Media Handbook Scottish Parliament election Thursday 5 May 2016 Media contacts and resources Electoral Commission press office Scotland: Sarah Mackie 0131 225 0211
[email protected] Out of office hours press office: 07789 920 414 Follow us on Twitter (UK) / Twitter (Wales) Like us on Facebook Read our Blog Websites The Commission’s website has a dedicated section for journalists featuring the Electoral Commission’s news and views – including our press releases and statements. Our website has information on political party donations in the run-up to the election and has a ‘Guidance’ area with information for candidates and those administering the election. There is also information on organisations that the Commission is working in partnership with to raise public awareness of voter registration. This website is where the public can register to vote online. It’s quick and easy to use. Since its launch in June 2014, millions of applications to register to vote have been submitted. We would encourage you to use this website address in as many articles about the election as possible so that your readers know where they can register. This website provides information for the public on how to register and vote and forms they can print off to apply to vote by post or proxy. It includes a postcode search facility allowing people to find out where elections are taking place and resources showing people how to successfully complete ballot paper(s) at different elections. Contents 1. What elections are taking place on Thursday 5 May 2016? 2.