:15—The Monitor Views the News ern Oklahoma. ernor uid Prof. Milton Conover of in this work the Federated Ladies’ ’ WATSON W(X)DRUFF, “Since its organization in May, 6:30—Gov. John G. Winant of New Yale for senator. Prof. Fisher said Aid society of Tolland donated fifty Webster Reece, a deputy sheriff, P. J. O. CORNELL, 1929, this organization has stood Hampshire. and Bud Mcdlain, who officers said they discussed plans for the cam­ JOHN H. HYDE, four-square for but one thing—Re­ 6:45—Today’s News—Lowell Thom­ dollars from their treasury to Rev. paign and for the raising of Cam­ Davidson to be applied, for the fur­ drive the car In which were mOn Ninth School District peal of the 18th Amendment and the as. auspected of thJ slaying of Mrs. paign funds, but reached no conclu­ Committee. You don’t havB to tako anyone’s restoration to each state of its for­ 7:00—Time; Amos ’n’ Andy. therance of work in the Foundation. sions. A large party of relatives' were Susie Sbarp> were kiUed at dawn* word for the quality of AAP meets. mer right and power to control the 7:15—Orchestra. Saturdi^y* Sunday’s encounter be­ liquor traffic. Election Day is 'our 7:30—Comedy Sketch. entertained at the TOlland summer Just serve them in yoiir own heme home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Back- tween rffieers and man suspected opportunity. 7:45—Paradise Islanders. not oqly of the slaying of the womsD . . . and If you are not complotely “It is our purpose to make cer­ 8:00—You and Your Government. ofen Sunday, September 11, in .honor of the wedding anniversary of Dr. but slab of Reece, brought death to OFFICIAL NOTICE satisfied your money wiii be oheer- tain that every voter has a chance 8:30—Skit Songs. AndraW McGinnis, a spklal deputy fuily refunded. That’s a guarantee to vote for or against repeal. Our 8:45—New England Community and Mrs. Schrieter of Brirfol, and the birthday of Mrs. Mary. Himdel sheriff,.and to Ky Carlisle and Troy poll will show where the candidates Singing Club. Love^ escaped convicts. that means sonnething! of l^Anchester. A social time was Ho Security MAKING VOTERS stand. Chen through our state divi­ 9 ‘.op-^rchestra. ' Cohvleti ihnremided sions we can carry the fight for re­ enjoyed by tha. many rdatives dur­ 9:30—^Friendship Town. CarfUle and Love, believed by required on loans • The Selectmen and Town Clerk of peal into every district.” 10:00—Country Doctor — Phillips ing the afternoon. The hoqteas, Mrs. Backofen. served delicious refresh­ officers to have been wounded -in toe Town of Manchester, hereby giya Lord. Saturdaj^a battle, were surrounded -- up to $100. notice that they will be in session at FOWL u > . 2 3 SUPREME COUNCIL MEETS 10:15—Joe Rines’ Orchestra. ments. Dr. and Mrs. Schrieter were presented with an electric percolator in a tbi^eW A demand to surren­ the Town Clerk’s office in the Muni­ 10:45—Springfield Republican News der l^ught a shot from the outlaws. Borrow up to 8100 on your Fancy Frath 3-3H Hb. Avaraga Indianapolis, Sept. 20.—(AP) — and Mrs. Handd with a pair of ear­ cipal Building for the purpose of bulletins. McGimfis propped a buUet through own slgnatur'e. Larger loans the qualifications of elec­ Members of the Scottish Rite Su­ 11:00—^Time; weather; Sports Re­ rings. • On T ueluy evening last, about 70 th e heaziL up to 8800 on your own secur­ tors and admitting to toe Elector’s preme Council of the Northern Juris­ view . Cafiiale and Love, lying in a half diction, here for their 120th *Tmii«l of the Tolland Street Company of ity without endorsers. Our Oath those who shall be found quali­ 11:16—Orchestra. reclining position in the underbrush, fied on the following days: meeting, assembled today for the 11:46—Cesare Sodero’a Orehaatra. the ToUand Fire Department with monthly charge is three and a S P A R E R I B S thifir famlUea and friends gathered fired at ^ Officers until their am­ opening ceremonial, presided over by 12:00—Baron Lee’s Blue Rhythm munition Was exhausted. They then half per cent on the unpaid Tuesday, September 20, from O P. BL l^ n M. Abbott of Boston, Mass., at the home of Mr. and MM. Carl Frash or Comad Band. attempted to escape by way of an balance.t... .nothing mors to Until 8 P. BL, Standard Time sovereign grand commander. 12:30 a. m.—^Time. Welsh for the purpose of a-get- unguarded spot and were shot aad The meeting, expected to draw together and a hot dog roast. The dow n.' pay. Prompt, courteous, con­ Saturday, Septenriier 24, from 0 menu consisted of hot dogs, com, one thousand visitora from the fif­ A search was under way for the fidential service. A. Bf. Until 8 F. BL, Standard Time. teen states in the jurisdiction, con­ F a c e s coffee, cake and sweet (fider. The fourth man. L a m b C h o p s ■>». tinues through Thursday. social hour was spent in gamesi Four men have been arrested for Call, PhMie, Write Signed, ^ The Royal Order of Scotland, Montreal, Sept 20. — (AP)— singihg and a general, good time. questioning. They are Robert Trol- THOMAS J. ROGERS, XUnuina closely allied with the rite, held its Harold Waters, 29, said to be want­ Guests were present ^ m Ellington linger, said by officers to he at WELLS A. STRICKLAND, ' 55th annual meeting yesterday, ed in New York for theft of 870,000 and RockviUe. liber^ pn 'bond awaiting trial on GEORGE E. KEITH, electing James. H. Brice of New in travelers’ checks from s railway Robert Stafford is spending .a chsorges of -robbery of the Springdale WILLIAM J. THORNTON, OYSTERS •X-' York, provincial grand master. company there, la fadng eoctraditlon week in Springfield and elsewhere, Park B#Uk; Henry Carlisle father of IDEAI. SHERWOOD G; BOWERS, Brice succeeds Sam P. Cochran of diarges today following his arrest with friends and relatives. the slain toan; Ben Pemell an todlah Fiiiandnt Aaooeiattoii. Inc FRANK y. W1U4AMS, ioff’ Staiidaids here. / Dallas, Tex’. who lived near the scene of the Boom 6, tad Floor, W . (SEORGB At police headquarters 8800 worth Maurice J. "CUpper” Smith, foot- Board of Seleotmea. shooting ‘ and Robert Ratliff a Robinow BuUdiaf, Coach Billy Laval of South Caro­ of checks were found on him. Police baU coach of S u ta Clara, Cal., .uni- broUi'er of Van Ratliff, notorious A S P MEAT M ARKfS lina says be will discard all trick are also seeking two accomplices venity, has opened negoUationa for outlpw. Officers said they found TOL 7281, Sontii Manchester SAMUEL J. TURKINGTON, blays and depend on power for who it is mieged came i^th Walters a post-season gams in the Hawaiian weapons, food and clothing in* the Town O erk . 0*19-88k jpuilding a winning footbi^ teun. from New York lu t Monday. Tulandf. thichet, where tiie men hld^, Both ^r'rA' ♦ i'? ‘ . ■‘-.vX ’


tieaied attention to general.clew * number of eenaunera ef agricultur­ nesf of surroundings, the proper d » al prodaeta.” ^ GENERRBADUfHURT ffiR R tn VtPPING TYraODSEASQN posu of sewage and safegunraing of Tbaae meaaurea have been am- water supplies, the use d milk and ploy%J-to tha past and have served Mrs. Dorothy M. WeUes of Ta<^ food handled by persons who are jto geuerskl to m atotalo a balance be­ Lextegtoto^. fispt. 20.—(AP> BOOIEVAUDSTEP cottyUle and Miss Doris L. Benja­ AT HAND, WADIS known to be healthy, the pasteurinai- tween agiriduttura and tofluatry, Mr. —Major Oanaral Jtdto A. Lelcune, min of Wapping, furnished tha mu- tien of milk to d e st^ disease germs Anderaon declared. “Tbejh involve aupariatoadaut of Virginia M totug Inatltuta, was-ta a serious condition sjcal program at the Masonic Home present and the boiling of water gmiarid adjustments to both organ- today as a result of injuries suffer­ in W alU^ord last Sunday after­ from a Sumily not known to be safe. •' ■ c-'siS !.' J laatloa and. industry," ha explamed. $ 59.50 nimPFDRBID noon. " DEPT. OF HEA11H “If to these general measures for “They era aonatimaa alow but. they ed in a fall iritita waUting down an New agilator, ballaai t y fd O n i p s t t axfibankmafit CO tha campus. reUai aew tab, new ifiMs Jessie Lane and Famum preventing the spread of typhoid in­ work. They leave the door open to Hla skull wiM fractured and his o n ij 86 a BMNrth. Lane of Maple Ridge returned to fection be added the decline in num­ individual opportunity and enter­ left arm brcfii^ An operation was their home here last Wednesday ber ^ chronic carriers due to the N e w W lin i s i Fann Re- prise. They pm ^t and encourage afternoon-from a motor trip to economic adjustments to Couae- performed last night. After the op­ K E M P «*rN € . New BrUfe WiO Carry Road September and October fewer cases now than fonnerly, it is eration hospital attendants report­ Cape Ann,'where they were the expected that the typhoid hasard quence of free play, and economic Free Home DeinoaiBtrallao. guests of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Tal- laws and forces. They involve no ed that hla condltioa “waa g ^ ,” will continue on the ^wnward trend although he remained to an uncon­ O rtr Rdroad Rt Strat cott of Talcottville, at their bMUti- Worst Mostbs — Precan* it has assumed during recent years.” government interference, direction ful summer home. or control of private enterpriae. scious cmuUtion. ^ Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bristol and French lick , jad.'* “Interference with these natural / General L«jeune, superintendent ford— Six Other Jobs Ad- family, and Mrs. Frank Rich­ tion Urged Despite De­ forces through government' control of V. M. L for the last toree years (AP)—Mmmui^ whifih he laid ardson, Harry Kerr and Trumaii of prices by attempts to equalise and a iormer commandant of the SHOOTS WDiSTED MAN would 'xelp.'foiBiBtain. i balance be­ Margaret RobinSoii ■onced. Hills, motored over the MOhawk cline h Recent Years. conditions by^robbing Pater to pay United States Marine Gprps, lost Trail last Sunday and had dinner at tween agrici||tiirt knd Induatry Paul' only serves to hold out false his balance and to falling struck bis 109 Adams S t, Baektand ' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stebbins FOR BEATING HIM UP were nantod hm 4^?^ Sydney hope and to retard the normid head agaizist a pile of wood. He was Dial 8625 ' at Becket,'Mass. Anderson,‘Mini^pNtt mUler,' in forces which regularly move to­ accampanied at the time by Colonel Highway OommiBiiener Jqbs X Everett A. Buckland and son, The typhoid season is on—at least oppoaing 0^ a l- wards recovery and recuperation.” William Ckoper, bustoeas executive Teacher of Piano KaedoBBld today aimounced plana Clynton Buckland, and Charles J.. statistical tables show that in Con­ Torrington, Sept. 20.—(AP) — Iotm ent;i^‘’i{M ^.|^ of farm An enormoiM bureaucracy and an of V. M. I. Hevenor, left Sunday morning for necticut the -grreatest incidence of reUef. MrvAnmnda.vlas a apaakar increased army of Federal payroll- General Lejeune is 65 years of Pupils visited to their own homae for tho aeeoad Important step in the Arthur Del Nero, 21, a ' Litchfield If desired. . ’ an automobile trip through the po­ the disease occurs in September and at the ctmwMijbTO w tifo Grain and era waa pradlotod by Mr. Anderson age. Mmstruetion of tiie new Merritt tato section of Maine. \ree surgeon, is being held without Feed D eal^ ^ tvi^ 'i AModation if-the, doifiestic allotment plan be­ October, the State Department of IBghway between Stratford and the Mrs. Harry P. Files who has been bonds at the county jail-ln Uttiifleld, here. com es law. Health warned in its weekly bulle­ spendiiog the past summer at Bon- and Paul.JuUan of Winsted, is being New York State Une at Greenwich, tin today. “If agricititi^ia'W pfofiuciag more the building of the bridge which will ney Eagle Camp, at West Buxton, held at the Torrington. lockup as a than cim: ieonsuiaad at D1800VEB BIG STILL Me., returned to her home here pn Incidence tables by months since We Are Authorized Dealers for earty the auxiliary Post Road oyer 1918 reveal that more cases were re­ material witneasi pendhig the out­ a fair returii foo a|^<;^turer aub- New York, Sept. 30.— (AP)—Pro- Sunday afternoon. atantlally equil to vdturns obtained hlMtion beadqumers annotmeed to­ the railroad tracks passing through The subject of the Christian En­ ported in September in 1918 and in come of the Injuries received by 1920 than for the entire year in 1928, for similar of capital day that a large alcohol distilliog the Stratford meadow. deavor Society’s meeting last, Sun­ John L. Sullivan, Winsted truckman, and tobw . t o fod io^ , !bne or mors plant, capable of producing 1,6W SILENT GLOW day evening was “Gambling” and 1929 or 1931. With rare exception, The now highway, as previously the incidence of typhoid fever who is at the Charlotte Hungerford of the foUbwi^ gallons a day, was confiacated last RANGE BURNERS d^O O A A find up the leader was John Harrison. It dicated.’’ Mr.VAowzabib said. “First, night in a bam on tbe “Trotsky announced, will swing to the north reaches its height in this state in hospital here with a bullet wound in I n s t a l l e d ...... $ O O e U U was held at the parsonage. his abdomen-as the result of a shoot­ reducing pidcto^lisit^to an amount farm,” on White Sulphur road, Swan of the Boston Post Road at a point Ralph L. Birdsey and his cousin, August, September or October. near the Washington Bridge over The bulletin saya: ing which occurred last night on the which cdx ibevpii^ and con­ Lake, Sullivan county, by agents of Lawrence Briggs, of Buckland, left Tmrrington-Lltchfield road. The sumed at a i^imdbl.evpHce. Second, Prohibition Administrator Andrew the Housatonic, traverse the mea­ by automobile early Monday morn­ ^’While typhoid fever is much less POTTERTON « KRAH dow and railroad join the Bamum prevalent than formerly, it is still sbobtixg ist said to have followed, a expandtog foinllpi'lhaiketa. IhlrdL M cCainpbell’a staff. ing for a trip to Maine. They will fight between Sullivan and Del Nero tocreaaing .todUBtotal purehad^ Three men arrested on prohibition - “ON THE SQUARE” Avenue cut-off and then turn sharp­ vi^t relatives and friends in Solon worth while, to bear in mind the at the Dri Nero home. Immediately power through toctoaaed law charges were Jacob Kolman, of ly north to Nichols Center in the and Bi^ham. They expect to be necessity for precautionary meas­ We are still servicing all mokes of radioi. Town of Trumbull. after the shooting, Del Nero return­ Inoomeii. Fourihrconttouance o f .the Brooklyn; Michael. Trains, Passaic, i gone about a week sight-seeing. ures. It is important to adopt pro­ trmid frmn toe f a ^ ^ f i^ industrial N. J., and Jack Green, who lived on D IA L 8788 DEPOT. SQUARE The new bridge will be of the con- Lawrence Briggs was'formerly a cedures for preventing the spread of ed to Litchfield and notified his at­ torney, William M. Foord. He hd- employmenti"4h^^^tecriBaaing the tbe farm . arete encased ^rder type and will resident of Maine. infection from any person who is be 4T5 feet long. It will be similar in Mrs. Dorothy D. Donahue of New even slightly ill. In a Connecticut mitted the shooting and turned the many respects to the recently com­ York spent the week-end at her town where there has been little o; gun over to the State police, officers pleted Southport cutoff bridge which home in Wapping. no typhoid fever in recent years, one said. He claimed that Sullivan beat carries the Post Road above the Richard Jones of South Windsor membef of a family recently con­ him up last night and that he ask­ railroad at Fairfield. Nearly 700 tons left last Tuesday for WUbraham tracted the disease >nd before ^ ed the Torrington police to intercept of steel will be used in its construc- Academy, where he will enter as a diagnosis could be made three other tlie truck and arrest Sullivan. Del tlen. student jnembers of the family had become Nero then started for Torrington, he Your Chance!” ~Get Your Share! Add, and unexpectedly'over-took the A t the «aTw«> time. Commissioner infectedr This experience serves to truck. He stopped and the argument ICacdonald announced six other illustrate the Importance of precau­ was resumed in the road. bridge and road building projects, IKmSES SDSPtMIBI tionary measures to prevent contract infection. Sullivan’s condition wai; reported the read improvement work totaling at the Charlotte Hungerford Ijospi- slightly more than eleven miles in “Among bther worth while pre­ A Ust of operators whose licenses cautionary mesaures may be men- tal today as fairly good. . all. The Merritt Highway bridge is to drive automobiles in Connectleut t o be built under Federal Aid, while have been suspended for one y ^ the other jobs will be State Aid, because of a conviction for driving aombination State Aid and Town while under the influence of liquor Aid. The Town Aid woric will con­ was given out today at the State sist entirdy of gravel siufacing. Motor Vehicle Department as a Sealed bids on all of the seven part of the ^ort to reduce this projects will be received from con­ Ughway menace. The Department vs. BE GIVEN AWAY FREE tractors at the highway department statement advised people to notify headquarters in the State Office the department or ihe police in case — at— X Building, Hartford, until 2:00 p. m. they should see any of these drivers cm Monday, September 26. operating motor vehicles. The new jobs as announced by Ansonia, Tony Sarracco, 98 Brook Commissioner Macdonald today are street; Brtmfoxd, August. Herlth, R. as fellows: F. D., Forest street; Brooklyn, Ju- Federal Aid Project litu Laurila, Box 63; Devon, Harry L. Mansir, Box 83, Milford Point COUNTPRY STORE Town of Stratford: A concrete en­ Road; Granby, Wm. Kirschner; cased girder bridge, 475 feet long, Greenwich, Frank J JIughes, 60 over the New Haven Railroad’s Oakridge street; Hartford, John T. tracks on Section No. 1 of the Mer­ Farrell, 15 Rodney street; Charles ritt Highway, Bamum Avenue Cut­ TOMORROW NIGHT Green, 11 Judson street; Uonel o ff. Jassie, 387 Capitol avenue; Adolf State Aid Project Nykils, 67 Franklin avenue. Town of Thomaston: A 16 foot Meriden, David Hamel, 421 Pratt span I beam bridge with concrete street; Naugatuck, Herman E. Par- Slab, ever Moosehom Brook, Route sell, 65 Oak street; New Britain, N o. 109. •Sila M . BUsnik; 98 B ooth street; OofOMaattoii State Aid A Town New Canaan, Ernest Bosworth, 117 Aid Projects Railroad avenue; ^New Hartford, Thomas Kavanaugh; New Haven, Town of Andover:^ About 4,236 William Kaliszewskl, 172 Biraaklln feat of trap rock waterbound maca­ street; Helen M. Ke^;an, 26 Rod- dam on Long Hill Road and about field street; Robert H. Rosencrans, 3,800 feet of rolled bank run gravel 7 Admiral street; Cbaries H. Wood­ 'on the Lake Road. ward, 147 Cottage street; Norwalk, nnEM OF lO tlll MOHET Town of Greenwich: About 6,900 Daniel L. Warren, 80 Golden Hill feet of asphaltic cmicrete on trim street; Old Greenwich, Ridhard B. rpek base on the Quaker Ridge R oel. Navaratte, Edgewater Park. Town Aid Projects Old Lyme, ^m elius W. Banta; WE MADE SALES! Town of Coltunbia: About 15,734 Plainville, Geo. VuUle, 68 E. Main street; Putnam, Joseph Gothreau, AST month we made a startling offer. We agreed to pay $10 to feet of rolled bank run gravel on X A ' 1 Pomfret street; Rowayton, Mar­ " " ' aectiona of the Old Hop River Road, I^ anyone who would buy any other new car in ^ e Rodme’s price Cv.' • V/AV.-. ■f.■f.\ • Holmes Flat Road, Latham Hill co Tehansky, St. Johns Place; So. claw within one week after t a l^ out a Rockne for one hour’s trial , fjv/. Manchester, Arthur Thompson, 811 . /J-///. -y Road, and Section No. 6 Road. drive. //. r.'. '. . - y} Town of Shelton: About 9,650 feet E. Middle Turnpike; Stamford, Many said that our loss would be tremendous. Yet, although J , .. . .. 0 ^ of loose gravel on Waverly Road, Howard L. Bashaw, 26 Taff avenue; N i^ la Avenue, Webb’s Bridge and Quinto Bpttoni, 414 W. Main street; we've ^ven hundreds of one hour demonstrations of the Rockne, ---- approaches, and WsRiut Tree Hill Suffield, Chaimeey W. Goodrich, w e’ve hmd to pay ou t fo a re e /y any $10 tawatda! Peter Malescki, North street Road. Thompsonville, Geo. Wlaly; Wa­ After driving the Rodrae one hour very few have been willing to Town of Warren: About 4,276 tertown, Rocco Fami^etti, Buck­ put their money into any other low-priced ear. feet of rolled bank run gravel on ingham street. Box 89; West Hart- . \ ,>v Lake street road and Saekett Hill feid, Emil Bsullak, 48 Fairlawn Why don’t you do yoitfself the justice of trying the Rockne? It’s Road, about 17,471 feet of loose street; Wethersfield, John F. Cass, an absolute sensation, tide aerodynamic marvel of an automobile avel surface on North Road, Rab- Sr., 229 Nott street; Bronx, N. Y., --this car that brought quality into the low-priced field. Btt HIU Road, Town Hill Road, Cur­ Paul Leegood, 140 Brook avenue; Mr»ty etout4 b9dy wina i t ttiio ■ tiss street, Wilson Road and Ange- Brooklyn, N. Y., Allen P. Tanner, vine Road. 1454 Mill avenue; D. Stuart Travis, 696 Nostrand avenue; New York WALTER A. HOFFMAN City, Henry Grampp, 128 E. 30th SMALL BOY IS KILLED stre^; John J. Kelly, 665 West, Garage and Service Station. 178rd street; William D. Tusten, 178 20 Eait Ctnter Street, South Manchefter WHEN STRIKERS BATTLE Riverside Drive. BLAST m E S TWO South River, N. J., Sept. 20 — New Haven, Scot. 20.—(AP)— (AP). —Authorities began an in­ T -n n—Tcrs v/ere injured at 8 a. m. vestigation today of labor disorders A Special 10 Day Sale toclay iu an explosion sriiieb blaw ip the needle industry here which out tbe front and rear of a two ON------resulted la the fatal shooting of a story frame dwelling on Liberty nine-year-old boy and iajtuy to at etreet and shattered windows of ALL MERCHANDISE SUPPUED BY least 10 o^er persons. naarby buildings. EVER6RBEN8 Forty private detectives who Addpb Vitale, 86, one of those in­ clashed with a crowd of workers jured, wae arrested on a tecbnieal- late yesterday were held in jail for charge of Idleneae as police began as ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS questioning. They were taken to the investigation to determine tbe cause jail shortly after midnight following of the explosim. Offidalc said iiUNNER’S MARKET the arrival of state troopers who they planned to search tlk cellar for HARDY PERENNIALS dispersed a crowd of 3,000 that had a still Ater clearing the debris held the private detectives and 13 aw ay. fX Manchester** Leading Food Store pOUeamen virtual captives in the Sixteen persons fled tbe building ROCK GARDEN PLANTS . 'j' ^1* . 4 ^ Town Hall over six hours. as flames swept through It. Sheriff Barney Gannon said Vitale and Mrs. Rose Benutl, 50, EVEJtGREENS Prosecutor Douglas M. Hicks would were treated at New Haven hoaifital THIS WEEKS LIST OP PRIZE MERCHANDISE WILL INCLUDE "question them about the fight and for minor injuries. Chafe ft Saabon’i the shooting of Walter Rojek, who Patrolman Edward C!amey waa 2 5 c BAGS LARGE BAGS died in South Amboy hospital of a staniUng across tbe street when the bullet wound. explosion occuiTcd. He summoned GOLD MEDAL FLOUR COFFEE Arrival of the troopers climaxed a flremen and then aided occupants of . HARDY HYDRANGEA long si^e between the rival forces. tha dwelling to tbe street. W hiteorPiBk The outbreak began when workers apparently were angered by the iiib s BASKET OF PEACHES COOKIES presence of the detectives. The 1 0 '” 5 0 c plant had opened yesterday morn­ ing, with the approval of leaders of Yellow Elberta HARDY PERENNULS AND BREAKFAST tho woriters, after a strike called ROCK GARDEN PLANTS more than three weeks ago. VE4liiABLBS CHOICE CANNED GOODS FOODS PEACHES 5 0 c ■•Tr.-ixTvx SEEK TO BECOVER CKHJ) IS PACT, EVERY CONCEIVABLE MARKET ITEM FOR HOME USE HOUSE PLANTS Baltimore, Sept 20.—(AP)—A FOR CANNING cargo of ten mllnon in geld hin the '• • »*/ SEE DI£H>LAY IN ST ATE THEATER BUILDING •5 ‘T, hull___ of a sunken war Sloop off th e l O c ^ coast of Lewes, Delawam, today Boltim-Andover State Road* waa tho quest of two Baltimore sal­ vage vasaela and a complement of i t e T O tHE LUCKY OmS»/, 12 men. ^ Phone Rosedole Reaufiitiig the work abaadonod by as axpeditlon about a month age. IN tha two vasaela were equipped for GREENHOUSES and NURSERY ■earchlng for and raiaiag tha hull 4S-IS of the Rrltiah sloop of war De- 21 W iademero Street. BrasdEo whleh w as oeUevad to have IM a eaige Ol |10J)00,000 aboard FRANK MANTELU, l^op. when it eaak in 1798. ■ ’-'j^ ^ ‘M ANCHferaR-^J^^ P A G E E lG O T

BRIDES FEWER, MOBS ATTHE“LITtLE CORNERS . Maalth THIS AND Hiats oa.How' tp Keep Wril ky f V ky WdiM : fk m AVithority ■: i ■ it b e g i n HEBE TODAY Ddna was beginning td be angry. STAN BALL, «n agent for cat^ The flush, that mounted in her f o o t b a l l a n d HEALTH tie Intereate, faces ASPEB DELO satin cheeks 'seemed to spur Swer­ tn hlB office in the dty. Asper Is gin on. “Sure I'll' ritoot him down. Safety Bequtoes Ail Players Should Bbive Thorough Physical aocosed by ^hw cattle men of In* Only yesterday or the day before The ^priUgflekl-Falr fringing on their range with his Ekamlnstion fspices and vipegar.. Bring to the he killed Gilette, the government To wom ra readers who sire plan- ][|iinber catting. Ball accuses Delo ranger. Shot him -in the back with boiling point ; and afinnUtf until ning a-trip to; the Eastern States of crooked work at his Three a high-powered rifle. I'm tha law EOITOB’S NOTE:: This is the first tendier. it will take about thirty Exposition, my* advice Would be to minutes. Pour into steriUsed' Jims Blvers camp. He accuses Delo of up here andM’Ve- posted'- Ball of of two tiniely special articles pa Blind River. Dead or Alive, but football health. see Storrowton first and then tbe Emd seal. Store.: in:a*’ dark cool having men shot who try *o check Msdne^ . N ew ' Hampshire imd other double bounty dead.” Swergin got place. np on him. BaU says he Is going to state^ buildings, not fi^ e t t in g Jun­ make a check hinuelf. Delo retorts up and stood before Dona. By OR; MORRIS FISHBEm that he win personally see that Ball “This Ball “ uat be a tough guy,” Editor, (louriial of the American ior Achievenient InU. In the xni^ Two more womra step .iqi into key Dudley put in. Medical .Association, and of Hygeia; building w h w most of the commdr- positions Em editors of magazines. does not. ciEd exhibits are 'suTEmged, the Na- Standing before the office bond­ Swergin answered but he did not the Health Blaj^azine Miss Katherine Dougherty is. now president and publish^ of Photo- ing Stan BaU sees kidnapers slip pay any attention td Dudley. "H e’s The openm'g o f the football season tionEd quilt exhibit will'be'found. I WEm somewhat disappointed to find Play ' and Mrs. Patricia , Fqstor . is a girl Into a car. He catches the one of them twdigun cow punchers brings to pomd the serious discus- the quilts Were, n ot Edl displayed in College Humor’s new m ana^g edi­ car and saves DONA DEIX), As* who thinks a lumberjack is easy smn that followed the closing of the tor. ’ Miss Dougherty wasn't 20 per*s daughter. When he learns who pickings.” I#31 season,' relative to accidents Storrowtbn—only' the prize winners are in the Io'Wct room of the” tpwn when she came to the- magazine but «he is he slips away after telling her Dona rose and faced Swergin. and fatalities resulting from the hall” On the Cbmmon; and. the great that was 17 years Eigo. ’ -HEurd work he Is STAN LEY BLACK. “There is more than a desire for a game. The popularity of football, at­ DUDLEY WiNTEBS, In