Parish News

November 2014

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Editor’s Notes

Welcome to the November edition of Fenny Drayton Parish News. This month we will, of course, have Remembrance events - locally, nationally & beyond – with added poignancy this year from the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War. From this conflict, there are just two names on the memorial plaque in the church – a reflection of the small population of the village at the time, perhaps also due to the agricultural nature of the area. Alfred and Harold Osborn were brothers, the sons of William Henry & Elizabeth Osborn (William was born in 1864). It would seem that the Osborns had come to this area from Church Stowe in Northamptonshire, sometime between 1901 & 1911. William H Osborn is still listed as a Head of Household here in 1923. The village population at that time was around 120. William & Elizabeth subsequently lived in Higham on the Hill – he died in 1932, she in 1942. There were a total of five children in William & Elizabeth’s family. Harold had a twin, Archie, who married Kate Phipps in 1920, he is also listed as a Household Head in 1923. By this time they had two children, with a pair of twins (a boy and a girl) later. Archie died in 1955 in this area, and it looks as though all his children married and had families in this area – it is most likely then that at least some of his descendants are still living locally. A fourth brother was Horace Allen Osborn, born in 1901. And there was a sister called Ethel Elizabeth who was born in 1890. In 1911, she was working as a housemaid at Witherley House and married a Cyril Parkes aged 27 (so around 1917). There are no memorials in our church to casualties of the Second World War, or anything later. Perhaps there have been no further local losses since the Osborns, but we should also remember more recent conflicts and the sacrifices that continue. Whether or not the Osborns still have family living in this area, they represent the sacrifices from all our families, wherever we might have our origins, and from all wars. Long may they be remembered and honoured. Neil Sherry – [email protected] - 713848

To advertise and to subscribe, please contact:

Pauline Walsh - [email protected] – 715466

Front Cover – First World War Memorial Plaque, Fenny Drayton Church – NJS


Fenny Drayton Church Services

2 November Holy Communion 9.00am 9 November Service of Remembrance 10.30am 16 November All Age Service 10.30am 23 November Morning Worship 9.00am 30 November Benefice Service, Witherley 10.30am

Church Readings 2 November Revelation 7, v9-17 Joan Holder 1 John 3, v1-3 Gina Hawthorne 9 November Wisdom of Solomon 6, v12-16 Pam Wills 1 Thessalonians 4, v13-18 Audrey Smith 16 November Zephania 1, v7, 12-18 Maureen Bonner 1 Thessalonians 5, v1-11 Julia Collis 23 November Ezekiel 34, v11-16, 20-24 Alan Wood Ephesians 1, vs15-23 Janet Agar

Other Services in the Benefice

Higham on the Hill 2 November Holy Communion 10.30am 9 November Ecumenical Service of Remembrance 10.30am 16 November Evensong 3.00pm 23 November Ecumenical Service (Methodist) 10.30am 30 November Benefice Service, Witherley 10.30am

Witherley 2 November All Age Service 10.30am 9 November Service of Remembrance 6.30pm 16 November Morning Worship 10.30am 23 November Holy Communion 10.30am 30 November Benefice Service, Witherley 10.30am

Stoke Golding 2 November All Age Service 10.30am 9 November Remembrance Service 9.45am 16 November Holy Communion 10.30am 23 November Morning Worship 10.30am 30 November Benefice Service, Witherley 10.30am

Dadlington 2 November BCP Morning Prayer 9.00am 9 November BCP Holy Communion & Remembrance 10.30am 16 November BCP Morning Prayer 9.00am 23 November BCP Holy Communion 9.00am 30 November Benefice Service, Witherley 10.30am


Church Matters from the Parishes of: Fenny Drayton, Witherley, Higham-on-the-Hill, Stoke Golding & Dadlington RECTOR: Rev’d Linda Blay (01455) 213988, [email protected]

While Linda is on Sabbatical, you may contact our Curate, Hilary Surridge, 01455 233064, [email protected]

Notes for November

In archaic English a ‘member’ was an arm or a leg. We retain that idea in the act of ‘dismembering’ – amputating an arm or a leg. It seems that St.Paul was the first person to coin the idea of a ‘member’ being an individual person who was part of a larger ‘body’. He used this in the most pronounced way when he wrote about the Body of Christ – we, individually, being ‘members’ of that body.