love with report back of all this. What is it?” collection of-all thoM exhibited are is. the key to her success.. She says tested by crowds of many thousands she worked f 0 Sundays out of every Dona, agrees vo get Asper Delo back Her words snapped out and she re­ hung ais our furniture deEders hang sembled her father as she faced the and the fact, that vacant lots as well their rugs for display purposes; close 52 during the first five yesu-s, and off his wUd trip to Three Blvers if as the fields of high schools and uni­ she win marry him. She gives him timber boss. . together.' enjoys her work so well .that she Swergin laughed again, this time versities are already the scene of Prize Winning Qullto seldom takes week-.end or vaca­ some encouragement. shortly. “WeD, maybe there is. We early practice, indicates that the tions. During this time she h^ Dona goes with Dudley. They The quilt which won . the first prize cut clean and the cowmen say we game has not- lost in its appeal 'to been married for ten years. She stop at SETH DOBY’S place. Doby is a beauty, floral design of soft ruin the range, but we have Gilette the young man. memages a home and the only thing refuses to help Dona but says As­ This column is not'concerned par­ pinks and greens on a white ground check everyUilng. What he says which is marvelously quilted. The that cim ■ lure her away from her per has been there and that he was ticularly with the moral aspects of gfoes—or did go until yesterday.” second is in blues and whites, tiny office is her three year old daugh­ ready for a klUing. ’ ■How does it happen they allow football, although it does represent ter. Mrs. Foster worked on the ■rf. ■ Dudley puts a plan to Dona. She hexagon shaped pieces. Every quilt you to cut clean?” ^ n a pe^sted. a gEune that is designed particulEU'ly Bookman; the Red. Book magazine Is to marry Mm at Doby’s place. displayed in the hgil is a prize-win­ Swergin wiped his mouth with the to build stkmina oud to put the and- from there to 'Clollege Humor. Asper can harffiy go on with a man­ back of one hand and assumed a ner whether modem or smtique. The steel fiber in Character. two that compelled my attention She is co-author of the novel. “Big hunt under those circumstances. Re­ heroic pose. Dudley stepped close The hEizards o f footbEdi are those Business Girl.” luctantly, Dona agrees. Dudley has to Dona’s side. „He did hot like the were the speciEil prize winners—pur­ which result from other athletic ac­ ple ribbons, one from Kansas, called a Ucense obtained the night before. big boss and the bold w ^ Swergin tivities, but in addition there are If you EU-e trying to keep house in While he is seeking a man to marry looked at Dona made him furious. “The Garden”, is a worl of art, or speefEd dangers because o f the na­ needlework rather, that one proba­ one lEugfe room, use a .'studio couch them Stan BaU, uiio is on his way “Give us the straight of this, my ture of the game. An athlete who with a comfortable mattress. W itii to Three Blvers, steps out of the man, and quit playing, to the gal­ bly would not see the like of in the Still the procession of earnest brides and grooms passes through the ‘TJttie Church i^ound the CoraCT, is overtrEiihed ’ looks thin, drawn a suitable cover and plenty ot cush­ night and Msses Dona. , lery,” he snapped. whole country. ’The cottage- in the hard times or no hard times. Nestling quietly in its garden in the midst of the bustling city, the little ,Emd worried. He is too tired to sleep. background is only, a smEdl part of ions, it will be a comfortable place Dona says she cannot go through Swergin looked Dudley over for to sit on by day or early evening an-d the first time. “You’re pretty much Church notes Increasing seriousness and diminished numbers. He becomes surly. He lose? weight the scene. The garden with Its with tile marriage and puts Dud­ beyond what iS necessary for hard­ to sleep on at night. A chest o f ley off. They go on to Three lUvers, of a tenderfoot to be talking out of weEdtb o l flowers, furniture, birds, ening. Over-exertion is bound to drawers with a mirror will not oniy NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY turn up here. This is a hard man’s By HELEN WELSHIMEB bath and other accessories , is beau­ he had foimd something very much i have a serious'effect on the heaft. tifully Emd intricately worked out in be a pleEising pEui; of the furnish­ CHAPTER VI . country and has to be run that way. ings, but behind the mirror shsdlow rve been b«mdllng Delo Timber for to his liking. “Me and A^ier Delo | New York, Sept. 1«.—The con­ GLORIFYING Because of the possibilities ot colors pieced together. One hEm to The dusty roadster slid down off has fought our own battles and i harm Eissociated ^ th athletics, no see it to appfe^te the immense shelves might be concealed and the quite a while and I know the ropes. stant stream of brides and bride­ drawers used for your electrical the divide and entered a deMe He glared at Dudley but could not cleaned our own timber where we young mEin should undertake foot­ amount of work involved Emd the stand of pine and spruce. The the city man’s dark eyes fal­ found it. I don’t guess we’ll stop grooms who come to thp Little YOURSELF ball without first having a thorough other- purple ribbon winner next to cooking appliances, linens and en.l- less other needfuls. A gate-legged zrecn fastness of the forest was in now.” Church Around the Comer is a medicEd examination, which will in­ i t ter. table is just tbe thing wlvcn ono strange contrast with the dry val­ “Swergin is a good bdss but his Dona still refused to believe her little thihner this year, and a litUe dicate whether dr not his body is “The Old Maid’s Dream” is the room is “home.” Brigh yellow tea­ leys behind. The road was rutty speech and ways are rough,” Dona father would stand back of such a When the cups and saucers are capable of undergoing the strain. name of the quUt, which I think was and Dona had to slow Jtheir pace. more serious. washed and dried, and the crumbs cups, saucers and plates .add an at­ tried to placate the timber boss. program. She knew that he had But it continues, good times or Not everybody^ is physically fit to entered by a Kentucky woman. Each After winding down hiU for a mile tractive touch, together with the pic­ Her words irritated Swergin vis- been a fighter in his time, that he bad times, just as it has continued are swept away, moat of us have a play football. tiny squEore wbich forms the design they came abruptly td a slope that tendency to wash our hands in hot tures and art objects and boohs ably. ‘Tm a gent-who knows how had won their fortune by hard hit­ since 1871. You remember how it It is well to begii. trainmg light­ is of colorful print, not more tium was cut deEm of timber. to take care of timber and a ting and some straight shooting, but water, dry them, and forget them. one half inch in size, and though the which . most girls like . to have “They sure disrobe mother nature all started: how Joe Jefferson, the ly. The best coaches do not permit around. woihan, too, if I fancy her.” that had been before there was a great actor, went to a stately Ave­ And .the tendency is entirely scrimmage until 10 days have elaps­ individuEd p ie c ^ are so smEdl the proper when they cut timber,” Dud­ law covering timber rights and he MARY TAYLOR. Dona almost Jump^ at his words. nue church asking that they bury wrong. Hot water was never made ed Effter the beginning o f the sea­ quilt is perfectly straight smd even, ley observed. had always won by fair means. for hands. It belongs to dishes and She had met many of her father’s his friend, Tom Holland. How the son. It is customEuy to take light in the blocks and as a whede. Dona frowned. “I didn't know the “When will Dad be back?” She cupboards and kitchen linoleums. It trusted men but this was the first stately church refused, and referred work on the days following games. Art Exhibit government allowed clean cutting, one who had ever spoken with such plainly wished to end the conversa­ Jefferson to “the little church will make the pOres of your hands FootbEdl players must have plenvV In tbe upper part of the “town ■she observed. Suddenly she remem­ boldness and equality. Three Rivers tion. twice as big as they should be. It bered Seth Doby's reluctance in of­ around the comer.” Actors loved the ■df plEun, r/holesome food whicn hall” at Storrowton will be found an was Indeed a different camp. She “Oh, most any time,” Swergin was will give them a glaring, red appear­ fering to help the Delo interests. little church which had not spumed they know agrees with them. They exhibit of water colors, oils, etch­ resolved at once to keep her manner evasive. ance that is anything but attrac­ ings, miniatures and metid work by She was sure her father could not “Can’t you send someone to tell them; many married there, and must have plenty , of sleep Emd just toward Swergin quite formal. tive, and it will nuike your vems the Art Guild of Springfield. have given such orders. The slope him we are here and want to talk since that time thousands of people enough work. The moment any “Go on. Tell us what you know,” have come to be. married in the puff up until you will be embarrass­ In the N ew ElnglEmd cploniEd ■vil­ was cut clean of everything. she urged In a different tone. ’The to him?” Dona insisted. player shows signs of dullness, list­ C hildren They drove slowly over a ridge “Wouldn’t do no good. He’d come Church of the Transfiguration, for ed. lessness, or loss of appetite, his lage com posed entirely o f rec.onp big fellow before her demanded Use warm water—^water that is structed originEd buildings, a new By OtN e Roberts Bariort and foimd themselves almost in the equal treatment * by his powerful in when he got ready. I can’t send that is its real name. weight chart must be studied to see timber camp of Three Rivers. Sheds Back in 1929, when Cupid wj« warm enough to remove the dirt center of interest particulEuly to the «W32 ev NEA presence. but no men to run loose in the hills if he is losing weight excessively. and houses of unfinished lumber having unusual success with his particles, but not warm enough to women will be found, ’The Potter “You asked why they allowed the way things is,” Swergin argued At such times he may be given a TEXT-BOOKS AS KEEPSAKES lined the road, while at the far end stubbornly. archery game, 2,363 marriage cere­ destroy the natural oils. Have a soft layoff Euid perixiitted to take it easy mansion which WEis brought from clean cutting? Well, that’s the only soap whjch does not contain harsh of the little settlement stood a large .“You send a man after my father monies were performed, in this until the weight loss stops. Brookfield is furnished in, originals. buUding set back in the only grove way any money can be made on this church. ’There were only seven less ingredients. Dry your hEindf> thor­ It wEus built directly after the Revo­ I was almost through school be­ stand and the government knows it. and tell him we are here,” Dona No lopger do coaches give their ' of trees left standing. in 1930. The stock market crashed oughly. Use a hand lotion on them. lutionary 'Weut, anaY-waa informed fore the free text book system went Next season we move over on the snapped. The timber boss was verg­ men breathmg exercises. Running Ddna headed the roadster toward in 1929, but for some reason love Take an orange stick and press back that it took Mr. P otter ten yeEura-to into effect. Blind River side and we’ll cut the ing on insolence. exercises and the ususd practice are this building. Hearded men gazed didn’t come tumbling after until the cuticle. Never let it grow over complete it, Eis everything was same way there.” Swergin’s Jaw Swergin stepped to the door and quite sufficient to develop the wind. ^ ce thm I have wished a hun­ after the car and smiled as it 1931. There were 300 less marriages made by hand: ’Thfe great "summer” thrust out and his narrow eyes called loudly. ‘Mike!” Get a move the base: of the nail. It hsis not been shown that the dred times or more that the board passed. Several waved their slouch on and take the wai bags of these enrolled on the. .church books that ■When you are seated always keep kitchen is interesting, the fireplaces Imd waited .another .yeatr o r two be­ hats. With a gripping of brakes the | snapped,^^3d. capacity, o f the,, lungs can be in- This is a feud then between tim- visitors into the hotel.” As an year. The first six months of 1932 the palmktof your hands turned up. in every room and the imtique-fur­ fore voting for free books. Because car came to a halt. afterthought he added, “And if Delo have shown a drop of 30 per cent creEised m Euiy way by standing still nishings throughout. Another man- bermen and cowmen?” Dona spoke This is a much more graceful posL and inhaling deeply for from 15 to now when I go to look, up something , “This is headquarters, hotel and comes in tell him he has company.” over last year. tion than the one,which turns toem Sion, .The Gilbert .Mouse, is furnish­ in elementary chemistry I would , lodge of the Delo Lumber Com- slow ly. 40 minutes. . . . (To Be Continued) , Miss Mary Hanlon, who has sat down. The blood doesn’t flow into the ed in reproductions from stunck to—nothii^' with car­ difficulties in the way of marriage. cotton with the stripes used In re­ Relishes are a great help in whet­ boss growled. verse treatment, makes it very indi- toons on its flylqaf; or scribbled Dudley could only nod, he was so They have talked them over and de­ ting appetites and are esmy to make notes on its m atins. cided to marry anyway.” vlduEd. You CEm bind the edges so that the filling of the pickle busy rescuing bis hand. with a contnmting color. Tbe free book system is an ex­ , Swergin gave his attention at The wedding procession may have shelves is not a forbidding tEmk. This cellent thing—a necessary thing — You could also combine two fab­ once to Dona. He smiled widely as fewer people in it today, the Ldttle recipe for Dresden relish is some­ a hitmwing—everything that can he shoved a chair out for her. “Your Chiurch has discovert. But it rics say a flowered or dotted print what different, if it is possible to get possibly be said of It. No ohs can with plEdn opening riuide used for Pa is sure on the warpath. Miss." is willing to wager that most of the yellow peppers. dispute that. “Are you sure he is not here?” them will continue to keep step to the front panel, pocket trims Emd Dresden BeUrii t There would be many children Dona fixed the big man with a cool Lohrengrin long after the organ binds. Six sweet red peppers, 1 sweet uho never could have' an education stare. stops playing. Style No. 2983 is desigiied for green pepper, 6 sweet yellow pep­ K tax monty were not used to pro­ “Naw, he’s out gunnin',” Swergin sizes small, medium and large. pers, 6 onions, 1 Clip broym sugar, vide the. materials of learning. Be­ laughed until the rough sound Price of pattern 15 cents. 2 tEible^Kwns siilt, 1 cup vin^ar, a l:!^ there are other arguments^ in rasped on his listeners. I tablespoon celery seed, 1 table­ Its- favor-rno lost days widting “un­ “Why did you let him go?” Dona Manchester Herald spoon muatEurd seed. til Dad gets paid before I can get a demanded. » Remove stem ends Emd seeds apeller.” Swergin considered this amusing Pattern Service from peppers. Peel onions. Put But sometimes I think that where and laughed again. “You can't stop peppers and oniona through toad parents manage It without too the big boy when he gets a no­ For a Herald Pattern aebd 15c chopper. Put in lauee pan, cover nmoh trouble or expense, acqiilrlBg tion.” Noting the look in Dona's m atampa or coin directly to with boiling water and let ataod X duplicate set o t seboCl books eyes he leaned toward her and FEmhion Bureau, Manchester Bhre- five minutes. Drain. . Put ix ^ would bo wen worth while, not only thrust out bis chin. " But I'll take oing Herald, Fiftb Avenue and preserving kettle with sugar, salt, for the present hut for the future. care of this business Just like I’ve ALL ALLIES WIN 28rd street, * Be been taking care of it for three On Sept 20,1918, «U allied troo; a sure to fill in number,of pattern years.” registered gains In western Europe, you /"'Sire. “What do you mean?” Dond asked Americans advuaefnf. oa Metz forts, sharply. Swergin's little eyes made British recapturing the fortified vil­ Pattern No...... her skin creep and she felt almost lage of Moeuvres, seven miles' west as though be bad placed his rough Pries 16 Oeote of Cambria, and the French captur­ ban(to upon her, “Tour Pa can bunt but when I ed gissigny-le-Orand and advancing Name ...... get set I’ll ride out and sboot tbls northeast of Yidlly. Germany annoimoed that she was Address ••••••••••••••••••••••• guy down in bis tracks.” Swergin I ' ' I } snapped bis Jaw shut and doubled ready to partifipa^e in an exchange Size ...... one enormous fist. of p ^ e id ^ idvanoed 1)y Aiutirta. “Wby sboot bim? Let bim take The Brltlfh and French forcea all tbe notes be wants to. 'This Is in 'Alia cnotinued, a suocesa- government Inspected cutting.” fui campfitippb uuodar______command o t <3enerid Alknllty, Aifter attacking a TurltiiUi front aldng 16 miles, the allied forces kroke tkroufb between 6«6 Bafat akd tbe sea aqd advanced 12 UQnX>-TANJrr 8—GALVE milet. / . A liNto ons.siMill become a tbone* ObMfef _4d, .and A-small, ane a strong or WMffilfte iff M nim toi'M fiteria Tbe coacibiag, etyff At Notre Dame natton.—Ipaiab university ie on's of tbe youngest « 4 sRrVS 1M HEAD COLDS in .tbe countty, three of them bav* I wpuld rather right than MMt 8|M lr lUmediM Kaowb ing been g r f i^ t e i preNdent.--'Hemy'0(ay» -■...... •I V. • • ' .'" ^ \»i,' . *2 _ • ■ • ■■■- 'a, .',> ’ * ' IU lNCBESTEB BVEKIN 6 BBBAIft SOtJTH lU^ CBBSItm, CONN., TXJI^AY, WSPrcMBiw so, 185Z. 'Jk, FOMSOaXRCLUB SIX RULES CHANGES DEVISED CUBS OPEN ''.'S-.' Gar Wood Breaks Record TO MAKE FOOTBALL 8AFER HBtE-EUGTJQHN (The a^m panylng artIMe la lim Irak In a aerie* of *eveo es- plaining ehaagea^Gw f*olban witou e i ^ ttg^ ^ y .hjiva At 124.91 MOes An Hour on llm playing if tha g»»B aM to whal extent Ihey wm ha ririM# IKUNSIEPRESiO&rr to spectator* •!** am • • • BY CnBSTEB L. SBOTH To Exhibit Gk>lf Shin Feroer Mark Set By Kaye ensuRBom NBA larvloe Sparial Writer Fiaak ftudi Te Muife Every change in the 1932 foothitt m l** wa* brought about by For Vkto7 Nn M l i D o b Was 119.75— Time a desire to make the game safer for the players. THAT FMNCnOB WhtD tb* nil** ffommitt** met at Hanover, N. H>, last winter Tean; bnea Petti >Te it had avidenee before it that certain departments of play needed at­ Clack Fhf; Grrii hrik Was Averafe of Two tention in order to curb a ten d*n » toward Coach; Begn Practice Ses- roughness which bad bean Inereaslag for several W U COME BACK days. 2SttW h;Pli8M ^ Dashes Over Conrse. The season of 1931 had produced an uupraee* skm Today. dented number of death* and ■arimu injuries. Dadiert. Despite the fact that an iaveetiimtion ptoved ''5 , AJfoiuic, llicli.« Sept. 20.—'(A F )—» Tger Coach H u S p i 1 o( that- • a very amaU percentage------| had occurred in A t a meeting at the School atraat Oar Wood set the world’* one-nile game* in which tb* partidpant* were in good ii. ' ^ Rec last night, the Manbbester Soc­ By GAYLE TAUNW hydropliae record at 124.91 etatut* 70 As Material — He physical condition and w«U drilled in fundamen­ cer Club was formed, with John tal football, it was fell tbe public wanted addi­ Munsie as president^ John A. Pratt T te Chicago Cubs, icsnttaf Werid miles an hour with his BUm America tional safeguards tluowa around tbe boy* and X here today. Tha former record as secretary, Frank Busch as man­ Bsrtee honey, moved tod^r-to was 119.75. held hy Kaye Don with Needs Eids aod Backs young men wbo take part in tbea* strenuous ager; Gerard McDonnell as asstst- contests. the UntohiBg touchM on the Pitts* Miss m and eatabHshed os • • « S' J- ant manager, David Morrison as Loch Lcwacad. Scotland, July 19. treasurer and James Potts i burgh Plratss, their last surviviaf The time was the average of two Just At Freseat. Tbe result of the oommittea’s deliberation coach. rivato for the National League title. dashes over the measured mile, one waa tbe most drastic alteration la tbe code daca About thirty interastad fans and They met at Wrigley Flald, bom* ups^am and one down. Immedi­ football was taken out of tbe "mass play” era. players were present at tb* maat- mora than two decades ago. r t of the prospective cbampkms, to a ately after completlnr them. Wood Princeton, N. J., Sept 20.— (A P ) ing and tba first practies session doublebeader labdled “suddSB swung the Wg 4i-cylind*r speed ere- —"FriU” Crlsler can look on ths In brief, tbe rule changae are: waa to be held this aftomoon, with death” for the Plratea A vieteryto ation about and agsdn roared up the first teys at Isast of Wa fall dtee^ 1— On a kick-off or free kick, five players of the next session Thursday evening either tussle was aU tbe Cubs need­ course. His second run upstream, tio a 'o f the Pripeeton Tlgera with the receiving side must remain within fiva yards % .5 at 8 o’clock, ao that those playara ed to make their triumph official however, waa slower than the first, satlsfaetlon and considerable hope. of their restraining line until the kick ii actual­ At woric in the aftomoon be and assure them a week of rest be­ 122.17 miles an hour. He a squad of 70 bo]rs. In ly made. able to try out for the team. Prac- fore the Yanks, American League Wood slowed down on the second splendid condltloD after but five 2— A player who has left tbe game may be tieas will ba bald at CSuirtor Oak kings, to the big battle. trip downs^am and no time was days of praetlee. He has had t i ^ atreet field, where it to intended to BILL MARTIN. RIOKY ANDERSON clMked. He said he waa saUsfled sent back as a substltuta at any time except in While tbe main show was gotim serimmaglng siaee thsir sscond day tbe same quarter in wbtoh be baa bean removed. play all future gantos. Manchester Fro Manoheeter Aea*! Pro on at Wrigley Field t o ^ tbe P ^ with the mark Miss America X had of practies, aomething unheard of Cliesiev #mtth It to hep^ that with tbe formlag made and that no further attempt Except in the case of replacement o f an injured lies striving to knock the Dodgers previously in Nassau football. player, a substitution may be made only when of tM i club and team, the seoear out of third place were within a would be made at present to set it TUKing over the nos'' thanklsss fan* of Manebester will give their higher. time is out for some other purpose. half game their goal, having task, restoration of a ' football 8—Protective equipment worn by a player must be padded on utniost support in making It . one of beaten Max Carey’e gang 6-2 yee- dynasty which had fallen from the the beat organisations la tbe state. terday. imghty daya of “Big Thrae” d o p a ^ the outside. Hard knee and elbow pads are not allowed, soft knee pads are made compulsory. It to planned to eater the Northern GOLF EXHIBITION The Boston Braves jumped Waite tion, to the ainglo victory of laat Connecticut LeAgue. Support to Hoyt tor four runs in the 6th to­ 'mar’s campaign, Crtslar, freah w m 4— When any part of a player carrying the ball, except hie AGGIES LACK SUBS hands or feet, touches the ground, the baU automaUcaUy becomes needed to obtain equipment and to ning to defeat the Giants 6-8 to the dinnesota, has made sn impresalve encourage tbe development of a National League's only other en­ start dead. good team. Plans are being made counter. BUT NOT REGULARS Because of an agreement with 5— The fiying tackle and Hying Hock ara proMMted. to play tMs coming Sunday and HERE ON SUNDAY Tbe Bolton Red Bos enUvened an Yale preventing fall practice before 6— Players on dafensa are 'permitted to use only the palms of more information will be forthcom­ otherwiie duU program in the September 15, Crlsler bad to lay their hands above the shoulders of tbalr opponents to ward or push ing in tboae eolumna later. American League by trim m ii« De­ down a achadula of dx weeks’ home them off in an attempt to get at the ball or the man with the ball. troit 5-4. omiditlonlng for each player so they Striking an opponent In any manner is banned. Alex SnpsoB and Jack SEITLEGRIDYEIUI Lefty Grove marked up Ms 26th Plenty of Experienced Men would report at college ready to go. vletoty of the season as the Athle­ Crlsler the rules commit­ NEXT: The flying wedge. tics defeated CMeago 9-6. tee too, for the fact that such « HOUAND AM I HYDE Cheney, Jr., To Play Bdl AU other club* were Idle. On Squad; Adequate Re­ sudden break into gruelling acrim- QUEEnONYONCHT Grove faced the White lo s after ipage work has not piled up Injur­ Martin and Rkky Ander- only two days of rest, hut Ms beet serves a Necessity. ia* — TO CLASH TOMGHT ■f efforts were not needed.- The Ath­ Bow Men Gat Hurt letics started banging Sox (dtebing •There are three reasons for in­ around in tbe first inning, and work­ juries,” he eaid, "poor condition, sen At Local Course. Red Mai Meet To Decide (This is another of a series on the GONROYANDBRTFT UORAGIEADING ed their way through GaUlvan, poor equipmot and failure to do the BU Ctoambertoto, Red Faber and prospects of college football teams correct tUng. The rules committee, lartford’s Best Favored To Manchester golf fans will be treat­ Matter of SpMsoriiig Charlie Biggs. in Conn.) through the changes of last winter CMeago made 12 Mta off Grove, baa been a great aid in correcting IN FEATURE BOUTS n YACHT RACESI ed to a fine exMbItlon of the ancient Storrs, Sept 20—(A P ) —A tto - EBoihiate Local Tomis while the Bos quartet gave ten, hut the. second and third of these.” Scotch game Sunday afternoon by Sfnad; Players Report the A ’s bunch^ their Mta, and to tic afridals at Coon. Aggie College Of the 70 men Crlsler will weed are wishing some of these surpluses exponents of the art who are well the first four innings built up a last­ out for an eleven to face Amherst in (jianip; Otters Playiuf. ing lead. farmers are kicking about would the opening game October 1,18 are All S br Card At Sandy But Sevoi Rivals Threaten known to Manchester people. Jack For Practice. hit the football squad. Sumner A. letter men from laat sesuK>n. Caieney, Jr., local amateur champ, Dole has a fast versatile elevoi GUY BUSH TO START pyv»if are Ms greatest need for of will be teamed up with Alex Simp­ Chicago, Sept. 20— (A P ) — Guy which he can send cut for the start* To Take Her Place h the Jesaais will meet Wiley at A definite decision as to the or­ the boys stiU available only Millard Beach T o i^ t Starts At 8 4:80 o’cloek, Biaaell will play son, pro at the Springfield Country Bush, who won credit for the victory ing whlsQe. But a good team with­ Draudet showed more than average club, and former Manchester man. ganization of a football eleven, to out plenly o f good substitutes, most Swain at 5:30 o’clock and Hol- over Pittsburgh August 11, which ability last fall. He has the nucleus Next Trials. lai^ Will meet Hyde at 5:30 They will battle against Bill Martin, }e sponsored by the locjl Red Men, put CMeago In^flrst place in the Na- experts agree, can't be expected to of a strong line from tackle to O’clock. professional at the Manchester win many games. o’elook, all noatchea to be play­ will be made at a meeting at 8 tiimal League, and wbo^is ^cpected tackle, headed by Tremaine Billings, ed at the TninblblNrook Country Country club, and Ricky Anderson, to start for the Cubs in tbe first The dearth of adequate reserves captain amd tackle, but he needs assistant pro at the local club. o’clock tonight at the Red Men’s is the major problem confronting Action wiU not be lacking tonight Southport, Coim., Sept. 20— (A P ) Onb today. clubhouse on Bralnard Place. AU game of the World Series, today Dole as he begins fals lOtb year with ends. Good Teams players Intwested are invited to at­ was nomixisted to try for tbe- vic­ when the amateur boxing ehow at —^Ralph V. Bradley’s Laura G., of Manchester teimls. lovers await TMs Is a perfect combination for tory necessary to cUficb the cham­ the Aggies. He had a squad of YALE’S FBACTICE Sandy Beach Arena, Crystal Lake, the minois river fleet maintahied its tend. about 30 players but only half o f it with keen interest the outcome^ of close exciting battle from tee to A brief practice session was held pionsMp. _ New Haven, Sept. 20.