November is a ‘remembering’ month. 1st November is All Saints Day when we recall the heroes and heroines of our faith. 3rd November is All Souls Day when the Church particularly remembers ‘those whom we love but see no longer. Fittingly, this year, in between those two days on 2nd November the Fenn Lanes benefice hosts a special service in Higham Church at 4.00pm where we ‘remember’ those close to us and light a candle in their memory.

On the 5th November we ‘remember’ the gunpowder plot with fireworks and bonfires. On the 11th November we mark Armistice Day – with Remembrance Sunday two days earlier. In 2014 these dates will have a particular poignancy as we mark the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War.


And of course each Sunday at Holy Communion we say the words of Jesus: Do this in ‘remembrance’ of me. We are a remembering people.

Returning to where we began: of course ‘remembering’ is recalling, bringing something past into the present. But in case we think that this is an individual, perhaps a lonely thing to do, think of where the word came from – ‘remembering’, the opposite of dismembering, is putting back together, that is, members coming together again – making a body of people.

Through the whole month of November we are ‘remembering’ – but ‘remember’, it is a corporate activity as well as a personal one. Alan Davis

(Retired Archdeacon)

St Michael & All Angels Church Management Committee (PCC) Janet Agar 01827 716035 Gina Hawthorne 01827 716159 Alan Baxter 02476 383438 Susan Kosniowski 01827 714628 Maureen Bonner 01827 715768 Michelle Nelson 01827 722182 Julia Collis 01827 713881 Audrey Smith 01827 717034 John Frisby 01827 715826 Pamela Wills 01827 720929

THE FENN LANES GROUP OF CHURCHES In Loving Memory A Service to commemorate loved ones who have died. Sunday 2rd November 4.00pm at St Peters’ Church, Higham on the Hill A special service for all who have suffered a bereavement during recent years. Please mention this to any members of your family or your friends who might like to attend. The service will include a reading of the names of all those who have died in the 5 parishes in the last 2 years, plus others as requested.

Refreshments will be served6 after the service.

The Fenn’s Folk For our September meeting, our speaker was Solicitor Steve Evans of Cocks Lloyd on the subject of ‘Witty Wills and Improbable Probates’ - telling us about some of the more interesting and unusual Wills and Probates he has come across over the years. He started with a quotation regarding the subject telling us that it covers ‘…birth, life, greed, sex, lies, truth, conscience, bitterness, vengeance & death – and then what comes after death’. Steve included some snippets of the legal process, what qualifies as a will (and some that have been disallowed). As processed wills become publicly available documents, he was able to quote the contents of the wills of some notable people. The shortest will known? ‘All for mother’ – written on an old envelope. But it was properly witnessed and so was perfectly legal. Everyone is Welcome to come to Fenny Drayton Church on Thursday, 20th November at 7.30pm to learn about our local specialist Cheesemakers from Upton village just a couple of miles away. David Clarke of the Handmade Cheese Company, who has made Sparkenhoe Red Leicester a local success story is coming along to tell us more about the farm, the cheesemaking process, and hopefully there may be samples! If you need more info, please ring Jan on 717999. So please come along if you can - we always meet on the last Thursday of the month, from 7.30pm in Church - where we enjoy a glass of wine with those famous 'themed nibbles', an interesting speaker, and a good chat. Community Coffee Mornings Should you wish to join us, we meet in the kitchen area of the Church from 10:30am-12:30. ALL ARE MOST WELCOME The dates for November are: Thursdays 13th and 27th



With Bonfire Night happening on the 5th of this month – how good are you on fireworks safety? See how you get on with this quiz…

1. What is the first thing to do before lighting a firework? 2. How do you know if you are buying quality legal fireworks? 3. Where should you light watch fireworks? 4. It’s always good to have _____ handy when having a fireworks display. 5. How many fireworks should you light at a time? 6. If a firework does not work after lighting it, how long should you wait before trying to light it again? 7. Should small children handle and light fireworks? 8. What should you do if a firework fails to work after lighting it? 9. Where should you store fireworks? 10. How should you dispose of a discharged firework? 11. How should you carry fireworks? 12. What part of your body should be over a firework while lighting it? 13. What safety equipment should you wear when lighting a firework? 14. Are illegal explosives like M-80’s and Cherry Bombs really dangerous or just more fun? 15. Is it safe to throw or point a firework at another person? 16. How do you find out what fireworks are legal to buy and shoot in your city? 17. Should kids and teenagers be allowed to handle and shoot fireworks without a responsible adult close by? 18. How many fireworks should you carry to the lighting area? 19. What device should you use to light a firework? 20. Is it OK to drink alcohol and light fireworks? Answers on Page 14!