— (A P ) — gets under way. Matchmaker lead-today In the international star the Ty Holland-'Hobey Hyde third tee to putting green. Ghahey and Bush pitched the last three in­ is varsity calibre. What the squad Forward'pasdhg is occupying a Sunday morning at Charter Oak lacks in numbers. Dole hopes to George Groech has again gone to class yacht races, although threat­ roimd match in the first amnual Simpson are a pair that any two street, in charge of WiLlter Harri­ nings of the contest at Pittsburgh, great deal of the attention of Head golfers in New England would find August 11, and the ten-inning Cub- mftfc# up in part with new id ^ . the utmost to bring to the Arena to­ ened by seven rivais. Hartford county tennis tournament son. 'The following players promised Coacb Stevens as he directs the night ten fast all star bouts, in late tMs afternoon. Hyde, a jdayer tough to trim on any course let alone victory put them up there to staj’* Dole has modified noany o f the ideas Yale football squad in early season Laura G., trailed in 13th place in to come out for the team: T. Hap- he got in school under Pop Waner several of Ma advertised matches of national rankliig, is a heavy fav­ Manchester. Martin and Anderson peny, all Manchester guard in 1928; The early dopsters already have practice. . ■ opponents have turned away from yesterday’s slow third race, run off orite to win because of Ms far are playing their best golf around decided the taU MisaiEBipplan will and is Imparting them to his squad. Pass formations were tried out in an extremely light breese, but B. Spencer, all Manchester tackle; Dole has plenty of experienced the bouts chosen for them due to jpreater experience. the local course just now. Both are Harrison, all Manchester tackle in face the New York Yankees in the extensively yesterday as the Elis sore hands, colds and other ailments, gained a point on Eld Fink’s Mist, its .It was Hyde who came to Man consistently in the low 70 3. Mar­ world championsMp series opener. men for his backfield. Including ran through signal drills at the be­ closest rival, wMch likewise col­ 1928 and 29; C. Mixmlcucd, all Man­ three of last year’s regulars, Cap­ but George is vasured that in Ms Chester and troimced HoUsmd in am tin’s putting this year is sensationM chester fuUback in 1928 and 29; 3. His assignment today was the ginning of a strenuous full four substitutions he has arranged for lapsed yesterday to come in 14th. exMbition match two yeaia ago first game of the douMeheader tain Frank Pierce, Zavarella and hours workout. The day concludeci and Anderson has developed himself VendrUlo, 8. Squatrito, P. Lesaner, just as good as those o ff the card. Laura G., ran up a total of 69 points nwtng' e a s ily ^ straight sets. His into a wizard with the irons. against Pittsburgh’s desperate Other backs he can call on with a twenty-minute scrimmage for the three races, against 66 for M. CoxmeUy, L. Bronkle, L. Harri­ Include S t Marie, Frmch, Warren, The feature bout between Jim blistering drives and unfMUng ac­ Simpsoa and Cfiieney son, S. WeUs, & LeCoss, T. Haber- H r a t^ -Victorious, the Cubs would wMch the varsity won 12-0. Conroy and Charlie Slmkus of Wor­ M ist curacy humbled the Manchester be “in” mathematically. igifco Cronin, Cummings, Alterman Levering, designated fullback on Simpson was professional here em, J. Ambrose, lippincott, P. and Coe, a sophomore. There is also cester should provide the fans with Bandit n of the western Long champion after a falriy close first untfl three seasons ago when he ac­ Elagleson, Smith. It is exi>ected that Regulara TO Beef the first string eleven, remained out aU kinds of action. Simkus with a Island fleet, with Bob Vanderveer set in wMch Hyde ran HoDand all .Should the Cubs win, manager enough material for at least one of imlform yesterday because of a cepted ■ a more lucrative offer at J. Groman, D. Farr, Ted McCarthy, good U"<^ but a woeful lack of ade­ punch that Mds Conroy beware is at the tiller taMng every advantage over the court. Then with HolUmd Springfield. He is a brilliant golfer Grimm planned to give some of the blistered fo ot Hughes played in Ms sometMng to see put over as Conroy of the light breexe, crossed the finish A. Pentore, P. Vesco, C. DOnnelly, quate sub-linemen. well exhausted, Hyde won about as and has won several of the Massa­ F. Mozzer. L. Arvlne, Coseo, W. regulars, Including Mmself, a rest place. ias a stiff punch and has a style line far aheiul of the rest of the he pleased. from the second game of the douMe­ For their size the Aggies face a Joe Crowley, 202 poimd right half' that makes Ms opponents keep try­ fleet yesterday. The wind was chusetts and Western Massachusetts Crockett, T. Tuininaki, J. Quish. A. formidalfie groiq) of opponents. Incidentally Hyde is the only tournaments the past two seasons. Merrer, E. Dowd, J. Stratton, M. header on until the World Series. back, scored the first varsity touch­ ing. In the semi-ftoal, JlmBay Britt, barely effougb tb keep the contest player who has been able to smash Marvin Gudat was Mated to go to They *n their season at Orono, down yesterday with a six yard He Mazed around the local course in Saherek, P. ^ c e and T. Ambuke- October 1 against Maine. state flyweight champion, returns to anta naovlng at the start, and waa so B ra n d ’s irritating lob with any de- first base for Grlmra, Lance Rlch- plunge through center. the arena to meet whoever or what­ long in freshening that officials below par on several occasions ydtz WiU report Mtter. bourg, recently recalled from the In- Then they meet Wesleyan, Mass. ifrw of-consistency. Failure to do while he waa the pro here. Jwk Tbe first aesston showed that the Bob Lassiter ran 25 yards off ever kind of hfi opponent (Seorge se­ feared the race might not be com- tMs is precisely what has brought terxiational League, was down tor State., Trinity, Tufts, Coast Guard tackle for the second. Sullivan lects for Mm. Johnny Oompo is al^ Cheney, Jr., is at top form »nd Ms team will have an tmusually strong Academy* Rhode Island State anp pleted in the allotted three and a about the downfall of practically line but backfldd material is needed left field in place of riggk StetfsaB* piaytng quarterback in Parker’i ready selected for Jimmy but MS half hours. victory over Dow Ahern at Willi- son. with Frank Demaree In KOti wind up the season against New every good player Hpitond has fac mantle last Saturday afternoon and may be provldqd when more place, missed both kicks for the weight must correspond. Showers with moderate winds ed. Hyde’s forcefAil shots deep into Chiyler’s place In right Woody E l^- HampsUre November 19. - Mike Murphy returns also to give proves it. He played the second nine plajrers report. It to the desire of extra point were forecast for foday. Prior to the opposite comers gave Manches­ the Red Men’s A. C. to have a team llsb’s place was to go to- Staalty the fans a treat, Murphy will meet the opening of the races officials at the WiUimantic course in even Hack, with Zack Taylor doing ths Henry Roy of Worcester in what ter onlookeers the best tennis treat composed of local players entirely, intimated they might be postponed ever viewed here. par. but the necessity for a good back- catebing to place cf RoUifr Hemrioy. ow should be a bout weB worth the in case of unfsvori^e conditions. In Open Tournament Should the Pirates defiw the Cob \H They Stand ] price of admission. Eddie Bannii^ And ao Hyde to again favor^ to Simpson, Martin and Anderson are field may alter this. Any player in B O ^ N G Colleen, defending champion skip­ win tcmlght even though H o D ^ town is invited to try out for the triumph by winning the first gnme, win also be on hand with Murphy pered by Bill McHugh of the Pequot hB< improved aomewhat and Hyde all entered to the New England aU hands were to go right back to. VESTEBP A Y ’S EESUl/FS BOWLINO MATCH from Bast Hampton. Eddie wiU Open championsMp tournament team'and everyon*. wUl he given an Yacht Club, came In fourth, her may iwt.be quite as brilliaat as a equal chance. work briiind Bud Tlimtog. to try to American League Tonight at the Charter Oak draw the popular (Seoiglc Parker of best showinsrof the series yesterday, wMch bieglns at the Rockledge entnh the ChampionsMp winning to . Philadelphia 9, Chicago 6. Worcester and what a flght this wiU season or two back. Holtoud Alleys Pete Lacafta will bowl How­ to run up 58 points. Ripple, piloted be depended upon to put up tM Country club tomorrow in o m ^ . RECOMMEND BOXING CHANGES the second game. Boston 6, Detroit 4. ard Murphy the first half of a home !>«• They are up against tough competi­ Grimm’s world Series ^axu, M (Only games scheduled.) Battling Frencby of Rockville wlU by 12-year-qld Patsy Raskob of the greatest fight of Ms career tonight and home match. The’ winner will Eiutem Shore fleet followed it because he nefer has forgotten the tion at Rockledge and may n ^ toc- Baltimore, Sept. 20.— (A P )—Rec­ far as hs has made any, include National League bowl the town champion, Charles return to the wars meeting Hexury ceed in getting into the first 103, but Philadelphia 5, Brooklyn 3. Walsh of Hartford, who last week across the line. lacing H y ^ gave Mm. It was Hol­ ommendations of changes in classifi­ using Bush. WariMhe, Malone and Kebert land’s only TOtoat in the past five they have been practlt^ng hardand cation o f titles and tha dropping Root as Ms starting pitchers. Boston 6, New York 8. K. O’ed Joe Beck of Broad roMt. are -out to make a good showing (Only games scheduled.) Tony Phillips of RockvUle win clash from official racognitioo of the jun­ with Tommy Dugan of East Hamp­ ^ ^ S il Jesanis plays Lee Wiley, an­ against the topnotchors who are to ior Uf^tweight and ^mior waiter- "BABE” BEGINS BEST CURE STANIHNOS ton. .Eddie Shapiro will bring along vgnSW MS EASILY other of Hartford's leading p l ^ ; ^ play the West Hartford course weight cbampionriilps today wet* American Yesterday *8 Bobl^ Michaels, Tony Burke and at the 'Tumble Brook Ckwntry Oub Expect Large Gallery before the delegates to-the Natkmal Dallas, Tex., Sept 20.—(A P )' — W. L. Pet. Jobimy Mack from Woreeater, as late thto afternoon and in a ^ ^ A good stood gallery to expected Bmrtrig ABsoeUttoD cosvnitloa here. Mfidred "Bahs” Dldrtckson who. has a tioitoy wMch peodaims her tho New York...... 104 « .698 By The Aaaodated ProM these boys are outataading fightora other match, Bart Btas^wUl ptoy at ths Country club hsro 8 u n ^ tyi^ng the oommtosioa to seek the Pbiladelpbia 92 57 it to a sure thing action will reign WCHASTNErPUY Bob Swain l» 39-7. ' . I' ' * . Rod Rnfltog, New Totlr Yankee Beoemtiods nowbeiBs IniMn for lesgiies, etc. hMd a practice sesrion tonight at fosaign cchtSaiMii ftom Japan, hurler, in the middle of August Cbaat BritatoTltaty and Spain, coin Guy Tunibow, 204-pound Missis* the West Side at 6:80. It is impor­ iadtha sudors t o strikeouts witk DiALraoe tant that aU members be present at tag tiu m ^ 'in eaqpaeted atyte- « s h ^ track atar^ kuteS tha baU 60 yprda a try to aariy practtca. 161 vteUua, thto time. cept for a few thraa sat matohaa. V"t-¥ \, 3'.. Ma n u h i " r E u m e '-• • *y-- — - • - • ir.-' 'S-l' Read the C^lassified Renfal Property Listinq on this Page

AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 41 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 BOARDERS WANTED 59-A INISINESSnCK-UP FOR SALE— 1927 CHEVROLET SECOND HAND rangefi, coal and FAUSCHEDEE HICH SiCHOOl ' -V:. -i ' ..;- .•' I Manchester roiulster, in good nmnliig ooodition. combination, some in black, some WANTED—^BOARDERS. Ihqoiic at Inquire 18 Ridgewood atreet. gray enamel, all are adapted for 63 Garden street or telephone 6194. . HELPS ATLANnC o n NEWS (IFDiMOLATCittPlElL. Sr^ihig Herald oil burner use. Can be bought very OFYAGTIVmES FOR SALE—CHEVROLET P A N ^ reasnably. G. E. Keith EHimiture ^ CJ^AfiglPlEB delivery truck in good condition— Company. Telephone 4159. WANTED—ROOMS— Better Sentiment Reflected In Election of OfiMra Hdd L«i(*’ will be Bold very dheap if taken this BOARD 62 JUJYERTISEMENTS week. Wendheleer’M Muaic Store, f o r s a l e — ETJMEID' oak «Wnlng Increasing Arrivals At FRKHMEN HOME ROOM Night — Installatioii Rockville, Oonn. room set 826, rug |5, victrola 87, Begins October 3 Secretary “World’s Playground.” ^ Count aks EToraco wo». costs continue to advance, are ing toe year according to what toe In style, copy and typography with Service means-lower rates m fur­ WANTED—TO BUT 56 750 Main stieet Telephone 7248. business might cover. If it was deacon; Kenneth Hudsern. senior ^ 6:30 to 8—Girl scouts No. 11. hastening to take advantage of a Steward; Stewart Kramedy, Jtmlor tosulatlons enforced by the publish- niture moving to distant points. vacation in Atlantic City at toe pres­ about toe' attendance then toe At­ d n and they reserve the risht to WANTED TO BUY a stroller in TWO AND THREE ROOM apart- , 8:00 to 9—Girls gym class. steward;. Fred Edwards, chaplain; Daily trips to New York, baggage ent moderate tariff, Mr. Auchter tendance Committee from each adit revise or reject any copy con­ good condition. Address Box L, in ments for rent in Johnson Block. 9-10—Open for practice games. Ralph Chapman, marshal; lAmbert sidered objectionable. delivered direct to eteamshlp piers. states. homeroom met with him and so on. care of Herald, stating price. Modem conveniences. Apply Aaron Tuesdays Hadden, standard bearer; William = CLOSING HOURS—Classified ads to Before contracting for service get 2 p. m.—^Home makers group. This plan was found to he much he published same day must be ra- our estimate. Phone 3063, 8860, Johnson. Tel. 6917 or 3726. Bralthwaite, orator; Leonard BJork- eelved by It o*clock noon; Saturdays WANTED — A SECOND HAND 4 to 5:30— Grade school boys more satisfactory and will be con­ nian, sentinel; Wilmore Peterson, 8864, Perrett A Glenney Inc. A:3C a. m. bicycle, fairly good condition, 16 or FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement. Gymnasium classes. Y BOWUNG LEAGUE tinued this year. alimoner; Sherwood Brown, Earl - TELEPHONE TOUR 19 inch frame. Call 4207. Center street, rent reasonable. In­ 5:30 to 6:30—Open period. As in toe main building toe Fresh­ Smith, Newton Taggart, Alfred quire 213 Center street or tele­ 6:30 to 7:30—Joe’s Service station men and Sophomores in too Frank­ Christensen, Austin Krause, Arthur , W A O T ADS. REPAIRING 23 I BUY ALL KINDS of household lin building discussed toe qualifica­ Ads are accepted over the telephone phone 4862. Basket BaU hour. BEGINS PLAY O a . 10 Brown and Marshall Finley, pre-^ at the CHARGE RATE siven above goods, furniture etc. Better prices 7:30 to 8:30—^Nprth End’s Basket tions and duties of each officer be­ ceptors. as a convenience to advertisers, but WASHING MACHINE, VACUUM paid if yqu call or write. Nathan FOR RENT—SUMMER ST., five Bsfll hour. fore toe nominations took pUu:e. toe P-ARH RATES will be accepted as cleaner, phonograph, clock, gun, Liverant, Colchester, Conn. Tele­ room flat, ^ood condition. Inquire 8:30 to 9:30—Yoimg men’s Basket Eight Teams To Compose Lea­ Interesting discussions on toe ques­ FULL PAYMENT it paid at the busi­ lock repMrlng. Bralthwaite, 62 tion “Should one vote for himself? ness office on or before the seventh phone 97. W. S. Hyde, 932 Main street Tele­ Ball and Gymnasium class. gue— Seven Already Picked; day foUowlnK the first insertion of Pearl atreet phone 4412. W ednesdays If so, why and if not why not?” took COLLINS DRIGGS’ MUSIC each ad otherwise the CHARGE 4 to 5:30 p. m.—^High School boys Seven Men On Team. place in toe various class rooms. RATE will be collected. No responsi­ I WILL BUY RAGS, papers, maga­ FOR RENT—SEVERAL desirable bility for errors In. telephoned ads Gym period. Follo'wing are toe names of those REACHES 4 CONTINENTS ill be assumed and their acouraey COURSES AND CLASSES 27 zines and metals. Dial 6389. rents ranging from 822-850 per 7 to 8:30—Older Boys Open period The Manchester Y. M. C. A. bowl­ students who will hold toe respon­ 2innot be guaranteed. month. Apply Ekiw. J. Holl. Tel. for Basket Bcfll. (Bojrs not connect­ ing league will get under way on sibility for toe positions of chair­ IN D EX OF BEIAUTT CULTURE—Earn while 4642. ed with any special team eligible.) October 10 and vdll be composed of man, secretary, and Soinanhis agent learning. Details free. Hartford ROOMS WITHOU7. BOARD 8:30 to 9:30—Business men’s Gym eight teams. There are at present for this year: Room 11, Chairman, Fan Mail He Receives Indicates CLASSIFICATIONS FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat with all Academy of Hairdressing, 693 Clauss and Volley ball. seven teams entered known as toe Michael Hubem; Somanhis agent; Births eeeaeeee e.c*.* e e e e e a t eaCfiCh • • A A DESIRABLE ROOM for rent with Improvements. Inquire Mrs. H. W. He Has Been Heard In Aus* Main street Hartford. Thursdays Bon Ami, Brunner’s Market, Com­ John Weiss. Room 12: Chairman, BnesKements private family. Breakfast served if Harrison, 598 Center street, tele­ tralia, Chile and Ireland. Harrlr.^es »!:•.•••.§ •« 3:30 to 4:30—3rd and 4th grade munity Pilling Station, Keller’s Hhrold Dumas; secretary, Leo John- Deaths eesesseese njCCh ••••••••••a desired. Telephone 8769. phone 3839 or 3161. Klotoers, Shearer’s Buirks, Gib­ ,son; Somanhis'sgeiit, Joseph Dona­ Card of Thanks !•••••:••••••• dancing school.. (Boys cmd girls). In Memoriam .. HELP WANTED—MALE 36 FOR RENT—FURNISHED room’, FOR RENT—FIVE AND SIX room 4:30 to 5:30—5th and 6th grade son’s. Garage and Pinehurst. One hue. Room 13: Chairman, Richard Collins Driggs, popular Manches­ Lost and Found '•»••••• • • •:• • • • • near Hollister street school, teach­ tenements, with aU modem im­ dancing school. (Boys and girls). more is to be added, to make toe Simmons; secretary, Pearl Schen- ter organist who: plays radio pro­ 'jinnonneements STRONG mSTITUnON linked ers preferred. Telephone 6454. provements. Inquire at 147 East 5:30 to 6:30 —^Free period for eight teams. It is proposed to get a del; Somanhis agent, Walter Smith. grams four days a week in addition Personals ...... e with Trust Department of one of Antemohlles Center street or telephone 7864. practice teams. schedule completed within toe week Room 14: Chairman, Andrew to fulfilUng a theater contract, gets' Automobiles for Sale ...... 4 New York’s largest banks wants a FOR RENT—2 SINGLE ROOMS in 7:30 to 8 p. m.—High school boys after toe' eighth team has been se­ Fiedler; secretary, Russell Holmes; plenty of fan mail each day and Automobiles for Exchacse e e e,p:w S high grade representative in Man­ basket ball workouts. lected. Somanhis ' agent, David Douglas. Auto Accessories—Tires ...... 4 Johnson Block. Apply Aaron John­ FOR RE3JT—4 ROOM tenement 93 some of his programs have . been Auto Repairing—^Paintlnr...... T chester and vicinity, banking or in­ son. Tel. 6917 or 3726. Charter Oak street. Apply 91 Char­ 8 to 9 p. m.— ^Business girls’ gym ­ There will be twenty-one weeks Room 15: Chairman, Fred Delaney; heard in far off AustraUa. Ml Auto Schools ...... t-A vestment experience is not requir­ ter Oak street or 701 Main street. nasium class. of playlpg, toe games to be played secretary, Margaret Carlson; So­ Driggs plays for half an hour three Autos—Ship by Truck 4 ed, but the man selected must be FOR RENT— FURNISHED roo^ 9 to 10 p. m.—Open period for on Monday and Wednesday evenings manhis agent, Gqorge Fischer. Room mornings and one evening o^r. Autos—^For Hire ...... t centrally located,, kitchen privi­ Garages—Service—Storage ...... 14 able to show a good record and un­ PvENT H U N TIN G ?—Tell us what practice games. of each week. The captains of toe 16: Chairman, Gordon Weir,,* secre­ W n c at Hartford. The farthest, Motorcycles—^Bicycles ...... 11 questionable reputation. This posi­ leges, and garage if desired. Tele­ you want, well take care of it f^r F ridays teams are to select seven men for tary, Doris Whitehouse; Somanhis away that his programs have beat .Wanted Autos—^Motorcycles .... II tion will pay excellent money, but phone 3664. you without charge. R. T. McCann. 4 to 4:45 p. m.—Open. their team and toe seven members agent, Roland Valllant. Room 17: heard may never be knoiri>, hut Business and Profcsslenal Servlees among his fan mall are letters, from Business Services Offered ...... II it can only be filled by a man who 69 Center stre e t IMgl 7700. 4:45 to 5:80—Girls’ gym class. so selected shall not be allowed to Chairman, Fred Hansen; secretary, Household Services Offered...... ll-A is a hard enthusiastic worker. Call 5:30 to 6:30 — Team practice play on any other team. The names Enes Johnson. Room 18: Chairman, Ireland, Chile and A ustralia sho-w* Building:—Contracting ...... 14 in person Wednesday morning and APARTMEN'l'S—FLATS— FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, period. selected by each team shall be con­ Daniel Shea; secretary, Anna Mc­ ing that his playing has been heard Florists—NurseVies ...... l i ask for Mr. Whitehouse, Room 219, TENEMENTS 63 modem conveniences. Apply to J. 6:30 to 7:30—Open tor miscel­ sidered members of toe team mak­ Neil; Somahls agent, - Alfrsd Ponti- in those countries. Funeral Directors ...... 14 P.‘ Tammany. 90 Main street Heatin?—Plumbing:—Roofinf . n IT Second National Bank Bldg., 129 laneous teams to practice. ing toe first selection and by ha'ring celli. Roome 21; Mary The letters which come to toe 7:30 to 8:30—“Live Wire group of seven members it is expected that Alice Andrews; secfelaiy, Madeline young Manchester organist are of a Insurance ...... IS Church street. New Haven, Conn. TENEMENT—6 ROOMS, all im­ FOR REN T— i ROOM tenement at Millinery—Dressmaking ...... IS provements, steam heat, window High School girls”. at all games there will be the nec­ Bell; Somanhis agent, Julia Acetq. varied and Interesting nature. Some Moving—Trucking—Storage ... 10 5 Ridgewood street, rent 821 month. shades, garage. 191 Eldridge, at 8:30 to 9:30—Businessmen’s gym essary five on hand to bowl. Room 22: Chairman, Otto Cook; merely are requests that he play Painting—Papering ...... II Garage included. Louis Lent!, 178 Professional Services...... II SITUATIONS WANTED— top of the hill. and volley ball class. > The officers of toe club are: Ches­ secretary, Helen Copeland; Somau- certain musical numbers. Some ask Parker street Telephone 5623. all sorts of personal questions, such Repairing ...... IS FEM ALE 36 Saturdays ter Brunner, president; Fred Har­ his agent, Robert Crocker. Room Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning ... 14 FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat, with 9:30 to 10:45—Grade school boys’ vey, secretary and David Hamilton, 23: (toairman, Francis.Geudner; sec­ as—“How old are you?” “What do Toilet Goods and S ervice...... 26 with all modem improvements with you lpok:llke?” “Are jrou married hr Wanted—EBusiness Sorviee ...... 24 YOUNG MARRIED woman with no I FOR REINT—3 ROOM apartment, games and gym class. treasurer. retary, W. Humphrey; Somands Edaeatlonal or without heat. Price very reason­ 10 to 11—^Tap dancing for girls agent, T. Hagenow. Room 25: single?” and Sundry other questions family would like housework, by practically new. Phone 6517. of a somewhat slinllar nature. Courses and Classes ...... 17 day or hour. Write Herald, Box V. able, only adults. Inquire 11 Walnut (beginners). Chairman, Teddy Nelson; secretary, Private Instruction ...... 28 s tre e t 10:45 to 12:00—^Hlgu School boys’ With very few exceptions, ;Mr. dancing ...... 28*A 6 ROOM TENEMENT, aU improve­ FUER WOULD WED Bernice Marsh; Somanhis agent, Driggs . arranges his own theater Musical—^Dramatic ...... 29 ments, garage, good location, rent games and gym. period. James Mahoney. Room 24: Chair­ ^VVanted^^Instruction ...... 10 FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement In Saturday afternoon will be open projgrams, though occasionally a ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 reasonable, 32 Walker street In­ man, Lillian Klinkbamer; secretary, syndicated program is purchased. Binandal two family house, in good condition, to schedule various games tor. teams MRS. KEITH-MILLER Bonds—Stocks—^Mortgages >e^ see 11 quire SO WtUker. Tel. 7268. Robert Jemicke; Somanhis agent, This week he is'featuring three, old all improvements. Inquire 239 Oak from within, the Y. or can be rented Business Opportunities...... 22 Stanley Krajewskl. Room 28: favorites, “The little Old Chufep la Money to Loan ...... 14 FOR SALE— PIPELEISS furnace. a treet to outside teams. Saturday nights FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene- (Oontinned From Page One) Chairman, Priscilla Pillsbury; secre­ toe Valley,” “The Volfce in the Old Help and Sltnatlona Call 7943. ment, with all improvements. Ap­ open tor tournaments' and various Help Wanted—Female ...... 16 FOR REa^^T—SIX ROOM tenement tary, Faith Owers; Somanhis agent. Church Ctooiri’ and “In a Monastery Help Wanted—^Male ...... 24 ply 95 Foster street. Telephone games and social affairs. - Keito-Miller received one on toe Avis Palmer. Garden.” As for radio programs, he FOR SALE—NEW 16 GAUGE sin- and garage, 53 Hudson street, good The first classes will meet on Help Wanted—Male or Female .. 27 5230 or 4545. same warrant . says that he plays^ as m any requests Agents Wanted ...... 27-A gle gun and 3 boxed shell 85.00. conditioi:. Telephone 6502. Monday, Oct. 3rd as ^edified ’The marriage date, set for toe Four public hasehaU diamonds of as possible and that as for the ‘ ar­ Situations Wanted—Female...... 88 Henry RoUet 404 Hftd. Road. FOR RENT—FIVE ROOMS, s ^ above. Perhaps it is not generally ituations Wanted—^Male...... 29 FOR RENT —FIVE ROOM flat “earliest possible moment” by Lan­ Spokane, W uh., have been closed rangement, people often .seem.^'io ond floor, all imxjrovements at. 137' known but the fees for the Man­ SImployment A gen cies...... 40 steam heat and all Improvements. caster in his statement to Forrester, by puk commissioners to adults to like toe programs he feels may not Xilve Stock—Feta—Poultry—Tehielea Middle Turnpike West. Ihquire first chester Y. M. C. A. are less than Inquire 219 Summit atreet. Tele­ is contingent on toe British pilot give youngsters room for play. be as good as others. Bogs—^Birds—Pets ...... 