Fenn Lanes Men’s Group For our October meeting Nuneaton Moviemakers entertained us with a variety of films made by their members – including factual, short, comedy, fictional and fantasy. One even featured our own church. Examples of their efforts can be found at . Next meeting is a wildlife based slide presentation. November 18th, Witherley Parish Rooms Need a lift? Call Michael Tait on 713270

Mancetter Chicken Broiler Unit A planning application is in progress for a Chicken Broiler Unit near – there will be a Public Meeting to discuss the impact of this on Monday 3 November at 7.30 St Peter's Church Mancetter Further info Rev. Tony Tooby 01827 713266

Friday With Friends

We continue with our gathering of old & new friends in November on Friday 7th - just bring your own drink and glass. The church will be open from 7 - 10pm and you can stay as long, or as briefly, as you wish. Future dates: December 12th January 9th

Please note December's is later because we will be setting up for the Christmas Fayre on Saturday 6th December. And January’s gathering will be later to give us all time to recover from the festive season!




from 7.30pm Bring your own drinks, glasses and nibbles Tickets £5 available from Julia Collis 01827 713881 Proceeds to the Church



We would like to thank Mick and the group, ‘The Men in Black’, for a very entertaining evening on 3rd October. It was a great evening, which was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone who came. The group played tirelessly and they did this voluntarily as a fundraiser for the church. They succeeded in raising £364.60.

St. Michael and All Angels PCC

Flower Festival thanks!!

We would like to thank everyone who came to the Flower Festival. It was wonderful to have your support and it was lovely to see people in church enjoying a drink, cake and a chat after looking at the flowers.

Also thank you to everyone who helped by creating flower arrangements, making and serving refreshments, donating cakes and raffle prizes, manning the door, clearing up and in numerous other ways. Without you all it would not have been possible. Especially thanks to Yvonne Morson, who worked tirelessly and organized the event. We raised around £400 for church funds.


A5 Roadworks

The roadworks on the A5 continue, with work now underway on the A444/A5 junction; creating an elongated island/roundabout:

Previously we reported possible restrictions on Drayton Lane, which materialised as a complete closure of the A5/Drayton Lane junction due to Leicestershire Highways concern over traffic build up and U- turning creating a hazard there. This created heated debate, both within the village and beyond, with compliments about making the village quieter, and complaints about difficult journeys out of (and through) the village; and was discussed again at the October Parish Council meeting – attended by a number of villagers.

By the time you read this, the complete closure of the Redgate side of the A444, scheduled to start ‘late on 31st October’, should have commenced, as per the leaflet distributed to all households in the immediate area. These closures are to allow the complete excavation and reconstruction of the road at the junctions.

Any concerns over this can perhaps be directed via our Parish Councillors.

To receive email newsletters with the latest updates from those managing the work – please contact [email protected] or [email protected]

Further information is also available from Hinckley & Bosworth Council’s website:

Superfast Broadband It’s gone rather quiet! Last quoted availability date was two months ago…


Solar Flares Valentine’s day 2011 saw the Sun unleash one of its most powerful explosions, an X-class flare. This came from a sunspot in the Sun’s southern hemisphere – the intense electromagnetic radiation affecting shortwave radio receivers on the daytime side of the earth. A couple of days later the intense Coronal Mess Ejection treated those living in Earth’s higher latitudes in both northern & southern hemispheres to a vivid display of aurora (Northern & Southern Lights) Gordon Coultrop