41 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES floor. one-half those of most of the Y. M. Llvi Stock—^Vehicles ...... 42 phone 5495. obtaining a divorce from a wife in — RAD IO 49 C. A.’s throughout the United Poultry and Supplies ...... 48 England. Wanted — Pets—^Poultry—Stock 44 States. Your tickets from this As­ FOR RENT—6 ROOM FLAT with “Captain Lancaster said he un­ For Sale—MlseellaneonB TWO HORSEPOWER electric HOUSES FOR RENT 65 sociation are honored in any Y. M. Articles for Sale ...... 46 motor, price 835, first class condi­ garage. Inquire W. Manning, 15 derstood Mrs. Lancaster had applied Walker street. C. A. wherever you may go. Boats and Accessories ...... 44 tion, 60 cycle 110 to 220 volt Phone for a divorce and that this ut&V Building Materials sees eeeee ^e e 47 FOR RENT—32 STRONG street 6 have been granted without his Diamonds—^Watches—Jewelry ,. 48 3460. FOR RENT—5 ROOM tenement, Electrical Appliances—^Radlo ... 49 room single, fire place, 845 month. knowledge,” Forrester said. Fuel and Feed ...... 49-A heat furnished if desired, near the Arthur A. Knofia. Dial 5440. PROHIBITION AS ISSUE Mrs. Keito-Miller was not pres­ Garden — Farm—Dairy Products 60 FUEL AND FEED 49-A mills. Inquire 50 Pine street, up-, ent when Lancaster told Forr^er 4% Household Goods ...... 61 stairs. FOR RENT—78 WASHINGTON STDOV V hAL C0(»RAN PICTUQES 13 Machinery and Tools ...... 62 IN e a st e r n PRIMARIES of his plans for toe future with toe Musical Instruments...... II FOR SALE— SEASONED H AI^ street 6 room Colonial house, fire womam with whom, he flew from Office and Store Eanipment .... 64 wood 88 per cord, 84.50 per load. FOR RENT—4 ROOM flat, with place. Call Arthur A Knofia. Dial Specials at the Stores ...... 14 attic and storage room, all improve­ England to AustrSlia five years ago. Birch 87 per cord, 84.00 per load. 5440. (Continued From Page One) Mrs. Keito-Miller, according to Wearing Apparel—F u rs ...... IT Call Rosedale 13-13, Charles Heck­ ments, steam heat, shades furnish­ Wanted—To Buy ...... N ed, 35 Division street. Inquire John­ ------the Labor Department agent, is in Rooms—Board—Hotels—Hesorts ler. tests in eight Congressional dis­ New York disposing of her apart­ Bestaurauts son, 46 Walnut street Rooms Without Board ...... 61 THREE MURDER CHARGES tricts. The State’s Democrats are ment and furniture there. CASH PRICE on-one half cord 4 ft renominating Governor Joseph B. Boarders W anted...... 69-A hard wood, 83.50; sawed to order, FOR RENT—5 ROOM heated apart­ Country Board—Resorts ment hot water. Available Oct, 1st. Bridgeport Sept 20.—(AP)— Ely without opposition, while Ueut- HEART BALM SUIT Hotels—Restaurants .. 84.00. Hickory, sawed to order, The Grand Jury of Fairfield coimty Governor Williafii S. Youngman has Wan t ed—Rooms—Board 84.50. L. T. Wood Co. Phone 4496. Apply Watkins Bros. Real Estate For Rent••••••• will be summoned tomorrow to pass three opponents in his fight for toe Bridgeport, Sept 20.—(AP)— Apartments. Flats, Tenements .. 41 FOR RENT—6 ROOM flat with all on the decree of murder against Repubilean guhematorUd nomina­ Kurt Priese of Norwalk is named Business Locations for Rent ... 44 three men. They are Frank Ander­ Houses for Rent ...... 4| DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 Improvements, on second floor. In­ tion. defendant in a 825,000 damage suit Suburban for Rent ...... 44 quire 27 Starkweather street. son of Darien, charged with the Prominent among eastern Con­ filed today in toe Superior Court in Summer Homes for Rent ...... IT CANNING PEACHES for sale at killing of his nephew, Irving F. An­ gressional races are contests for re­ an alienation action brought acraiUBt Wanted to R e n t...... 48 reasonable prices. Andrew Walek, FOR RENT—TWO, THREE and 4 thony, 45, on Jfily 7; Leonard An- nomination by Rep. Robert Luce of him by Abdellah Bistany oit N or­ Real Estate For Sale room apartments, heat Janitor Apartment Building for M e ... M 279 Keeney street. tonuccio of this dty, known as the toe 9to Massachusetts District and walk. "Business ■ Property for Sal l i e ...... 7» service, refrigerator furnished. Call “best kid,’’ charged with the mur^ Rep. Frederick M. Davenport in It Is charged by Bistany that he Farms and Land for Sale FO R SA LE —ELSERTA peaches, Arthur A. Knofia, 5440 or 4131, der of his wife ESla Gerak Antonuc- New York’s Thirty-tolrd. Both are married his present wife in , 1917 Houses for Sale 71 25, 35 and 50c basket. Prices rea­ 875 Idain street Republicans. Luce standing on his Lots for Sale ...... 71 cio, 21, at 675 Pembroke street on and that three children were bom Resort Property for Sal* • e e • • e • sonable. Free delivery. Wm. J. Ted- March 3, 1926, and Roosevelt Wil­ party'll National prohibition plank, to them. He charges that Kurt Suburban for S a le ...... ford, 243 Fern street Phone 4561. FOR RENT—FOUR room tenement, liams, 25, of 49 Willism street for is opposed by a repeallst, and Priese , by his blanlahments, etc., ^ a l Estate for Exehaaxe...... on first floor, steam heat, all im­ the killing of Edgar Firids, 26, of Davenport, a prohibitionist. Is with­ stole the affection of his.wife Adele; Wanted—Rm I E atate...... FOR SALE—CIDER APPLES. Tel^ provements, at 168 Oak street Bi- Aeetle*—Leswl K ^ eee New Haven, last Monday night The out opposition for toe Republican also that he borrowed 8425 from MSal Notices ...... phone 6121. The Gilnack Farm, quire Maples’ Maternity Home, 164 consideration of the three cases will nomination for toe House in toe his wife which money Monged to South Main street Oak stre e t take up the Jury time an day. 39to New York District. him. iGAS BUGGIES—Those Things W ffl Happen By FRANK BECK (BEAD THE STORY, THBii COLOR THE FlOTGBp!) The bird swooped here The bird tow hdaded .toward the and toeire and had^ real - fun up earth and flew for alliihat It win in the air.. Brave Windy wasn’t worth. The speed took Windy’s T bP ALL THE SELFISH frightened ’cause .he’d often flown breath away and startled him a bit SRUTBS...Y0U JUST around. ' But, when ; he landed, on CAMT S TA N D I T Thought he, TU let out'quite a ground, the othbr HnlM g ath ||M TO see THE whoop if this bird starts to loop- ’round and heard wee Windy POOR CHILD Y^i toe-loop. I love that sort of stont, "What-fun! Fm surely. fceI^;#H ” 35^ HAPPY— M if we stay high up off toe ground. Just then they., saw a ^ It seemed toe bird read Vniu^s iM ^t. The Tiniro xan with alTi mind. It promptly started but to rtiJit'to-meet t f find a real Mce place to pun some phWte, bitched to a Utile stunte. Up, up toe stninge bird ^ ^ iB d Coppjr,' ‘‘Gtoodte^ » *rosBe smSUi VUigt is. that And then it looped ton loop real are trying to haulf ThSyYe; fast As little white doipds whizzed log hard. Let’s right past wee Windy shouted, beasts may fall..i X “That was very clever, gohdneas And so toe ' knows. The, BOO. man “Do it again. Fm not afraiiL’' stand Another loop was inon^tiy made. While upside-dowh brave Windy saw the Tinies, far htfow.' Thought he, I w l^-tiM y weip with me. 'They’d hb as toxtiled as they could be. How mucli real fun I’m living thoaa ^ wee ladAi tHB never know. • ^ vj; ,ivI f r h >\- • V 7-^1 - » ■ / 1 - i dURBDSdWi^^ . ! le tooBcryffle Ti«ley to Fontaine Fe* i; ' » toGoiw'Aliem » A V SE AND St’. IS., ( >1. V.. . ' ^ n » ?NMat Ik to TM Mrs. Riley (to her husband)— Please match this piece of silk for m BV>rgtt tlto tlilBgs that you havaj me when you are down town today, / HO •WAW W-W-' MM ^ doh*. ^ ^ dear. Will you? OOMP. COME qUT HfioPME? Don’t talk of what you moan to do; Husband (shrewdly)-At tte you siUNKTHE 1=LCeTy3 Tho past and futnra ara raally ono, counter where the sweet little X>\*.pMr#3 6 5 , AND ^ ,I ’M 60lN SEVEN-WEEKS IWOM si»ini— It Please. If cream is an Some young women toll not, TtoU AMIST HAVE aid to beauty, then a lot of girls neither do they spin, yet they caA ■r o o m e d W fTM # 8 < » 7 . must be using butter milk. weave a spell around any man s T H E F E L L O W h e a r t . ______Woman—And has your baby W HO d i d / learned to talk yet? Priend—My, yes! We’re teaching JUST WADIN’ DKPTH . T l » 9 3 5 , him to keep quiet now. “Honey, Tm knee-deep in love Some old-fashioned mothers who w ith you.” V remember their husband’s nrst kiss­ “All right. I’ll put you on my es now have daughters who can’t wading list”—Titbits. even remember their first husband. h a r d o n SMITH Mind Reader^Now I have finish ed your reading—12 please. Clerk: I do as much work niii>‘'!!!!ll Customer—Sorry, but If you had, Smith, and I get 210 a week less. correctly read my mind when I Boss: Quite right to remind me. yXi. \ came in you would have known I I will reduce Smith 210 a week.— didn’t have |2 with me today. Gazzettino Illustrato, Venice, ^14 ASked about the shape of the h a i r r e m o v e r world, little Tommy said to his teacher: "I don’t know, but my dad Client: What effect will your neW said it was pretty flat these days.” scalp treatment have on Hairdresser: Oh, I think it wll ilother—Helen’s young man has come out all right.—Pele Mele, taken offence at something. Have P aris. 4 you said ansTtbing to him? Father—Not a word. I haven t IMMUNE ^ ®0PS/--HE LAID EM seen him since I mailed him the last electric light bill. “I consider kissing very un­ All OYEP.THE 'DATOBU/ healthy.” tctaaaerae>wswaa maeaH.apar.wr. ff-FA* Lots of people wish the govern­ “Well, I’ve never been—” ment would stop telllug them whore “K issed?” the per c^dta circulation of money “No—ill!”—T it-B its. stands and Just hand it out and let (•Vaoialat t a . 1832) them do their own counting. THE GOOD OLD KIND "So you are married, eh? Got a Things we’d like to know: mW9SL XWKWy T^e Chorus of George White s girt like your mother, I suppose? SCORCHY SMITH A Strange Reaction Scandals. "No, my wife Is ot the old-fash­ u- How men who figure on bwng ioned type.”—Pathfinder. shot to tho moon in a racket plan to come back. If race horses couldn’t run Just ’Mbu vnu. BE. UNDER HO OBUGATtON *TO^ ’AS IDMB ASTUIS COUNTRyTTlUHKVDU QOIIH as well if their names seemed to FLAITER—a.u.«.p»T.orr. SAYS: ^«d*. you TuiNKvqu Mui. tM^imCuori ’ you ARE.VERV KlNPkSEMOR.nD PLEASE BE. s e a t ; ASSURE M i OP VOURWSPnMnV ME.ECORav. m s I WBOWilLBE. r e m a im PROWVBtTlOM X / VERY MUCH — make a little sense. rasTTiON? rnsHcnvimG. awan A N D /A SV I w is h THE SCORCHV t eUTt ORiyWlSHIDIMPOSiOM UNDHt OBUGATlON SHOULD VOU TOAST OOR 6 0 EST W n 4E Whether all waiters are natural­ Mq/SeRKKtMETMf AND PpORTdE GRAPE JUICE *• HOUSE OP ALVAREZ WOMEN ACT VERY Nocr Btff ws CMRncreR remaim'. VbURFiaEKDfiHiP’TO'nie ex- A HMVCWIN65 m a n y,MANY T im e Harry P.—Boo who? m OFEAGIE. iDIMevtRSr Voice on Triephone—Don t - AKUTHEH r Central^must have given mo the ARRAMGE^ wrong number. WMStrSM^T One can tell howlong it requir^ ■’S*i him to take bis vocation by co^^ lag the milk bottles on the back porch. v\ Suitor—Won't you marry roe? I'm earning plenty of money. , Betty Belle—Too bad you dont g et it. T ■rt*’ Judging from the number of vorces Reno grants, it must be lo­ By Willfama cated on the great divide. WASHINGTON TUBBS D By Crane OUT OUR WAY Bachelor (dreamily)—Som eto^ I yearn for the peace and comfort of married life. Married Friend—Will, you have nothing on me. f S R N • WA«T» NOW \ AbRR EF THCReuiD AiK MK1D I'M DSt-MiRlMR A AORTUMR IM A m o lo RID S AL0M6»«V1HV AVIATOR. A R R MR) PWViMO DIAMOMDD 1 0 ^ A* ^ PBtgMP OF TO KiMRCrryf ■ A PARiyiWRRR PMCUIMS, ^ 4 . - " (DM 4t| tf MMHWi «UM i V fc P B O P P fD tM p lifm ft few raMNMIMr mmh on V* 4 TMC VeR6C OF MUTINV) ffAV/ 'kr fv POR A OUIdK'*MiU.0' AMD HAS Ir IMVITfD fo a c t i M 'v o ''(u iw RIDS WUH UIM 1D < 0 idiKhp e rry ,... <■ ! ;l / ^ OIAH^OMOS? ARBHT TWey ARfiMT IM THE SHIP.. i < " A ' 'A-'' > 00 APRA1D TD 1 UA/E THEIA W IH /VNe-TO, '^1 LRAVe IMEAA tM LOOR a t m e M9U VOULDMT M90R PLAME AT TVIIMM X )f/AS WORTH A TUe AIRPORT,VMVtILE M1UIOM IM B IS ROUMD y o o a e a t o o r F ie U R R S , \M0ULD w |«mMR eUtMCRS <'41 a M w iH ja N B . H o u se ? you s u i m s ARM ®M.L OVeRTHB YLAA6. WH6M DAV IS 0OM& — J o s T QAV. ^wmwi

r r r T x a r - y' T IfIfffff 'm Ymey?i tohaNi SALESMAN SAM SamCaHieahi y_3=r - i t I

” C .’-.O V6RM ThiNDto.VANBRO! iP^C. PLfeHTH F*B. AUU. SE E THAT BE'-7 ROBBtM' Ptel Bo*fiM’ See. jruMKi / s u r .V a — W B L L > > P i n e ! M c fe O L C s ! MV WAIST ? t h e v : j? e MOVa) OW RA5S OUR. J OUR. CLolHe I'LU AHO t h r ^ d ! IM THAT.... P R en y ! i ^OUO+i BACKl jAReiNaHRCM > je A T ,E H ? . A m d THE M©CT V(^ I / ^ S M T B O fT A MILLION It R IL B V DOLLARS*" AMD r i o e A PHEW/ FR E C K L E S NNERE ON T U eiR W dV TO t 1^ THE AitmrrV iff 6^ r ■ V ■