Number 7 Bus The first number 7 bus of the day on 11 October did not turn up leaving an elderly resident stranded at the bus stop. I spoke to the bus company and it turned out the bus had broken down. The girl I spoke to was very helpful and she suggested that since they can tell exactly where the bus is on its route that if anyone is waiting at the bus stop and the bus doesn't turn up then they ring the company office on their mobile to see where the bus is. She suggested that in bad weather it would be worth ringing before leaving the house to check that the bus is running. She also suggested following the bus company on Twitter. I have checked this out and they haven’t actually been tweeting about the Number 7 bus so I subsequently spoke to the man in charge of Twitter at the bus company and asked that they tweet Number 7 updates as this would be useful particularly for younger bus users. However I do not think we should rely on the Twitter feed until we have some evidence that it works! Roberts Coaches: Twitter: @Roberts_Travel Landline: 01530 817444 or 01530 816421 I have put a notice with the telephone numbers on in the bus shelter noticeboard. Ann Wright - Parish Councillor


Fireworks Test Answers 1. Read the warning or caution label carefully and follow all directions. 2. Always buy from a reliable seller. 3. Always light outdoors away from combustible material, buildings and plants. 4. Water. 5. Light only one firework at a time. 6. Never try to re-light a firework. 7. No. 8. Wait for 15 to 20 minutes and then dump the firework in a bucket of water and let it soak. 9. If at all possible, don’t store fireworks. If you have to store them, store them in a cool dry place and keep them out of the reach of children. 10. Soak them in a bucket of water before disposing of them in a dustbin. 11. Carry fireworks in their original bag or box. 12. No part of your body should be over the firework while lighting it. 13. Eye protection should be worn when lighting fireworks. 14. Illegal explosives are really dangerous and should never be used. 15. It is never safe to point or throw fireworks at other people or animals. 16. Ask a reliable seller or your local police or fire service. 17. Close adult supervision is always needed. 18. One. All other fireworks should be kept at a safe distance so they don’t accidentally become lighted. 19. Except for sparklers, a punk should be used to like fireworks. A match or lighter is required for sparklers. 20. No. Have a designated lighter.

How did you do? If the answer is ‘not very well’ it might be best to go to an organised display!

‘Arden Brass’ TOMBOLA PRIZES WANTED PLEASE …who were so well received in I am doing the tombola for Fenny Drayton Church last year, are the Christmas bazaar. Any performing again in Witherley donations would be most th welcome. Thank you. Church on 10 December. This Louise Murray 712518. time with local soloist Miss Kate I am happy to collect or Liggins. Tickets are £7.50 from Mike please leave in the porch of Race (712685), and will include a No 10, Fox's Covert. drink.


Witherley Parish Council – Fenny Drayton Ward Fenny Drayton Parish Councillors – to contact with News, Views & Issues:

Robert Alexander [email protected] 768649 Alistair Brittain [email protected] 712172 Maureen Cook [email protected] c/o Clerk Ann Wright [email protected] 720966 Clerk: Anji Forsyth [email protected] 880548

Extracts from the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting, October 9th

(Full Minutes are available at

A811: PUBLIC QUESTION TIME: The Chairman read a statement to demonstrate the actions of the Parish Council and other parties so far, and the current position. He then welcomed questions from the members of the public. A Fenny Drayton resident opened with a statement that the closure of Drayton Lane at the A5 to right hand turns only would be a good resolution. Cllr Alexander agreed, and explained that the LCC Highways Dept would only close the junction completely and that the village barrier had to stay. Cllr Ivan Ould explained that he sits on the A5 Strategy Group which met in June and he raised these issues then, and again at a meeting of the Leicestershire Highways Forum at Hinckley in September. He has given reports to LCC Highways officials, and given reports of outrageous, rude, and illegal behaviour by inconsiderate drivers not following the diversions laid out on the A5. While some residents stated that the traffic was a Fenny Drayton problem; one Fenny Drayton resident said he could understand the frustration felt by other villages and compared Fenny Drayton to in length and width of roads. Many considered that traffic calming was required for . Cllr Ould ended his contribution advising that local MP David Tredinnick is aware of the issue. The Chairman underlined the need for support from Leicestershire CC Highways and the Highways Agency, particularly during the next stage of closures. Statutory bodies have caused this problem and they should be brought to account. The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and voicing their concerns.


A813: CRIME STATISTICS for September. Fenny Drayton: Watling St, theft from stores, numerous items stolen, awaiting CCTV footage.