/ v'^V. I w a m m o M t ; d o o to b s Adbipk AMnTWWN •iti^Ht. w a a v r "^ -" fir. Rowud fioyd / and • Dr. uwiitant. ■ ^ ^ MortlBMr MOHarly n n tha .hhy- ttba «hldh waa S a t'la tw Brown Thomson's That the dtamer to be given by the ■tdana whOv will rappend. to in the avealaf . tha« biogr Manoheater Xmprovameat Associa­ amsifoney ealli tomorrow .aft- home. ■'TlM’iioyw ia t B j i ^ . tion on September S7, es the open­ ahioan. It was MPortod ^ tot ing of its „ fell meetmgs, wUl be 9 - haaebaU b a t but iCnk Raae v largely attmded teems assured. .The mothisr o f tha boy, aatd bar jn n ' SALE OF number of members in good atand- Tha Bpworth Circle wiU meat this b ^ atruok by * ateae'>thrdwii ing of the north end or^uilatlon evening at 8 o'dook with Mra. B. another hoy. She aald the aod« has increased one-third ilnoa the an­ B. Inman of Woodbtldga itreet <. was unlntentioBaL. nouncement of the get-together meeting was made by Prealdent Joel M. Nichols. There nee been a large The itata oonventloa of Hay- The Women’s League for S e r^ ' sale of tloketB, which art to be had makara wU be hsld In Milford next of the Seoead OongregatieBai ■ r , at KeUer*! store, moholea* Newa- Saturday, September 24, at 8 p. m. church will resum* 'meef- LINENS Inga tomorrow afternoon at thp stand and Men's barber Shop. Qeve wuingtftw and Walter Smith, Jr., are the delegates from Mlanto- church. Plana will be m ade.for tba Misa Anna J3. Olcavage .of North homoh Hayloft No. 68M1 and Wil­ sale on November 9. Work Our annual fall sale of Linens brings the finest line School street has return^ to Spring- liam Leggett la alternate. The local will be folding for the Memorial of Linens we have shown in years. Our very recent im­ Held, Mass., .where she has entered Haymakera degree team will go to hospital. The first group, Mra. Ca^l MUford Saturday evening to initiate Allen. Mrs. D. D. Austin, Mra. Da­ port of Irish Linens wbre at its lowest, and the orders her senior year in the secretarial vid A rm itroiy apd Mra. F. C AUen, ■dence division of Bay X^th Insti­ a class of caadidatea from the dif­ placed with Irish manufacturers were under most m - ferent Haylofte of the state. wlU act as hosteaaea. vantageous time and terms. Don't let this sale get by tute, Sdiool of Business Training. Mystic R s v l^ , Vlfoman’s Benidlt you. Buy now for brides, yourself and holiday givmg. Lady Roberts Lo^Ige^ No. 242, Mr. and Mra. ihomaa Maxwell of Fseta, Raeent NeWs Hamlin atreet have been vlaitlng Aasootation. win maet tbia/eyanlng Daughten of St George, will hold at 8 o’dook In Odd FsUovni hall fOr Artfdtoa te']( Ite regular meeting tomorrow night their daughter, Mrs. Horace Weath< ^bUcatioM: , at S o'clock in Odd Fellowa Hall. erly of Boaton. ite r e r '^ buslneaa session. Cloths and Napkins TbxtUa Habbes Swhmped Irish all linen cloths and napkins, 3 patterns. Joseph Chartler, tax collecter in With Ordwa " the Eight School and Utilities Dis­ -■ '/■ J ’ . i ' : Prices Chrysanthemums, Lily of the Valley and Shower of Shntp Ihlns'to oOttpn, eeu- trict has received his rate book and “NOTHING BUT THE BEST IN PAINTS” Pearls. ' ib at work making out the tax bills, iflSd vdto priee advancss'to which are assessed at the rate of 1 othsr t^ttUeis, h a ^ c caused Have 70x70, last year’s price $5.00, n ow ...... $2.89 mill. The taxes become due on Oct tljM.;i^(^ vridtopr^ buying To 70x88, last year’s price $6.00, n ow ...... |3.89 1 a n d / payable throughout the WANTED movsmfnt that ths.textUe in­ Y0x 106, last year’s price $8.00, n ow ...... • $4.69 month/of October. The same rate of dustries .have wltnsised itoca the depression b^pfan. Com- 22x22, last year’s price $6.50, now ...... $3.89 doz. tax Is laid'ln the Ninth District this Giijnb year ax'd will also be due Oct 1. YOUR CONFIDENCE xtotmeiite* were ^ so heavy, nvupsroiri. eottpn miUe were A meeting of the Women’s Demo­ How Can I Get It? epapfU ^ to .withdraw quo- Hemstitched Cloth and Napkins cratic club will be held tomorrow tiriena on flaisbed goods and afternoon at 2 o’clock at the home By furnishing you with your paints, etc. A lso by plfcei them bn an "at value’’ Hemstitched all linen cloth and napkins, 3 patterns, of Mrs. Harry Rylander of Grove doing your decorating and painting. bfrif. Price'quotatioBS for street. mldiptog advanced to 6^ T Y 7E are not prophets... .we Marguerite and Ribbon, Tulip and Vase, Chrysanthe­ “Once Gained Never Lost” ejuita' a pound-r-neariy. .7 mum. Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Chapman of ointo toSker than levels pie- vailing a'nmnth a^ . lay no claim to the ability 66x66, last year’s price $5.00, n ow ...... $2.69 Strickland street left this morning Why pay fancy prices for paints when you can get for Westfield, N. J., to spend the the BEST PAINTS for the price you pay for poor paints. 66x84, last year’s price $6.50, n ow ...... $3.49 remainder of the week with rela­ to see into the future. We are 66x101, last year’s price $8.00, n ow ...... $4.19 From Manchester’s Paint Manufacturer. Hides Have Advanced tives. 86% from the Low. 1^19, last year’s price $6.50, n ow ...... $3.89 d(»en The finance committee of the Me­ Vi^th the rising trend of com­ simply merchants and our job is. morial Hospital Linen Auxiliary has THOMAS McGILL, Jr. modity^ prices and more ac- set the date of Thursday, October DECORATOR AND PAINTER tfdty'among the manufac­ to buy and sell at current mar­ Odd Napkins 13,vfor ite annual fall rummage turers, hide and leather mhr- sale. Members and friends are urged Off Hartford Road luid Prospect St.. kete hato'strengteened, with 20x20 all linen Bleached Napkins, many handsome pat­ ket prices, operating as a (iis- to save'articles fir the project Factory Phone Call 4141 aind Afdi for 376. hides eelltog aroiuid 6% cents terns, special...... $2.49 dozen representing an 86% in­ Past chiefs o f Helen Davidson Residence 32 Wells St. Phone Connection crease over the June low of tributing agent with the great­ 21x21 all linen Bleached Napkins, regular $3.95, Lodge, Daughters of Scotia, wlU 8 8-4 cents. This rise to d o z e n ...... special $2.95 dozen meet this evening at the home of Large Stock of Window Gian always on hand. hide cost has forced advencos est efficiency and economy at Miss Margaret Sutherland of Eld- to'lbather prices and consum­ ridge street ers are now showing a read­ A full line of towels, toweling and plain linens all at ier dispoBition to-pi^ the ad­ our command. When commod­ special prices. Our line of Embroidered Linens, L^es vances, and an. upward revis­ and Cut Work, including Dinner Cloth, Scarfs, Doilies, ion to* dice prices appears in­ ity prices were dropping, WQ etc., all at special prices during this sale. evitable. were quick to bring you the Rayon Prleea Increase Street Floor First Tima to Five Yeaip. news. The upward trend Is On August .22, Women’s Wear Daily reports that the now sufficiently marked to jus­ Du Pont Rtyon Company ad­ vanced its prliees on both 75 apd 100 denier viscose pro- tify our action in telling you ebsSL iayon yams o f all de­ It scriptions. Draaamakers, un­ what is happening. We shall Reasons Why . Ton Should derwear plsnts and retailers are placing orders for faU * not urge you to buy now on the goods and are having diffi­ Shop Halo's Tomorrow For Those culty to obtaining dellyeries. basis that good merchandise Silk Markets Show will cost you more in the near IPINEHURST W ednesday Appreelahia Gatos Further .Indication that eom- future. We think it will...... ^ (Store Open From 9 to 6 o’clock) xflodity markets havs gstoed g to' eutoulativs strsngth can The Pinehurst Meat Dept Suggests bo soen 'to advanpss of raw frankly, we do not know. We Freshly Ground Again tomorrow we repeat ! 25e Bilk. Thia la reflected to m- oreased prices of manu^c- merely content ourselves with > tured fabrics. It was mads PINEHURST BEEF 22c lb. Cotton-Filled Feen-a-mint known recently that the Fine either for meat balls or meat loaf. You Just bet Duplan Company had ad- telling you that manufacturers ^there’s a dUference” In Gronnd Beef. Just try either this vanced.'ite prices on several ■pedal grade, or round gronnd from Pinehurst and see fOr Comfortables 16c of its staple fahrlbs and other and jobbers in many lines have yourself. . m m b Another outstanding value for factories said they are con­ Wednesday. 25e package of templating comparable ac­ already notified us of in crea^ tion. , « BLOCK CHUCK POT ROASTS \ j^ Feen-a-xnlnt 16c tomorrow only. t 9 9 A mild coated chewing giim laxa­ prices on merchandise for im­ More of those good-looking comfortables tive. (Main floor, rl^t). Mills Advancing Pilesa 5 lbs. $1.18 24c lb. ' we bad last week at 99c! All cotton-filled. on Men’s Fell Sultiitys mediate delivery. If articles 4 lbs. is about as small as we can cut this block chuck. Full bed size. Just right now as an extra 50c and 75c I these chilly nights! Fpr the flrat time to more Compacts ...... I9 c tiian five years, the general to replace the present stoi^ks . Any day in the week, you can get Comfortables—Main Floor, left. An odd assortmtot of single and average of wool fabric priejea double compacts. Popular makes in­ is turning .upwanL The BROILERS cluded. (Main floor, right) latyest producers of mei^’s cost us more, the selling prices; We have good sized Broilers right now to sell at wear fabriu have either Willimantic Thread, each 39c Inch Unbleached withdrawn their lipsn tor re­ must certainly be increased to Wednesday oxily we offer the popular Williman­ IC Sheeting, yaird ... O C pricing, or have dfclared 8 9 c tic thread at'8c a spool. White and black. All W ednes^ omy—good quality un­ ir 'intention of revisiiig you correspondingly* We be­ Fowl, Frying or Roasting Chickens. numbers. Limit 6 to a customer. (Main floor, bleached sbeettog at tkla low price. }r quotations to the next le ft) 10c quality. (Mato floor, left) few days. ■ . ,. Pet Milk, tall, $2.69 case of 48 cans, 3 cans 21c. Tailored Made Pillow lieve that otir obligation to you Pet Milk, small, $1.42 case of 48 cans, 6 for 25c. Fast Color Prints, yard Covers, each ______29c___ Babspn Rtyorte on While they last—1 Toddy Shaker free with each pur­ Fashioned riom feather-proof A. C. Suppty.an'd Demand requires this statement of con- ^ Discontinued patterns of high grade, fast- chase of Toddy at regular price of 49c. A. ticlclng. Regulation blue and "Miore goqde are be(ag haul­ color cotton prints. Excellent for nxiMdng white stripes. 44x28H tochto. (Main ditions. We place the facts home frocks for yoursdf, and school dress­ ed and transported now then floor, left.) arabfitog.pipdub^, ab4 more Underwood’s Bovex Ken-L-Ration es for the kiddies. (Main floor, left) lOc “ Cannon” is beiiig ccmiiumed' than Is before you as simply as we can; (for your dog) being produced.. I4ko a die- Clams 2 fo r 25c Another Shipment! Face Cloths, 4 for . 29c ekee, the depiessiott develops lOc can Soft, fluffy, abeorbent turkish. face Perhaps they will influence your 2 cans 25c 10 cans 95o 8 cans 95c 81xl05-inch Striped its;own aptatokto that curoa cloths with paetel borders. C!olor- itself.’’ * todicatys a fast (Mato floor, left.) pjrabkbla eoiralty of ^mer- action___ only you have the You can rent a Johnson's Electric Floor Polisher at Plne- Krinkle Spreads $1.00 Hickory chapdlae ;toat autonmtically hurst Large Polisher $1.50 day, regular slxe polisher $1.00 Buyfeste increases^ (n retail right to judge. day. Pinehurst sells the foUo^ng Johnson nationally ad­ Garter Belts ...... prices.' vertised Items. Narrow style garter bSlto With four 85o slBB 8hl-nnp Silver Polish. hose supporters. FleSb eatih. (Mato f 1J)0 size Special AutomobUe Wax. 5 9 . floor, rear.) ^ Average of > 7ff4 Oom- Again this week we offer good quality m b ^ m toereaaa 76o size Automobile CSeaner and Polish. crliwe bed spreads at 59c. Will wash Tots’ Flannel These are three new Items that are proving as popular ■■ The Bureau of'Lapqr Statis- : 5 the floor wax preparations. well and needs no ironing. 81x105 Inches. Pajam as ...... Blue, rose, gold and green stripes: Scai- I Comfy, warn psjamsa for tote’ 1 tice of the U. 8 . Department All sizes of Paste and liquid Wax. lloped. of.liabor- qokounoes' a-. ebn- The new Glo-Ooat for floors 76c. and 2. Thrse-i^toe st^es. Blue, Spreads—Bfafa Floor, left pink and yellow. (Mato floor, rear.) ■istent increase to .wholesale A special combination of 1 pint Glo-C)oat and 1 Economy prices of each wqek for a floor duster which sells for 90c for the two. 35c Sanitary p ^ od heglnping, July J.T and Economy Floor Ousters 50c each. ending Augqst. 18. This la Economy Folor Dusters 50o each. ^Lprona ...... Hemstitched Linen Scarfs Caose-out! Venus silk sanitary baaed on the iaptivitleB o f 784 AU linen ecarfe for the bedreom or dining room. aprons. (Mato floor, left.) commodities and is: cbn<»ded September 22nd. Pinehurst Open All Day Wednesday. Neat one-inch hemstitched hem. 18x45 inches. to be a deponditii(e 'todlcftion (Main floor, le ft) ______- White Elastic, o f upWinl ‘ priC* 'tirends, The Rowe Oyster Co. of Does your family Uke 2 yards ...... wpick’ nmy^be rqfssqsd ns New Haven deliver oysters breaded Veal Obope or Out- 1-4 inch alastie. White only. Buy signutonst to its relatienship Hale’s Three to us now with their own lets? Out fnm Plnelnirst Children’s Socks, 3 pairs a supply nciw! (Malg floor, le ft) to future retail pricee. Day Oeventry nnttve mflk-fed trucks instead of shipping by S t i ^ socks for sehooLaBd Iday. 5-8 lengths. White Oil Ootha, Veal, tb ^ are emedally ten­ Fall designa te brown, tan, gray, mat and others. express. Try a pint o f these der. We can auo ghw yon (Mato floor, right) yard •• 10c ■olid frerii O ^ te n with your ■tewing onto, or roasta from 45 inches wide; Good quality. next order. thla aame veaL (Basement) SPECIAL WEDNESDAY! B^e^a C ed|ar Oil Crystalized Ginger Special 22c pkg. (aood Quality Polish, q t...... 3 9 c Oil and WBX pdllsh'for floors and 10,0(K) Clircu^urs being distribute. Look for Yours! Medtnm Ivory Large I OUpae ev Pels NapOa Brooms futaiture. (Basement) Soap P A G Soap 1 Biaae, large Seito See W ednedsy Night’s Herald fbr Special Values. 10 bars 49c 10 bars 44c| 19e 10 bars 56e W U te 3 NEW STAHL-MEYER PRODUCTS 29« OUTING FLANNEL Fanqr BoP (ready to serve eold), 0% a Uk (50e grades) Hsrfa a "buy" woman will be out at atoe 1 2 J o ^ ■l.K. Syler'Mf BoO (to be Med) 3 o C -o’doek tomonrow for. Good quality house brpoihs at 29e. Regular 50o giadea. Odoied Get buey'now and make eoz^, m-: enameled handles. Four sewed. Wednesday warm paJamM ikad gowns. F liw Sausage Bleat . M.!.-...... M. . . 88e Ih. only at 29e edeh. white. 86 toehee wide. Good quaUty. (Mato floor, l i f t ) Small Link Sausage ...... 29c Hb S O U r H M f\ N C H L X TC R • C O / v V Fresh Calves* liver Brooms—Baseqittit