A814: BOROUGH COUNCILLOR UPDATE: Cllr Kevin Morrell reported to the meeting;  The Borough Council will no longer distribute the New Homes Bonus to Parish Councils, but will still distribute the Council Support Grant.  There is a planning application for 19 houses on land south of Lindley Farm on Fenn Lanes, the issue of affordable homes on the site will be discussed by HBBC Planning Committee.

A815: COUNTY COUNCILLOR UPDATE: Cllr Ivan Ould reported to the meeting;  Borough Cllr Morrell had suggested a meeting of Brandon Lewis MP (Planning), David Tredinnick MP regarding the number of resurrected planning applications which had previously been rejected.  There will be no road improvement schemes unless as a result of death or serious injury.  School place planning is difficult when Section 106 money (from new developments) is too short to provide enough school places for future pupils. Cllr Walker asked why Witherley pupils attending Bosworth school must pay £40 for transport while pupils in Sheepy do not. Cllr Ould will investigate and report.

A816: PLANNING: Application 14/00786 Land south of Lindley Farm on Fenn Lane was discussed. This Council does not object in principle to the development, but raises the following reservations to be taken into consideration  The access road will have to be improved to allow at least two cars per house to traverse at least twice daily.  Affordable homes would not be sustainable.  The development should not be allowed to expand further than this planned boundary.

A817: UPDATES SINCE LAST MEETING: Fenny Drayton: Play equipment preserved. Swings will be painted 2nd coat. Replacement seat rounds are preserved for re-positioning. Councillors have greased the swings. Replacement shackles in hand.


A818: UPDATES FROM VILLAGES: Atterton: Increased traffic on the single track lane is a serious safety concern. Clerk to investigate temporary sleeping policemen/ flashing speed warnings, chicanes to reduce traffic speed. Fenny Drayton:  No 7 bus service now terminates at Fenny Drayton while the road works on the A5 prevent it from travelling onto Nuneaton. Cllr Wright has posted notices to advise.  Emergency Services have been advised how to access Fenny Drayton.

A819: No. 7 BUS – Thursday 23rd October 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm there is an initial meeting at County Hall of the Community Bus Partnership for the future No 7 service. Cllrs Walker and Conway will attend to represent the Council.

A820: PARISH COUNCIL ELECTIONS 2015 – RECRUITMENT OF CANDIDATES A national project to encourage Councillor recruits from diverse backgrounds in the forthcoming May 2015 elections. Clerk to attend training session at LRALC Anstey on 27th November.

A823: AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING –  Traffic issues  Community Bus Partnership report The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on November 13th at The Parish Room, Witherley at 7.30 pm.

Dear All, Just to let you know that I am planning to do a sponsored Sky-dive on 30th October 2014 and hope to raise £500 for Bridge Builders charity. Bridge Builders work to equip the Church and its leaders for the ministry of reconciliation and peacemaking. There are sponsor forms at the back of church or to sponsor me on-line, please visit - which will remain available after my jump. Many thanks for taking the time to support me. Rev'd Hilary Surridge Curate - Fenn Lanes Benefice - Tel: 01455 233064


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What’s On in November 2nd 9:00am Holy Communion Church 3rd Black/Brown Bins 5th Fireworks Night 6th 7:00-9:00pm Bellringing Practice Church 7th 7:00-10pm Friday with Friends Church 9th 10:30am Service of Remembrance Church 10th Blue Bins 13th 10:30am-12:30 Community Coffee Morning Church 13th 7:30pm Parish Council meeting Parish Rm, Witherley 16th 10:30am All Age Service Church 17th Black/Brown Bins 18th 7:30pm Fenn Lanes Men’s Group Parish Rm, Witherley 21st 5pm Parish News Copy Deadline 23rd 9:00am Morning Worship Church 24th Blue Bins 27th 10:30am-12:30 Community Coffee Morning Church 27th 7:30-9:00pm The Fenns Folk Church 30th 10:30am Benefice Service Witherley Mobile Library

Apologies to anyone who has gone looking for the mobile library in the last couple of months - it has only recently come to our attention that the Mobile Library service has been withdrawn – due to cutbacks at Leicestershire County Council coupled with the mobile library vehicle itself needing some expensive repairs.

A proposal to a restart the service in the New Year, staffed by volunteers, is being evaluated. Watch this space…

Gardener required Mainly borders and plants. Please ring 01827 712965.